That Bonifami received as a gift. Lion Bonifami - cartoon worthy of the loudest ovations and promotions! Sergey Alimov, Designer Designer

That Bonifami received as a gift. Lion Bonifami - cartoon worthy of the loudest ovations and promotions! Sergey Alimov, Designer Designer
That Bonifami received as a gift. Lion Bonifami - cartoon worthy of the loudest ovations and promotions! Sergey Alimov, Designer Designer

In a set of postcards "Bonifacea vacation".

A selection of frames from the cartoon "Bonifation Vacation".
Directed by Fedor Khitruk

Lion lived in one circus named Bonifacea. It was a very humming and obedient lion. During the ideas, he quietly sat behind the scenes and patiently waited for his exit.

In the arena of Bonifacea walked along the rope, made a rack on the front paws and jumped through a burning hoop. It was a very dangerous number, but he liked him so much that Bonifami repeated him several times. Such he was kind: I did not refuse anything to anyone.

The director of the circus often took Lion for a walk and bought him bananas who loved the Bonifami. Once a lion asked:
- Why do so many children on the street?
"Now summer, they have a vacation," the director explained.

- I also want a vacation. I want to go to my grandmother, "the lion asked.
"Good," said the director. "I let you go on vacation."
Bonifacea was happy! He immediately ran to buy a ticket to Africa and a gift for her grandmother.

When the steamer sailed to Africa, Boniface was sitting on the deck and thought about how he would spend his holidays. Every day he will eat bananas, swim in the lake and catch a sacc of fish. Bonifacea was so waged that he did not notice how the steamer stopped. Someone shouted: "Africa, go out!"
Bonifami was at home.

Everything was still here: both the house, and the garden, and the old palm tree. Grandma stood at the porch. Seeing his grandson, she splashed his hands:
- In no way you are, Bonifami! Where did you come from?
Bonifami hugged her grandmother, laid his gifts before her and then told the entire evening about the circus.

In the morning, the bonifaces put on a bathing suit, took a cuckoo and went to the lake. Suddenly he saw two girls. They played pebbles. At the sight of an unfamiliar lion, the girls were frightened and cried. Then Bonifami picked the pebbles from the ground and began to juggle them. Girls stopped crying and looked at him. Then they snatched her pebbles and ran away, and Bonifacea went on.

He reached almost the lake, but then girls appeared before him, and with them many kids. And the boniface had to juggle with pebbles. Then he jumped over his head and walked on his hands. That day he never managed to catch the fish.

The next morning, Bonifacea went to the lake again. "Today I definitely swim and catch the fish," he thought, walking along the track.
In the first turn, he was waiting for familiar girls. They brought with them a whole crowd of the children. The children began to ask Boniface to show them tricks. And the lion could not refuse them.

The present circus performance has begun! The children were delighted! None lion would have failed to do so! .. So one another day passed, behind him the other, the third ...
Bonifacea has already forgotten about bananas, bathing and even fish. From morning to evening, he showed Circus Presents to children. And the children clapped in his hands and shouted: "More! Yet!" And time flew unnoticed.

But once he rang the beeps of a steamer, and Bonifacea realized that the vacation was over. He hurriedly laid a suitcase, said goodbye to her grandmother and children. There were a lot of them and everyone needed to ride "goodbye".
... The ship sailed farther and farther, Africa was becoming less and less, and Bonifacea thought: "Still, a wonderful thing - these holidays!"

Germany, Netherlands.
Brewers, tailors.

Bonifacea or Voniphati (Lat. Bonifatius.), TJ. Winfrid (Lat. WinFried, WinFrid, Wynfreth; / , Coverton, County Exeter, Wessex, in the present. The time of Devonshire in the south-west of England is June 5, near the bottom, in the present. time - friesland) - Archbishop in Mainz, the most prominent missionary and reformer of the church in the state of Franks, famous for Apostle of all Germans.

A life

Winfried was brought up in the monasteries of the Order of St. Benedict in Exeter and Natselle (near the modern Southampton in the county of the hempshire). In Natselle at the age of 30, he was ordained in the San Priest. Its main classes were the teaching of grammar and poems. But in 716, Winfried decides to leave the monastery and, becoming a missionary, goes to the dense forests in the east of the franc empire. By this time, he had already managed to become a well-known scientist, and, in addition, and the author of one of the new Latin grammar.

Winfrid was the second missionary (after the Utrecht Bishop of Willibrord), which came from the British Islands in order to convert Saxons to Christianity. In 719, Winfrid receives the blessing of Pope Gregory II and accepts a name Bonifacea.

Missionary travel Boniface was something like expeditions to pagan tribes, in which he was accompanied by a large retinue, which also had warriors with artisans. During such expeditions, small settlements and monasteries were based on the mainland. Some sources report one unusual event, alleged in the north of Hesse, near Gaismar: Near the border strengthening of the francs was the sacred for the Hermanse-Gentiles Tree - Oak Donara (Torah Oak). Bonifami decided to cut him down. The pagans attended at the same time expected anger of their God, but, as it turned out, in vain. They were amazed at how easily their shrine fell. From the fired sacred tree of Bonifami ordered to build a Capella of St. Peter in Fritzlar. Today there is a monastery and church of St. Peter.

It is not known that forced 80-year-old Boniface to go to the next mission to the pagans to friezes. Legends narrate that he wanted to take martyrdom. But even if his death was not a martyrs in a strict sense (according to some sources, Bonifami was killed during the usual robbery), his immediate importance had its immediate attitudes for the saints, which may have had political reasons.


A special historical role Bonifacea is that its activities were aimed at creating church structures in the eastern lands, subordinate to the center of Pope Rome. This was how the church was organized in the British Islands, and it was her Bonifami that was, unlike its Irish-Scottish predecessors on the continent. The beginning of the missionary activity Bonifation was not quite successful, but soon he managed to get the blessing of the father, which gradually provided him with the necessary authority and support of Franksk for him. Boniface's activities have spread the influence of Rome on what is happening in the western and central parts of Europe. The support of Rome was the key to success of missionary activities, but, moreover, Boniface managed to lay the foundations of the church hierarchy with the center in Rome, independent in their decisions from secular power. Nevertheless, he could not create such a church hierarchy, which would be completely independent of the interests of nobility (for this he was needed by supporting any of the secular rulers). But it was the Bonifacea that spread the power of Rome as the center of Christianity, laid the foundation for the formation of Christian Europe. He managed to convince Karl Martell and the leaders of some German tribes, that Christianity has many advantages, among which the huge cultural and political potential of unity.

Every year in Fulda, where Bonifami is buried, the conference of German bishops is going. Part of the relics of St. Boniface is in the Church of St. Hildegard and John in Aibingen (Ringau), where Hildegard Bingensky was collected by the power of many saints.

In the 1250th anniversary of the death of St. Martyr, Bonifacea in June G. was held numerous commemorative events in Crediton, the Dock, and Fulda. In addition, a musical was put, talking about Boniface's life.

Basic events in life Boniface

  • - Anglo-Saxon Missionary Winfrid begins his mission on the continent.
  • - Winfrid receives the blessing of Pope Gregory II before starting the mission in Germany, and accepts a name Bonifacea . His path lies through Friesland, Thuringia, Saxony, Hessen and Bavaria, where he preaches.
  • - Pope Gregory II devotes boniface to bishops.
  • - Bonifacea cuts off sacred for gentle pagans tree Donar Oak (near Fritzlar).
  • - Bonifacea Based the Church of St. Peter in Fritzlar.
  • - Pope Grigory III appoints Boniface Archbishop East Frankish Empire.
  • - Bonifami is appointed by the Legat of Pope in the kingdom of francs.
  • - The cities of Würzburg, the Boisterburg and Erfurt become bishops. Bonifaces appoints Brucard Bishop in Würzburg, Wittu - in the Burubeburg. Bonifaces, together with the Karlmann of the kind of Carroling, is attempting to begin the reorganization of the church in the Frankish kingdom.
  • - Student Boniface Monk-Benedictive Sturmy Based the Fulda Monastery.
  • - Bonifami becomes a bishop Mainz (title of archbishop he is awarded only ad Personam, that is, for personal merits, since Mainz becomes archcropper only in 781/82).
  • - With the permission of Pope held the Ceremony of the Coronation of Mayorom Pipina Short in Susson. (Repeated coronation, already with an anointing rite, is carried out by Pope Stefan II on January 7, in Saint-Denis).
  • June 5 - Bonifaces and 50 people His Sweets were killed near the doctor when trying to commit the baptism rite. Bonifation body was first delivered to Mainz, and then buried in the Cathedral of Fulda.


In 2004 (1250th anniversary of the death Bonifation) in Fulda, a musical depicting the life of the saint was put in Fulda. The idea was successful, and it was planned to put it as well in 2005. The role of Bonifation in the musical is played by Ethan Freeman.

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  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 tons. (82 t. And 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Erhard Gorys: Lexikon Der Heiligen. München: DTV 1997. ISBN 3-423-32507-0
  • Lutz E. Von Padberg: Bonifatius. Missionar und Reformer. München: Beck 2003. ISBN 3-406-48019-5
  • Bonifatius in Mainz - Neues Jahrbuch Für Das Bistum Mainz, Hrsg.: Barbara Nichtweiß, Zabern-Verlag Mainz. ISBN 3-8053-3476-1.
  • Dirk Schümer: Apostel Der Europäer (Advanced Article in the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung dated June 5, 2004)


  • - Bonifatius - Leben Und Werk-
  • - Bishopric site Fulda
  • - Ökumenisches Heiligenlexikon

Excerpt characterizing holy boniface

"He says - a woman, and Marya Nikolavna - Baryn," the yard said.
"Yes, you know her, the teeth are long, thin," said Pierre.
- And there are Marya Nikolavna. They went to the garden, as the wolves then they flew out, "said Baba, pointing to French soldiers.
"Oh, Mr. Pommey," Deacon added again.
- You go back there, they are there. She is. Everything was killed, cried, - said Baba again. - She is. That's here.
But Pierre not listened to the Ban. It has been for a few seconds, not showering eyes, looked at what was done a few steps from him. He looked at the Armenian family and two French soldiers approaching Armenians. One of these soldiers, a small buzzing man, was dressed in a blue shine, spiderman. He was cap on his head, and the legs were bare. Another, who especially struck Pierre, was a long, stubborn, blond, thin man with slow movements and an idiotic expression. This one was dressed in a frieze hood, in blue pants and big torn boots. The little Frenchman, without a boot, in blue sided, approaching Armenians, immediately, saying something, took over the legs of the old man, and the old man immediately hastily began to shoot boots. Another, in the hood, stopped against the beauty of the Armenian and silently, motionless, holding his hands in his pockets, looked at her.
"Take, take a child," said Pierre, feeding the girl and abandonably and hastily turning to the beach. - You give them, give! - he shouted almost on the woman, soaring the shouting girl on the ground, and again looked around at the French and the Armenian family. The old man was already sitting barefoot. A small Frenchman took off his last boot and patted my boots about another. The old man, sobbing, said something, but Pierre only saw it; All his attention was drawn to the Frenchman in the hood, which at this time, slightly swinging, moved to a young woman and, having drowned his hands out of his pockets, took her neck.
Beauty Armenian continued to sit in the same stationary position, with low-eyelashes lowered, and as if he did not see and did not feel what soldiers did with her.
While Pierre ran the few steps, which separated him from the French, a long marauder in the hood was too ripped off the necklace necklace, which was on her, and a young woman, grabbing his hands behind her neck, shouted with a piercing voice.
- Laissez Cette Femme! [Leave this woman!] Pierre Cooking with a mad voice, grabbing a long, dust soldier by the shoulders and throwing it away. The soldier fell, raised and ran away. But comrade him, throwing his boots, took out the crash and slightly shook at Pierre.
- Voyons, Pas de Betises! [Oh well! Not Duri!] - he shouted.
Pierre was in the delight of rabies, in which he did not remember anything and in which his strength was raised. He rushed to the bare Frenchman and, before he managed to remove his cracker, he had already knocked him off his legs and thugs on him fists. I heard an approving cry of the crowd surrounding the crowd, at the same time the equestrian crossing of the French Ulanov seemed from the corner. Ulans trotted to Pierre and the Frenchman and surrounded them. Pierre did not remember anything from what was next. He remembered that he beat someone who beat him and that in the end he felt that his hands were connected that the crowd of French soldiers standing around him and searches his dress.
"IL A UN POIGNARD, LIEUTENANT, [Lieutenant, his dagger,] - were the first words that Pierre understood.
- AH, UNE ARME! [A, weapons!] - said the officer and turned to the bare soldier who was taken with Pierre.
- C "EST BON, Vous Direz Tout Cela Au Conseil de Guerre, [Well, well, in court will tell everything," said the officer. And after that, turned to Pierre: - Parlez Vous Francais Vous? [Are you talking about french? ]
Pierre looked around her eyes with pouring eyes and did not answer. Probably his face seemed very scary, because the officer said something in a whisper, and four more Ulan were separated from the team and became on both sides of Pierre.
- PARLEZ VOUS FRANCAIS? - repeated him the question of an officer, holding away from him. - FAITES VENIR L "INTERPRETE. [Call the translator.] - From the rows left the little man in the civilian Russian dress. Pierre on the robe and he immediately recognized the Frenchman in him from Moscow stores.
- Il N "A PAS L" AIR D "UN HOMME DU PEUPLE, [He does not look like a commoner,] - said the translator, Lookie Pierre.
- Oh, Oh! CA M "A BIEN L" AIR D "UN DES INCENDIAIRES, - Skazed Officer. - Demandez Lui Ce QU" IL EST? [Oh, o! He is very similar to the arsonist. Ask him who he is?] - he added.
- Who are you? - asked the translator. We must answer the bosses, "he said.
- Je Ne Vous Dirai Pas Qui Je Suis. Je Suis Votre Prisonnier. Emmenez Moi, [I will not tell you who I am. I am your twenty. Load me,] "Suddenly, Pierre said in French.
- AH, AH! - Speak officer, frowned. - MARCHONS!
Near Urana gathered a crowd. The closer to Pierre was standing Ryabya Baba with a girl; When the detour moved, she moved forward.
- Where do you behave, my dove is mine? - she said. - Girl then, a girl then where I am Den, if she is not their own! - Baba said.
- QU "EST CE QU" ELLE VEUT CETTE FEMME? [What does she need?] - asked an officer.
Pierre was like drunk. His enthusiastic condition even intensified at the sight of the girl he saved.
"CE QU" ELLE DIT? "He said. - Elle M" Apporte Ma Fille Que Je Viens De Sauver Des Flammes, "he said. - Adieu! [What does she need? She carries my daughter my, which I saved from the fire. Goodbye!] - And he himself, not knowing how he broke out this aimless lie, decisive, a solemn step went between the French.
The French travel was one of those who were sent by order of Duronely on the various streets of Moscow to curb the mortar and especially for the capture of the arsonis, which, in general, manifested themselves, the foremen from the French of the highest ranks was the cause of fires. Having traveled several streets, the train took another five suspicious Russian, one shop, two seminars, a man and yard and several marauders. But from all suspicious people suspicious of everyone seemed to Pierre. When all of them led to the night in a large house on the Zubovsky Shaft, in which the Gaptweath was established, then Pierre was placed separately.

In St. Petersburg, at this time in the highest circles, with a big heat than ever, there was a difficult struggle of the parties of Rumyantsev, French, Maria Feodorovna, Cesarevich and others, drowning, as always, the tube of the court drones. But calm, luxurious, concerned only by ghosts, reflections of life, St. Petersburg life went on the old age; And because of the course of this life it was necessary to make great efforts to conscious the danger and the difficult situation in which the Russian people were located. The same exits, balls, the same French theater, the same interests of the yards, the same interests of the service and intrigue. Only in the highest circles made efforts to remind the difficulty of this Regulation. She told a whisper about how the opposite one was received, in such difficult circumstances, both empress. Empress Maria Feodorovna, concerned about the well-being of the bodied bodies and educational institutions, made an order to send all institutions to Kazan, and things of these institutions have already been laid. Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna to the question of how to make orders she pleases, with her Russian patriotism, he learned to answer that she could not make orders about state institutions, as it concerns the sovereign; About the same thing that my personally depends on her, she learned to say that she would leave the latter from St. Petersburg.
Anna Pavlovna has on August 26, on the very day of the Borodino battle, was the evening, the flower of which was to read the letter of the represented, written when sending the sovereign of the image of the Rev. Sergius. This letter was revered by a sample of patriotic spiritual eloquence. Discover him was the prince of Vasily himself, famous for his reading art. (He also read the Empress.) The art of reading was considered to be loudly, singered, between the desperate input and a gentle ropot of speaking words, completely independently of their meaning, so it's quite by chance that one thing came to the other way. Reading it, like all the evenings Anna Pavlovna, had political importance. At this evening, there should have been several important persons who had to be ashamed for their trips to the French theater and inspire to the patriotic mood. Already quite a lot of people gathered, but Anna Pavlovna had not yet seen in the living room of all those who needed, and therefore, without starting reading, there was general conversations.

Bonifacea Vacation - Hearing the name of this cartoon, most of the people of the older generation appear in the heart the warmest memories appear. Therefore, you will be interested to know about how a cartoon was created. Well, first, let's briefly remember the plot.

Brief content of the cartoon "Bonifacea Vacation"

It is easy to guess who is the main hero of the tape. This is a lion of bonifacea. He is an actor actor who is without tired participating in circus performances, reliablely fulfilling the most complex tricks. For his diligence, the director of the circus is often strolled with him around the city, during the walk feeds him by the bananas that the lion just adores. But one day one of these walks, Bonifami knows that in the summer children leave for vacation and most of them go to their grandmothers.

Boniface has never had a vacation, and it is very upset. Leo's mood noted director. Since Bonifami was an exemplary officer, the director decides to let him go on vacation.

The happiness of Bonifacea goes on vacation to her grandmother in Africa. He goes first by train, then a steamer. In the way, the lion constantly dreams of how to relax, basking in the sun, swimming in the lake and a king banana. But the most important thing, Bonifami dreams about how the Golden Fish will catch.

Having arrived at home, the lion of Bonifami found that nothing had changed at home. His grandmother is still sits in a rocking chair, still something knits with the needles.

He ran up, hugged her grandmother and was going to go to the planned rest. He put on a bathing suit, took a cuckoo, a little bucket and headed for the lake.

Suddenly, Bonifacea saw a beautiful butterfly and ran after her. He was so carried away that he did not notice a little girl who was very frightened, seeing the "unfamiliar lion." To calm the child, he begins to show his skills, juggling with pebbles. And since the African girl in his life did not see anything like that, Boniface tricks produce a huge impression on her, and she begins to bring his friends daily to the presentation.

Lion Bonifami could not deceive the expectations of children, so every day showed them various tricks.

So all holidays passed. The lion never caught a cherished fish, which I dreamed about. On the pier Grandma Lion Bonifacea barely managed to draw a new sweater on him. The steamer gave a beep and despair. The crowd of African kids all together came running to hold a lion lion. He stood on the deck and waved a paw.

Suddenly he felt some movements under his sweater, put the lamp inside and pulled out a gold fish. Holding it in his hands for a few minutes, Bonifacea let her go to the sea.

This is so touching this kind cartoon.

The main meaning

For the command of the Creators, the cartoon has been important every detail of this tape, as they wanted to convey to children the basic essence of the idea. Remember what the lion of Bonifami thinks when rides back? He is finally sure that the holidays are great, despite the fact that he constantly worked for others and practically did not rest. A person does not get tired if he feels that he brings joy to others - this is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe cartoon.

Well, now let's go to the sources and tell me how it was created.

What started?

The scene is based on the tale of the Milla Miloshoek fairy tale - the famous fairy tale is called "Bonifami and his nephews."

It all started from the moment when several pages of the fairy tale fell into the hands of the Soviet director F. Khitruk. His attention attracted lines that showed a predatory lion with a completely different, kind, and the director decided to reveal this idea in a new cartoon.

The director creatively approached the work: leaving the essence of the fairy tales, he managed to present a cartoon in another sense angle. In the original, this sad fairy tale about how the lion, having arrived at the holidays, instead of rest, shows the views to their nephews. Added a soft humor into the image of the lion in combination with lyricism, which made the picture easier and attractive for children's perception.

Cartoon about lion Bonifation: interesting facts

To record the infectious child laughter, repeatedly sounding in the cartoon, used the voices of children who were shown the same cartoon without sound. So, at this stage, it was possible to judge that this cartoon tape would be successful.

The appearance of Leo Bonifation was hard worked out by a group of artists led by Sergey Alimov. It was he who developed the original mane for the main character, the embodiment of which was performed in the technique of an infinite figure - this is a painstaking handmade using special tampons.

Bonifation Vacation: Prizes and Awards

  • 1965 - Honorary diploma at the International Festival in Cork.
  • 1966 - a prize in the Golden Pelican Film Festival in the nomination of children's films in Mamai.
  • 1966 - a prize in the Cartoon Ribbon section on the 2nd All-Union Film Festival in Kiev.
  • 1967 - an incentive diploma at the international festival of children's films in Tehran.

"Lion Bonifami" - a cartoon worthy of the loudest ovations. The proof of this is not only numerous awards and rewards, but also the recognition by numerous television viewers.