Because of what Timati and Kirkorov were injured. The scandal between Kirkorov and Timaty throws up dirty details

Because of what Timati and Kirkorov were injured. The scandal between Kirkorov and Timaty throws up dirty details
Because of what Timati and Kirkorov were injured. The scandal between Kirkorov and Timaty throws up dirty details

In 2012, a major quarrel took place between the Timati Rapper and the King of the Patriotic Pop Scene - a large quarrel - a graduate of the "Star Factory" published a personal correspondence with the People's Artist. After some time at the "Heat" festival, Grigory Leps tried to reconcile musicians.

On April 1, Philip Kirkorov and Timati took off in a comic video, where they beat their conflict. Now Philip Kirkorov and Timati finally set up relations. As a result, they released the Joint Clip "Last Spring". In the plot, the young singer loses his head from popularity, and therefore does not appreciate his chosen. As a result, the girl creates a family with another man. As a result, the hero of Timati is too late aware of his mistake, when it is already impossible to fix something.

Apparently, Rapper expected to receive perplexed comments from his fans, and therefore hurried to justify the duet with the king of the domestic pop scene.

"If I have seen seven years ago, someone said that I would write a song with Philip Kirkorov, I would most likely laughed in my face. Today I will give you a joint clip and the song "Last Spring", and I will not crap, I do not know a single artist who, in fact, would sleep better than this chorus! Morality is simple: two consistent, adults with a definitely not a simple history of relationships considered the creative part of a more important aspect today than expired by the expiration date of the resentment, claims and presents, "the musician wrote.

Timati admitted that in modern show business it is pretty hard to maintain good relations with colleagues. "Yesterday I told Mom:" As it turned out, it is a long way - from the remnants of youthful maximalism to suspended, wise deeds carrying creative character. " I can't disagree. In our musical and artistic environment, where a priori is almost all hated, it is quite difficult to make precedents. So, today the very day, "the rapper continued.

Fans remained delighted with the new work of famous musicians. They admired the plot of the clip, as well as how this idea was implemented. They liked the locations, the game of the main characters and the style of shooting. But most of them were struck by such an unexpected duet.

"Wow, now I have seen everything", "Wow, strong! And unexpectedly! ", I'm waiting for Timati Feat Pugachev," "Guys, why are you so evil? They came down, we need to rejoice. I am glad that they have risen. People, forgive each other! I put a husky, I really liked the song "," Well, after that we can safely go into the sunset. Even Fit with Snoop Dogg is not so surprised how this collaboration "," The director is another huge thank you for the work! The chic film turned out! " - wrote fans of artists.

Timati's rapper complained about Twitter for the binding of the winners of the MUZ-TV premium. Kirkorov hit him for honesty, for which Timati expressed everything he thinks about him.

Scandals for MUZ-TV premiums occur not only. After declaring the results of the Timati award, he wrote a long post on Twitter (and they can) about the injustice of the choice of awarded.

A few days later, Philip Kirkorov reacts at him.

Timati lay out a juicy selection of facts from Philip Pedrosovich's biography.

After another tweet of Timati Hesteg # Filippdavdavitamy for a while rises to the second line of world trends Twitter.

Many stand on the side of the rapper, including Master Vladimir Solovyov and Ashot Gabroleanov, Gondir Lifenews.

Joined the producer Joseph Prigogin. First, he tightens in Timati, then Retventit Oleg Gazmanov (present).

Wakes up a spokesman for Kirkorov Olga Alekseeva. Prigogin reminds her about the debt, which she supposedly does not give up for seven years.

Kirkorov is trying to defend his press secretary, but Podhoghin is blackmailing it with a certain document.

Basque asks not to beat the lying, but Gabrelians indicate that Kirkorov himself first began.

Timati's rapper complained about Twitter for the binding of the winners of the MUZ-TV premium. Kirkorov hit him for honesty, for which Timati expressed everything he thinks about him.

Scandals for MUZ-TV premiums occur not only. After declaring the results of the Timati award, he wrote a long post on Twitter (and they can) about the injustice of the choice of awarded.

A few days later, Philip Kirkorov reacts at him.

Timati lay out a juicy selection of facts from Philip Pedrosovich's biography.

After another tweet of Timati Hesteg # Filippdavdavitamy for a while rises to the second line of world trends Twitter.

Many stand on the side of the rapper, including Master Vladimir Solovyov and Ashot Gabroleanov, Gondir Lifenews.

Joined the producer Joseph Prigogin. First, he tightens in Timati, then Retventit Oleg Gazmanov (present).

Wakes up a spokesman for Kirkorov Olga Alekseeva. Prigogin reminds her about the debt, which she supposedly does not give up for seven years.

Kirkorov is trying to defend his press secretary, but Podhoghin is blackmailing it with a certain document.

Basque asks not to beat the lying, but Gabrelians indicate that Kirkorov himself first began.

After a little calm on the pop Olympus, the famous Rapper Timati, apparently decided to remind himself and quite recently, resting in the metropolitan karaoke bar, made a rather mocking photograph, which then published in the personal microblogging.

On this photograph, the rapper is painted against the background of the monitor, on which Philip Pobrosovich was depicted and the text from the song "The girls stand, stand on the sidelines." At the same time, Timati covered the original part of the phrase, and only the phrase was read on the sidelines on the photograph, the experts of the news heading in the stock exchange leader report.

According to satisfied the expression of Timati face, it is noticeable that he considers it a completely successful joke. Timati's lovers rated such a thin humor of their ideal and expressed support.

Experts remind conflict

The conflict between the two stars, which began in the summer last year, lasts for a long time and began quite loudly.

The king of Russian pop music and Timati was responsible as a result of the "MUZ-TV" premium. The beginning of the conflict between Timati and Phillip Pobrosovich Kirkorov was quite sharply the saying of the rapper in his personal twitter, where he wrote about the injustice of the presentation of the musical award. Philip Kirkorov decided to enroll in MUZ-TV, as a result of which he ran into insults from the Rapper.

In the personal microblogger, Rapper Timati wrote about how it was possible not to reward for the "breakthrough of the year" by Ivan Dorna, and in the nominations "group of the year" and "clip of the year" not awarded the group "Silver", because their clip, shot on the song "Mom Lyuba" was able to dial over 20,000,000 clicks on YouTube. In addition, Timati outraged other nominations. To which Philipp Kirkorov could not resist response and wrote if there were any questions, then they should not be announced to all, referring to professional ethics. For what, accordingly, Rapper silence also did not and recalled Kirkorov's scandalous stories with a journalist Aroyan Irina and television director Marina Apple, while Timati did not forget to hint at the unconventional orientation of Philip Kirkorov.

Eyewitens of these parties have become almost all readers of star microblogging. The phrase "Petushina Obiama" became quite widely in demand in the world's world wide web and quite often quoted "joke". Participants of this scandal are in reality, behave like fighting roosters.

The end of this scandal was the song of Timati, in which the main phrase sounded: Who are you, let's goodbye. This song of Timati fulfilled together with his comrades-rapper L'One, Nel, St. and Misha Krupin - removed a video on the song "Forms goodbye", while exposing the most urgent problems of show business, and quite unequivocally gave a hint of sexual orientation of Philip Kirkorov.

At the same time, the most unflattering and obscene expressions sounded in the songs, which are accused of the whole domestic in corructuring and the dominance of indecentity. They say that they are famous for all "stars", among whom Philip Kirkorov, have already occupied the stage a long time ago and do not allow nascent new names. "You do not stand the Kokoshnik" Buranovsky grandmothers. Your music has long needed to register on the cemetery, - the words of the song say. - The smell of naphthalene annoys the nostrils. Stars - your naked pinch is the only trump card. "

And now this scandal lasts more than six months between Rapir Timati and Pop-star Philip Kirkorov. Currently, almost no one remembers that the popular song "Come on, goodbye!" No relationship had any of the participants of the scandal.

The authors of this song, the Rustamov Rustamov brothers, who are Azerbaijanis, are very sorry that their work was the most true anthem of the conflict of two very talented people and are ready to act as peacekeepers who will try to resolve the conflict and restore the kind relationship between the stars. The Rustamov brothers consider themselves to be a certain extent responsible for the sorry, since their song was used, although the variation altered it. Besides, the song "Come on, goodbye!" Divided the Russian show business to 2 irreconcilable camps. They very much hope that two talented artists will finally grow up, and the song will not remember in a negative key.

On the eve of Moscow in Moscow, awards were presented to the most stylish men according to GQ magazine. This event was not having worse without the pop king of the Patriotic pop of Philip Kirkorov and his "sworn colleague" Timati. About five years ago, artists quarreled seriously. For a long time, they did not communicate, but by last summer at the Festival "Heat" Gregory Leps managed to pick up his colleagues and help them start relationships from pure sheet.

However, in the public space of Kirkorov and Timati until yesterday evening did not cross, therefore it was unclear whether the efforts of Lepsa brought the result or singers shared their hands on the "heat" only in order not to upset the common friend. The answer to this question was received by journalists during the GQ awards ceremony. Filipp Pobrosovich appeared first at the event. Timati appeared after half an hour after the arrival of the pop king, so they did not cross the "red carpet".

But, as reported by Komsomolskaya Pravda, the rewards of the Awards were awarded one by the "downtime colleagues", Kirkorov was recognized as the "most stylish singer of the year", and Timati is the "stylish producer." After receiving the award, Roiper had to pass by the pop king to return to his place in the hall. But when the artists turned out to be near Philip Pobrosovich, did not turn his head and greet the owner of the Black Star label, but continued to watch somewhere in front of him. Timati traveled indifferent by, also without attempting to greet his colleague.

However, journalists admit that mutual ignore is not a sign of another quarrel of artists, but only a brilliantly thoughtful PR-move. There are rumors in the network that the singers did not simply recalled, but are preparing in the near future to appear in a joint video.