How to draw outdoor lips. How to draw lips, learn to draw lips

How to draw outdoor lips. How to draw lips, learn to draw lips

In order to demonstrate to you how to draw the lips with a pencil, I will ask for help with the owner of the most beautiful lips on this planet. Naturally, I personally did not ask her about it, she doesn't even know who I am. But I think she will not mind if I steal one of her photo.

Dear Angelina Jolie, if you read it, I will be in shock Do not be offended by me!

My goal is only to show one of the many ways to draw lips to paint. And I, meanwhile, before the instructions, I will still eat food for reflection:

  • Lips are a device for kisses. In terms of sensitivity, they ranked second on the human body. Yes, second.
  • British scientists have proven that it is possible to judge the character of a person looking at the shape of the lips. And I also agree with this, for example: Sponges a bow - a good soul person, naive; Or a fastened lower lip forward - a sulb, broken lip - hooligan. Well, do you understand the logic?
  • The individuals of the female in their entire life use up to 7 kilograms of lipstick, and half of this amount they eat. Third eat a man, the rest disappears in an unknown direction.
  • In order to draw a smile Mona Lisa Leonardo spent about 12 years of his and so not a very long life! So who will write down then in the comments something like - cheers, I painted lips in 2 minutes, it's a lot - to be happy, Leonardo will turn over to the coffin.

Pay a lot of attention to your drawings. And follow this tutorial:

How to draw lips pencil stages

Step one. Sketch the filling lines for the elements of the face and turn.
Step second. Draw your eyes, sponges and teeth.
Step Three. I will add hatching on the face and lips, in order to show the shadows, it is still a portrait.
Step fourth. Remove the auxiliary lines and correct the contours. It should get like this:
Want to learn how to draw other no less exciting parts of the human body? Try here, for example.

In the lessons, how to draw the lips with a pencil often writes that they are difficult to draw, as well, and any part of the face. I do not think so, but on the contrary, I consider the drawing of the lips is pretty light. The main thing is to do it correctly and remember the features of the structure of man's lips. So, sharply sharpen pencils, looking for a photo, you liked and start! I will try to convince you that it is not difficult to draw lips.

How to draw lips with a simple pencil: first stage

I make an outline pencil labeling IN. Pencil may be 2V. and 4V. - It is not very important, since almost all labeling pencils are suitable for sketch.

The sketch turned out to be quite simple, consisting of just a few lines. It should not have anything superfluous. In general, the first stages of drawing in the lessons and how to draw lips, almost identical to each other. First, the sketch is made, and then decisive.

How to draw lips with a simple pencil: the second and third stages

At the second stage, I make a light decay on the sketch and wip out the contours of the lips because it is almost impossible to make the contours. Do not forget to wipe out the sketch and break the lips more detail.

Of course, you need to leave a bright lip plots without cutting.

I start drawing lip pencils of the group N.. At the third stage, even after a minor drawing, the lips volume begins. So I do everything right. Also with a darker pencil paint angle and a line between the upper and lower lip.

How to draw lips with a simple pencil: the fourth stage

At the fourth stage of the lesson, how to draw lips with a simple pencil, I already draw the lips in detail, leaving bright areas. It is important to draw by semicircular strokes - this is the features of the lip structure, which I mentioned above.

Also, at the fourth stage, I draw shadows around the lips. More attention should be paid to the shadows under the bottom lip - it will give lips the desired volume. We should not forget about the shadow above the upper lip, but it should be lighter than the shadows under the bottom lip.

How to draw lips with a simple pencil: the last fifth stage

Final, fifth stage, I finish the drawing. In principle, after the four stages of the lip and it looks rather not bad - they have the volume, they are well drawn both the lips themselves and the corners of the mouth, but still, I would have worked a little over them. Need to put in order

In this lesson, I will teach you to draw lips using a simple triangle shape. The whole process consists of 10 uncomplicated steps. You will be able to create various types of lips, bringing small changes at step 1. I will use the following materials in this lesson:

  1. Mechanical Pencil 0.5 mm HV
  2. Graphite pencil 6V.
  3. Eraser-klyachka (soft erasing gum)
  4. Rastune wand
  5. Smooth dense drawing paper (Bristol Cardboard)

Step 1.

Draw an extended anoscele triangle. Recovering from its vertex a little down, draw an arc (curve line reminiscent of the letter U). Spend a direct horizontal line in approximately in the middle between the arc and the base of the triangle. The longer the horizontal line is, the wider the lips will turn out. With a shorter lip line will look more plump.

Step 2.

Create an upper lip contour by connecting the extreme horizontal line points with the arc at the top of the triangle, the resulting figure should resemble the cupid bow.

Step 3.

Create a lower lip - draw a smooth curved line, the extreme bottom point of which does not go abroad of the triangle. Following the horizontal line, draw the contours of a fitted mouth.

Step 4.

Will erase the triangle and determine where the light source will be located. This is drawing on the right on top. I chained the contour of the most lit part of the lips and then a soft graphite pencil struck a light tone to less illuminated territories, and also added the falling shadow from the bottom lip.

Step 5.

Continue to apply tone on both lips, leaving the sections that you outlined in step 4, the brightest. Pay attention to the shadow under the bottom lip - its dark tone gradually lighteously to the right right, thereby showing the direction of light to the right. On the outward loop of the lower lip, leave light areas on the border with a falling shadow.

Step 6.

Using a pencil with a thin griffel (I use a mechanical pencil 0.5 HV) Draw the lines of wrinkles and cracks. Do not press the pencil too much, otherwise you will find it difficult to reach the desired effect.

Step 7.

Using a decisive wand, scroll tone on the bottom lip. Do not touch the brightest areas that you have scheduled earlier. So the lips will look more voluminous and natural. You will notice that the wrinkle lines and cracks in the process of decisive will gradually begin to pale and merge with the tone. Do not overdo it so that they do not completely disappear.

Step 8.

Come on the brightest areas of the bottom lip with an eraser, slightly pressing it to paper. Neat movements will flash the most illuminated places with the cloth to create the effect of brilliant lips.

Step 9.

Repeat steps 7-8 for the upper lip.

Step 10.

Using a soft graphite pencil 6B, make the following sections: external lip contours, shadow under the bottom lip, corners of the lips, as well as cracks and wrinkles. You can change the dimensions of the lips, moving the horizontal line (step 1) above to make the upper lip thinner , or lower to make it thicker. The gloss effect also makes lips more voluminous. Experiment with various forms of triangles. Do not be discouraged if you didn't work out exactly the first time you have conceived. Continue to draw, and then every step will be fully understood. You will draw realistic lips without much effort!

In the drawing of the lips, as well as in the drawing of the nose or eye should not sink contours. Lip shape - volume. This is not just the contour. Therefore, for those who want to learn how to draw a portrait will be useful to the diagram below. In it lips are simplified, in the form of geometric shapes. Such a schematic image helps to see the structure and plastic. For example, the lower lip consists of two ovals. And the upper one is divided into the middle of the tubercles.

In this picture it is still important to see how the lips shape smoothly goes into the chin, cheeks, nose. All these forms bend and illuminated by light. Something is in the shade, something in the half, and something in the light. The upper lip, hanging over the lower, most often turns out to be in the shade. And the lower lip, speaking, as a rule turned to the light. Between the bottom lip and chin is a wpina, which is most often shipped into the shadow. What will be in the light, and that in the shade - depends on the location of the light source. For example, if the light is directed from top to bottom, and from the bottom up, then the picture will be directly opposite.

In addition to the foregoing, it is still necessary to understand that the lip line is not straight. It repeats the head circumference. For clarity, I drew two options: one is right, and the other is wrong. It follows that the whole form of lips will be subordinate to this rule.

Next, I performed a phased classic lip drawing. At the first stage, a light linear drawing is laid, revealing the main planes and facets. At the second stage, the shadow sides are being worked out with a lung hatch. At the final third stage, all the details are honored and all halftone is being worked out in more detail. In the tone drawing of the lips, it is important to transfer lighting and comprehension. As in the drawing of the gypsum ball in the drawing of the lips, it is also necessary to transfer the light, half of the day, shadow, reflex, falling shadow.

Hello, dear friends!

Today we have a simple and interesting topic, we will draw lips. This part of the person exceeds the psychological state of the person, and if the eyes are able to lie, then the corners of the mouth give you a mood. If you want to learn how to draw a portrait of a person, this publication will be useful for you.

The main task is to learn how to give volume, because it is not difficult to convey their form, although, of course, faces are very different.


The lips are sufficient simply, they consist of muscles and skin, their forms are very different, but they always stand out, they will repeat a little forward relative to the chin and parts of the muscles under the nose. This is shown in the second part of the illustration. The most convex parts are shown by light oval forms on the first part of the illustration.

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Let's start from a short parsing of the structure, in order to in the future we can more correctly and accurately detail the features of the face. Creating a portrait of a concrete person, it is important to see, notice and correct them.

  • Between the base of the nose and the upper lip there is a furror or vpadina, inside it is usually a small shadow and this section can be shown with a darker shade.
  • On both sides of this depression there protrusions - They, on the contrary, always a little lighter than the main color of the skin.
  • Arch Cupid - Mandatory part, it is concave inside the arc, it is in the middle of the top.
  • Under the arch Cupid is always a bulge, a little forward.
  • Corners of the mouthdark, similar to pits.
  • Line of closure (or mouth) is a line of contact top and bottom lips. It is always the darkest place, here you can safely use the most intense stroke or dark colors.
  • With ordinary lighting, when the light falls on top, it is formed on the bottom lip shadow From the top, near the line of closure.
  • In the middle of the bottom (under the arch of the Cupid) most often there is barely noticeable depression, dent. It is worth using shades a little darker on the tone.
  • Do not forget O. foldsThey will give your drawing greater realism, and show them with thin lines or strokes of a darker shade.
  • Under the bottom is yamkwhich is worth showing a dark tint.

Draw fish

Draw Phatepno

Start drawing lips from the designation of the mouth line and from the vertical line of symmetry. Depending on the angle, these lines will shift and change their shape slightly. Dark color show the framework in which you need to enter lips.

Let's reserve stages. It is best if you find high-quality photo for sample.

Draw the face of man


If you draw a profile portrait:

Rotted Roth

If you want to draw Merlin Monroe's lips, you may have to show a knock-down mouth, look at the stages of creating such an image.

Pay attention to the fact that inside the mouth will be dark (almost black color). The teeth are almost white (yellowish), but they have a shadow. The joints between the teeth can be marked with a darker color. A deep shadow is formed between the upper and lower lip.

Different forms

Drawing a portrait of a woman and a man, this part of the face is worth detailing in varying degrees.

Lips are thin and chubby, differ in size, sometimes alone stands out, and the other is small and imperceptible. Cupid Arch may look like a small triangle or as a wide arc.

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Video Tutorial

Watch the video How to draw lips with a pencil Phased part of the face: