Safe draws for April 1st. April Fools' pranks and jokes for friends, parents, colleagues

Safe draws for April 1st.  April Fools' pranks and jokes for friends, parents, colleagues
Safe draws for April 1st. April Fools' pranks and jokes for friends, parents, colleagues

April 1 is a great occasion to arrange a real test for loved ones, playing them as hard and fun as possible. There are no prohibitions on this day! Jokes can be on the verge (the main thing is that the victim is not grabbed by a heart attack), humor is crazy, and the holiday itself is tear-off. Especially for fans of extreme, extraordinary, memorable pranks, we have prepared this selection.

Prank your friend: a mixture of humor, fun and fright

The coolest rally is the one that is impossible to guess at all. It should have a peppercorn, a zest, some kind of novelty and originality that does not allow the victim to understand that they are being made fun of. So let's go!

Option 1. For those on the subway

A surprisingly simple and at the same time effective prank, which requires one accomplice and being on the subway during rush hour. We go in, pretend to have pressed the button to communicate with the driver and loudly ask: "Please, a cup of coffee and a cheeseburger in such and such a car." At the next stop, an accomplice is already waiting for you (discuss the carriage number in advance), which gives the "ordered". Of course, passengers are at a loss. But indignation will mingle with it when, again depicting a dialogue with the driver, you say: “Okay, now to the final station without stopping, I'm in a hurry!”.

Option 2. Risky

An excellent, spectacular rally for a company going to spend a fool's day in nature. Prepare a can of squash or eggplant caviar in advance. While friends will "cover the clearing", step aside. Dump the props on the ground discreetly, sprinkle them with scraps of toilet paper for the entourage. Now it's all about artistry. You pretend that you accidentally found this unambiguous pile, grab a spoon and shouting "Oops, fresh!" eat. Believe me, the day will start very cool!

Option 3. Simple but tasteful

Everything is extremely simple here. Choose the victim of a joke and a funny, humorous postcard that suits her nature (there are a huge number of such cards now). Now you need to correctly arrange: we print an official envelope on behalf of, for example, a tax office, a court, a military enlistment office, and so on. It is important that the letter looks serious and personable, and does not raise questions. We put the acquired postcard inside. Believe me, the victim will be both puzzled and scared, and then laugh a lot.

Option 4. With a goldfish

Works great with aquarium hobbyist friends. If a friend has a fish at home, give him a very tough show. Pre-cut a fish silhouette from the carrot, hide it in your hand. Having come to visit a friend, unceremoniously put your hand into the aquarium, wave it there (for lovers of aquatic fauna, this alone can cause a nervous breakdown!), then - one sharp movement, and, defiantly waving a carrot in the air, put it in your mouth! Moreover, as savory as possible and with remarks like: "Here is the freshest fish!", "Mmmm, the most delicious kind!". Be prepared for a very violent reaction.

Option 5. With a glass

The props are simple - a plastic cup, but the effect is amazing. Especially if you arrange a rally in an office, classroom or classroom, with a large crowd of people. We start with the fact that all day we complain of pain in the neck, they say, it hurts, we have no strength. It is better to do this intrusively, so that in a couple of hours everyone will know about your problem. Now while nobody sees we put a glass on our hand and put it behind the neck. We approach the selected victim, bow our head with a suffering look, pressing the glass. There is a wild crunching sound. Everyone around is shocked!

Option 6. Voice card

Again, a simple but very effective way to make the chosen victim a memorable one. There is a service on the Internet « voice cards » , for such a request, any search engine will give out several cool sites. We select the appropriate text, for example: “You are worried about the police. We received a message that you have pornography on your computer. Due to the new law prohibiting illegal downloading and storage of porn for private viewing, we are obliged to seize your hard drive in order to study it. In 10-15 minutes the police will come to you. Prepare the disc and the warranty card for it. That's all, see you soon. " In the specified field, enter the number of the subscriber who will receive such a call. Impressions are guaranteed for everyone.

Option 7. Cosmetic

Cosmetics are a gorgeous material for various funny and simple pranks. For example, you can at night for a man to paint his nails with bright varnish, and then set the alarm clock so that, when he wakes up, he is almost late for work or school. Your boyfriend or husband will wake up and go to people so handsome. Another option is to paint purple bruises under the eyes. Such a joke will also have a sufficient effect when the victim sees himself in the mirror.

Option 8. With bulging eyes

A cool joke, especially sophisticated because of its simplicity. You buy a tennis ball, cut it in half, add a pupil to each "eye". Pull with a thin elastic band. Put on an impromptu mask over your eyes, over dark glasses. When the alleged victim calls out to you, walk up and take off your glasses with a nice gesture, showing your bulging eyes. It will be a lot of fun!

Option 9. Scare a stranger

A prank that will bring a lot of emotions to both you and the chosen victim. The main task is to find a person whom she does not know. Invite the victim for a walk, sit her on a bench, and leave yourself under some pretext. Now it's your accomplice's turn. He approaches an unsuspecting friend, sits down next to him, takes out someone's photograph with the most serious look, moves it to the involuntary participant in the joke and quietly says: "I want everything to look like an accident." Then he gets up abruptly and leaves. When you return, you will hear a lot of interesting things.

Option 10. With a ghost

On a beautiful day on April 1, preferably in the late afternoon, send your friends sms with the simple text "Open the door, I came!" ... They go, open, and there is no one there. It even looks a little creepy.

Option 11. With vodka and a car

The props are simple - a vodka bottle filled with ordinary water. You get into the car with your friends and go somewhere on business. Deliberately delay the time, drive the car as carefully and slowly as possible. When the irritation of the passengers reaches its peak, take out the bottle and with the words "Okay, you yourself are to blame," empty it about half in one gulp. Now press on the gas with all your might.

Option 12. With a mobile phone

Here you have to work a little with the search for a suitable props. You need a cell phone panel that looks exactly like the phone that the potential victim of the prank is using. Ask a friend for a cell phone, they say, yours is dead, but you need to call urgently. Step aside and discreetly replace your mobile phone with the purchased panel. Pretend the conversation turns into a quarrel, then angrily toss the "phone" and trample it to be sure. Shock for the victim is guaranteed.

Option 13. Very tough

In addition to the victim, you also need an accomplice. Argue with the subject of the prank that he cannot guess with a blindfold which part of the body he is touching. There is only one condition: you can only feel it with your fingers. Now blindfold the victim and start the joke. Let her guess the body parts of the accomplice several times correctly, then slip the two halves of the tomato. Naturally, played out in bewilderment - what is it? And then the accomplice screams wildly that his eyes were gouged out ...

Pranks for April 1 are the best way to have fun and laugh from the heart. True, arranging them, soberly assess the psyche of the victim, so that for her the case does not end in a hospital. Remember, fun only turns out great when it's completely safe. And, of course, unexpectedly.

Literally a few hours remain before the holiday, which some consider senseless and merciless, while others see it as an excellent reason to joke. April 1, aka April Fool's Day, forces us to be careful in communicating with friends, or to include our creativity and sense of humor to the fullest. If you do not want or do not have time to come up with your own joke, we offer you a dozen of time-tested April Fools' jokes.

Classics of the genre

1. If we discard the vulgar "your whole back is white", then the most unkillable classic is the transfer of all clocks in the house one hour ahead. The "victim" wakes up by the alarm clock an hour earlier, and goes about his business through the morning darkness. And he does not even suspect that the meeting / start of the working day / opening of the museum will have to wait another hour.

2. Fill the bottom of the glass with the toothbrushes with Moment glue. Primitive? Yes, but in the morning the rage and bewilderment of your relatives are guaranteed to you.

3. Hide all your slippers before bed tonight. The effect is similar to the previous point.

4. If your family has gourmets with a heightened sense of beauty, skip this point. In other cases, the good old salt in the sugar bowl works like a clock, no matter how old this "joke" may be.

5. In recent years, a joke with soap and nail polish has become popular thanks to VKontakte publics. Actually, soap and transparent nail polish are taken. The first is covered with the last, and after drying it is not visible from ordinary soap. But an attempt to "soap" such a piece turns around for an ignorant "victim" of the fiasco.

6. Food coloring to help you! There are many ways to use it as a joke (luckily common dyes are safe), but the most popular way is to dye your toothbrush at night. I wonder why people so often joke with hygiene products? ..

If you have a working day

Maybe it so happened that you have to spend this Saturday at work? Well, maybe office pranks will come in handy.

7. The optical computer mouse can be sealed from the bottom with a piece of tape. Before your colleague knows what the matter is, he will be sure for a while that an essential part of the computer has fallen into disrepair.

8. Give or lend to a colleague a banknote. Just make a reservation that it is better not to insert it into the ATM. For a long time and painfully your "victim" will look for signs of a forgery on the banknote.

9. If you have a particularly curious person at work, take a cardboard box with a cut out or just poorly secured bottom. Put a variety of things in it, and on the outside write something like "do not touch" or "personal items". Then leave the room and wait for the player to enter it. Then go to the rumble of falling out things and watch the reaction.

Creative approach

There are many unusual ways to play tricks on others. We offer one of them.

10. Make an agreement with your friend, and go to buy some food "to go" in the nearest fast food shop. Then you go down to the subway, and your friend leaves for the nearest station. On the next train, you enter the same carriage, during the trip you approach the "passenger-driver" communication button and pretend to speak into the microphone. Say the following loudly and clearly: "Hamburger, country-style potatoes and a little cola!" At the next station, a friend, to the surprise of others, solemnly hands you a package with an order.

Whatever prank you do, do not forget to congratulate your friend on April 1 after and say that it was a joke. Friendship is more expensive!

This merry holiday is about to come. Therefore, the question of how to play a prank on your relatives on April 1 is more acute.
April 1st is the day no one should believe comments about torn tights, dirty clothes, unfamiliar mobile phone numbers, or anyone else. April Fool's Day is celebrated all over the world. In some European countries, April 1 is celebrated only until lunchtime, and if an eccentric decides to joke at someone, they call him the "April fool".
If you want to prank your family and friends, you need to choose harmless jokes or those that will not lead to a heart attack (suddenly you will scare your grandmother). You need to come up with jokes so that a person believes in them at least for a day, and at the end of the day you need to confess a joke and innocently say: "S!"
There are several ways you can make fun of your family and friends:

Option 1. By phone (write a funny SMS and just call and play). You can also use voice greetings. There, many jokes have already been invented for you - you just need to indicate the number and time when the draw should come. Such draws are suitable for everyone on April 1st. You can also find how to prank your brother and sister, they will especially like this.

Option 2. On the Internet (send a rally by e-mail) or play a prank on your loved ones on social networks.
Option 3. Joke about the weather (for example: "Grandma, look how much snow has fallen," or vice versa, you can take off your jacket before going into the house and say: "Well, it's hot outside!").
Option 4. Come home from work or school, and with a dead look say: "I was kicked out!".
Option 5. Joke about the poor animal (“Mom, what is Murka doing in the refrigerator?”).
Option 6. Make fun of programs or news from TV (for example: "Mom, did you hear that Tarzan chose a gorilla as a surrogate mother for his child!"). In all these ways, you can play a prank on mom and dad. In addition, many are suitable in order to prank the grandmother on April 1.

There are many options, you just need to brainstorm a little and dream up.
But do not joke on April 1 like this:
1) Your personal life - you can jinx your personal happiness, you can inadvertently offend your husband (for example: “Oh, Wan, our neighbor is such a darling! He helped me fix the kettle!” Your husband may be jealous without reason and sulk at you for a long time. you can make your husband a little jealous if later he fully understands that this is a joke. If you want to play a prank on April 1, throw men's and women's clothes on the floor. When he comes home from work, do not open the door. On the TV, turn on a movie where the couple makes love. When the husband comes in, he will immediately run into the room. And there you yourself are waiting for him in a beautiful negligee on the bed;

2) The personal life of a brother, sister, mom, dad (if they have problems, then a grandiose scandal or an eternal resentment against you can also grow from a harmless joke);
3) Regarding the health of loved ones (this is sarcasm, not a joke, you have to be an idiot to joke so cruelly);
4) You should never joke about your health either (for example, an unsuccessful joke: "Oh, I feel bad, call an ambulance as soon as possible" can greatly scare your loved ones and cause health problems on their part. Then everyone will have no time for jokes).
It is necessary to joke skillfully so that the joke is new, interesting, funny, harmless, easy. Joke so that everyone laughs with happiness and shines with positive. After all, this is such a wonderful fun day - April 1!

April 1 is April Fool's Day, which means that on this day it is not only possible to joke, but also necessary. What pranks and jokes for April 1 can be organized at home, at work and with friends - read the material.

The only advice is to make sure that your pranks and jokes are kind, do not spoil other people's property and do not cause discomfort to other people. We are only for positive emotions on this day!

Giveaways for April 1st for friends

Who doesn't love sweets? And free and even more so! This is exactly what you can catch your gullible friends. For example, you can brush your sandwich cookies with toothpaste instead of cream. The main thing is to use a white paste without a bright smell, otherwise you will be bitten!

Or offer your friends your own chocolates ... with cotton wool! To do this, pour small balls of cotton wool with chocolate and put them in the refrigerator for several hours. Insidious sweets are ready!

Giveaway for April 1 for friends - candy with cotton wool

And you can also treat everyone ice cream! Of course not real. Vanilla ice cream is very similar in color to mashed potatoes. To do this, boil puree, add more cream or milk to get the desired color. For the best effect, leave the puree in the freezer overnight. Arrange in balls in glasses or cups and pour over with chocolate or any other topping. And do not forget to wish you bon appetit.

Giveaway for April 1 for friends - mashed potato ice cream

In order not to harm the car, but use it for April Fools' jokes - use cling film... It can either just wrap a car, or tie it to a post. Do you remember that you can't tear the cling film so easily with your hands?

Giveaway on April 1 for friends with a car

Draws for April 1 for lovers

Here you need to be careful - it is very easy to offend your beloved half, and on April 1, such quarrels are definitely useless. Keep your jokes as neutral as possible. For example, " living refrigerator". Stick in the evening (even when no one opens the refrigerator)" eyes "on all products - they can be purchased in handicraft stores. The more such" live "products, the better the effect will be.

Giveaway for April 1 for lovers - a living refrigerator

Giveaway for April 1 for lovers - experiment
with other products!

Another interesting joke with upside down glass which is filled with water. To do this, fill a glass with ice and place any light object there. For example, something from cosmetics (only hermetically sealed). And turn the glass over. The very next morning you will receive a glass of water, an item from which it will not be so easy to get out :)

Giveaway on April 1 for beloved ones: at last the physics lessons came in handy!

You can also " invite guests" favorite actors or superheroes. Just print a small image and stick it on the door peephole. Simulate a doorbell (for example, by recording a sound on your phone) and ask your beloved or loved one to open the door.

Draw for April 1 for lovers: no one will wait for such a guest

And very delicious prank(and very good) for breakfast. Fried eggs can be simulated with yogurt and peach. You can't tell by sight! And the taste will definitely not disappoint!

Draw for April 1 for lovers: "scrambled eggs" from yogurt and peach, as well as "fries" from an apple

Draws for April 1 for colleagues

Jokes for colleagues also need to be selected as carefully as possible. Firstly, you still have to work with these people, and secondly, no one wants to pay for damaged corporate property. So you can experiment with joking "harm" to the computer... You can make a blot out of regular glue, which you can put on your laptop keyboard. And before you tell a colleague that there is a problem with his technique, pick up a carton of milk. He'll love it!

Giveaway for April 1 for colleagues: damaged computer

Add a little color on this day will help stickers... This joke was created especially for perfectionists. Cover everything you can with them - a computer, a table, a chair, etc. This rally looks at least very bright!

Giveaways for April 1 for colleagues with stickers

You can add on this day not only colors, but also loudness! To do this, tape the horn to the work chair. Every time someone sits there, the whole office will know about it.

Draw for April 1 for colleagues

Smile more often and bring joy to everyone around you! Let every day be bright and cheerful!

If spring is already on the calendar, then soon we will all have a holiday of laughter and humor, with which I want to congratulate you, friends, good afternoon today. I have prepared for you the most various, funny and interesting options for playing a prank on your friends on April 1. I hope you will definitely like something, and you will take note of my ideas.

10 ideas how to prank friends on April 1st

If you don't know how to poke your friends on this holiday, consider the ideas I have prepared for you. Consider - all the most successful pranks are those in which a person cannot guess about them at all.

Each podkol should have its own flavor, thanks to which a person will not even understand that he has become the main character of an April Fool's joke.

First option

This is the easiest way possible to play a trick on a friend (or even a guy).

First, you need to find another "accomplice" from among your friends and such a draw is possible, provided that there is a metro in the city.

When you enter a subway car with a friend, pretend that you are talking to the driver on the intercom. Just ask to bring you fresh coffee and a burger. At the next stop, an accomplice should be waiting for you, he should enter the carriage and give the order. I assure all passengers and friend will be surprised. To the bewilderment will be added indignation when you again imitate a dialogue with the driver and ask him to continue the trip to the final station without stopping, because you are in a hurry.

The risky way

A great way to make fun of a company that is going to celebrate a holiday in nature. For prank, you need a can of squash or eggplant caviar. While friends are busy with the fire, setting the table, you need to open the jar and pour its contents on the ground, put toilet paper on top. Now turn on all the artistry and charm. Pretend that you accidentally stumbled upon this pile, pull out a spoon from your pocket and shout "Fresh!" start eating.

Third draw

Telling jokes is not the best option for April 1st. Therefore, it is better to use a holiday postcard. It is necessary to print an envelope in the official design from the tax, military registration and enlistment office and write a serious message on it, it is important that it seems as believable as possible. Place a regular postcard inside the envelope. I assure you that the victim of the rally upon receipt of this envelope will be at a loss and may even be afraid to open the envelope.

The fourth joke

If your friend has an aquarium with a goldfish at home, you can put him on a show. To do this, cut a fish out of the carrot, hide it in the sleeve. When you come to visit a friend, in front of his eyes, lower your hand into the aquarium, take out the "fish" and eat it. This will be the best way to break a friend on April 1, however, after such a joke, you can expect a very violent reaction.

Fifth idea for a joke

It is necessary to prepare an ordinary plastic cup, with the help of which a spectacular drawing can and will be carried out, especially if it is in a crowded place. For several days in a row, complain to friends and colleagues about back pain, neck pain. And on April 1, while everyone is busy with their own business, gently put the glass behind the neck and approach a friend who will become the "victim" of the planned joke. Start complaining, and then tilt your head - after squeezing, the glass should make a strong crunch, from which the "victim" will first be frightened, and then rush to provide medical assistance.

Option six

Pleykast is a modern internet postcard that is ideal for pranking friends. You can find many sites for creating this kind of greeting. You need to select the appropriate text, for example, something like “The police are looking for you, because of the use of pirated software. We will be at your place within 15 minutes to conduct a search, please wait. " I assure you, the impressions from receiving such a postcard will be colossal.

Seventh, cosmetic prank

You can prank anyone with cosmetics. For example:

  • you can paint up a sleeping man's nails, set his alarm clock so that he has practically no time left to get ready for work. A friend will have to go to work with very beautiful nails;
  • you can draw bruises under the eyes - the "victim" of the prank will be shocked when he sees himself in the mirror.

Eighth option

The easiest drawing option.

  1. Buy a tennis ball and cut it in half.
  2. Draw in each part of the eye with a pupil.
  3. Pull the halves together with a thin elastic band and put the resulting mask over your eyes, covering them with sunglasses.

When the victim of the prank calls you, walk up to her and remove your glasses. He looks like such bulging eyes, a friend will laugh for a long time.

The toughest prank

To tackle a friend hard, you need to work together. You have to argue with the “victim” that you simply cannot guess a part of another person's body by feeling it only with your fingertips. Blindfold your friend and begin to substitute body parts, then take two tomatoes and slip them, when the "victim" is feeling them, the accomplice should shout loudly "You pierced my eyes."

Tenth way

Take an empty alcohol bottle and fill it with plain water. Gather all your friends in the car and go with them on business. Show yourself as an accurate, focused driver who does not break the rules and speed limits. If your friends run out of patience, and they begin to be indignant, take out the bottle and, calmly saying, "You asked for it yourself!" drink it and start pressing the gas pedal.

So my ideas on how to prank friends on April 1 ended. If you have anything to add and suggest, I would love to see your comments. Be sure to share my article on social networks and come back again for new ideas and just a good mood.

Best regards, Anastasia Skoreeva