Humorist who died in a car accident. Soviet celebrities who died in automotive catastrophes

Humorist who died in a car accident. Soviet celebrities who died in automotive catastrophes
Humorist who died in a car accident. Soviet celebrities who died in automotive catastrophes

In the death of Paul Walker, they did not want to believe either close, nor fans: as an actor, as many times independently made the most complex tricks in a movie about the races "Fast and Furious", was the victim of the car accident?

The actor died during a charity auto show in favor of victims from Typhoon in the Philippines. The car in which the floor was located and his friend Roger Rodas (he was driving), crashed into a lamppost and caught fire - the passengers did not even have a chance for salvation.

On the eve of the death of Walker began shooting in the seventh "Foxhell". The actor did not complete the episodes with his participation, but the film crew in memory of each other decided to finish the film.


James Dean

Despite the death of 24 years, James Dean managed to become a symbol of the 50s and influence the style and culture of the following years. His hairstyle with bundlebards was transformed into the cult images of Tyler Derden from the "Fight Club", Dylan in the TV series "Beverly Hills, 90210" and Vampire Edward in the Twilight Saga. And Lana Del Rey and Rihanna in his sad ballads Diet MTN. DEW and LOVE WITHOUT TRAGEDY Feling a sad romance.

The mystical history is connected with the death of James, in which the car is to blame. On the eve of death, the artist acquired a new sports "Porsche", which was not tired of admiring. Actress Ursula Anders and actor Alec Guinness, intuitively premonish the trouble, warned James from trips, and yet he sat down behind the wheel. Due to the collision with another machine on one of the Californian roads, the artist died, and the car crashed to smithereens.

After the death of the actor, the car was bought by one of the fans, which paid the fabulous amount for the repair of the machine. When the car was completely restored, the girl got behind the wheel, but did not reach the point of destination: she fell into an accident and died from the neck fracture. The car decided not to repair anymore, but its spare parts installed in other cars, a fatal manner peaked out the fate of several drivers who either died, or received serious injuries as a result of accidents. In 1960, when Porsche was transported to the Los Angeles Automaster, the car suddenly disappeared.

Grace Kelly

The daughter of the famous playwright of George Kelly Grace from birth has access to the highest society, but Herl Hollywood. A blonde-aristocrat was not frightened by shooting in advertising beer and vacuum cleaners, and her hardworking was recovered by a hundredfold. For the role of the role in the "Memambo" drama, Grace Kelly was nominated for Oscar, and later the actress was the Museum of Alfred Hichkoka. It was the work with the master Cool changed the fate of Kelly, making it not only the Hollywood diva, but also the princess of Monaco. With Prince, Monaco Rainier III Actress met during his third filming of Hichkok in the south of France. Immediately after the completion of the work on the picture "Catch the thief", Grace married Prince and left movies. But until the end of the life, Grace still remained a star, consolidating the fame of the most stylish and generous princess.

Kelly died behind the wheel. During the trip to Serpentine, she had a stroke, as a result of which the car was broken from the mountain. Her youngest daughter Stefania, who was near Grace and received a fracture of the neck, remained alive, and the princess died in the hospital a day later. At the funeral of Grace Kelly, Princess Diana was present, which herself 15 years later also became a victim of the car accident.


Fotodom / Rex Features

For its contemporaries, the princess was the spiritual leader in which humanity always needs. She was not deeply religious man, did not possess political power and did not collect the full stadiums of people on their shows. She was a living example of pride, love and mercy. But the main thing - she was not an airly, but a living person with his mistakes and joy.

Diana died in Paris along with her man, the son of the Egyptian billionaire Dodi al-Fame. According to the official version, the driver of Henri Paul did not cope with the management and crashed into the tunnel support in the Alma Bridge area. The reason for the accident is still not quite clear, there are a number of versions: a conspiracy, intoxication of the driver and the need to leave at speeds from the paparazzi, who followed Lady Di until the last minutes of her life. The desire of the paparazzi to shoot Diana, along with Dodi, the al-Fame was really insane and turned around disaster. The only surviving - Trevor Ris-Jones bodyguard - got heavy injuries (his face had to restore surgeons) and not remember the events.

Since after the divorce with Prince Charles Diana ceased to be part of the royal family, the folk scene and farewell to her did not rely.

True, the reasons were more subjective. The mother of Charles, Queen Elizabeth II very much did not like the daughter-in-law for the immediacy and, of course, for the fact that she dare to give a divorce.

However, ignoring Diana's death caused a people's wrath. A crowd of those who want to say goodbye to their favorite for several days held the defense near the Buckingham Palace, demanding to shake the flags in the national tragedy.

Lisa Lopez

TLC is the third for the success of the female group (after Spice Girls and Destiny's Child) in the world. The team still gives concerts, despite the death of one of the soloist - Lisa Lopez. Lisa, called Left Eye ("Left Eye"), was a difficult childhood. Her father drank and beat his mother. Lisa and herself addicted to alcohol, which became her salvation during family scandals. Despite the deafening success of the group, Lisa continued to drink. The reason for the disruptions became experiences in personal life. In 2002, Lisa decided to go to the rehabilitation in Honduras, where he loved to relax. But instead of salvation from alcoholism, he met death. The 30-year-old Lisa died behind the wheel of the car, trying to avoid a collision with a truck that went to the oncoming lane.
Rosena and Tionn decided to continue singing a duet, rejecting all the proposals to replace the dead Lisa.

Gennady Bachinsky

Vadim Tarakanov / Tass

The famous DJ, partner Sergey Stillavina in the morning show on the radio Maximum died at 36 years old. Bachinsky crashed on the highway in the Tver region, having left for the oncoming lane during the overtaking of the wagon.

Valery Kharlamov

Vyacheslav Una Da-Sin / Tass

Valery Kharlamov was a legend of Soviet hockey - a legend at number 17. Harlamov could be called "Hockey Cristiano Ronaldo", known all over the world, and his brilliant career was not able to interfere with even the accident - the first car accident in 1976, in which he got Together with his wife Irina. The athlete received a fracture of the shin, ribs, a concussion, two months of Harlamov could not walk on their own, and doctors doubted that the hockey player would resume career. But Valery triumphantly returned to the national team after only 7 months! And after five years, 33-year-old Harlamov got into another accident - at 74 km of the Leningrad highway. Like last time, the wife was sitting with him with him. Along with the spouses, Irina's cousin was driving, it was she who led the car and did not cope with the control on slippery from the rain. All three died in place after hitting a truck.

Viktor Tsoi

A 28-year-old musician crashed at a 35 kilometer of the "Cotassy" highway in Latvia, having fallen at the wheel. Its "Moskvich" at high speed crashed into the bus, and the legendary rocker died instantly. The death of the leader of the "Cinema" group was so huge shock for young people of the time that several fans of Tsoi even committed suicide. A monument to the musician was raised on the site of the death of Tsoi, and in Krivarbat Lane in Moscow, the famous "Wall of Tsoi" was spontaneously formed. The inscriptions dedicated to the musician began to appear after someone wrote black paint on the wall "Viktor Tsoi died today, and another passerby also answered the inscription:" Tsoi alive. "

Lovers of black humor joke: "Driving license is issued as a pass to eternity ..." Alas, in every joke, as you know, there is some truth, and statistics show that in this case it is neither sad, it is a fair one. And, of course, the fatal finale in the accidents overtakes not only people of ordinary, but also celebrities - pets of the public.

On October 9, 2012, Marina Golina died in a car accident. In memory of it - the favorite viewers actresses theater and cinema, which played more than 80 films and television series, TV presenter - "TN" recalls about other popular compatriots who have left lives as a result of accidents on the roads.

Marina Golov

Marina Blue. Photo: Global Look Press

The death of the actress is comparable with one word - Fatum. In the tragic day, 54-year-old Blue rowed on a private taxi of the Hyundai brand, returning home after visiting the theater of the Nations of the performance with the title, which turned out to be monstrously prophetic - "deadly engine".

At midnight, the car was in the south-west of Moscow. At the intersection of Lobachevsky streets and Vernadsky Avenue, along with other cars, she stopped on a red traffic light signal. Suddenly, Cadillac flew to the intersection at a speed of 120 km / h. Cropped into a taxi, rammed it. After the collision of Hyundai turned over several times, turning into a pile of metal ...

Both people died in the cabin - Marina Grigorievna and a taxi driver. Their bodies - and passenger, and the driver - from the fascinated vehicle had to be removed using the MES rescuers.

Two more cars were also damaged - Kia and Lada. The culprit of a terrible accident from the scene disappeared, but later was found and judged. They turned out to be Alexei Rusakov, who received a term of 6.5 years with a sentence of a court sentence with a sentence in a common regime colony.

Anton Yelchin

Anton Yelchin. Photo: East News

The Russian-American actor got into the United States still in infancy. Its in this country transported parents-figure skaters. A gifted boy began to film from the young age. By 27 years, his filmography had twisted films, among which such famous ribbons are like "Terminator. May the Savior comes, "" Star Path "," only lovers will survive. "

Anton died in the yard of his own house in Los Angeles on June 19, 2016. Local law enforcement data testify: coming out of his Jeep Grand Cherokee, a young man, obviously, forgot to raise a hand brake, and leaving the gearbox lever in a neutral position, went to open the gate. The road on which the car stood was a slope. The car rolled back, gaining acceleration, and hanged by the bumper into the actor, pressed it in a fence with a brick column. The pressure force was such that the metal lattice was deployed.

Sergey Krunelnikov

Sergey Krunelnikov. Photo: Boris Cristula / Tass

In 2012, on August 26, a 49-year-old Sergey Krunelnikov died in the road catastrophe - once a red-haired boy, who played the roles of Jelsomino ("Magic voice of Jelsomino") and Denis Koblev ("Where it is seen, where it is breathed" by Viktor Dragunsky's stories).

Subsequently, Sergey with acting was distributed and, after graduating from the Leningrad Institute of Technology of the refrigeration industry, he worked in a specialty. In the fatal day, Sergey Ivanovich rode at night in St. Petersburg by bike and was shot down by a motorcyclist.

Nikita Emshanov

Nikita Yemshanov. Photo: Yuriyohgo / Tass

The life of the actor Nikita Yemshanova ("72 meters", "Standbat", "Legend No. 17", "Building") interrupted in his 28th birthday - August 17, 2011. An accident occurred in Moscow, on a garden-samotane estacade near Sukharevskaya Square.

In Mercedes-Benz, together with the actor were: his 36-year-old friend-director Konstantin Kamycheanov and 24-year-old DJ Ekaterina Biryukova (VJ Katya Spring). Their car, which rushed at a speed of 120 km / h, was on the oncoming lane, where the frontal clashes occurred with the Hyundai SUV.

As a result, the blow Mercedes flammed. Airbags for unspecified reasons did not work. Men died in place, the girl later - at the Sklifosovsky Institute. The media reported that the girlfriend of the bride Nikita, the director Valery Guy Germany, claimed that the artist led the car in a state of intoxication ... The driver of Hyundai Pavel Zvir and his spouse were alive, but their friend, who was also in the cabin, died.

Yuri Stepanov

Yuri Stepanov. Photo: Global Look Press

The lead actor of the Moscow Theater "Workshop Peter Fomenko", which played the main roles in the films "Citizen Head," Standbat "," Artist ", became a victim of car accident on March 3, 2010.

The drama was blocked in the South-Eastern district of Moscow, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe textiles, where Lublin and Schucheva streets intersect - not far from the house of the artist. At one o'clock in the morning, without fifteen minutes, Yuri Konstantinovich, who was playing the play "Three sisters," returned home on the passing machine VAZ-2104.

At the crossroads, when the Old Four stopped in front of the traffic light, it crashed into it without a brand of Mazda brand, which rushed with a significant exceeding speed. A powerful blow threw out "Lada" to the oncoming record, where there was a collision with "Lada", - in that passenger seat, where Yuri Stepanov was sitting. The injuries received by the actor were not compatible with life, and he died on the spot. Aged 42 years. In addition to him, no one was injured in that accident.

After 27 days after the tragic accident, the son of the actor appeared, whom the spouse Stepanov - Irina Sorokina (works costume) called Yuri in honor of Father. In addition to him in the family, two more sons: Konstantin and Dmitry.

Mikhail Nazarov, who was sitting behind the wheel of Mazda, was found guilty of the actor's death in court, but at the request of the widow, Yuri Konstantinovich, he received a conditional. With the prescription to pay the family of the deceased monetary compensation.

Gennady Bachinsky

Gennady Bachinsky. Photo: Global Look Press

The famous television and radio host passed on January 12, 2008 at 36 years. Bachinsky crashed on his Volkswagen Golf in the Tver region near Sela Savikino, at the 69th kilometer of the Sergiev Posad Kalyazin highway. During the investigation, it turned out that in seconds to an accident showman violated the rules of the road. He went on overtaking in the place where it was forbidden. Gennady Nikolaevich tried to get around the wagon on the oncoming lane, and suddenly suddenly ran into a minibus, without leaving himself a single chance to survive.

Death came instantly. Three people who were in the minibus received severe injuries. Two victims survived. The third passenger - Julia Merkulov - died in the hospital 10 days later. Bachinsky left two daughters: 11-year-old Katya and one year old Lisa.

Alexander Dedyushko

Alexander Dedyushko. Photo: Global Look Press

Tragedy with an actor who was removed in films: "Operational pseudonym", "officers", "Albanian's pseudonym", "Brigade", "Driver for Faith", "Special Forces", "Sarmat", happened on November 3, 2007 on the Moscow - Moscow - Ufa, in the Vladimir region near the village of Old Omutichi of the Petushinsky district.

In the cabin of the Toyota car, which was ruled by a 45-year-old actor, was also his wife - actress Svetlana Chernyshkova (in the front seat) and son Dima (in the back). At 8 years old, the boy was already starred in the films "Evening Tale" and "Real Dad", as well as in the series "Sarmat".

Early in the morning of that terrible day, the family went to Vladimir to visit friends. Having been visiting all day, in the evening the parents with the child were returning to Moscow - they had to have time to catch the railway station to the arrival of parents.

According to an obscure reason (one of the assumptions - he fell asleep at the wheel) Alexander Viktorovich suddenly dragged the traffic rules - through two solid lines flew to the oncoming lane, where the truck rushed to him. The frontal collision with a car on the road filled with wet snow was inevitable. As later, during the investigation, the driver of the truck Anatoly Tuturkin was explained from Nizhny Novgorod, noticing the car unexpectedly arising before him, he tried to slow down his best, but in the current situation it was useless.

Toyota turned out to be crumpled under the front bumper of the truck, the bodies of those killed in the burntable car were mutilated, and they could not identify them for quite a while. Buried in closed coffins.

Mikhail Evdokimov

Mikhail Evdokimov. Photo: Global Look Press

The death of the Humorist and the former Governor of the Altai Territory Mikhail Evdokimov on the Barnaul-Biysk highway on August 7, 2005. Artist was 49 years old. In Mercedes, along with Mikhail Sergeyevich, His wife Galina Nikolaevna, as well as the driver and security guard, was driving. They rushed at a solemn event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Kosmonaut German Titov.

The car was rapidly (these investigators indicate: 149 km / h, informal information is about 200 km / h). The driver went on overtaking ahead of the coming "Volga" on the turn, but lost control and could not return to his strip. Taper along the tangent pass through the moving car brand Toyota, Mercedes was thrown away from the road to the ravine where she crashed into a tree. Alive only the governor's wife remained - with numerous heavy injuries, it was hospitalized.

The initial trial was determined guilty of the incident (violation of the rules of the road, entailed the death of three people) the Toyota driver, which was scheduled for 4 years in prison. However, afterwards Oleg Shcherbinsky was fully justified - thanks to the colossal public resonance.

Gennady Zavolokin

Gennady Zavolokin.Photos Zinin Vladimir / Tass

The life of the 53-year-old lead television program "Play, Harmonic!" broke on June 8, 2001. Gennady was driving in the Toyota car in the Novosibirsk region. Behind the wheel was his 22-year-old son Zakhar. Near the new Sharap of the Orda region in their car, passing along the bridge through the river, at high speed crashed "Moskvich" and rammed him. Both machines were fused to the state of scrap metal.

Hospital Gennady Dmitrievich was not alive, he died on the way on the hands of his son. Zakhar was operated on and soon stood on his feet. Subsequently, he, together with his sister Anastasia, continued the case of the Father, becoming the most popular TV shows about Russian harmonists created by him.

Evgeny Nerladsky

Evgeny Nerladjalsky. Photo: Global Look Press

The successor of the famous acting dynasty, the actor and cinema actor, starring in films: "26 days from the life of Dostoevsky", "Prisoner of the castle of IF", "Dubrovsky Dubrovsky dossier", "Queen Margo", "Countess de Monsoro", died at 39 years old December 1999.

Eugene rode on his "nine" from the Institute of Immunology. He was heading home in a great mood, as surveys were not confirmed by the preliminary diagnosis of asthma delivered by doctors.

Driving along the street Moskvorechye, Evgeny Vatslavovich A little distracted to turn on the mobile phone. By dialing the number, he missed the warning sign "LEUs the road" at the crossroads. By clicking on the gas pedal, the actor pulled towards the truck and ... his death. The artist did not live a year to the 40th anniversary. His daughter Anne was 8 years old, the son of Mishe - six months.

Maya Bulgakov

Maya Bulgakova. Photo: Global Look Press

The actress, filmed in the paintings "fly cranes", "Resurrection", "There is no firefire", "crime and punishment", "Gypsy," rushed along with the love of Sokolova to a concert in a passenger car on October 7, 1994. Sleeps with the roadway, their car crashed into a pillar.

The driver died in place, the actresses were taken to intensive care. Love Sergeyevna was lucky - after a few weeks she completely recovered. Maya Grigorievna left life, and without having consciousness. She was 62 years old. Three months before the fatal accident, her spouse was died, Austrian Peter Drozaz - the fourth husband of the actress with whom she lived 20 years. They said that after his death, Bulgakov said a friend of the phrase-foresight: "I know that I will soon meet with my Peten ..."

Viktor Tsoi

Viktor Tsoi. Photo: Global Look Press

The life of the legendary singer was tragically cut off on August 15, 1990, when he was 28 years old. The musician returned from fishing at Moskvich in the Latvian carcassory-talci. At the 35th kilometer, under Tukums, without coping with control at a speed of 130 km / h, Tsoi flew to the oncoming lane and the forehead collided with Ikarus.

Victor's body was so mutilated that he was buried in a closed coffin. The forensic examination showed that the singer did not use alcoholic beverages before the trip, there was no alcohol in his blood. As a result of the investigation, an official conclusion was drawn up on the reason for the tragedy: Tsoi fell asleep at the wheel ... the singer remained a 5-year-old son Alexander.

Valery Kharlamov

Valery Kharlamov, Boris Mikhailov, Vladimir Petrov. Photo: Global Look Press

The fateful day for the outstanding Soviet hockey player, the two-time Olympic champion and eight-time world champion Valery Harlamov, his wife Irina and her cousin Sergei Ivanov became August 27, 1981. Fatal time - 7 am. The disastrous place is the 74th kilometer of the Leningrad highway.

They drove to Moscow from the village of Pokrovka under the Wedge on the personal "Volga" Valery, who was then 33 years old. In the way, Kharlamov lost his steering wheel with a spouse that did not have much driving experience. The route after the rain was wet. Plus, in the afternoon, the asphalt was replaced in the day after the coming accident, as a result of which the ledge was formed after the new coating on the highway. Jumping at him, Irina did not manage to cope with the management, and carried the car to the oncoming lane - right under the wheels of the cargo car "ZIL".

The blow of the truck fell in the side of "Volga", and she flew into a cuvette. All passengers of passenger transport as a result of multiple injuries died in place. Harlamov's spouses remained two young children: Sasha and Begonitis.

Leonid Bykov

Leonid Bykov. Photo: Global Look Press

Soviet director and actor who received fame thanks to the films of Maxim-Perepelitsa, "Dear My Man", "Volunteers", "on seven winds", "Only" old men "go to battle," Ati Bati, soldiers "," Bunny, "died on April 11, 1979 at the Kiev-Minsk highway near the Ukrainian village of Dumer.

Bykov returned home from the Kiev region with giving. Driving at the wheel of his "Volga". The weather was rainy, asphalt slippery. The fatal for Leonid Fedorovich became an attempt to overtake the agricultural machine slowly moving in front - a tractor with a trailer. Obgon Artist did not calculate.

Noticing the truck to meet the truck, in the intention to avoid a frontal collision, the bulls made an attempt to slow down to return for the tractor. However, on a slippery road, the maneuver failed, the car went to Yuz, and the truck crashed into a "Volga" in full swing - with front wheels literally rushed into the salon. The blow of terrible force for Leonid became fatal. The actor was 50 years old. The chauffeur, who managed Bolsheldruly, having learned who died during his involuntary participation, buried.

Larisa Sheypko

Larisa Shephenko. Photo: Global Look Press

In the same 1979, only two more than two months later - July 2, the death of the 41-year-old Soviet actress and director Larisa Sheapko (Films "Wings", "You and I", "climbing"). The tragedy occurred during the filming of the picture "Matera" (according to Valentina Rasputin "Farewell to the Materia"). The scene of the accident - the 187th kilometer of the Leningrad highway near the village of Redkinino. It is noteworthy that for the year before Larisa Efimovna visited Claudious Vanga in Bulgaria and she predicted to her an ambulance ending.

The film "Volga-Pickup" car, headed by early morning along the deserted highway toward Lake Seliger, drove into the oncoming lane, where she crashed into a truck with a trailer, full of bricks ... On the eve of the evening, the group celebrated the birthday of one of the colleagues. The next morning to choose from nature did not sleep. On the way, all passengers in the cabin slept. Running driving and chauffeur.

The truck driver, noticing the car flying at him, managed to breathe to the sidelines and almost stop. However, the passenger car at full speed stuck in the trailer. Breast bricks covered everyone who in it was: Larisa Shephenko, Operator Vladimir Chukhnova and artist Yuri Fomenko, their assistants and driver ... The film started toopko, after the accident, his husband was drawn - directed by Klimov. But already with the other name - "Farewell ..."

Each artist dreams to die on stage, but many of them death suddenly overtook on the road

Each tragic finale leaves many questions: evil rock, own wine or criminal track? So happened to the actor Alexander Dedyushko. On November 3, 2007, on the Moscow-Ufa route in a terrible accident, he broke together with his wife and son, who died were not immediately able to identify. The site recalls this and other tragedies on the roads whose victims have become the stars.

Alexander Dedyushko, 2007

Hero of militants "Sarmat", "Spetsnaz", "Operational pseudonym", "Brigade", "Alban's pseudonym" in that fatal morning with his wife Svetlana And the Son Dima Hurry up from Vladimir to Moscow to meet his wife's parents at the station. Most likely, Dedyushko fell asleep and lost control. His foreign car flew to the oncoming lane, where the frontal collision was happening with a truck.

Frame from the series "Sarmat"

The driver of the majorruz, seeing from nowhere anywhere, tried to slow down, but just did not have time. According to rumors, the son of the actor was still alive for some time. However, the arrival of ambulance died. The bodies of the dead got from the fully fastened car.

Sergey Suponev, 2001

The body of the famous TV presenter ("Star Hour", "Marathon 15") and the producer ("Call of the Jungle") Sergey Suponeva found local residents on December 8, 2001. It happened on the banks of the Volga in the Tver region, where Sergey had a house.

Apparently, a 38-year-old man rode a snowmobile on the ice of the frozen river. By tragic chance it was listed, and he crashed into a tree. There was no chance to survive. They said that a young student died together with him - his mistress, and he was drunk. Native and loved ones denied the first and second.

Mikhail Evdokimov, 2005

Humorist, singer, actor, TV presenter and Governor of the Altai Territory Mikhail Evdokimov died on the Barnaul - Biysk highway on August 7, 2005. Together with his wife Galina And his bodyguard, he probably was late for celebrations dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Altai Cosmonaut German Titova.

According to some reports, the driver of the official challenge at a speed of about 150 km / h. At some point, he went to overtaking, but, having lost control, it was a passing foreign car and flew out of the road into a deep cuvette.

Survive managed only by the wife of Evdokimov. There were conversations that the death of the 49-year-old head of the region was adjusted. He could "remove" for the fight against corruption. And allegedly shortly before his death, Evdokimov said that he was "probably slapped."

Gennady Bachinsky, 2008

Popular television and radio host Gennady Bachinsky broke on January 12, 2008 in the Tver region in his own fault. The showman broke the rules of traffic rules, deciding to overtake the wagon.

He did not immediately see the minibus, which he was at a meeting. Time and opportunity to take the right decision, did not remain. Bachinsky died, like another passenger minibus.

Yuri Stepanov, 2010

March 3, 2010 Leader actor Metropolitan "Workshop Peter Fomenko» Yuri Stepanov("Citizen Head", "Artist") returned after the performance on the traveler. In the traffic lights "Zhiguli", in which the artist was sitting, a foreign car crashed.

A strong blow threw a domestic car to the oncoming lane, and she crashed into another car. 42-year-old Stepanov died instantly. The "killer" of the actor was convicted, but Stepanov's widow asked for him a suspended sentence.

Nikita Emshanov, 2011

Full Nikita Yemshanov (Legend No. 17 "," 72 meters ") on August 17, 2011 should have noted his 28th birthday, but did not have time to walk for fame.

Early in the morning, he drove in the garden-samotane flight in Moscow at a speed of 120 km / h in a friend of a friend-director Konstantin Kamyshanova and her girl - DJ Ekaterina Biryukova (VJ. Katya Spring.). For an unknown reason, Mercedes-Benz flew to the oncoming lane and crashed into an SUV. Airbags did not work, a foreign car caught fire. Yemshanov and Kamyshov died in place, the girl died later. According to rumors, the actor was driving in a drunken state.

Sergey Krunelnikov, 2012

Sergey Krunelnikov at one time was a popular child-actor. Many and now recall him in the roles in films "Merry dream, or laughter and tears", "Magic voice Jelsomino" However, he did not associate his life with a hypocrical. He graduated from the institute, engaged in business in the field of refrigeration industry.

Sergey Krunelnikov in childhood. Frame from the movie "Magic Voice of Jelsomino"

On August 26, 2012 in St. Petersburg, 49-year-old Sergey rode a bike when he was shot down by the driver of a more powerful two-wheeled transport - a motorcycle.

Marina Golub, 2012

Marina Blue shot in the movies, serials, played in the theater, led TV shows. She was a comedy star and drama. And in her life, joyful periods replaced deep experiences due to failures in his personal life. On October 9, 2012, her life broke into one moment.

54-year-old Marina returned home on a taxi after the "Death Engine" performance. The statement was a prophetic. Late in the evening in the south-west of Moscow, the car in which the actress was located, rammed a foreign car on a rabid speed. The blow fell precisely into the door, followed by Golly. She died in place, like a taxi driver. The culprit of the monstrous accident from the scene disappeared. He was detained on hot traces and sentenced to six years in prison. According to friends and close marina, she could not die. Five months before the tragedy, the 46-year-old owner of the furniture company "March 8" was killed Mikhail Kravchenkoin which Marina was in love. The actress was seriously worried about his death and tried to lead her own investigation. Natives said that she complained about the threats came.

In this selection, we remembered celebrities whose lives of which ridiculously broke off as a result of an accident.

Paul Walker (died on November 30, 2013)

The star series of films "Fast and Furious" passed from life at the peak of his career. In that fatal day, the 40-year-old floor and his friend Roger Rodas returned from the charity event. Rodas, which was driving, dispersed the car up to 130 km / h in the place where it was impossible to exceed the speed of more than 72 km / h. The car crashed into a lamppost, after which immediately caught fire. In the cabin there were no chance of salvation. Both friends died in place ...

Grace Kelly (died on September 14, 1982)

On September 13, 1982, Princess Monaco and the Hollywood Star Grace Kelly went with her 17-year-old daughter Stephanie on the mountain road. On that day, Grace complained of headache and fatigue, but still decided to let go of the driver and get behind the wheel herself. On the path, the princess became ill; She screamed: "I don't see anything!"

Stefania tried to stop the car by turning the hand brake, but everything was in vain. The car fell off the mountain cliff. When the rescuers arrived at the scene, Grace was still alive, but injuries were so heavy that the doctors could not help her. The next day, the princess died in the hospital. At the funeral Kelly, there was a 22-year-old Princess Diana, which after 15 years was also destined to die in the car accident ...

Princess Diana (died on August 31, 1997)

20 years ago there was no favorite of millions of British - Princesses Diana. The princess and her heart friend of Dodi al-Faid died in Paris, after their car crashed into the support of the bridge over the alma tunnel. It is assumed that the princess and her satellites, trying to escape from the paparazzi pursuing them, drove at a huge speed, as a result of which the driver could not cope with the management. Beloved Diana and the driver died in place, and the princess itself died in the hospital 2 hours after the accident. Her bodyguard remained alive, but he does not remember anything about the incident.

Viktor Tsoi (died on August 15, 1990)

The legend of the Soviet rock died at the age of 28 at the sloc-tals track near Riga. According to the official version, the tired musician fell asleep at the wheel, and his "Moskvich" at a speed of 130 km / h went to the oncoming lane and collided with Ikarus. Victor died instantly ...

Alexander Dedyushko (died on November 3, 2007)

The famous actor Alexander Dedyushko died in the 46th year of life in a terrible automotive accident, which also claimed his 30-year-old spouse Svetlana and 8-year-old Son Dima. Late in the evening, the family was returning from Vladimir, where they came to friends, to Moscow. According to the obscure reason, the car of Dedyushko suddenly left the oncoming lane, where he collided with the truck. Alexander and his wife died instantly, their son was alive for some time after the accident, but she died even before the arrival of emergency.

Marina Golub (died on October 9, 2012)

The famous actress has become a victim of the car accident, which occurred on the night from 9 to 10 October. Marina returned from the theater by taxi when Cadillac crashed into her car. The actress and the taxi driver died immediately. The driver of Cadillac who tried to run from the scene of the accident, subsequently sentenced to 6 years in colony.

Tatyana Snezhina (died on August 21, 1995)

Tatyana Snezhina is an incredibly beautiful and talented singer and poetess. For her short life (she lived only 23 years old), the girl managed to write more than 200 songs, among which the famous "call me with me." The life of Tatiana was interrupted on August 21, 1995, when she, together with the bride and friends, was driving on the highway Barnaul-Novosibirsk. Their minibus ran into the MAZ truck. As a result of this accident, all passengers of the minibus, including Tatiana and her groom, died.

Tatiana as if foresaw his death. Three days before the tragedy, she presented a new song "If I die ahead of time":

"I ate, I die ahead of time,

Let me take by white swans

Far away, in the edge of the unknown,

High, high in the sky light ... "

Evgeny Dvoraztsky (died on December 1, 1999)

The actor died as a result of the automotive accident at the 40th year of life. Eugene on his car returned from the Institute of Immunology. He was in a great mood: tests have shown that he has no asthma, which doctors have previously suspected. By dialing the phone number of his wife, Eugene did not notice the sign of the "Land" and immediately encountered a truck. From the injuries of the Nerchadsky died on the spot.

Jane Mensfield (died on June 29, 1967)

This dazzling blonde shone in Hollywood Cinema 50s and was no less popular than Marilyn Monroe. On June 29, 1967, 34-year-old actress died in a car accident when her car crashed into the road train. Together with her, her groom Sam Brodi and the driver died. Three men Mensfield, who were in the same car in the rear seat, received only minor injuries.

Kuzma Scriabin (Andrey Kuzmenko) (died on February 2, 2015)

On February 2, 2015, the Ukrainian musician was died Andrei Kuzmenko, famous under the pseudonym Kuzma Scriabin. The tragedy occurred on the highway "Kirovograd-Krivoy Rog Zaporizhia". Andrei returned from Krivoy Rog, where the concert was held on the day before, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Scriabin group. The musician was driving very quickly, as a result of which his car was collided with milkomose. Andrey died in place.

Mikhail Evdokimov (died on August 7, 2005)

The artist and politician Mikhail Evdokimov died as a result of a terrible accident on the M-52 Biysk-Barnaul highway. His "Mercedes", who drove at high speed, collided with Toyota and flew into the ravine. As a result, three people died: Evdokimov, his driver and a security guard. The artist's wife remained alive and was taken to hospital with severe injuries.

Anton Yelchin was born in Leningrad in 1989, then his parents, professional skaters moved to the United States. In the late 1990s, he began to act in films and serials.

According to law enforcement officers, the engine of the car Yelchina worked when the body was discovered, and the gearbox lever was in a neutral position, it was reported that the access road to the house has a rather steep descent.

As the police clarified, arriving at the scene, everything looked like this, something forced something to get out of the car without putting it on the hand-made brake.

At the same time, the actor pressed its own machine with such a force that the metal gate was rushed.

Russian film generator Sergey Konov, who worked with Yelchin, in an exclusive interview with "KP" stated that among the versions of the received police consider violent death.

On November 30, 2013, the Hollywood actor Paul Walker, a star series of films "Fast and Furious", was crashed in the car accident, which was only 40 years old at the time of death.

A double sports car Porsche, driving a friend of the actor, crashed into a tree and caught fire, without leaving a chance of any of the passengers.

Paul burned alive.

Did not avoid evil rock and Grace Kelly, who became an embodiment of the American dream, because he managed to go through the way from a simple actress to Prinjean Monaco.

Grace Kelly had a heart attack right behind the wheel. In such a state, the 52-year-old princess could not control the car, as a result - he fell into the abyss.

Perhaps the most dramatic and loud accident can be recognized with a deadly accident with a princess Diana.

The reasons for the accident in which Lady Di died is not known to be reliably and to this day. As reported in Scotland-Yard on the night of August 31, 1997, the car in which the princess was located, the son of the Egyptian millionaire al-Faid and the driver fell into an accident under the Alma Bridge.

The fatal consequences led to a combination of several fatal factors - ignoring seat belts, drunk driver, outbreaks of the chambers of the paparazzi, which pursued the car and excess the speed of the car.

The princess died in the hospital a few hours after a terrible accident.

Michael Hawthorne - the champion "Formula 1" of 1958. A year when I won the first and only champion title for Ferrari, left the races, deeply shocked by the death of a friend and rival, the "Formula 1" rider of Peter Collins.

On January 22, 1959, just a few months later, Hawthorn died near London, driving forced "Jaguar".

According to one of the versions, he and his friend Robert Walker arranged races on the road of common use, and barely managed to overtake the Mercedes-Benz Gullwing of the opponent, he lost control and crashed into a Bedford headlock.

After that, the car hit the tree, turning it with roots. Presumably, the speed at the time of the accident was 120 km / h.

Favorite American youth James Dina has enough only two films to become a real star. The guy shone not only as an actor, but as a rider.

Dean drove on the road "U.s. Route 466" near the city of Cholam in California. The black and white "Ford Custom Tudor" 1950 with a 23-year-old student of the Californian Polytechnic University, Donald Tornpsid, moved towards the steering wheel.

The student turned on the fork, crossing the path of the car Dina, not noticing him. Two cars faced almost in the forehead. James Dean died on the way to the hospital without coming into consciousness.

Jane Mansfield is the main competitor Marilyn Monroe in the battle for the title of the main sex symbol of the 50s.

After the evening speech on June 28, 1967 in Biloxi (Mississippi) Mansfield, her beloved Sam Brodi, Personal driver Ronnie Harrison and three of her children left for New Orleans, where the actress was in the morning interview.

June 29 at about 2:25 pm, their car ran into a road train and flew under him. Three adults sitting in the front seat died instantly ...

Children who were on the back chairs of the car received only minor injuries. Rumors walked, later grew into the city legend, that in this accident, Mansfield turned his head.

On June 20, 2011, there was no 34-year-old American actor Ryan Dunna, which received worldwide fame at the expense of the "Crank" projects, "Apartment pogrom" and "Long live Beam!"

The car is given a Porsche brand, behind the wheel of which he was located, at high speed flew into the forest belt, crashed into a tree and caught fire. Before the arrival of the doctors, the car burned down her dot.

Specialists identified Danna on tattoos. Together with the actor he died his friend. The investigation showed that the content of alcohol in the blood of Danna exceeded the permissible norm.

On November 5, 2012, a vocalist of the American Deat Metal Group Suicide Silence, 28-year-old Mitch Laker died in a car accident. Being behind the wheel of his motorcycle Harley Davidson, the musician did not cope with the control and crashed into a pillar, after which he hit a pickup.

With severe injuries, Laker was delivered to the hospital, but it could not be saved. He had a wife and a 5-year-old daughter.

On August 15, 1990, returning from fishing, at the 35th kilometer of the Latvian sloc-Talsi road under Tukums Viktor Tsoi did not cope with the management, flew to the oncoming lane and ran into the Ikarus bus.

The speed on which Muscovite was driving, 130 km / h - did not leave him not a single chance to survive. The blow was so strong that he was buried in a closed coffin.

Examination showed that he was absolutely sober, according to the official conclusion of the investigation, Viktor Tsoi just fell asleep behind the wheel - friends and fans do not believe in it so far. Viktor was 28 years old.

Actor Leonid would killly died, returning from the cottage, near the town of Differential on the highway Kiev-Minsk when attempting overtaking asphalt target rink.

Trying to avoid the frontal collision with a truck going towards the truck, the bulls sharply turned the steering wheel of his "Volga" and hit the rink at full speed.

The assumption of a heart attack that overtook the actor and the director right behind the wheel, during the investigation was not confirmed. Leonid Fedorovich was 50 years old.

The representative of the famous acting dynasty, the executor of the role of Edmon Dantes in the film "Prisoner of the IF Castle" and Heinrich III in the TV series "Countess de Monsoro" Yevgeny Nadraztsky died on December 1, 1999.

The "nine" actor did not give way to the oncoming truck: at the last moment for an unknown reason, the actor pressed the gas pedal. They say he turned on the phone at this time to call his wife. Evgenia was 39 years old.

45-year-old actor Alexander Dedyushko, famous for the films "Operational pseudonym", "officers", "Albanian", "Albanese", "Brigade", "special forces", died with his wife, actress Svetlana Chernyshkova, and the eight-year-old son Dima

Late in the evening on November 3, 2007, near the village of Old Omutichi of the Petushinsky district of the Vladimir region for unspecified reasons, the Toyota Picnic car flew to the oncoming lane and crashed into a truck moving towards the car.

The blow was such a force that the passenger car was confused under the front bumper, and could not be identified for a long time.

Full Moscow Theater "MASTERSKAYA PETTER FENOMENKO", Main role in films "Citizen Head", "Shtrafbat", "Artist" Yuri Stepanov died at about an hour on March 3, 2010 in Moscow Lublino at the crossroads of Lublin and Shkulev streets.

Returning after the performance, the actor caught the traveler - the car "VAZ-210". On the traffic light in it, the Mazda car crashed into it, the blow was so strong that the car with an actor threw into the oncoming lane, where he ran into a "swarm".

From numerous injuries, the actor died in place. Yury was 42 years old, a few weeks after his death, his second son was born.

Valery Kharlamov is one of the most famous Soviet hockey players, two-time Olympic champion and eight-time world champion. In 1976 he fell into a strong accident behind the wheel of a personal car, trying to overtake the truck.

Multiple fractures and concussions, according to doctors, put a cross on a sporting career, but Harlamov returned to the ice four months after the injury and continued successful speeches.

On August 27, 1981, at the Leningrad Highway "Volga", which was ruled by the spouse of Hockey player Irina, flew to the oncoming lane, where I ran into the "ZIL" car. An indirect cause of the accident was the wet route. All the passengers of Volga died on the spot: Valery and Irina Kharlamov, as well as her cousin Sergei Ivanov.

Mikhail Evdokimov - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, which received broad fame due to pop humorous monologues and parodies. In 2004, he won the elections of the Governor of the Altai Territory, but worked for less than 1.5 years.

The accident happened on the Biysk-Barnaul highway: Mercedes-Benz, in which Evdokimov with a driver, guard and spouse drove to a solemn event, at high speed (according to the investigation - at least 149 km / h, according to informal information - about 200 km / h ) I went to overtake the Volga car.

Not having time to return to his lane, the driver of Mercedes discovered the Toyota Marino's turning car in front of him, collided with him by tangent and flew off the road.

Of those who were in "Mercedes" survived only the wife of Mikhail Sergeyevich, who received serious injuries. The driver of Toyota Marino Oleg Shcherbinsky was convicted and sentenced to four years in prison, but the public resonance after a long-term proceedings led to the fact that Shcherbinsky was fully justified.

Gennady Bachinsky - Show Man and the presenter who received fame primarily thanks to Duet with Sergey Stillavin on the radio.

An accident occurred on January 12, 2008 in the Tver region on the Kalyazin - Sergiev-Posad highway. According to the official version, 36-year-old Gennady Bachinsky went on overtaking wagons in a banned place and ran into a counter VW Transporter.

Perhaps the accident preceded easy contact with the overtooed truck. One of the passengers "Volkswagen" Julia Merkulov died later from injuries.

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, the actress of theater and cinema Marina Gaby is remembered by participation in 80 film and television series, often by the role of the second plan. There are several TV shows on the channel "Russia".

On October 9, 2012, the actress on a taxi returned from the performance with the sinister name "The deadly engine" when Cadillac crashed into the car at a huge speed, which passed the intersection to a red traffic light signal.

Actress and taxi driver died. The culprit of the incident Alexei Rusakov had disappeared from the accident. However, on August 5, 2013, he was sentenced to 6.5 years of the colony of the general regime.