Sobolev in KVN. Family couples among the current residents Comedy Club in the photo

Sobolev in KVN. Family couples among the current residents Comedy Club in the photo
Sobolev in KVN. Family couples among the current residents Comedy Club in the photo

Ilya Viktorovich Sobolev - Standap-comic, showman, TV presenter, actor, musician, participant of the Krasnoyarsk KVN-team "Left Bank", winner of the program "Laughter without rules", resident "Comedy Club", participant of the trio "Ivanov, Smirnov, Sobolev".

Childhood and youth

Ilya was born on February 25, 1983 in Krasnoyarsk. Since childhood, loved to joke and balalaging. Around the boy always sounded laughter. At school, Ilya was the company and a nail of the company. But best of all the guy felt on stage. At that time, the stage platform was a school, sometimes in the house of culture.

On the stage Ilya Sobolev brilliantly joked, improvised and had fun teachers, peers and other present. KVN with the participation of the young man and its production became a joyful event that the audience did not miss.

After graduating from school, Ilya Sobolev received two educations: the highest technical (ICMIMSF) and acting.

The creative biography of Ilya Sobolev began as part of the KVN team called the "Left Bank". In 2003, the Sobolev team - the Champion of the Premier League of the Club of Cheerful and Resources. Among the 18 teams, among whom "Narts from Abkhazia", \u200b\u200b"Persons of the Ural Nationality", "Ordinary People", the national teams of Belarus, Kharkov, players from Krasnoyarsk, reached the final and won with a higher score, dividing first place with a team from Saransk "Region-13".

This allowed "LB" in a year to become participants in the highest league, where the players reached the quarterfinal. In 2004, Sibiryaki also received gold at the Festival "Voting Kiwyn 2004". In 2005, the "Left Bank" became the semifinalist of the Premier League, losing the teams "Maximum" (Tomsk) and "Friends" (Perm).

Humor and creativity

Ilya Sobolev, as one of the most bright and talented KVN players, were invited to television. The humorist became a member of popular comedic projects, appeared in the "Devil League", "Little without rules" and "Comedy Club".

Together with Roman Klyachkin Sobolev participated in the first season of the show program "Laughter without Rules", where he took 2nd place. And in the 9th, "gold", the season of "laughter without rules", in which most of the finalists of previous years participated, Ilya Sobolev in the duet "Beautiful" won the 1st place.

The name of Ilya is associated with another member of the "laughter without rules" and the "slaughter league", protruding under the scenic name Uncle Vitya. When the latter appeared in the 10th season of "laughter without rules" on TNT, attentive TV viewers began to compare a new character with Sobolev, noting a considerable similarity. Project executives denied it, but the audience remained with their own opinions.

Over time, all new "evidence" appeared. First, the image of Uncle Viti partly was borrowed from the favorite movie of Ilya "Man on the Moon." Secondly, at one of the speeches at Uncle Viti, a voice was broken, and many learned the timbre and notes of Sobolev's voice.

Ilya Sobolev in the Stand-Up show

Plus, in 2017, a new show "Money or Shame" was started on the TNT4 TV channel, which was leading this scandalous character. Despite the fact that Sobolev continued to deny the involvement in Uncle Vita, it was to him that a video message of the angry soloist of the MBand group was sent. The fact is that on the air of the Uncle Vitya program unluckyly responded to the team, calling them a "favorite group of worms."

Once again, the comedian Ilya began to disable from the fact that it is not he leads the show. And therefore, and it's not for me to apologize.

In February 2010, Ilya Sobolev left the "slaughter league", deciding that it was necessary to move on. A creative producer of the project, TV presenter and 12 participants left the comer. The guys worked, and at the end of August of the same year on TV channel TNT, the audience saw a new humorous show called "Comedy Battle", consisting of two parts - selected and tournament.

The game participated 5 clans - the finalists "Comedy Battle. Selection "(" Favorites "), residents" Comedy Club "(" Five Baklazhan "), former participants in the" Devil League "(" Aristocrats "," Sue of Happiness "and" Jokers "). Ilya Sobolev, together with the comedians, Konstantin Pushkin, Evgeny Retnovyov, entered the team "Aristocrats".

Ilya Sobolev is a talented artist who received recognition as a lead and showman. Colleagues Ilya argue that comedian is an extremely creative personality. It is not afraid to experiment and does not recognize the framework and restrictions.

Therefore, Ilya manages to be implemented in the separation projects. The comedian makes parodies and miniatures. Brilliantly acts in the genre of Stand-up. And the artist works entertainer. Conducts solemn events, holidays and weddings. He was repeatedly invited as the leader of the company "Dula-Tour", Sberbank, UralSenergogaz, Uralsib, Mars.

Dj Fresh Ft Andrian & Ilya Sobolev - "Don't Think of Bad"

Ilya Sobolev is also interested in music. Together with the popular Petersburg musician, Ilya recorded two musical tracks - "Hansta" and "do not think." Songs became hits and held for a long time held in the charts of the first dance "radio record". Track "Ganest" even took the 16th place of the final Superchart in 2009.

In 2013, 3 participants "Comedy Klaba", former cavancers, decided to create a creative comedy trio "Ivanov, Smirnov, Sobolev". Anton Ivanov and Alexey Smirnov, the participants of the KVN-team "Hot Finnish Guys", worked as a duet called "Bydlo", which was popular among the audience of the projects "Laughter without Rules", "Devilion League", "Deadly Night".

Alexey Smirnov, Anton Ivanov and Ilya Sobolev in "Comedy Club"

The third participant - Ilya - organically supplemented the acting ensemble. The low artist (Sobolev's growth is 166 cm, the weight of about 60 kg) proved that it could become the energy center of a humorous scene. The residents of the club decided not to be limited to the comical numbers of the usual topics. Anton, Alexey and Ilya created their own humor format, bordering the absurd.

The "Ivanov, Smirnov, Sobolev" trio began to regularly appear on the air of the program "Comedy Club", collecting high spectator ratings. Soon, comedians starred together with the "3nt" group "Nuances". Once the acting ensemble received a premium in the nomination "Best Media Collective of St. Petersburg." The figurine was signed by Ivanov, Petrov, Sobolev, which surprised humorists.

Personal life

Personal life Ilya Sobolev is arranged. The artist has a favorite wife Natalia Pakhomov, which is engaged in jurisprudence, as well as issues of acquiring real estate abroad. Natalia Sobolev - organizer and co-owner of the EMS Studio "Fit Premium", Real Estate agencies in Spain. The family lives in St. Petersburg.

Young together is not the first year. When only began to meet, Ilya brought the bride to introduce his parents. Mom has arranged a future daughter-in-law Present exams to make sure the girl's readiness for family life is ready. Natalia sustained checks, and soon the lovers weaken the relationship.

Ilya Sobolev with his wife Natalia and his daughter

Later, their daughter Sofia was born. In September 2015, Natalia presented his spouse to the second daughter Eve. Birth took place in the Moscow clinic. As an experienced mom, Natalia has developed a microblogging for subscribers in the "Instagram" application "Diary of food and recovery after childbirth". Both spouses conduct their own pages on social networks, including Twitter, where they regularly post joint and working photos. All free time, a man tries to spend with children and his wife.

Ilya Sobolev now

In mid-April 2017, Ilya Sobolev as part of the comedy trio went on tour to China, to Hainan Island, where the festival "Comedy Club" took place. The event program included the daily speeches of the residents of the Club. In the afternoon, participants and viewers were collaborated by joint participation in games, competitions and relay. For concerts, comedians prepared the best rooms, as well as miniatures that were created specifically for the festival.

In May 2017, Artist detained PPP officers to verify the documents during which it turned out that Ilya rides the invalid driver's license. The traffic police service deprived Sobolev's rights back in 2014. But the artist, according to him, did not know about it, because he did not receive a summons from the court.

Also in 2017 held a debut of Sobolev in the cinema. He starred in the TV series "Ghost Opera", the director of whom Emil Nikogosyan spoke, famous for the films "Champions" and "Mom 3". It is noteworthy that his colleagues on "Comedy Claby" were also starred in the picture - and. This is the history of the friendship of the Operative Police of the Lady Police and the Ghost of the Legendary Fraudster of Pasch of the Breeze. At the moment, the filmography of Ilya is limited to this picture.

Ilya Sobolev and blogger Nikolay Sobolev are named after

In 2018, Ilya decided to conquer the expanses of the Internet. Its YouTube Channel was registered in 2012, but only now he began to develop it and popularize it. A man admits, in the network he can afford much more than on TV. Here his monologues are even more sharp and topical. Also on the channel, he publishes its improvised concerts and parodies on Russian show-business stars.

Ilya Sobolev on the project "where logic"

In the winter of 2018, a new "Frozhar" show was launched on the TNT4 TV channel, which became Ilya. Comedy program format: Young comedians ridicule a guest guest. A TV presenter and singer has already come to Sobolev to Sobolev, Ruslan White, Blider, and others. Some fans believe that they are brothers. But it is not so guys just namesakes.

By the way, and August 2018, both Sobolev came to the show "Where is the logic?", Ilya was in Tandem with Raper L'One, and Nikolai - s.


  • 1999 - KVN-team "Left Bank"
  • 2007 - "Laughter without rules"
  • 2007 - "Dead League"
  • 2010 - "Comedy Battle"
  • 2013 - "Ivanov, Smirnov, Sobolev"
  • 2013 - "ComedyClub"
  • 2018 - "Frozen"

Ilya began his career in show business with participation in the KVN team "Left Bank", and in its composition he became the Champion of the Premier League KVN 2003 and the participant of the Higher League of 2004. Sobolev comes from Krasnoyarsk, and in this city spent most of his life. Wife Ilya Sobolev was already accustomed to his roads and performances - Sobolev sometimes performs on the Comedy Club stage on TNT and for this he has to go to Moscow.

Another hobby of Ilya Sobolev is music - along with one famous musician from St. Petersburg, he recorded two tracks - "Do not think" and "Gangsta", which quickly became popular and for a long time occupied the leading positions in the first dance "Radio Record Hit Parades ", And in the final Superchart" Radio Record "for 2009, the Gangsta Track took the sixteenth place.

And Ilya is a supporter of the genre of Stand Up and applies a lot of effort to promote it. For his humorous career, he managed to become a member of many television programs, including "Thank God, you came," on the STS, the "killer league" on the TNT channel, "laughter without rules". In addition, he is leading on the Muztvny Channel, leads various identity events, but the most important achievement of the show-man considers his family - the wife of Ilya Sobolev gave him a daughter, and now he can be considered a full-fledged family man.

In the photo - Ilya Sobolev with his wife

Together with Natalia, they are no longer the first year, and when they only met, and Ilya brought the bride to get acquainted to his parents, his mother arranged Natasha a real exam in order to make sure that her son got into reliable and caring female hands. Ilya Sobolev's wife successfully sustained this check, and now every day proves to him, what a magnificent spouse he got.

Natalia Sobolev - a spouse of the popular comedian comedian, resident "Comedy Club" Ilya Sobolev, a famous instabagool, who promotes a healthy lifestyle. The girl became popular, thanks to the social network Instagram, where he posted his own photos to weight loss and after.

First love and pregnancy

Natalia was born on July 11, 1985 in St. Petersburg. Maiden name Girl Pakhomov. Having received a certificate of maturity, she entered the institute by choosing the Faculty of Law. Then the future star Instagram, for some time worked in the area of \u200b\u200bthe purchase and sale of real estate abroad.

For several years, Natalia met with Stand-Up comic, a member of the KVN team "Left Bank" - Ilya Sobolev. When the guy led the bride to get acquainted with his parents, they staged a girl a real check. The mother of the popular comedian wanted to make sure he gives her son in good hands. Pakhomov successfully passed a test drive than conquered future mother-in-law.

Soon Ilya and Natalia officially legalized the relationship, becoming her husband and his wife. After a few months, Sobolev found out that she was pregnant. From this point on, the familiar life of the fragile girl has changed completely. Every day the appetite is once slim Natalia increased, she eaten everything that saw in the refrigerator.

Sobolev comforted himself with stories that the child needs vitamins, useful substances, and if it does not eat, it hurts the child. As a result, a girl with 55 kg reached 88 kg. Due to excess weight, Natalia was put on preservation in the hospital, diagnosing pathology: pracklampsia and gestosis. Fortunately, the girl was born healthy, but with critical low weight.

For the entire pregnancy, the wife of Ilya Sobolev Natalia scored more than 30 kilograms. Returning home, the young mother expected that the weight would also start rapidly, but everything came out otherwise. At first Sobolev could not choose the correct diet, exercise, therefore the abyss of breast milk could.

When the reflection in the mirror was truly to upset the girl, she had fear that Ilya would leave the family. Then Natalia decided that for her it was time to actively act.

Cardinal changes

Sobolev bought a subscription to the gym, every morning, before the departure Ilya went to work on training. In addition, the girl acquired the rollers, on which she rode during walks with his daughter Sofia. To intense training, Natalia added massage and shower Charcot. The main motivator remained Ilya, supporting the spouse in the desire to return to the former forms.

For one and a half years, Sobolev's wife was engaged in force training six times a weekwho independently picked up by browsing the videos on YouTube. In the same way, she chose an optimal nutritional scheme. And only with the help of grueling workouts, thanks to the great strength of the will, she managed to lose weight by 30 kg.

Interesting notes:

With its results, Natalia shared in the social network VK and Instagram, posting photos in the format "to" and "after". In a short time, these pictures flew around the entire Internet, scored a huge amount of likes and enthusiastic comments. Girls from all over Russia wrote Natalia with a request to help them achieve this, without exaggeration, "cosmic" result. Sobolev shared with subscribers personal experience and acquired knowledge, trying to help maximize.

On September 22, 2015, the Sobolev family was replenished. The daughter of Eva appeared on the world. Natalia's second pregnancy reacted more seriously, she did not have to refuse his favorite delicacies. Now she knew how to replace the calorie bells and candy.

An experienced mother has developed its own system "Diary of food and recovery after childbirth", which can be studied in its Instagram blog and other social networks. Now the girl boasts the perfect figure: Height 169 cm, waist 63 cm, thighs 95 cm. To achieve such parameters to the girl was quite difficult, but a powerful motivator became the spouse Ilya Sobolev.

Natalia has time to combine homemade troubles with work on its projects: EMS Studio "Fit Premium", as well as a real estate agency in Spain. Free from work time creative couple spends on vacation abroad. Sobolev often comes to shooting Ilya in the "Comedy Club" to support the spouse.

On the personal pages on social networks, the girl continues to share ways to power, Lays the release menu. Sobolev also teach their children to a healthy lifestyle, regular sports. According to Natalia, active walks, training in the pool in the whole family is not only useful, but also fun.

Name:Ilya Sobolev (Ilya Sobolev)
Date of Birth: February 25, 1983
34 years
Place of Birth: Krasnoyarsk
Height: 166
Activity: KVN player, Comedy Club resident, musician
Family status: Married

Ilya Sobolev: biography

Ilya Sobolev was born on February 25, 1983 in Krasnoyarsk. Since childhood, loved to joke and balalaging. Around the boy always sounded laughter. In school, Ilya, of course, was the boating and nail of any company. But best of all the guy felt on stage. At that time she was a school, sometimes in the House of Culture. On the stage, Ilya Sobolev brilliantly joked, improvised and had fun teachers, peers and all those present, because KVN with his participation and production was always a joyful event that no one missed.

Ilya Sobolev

After graduation, Ilya Sobolev received two educations: higher technical and acting.
The creative biography of Ilya Sobolev began as part of the KVN team called the "Left Bank". In 2003, the Sobolev team - the Champion of the Premier League of the Club of Cheerful and Resources. And after a year, "LB" is a participant in the highest league.

A television

Ilya Sobolev, as one of the most bright and talented KVN players, are happy to invite to television, in different popular projects. So Sobolev appeared in the "slaughter league", "Little without rules" and "Comedy Club". Soon Ilya becomes resident "Comedy Club".

Duet "Beautiful"

Together with Roman Klyachkin Sobolev took part in the first season of the show program "Laughter without Rules", where he took second place. And in the ninth, the so-called "golden" season of "laughter without rules", in which most of the finalists of previous seasons participated, Ilya Sobolev as part of the duet "Beautiful" took the first place.
The name of Ilya is often associated with another member of the "laughter without rules" and the "slaughter league", speaking under the scenic name Uncle Vitya. When Uncle Vitya appeared in the tenth season of "laughter without rules" on TNT, many attentive viewers began to compare it with Sobolev, noting a considerable similarity. Project executives denied this in every way, but the audience remained with their opinion.

Ilya Sobolev in the image of uncle Viti

In February 2010, Ilya Sobolev left the "slaughter league", deciding that it was necessary to move on. A creative producer of the project, a leading and twelve participants, was gone with him. The guys worked well and at the end of August of the same year on the TV channel "TNT" the audience saw a new humorous show called "Comedy Battle", consisting of two parts: selected and tournament.
Ilya Sobolev, of course, a talented artist. But now he is known and as an excellent lead and showman. Colleagues Ilya argue that he is an extremely creative person. It is not completely afraid to experiment and does not recognize any frameworks or restrictions. Therefore, Sobolev managed to successfully realize himself in very different genres. He perfectly makes parodies and miniatures. Brilliantly acts in the genre of Stand-up. And the artist is excellent entertainer.

Ilya Sobolev in the show "Stand Up"

Now Ilya Sobolev is a Comedy Club resident. For her not such a long humorous career Ilya becomes a member of many popular humorous shows. And Sobolev works on the TV channel of the MUCTV leading various identity events.
Ilya Sobolev is also a musician. Together with the famous St. Petersburg musician, Ilya recorded two musical track "Hansta" and "do not think." They became hits and held a long time in the charts of the first dance "radio record". Track "Hansta" even took the 16th place of the final Superchart in 2009.

Personal life

Personal life Ilya Sobolev is completely arranged. Artist has a favorite Natalia spouse. Together they are not the first year. When only began to meet, Ilya brought the bride to introduce his parents. Mom has arranged a future daughter-in-law Present exams to make sure the girl's readiness for family life is ready. Natalia successfully sustained the check, and soon the lovers looked around their relationship.

Sobolev Nikolai Yuryevich was born on June 18, 1993 in the Northern Capital of Russia - St. Petersburg. Kolya was born in a rich family. Dad for 15 years was an entrepreneur. Mom worked for a long time with a pianist in the Mariinsky Theater.

Nikolai Sobolev Childhood

Approximately 5 to 14 years, Nikolai Sobolev was engaged in karate, but Karate was tired of him and the guy was engaged in Taekwondo, but at the age of 14 he was injured and could not continue to do martial arts.

At the age of 12 (at the cottage at the grandmother) began writing a book in the genre of fantasy.

By the 16th year, it was reflected long hair and became interested in computer games (Ragnarök Online). In this game, he poured about 80K rubles. But then Nikolai was blocked by an account in the game and with the online games he knit.

In school years played in the theater.

Nikolai Sobolev after school

At 18 years old Nikolai Sobolev Sostrig long hair.

Entered the Faculty of Economics and Management of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

In the first year he became interested in improving and lasted this passion for about three years. He participated in all kinds of impropect competitions and for all time printed about 15k texts. Its record was 895 zn / min.

In the second year, Nikolai became interested in bodybuilding. For 2 years of training, Nikolai began to weigh about 100 kg.

In 2014 performed in the cabaret.

I studied 5 years. Nikolai received a bachelor's degree and entered the magistracy, but disillusioned and did not learn to learn.

Personal life

Nikolay Sobolev today is one of the most popular video cloggers, according to this fanoks in Kolya, even debt.

Kolya himself says that he is a serious guy and if falls in love, for a long time. The story of his personal life is that confirmation. The girls in Sobolev's life were not so much and all the relationship were serious (if judged by the temporary criterion).

The first relations of Nikolai Sobolev began at 16 years. He began to meet with a girl named Anna (the relationship lasted 1.5 years).

Yana Khanikaryan became the second girl Nikolai Sobolev (the relationship lasted 3.5 years).

Yana often appeared in RAKAMKAFO rollers. Now Yana has a cool instagram Yhanikerian and.

How did Nikolai Sobolev met his girlfriend? With the current girl - Polina cleaner, Nikolay met completely by chance on the set of the next roller for the Rakamkafo channel. But at the time of the first meeting with Polina Kolya was in a relationship with Yana.

Only 9 months after acquaintance (and parting with Yana) Nikolai Sobolev found the very girl who smelled him into the soul. Now Nikolai and Polina live together. Polina Chistolyakova actively leads his instagram _poposha_. Nikolai actively campaigns Polina to create his own channel on YouTube, but the girl cannot decide on the format.

Meet a couple began on June 27, 2015. "Wheel" - so gently calls Nikolai Sobolev his Polina.

The very issue, where Nikolai Sobolev met for the first time with his girlfriend Polina cleaner. (Time 2.38)

Nikolay Sobolev and YouTube

Nikolai Sobolev became incredibly popular lately. Not surprising. The guy managed to unwind 3 channels on YouTube. Collect millions of subscribers, affect the mass of burning themes, to plunge into the sea of \u200b\u200bHeita and the sea of \u200b\u200bfan love.


On March 8, 2014, Nikolay Sobolev, together with the Gram Narmania, create a channel on YouTube with a familiar all name "Rakamakafo".

Guys began to remove Pranca and social rollers. The first video is called "group sex? / Group Sex Prank »

How did Sobolev met the Gram?

"I and Guram met at the birthday of a common friend and became friends. Over time, I understood how similar we are similar in our views on life and a sense of humor. "

Popularity to the guys from Rakamakafo came pretty quickly. Serez Year of Kolya and Guras became the laureates of the "Top 50" of the most famous people of St. Petersburg 2015.

Prankers were repeatedly accused of staged rollers, but those all denied.

At the end of 2015, the guys start increasingly and less frequently to invest on the Rakamakafo channel and create separate channels on YouTube (SOBOLEV and GURAM GRUZIN.)

On the development of the Rakamakafo channel, a little more than 100k rubles went

In 2016, Pranckers organized a charitable collection for orphanages. And for several months there were about 2 million rubles.

Life YouTube. Sobolev

On October 16, 2015, Nikolai Sobolev together with the VK community creates a new channel "Life YouTube", where it begins to overlook the current news in the blogosphere. In 2016, changes the name of the channel to "SOBOLEV".

Thereby reorienting the channel for discussion and criticism of the High Top.

Sobolev "This is a purely commercial project, strategically calculated from the very beginning, each of his move and every step, so speaks about the channel of Kolya himself.

Nikolai Sobolev on let them speak with Diana Shurgina
Initially, the channel was gaining popularity smoothly, but at the beginning of 2017, Nailat managed at that time the resonant news about "". After several video reviews and a campaign to transfer "Let them say" the rating of the channel "SOBOLEV" and the number of subscribers took off to heaven. His channel became the fastest growing in the world.