Louis XVI: brief biography, children. Execution of Louis XVI

Louis XVI: brief biography, children. Execution of Louis XVI
Louis XVI: brief biography, children. Execution of Louis XVI
December 20 - May 10 Predecessor: Louis Ferdinand Successor: Louis Joseph. Birth: August 23
Versailles Death: January 21
Paris Dynasty: Burbones Father: Louis Ferdinand, Dauphin France Mother: Maria Joseph Saxon Spouse: Maria Antoinette Austrian Children: Louis Joseph, Dauphin France
Maria Teresa French (Madame Royale)
Louis XVII

After overthrow, the republican authorities were deprived of Louis XVI title of King and gave him the surname of the droplets (FR. Capeet.), named His ancestor of the Hugo Kappet, the founder of the dynasty of capeting (the branch of which is the bourbon dynasty).

Characteristic. Beginning of the Board

Coronation portrait of Louis XVI

It was a good heart man, but a minor mind and indecisive. Louis XV did not like him for a negative attitude towards the court lifestyle and contempt for Dubarry and held him away from public affairs. Education given by Louis Duke Vogyuyon, brought him little practical and theoretical knowledge. He showed the greatest inclination to physical classes, especially to a locksmith skill and hunting. Despite the debauchery of the courtyard surrounding his courtyard, he retained the purity of the morals, was distinguished by great honesty, simplicity in circulation and hatred of luxury. He entered into the throne with the desire to work for the benefit of the people and destroy the existing abuses, but did not know how to safely go ahead to the deliberately intended goal. He obeyed the influence of others, the aunts, then brothers, then ministers, then the Queen (Maria Antoinette) canceled the decisions made, did not communicate to the end of the reforms started.

Turgo reforms

Solver about his honesty and good intentions aroused the most rainbow hopes. And indeed, the first action of Louis was the removal of dubarry and former ministers, but the choice of the first minister turned out to be unsuccessful: Sea, the old slander, reluctantly went along the path of reforms and at the first time most convenient case turned off him aside.

Louis XVI distributes alms to poor peasants.

There was a feudal service of 40 million, Droit de Joyeux Avènement, the syncures were destroyed, the court costs were reduced. At the head of the Office, such talented patriots were delivered as Turgo and Merbers. The first one at the same time with a number of financial reforms is a uniform distribution of the filters, the distribution of the privilege tax on the preferred estates, the redemption of feudal obliges, the introduction of liberty freedom, the abolition of domestic customs, shops, trading monopolies - has taken transformations in all sectors of people's life, which Mulzers helped him , destroying Lettres de Cachet, establishing freedom of conscience, etc.

But the nobility, the parliament and the clergy rebelled against the invectors of new ideas, holding firmly for their rights and privileges. Turgogo fell, although the king responded about it like this: "Only I and the Thurgo love the people." With his characteristic indecisiveness, Louis wanted to mitigate abuse, but not eradicating them. When he was convinced to destroy the serfdom in his possessions, he, "respecting property," refused to spread this cancellation on the Land of Senorsi, and when the Türgo filed a project on the abolition of privileges, he wrote it in the fields: "What a crime did no celers, provincial states and Parliaments to destroy their rights. " After the removal of the TURGO in finances, the real anarchy was cast. To correct them, they were consistently called Necker, Sh.-A. Kalonons and breaks de Brienn, but for the lack of a certain plan of action, the ministers could not achieve any definite results, but did a step forward, then a step back, then fought with privileged classes and stood for reforms, then we were inferior to the governing classes and acted in the spirit of Louis XIV .


The first manifestation of the reaction was the regulations of G., allowing the production to the officers only the nobles, who proved the antiquity of their nobility (4 generations). Access to the highest judicial positions was closed for third-class persons. The nobility used every effort to be free from paying not only taxes created by the Türgo, but also those who were established in the city of it won in the dispute with farmers about Dîmes Insolites - the spread of church tithing on potatoes, seeding grass, etc. . The priests were forbidden to be collected without the permission of their authorities, that is, those against whom they were looking for protection from the state. The same reaction was also noticed in feudal relations: Señoras restored their feudal rights, presented new documents that were taken into account. The revival of feudalism was manifested even in royal domains. Trust in the royal power weakened. Meanwhile, the participation of France in the North American War strengthened the desire for political freedom.

Financial crisis and convening general states

Finance came to a larger disorder: loans could not cover the deficit, which reached 19 million livres per year, partly due to the inept finance management, partly due to the wastefulness of the queen and generous gifts, which the king under the pressure of others crushed the princes and courtesy. The government felt that it was not able to cope with difficulties, and saw the need to seek help to society. There was an attempt to reform the regional and local self-government: the power of the trials was limited, part of it was transferred to provincial meetings with the preservation of class differences - but they were introduced only in some way, in the form of experience, and the reform did not satisfy anyone. A collection of notables was convened, which agreed to establish a universal tax of the tax and stamped fee, on the abolition of road insights, etc. Parliament refused to register these rulings, boldly pointing to the wastefulness of the yard and the queen and for the first time demanding the convening of general states. The king in Lit de Justice forced the parliament to register Edicts and drove it into Troita, but then promised to convene in five years the general states if the Parliament would approve the cost of coverage during this time. Parliament refused. Then the king ordered the arrest of several of his members and published on January 8, Edict, destroying parliaments and established Cours Plénières from princes, peers and higher court, judicial and military ranks. It was outraged the whole country: Bryren was supposed to leave his post, and the non-ball was again appointed in his place. Parliament was restored. The new collection of notables has not led to anything; Then the general states were finally convened.

From general states to the National Assembly. Start of revolution

General States gathered on May 5 in Versailles. In all Cahiers (see State. Ranks) required a radical transformation of the old order of things. The queue stood, first of all, the question of whether the states should preserve their old, the class form. The third estate allowed him in the sense of breaking with the past, declaring himself on June 17 by the National Assembly and inviting other estates to unification on this soil. Louis, succumbing to the admonition of the aristocracy, in Korolev. The meeting on June 23 ordered to restore the old order and vote for estates. The National Assembly refused to obey, and the king himself was forced to ask the nobility and the clergy to connect with the third estate. Constantly hesitated, Louis became then to the side of the people, then on the side of the courtesy, inventing eternally successful plans of state coups with them. On July 11, he settled Necker, which heavily outraged the people. Focusing 30000 troops near Paris only poured oil into the fire: on July 14, the uprising broke out in Paris, Bastilly was taken by the people. In vain Marshal Brunce convinced the monarch to become at the head of the troops and retire to Lorraine. The king, fearing the Civil War, went on foot to the National Assembly on July 15 and stated that he and the nation is one and that the troops will be deleted. On July 17, he went to Paris, approved the establishment of the National Guard and returned accompanied by a junior crowd. On September 18, he approved the decree of the meeting on the destruction of feudalism residues. After the insurrection on October 5 and 6, he moved to Paris and fell into full apathy; Power and influence more and more passed to the Constituent Assembly. In fact, he no longer reign, but attended, amazed and alarmed, when changing events, adapting to new orders, then reacting against them in the form of secret appeals on help to foreign powers.

Attempt to escape. Constitutional monarch

Louis and his whole family on the night of June 21, secretly went to the carriage in the direction of the eastern border. It would notice that Escape prepared and implemented Swedish nobleman Hans Axel von Ferzen, who was insanely in love with the wife of King Maria Antoinette. B Varenne Druie - the son of the caretaker of one of the postal stations, saw the king's profile, the image of which was minted on the coins and was well acquainted with everyone, and raised his alarm. The king and queen were detained and be returned to Paris under the convoy. They were met by the coffin silence of the people, stepping on the streets. On September 14, 1791, Lyudovik brought the oath of the new Constitution, but continued to negotiate with immigrants and foreign powers, even when officially threw them through the medium of his Girondist Ministries, and on April 22, with tears in his eyes, declared War of Austria. Louis refusal to authorize the decree of the meeting against immigrants and rebellious priests and the removal of the patriotic ministry imposed on June 20, 1792, and its proven intercourse with foreign states and immigrants led to the uprising on August 10 and the overexposition of the monarchy (September 21).

Arrest and execution

Execution of Louis XVI

Louis was concluded with his family in Tampl and was accused of drawing up a conspiracy against freedom of nation and in a number of attempts against the security of the state. January 11, the trial began on the king in the Convention. Louis kept himself with great dignity and, not satisfied with the speeches of the defenders of the defenders elected them, he himself defended against the accusations of himself, referring to the rights given to him by the Constitution. On January 20, he was awarded to the death penalty by a majority of 383 votes against 310. Louis with great tranquility listened to the sentence and on January 21 climbed as a scaffold. His last words on Eshafote were: "I am in innocent, I'm innocent in crimes in which they are accused of me. I tell you this from Eshafot, getting ready to appear before God. And forgive everyone who is warned in my death "

The global political consequences of the execution of Louis XVI

Immediately upon receipt of the news of the execution of Louis XVI, the French messenger was removed from London. On February 1, 1793, ten days after the execution of Louis XVI, the French convention responded to this by the announcement of the war of England and the Netherlands, and on March 7 - and Spain.



  • SOULAVIE, "Mémoires du Règne de L. XVI" (P., 1801);
  • Bournisseaux, "HIST. de L. XVI "(P., 1829);
  • DROZ, "HIST. du règne de L. XVI "(P., 1839-1842, 2 ed. 1858);
  • Jobez, "La France Sous L. XVI" (1877 and Sl.);
  • Semichon, Les Réformes Sous L. XVI (P.);
  • Amy-Cherest, "La Chute de L'Ancien Régime" (P., 1884 and Sl.);
  • GERTANNER, "SCHILDERUNG DES Häusslichen Lebens, Des Characters und der regierung L. XVI" (B., 1793);
  • Barrière, "La Cour et La Ville Sous L. XIV, XV ET XVI" (P., 1829);
  • Cléry, "Journal De La Captivité" (L., 1798);
  • NicolarDot, "Journal de L. XVI" (1873).
Cappets 987-1328
987 996 1031 1060 1108 1137 1180 1223 1226
Hugo Cape Robert II. Heinrich I. Philip I. Louis VI Louis VII. Philip II. Louis VIII.
1328 1350 1364 1380 1422 1461 1483 1498
Philip VI John II. Karl V. Karl VI Karl VII. Louis XI Karl VIII.
1498 1515 1547 1559 1560 1574 1589
Louis XII. Francis I. Heinrich II. Francis II. Karl IX. Heinrich III

There is such a bike that when the king of France Louis XVI was still a child,
+ Astrologer warned him to always be on the check on the 21st day of each month.
Gloomy forecast so scared the king that he never planned
no cases on the 21st.

Joseph Duplesi. King Louis XVI in coronation closure. 1777.
Paris, Museum de carnival

It may have been such a prophecy, but rather came up with him later. But.

The French revolution came, there was no longer up to habits and planning, but
some angular will of the 21st day with Louis XVI happened the biggest
On the night of June 21, the King of France, Louis XVI, together with his family, did an unsuccessful
an attempt to escape from the castle of Tuileries to the eastern border to head the campaign
counter-revolutionary forces with the involvement of Austria and Prussia against the
France bourgeois revolution.

The arrest of Louis XVI and his family, disguised in Bourgeois. Varennes (1854)

But the vigilance of revolutionary masses was at the height - and two days later the king was
identified in the town of Varenn when changing horses, arrested and delivered under the convoy of soldiers
National Guard to Paris. The prestige of the royal power was finally undermined,
the people demanded the court, but the Constituent Assembly in which most belonged
representatives of the Royal Party, distributed a version of the king's abduction
<злонамеренными лицами> And justified him.

September 3, 1791, the first French Constitution was adopted.
The Constitution will provide the authority of only 20% of the population, which will cause
displeasant to the Jacobin Revolutionaries, which will go to the opposition to the government.

The constitutional act was proposed to the king, which, after long oscillations and meetings,
September 14, gave oath in loyalty to the nation and law.
At the head of this constitution was the "Declaration of Human Rights and a Citizen." Verkhovna
power, "Unified, inseparable, inalienable and integral," belongs to the nation:
all the authorities are delegated to the nation; Representatives of it - the Legislative Assembly and the King.

Engraving "Adoption of the French Constitution"

The king was forced to swear a constitution. But his "reliability" was already called
large doubts of Republicans. Very soon it turned out that Louis supported close
relations with French emigrants who fled from the country after the events of July 1789,
and apparently was going, sooner or later, to make escape.
After opening such a correspondence, the king was deprived of the authority and arrested.

September 21, 1792 the monarchy was procured
and France was proclaimed by the republic.

First French Republic, officially "French Republic" period of French
stories from 1792 to 1804. The republic was proclaimed on September 21, 1792 in
the time of the French Revolution, and on this day was shifted by Louis XVI.
Officially, the Republic existed until the formation of the first French empire
in 1804, the current first consul Napoleon Bonaparte who proclaimed himself

On September 21, 1792, National Convention opened its meetings in Paris.
Convention abolished the monarchy and proclaimed France by the Republic.

Louis XVI was lowered and placed under strong guard in Tample. Find a secret safe in
Tuileries on November 20, 1792 made a court of king inevitable. Documents found in it,
no doubt proved the treason of the king

Court of King in Convention

Louis on the court kept himself with great dignity and, without satisfying speeches
defenders elected by him, he himself defended against the accusations of
recalling the rights given to him by the Constitution.
Voting about punishment began on January 16 and lasted until the next morning.
From those present 721 deputies, 387 spoke in favor of the death penalty.

On the morning of January 21, Louis XVI was beheaded on the Revolution Square
By order of the convention, the entire National Guard of Paris was built
on both sides of the path to the scaffold ..

The execution of Louis XVI. Reproduction

His last words on the scaffold were:
"I am dying innocent, I'm innocent in crimes in which I am accused.
I tell you this from Eshafot, getting ready to appear before God.
And forgive everyone who is warned in my death. "

Spouse of the King of France Louis XVI since 1770. After the start of the French revolution
he was declared inspirerer of counter-revolutionary conspiracies and interventions.
Condemned by the Convention and executed on guillotine.

Maria Antoinetta with Rose, Elizabeth Vijle Lebrene, 1783

The process over 37-year-old Maria Antoinetta began at 8 am on October 15, 1793.
The next day, October 16 at 4 am, was read unanimously adopted
sentence to the death penalty.
The Queen of Maria-Antoinette was guillotinized on October 16.1793

Maria Antoinette before execution. Reproduction

Maria Antoinette before execution kept with pride and full self-sufficiency and nothing
did not drop royal dignity. She herself ascended on the scaffold and herself went under the knife
guillotines, although there were no cases when even convicted men were not
coped with feelings, fainted and could not climb without help

Execution of Mary Antoinette

At 12:00 15 minutes, the queen was beheaded at the current consent area.

The tombstone monument to Louis XVI and Maria Antoinette in the Royal Saint-Denis Tomb.

Louis XVI.

Louis XVI (23.VIII.1754 - 21.I.1793) - King (1774-1792), from the Bourbon dynasty. On the Board of Louis XVI, in the conditions of extreme exacerbation of the crisis of absolutism, on July 14, 1789, the French bourgeois revolution began. Together with his wife Maria Antoinetta (the daughter of the Austrian Emperor), Louis XVI secretly fought against the revolution, sought an armed speeches of Austria and Prussia against revolutionary France. In June 1791, he tried to escape from the country (see the Varennskiy flight). After the start of the war between France, on the one hand, and Austria and Prussia - from the other (April 1792), Louis XVI promoted the opponent of the most important information about the Armed Forces and the Military Plans of France. As a result of a popular uprising on August 10, 1792, Louis XVI was overthrown from the throne and together with his family was concluded in Tampl. On January 11, 1793, Louis XVI was devoted to the court of convention for counter-revolutionary and aligning actions.

Soviet historical encyclopedia. In 16 volumes. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1973-1982. Volume 8, cat - Malta. 1965.

Louis XVI (1754 - 1793) - French king (in 1774-1792), from dynasty Burbon , inherited his grandfather Louis XV in 1774, at the time when fermentation in France became increasingly more and more. The domination of the two higher classes, nobility and clergy, caused in a growing bourgeoisie (the so-called third estate) acute discontent. The opposition was becoming more and more dangerous for the Absolutist state every year. Under the increasing influence of this opposition, Louis XVI resorts to the extreme means - convening general states that did not convene during 175 years. The election right was given to all the French who have reached the 25th age and paid a certain amount of tax. General States were opened on May 5, 1789 in Versailles. The first weeks passed in stormy disputes on the issue of voting. The third estate was offered joint meetings and voting, the privileged clauses did not agree to this. Spores have not led to anything. On June 17, the third estimate declares itself as representatives of 96% of the French people, the National Assembly. June 23, Louis XVI orders to restore the old order and voting for estimates. The National Assembly refuses to obey. After the uprising on July 14, who ended with the Taking Bastille, Louis XVI argues the decree of the National Assembly on the destruction of feudal orders. From this time, he does not actually correct. Alarmed by a rapid change of events, it adapts to a new order, then fights against him the package of secret appeals to foreign powers. In June 1791, Louis XVI with his family tried to flee into Lorraine, but in Varenne was detained and returned back. On September 14, 1791, Louis XVI brings an oath of a new constitution developed by the National Assembly, but continues to secretly negotiate with foreign states and with French emigrants. Louis refusal to authorize the decree of the National Assembly, directed against immigrants and rebellious priests, and the disclosure of his relationships with foreigners is caused by the uprising August 10, 1792. On September 21, a national convention opens in Paris. The main decision was the announcement of France by the Republic. Following the fate of the king, the girondists then rises.

On January 16, 1793, Louis XVI is enjoying a huge majority of votes (715 of 748). On the issue of punishment, the voice was divided. For the death penalty, 387 deputies voted, for the shackles, the prison or conditional death penalty was voiced by 334. By most 380 votes, the death penalty was rejected against 310. January 21, in the eleventh o'clock in the morning, Louis XVI was beheaded on the guillotine installed on the Revolution Square. The chopped head of the king was shown to the people who surrounded the dense crowd of execution.

Reprinted from the site
The French Revolution


Louis XVI is the king of France from the Bourbon dynasty, which ruled in 1774-1792. Dofina Son Louis and Mary Joseph Saxon.

Wife: from 19 Apr. 1774 Maria Antoinette, daughter of Emperor Franz I (born 1755 + 1793).

Louis, who received at the birth of the title of Duke de Berry, was the second son of Dofina Louis (her older brother died in 1761). Father and mother were very demanding about the upbringing of their children. Louis was engaged in Latin, history, mathematics for seven hours a day. Twice a week, his success pickily checked his father. Strict upbringing given dofene, did not like his grandfather Louis XV, and many others seemed excessive. Moreover, Louis did not differ at all, neither strong health nor special abilities. He grew by a sickly, painful teenager with big blue eyes and uneven teeth, an incredulous, timid and unhappy expression of a person who turned a walk and a high beacon. In 1765, after the death of his father, he became the heir to the throne, and nine years later - the king. By this time, three distinctive features of his character were clear: shyness, secrecy and charity. As far as he was restrained with the king, his grandfather, and the most of the royal house, as he was sociable with subordinates. He was especially pleased when meeting with workers in the courtyard of the palace or in the garden. His questionings about lime, about carpentry work, on the bridge NS was the end. If it happened, he willingly helped move the logs or drag stones. DOFIN's special success has achieved in blacksmith and clearance arts. He also had a strong passion for hunting. The game, noisy pleasures and theatrical performances were little occupied by him. His favorite classes were the drawing of geographical maps and the acculation of various products from iron.

The atmosphere of his chambers talked a lot about the nature of the king. In the accurate hall, the drawings of the channels, breakthroughs on his order, were awesome, finding. The model of the Burgundy canal and the description of the work in the port of Sherburg. A collection of geographical maps and globes was kept in the next room. There were also cards, very skillfully made by the king himself or just started by him. Nearby was a carpentry hall, in which, in addition to the lathe, there were many different tools (they were inherited from Louis XV). In the library, which was placed above, there were all books published in his reign. The latter library was then stored, where the publications and manuscripts belonged to the former kings from the times of Francis I. In two separate adjacent cabinets there were many other interesting books collected by him. By the way, a large number of English essays were placed here, which Louis had always read (including reports on parliamentary meetings). Separate cabinets were kept papers related to each of the European ruling houses: Habsburg, Hannover, Romanov and others. The king's favorite refuge was placed on the library. That was a workshop with a blacksmith and two anvils, many locks and different iron tools. Even above was the Belvedere with a special lead floor, where the king, sitting in the chair, with the help of an excellent visual tube watched all what was happening in Versailles, as well as along the road going to Paris, and in Paris itself, as far as possible. Dure was almost the only minister who fulfilled all the personal orders of the king. He helped Louis in cleaning the joinery room, sharpened and cleaned the tools, soap anvil and walked geographical maps.

Louis was born with rather weak health, but the work and movement, which he constantly indulged, developed enough power in it. The king's memory was wonderful. He kept in his head countless names and locality names. The numbers and their values \u200b\u200bwere imprinted in its memory with amazing clarity. Once in the report proposed by him was placed an item already paid in the previous year. "It is written for the second time," said Louis, "bring me last year's report, I will prove you." The report was presented, and the king found the desired king without difficulty. Justice and honesty constituted the essential advantages of Louis. He became strict to rudeness, if he dealt with someone suspected of deception. Then he was angry, shouted, he shouted his feet and demanded obedience. Thinking it always was distinguished by a sequence and clarity: everything written by him was always correctly divided by articles.

On women, Louis did not pay the slightest attention. All his life he sincerely loved his wife, but that for a long time had only moral influence on him. A huge difference existed between the usual way of life of the spouses. The queen madly loved his pleasure, constantly happened in the theater, on Bals and Masquerades. She lay down to sleep and got up late. The king missed the theater immensely, did not love balls, went to bed at eleven evenings and got up at six in the morning. His day was mainly filled with prayer and work. Drinking in the morning lemon juice and eating a dry loaf, he made a short walk. At eight in the morning there was a public climb. Then Louis went to the office and worked with his ministers. In the hour of the day he listened to Mass and walked to dine. As a rule, dishes were the simplest. Saw king ordinary water.

Resting a little, Louis again returned to the affairs and worked up to seven in the evening. Then before nine, a meeting of the State Council was held. Hairing, Louis about eleven went to bed. Meanwhile, Maria Antoinette almost all his free time spent its favorite girlfriends in society: Ms. De Polynac and Ms. Lambal. In essence, she did not have a single free minute. The obvious attachment of the queen to young girls caused many sense in society, very unprofitable for her. For its part, Louis is so neglected with married rights that the first seven years after the wedding was not even a real husband of Maria Antoinette. The natural weakness of the king as a man was well known. Therefore, everyone was very surprised when, in early 1778, a rumor about pregnancy Mary Antoinette suddenly spread. Evil languages \u200b\u200blay guilt for it on the duke of Kuani, who has long and persistently cared for the queen. But hardly this suspicion is thorough. It is known that the inability of the king was only a random and that an insignificant surgery could return to her husband's rights. He, however, did not achieve this due to the cold temperament. The troubles about this delicate matter fully had to take his wife. At her request, Minister Morany convinced Louis in the need to decide to surgery. After a normal marital relationship was established between the king and the queen, it became more and more to fall under her influence. From this time, the Queen did not know the abandonment of money, and the luxury of the courtyard became particularly causing.

Contemporaries were very strictly judged by Louis. His bourgeois virtues seemed funny and worthless many, especially since he did not have the character traits necessary for the king. The main shortcomings of him were weak will, timidity, indecision, eternal fluctuations and lack of energy. The epoch required the sovereign completely with other qualities. Louis has accepted power in difficult time: the treasury was empty, the kingdom is aggravated by a debt of four billion livres, the people are attached by duties and lived in a terrible poverty. Louis worked very well that the poverty of the people was the most important misfortune of his time. He had a good heart and sincere desire to stop the plight of subjects, but he had no skills or taking pressure in order to elect to it, loyal paths. The main trouble of France, with which the government was unsuccessful during the entire reign of Louis, was a strong disorder of finance. Although the king had good financiers at his disposal (to be the best of those who were in France throughout the XVIII century), it was not possible to fix it. The General Controller of Finance Turgo At the very beginning of the reign, I tried to establish a cruel economy regime and significantly cut the courtyard costs. He soon made himself mighty enemies soon: first of all the queen, loved luxurious life and endless holidays; other ministers whose budget has been significantly reduced; Nobility, whose privileges he began to restrict carefully. In the end, the Parisian poorly rose against him, dissatisfied with a sharp increase in bread prices. Then in 1776 the king dismissed the Türgo in resignation and in the same year put in his place of the Geneva banker Necker. The new finance controller tried to cover the needs of the state thanks to loans. Under it, the duty of the state reached a colossal amount, so almost all tax revenues were spent on interest. Nevertheless, thanks to the restoration of the monarchy loan, the situation in the country has improved, and the noncker was very popular in all layers of society. But he began to seek cutting the costs of the courtyard, so he soon became hated by the queen and her surroundings. Under their pressure, Louis in 1781 sent Necker to resign. The successors of the Geneva banker with great difficulty mined money and made new loans. In 1786, this opportunity is dried. Standing at the head of Finance, Kalonn began to be a choice of bankrupt, or to carry out a cardinal tax reform and destroy the tax privileges of the two first classes (nobility and clergy). But hardly Kalonn had a speech about this, all the raree of the highest classes opposed him. Only the king could support him, but Louis did not dare to do this and again sent the Minister to resign. In 1788, when the lack of money came to extremes and the state bankruptcy seemed inevitable, the Ministry of Finance reiterated the noncover. However, he was already powerless to do anything. The financial crisis has grown to catastrophic sizes. The government has not been able to introduce new taxes, nor knock out new loans, nor conduct a tax system reform. In these circumstances, the king under the pressure of Necker had to give way to public opinion and agree to the convening of general states, who were not collected from 1614. The corresponding decree was signed in September 1788. Neither the king nor the non-shot about deep reforms and first of all wanted to achieve States of new allocations. But their hopes for the fact that the deputies will obey the will of the king, turned out to be uncomfortable.

According to old laws, the election of deputies and their meetings were supposed to be held in estates, and in voting every class had one voice. From the very beginning, deputies of the third class have shown the intention to break this feudal order and approve a decisive word. The opening of the states occurred on 4 May 1789 in an extensive building, called the menu. When, at the beginning of the meeting, the king covered his head, the nobility and the clergy took advantage of their right, making the same thing. Deputies of the third class, although they did not have such rights, showing hats demonstratively. At the sight of this, the king removed his hat, and then everything was unwilling, should have followed his example. The French revolution began with this petty struggle. On May 6, all three classes were marked in the relevant premises. But the first protocol question is the verification of the legality of the election of each deputy - gave a reason for compilation. The deputies of the third class announced that the authority check should be universal and that they will not begin to it otherwise as together with the nobility and clergy. Deputies of the two first classes were invited to join the third. A whole month went on disputes and prosperity. Finally, without waiting for the nobles and priests, the deputies of the third estate on June 7 proclaimed themselves with the Plenipotentiary National Assembly and began lawmaking. The very first of its decree was illegal with many of the subordinates and obligations charged in France without the approval of the people. The solution was made everywhere with delight. Full-sighted people saw the beginning of the revolution in this leader. On June 19, the Duke of Larancy and Archbishop Parisian offered Louis to dissolve the meeting immediately. But the king decided only on the semi-meter - ordered to locate the meeting room of the third estate. However, the deputies gathered in the hall to play the ball and swore, which would not disperse until the Constitution establish. Soon it was announced that the king could not cancel the laws adopted by the Assembly. Then the law on personal integrity of deputies was adopted.

Louis could no longer be silent to demolish these unheard of audacity and ordered gradually tightening the troops to the Versailles. By the beginning of July, there were up to 30 regiments.

This was enough to start decisive actions, but the king was slow and again missed the initiative from his hands. Events began to unfold with unexpected speed. July 12, Paris learned about the resignation of Necker and his departure to Brussels. The message about it trembled the capital. Spent called: "To weapons!" The troops were directed to accelerate the crowd, but it only strengthened the rebellion. Many soldiers left the system and merged with the people. Soon it was decided to hit the Swiss, which still retained the faithfulness of the king. But those retreated from the city before the appearance of a folk crowd. The city was in the hands of the rebels. On July 14, the crowds of the people moved to Bastille and took it after the bloody fight. The next day, Louis remarked the head of his wardrobe to Liankur, that this "can be called a real disturbance." "In my opinion, this is weakly said," Liankur objected, is a revolution. " The king had to recognize his defeat. On July 15, he appeared to deputies without convoy, accompanied by one brothers and delivered speech, standing with a naked head and without any ceremony. He reported that he had already given the order for the troops to retreat from Versailles. On July 16, he promised to return Necker, and on the 17th - went to the Parisian town hall and accepted there a three-color cokard, which was then the symbol of the revolution. On these days, the National Guard was created, and Marquis Lafayette was elected her boss. Inspired by the support of the people, deputies at the night meeting on August 4 adopted a number of revolutionary decrees. All feudal rights and privileges were now declared destroyed, the nobility and the clergy were taxed on par with the third estate. At the same time, judicial claims were destroyed, the privilege on the right of hunting and all the privileges and duties developed by feudal right. Military and administrative posts were announced available to any citizen. The king approved all these decrees only on September 21. During the next days, the turbulent legislative activities of deputies continued: "Declaration of Human Rights and Citizen" and the main provisions of the Constitution were treated.

Meanwhile, the crisis is all intensified. In the capital appeared signs of hunger. October 5-6, the crowd of women, to which armed men joined, moved from Paris to Versailles. Part of the disgruntled broke into the palace and tried to capture the queen. A few people were killed in the landfill. Only the appearance of the Guard somewhat cooled the fervor of the attackers. To calm the people, the king and queen should have come to the balcony. The next day, at the request of the rebels, the king moved to Paris and settled in Tuileries. On February 4, 1790, Louis in the National Assembly solemnly approved the Constitution for which the king received the highest executive power. Legislative power was awarded to the Higher Legislative Assembly.

At this time, Louis has already fully owned the idea of \u200b\u200bescape, but for him a long time did not seem to be a convenient occasion. In October, Louis and Maria Antoinette tried to secretly go to MONMEDI, but were stopped by the people in Saint-Cl. In June 1791, the royal family attempted to leave Paris for the second time. The Graph is olive to get to the border then safely, but the king himself was found in the capacity and returned to the capital. His prestige after this fell very low. The meeting returned him the power only on September 14, when Louis dazedly confirmed the final approved constitution. Following the fact that the National Assembly was partitioned, and on October 1, according to the Constitution, the Legislative Assembly was opened.

It seemed that after the introduction of the Constitution, a compromise was found in society. But mutual fierce led France to the external and inner war. Many royalists emigrated abroad, where Prince Konde shaped the army of them. Austria and Prussia were preparing to support its most decisive way. The armed clash with them has become inevitable. Ahead of events, the Legislative Assembly took the initiative to their hands. On April 20, 1792, Louis at the request of deputies and against the will declared the war "King of the Czech Republic and Bohemia" (so called the emperor France II in his hereditary possessions). The fighting began unsuccessfully. Enemies fell. In addition, treason was found everywhere. In May-June, the meeting adopted the revolutionary decrees of the link not swear priests and on education under Paris a military camp of 20 thousand national guardsmen. Louis led the veto to these laws and the one called a new uprising in Paris. On June 20, a huge crowd of armed Paris was surrounded by Tuileries. Part of the people broke into the hall where the king was sitting. Louis showered by threats and brands. From him, they sought him to take back his veto. The king responded to that, that he follows the Constitution. In this difficult situation, he kept courageously - took a glass of wine filed from the crowd and drank him for the health of the Paris people. He was answered by applauses, the crowd poked out, leaving Louis alone. However, despite the prohibition of the king, from all departments moved to the capital Volunteers and the notorious military camp was formed by himself. These days, the people fastened confidence that the king stands on the side of the intervention. The prestige of his power fell so low, more than ever before. The indignation was made particularly strong and universal after the Duke Braunschweigsky, who was heading at the head of the German army, published a declaration in which the national guardsmen taken with weapons in their hands will be punished as rover against their king. He also threatened to Parisians, which will destroy their city if Tuiliri reappears again. This declaration served a very bad service of Louis, whom he sincere considered the main ally of Prussians. Immediately after the promulgation of Manifesta (June 28), the Paris commune began to prepare a low-key king. On August 3, the mayor of Paris Petion came to the Legislative Assembly and on behalf of all sections demanded the overthrow of Louis. Deputies did not decide to openly go to such a violation of the Constitution. Then the commune began to act independently. The Marseille Battalion of the National Guard, who arrived in Paris on July 30, became the main force for the overthrow of the coup. On the night of August 10, the rebels hit Nabat. At sunrise, the royal family secretly fled from Tuileries in the Legislative Assembly Hall. About six in the morning, the rebels surrounded the palace and tried to break inside. The Swiss Guard opened a cruel fire on them. There was an extremely bloody battle. Finally, the people mastered the palace and began to break, ruin and burn everything that came under hand. Seeing that the victory was left for the people, the deputies took an emergency decree on the transformation of the highest authorities and about the temporary detachment of the king. At the request of the Commune, the Royal Family was allocated "Apartment" in Tample.

On September 20, the Legislative Assembly self-disgraced by giving way to the National Convention, who had unlimited powers as legislative and executive authorities on the basis of the law on August 10. At the second meeting, on September 21, the Convert adopted the law "On the abolition of royal power in France". A special commission was instructed to consider the papers of the Cooro, found in Tuileries, and his correspondence with his brother, the column of olive, who were in the Army of the Royalists. On November 6, the Commission reported that he found enough evidence to blame the king in treason and betrayed him (indeed, there were letters, from which it was that Louis called for foreign armies to attack France). On November 7, the question of the court was resolved in the affirmative. On December 3, the Convert formed a special commission from 21 people to prepare a prosecutor's report. It was presented on December 10, an indictment - the 11th. Louis, cited in Convention, was supposed to answer 33 questions regarding his behavior during, the main events of the revolution. He calmly denied all the charges erected on him, but his laconic answers could not even satisfy those who were located to him. It was decided to give the king of lawyers to build more thoughtful defense. Louis himself chose three, and in their number a desecious de Cesa. On December 26, that in a skillful speech denied many of the issues of accusations. After that, the debate continued until January 15, 1793. On this day, three questions were set before the deputies. For the first one: "Does Louis Kappets are guilty of a conspiracy against public freedom and in an encroachment on the security of the state?" - Convention almost unanimously replied affirmatively. Then a second question was proposed: "Should the sentence pronounced by the convention over the Louis drift?" Most deputies responded to him negatively. The sentencing was postponed for two days. January 17 in response to the question: "What a punishment should be subjected to Louis Kappets," 387 deputies voted for the death penalty, and 334 for a prison sentence. The execution was scheduled for January 21.

According to the testimony of Malisarba, Louis, having learned about the decision of his fate, remained calm and said: "Death is not afraid of me, I hope for the mercy of God." He wrote a testament, as well as posthumous letters to relatives and loved ones. Then he said goodbye to his wife and son, whose comfort said: "Calm down, friends. We better thank the providence, leading me by the end of the suffering. " The day before the death, he served the liturgy and joined the holy secrets. On the morning of January 21, Louis was taken to the place of execution. When he was erected on the scaffold, he turned to the crowd and said to a solid voice: "I am dying innocent in all the crimes, in which they are accused of, and I pray for God to forgive my enemies." However, his words did not make any impression on mobile. A minute later knife guillotine compartment to him. When it was shown the crowd, the square shuddered. From frantic screams: "Long live a nation! Long live the republic! "

All monarchs of the world. Western Europe. Konstantin Ryzhov. Moscow, 1999

Reproduction from the site http://monarchy.nm.ru/

King France
Louis XVI.
Years of Life: August 23, 1754 - January 21, 1793
Years of the Board: May 10, 1774 - September 21, 1792
Father: Dofin Louis
Mother: Mary Joseph Saxon
Wife: Maria Antoinette Austrian
Sons: Louis, Louis XVII
Daughter: Maria Teresa

Louis, who received the title of Duke de Berry at the birth, was the second son of Dofina Louis. From his parents, he received a good education and strict upbringing. True, he did not differ in special abilities nor strong health. After the death of the Father in 1765, Louis became the heir to the throne (his older brothers died even earlier), and after the death of his grandfather in 1774, King.

Louis was a sickly young man with an unfortunate facial expression. The main features of his character were timidity, shyness and secrecy. As far as he was restrained in communicating with members of the royal family, so liberated with his subordinates. He especially loved to talk with workers who worry in the yard or in the garden. The king often could be seen with the dragging logs and stones, he achieved great success in the blacksmith and plumbing craft. In addition, Louis loved the hunt and was fond of the drawing of geographical maps, but noisy entertainment and theatrical performances did not occupy him completely. His rest was forced by books and globes, geographical maps were hanging on the walls, including those drawn by Louis. In the library, it was possible to find not only all the books published during the years of his rule, but also many ancient manuscripts. In a separate room there was a favorite refuge of Louis - a plumbing workshop with a small blacksmith. There was only one servant to access there - the faithful Dure, who helped the king in cleaning the room and clean the tools. Louis has a phenomenal memory on names and numbers. Thinking it always was distinguished by a sequence and clarity: everything written by him was always correctly divided by articles.

Louis was indifferent to women. Perhaps it was in a small physical disadvantage that did not allow him to live sex life. Even married in 1774 at Maria-Antoinette, the king neglected with married duties, so the queen had to insist that Louis was made a simple operation that returned to him for men's abilities. After that, Louis is completely and completely fell under the influence of his wife. Unlike Mary, Maria Antoinette loved noisy entertainment, theaters and balls. On Louis, all this was bored, but the queen did not know the denial of money. Despite the distinguished economic situation of the country, the luxury of her yard was causing.

The main shortcomings of Louis were timidity and lack of energy in state affairs. The crisis in which France turned out to be the sovereign volitional and decisive. Louis aware of the plight of the people, but could not decide on the cardinal reforms. The main misfortune of the French state was upset finances. Despite the presence of good financiers, this problem could not be solved. The General Controller of Finance Turgo tried to introduce a hard regime of saving money, including at the courtyard, but thereby gave himself a lot of enemies, first of all, the queen accustomed to luxury. In the end, after increasing the price of bread in 1776, the Paris's Paris rose against him, and he was fired. The Geneva Banker, who took His Place, began to cover the budget deficit at the expense of loans, although the public debt was huge, and all taxes went to pay interest. But when he began to strive to reduce the cost of the courtyard, then under the press of the queen was dismissed. The successors of Necker took loans everything was more complicated and more difficult, until finally in 1786 this possibility did not dry at all. Standing at the head of Finance, Kalonn began to be a choice of bankrupt, or to carry out a cardinal tax reform and destroy the tax privileges of the two first classes (nobility and clergy). Without the support of the king, such a reform was impossible, but Louis did not decide to this and sent a congestion. In 1788, when the launition came to the extreme and the bankruptcy of the state was inevitable, Necker was again returned, but he was already powerless to do anything.

The king was forced to convene the convening of general states for the first time after 1614. According to the old laws, the elections to parliament should have been required. Representatives of the third estate, common people who were in a losing position compared to the nobility and clergy, demanded that the rights of a decisive voice. During the opening of the first meeting, on May 4, 1789, deputies from the third estate demonstratively handed over hats during the speech of the king, although they had no such right. The French revolution began with this little things.

The first meeting was to begin with checking the powers of the selected deputies. However, this resulted in a prosperity, which lasted for a whole month and ending with the fact that representatives of the third estate came out of the general states and on June 7 proclaimed themselves to the National Assembly. The very first of its decree was illegal with many of the subordinates and obligations charged in France without the approval of the people. Louis did not dare to dissolve the meeting and limited himself to the location of the hall in which meetings were held. However, the deputies gathered in the hall to play the ball and swore, which would not disperse until the Constitution establish. Soon it was announced that the king could not cancel the laws adopted by the Assembly. Then the law on personal integrity of deputies was adopted. In response, Louis began to pull into the versals of the troops.

Next, the events began to unfold with unprecedented speed. July 12, Necker was dismissed. Residents of Paris began to arm, many soldiers joined them. Swiss guardsmen who still retained the faithfulness of the king, retreated from the city, and Paris was in the hands of the rebels. On July 14, Bastilly was taken after the bloody combat. Louis was forced to recognize his defeat and ordered the troops to retreat from Versailles. On July 17, he appeared to the city hall and accepted a three-color cocardium there - a symbol of revolution. On the same days, the National Guard was created, and the Marquis lafayette was elected her chief. On the night of August 4, the National Assembly adopted a number of revolutionary decrees: all feudal benefits and privileges were destroyed, nobles and clergy had to pay taxes on a par with everyone. Military and administrative posts were announced available to any citizen. The king approved all these decrees only on September 21. In the following days, the "Declaration of Human Rights and Citizen" and the main provisions of the Constitution were adopted.

Meanwhile, the crisis intensified. The first signs of hunger appeared in the capital. October 5-6, the crowd of displeased moved to Versailles. To calm the people, the king and queen went to the balcony of the palace. The next day, at the request of the rebels, the king moved to Paris and settled in Tuileries. On February 4, 1790, Louis in the National Assembly solemnly approved the Constitution for which the king received the highest executive power. Legislative power was awarded to the Higher Legislative Assembly.

By this time, Louis has repeatedly thought about escape. The first attempt in October 1790 ended in failure. In June 1791, Brother King Louis, Graf Usanovsky, managed to get to the border, but the king himself was detained and returned to the capital. After that, his prestige fell as low. On September 14, Louis Kuratvo confirmed the already approved Constitution, and on October 1, the legislative assembly was started.

It seemed that after the establishment of the Constitution, the compromise was found in society, but many royalists who managed to run abroad, began to incite the government of the governments with France to war. Prince Konde shaped the army composed of emigrants, but the legislative assembly was ahead of the events. On April 20, 1792, Mr. Louis declared the war "King of the Czech Republic and Bohemia", the German II to German Emperor. The fighting began for revolutionaries. Here and there foci of treason flashed. In May-June, Louis led the veto to the revolutionary decrees of the link did not swear priests and on education under Paris a military camp of 20 thousand national guardsmen, but despite the ban of the king to Paris crowds the crowds of volunteers from all over the country, and the military camp was formed by himself. Duke Braunschweigsky, head of the German army, announced the national guardsmen with rioterschikov and promised to destroy the city if they tried to attack Tuileries. The Paris Commune began to prepare the overthrow of Louis, who was considered an accomplice of the intervention. The Legislative Assembly did not decide to violate the Constitution, and then the Communards began to operate at their own risk. On the night of August 10, Tuileries were surrounded. Louis with his family managed to run into the hall, where the legislative assembly met. To avoid bloodshed, the deputies went on the emergency transformation of the supreme authorities and temporarily detached the king from power. Louis with his family was placed in Tampl.

On September 20, the Legislative Assembly self-disgraced by giving way to the National Convention, who had unlimited powers as legislative and executive authorities on the basis of the law on August 10. On September 21, the Convert adopted the law "On the abolition of royal power in France." A commission was formed, which was supposed to learn the papers of Louis, found in Tuileries. Among them were found letters that called foreign powers to attack France. December 10-11, the Special Commission read the conviction against Louis. The lowlands was shown in the convention where he gave an answer to 33 questions concerning his behavior during the revolution. Louis held with dignity, denying all charges imposed on him. Nevertheless, January 15-17, 1793, the deputies of the convention recognized "Louis of a kapement" guilty "in a conspiracy against public freedom and in encroachment on the security of the state" and by a majority vote - 334 against 334 were sentenced to death.

Most about his fate, Louis took calmly. He wrote a testament, posthumous letters to his relatives and loved ones and said goodbye to his wife and son. On the morning of January 21, 1793, he was executed on guillotine.

Material from site http://monarchy.nm.ru/



Berkova K.N. The process of Louis XVI. M. 1923. (in Sokr. Option Published in Sat.: Crown and Eshaphids: Historical Essays. M. Polizdat. 1991)

Hartman P.K. Louis XVI. In the book: French kings and emperors. Rostov-on-Don. "Phoenix" (historical silhouettes). 1997.

Pimenova L.A. Louis XVI is the French king of the Education of Enlightenment. In the book: a man of the Epoch of Enlightenment. M. "Science". 1999.

Louis Auguste Duke Berrhi was in a French throne in a sense by chance: he was not 12, when two senior brothers and father, the hereditary prince, were died untimely Louis French. Grandfather of the future monarch Louis XV Beloved in the example of the Great Predecessor - the King-Sun preferred to keep the family of his successors away from the Versailles Court, from the most important cases, intrigues and secrets of French politics. It lived in a medion, located 11 km from Versailles and 9 km from Paris. Palaces, their decoration, parks - everything was perfect here, but as if noted by provincial inferiority and monarch of hostility.

Upbringing and learning Louisika Auguste and two of his younger brothers who later became Louis XVIII and Karl X, I wandered the duke librants, a man religious, old-fashioned and not very far. Enlightenment has already entered at the time of his heyday, and the boys insistently insisted strict rules of Christian faith and morality. These efforts did not disappear for Louis The XVI was an exemplary Catholic, a gentle husband and father, kind, although sometimes a sharp, even gross person.

Not once, the mentors told him about wastefulness, promiscuity, hypocrisy, treachery and idle of the Versailles. The young prince saw it himself, and therefore, having learned the lessons about the high purpose of the royal power, intended when he tries his hour, a lot to change. Not only the teachers, but the life itself appeared. By the end of his days Louis XV gained hatred and contempt of a considerable number of subjects. Even the quietest and obedient impatiently waited for the death of the old and top of the new king. Someone from knowing Lukovo and tremendously asked the heir: "Some are already offered to add to your having the word" desired ". And what kind of nickname would you prefer?" The answer was frightened by the court: " Louis Stern. "Versailles covered panic. Rumors crawled, and France froze in anticipation of the gloomy, cruel and unpredictable rule. Louis The XVI said a lot of loud phrases and terrible speeches for his life, but did not become a powerful state truck, words and even the hints of which would have gained the force of an unshakable law. Supporters failed to overcome nor natural lethargy, nor the timidity of character. He was unnecessarily compliant, depressingly inconsistently, easily and somehow indifferently rejected his own solutions, as if in advance knowing that any of them had no significant meaning.

Although, perhaps, France, who has changed its public appearance, exhausted from insoluble contradictions, and then entered the path of violence and civil war, and needed such - praying, addative, but helpless ruler. When the logic of the revolutionary struggle required the elimination of the monarchy, Louisika XVI was sent to the scaffold without much difficulty.

It was believed that he was well educated. Latin owned, had extensive knowledge in geography, because he himself composed instructions for the Laperose expedition, was fond of history and even translated into French book about the life of the ancient Romans and the English king Richard II. There was not alien to literary creativity and in his youth he wrote "reflections on conversations with the duke lobby". The extensive correspondence is preserved and published. However, the Diary discovered and in 1873 Louisika XVI caused bewilderment and a sense of awkwardness. France experienced almost the most tragic period of its history, and in the diary only dry, incredibly primitive entries on the hunt and pastime between trapes, receptions, festivities, etc. The king noted how many noble parts bowed on the occasion of the death of mother-in-law, how many swallows (more than two hundred) he shot between breakfast and lunch. Once, summing up the day, the fate of France draws: "Nothing hunted." In addition to hunt, he was seriously occupied, perhaps, only a locksmith craft. He did castles. Each of them, worrying, brought to the court of his strict teacher and was very proud when he managed to earn his stupid praise. The king loved also to pray, confessing and reading the psalms.

Maria Antoinetta

They married him in 16 years on Charming Maria Antoinette, the wayward and smart daughter Mary Teresia and Franz I Austrian. Wedding celebrations were overshadowed by two terrible incidents, which in France, and abandoned the superstitious premonitions beyond that the bridal is waiting for the trouble. During the wedding in Versailles, the courtesy, whining to the altar, shot down from the legs and was crushed to death (according to some information, hundred) Swiss guardsmen. And fireworks on the square Louisika XV, who became the venue of the execution, after 23 years, ended with a terrible pressure - the distraught Parisians overthrow the crews, trampled each other. According to one data, 333 people died on this folk "walking", and in others more than a thousand.

The French immediately nice young Austria, believing that the future king would fall under her heel, and this would adversely affect the affairs of the state. Soon it turned out that Maria Antoinette Caprival and the stubborn, that it is unacceptable spending a lot on the outfits and jewels, for countless entertainment and feasts, that she patronizes the conservatives and the most tary defenders of class privileges. In addition, she had no children for so long. Only in 1778, eight years after the wedding, she gave birth to a daughter, in 1781 - the first, and in 1785 - the second son. In short, France had to wait for the legitimate heir to the throne.

Tennous May 1774 Louis Auguste and Maria Antoinette became Vladyki France. He was 20 years old, she was less than a year. "We started to rule too young," said Louis XVI with his venance spouse. However, not only youth prevented him to look like a "real king." Of course, in the appearance of it easily, family features were guessed. Attracted beautiful blue eyes, purely roman nose, friendly smile. However, there were neither the greatness and grace of ancestors nor the inherent bourbones significantly, which they remained even in old age. In addition, the new monarch was a little growth, rather trust, Ho-Dil, shake from side to the side, as if it would be afraid of something, took a lot of ridiculous postures. He stood, swaying and crossing his legs on his leg, and when he talked, could not hide what he was. Only a few were believed that kindness and nobility, contempt for unrighteous venels and dreary thoughts of life were hidden behind the unrighteous appearance and clumsy manners.

However, the peresis about the king most often led those who had the opportunity to watch it closely: courtesy, hunters, lackeys, as well as visitors to Paris salons. As for the majority of the French, they naively and touching their monarch, connecting the brightest hopes with him and his heirs. Employees Louisika The XVI was significantly designed only during the revolution years, especially in 1791 after his failed flight from Paris.

For 15 years of pre-revolutionary rule Louis XVI did not spend a single reform that contributed to the renewal, soothery and the prosperity of his homeland. Not that he did not want it, but for the implementation of his conceived, he lacked either state wisdom, nor a political grip, nor the Hard courage, nor the rarest talent to subordinate people to their will. Floating by the flow, intending to be a good king for all French, he ruled so that he forced them to confront each other even more.

Wanting to emphasize their difference from the predecessor and show that new times came, Louis XVI After a few months after the eight of the throne, he canceled the famous MOPU reform, restored the French parliaments, including Paris, that is, the court chambers that were registered laws, customs and the estate privileges of France of the old order. The Paris Parliament returned the most important right to solve the issue of legality, registration and thereby entry into force of any Royal Decree.

Recreasing such a powerful barrier to innovations and its own will, the monarch easily agreed on reforms and so easily revealed with their abolition; He participated in the ministers of advanced people of his time, outstanding economists and financiers, and then unceremoniously removed them from affairs. So it was with the Türgo, who tried to abolish the progress of the development of industrial production, intended to promote entrepreneurship, introduce freedom of trading bread, limit the exorbitant wasting of the courtyard. So it was with a noncker and a column who sought to strengthen the financial position of the kingdom, to reduce the costs of the maintenance of officials, streamline taxation, and besides, were encroached on class privileges. True, as Louisik XVI France helped the North American colonies of England to become an independent state is the indisputable achievement of his board. Successfully successfully passed the reorganization of the army. But in general, the situation was truly absurd. The reforms are willingly and passionately argued; The top of the supporters were obsessed, then the opponents of transformations; Royal decrees were proclaimed, they canceled large innovations. And while everything remained still; Rather, not so - things went worse and worse. In France, tensions and bite grew, willingness to end with all the difficulties quickly and decisively, once and for all.

By 1787 it became clear that the existing state institutions were not able to withdraw the country from the prolonged crisis. The king gathers notables - representatives of the highest clergy, the courtestiny and mayor of cities - to introduce new taxes, which would have partially suffered even privileged estates. This attempt failed. In the same year, for the same goals, the king agrees to convene general states. Their meeting was opened on May 5, 1789 in Versailles. Louis XVI said puzzled and ridiculous speech, condemning the "unlimited desire for innovations." On June 17, the general states, contrary to the monarch, declared themselves to the National Assembly; On July 9, it became the constituent, thereby proclaiming its right to adopt the Constitution.

Supreme authorities, losing control over the situation, began to pull troops to overclock the meeting. France is accelerated and inexorable, as if she was doomed, entered the path of revolutionary, violent means to solve contradictory public problems. And without the difficult position of the country even more complicated due to the wicker, lack and high cost of food in 1788. And in Tom hit 1789: the seizure of Bastille Paris Paris; "Municipal revolutions" in the provinces; Brutal, bloody, illuminated peasant uprisings in the story entitled "Great Fear"; In the course of a multi-thousand crowd, mainly women, and the detachment of the National Guard in Versailles on October 5-6, as a result of which the Constituent Assembly, the royal family and the government moved to Paris.

It happened so. Having reached Versailles, the crowd went to the meeting room of the Constituent Assembly, demanded bread and, having received encouraging promises, moved to the royal palace. After long oscillations and persuasion Louis The XVI accepted the delegation of the Buntovshchikov. During the audience, he spoke about his frequent concerns for the benefit of France and was obliged to approve the decrees of the Constituent Assembly of August 4, canceled noble privileges.

Meanwhile, the night came. It seemed that the peak of the confrontation was passed. However, early in the morning the situation sharply aggravated. The rumor dissected persistently that the carriers were captured on which the royal family was going to flee to Normandia. In all vinyli Queen. An angry crowd, insulting and schurunted by Maria Antoinette, stormed the palace fence, killed several guardsmen of security, waters their heads to peaks and penetrated the apartments of French monarchs in deficiently yesterday. Through the secret course of the queen hurried to the spouse room. And a little later, the crowned couple was forced to appear on the balcony in front of an angry crowd demanding: "In Paris! In Paris!" Consent, actually not required. The king submissively fulfilled the order. They brought him with his wife and children to the capital about seven o'clock in the evening, launching the hotel in the hotel De Ville, where he had to listen to the solemn and instructive speech of the mayor of the city and only at night - to the devastated and gloomy Louvre. With moving to Paris, the constituent assembly strengthened his power, the threat of his overclocking almost disappeared, and the king is no longer able to change something together with his family turned into hostage revolutionaries.

Head Louisika XVI executed January 21
1793 at 10 o'clock 20 minutes in the morning. Engraving

Before the death on Eshafote, he had a chance to survive even a lot of tests and humiliations. In Paris, the king was constantly afraid of his loved ones. True, on July 14, 1790, during the festival of the federation, he said an oath to the loyalty to the people and the law, having caused the noisy approval of all those present and proving that its popularity is still large enough. However, this success was ghostly. The monarch tried to somehow influence the rapid changes, something to prevent something, but every time he was convinced of the three of his attempts. He dreamed of restoring in France, and even with the help of troops, including foreign, - many former orders, strengthen their power, stop abuse of rights and dignity of clergy. On the night of June 21, 1791, an incited queen, he, together with his family runs from Paris to Metz, where he was the army of General Bualle, faithful to Bourbon. But here it was waiting for him - in the town of Varenn disguised the king recognized the postal official. Under the convoy of the National Guard, the fugitives were returned through hostile crowds into the capital. The Legislative Assembly, which became the successor of the constituent, temporarily removed the king from the authorities, but soon restored on the throne, retaining only the title and the right of the assignment veto.

The beginning of France's wars with the countries of monarchist Europe, the intensification of opponents of revolutionary changes in the country, attempts to coordinate the actions of the external and internal counter-revolution, the Manifesto of the Duke of Braunschweigsky, who threatened the French to the full destruction of Paris and the executions of the Buntovshchikov, in the case of EU-Whether the "the slightest damage" of the August family will be inflicted - All this turned out to be fatal for Louisika XVI.

On the night of August 10, 1792, Paris did not sleep. The bells called the bells, dried dryly shots, the cannons were terrible. Peaceful people have been hidden. Crowds of armed revolutionaries stormed Louvre. The uprising was possible. Palace covers filled the fooling winners. The royal family was taken into custody. On August 10, by the decision of the rebels and the Legislative Assembly, the king was deprived of the throne and, together with his family, was concluded first to the Luxembourg Palace, and then, from August 13, 1793, in one of the Tampl towers.

An unusual arrestant was distinguished by a room on the third floor with an entrance hall, a dining room, a bedroom and a room for servant. His loved ones placed on the fourth.

The retired sovereign gave the seven-year-old son of geography and latin lessons, played with wishing to chess, walked around the monastery yard. With his meetings with Maria Antoinette, two Guardian officers were always present. Dinned all family in the dining room on the third floor.

Twenty-first of September Louisika XVI expected another blow. The newly elected Legislative Assembly - Convention - adopted a decree on liquidation in France monarchy. Until then, even with power, even in prison, he was still king and, it was necessary to think, did not lose the last hopes for change for the better. But after September 21, only life remained, a family and bitter meditation about the future. But it lasted not long.

Already on November 20, a secret safe was discovered in the Louvre, in which the documents testified to the secret links of the king with the enemies of France, in particular, with the states of the hostile countries. It is clear that in the republic, which solved the fate of the former monarch and his family, these ties were declared criminal.

The process began on December 11 in the Convention. The defendant held with great dignity. I did not agree with any of the charges presented to him. His brilliantly defended Mulzerr, a prominent statesman of the pre-revolutionary pore, a champion of justice and the law, a supporter of freedom of speech and press, a friend and patron of many famous enlighteners. All in vain. With a recent voting, the recent sovereign was found guilty and sentenced to death. 387 deputies voted for execution, 334 - against. On January 18, 1793, I also named 380 votes "for" and 310 - "against" the sentence was confirmed by the same trial.

Execution of LouisXVI

(From the unfair book "Occultism of the Great French Revolution")

220 years ago, January 21, 1793, was KazNen Louis XVI (1754-1793), sixty-sixth in the account of the King of France. The Board continued 6666 days.

It was, if not brilliant, then a fairly attractive monarch: an educated, moderate in his requests, not inclined, as his predecessors, to constant entertainment, striving for the benefits of the kingdom and alleviating the lives of their people. But, nevertheless, after the revolution, punishing justice (Lee justice?) France collapsed on him and his family. The king and his wife Maria Antoinette himself was executed, the heir to the throne of Charles Louis died in unclear circumstances, the sister of Louis, Elizabeth, and several princes and princesses.

I get acquainted with many strange events preceding the fall of the French monarchy, they involuntarily come to the idea that the finance disorder and the personal indecision of Louis XVI, despite all the assurances of historians, were not the main reasons that led to the revolution. The true cause of the destruction of the monarchy lies in the other - in the wide distribution of Freemasonry. Masons, decades, masking their activities with educational purposes, calling for the Universal fraternity and freedom from religious skills, stubbornly loosened the spiritual foundations of the Kingdom, seeking to the violent change in the Company on the basis of some occult began.

That it was started, and what was in pure form this occult teaching (or religion) - it remains only to guess, since it was not possible to fully implement their beginnings to French masons at that time. Too quickly, they were revealed by the rapid events of their century. But their appearance, even on a short moment, marked the beginning of a new era in the history of not only France, but also of humanity - the era of the occult. Masonic morning flared up over the world. And the beginning of it, despite the slogan of his leaders - "Freedom, equality, fraternity!" - rushed with me suffering and tyranny whole nations. And the most characteristic feature of the construction of a new Masonic world order is freedom, equality and fraternity necessarily sprinkled by the flows of human blood.

Louis, who received at the birth of the title of Duke de Berry, was the second son of Dofina Louis (her older brother died in 1761). Father and mother were very demanding about the upbringing of their children. Louis was engaged in Latin, history, mathematics for seven hours a day. Twice a week, his success pickily checked his father. Strict upbringing given dofene, did not like his grandfather Louis XV, and many others seemed excessive. Moreover, Louis did not differ at all, neither strong health nor special abilities. He grew by a sickly, painful teenager with big blue eyes and uneven teeth, an incredulous, timid and unhappy expression of a person who turned a walk and a high beacon.

In 1765, after the death of his father, he became the heir to the throne, and nine years later - the king. By this time, three distinctive features of his character were clear: shyness, secrecy and charity. As far as he was restrained with the king, his grandfather, and the most of the royal house, as he was sociable with subordinates. He was especially pleased when meeting with workers in the courtyard of the palace or in the garden. His questionings about lime, about carpentry work, there was no end of the bridge. If it happened, he willingly helped move the logs or drag stones. DOFIN's special success has achieved in blacksmith and clearance arts. He also had a strong passion for hunting. The game, noisy pleasures and theatrical performances were little occupied by him. His favorite classes were the drawing of geographical maps and the acculation of various products from iron.

The atmosphere of his chambers talked a lot about the nature of the king. In the foster hall, the drawings of the channels, breakthroughs on his order were raised, there was a model of the Burgundy channel and the description of the work in the port of Sherburg. A collection of geographical maps and globes was kept in the next room. There were also cards, very skillfully made by the king himself or just started by him. Nearby was a carpentry hall, in which, in addition to the lathe, there were many different tools (they were inherited from Louis XV). In the library, which was placed above, there were all books published in his reign. The latter library was then stored, where the publications and manuscripts belonged to the former kings from the times of Francis I. In two separate adjacent cabinets there were many other interesting books collected by him. By the way, a large number of English essays were placed here, which Louis had always read (including reports on parliamentary meetings). Separate cabinets were kept papers related to each of the European ruling houses: Habsburg, Hannover, Romanov and others. The king's favorite refuge was placed on the library. That was a workshop with a blacksmith and two anvils, many locks and different iron tools. Even above was the Belvedere with a special lead floor, where the king, sitting in the chair, with the help of an excellent visual tube watched all what was happening in Versailles, as well as along the road going to Paris, and in Paris itself, as far as possible. Dure was almost the only minister who fulfilled all the personal orders of the king. He helped Louis in cleaning the joinery room, sharpened and cleaned the tools, soap anvil and walked geographical maps.

Although Louis was born with rather weak health, but the work and movement, which he constantly indulged, developed enough power in it. The king's memory was wonderful. He kept in his head countless names and locality names. The numbers and their values \u200b\u200bwere imprinted in its memory with amazing clarity. Once in the report proposed by him was placed an item already paid in the previous year. "It is written for the second time," said Louis, "bring me last year's report, I will prove you." The report was presented, and the king found the desired king without difficulty. Justice and honesty constituted the essential advantages of Louis. He became strict to rudeness, if he dealt with someone suspected of deception. Then he was angry, shouted, he shouted his feet and demanded obedience. Thinking it always was distinguished by a sequence and clarity: everything written by him was always correctly divided by articles.

The king missed the theater immensely, did not love balls, went to bed at eleven evenings and got up at six in the morning. His day was mainly filled with prayer and work. Drinking in the morning lemon juice and eating a dry loaf, he made a short walk. At eight in the morning there was a public climb. Then Louis went to the office and worked with his ministers. In the hour of the day he listened to Mass and walked to dine. As a rule, dishes were the simplest. Saw king ordinary water.

Resting a little, Louis again returned to the affairs and worked up to seven in the evening. Then before nine, a meeting of the State Council was held. Hairing, Louis about eleven went to bed.

Maria Antoinette with children

Contemporaries were very strictly judged by Louis. His bourgeois virtues seemed funny and worthless many, especially since he did not have the character traits necessary for the king. The main shortcomings of him were weak will, timidity, indecision, eternal fluctuations and lack of energy. The epoch required the sovereign completely with other qualities. Louis has accepted power in difficult time: the treasury was empty, the kingdom is aggravated by a debt of four billion livres, the people are attached by duties and lived in a terrible poverty. Louis worked very well that the poverty of the people was the most important misfortune of his time. He had a good heart and sincere desire to stop the plight of subjects, but he had no skills or taking pressure in order to elect to it, loyal paths. The main trouble of France, with which the government was unsuccessful during the entire reign of Louis, was a strong disorder of finance. Although the king had at his disposal of good financiers (perhaps the best of those who were in France throughout the XVIII century), it was not possible to correct this misfortune.

(From the book: Konstantin Ryzhov. All monarchs of the world. Western Europe. Moscow, 1999).

What gives reason to assume that the execution of King Louis was ritual?

Let us dwell on the events preceding this execution.

The events that followed soon for the victory of the revolution of 1792 are overflowing with bloody dramas. On August 17, an emergency tribunal was created to combat counter-revolution. By decision of this punitive organ, the arrests of royalists were produced, i.e. Supporters of the monarchy, as a rule, representatives of the nobility and aristocracy. On the night of September 2, their executions began - more precisely, the brutal slaughter, which continued until the 5th. Several thousand people, almost the whole color of the French nobility, were executed over these three days.

September killings in Paris

It was cruel and meaningless destruction that does not have serious political motives for their conduct. From the day of the storming of Bastille and the restrictions on the royal power, for more than three years, during which the royalists did not make a single step in defense of the monarchist regime. Even the noble society during this time fully agreed with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unnecessaryness of royal power. Therefore, the revolution on August 10 is unlikely to cause a powerful counter-revolutionary movement among the highest estate of the kingdom. As the further events showed, the decisive defenders of absolutism in France were not so much.

Therefore, events of September 2-5 should be considered in a different light. I am sure that it was nothing but a bloody sacrifice to some Masonic cumin, the names of which remained unknown.

It is difficult to believe in it, since the human mind refuses to perceive the well-thought-out cold inconsistency of such actions. It is psychologically easier for us to explain the crimes by an explosion of mass indignation that has accumulated the hatred of the people, etc. Therefore, historians, describing this massacre above the prisoners, began for some reason at night, the explanation and excuse for her to keep their passions in the inability of the crowd. But after all, someone raised this crowd and led her at night to prisons, opened the prison gate and the door of the cameras, pointed to the crowd on her genuine (or imaginary!) Enemies ...

You can only see all the disadvantaged passions of crowds, obeying the sentiments of candid risers and sadists. But it is noteworthy that all the killers and the executioners who participated in the September slaughter were hired in advance and received the established fee for their atrocities! In 1795, after the destruction of the Jacobin dictatorship, a consequence of September events was conducted, which established the facts of hiring such rashes. In particular, it was found that in the murder of the princess de lambal, the favorite of Queen Maria-Antoinette, as dead these days, took part 13 pre-hired people. It is very curious that the princess de lambal consisted in a Masonic bed. *

*Maria Teresa-Louise Duchess Savoy, Princess de Lambal (1749-1792), a descendant of the French kings, one of the most notable and rich women of France, was elected in 1781 a great master of one of the Masonic lodges. Subsequently, she consisted of an Ober-Gofmeister at the courtyard of Mary Antoinette and was her close friend. After revolutionary performances in Paris in 1789, she went to London, but moving sincere attachment to Mary Antoinette and compassion for her fate, returned to support the Queen in a difficult minute of life. After the coup on August 10, she was arrested, sent to Tampl along with the royal family, but on August 20, it was transferred to La Fors prison, where a large number of prostitutes, thiefs and several French aristocrats were already kept. Two weeks, on September 3, their executions began.

Killing Princess de lambal

They killed her most brutally and the body was dismembered into several parts. At the same time, many aristocrats were killed with her, but their bodies were not subjected to such a mockery.

It can be concluded that the killing of the princess was prepared in advance and was most likely a ritual character. She was killed by the fact that she belonged to the royal surname. Another reason was that she, as a great master, could expose Masonian secrets. She was not shot, they were not guilty, did not give out the crowd, which could spare her, but gave up in advance paid executioners, who betrayed her death in compliance with some terrible ritual. And the latter was especially important to her judges. This is evidenced by the next episode.

After the assassination of the princess, the drummer Ervelen delivered a wallet to the legislative assembly of the wallet killed, found by him in the scraps of her dress. He was sent to the Supervisory Committee of Public Security, where he passed his find. It was also interrogated here, and asked the following very strange questions:

"Who kept the head or any other parts of the body of the princess at the end of the peak?

Was the head of the aforementioned woman on the shell of the zucchini, where did they drink?

Was it was frozen the heart of the former princess lambal at the request of people and even himself in a hanging stove in this institution and did he not eat this heart?

Did he wear the genitals of the lambal on the edge of his sabers?

Does he participated in the procession that went through the streets with his head and other parts of the body killed? "

According to the nature of these issues, it can be understood that the person who interrogated Ervelen was interested in the ritual of the killing of the princess and observing a certain order of mockery over her body. Apparently, every detail of the murder was a consequence in advance with the amateur mercenaries, and now the Commissioner confirmed them through witnesses.

The crowd demands that Maria-Antoinette kisses the head of de lambal

The words about the heart of the princess, which should have been eaten were especially scary. It is difficult to believe in such anracy, but in the history of the Great French Revolution we find similar examples. Robespierre was visiting a certain Jean-Jacques Arthur, a member of the commune, glorified by the fact that he ordered to roast and ate the heart of one Swiss, defender of the Tuileries Palace, executed on August 10, 1792. Perhaps it was part of some terrible ritual of the secret Satanian cults introduced by the revolution.

After these mass kills of aristocrats, it was the turn and the king.

On September 20, the Legislative Assembly self-disgraced by giving way to the National Convention, who had unlimited powers as legislative and executive authorities on the basis of the law on August 10. At the second meeting, on September 21, the Convert adopted the law "On the abolition of royal power in France". A special commission was entrusted to consider the papers of the king found in Tuileries, and his correspondence with his brother, the column of olive, who were in the royalist army. On November 6, the Commission reported that he found enough evidence to blame the king in treason and betrayed him (indeed, there were letters, from which it was that Louis called for foreign armies to attack France).

On November 7, the question of the court was resolved in the affirmative. On December 3, the Convert formed a special commission from 21 people to prepare a prosecutor's report. It was presented on December 10, an indictment - the 11th. Louis, cited in Convention, was supposed to answer 33 questions regarding his behavior during, the main events of the revolution. He calmly denied all the accusations.

The debate of the guilt of the king continued until January 15, 1793. On this day, three issues were put before the deputies. For the first one: "Does Louis Kappets are guilty of a conspiracy against public freedom and in an encroachment on the security of the state?" - Convention almost unanimously replied affirmatively. Then a second question was proposed: "Should the sentence pronounced by the convention over the Louis drift?" Most deputies responded to him negatively. The sentencing was postponed for two days. January 17 in response to the question: "What a punishment should be subjected to Louis Kappets," 387 deputies voted for the death penalty, and 334 for a prison sentence.

The question of how many deputies voted for the death penalty of the king, rather dark. There are serious evidence that at first votes this decision has not passed. Some forces who wanted the death of the king were also used bribers, and travelers, and, even, the secret killings of some deputies. Ultimately, the death penalty with a minor vote was approved. Some contemporaries of those events left evidence that the decision was made with a transcendence in just one voice!

According to the testimony of Malisarba, Louis, learning about the decision of the convention, remained calm and said: "Death is not afraid of me, I hope for the mercy of God."

He wrote a testament, as well as posthumous letters to relatives and loved ones. Then he said goodbye to his wife and son, whose comfort said: "Calm down, friends. We better thank the providence, leading me by the end of the suffering. "

The day before the death, he served the liturgy and joined the holy secrets.

On the morning of January 21, Louis was taken to the place of execution. When he was erected on the scaffold, he turned to the crowd and said to a solid voice: "I am dying innocent in all the crimes, in which they are accused of, and I pray for God to forgive my enemies." However, his words did not make any impression on mobile. A minute later knife guillotine compartment to him. When it was shown to the crowd, the square shuddered from furious cries: "Long live a nation! Long live the republic! ".

The king takes the communion before execution

The crowd shows the head of the executed king Louis

The ritual nature of the King's execution indicates one episode, which is usually never mentioned by historians. When the head of the monarch under the knife of the guillotine fell into the basket with sawdust, some man in black jumped on the platform, rummed hands with royal blood and cried out in the crowd: "Jacques de Mole! You are dismissed! "

Here it is necessary to clarify that the distant ancestor of Louis XVI, Philip is beautiful, destroyed the order of the Templars in France. After several years of conclusion, on March 18, 1314 were executed and the highest ranks of the Order along with the Great Magistrian Jacques de Mole. The king commanded them to burn. Subsequently, many mystically colored legends associated with the activities and secrets of this order appeared.

Masons of the new time, who fond of such a mysticism, willingly turned on the order of the Templars and Jacques de Mole in their initiations. It is characteristic that in the adepts of this dedication deliberately brought up unlucky hatred of thrones and altars. Apparently, even the centuries did not soften in the hearts of the new Templars thirst for revenge, inherited by them from their predecessors. It is noteworthy that the words of Masons of the Templary Dedication become the main slogan of revolutionary France - "death of thrones and altars".

Jacques de Mole.

You can, of course, assume that on the scaffold, where the king's execution has just happened, not a high-ranking Mason, who has just occurred specifically for this occasion, but only an excessive exalted fan of mystical teachings. And he said spontaneously words about the accomplished revenge, who do not at all reflect either mood, nor the official position of the Masonic Life ...

And in fact, what is the connection between these executions? ..

If the Masons would like to emphasize the ritual nature of the king's murder, they could guillotine him, suppose, on October 13 (on this day, in 1307, the arrests of the Templar began), or on March 18, on the day of burning Jacques de Mole.

This execution would look more expressive, take her masons for the next 1794, then she would have accomplished in the year of the 480th anniversary of the death of the Grand Master.

In the same 1794, another remarkable anniversary of the 666th anniversary of the approval of the Order of the Templars was also comked (approved on January 14, 1128 on the Cathedral in the city of True). It would seem that the French masons were fans of dark cults, they should have executed the king in January 1794. And thereby demonstrate its commitment to Satanism. But he was executed in January 1793. Thus, the accusation of Satanism, it seems, disappears. The accusation of the ritual nature of the King execution becomes insolvent.

And here it is worthwhile asking: And how much is the chronological dates in the history of the Order of the Templars?

European chronology is a very confusable thing and dark. And it's not even that in medieval Europe, you could not make a time bill. The fact is that the beginning of the year in European calendars has changed several times. For one summer, the year began on September 1, on the other March 1 (or March 25), and December 1st. The initial point of the era reference changed. The beginning of the summer led, imitating Romans, from the founding of Rome (753 BC), from the beginning of the Board of August (43 BC), etc. Then they began to consider from the "Creation of the World" But this account did not make an orderly in chronology. In Europe, there were about 200 billing options from the beginning of this era!

Although the account of the years "from the Nativity of Christ" was developed in the VI century of our era, but they began to use widely later later. In the VIII century, the first documents with the date of the "Nativity of Christ" began to meet. Secular calendars in the XII -XIII V.V. Already widely used this new dating, but not everywhere. Only since Pope Eugene IV (1431), this era began to be regularly used in the documents of the Papal Office. At about the same time, the latter in Western Europe has passed against the years from the "Nativity of Christ" Portugal.

Now imagine the situation with the chronicles of medieval Europe. Suppose on January 1st, they started a countdown of the new 1100 year. After a while, a papal edict follows the prescribing beginning of the year to count from March 25. The question immediately arises: what year comes on March 25? 1100 or 1101?

The next papal edict prescribes the beginning of the year to count from the 1st day of September. And here the situation is confused finally. It seems that, from September 1, the new 1101 should be considered. But then the previous 1100 year is reduced to 8 months. If we assume that on September 1, it comes to 1100, the previous year increases to 20 months.

This situation is traced in Russian chronology. The March account of the years was replaced by the September, which resulted in the confusion in the dates. Now most historians have no doubt that the Kulikov battle occurred not in 1380, as we were taught at school, and in 1379. You can, of course, correct this date, but this unit correction will only aggravate the problem. Does this mean that we must correct all the dates of Russian history, starting with the "Tale of Bygone Years"?

The great converter of Russia, Peter I, was introduced to the domestic chronological confusion, and the great converter of Russia, Peter I. It was submitted on January 1, 7208 "from the creation of the world" 1 January 1700 "from the Nativity of Christ." Since in Russia at that time was in the course of the calendar era, started on September 1, then 7208 was the shortest - only four months (September-December).

We will add here two more March time bills that were used by Russian chronic people, and as a result we will get such a confusing situation with a bill of time to cope with which historical science cannot still. And so far, scientists constantly stumble and makes a lot of mistakes when transferring Russian chronicle dates to European Souluscripts.

Some orderliness in the European chronology introduced Joseph Scaliger (1540-1609), Italian, who lived in France. He proposed to conduct an account of the time from noon on January 1, 4713 to Px., And called this expense Julian. The Julian period of Scaliger is 7980 years.

J.J. Scaliger, father of scientific chronology.

Modern historical dating of world history events is based on scaliger chronology. But does it mean that she is impeccable? Already at the life of Scaliger, many pamphlets came out with criticism and mockery addressed to his system. This criticism does not fade in our time. Here is just one quote:

Therefore, it is quite appropriate to assume that the official dating of events related to the history of the Order of Tamlira is not quite true. And they could fix it in the 18th century, French scientists, such as famous matheiatric and astronomer Laplace. It is his revolutionary (read, Masonic) Government of France attracted to work on a new calendar, and then to work on the calculation of the length of the meter. And Laplace, together with other members of the Commission, calculated this meter. And he received a frankly satanic standard of length. The French academicians managed to combine the newest scientific achievements of their century in the meter with frank satanism. But this is somewhat later ...

Pierre Simon Laplace

Therefore, with a fair fraction of confidence, it can be assumed that the cathedral in True took place not in 1128, and in1127. Consequently, in January 1793, it turned 666 years since the official approval of the Order of the Templars. It is on this day (taking into account the amendments to the Gregorian calendar) and the King of Louis XVI was executed.

The strange coincidences in the life of the executed monarch also appear. It has already been mentioned that he was at the expense of the sixty-sixth king of France and his board lasted 6666 days, if you count from the day of the death of King Louis XV (May 10, 1774) until the day of the revolution, August 10, 1792. It was on that day he was Painted from the throne.

Perhaps this is an accident that is not worth paying special attention. But the next coincidence is difficult to attribute to random.

In astronomy there is such a concept as precession, i.e. Displacement of the point of spring equinox relative to stars. This value is measured in seconds of time, and in degrees. The precession shift point of the spring equinox between the two events (the execution of Jacques de Mole and the execution of King Louis XVI) January 21, 1793 reached a value of 6.66 °.

Precession is a very interesting and very complex phenomenon that you can like the clock of the universe. Millennies silently slides the point of spring equinox in heavenly equator, counting seconds, minutes and hours of eternity. In essence, this is an extremely chronometer that the unknown Creator of Cosmos presented to us.

The only drawback of these hours is that the size of the precession shift in astronomy is finally determined so far. It depends on those support stars from which the countdown is conducted. In our part of the visible universe, all stars are continuously moving, which affects the results of determining the precession shift.

During the French revolution, Laplas began to study the precession. It was necessary for him not only for scientific, but also for applied purposes - to calculate the new revolutionary summer. It is possible that Laplace and determined the moment when a precession shift (counting from the execution of Jacques de Mole) will reach a value of 6.66 °.

It is on this day, Louis XVI and was executed. More precisely, the unknown gods of dark Masonic cults sacrificed.

In the future, we will also face other similar cases in the history of the Great French Revolution, in which remarkable astronomical phenomena were marked by human victims. All this makes it suspect that French Masons created a secret cult in which the most bizarrely combined the latest achievements of science with dark occult. Such a phenomenon can be called Scientific Okkultism. Or scientific satanism.

Vladimir Kukovenko