Facts about Japan and Anime. Dobuju - Anime about humanoid "fluffy" beings

Facts about Japan and Anime. Dobuju - Anime about humanoid "fluffy" beings

Good morning, day or any other time, expensive totoriki!

On the expanses of the Great and Mighty Runet, any avid animeter can find Gigabytes anime. But what do we know about this amazingly colorful and rich on the events (and Fillers, including the world?
Let's start with a portion of the six most delicious facts about anime. Cancele your fingers right, if you knew about the fact, left - did not know. If your own right or left hand is not enough, attract friends, younger brothers / sisters and other assistants, because to find out your anime skill - the main task of this evening (or what is you now?). Well, well, started!

1. The word " Anime"- This is a Japanese animation. The Word itself is a Japanese reduction from the English word "Animation" (playback of the cartoon, inspiration, liveliness). The English word is old, but the term "anime", formed from him, appeared quite recently. Prior to this used the phrase "Manga Eyga" ("Movie-Comic"), which to this day use lovers of anime anime.

2. The word " Manga"He came up with the famous artist Katsusik Hokusai Azh in 1814 for the series of their engravings. This artist was one of the most famous Japanese engrants in the West, a real master of Japanese xylography (what the word is what, and this is just a picture of the trees on the tree). The word "mango" means "strange (or funny) pictures" and is used only for the name of Japanese comics.

3. And who? Tell me who does not know the great director Anime Hayao Miyadaki? Find this person and send it a photo! We will come up with where ... Khm Khm ... Miyazaki is the only director Anime, who was awarded the Oscar award. At the 62th Festival in Venice, he even received the "Golden Lion" for his contribution to the world cinema.

4. Another great multiplier of all time and peoples left its mark in the anime world. Don't believe it Walt Disney! The author of Mickey Maus, Bambi and the most beautiful princesses played the almost most important role in the anime culture. How to draw the hair and body of their heroes the Japanese guess themselves, and the style of the eyes was copied at the heroes of Walt Disney. By the way, none of the inhabitants of Japan island does not hide this facts. I propose at the same time to shine ancient and gone to the Disney princesses in the eyes.

five. " Pokemon"It was originally a game for Gameboy (something like a prehistoric tetris. Well, Tetris do you know?). Even more interesting is the fact that Pokemon became the second in the world in popularity of a computer game after Mario. Only later from the virtual adventure made manga and anime. Hmm ... And what game would you make anime from?

6. Ask your moms and dads about the simple Soviet cartoon " Adventures Penguin Lolo.", Full of kindness and faithfulness. Whether they knew that the Soviet adventures of the penguin were removed together with the Japanese animation studios (in Sahaama, you can even peer - what). Of course, the cartoon is Russian, and everyone speaks Russian, and there are no Japanese words at all, but this wonderful cartoon can be quite considered one of the first Russian anime.

How many fingers be bent on the right hand "I knew / a"?

The word "manga" came up with the famous artist Katsusik Hokusai in 1814 for the series of their engravings. It means "Groteski", "strange (or funny) pictures", so the term "manga" refers exclusively to Japanese comics. And in 1917, the first anime cartoons began to be produced.

"Anime" - Japanese animation. The word "anime" itself is nothing but a Japanese reduction from English Animation, and the term itself appeared relatively recently. Prior to that, the expression "Manga Aiga" was used ("Movie-Comic") which still use lovers of anime of the older generation.

As you know, in Japan read right left. Manga on the right left is read all over the world.

Use big eyes of characters for the transfer of emotions invented not at all in Japan. Osama Tedzuk, a person who is considered the founder of the traditions of Anime, did not deny the fact that he borrowed this technique at Walt Disney. By the way, anime can be considered that the hero is that the hero is, the better the artists draw his eyes. An exception is a villain - sometimes they can make simply black "pits".

Actors, voicing roles in anime, are called the Japanese Word "Sayy". The profession of Sayia is popular and developed in Japan, thanks to which the voicing of the anime-series is favorably different from similar works of other countries. Many Sayia part-time are also pop performers.

The longest anime series "Sadzae-San" start to go out in 1969 based on Matiko Hacegava manga and his show is not over yet. Already several generations of the Japanese rose, watching the adventures of Sadzae and her family.

By age, the audience anime is divided into:

Code - manga and anime, intended for children (up to 12 years). A distinctive feature of this genre - in his "childishness", is absent (sometimes just greatly simplified) is ideological filling. You can add a characteristic drawing here. Often codeo-anime is very close to the European or American animation school and is very different from other types of anime not only in the drawing, but also on the construction of the series.

Sienan - Anime for senior boys and boys (from 12 to 16-18 years). The main signs of the genre: rapid development and pronounced dynamism of the plot (especially in comparison with Syudzo). The works contain many humorous scenes, are based on the topics of a strong male friendship, any kind of rivalry in life, sports or in martial arts.

Syudzo - Anime and Manga for senior girls and girls (from 12 to 16-18 years old). In the plot of Syudzo Anime, as a rule, there are loved relations of varying degrees of proximity, depending on the age of the target audience, much attention is paid to the development of the images of characters.

Sainan - Anime for adult men (from 18 to 25-40 years). The characteristic features of this genre are elements of psychology, satire, erotic, more attention is paid to the development of characters.

Zesei - Anime or Manga for women. The plot most often describes the daily life of a woman living in Japan.

By genre: In addition to standard comedy, a fighter, history, martial arts, drama, detective, fantasy are still ...

Fur - complex mechanisms, as a rule, self-deviating, not having real prototypes. Usually, this term is denoted by "giant combat man-like robots", huge human-controlled combat vehicles.

Cyberpunk - the world of the future, the life of which is fully determined by computer technologies. The pictures of the future are formulated gloomy and anti-astope.

Wind - Anime about human-like "fluffy" creatures. Comes from the Japanese word "wind" (doubutsu), which means "Animal". The wind is an anime with the beings of NEKO (cat), "Kitsune" (fox), "Usagi" (Slage), etc.

Idols - Anime, the action of which is associated with pop stars and musical business.

Hentai / Etty - pornographic or erotic anime or manga, respectively. The works can also be at the junction between hentham and other genres and have a fairly worked plot.

Yaa is an anime genre, describing men's homosexual relationships, is usually intended for women and girls.

Yuri - Anime Genre, describing women's lesbian relations, is usually intended for women and girls.

Sötacon is an anime genre that describes sexual relations in which young men of younger school and preschool age are involved.

Lolikon is an anime genre, describing sexual relations in which little girls participate.

Sydzo ah is an anime genre, describing the love of the girl to the girl. It differs from the absence of candid scenes.

Sienen-ah is an anime genre that describes the love of young men to the young man. It differs from the lack of candid scenes.

Below are 15 incredible facts that you definitely did not know about anime. They are not only about the famous episodes of such series, as "Naruto" or "Death Notebook", but also in general about the Japanese Anime Industry.

Have you configured to think? Then good, because these 15 facts about the anime will certainly surprise you very much. Which of these facts was the most unpredictable for you? Walk for the fact that turned out to be the most unexpected.

In the code Gias, all heroes love pizza, because Gias code sponsored Pizza Hut

If you are still surprising that the characters of the British Empire are constantly chewing pizza, then this is due to the fact that all series Anime in Japan sponsored pizza hut. However, when a version with English subtitles came out, the company's logo was removed and still Chis-kun, the Japanese Talisman for Pizza Hut remained in the series.

The prototype of titans in the attack of Titans served as a drunkard

How did Hadzhim Iceama find an image of such a terrible creation as titanium in his manga "Attack Titans"? In one of the television shows, Isayama revealed the secret: one of the most frightening monsters in the entire history of the anime is based on a drunk visitor in the Internet cafe. Iceama could not communicate with him and this fact inspired him to create a famous manga about the most common and at the same time the most terrible animal in the world - a man.

Ghostly worn by the only anime that was awarded an Oscar award

The award of film academics in the category "Best Animation Film" is usually not leaving from the company "Disney" or Pizarsar, but in 2003 the anime "worn by ghosts" was awarded the Oscar premium for the best animated film for the 75th awards ceremony of American film academics. However, to the confusion of the public Haao Miyazaki, the director of the film did not visit the ceremony due to the fact that he was opposed about the war in Iraq.

Death Note inspired Chinese schoolchildren to record the names of their teachers

When it comes to the imposition of bans on the inappropriate and provocative material in the opinion of the authorities, China does not remain aside and is not shy to prohibit the list of anime. The authorities of this country imposed a ban on such popular anime series, as the "School of Dead", "Atak Titanov", "psycho-passport". As for the "notebook of death," it was not banned because of the excessive number of scenes of violence, but due to the fact that schoolchildren have brought special notebooks, like a notebook of death, where they began to record the names of those teachers whom they hate most.

Authors "Sailor Moon" and "Report on the Burest Spirits" married

Marriages among celebrities are rare when pronounced. In this they are unlike the creators of the manga. Najo Taheti, the author "Sailor Moon" and Yoshihiro Togashi, the author of the "report on the buoy of spirits" and "Hunter's Hunter" got married on January 6, 1999. At the marriage ceremony, not only colleagues were made by the creators of the manga, but also the actors who voiced the roles from the Anime TV series "Sailor Moon" and "Report on the Burest Spirit."

Bleach could not be

In 2016, it came to the end of the anime series "Bleach", but initially "Bleach" as manga was not adopted even in the famous anthology of Shonen Jump, which overlooks weekly in Japan. The Creator of the Tite Cubo series sent "Bleach" to the publisher, but the series rejected, because the schedule of the release of other publications was full and simply did not turn out to be a place for a new manga. However, the creator of the "Dragon Pearl" Akira Toriyama wrote a letter to Cubo, so that he continued to work on Bleach. So the thorium was involved in the future success of Bleach.

Studio Gibbles are named after the aircraft of World War II

In love for the aircraft Hayao Miyazaki there is much more than the creation of anime series 2013 "Wind strongs". The name of the legendary Japanese animation studio gibbles comes from the model of the Italian aircraft of the Second World War, which was called CA.309. Studio databins even perpetuated this fact by reference to the name of the Creator of the aircraft, Giovanni Battista Caprony in the TV series itself "wind fastes."

Anime Character with 22 Voices Voice

As it was noticed in the "Simpsons", the magic of animation is that if the creators change the voice of the character simply at their own desire, no one will notice the slightest difference. For anime "Is it not zombie?" The difference is true, quite noticeable in particular for the necromancer character, Yuklywood Helsight, which was voiced by the whole 22 actors throughout the two seasons.

The heroine itself is in most cases a mute, but its replicas "egoistic imaginary heroes", which as a result affected Yu Voice

50 new colors created akira

Akira was not only a turning point for the West in 1989. The recognized anime was also a milestone and on the technological way of the Japanese anime industry. This anime consists of 2212 frames and 160,000 selected pictures - this is 2-3 times the usual anime. Akira not only broke the record for the use of different colors, only 327, but also specially for this anime was created by 50 new, unique colors.

But what was the reason for such records? Most scenes "Akira" occur in the night. This is the time that the creators of the anime usually try to avoid due to the growing demands to flowers.

Your name is the most cash anime film worldwide

Success among critics as well as the commercial success of "Your name" Makoto Xinkai cannot be overestimated. This anime brought not only a lot of dollars to the creators, but in general, exceeded the income even "ghostly worn by ghosts" Studios. Before going to the screens of "Your name" "Hung by Ghosts" held a record for $ 289 million to pay, but "your name" gathered even more than $ 355 million.

Naruto characters were inspired by the Japanese film industry

In the anime series "Naruto", Naruto causes the giant toad of Ninja Hamabunt to help. The name of Hamabunta occurred on behalf of the famous Japanese actor Bunta Sugavara, who performed the role of a member of Yakuza in the films "Battle without honor and pity." The director of these films about the Yakuza group, Kinji Fukasaki was also not forgotten by the creators of Naruto. In honor of him, the older toad-ninja, Fukasaku named.

Sadzay-san is the longest anime series that comes to this day

When Europeans think about the longest anime series, they come to mind such names like "Simpsons" or "Sponge Bob Square Pants". And in Japan, none of such a show can compete with "Sadzai-san" with his 2,500+ episodes that will make you think very much, but you are watching the series.

This series was launched on the ether in 1969 and continues until now. The Guinness Book of Records called "Sadzay-san" the longest animation television series in the world.

The first anime about the magic girl came out in the 60s

Sailor Moon can be considered synonymous with an anime genre about a magic girl, but it was hardly the first sample genre. The first show about the magic girl was "Sally-Witch", which went to the screens in 1966-1967 in Japan. Some elements of this anime can be considered also belonging to the genre of Shojo Anime.

Japanese astronaut recorded his role Kameo, being in space

In space, no one will hear your cry .... if only it is not anime. For 31 episodes of the anime series "Space Brothers", a real Japanese astronaut Akikhiko Hoschide recorded his audio part of the role, being on board the International Space Station. Hoschide thus became the first voice actor whose voice was recorded in outer space. That's what he thought about it: "It was quite difficult, but I did everything that is possible. I am very interested that from this will come out and what episode will work out."

Secret origin of the name "Gandam"

Have you ever thought about where the name of the Gandam happened? According to Bandai South Asia, the original name for military robots was Gundom, language contamination from two words "GUN" ("Weapon") and "Freedom" ("Freedom"). However, the creator of the TV series Yoshihi Tomino changed the name on the Gundam, which did the meaning itself, because now it used the word "DAM", meaning "dam", "dams", which gave the second meaning to robots as mechanized beings capable of restraining the enemy.

Japan is a country of huge contrasts.
Nowhere else in the world you will not be able to find the merger of many cultures together, the Japanese honor their roots and traditions, but simultaneously step up with progress.

Japan is famous for its newest inventions, and ancient rites, which have been preserved for many times.

Of course you know that Japan is the holy of all saints, Ie, she is a mother of such an art as anime!
And from the site that was created specifically for the fans of Anime's tail of the fairies, we want to tell you a little about their culture, and in general to tell you interesting facts about Japan! Hvost-fei.ru - tells you about the most interesting!

If you look anime, then you repeatedly wanted to say that neither be on Japanese, but of course it will be hard, but if you work out ... then everything will definitely work out! So - the Japanese are very respecting those who are able to say a few phrases (or words) in their native language, because they are confident that Japanese is unrealistic to learn!

1. Here's another of the interesting things about Japan. Gaidzin is a foreigner (that is, a stranger), and if there is still a tank to add to him, it turns out - the tank - Gaidzin, so called the Americans in Japan!

2. The Japanese love to chat at the table very much, they can say a dozen times something or another dish they like, Oishi (delicious), it raises the mood as guests and the one who prepared treats.

3. In Japan, it is very strictly overweight, so they infrequently meet a full person, especially the girl.

4. The Japanese never leave tips, it is considered a bad tone, that is, sometimes it can see how you can pay more money, and so you remain on equal to the waiter.

5. According to statistics, 90% of all lost things you will find in the bureaus of findings, this suggests that most Japanese are not inclined to theft.

6. If you committed a crime (depending on the degree of violation) you can land with the SIZO, without the right to a lawyer!

7. If you compare all the megacities of the world, then Tokyo is the safest! Six summer children can themselves, without any fear of using public transport!

8. The Japanese are very unstable to alcoholic beverages. They can already redden after one portion of the alcohol (most popular, it is a traditional alcohol - sake). In some Anime - episodes can be seen as someone already in the insole drunk after one glass.

9. Japanese youth, and the adult population is very shy in terms of expressing their feelings for another person. For some, tell the phrase "I love you!" - Comparable feat.

10. 30% of weddings held in Japan are a consequence of matchmaking and a view, organized by their parents!

11. The Japanese are considered normal that the native brother and sister can not communicate at all, not even knowing the number of mobile phones of interesting facts about Japan

12. The Japanese are very hardworking, they can work for 16 hours a day, without a lunch break!

13. Penalty here is not welcome here, you need to come at least half an hour before the designated time, whether it is a job or just a date!

14. In large cities, all heated sidewalks, it is very positively affected by public life, because on the same street on the day in Japan there will be more than 10 thousand people.

15. People who work in public institutions always show respect for other people. Well, for example, the conductor in the train first going to the car will remove the headdress, bowing to detecting tributes, and only then check tickets!

16. At rush hour, a special car for women is cling to Japanese trains. This is done so that they are not laid in the overall car. Japanese has a popular entertainment.

17. Each Japanese sings well and distributes, this is the whole method of education and the development of creative thinking. First, in childhood, they are taught by the Azam of these arts and then write and speak.

18. The academic year of the Japanese begins first of April! And they also have no names of months, they are indicated simply a tsyfra!

19. Even when farmers do not occur during the Earth-Station in Japan, and on the contrary, there is a mutual assistance!

20. The Japanese has several cursory words, but the most offensive, or sometimes just embarrassing the word is a fool! In different intonations, it may sound in different ways, well, for example, if you are simply teased, you will say Bakaaaa (lengthen the word), and if you just say Baka, then this is ugly. So it all depends on intonation. Interesting facts about Japan

Well, here are our 20 interesting facts about the life of Japan! If you know something interesting, or you want to fix the written information, then write about this below, in the comments! And what are interesting facts about Japan you know you?!