Figure for mom light. How do we draw mom to recognize yourself

Figure for mom light. How do we draw mom to recognize yourself
Figure for mom light. How do we draw mom to recognize yourself

What can the child's favorite mother please please? Any handicraft made by your own hands will warm my mother's heart and will replenish a piggy bank of pleasant little things that carefully keep each mom. At the same time, it is not necessary to create masterpieces from expensive and hard-to-reach materials for creativity.

You can prevent the drawing as a gift, especially if it is unusual to arrange it.

Simple drawing applique for the smallest

Here are some interesting options for creating a gift pattern:

Drawing with palms. To do this, you will need:

  • sheet sufficiently thick paper;
  • real flowers;
  • finger paint;
  • chalks

Such a simple drawing applique in can make even the most small childIf adults will help him. Give live flowers, which before making crafts should be kept in water. Cut the flowers themselves.

Color handle with pink paint.

We apply a handle stick on paper. To the prints, ascend the stems of colors. To the ends of the stems glue live flowers.

It turns out a very touching and elegant drawing applique for the mother's day.

Mother Portrait for Mother's Day

If you have a gift of painting, you can draw your mom's sweating. To begin with, we make a sketch with a pencil. In the hands of Mom, we placed a bouquet of tulips.

Fill face with color, paying attention to the glare and shades of color.

Draw my line of eyebrows, eyes and lips. We begin to fill the hair with color.

Fill the color blouse. Choose your favorite mother's blouse for your portrait and try to transfer it to the shade. Fill the color of the leaves. Give the ability to hair due to the lines the darker of basic color.

Draw hands and fill the color of the tulips. We draw white dots peas on a blouse.

Draw a short blouse.

The ability to draw portraits is a whole art. In the portrait that you want to give the Mother's Day to emphasize all the advantages of the mother's appearance, whether bright eyes, long hair Or a light smile.

Figure - Mother's Day symbol

Figure - Mother's Day symbol is very simple performed. It depicts the composition "Mom and Baby". Between them a bright red heart. First apply a pencil drawing, and then pull it into a gentle halftone.

We supplement the drawing with the applique with butterflies, flowers and leaves.

Mother's Day symbol can be decorated greeting postcard or wall newspaper.

Symbol "Mother's Day" on a postcard

Drawing Flowers for Mother's Day

You can draw a twig of gentle flowers on the mother's day. Flowers are a universal gift for all holidays, and drawn flowers will remain memory for long years. We will paint the flowers with a pencil and watercolor.

We start with pencil sketch.

Fill in a gentle color. Inner petals of colors.

Stress out a more expressive basis. The base of the inner petals. Coloring in gentle lilac color External flower petals.

Fill over the color of the twig and draw small gentle leaves.

A slightly blurred watercolor fill the space around the flower.

Decorating a drawing with white splashes. This effect gives a drawing of a live and magical look.

Figure Flowers for Mother's Day is ready! We can draw it on the canvas, and turn it with a framework by placing as a small picture.

Figure "Flowers" for Mother's Day

This is how unusually you can perform a drawing or on a gift to my mother, surprising and delivering it. Figure for mom, made with love and non-standard approach, can become a beautiful decoration for room, kitchen and even a festive table.

Look at the video exhibition school drawings And wall newspaper for Mother's Day:

We draw mom:phased drawing For children, step-by-step photos, examples of children's portraits Mom.

Draw mom with children

Do you still have a portrait of my mother drawn in your family? Today we will draw it with children! By analogy, you can perform a portrait of a grandmother, sisters, a favorite child teacher and give it to his birthday, March 8, Mother's Day.

Before drawing a portrait, be sure to spend a conversation with children.

Preparing for Mom drawing with preschool children

Discuss with the use of photos of loved ones and familiar people of people, illustrations from children's books about the family:

- What form is a person's face?

- What is the face of mom's face? What kind characteristic signs Has a face?

- What color do mom eyes?

- Does your eyebrows at mom's dark or bright?

- What color is the hair?

- What a hairstyle is mother ( short haircut, Flusted hair, hair are assembled in a bunch on top or rear)?

Paint mom: Phased Drawing for Children

Step 1. Draw the face mom

Draw an oval faces. (Need to draw simple pencilHere, in the master class, a felt-tumbler was used to clearly seen the line).

Step 2. Draw your neck and shoulders mom

Split oval in half vertically (from top to bottom). All lines are preferably drawing a very easy pressure pencil.

Draw your neck and shoulders.

Step 3.

- split the resulting vertical line into three equal segments.

- through the obtained points to carry out two thin horizontal lines, separating the sulfur faces into three parts.

Step 4. Draw your eyebrows, eyes mom

- Under the upper dividing line draw eyebrows. Watch out for an equal range of eyebrows from the center of the face.

- Under the eyebrows draw the eyes of the almond-shaped form.

- In the center of the eye, draw a circle - iris.

- In the iris, draw a smaller circle - pupil.

Step 5. Draw your nose, mouth, ears mom

- from the eyebrow line to the bottom dividing line Draw nose.

- The lowest vertical segment is divided into half and spend the line of the mouth - a concave line.

- Over the resulting mouth line draw upper lips with two curved segments.

- under the mouth line draw the lower lips of a more concave line

- Between the first and second dividing horizontal lines to draw ears.

Step 6.

- And now we take paint and tassels different numbers. Thin tassel black paint Draw eyebrows, eye contours, eyelashes. If bright eyebrows - draw them light paint

- Draw a blue paint iris. If the eyes have a mother of another color, then draw the iris fit color.

- Black paint draw pupil.

Step 7.

Red paint draw lips. The mouth line is highlighted with a thin line of more dark paint.

Step 8. Draw your dress mom and hairstyle

- Draw a dress, preferably your favorite mother. Draw beads if she wears them. Or chain with pendant.

- Draw your hair. It is important to convey the idea to children that the hair is painted in the direction of their growth. In this case, in the figure to this article, we painted the hairstyle of the type of kara. Hair smooth strands fall from top to bottom, closing her ears. To draw on the right side of the face with the movement of the brush from top to bottom from the middle of the forehead. You do not forget to keep the brush to keep vertically. Pay attention to the fact that the brush is tearing from the sheet of paper, and again from top to bottom, and not "there - here".

- If mom has long hair, draw them below, they will fall on the shoulders, on the dress.

Similarly to the right side to draw hair on the left side of the face.

If mom has a hairstyle with an open forehead, then as a result of this step, it turns out about such a portrait of my mother.

Step 9.

If your mother has a cheek, then you need a bangs to draw a thin brush movement of the brush from top to bottom. At the top, draw the lines closer to the center, downstairs - spreading lines to the sides.

It should be observed for a hairstyle: maybe the bang is short, it goes only in the forehead area or from the center of the head. Then in the figure should draw lines from the center of the head in the form of a triangle.

Here are some different moms! Below you will see the drawings of children who painted mom on this master class. Pay attention to how they portrayed their moms in different ways!

We draw mom: examples of children's drawings

Mom is the closest and dear person in the life of every child. Indeed, the role of mother in upbringing and development little man It is difficult to overestimate, because it is it that for many years is near, protects and supports. Looking at the children's drawings, most often in a touching angular female figure, you can learn mom - kids with special love and effort depicts small "identifying" parts of hairstyles or clothes. So how to draw mom? We picked up the simplest phased master classes with photos and videos on the image of the mother with pencils or paints - with a child, as well as the "family" drawing with dad, daughter and son. With the help of our lessons for children 8 - 10 years old, you can beautifully draw my mother's portrait or postcard as a birthday present, Mother's Day, March 8 - from his beloved daughter or son. Inspired by our ideas, you can easily decide what to draw mom to any significant date or just like that. Successful drawings!

How beautiful and easy to draw mom paints - a phased master class with a photo for children 8 - 9 years old

Children's drawings always transmit feelings, thoughts, emotions young artist - Everything that is difficult to express in virtue of age with words. How beautiful to draw mom's gouache? For children 8 - 9 we offer phased master class With photo by creating a colorful portrait of mom. Adhering to the instructions of the lesson, each child can easily portray the mother-in-face portrait and present a surprise on the mother's day or March 8. Undoubtedly, every mother will have to do such a touching gift from his daughter or son, with love made by their own hands.

Required materials for Figure Mamina Painting Paints:

  • paints - Gouache
  • paper
  • bELICH Tassels of Different Thickness
  • glass with water

Phased instructions for a master class on creating a beautiful picture of Mom by a child of 8 - 9 years old, with photo:

  1. First you need to mix white paint With red and yellow - it turns out a pleasant body color.

  2. On a white sheet, we depict a face in the form of an oval and neck.

  3. Red paint draw the clothing contour and paint it.

  4. The background is better to make light - in our case it is yellow.

  5. When the paint gets dry, proceed to drawing hairstyles - strokes sending down from the site of the "probor" down by the growth of the hair.

  6. For the image, the eye will need a thin brush, which is dipped into white paint and make the basis. We draw blue mugs from above - my eyes our eyes will have exactly this beautiful color.

  7. Lips make red.

  8. Pink color highlighting cheeks.

  9. We draw a thin brush line of the nose and eyebrows.

  10. With the help of the same thin brush, draw individual strands of the hairstyle with a light shade.

  11. Neck color make darker to pay off the face.

  12. For expressiveness, we supply the eyes of a thin black line, as well as draw pupils and cilia.

  13. We carry out a thin line smile on the lips.

  14. We complement the portrait of small details - white earrings and beads.

  15. The final stroke of the picture will be a bouquet of daisies at Mom in the hands. First draw a yellow middle, and then white petals.

  16. Leaves and stems of flowers are drawing green and shadowing turquoise paint.

  17. It remains to decorate the background with small details in the form of floweries or leaves and all - our portrait of my mother is ready! Such beautiful drawing It can easily draw a child 8 - 9 years old for a gift mommie to any festive date or just to please or raise the mood.

How to draw mom, dad, daughter and son pencil - master class in gradento on video for children

For children of any age, family is loving and native people, present support and support. Besides yourself, in its first drawings, the baby usually depicts mom, dad, sister or brother. Over time, the drawings become more meaningful, but the essence remains the same - the child expresses his feelings to surrounding people and life events with a pencil or paints. With the help of our master class on the video, we learn how to paint the mother, dad, daughter and son - such a drawing with a pencil easily to master even the most small painter.

Video lesson on the creation of a family drawing - Moms, Dad, Daughter and Son:

How to draw a pencil mom with a child - master class for novice artists

Mamines hands are affectionate, caring and kind. The first embracing in their life the child gets from Mom, and as they grow up and the need for warm touches is growing native man. Self famous artists Drew mom with a child in his arms - many of these paintings can be found in the galleries different countries World. How to draw a pencil mom with a child? Pass our master class for beginners, and soon you can draw a pencil mom with a child in your hands - a wonderful gift for the upcoming day of the mother.

List of materials on master class of pencil drawing Mom and child:

  • white paper sheet
  • simple pencil
  • colored pencils or paint paints

The order of drawing a mother with a child in his arms - Phased:

  1. The drawing is starting with the sketch of the head of the mother and the child - with horizontal and vertical lines for the location of the eye, nose and mouth. We supply your mother's body circuit, designating the line of shoulders, arms and backs. We plan a child's hand sticks on my mother's shoulder, as well as body line. Then we give faces the form of oval, and we draw the child ear.

  2. On my mother's head, we make a sample from which we draw wavy strands of the hair. Boy depict a short hairstyle with bangs.

  3. Eyes are located on the upper horizontal line of the face, running out the contours of the eyelids and drawing eyeballs, pupils and eyelashes. We supplement the eyes by the engaged lines of eyebrows. We draw noses and lips, stretched in a smile - according to the previously vertical and horizontal lines.

  4. Draw a baby torso - shoulder, back, chest, as well as hand and sleeve shirt. Fingers, hugging mom, need to be outlined more clearly.

  5. Now we will supply my back and mother's chest, not forgetting to designate the sleeve of the dress. Testing hands hugging a child.

  6. All, our black and white drawing Moms with a child on hand ready!

  7. It remains to paint the image with colored pencils or paints. Mom's hair and child can be taken different shades Chestnut color, dress to do orange, and shirt - blue. Beautiful and touching drawing turned out!

What to draw mom for a birthday from a daughter 8 - 10 years old - original ideas with photos

Every mom is nice to get in your main holiday A gift from his beloved daughter or son - drawing or craft made by hand. So what to draw mom on her birthday? We picked up interesting ideas With photo of hand drawn gifts for mom - any of the proposed options is quite forces of the girl 8 - 10 years. Complete the drawing with warm touching poems - with the best wishes!

Photo ideas of children's drawings for mother's birthday

What to draw mom just like this - a selection of beautiful drawings in the photo

The best drawings for mom - from children just like that, from the pure heart

How to draw a card mom for mother's day with your own hands - step-by-step master class with photo

On the eve of different festive dates, children draw wonderful postcard drawings with paints or pencils - the most "universal" gift and a sign of attention from loving Chad. So, how to draw a postcard mom on the mother's day with your own hands? In 2017, we celebrate this wonderful holiday on November 26, so you can already start exploring our step-by-step master class with photo. Little ambitiousness and efforts, and you will have a beautiful hand drawn card for mom - on mother's day or another solemn event.

List of materials for a master class to create a postcard for mom's mother's day:

  • paper dense white or double-sided cardboard
  • acrylic - white, ivory
  • brushes - Shovel, Thin
  • pencil simple
  • watercolor paints
  • thin felt-tumbler

Step-by-step description of the master class "Hand drawn postcard Mom" \u200b\u200b- as a gift for Mother's Day:

  1. The basis of the postcard is missing acrylic paint Light color with a brush blades.

  2. On the surface of the sheet, we apply a simple pencil details of the drawing - flowers, leaves, stems.

  3. Mix yellow and orange watercolor and make background for flowers.

  4. Poppy paint red.

  5. For the middle of daisies, we take yellow paint.

  6. Black paint the "core" of poppies.

  7. The contour of poppies supply a black thin tassel with a black paint or a felt-tip pen.

  8. We look at the contours of chamomile petals with a white acrylic, shaping each element. Complete this postcard of a congratulatory inscription and - a gift for the mother's day is ready!

How to draw mom? Here you will find master classes with photos and videos for children 8 - 10 years old on drawing with pencil and paints Mom portrait with a child, as well as family drawing With dad, daughter, son. If you have not yet decided that you draw my mother's birthday, March 8, mother's day or just like this - use our ideas and lessons. Follow phased instructionsYou are beautiful and easy to make your own hands a touching gift card. Undoubtedly, every mother will be glad to such a creative surprise from his beloved daughter or son.

Mom is a person who can replace everyone, but no one can replace it. Isn't that "golden" words? And these: "No gift to my mother will be equal to the gift that she gave us - life!"?
I suggest your attention beautiful quotes, statements and aphorisms about mom.

The parent heart is the deepest abyss, at the bottom of which you will inevitably find forgiveness (O. de Balzac).
Maternity art - teach a child to the art of life (E. Haffner).
God could not be everywhere, so he created mothers (Jewish proverb).
I love my mother, like a tree loves the sun and water - she helps me grow, flourish and achieve large heights (T. Gorylemets).

There is only one in the world. lovely babyAnd he has each mother (Chinese proverb).
Mom is the person who seeing 4 pieces of cake on the 5th eaters, says that she never wanted him (T. Yordan).
Mom will always make you feel more than a high class people than we actually (J. L. Spalding).

Merry statements about mom

The most difficult for my mother is to agree that other mothers also have the best children.
* * *
Many women for some reason think that to give birth to a child and become a mother - the same thing. With the same success, it would be possible to say that the same thing is to have a piano and be a pianist. (S. Harris)
* * *
You will not cease to be a kid while you have a mother (S. Jeiet)
* * *
If evolution really works, then why moms still have two hands? (M. Berli)
* * *
Decide to acquire a child a serious business. This means to decide that your heart is from now and forever walked out of your body. (E. Stone)
At first she could not object to the child not born nervous, then - so that the milk did not dry. Well, and then she is used to. (E. meek)
* * *
Care is when they think about others. For example, one woman shot her husband from Luca to just wake children. (Ya. Ipokhorskaya)
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The Milky Way of our life originates from the mother's chest. (L.Shorukov)
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One day your daughter will follow your example, not your advice.

Philosophical thoughts, quotes, sayings about mom

The first gift that gives us a mother is life, the second is love, and the third understanding. (D. Bauer)
* * *
Children - anchors who hold the mother in life. (Sofokl)
* * *
The most great right of a woman is to be a mother. (L. Youtang)
* * *
Mother's love is Meshsill, primitive, selfish, and at the same time disinterested. It does not depend on anything. (T. Driver)
* * *
Women are so unhappy on the slope of their beauty only because they forget that the happiness of motherhood comes to replace beauty. (P. Lacretnel)

And now interesting statements about children

The best way to make children good is to make them happy. (O. Wilde)
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Children are holy and clean. It is impossible to make them a tasted of your mood. (A.P. Chekhov)
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In children there is no past, nor the future, but, unlike us, adults, they know how to use the present. (J.Labryuer)
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There is no hymn on Earth a solemn than bauing children's mouth. (VGGU)
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A child can teach adult three things: rejoice without any reason, always find a lesson and insist on its own. (P. Coelho)
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The child needs your love most when it deserves it least. (E. Bombek)
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The first problem of parents is to teach children how to behave in a decent society; The second is to find this decent society. (R. Orben)
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A child who tolerates less insults, grows by a person who is more conscious of his dignity. (N. Chernyshevsky)
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Little children have a lot in common with intellectuals. Their noise is annoying; Their silence suspiciously. (Laub)
* * *
If people say bad about your children - it means they say bad about you. (V. Sukhomlinsky)

Pictures of Mother's Day

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You can draw a gift mom on anything! But if children's age The artist's experience is not enough, it is better to go proven by using traditional cardboard or tight paper. The optimal size of the "canvas" is a sheet of A4 format - kids will conveniently place their creations on it, teenagers and adults will be able to fill it with a funny plot on a popular festive topic. In order for the drawing on the mother's day to be successful, the instrument of labor is to choose paints or pencils. Do not do without a ruler, eats, brushes and other stationery. Having determined the "field of activity", it is certainly worth developing the concept of a picture. For school competition or exhibition in children's gardentimed to the mother's holiday, it is recommended to draw flowers bouquets, fabulous characters with gifts and cakes, beautiful landscapes etc. The main thing is that the drawing of the mother's day is created from the soul. Otherwise, our phased lessons with photos and videos will help the task.

Phased Drawing Pencil for Mother's Day to the exhibition in kindergarten - photos and video

Any cute craft, created by the kid's hands, will warm the mother's heart and will replenish her piggy bank of pleasant baby trifles. At the same time, absolutely no sense to create amazing masterpieces from expensive and hard-to-reach materials. As a gift for relatives for the mother's day, you can present normal drawing A pencil with a fun festive plot. Even with endless children's love and non-standard approach to business, he will definitely like any parent. Moreover, such a phased drawing with a pencil for the mother's day is ideal even for the thematic exhibition in kindergarten. Read more!

Required materials for drawing with a pencil for the mother's day for the exhibition in the kindergarten

  • white sheet of paper A4
  • sharpened pencil
  • paint or Color Pencils
  • eraser

Instructions step by step drawing to kindergarten for the mother's day for the exhibition - Photo and video

  • Just above the muzzle draw eyes. Slide your nose and eyes leaving little glare. Add teddy bear eyebrows, mouth and ears. The auxiliary curve erase, draw the line of the head of the head (in the same place, except for the plots from the top point of the face to the nose and from the mouth to the bottom of the muzzle).

  • Ring from the head down, draw the body of the character. Then carefully bring both legs. At the chest level of the bear on the left side of the body, draw a plate for the cake.

  • On the finished dish, draw three cake tiers: wide lower, medium and narrower top. All lines that have chopped on the cake erase the eraser. Slightly retreating from the right contour of the body, Dorisite towards the cake of one paw of the bear.

  • Bring to the end of the image of the cake. Draw the cunning glazes and the ball on the top tier with oblong waves. Draw a small fragment of the left paw in the right paw.

  • On the central part of all parts of the bear (torso, handles and legs), swipe the vertical lines of the crossy. Where you need to add dotted. Additional background balloons or soap bubbles. Optionally, you can paint the congratulatory bear with colored pencils or watercolor paints.

  • Drawing on Mother's Day with your own hands to school on the competition (phased photos and videos)

    Flowers can be seen on the canvases of many world painters: Van Gogh and Claude Monet, Henri Matisse and Salvador Dali, Cezan and Pierre Renoara fields. Why not follow the example of great artists? Take the inspiration and boldly create! Give the precious mammage flower pattern on the mother's day or depicting a fresh bouquet of roses for a school competition.

    Required materials for drawing with your own hands to school for mother's day

    • white Paper Sheet A4
    • pencil
    • eraser

    Drawings step by step drawing for mother's day to school with their own hands - Photo and video

  • At the place of the future bouquet, depic ovals buds. From each of them, spend down the line - stem. In place intended for the bow, sketch some details. Give a donkey vase round shape.

  • Each rose buds add clarity, make the shape of the geometric incorrect, hover the lines. Straps thicker the second auxiliary line. Clearly circle a vase circuit, observing more or less symmetrical proportions.

  • At this stage, bring all buds to the end species. Inside each of them, dorisite the lines of petals, under buds - sewers. On the stalky add the contours of the leaves. Clearly draw the curls of the bow.

  • Mouse accommodate each sheet, add more than greens. Do not forget to try sorrows on the stems. Leave any fantasy pattern on the vase. Erase all unnecessary lines. Drawing on mother's day with their own hands on school competition Ready!

  • Phased Drawing Pencil for Mother's Day with your own hands for beginners (photos and video)

    Phased drawing Pencil for Mother's Day is always decent gift or addition to it. But even more worthy praise and admiration Mother's portrait, made to the holiday with the hands of a child. Of course, draw people is not the lungs. But with our phased lesson You can make a stunning image with a photo that will certainly like the mother and is perfect for a demonstration at school and kindergarten.

    Draw a pencil portrait of the most native woman to her holiday, surprise all relatives and loved ones with their artistic achievements.

    Required materials for drawing pencil for beginners for mother's day

    • white Paper Sheet A4
    • compared pencil
    • eraser

    Draw a phased picture with a pencil with your own hands for mom to her day - Photo and video

  • Spend on the face horizontal line At eye level. We define the place for each eye and the distance between them (should correspond to the size of the eye). Similarly, take the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose. The distance from the wings of the nose to the central part of the eye should correspond to the size of the eye.

  • Note the place of the future mouth and make an outline of the other parts of the face: eye, nose, chin, eyebrow lines. Try not to do too rough dash, otherwise it will be difficult with their erasure.

  • Make a lip sketch. Draw a clear eye. Place a sharp pencil round pupils.

  • Dorisite eyes completely: clearly hover the top of the upper century, form a specific pattern on pupils, read eyebrows and eyelashes. All in-depth and shaded areas tick the hatching.

  • The alleged light source is located on the right, so the left half of the face will be more darkened. Do not forget about it, drawing a portrait of mom. Clearly draw lips, chin and cheekbones.

  • Note the neck and shadow from the head. Draw your hair, depicting my mother's hairstyle. Add all clarifying details (moles, scars, cheekbones), light and shadow. Erase all auxiliary lines. Mother portrait on mother's day ready.

  • Beautiful drawing on Mother's Day Phased paints - Phased photos and video

    Mother's Day is one of the most beautiful autumn holidays. Why not take advantage of this and do not draw a colorful landscape with paints as a gift to your favorite mom. The theme of the illustration may be live painting The nearest forest with the lake or fantasy etude from the luxurious autumn Nature. With the help of our master class with a photo of a beautiful drawing of the mother's day in stages, paints will be able to fame even from newbies.

    Required materials for drawing paints for mom in her holiday

    • white Paper Sheet A4
    • rule
    • pencil
    • eraser
    • brushes of different thickness and rigidity
    • watercolor or gouache
    • glass with water
    • cotton fabric

    Draw your hands Beautiful drawing with paints for mother's day - step-by-step photos and video

  • In the background sketch green Forest, limiting the fact that later becomes a lake. Pale ink color Tree trunk on foreground. On the one hand, make its color more saturated. Draw in a reservoir blue-green reflection of the tree.

  • Mix ultramarine with blue and draw wood texture in the foreground. Finish the landscape with autumn notes, drawing orange trees in the background.

  • At this stage, try the burgundy trees on the water as accurately as possible. Orange color Indicate the shape of the crowns of trees in the background, dark brown - their small parts.

  • Mix brown with green and draw water lines. Water surface. Changing the pressure on the brush, add the lake a more realistic texture. Watch the brush is not too wet. Discover her hour from the hour with a cloth.

  • Using green and swamp color. Draw a semi-dry brush with stroke movies rare grass under a tree and in the background.

  • On the last stage Bring the drawing to the ideal. Add the lake and the sky the same blue shades, dial the crowns of trees, detail the grass in the foreground and the branches of the main tree. Use the minimum amount of water.

  • Children's drawing On Mother's Day, paints or pencil is a magnificent, sincere and spiritual gift for any parent. Beautiful imageDrawn in gradually with their own hands will decorate the competition at school and complement the exhibition in kindergarten. Make a drawing to the holiday on a popular topic on our master classes with photos and videos - please give your favorite mom creative approach To congratulations.