Bermuda: geography, population, economy. Bermuda

Bermuda: geography, population, economy. Bermuda
Bermuda: geography, population, economy. Bermuda


Bermuda - as much in this word for the Russian tourist! Many dream of traveling to Bermuda, and some even with great pleasure are resting there. So what is the difference between these islands from others and why the rest here is remembered forever?!

Bermuda islands include more than 150 reefs and islands and are located at a good intersection of sea routes, and very close in nine hundred kilometers from North America. Historically, Bermuda belongs to the so-called overseas territories of Britain, this explains the fact that the first inhabitants were the British back in 1609, although the Islands of the Spaniard opened. The confused story, by the way, the secrets and incredible stories are enough here: the sadly famous Bermuda triangle. A few ways of airlines will pass over the Bermuda Islands and inexplicable catastrophes in the air and on marine expanses often occur. But tourists do not swim in these places, there are enough paradise places for 150 islands.

Weather on Bermuda pleases with its stability and large number of sunny days intended for travelers at any time of the year. The average year-round temperature is + 24c and differs in the winter months greater humidity, and in summer - light winds from the sea. The soft subtropical climate allows tourists all year round to relax actively, engaged in sports, tennis, golf at open natural sites.
The most beautiful sunsets and dawns can be observed from the coastal lines of the Bermuda islands for the reason that all the islands occupy small areas and the heavenly luminaire can be observed from all sides.

The population of all islands is almost 70 thousand people, and guests of guests are ten times more and therefore, almost the entire economy is associated with tourism business, but also the agricultural industry and industry and shipbuilding industry. Of course, local residents catch fish, dilute livestock, grow flowers and fruits for exporting to other countries. Bermuda attracts not only wanting to warm up on the local sunshine, but also businessmen due to lack of taxes when performing operations by foreign companies.

On the islands, beautiful sandy beaches and many small cozy bays, subtropical nature pleases with bright shrubs, exotic trees and unusual colors. It should be noted that rivers, lakes and other reservoirs on the islands are practically no. Pink sand and turquoise sea is the main thing that remains in the heart of tourists.
Of course, in the Bermuda islands there is something to see, than admiring and thanks to what to learn more about the country and people who have created paradise on Earth.

Bermuda is famous for their national parks and gardens, endless paths for pedestrian and cycling, unusual museums and art galleries, national holidays and carnivals. Stunning excursions for meeting with dolphins are waiting for tourists at any time of the year and will give a charge of cheerfulness and good mood. Local craftsmen create works of applied art and in every city there is a market where artisans sell their crafts in the form of souvenirs and utilitarian things.

Cathedrals, churches, city buildings are stringent and southern beauty, old buildings remind of glorious historical events, which are full of Bermud's history. Many fortresses were built in past centuries and still persist in excellent condition and are the pride of the islanders.

Those tourists who come to Bermuda in March-April will definitely be lucky enough to see whales migrating along the southern shores.

Climate Bermud subtropical: soft sea moderate and warm, thanks to the passing golfranch. The average summer temperature is 26 ° C, winter is about 17 ° C. The rainy season is not observed, there are few precipitation. In the summer, strong hurricane winds are possible. Based on the fact that the islands of coral origin, the endemic fauna is not there and has never been. And in general, the animal world is very monotonous. Moreover, only one animal was found before the development of the islands, the Bermuda Rock Lizard. Later, many agricultural animals, lizards, toads and frogs were imported and acclimatized.
In the water area, Bermud should be fear of poisonous jellyfish - the so-called "Portuguese ships", sharks or other large animals are not found, since coral reefs prevent their settlement. On the territory of Bermud is the only Oll Reserve in his own way. As for the sea fauna, it is much more diverse - about 650 species of fish. In total, marine animals there are up to 5 thousand species. From Ornithofauna, it is necessary to highlight the pigeon-kahu - the disappearing view listed in the Red Book.
Flora Bermuda islands are brighter and rich. There are Pandanus, Pau-Pau, Bermuda Cedar, Yucca, Musmula, Oleander, Kazaarin, Hibiscus, Oliva, Palmetto, Bananas, Bougainvillea and others. Bermuda is a real kingdom of flowers, there are about a thousand species. Before the appearance on the islands of Europeans, Flora was also a lowest possible due to poor, non-fermentation soils and poor hydrodes - no inland waters on Bermudah. It is worth highlighting only one flower endemic - Bermudiana (blue-eyed).
Bermuda always attracted tourists with the most diverse interests. Someone seeks to solve the mystery of the Bermuda triangle, someone wants a wild beach holiday and ecotourism. Bermuda please guests and locals with serene sea, the beauty of the underwater world and the violence of paints of tropical flora.

Beach Southampton

Jobsons-Cove Beach

Jobson Cove Beach is one of the best beaches of one of the resort towns of Bermuda. It is the territory of Jobsons-Cove Beach that recently attracts more and more visitors, and in the peak of the summer season there is no free space. Jobsons-Cove Beach is located in the resort cities of St. George Bermuda Island.

Horschee Beach Beach

Horschee Bay Beach is a unique beach, the territory of the coastline of which has a quiet, peaceful, comfortable holiday. Horschee-Bay Beach is located in one of the resort towns of the Bermuda Islands of St. George. On the beachline of the beach is a cozy hotel in which you can visit a beautiful restaurant.

Beach Southampton

Southampton Beach is one of the most favorite places of diving lovers, as there is a very good seaside and very interesting underwater world. Southampton Beach is located in one of the resort towns of Bermuda Hamilton. On the territory of the beach of the beach you can rent all the most necessary for you.

Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo (BAMZ)

Dedicated to inspire people to admiration, understanding and care of the environment of the islands. Accredited by the Association of Zoo and Aquariums, BAMZ demonstrates more than 300 species of birds, reptiles and mammals of various oceanic islands. Along with the entertainment and educational idea, the organization also has its goal of a programming direction and environmental activities and research work with the support of the charity community - Bermud Zoological Society. The aquarium has become a house for more than 200 species of fish. There is also a reproduction of a live coral reef with its unique ecosystem from the northern coast of Bermud. Visitors also have the opportunity to learn about the unique Geology of Bermud in the interactive historical Museum of Nature, where the story of the birth of the island has originally existed as an underwater volcano with the help of audio / video demonstrations. Adults and children always come to delight from the zoo, it includes birds and animals, which are part of an international special program for the protection of rare and threatened animal disappearance. The territory includes miniature gardens, secluded paths, exciting views of Harrington Sound (Harrington Sound) and specialized territories for children's games. With the support of Zoological Society, Bermud Bamz organizes three-day educational tours to observe migratory whales. Address: 40 North Shore Rd Flatts Village Phone: 441 293-2727 Web: You can get from Hamilton and St. George buses number 10, 11. Opening hours: daily from 9:00 to 17:00. Christmas - day off.

Botanical gardens

Wherever you have visited Bermuda, it is difficult not to notice many colors and trees framing the edges of the roads. Many blooming trees growing on the islands fill with absolutely unusual aromas. One of the main attractions of Bermud is botanical gardens. 35 acres of well-kept, landscape park contain hundreds of identified colors, shrubs and trees, including a significant collection of subtropical fruit plants, hibiscus, banyan trees. Here are also the valves for exotic and pattering birds and the garden for the blind. The best way to familiarize with the extensive space of gardens is a hiking tour that extends from Point Finger Road and lead to Berry Hill and South Shore Road. These routes organize the Botanical Society of Bermud, who wanted to commit these unforgettable walks on Tuesdays and Fridays from 10:30. Gardens themselves are open to free visits from 9:30 to 15:30 daily, except holidays. A handful shop is located on the territory, where you can buy absolutely unique souvenirs, as well as a specially designated place where you can have a snack. Botanical gardens are a traditional place where the Bermuda Annual Exhibition-Competition is held. For 3 days at the end of April, local farmers, schoolchildren and just lovers demonstrate their creations here, flowers, various handmade items and even cooked food. This event can really become an excellent entertainment for the whole family.

Royal Naval shipyard Bermud

Royal-Naval-Docyard. Royal Naval shipyard Bermud. Located on the very edge of the island of Airlund (Ireland) and is a majestic reflection of the History of Great Britain, since 1809, when the island was purchased for the construction of Fort. He is the main attraction of the western part of Bermud. It is located on its territory: Bermuda Maritime Museum, Bermuda Center for Arts, traditional pubs, shops and craft market. Bermuda Maritime Museum. The museum includes many buildings in which expositions and information on navigation, whacking, treasure exhibitions mined from a sea day, a variety of coins, etc. Municipal buildings are unique in their structure and design. The first building in this territory is the commission house - the first building in the world of such sizes, which was created from the finished cast cast iron blocks and framed by wrought iron. Located at the highest point of the island of Airland (Ireland), the commission house offers completely amazing views of its northeastern part. Its numerous rooms are art galleries, exhibitions on the history of emigration of different nationalities and luxurious banquet halls that can be rented for various celebrations.
Crystal caves

Crystal Cave (CRYSTAL Cave) was found in 1884. Amazing in beauty in beauty and stalagmites, framing transparent azure water underground lakes were formed about 30 million years ago. Thanks to Icus lighting, such formations can be seen at the bottom of the lake. One of the first visitors who were distinguished by all this unique beauty, was the famous American writer Mark Twain. Fantasy Cave Cave. The opening of the cave dated 1907. After reconstructing bridges and reinstallation of lighting, it was re-opened in 2001. In Fantasy's cave, you can see rare, similar to the straw balustrades, are soda education hanging from the ceiling. The inner walls are covered with mineral deposits of calcite resembling frozen waterfalls. Underground water channels combine cave lakes with the ocean. These caves are really exciting imagination natural miracle and cost them to visit. And the fact that they are interconnected, gives an excellent opportunity to do it for one tour. Opening hours: from 9:00 to 17:00 Address: Wilkinson Avenue, Bailey's Bay can be reached: from Hamilton and St. George buses №1, 3, 10, 11.

Hamilton Review Tour

The city has preserved the buildings of the Victorian era, as well as later buildings made in a wide variety of architectural styles. The main attraction of the city is the Cathedral of Bermud, a pathos building performed in a neo-style style. Fort Hamilton, a majestic structure, built in the middle of the XIX century, deserves attention. The fortress is equipped with 10 inch guns capable of conducting hurricane fire on enemy ships. The historical museum is very interesting. The exposition presents a rich collection of objects of the high geographical discoveries. The main attractions of the city can also be attributed to the Royal Square, City Town Hall, the most old building of the archipelago - the state residence (1620), as well as the "infant pillar" and the "rotating throne" - the place of public execution of criminals.

Sightseeing tour of St. George

An excursion from Kings Square Square (Kings Square) begins, originally called Market Squarer, which is located on the bay. In his western part of the town hall of the Town Hall, dating back 1782. In this building with beautiful cedar floors and ceilings, you will learn about mayrach of the city and see the signatures of Prince Charles and Princess Diana. The Bermuda National Museum of Trust is located in the northeastern part of Kings Squarer. This is an old building, which was and a hotel in the XIX century, and served as the office of the Confederation during the Civil War in America, finally opened as a museum in 1961. A detailed exposure is presented here, which tells about the role played by Bermuda during the Civil War in America. You can also watch a small video presentation called "Bermuda: the Atlantic Center", which tells about the facts of detecting and developing the island. Walking on the street, you will see a small bridge leading to the island of Ordnance, its sizes are very small, but it has two important monuments related to the origin of the British colony on Bermuda. Another important building is also located here - Bridge House (Bridge House), this is the most ancient residential building on the island. This house, which has the form of English. The letters L got its name in honor of the small wooden bridge, which is located opposite the building, and led once to the port. In the center of Kings Street) is State House, built in 1620, this state house is the oldest stone building on the island. Its walls are specifically designed in such a way as to withstand natural cataclysms. It functioned until 1815, until the capital of Bermud was transferred to St. George to Hamilton. Walking along Water Street, you can gain wonderful shops selling duty-free goods. St. George really looks amazing: modern shops located in ancient buildings. It gives great pleasure - stroll through the pedestrian streets of the city, free from transport and acquire several pretty souvenirs. The Tucker House Museum Bermuda (Tucker House Museum Bermuda) is also located here and on the right side of him the home of Henry Tucker, who was President of the Government Council. The Taurov family was one of the most influential families on Bermuda, the first representative of the family arrived here in the distant 1616. Across the road is the museum of the carriage. Almost every wealthy family in the city had its carriage, until 1940, it was the only type of transport on narrow streets of St. George. In the museum you will find a superbly preserved collection of these carriages. St. Peter's Church is located on Duke of York Street (Duke of York Street). The first time erected in 1612, this is the oldest Anglican Church located in the Western Hemisphere. Walking on the street Duke of Kent (Duke of Kent) from the city center, you can meet several more sights of St. George. One of them is the historic Public Museum of St. George. Furniture, all kinds of clothes and some works of art is just a part of the stunning collection located here. A little lower on the same street is an unfinished church. Stroining this elegant building began in 1870, when the Church of St. Peter was practically destroyed by water elements. But, unfortunately, the construction of an unfinished church has not been completed. Next, driving past golf courses (St George Bermuda Golf Course), you will reach the coast. Here is one of the most wonderful beaches of the Bermuda Islands - Tobaco Bay Beach (Tobacco Bay Weach). The thin strip of the hidden beach is very popular among passengers of cruise ships that make stops in St. George. This is a great beach for sunbathing and snorkeling. And finally, Fort St. Katerina, located on rocky protracks with sandy beaches, this construction with massive walls, looks absolutely amazing on all sides.

Park Hog Bay

Hog Bay is the third largest (38 acres) Public Park on Bermuda. The western part borders with the ocean, East with the road Middle Road (Middle Road), in the south - with Woodlaw Road (Woodlawn Road). The park is called the name of the bay Hog (now his name Bay Pilchard), which, in turn, was called from wild boars, who were found here, victims of the sailors in 1609 it was assumed that these boars were descendants specially left here by Spanish Lavaders designed to be feeding for survivors after the crash of the sailors. At that time, the Earth was used to grow tobacco to export, which was in those times one of the priority classes in Bermuda. Throughout the XVIII-XX centuries, agriculture and animal husbandry flourished here. Several famous Bermuda families own a part of these lands from the XVII century. The territory that moved to the government is preserved carefully, while maintaining its original appearance, there are also buildings and monuments under sensitive supervision, which undoubtedly have archaeological, historical and aesthetic value. Visitors Hog Bay Park have an excellent opportunity to watch birds. Having risen on the picturesque Chigarloof Hill (Sugarloaf Hill) with attentive observation, here you can find more than 120 species of birds, including tropical orvort, purple chambers and diamond hawks.

Adventure with dolphins

"Imagine - look into the crystal clear depths of the tropical lagoon, as instantly inquisitive dolphins rushed to meet you ... They smoothly slide to you, you immerse yourself in the water next to them, your eyes meet, ... and you gently touch each other ... time spent With our dolphins leave an indelible impression in the heart and in memory, it is absolutely extraordinary experience, he is intimate, refreshing, illuminating and affectionate, facing dizzying impressions of mutual joy, care and learning. " Quest with dolphins on Bermuda offers a lot of various programs, when choosing which guests can spend from 5 minutes with dolphins or turn it into a multi-hour adventure. Every moment spent with the dolphin begins with a smile! Web:

St. George.

For its "outstanding worldwide value," St. George and its relative fortification facilities on November 30, 2000 were marked by the UNESCO World Heritage Site. St. George is one of the oldest towns of New World, British origin. Until today, he retained his charm and a unique character. The 400-year-old history of the city's existence is visible in the architecture of its buildings and numerous military structures. The mission of a special organization St. George is to invest in the development of the future city, providing cultural, educational and entertainment activities, which will be useful for both local residents and guests of the city in the present and generation of the future. One of the most interesting and extensive sights of the city are 3 forts. In ancient times, they defended the entrance to the harbor of St. George. The first, called Burt Point Fort ("The Burnt Point Fort") was built in 1688 to stop the illegal trade of local sailors. Farry Island Fort ("The Ferry Island Fort") is at some distance on a small island, the beginning of its construction is dated 1790, which was completely completed in 80 years. In 1823, Major Thomas Blincärd designed Matello Tower ("Matello Tower"). It is located on a hill a little further than two forts, was intended for guarding the coastline and adjacent lands. Today, Farry Point Park (Ferry Point Park) stretches throughout this territory, gently covering the ruins of these structures. Walking on his forest area is still possible to explore these 3 forts, or if you wish to enjoy the beauty of Lake Lovers ("Lovers Lake"). This is a great place to hold picnics, even on the weekend here quietly and calmly.
Fort St. Katerina
This is the largest of all historic ports on Bermuda, and one of the most exciting attractions. From this place views on the coast and the island itself is really ambitious. Nearby is the beach, where they went ashore after the shipwreck in 1607. The first settlers of the island. This is one of the early strengthening facilities, which served as defense from the Spaniards, French, and much later from the Americans. The fort in his original form, dated 1614, was built by Governor Richard Maur to protect the main bay where colonists lived. In the future, he was even more strengthened and expanded. 1865-1878, it is the year of the massive reconstruction of the fort. At the beginning of 1900., Fort St. Katerina served as a platform for military teachings of the local and British army. A lot of artillery cannons, tunnels, bastions and divergent bridges have been preserved here. The fort was re-opened in February 2000 after reconstruction due to serious damage caused by the 1999 hurricane. Here are the reproductions of the Treasures of the British Crown, the fascinating series of diamers displaying the early history of Bermud, a new 53 inch screen located in the theater. Visitors also have the opportunity to watch the rare exposition of antique weapons, audio / video presentation of other ports of Bermud and their history, as well as records from the history of British regiments who have served in Bermuda. Fort Holy Katerina is also available for group tours, for various celebrations, events and corporate functions. During World War II, an American indicator loop was installed here. This is the first coastal sign visible to tourists on cruise ships. The sea route itself is a bit north, this is the place of the wharf sea transport and cruise ships. Fort is beyond the reach of public transport of Bermud, but it can be reached on a local mini bus, taxi or rented moped.

Communication. The necessary phones

Unified Salvation Service (fire service, police and ambulance) - 911.

Salvation Coordination Center - 297-1010.

Central police station - 295-0011.

Dispatch Center for the Memorial Clinic named after the King Eduard - 236-2345.

The telecommunications system of Bermud is estimated as modern and fairly developed. The number of telephone lines here practically coincides with the number of residents of the country. For more than a century, the Bermuda Telephone Company Limited (BTC) company opened its first station on July 18, 1887 serviced the line of communication on the islands. COMPANY BERMUDA TELEPHONE COMPANY LIMITED

Local phone numbers consist of 7 digits. Public telephones having direct access to international lines are almost everywhere. The machines operate on prepayment telephone cards, and on the territory of Bermud, you can use USA, Canada and Great Britain cards, like Prepaid Global Calling Cards (nominal $ 10, $ 25 and $ 50).

International code of the country - + 1-441. Code of access to the international line - 011. Intercity codes are not used - all local settlements and islands refer to one service zone.

National holidays

march-April - Easter.

On June 11-12 - Queen's birthday (unofficial holidays in honor of Queen's birthday are also held on the third Saturday of April).

Culinary traditions of the islands are based on European and American traditions. In view of the deceom of Bermud before the arrival of Europeans, the ancient roots are completely not traced here - almost all the dishes came to the local cuisine from the countries of the old world, only some methods of seafood processing are inherited from the islanders of the Caribbean region.
National food:
Local "sea delicacies" include the seasoned with traditional black Roma from the sea perch or Luziana (Snpepper), seasoned with sherry or roma ear shark meat with pepper, fried cod with pepper and sherry sauce, crucible pies, so-called "Sunday breakfast" - a huge bastard with fried cod, potatoes, eggs, bananas and avocado under the onion-tomato sauce, famous Bermuda lobsters (seasonal dish, can be found in the menu from September to mid-April), the cake with mussels stewed in vegetables and sink sauce all Types, Bifstex from Wahu (Royal Macrel), Fried Cut with vegetables, seafood salads, liver on coals with Bananas of Luciana, delicious "Guinea Chic" (baked solar lobster) and fried Cuban yard.
All sorts of vegetables, "Hoofpin-John" are served to fish dishes - a mixture of boiled black peas and rice, as well as cereal flour cakes with peas and rice, a specific Bermuda bow, rice with sauces and characteristic of all island roasted bananas regions "Toostones ". Another characteristic locally dish is a Pie from Manioki, which is attributed to the salvation of the first settlers from hunger.
All sorts of fruits are usually served for dessert, including local citrus fruits, sweet potato pudding, jelly from grapes and jam from Musmula.
Bermud is considered Rum Golsing "S Bermuda Black Seal and numerous cocktails based on it, including a roma cocktail with lemon juice, bitter tincture and sugar, called" Swisl ", as well as roma cocktails with ginger beer. In all The stores sell a variety of imported beer varieties and other alcoholic beverages.

Stores usually work from Monday to Saturday from 09.00 to 17.00, however, on Thursday, many of them close pretty early - usually about 15.00-16.00.
Stores in Royal-Naval-Dinkyard are usually open on Sundays from 10.00 to 17.00. Not accepted to bargain in local trading establishments.


Most restaurants service costs (about 10-15% of the total) is usually included in the account. In hotels, tip service personnel are not accepted, as they are also usually included in the account. Hotels add a special tax in the amount of 7.5% (included in the rate of residence) and some additional fees. Swiss and porters at the airport and hotels are usually given a few dollars for services, taxi drivers expect tips in the amount of 10-15% of the passage, but it is quite acceptable to round the amount in the big face.

Hotel booking system advises a large selection of funds for the placement of the main administrative centers of the Bermuda Islands.
We offer hotel rooms of different categories not only for business guests of the Bermuda islands, but also for arriving with tourist purposes. The most popular among guests in the Bermuda are traditionally cities: Bermuda O-VA, etc. In each of the following cities, we recommend the wonderful choice of online booking hotels.
In case you need visa support, we recommend contacting the visa department to determine the conditions for obtaining a tourist or business visa of the Bermuda Islands.

Entertainment on the Bermuda Islands

Each time, planning the long-awaited stay, tourists from different countries try to choose places where not only warmth, but there is something to see. One of these amazing places is rightfully considered to be the Bermuda islands, which are part of the overseas territory of Great Britain.

The phrase "Bermuda Triangle" has long become nominative, it symbolizes the place in which inexplicable events occur, accompanied by mysterious, sometimes the mystical disappearances of aircraft, ships and even people. Resting at least once in these picturesque places, noted that the Bermuda islands are not like any other. Therefore, they try to be more often here, the benefit of the weather conditions and the warm sun are ready to delight guests at any time of the year. And from March to April, travelers can admire often floating along the southern shores of whales.

Bermuda consists of 150 different size of the islands and reefs, while inhabited are 20 of them. In addition, 10 picturesque islands are originally connected to each other with modern overpasses and bridges, as a result of which the single, the largest and main island of Maine Island is formed.

Geographically, the Bermuda Triangle is located near the islands, from which he got its name. Bermuda (or Bermuda) were opened at the very beginning of the 16th century by the Spanish navigator Juan Bermudes, so it was he who became the "father" of all this story, giving her his last name. Oddly enough, the Spaniards were seriously interested in the Isles, leaving them by the British, who joined Bermuda to the lands of glorious Britain only at the end of the 17th century. It is the Great Britain who owns the Bermuda Islands, and to this day. Interestingly, the British was undertaken by a unsuccessful attempt to rename the islands to his own way, giving them the name in honor of the English Admiral Somers, who was shipwreck in these parts. But the previous name returned, and is known to the whole world.

Bermuda islands are famous for their hospitality, cozy, equipping hotels on a different wallet - from economy class to elite options. Each hotel is considered necessary to provide a full range of quality services and must be powered in this list. Guests can quickly and professionally prepare any dish, while local cuisine are most popular here, which includes exotic fruits, vegetables and fish. It is worth noting that the most frequent tourists visiting the islands are Americans - their guests on the island of almost 90% of the rest of the tourist contingent.

The popularity of Bermuda deserved thanks to many factors, among which there is a rather mild climate, picturesque nature, a high level of modern service.

Riddles and secrets of the Bermuda Triangle

Glory from Bermuds is not the most kind - mystic and damnshchina surrounds their halo halo, but it is she who entails tourists from all over the world who want to look at the famous Islands at least with one eye, and maybe even make a tour of the borders of the Bermuda triangle. This freezing attraction here is in great honor, yachts and boats are waiting for those who come from all over the world.

However, Bermuda themselves produce a favorable impression: blue sky, transparent water, bright greens, multicolored houses with white roofs create a feeling that you fell straight to heaven. It is noteworthy that the roofs of the houses are supported by the laundry masters in perfect condition: their stepped construction delays water in the rainy season. On the drainage system, the storm water is sent to special basements and stored there. This is the only source of fresh water on the islands and every owner in response for its stocks. Despite the fact that Golf Stream provides a warm climate throughout the year, fireplaces are equipped in homes, and the walls have a greater thickness and are able to withstand a squall hurricane wind.

The population of the islands is about 70 thousand people who are actively supported and developing shipbuilding and pharmaceuticals. Although the main direction is undoubtedly tourism, because the number of guests every year several dozen times the number of indigenous people.

In addition, people living constantly on the Bermuda are engaged in breeding livestock and fish fishing, as well as growing exotic flowers and fruits, including export. And in local markets, tourists prefer to acquire unusual crafts and works of applied arts, which are created by the hands of local craftsmen.

The tourist season begins in April and continues until November, although tourists can be found in other months. What, and the beaches of the island are extremely rich! Small gentle sand, cozy harbor, small sandy bottom make holidays on the beach perfect. Tourists can choose the beach to their taste - private or public, each of them has all the conditions for vacationers. Here you will not meet the mountains of garbage, and smoking compatriots will not marry to the tobacco smoke: smoking in public places on Bermuda is prohibited and punishable a very impressive fine, however, like the drinking of alcoholic beverages.

In his elements, fans of diving and snorkeling feel here: visibility is amazing, and the legends about the sunken ships instill hope that the treasure chest will meet among coral reefs. The coastal waters of the Bermuda islands are developed windsurfing and sailing. Sports life includes numerous golf and bowling tournaments, chess, karate, annual cycling and racing on yachts. Music lovers invite musical festivals of various directions: reggae, jazz and spiritual music do not compete with each other. Tourists can visit the photo exhibition and the Tattoo Festival, the exhibition of agriculture and the competition for the title of the best cook, the festival of paper serpents and many more exciting events.

"Scary" Secrets of the Bermuda Islands

And yet, not festivals and the beauty of the island are sitting here tourists from all over the world first. The main driving force becomes a desire to touch the mysterious incidents that occur near Bermud over the centuries. Each tourist secretly hopes to witness something extraordinary and take part in the disclosure of the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle.

The court disappeared near the islands, everyone had heard. Ships, which turned into the "bats of the Dutch", losing the entire crew and retaining the provisional reserves and all things that became local legends.

  • Opens the official list of Rosalie - a French sailboat found in excellent condition and with full luggage, but without people, the fate of which remained a mystery;
  • The greatest brigantine "Maria Celzesta" came out of New York, recovering on Gibraltar. On board, except for the team, there was a family captain Benjamin Biggs. Brigantine went into swim, but at the destination did not appear. It would be possible to consider her missing or sunken, if, after some time, the ship would not be discovered by the team "Dei Gratia". Brigantine was under full sails, in the preservation there was a cargo, in place of things and money ... That's just the crew was not a single soul;
  • The list has replenished and the English training vessel "Atlanta", on board which was almost three hundred British officers and cadets;
  • At the beginning of the twentieth century, the German ship "Freya" was discovered in the waters of the Bermuda Triangle - the four-person vessel was also abandoned by the crew;
  • In 1918, a huge cargo ship disappeared in the waters of the Atlantic, 19 thousand tons. A manganese ore was transported aboard, and the crew was 309 people. The difference between the history of the "cyclopa" from all other things is that he did not find it - neither with the team or without.
    Further - more, over the Bermuda Triangle, one after another began to tolerate collapse and disappear aircraft.
  • 1948: Briton "Star Tycher" disappeared without a trace. All attempts to detect him ended in failure;
  • In the same year, the passenger aircraft "Dakota" disappeared with the crew and 27 passengers. The liner requested permission to land at the Miami airfield, and no one knows anything about him;
  • 1949: the British plane "Star Erial" took the start from Bermud and repeated the fate of his compatriot;
  • 1950 - the US Air Force plane disappeared, there were 53 people on his board;
  • 1953 - List replenished English Transport aircraft with 39 passengers;
  • 1954 - American Armed Forces were again injured;
  • 1956 - in the sky over Bermuda "dissolved" the American sea patrol bomber;
  • 1962 "noted" by two inexplicable cases:
    - American military aircraft filed a distress signal, and after disappeared with radar and no longer contacted;
    - asked for help a small plane, whose pilot behaved inadequately, not understanding where he was and how he behaved.

This list can be continued for a long time. The hypotheses explaining these mysterious disappearances is also not enough. Some sound frankly fabulously, some of them found certain confirmations. This is about:

  • Methane emissions leading to the flooding of ships and stop engines from airplanes;
  • The emergence of infrasonic waves causing a panic on the ship and forcing the crew to urgently leave the ship;
  • Underwater earthquakes provoking the formation of gigantic waves, "swallowing" ships;
  • Magnetic anomalies that bring down the path and violating the work of navigation instruments;
  • A space-time trap carrying ships and aircraft to another dimension or other time;
  • Interference of the alien reason, kidding equipment from the ground along with people on it.

That of these assumptions is true, unknown for now. But, one way or another, and fame of the Bermuda waslated worldwide. In addition to the Bermuda triangle on the islands, many other attractions. Near the capital - the city of Hamilton, the cave of crystals is awaiting you: stalactites, stalagmites, the underwater lakes of amazing beauty will forever leave the mark in your soul. Old State Residence dates back to 1620, and this is one of the oldest buildings of the new light. St. George will surprise the statue of George Somers, and the diversion bridge Somerset is a very elegant solution to the connection of two islands.

Smooth streets, unhurried rhythm of life and eternal holiday, characteristic of hot resort islands will make a holiday unforgettable.

Map of Bermuda Islands.

Bermuda (English-language version - Bermuda) - an island archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean, located north-east of the Bahamas and about 900 kilometers east of the coast of North America. The island was received in honor of their discoverer - Spanish navigator Juan Bermudes.

The Bermuda Archipelago includes more than 150 islands and reefs, the largest areas of which are Mine Aland, Somerset, St. Davids, Saint George and others.

Bermuda islands have common geographic coordinates: 32 ° C. 19'00. sh. 64 ° 45'00 "s. d.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe Sushi islands and reefs in the Archipelago of the Bermuda islands exceeds 53 square kilometers.

Currently, the Bermuda islands have the status of the UK overseas Territory, not being, at the same time, part of the United Kingdom.

Picture of the Bermuda from the satellite.


The archipelago was opened by the Spaniards, it happened in 1503 during the swimming expedition under the beginning of Juan Bermudes. The Spaniards at that time did not pay due attention to this discovery, and master the islands that were called the name of their discoverer, did not work out.

The very first settlement in the Bermuda was founded by the British at around 1609, which, heading for the colonization of Virginia, was shipwrecked. The colonists gave the name of the Somers Island archipelago in honor of his leader Admiral George Somers.

Long-term period British colonists were engaged in agriculture on the islands, as well as the salt on the islands of Terks and Caicos, founding their colony there.

In 1684, the Bermudic Islands received the status of the corona possession of England.

In the 17th century, slaves from Africa began to be taken to work on plantations, it continued until 1838, when the abolition of slavery in British colonies was declared.

After some decline, the economy of the islands at the end of the 19th century was reoriented to servicing tourists. This industry is a priority on the islands and today.

In 1931, the railway was opened on the archipelago, which connected almost all major islands through the bridges. In 1948, the use of the road was considered unprofitable and closed it.

In 1941, the US and Great British governments concluded a rental agreement for a period of 99 years of land on the island of Maine Island under the construction of the American Bases of the Navy and the Navy. Bases functioned on the islands until 1995, when the US government ahead of time ceased to use.

In 1968, Bermuda received broad autonomous powers and internal self-government, and a little later - the status of the UK overseas territory, which currently have.

Saint-Davids Island in Lighthouse Hill Island.

Origins and geography of the islands.

Islands in the Bermuda Archipelago have coral origins. Their formation began approximately 20-22 million years after the cessation of the activity of a volcano rising above the surface of the ocean, which eventually began to collapse. Corals, as well as IL and Sand, applied by sea currents, a little later formed the real appearance of the islands. Bermuda islands are the most northern coral islands in the Atlantic.

Island Main Island has geographic coordinates: 32 ° 14'00 "s. sh. 64 ° 47'00 "s. D. His form is quite complicated, and the coastline is quite wriggling, and therefore the island has a large number of bays and lagoon, especially it concerns its northern coast. The greatest area is a large lagoon having branches in the form of a small lagoon. They wash the Main Island coast in the northwest. The central part of the northern coast of the island is washes by the Hamilton Harbor bay, and in the northeast - the Harrington peninsula curved by the contour restricts the same lagoon connected to the fluts open atlantic. Main Island relief is more largely hilly, the highest point is a Town Hill Hill, a height of 76 meters above sea level, which is located in the northeast of the island. This hill is not only the highest point of Main Island, but also the entire Archipelago of the Bermuda Islands. Natural sources of fresh water in the form of rivers and freshwater lakes on the island are not, however, there are several isolated salty lakes on the southeast coast, among which Mangroves, Trotts, Sportl and Warwick are distinguished. The total area of \u200b\u200bMain Island island exceeds 31 square kilometers, which makes it the greatest on this indicator as part of the archipelago.

Somerset Island has geographic coordinates: 32 ° 16'25 "s. sh. 64 ° 50'49 "s. d. It is removed north-west of Main Island Island by a narrow strap of Somerset and the Cove of Alice Harbor. This island also has a rather complicated shape with a winding coastline. His east coast is washed by the waters of a large lagoon, and the North and North-West - Mangroves and Somerset, respectively. Somerset's relief is more equible with low hills, among which the highest is Scotts Hill, 39 meters high above sea level. There are no rivers and lakes on Somerset. The Somerset Island Square is approximately 5 square kilometers.

Saint-Davids Island has geographic coordinates: 32 ° 24'46 "s. sh. 64 ° 41'58 "s. He is removed to the northeast of Main Island Island quite extensive in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Castle Harbor Bay. The coastline of the Saint Davids coast at its length forms a rather large number of bays and bays, especially in the east and north. Relief island plain with a small number of hills. The highest point of the island is Lighthouse Hill Hill, 41 meters high above sea level. Saint-Davids Island Square is just over 7 square kilometers.

Saint George Island has geographic coordinates: 32 ° 25'26 "p. sh. 64 ° 41'48 "s. D. It is located north of Saint-Davids Island and is separated from him Ferry Rich and Saint Georges-Harbor and Smith's bays. The shape of the island largely resembles an equilateral triangle, and the coastline at its length also forms quite a few small bays and bays. Saint Georgez's relief in his western part is predominantly plain, and in North - hilly with the highest point of the hill Retret Hill, 48 meters high above sea level. The rivers on the island are missing, however there is a salt lake Lovers. Saint Georges Island Square is about 6 square kilometers.

Big lagoon from the northwest coast of Main Island Island.


Bermuda island is in subtropics and has a wet subtropical climate. On the Islands of the Archipelago is quite hot and wet summer with a large amount of precipitation dropping out in the form of heavy rains with thunderstorms. In the summer, the likelihood of tropical cyclones is also great, which sometimes rush over the islands in the form of destructive winds and prolonged rains. Winter on Bermuda is soft with temperatures rarely falling below + 10 ° C. The precipitates depend largely from the atmospheric fronts moving to the west towards the North American continent. In January-February, on the Bermuda Islands, these fronts bring northwestern storm winds and a middle duration, which sometimes falls out with a slight hail. In the summer, the air temperature here can rise to + 34 ° C, which at high humidity makes a certain discomfort in the everyday life of the local population.

Panorama of the city of Hamilton.


Of the total islands and rocks as part of the archipelago, only 20 of them are officially inhabited. The total population of the Bermuda islands exceeds 64 thousand people. In ethnic plan, the population of the islands is approximately equal to the proportion of representatives of the Negroid and Caucasoid races, as well as on the descendants from the general marriages of these two races. State in Bermuda language is English.

The administrative center of the overseas territory of Great Britain Bermuda and at the same time largest in population of the village is the city of Hamilton, located on the northeast coast of the island, on the shore of the bay of the same name, and inhabited about 3 thousand inhabitants. In addition to him, in terms of population and size it is worth identifying such cities on the islands as St. George, Flats and Somerset.

The main area of \u200b\u200bthe activity of the islanders is still the service of tourists and agriculture.

Being the overseas territory of Great Britain, Bermuda has their own constitution, but are managed by the Governor-General appointed by the Queen of Great Britain, which, in turn, claims the elected prime minister and parliament. Administrative Bermuda is divided into nine districts of Sandis, Southampton, Warwick, Paget, Pembroke, Devonshire, Smith and Hamilton and two municipalities Hamilton and Saint George.

The monetary unit in circulation of the Bermuda island is the Bermuda dollar (BMD, code 60) consisting of 100 cents. In addition to him, actually in parallel monetary circulation are both the US dollar and monetary units of territorial entities that are subjects of Great Britain.

Juniper and cedar forest on the west coast of Somerset Island.

Flora and fauna.

And the animal world, and the vegetation of the Bermuda islands is quite rich and diverse, which is rather atypical for such islands in this region.

Of the 165 species of plants growing in the Bermuda Today, 14 are endemic and 25 - rare or those that are under threat of disappearance. For the period of discovery in 1503, a primitive forest from Juniper Bermuda prevailed on the islands (Juniperus Bermudiana). The underwater archeology of the pool caldera spent on the northern coast of the Island of Main Island showed that this area was once under a dense juniper forest during her stay above the sea surface. In addition to juniper trees, the Bermudian cedar is quite common on the islands, which is a local symbol and. Among other plant species, not so numerous as juniper, it is worth highlighting the Olive Tree of the Bermuda Islands (Elaeodendron Laneanum), and Palmetto Bermuda Islands (Sabal Bermudana), which are interters. It is also worth noting a large number of species of ferns and mangroves growing on the Islands of the Archipelago. A special place among them is the rare cave fern of the Bermuda (Ctenitis Sloanei) and the disappearing view of Diplazium Laffanianum, which is no longer anywhere on the globe.

Before coming to the island of the colonists, several types of land animals lived here. The sage of vertebrate animals emphasized the population of the Bermuda or Rocky Lengish Lizard (Eumeces Longirostris). Currently, this species has been preserved only on the uninhabited islands of the archipelago due to the vital activity of people and with them by animals. Among other large terrestrial animals, Bermud is to highlight crustaceans, in particular, two subspecies of the land crab (Cardisoma Quantami). The most numerous animals on the islands were and remaining birds, among which the Emindic Species of the Oriental Blue Bird (Sialia Sialis) and White Bird Varyon (Vireo Bermudianus) are allocated.

Hotel Cambridge Beaches Resort & Spa.


Local authorities Bermud, concerned about environmental protection, limited the number of tourists arriving on the island of 600 thousand per year. But despite this, the Bermuda islands remain among the most visited in the region. You can get to the islands as an aviation and seaport of transport. A small, but rather modern international airport is functioning on St. Davids Island, and the seaports of the islands are fully capable of taking even cruise ships of various grades. There are several dozens of luxurious hotels and beach hotel complexes located in Hamilton and on the coast in the beaches to the Archipelago Islands of Archipelago Islands. Numerous tourists arrive at the islands for the beach holiday, as well as for the exotic, inspired by the evil fame of the archipelago located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe famous abnormal Bermuda triangle. For divers and aqualangists, Bermuda islands are a real find, since in the coastal waters of sunken vessels just do not consider.

One of the beaches on the island of Main Island.

Information about Bermuda, Geography, Nature and Climate of the Bahamas

Information about Bermuda, Geography, Nature and Climate of the Bahamas, Political Device


1. History

2. Geography

3. Population

4. Economy

6. Culture

8. Hamilton - the capital of Bermud

9. The best beaches

10. Main Attractions of Bermud O-Great

11. Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda, or Bermuda -this is Overseas Territory of Great Britain, located on a group of coral islands in the northwestern part of the Atlantic Ocean, 900 km from North America.

- This is the ownership of the UK in the northwestern part of the Atlantic Ocean, includes about 157 islands, of which only 20 are inhabited. Bermuda is a great bouquet of tropical flavors, bright colors of nature and the purest sea. Here you can skip in a large hammock and dream under the whisper of palm trees and sea breeze. Even at home on the island blue, pink, lilac under the white roof


Bermuda was named after the Spanish Captain Juan de Bermudes. It was he who discovered these particles of sushi among the ocean and opened them for the rest of the world. In those distant times (approximately 1503-1515), they have not yet been inhabited and represented uncharted, uninhabited territories. But the Spaniards did not consider it necessary to declare their rights to Bermuda. Therefore, now the rights to them belong to Great Britain.

The British Nazis, Admiral George Somers accidentally discovered them along the way from his kingdom to one of the US states. Having damaged the ship about the surrounding islands of reefs, he no longer had anything, how to go ashore in search of materials suitable for fixing materials. Here the Admiral team found not only valuable to shipbuilding of the tree of trees, but everything necessary for life. To declare the rights to these grateful lands, Somers left a part of the team here, and Himself hurried to report his find in America. Soon, Admiral returned, but he had to meet death here, on the islands. According to them, by the way, they even called him name, but, as we can see, the name did not come around, leaving this honor after all for the discoverer.

The first English settlement appeared in 1609 - it was founded by British colonists sent to Virginia, but the victims of the shipwreck. They took up agriculture on the islands, and from 1684 Bermuda were officially announced by the corona hold of England.

The economic development of the colony was accompanied by the import of black-slaves from Africa. Slavery was abolished in 1838. At the end of the 19th - early 20th centuries, the economy Bermud began to specialize in servicing tourists.

C 1931 to 1948 there existed the railway connecting the islands with the help of bridges.

Under the 1941 Agreement, the British government surrendered the United States for renting for 99 years in a plot of about 6 km² - under the construction of naval and air bases. In 1995, the United States ceased the use of these bases ahead of time.

According to the 1968 Constitution, the Bermuda islands have internal self-government.

The United States, in turn, was very interested in the opening of Somers. A settlement of 60 people were organized on the islands. But still it is not necessary to take off the fact that these areas of sushi are not full lands, for many centuries they are washed by the waters of the ocean, which wash out and without that meager fertilizers. That is why the upper soil layers are not so fertile to keep agriculture. The United States, represented by its settlers, tried to grow various agricultural crops here, including the soaked sugar cane. As a result of vain attempts, all the settlement has become addicted to food supplies from the United States.

The United States still contained Bermuda for a while. But, in 1684, they became the colony of Great Britain. Slaves from Africans and Indians were brought here. At that time, the population of the islands already amounted to 9 thousand people, 5 of which were black. Slaves were kept in terrible conditions, the attitude towards them was humiliating - mostly they served the White Lords, performed all the black work. Such a position of slaves forced them to adapt to the conditions of the islands to elementary survive. So, after the abolition of slavery, which, naturally, could not not touch British possessions, already former slaves could easily provide themselves to their families. What you can not say about the "gentlemen", many of them left the paradise sushi, not finding "worthy" application.

But during the American War for the independence of Bermuda, they were in a rather complicated economic and political situation. On the one hand, the lion's share of supply was provided by the States, and on the other hand, it is not necessary to forget about it, they belonged to Britain. During hostilities, the Bermuda had to fulfill the role of the British Naval Force. In response to this, America blocked trading supplies from the islands. Naturally, it could not not affect the Bermud economy. Despite all these circumstances, the war of civil war in the United States brought a good profit to the islands.

The geographical location of the Bermuda islands turned out to be strategically beneficial for intelligence operations and the transfer of military forces and during the Second World War. It was she who rallied before the aggressive customized countries. The United Kingdom even handed over the US part of the islands for a period of 99 years to strengthen military forces against a common aggressor. And now, at the place of the international airport is one of the American air bases.

In 1963, for the first time, issues related to the rights and interests of not white citizens were announced in all. Then most ruler places occupied just white bonds. The progressive Labor Party also launched the issue of constitutional consolidation of domestic rights and freedoms of Bermud citizens. As a result of the party's activities, constitutional norms were drawn up, providing for internal self-government and coordination of all solutions with the UK at the diplomatic level.

After almost complete removal of discrimination in the race in 1970, residents of the Bermuda cans can rightly be proud of the inner harmony of interracial relations. In addition, judging by the election to the post of prime minister, as a result of which Pamela Gordon won the victory, residents of the islands are deprived of both sexual prejudices. True, the Board of Gordon ended in 1998, Jenifer Smith was elected to her post. For more than one year, the issue of independence from the UK is being discussed. And a few years ago, many bases of the US military forces were closed on Bermudah. Perhaps soon, the Bermuda islands will find, finally independence. In any case, now inside the islands, between their inhabitants, peace and harmony reigns.


Bermuda islands are located in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, east of North America. It is about 1770 km north-east of Miami (Florida) and 1350 km south of Halifax (New Scotland). The nearest point of the continent is 1030 km away - Cape Gatteras (North Carolina). Bermuda islands have volcanic origin, the volcanoes themselves were formed on the lines of expansion of tectonic plates, on the Bermuda "hot spots". Thus, an underwater volcanic ridge was formed, it is the middle-atlantic, and far in the west of this ridge are the Bermuda Islands.

To the southwest of Bermuda, there are two more underwater mountains, forming Argus and Challenger banks. Both support coral reefs and are popular among fishery lovers. Although the foundation of the Bermuda islands is formed on a volcanic base, limestone caps that appeared as a result of bacteria activities were completed in their formation. During the glacial period, when the sea level was lower, the limestone was corrosive in the sand. The archipelago also includes a line of underwater coral reefs, approximately 20 km north of the northern tip of the shore.

The Bermuda Environment is constantly experiencing a load, it is associated with a small size of the islands, high population density and with a constant influx of millions of holidaymakers. For example, there is a risk of a decrease in the number of certain types of marine inhabitants due to the leading fishing fisheries. But not everything is so bad at the moment, the environmental consciousness of citizens and local law allows not only to maintain ecology in a stable state, but also re-introduce some types of living beings.

On Bermudah there was a mild climate, in particular, due to the influence of a warm golfstrum. The average annual temperature here is 20 - 23 degrees Celsius. Humidity is high and evenly distributed. The mild climate makes the island beautiful while flowering beautiful colors, for example: hibiscus and oleander. On the verge of disappearance there are Bermuda cedar and juniper, mostly, the reason for this was the import of two types of insects that are not inherent in this region - Cycad and moths.

Some kinds of mammals were also delivered here, these are a variety of lizards, several types of wood frogs, and a giant toad, often dying on the roads, for it she was nicknamed "road toas". The only native terrestrial mammal of Bermud is a mountain lizard, living here since the times, when there were no people here. And also, this is the only place in the north of the Atlantic, where corals flourish.

For the main island, a hilly relief is characterized (the highest point is 76 m), a rather rugged bank of the shore with a large number of bays and sections of sandy beaches.

About 35% of the territory is occupied by shrubs, mainly on the elevation. In lowlands on fertile soils - cultural plants. Rivers, streams, lakes on the islands are not.

Climate Bermud - subtropical. He plays the role of the main factor that determined the specialization of the local economy on the tourist business.

Bermuda offer so many diverse, amazing and exciting adventures! These are also calm hiking along the coast, and the highest class golf courses, immersion in the most interesting story of famous shipwrecks, dancing all night long and dinner under the stars on the bottomless black sky! Many people come to Bermuda to plunge into a magnificent underwater world with a huge number of tropical inhabitants, underwater caves and coral reefs or just swim in the crystal clear waters of the ocean. Well, of course, be sure to visit one of the colorful carnavals and festivals that the Bermuda are famous!

The climate is a moderate marine. The main weather factor here is the flow of Gulf Stream, passing between the Bermuda Islands and the Coast of North America. All year round, warm air masses, formable above the Golfustrum surface, maintain over the islands warm and relatively smooth weather - the average temperature in the summer (May-September) is about +26 s, in winter (mid-December - end of March) - about +17 with the minimum values In the area of \u200b\u200bthe mark in +14 C. For the winter period, strong winds of the North-West direction bringing cold and rain are characteristic.

The precipitation falls to 1000 mm, and there is no pronounced rainy season - at any time of the year powerful, but short-term tropical livne is possible. During the passage of hurricanes (from June to November), windy and rainy weather is possible, however, in comparison with other island states of the region, the danger of destructive hurricanes is small - the main route of their movement is significantly west of Bermud.

Beautiful beaches are framed by almost all Bermud's coast. The largest number of first-class beach hotels is concentrated on the southern coast of the islands, including in the area of \u200b\u200bHorschee Bay Bay, Warwick-Long Bay and Jobsons Cove. Honored fame enjoy the beaches of Elbo Beach near Hamilton, Clearwater Beach and Tartl-Bay near St. David, as well as the exotic coastline of the Exotic Gulf of John-Smith-Bay in the Padetsky district. Great swimming and dives are located in the bay of Church-Bay in Southampton County, in Mangrove Bay Bay, Black Bay, Parsons Bay, Shelly Bay, Sommerset-Long Bay, Warwick-Long Bay, Chaplin Bay, Church-Bay, West-Weyl Bay, as well as in the bay of Tobacco Bay north of Cen George and in an isolated Clarence Cove bay.

The best time to visit the country - from April to October, when it is warm and relatively dry weather. However, during the same period there are peak of the tourist season, when many festivals are held in the country, and prices for all goods and services grow almost at times.


The population is 67.8 thousand (Evaluation for July 2009).

Annual increase - 0.6%.

Birth rate - 11.6 per 1000;

Mortality - 7.3 per 1000;

Immigration - 2.2 per 1000.

The average life expectancy is 77.2 years in men, 83.7 years in women.

Infant mortality - 2.46 per 1000 (out of 224 countries and territories of the world - lower only in Singapore).

The level of fertility - 1.99 births per woman.

Literacy - 98% of men, 99% of women.

The infection with the immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is 0.3% (grade 2005).

Ethno-racial composition: Negroes 54.8%, White 34.1%, Mulatola 6.4%, Other 4.7% (according to the 2000 census).

Religions: Anglican 23%, Catholics 15%, African Methodists-Bishopists 11%, other Protestants 18%, other cults 12%, undefined 7%, atheists 14% (according to the 2000 census).

According to the estimation of 2005, the population of the Bermuda islands amounted to about 65,365 people. Of these, about 54 percent are black, 35 - white and 6 percent - other nationalities. On the islands there is a developing Asian community, although it does not differ in its magnitude. About 10 percent of the white population have Portuguese roots.

In the history of some residents, you can trace the pedigree of indigenous Americans. Hundreds arrived here from Mexico. Someone was exiled from the colonies of New England or sold into slavery in the 17th century.

In Bermudah, residents of other countries live and work, most of all are busy in financial areas, insurance, and are employed in specialized professions, these are residents of Great Britain, Canada, West Indies, USA. Complete working force on Bermuda is about 39 thousand people (data for 2005), of which approximately 11 thousand - visiting.

Over the Bermuda Islands, air reports from the USA and Canada to Europe, Central and South America are held. Due to the series of inexplicable disasters of airplanes and vessels in the space between the Bermuda, Antilles and Bahamas, the term Bermuda triangle appeared.

From 1941 to 1995 - throughout the 2nd world and cold wars - on the Bermuda waslands there were several naval and military air bases of the United States and the United Kingdom, which occupied 11% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe islands.


The main income brings foreign tourism (60% of foreign exchange earnings). The islands annually visits about 600 thousand people (90% of the USA).

Operations of foreign companies on the islands are exempt from taxes, thanks to which Bermuda has become an important financial center. More than six thousand foreign companies are registered on the islands, on the tuning of ships (three million gross register tons) of Bermuda occupy the 5th place in the world.

The industry employs 17% of the active population. In Bermudah, enterprises are working on the repair of ships, the manufacture of boats, pharmaceutical products, building materials.

In agriculture and fisheries employed 3% of the working-age population. On the islands are grown bananas, potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, fisheries developed (the catch is about 800 tons per year), flower growing - oriented export.

80% of food consumed Bermuda are forced to import from abroad. Fuel, industrial goods, clothing, building materials are also imported.

Main trading partners Bermud: South Korea 31.7%, Italy 21.7%, USA 14.9%, United Kingdom 6.8%, Singapore 4.4%.

The currency of the Bermuda islands is a dollar tied to the course of the US dollar, the banks of the United States charge a small percentage of the purchase (exchange) of US dollars to Bermuda dollars. On the banknotes themselves, their currency depicted the Queen of Elizabeth Second.

The average income per capita, on Bermudah, is about 50 percent higher than that of the United States. And GDP in 2005 amounted to 4.857 billion dollars, it is approximately 76 thousand dollars per capita, thereby occupy one of the highest places in the world.

Housing prices are high enough and have long become the center of attention. The average cost of the house in June 2003 was slightly less than a million dollars, and according to real estate agencies, this figure exceeded one and a half million dollars by 2006 and a little less than two million in early 2007. Although such high prices may be controversial.

Bermuda islands - one of the offshore financial centers, this contributes to low direct taxes on personal and corporate revenues. And as an offshore center for many foreign companies, Bermuda has a developed economy, are exported financial services (insurance, reinsurance, investment funds, etc.). Now the territory of the Bermuda islands is one of the largest reinsurance centers, a large number of leading international insurance companies are concentrated here.

The second largest industry of the Bermuda islands is tourism. Every year, the island is visited by about half of millions of visitors, 80% of whom are US citizens, followed by Canada and the United Kingdom. Available means of arrival on the island for tourists - sea cruise or air path. In Bermuda, there is one single airport - Bermuda International Airport.


Bermuda dollar (100 cents) equal to the US dollar. US dollars can be paid absolutely everywhere. Another currency in stores is not accepted, but you can exchange almost any currency in the Bermuda or US dollars in local banks. Credit cards are accepted in most restaurants, shops and hotels, but small hotels and guest houses may be inconstant and do not always take them. ATMs, which are many on Bermudes, mainly serving credit cards visa and Amerikhen Express.

The most convenient way to import money is tourist checks in American dollars.

Bermuda is among the most reliable and respected offshore centers of the world. There are no tax on sale on the islands, from all who leave the islands, a tax of $ 20 is charged. In most restaurants, the cost of service (about 15% of the total cost) is included in the account. In hotels, tip service personnel are not accepted, since the cost of service is usually already incorporated, some hotels add 7.5% output tax accounts, and another 10% is added to pay another 10% to pay for the Tip Works Hotel. At airports, porters give a few dollars for services, taxi drivers give 10-15% of the cost of travel.


The culture of the Bermuda islands is rich, and is formed from a mixture of cultures living here. Various peoples took part in its formation, a small footprint left indigenous Americans, part of the culture was borrowed from the Spanish-Caribbean, African, Irish and Scottish cultures. An Anglo-Saxon culture became dominant in the seventeenth century. Although the main language in which the residents of the Bermuda islands are said is English, a considerable part of them, speaks in Portuguese - the reason for this has become almost 160 year immigration from the Portuguese Atlantic Islands. The British and Afro-Caribbean culture had a significant impact, the second wave of immigration from English-speaking islands occurred in the 20th century. Western Indian musicians introduced Music "Calypso", about the second world war, this music was directed - more on visitors, and at the end of 1970, the islands were covered by Reggae, with the influx of Jamaican emigrants.

Literature Bermud was originally not very rich, and limited it, foreign authors, commenting the islands. Already more books written and published on a local scale, literature received in the 20th century, although there were few books of creative character among them. Some degree of success reached Brian Berland, the novelist who wrote the story of Mary Prince, a woman's slave, who helped to finish with slavery in the British Empire. In the literature of the Bermuda islands, many aspects of American culture related to the proximity of the United States are reflected. Also, Bermuda became a house for many, not Bermuda authors.

Not unimportant on Bermuda are dancing, more famous dance of colorful ballerinas Gombay, and music. Bermuda was a home of some actors, in particular, Cameron Cameron, Diana Dill and even Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones. Pictures of local artists sold in various galleries, local artisans cut out beautiful sculptures from cedar. One of the famous Colorists was Alfred Birdsi, his impressionistic landscapes are known far beyond the Bermuda Islands. And for each holiday Easter, the Bermuds mashed paper serpents, in flight they symbolize the rise of Christ.


One of the most popular pastries in the Bermuda islands is sport. It is especially possible to allocate sailing, cricket, golf, rugby, and everywhere popular - football. Athletes of this country participated and continue to participate in global competitions.

In 2007, the Bermud national team participated in the West India World Cup. And the most famous cricket players in the country is a policeman Davin Leverage and David Hamp. Perhaps a lot of attention on Bermuda is given to golf, here compared to the total area of \u200b\u200bland, there are a lot of golf courses and often pass tournaments and championships on this interesting sport. As an example, you can mention the Royal Golf Club Bermud, which has 16 first-class fields, considered among the best in the region.

In 2006, the first professional football team playing in the combined leagues was formed on Bermudah. Residents are interested in sailing and equestrian sports, as well as fishing for sports interest, it is already talking about tourists who are specially coming to the islands for sports entertainment.

Hamilton - Capital Bermud

In 1790, the Government of Bermud reserved 587 thousand square meters. M (145 acres) of land under the residence, which was officially established in 1793 by the parliamentary act. With this, the history of Hamilton began. But he became the capital of the colony later, after transferring the administrative center from St. George in 1815. By this year, Hamilton was already quite large, for its time and region, a trading node. And the full city, Hamilton began after building a cathedral (Anglican Church) in 1897. The Catholic Cathedral was later erected.

Nowadays, Hamilton (Hamilton) is the administrative center of Bermud, the place of concentration of most governmental and commercial institutions of the country. The city of Hamilton refers to Pembrok district, and he received his name in honor of Sir Henry Hamilton. It was Governor Bermud from 1778 to 1794, and the county of Hamilton already existed by that time. Hamilton is the only official city on Bermuda. But it is significantly less than the historic city of Saint George, although during the modern development of the island the value is more or less not particularly noticeable.

As with most seaside cities, the city center is located on the street, which extends along the coast of the island's harbor, and the front-street is considered to be such a street on Bermuda.

The sights of the city can be waged literally in a few hours. The main attractions of Hamilton can be attributed to the Cathedral of Bridge-Holi Trinity (St. Trinity Cathedral, 1884-1886., Completely completed in 1905), Cabinet Building (1833), House of Meetings and Senate Between Parliament Street and Court Street, as well as Fort Hamilton (1870-1876), having a form of a pentagon.

Fort itself is a fairly impressive structure, which is located on the top of the hills, and has a different panorama of Hamilton Harbor. Fort shafts are equipped with destructive guns - 10-inch serfs, capable of fire with 400-pound projectiles of any vessel, which is included in the city harbor. Kenotaf will also be interested - the monument to the residents of Bermud, who died in world wars (1920. Exact copy of the Memorial in London Whitehall), Waterville (1842) - the headquarters of the Bermuda National Trust Foundation, the Garden of Bermud Rose-Sisayeti is located on its territory, Memorial garden Mary-Jean Mitchell and beautiful Belvedere, as well as Fort Scar (XIX century).

The richest exposition of the Epoch of the Great Geographical discoveries can be viewed in the Bermuda Historical Public Museum (1814) in Pa La Ville. In the same building is the Bermud Public Library. The same building, located in the city center and surrounded by a park with shady alleys and flower beds, is remarkable from the position of the history of Bermud, because This is a former mansion of the first chief of the post office - William Pepot.

The Bermuda National Gallery (1992) is sufficiently well, in its exposition there are works of famous European masters of the XVII-XIX centuries, as well as the canvas of local artists. Many people will be interested in the institution of underwater research. Located on East Broadway and is widely known as one of the best scientific and cultural centers of the region. Also, tourists are popular for the Museum and Zoo to Flats-Village, and the aquarium Bermud is part of this complex, which is a copy of the local reef.

The aquarium contains about 50 varieties of marine animals and about 200 species of fish. Nearby is the entrance to the cave Crystal Cave (Crystal and Fantasy), where you can walk along the pontoon bridge, transfered through the underground lake Kaho. Water in the lake is so much clean, which allows you to freely view the bottom at a depth of 16 meters. The famous Cher Cave Caves are closed to the public. These karst formations are also known as Painter-Weil Cave. According to scientists, they were used in antiquity to carry out religious rites. And in the center of this cave complex is the largest underground lake Bermud.

Because Bermuda is still the island, the ferry message is developed. Directly the ferries connect Hamilton with Islands Pajet, Warwick, Somerset and Royal-Naval-Docking area, also connect the shores Hamilton Harbor, run to Great Sound, Somerset Bridge and other Main Island (main island). Therefore, a lot of sightseeing programs on the picturesque places of Bermud are held directly from the ferry.

The best places for a beach holiday in the capital of Bermud are located on the coast of the South Shoe-Park district, near Bay Beach and Elbo Beach, as well as on the coast of John-Smith-Bay Bay in the County of Padet. The South Sho-Park Natural Park makes it possible to be protected by a number of the best banks of Bermud. It covers a number of bays and bays, which are divided by natural barriers - the outcrops of stone rocks. Bay Warwick-Long-Bay forms the eastern edge of the park. This is the most beautiful portion of the coast, which is formed by an extended beach from pink and white coral sands. Warwick-Long Bay is famous among surficists with their rather high, waves.

Trees and plants surround almost every home or mansion; Greens everywhere: numerous lawns, flowerbeds and parks, sometimes small, create a unique atmosphere in the capital, and perhaps in the whole country.

The best beaches

Bermuda beaches are famous for white sand with an amazing pink shade, extremely rarely found in nature. The pink sand can be found on on the segment of the coast between Vorvik-Long Bay and Zhorshu Bermud's Bay. On the Bermuda islands there are both public and private beaches owned by hotels. Public beaches are closed in the dark. There are no beaches for nudists on Bermuda.

Horsche Bay is the most popular beach about. Bermuda, so here is often quite crowded. The beach is located in a bay having a shape of a horseshoe and framed by picturesque rocks. On the beach there are bars with soft drinks and ice cream, equipment rental points for snorkelling; There are sun beds, umbrellas, cabins for dressing and taking a shower. A secluded plot in the western part of the beach, characterized by calm waters, is perfect for children.

Jobsons-Kav is a beach in a tiny, idyllic bay surrounded by serene cliffs. Only a few beaches of the world can be compared to beauty with Jobsons-Kav. The sea in this place is calm, petty, with a gentle sandy bottom.

Tobacco Bay is the most popular beach about. Saint George. Here you can not only relax, but also engage in stunning snorkelling between impressive rocky formations.

Vorvik-Long-Bay - the beach, even in the midst of the summer season remaining a little alive: the length of the beach strip is 8 km. In the windy days, sufficiently strong waves rise here.

West Vale Bay is a small beach on the west coast about. Bermuda. In April here you can see migratory whales. Whees can be observed from the fort located on the hill, or from a boat specifically located to the sea to observe animals. West Vale Bay is an ideal place for contemplating the beautiful sunset sun.

Main attractionsB.ermud's OG

Bermuda is known for their pink beaches, as well as the natural beauty of nature. But among all this, there are a lot of other wonderful places where you can visit. Numerous shipwreck places and coral reefs are available for scuba and coral reefs on relatively not great depths. Water is pure, its visibility is almost unlimited. There are many reefs around the islands, but the reefs in the church bay can be of particular interest.

It is also worth visiting the shipyard of the Royal Fleet and the Museum, will be great to visit the local aquarium and the zoo. Fascinating will be a trip to the Bermuda Institute of the study of the underwater world, botanical gardens, lighthouses and crystalline caves. In these caves, by the way, you can see the impressive stalactites and underground reservoirs.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to rent a car on the islands, but you can rent scooters or move on public transport.

Now it is, in fact, one big chic resort with coral reefs separated by beautiful beaches, beautiful gardens, quiet clips and purest water. Bermuda culture - fancy mixture of British and African heritage.

British influence prevails in institutions, including a government, educational system and legal structures - judges are still frowning wigs, police dressed in English standard, cricket - the most popular sport (however, there are numerous tennis courts), and Pint beer in a local pub - The same "holy" tradition after the working day, as in the former metropolis.

Bermuda islands are unusually large for such a small territory the number of golf tournaments, and a very high level - the Royal Golf Club Bermud has 16 first-class fields. The African influence is more subtle, but can be found in music and dance - the influence of the music of African origin, type "Raggi" and "Calypso", as well as in the dance rhythms "Gomby" - the most interesting artistic form inherent in Bermuda only. The uninitiated viewer of the dancer "Gomby" may be presented to no more than wildly costume characters, jumping up and down into speech hands, but in fact this dance is a carefully prepared view with powerful choreography and a certain rhythm, often depicting biblical stories. The dancers traditionally go to the streets on the Holiday "Boksing Day" (the second day of Christmas) and in the New Year. Beautiful beaches and hotels on the southern coast of the islands, including in the area of \u200b\u200bthe horseshoe bay, Warwick-Long Bay and Jobson, from Cove. Hamilton - Center Bermud, its capital and commercial center. This is a small town (the population is only 15 thousand) constantly It has a surprisingly large number of tourists who are constantly pushed and create constant turmoil on his streets, at least compared to the rest of the island.

Locals are called Hamilton just "city". The city center is located along the covered road harbor, surrounded by old Victorian buildings in the frame of limestone fences, apricot gardens and blue sky. Many buildings have hanging verandas, made in a wide variety of architectural traditions, but with indispensable elegant forged grates railing. The main cultural attractions of the city include

Bermud Cathedral is a heavy neo-neutic building, which is one of the dominant landmarks of the city, the Bermuda Historical Public Museum, which contains the exposition of the era of the great geographical discoveries and raised from the bottom of the sea of \u200b\u200bthe goods from the victim shipwreck "SI Vencher" Admiral George Somers, as well as the Bermuda National Gallery containing the works of Thomas Gainesboro, Joshua Reynolds and Winslow Homer. Fort Hamilton is an impressive structure located on the top of the hills, with the majestic panorama of Hamilton Harbor.

This is one of a number of numerous fortification structures built in the middle of the XIX century during the period of increased voltage of relations between England and the United States. Fort shafts are equipped with 10-inch fasteners capable of fire with 400-pound projectiles of any vessel included in the harbor. This destructive weapon, fortunately, has never been used for its intended purpose. Ferries connect Hamilton with the islands of Page, Warwick, the area of \u200b\u200bSomerset and shipyards.

Walking is the best way to get acquainted with the city, but walking here is not enough here, as the narrow roads rarely have sidewalks. The best beach areas are located in the South Shore Park area, which has an almost dozen of picturesque bays, Elbo Beach near Hamilton and John-Smith-Bay Bay in the County County. Cent George, the first capital of Bermud, and to this day remains the most charming excursion area of \u200b\u200bthe islands.

The city is literally immersed in the charm of the period of the Great Geographical discoveries, as far as it enters the place, which was the second British settlement in the new world. Many of its concentric paths and buildings of the colonial era remain intact, several old structures were preserved as museums. The main sights of the city include the Royal Square, which is located the city hall, built in 1782, and the "infant pillar", near which the public actions of the conviction of criminals were held in the past.

Nearby - "Rotating Throne" on which "small" criminals passed an execution, most often they were publicly discharged in the Water Harbor, which was considered a rather shameful punishment. There is also an old state residence of 1620 buildings - the oldest building on Bermuda. Although it is quite small in size, but built in Italian style and has a majestic look.

To the north of the square lies Somers Garden ("Garden Somers"), named so in honor of Admiral Somers, who literally "left his heart" on Bermudah - his dust (or rather - only the heart, the body was buried in England) is buried in a modest grave in the park . Taper House - built in the XVIII century an impressive house of one of the most prestigious families on the islands, was carefully preserved for the history as a museum - even furniture and internal utensils of the Victorian period are in impeccable state. Approximately the same period of Old Rector (the House of the Parish Priest) is an interesting place, no less known than the house of tackers, is one of the first buildings on the island with a stone roof.

The Bermuda National Trust Museum occupies a majestic colonial building and is mainly devoted to the role of Bermud in the US Civil War when Cent George enjoyed unprecedented wealth from the help of southern states, and supplies that provided the famous naval blockade of rebellious northern states.

The original Church of Cent George, built of wood and straw in 1612, is one of the oldest Anglican churches in the Western Hemisphere. This is a beautiful building, as if a "highlighted" game of sunlight on wooden walls, with marble commemorative stellams installed on the money of the early governors of the island, and the red wood altar, which is the oldest sample of local furniture. Great places for swimming and dives are located in the bay of Chјrch-Bay in the Southampton district and in the bay of Tobakco Bay north of Cent George.

The Natural Park of South Shore Park is guarded by a number of the best coast of Bermud, covering a number of bays and bays separated by the outcrops of stone rocks. Here is both Warwick-Long-Bay - a wonderful area of \u200b\u200bthe shore from pink and white coral sands, forming the eastern edge of the park. Since this place is practically not protected by capes, this beach is also famous for its good waves suitable for surfing a fairly high level. Royal Naval shipyard Bermud previously served as a place of construction of ships and stock replenishment warehouse for ships running between New Scotland and British West India.

Fort was built from huge limestone blocks in Georgian style between 1814 and 1863. The whole "army" from almost 10 thousand criminals who were posted in disgusting conditions on the prison courts that were in the deep sea bay, and first used the British fleet as a base for Washington raids in 1814

Later the building was renovated, and the Fort got a "second life." It is now located a charming Bermuda Maritime Museum, a traditional pub, a cinema, a craft market and the Schnorzeling Park - one of the best centers for training in Bermuda. Bermud marine world is rich and diverse. It is especially interesting to make swimming under water from the northern coast, where the remains of the ships of the XV-XX centuries rest at the bottom of the ocean.

Once Bermuda was called the "Islands of the Devils", a lot of ships were disaster in the old days. Bermud size, relatively high population of density and half a million visitors per year inevitably causes harm to the environment. Fortunately, an enlarged understanding of the need for environmental protection and modern legislation succeeded in protection and even some increase in the number of previously disappearing species, especially mosquito turtles. Nonsach-Island Island, located southeast of Bermud Airport, is used as a protected zone, guarding the disappearing Bermuda Pigeon (or "Kahu") - one of the most rare and endangered bird species in the world. It is not surprising that access to the island is limited, although Bermud's biological station sometimes spends visits to the island for tourist groups. Bermuda islands - the habitat of the northern corals in the Atlantic, and the reefs attract the enormous variety of colorful tropical creatures such as an angel fish, a surgeon fish and a clown fish.

Unfortunately, hazardous marine inhabitants, similar to the Medusa "Portuguese military boat", also abound in the waters of Bermud, especially between March and July. As in the entire Caribbean world, Bermuda hold numerous carnivals, festivals and festivities. One of the most famous - OCA (Caribbean Music Festival), which is held by the Royal Naval shipyard at the end of July or early August, while the Bermuda Festival Raggi is held in mid-August. Within three days, at the beginning of November, the festival "Bermud Tatu" passes, which in the final reaches the appaude grandiose fireworks. Newport's yacht race - Bermuda, starting at the end of June, is one of the main World Ocean Raigat.

As in the nearby Caribbean region, numerous carnivals, festivals and festivities pass on Bermuda. One of the most famous - Soca (Caribbean Music Festival), which is held in Royal-Naval-Dinkyard (Royal Naval Verfi) at the end of July or early August. No less beautiful Reggie Bermuda Festival is held in mid-August. For three days, the Festival "Bermuda Tatu" passes, which in the final reaches the appaude grandiose firework (beginning of November).

The Bermuda Festival of Performing Arts and Photography Exhibition (January, Hamilton), the Bermuda Festival of Music Festival (February, Prince-Hotel), Spring Student Festival (March) are enjoyed by the Bermuda Festival (March) and the Fun Music Festival (March) The building of the municipal theater (March, Hamilton), the traditional ceremony "Peppercorn" at King Sque in St. George (the end of April), accompanied by numerous ceremonies and concerts Agricultural exhibition (April, Hamilton), a series of "spring concerts" (end of April, Maine -Yland), a huge number of festive events in the framework of the month of the heritage of Bermud (May, Mainic Island), the competition of cooks (May, Hamilton) and the contest of young artists (May, Cedar Bridge), Mercy Pilgrimage (First Saturday May, St. George ), Bermuda International Film Festival (May, Hamilton), a colorful parade in honor of Bermud's Day (Hamilton) and others.

On the third Monday of June a picturesque parade is held in honor of Queen's birthday (Hamilton). The annual competition of sandy locks (September, Horschee-Bay), the festival Jazkeep (October), the largest reggae festival - "Calc shock" (November, Hamilton), the festival of jazz performers "Jazz-and-End-Dzazztazz" are deserve attention to November, Hamilton), last November to the first week of January, the holiday "Docyard-Illormarenichn" (Royal-Naval-Docyard) and the Christmas parade of ships under the auspices of the Underwater Research Institute Bermud (December, Hamilton Harbor).

Of the sporting events, the most interesting "South Region tournament" (January, Hamilton) and Bermuda Randevu (February, Warwick) on bowling, the February-open chess tournament in Princess-hotel (February), the festival of paper serpents (March, Horschee-Bay ), five-day Spring Golf Festival (March) on the best fields of the country, four-day cycling "Coners-Dill-end-Pyrman Grand-at" (begins and ends in Hamilton), Golf Championship "Samuel L. Jackson Classic Golf" in the Club Port Royal Galp Course (May, Southampton), Outdoor Bermud Championship in Karate (End of May, Bermuda College), Kids Triathlon Competitions "Ironkids" (June, Clearwater Beach) and Atlantic International Junior Golf Championship ( July). The Yacht Race Newport - Bermuda, starting at the end of June, is considered one of the main ocean regulations of the planet.

Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda triangle is an area in the Atlantic Ocean, in which the mysterious disappearance of marine and aircraft are supposedly occurred. The area is limited to lines from Florida to the Bermuda islands, further to Puerto Rico and back to Florida through Bahamas. A similar "triangle" in the Pacific is called the devilish.

Various hypotheses are put forward for explaining these disappearances, from unusual weather phenomena to aliens kidnaps. Skeptics argue, however, that the disappearance of vessels in the Bermuda triangle occurs no more than in other parts of the oceans and are explained by natural reasons. The same opinion adheres to the coast guard of the United States and the insurance company Lloyd "s.

For the first time about "mysterious disappearances" in the Bermuda Triangle, the correspondent of Associated Press Jones mentioned, in 1950 he called this area "Sea Devol". The author of the phrase "Bermuda Triangle" usually consider Vincent Gladdis, published in 1964 in one of the magazines dedicated to Spiritis, the article "The Deadly Bermuda Triangle".

In the late 60s and early 70s of the 20th century, numerous publications on the secrets of the Bermuda triangle began to appear.

In 1974, Charles Berlitz published the book "Bermuda Triangle", in which the descriptions of various mysterious disappearances were collected in the area. The book became a bestseller, and it was after her publication the theory about the unusual properties of the Bermuda triangle became particularly popular. In the future, however, it was shown that some facts in the Berlitz book are wrong.

In 1975, Lawrence David Kosha published the book "Bermuda Triangle: Myths and Reality", in which he tried to prove that nothing supernatural and mysterious in the area does not happen. This book is based on perennial studies of documents and conversations with eyewitnesses, which revealed numerous actual errors and inaccuracies in publications of supporters of the existence of the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle.

Supporters of the theory mention about the disappearance of approximately 100 large marine and aircraft over the past hundred years. In addition to the disappearances, the serviceable courts abandoned by the crew and other unusual phenomena, such as instantaneous movements in space, anomalies over time, etc., are reported. Koshe and other researchers have shown that some of these cases occurred outside the Bermuda triangle. On some incidents failed to find any information in official sources.

The most famous case, referred to in connection with the Bermuda Triangle, is the disappearance of the link from the five-bombers-torpedoes of the Evenger type. On December 5, 1945, these aircraft took off from the base of the US naval forces in Fort Lauderdale (Florida) and did not return back. Their debris were not found.

According to Berlitsa, the squadron, which consisted of 14 experienced pilots, disappeared on the mysterious reasons during the usual flight to clear weather over the calm sea.

It is also reported that in radio beams with the base of the pilot, as if they were talking about the inexplicable failures of the navigation equipment and on unusual visual effects - "We cannot determine the direction, and the ocean does not look like us as usual," we go down in white waters. " After the disappearance of Evengers, other aircraft were sent to their search and one of them - Martin Mariner's seaplane - disappeared too.

According to Koshe, in fact, the link consisted of cadets who performed training flight. An experienced pilot was only their instructor, Lieutenant Taylor, but he was only recently translated into Fort Lauderdale and was not familiar with the area of \u200b\u200bflights.

In fixed broadcasts, nothing is said about any mysterious phenomena. Lieutenant Taylor said that he lost orientation and he refused both compass. Trying to define my location, he mistakenly decided that the link was on the islands of Florida-Kiss, south of Florida, so he was offered to navigate the sun and fly to the north. The subsequent analysis showed that, perhaps, in fact, the aircraft were significantly east and, adhering to the course north, moved in parallel to the shore. Bad radiocommunication conditions (interference from other radio stations) interfered with define the exact position of the squadron.

After some time, Taylor decided to fly to the West, but it was not possible to reach the shore, fuel ended in airplanes. Evenger crews were forced to try to land on the water. By this time, he was already dark, and the sea, according to the courts, were then in that area, it was very restless.

After it became known that Taylor's link was lost, other aircraft were sent to their search, among them two Martin Mariner.

According to Koshe, airplanes of this type had a certain disadvantage that the fuel vapors penetrated inside the cabin and there was a spark that the explosion occurred. The captain of the Tanker "Heine Mills" (Gaines Mills) reported that he watched an explosion and falling debris and then discovered an oil stain on the surface of the sea.

The C-119 aircraft with 9 crew members disappeared on June 5, 1965 in the Bahamas Area. The exact time and place of disappearance is unknown, and his search did not give anything. Although the disappearance of the aircraft with the flight through the Atlantic can be explained by many natural reasons, this case is often associated with the kidnapping of people by aliens. It is reported that just on this day, American astronaut James McDivitt, which flew along the Spaceship "Gemini-4", allegedly saw and photographed over the caribbeans an unidentified flying object.

Proponents of the secrecy of the Bermuda Triangle put forward several dozen different theories to explain those mysterious phenomena, which, in their opinion, occur there.

These theories include assumptions about the abduction of vessels by aliens from space or residents of Atlantis, moving through holes in time or faults in space and other paranormal causes. Other authors are trying to give a scientific explanation by these phenomena.

Their opponents argue that reports of mysterious events in the Bermuda triangle are greatly exaggerated. Sea and aircraft die in other areas of the globe, sometimes without a trace.

A malfunction of the radio or suddenness of the catastrophe can prevent the crew transfer the disaster signal. Search for debris to the sea is a difficult task, especially in a storm or when the disaster site is exactly unknown. If you consider a very lively movement in the Bermuda triangle area, frequent cyclones and storms, a large number of shames, the number of disasters that happened here, which did not receive explanations, is not unusually large.

Several hypotheses proposed explaining the sudden death of ships and aircraft emissions of gas - for example, as a result of the decay of methane hydrate at the bottom of the sea. According to one of such hypotheses, large bubbles are formed in water, in which the density is lowered so much that the ships cannot float and instantly sink.

Some suggest that rising into the air, methane can also cause crashing of aircraft - for example, due to lowering the density of air, which leads to a decrease in the lifting force and distortion of altimeters. In addition, methane in the air can lead to engines.

An experimental way was really confirmed the possibility of a fairly fast (within tens of seconds) the flooding of the vessel, which produced on the border of such a gas emission.

There are assumptions that the cause of the death of some vessels, including in the Bermuda triangle, may be t. Wandering waves that are believed can reach a height of 30 m.

It is assumed that under certain conditions, an infrasound may be generated into the sea, which has an impact on crew members, causing a panic, as a result of which they leave the vessel.

Sources Wikipedia - Free Encyclopedia Tourist Mir Bermuda Islands Bermuda Islands Bermuda Tourism.

Bermuda islands - the overseas Territory of Great Britain, located in the north-west of the Atlantic Ocean. In total, the archipelago is located 150 islands and reefs, inhabited - only 20, 10 of them form Maine - Island and are connected by bridges and overpass.

Total area - 53 200 square meters. km, the population is about 70,000 people, among which 54% make up blacks, 31% - immigrants from Europe and North America, 4% - Asians and Indians, 4% - Mulati. 23% of the population attends the Anglican Church, 15% - Catholic, 11% belong to African Methodists - Episcopists, 18% - Protestants, 14% are atheists. Official language - English.

The capital is the port - the city of Hamilton.

The biggest city of Bermuda is Hamilton. Magnificent landscapes open with the city embankment. It is always crowded here, since the main attractions are concentrated in the capital.

No less famous former capital of Bermuda Islands is the city of Saint-George, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is noteworthy that St. George is the oldest English-speaking colonial city of the planet.

Island Island - Island is famous for the most on Bermuda Fort with the maritime museum and the center of the arts.

How to get to the Bermuda Islands

There is no direct flight between Belarus and Bermuda Islands.

You will have to fly with docking in London British Airways airlines (the cost of the flight in both directions is about 1300 euros).

You can get to Bermuda on the sea on the cruise liner that in recent years it becomes very popular.

For questions about the purchase of air tickets and tours to Bermuda, contact the tourist company "Thank you - Travel" - our experienced managers will pick up the travel option that best satisfies your requests.

Climate of Bermuda Islands

The climatic conditions of the Bermuda islands direct influence is the flow of Gulf Stream. The territory of the archipelago is located in the zone of moderate sea climate.

The average air temperature in the summer here is +26 degrees, in winter - +14 - +17 degrees and strong winds.

Annual precipitation is about 1000 mm.

In the period from June to November, strong hurricanes and rains are possible.

The best time for traveling to Bermuda - from April to October.

On the Bermuda islands a large number of hotels for every taste. The local system "All Inclusive" has proven well.

Beaches of Bermuda Islands

The whole coastline of the Bermuda islands is in excellent condition, the beaches are covered here with pink sand, are surrounded by picturesque gardens and pure transparent sea. Beaches of Bermud can be private, can - municipal. At night, it is forbidden to be on the beaches.

Many good beaches can be seen in the south of the archipelago - in Horschee - Bay Gulf, Warwick - Long - Bay, Jobsons - Cove.

In the vicinity of Hamilton, Elbo Beach - Beach, in the vicinity of St. David - Tartl - Bay, Pajet is famous for John Beaches - Bay.

Not only the sea and the sun, but also a wonderful diving in the Gulf of Cherch - Bay, Bay Mangrove - Bay, Black - Bay, Parsons - Bay and others.

Banks, money, exchange offices

Bermuda currency is a Bermuda dollar equal to 100 cents. In appeal there are paper bills worth 2,5,10,20,100 dollars and coins with a face value of 1 dollar, cents. You can also pay US dollars everywhere.

Schedule of banks:

On weekdays - from 9.00 to 16.30

On Saturdays - from 10.00 to 15.00 (only one bank in Hamilton)

Currency exchange can be exchanged in banks and exchange offices. It is forbidden to exchange "with hands". ATMs on Bermudah are a fairly common phenomenon, but the priority of banknotes of local banks, American Express and Visa.

Credit cards of the main global payment systems (American Express, Master Card and Visa) are accepted into the calculations in most hotels, shops and restaurants, but in small institutions, the calculation "on non-cash" is difficult. Travel - Checks (preferably in US dollars) can be credited in any bank.

Goods and services in Bermuda VAT are not subject.

Tippets are 10 - 15% of the total value of waiters, porters, sweepers, taxi drivers can simply be rounded the amount in the big face.

Security of tourists

Nothing overshadows your stay at the Bermuda (who are considered one of the safest countries of the Western Hemisphere), if you adhere to certain rules of behavior:

  • When visiting an expensive establishment, the evening dress and a rigorous suit with a tie
  • You can not smoke and drink alcoholic beverages in public places
  • Before entering the street, be sure to use sunscreen
  • It is advisable to use bottled water
  • It is recommended to comply with the main hygienic standards and rules.


Public transport of the Bermuda islands is buses, mini-offs, cars, taxis, motorcycles, bicycles, gentle transport and ferries. Since the country is very narrow streets, all transport moves at low speed.

Entertainment, Excursions, Attractions

The city of Hamilton with its picturesque landscapes, parks and squares is enjoyed high attention of tourists. Among local attractions should be noted Bermuda Cathedral Bridge - Holi - Trinity, government buildings, fort, a monument to those killed in world wars. Museums are highly popular among tourists - historical, national gallery, Desmond Gallery - Fontaine, Institute of Submarine Studies, Zoo, Aquarium. In the urban surroundings can be admired by nature in the Blue Reserve - Hole - Park and Botanical Gardens. On the ferry, you can make an excursion to nearby islands.

Saint-George's business card included in UNESCO World Heritage List is the Royal Square of the 18th century, the Town Hall, the State Residence. The most visited museums are the National Trust Museum of Bermud (Building 1700), the Heritage Museum, Historic, Home - Takcker Museum. The most old church here is the Church of St. Peters - Church.

A small island of Ayreland - Island is famous for its forty, the largest on Bermuda, as well as the sea museum and the center of art. Infrastructure is well developed on the island - a large number of pubs, shops, there is even a cinema and market. Snorzeling - Park is considered the best snorkeling center on the Bermuda Islands. Here you can visit the local art gallery of Michael Svan and the picturesque lagoon - the park.

A large stream of tourists in the Bermuda islands is due not only to the sights, sea and sun, but also active pastime. There are excellent conditions for windsurfing, sailing, snorkeling, and, of course, diving (visibility under water here is often 60 meters). And the ships of the ships will give the will of fantasy around the shores. Also on Bermuda there is a large number of golf tournaments - on the islands of 16 modern golf courses.

Bermuda islands are famous for their festivals and carnivals. In early August, this is the famous Caribbean Music Festival, in the middle - Reggae Festival, in November - Bermuda - Tatu, in January - photo exhibition, in March - Fun Music Festival and Jazz Evening.

Newlyweds on Bermuda love to hold wedding ceremonies and honeymoon.

And the seekers adventure which year is trying to solve the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.

Kitchen and restaurants

The national cuisine of the Bermuda islands combines the traditions of Europe and America. The following exotic dishes are popular with tourists and locals:

ear of sea perch, seasoned with black rum

ear of shark meat, seasoned with sherry or rum

Sunday Breakfast - Fried Cod with Potatoes, Eggs, Bananas, Avocado Under the Lukovo - Tomato Sauce

bermuda Omar.

pieces from Manioki, with cod, with mussels

bifstex from the Royal Macrel

all sorts of seafood salads

fried Cuban Zhertovost.

"Hooppin - John" - boiled black peas and rice

TOSONES - Fried Bananas

a variety of fruits

sweet potato pudding

jelly of grapes

jam from Musmula

Alcohol - Local Golsing * S Bermuda Black Seal and Cocktails based on it

Shopping and shops

Shopping schedule:

From Monday to Saturday - from 9.00 to 17.00 (on Thursday - until 15.00 - 16.00)

Shopping in duty-free shops attract the guests of the archipelago. Here you can purchase not only the souvenirs of local masters, but also high-quality products from cashmere and leather from European manufacturers.

Bargaining in the shops of the Bermuda Islands.


Import and export of local and foreign currency is allowed in unlimited quantities. The amount exceeding 10,000 US dollars and gold should declare.

It is allowed to import after 18 years old:

  • Up to 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 450 g tobacco
  • Up to 0.94 l of strong alcohol and up to 0.94 liters of wine

It is forbidden to import:

  • Drugs
  • Explosives
  • Items of historical - cultural value and weapons without appropriate permission
  • Medications containing narcotic substances must have a recipe certified by a notary

It is forbidden to import and export:

  • Plants
  • Animals, including marine
  • Coral
  • Objects raised from the bottom of the sea

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