How to draw Flat Flat from the series My Little Pony. How to draw a pony phasate with a pencil and not only, including from the cartoon friendship is a miracle: Phased instructions for children with schemes and videos How to draw a pony phased pencil Fluttersay

How to draw Flat Flat from the series My Little Pony. How to draw a pony phasate with a pencil and not only, including from the cartoon friendship is a miracle: Phased instructions for children with schemes and videos How to draw a pony phased pencil Fluttersay

Most children love to draw. And if at an early age, the process itself is more increasing, then in school years this occupation becomes meaningful, aimed at the result - the creation of the desired image, such as a beloved animal or a cartoon character. And then, and the other embodies Pony. This is a good and graceful creation that the guys can see in a circus or zoo, always causes a lunizing, especially if it is possible to ride it. A miniature horse can be seen in the animated series "My little pony", which transfers us into a fictional country, inhabited by tiny man-fated. How to help the child statenly draw ponies? What other technique you can interest the young artist?

Preparation for drawing

Before you start teaching the child drawing a pony, as well as any other animal, an adult should be given to consider the relevant toy to the young artist. At the same time, attention should be paid to major parts of the body and small details of the structure of the animal, discuss what ponies differs from a regular horse (shorter legs, due to which it has a little height). The head of this horse is disproportionately large compared to the other parts of the body. The focus is also done on a lush mane and tail, big eyes with long eyelashes.

Before you start drawing, the schoolboy should examine a small horse, highlight the key features of its structure

Alternatively, you can view photos or book illustrations.

The simplest version of the image from which the lessons should be started - an image of the horses on the side when only one eyebreaker is visible.

As for the technical moments of drawing, then you need to consider the following.

  1. To create the foundation of the drawing, you need to choose a pencil, which is easily erased (therefore you will need a good eraser). Before the start of the creative process, you should check the quality of the tools - to hold the line with a pencil, and then erase them: dirty traces should not be on paper. You do not need to try to draw everything immediately exactly and correctly: it is better to portray baseline lines, including auxiliary, and some of them then delete. Corrections should not scare - this is a natural part of the work.
  2. No need to smuggle. Learn to draw a horse better on paper A4 format or even A3.
  3. You can draw with chalk on the board: it's easier to remove lines and apply new ones. And it is quite possible to save such a product using a photograph. As for the magnetic board, it will not be possible to erase extra elements.
  4. When creating an image, the schoolboy does not need to be hurry: after all, the creative nature of the process of drawing itself brings pleasure and is a view of the rest. Moreover, if there is a dad and mom nearby, who directs the child and shares the joy of creativity with him.
  5. The task of an adult mentor is to encourage the artist in every way. Not trouble if the first works will be unsuccessful. Initially, it is advisable to practice on the draft, and then begin to start the main job.
  6. The pony silhouette first is always drawn by a simple pencil, and when painting, you can use a variety of materials at the request of a child - colored pencils, wax chalk, bright markers, gel pens, a wide gouache palette or watercolor.

Draw pony, including stages, you can even chalk on the board

How to draw a pony from the series My Little Pony - Phased Instructions

If the child likes the animated series "My little pony: Friendship is a miracle," then he will certainly want to portray his beloved horse (girls often collect a toy collection of characters).

Animation transfers the viewer into a fictional country inhabited by tiny pony. The main characters are six kids, each of which has its own character and is endowed with unique abilities and distinguishing external signs. Among them there is just a pony, pegasus with wings and unicorn (every type of two horses).

  1. Twilight sparka is the main heroine, unicorn, lilac, has a purple mane with a pink strip, on the back leg of a pink stars.
  2. Rainbow DESH - Pegasus, the smallest horse, blue, with a multicolored mane and tail.
  3. Rariti is the main fashionista, unicorn, snow-white, with a purple mane and a pattern of specks on the back leg.
  4. Fluttershai is a large modest that loves and knows how to communicate with animals, Pegasus, yellow with a light lilac mane.
  5. Pinki Pink - Pegasus, adores holidays and fun, pink, with a red mane and tail.
  6. Applejack is a very hardworking pony farmer, yellow and wears a hat.

The chief characters of the cartoon also belongs to the Little Dragon Spike, Love in Larriti.

Each horse has its own character and unique abilities.

Total moments when drawing cartoon horses

Starting a gradual drawing of one of the characters of the cartoon, the child should explain important general moments.

  1. Anatomy of any object will consist of simple figures (circles, triangles) and lines. At the same time, the head is the largest circle. If the character is rooted in front or rear, circles overlap, but their size does not change.

    Circles - the base of the pony anatomy, the biggest circle is the head

  2. Circles are connected with neck and tummy. Moreover, the lines should not be straight, but curved. The legs are drawn simply - in the form of triangles with a cut vertex. To beautifully draw eyes, you should schedule their line and promising guide on the muzzle.

    The connection of the curves of lines form the neck and body of the horses

  3. Wings draw very easily, and the horn is depicted in the center of the head on the guide line.

    Rog is located in the center of the head of the pony on the guide line

  4. Eyes are located slightly above the guide line, and the height of the ear is about a third of the head. Special attention should be accepted at a distance between the ear and eyes - it should be not too big, but not very small.

    Eyes are depicted slightly above the horizontal guide, and the ears - at a certain distance from the eyes

  5. The neck always remains unchanged length and thickness in different poses, but it can not be drawn if the head pony is located almost anfas. In some cases, a long or short neck can emphasize the emotions of the horses.

    The neck always remains the same length. Exception when the horse does not stand in the face or need to emphasize its emotions

  6. To get the desired pose, circles are located and overlap in a certain order. Due to the overlap, you can make a character more expressive and voluminous. If some part of the horse is hidden, then it is, of course, do not need and draw.

    Any position can be depicted, placing and overlapping the circles in the desired way

Phased Drawing Fluttershai

Consider a step-by-step image of one of the heroines of the series - Pony Fluttersay. This modest beauty has a beautiful mane and a lush tail of gentle-lilac color, miniature wings, huge eyes.

Shy Breeding Horse Full Glory

  1. Initially, in the center of the sheet, we draw a horizontal oval (torso). Above him, a little left is a circle (head). From oval, a wavy line is departed - the future luxurious tail.

    Using geometric shapes, the main parts of the body of the horses are scheduled.

  2. Next, we plan the contour of the face: the spout is small, slightly stuffed up. Draw one expressive eye (after all, the pony is sideways): Do not forget about the pupil, light glare and long cilia. We also depict a little pointed ear, smile. Mandatory beauties attribute - long hair separated into two parts: one in front, and the second partially hides the muzzle. Locks are beautifully visited and lowered almost to the earth itself.

    Emphasis should be done on a large expressive eyebound and chic curls

  3. Next, we depict the front and rear legs, flirty wings on the back (you can only one, the second is not visible from the selected angle). Feet no need to draw too long, very thin or thick. The harmonious image will create precisely compliance with all proportions. Completes anatomy chic developing tail.

    To achieve maximum similarity with the original, it is important to comply with all proportions

  4. Detailing the image: decorate the mane and tail with longitudinal lines, Fluttershai on the thigh draw a characteristic drawing of three graceful butterflies.

    Special charm horses give the characteristic details

  5. Drawing ready. It remains only to erase the auxiliary lines.

    The final image remains neatly coloring

Photo Gallery: Phased Drawing the rest of the horses from the animated series "My little pony"

Sparkle - a beautiful unicorn with a chic mane, a slim and light-legged distinctive feature of Pinki Pink has become her gorgeous pink wool, a bright pink long mane in curls, a tail and drawing on the hip, depicting the balloons Pony Raduga Dash - a gorgeous horse with a rainbow tail, mane and the original tattoo depicting the rainbow slender legs, a thin neck, trigger the raised fruit and gorgeous curled mane, a magnificent tail - all in the pony Rariti charming mane and the tail of EPL Jack intercepts rubberbers, and the front leg often raises in a jump

Creating your style while drawing a cartoon horse

Teaching a schoolchild in gradual drawing does not need to seek easy copying picture. It is much better if the child in the process of creativity will produce its own artistic style, bring something to your own, without reducing similarity with the original. Denote some possible techniques.

  1. The head can be a definite form: more oval or round, pointed or square.

    The head can be drawn by a special form, for example, resembling a circle or square

  2. You can experiment with eyes (after all, they are cartoon): make them surprised, diagonally, with large or small pupils, etc.

    Eye drawing opens up great features for experiments

  3. Different ears are also interesting: they can be fluffy, more pointed, etc.

    You can play with the form and texture of horsepins

  4. Rotik pony, like eyes, can express strong emotions: it is big or slightly noticeable.

    With the help of the mouth form, you can pass the character's emotions.

  5. Present space for creative fantasy opens the drawing of the wings in Pegasov. Here you can be repelled from the plumage of real birds, making them squeezed or quite modest. Wings can be straightened or folded.

    There is a lot of SPOSBOV Draw Wings

  6. The most important attributes of any cartoon horses - mane and tail. With their help, it is very easy to stylize the image in its own way. Hair can wave into the wind or lie smoothly, you can portray them with gentle, flowing or rude and hard - options here are mass. The same applies to the tail: you can twist it with a spiral, cover the tip with a ribbon, smoothly "trim", etc.

    Tail and mane - the most creative attributes of the cartoon horse

Photo Gallery: Children's Work

Baby Pony: Veretennikova Polina, 7 years old My little pony: Anastasia Igumentseva My little pony: Author 7 years old My pony: Christina Klimkin, 9 years old Fire pony: Author - Christina Klimkin, 9 years old pony sparka: Category - from up to 7 years Pony Rariti : Nadezhda Zvyagintseva, 15 years

Phased image of a realistic pony

In addition to a fabulous character, a child may ask for an adult to teach to draw and real pony. Note that the onboard parking animals are quite difficult to depict, but with certain efforts you can get a remarkable realistic image.

Standing horse

  1. First, we highlight a rectangular area on a sheet of paper to create an image and divide it by 12 squares, the same in size. Draw two circles and connect their rounded line.

    Squares define the border of the future drawing

  2. With the help of oval and smooth lines, we denote the contours of the head, neck, backs and legs of the animal.

    To designate body parts, we use ovals and flat lines

  3. Add details, circuits with a bold line.

    To refine the image again we use ovals and lines

  4. Carefully erased by an eraser auxiliary lines. We depict your eyes, a lush mane, a long tail, hooves, more precisely draw your mouth.

    Drawing ready

  5. Sharch the image by a simple pencil: we transmit the game shadows and wool texture.

    Using pressure power, you can transfer light glare and wool shabble

The horses are known for their speed, so we will also consider such a nuance as drawing a running pony. The main thing in creating this image is to properly pass the position of the legs (all other parts of the body are drawn about the same way).

  1. Initially, we draw auxiliary line - it shows the rhythm of running (may be straight or curved).

    Line shows rhythm run

  2. We look at the body, the hips and the level of the surface where the horse is standing.

    Line will help in the future to draw the length of the legs

  3. We draw the first pair of legs (front and rear, which are located face to the viewer, because we have a side view). To create the desired length, use arcs.

    To determine the needed leg length, carry out arc

  4. We find the middle of the legs, and then the center of the segments of the segments. After that, we conceive the width of each part, draw an oval around them (because the pony legs are not similar to the columns).

    Foot width Pony Nonamenakov over the entire length

  5. Connecting ovals with curved lines, we get a beautiful outline of the legs.

    By connecting the edges of oval, we can easily get a beautiful curved outline of horsepie

  6. In the same way (using segments and ovals), we draw a second pair of legs (those that are on the other side). They will be bent, therefore, the lines must be shorter.

    At the last stage of work neatly erase the auxiliary lines

Draw a pony on cages with pencils or woven

Another way to introduce a child to creativity is fascinating drawing through the cells. To do this, you need a regular notebook, colored pencils or markers.

  1. In this technique, you can create a variety of pony images: from cartoon to quite realistic.

    Draw a pony child can be in cells

  2. Accordingly, different levels of drawing are allocated. It is better to start with a slight: just the one-photon silhouette of the horses is painted or quite a few colors are used.

    Portrait of horses

In addition to the aesthetic pleasure, drawing through the cells brings great benefits: develops orientation in space, attention, stimulates imagination, raises the perishability and patience. This lesson calms the nerves well (it is possible to draw with adults), relieves stress. This technique is a wonderful option to increase self-esteem from the guys who are not very well given other types of creativity: the results obtained will inspire them for new attempts.

Each child can choose for a certain tactics of images in cells. Someone is more convenient to draw from top to bottom, someone - right to left. You can try to work from the center: it is well suited for rounded images.

Beginner artists are better drawing in notebooks into a large cell, gradually choosing more complex schemes.

Photo Gallery: Pony Drawing Schemes for Cells

A simple version of the scheme in the picture prevail the yellow and brown tones of the portrait raisin - huge eyes surrounded by long eyelashes Beautiful image in profile drawing of the palette of the palette of the paints Interesting plot composition is an easy version without color overflows

Charming Epl Jack painted with wax crayons

Portrait of Pony Fluttershai.

Portrait of sparkers: pencils and markers

Sitting horse from animated series

Young animal artists can sit for hours at the table with a pencil in their hands, trying to portray your favorite animal, for example, charming pony. And adults can help them create a favorite image - a small realistic horse or a character of a popular animated series. Phased drawing will come to the rescue, which is consistent work schemes. At the same time, it is necessary to encourage the child not just to copy the picture, but bring something to it into it, form your own artistic style. Also, the creative leisure of the schoolboy can be diversified by fascinating drawing through the cells.

Pony Flattershai - Another of the heroine of the famous cartoon American animators "Friendship is a miracle!". She lives in the town of Pereville and belongs to the pony group of Pegasov. Fluttersay - horse having wings. She can fly, and move around the clouds. Managers natural phenomena with other pony pegasami. Fluttershai - very shy especially. She is not trying anywhere else, he does not brag about his skills. Very loves animals. In general, a pretty cute horse. Let's draw it here in a phased pencil.

Stage 1. I draw the line-outline line of its future Taurus. This is a round head with a feature just above the middle. From the head there is an almost oval figure of her body. From the body, we will assign four round lines of the legs from the circle to get the smooth line of the mane. From the back of the rainy tail line.

Stage 2. Let's start climbing the contours of her face. I spend smoothly from the neck line, we note a rather wide sharp ear, sticking up. In front show the frontal part, then a slightly protruding spout and the chinful part of the muzzle.

Stage 3. On the muzzle make very large expressive eyes. We draw ovals, make a clear line of the eyelid, we plan from the top, from the sides and below. Then in Ovalach, we draw the eyeballs themselves with large pupils, which reflect light glare.

Stage 4. On the head draw the line of bangs and behind the bow, which intercepts the mane pony.

Stage 6. Now we will supply the pony tank. Rear, breast and abdomen.

Stage 7. We draw legs. At first, those closer to us, then those that next. All this is done on initial outline lines.

Stage 8. Now it remains to show her beautiful tail and show small wings on the barrel.

Stage 9. Break the additional lines on the bangs, mane and tail, giving them volume and texture.

Stage 10. Collect our flutter in gentle colors. Taurus beige, pink mane. Green bow. Sea wave color eyes.

Flathershai is one of the heroines of the famous series My Little Pony, which won many children's and adult hearts. Cute concerns inspire the creators of computer games, comics, children's toys and carnival costumes. They did not remain without the attention of artists. Let us try and we figure out how to draw Flathershai - lemon pony-pegasus with gentle-purple flocks of the mane. And so that the drawn horse turned out to be the most similar to the cartoon prototype, we will pay attention to its history, character and legend.

Character character

The name FlatShi literally means "trembling embarrassment." Gromnyka-pony fully corresponds to the selected name: Flatti modest and shy. She loves peace and silence, never gets involved in conflicts. Calloon, vitality, trick is definitely not about her!

Flyshai appearance

Before drawing Pony Flathershai, we gradually consider its appearance. Each horse show has its own unique Skinton (shade of skin). Flat has gentle yellow skin. Like girlfriends, she has great naive eyes and a rosal spout. One of the characteristics of the character is the long melting of the light lilac shade and the same tail. On the croup of Flathers there is Kyutimark - a distinctive sign - three lilac butterflies.

Legend and History

Born and rose Flat in Claudsdale. As a child, she was teased because of the fear of flying. Perhaps this was the cause of her shyness. However, it is not necessary to think that the yellow Pegaska is so harmless. In the series more than once there were moments when tolerating to the last flats went to the attack and alone and spread with enemies. It was then fudges and learned that their favorite is stronger and physically, and morally. Thanks to this inner strength, she defeated her fears and now flies like her girlfriends. Fleashai has no permanent operation. Her vocation is to care for animals, helping weak. I must say, she has it great and Flatti's talents are always in demand. She is one of the few pony, who does not know anything about whose family. Her relatives do not appear in the series never.

Draw Flatshai

Before dealing, how to draw Flathershai, we will define the materials. It is best to depict this bright character in color. For coloring, markers, markers, gouache or ordinary, in addition, the soft simple pencil and good eraser will be useful in operation. The image of the heroine is very useful.

How to draw Flyshai gradually

Prepare everything you need and neatly decompose in the workplace. We will continue to work according to the following scheme.

  1. First we make markup. Strongly press the pencil should not - these lines are still to be deleted from the finished pattern. Flatti's head is round, and the body is oval. Its proportions are very far from the proportions of the real horse, the body and the head of almost one size.
  2. Most of the face takes the eye. He expresses the whole character of the character, which we considered in detail before drawing Flathershai. Kindness, naivety, modesty is what should happen. Closer to the back of the head draw a soft ear.
  3. Add the mane, the tip of which is spinning. We start drawing legs. I must say that the heroes of the series My Little Pony do not have sharp horsepower. Their legs are more like soft paws. Draw wings - still Flathershai not just understood, but a real pegask.
  4. Draw the hind legs and tail, also curled on the tip. On the cereal draw butterflies. We remove the auxiliary lines. It should be easily easily, because in front of how to draw Flathershai, we decided to make marking without a strong pressure on the pencil.

5. Drawing ready! You can start painting.