KVN on ecology in the preparatory group. KVN on ecology in kindergarten for the preparatory group "Green forest rustles

KVN on ecology in the preparatory group. KVN on ecology in kindergarten for the preparatory group "Green forest rustles

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten number 9

Ecological KVN"In union with nature" for children preparatory group

Educator: Kolchirina Elena Mikhailovna

Kizel, 2017

Target:to form elements of ecological consciousness and culture in children.


to consolidate children's knowledge about nature;

generalize children's knowledge about natural communities;

develop the ability to solve riddles about natural communities,

name natural communities (field, meadow, forest, etc.) according to their constituent plants and animals living in them;

continue to form speech, teach coherently, succinctly answer the questions posed;

to intensify vocabulary children;

develop quick reaction, quick wits, logical thinking, erudition;

to captivate children and cause a joyful experience from joint team activities;

foster a sense of camaraderie, respect for partners and rivals in the game, teach to observe the rules of the game, the ability to listen to answers and complement them.

Materials and equipment:

Ø pictures from the life of nature;

Ø equipment for the game “Guess Who?”;

Ø pictures with the rules of conduct in the forest;

Ø panel with bird feeders;

Ø team emblems;

Ø crossword puzzle;

Ø chips;

Ø cut pictures.


Preliminary work:

Learning poems, proverbs, making riddles about nature and weather; conversations with children about endangered animals and plants that are listed in the Red Book.

Tabletop and didactic games about nature and weather: "Edible and inedible", "Field, forest, vegetable garden", "Fishermen and fish", lotto "Domestic and wild animals";

Consideration of the encyclopedia "Animals and Plants of Our Nature".



Good day, Dear friends! Welcome to the Club of the cheerful and resourceful! Our KVN today is called "In union with nature." The remarkable writer and great nature lover M. Prishvin wrote:

“We are the masters of our nature, and it is for us the storehouse of the sun with the great treasures of life. Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest, steppe, mountains, and man needs a Motherland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland ”.

Today we will have a fascinating journey along ecological paths. Ecology is the science of home, of nature. And nature is our big home, and we all together must maintain order in it. The teacher reads the motto of KVN:

“You are a man, loving nature,

Sometimes feel sorry for her.

On pleasure trips

Don't trample her fields.

In the train station bustle of the century

You hurry up to evaluate it.

She is your good old doctor,

She is an ally of the soul.

Don't burn it recklessly.

And don't exhaust to the bottom.

And remember the simple truth

There are many of us, but she is one.

Preparing to play

The presenter distributes the elements of cut pictures to everyone present. On command, the players begin to collect the whole picture: for example, some get the sun, others get a drop. The team unites children who have parts of the same picture.
So, today two teams will participate in the game. And they will be judged by the jury. Let me introduce the members of our distinguished jury.

Representation of the jury members.

The jury, as you can see, is worthy of respect here.
They had, and more than once, to evaluate the battles!

The jury will award one point for each competition.
I ask the teams to take their places. Nature hides many secrets and mysteries from us. But we are an inquisitive people and any secrets are revealed to us! We start the game. So - forward to victory!

Competition "Warm-up" (question-answer)

It is a quick survey. Each KVN game begins with a warm-up, so we will not break the tradition either. I will ask the teams questions, and you will take turns answering them. Shouting out is not allowed, points will be reduced for this.

In one minute you need to answer as much as possible more questions. For each correct answer 1 point. The start and end of the competition is announced by a sound signal to the jury.

Questions for the "Sun" team:

When does a squirrel store nuts? (in autumn)
... What is the word for birds that fly to warmer regions? (flight)
... What is the name of a baby horse? (foal)
... What kind of beast can be called long-eared? (Hare)
... Which bird heals trees? (woodpecker)
... When the white snow sparkles in the sun? (in winter)
... What is one word called animals that live next to a person? (homemade)
... Is a dog a wild animal or a pet? (homemade)
... Which tree has a white trunk? (near the birch)
... When does a snowdrop bloom in the forest? (in spring)
... What does a butterfly eat? (with nectar)
... Which plant helps heal a wound? (plantain)
... Name the baby hen (chickens)
... What do they mainly eat migratory birds? (insects)
... What is the name of a baby pig? (piglet)
... When does the leaves fall from the trees? (in autumn)
... Who weaves a web in the forest? (Spider)
... When does the ground rest under the snow? (in winter)
... What is one word for animals that live in the forest? (wild)
... What is the green cover of the Earth? (grass)
... Which insect has ears on its feet? (at the grasshopper)
... What does a hedgehog do in winter? (sleeping)
... Which birds come to us first? (rooks)
... How many legs does a spider have? (eight)
... Who was red in summer and gray in winter? (squirrel)
... Which bird tosses its eggs into other people's nests? (cuckoo)

Questions for the Droplet team

When does grandpa dig potatoes? (in autumn)
... What tree do acorns grow on? (on oak)
... What is one word for animals that live next to a person? (homemade)
... Crow, starling, sparrow, swallow - who is this? (birds)
... What is the name of a baby cow? (calf)
... When does the icicle drip and melt? (in spring)
... What animal has a red fur coat? (squirrel, fox)
... How many legs does a beetle have? (six)
... Who sleeps in the forest all winter? (hedgehog, bear, badger)
... When does river water freeze? (in winter)
... Which bird has a red breast? (at the bullfinch)
... Is a lion a wild animal or a pet? (wild)
... Which insect has red wings with black dots? (at the ladybug)
... When are strawberries ripe? (summer)
... Which bird breeds chicks in winter? (crossbill)
... A fly, a mosquito, a butterfly, a dragonfly, an ant - who is this? (insects)
... What is the name of the house of ants? (anthill)
... Which bird tosses its eggs into other people's nests? (cuckoo)
... Who carries their house on their back? (snail)
... Which animal has needles? (at the hedgehog)
... When are the crops harvested from fields and gardens? (in autumn)
... What is the word for the birds that winter with us? (wintering)
... When does a butterfly fly over a field? (summer)
... What bird is called "forest radio"? (magpie)
... What is the name of a man-made bird house? (birdhouse)
... What is the name of the person who guards the forest, keeps order? (forester)
... Which tree has a white trunk? (Birch)
... What is the name of the ant's house? (anthill)
... What mushroom is called a forest predator? (fox)
... What animal is like a hedgehog? (porcupine)

The floor is given by the jury, which names the total score.

2 Competition-relay "Bird's dining room"

It is necessary to remember which birds fly to the feeding trough in winter, and place their images on the panel.


How do you name the birds you have chosen in one word? (wintering) Pictures of what birds were left on the table? How to call them in one word? (migratory).

3rd competition "Environmental training" - "Guess whose voice?"

The team representatives take turns calling the birds.

(singing of a nightingale, magpie, cuckoo, woodpecker, sparrow, titmouse, crow, owl, bullfinch).

The jury evaluates the results of the training.

Musical pause

4th competition "How to behave in nature"

The presenter reads out the situations “How to behave in nature”.

1 situation for the "Sun" team

A girl walked in the forest in an early spring morning.
- Oh, look what I found. Nest!
- And there is a testicle in it.
- Maybe we can take him home and we will have a chick.
- We'll take care of him!
The girls took the testicle with them.

Host: Did the girls do the right thing? Why do you think so?

Children: Wrong. The chick will die because it needs mother's warmth.

2 situation for the team "Droplets"

The boy walked along a forest path, saw a hedgehog and decided to take him home.

Host: Did the boy do the right thing?

Children: Wrong. Wild animals cannot be taken home, they may die in captivity.

5th competition "Environmental Labels"

Each team receives 4 signs. The guys must determine the name of each of them.

1st command:

1) - Don't leave trash.

Educator: Why can't you leave garbage in the forest?

Do you know that most of debris decomposes for a very long time, for example:

Orange peel - 2 years;

Plastic bags - from 10 to 20 years old;

Tin cans - from 80 to 100 years old;

Plastic bottles don't biodegrade at all!

2) - No noise in the forest.

Children's answer options.

Educator: Do you know that in the forest you can see many interesting animals, provided that you behave quietly and do not scare them. Deer, squirrel are afraid of noise.

3) - Don't catch butterflies.

Children's answer options.

Educator: Do you know that you cannot kill any animals, because they are part of our natural environment. Under special protection are such animals that require special attention, because they are either very useful or very rare.

4) - Don't break the branches.

Children's answer options.

Educator: Do you know that plants delay great amount atmospheric pollution and dust, moreover, they dampen noise. Trees, absorbing pollution, purify the air, but they themselves get sick and die. Remember that if you break even one branch, the tree can dry out!

2nd command:

1) - Don't touch the bird's nests.

Children's answer options.

Educator: Do you know that birds abandon nests that were touched by a person and do not return to this place anymore. If there were eggs in the nest, then chicks will not appear. If there were chicks in the nest, then they will die without a mother.

2) Don't light fires

3) don't ruin anthills

No wonder the ants were nicknamed the orderlies of the forest. Ants are omnivorous - they are versatile predators and scavengers. Actively eating the larvae of harmful insects - beetles, butterflies.

4) - Don't pick the flowers.

Children's answer options.

Educator: Do you know that people over the past 100 years have endangered 25,000 plant species. Among them are lilies of the valley, bells, snowdrops, anemone, a lady's slipper, which blooms only at the age of 18, and many others.

Summing up the results of the competition "Environmental signs".

Let's think together: will our forest be worse if, passing along the path, you break a twig, or step on a fly agaric; will you make a wreath of flowers that grow in the meadow? (Answers of children)

Yes, nature will be worse! After all, every twig, broken in vain, or a trampled mushroom is a small wound inflicted on nature. And it is difficult for nature to heal even the smallest wounds.

6 competition "Crossword"

The teacher, in turn, makes riddles for each team. Guess the riddles, and we will write the answers in a crossword puzzle, and then we will see what word we got in the selected cells.


1 Fluffy cotton wool
Floats somewhere.
Than cotton wool is lower
The rain is closer (Clouds)

2 In winter he dresses in a white caftan,
In the spring - in a green sundress,
In the summer - in a colored dress,
In the fall, she walks in a cloak of gold. (Earth)

3 The very scarlet, sugar,
The caftan is green, velvet. (Watermelon).

4 The blue tent covered the whole world (Sky)

5 There is a cake
On one leg
Whoever passes by
Everyone will bow down. (Mushroom).

6 The ginger cheat lives in a dense forest. (Fox).


Educator:What word came out in the selected cells? (Take care)

What does this word tell us?


1. Not a rider, but with spurs
Not an alarm clock, but wakes everyone up (rooster).

2. Flies all night - kills mice
And it will become light, he will sleep in a hollow (owl).

3. Flies, squeaks, very thin rings.
He will not miss the chance, sit down and bite (mosquito).

4. Water craftsmen build a house without an ax.
A house of brushwood and mud and a dam (beavers)

5. Red-breasted, black-winged loves to peck grains.
With the first snow on the mountain ash, it will appear again (bullfinch)

6. The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden.
Lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village (fox)

Educator: What word came out in the selected cells? (HELP)

What does this exciting word tell us?

That sometimes, without thinking at all, a person does great harm environment.

Let's take care of our beautiful earth, our common home. Protect and love all living things! Remember, children, you are a part of nature! A forest or a river will get sick, and we will feel bad. Don't hurt any tree, cat or ant! Don't hurt each other! A person must be kind!


Let's take care of the planet -
There are no similar ones in the whole Universe,
There is only one in the whole universe,
For life and friendship, it is given to us!
Our planet Earth.
Very generous and rich:
Mountains, forests and fields
Our dear home, guys!
Let's keep the planet safe
There is no other such in the world.
Let's scatter clouds and smoke over her,
We will not give it to anyone in offense!
We will take care of birds, insects, animals.
From this we will only become kinder.
Let's decorate the whole Earth with gardens and flowers.
We need such a planet!

The jury sums up the results

In our Club of the Funny and Resourceful, the team won ... it is awarded ... The team receives incentive prizes ...
Jury: We tested you for glory,
And winners by right
Worthy of praise. And the awards
Now we are very pleased to present.

Rewarding is in progress

Thank you for your participation,
Here are souvenirs for your luck!
Look, admire, accept
Choose any one you like!

In our Club of the Funny and Resourceful, the team won ... it is awarded ...

KVN is over, friends, goodbye!
I want to say goodbye to everyone:
There are so many of us living on Earth
And we can take care of nature alone!

Target: To develop the creative potential of teachers, their competence in environmental issues. Clarify and deepen the knowledge of teachers in ecology, environmental education. To intensify the thought-searching activity of educators.

Location: kindergarten music hall.

Equipment: handicrafts of children and parents from autumn leaves to decorate the hall, two tables for teams; laptop, projector for presentation, texts of environmental situations, musical arrangement - Antonio Vivaldi “The Four Seasons”.

Participants: kindergarten educators and specialists - 2 teams of 7 participants each.

Preliminary work: making costumes from waste material, consulting on the methodology of environmental education.

Competition progress

Host: Hello, dear colleagues! We know that by giving children knowledge about the animal and plant world, adults simultaneously inform them of the rules of behavior in nature. At the same time, it is important to teach to see the beauty of nature, the one who has not seen this beauty is worse than the blind: he has blindness of his soul, and from someone who has a blind soul, do not expect goodness and honesty, devotion and courage. Is it necessary to talk about educating children to respect the world around them? We bring up in children a clear understanding that man is a part of nature. There will be no greenery, no animals, and he will not live on Earth, and vice versa: the richer the world around, the better for a person to live in this world.

Today we are holding an environmental competition “Nature Connoisseurs”. Our teachers today will try to defend their knowledge of ecology, ecological education of preschoolers. The teaching staff of our kindergarten is rich in many talents, knowledge and experience.

And to start contests,
We need to convene a jury.
We do not take an oath from them,
We are just waiting for justice!

Our competition will be judged by a representative jury consisting of the head of the kindergarten FV Shakirova, the representative of the Northern Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan LR Akhmetova.

1 competition. "Come up with a name."

Leading... Since the teams do not have names, the first task for the teams, which will unite the participants in the game, is called “Come up with a name”.

Each team must come up with a team name and present themselves according to the chosen name. But, before starting the assignment, teams need to select captains who will represent their team. Time for discussion is 1 minute, time for presentation is 1 minute. The maximum score for this task is 2 points.

2nd competition. Environmental warm-up.

Leading. There will be no time for discussion in this competition. Each team in turn will be asked a question, if one team does not answer - the right to answer will be transferred to the other team. For each correct answer, teams receive 1 point.

Questions to the team "Swallow" Questions to the Friends of Nature team
1. Which bird has the longest tongue? ( At the woodpecker.)

2. Who are called deciduous trees? ( Bunnies born in autumn.)

3. Which tree is the symbol of Russia? ( Birch)

4. Who is an ichthyologist? ( Fish Scientist.)

5. What does a toad eat in winter? ( Eats nothing, she sleeps.)

6. What tree is called the great-grandfather of great-grandfathers? ( Oak.)

7. Who wrote the tale “ ugly duck”? (G.H. Andersen)

8. What is the thinnest thread in nature? ( Web.)

9. What kind of grass do cats like? ( Valerian.)

1. What is the name of the smallest bird? ( Hummingbird)

2. Forest rooster. ( Wood grouse.)

3.What does the “crying” of birch in spring mean? ( Sap flow.)

4. What tree is a symbol of Canada ? (Maple)

5. Why is larch called a “good tree”? ( Does not inject.)

6. Who wrote the music for the ballet Swan Lake? ( P.I. Tchaikovsky)

7 is the penguin a bird or an animal? ( Bird.)

8. What is the thickest tree on earth? ( Baobab.)

9.Who is an ornithologist? ( Bird scientist.)

10. What kind of hunting is allowed in the forest at any time of the year? ( Photo hunting.)

3rd competition. Game "Association".

Leading. People often associate themselves and those around them with various natural phenomena, animals or objects, using the expressions “blooms like a rose”, “works like a horse,” “tired like a dog,” etc. But is self-esteem always consistent with how others perceive us?

Try to match associations of environmental content to one of the colleagues of the opposing team without naming him ( teachers compose a description-association for one of the teachers).

The appearance, character, demeanor of this person are associated with you:

With the elements (fire, air, water, earth);

With a natural phenomenon;

With an animal (animal, bird, insect);

With a plant (tree, shrub, flower);

With mineral. ( The rest are trying to guess who they are talking about.)

4th competition. “Pictures are riddles”.

Leading. Reproductions of paintings by famous artists help to perceive the beauty of nature. In this task, you will be able to demonstrate your knowledge. ( Educators are offered reproductions of paintings by famous artists who painted landscapes. It is necessary to determine the author and title of the work.)

  • I.I. Shishkin “Rye”;
  • I.I. Levitan “Spring. Big water”;
  • A.K. Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived”;
  • I.I. Levitan “March”;
  • I.E. Grabar "February Azure";
  • I.I. Shishkin "In the Wild North";
  • I.E. Grabar "Winter Landscape";
  • A.I. Kuindzhi " Birch Grove”;
  • I.I. Shishkin "Ship Grove";
  • I.I. Shishkin "Oak Grove";
  • A.A. Layers "First Snow".

5th competition. Who knows more proverbs about nature conservation? Leading. The proverb educates, instructs on the right actions. The proverb is closely intertwined with reality. Our native language would become much poorer without proverbs and sayings. Touch the pure source of knowledge that your mums and dads and grandparents were brought up on.

Teams receive 1 point for each proverb about nature conservation.

  • He who knows how to be kind will not destroy nature.
  • The enemy of nature is the one who does not protect it.
  • Love the forest, love the nature, you will be forever dear to the people.
  • Protect birds, animals - never offend.
  • The forest is wealth and beauty, take care of your forests.

6th competition. “Simple Truths”.

Leading. Team captains choose by envelope. Inside - the text of the pedagogical situation on the topic of environmental education. The task of each team is to improvise and play a scene, demonstrate how to act, what to say, and play the solution. Each team is given 5 minutes.

The first pedagogical situation.

You go to work. On the road, two mothers are talking peacefully. At this time, their children are breaking branches of a young tree nearby. The children have a large armful in their hands.

What will you do in this situation: walk by in your soul condemning mothers (children) or stop and talk to mothers, what do you say?

Second pedagogical situation.

4 children from 5 to 7 years old are playing in a forest glade. The smallest shouts: "Let's catch the butterfly and set its wings on fire!" A man walking by and hearing this call stops and asks the boy: "Why do you need to set fire to the butterfly's wings?" After a little pause, he replied: "Just like that"

What would you say, how you did it, what methods and techniques did you use to arouse sympathy in the boy and forever get rid of the desire to mock living beings?

7th competition. “People's Barometer” (Music by Antonio Vivaldi “The Four Seasons” is played).

How many grandfather's signs were!
Some of them have long been gone.
Others through tens of winters and years.
They reached us and now they live to this day.
(Roman Rugin)

Every person is interested in what the weather will be tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in a week. However, forecasters are often wrong. But on our planet there are creatures that, without any calculations, are able to predict the weather. Scientists now name about 600 species of animals and 400 species of plants, which can act as barometers, indicators of humidity, air temperature, predictors of storms, storms or good cloudless weather. Weather based forecasting popular signs fosters respect for traditions, provides a link between generations.

We offer you a small blitz competition “How Plants and Animals Predict the Weather”. We remind you of the beginning of signs of future weather in the behavior of plants and animals, and you finish the line.

1.Ants are rapidly closing all entrances to the anthill ( it will be raining).

2. Mosquitoes and midges curl in a column ( the weather will be good).

3.Synichka in the morning begins to squeak ( wait for frost).

4. The dog curls up and lies in a ball ( cold weather will come).

5.Horse snores - ( to bad weather), snorts - ( to warm).

6. Sparrows bathe in dust or in a puddle ( it will be raining).

7 the spider spins its webs (to dry weather).

8. Swifts, swallows fly low (rain foreshadowed).

9 when bird cherry blossoms (to cold, frost).

10.If the grass is dry in the morning (expect rain in the evening).

11 flowers before the rain (smells stronger).

12 crows sit on the lower branches of trees (to the wind).

13. Chickens cackled (it will snow).

14.A lot of juice flows from birch (for a rainy summer).

15. Frogs croak loudly in the evening ( the weather will be warm).

16. Lots of husk on the bulbs (to be cold in winter).

8th competition. Homework“Presentation of costumes”.

Leading. Dream modern man- a world without landfills, clean streets and clean air. For several years now, environmentalists have been thinking about how to achieve this and one of the better ways for many years in a row they called recycling. Creativity and imagination can revolutionize the world of old things. All these and many other interesting ideas will make it possible to realize the dream of many environmentalists of a world free of plastic waste. Creative person at least from what will make bright things. We will now be convinced of this. And now each team presents a suit of candy wrappers, plastic bottles, packages, etc.

9th competition. “Methodical tournament”.

Leading. And now the team members will have to show their methodological and natural history knowledge. This competition we will conduct it in the form of a competition. This means that the teams will be asked the same question. Each question will have 30 seconds to discuss. The command that prepares the answer first raises the checkbox. If the answer is given incorrectly or inaccurately, then the right to answer passes to another team. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point. All questions were drawn up according to the "Program of education and training in kindergarten”Edited by M. Vasilyeva, V. Gerbova, T. Komarova.

1.From what age group introduced the section "Environmental education"? (From the first youngest group)

2. What is the main purpose of the section “Environmental education”? (Formation of a consciously respectful attitude towards living and inanimate nature, the formation of the beginnings of ecological culture)

3. Name the elements of the subject-developmental environment of the kindergarten used for the ecological education of preschoolers (corner of nature, models and schemes; visual material; calendar of nature; files of labor, observations and experiments; laboratory; educational panels; methodological, encyclopedic and fiction; ecological trail; mini-gardens in group rooms and a garden-garden on the territory; ecological collections and mini-museums; winter Garden; plant passports; vegetable garden, flower garden, corner of the forest, field and garden)

4. List the main ecological holidays and the date of their holding? (March 22 - World Water Day, April 1 - International Bird Day, April 22 - Earth Day, June 5 - World Environment Day, October 4 - World Animal Day).

5. What is the name of the book that provides information on endangered species of animals and plants? (Red Book) Why is this book “Red”?

6. What are the requirements for the design of the herbarium? (Only those plants that are not listed in the Red Book can be dried)

7. List the constituent parts of the environment? (Water, air, forest, soil)

8. What environmental activities can be carried out in kindergarten? (Environmental actions)

9. What are the partial programs for the development of the foundations ecological culture... (SN Nikolaeva "Young ecologist", NA Ryzhova "Our home is nature").

10. "Song and Poetic Marathon".

Leading. The last test task is the most interesting. The teams will have to remember poems and songs that contain the name of the tree. Only one line is read or sung. For each performance - 1 point.

Summing up the results of the competition of joint creativity of children and parents "Autumn leaf fall".

Summarizing. Awarding of the winning team.

All good things in people come from childhood!
How to awaken the origins of good?
Touch nature with all your heart:
Surprise, learn, love!
We want the earth to bloom
And they grew like flowers, kids,
So that ecology becomes for them,
Not science, but part of the soul!


1. Kolomina N.V. Education of the foundations of ecological culture in kindergarten: Scenarios of classes. - M .: TC Sphere, 2004.

2. Nikolaeva S.N. Methodology for environmental education of preschoolers. M .: Academy, 1999.

3. Ryzhova N.A. Environmental education in preschool institutions: theory and practice. - M., 2000.

4. Ryzhova N.A. “Pedagogical models of organization environmental education in a preschool educational institution ". Preschool education, 2000 No. 9.

5. Nikolaeva SN The system of ecological education of children in a preschool institution. M., 2005.

(For older preschool children)

1. Expand the range of environmental concepts of preschoolers.

2. To promote understanding of the laws, dependencies and relationships in nature, to enable children to feel like an integral part of this process, involved in the preservation of its beauty and diversity.

3. To develop the ingenuity and ingenuity of children, their erudition.

4. To cultivate a love of nature, respect to her, the desire to take part in nature conservation.

5. To contribute to the development of skills of social adaptation of children in the group of peers of others preschool institutions.

Preparatory organizational work.

Creation of emblems for teams, selection musical accompaniment, preparation of diplomas and prizes.

Preliminary work for children:

Come up with a team name and motto - for all teams;

Prepare the scene "Everything in the world is needed" - for the team of school № 38.

Materials and equipment:

Dummies of vegetables, a basket, a bag - for the competition "Identify by touch";

Three hoops, pictures with objects of nature (animals, fruits, insects), symbols - for the competition "Find your home";

Three pictures with silhouettes of animals in the forest - for the "Find Animals" contest;

Environmental signs - for the "Explain the Sign" competition;

Pictures of nature on the screen.


The sun's ray makes us laugh and teases

We are having fun today since the morning,

Spring gives us a resounding holiday

And the main guest on it is the game.

She is a big and smart friend of ours

Will not let you get bored and discouraged.

A cheerful, noisy dispute will start

It will help to learn new things.


There is a wonderful world - it is around

And you just have to want

How nature suddenly comes to life

And everyone wants to fly like a bird

Making noise like a curly birch in the forest ...

And I suggest you take a dip

To this wonderful world and beauty!


We are glad to welcome you guys to the ecological KVN.

Do you know what KVN is?

What does ecological mean?

KVN is called “Our home is nature”. And today we will talk about nature, about our planet, about you and me, because we are all part of nature.

The child reads a poem about nature (at the choice of the educator).


The jury will evaluate the game today (presentation by the jury members).

The jury, as you can see, is worthy of respect here.

They had, and more than once, to evaluate the battles!

There are 3 teams in our club for the cheerful and resourceful. So - forward to victory! Let's start the game!

1 competition "Greeting teams" (name, motto, emblem)


Take care of your planet -

After all, there is no other in the world.

Sunny's motto is:

We win with kindness!


Without much effort

We will spread our wings

Well, Birds - everything is on takeoff!

The heavenly heights are calling!


Bees are a friendly family!

So we are called for a reason ...

Both in fun and in work

We are buzzing on a good note !!

I ask the teams to take their places.


Nature hides many secrets and mysteries from us. But we are an inquisitive people and any secrets are revealed to us! Our game in KVN continues.

2nd competition "Warm-up"

You need to choose spring words or spring omens. The team with more words gets a point.

(Children name words, for example: icicle, drops, streams, grass, etc. or signs, for example, snow melts, streams run, etc.)

Well done! Easily handled the warm-up.


3 competition "Identify vegetables by touch"

All together look at the vegetables and fruits in the basket, then the presenter puts them in a bag. Each one determines by touch what he has chosen.


4 competition "Captains"

“It was quiet good night, dark and deserted. Only occasionally was the howl of a wolf heard. And next to him was echoed by another. But then a ray of sun woke up the rooster.

A chicken woke up after him. The goose laughed. Polkan barked near the barn. A cow mumbled. Behind the fence a kitten meowed plaintively. Morning has come. "

- Well done captains, tried their best to complete the task.


5 competition "Riddles"

Touching the grass with hooves,

A handsome man walks through the forest

He walks boldly and easily

Horns spread wide. (Elk.)

He looks like a shepherd dog:

Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs with his jaws bared,

The sheep is ready to attack. (Wolf.)

Hose-nosed giant

Washes as if in the shower.

This resident of hot countries

The largest of all on land. (Elephant.)

Flies all night

It gets mice,

And it will become light -

Sleep flies into the hollow. (Owl.)

Knocks all the time

Trees hollow.

He does not cripple them,

And only heals. (Woodpecker.)

Red-breasted, black-winged

Loves to peck grains.

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again. (Bullfinch.)

Hairy, green,

She hides in the leaves

Although there are many legs

She can't run anyway. (Caterpillar.)

Flies, squeaks, rings very thin.

He will not miss the chance, sit down and bite (Mosquito.)

What is this helicopter

Going flying?

Over lakes, meadows,

Over flowering fields? (Dragonfly.)

A log floats along the river.

Oh, and it is furious!

To those who fell into the river,

The nose will bite off ... (Crocodile.)

He walks with his head lifted,

Not because a proud disposition,

Not because an important count,

But because he ... (Giraffe.)

The mouth is like a suitcase

Himself as big as a sofa.

There he goes swimming -

Thick-skinned ... (Hippopotamus.)


6 relay competition"Find your home"

The whole team is involved.

On the common table there are pictures with objects of nature, turned upside down. Three hoops with a symbolic designation of a nature object are laid out on the floor. One at a time, each player turns the card over and if it matches symbol his house, runs to him and puts down the card. If it doesn't match, it takes another one until it finds the one it needs. Returns, passes the baton to the next. The winner is the team that completes the task faster.

Well done boys!

The word of the jury.


7 competition "Find the animals"(Annex 1.)

I look - I can't believe my eyes:

What kind of bird, what kind of beast?

Whether a horse or an elephant

Is it a fairy dragon?

I look for the second day

I can't find a dog or a duck.

Help me soon

Count all the animals!

The players of each team are given pictures depicting silhouettes of animals in the forest. All the animals must be counted. Who is faster!

(Answer: 7 animals - bear, fox, hare, hedgehog, squirrel, wood grouse, tit.)

Well done! Correctly found all the animals. You know the animals of your native land very well.


Many amazing things can be seen in nature, she meets everyone with joy, but we always need to remember how to behave so as not to disturb its beauty, not to disturb its inhabitants, let's recall some rules of behavior in nature:

If you came to the forest for a walk, fresh air breathe,

Run, jump and play, just mind you, don't forget

That one shouldn't make noise in the forest and, of course, sing loudly:

the animals will be frightened, they will run away from the forest edge.

Never forget to remove garbage from the grass.

You shouldn't pick flowers in vain.

Here you do not need to catch everyone, stomp, clap, beat with a stick.

YOU are just a GUEST in the forest, here is the owner of the OAK and the ELK!

Scene "Everything in the world is needed."

Insects stand in a circle - they quarrel: I am the most important, I am the most useful, I am the most beautiful, I am the most needed. And they decided to go to wise owl to judge them. They come up to the owl. The owl is sleeping.

Butterfly: - Oh, you, owl, you big head... Wake up please talk to us.

Owl: - I can't open my eyes until you guess my riddle:

Sleeps during the day

Flies at night

And scares the animals.

Insects think, scratching the back of their heads.

Ant: - So this is a riddle about you, owl-owl!

Owl (opens eyes): - Yes! Right! Well, what did you want to ask me about?

Ladybug: - We argued which of us is the most useful.

Owl: - Okay, let's go in order. Here you are, ant, how are you useful?

Ant: - I clean the forest from pests. Where there are anthills, there is a healthy and clean forest.

Owl: - Okay, you are really helpful, stand with me by the hand. Well, and you, butterfly, are so beautiful, do you really benefit?

Butterfly: - Yes, I fly from flower to flower and transfer pollen, from which fruits and berries then grow.

Owl: - Yes, I see you are useful too, get up with us. Well, what about you, ladybug, how is it useful?

Ladybug: - I destroy harmful aphids that eat the leaves of trees, bushes, grass.

Owl: - And you, ladybug, very useful, get up with us. Look, there is one earthworm left.

What benefit can he bring?

Worm: - And I bring great benefit: I dug up the whole earth with my underground passages, loosened it up - from this all the plants grow better.

Owl: - Get up to us too. So what happens? All of you are very useful and very important, without you it would be very bad in the world.


We need it in the world

And midges are no less needed

Than elephants.

Bad things for a cat without a mouse

A mouse without a cat is better deals.

Yes, if we are not very friendly with someone,

We still need each other very much.

And if someone seems superfluous to us,

That, of course, will turn out to be a mistake!

Everything, everything, everything in the world is needed,

And all the children should remember this!


8 competition "Explain the Sign"(Appendix 2.)

Children of each team are offered 2 environmental labels. It is necessary to explain what these signs mean.

Well done, we did it quickly. You know the environmental signs very well!

What does the word nature tell us? Nature is everything around us. These are air, water, plants and animals. Sometimes, without thinking at all, a person causes enormous harm to the environment. Guys, we must not offend a cat, a bug, or a sparrow. A person must be kind! Let's protect nature, our common home. Protect and love all living things!

Host: Our game is coming to an end, we invite you all to stand in a circle. And the jury sums up the results.

Round dance "Wider circle"

(Music: Sigismund Katz, lyrics by Jacob Helensky.)

(Movements are performed in accordance with the words.)

Wider circle, wider circle

The music is calling

All friends, all girlfriends

Into a noisy round dance!

Birds are friends above

Fish are friends in the depths,

The ocean is friends with the sky,

People from different countries are friends.

Wider circle, wider circle

The music is calling

All friends, all girlfriends

Into a noisy round dance!

The sun and spring are friends

The stars and the moon are friends

Ships are friends at sea,

Children of the whole earth are friends.

Wider circle, wider circle

The music is calling

All friends, all girlfriends

Into a noisy round dance!

Summing up, awarding diplomas to friends of nature and prizes.

You played KVN well,

And they said a lot about nature!

All together "Thank you!" we tell you

And we will give you ALL prizes!

The version of work with applications is possible.

Larisa Osipenko
Ecological KVN for senior preschool children

Ecological KVN

Target: reveal knowledge children about inanimate and wildlife, about migratory and wintering birds. Develop ingenuity, ingenuity, the ability to find the right answer for a short time... Arouse interest, desire to learn as much as possible about natural phenomena... To cultivate the ability to communicate with each other in a business situation, to rejoice in the successes of peers, to accept defeat correctly.

Rules of the game: quickly and collectively seek answers, make decisions and clearly answer questions.

Game progress:

Leading: Everyone, everyone, everyone! Let's start KVN! It involves two commands:

"Know" and "Why Much"... Let's welcome them!

The teams enter the hall to the music.

Leading: introduces the team captains and introduces the jury, which will summarize the results after each competition.

1 competition. Team greetings.

Command "Know":

We are a team "Whycheck" hello our inquisitive hello,

We sincerely wish you a proven answer.

We will learn with you about animals and birds,

Would you like to fight us? We have not seen such clever faces.

We all know about nature, we protect and protect.

And we will always take care of eternal life was!

From the team "Why Much":

We came to our evening, we will not be lazy,

Answer questions, sing and have fun.

We are to our rivals "Know" loud say:

"We will fight with you, but we won't give up so easily".

We are well acquainted with nature, we will protect both the forest and the water.

All living things must live, let it grow and live!

While the jury is evaluating the competition, the children sit on the chairs.

2nd competition. Warm up. "Who is bigger"?

Name as many folk signs as possible. For example:

1. Ants hide in a nest for a thunderstorm.

2. Swallows fly low before rain.

3. In the evening, grasshoppers chirp strongly - for good weather.

4. Large rain bubbles - to bad weather and heavy rain.

5. Smoke column - to frost or wind.

6. Sparrows wallow in the dust and chirp - wait for rainy weather.

7. Crimson Dawns - be windy weather.

The jury evaluates the competition.

Theatrical play:

"Happy Old Man - Lesovichek»

The teacher reads a poem Old man- Lesovichek pronounces his words in the text with different intonation, children repeat.

Educator: Lived in the forest small old man

And laughed the old man is extremely simple:

Old Man-Lesovichek: Ha ha ha da hehe hehe,

Hee-hee-hee yes boo-boo-boo!

Boo-boo-boo da be-be-be,

Ding-ding-ding and trick-trick!

Educator: Once, seeing a spider, I was terribly frightened,

But, clutching the sides, loudly laughed:

Old Man-Lesovichek: Hee hee hee yes ha ha ha,

Ho-ho-ho da ghoul-ghoul-ghoul!


Educator: And seeing the dragonfly, he was terribly angry,

But laughing at the grass and fell down:

Old Man-Lesovichek: Gee-gee-gee yes gu-gu-gu,

Ho-ho-ho yes bang-bang-bang!

Oh guys, I can't!

Oh guys, ah-ah-ah!

3rd competition. Find in the pictures animals living next to a person.

Find the animals that live in the forest in the pictures.

Recognize animals by description:

1. He has short, thick, wide legs. The front legs are turned to the sides. He carries the house with him. In nature, it hides in the sand. Loves vegetables and fruits. (Turtle)

2. Accumulates fat in summer and winter. Doesn't like heat and cold. Eats roots, mushrooms, raspberries, honey. Sleeps in winter. (Bear)

The jury evaluates the competition.

Theatrical play:

"The Fox and the Wolf"

A gray wolf in a dense forest met a redhead fox:

Wolf: Lizaveta, hello!

Fox: How are you, toothy?

Wolf: Nothing is going on,

The head is still intact.

Fox: Where have you been?

Wolf: On the market.

Fox: What did you buy?

Wolf: Pigs.

Fox: How much did they take?

Wolf: Wool tuft Stripped off the right side.

Tail bitten off in a fight

Fox: Who chewed it off?

Wolf: Dogs.

Fox: Is it alive, dear kumanek?

Wolf: Barely dragged his legs.

How are you godfather?

Fox: I was at the bazaar.

Wolf: Why are you so tired?

Fox: I counted ducks.

Wolf: How much was it?

Fox: Seven with eighth.

Wolf: How much has it become?

Fox: None.

Wolf: Where are these ducks?

Fox: In my stomach!

4 competition "Nature Connoisseurs"

1. Which animal has needles?

2. Who sleeps in the forest all winter?

3. At what time of the year do leaves bloom on the trees?

4. Is a lion a wild or domestic animal?

5. What poultry can swim?

6. What time of the year is the harvest from the fields and gardens?

7. What pets have horns and hooves?

8. What's scarier: thunder or lightning?

9. Why do birds leave their homes in autumn?

10. What is a forest?

11. Why are flowers beautiful and fragrant?

12. Why are birds called our helpers, feathered friends?

13. What are insects useful for?

14. Why does the nettle sting?

15. Do animals know how to talk?

16. What medicinal plants do you know?

17. What flowers bloom first in spring?

18. What does a toad eat in winter?

19. Who has ears on their feet?

The jury evaluates the competition.

Physical education:

"Animal charge"

One is a squat

Two is a jump.

This is a hare gait

And fox cubs, how to wake up

(rub your eyes with your fists)

They like to stretch for a long time

(reach out)

Be sure to yawn

(yawn, covering your mouth palm)

Well, wag your tail

(movement of the hips to the side)

And the cubs' back is arched

(bend forward in the back)

And easy to jump

(easy jump up)

Well, the bear is clubfoot

(arms bent at the elbows, palms connected below the belt)

Paws spread wide

(feet shoulder width apart)

Now one, then both together

(shifting from foot to foot)

We are marking time for a long time

(swinging the torso to the sides)

And for whom charging is not enough -

Starts all over again

(spread your arms to the sides at the level of the belt of the palm up)

Leading: Children, now we will go to the forest.

There are many miracles there today.

Children greet from the woods.

The child reads a poem by Pogorelovsky.

Hello forest, dense forest, full of fairy tales and miracles!

What are you making noise about with the foliage in the dark, stormy night?

What are you whispering to us at dawn, covered in dew, as in silver?

What lurks in your wilderness, what kind of beast, what kind of bird?

Open everything, do not hide: you see - we are ours!

Leading: Look around, how beautiful! What beautiful flowers! See what a beautiful flower with large petals has bloomed.

Oh, there are riddles here!

5 competition "Guess the riddle"

1. One leg, but many hands. (Wood)

2. In winter and summer in one color.

3. It neither burns in fire nor drowns in water.

4. The snow is melting, the meadow has come to life, the day arrives, when does it happen?

5. What turns white in winter and green in summer?

6. Not a bird, but with wings, not a bee, but flies over flowers.

The jury evaluates the competition.

Leading: We continue our walk. We go out into the clearing.

Children, look what's going on here. Garbage, packages, banks everywhere. Let us lead you ecological cleanup.

Children are cleaning up the trash.

Leading: And what orderlies of the forest do you know? (Ants, woodpeckers)

6 competition "Game "Earth, air, water"

Leading: Children, you did a good job. Now let's play a game.

At the word "Earth" we call animals, with the word "Air"- birds, at the word "Water"- fish. Anyone who gives the wrong name is out of the game. The team with more players will win.

The jury evaluates the competition, sums up the results.

Leading: Offers to make a live picture "If I were a tree".

Children, raising their hands up, freeze for a few seconds.

The presenter asks - who was what tree. (Oak, pine, spruce, birch, aspen, linden, maple, mountain ash)

Children, look, some signs, let's take a close look their:

1. "Take care of anthills"

2. "Stay away from the nests"

3. "In the woods try to walk the paths»

Poem "Do not offend anyone"

Do not offend anyone

Not a bee, not a fly

Not a snail

Not a beetle - a dark belly,

No grasshopper, in the grass

Galloping dexterously

Nor shining in the grass


Neither a tit, nor a thrush,

Not a mole of the blind ...


Do not offend the living

K. Rossetti

And now we say goodbye to the forest.

Roll call:

Dense forest - goodbye!

You grow to the delight of people.

We will be friends with you,

Good forest, mighty forest,

Full of fairy tales and wonders!

The jury sums up the results, presents gifts.


  • to identify the level of ecological culture of teachers
  • to form in the minds of the pedagogical collective the importance of environmental problems, an understanding of the need for everyone to participate in their positive solution;
  • the need for environmental education.

Mode of the event: play - ecological KVN

Rules. Two teams are playing. The right to answer is given to the one that gave the readiness signal first. (for this you can use signal cards)... To evaluate the work of the teams, an independent jury:

  • Sivokhina E.V.
  • Kovaleva T.A.
  • Sokolova L.V.

One minute is given to think over each question.

Equipment: 2 gaming tables, signal card, reproductions of paintings by I.I. Shishkina "Morning in pine forest» , I.I. Levitan « Golden autumn» , I.E. Grabar "February Azure" , P.P. Konchalovsky "Lilac" , A.K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived" , K.S. Petrova-Vodkina "Morning still life" , musical compositions.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear teachers. I'm glad to see you all. KVN between the teams will take place today "Berry" and "Fruit" .

Well, it's time for us to start.
I want to wish you in KVN,
To make you friendly
So that they laugh, do not be sad in KVN.

So that there is no sadness
So that you answer everything in KVN.
So that the jury was satisfied with KVN.
Cards are dealt to the players.

The one who receives the picture card takes part in the game. Teams are playing "Berry" and "Fruit" ... Each consists of six people. The teams choose the captain.

The teams announce their responses with a signal card.

  • warm-up,
  • riddles,
  • questions,
  • zoo theater,
  • captains competition,
  • painting,
  • poetry,
  • rearrange the letters
  • burime,
  • songs.

Warm up

Which flower blooms first? (Coltsfoot.)

What is the most poisonous mushroom? (Death cap.)

Which bird is the name of the dance? (Tap dance.)

Which coniferous plant has needles falling off in autumn? (By the larch.)

How many years do lingonberries live? (300 years old.)

What bird can run along the bottom of a reservoir? (Dipper.)

Is a whale a fish? (No, a mammal.)

What kind of fish builds a nest? (Stickleback.)

What plant is used to heal minor wounds? (Plantain.)

Does the tree grow in winter? (No.)

Bitter in haymaking, And sweet in frost. What kind of berry? (Rowan, viburnum.)

Blue jacket, Yellow lining, Sweet in the middle. (Plum.)

The cold is not terrible for her, The blizzard is not terrible, Sharp peak, And it is called ... (spruce).

Lives 300 years or more

She is light-loving

It is completely unpretentious to the soil,
Two needles, then - ... (Pine).

Blooms later than all trees,
Her flowers are medicinal,
If you brew them, then a cold
You won't get sick anymore. (Linden.)

This bush in the forest caresses the eye,
The leaf is complex, feathery,
The fruit is small
It contains a great variety of vitamins ...
Have you guessed? Who is he? (Rose hip.)

And the leaf and the buds - everything heals,
And juice is a healing raw material.
It makes noise from the wind if it blows.
The beauty of Russia is its trunk. (Birch.)

Brooms are prepared for the bath,
The leaves sit firmly
His fruits will feed the animals,
If you are strong, they will compare to him. (Oak.)

It is gas and dust - it absorbs everything,
This work is not easy in the summer.
For this he is greatly appreciated,
"Air orderly" name is. (Poplar.)

What is her name, who knows?
There is no wind, and the leaf is trembling,
He drives away filth, filth,
If the stake is clogged.


She meets spring - puts on earrings.
A green kerchief is thrown over the back.
And the dress is striped. You'll find out... (birch tree).

Whose fluff flies around the city? There is snow in the middle of June.
Passers-by scold him, And the wind is to blame. (Poplar.)

  1. Why does spruce always have a sharp top? (Because the spruce, while it is alive, constantly grows in height continuously, and other forest trees, which have reached a certain age, stop growing in height, but their trunks begin to spread out in breadth. The rounded top of the crown is the first sign of cessation of growth in height.
  2. What kind of coniferous wood is very durable and resistant to decay? (Larch. Buildings from it are known, please

existed for 300-500 years and more (in Siberia, Lithuania, Switzerland. Poland.) In 1958, during a drought on the Danube, when the water level fell, the larch piles of the bridge were discovered, built by the Romans at the beginning of the II century. Drevesish turned out to be intact.)

3. What are annual growth rings and what can be determined from them? (The annual growth ring is all the layers of wood cells formed in spring .. The age of the tree can be determined by the growth rings. The thickness of the rings can be used to determine the conditions under which the tree grew different years life. Narrow annual rings indicate a lack of moisture, tree shading and poor nutrition. By the growth rings, you can also determine the countries of the world. They are usually wider on the south side of the tree and narrower on the north side.)

4. Is it possible to determine the age of all trees and shrubs by their annual rings? (No, not all. For example, saxaul has several

tree rings (during the rainfall), which does not allow

we determine the age of the tree)

5. The leaves of which trees turn red in the fall? (Rowan, maple,

aspen, bird cherry, etc.)

6. What trees are named after flowers?

Clove tree, tulip tree.)

7. What is the worst enemy of leca? (Forest fire.)

8. What are the benefits of birds for the forest?

(Owls destroy harmful rodents and insects. One owl eats 12-14 mice per day. a large number exterminate furry caterpillars. Woodpeckers destroy the larvae of harmful insects. Larks, swallows, swifts, flycatchers, wagtails, tits, bloodworms, warblers, redstarts, robins, nuthatches, pikas, blackbirds, nightingales bring food to their chicks from 300 to 600 times a day, while feeding a huge number of harmful insects and their larvae.)

9. What is called nature reserves? (Reserves are specially designated areas of the territory where flora and fauna are studied and preserved intact.

Currently total number nature reserves, national parks and protected areas around the world is about 800.)

10. Name strongly poisonous plants forests? (Tise is a coniferous tree, all parts are poisonous; wolf bast is a shrub, very poisonous, especially berries; euonymus is a greenhouse, bark, leaves, fruits are poisonous; all poisonous, or cicuta is a herb, the whole plant is poisonous, especially the rhizome, the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates was poisoned with hemlock; belladonna (mad cherry, sleepy stupor)- a herbaceous plant, all parts are poisonous, especially the fruits, the juice of this plant was previously used by women of fashion to enlarge their pupils.)

11. Why do frost cracks form on tree trunks in forests and parks? In which month more often? (Frostholes appear from sharp fluctuations in day and night temperatures, when the trunks are strong during the day.

heat up and cool at night. Usually, the cold splits trees on frosty February nights.)

12. What was the first paper from? (The first sheet of paper was obtained from the bast of a mulberry tree. The main raw material for paper production in Russia is spruce and aspen wood.)

13. Which of the famous medicinal plants has traditionally been used to sterilize maternity wards by burning its branches? (Juniper.)

14. Why is the birch tree called the pioneer of the forest, and birch forest- temporary? (Birch is the first to master open spaces, felling, burning. She is not afraid of bright sun and frost. Young Christmas trees settle under its crown. When the spruce grows, it displaces the birch.)

15. Why does the forest die when old hollow trees are cut down? (Birds lived in the hollows of old trees, the bats... They exterminated the harmful insects of the forest. There are no nests - there are no birds. Young forest dies from harmful insects.)

16. What are the basic rules of behavior in nature. (Never try an unfamiliar plant, it can be poisonous. Do not make noise, as you can disturb normal life inhabitants of the forest. You cannot pick flowers, knowing that you will never put them in a vase (after all, home is not soon)... Can't walk with bare head in the sun can happen sunstroke... You cannot swim if the reservoir is unfamiliar, there may be funnels and deep places, cliffs, glass, stones and driftwood at the bottom. You can not drink water from an open reservoir, it must be boiled. Shrubs, small trees, branches cannot be broken.

You cannot catch butterflies, bugs and other small inhabitants of the forest.)

Which trees contain the names of food products, fruits? (Strawberry tree - in Crimea, western Transcaucasia, belongs to the heather family, evergreen, decorative, fruits - edible red berries, similar to strawberries; candy tree - in the subtropics, fruit and ornamental plant, they eat fleshy thickened stalks, they contain a lot sugar and are used for fillings in the confectionery industry; breadfruit - Indonesia, Ceylon, looks like an oak, fruits are rich in starch, taste similar to potatoes, are eaten boiled and fried, fermented fruits turn into a doughy mass in which they bake tortillas, hence the name- "breadfruit" ; chocolate tree - Mexico, even the Aztecs knew how to prepare a tonic drink from its seeds (cocoa, coffee tree - Africa.)

Zoo theater

And this stage is the most fun. Here you suggest to the teams! depict animals, birds, insects, correctly convey those habits and behavior.

Possible tasks:

  • a crane flying away to the south.
  • duck with brood.

During the preparation of the teams, a game reception is carried out "Apple" ... Take an apple in your hand and say: “The whole apple is our Earth. Three quarters of the land surface is water. With these glories, divide the apple into four parts and remove three of them. One fourth of the Earth's surface is land. If you divide the quarter) into two eights, one-eighth of the Earth's surface represents the land on which there is practically no soil. This is Antarctica high mountains, deserts and that remaining one-eighth is covered with soil, but part of this territory is occupied by cities, towns, roads, etc. If this figure of eight is divided into four more parts, only one part will represent the land surface that is covered with fertile soils. But the soil is a very thin layer crust... To imagine how fertile there is on Earth, you need to cut off the thin peel of the apple " .

Captains competition

Challenge for captains: Draw a prohibitory sign of behavior in nature that we can use, and tell us about it. The captain can be assisted by the team with advice. While the titans are working, music sounds.


Name the artists and the name of these paintings: I.I. Shishkin "Forest gave" , "Morning in a pine forest" ; I.I. Levitan "Golden autumn" ; I.E. Grabar "February Azure" ; P.P. Konchalovsky "Lilac" ; A.K.Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived" ; K.S. Petrov-Vodkin "Morning still life" .

I came to you with greetings to tell you
That the sun has risen, that it is a hot light
It fluttered through the sheets,
To tell that the forest woke up, all woke up,

With every branch, every bird shook
And the spring is full of thirst.

The brushes have blossomed in a white fringe.
And there is a birch tree in sleepy silence,
And snowflakes are burning in golden fire.
And the dawn, lazily walking around,

Sprinkles new silver on the branches. S.A. Yesenin

Leaves trembled, maples swayed,
Dust flew from the golden branches ...
The winds rustled, the green forest gasped,
The dried feather grass whispered with an echo ...

S.A. Yesenin

Dissuaded the golden grove
Birch, cheerful language
And the cranes, sadly flying,
They do not regret anyone else ... S.A. Yesenin

There is no time here, mighty and beautiful,
The magic forest rustled and turned green,
Not a forest, but a diverse world,
Full of visions and wonders. F.I. Tyutchev

White birch under my window
She covered herself with snow, like silver.
On fluffy branches with a delicate border
The leaves have blossomed in a white fringe.

And there is a birch in a sleepy silence
and snowflakes burn in golden fire.
And the dawn, lazily walking around,
Sprinkles the branches with new silver (Yesenin)

Pure sky blue
Warmer and brighter the sun became.
It's time for blizzards of evil and storms
Again, for a long time passed. A.N. Pleshcheev

Rearrange the letters

Rearrange the letters to get the name of the plant:

  • sow (ash);
  • rezabyo (Birch);
  • Ancio (aspen);
  • drawbar (lily of the valley);
  • pump (Pine);
  • rozhtoponic (plantain)

Using the suggested rhymes, compose quatrains:

  • birds - borders, forests - heaven;
  • buds - leaves, stem - furniture.

Who knows more songs about trees, shrubs, herbs, flowers? (Teams have to learn the song by intro and sing the verse of the song)

Why are you standing swaying, thin rowan ...
Little Christmas tree ...
Herbs, herbs, herbs did not have time ...
The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree...

Oh, viburnum is blooming ...
A million, a million, a million scarlet roses ...
Old maple, old maple ..
There was a birch in the field ...

Curly, maple green
Apple and pear trees were in bloom-
Oh, curly rowan ...
A snow-white cherry blossomed under the window ...
Lilies of the valley, lilies of the valley ...