The end of the surname on ev. The origin of Cossack surnames

The end of the surname on ev. The origin of Cossack surnames
The end of the surname on ev. The origin of Cossack surnames

Increasingly, you can hear the opinion that the original Russian surnames have the following suffixes: -On, -Ev, -in, -yn.

Where did you come from surnames with suffixes -Oners and -Ev?

If you believe the statistics, surnames with suffixes - and -Ev have about 60% of the population of Russia. Such surnames are invited by the Russians, they suggest that they have a generic origin.
Initially, Russian surnames took place from the middle defer. For example, Ivan, who was the son of Peter, was called Ivan Petrov. After in the XIII century, the surnames included in the XIII century, they began to give them, focusing on the oldest man in the family. So, Petrov became not only sons, but also grandchildren, and the great-grandfather of Peter.

To diversify the surnames, they began to give, based on the nickname. So, the descendants of Beloborodov also received the name of Beloborodov, transmitting it to its descendants from generation to generation.

Began to give surnames and, depending on the kind of human classes. Therefore, Goncharovi, Kuznetsov, Carpenters, Popov and others appeared double surnames. You can be sure that Kuznetsova Praded had a forge, and Popov had priests in the family.

Surnames with suffix -Ev got those people whose names, nicknames or the name of the specialization of the ancestors ended with a soft consonant. So Ignatiev, Bondarev and others appeared.

And where did you come from surnames with suffixes -in and -yn?

About 30% of Russia's population are surnames ending with suffixes -in and -yn. These surnames could occur from names, nicknames and professions of ancestors, as well as words that end on-and-I.

So the last name Minin means the Son Mina. By the way, Mina is a popular female name.

For example, Symin's surname occurred on behalf of Semyon. Interestingly, the name of the seed comes from Simeon, which in ancient times meant "heard by God." Approximately formed popular surnames - Nikitin, Ilyin, Fomin and many others.

Also, some surnames indicate the belonging of human ancestors to a certain fishery. For example, the surname of Rogozhin indicates that the ancestors of man traded the chores or engaged in its production.

It is impossible to argue with absolute confidence, because many disputes are continuing, but it is assumed that Pushkin's names, Gagarin, Zimin, Korovin, Ovechkin, Borodin also occurred from the names of things, phenomena, animals or professions.

Yet experts argue that it is initially necessary to find out what the word is based on the name, and only then can we talk about professional classes or nicknames of distant ancestors, from which the surname has gone.
And how well do you know your pedigree? Write in the comments, from what word your last name happened.

Family ending or family suffix element of the surname, often capable of providing information on the origin of its carrier. List family endings Different cultures and peoples can have different, characteristic of them from the end of the surnames: Abkhazi ... Wikipedia

Jewish surnames are surnames whose supports are Jews, provided that these names are not pseudonyms or "stylization" specifically designed to "disguise" jewish origin Media. For such a criterion, the name ... ... Wikipedia

Jewish surnames are surnames whose supports are Jews (in a religious or ethnic sense), provided that these surnames are not pseudonyms or "stylization", specially designed to "disguise" Jewish origin ... ... Wikipedia

Surname (Lat. Familia Family) Hereditary generic name, indicating a person's belonging to one genus, leading the beginning of a general ancestor, or in a narrower understanding to one family. Contents 1 Origin of the word 2 Familia structure ... Wikipedia

- (Lat. Familia Family) Hereditary generic name, indicating the person's belonging to one genus, leading the beginning of the general ancestor, or in a narrower understanding to one family. Contents 1 Origin of the word ... Wikipedia

Perhaps this article contains an original study. Add links to sources, otherwise it can be set to delete. Additional information can be on the discussion page. (May 11, 2011) ... Wikipedia

In some world registered formulas, constituent and rich parts of the surname. Sometimes indicate an aristocratic origin, but not always. Usually written separately from the main family word, but sometimes merge with it. ... ... Wikipedia

I. Family and kind in general. II. Family evolution: a) zoological family; b) prehistoric family; c) the founding of maternal law and patriarchal law; d) patriarchal family; e) individual., or monogamic, family. III. Family and genus among the ancients ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Watercolor sketch of Jane Austin, written by her sister Cassandra (Ok. 1804) ... Wikipedia

In the distant times of any person could be immediately named and the surname to find out who he is what nations and from where. Nowadays, many change their names and it is hard to determine who they are.

Russians - enjoy the last names with suffixami -an, -yn, -in, -skaya, -OV, -Ev, -skaya, -skovka, -Y,, si (Snegrev, Ivanov, Voronin, Sinitsyn, Donskoy, Moscow, gray);

Belorus - Typical belarusian surnames End on -wht, -Kor, -Ok, -On, -On, -Onk, -K, -K, -Sh. (Radakevich, Dubrov, Parshonok, Kitchen, Kassyushka); Many surnames B. soviet years were Russified and froired (Dubrovsky, Kostyutko);

Poles - Most of the surnames has suffix -sk, - Sk, and the ending-and (s) pointing to the male and feminine gender (Sushitsky, Kovalskaya, Khotsky, Wolnitskaya); There are also exist double surnames - In case a woman, going married, wants to leave his last name (Mazur-Komorowskaya); In addition to these surnames, among the Poles are common and surnames with a constant form (Novak, Senkevich, Vuyzik, Wozniak). Ukrainians with the end of the names are not Ukrainians, but Ukrainian Poles.;

Ukrainians - The first classification of the names of this nationality is formed with the help of suffix -Enko, --ko, -Uk, -yuk (Kraschenko, Grishko, Vasilyuk, Kovalchuk); The second series indicates a kind of craft or classes (potter, Koval); The third group of surnames make up separate ukrainian words (Gorobets, Ukrainian, Bubbles), as well as the merger of words (vernigora, non-five, bilos).

Latvian - Feature to male sign indicates the surname with the end of the on-school, - is, and to the female - on -a, -e (Verbickice - Verbicksk, Shurins - Shurin)

Lithuanians male surnames End to -conis, Yunas, -Atis, -Aytis, -Enas (Patrase, Norvidaithis), Women's surnames are formed with the surname of her husband with the help of suffixes -Un, -Uven, Wen and End (Granius - Grijnoven), surnames unmarried girls Contains the basis of the Father's Familia with the addition of suffixes -t, -, -Ait and endings (Orbakas - Orbakayte);

Estonians - Male and female floor with the help of surnames do not differ, all foreign surnames (mostly German) were in their time Estonian (Rosenberg - Roosemaee), this process acts to today's day. For example, in order to be able to play for the Estonian national team, Sergey Khokhlov's football players and Konstantina Kolubastenko had to be sent surnames on Simson and Farm;

Jews - The main group is the names with the roots of Levi (Higher Caste Jews a lioniTA I. cohens I. kagans) and Cohen (Levin, Levitan Kagan, Koganovich, Katz); The second group occurred from male and female Jewish names with adding different suffixes (Jacobson, Yakubovich, Davidson, Godelson, Tsivyan, Beilis, Abramovich, Rubychchik, Vigorchik, Mandelstam); The third classification of the name reflects the character of a person, the features of his appearance, Dvorkovich (Pchiekin) - the courtyard in Hebrew Bee or belonging to the profession (Kaplan - Capellan, Rabdanovich - Rabbi, Melamed - Pestun, Schwarzbard - Black, Schlteller - Silent, Starchman - strong). Also, all the names ending with the man (from Manka - Nekeyanki), such as Chapman, Goldman, Zuckerman ....

French people - Before many surnames, the lespier le or de (Le Pen, Mol Pompadour); Basically, unlike nicknames and personal names were used to form the names (Robert, Jolie, Socon - Pig);

Romanians: -sk, -U (L), -an.

Serbs: -Is.

British - the following surnames are common: formed from the names of the place of residence (Scott, Wales); denoting profession (Hoggart - Shepherd, Smitht - Kuznets); Indicating on exterior appearance character and appearance (Armstrong - Strong, Sweet - Sweet, Bragg - Balavsky);

Germans - surnames formed from personal names (Werner, Peters); Surnames characterizing a person (Craise - Wavy, Klein - small); surnames pointing to the nature of activity (Muller - Melnik, Lehmann - Geomor);

Swedes - Most of the surnames end on --sson,-Berg, -Sed, -strom (Anderssson, Olsson, Forcemberg, Bostrom);

Norse - formed from personal names with the help of suffix-he (Larsen, Hansen), may be found in the names without suffixes and endings (per, Morten); norwegian surnames may repeat the names of animals, trees and natural phenomena (Blizzard - Blizzard, Svana - Swan, Warred - Pine);

Italians - The surnames are characterized by suffixes -ini, -ino, -ello, -ello, -ettot, is -etto,, it's (Benedetto, Maretti, Esposito), may end on -O, -a, -I (Conti, Jordano, Costa) ; The prefixes are denoted by respectively the person's belonging to their genus and the geographic structure (Di Maretti - the son of Maretti, and Vinci - native from Vinci);

Spaniards and Portuguese - They are surnames ending on -Az, -Az, --Z, -Ze (Gomez, Lopez), common and surnames indicating the character of a person (Alegre - joyful, bravo - brave, Malo - Slevier);

Turks - Most often, the surnames have the ending -Oku, -Ezhi, -Zade (Mustafooglu, Ekijni, Queenji, Mamedzade), in the formation of surnames often used turkish names or domestic words (Ali, Abaza - Fool, Capaccishes - Hat);

Bulgarians - Almost all bulgarian surnames Formed from personal names and suffixes -OV, -Ev (Konstantinov, Georgiev);

Gagauza: -How.

Tatars: -In, - Hyshin.

Greek - The names of the Greeks do not confuse with any other names, only they are inherent in the end of -Idis, -Kos, -Pulos (Angelopoulos, Nikolaydis);

Cheri. - the main difference from other surnames is the mandatory ending -OV female family namesEven if there, where it seemed to be inappropriate (Valdrov, Ivanov, Andersonova).

Georgians - Common surnames ending with Ashvili, -Dze, -UI, -Ava, -a, -U, -Ya, -I, -I, -Ya (Baratashvili, Mikadze, Adamia, Karchava, Gwishiani, Tsereteli);

Armenians - a significant part of the names of residents of Armenia have suffix -yan (Hakobyan, Galustyan); Also, -yan, -nu.

Moldovan: -Be, -U (L), -An.

Azerbaijanis - Formed surnames by taking as the basis of Azerbaijani names and attaching Russian suffixes -OV, -Ev (Mamedov, Aliyev, Hasanov, Abdullayev). Also, -Zade, -I, lies, -How, -Kyza.

Ossetians: -th.

Mordva: -Yen, -in.

Chinese and Koreans - For the most part, these are surnames consisting of one, less often of two syllables (Tang, Liu, Duan, Qiao, Tsoi, Kogai);

Japanese - Modern japanese surnames Formed a merger of two full-known words (Vada - Sweet-eyed and rice field, Igarasi - 50 storms, Catama - Sotka, Kitamura - North and Village); The most common names of the Japanese are: Takahasi, Kobeayasi, Kato, Suzuki, Yamamoto.

As you can see to determine the nationality of a person, it is fairly accurately analyzed by his surname, singling the suffix and ending.

What do the names on "-in" mean? Families ending with National Roots or Jewish?

In the collection of famous Languages-Slavist B. On Unbegun "Russian surnames" you can read that the names for "Ying" are mostly Russian type of surnames.

Why exactly the end "-in"? Basically, all surnames ending with the "Ying" originate from the words with the end of -A / - and from the nouns of the female clan with the end of the soft consonant.

Examples of erroneous addition --in to the basics with the final solid consonants are: Orekhin, Carpin, Markin, where it should be. And in another case, it turned out to be on the spot --in: shimorors from the foundation of Shisimor. It is possible to mix formants. After all, Russian -in and -s are semantically indisputable for more than a thousand years. The meaning of the difference is lost in the general Slavonic language, the choice of -Os or -in depends only forward from the phonetic sign of the foundation (Nikonov Geography of Families).

Do you know how the surname of the famous head of the national militia of 1611-1612 minin has occurred? Minin wore a personal nickname Sukhuk, he did not have the surname. And minin meant "Son Mina". Orthodox name "Mina" was widespread in Russia.

Another old Russian surname - Symin, also surname to "-in". According to the main version, the surname Semin goes back to the baptized male name of Semyon. The name of the Semyon is the Russian form of the ancient Simeon, having the meaning of the "listening", "heard by God." On behalf of Semyon in Russia, a variety of derivatives were formed in Russia, one of whom - Syoma - and formed the basis of this surname.

Famous Language-Slavist B. O. Unbegown in the collection "Russian surnames" believes that the surname Symina formed from the baptized Russian name next scheme: "Semen - Syoma - Symin."

We give another example of the surname, which we investigated in detail in the family diploma. Rogozhin is an old Russian surname. According to the basic version, the surname keeps the memory of the profession of distant ancestors. One of the first representatives of Rogoheus could be engaged in the manufacture of rogers, or sell the cloth.

Rohoja called a rough wicker fabric from the urinary ribbons. Rosie (Rushent, Rushemny) in Russia called the workshop, where the tails of Rogodh, and the Rodgery - Rogo Tavern or a detention center.

In his close environment, household households were known as the "Rogozhina Wife", "Rogozhin Son", "Rogo Hog Herds." Over time, the terms disappeared, denoting the degree of kinship, and in the descendants of Rogozhin, hereditary surname was entrenched - Rogozhin.

Such Russian surnames ending with "-in" include: Pushkin (gun), Gagarin (Gagara), Borodin (beard), Ilyin (Ilya), Polysnik (Bird); Fomin (from the personal name of Foma); Belkin (from the nickname "protein), Borozdin (furrow), Korovin (cow), Travin (grass), Zamin and Zimin (winter) and many others

Please note that the words from which the names for "in" are mainly ends with "-A" or "." We will not be able to say "beards" or "Ilyona", it will be quite logical and willing to pronounce Ilyin or Borodin.

Why some believe that surnames ending with "- Ying" have jewish roots? Is it really? No, it is not true, one after the end can not be judged about the origin of the name. Sound jewish surnames Coincides with the Russian endings simply by pure chance.

You always need to explore the surname itself. The end of the "OV", for some reason it does not cause doubts. We believe that surnames ending with "-Os", certainly Russians. But there are exceptions. For example, we recently prepared a beautiful family diploma for one wonderful family by the name Maxuit.

The last name Maksutov has the end of the "OB", common among Russian surnames. But, if you explore the surname deeper, it turns out that the name Maksutov is formed from Tatar male name "Maksud", which is translated from arabic Means "Desire, in advance the deliberate intention, desire, purpose", "long-awaited, desirable". The name Maxud had several dialect options: Maksut, Makhsud, Makhsut, Maxuit. This name is still widespread among the Tatars and Bashkir.

We explore the last name later and learn:

"Surname Maksutov - ancient princely surname tatar origin. ABOUT ancient origin Maxuit's names are spoken historical sources. For the first time, the surname was documented in xVI Century: Maksutov (Maxutov, Charges. Maksutov, Tat. Maxutovlar) - Volga-Bulgarian Prince-Murzinsky Rod, comes from Casimovsky Prince Maxuta (1554), in the pedigree legend, Prince Maksut was named by the Ulyan and the descendant of Tsarevich Kasima. "Now the doubts about the origin The names almost remains.

How to find out, surname to -in has a Jewish origin or is it an original Russian surname? Always analyze the word that underlies your last name.

We give examples of Jewish surnames with the end of "-in" or "-ov": Edmin (derived from the name of the German city of Emden), Coton (comes from Hebrewקטן - in the Ashkenaz pronunciation of Katn, meaning "small"), the Events (derived from the Hebrew "Even Tov" - "Gemstone"), Khazin ( comes from Hebrew "Hazan", in the Ashkenaz pronunciation "Hazn", meaning "man leading worship in the synagogue"), Superfin (in translation means "very beautiful") and many others.

The end of "-in" is just the ending, according to which it is impossible to judge the nationality of the surname. It is always necessary to explore the surname, analyze the Word that lies with it and try to search for various books and archival documents the first mentions of your last name. Only when all the information is collected, you can confidently establish the origin of your last name and find answers to your questions.

Surnames ending on √ sky / -skaya, - Sky / -tskaya

Many Russians have a solid and not a big conviction that surnames are on-one - certainly Polish. From the textbooks of the story known the names of several Polish magnates, formed from the names of their possessions: Potocksky and Povetsky, Zablotsky, Krasinsky. But from the same textbooks, the names of many Russians with the same suffixes are known: Konstantin Grigorievich Zabolotsky, Ocolnic Tsar JohnIII, end XV - Start X VI century; Dyack Semen Zaborovsky, beginning xVI century; Boyar Shuisky and Belsky, approximate Ivan the Terrible. Russian artists Levitsky, Borovikovsky, Makovsky, Kramskaya are known.

An analysis of modern Russian surnames shows that the forms on-α (-tsky) exist in parallel with the options on-one (-Ev, -in), but their smaller. For example, in Moscow in the 70s of the twentieth century, 330 people with the surname Krasnov / Krasnova accounted for only 30 with the surname Krasnovsky / Krasnovskaya. But enough rare surnames Kuchkov and Kuchkovsky, Macs and Makovsky are presented almost equally.

Have you ever been interested in the origin of your last name? In fact, it is very interesting, because the surname makes it possible to learn nationality, human roots. To deal with what nationality is the name of this or that surname, you need to pay attention to suffixes and endings.

So, the most common suffix ukrainian names - "-Enko" (Bondarenko, Petrenko, Tymoshenko, Ostapenko). Another group of suffixes - "-", "-ko", "-" - "Belebeko, Bobertiko, Grishko). The third suffix is \u200b\u200b"-" (Berezovsky, Mogilevsky). Often, among Ukrainian surnames, you can meet those that come from the names of professions (Koval, Gonchar), as well as from the combinations of two words (Sinezub, Belogor).

Among russian family Such suffixes are common: "-an", "-yn", "Ying", "-skaya", "-", "-Ev", "-", "-", ",", "," ". It is easy to guess that examples of such surnames can be considered the following: Smirnov, Nikolaev, Donskoy, gray.

Polish surnames Most often have suffixes "-sk" and "- TSK", as well as the end of the "-y", "-" (Sushitsky, Kovalskaya, Vishnevsky). Often you can meet Poles with last names with an immutable form (SENKEVICH, Woznyak, Mitskevich).

English surnames Often come from the name of the area, where a person lives (Scott, Wales), from the names of professions (Smith - Kuznets), from the characteristic (Armstrong - strong, sweet is sweet).

In front of many french surnames There is an insertion "Le", "Mont" or "De" (Le Germain, Le Pen).

German surnames Most often formed from the names (Peters, Jacobi, will return), from characteristics (Klein - small), from the kind of activity (Schmidt - Blacksmith, Muller - Melnik).

Tatar surnames Tatar words and such suffixes are taking place: "-OV", "-Ev", "-in" (Yuldashin, Safin).

Italian surnames They are formed using such suffixes: "-ini", "-ino", "-ello", "-ello", "-etti", "--etto", "-" (Maretti, Benedetto).

Most spanish I. portuguese surnames Take place from the characteristics (Alegre - joyful, bravo - brave). Among the endings most often found: "-", "-every", "-AZ" (Gomez, Lopez).

Norwegian surnames Food with the help of the suffix "EN" (Larsen, Hansen). The surnames are also popular without suffix (per, morgen). Farms are often formed from the name of natural phenomena or animals (Blizzard - Blizzard, Svana - Swan).

Swedish surnames Most often end on "--sson", "-berg", "-", "-strom" (Forceberg, Bosstrom).

W. estonians by last name You will not be able to understand, male or female genus in humans (Simson, Ok).

W. jewish surnames There are two common roots - Levi and Cohen. Most surnames are formed from male names (Solomon, Samuel). There are surnames that are formed by suffixes (Abramson, Jacobson).

Belarusian surnames Endage to "-Kich", "-", "-", "--ko", "-onak", "-ёnak", "-uk", "-" - IK "," - Sk "(Radakevich, Kitchen ).

Turkish surnames They have the ending "-Oklu", "-ji", "-Zade" (Mustafooglu, Ekindzhi).

Almost all bulgarian surnames Formed from names with the help of Sufiks "-OV", "-Ev" (Konstantinov, Georgiev).

Men's latvian surnames End to "-C", "-", and women - on "-e", "-a" (Shurins - Shurin).

And men's lithuanian surnames End to "-onis", "-Nas", "-Uthis", "-Atis", "-Eno" (Norwidytis). Women end on "-En", "-Yven", "- Wen" (Grijnoven). In the names of unmarried girls, the surname of the father and suffixes "are" - "," "", "-yt", and the end of "-e" (Orbakas - Orbakaite).

Most armenian surnames End to suffix "-yan", "-ynyz", "-" (Hakobyan, Galustyan).

Georgian surnames Endage to "-Shvili", "-dze", "", "," -Ava "," -a "," -ua ",", "," -nu "(Mikadze, Gwishian).

Walnut surnames Inherent in the end of "-dis", "-Kos" - "Plunos" (Angelopoulos, Nikolaydis).

Chinese I. korean surnames Consist of one, sometimes two syllables (Tan Liu, Qiao, Mao).

Japanese surnames They are formed using one or two words (Kitamura - North and Village).

Women's feature czech surnames It is the mandatory end of "-OV" (Valdrov, Andersonova).

Amazing how many differences between the names of different nationalities and nations!

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They have surnames ended to -ovich, --Evich, which corresponds to our patches (for example, Serbsk. Re: Surnames ending on-and, aslan, 08/01/08 18:30 If you do not know, do not write. Re : Surnames ending on -y, what is, 14/11/06 22:56 at my familiar surname visitors.

what is the nationality if the surname ends on -y-, -th- ??

My very surname ends on -y. And I am Russian. I will add that in the same areas and reported surnames received the ending on -y /-th, for example, my surname of Semenov from these seats came in the form of "Semenov". But still very common last name - gray. Something is remembered that such names also have people in some kind of district in Russia. Eg There are two musicians, husband and wife, and the surname they have deaf.

Almost all surnames - or pure nicknames, the data is once ancestor (many of these surnames have Czechs) or by Father, or around the area (but it is also like a clichol version).

Those. Initially, any practical surname was a certain refinement to the name. At the same time, for example, in the village there was another Ivan. But Son Sergey.

If in the central part of Russia, the surnames mostly ended on -i, -Ev, -in, then in Siberia, surnames with these roots ended on -y, and white, black, polish.

Famous Language-Slavit B. O. Unbaegon believes that the names on-and surnames can be attributed to typically Siberian surnames ... ", Read more, it is useful!

Families on-and surnames were listed in Siberia by the Colonists even before they came out of consumption in the northern part of Russia.

Father, for example, the surname ended on -Os, and his children were recorded under the names ending with on-schools. So they were recorded by the correspondence.

Moreover, it is interesting, in these censions, the father and son could wear surnames with different endings.

In my edges, there are few but when they are funny. And to get the same, the peasant ending. So the leader so declared them: "It is deemed ... probably depends on the region. I had such an assumption, but then, according to the idea, there must be many similar graduation. Me too: After all, we have Chernov ... because there was a tailor.

Those. The nationality could be anyone - I have a friend with the name of Lithuanian, who claims that it comes from Lithuanian before 1917, sent to Siberia for some kind of progress. There was a graph, and became, "such as" serf and soviet power Not what happened to find fault. With "White" and "Black" the same situation.

I quote the version of the owner of the name Marynsky: "A specialist nobleman was exiled to the Urals and stamped him was allowed in the forest with a lonely farm. He was a descendant of the Opt Polish Count Pototsky, who after the defeat of the restraint of confederates was exiled to Kazan. Petrovich I. russian patronymic Petrovich). For example, the father could be kozlov, and the son was recorded Kozlovsky.

In addition, the name is known. ethnic group siberian Tatars chibans and generic name crimean Tatars Shib Murza. IN Perm region there is locality Shibanovo, and in Ivanovo - Shibanich.

In the records of 1570-1578, Prince Ivan Andreevich Shbib Dolgoruky is mentioned; In 1584 - the sterepieces of the king of the feodora John Osip Shiban and Danilo Shikhman Ermolaevich Kasatkin.

Chabansky. The surname is formed from the names of Sabanovo settlements, Shabanovskoye, Chabanskoye, located in different parts countries.