Portuguese surnames. Portuguese surnames Most Popular Name in Portugal

Portuguese surnames. Portuguese surnames Most Popular Name in Portugal
Portuguese surnames. Portuguese surnames Most Popular Name in Portugal

They are closely related to Spanish. They are even united in one group - Iberian. As a rule, they originated from Brazilian, Provencan, Greek, Jewish or Germanic languages. Their sound has changed under the influence of the peculiarities of Portuguese pronunciation.

Popular names that were formed from the epithets dedicated to the saints. For example, Doris - "Grieving", Remedios - "healing".

These names are common not only in Portugal, but also in countries that have been colonies, where they still speak Portuguese. This is Brazil and some African countries. At the same time, most of the people speaking Portuguese lives in Brazil.

Some female Portuguese names are different from male only by the end of Branko - Male, Branca - Women.

How do choose option for a girl?

In Portugal, parents choose names only from the list approved by the Government. The list is quite large (more than 80 pages), so that parents are not constrained in the selection. It includes Catholic names corresponding to the Portuguese Writing Rules. The government also published a list of prohibited names.

However, if one of the parents is an emigrant, then he has the right to call the baby, without considering the national list.

Otherwise it is the case in Brazil, the former Colony of Portugal. There they do not follow so strictly as the parents call themselves, so much more choice options. At the same time, the same name in these countries sounds different.

The name for the newborn parents choose from the names of the nearest relatives, for example, grandmothers. The selected priest is added to it during baptism, therefore, portuguese most often compound names, including up to five parts.

The Portuguese attaches great importance to the name of sounding the sound with the names that two - father and mother usually happen.

Most common in Portugal:

List in Russian alphabetically from A to Z, their meaning, short interpretation

  • Alisiny (Portug.) - Truth. Active and movable, cannot stop in place.
  • Andin (Portug.) - From Undin "Wave-Mermaid". Sociable and cheerful.
  • Aninha (Portug.) - From Anica - beneficial. Constantly in motion, loves change.
  • Asusena (AP.) - Lily. Inquisitive, will not tolerate control of himself.
  • Bere (Herch.) - Brief shape of Brenike (Veronica). Responsible and reliable.
  • Branca (Portug.) - White. Does not tolerate mediocrity, demanding to others.
  • Balla (Lat.) - "Beautiful." Easy in communication, sincere and infertility.
  • Witurin (Portug.) - Happy. Never violates this promise, judgment.
  • Guilermina (Portug.) - Form from Wilheyma. Active, purposeful, reliable.
  • Gordinia (Portuga.) - From Gardenia - Gardening flower. Movable and non-permanent, looking for adventure.
  • GRASYEL (LAT.) - Graceful. In all, she strives to be the leader, bold.
  • Grass (Portug.) - "grace". She strives for solitude and quiet pastime.
  • Dalva (Portug.) - "Sunset." Alone feels free.
  • Delguitu (Portug.) - Derivative form named after Louise Battle. Will defend your ideals.
  • Deuza (Portug.) - Goddess. It is predisposed to mobility, is distinguished by kindness.
  • Jia (Portug.) - day. Differs in sociability and ability to analyze the situation.
  • Doris (Lat.) - Grief. So charming that sometimes becomes self-confident.
  • Zhaya (Portug.) - Hyacinth. Very sociable, but will always be true to the best friend.
  • Jasmine (Portug.) - The form name of jasmine "Jasmine flower". It is appreciated for modesty and reliability.
  • Gentiles (Portug.) - generous. It will be quiet and imperceptibly to make your business better than all.
  • Things (Portug.) - Giselle's burning form. Misses myself ideals and follows them.
  • Juan (Portug.) - From Jane "This God." Wounding, but knows how to protect himself.
  • Zhuliana (Portug.) - Variation from Julia - July. I joy starts dating, but touching.
  • Zhura (Portug.) - oath. The owner of numerous talents.
  • Jurama (Portug.) - Women's form named after Jeremiah - God will exalt. The desire for a new one does not allow to tie a solid relationship.
  • Zhuriny (Portug.) - Women's form of the name of George. Failure and adamant.
  • Zilda (Germ.) - The derivative from Grizeld is gray. Gives preference to long-term relationships.
  • Ivanild (Heb.) - Ivan occurred - giving God. Enjoy authority in any company.
  • Ivoni (Portug.) - Form of the name of the Ivonna. It is purposeful and constant, it is impossible to argue with it.
  • Idinya (Greek.) - From Ida - fertile. Has a reputation for a person who knows everything.
  • Isaeurian (Portug.) - A variety from Izaura. Bright, creative personality, succeeding in everything, for which it is taken.
  • Capital (lat.) - Big head, that is smart. High standards man.
  • Carmignia (Lat.) - The form of the name Carmen is a song. Closed, calm, but a lot can.
  • CLARELIS (LAT.) - Portuguese form from Clara - bright, bright. Merry and laughter, does not tolerate loneliness.
  • Laurinda (Portug.) - From Laura - crowned with laurel. Constantly is in creative search.
  • Leiinya (Iz.) - force. The authorities, the last word should be behind it.
  • Louis (Jewish.) - God helped. It is unpretentious, easily adapts, distinguished by cunning.
  • Lusielia (Iz.) - Light, radiant. For external tranquility, renunciation is a bright, kind person.
  • Magdalena (Jewish.) - Curly. Independent and talented, often becomes the leader.
  • Manwell (Jewish.) - God is with us. Inquisitive, everything does in its own way.
  • Marisa (Iz.) - Sea. Ties to a person for life, idealist.
  • Maelen (Portuga) - Milen name form. She strives to be the best, stubborn.
  • Melissinha (Greek) - Form from Melissa - Bee. Becomes a master in his business.
  • Milaresh (PS.) - Miracle. Recently and unpredictable, loves novelty.
  • Murisi (Portug.) - Sea shine. Cheerful and easy to get acquainted.
  • Tax (GERM.) - Combat. All myself gives to the world, fights for justice.
  • Neose (Greek) - New. Quiet, modest, prefers privacy.
  • Niseti (Portug.) - Comes from Anastasia - resurrecting. Pulling and hardworking.
  • Odegeti (GEM.) - Rich. Can't sit without a case, an excellent organizer.
  • Paula (Lat.) - Small, modest. It needs love, a huge willpower and a rich imagination.
  • Pitanga (Portug.) - Red Caaen Cherry. Active and independent, disadvantage - ungratefulness.
  • Raulin (GEM.) - Women's form named after Raul, from Ralph - Red Wolf. Employed with his own business, modest.
  • Rezhinignia (English) - Form from Regina - Queen. Commitment to ideals prevents to see their own mistakes.
  • Rio (Sp.) - River. She strives to dominate, but may be indecisive.
  • Ritinha (Greek.) - Comes from Margarita - Pearl. It is obsessed with purity, it is important to the opinion of others.
  • Rosario (Iz.) - Garden with roses. Always something busy, not enough ability to understand people.
  • Syarley (Jewish.) - The form of the name of Shirley - I have a song. Intuitive and idealistic.
  • Sonignia (Lat.) - The form of Sophia is prudent. It is important to be the center of attention, does not make critics.
  • Suelena (Jewish.) - Form from Susanna - Water Lily. Slow, despite the kindness, too stubborn.
  • Suelli (AP.) - Comfort. Joy works, but does not make orders.
  • Tadinha (Greek.) - Dar of God. Depending on the opinions of others.
  • Telmigny (Portug.) - The form of the name of Telma is desirable. It is eager for love and does not carry ungratefulness.
  • Teresainy (Greek.) - Comes from Teresa - guarding. Conditions can fascinate, attaining.
  • Tete (Portug.) - Temperament. Talented, good friend, but does not like to change.
  • Ursuligna (Lat.) - The form of the name of Ursula is a bear. It has a power of character and wisdom.
  • Florinda (Portug.) - blooming. A wonderful sense of humor and taste, keeps himself with dignity.
  • Fominya (Portug.) - Women's form named Thomas - twin. Unusually sociable and emotional.
  • Edwald (eng.) - Women's form from Eduard - guard of possessions. Rutin is rapidly annoying, likes to criticize.
  • Emedemin (Jewish.) - Women's form from Eden - Paradise. It may be generous and tough at the same time.
  • Elizetti (Jewish.) - A variety of Elizabeth is a revered God. Disinterestedly helps people, does not endure rudeness, rudeness.
  • Emembertris (Portug.) - Empress. Sensitive to criticism, hospitality and friendly.
  • Easy (Greek) - An option from Eugene is a noble, noble. With his kindness, wit delight surrounding, but suffers from weak health.
  • Eschperans (Iz.) - Hope. Appreciates purity and accuracy, avoid vulgar and unprincipled, pleasant in communication.
  • Yujinigna (Greek.) - The form of the name of Eugene is noble, noble. For happiness, life is needed, life-filled with impressions, the habit of criticizing repels people.

As you can see, many Portuguese names occurred from the well-known Latin, Jewish, European, but the original Portuguese has turned them into completely unusual and unique.

In Russia now for parents complete liberality: register the child under any name, which will come to mind. Want to call Vanya, you want - Sigismund. Last year, for example, boys were born in Russia with the names of Aviadpestcher and Salad Latuk, and in 2011, a single girl in honor of President Medvedev called Honey.

In Portugal, on the contrary, with names for children, everything is very strict. There is a special list of names that you can or cannot be given to young Portuguese. It is published on the website of the Ministry of Justice and is mandatory for all registering organizations.

It should be noted that at least restrictions exist, the choice is still rich: hundreds of names felt at several tens of pages. For example, the ADRIANE state cannot be called, but Adriano is possible. There can be no girls Agatha, but Ágata is quite relevant. Instead of the name Alexei, the choice will fall into a pleasant Portuguese hearing Aléxio, and instead of a pseudogreic ulice will sound proud and noble ulisses. By the way, on one of the versions, the name of the capital of the capital Lisbon is associated with the name of the Hitromudroy Tsar Itaka Ulysses-Odyssey.

Analyzing the list, it can be assumed that the number of unwanted names of foreign origin, and the permitted - mostly names of the Saints Catholic calendar, posed in full compliance with the rules of Portuguese spelling.

By the way, the restriction on the use of names is valid only if both parents are Portuguese: the immigrants are free to call their children as they please.

Want to know what kind of names in Portugal are the most popular? If we are waiting for the analogues of Russian lettuce, then you will find a lot of disappointment, but if you are a supporter of beautiful classic names, for you - pleasant news. Among women's names is most popular in Portugal - Maria. And it is not surprising, given the religiosity of the Portuguese. Subsequent places in descending order are occupied by Beatriz, Ana, Leonor, Mariana and Matilde.

Men's names are leading João. This is an analogue of the Russian name Ivan, usually read in Russian as Joao, although in fact more correctly Zhuan transcription: the letter-in -Ão has a complex pronunciation, something mean between "A", "O" and "U", spoken in the nose, But with a rotor mouth. To understand, try to say something between "Joao" and "Juan" - it will be the best option. I hope I started you, so just believe that "Zhuan" is a little more correct arrangement into a Russian way. In addition, connotations immediately arise with Don Juan, the "Stone Guest" and other specimens familiar from childhood of literature.

In conclusion, a small lyrical retreat in the style of Fairy Tales of Radyar Kipling, which can be called "why the portuguese names are so long."

The fact is that at birth, the child gives two names, and from parents he receives two surnames: both from the mother, and from the father. The procedure for building names and surnames Standardized: First, the first name is followed, followed by the second, then the name of the mother, and next - the surname of the Father. As a result, the newborn becomes not just Dioi, but, for example, Diogo Karlush Socratic Santush. Agree, sounds? With this name, you can conquer the world, and everyone will say that you really have to do this.


Portuguese refers to the Romance group of the Indo-European Languages \u200b\u200bfamily and is considered the official language of Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, Sao Tome and Principe, East Timor and Macau. About 80% of Luzophones (Portuguese carriers) live in Brazil.

Portuguese distribution map in the world (Wikipedia):

Names in Brazil and Portugal

Portugal legislation carefully monitors how its citizens should be called. There is a special list of allowed and prohibited names, and the amount of forbidden increases every year. Among the permitted, the names from the Catholic calendar are dominated, carefully verified according to the standards of Portuguese spelling. Dissolutions are not welcome: for example, a child can only be called Tomás., but not Thomaz. (This writing is considered archaic and inappropriate legislation), Manuel, but not Manoel., Mateus., but not Matheus..

In Brazil, the names are much easier to names. The abundance of emigrants from all over the world was taught by Brazilians to the fact that the names could be anyhow: unusual, exotic, courses or even incredible. Therefore, Brazilians (even Portuguese origin) willingly give children foreign names: Valter, Giovanni, Nelsons, Edison. So, italian name Alessndra So overtook the popularity of the Portuguese version Aleshandrathat many Brazilians consider him an original "domestic" name.

Similarly, Brazilians also include writing names. If the Portuguese, who decided to call the daughter of Teresa, is forced to be content with the only permissible option - Teresa., then the Brazilian can write in registration documents and Tereza., I. Thereza., and in general, everything that your heart is.

Both from Brazilians, and the Portuguese in the big move diminutive names. And immediately catch the connection between the decreasing and passport name it is difficult. Well, if the diminutive name is formed simply with a suffix, such as, for example, Ronaldinhu - OT Ronaldo. But can guess that Zezito - this is JoseKaka -Carlos, but Tekinya -Theresa, Under power is not every foreigner.

Reduce names are successfully formed from dual names:

Carlos Jorge.- Cajó
Maria José.
- Mazé., Mizé.
José Carlos.
- Zeca.
João Carlos.
- Joca., Juca.
Maria Antonia.
- Mitó
Antonio José.
- Tzé.
Maria Luisa.
, Maria Lúcia.- Malu.

Pronunciation and transcription of Portuguese names

As you know, Portuguese has two options: European and Brazilian. At the same time, the pronunciation in Portugal and Brazil is quite different. So, the name of the Great Portuguese Poet Luisa de Kamense (Luís de Camões.) pronounced in Portugal "Luis de Kamokhins", and in most Brazil regions - "Louis di Kamokhins". So adequate phonetic transfer of Portuguese names into Russian is not easy task. The case is complicated by the fact that if in Portugal and there is a single officially recognized value of the pronunciation, then in Brazil, it is essentially no. The most "competent" is considered the pronunciation of residents of Rio de Janeiro ("Karoika") and São Paulo ("Paulista"), although these dialects, in turn, differ greatly. For example, where the Carian will say s. on the Portuguese manner - as "sh", Paulista (and with him and the vast majority of residents of other states) will pronounce "from".

There is another complexity. For a long time in Russian, Portuguese names and names were transmitted "to Spanish Lad": Vasco da Gama (but not Wheel da Gama), Louis de Kamense (but not Luis de Kamokhinsh). Take into account the real features of pronunciations started quite recently, but because in our latitudes, Portuguese is not from the most common, then in the subtleties of pronunciation few people understand. Hence the massive swear in transcriptions. Especially unlucky Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo: As if it is not called commentators - Christiano Ronaldo, Cristiano Ronaldo, Christian Ronaldo... although the correct option is only one - Cristiano Ronaldo: the soft "l" in Portuguese is not at all, unstressed "o" in the end of the word in both variants of the language is reduced to "y", and s before the deaf consonants in Portugal is pronounced as "sh" (although a football player is not on Madeira, and where all in São Paulo, would be Christian Ronaldo…).

Another unfortunate - Brazilian musician Zhuan Zhilbertu (João Gilberto.), figuring in various sources as Joan Zhilbertu, Joan Zhilberto and even Joao Zhilberto. In general, the only way to avoid such a difference is to use the rules of Portuguese-Russian transcription (for example, by Yermolovich's reference book). Of course, just give the nose ão. (and other charming pronunciation) by Russian letters are impossible, but from all options the directory gives the most close to the original: "An" - Juan.

Emphasis in Portuguese names ()

Simplified the rules of staging in Portuguese can be described as follows:

Emphasis on the last syllable - in all the words ending on:

- I, U, ã, ão, ães, ãe, Im, Om, Um;
- on consonation except S, Em, Am;
- on the s.if before S. worth it u. or I..

Emphasis on the penultimate syllable - in all the words ending on:

- A, O, E, EM, AM;
- on the s. with preceding a, O, E.

In addition, in words ending on IO. and iA., emphasis falls on i..

Words that are exceptions to these rules are noted by graphic stress (as in Russian).

Writing portuguese names

Until recently, spelling standards in Portugal and Brazil differed that, accordingly, the imprint on writing names: the port. Mónica. - Braz. Mônica., port. Jerónimo. - Braz. Jerônimo..

In July 2008, at the Summit of the Portuguese Community Summit, which was held in Lisbon, was decided to unphography, which brought the Portuguese writing to the now existing Brazilian. ()

The question of the unification of writing names remained open.

The most common portuguese names

The most popular names among newborns (Portugal, 2008)

Male names Women's names
1 João. 1 Maria.
2 Rodrigo. 2 Beatriz.
3 Martim 3 Ana.
4 Diogo. 4 Leonor
5 Tiago. 5 Mariana.
6 Tomás. 6 Matilde.

The most popular names among newborns (Brazil, 2009)

Male names Women's names
1 Gabriel. 1 Júlia/Giulia *
2 Arthur / Artur. 2 Sofia/Sophia.
3 Matheus / Mateus. 3 Maria Eduarda.
4 DAVI / DAVID. 4 Giovanna./Giovana *
5 Lucas. 5 Isabela / isabella.
6 Guilherme. 6 Beatriz.
7 Pedro. 7 Manuela / Manoela / Manuella
8 Miguel 8 Yasmin./IASMIN.
9 Enzo.* 9 Maria Clara.
10 Gustavo. 10 Ana Clara.

An asterisk marked the names borrowed from the Italian language.

Portuguese surnames

The full name of the average portuguese consists of three parts: personal name (usually one or two), mother's surname and surname of the Father. For example: Zhuan Paulo Rodrigash Almeida (Juanand Paulo - Personal names Rodrigsh - mother's surname, Almeida - Father's surname), Maria Philip Himaraine Yes Costa, Rodriga Gomes Silva. In everyday life, only a person is called only on the last (paternal) surname: senor Almeida, Señora Yes Costa, Senor Silva.

Going married, a woman does not change the surname, but simply joins the surname of her husband (less often - both surnames) to his. So, if Maria Philip Himaraesh yes Costa marries Rodrigu Gomesh Silva, then her full name will sound like Maria Philip Himaraine Yes Costa Silva or Maria Philip Himaraine Yes Costa Gomeres Silva. In turn, their children will receive "paternal" names of the Mother and Father: Yes, Costa Silva, or, at the request of parents, all four surnames: Himaraine Yes Costa Gomeres Silva. Such multi-storey structures are far from uncommon: on the contrary, in Portugal, a person who has only one surname causes bewilderment. In Brazil, it is calmer in Brazil: many descendants of immigrants of non-spoutic origin ignore the Portuguese traditions and are content with a single surname.

QUAL É O SEU NOME? What is your name? If you ask this question in, the answer to it can tell a lot about the origin of the Brazilian. For more than 3 years, this country was the colony of Portugal (1500-1822). It was for this reason that Portugal had a huge impact on the formation of Brazil culture, incl. on names. And the official language in Brazil is Portuguese (though with a sharp local dialect).

However, it is worth considering that immigration was always played an important role in the formation of the population, officially enshrined in 1808. Since that time, foreigners were legally permitted to acquire land to property. Brazilians - a nation formed as a result of a long contact of the 3 main earth races. On the local palette, 3 colors were mixed: white - Portuguese and immigrants from Europe, black - African blacks imported to work on plantations, and a yellow - local Indian population.

A huge amount of emigrants from all over the planet led to an impressive variety of names. That is why modern local names have not only Portuguese roots, but also other European, African, Jewish, Japanese and even Slavic.

How are Brazilian names and surnames are being built?

Brazilian names, as a rule, consist of a simple or composite (of 2 names) of a personal name, as well as two or three surnames, less often than one or even four. The number of surnames is determined at the request of the child's parents.

Imagine that Jose Santos Almeida (José Santos Almeida - Father) and Mary Abraul Melo. (Maria Abreu Melo - Mother) was born a daughter called Joana Gabriela (Joana Gabriela). In this case, its full official name can be marked by several options:

  • Joana Gabriela Melo Almeida (Classic Option: Compound Name and Mother's Surname + Father's Last Name);
  • Joana Gabriela Abreu Melo Almeida (2 surnames from the mother, 1 from the Father);
  • Joana Gabriela Abreu Santos Almeida (1 surname from the mother, 2 from the Father);
  • Joana Gabriel Almeida (Last Father's Last Name);
  • Joana Gabriela Abraul Melo Santos Almeida (Conservative Portuguese Option: 2 surnames from each parent).

At the same time, for practicality, all the "insides" is usually removed and only the first name and last surname is used in circulation. Joana Almeida.

Also in Brazilian names, such particles as DA, DAS, DO, DOS, DE are often used. All these particles can be translated as "from" or "C", i.e. They answer the question from where the origin of the genus begins. Moreover, it does not have to be the name of some terrain, city or region. It may also be the name of the slave owner, which at one time belonged to the founders of a family. For example, (in abbreviated options): Joana Do Rosário, Marya da Cunha (Maria Da Cunha), José Das Neves, Ronaldo Souza Dos Santos, and the like.

Portuguese conservatism and Brazilian "Pofigism"

The conservative government of Portugal over the past 3 centuries carefully monitors the registration of the names of newborn portuguese. In their legislation, there is even a separate article that determines the list of standards for writing names. Based on this list, for example, parents can not be called Thomas or Tomas boy - only Tomás. Or it is impossible to call the girl Theresa - exclusively Tereza. Moreover, each traditional Portuguese name has some value, mainly a Catholic interpretation.

In Brazil, the names are far easier than in the former metropolis. Unlike Portugal, in Brazil, the surname can only be one - father, and a child can be called as a soul: Tereza, Thereza, Teresa, etc. This incentive nation formed emigrants, this factor was influenced that Brazilian names could be the most diverse: unusual, exotic, foreign, and often simply fictional on the ambulance hand. Basically, such names like to give representatives of the poorest layer of the population - residents of local.


It often happens that Brazilian children have the same names as their parents, but with any diminutive endings, such as -inha, -inho, -zinho, -zito, etc. For example, Teresa's daughter (Teresa) becomes Teresine (Teresinha, translated "Little Teresa"), Carlos (Carlos) becomes a carlinos (Carlinhos), and Joan (João) becomes Joazinho (Joãozinho), etc. Bright example: Ronaldinho - Son Ronaldo. Also, the boys very often simply attribute the end of Zhunior (Junior), for example, the son of Nymar - Neymar Zhunior.

Brazilians also love to take pseudonyms that are usually formed due to the usual abbreviation (Beatrice - Bea, Manuel - Manu, Frederico - Fredo, etc.) or a double repetition of one of the syllables in the name. Thus, Leonor (Leonor) turns into Nono (Nonô), José (José) in Zezé (Zezé), Joana (Joana) in Nana, Ricardo (Ricardo) in Kaka (Kaká) or Dudu (DUDU), etc. P. There is also a combination of reduction and addition of suffix (for example, Leonardo Leconard).

The son of Kaka, in turn, can call Kakinho, son Zese - Zezinho, etc.

Popular Brazilian names

Below is a list of the most popular names in 2018. The rating was compiled from 362.8 thousand names of children born in Brazil during 2018.

Women Men's
1 Alice. Miguel
2 Sophia. Arthur.
3 Helena Bernardo.
4 Valentina. Heitor
5 Laura. Davi.
6 Isabella. Lorenzo.
7 Manuela Théo.
8 Júlia Pedro.
9 Heloísa. Gabriel.
10 Luiza. Enzo.
11 Maria Luiza. Matheus.
12 Lorena. Lucas.
13 Lívia. Benjamin.
14 Giovanna. Nicolas.
15 Maria Eduarda. Guilherme.
16 Beatriz. Rafael.
17 Maria Clara. Joaquim.
18 Cecília Samuel
19 Eloá. Enzo Gabriel
20 Lara. João Miguel.
21 Maria Júlia Henrique.
22 Isadora Gustavo.
23 Mariana. Murilo.
25 Ana Júlia Pietro.
26 Ana Luiza. Lucca.
27 Ana Clara. Felipe.
28 Melissa. João Pedro.
29 Yasmin. ISAAC
30 Maria Alice. Benício.
31 Isabelly Daniel.
32 Lavínia Anthony.
33 Esteher. Leonardo.
34 Sarah. Davi Lucca.
35 Elisa. Bryan.
36 Antonella Eduardo.
37 Rafaela João Lucas.
38 Maria Cecília Victor
39 Liz. João.
40 Marina. Cauã
41 Nicole. Antônio.
42 Maitê. Vicente.
43 Isis Caleb.
44 Alícia. Gael.
45 Luna. Bento.
46 Rebeca. Caio.
47 Agatha. Emanuel.
48 Letícia. Vinícius.
49 Maria. João Guilherme.
50 Gabriela. DAVI LUCAS.
51 Ana Laura. Noah
52 Catarina. João Gabriel
53 Clara. João Victor
54 Ana Beatriz. Luiz Miguel.
55 Vitória. Francisco.
56 Olívia. Kaique.
57 Maria Fernanda. Otávio.
58 Emilly. Augusto.
59 Maria Valentina. Levi.
60 Milena. Yuri.
61 Maria Helena Enrico.
62 Bianca. Thiago.
63 Larissa. IAN.
64 Mirella. Victor Hugo.
65 Maria Flor Thomas.
66 ALLANA. Henry.
67 Ana Sophia. Luiz Felipe.
68 Clarice. Ryan.
69 Pietra. Arthur Miguel
70 Maria Vitória. DAVI LUIZ.
71 Maya. Nathan.
72 Laís. Pedro Lucas.
73 Ayla. David Miguel.
74 Ana Lívia. Raul
75 Eduarda. Pedro Miguel
76 Mariah. Luiz Henrique.
77 Stella Luan.
78 Ana. Erick.
79 Gabrielly Martin.
80 Sophie. Bruno.
81 Carolina. Rodrigo.
82 Maria Laura. Luiz Gustavo.
83 Maria Heloísa. Arthur Miguel
84 Maria Sophia. BRENO.
85 Fernanda. Kauê.
86 Malu. Enzo Miguel
87 Analu. Fernando.
89 Aurora Luiz Otávio.
90 Maria Isis Carlos Eduardo.
91 Louise. Tomás.
92 Heloise. Lucas Gabriel
93 Ana Vitória. André.
94 Ana Cecília. José.
95 Ana Liz. Yago.
96 Joana. Danilo.
97 Luana. Anthony Gabriel
98 Antônia Ruan.
99 Isabel Miguel Henrique.
100 Bruna. Oliver.

Male and women's Portuguese names are common not only in Europe, but also in South America. Most of the husophones (the portuguese-speaking population of the Earth) live in Brazil. Accordingly, the main part of the carriers of popular Portuguese names (namely, about 80%) is South American. It is worth noting that the approaches of Brazilians and Europeans to the process differs significantly from each other. The same applies to the pronunciation rules. The same portuguese name in Brazil and Europe can sound completely different.

What is the significance of beautiful male and women's portuguese names

Portugal authorities carefully follow the names of their citizens. The process of inflexion of infants here is regulated at the legislative level. There is exists in which prohibited and allowed modern Portuguese names for girls and boys are made. Among the allowed names from the church calendar are dominated. All of them are in full compliance with the Portuguese Rules of Spelling.

It is interesting to note another fact. Full popular portuguese names of men and women have three components of the element. Their part of them is a personal name (one or two). After him, two surnames - mother and father go at once. In everyday life, only one of them is used (as a rule of paternal). In general, the inhabitants of Portugal may have up to four surnames.

Top popular Portuguese names for boys

  • Gabriel. Translated into Russian, this Portuguese boy name is "God - my strength."
  • Guilder. Option named Wilhelm \u003d "Defender".
  • David. From the Hebrew "Favorite".
  • Diogu. Portuguese male name means Bible name of Jacob.
  • Juan. Portuguese version of the boy Ivan \u003d "pardoned by God."
  • Martin. Comes on behalf of God Mars. Translated in the "militant".
  • Pedro. From the ancient Greek Petros \u003d "Stone".
  • Rodrigu. From the ancient German "HRODRIC" - "powerful" / "rich".
  • Tomash. Translated into Russian means "twin".
  • Thiago. Abbreviated from Santiago \u003d "Holy Yago".

Rating of the most beautiful portuguese names for girls

  • Anna. From the Hean-Early Earity of Khan \u003d "grace".
  • Beatrice. Translated into Russian, this Portuguese name of the girl means "happy."
  • Giovanna. Women's form named Giovanni \u003d "Yakhwe gracious."
  • Isabel. Brazilian name. Translated means "Beauty".
  • Leonor. From the Old Alienor name - "Light".
  • Manuel. Female Portuguese name Emmanuel version \u003d "God with us"
  • Marianne. Comes from a combination of names Maria and Anna.
  • Matilde. Translated into Russian, this Portuguese girl name is "strong in battle".
  • Marisa. From the Spanish "maritime".
  • Maria. From the Hebrew "desired".

What do the common Portuguese names denote

In Brazil, the selection of names are much easier than in Portugal. There are no strict state prohibitions and clear spelling rules. In addition to female and men's Portuguese names, foreign are actively used. Reduced versions of names that can gain a wide variety of forms (Jose - Zezito, Carlos - Kaka, etc.) are widespread.