Therapeutic fairy tales: how to understand your child and help him. It is your child

Therapeutic fairy tales: how to understand your child and help him. It is your child
Therapeutic fairy tales: how to understand your child and help him. It is your child

A child in childhood with pleasure listening to fairy tales. I remember the huge stack of children's books, which lay on the shelf near the sofa and I took them in turn in turn at the night of my son.

Books were thin. Usually one fairy tale is one book. I really liked this format. There were great bright illustrations with clearly painted characters, and while I read the text, my son looked at the pictures. One day he noticed that the child took the book, revealed it and, looking at an illustration almost literally began to retell the text.

I did not slip back a read book, and he looked at the picture, began to invent a fairy tale. She told her leisurely, tried to modulate his voice as I was reading, changed the timbre.

Of course, nothing to do with what is written in the book was not. But I was wondering what he would come up with. Two characters were drawn: Fox and hare. And I thought: "Why did he bring a hare to the main characters, although the fox is drawn larger?" And listening to the fairy tale understood, he doesn't tell a fairy tale about the hare, but about himself. It personifies himself with a hare. He exhibits long-haired brave, brave and smart, which as a result deceives the fox and mastering it with a basket with pies. The written fairy tale was completely about the friend: about the cunning fox and the trusting bunny.

The next day, my son slipped two more unsolved books and asked me to "read." The son with importance began to flip the pages and, looking at the illustration, composed the plot on the go. It was not always that everything was logically lined up, the story sometimes went into a dead end, but the baby was not at all frustrated and, not knowing any laws of writing, he boldly continued the narration.

So lasted for several days. At first, my son "read" an unfamiliar fairy tale, and then I have already twisted it - a read book. I noticed that all his main characters are like something like. First of all, the character and actions. First, they act as unfortunate, by someone offended and oppressed, but then after time and some circumstances are rejected in strong and brave. Of course, all children's Russian literature played an important role in this. It was so much fairy tales read about Emel, Ivanushki - fools, brave tailors ...

Once I asked him who he liked more of the characters invented by him and he listed to me those who first were offended and unhappy, and then became the winner. It was not good.

Two weeks, waiting for the son while the son played with the boys in the war at the garden playground, I talked with his educator. She was pleased that my son finally joined the team, adapted, stopped embarrassing and sticking to the side.

The son switched to another group, but he knew the children from the new group on shared walks and, nevertheless, he needed a lot of time to become his own in the team.

And in the evening, in a habit of setting around on a sofa for a joint reading, I, for some reason I remembered those bunnies, squirrels, puppies who invariably became the main characters of his fairy tales, although in the semantic component of the illustrations they could not be the leading narration.

Perhaps, partly of his adaptation in the new kindergarten group helped those fairy tales that he himself had helped. He led the pattern that you were not right now, as you had no bad, it is temporary. There will be some circumstances and your own efforts that will help change the situation in a positive side.

Any fairy tale involves the development and path from bad to good. This is a classic genre. The son learned well and possibly he suffered into real life, understood if it was bad, it could not continue forever, it is once to end and circumstances that arise should be turned with "interest" for themselves.

The son in fairy tales lost a difficult situation for himself several times: as a sad and unhappy character, transformed into a hero.

Fantasia and writing, it turns out, can affect real life.

Savateeva Marina

Wisdom is an experience gained by a person, fixed deep in neurons. We cannot teach some wisdom. Coming on rake, burn your fingers - all this way for which our children must pass. But how to step up on this path with minimal injury for yourself, your psyche, physical health, reputation? Therapeutic fairy tales help us convey knowledge from generation to generation. Their reading is laid by important installations in the subconscious, which in the future affect life. Night tradition - to read a good fairy tale before bedtime - this is a connection of generations, the way to calm down, develop a fantasy and help your future to make a true choice.

Therapeutic fairy tales for children

Mother Reading a Fairy Tale to Her Daughter and sitting on a rainbow Fairy Tales is a situation in which the main characters are experiencing difficulties, but find out of them. Reading as if it is laid by an important mechanism of action and shows ways to resolve the situation. The story teaches to fight, do not give up, always get deserved, share. Erik Bern in his legendary book "People who play games" attracted great importance to fairy tales. He believed that with their help, the scenarios were imposed with the society, analyzing fairy tales, you can learn about the person a lot of new things and go out on the deep levels of understanding.
Danger can hide even the good old "ugly duckling". His scenario - duckling turned into a swan without difficulty and attempts to self-improvement. Many mothers are waiting for their teenage children will also bloom, without applying efforts to develop and disclosure. Fairy tales about the princesses are taught that a man can become good after marriage, women closes their eyes to flaws, waiting for them to change in the future.

The fairy tale can also become some psychotherapy for a person. It not only programms a script, but also can help get out of it. You can read therapeutic fairy tales before bedtime to remove the tension from the baby, fears, explain the paradigms and the programs of this world, explain the principles.
The child falls asleep badly. Solve the problem will help the story of his parents about how the fabulous hero could not fall asleep, but then overcame himself. A short scenario of fairy tales may be like this: a fabulous fairy at night flew to all children to give them dreams. She worked a lot, but forgot to relax in the afternoon, and at night I was forced to fly again to the children. After some time, the Fairy was so tired that he fell asleep, and her kids could not sleep and see magic dreams. The whole city of the kids did not sleep, grumbled in the crots, distract from the dream of parents. When the fairy woke up, she realized that she had done. It was very frightened and the most magical and sweet dreams would fly the most magical and sweet dreams over the next night. After that, you should voice the wishes of the child. For example, if the son loves "Ninja Turtles", to say that Fairy brought the guys to the dreams of the cartoon heroes.

The child does not want to learn. With the help of a fairy tale about a bunny, who did not want to learn, you can explain the baby's benefit of study. Do not condemn and intimidate the child if he does not want to gnaw granite science. Just tell him a fairy tale on the night about the animal who made his choice in favor of cartoons, festivities, sweets. Bunny received a lot of pleasure while his friends read books, studied. As a result, friends were able to build a house to buy a pool flying on the plane to the sea. Here it is important to list what the child dreams about. You can read psychotherapeutic fairy tales in Ukrainian on the Dobranich website. NET.

The therapeutic tale can be told by a child. Ask him to come up with you wishes for the night or story. So you will understand what the kid thinks how much he understands you, other people and their needs, which is afraid. Finger together, come up with trials for the hero, ask how Kroch wants to get out of these difficulties, with the help of strength, tricks, kindness, mind or dexterity.

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In some kingdom, in the children's state, there was a fairy tale. She loved the children very much, drove a strong friendship with them, taught them and helped them. Told the guys about the world around the world, about the wonderful countries and their inhabitants; Shared in deep knowledge about a person, his life and customs - and children had better understood themselves and other people, the inner world of children became richer, they intendered and became more confident. Together with the heroes of fairy tale, the children overcame obstacles and grew strong, fair and life-in-law. And when the fairy tale merged and sighs - the children were also having fun, and their soul was filled with calm, joy and good. From meetings with a fairy tale and childhood, the guys were also a little fabulous. Therefore, the children loved the fairy tale as the best and good friend. And parents loved the fairy tale for the fact that it was easier to raise and educate children.

But "other times" came. Children grew, they became adults and smart people, and in their lives there were complex and "smart" mechanisms - televisions, mobile phones, computers, slot machines ... And when the former children appeared their children, adults decided that the fairy tale was outdated and not suitable For the modern world ... and decided adults to find new friends for their children ...

So the kids appeared "cool" toys, fashion games, exciting cartoons, and then the almighty computer. The fairy tale among friends was not aimed, she was forgotten and felt abandoned and no one needed. Children played with ready-made toys for a long clock, spent time before the screen or monitor, and adults were engaged in their own business.

So walked days. Suddenly, the parents began to notice that their children became gray, the bodies were loyal, and the eyes were sad. Over time, more and more often communication with children ended with flares of anger or crying, and some of the children even began to root. Parents wondered, because for happy childhood they do so much! The children continued to be sad and walked and could not explain to adults why. And teachers in kindergartens and teachers in schools were surprised why the children became such aggressive, why they do not know how to be friends ... Doctors also diluted with their hands ...

One day, one boy played for a long time on the computer and defeated all monsters and gangsters. But he could not understand why he had so bad on his soul after that. He hit his beloved dog, heated the dad and, talking on the phone, quarreled with his friend ... Neither he himself nor adults could not understand what was going on ... He sat, dropping his head on the table, and no one knew how to help him ...

And then Mom quietly approached him, stroked his head and said: "I want to introduce you to the best friend of my childhood ..."

And who is it? - urgently asked the boy

This is my children's fairy tale.

Read, - asked the boy. Mom revealed the book and quietly began "lived, were ...", and then "in some kingdom, in the thirtieth of the state ...", and then "lived - there were an old man with an old woman ...".

And - about a miracle! Mom saw with each page her boy seemed to be filled with joy, light, power, good and health. She did a little break to call other parents and inform - a medicine for children's souls Found! And then returned to his child, and they continued their magic healing together and that evening and many more evenings in a row ...

IN what is the power of fairy tales?

The fairy tale is developing the cognitive world of the child, expanding the horizons, contributes to the improvement of speech and thinking, national self-consciousness.

Fabulous stories educate careful attitude to the world of living beings, nature and an environmentally formed a child.

Magic Adventures B. the fairy tale reduces the alarm, the aggression of the child, help to take a break from stresses, accumulate forces.

Through a fairy tale, the child receives knowledge of life of people, their problems I. ways of them overcoming. IN the child's subconscious is laid "Life Situations and solutions ", with which a person enjoys a lifetime.

True fairy tales fill the world of the child by life-affirming power: good wins evil, and together with the heroes of the child acquires confidence in them and his power.

In tale reading time The nervous system of children is in special state, in whose time is the unconscious study of them own psychological problems, the inner world of the child is restored and harmonized.

How to communicate S. children's fairy tale?

· Read I. analyze tales S. small years. Pick fairy tales B. according to child age, help him understand them meaning I. acts of heroes.

· Re-read from child Favorite fairy tales many times.

· Tell me folk« babushkina» fairy tales.

· Compound tales together S. child, developing his creative abilities and speech.

· Picture illustrations K. read.

· Move (Lepate, design, cut out from paper) heroes and characters, Shake and knock dolls.

· Feel the problem of the baby (fear, anxiety, loneliness) and come up a fairy tale where the hero finds ways to overcome this trouble.

· Planning fabulous stories, reducing the child the role of a character with similar problematic or missing child features: Fatherful - the role of a bold knight, and greedy - generous wizard.

May the mighty energy of the fairy tale accumulate in your child's soul!

Fabulous mature!

Most likely, children do not hurt by this disease. It may not even exist. But doctors are determined and prescribed cocktails from dangerous medicines.

Two-year-old children identify bipolar disorders and discharge powerful, even fatal psychotropic medicines, although the kids are not at all sick. The incidence of adolescents and children by these disorders over the past ten years has grown in forty (!) Times. It can be said that the epidemic of bipolar disorders began, and a certain part of "firewood" in this "boiler" threw the pharmustry.

Fighting skills. Training

How to relax in front of and during stressful situations;
How to cope with irrational disturbing thoughts in a stressful situation.


Donald Meyhenbaum (1977), one of the leading psychotherapists, who developed training on the skills of fighting fear, argues that the reaction of fear includes the interaction of two main elements: the first - psychological arousal, the second - thought that interpreting the situation as a threatening or dangerous, adding Psychological arousal to emotions anxiety or fear. The stressful situation itself practically has nothing to do with your emotional reaction. The way you estimate the danger and how to determine the reaction of your body - these are real factors affecting your emotional response. Therefore, the same person is enthusiastic, jumping with a parachute, but in death, jumps on the chair, barely impulse on the floor of a tiny mouse.

How to manage anger

Having studied this article, you will learn:
how to remove the voltage and achieve relaxation in situations provoking irritation;
how to develop positive affirmations to monitor the status causing irritation;
How to use annoying images for rehearsing new skills and in order to make yourself vaccinating anger;
How to build plans to combat anger causing.

Objective and time management

Having studied this article, you will learn:
how to determine the limits of multitasking;
how to determine their goals and develop plans for their achievement;
How to determine if you distribute your time correctly;
How to distribute your time and arrange priorities;
how to deal with wires;
How to quickly learn to manage your time.

How the fairy tale helped parents and children

(The value of the fairy tale for the development of the child)

In some kingdom, in the children's state, there was a fairy tale. She loved the children very much, drove a strong friendship with them, taught them and helped them. Told the guys about the world around the world, about the wonderful countries and their inhabitants; Shared in deep knowledge about a person, his life and customs - and children had better understood themselves and other people, the inner world of children became richer, they intendered and became more confident. Together with the heroes of fairy tale, the children overcame obstacles and grew strong, fair and life-in-law. And when the fairy tale merged and sighs - the children were also having fun, and their soul was filled with calm, joy and good. From meetings with a fairy tale and childhood, the guys were also a little fabulous. Therefore, the children loved the fairy tale as the best and good friend. And parents loved the fairy tale for the fact that it was easier to raise and educate children.

But "other times" came. Children grew, they became adults and smart people, and in their lives there were complex and "smart" mechanisms - televisions, mobile phones, computers, slot machines ... And when the former children appeared their children, adults decided that the fairy tale was outdated and not suitable For the modern world ... and decided adults to find new friends for their children ...

So the kids appeared "cool" toys, fashion games, exciting cartoons, and then the almighty computer. The fairy tale among friends was not aimed, she was forgotten and felt abandoned and no one needed. Children played with ready-made toys for a long clock, spent time before the screen or monitor, and adults were engaged in their own business.

So walked days. Suddenly, the parents began to notice that their children became gray, the bodies were loyal, and the eyes were sad. Over time, more and more often communication with children ended with flares of anger or crying, and some of the children even began to root. Parents wondered, because for happy childhood they do so much! The children continued to be sad and walked and could not explain to adults why. And teachers in kindergartens and teachers in schools were surprised why the children became such aggressive, why they do not know how to be friends ... Doctors also diluted with their hands ...

One day, one boy played for a long time on the computer and defeated all monsters and gangsters. But he could not understand why he had so bad on his soul after that. He hit his beloved dog, heated the dad and, talking on the phone, quarreled with his friend ... Neither he himself nor adults could not understand what was going on ... He sat, dropping his head on the table, and no one knew how to help him ...

And then Mom quietly approached him, stroked his head and said: "I want to introduce you to the best friend of my childhood ..."

And who is it? - urgently asked the boy

This is my children's fairy tale.

Read, - asked the boy. Mom revealed the book and quietly began "lived, were ...", and then "in some kingdom, in the thirtieth of the state ...", and then "lived - there were an old man with an old woman ...".

And - about a miracle! Mom saw with each page her boy seemed to be filled with joy, light, power, good and health. She did a little break to call other parents and inform - a medicine for children's souls Found! And then returned to his child, and they continued their magic healing together and that evening and many more evenings in a row ...

What is the power of the fairy tale?

The fairy tale is developing the cognitive world of the child, expanding the horizons, contributes to the improvement of speech and thinking, national self-consciousness.

Fabulous stories raise careful attitude towards the world of living beings, nature and environmentally formed a child.

Magic adventures in a fairy tale reduce the alarm, the aggression of the child, help break from stress, accumulate strength.

Through a fairy tale, the child receives knowledge of the life of people, their problems and ways to overcome them. In the subconscious of the child, the "Bank of Life Situations and Decisions" is laid, which a person enjoys a lifetime.

True fairy tales fill the world of the child by life-affirming power: good wins evil, and together with heroes, the child acquires confidence in their and its strength.

While reading the fairy tale, the nervous system of children is in a special state, during which the unconscious study of their own psychological problems occurs, the inner world of the child is restored and harmonized.

How to communicate with a children's fairy tale?

  • Read and analyze Fairy tales from small years. Pick fairy tales according to the child's age, help him understand their meaning and actions of heroes.
  • Re-read With the child your favorite fairy tales many times.
  • Tell me Folk "Babushkina" fairy tales.
  • Compound Fairy tales with the child, developing his creative abilities and speech.
  • Picture Illustrations for read.
  • Move (Lepate, design, cut out of paper) Heroes and characters, go together and knit dolls.
  • Feel the problem of the baby (fear, anxiety, loneliness) andcome up A fairy tale where the hero finds ways to overcome this trouble.
  • Planning fabulous plots, having a child's role to the character with similar problematic or lacking child features: Fearless - the role of a bold knight, and a greedy - a generous wizard.