We learn the child to draw flowers. Phased Drawing Colors with Children to draw beautiful flowers

We learn the child to draw flowers. Phased Drawing Colors with Children to draw beautiful flowers
We learn the child to draw flowers. Phased Drawing Colors with Children to draw beautiful flowers

The phased drawing of colors with children is best to start not actually from drawing, but since dating a child with a future image object. Of course, it is best to consider live flowers. Especially since those species that we offer you to draw - plants are clearly not exotic. But if you draw with children in winter, simply consider pictures, discuss the shape of the petal, the whole bunny, stem, leaves. Pay attention to the child on how the leaves and flowers are attached to the stalk.
On our pictures, flowers are painted with paints. But you can make it with colored pencils, pastels or even flomuses. Such pictures made by children can be a gift-card for the holiday. And Tulip and Mimosa is generally a traditional theme for the Mama holiday on March 8.

Dandelion - Phased Drawing Colors with Children

Dandelion - Perhaps the most famous flower, especially for urban children. This plant is a human satellite, grows everywhere. It blooms very very early, in May. And by June already acquired a fluffy air hat. Of course, a person could not pass by such a common plant and invented how to use it. It is eaten both in Europe, and in China and in America. Salad is prepared from young leaves, jam and wine are boiled from the flowers, and surrogate coffee is boiled. But for modern guys, the most important thing is that the wonderful spring wreaths can be placed from dandelions! This is the most useful their own for children. Application of this plant!

How many dandelions in yellow sapanches!
Along the clearing circles, the sun is very friendly.
We are wearing wreaths and for mom and daughter.
N. Golubva

Phased drawing diagram with dandelion flower children.

Chamomile - Phased Drawing Colors with Children

Chamomile is a very Russian flower, actually one of the unofficial symbols of Russia. The most common and familiar chamomile children is a daisy medicinal. Such a flower grows with a bush on which a large number of small fragrant flowers are blooming at the same time. Leaflets are very openwork, similar to dill. And single, large, very beautiful daisies are a kidnapper. He meets less often, usually on meadows or solar forest edges. Often you can meet him in the gardens in the country's dacha. It is just such a chamomile-kidnapper we suggest you to draw with children.

Hugged a chamomile white chamomile,
And stand in an embrace - the heart of the lady!
Summer girlfriends, white daisies,
YOU Forest Fairies Locks Shirts.
Yu. Moritz

Scheme of phased drawing with daisy flower children.

Vasilek - Phased Drawing Colors with Children

Another beautiful meadow flower - cornflower. It is a little more complicated to draw it due to a carved zigzag form of petals. Especially carefully come to the choice of blue for coloring colors. Bright, saturated "cornflower" color will make your work bright and elegant.

Who is Blue Vasilka?
Rear-reaching river?
Dee the heavenly turquoise?
Or the back of dragonfly?

Phased drawing diagram with cornflower flower children.

Mimosa - Phased Drawing Colors with Children

Mimosa - the smell of these colors is firmly associated with the holiday of March 8. And let the botanists say anything as you like that it is not mimosa, but some kind of silver acacia, and the real Mimosa is completely different, grows in Brazil and turns its leaves even from light touch. No, for all residents of Russia, Mimosa is exactly such twigs with fluffy yellow balls. If they appeared on the counters, it will then come spring soon!

Yellow, fluffy
Fragrant balls.
They will take them from frost
In his twigs Mimosa.
E. Savelyev

Phased drawing diagram with mimosa flower children. If you are painted your mimosus, it is very interesting and beautifully it turns out to draw fluffy yellow flowers using a conventional cotton wand. Bold a wand in yellow paint and press to paper.

Tulip - Phased Drawing Colors with Children

Another spring flower is a tulip. It is more complicated by mimosa, but if it is pretty studying the flower shape, then the children will completely cope with such work. But the stem and leaves are simple. In our picture, the tulip of the very, probably traditional for these colors - red. But you can paint the tulips in almost any color - yellow, pink, white. There are even "black" tulips.

All tulips dressed up
In multicolored caftans,
And every outfit
Very born and rich

Phased drawing diagram with tulip flower children.

Narcissus - Phased Drawing Colors with Children

Perhaps the most difficult to draw children from all the colors presented here. The main difficulty is that Narcissus with its elongated middle need to be drawing necessarily in the future, which is quite difficult for the guys. But you can try. Be sure to discuss with children shape! The flower can be not only monochrome, as in the figure, but also with white petals and a yellow middle.

There is a spring flower signs, so as not to make a mistake:
Listic - like garlic, and crown - like a prince!

Phased drawing scheme with Narcissus flower children.

In this lesson, we consider an example of how to draw a flower pencil. Searching for pictures of flowers drawn by pencil on the Internet, we decided to take in the example of Lily. About 30 different species and many varieties of these are grown in the gardens. We will refine here with this picture: let's start with the fact that you will show the circle in which it will be placed. From the bottom under it will be stem. Stem in the main limp, simple or at the top of a small. In our example, only two leaves. With this, I think there should be no difficulty, so we go further.

How to draw a flower pencil phased

Further start drawing every petal. Pay attention to their shape, and that these colors are usually 6 petals. Go to the drawing drawing. Here's how you should get:
Further go to the image of lily in more detail. Add spots on petals.
Next stage. We wash the auxiliary lines that we did at the initial stage and supply the outlines of lily.
And at the end:
Try to go through this lesson yourself, you can take even another flower (for example). You still have questions, how beautiful to draw a flower? Leave your comments on this and show work. We have another similar lesson about that. And also recommended beautiful! I recommend to try my hand to try, you can draw.

Painting pencil for beginners: Flowers are a collection of simple and understandable gradual drawing lessons, with which everyone can quickly and easily learn to draw beautiful flowers.

Each person is not alien to the feeling of the beautiful and expression of this feeling for many is. Images created by a skillful hand with a simple pencil cause admiration and the desire to create something similar, throw out their feeling of beautiful on paper.

If you feel the need to create something beautiful, but while you have a rather weak idea of \u200b\u200bhow to draw a pencil, then this article is what you need. Here we have collected useful graded pattern lessons with a pencil for beginners dedicated to the eternal theme "Flowers". Following these simple schemes, you can learn how to draw beautiful flowers with pencil and please our new talents of friends and loved ones.

Is it possible to learn to draw a pencil yourself?

According to expert opinion, everyone may learn to draw a pencil, regardless of the predisposition and age.

Let's start acquaintance with the amazing world of drawing from the list of materials and tools that you need in your hobby:

  • sheet of white paper, any format;
  • eraser;
  • simple pencils.

How to draw a pencil: where to start

"To fill the hand" in drawing and gain experience, starting with the simplest pencil sketches. Pictures with a pencil for beginners: Flowers in this case are suitable for a hundred percent, as they allow:

  • Make the first meaningful sketch and the simplest composition composition,
  • Determine the contours, draw parts and impose shadows,
  • If you wish to paint the drawing by making it more realistic.

Prepare tools and materials for drawing and determined with the theme of our composition, we can move on. We bring to your attention a selection of phased flower drawing lessons for a beginner. Choose from them the most interesting in your opinion and proceed to practice. You can simply redraw lines and figures according to photos. As soon as you master the simple reception presented in the photo of master classes, you can modify them by creating your own style drawing style with a pencil.

How to draw calla pencils:

How to draw tulips with a pencil:

How to draw roses with a pencil:

In order to learn how to draw simple flowers do not need a special talent. The most important thing here is the phased drawing of the elements.

Usually, children draw exclusively simple flowers by the type of chamomile, other varieties of colors seem difficult to them. And parents also do not always shine with artistic abilities. Thanks to these simple step-by-step schemes, you can explain to the child how to draw flowers - daffodils, tulips, roses, snowdrops and others. The phased drawing is a much more efficient method than to try to redraw an object from a photo.

Draw flowers with a child step by step

The first spring flowers are, of course, snowdrops, so the ability to draw them will be useful for any spring children's crafts.

From simple forms that can draw a drawing 4-6 years, a beautiful tulip. The child will be very proud of what was able to draw such!

Here is another simple option:

Daffodss - Yellow pets of June. So that they look carefully and in the same way, explain to the child that it is better to first outline the circle to which the petals need to fit. Circle circle then erase.



Bells: This option is for older children, as there are many small details.

In the course of study, pay attention to the child's details of different colors: the degree of bend stem, the shape of leaves and petals, different types of inflorescence. You can also accompany the drawing with small stories or just information about a particular flower - where it grows, what time it blooms, which looks like his smell. "It will help the child to remember the names of different colors faster and learn to distinguish them.

Learn to draw flowers and teach this child - quite simple! Try the next time your child instead of ordinary color points, which he used to designate flowers, draws a whole blooming meadow!

Learning to draw flowers on simple step-by-step lessons will be able to anyone. Here are the most detailed practical instructions on how to portray different colors.

These fragile and excellent nature creatures are able to decorate any drawing. To reveal the whole charm of flowers, it is important to learn about the features of their proportions, how to transfer velvety and the shape of petals, correctly arrange all parts of the plant in space. This will make it possible to achieve a magnificent result, even if you have never been distinguished by artistic abilities.

Each species of colors can be depicted in the form of a bud, discontinued or already falling inflorescences. With simple step-by-step lessons, you master the main techniques of drawing these gentle objects. Here are the receptions of auxiliary lines and creating volume, which will allow fully conveying the natural beauty of colors. Especially spectacularly drawing will look like in color, so choose the lesson you like and proceed to the design of the dreams learn to draw.