In Tajikistan, the Russian writing of the name and patronymic is officially prohibited? Beautiful Tajik names and surnames for girls and boys Tajik surnames.

In Tajikistan, the Russian writing of the name and patronymic is officially prohibited? Beautiful Tajik names and surnames for girls and boys Tajik surnames.
In Tajikistan, the Russian writing of the name and patronymic is officially prohibited? Beautiful Tajik names and surnames for girls and boys Tajik surnames.

A few centuries ago, Tajiks had a tradition to assign the names of geographical objects to children. Times have passed, and the habit remains. Even almost a century of Russian government over the territories of the current Tajikistan did not affect the formation of names. Tajik names of girls and boys sound very beautiful. They are chosen for newborns not only in their native country, but also around the world.

List of names for girls

For chronicles, indigenous women's Tajik names are interesting, the list is presented with the translation and indication of the value:

  • AIBER (fragrance, aroma). Signs continuous movement. Active, purposeful, both in childhood and in adulthood, is constantly looking for the opportunity to realize its various abilities. Avvalmo (the beginning of the month, moon) - always comes to the rescue, sacrifice with their well-being for the happiness of others, sets family values \u200b\u200babove all, has a sense of self-esteem and has a burden to be beautiful. Anzurat (extraordinary) is reliable, authoritative, freedom-loving, you can rely on it, she knows what you need to do here and now. Anko (fabulous bird) is the dominant, leader, not afraid of difficulties, with ease overcomes obstacles, does not like to go on and listen to the advice. APCHONE (scattering flowers) - in love, but the demanding idealist, does not exchange on trifles, quickly tied to people, heavily transfers parting.
  • Bargigul (petal) - charming, romantic, lives feelings, not thoughts, is ready to spend decades to search for real love. Barnna (young) - creative, gifted, talented, bright. Barfin (Snow) - sociable, cheerful, easily makes new acquaintances, but preference gives only lasting and long-term relationships. Bahore (Spring) is a competent, attentive, serious, active. Boni (security, care) is a happy and romantic, wise and original, careful and calculating, always achieves a targeted goal.
  • Gamza (coquetty) - has a strong character, knows how to impress and influence the opinion of a loved one. GulnaMo (a similar flower) is an extraordinary type of personality, a dual nature, all aspirations are aimed at keeping the world and harmony around him. Gulob (pink water) is the desire for independence, hardness in intentions, provocative solutions. Gulcha (flower) - a timely manner, inquisitive, decisive, responsible, resourceful. Gulander (graceful) - does not tolerate critics and pressure from the side, denies rudeness and vulgarity.
  • Dilsuz (compassionate) - proud, arrogant, likes to be the center of attention. Dilhoh (Favorite) - who believes who loving his people can find out the way out of a difficult situation. Don (woman) is elegant, delightful, loves to draw attention.
  • She ela (hillside) - a hospitable mistress, a faithful girlfriend, sophisticated, harmonious. Esmin (jasmine flower) is noble, patient, disciplined, loves in everything, knows how to create comfort. Okut (ruby) is a magical, favorable, charming, empathizing.
  • Zebi (beauty) - capable of all-consuming love. Zevar (decoration) is a demanding, respectful, meaningful, outstanding. Zulmat (Darkness, Night) - generous.
  • Malol (Angelic Tulip) - keeps everything under control, successful, secured, sincere. MehR (Sun) - paying attention to the little things, a little motionable, concentrated. Mochtob (Light of the Moon) - Love, Beauty, Approval.
  • Nazira (foreshadowing, observant). Lowords (beauty, glitter). Niso (Mrs.).
  • Olam (Universe). Rye (sign, sign). Ohista (leopard).
  • Paisa (small) - reliable, high-speed, solid. Parvona (Moth) - gentle, bright, elegant. Patherty (white) is strong, independent, active, self-confident.
  • The cutting (flower) is a measured, leopard, does not like fuss, it has too sublime ideals, designed for family life. Ruzy (happy) - offensive, special, indulgent. Ruhors (cheeks) - smart, brave, responsive.
  • Syera (Planet) is charming, attractive, attracting views. Sistor (star) - There is a sake of satisfying its own ambitions, talented, eloquent, unrestrained. Sun (white flower) is witty, kind, spiritualized.
  • Shahl (blue-eyed beauty) is an unique, low-cost, charming, brought up, kind. Shahnza (Shaha's daughter) is a strong, brave, independent, powerful, confident, relying only on its own strength. Shukron (thanksgiving, appreciation) is a timely, inquisitive, fast, resourceful.

Every Tajik with all his heart wishes only happiness to her child and the first thing gives him - a beautiful name filled with deep meaning.

Girls must have sonic names, which will later like their husbands, emphasize extraordinary sensitivity and femininity.

Nicknames for men

The names of Tajiks are mainly borrowed from Persian and Arabic languages. Culture and history of the development of these peoples are similar, but they diverged so long ago that those who have ever considered other people's naming have already become indigenous:

Tajik men's names are filled with a special flavor, the list embodies many interesting values \u200b\u200bthat have enabled the heat of climate and the piquancy of traditions.

Tajik surnames

Anthroponimists (scientists studying the name and patronymic as an informational carrier) on the complete decoding of the initials can tell where a person was born to which nationality, class or class it belongs, even what kind of activity is chosen. Tajik surnames Men's just pointed to the place of residence, were not common and received popularity only with the arrival of Soviet power:

Modern parents try to give their choices the most original and unusual name.. In pursuit of non-standard options, you have to contact foreign languages.

But before composing from Tajik names and surnames list, carefully examine the history of the occurrence and the value of the selected positions. A child with them for a long time to walk in life.

ATTENTION, only today!

Tajiks are one of the Iranian peoples that speaks various dialects of the Perso-Tajik cluster. The total number of Tajiks in the world is more than 20 million people, but it is interesting that most of the representatives of this nation live in Afghanistan - about 10 million, and Tajikistan himself ranks second in this ranking with a number of 7 million people.

More Tajiks inhabit Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Iran and Russia (most as migrants). Tajik names have both a religious shade associated with Islam and more modern sound and meaning.

Principles of adherents and values

The basis of the Tajik nameman is the Persian culture, that is, in general, the names are very similar to the Iranian, Afghan, Uzbek and Pakistani. However, much changed after the adoption by Tajiki Islam - the principles of adventures of children acquired many Muslim devils, a lot of borrowing was made precisely from Islamic countries. Including, they began to use patrony - that is, the "Ibn" particle, which is translated as "Son." Name Personal + Ibn + Father's name, essentially patronymic.

Tajiks are not so important to the meaning of the name, as his fabulility - very often children are called simply in honor of some kind of geographical object, which played some role in the life of parents.

For example, if the first meeting of the father and mother of the baby passed on Mount Koh, then it is quite likely to be called. Or if the child was born somewhere at the mouth of the Daria River - this is a reason to call it that way.

Often, children were called in honor of any settlement - Kabul, Tabriz. Nowadays, one of the simplest and frequently used principle of adventures is losing popularity: in honor of grandparents, grandmothers and other close relatives. The birth of such a child was accompanied by the phrase like "let it grow according to the name", hoping to move the character traits of that person to the baby.

The names of Tajiks were not right before joining the Russian Empire, in which all nations obliges these very surnames to have. Tajiks simply took their own names and added to them "-Os", or used the geographical names of everything from the same "-". Already then, after the acquisition of Tajikistan independence, they did not cease to use the names, but they began to use more from the original Tajik, Iranian and Persian surnames in the latifice and Rahmon.

How can I call the tajik boy: a list of modern, beautiful and popular alphabetical options

  • Girdak - Literally "full", on translation is clear.
  • Giines, Gias. - "Help", "Salvation"; A child in which parents for one reason or another really needed.
  • Gurg - "Wolf"; The boy, named after this animal, is distinguished by ferocity, warlikeness and desire to do everything for the family.
  • DavoTafza - "prosperous"; Thus called children whose parents for one reason or another believed that their child is waiting for an interesting and unusual future.
  • Davlakadam - "Blessed"; The same as Davlatofz, but with religious shades.
  • Dalner - "bravery", "brave", "brave"; Typical name for warriors and hunters.
  • Daruration - "Darwazsky"; Darrow - geographical and historical region on average Pyanj River.
  • Yavar. - "Assistant"; A man with a sincere desire to help everyone around disinterestedly.
  • Edali - literally "Memory of Imam"; Most often, children or grandchildren of the deceased during pregnancy, the relatives of Imam.
  • Euft, Eftak - "Found", "found"; Thus called thrown or found somewhere orphans.
  • Beat - One of the most religious Tajik names, translated as the "Star of Allah".
  • Ilhoma - "inspiration"; A child due to parents a reason to live on.
  • Imomali - "leading prayer", "praying to God"; Most often, children are deeply believing parents who wanted to make a child in such a way, to prove their loyalty to God.
  • Caloon - "Great"; The same as an outcast.
  • Karamkhudo. - "God's generosity"; The same as asphandyr.
  • Kokole - "Spit", "Lokon"; Usually a child with an unusual for his family with a hair color.
  • Mavlon, Mavlono - from the Arab "Mavel", which essentially the title is "our master"; So called Muslim scientists and theologians, Mavlan - the epithet of the prophet.
  • Malloh - "Sailor", "Sailor"; Usually the boy born on the ship is not necessarily in the sea.
  • Mel - "Christmas"; The child born on the day of the Tajik Analogue of Christmas.
  • Narnimon - from the Persian named after Nariman, "courageous", "fearless", "Bogatyr"; In meaning, the same as Alpamas.
  • Nii - the Tajik form of the Persian name Nyaz, translates as "need", "necessity"; Often it was called children about which their brothers and sisters were asked for long and stubborn parents.
  • Nourylo - "Light", that is, a light-eyed or a blonde child.


  • Orash - "Prophet"; Another name for parents of religious children; Usually, this name was given if the child in the future was to become a priest.
  • Orza - "Dream"; Another name for the long-awaited child.
  • Our - "calm", "balanced"; The boy, which almost did not shout during childbirth.
  • Pijon - "Vise", "Treaty"; Child, whose birth means a new stage for parents in their lives.
  • Pahlavon - "Bogatyr"; The same as Alpamas.
  • Partob - "Strela"; a child whose weapons will be onions and arrows in the future; Most often children hunters.
  • Ruzy - "Happy"; One of the most positive names, proper to help the young man becomes truly happy.
  • Ruchshon - "kind", "good soul", "good-natured"; Name for the most kind and positive people in the village.

C - T - U:

  • Sarhat. - "Spacious"; Most often, children born in the steppe district.
  • Talbak - "Examined"; Children whose births passed very and very hard.
  • Uple. - Tajik version of the Persian name of Umid, which is translated as "Hope", "Desire", "Dream".
  • Usto - Tajik and Uzbek form of the Persian name of the mouth, literally - "Master".
  • Faizulloch - "The generosity of Allah"; Another name for the long-awaited child, about which parents have long prayed to Allah.
  • Faridoda - Literally "God gave Angela"; In meaning, the same as Faizulloch.

Ch - Sh - E - Yuy:

  • Chienshokh - "Lord of the World"; The same as an outcast.
  • Shabanan - "Eternity"; So called the child, if they wanted him to become a long-liver.
  • Eshon. - "Saint"; Another name for deeply believing parents.
  • Ashonkul - "Holy Slave"; The same as Ashon, but somewhat reinforced by their religious meaning.
  • Yusup - Tajik and Uzbek form named after Yusuf, name from the Quran.
  • Yatim. - "Sirota", "the only one", "incomparable"; Same as Euft, but in a softer form.

Tajik names are a mixture of Persian, Arab and Muslim culture. Tajiks did not pay much attention to the meaning of the name, the main thing for them was a benevolent sound. Large importance was attached to the religious meaning of the name, especially in the names built on the Muslim manner.

Tajikistan / Society / Tajikistan officially prohibited Russian writing of the name and patronymic name?

According to the amendments to the law "On state registration of civil status acts", the registry offices no longer have the right to issue documents with Russian writing names and patrols, reports Radio « Ozo. » . But it will not apply to individuals of other nationalities. Also for Persons of Tajik Nationality is limited in the child's name, they should only call their children in accordance with the traditions of the Tajik people and only on the proposed authorities to the registry names.

As Jaloliddin Rakhimov, Deputy Head of the registry office, reported on April 29 in an interview with Ozri, this decision was made after the adoption of amendments to the law "On the registration of civil status acts". The document was signed in March with the President of the country.

"According to this law, the name will be formed using the Tajik endlings" -Zod "," -Zoda "," -ӣ "," -yone "," -Far ". These are the indigenous Tajik endings. For example, "Karimzod", or "Karimzoda". But the end of "-Zod" is not forced, citizens can choose such endings for their last name as "-PUR," he added.

Rakhimov noted that there are still some inhabitants who want to preserve their children's endings in the names of "-OV", "-ov", "-", "-".

"When we talk with them, we explain that the goal is to the Tajikization of the surnames, they understand. If the situation does not change, after 10 years, our children will be divided into two groups, one will be proud of its Tajik names, the other will be worn. We must have national and patriotic feelings, "he said.

Rakhimov also claims to change the names and patronymic names and those who decided to change the documents. "Now on this occasion will not be. Even those who in the past had Russian grades and now want to change their documents in their names will be added by the Tajik endings. These changes do not concern only those who have in the past Russian graduation and do not intend to change their documents. But if this will be done at their own desire, it will be fine, "said Rakhimov.

As previously reported "Asia-Plus", it is possible to obtain a document with Russian writing the surname and the middle name if parents bring a confirmation document on the availability of second citizenship, for example, Russian.

Meanwhile, in the law itself, it is not mentioned about the full ban on the Russian version of writing the names and patrols, according to paragraph 3 of Article 20 of this Law, a citizen is provided.

Below is Article 20 of the Law "On State Registration of Civil Acts", where the conditions for obtaining documents are prescribed.

Article 20. The name of the person and the procedure for recording the name, name and patronymic

(as amended by the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan from 03/15/2016 No. 1292)

1. Everyone with state registration of birth has the right to last name, name, as well as patronymic founded by historical values \u200b\u200band Tajik national culture. Name assignments and their correct writing in the Republic of Tajikistan is carried out according to culture, national traditions and registra of the Tajik national names, approved by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.

2. In the identity documents, the list of which is established by the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Personal Documents", names, name and patronymic of the person are recorded (if any).

3. The surname of the child under state registration of birth is recorded by the surname of the father or mother or the name formed on behalf of the Father. With different, nameplaces of parents, the name of the child, by agreement of the parents, is recorded by the Father's name or by the Mother's name, or in accordance with the requirements of parts 4, 7 and 8 of this article.

4. The surname of the person, according to Tajik national traditions, can be formed on behalf of the Father or from the root of his surname with suffixes, forming the names -I, -Zod, -Zoda, -One, -One, --ysen, -Ener, -no, - headlights The surname of the face can also be formed on behalf of the Father or from the root of the Father's Father or Mother's name without adding suffixes forming the names.

5. The name of the child is recorded by the parents' agreement in accordance with the requirements of Part 1 of this article. It is prohibited to assign a child name, alien to Tajik national culture, the names of things, goods, animals and birds, as well as offensive names and phrases, degrading the honor and dignity of a person, and separating people to the caste. Adding to the names of Pseudonyms "Mullo", "Khalifa", "Tour", "Khoja", "Hood", "Shayh", "Vali", "Okhun", "Amir", "Sufi" and the like that contribute Skipping among people is prohibited.

6. Patronymic is formed with the addition of forming suffixes, a soda, -or, -nyo, -far or without adding the indicated suffixes.

7. Reuse of the same suffix in the formation of the surname and patronymic, as well as the use of one name without adding a suffix, both in the formation of the surname and in the formation of patronymic, is prohibited.

8. In the absence of an agreement between parents, the name of the child and (or) his surname (with different names of the parents), recorded in the book of child's birth records by decision of the guardianship and guardianship.

9. In case the mother is not married to the child's father and paternity with respect to the child, the name and patronymic of the child is recorded in the manner established by Article 19 of this Law.

10. Record the name, name and patronymic in documents certifying the person, is made in accordance with the rules of the spelling of the Tajik language.

11. The right of national minorities in the Republic of Tajikistan is guaranteed according to their national traditions. Representatives of national minorities that are citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan, as of their request can assign names to their children according to the register of Tajik national names or their national traditions. The procedure for writing the surname, name and patronymic of national minority citizens is carried out in accordance with the rules of the spelling of the relevant language. The use of international legal acts related to name assignment is carried out in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan (as amended by the RT Law of March 15, 2016 No. 1292).

Dushanbe, July 23 - Sputnik, Azamat Shokirov. Citizens of Tajikistan, having been in labor migration addressed profile structures with statements about the return of Russified grades of their names and patient.

This study was conducted by the Committee on Terminology and Language under the Government of Tajikistan.

According to the results, the decision on partial change of the names and the middle of the people is accepted on returning from labor migration in Russia.

The most vividly this tendency manifested itself in the northern regions of Tajikistan, the inhabitants of which most prefer to make a living in Russia.

Sputnik Tajikistan talked with some of them to learn about the reasons whipped migrants to this step.

Surname facilitates or complicates life in Russia

"My surname of Yusupov, I work as a driver of a route taxi in Yekaterinburg. When the Russian traffic cop is stopped for checking me, he just looks into the right and allows you to go further if I did not violate the traffic rules. It turns out that there is such a surname from a long time. And Here is my alternate for the name of Makhmadzod Pollsmen forced to explain from the traffic police, to present a patent, registration and other documents, "said a resident of the district center Ayney, who came to Tajikistan for the first place.

"The Tajiks have a proverb:" If I got into the city of one-eyed - one's eye, "since we earn a living in Russia, you need to meet their rules and traditions. If it is necessary to correct the surname, well, so be", - Migrant laughs.

Many Tajikistan residents who have been on earnings in the Russian Federation, have experienced difficulties in themselves that their names and patronyfactory correspond to national stylistics, and they begin at the very first stages: from passport control on arrival, before registration and patent for labor activity.

"If your surname is written in Soviet, with the end of the" OB "or" EB ", then all procedures are passing almost without delay. But our, Tajik surnames, all these" zoda "," Iyon "and the like, cause Long delays, clarifying how it is written. Officials begin to annoyal, mistaken in the filling of documents - in general, continuous troubles, "explains the woman named Zamira, a resident of Istaravshan.

She has already submitted an application for refund to previous names and patronymic, gathered all the necessary documents, but until the new passport received. However, according to her, the entire zamanka is that she has not yet entered the registry office.

When replacing the names, the labor migrant will have to be changed not only the passport, but also all other documents: birth certificate, certificate, diploma, marriage certificate, childbirth certificate and so on. Most often, people go to such measures when they want to receive Russian citizenship.

"My wife had to be not easy, I am a citizen of Russia and, accordingly, the surname ends on" EB ", but the wife is a citizen of Tajikistan. At one time, she changed her surname to the national, and the children got my" Russian "surname. When issuing Russian citizenship, his wife recommended Change the surname from Karimzod to Karimova, since the birth certificate and diploma do not coincide with the passport, "says Alisher from Moscow.

According to him, in most cases, Tajiks denied citizenship if they have national graduation.

"The exact statistics we do not lead, but I can say with confidence that weekly receives 30-40 applications for return to old surnames. Yes, and the number of newborns with the names in the" Soviet "style increased," one of the registry staff reported on anonymity Istaravshan.

Migration to Russia affects the choice of the name and surname of the child

The legislation of Tajikistan "recommends" to call babies strictly in the national style, the exception is made only in relation to citizens not the title nation. However, if there is an appropriate "lamb in a piece of paper" this restriction can be circumvented.

"My eldest son was born at the very beginning of the 90s, and I registered it under my last name, but with the end of the" zode ". Then it was not completely common. On her (last name - Ed.) Issued a passport when he grown . Now the Son suffers from this surname in Russia, recently called and said that he would come for a couple of weeks to change, "the teacher said from the village of Match.

"What on the household that on a bureaucratic level, communication with people, the names of which are written in the" Soviet "style, purely psychologically easier," explains the sociologist Rustam Akhmedov. - Officials and Russian ordinary people perceive them in the old memory as citizens of the former USSR, impuditly Taking for "their". Accordingly, the attitude towards such people is softer. "

An important factor is the level of ownership of the Russian language. For those who speak Russian confidently, good career prospects are opening, especially in the regions of Russia.

"We and I left Ryazan within the framework of the resettlement program of compatriots. Both Tajiks, with higher education, candidates of science. During job search, we noticed how the expression of the Eye of the Russians is changing, we should talk to us. Locked on work in a week, with good salary, in There are no problems with colleagues. It takes only domestic rudeness: in transport and shops. But here, it is worth answering Russian, and all claims, as a rule, disappear, "says one of the former teachers of the capital's university.

A similar tendency to change the names was observed four years ago and in neighboring Kyrgyzstan, whose residents also constitute a significant proportion of labor migration in Russia. There this method was used to bypass the black list of persons deported from the Russian Federation for any offense.

"Previously, this was possible, but Russian migration services have long been covered with this loophole. Now labor migrants in the Russian Federation have been laughing in the Russian Federation, so no translation will allow control to undergo control of the passport," explains the employee of the International Organization for Manzour Ibrahimov's Labor Migration Organization.

The campaign to deruit the surnames and the translation of them to the national manner immediately arose after the collapse of the Soviet Union. With varying degrees of activity, she swept through the republics of the Baltic States, Central Asia, some regions of Russia itself.

In Tajikistan, the initiator of the process was the head of the state, who changed the surname of Rakhmonov to Rahmon and called on to follow his example. Most of the state officials and many ordinary citizens acted. But now those of them who are forced to go to earnings to Russia, decided to follow the proverb, "squeeze one eye".

In March of this year, amendments to the law "On state registration of civil status acts", signed by President Tajikistan, signed by the President of Tajikistan, Emomali Rakhmon. Shortly after that, the registry offices received an indication no longer to issue documents with "Russian" writing surnames and patrols, the media reported.

On April 29, the Deputy Head of the Office of Civil Registration Activities under the Ministry of Justice, Jaloliddin Rakhimov, in an interview with Radio Ozhari (Tajik Radio Liberty), explained the essence of the imposed amendments and the unofficial orders followed. According to him, the assignment of names and their correct writing will now be carried out according to culture, national traditions and the state-affirmed register of Tajik national names.

The official said that in accordance with the new law, the surname could form on behalf of the Father or from the root of his surname with suffixes, forming the names "-", "-Zod", "-Zoda", "-ӣ", "-yone" , "-Far". It can also be formed on behalf of the Father or from the root of the Father's Father or Mother's surname without adding suffix forming surnames.

"These are the indigenous Tajik endings. (...). But the end of "-Zod" is not forced, citizens can choose such endings for their surname, as "-Pur," it indicated possible alternatives.

"Conditional Karimov will become either a karimzode, or Karimyon, possibly by Karimi, and there is another option with a carimpur. The conditioned fictional Nargeise of Shafirova will appear the surname of Shaffiri or Shafirdukht (women's ending), "the innovation commented on the edition.

Rakhimov also said that patronymic will be formed using suffixes "-Zod", "-Zoda", "-", "-no", "-Far" or without these suffixes (part of which coincides with suffixes that form surnames) .

He complained that there are still some irresponsive citizens who wish to preserve their children in the names and patrimonies of their children, "-OV", "-OVN". But they are trying to convince them. "When we talk with them, we explain that the goal is to the Tajikization of the surnames, they understand. If the situation does not change, then in ten years our children will be divided into two groups, one will be proud of its Tajik names, the other will be worn. We must have national and patriotic feelings, "the official said.

"It is prohibited to assign a child name, alien to Tajik national culture, [assign names meaning] the names of things, goods, animals and birds, as well as offensive names and phrases, degrading the honor and dignity of a person, and separating people to the caste. Adding to the names of Pseudonyms "Mullo", "Khalifa", "Tour", "Khoja", "Hood", "Shayh", "Vali", "Okhun", "Amir", "Sufi" and the like that contribute Skipping among people is prohibited, "he voiced one of the points of the" revealed "law.

The last position makes sense - the listed endings speak about the belonging of carriers of these names to the hereditary higher class of Central Asia (the so-called "white bone"), a kind of caste, an elevation of pedigree to the Prophet, four righteous caliphs, Muslim Saints and Chingizids.

Earlier, at the end of 2015, the ethnic tajiks of the country were officially forbidden to call newborns with the names with the Turkic endings "Cool" and "Hon".

Rakhimov also stated that it would have to change the names and patronymic patronymic, who had the need to change the documents. "Now on this occasion will not be. Even those who in the past had Russian grades and now want to change their documents, the Tajik endings will be added in their names. These changes do not concern only those who have in the past Russian graduation and do not intend to change their documents. But if this will be done at their own desire, it will be fine, "the official said.

As for newborns, they will automatically receive already "Tajikized" patronymic names.

As a separate application, this law developed a single register of Tajik names. He has not yet been published, according to officials, it should be about 4-5 thousand names. At the end of last year, he was prepared by the Committee on Language and Terminology under the Government of Tajikistan, together with the Academy of Sciences of this country, and referred to the Government approval. In accordance with new amendments to the law of Tajiks are limited in the right choice of the name for their children - now they will have to choose them from this list.

However, as reported by the "Asia-Plus" edition, it is possible to obtain a document with Russian writing the name and patronymic, if a confirming document on the presence of second citizenship, for example, Russian is presented.

Meanwhile, in the law "On state registration of civil status acts", where the conditions for obtaining documents are listed, it does not mention the full ban on Russified spelling of the names and patrols, according to paragraph 3 of Article 20, a citizen is still provided to choose.

Article 20. The name of the person and the procedure for recording the name, name and patronymic

(As amended by the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan from 03/15/2016 №1292)

1. (...) Name assignment and their correct writing in the Republic of Tajikistan is carried out according to culture, national traditions and registra of Tajik national names, approved by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. (...)

3. The surname of the child under state registration of birth is recorded by the surname of the father or mother or the name formed on behalf of the Father. With different, nameplaces of parents, the name of the child, by agreement of the parents, is recorded by the Father's name or by the Mother's name, or in accordance with the requirements of parts 4, 7 and 8 of this article. (...)

7. Reuse of the same suffix in the formation of the surname and patronymic, as well as the use of one name without adding a suffix, both in the formation of the surname and in the formation of patronymic, is prohibited.

Tajik authorities assure that these legislation will not be applied to citizens of the republic that are not related to title nationality. "Russians, the Chinese and other national minorities of Tajikistan can use their traditional name," said Jaloliddin Rakhimov by publishing Ozodon.

The same is stated in paragraph 11 of Article 20 of the Law "On State Registration of Civil Acts":

11. The right of national minorities in the Republic of Tajikistan is guaranteed according to their national traditions. Representatives of national minorities that are citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan, as of their request can assign names to their children according to the register of Tajik national names or their national traditions. The procedure for writing the surname, name and patronymic of national minority citizens is carried out in accordance with the rules of the spelling of the relevant language. (...)

It is possible that new standards will not be treated Russian and representatives of other "non-Muslim" ethnic groups, but they may well affect the Uzbeks living in Tajikistan, who are unlikely to want to differ from Tajiks with their former names, as if opposing themselves, so - Apparently, they will also have to change the documents. Moreover, in Article 20, nowhere directly states that the requirements of the law apply only to the ethnic on Tajiks, it is not painted in it and the procedure for identifying representatives of national minorities.

Recall that the President of Tajikistan himself changed one of the first to the first name for the Persian manner, who in 2007 from Emomali Sharifovich Rakhmonov turned into Emomali Rakhmon. He refused from the "inappropriate" patronymic, he continues to use only Russian-speaking officials in addressing it.

In the same 2007, the renamed head of the state called on fellow citizens to follow his example and return "to cultural roots", restoring the writing of the names by the name of the Father, as it was before the Soviet power, as well as "use the national toponym" (after which the country rolled another shaft renaming). At the same time, Rakhmon forbade the register register from Tajik children names with the endings of "-Os" and "-Ev", it was possible to use only the Persian options for writing them.

His example immediately followed many officials. In 2014, it was reported that the names were replaced by the heads of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Agencies to Combat Corruption, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic and many leaders of the districts and cities.

However, a significant number of ordinary citizens, especially Tajik labor migrants, preferred to maintain the "Russian" end of the surnames and even return them to the documents already rewritten to the National Federation to facilitate their lives in Russia, where the names of the "suspicious" surnames may not be considered very well .

The official also said that there is no direct ban on Russian endings in the name and patronymic in the law, rather spectacle in this case. And he added that each person when registering a newborn is entitled to the name, name and patronymic, "informed by historical values \u200b\u200band the Tajik national culture."

Principle of apartheid

On April 3, all the same Jaloliddin Rakhimov regarding the large resonance amendments to the law "On state registration of civil status acts". According to him, Article 67 was supplemented with parts 2 and 3 of the following content:

"2. A change in behalf of the person is carried out according to the register of Tajik national names. The change in the surname and patronymic in accordance with national traditions is carried out on the basis of the requirements of Article 20 of this Law. (See above - AsiaTerra)

3. Representatives of national minorities that are citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan can change their name according to the register of Tajik national names or his national traditions. (…)

"As you can see in changes and additions made to Articles 20 and 67 of the above law, it does not mention a word about the ban on the endings of" -OV "," -OV "," - "," - ", and in part 4 of Article 20 of the Law The phrase "can form", which is a letter of recommendation and does not impose obligations on citizens to change the name, name and patronymic, "Rakhimov spoke.

The official reiterated that the adopted changes and additions do not limit the rights of citizens and national minorities, referring to part 11 of article 20 of the sensational law, which states that the procedure for writing the name, name and patronymic of national minority citizens is carried out in accordance with the rules of the spelling of the relevant language. "For example: there are no letters in the Alphabet of the Tajik language, such letters as," C "," Sh "," s "," b ", therefore, when writing the name of Gypsy, Tsoi, Anatolyev, Schukin, and the like is carried out in accordance with the rules of the Russian spelling rules Language, "he explained.

"According to Part 1, Article 63 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan" On Regulatory Activities ", the regulatory legal acts of the inverse force do not have, with the exception of cases established by law. Therefore, on those citizens who have surnames and patronymic with the endings of "-OV", "-OV", "-", "-" These changes and additions do not apply if they do not want to change their surname, name or patronymic, ", - said Rakhimov.

It is noteworthy that several days earlier he argued that even the surnames of those people who had Russian graduates [Family and the middle names] and now want to change their documents, the Tajik endings will be added. Now, about this "recommendation" of the authorities, he chose not to remember.

"The Tajik people have an ancient history and culture, as well as the peoples of Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan and other nations of the CIS, which ended in the surnames do not create artificial obstacles and discrimination. Therefore, a refund to historical values, ancient culture and Tajik mentality does not infringe upon the rights and interests of other national minorities that are citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan and especially should not violate the rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the republic beyond", I concluded Rakhimov.

In general, legal norms for citizens of one state were divided according to the national basis, which makes it remember Germany of the 1930s. It remains incomprehensible why ethnic tajiks should be exposed to great restrictions than citizens of the same country, are not tajiks. And why the first, contrary to their personal freedom of will, are emphasized to follow the traditions erected by the government in the rank of law.

The publication reminded that the same officials just a few years ago refused to give the child to the child to the child, motivating this by the fact that he could not let him go to Russia. Now they change their last names with "-Os" on "-Zoda, and others are forced.

Side Conditions

In numerous comments to articles on this topic, the side effects of the scheduled change in the names and patientities are listed.

"With the Tajik graduation, the surname sounds more beautiful, in my opinion, but still it was not worth it, I think it's all the next course of our rulers for bargaining from the Russian Federation, this law will cancel 100%, but what will receive our top instead of this is unknown, yes And, by the way, for those who want to be from "zoda", I hurry to report that with this end of the surname, the citizenship of the Russian Federation is not issued, "one of the participants of the discussion speaks.

"It seems like it seems that [it is necessary] just to change the termination - but this ending the surnames will devastate all your pockets," the other reader said. - You will have to change all-all-all documents, and this is not free. You will have to change: 1. Metric. 2. Passport. 3. Increased passport. 4. Driving license. 5. Certificate. 6. Diploma. 7. Military ID. 8. Bank cards. 9. Document for an apartment (and everything is attached to him). 10. Labor book. And a bunch of personal documents. You can imagine how much runnight and [how much] money should help out to the state treasury? ".

"The next departure of the people from the people, the rude calculation: 3 million citizens are obliged to change the passport, on average [pay] for $ 10, further replacing diplomas, at best, local educational institutions - on average 20 dollars for the document, replacement of metrics for children on average For 3 children in the family - $ 20, replacing certificates of education - 10 dollars, the replacement of driver's licenses - $ 50, passports - $ 100, and in total, some clever will receive more than 1 billion dollars, "the visitor to the forum under the name Fara.

"The case was brought to the point that [for that] to get the name of the child not enough to have a certificate from the maternity hospital, and more importantly now is the documentary proof of the national affiliation of the parents. If the husband of Uzbek, the wife of Tajik, what then? " - Another opinion is expressed.

"And how to be the Pamir people (Pamir peoples, Badakhshans - a group of Iran-speaking peoples inhabiting the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region Tajikistan - AsiaTerra)? They did not have the endings of the "zode", "Zod", "Ion", "headlights". Yes, and in Russia, with such names, they do not take a job, and will soon be deported, "writes a new participant of the discussion.

"Every citizen has the right to choose, in what form will be his last name. And the law is infrinning this right, - notes another commentator.

To this, it is worth adding that several millions of Tajiks living in Uzbekistan, including Samarkand and Bukhara, will remain just with Russified surnames, that is, differ from those entrusted in Tajikistan. On the other hand, Rakhmonov "reform" clearly leads to rapprochement with Afghan Tajiks and Uzbeks, as well as with Persians. In a word, a distinct "southern" orientation vector is evaporated, unlike the previous, conditionally "northern".

Tajik surnames

In the context of what is happening, it is worth reminding that the names-patronymic of the Russian sample The population of modern Tajikistan was not very long, but still for several generations.

After in 1866, the Russian Empire seized the Kokand Khanate, namely, that of his part, which is called the Sogd region of Tajikistan, the local residents began to record in the documents with the usual Russian way - by hanging out the names derived from the name of the father or grandfather. The remaining lands of the future republic in 1920 were already attached to the USSR - after the wins of the Bolsheviks of the Bukhara Emirate (his eastern part is the main territory of the current Tajikistan). According to the observation of one of the commentators, "At the first generation of insidate midaziats, the years of birth, the 1920-50s, the root of the name almost always coincides with the root of the patronymic."

Russian historian, ethnologist and anthropologist Sergey Abashin notes that before the names began to be officially fixed in a monotonous form in the Russian and then Soviet documentation, acquiring the characteristic Russian graduates of "OV / OOH" and "HIV / VNA", a person in Central Asia could Have a few names:

"One name could be strictly arab-Muslim, for example, to indicate the characteristic epitles of Allah and add a" slave "prefix to them (sometimes in Arabic form, sometimes in local languages). At the same time, a person could also have a name or nickname in a local language, which with Islam has no longer been connected or was associated with remotely and marked any qualities in general or the quality of a particular person, items and a lot of things. Moreover, such names were more often used in everyday life, as more understandable, more inscribed in local personal relationships (...). Moreover, these nicknames could change over time. Plus, it was loved to add different types of titles and ranks to this to this, indications of the terrain of origin. When they began to record names in the passport, they did not particularly understand and recorded one of these names, and sometimes in very diverse phonetic versions, as a result, the family-registered chaos turned out, which, nevertheless, became part of local Central Asian life. "

Nevertheless, the return to "original surnames" is a typical manifestation of myth-making, since before that representatives of the Central Asian peoples, mostly those who lived in villages and aulah and a friend of the friend simply on the names, surnames as such were not. Generic nicknames, as well as two- and more composite names - is still something else. So the Rakhmon Initiative is not a return to the old days, but a change in the first Tajik standard surnames, albeit Russified, on the Persian manner, carried out on ideological motifs.

New "Aryans"

After the end of the civil war in Tajikistan, as soon as Emomali Rahmonov firmly strengthened in power, he gradually began to make an increasingly big bet on Tajik nationalism. It turned out that it likes this if not the majority, then a very significant part of the "titular" population.

Former comrades Rahmonov - Tajikistan Uzbeks and Arabs (the latter live in the south of the republic), from brothers in arms gradually turned into people of non-Russian origin. In the works of local intrinsic author who read, which seems to be inspired by the President of Tajikistan, Uzbeks, and wider - Turks in general, are opposed to Tajiks as the sucked barbarians-conquerors. On this basis of Uzbeks began to be subjected to consistent discrimination (for its part, Karimov's regime develops itself in relation to the Uzbek tajiks).

After some time, Rakhmonov proclaimed its country by the succession of the Tajik state of the Samanid dynasty, and the Tajiks themselves - the descendants of the Aryans who lived in the region at the dawn. He even released four thousand labor "Tajiks in the Mirror of History: from Aryans to Samanids." 2006 was declared the year of the Aryan civilization. The local currency is the Tajik ruble (without a mild sign), was renamed somoni. It is not essential that before that its name is unofficially decrypted as "Rakhmonov kills poor people."

"2006 proclaimed the" Year of Aryan civilization ". Solemn events were organized, and the streets of Tajik cities were decorated with posters, the famous Aryan roots of Tajiks. On the same posters, the emblem was concerned, the most famous as Hackenkreuz or Swastika "- wrote the author of Fergana Mikhail Kalishevsky. True, according to him, official Dushanbe stressed in every way that his "Aryanism" had nothing to do with the "Arystrov" of the German Nazis.

However, what it periodically pours out in fact, it is seen on the example of a recent story that happened in the Sughd region, when its 27-year-old resident of Shahnu Niyompoki was excluded from the list of those who wish to speak to the president during his visit due to the "non-anarchic appearance." In response to the question asked in the letter about the reason for the refusal, the Shakhnza received the official response of the representative of the local authorities, which said that everyone who wishes to speak to the "leader of the nation" should "have a beautiful Aryan appearance, high growth and well-set speech."

Human rights defenders stated that such a response actually divides the people on the people of the highest and second grade. And in the unleashed about this controversy in social networks, numerous Internet users compared attempts by national and racial segregation with the ideology of the Third Reich.

Meanwhile, in the country, everything is renamed everything that does not correspond to the canons of the national "purity". At first, toponyms associated with Soviet and revolutionary terminology changed, although it was the Soviet era that marked the beginning of the modern Tajik state. At the same time, settlements, streets, cultural institutions were cleared of the names from the "Russian" names. The media wrote that there are no more streets in the country named after Chkalov, Chekhov, Powetsky, the authorities refused to assign a gymnasium first in Tajikistan, founded in the 1920s in Hodgend to a group of Russian teachers.

Then the queue reached toponyms that have Turkic and Arabic origins. They were renamed (and continue to renamed) wounds, areas and even the names of geographic locations, known for hundreds of years, for example, Glikul, Ganchi, Kumsangir. In February of this year, on the instructions of Emomali Rakhmon, the lattes were changed to the "relevant national culture of Tajiks."

At the same time, in neighboring Uzbekistan, they did not try to get rid of numerous Tajik titles in the same way. Otherwise, it would have been "Uzbekized" historically formed by the names of such cities such as Khazarasp, Shahrisabz and Denau.

"Moscow officials ... The emphasis does not see the consistent and long-term policy of President Emomali Rakhmon on the oss of the remnants of not only Soviet, but also the Russian world from Tajikistan. ... there was no reaction of the officials of the Russian Foreign Ministry and the press secretary of President Vladimir Putin to renamers in Dushanbe streets, the change of all sorts of Russian-speaking plates, signs, slogans, the names of institutions, on the reduction of hours of studying the Russian language in schools ... Russian TV channels without tired are denial to Baltic And the Ukrainian authorities for the requirement for Russian-language learning state languages \u200b\u200bof these republics. And although in Tajikistan, the government of Emomali Rakhmon is conducting similar policies, no complaints of Moscow for official Dushanbe prevents ", -