Step-by-step lessons: how to draw a teacher and teacher. How to draw a teacher (teacher) drawing on the school theme with a pencil teacher

Step-by-step lessons: how to draw a teacher and teacher. How to draw a teacher (teacher) drawing on the school theme with a pencil teacher
Step-by-step lessons: how to draw a teacher and teacher. How to draw a teacher (teacher) drawing on the school theme with a pencil teacher

Teacher's Day is an excellent autumn holiday, which is celebrated in early October. On this day, students and their parents congratulate the teachers and thank them for hard work, patience and professionalism. In many schools on the eve of the holiday, various literary, artistic and musical, to participate in which the guys perform creative tasks.

For the day of the teacher, it is customary to give flowers, and gifts. In addition, each teacher will be unusually nice to get a beautiful drawing from his beloved student. In this article we will tell you how to independently draw a children's drawing to the Day of the teacher, and also offer interesting ideas of works that will definitely like any teacher.

How to statenly draw a drawing to the day of the teacher?

In order to congratulate your favorite teacher with a professional holiday, a child can independently draw a beautiful bouquet of roses. Such a gift requires certain skills, and a small child, of course, the help of parents will be required. At the same time, high school students will easily contact this pattern using the following instructions:

An ordinary simple pencil can be drawn and the teacher itself for his beloved work:

Pictures ideas for teacher's day

Of course, the most common topic of congratulations on the day of the teacher in the form of drawings is flowers. They can be depicted as you please. It can be single flowers, and large bouquets, and blooming bushes, and much more. Most often, children's drawings are performed using color pencils or markers, but if there are certain artistic abilities, any other technique can be used, for example, drawing by gouache, watercolor paints or pastel.

Creately beautiful drawings for the day of the teacher are drawn up in the form of a greeting card. In this case, the child draws directly on the cardboard sheet or sticks the finished pattern to the prepared pattern. In addition, it is necessary to add an original congratulation that is best to write from hand.

On the postcard you can portray not only the flowers yourself, but also the plot situation, for example, when students hand out bouquets to their beloved teacher. You can also use any ideas related to estimates or a class magazine in your work. Finally, any teacher will be pleased to get a congratulation, in which something is present from that subject he teaches. So, a geography teacher will surely like a postcard depicting a globe, biology - plants and animals, physical education - various sports and so on.

When preparing for most school holidays or competitions, students are usually asked to draw a picture on the school. It may be an image of a favorite physical education teacher or the school of the future, its class, the assembly hall. Create such images with pencils and paints is completely simple. To do this, you only need to explore the useful workshops and find out how to draw a school gradually. Children 7-8 years old may simply redraw the proposed options. But students of grades can change or finalize the proposed images. Using your fantasy, will not be difficult to come up with how to draw teachers, a favorite school or your school friends.

How to draw a school pencil stages - master classes for children 7-8 years

The easiest solution for drawing a school with a pencil is the use of geometric shapes. They are perfect for the image of the building with windows and doors. In the next master class, the rules for creating such a simple drawing are described.

Materials for a phased creation of a children's drawing of a modern school

  • ordinary pencil;
  • eraser;
  • line;
  • colour pencils;
  • sheet A4.

Step-by-step master class with photos for creating school drawing for children

Video instructions for drawing their school children

Create a school drawing only from geometrically correct figures is completely optional. The next master class describes in detail the rules for the image of a beautiful school with a pencil in more original form. Such a video will definitely enjoy a child who loves non-standard drawings.

How to draw a school of the future pencil and paints - step-by-step master classes with video

Quite often in schools, interesting contests drawings are held in which students offer to portray an unusual school of the future. Such a task does not limit the fantasy of schoolchildren and allows them to demonstrate all their talents. Selecting that you can draw at school on a similar subject, it is recommended to pay attention not only to the most educational building, but also the image of the original classes. In the following master classes, step by step is considered, as a pencil or paint can draw beautiful and unusual pictures.

A selection of master classes with video to create a school drawings of the future paints and pencils

The proposed master classes will help the child easy to prepare for the competition in school and draw unusual paintings with paints or pencil. Also, the considered instructions can be simply used to select an interesting picture for the image of the school or class of the future.

How to draw teachers at a pencil board - master class with phased photos for children

Choosing among the many options that you can draw on the topic "School", many kids want to portray their class teacher. Such work is quite complicated and painstaking. But to definitely redraw a portrait of a teacher. You can simply draw a smiling teacher, your class. About how to make such a drawing, the next master class will tell in stages.

Materials for creating a teacher's children's drawing near the pencil board

  • colored and ordinary pencil;
  • a4 sheet;
  • eraser.

Phased master class with teacher pencil drawing rules at the board for children

  1. Draw a "skeleton" figures: head and dress. Mark on the face the location of the eyes, mouth, nose.
  2. Take the board at the figure, add a side table. Conditionally draw hands.
  3. Draw chin and neck.
  4. Draw a teacher's figurine face.
  5. Add a hair figure.
  6. Pictulate sleeves dress.
  7. Gently draw hands.
  8. Draw dresses and legs.
  9. Gently draw the table and the cup on it.
  10. Draw a board. If you wish on a board, you can write "Cool work" or to portray some other inscriptions, training posters.

How to draw teachers on physical education for beginners - a phased master class with video

For many students, physical education are the most loved ones. Therefore, choosing that draw school on the holiday or competition, some children come up with their images of the school playground or a portrait of the teacher himself. The next master class will help learn how to portray these drawings is easy and simple.

Master class with phased video images of physical education teacher for children and beginner artists

The following video will help the elementary school students, 5th grade is easily depicting a favorite physical education teacher. This instruction is also suitable for small novice artists who want to learn how to draw figures of people.

Using the proposed photo and video instructions, you can easily find out how to draw school, your class or favorite teachers. These master classes are perfectly suitable for children of 7-8 years, and for primary and secondary school students. For example, 5 class students will be able to learn how to draw physical education teachers or depict their class teacher near the board. The considered images can be changed a bit or add, and you can simply use them to create completely new and unusual drawings on the competition, to decorate the class, the assembly hall of the school.

Drawing lesson is dedicated to school. And now we will look at how to draw teachers (teacher) at the boards with a pencil phased.

First, choose the place where the teacher will stand, and begin to draw the sketch of the head and body. I draw the head of oval shape, show the lines of the middle of the head and the location of the eyes, then draw the torso, the circles show the shoulder joints.

Schematically draw hands.

Then give hands the form.

Sketch is ready and we go to detail. First draw a collar of the blouse, then the sleeve of the jacket.

We continue to draw a jacket.

Draw a collar of the jacket and the second sleeve.

Making a sketch of hands.

We draw a pointer in your hand and more detail out the fingers.

Now we will move to the face, sketching the face of the face and the eye, nose and mouth.

Draw an eye, nose, lips, ear.

Further go, detail your eyes, drawing eyelashes, eyeball, pupils. Then draw eyebrows and hair. Teacher's hair is collected in the tail.

The teacher is ready. Now we need to draw the board. The board can be any size both small and large. I made a big board and wrote a simple equation. You can write everything you want.

Now it remains only to color and drawing a teacher at the board in the school class is ready.

Phased lessons and master classes will tell the child how to draw a school or teacher at the board with pencils for a creative contest or artistic review. Information is made very accessible and equipped with step-by-step photos and videos. Even children of 7-8 years will calmly cope with the development of the material, and for 5 grade students and he will seem very easy and will not cause any difficulties. If desired, pencil sketches can be painted with paints by making them brighter, spectacular and viewing.

How to draw a pencil school - a simple lesson in stages for children 7-8 years

The easiest way to draw school building is described in the following lesson. Work is available for children of 7-8 years and does not require a child of serious effort or the presence of pronounced artistic talents. Some adult assistance may only be needed at the layout of the location of the windows. With all other boys and girls 1-2 classes will be copied independently.

Required materials for simple drawing of the school with pencils

  • paper sheet
  • pencil HB.
  • pencil 2b.
  • erasing rubber
  • rule
  • colour pencils

Step-by-step instruction, as kids 7-8 years old to draw pencils

  1. In the center of the sheet of paper using a ruler and a simple pencil HB draw a conditional sketch of the main building - a horizontal rectangle. On the sides, paint one vertical rectangle. These will be the housing. Their reason for creating a perspective should be lowered by 1-2 centimeters lower than the foundation of the central design.
  2. Conditionally with noticeable lines split the drawing of the building on three horizontal parts of the same width. In the future, they will become floors.
  3. In the middle of the lower part of the central rectangle, draw the doors, to portray the narrow speaker of the visor on top, and then make the basis for steps.
  4. More detailed pencil 2b to read the supports that support the visor and hard to work out the steps.
  5. For the image of windows in the compartment of each floor to read two smooth clear lines.
  6. Locate the line vertically and connect the top and bottom parts of the windows. Solid dashes do not spend not to wash more superfluous and not dump the surface of the paper. Follow the winds of the windows are the same and the distance between them was also equal. It is better to calculate the size in advance or ask for adults to help with marking.
  7. In the same way, depict windows on side rectangles (building housings).
  8. Carefully view the scheme and erasing gum carefully remove all auxiliary lines. More clearly pencil 2b to work the frames in each window, draw triangular roofs over the housings and combine their straight line of the overall roof, placing it with 1-2 centimeters above the top edge of the central rectangle.
  9. Cut the contour of the building of the pencil 2b, making the edge more pronounced and clear. On the sides of the school at the bottom of almost the base hold the line of perspective. Thanks to them, it will create the impression that the construction is in depth and the landscape will become more realistic.
  10. To mark the track leading to the door, and make some incorrect cloud lines in the sky. If you wish the door and roof, tonodize light and dark brown pencils.

As stages to draw the school of the future with colored pencils and felt-meters - a lesson for beginners

This is one of the simplest lessons telling novice artists how to draw a school of the future with pencils and felt-meters. The beauty of classes consists also in the fact that the guys may not just copy the proposed image option, but to show a fantasy and embody their own ideas about how to look in the distant future their favorite educational institution.

Necessary materials for creating a school drawing of the future beginner artists

  • a4 format sheet
  • simple pencil
  • set of color pencils
  • set of markers
  • erasing rubber

Step-by-step instructions, as a beginner draw a school of the future

  1. The sheet of paper is horizontally and the conventional line is divided into two parts so that the top is a little longer.
  2. Closer to the left edge up from the horizon line to draw a high semicircle - the future of the school building.
  3. At the bottom under it, to portray another semicircle, only smaller. Conduct another 3 semicircular lines inside it, each of which will be less than the previous one.
  4. In the top of the semicircle, draw the arched input and read another 2 vertically curved side lines from the same side from the entrance.
  5. Above arched entrance to two cross-line.
  6. The bottom of the sheet, symbolizing the surface of the planet, flashes on the track sectors.
  7. Decoration sketch with colored pencils of suitable shades.
  8. Then, in the sky, draw two small aircraft in the sky, in which students fly to the lessons.
  9. On the arch on the entrance to the building to write the word "school".

A simple lesson for children in stages - how to draw a pencil teacher at the classroom board

If you need to draw a teacher near the board to some school competition or seeing children, this phased lesson will help cope with the task. For the smallest boys and girls, the case will seem complicated, but class 5 students and older will easily make the required.

Required materials for the phased creation of a teacher's drawing at the blackboard

  • list of album paper format A4
  • pencil HB.
  • pencil 2b.
  • erasing rubber
  • rule

Step-by-step instructions, how to draw a pencil teacher at the classroom board

  1. Paper sheet arrange horizontally. Determine the place where the teacher and light strokes will be depicted without making the primary sketch. First draw vertical elongated oval (head), mark the middle of the face and the place for the eyes. Then designate the torso and circles to highlight the shoulder joints.
  2. Schematically depict the hands, placing the elbow joints and wrists.
  3. Draw the figure more hard and give hands shape.
  4. Start working out clothes. At the first stage, go to the handbrick's collar, pre-spout the neckline. Then to read the sleeve and folds in the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow bend. Unnecessary auxiliary lines of the drawing remove with the help of erasing gum.
  5. Draw a second sleeve and an inner collar.
  6. Picture more detailed hand, noting compressed brushes.
  7. Detail the drawing, highlighting more clearly each finger. Take the pointer directed towards the board.
  8. Posted by oval face and ear. Stand your eyes, mouth and nose.
  9. Draw a society, nostrils and lips.
  10. Pictitate the missing details, making the face natural. Add eyebrows and eyelashes, clarify the eyeball. Light strokes allocate hair collected in the tail.
  11. Using the lineup behind the teacher, outline the board and write some example or equation on it.
  12. Sharp the jacket of the teacher with a dark pencil or felt-tip pen. The same color to make several strokes on the hair and more clearly highlight the contours of the figure.

Phased master class for school - how to draw teachers in physical education for beginners

Physical education lesson is one of the most beloved for many schoolchildren and, receiving a task to draw some teacher, the guys often prefer to portray the fizruck. Such work done according to the tips of the phased master class, you can then hang in the gym, where children are engaged in or send school artistic art creativity.

Required materials for the image of the physical education teacher on paper

  • a4 format sheet
  • simple pencil
  • erasing rubber
  • set of color pencils

Step-by-step instructions, how to draw a phased teacher on physical education

  1. The sheet is located vertically and light running at the floor to hold the floor line.
  2. In the upper right corner of the hand or with the help of the line, draw the square, and in it - it is one. Inside the second square, the fastener is the holder of the basketball ring and the grid hanging on it. Square, holder and ring paint red pencil.
  3. Mark the location of the teacher's figure, shifting it from the vertical conditional center on the left side.
  4. First draw sports pants and jacket. At the bottom to work in detail the sneakers or sneakers.
  5. From above, stock neck lines and make sowed faces. Sketch your eyes, nose, mouth. On my head, depict either hair, or a sports cap.
  6. Costume toned with blue pencil or felt-tip pen. On the chest for beauty to draw a red stripe. On the neck draw the whistle hanging on the rope.
  7. In one of the hands of the teacher, to portray a basketball ball. To paint it with an orange pencil.

Teacher's Day - Light and Merry Holiday. On this day, the kids are in a hurry to congratulate their mentors, thank them for patience, presented knowledge and invaluable experience. Not only good words and wishes sound in honor of the teachers, also children try to please the teachers with original gifts, creative scenes and performances, are learning rhymes and songs, make wall newspapers.

In other words, congratulations on the professional holiday are a great opportunity for schoolchildren to show their creative abilities, reveal the talent of the artist or actor.

Children's drawing to the day of the teacher

Traditionally, the day of the teacher, kids prepare a series of thematic postcards. These are unique works of art that reflect the inner world and the perception of small individuals, their attitude towards their teachers and good wishes.

Cards with children's drawings are a wonderful congratulation on the Teacher's Day for each teacher. After all, that can be more valuable and original gift made by small children's handles with so effort and enthusiasm.

Pictures ideas for teacher's day pencil

The fantasy of the younger generation is limitless, but sometimes they lack skills and skills in order to embody all their ideas in life. In particular, to draw a beautiful drawing for a teacher's day with a pencil, for sure children will need adult assistance. And since, not all parents are endowed with artistic abilities, a master class, how to draw a drawing to the Day of the teacher in stages, will be salvation in the current situation.

We will not change the traditions and "give" our respected teachers with flowers with flowers, for example with roses.

So, let's start, we will need for work: simple and color pencils, a sheet of paper (better not one).

A few words, about the overall composition, if you are in the hands of habitually hold a computer mouse, rather than a pencil or pen, it is better to take straight to paint a separate vase and flowers. And after the execution technique, boldly combine the elements into a single composition.

Now, consider how to draw such a drawing to the day of the teacher in stages:

A little easier about a vase:

A more original way to make a congratulation to the teacher's day is a garland with pictures of children or wishes. For example, each class student can write or draw on a colored paper on the teacher's congratulation.

So, to make the garland we will need: Strips of colored paper, color pencils, ribbon, sewing machine or glue, scissors.

Another gift, you can make a wallpaper and paint it with pencils like coloring. Here are some options for the drawing of a congratulatory wall newspaper.