Social partnership of the library in the municipal environment. Department of culture and archival affairs of the voronezh region state budgetary institution of culture of the voronezh region "voronezh regional universal scientific library named after

Social partnership of the library in the municipal environment.  Department of culture and archival affairs of the voronezh region state budgetary institution of culture of the voronezh region
Social partnership of the library in the municipal environment. Department of culture and archival affairs of the voronezh region state budgetary institution of culture of the voronezh region "voronezh regional universal scientific library named after

Research work

Govorina Lyudmila Vladimirovna
Head of Methodology Department
MCB Zarinskogo area

Throughout the history of their development, public libraries in Russia have timely responded to the urgent needs and demands of society.

Relevance: At present, deep socio-political and economic transformations in society, land reform, the transition to a market economy, the development of the private sector, and so on, requires special attention to the role of libraries.
The Russian Federal Law "On Librarianship" gives a precise definition of a library as "an informational, cultural, educational institution that has an organized fund of replicated documents and provides them for temporary use to individuals and legal entities."
The library is a part of the social institution of the state, therefore, it is natural that all social transformations are reflected in its reforming and functions. The content of the library must meet the needs of readers and residents of a particular area, it must help the population to solve specific problems.
The library in the countryside managed to get out of the state of social depression, turned out to be a tenacious and in-demand organism of the rural cultural community.
The library's need for contacts with social work institutions is enormous. Thanks to them, the library's capabilities are increasing, the scope of its activities is expanding.
As a result, the position and organizational behavior of the library itself, its vision of its role in the life of the local community, along with other social organizations and institutions, acquire particular importance. They and, at the same time, constitute the competitive sphere of the library, and are its partners and employees in solving many problems of activity and provision of resources.
The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that there is no theoretically substantiated experience of cooperation between libraries and social work institutions, either in publications or in other sources. There are only a few publications in professional journals, which reveal the experience of interaction between libraries, applicable only in the territory of a particular region.
Problems of interaction between libraries and local authorities are of great importance and have now become all-Russian. Despite this, neither the authorities nor the librarians have proposed effective ways to solve them.
In this regard, libraries need to develop a set of measures to create their positive image and advertise their services and opportunities.
This study focuses on the interaction of rural libraries and social work institutions in the Zarinsky region. Public relations of the libraries of the Zarinsky region are fruitful and diverse, all parties are interested in them. Libraries acquire new partners, look for new works with them.

Object of study: Interaction of rural libraries of the Zarinsky district CLS with social work institutions.

Subject of study: Problems and prospects for their solution in the interaction of libraries with institutions of social work of the region.

Purpose of the study: To identify the main directions, problems of cooperation of rural libraries with institutions of social work and the prospects for their solution.

1. To highlight the functions, tasks of rural libraries.
2. Consider the experience of interaction between libraries of the Altai Territory and institutions of social work.
3. Identify partners for rural libraries in Zarinsky district.
4. To reveal the problems of interaction of rural libraries with institutions of social work of the region.
5. To analyze the program of cooperation of rural libraries with institutions of social work of the region.
6. To reveal the main directions of the work of rural libraries of the Zarinsky district CLS with institutions of social work.

Research methods:
1. Analysis of published documents
2. Analysis of reports on the activities and information on the work of the libraries of the Zarinsky district CLS, institutions of social work of the district.
3. Method of questioning.

The choice of partners for the libraries was based on the characteristics of the socio-economic structure of the villages of the Zarinsky District, which includes all of the above institutions and their representatives.

Knowledge: To date, there is a huge number of publications on the theory of preservation and development of rural libraries. They are diverse and require analysis. The problems of preserving and developing librarianship in Altai are a priority for the library industry. During the period of state reform, both theoretical research and practical experience of specialists are important.
Important information about the activities of rural libraries of the Altai Territory contains issues of information publications of the Altai Regional Universal Scientific Library named after V.I. V.Ya. Shishkova.
The collection "Rural libraries of Altai: problems of preservation and development" contains information about the problems of libraries in rural areas, about innovations in the work of libraries, about the creative activity of librarians, from the experience of libraries of the Altai Territory.

The range of problems considered in the collection is quite wide:

  • Interaction of libraries with local authorities, with institutions of social work, with public organizations;
  • The place of libraries in the concept of rural development;
  • Functioning of the library as an information, cultural, educational center in the countryside;
  • Features of service for various categories of the population.

The collection "Libraries and Local Self-Government Bodies" reflects the experience of the Altai Territory libraries as information and legal centers for the population and local self-government bodies, published the experience of interaction between libraries and local authorities in the Territory.
In addition, materials on the activities of libraries are published by the central professional publications "Library Science", "Library Science", "Library", "Bibliopole", "School Library", "Sotsis", "Scientific and Technical Libraries".
The search for promising models for the development of the library space during the crisis has mobilized the creative potential of theorists and practitioners of librarianship.
The theoretical aspects of social and bibliosocial work, the interaction of libraries with institutions of social work are considered by such authors as R. A. Trofimova, M. A. Ermolaeva, E. A. Fokeeva, T. N. Khuramova, L. G. Guslyakova and others.
In Altai, a scientific school for bibliosocial work was formed, headed by R. A. Trofimova. Her works are reflected in the pages of regional and central professional publications. In mid-2000, the Department of Library Science and Bibliosocial Work of the Altai State Institute of Arts and Culture in conjunction with the Altai Regional Universal Scientific Library named after V.I. V.Ya. Shishkov conducted research in 10 districts of the region, 95 rural libraries were studied for bibliosocial work. The results of the research "State, problems and prospects for the development of bibliosocial work in the villages of the Atai Territory" were published in the collection "Problems of Scientific Information Resources of Altai Territory Libraries". The study revealed the underdevelopment of business relationships between libraries and social work institutions in rural areas, a conservative tradition of treating them as completely autonomous and non-interacting structures, which manifested itself in the opinions of most district level experts.
Library scholars, in particular, E. I. Kuzmin, note that not only the number of rural libraries and their distribution throughout the country should make them noticeable, attractive to society and the professional community, but above all the quality of service and the completeness of the information provided.
The material for this research work was the plans, programs, research results of the region's libraries, as well as reports on the activities, information on the work of the libraries of the Zarinsky district CLS and reports on the activities of the institutions of social work of the district.

1. Interaction between libraries and social work institutions is not unilateral.
2. Libraries are the initiators of cooperation with social work institutions.
3. Thanks to contacts with institutions of social work, the possibilities of libraries in working with readers are increasing, their sphere of activity is expanding.
4. Libraries have sporadic contacts with social work institutions.

Research base The study was carried out on the basis of the Zarinskaya regional central hospital.

Approbation: The materials of the work were presented at the annual scientific-practical conference in April 2006.

Work structure: The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography and annexes.
In the introduction, the object, the subject, the urgency of the problem are determined, the goals and objectives, the methods of studying the problem are indicated, hypotheses are put forward.
The first chapter "Cooperation of libraries with institutions of social work", presented in two paragraphs, defines the functions of libraries, their tasks, as well as the experience of cooperation between libraries of the Altai Territory and institutions of social work.
The second chapter "Interaction of libraries with institutions of social work of Zarinsky region: problems, prospects for their solution" reveals the implementation of the program of cooperation between rural libraries and institutions of social work of Zarinsky region "Library in the life of the village." The results of the questionnaire "Family Reading" and the experience of interaction between libraries and schools, obstetrician and obstetric centers for the prevention of healthy lifestyles, and the district employment center are presented.
The experience of cooperation between the libraries of the Zarinskaya CLS and the regional women's council within the framework of the program “Family. Women. Children ”, with the department of social protection of the population for the prevention of neglect of minors, the local administration of the villages of the district.
The research included the implementation of the “Library in Village Life” program, questionnaires of parents in the villages of Grishino, Novomonoshkino, Sredne - Krasilovo, Afonino on “Family Reading” and disclosure of the experience of rural libraries and social work institutions.

Chapter 1. Interaction of rural libraries with social work institutions.

1.1. Functions, tasks, partners of libraries in the countryside.
A significant part of the villagers lives today in an atmosphere of information deficit. At the same time, there is an increase in the reading activity of rural residents, associated primarily with the emergence of new professions, new technologies, which are inevitable in rural areas. To a certain extent, the information requests of the villagers have become equal to the needs of urban residents. Their novelty and diversity are noted: problems of land legislation, taxation, lending, issues of pricing and investment policy, the introduction of new effective technologies, the sale of agricultural products, and personal subsidiary farming.
The main tasks of rural libraries at the present stage are to provide access to all types of municipal information: providing information to enterprises, associations, representatives of farms; helping users to become literate; assistance to systematic education and self-education of villagers, first of all, to the younger generation.
The need for reliable, complete and timely legal information is growing more than ever before. People need it in order to make an optimal decision that does not contradict the law in a certain life situation, to fully exercise or protect their rights. In connection with the letter of the President "On the organization of collection, storage and provision of information on local self-government issues in municipal libraries" (1997), library centers of municipal and legal information have become widespread in various regions of the country.
Despite the different possibilities, the task of each rural library is to become a reliable source of municipal legal information. At the same time, it must be recognized that the quality of service with legal information at the district level mainly depends on the work of the Central District Hospital on the implementation of the law of the Altai Territory "On the obligatory copy of the documents of the Altai Territory." Solving the issues of the life of the municipality independently, the local government issues management acts that are binding on all institutions, organizations, enterprises, officials and citizens located on its territory. On the basis of the Law, all official documents (statutes of municipalities, decrees, orders, decisions) must be transferred by both district and rural administrations to the district library. Providing the population with legal information at the federal and regional levels is achieved through the implementation of a mandatory subscription of rural libraries to national and regional full-format newspapers (Rossiiskaya Gazeta, Trud, Altayskaya Pravda, etc.)
Information support for entrepreneurship in rural areas is one of the important activities of rural libraries, which allows them to actively contribute to the economic development of their territory. It is farmers and private entrepreneurs who often need ready-to-use information containing specific recommendations and advice, factual data of a business, commercial and financial nature.
Many farm managers are interested in collective information, therefore, concluding agreements for information services, rural libraries work with agricultural production cooperatives, farms, veterinary stations and other agricultural enterprises. In a number of districts, the system of individual information services for agricultural specialists remains in demand: an agronomist, a livestock technician, a head of machine and tractor workshops, an economist.
Rural business is not only production, consumer services and trade, taxes from which should become the basis of the rural economy, but also personal subsidiary farms, which today produce 98.6% of potatoes, 88.9% of vegetables and more than half of livestock products in the region. For villagers, subsidiary farming is a good and sometimes the only way to earn money. Libraries can help them in this by providing information services on the economics of the backyard and household economy, and the farmstead life. The library clubs "Boss", "Income", "Doyarushka", operating in many districts, have proved their viability.
In the context of the rapid process of knowledge renewal, the library becomes a center of knowledge in the broadest sense of the word. Many public figures, scientists, and writers of Russia talk about the emergence of secondary illiteracy in the country and a decline in interest in reading. Libraries have a greater responsibility to promote reading, the imagination and creativity of children and young people. Considering that the network of preschool institutions, especially kindergartens, has been greatly reduced in the countryside, libraries are called upon to provide even the youngest, who comprehend the letters, with everything necessary for their spiritual development.
Rural libraries have accumulated considerable experience in this traditional direction. The role of libraries in information support of education has increased, the demand for literature to help master the educational process has increased, and serious changes have taken place in the school curriculum.
In recent years, at the initiative of local authorities, rural and school libraries have merged in a number of districts. However, despite the common work, these libraries have fundamental differences. If the school library, first of all, should provide the educational process of the school, then the rural library is called upon to develop the desire for self-education, self-education, for the organization of full-fledged leisure. In addition, rural libraries provide the educational process not only for young people and schoolchildren, but also for the adult population, since there is a constant need to improve skills or master a new profession due to the threat of unemployment. Not only the functions differ, but also the resources and mode of operation of these libraries.
Fulfillment of the memorial function is one of the important tasks of rural libraries. Most of all, it manifests itself in the creation of chronicles of villages, biographical descriptions of local attractions, the history of individual families, famous figures and educators, the most striking events. Thanks to the interaction of libraries, archives and other interested organizations in the region, the histories of the regions have been published: Altai, Shelabolikhinsky, Charyshsky, Zavyalovsky, Mikhailovsky, etc. and to enhance cultural traditions allow local history corners, mini-museums created in libraries.
Such important social functions as promoting the creative self-realization of people, expanding the range of interests and cultural needs of rural residents, improving the moral climate, rural libraries perform, directly participating in the life of the local community. In connection with the decline in agricultural production in the last decade, social problems have sharply exacerbated: unemployment, low living standards of the population due to low wages (in agriculture, it is 60% of the subsistence minimum). Libraries have become centers of psychological support and social rehabilitation for various groups of the population: the disabled, the unemployed, participants in local wars, the elderly and illiterate people, difficult teenagers, members of large, incomplete and disadvantaged families, children in orphanages and boarding schools. They work on socially significant programs: "Mercy", "Family. Women. Children ”,“ Healthy lifestyle ”. In order to revive the traditions of family reading, specialized family reading libraries are being created on the basis of rural libraries in the districts.
In recent years, cooperation between libraries and employment services has developed. By providing assistance to a person who has found himself in a difficult life situation, libraries thereby reduce social tension in the area. This role of the library is especially growing in remote villages, where it is not possible to create specialized social support services for the population.
The possibilities for the high-quality performance of information and educational functions largely depend on the main resource - library funds. The word “fund” in translation from Latin means “essence”, therefore it is quite understandable that without a high-quality fund, a library loses its essence.
The library can provide information support for the development of its territory only in close cooperation with local authorities.
Rural libraries are tackling the problem of fundraising and improving reader services by seeking additional funding. One of the solutions is participation in programs, competitions for grants announced by Russian and international foundations and centers. An effective way to attract extra-budgetary funds is to hold charity events. Today and in many villages the action "New books for children!"
Thus, only understanding its role in the new socio-economic conditions and tactics of creative interaction with local governments, with local organizations and enterprises, with representatives of the local community will allow the rural library to actively carry out information support for the development of its territory, play the role of the intellectual center of the village, take care about the younger generation.

1.2. Libraries of the Altai Territory and Social Work Institutions: Interaction Experience.
All libraries of the Altai Territory pay attention to marketing activities to maintain the image of the library, its relevance in society.
The intensification of advertising through the media is observed in almost all districts of the region. Libraries actively cooperate with the editors of local newspapers and television (Talmenskaya DB - newspaper Talmenskaya Zhizn; Zarinskaya - Znamya Ilyich, Library Bulletin; Ust-Pristanskaya - Avangard; Ust-Kalmanskaya - Leninets; Rodinskaya - The Case of October "; Romanovskaya -" Goritsvet "; Mikhailovskaya -" Steps "," Rural Truth "; Topchikhinskaya -" Our Word "; Soloneshenskaya -" Mountain Dawns "; Kuryinskaya -" Patriot "; Yeltsovskaya -" Dawn of the East "; Altai - "For abundance"; Volchikhinskaya - "Your news"; Burlinskaya - "Burlinskaya Gazeta") Such cooperation has a beneficial effect on the activities of libraries. Many regional libraries regularly write about their activities, invite correspondents for holidays, place announcements in newspapers about their events.
Some libraries inform the population about their work on local radio and television (Zarinsk, Zonal District, Tselinnoye).
Libraries work closely with a wide variety of institutions and institutions; with centers for rehabilitation, social protection, social assistance to families and children (Ust-Kalmanskaya, Pospelikhinskaya, Togulskaya, Romanovskaya, Troitskaya), police departments, inspectors and medical workers (Zalesovskaya, Tretyakovskaya), orphanages (Romanovskaya, Pankrushikhinskaya), representatives of the administration ( Zalesovskaya, Soltonskaya), departments of education, culture, youth affairs, psychologists, etc. For example, the library of the Zalesovsky district cooperates with inspectors for juvenile affairs, the education committee, the RDK, a museum, a music school, and a children's art house. And the Zonal Children's Library cooperates with the cinema network, Mikhailovskaya - with an art gallery.
Almost all libraries have links with schools, kindergartens and nurseries, music schools and art schools. Readers are informed about events held in libraries, informed about new books.
The libraries of the city of Zarinsk have been working in this direction for several years. Realizing the importance of working with the population, in 1998, at one of the sessions of the professional club of librarians "Consonance", a round table was held on the topic "Library as one of the institutions of social work." To participate in the discussion of this problem, representatives of the city society of disabled people, the Zarinsky city department of the Department of the Federal Employment Service for the Altai Territory, the organizer of work with disabled children of the city House of Children's Art, members of the city Council of Veterans were invited.
When preparing the round table, the following dates were taken into account: 1998 - International Year of Disabled Persons, 1999 - International Year of Older Persons. The activities that were proposed to the libraries were included in the work plan of these societies and organizations. Libraries build all work with them on the basis of contracts, which provide for the financing of the work carried out by the library.

Libraries and Council of Veterans.
With the Council of Veterans, a work plan is drawn up annually to serve war and labor veterans. Targeted assistance is provided through the book service at home. Last year, the chairmen of the primary societies of veterans in microdistricts examined the living conditions of pensioners who need library services, and were transferred to libraries. The city libraries served 9 people at home.
In addition to individual service, libraries hold mass events, evenings, meetings, celebrations for the elderly. Libraries of the city actively participated in the month of the elderly person. Gala evenings were held in libraries with funding from the Council of Veterans. For these purposes, the city Council of Veterans allocated 1200 rubles, JSC Altai-Koks - 400 rubles, 135 people were present.
Invitation cards were distributed to war veterans and invalids. The Central City Library invited its elderly readers to the evening "Teach Your Heart to the Beautiful", dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Alexander Pushkin. The host of the evening talked about the artists who painted his portraits, about the poet's family and friends. Those present at the evening shared their impressions of the trip to Pushkin's places, about the Pushkin Museum.
The Family Reading Library invited residents and readers to an evening of family portraits “Lessons from a Life Lived”. Acquaintance with families, with an interesting biography of veterans - everything was at this evening, and most importantly, those present got to know each other better. Children from the “Brigantine” school performed, ditties, dances, recited poems and presented small souvenirs as a keepsake.
Representatives from the Council of Veterans and the deputy of the city assembly D. M. Koshkarev congratulated the elderly on the holiday.
A musical evening for the elderly “Lyudmila Zykina invites you” was held by library number 1, a literary and musical evening “And life, and tears, and love” - library number 2.
In the House of Culture "Nadezhda" the workers of the club and library No. 6 invited the residents of the out-of-line part of the city to the festive evening "Let's sit for a good time." Children performed with a concert program. Games, contests, ditties - everything sounded at this evening.
The activities that the libraries held during the Month of the Elderly were a great success with retirees and war veterans. This is evidenced by the words of gratitude that older people expressed to librarians through the city newspaper Novoye Vremya.

Libraries and Society for the Disabled.
Working with people with disabilities is considered a priority for the city's libraries. In the past year, we began to work more closely with the city society of disabled people. We held a joint round table and clarified their needs.
On the occasion of the International Day of Disabled Persons, a decade of disabled people was held in the city, in which libraries also took part. Free movies were shown in the cinema. And librarians held an event in libraries and society of disabled people: round table "Disabled people: rights and laws" - library No. 3, "New Year's Kaleidoscope" - Central City Library, "Lesson of mercy" Pass goodness in a circle "- library No. 2, hour of revelation" On faith , about love "- library no. 4.
The Central City Hospital has been working with the visually impaired since 1995, when they began to receive special literature from the regional special library. Braille books, cassettes, rolls are received by mail and we inform the readers about it. Many of them come on their own, and those who cannot come to the library carry books and cassettes to their homes. The number of disabled readers for the year was 13 people. Loan books - 1765 copies, number of visits - 112.
Mass events for this group of readers are carried out by the employees of the library No. 3 in the premises of the society of the disabled. Basically, these are festive events that take place over a cup of tea. For example, on the 8th of March, a literary and musical composition "Oh, Russian women" was held, for Victory Day - an evening of memory "Eternal glory to the dead, eternal glory to the living", an evening of rest "It doesn't matter that the years go by" - in the month of an elderly person. At the request of the disabled, discussions are held on issues of interest to them, reviews of new newspapers and magazines.
Service for this category of readers is free, they also use free of charge and additional services of the night subscription.

Libraries and Zarinsky City Division of the Federal Employment Service Department.
The Central City Hospital, together with the city employment center, conducts a lecture course "Choosing Our Way" for unemployed people who are registered at the employment center.
Classes are held monthly for individual groups: graduates of vocational school-41, specialists with higher education, demobilized soldiers, women from 20 to 30 years old, youth from 16 to 20 years old. Specialists are invited to these classes: lawyers, psychologists, heads of enterprises, employees of the tax service, military registration and enlistment office, city administration and library workers.
Last year, librarians conducted a survey and talks on the following topics: "A guide to the world of professions", "Your second profession", "Your social guarantees", etc. After such classes, young people, women in need of psychological relief, come to the library and become its readers.

Libraries and the House of Children's Art.
Libraries began to work with disabled children with drawing up file cabinets. According to the lists of disabled children from the city committee for social protection of the population, we made door-to-door rounds and found out their needs and requests in the literature. Basically, these children go to school and can visit libraries themselves, most children with physical disabilities study in the House of Children's Creativity. A methodologist for social work was invited to one of the lessons of the club of librarians "Consonance". The result of this meeting was a joint work with a group of disabled children. Conducted an excursion for them to the central children's library. Children with disabilities are invited to all events held by children's libraries: New Year's holidays, puppet shows, theatrical performances.
It has become a tradition to hold annual mass events in the orphanage. Children's libraries hold events there on a quarterly basis: the fairy-tale mosaic “Visiting Grandma Yaga” (library no. 4); hour of laughter "Harmful advice of a good person" (CGB), literary trial of the romantic feeling "Believe in the great power of love" (library no. 7). Children's Library No. 8 constantly invites children of the Children's Home to fabulous performances, which it shows on the stage of the city House of Culture.
By the beginning of the academic year, from August 17 to September 15, the employees of the CDL held a fair - a sale of children's things for librarians. librarians, not receiving a salary for six months, today themselves need social protection. During the fair, 70 items were sold for a small fee and received a lot of kind and positive feedback.
Next year, the city's librarians, as well as in the past, set one of their tasks to meet the cultural needs of socially unprotected segments of the population.
CDS Rubtsovsk acquires new partners, looking for new work with them. For the society of disabled people, advice was provided in the preparation of the project, assistance in its implementation, practical assistance in organizing meetings and presentations. Cultural programs were held in the library for various groups under the care of the Social Welfare Committee. Elderly people enjoyed watching video screenings of the "Cinema of Our Youth", attended the evening "Musical Porch", etc.
Public organizations "Compatriots" and "Semipalatinsk test site" received free information support and copies of the necessary materials. The department for work with youth and public organizations has been holding meetings of volunteers within our walls for several years, pays for the library for legal informing of young people, and supplies various materials on youth problems.
The city administration held a festive meeting with the heads of public organizations in the library, summing up the results of the competition for city grants.
On the initiative of the Central City Library, before the All-Russian Day of Libraries, a round table was held with the participation of representatives of the city administration, detutates of the city council, and journalists. The conversation was about the interaction of these organizations with libraries, about the financing of libraries.
The head of local self-government B. Lisenkov invited the director of the CLS to a staff meeting, where she spoke about the main library achievements and problems. It should be noted that the mayor took control of a number of issues.
Entrepreneurs also love to meet within the walls of the library; they have already appreciated the respectability and informational value of the central library.
Conducted jointly with the Rubtsovsk office of the Altai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Round Table on the topic “Information and Legal Support of Entrepreneurship” once again showed entrepreneurs that the library can become their real partner and assistant. The fact that the library has become authoritative among business circles is eloquently evidenced by the fact that the director of the Central Library System was elected chairman of the board of trustees of the city fund "Development".
When meetings are held in the library, the mass work hall turns into a comfortable, modernly decorated conference room. The Central Library has become a center of attraction, a prestigious place for meetings, presentations, etc.
In parallel with the establishment of relations with public organizations, the attitude towards the library as a center of information, culture and leisure is changing. And at this stage of the work, the question arose of creating a reader's asset or a library council, in which representatives of public and socially significant organizations could enter. Efforts to create strong ties with various social structures and public organizations are yielding mutually beneficial results.

Chapter 2. Research "Interaction between libraries and institutions of social work of the Zarinsky region: problems, prospects for their solution"

2.1. The program of cooperation between rural libraries and social work institutions of the Zarinsky region "Library in the life of the village": implementation, prospects for interaction.
The developed program "Library in the life of the village" was designed for three years in connection with the fact that the heads of local administrations, chairmen of public associations in the region are elected for a period of 4 years. This allows you to implement the program within three years, take stock, identify its weaknesses and develop a long-term work plan.
The program is aimed at cooperation of rural libraries of the district with the committee for social protection of the population, the women's council of the village, the department for social protection of the population for the prevention of neglect of minors, the state traffic safety inspection, educational institutions, obstetrician and obstetric centers and the employment center of Zarinsky district.
When drawing up a plan for the year, librarians included program items in their work plan, during the year they analyzed successful and failed events, difficulties and achievements in working with partners, and made adjustments.
The family reading questionnaire was not chosen by chance, since the libraries of the Zarinsky District choose work within the framework of the “Family. Women. Children ”, cooperating with the women's council, the committee for social protection of the population.
The questionnaire "A book in your house: yesterday, today, tomorrow" (the questionnaire was developed by the N.K. Krupskaya AKDB) conducted in the libraries of the villages of Grishino, Novomonoshkino, Sredne - Krasilovo, Afonino showed the following results:
Basically, the questionnaires were filled by mothers (15 people), only 2 grandmothers took part in the survey and more than one father. Consequently, women visit the library more often, and the activity of librarians in attracting fathers to the library is not developed.
The average age of children among the parents who participated in the survey is 10-12 years, the so-called "transitional" age, when the problem of "fathers and children" is most acute. And three mothers did not indicate their child's age. This can be caused either by the inattention of the parents, or the respondents did not quite responsibly approached the filling out of the questionnaire.
The respondents' children are enrolled in both the rural (6 people) and school (10 people) libraries. This suggests that children need information and enjoy visiting libraries. Two mothers did not indicate whether their child was enrolled in the library or not, which shows insufficient attention of parents to the interests of children.
The average age of parents when they started reading is 7 years. It follows from this that they took up the book at school, after they learned to read. This is the merit of their teacher.
The average age of children when they started reading is 6 years. Moreover, girls are 5-6 years old, and boys are 6-7 years old. From this we can conclude that girls of an earlier age strive to learn about the world around them and that parents have been working with children since preschool age and preparing them for school. Only two respondents do not know at what age they and their children began to read, which also indicates the lack of attention of parents to the development of the child.
To the question "Which book has piqued your interest in reading?" parents named fairy tales (4 people), the textbook "Native Speech", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" by A.S. Pushkin, "Fantasies" by N. Nosov, "Chuk and Gek" by A. Gaidar, "Scarlet Sails" by A. Green. and etc.
To the question “What book aroused your child’s interest in reading?”, The answers were as follows: “Primer” (3 people), fairy tales (6 people), the textbook “Native speech” (4 people). In this regard, it can be assumed that parents aroused children's interest in reading with the same books that left positive emotions in them from childhood. Two respondents could not answer these questions, one answered “I don’t remember”.
The most popular books in the childhood of parents were "Timur and His Team" by A. Gaidar (3 people), "Dinka" by V. Oseev, "Scarlet Sails" by A. Green, "White Bim Black Ear" by G. Troepolsky, "The Fourth Height "Ilyin," The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish "by A. Pushkin. The books named by the parents are devoted to the topic of goodness, morality, and hard work. Two people could not remember the popular books of their childhood.
To the question "Whose advice did you listen to when you were a child when choosing books?" The most popular answer was “librarian” (9 people), followed by advice from friends (5 people), 3 people listened to the advice of other people. and one took the books on which the films were made. The first place, given by the respondents to the librarian, gives the right to speak about the professionalism of the librarian, who for the respondents was not an authoritarian keeper of books, but a benevolent "owner" of a book house, a friend, an assistant in choosing books, who introduced them to goodness and justice.
For their child, parents would like to order a book: educational; bright, colorful about animals; moral themes; about peer relationships, that is, books of the topic that they read about themselves and which is so relevant now. And only one mother named the specific name “Vasen Trubachev and his comrades”.
14 respondents read their favorite books aloud with their children, one does not read, and one is mandatory, that is, all parents try to find common interests with children through reading and discussing books together.
All respondents have books at home, many for children and adults (7 people), mostly books for adults (2 people), mostly children (3 people), only encyclopedias (1 person), one person subscribes to children's magazines. Despite financial difficulties, parents are trying to allocate funds from the family budget to purchase books for children.
9 people, from among the respondents, are interested in what their child reads, “sometimes” - 1 person, not at all interested in a child's reading - 1 person, the rest were at a loss to answer. These figures indicate the desire of parents to know what kind of literature their child reads, what he is interested in.
Most of the respondents consider reading to be a necessary part of life, 4 people. consider reading to be a necessary part of learning, “reading is entertainment”, this opinion was expressed by 4 people. and 3 people. considers this to be a way to obtain the necessary information. It is gratifying that none of the respondents considered reading a waste of time, although such an answer was proposed.
To the question "What 5 books would you take to a desert island?" the following responses were received: M. Mitchell “Gone with the Wind” (2 pers.); Dumas "The Count of Montecristo", "The Three Musketeers" (2 persons); Gunthekin "Singing Bird"; Mokkalots "Singing in the Thorns"; Cherkasov "Khmel"; Egorov “You are Solona, ​​Earth”; Sholokhov "Quiet Don"; G. Troepolsky "White Bim black ear"; London "White Fang", "Stories"; different (3 people). The presented works, which are different at first glance, are united by the fact that their subject matter is not much different from the books of childhood. These works are about morality, love, devotion, the harsh truth of life.
The analysis of the results of the questionnaire showed that parents are trying to introduce children to family reading, with the exception of two, but at the same time experience difficulties due to a lack of knowledge in pedagogy and psychology of the child, as well as ways of influencing the reading of children. Therefore, librarians need to develop a program to work with both parents and children on family reading, using various forms and methods of library activities. In addition, it is necessary to coordinate the robot with teachers, a psychologist and a school librarian.
With parents who show a passive interest in reading and the hobbies of children, it is necessary to carry out purposeful work.

The main directions of work of rural libraries with the Committee for the Protection of the Population in the framework of the program "Library in the life of the village"
Recently, public libraries are increasingly perceived as social centers. This is due to the fact that most of the population feels insecure in the social sense, many live in conditions of not only material, but also moral, ideological, spiritual, cultural deficit. The task of humanizing library services is becoming extremely urgent, especially when it comes to the use of the library by readers of a special category.
The interaction of the library with social institutions contributes to the expansion of functions. [23; P.30]
In close cooperation, the libraries of the Zarinsky District work with the Committee for Social Protection of the Population of the Administration of the Zarinsky District. The Social Protection Department of the Zarinsky District Administration was established in 1993. In 2001, the department was transformed into the administration's social protection committee. The committee consists of three sections:

  • department of subsidies;
  • department of benefits and other social payments;
  • department for social work with the population.

The Zarinsky District Administration Committee for Social Protection of the Population is a structural subdivision of the District Administration, which implements, within its competence, the state policy in the field of population protection. It provides state support to the low-income population of the district, the elderly and the disabled, the development of a system of social institutions and services, the implementation of state policy in the field of social protection. [see app. ]
The Committee carries out its activities in cooperation with the committees of the district administration and the district Council of People's Deputies, administrations of village councils, entrepreneurs, institutions and organizations, public associations, including non-state ones. [42; p.1]
The department for social protection of the population is of the greatest interest for cooperation between libraries, in particular, Irina Vladimirovna Sirotkina, a specialist in working with families and children, whose functions include:

  • coordination of work and keeping records of families of social risk6 large, incomplete, guardians, with disabled children, asocial behavior of parents and children to assist them in obtaining material, medical, legal, psychological, pedagogical, social and other necessary assistance;
  • drawing up a register of families with children of the district of the above categories, drawing up a social passport for each family registered with the committee;
  • acting as an initiator and participating in the development of a network of social and household assistance centers for families with children, in expanding the services provided to large, incomplete, guardians, with disabled children, minor families, single mothers, pregnant and lactating women;
  • ensures interaction with other committees of the district administration, with public and non-state structures on problems with children;
  • is a member of the Commission on Juvenile Affairs, which takes place twice a month.

Thanks to cooperation with the department for social protection of the population, libraries are clarifying the lists of families of social risk in their village, organizing campaigns to support families in difficult life situations, including the campaign "Get the children to school", implements social projects, organizes educational recreation for children in vacation period.
Thus, in the future, the interaction of libraries with the committee for social protection of the administration of the Zarinsky district will expand, since the goals facing the partners in social work are the same.

Cooperation of rural libraries with schools.
Libraries actively collaborate with schools. The importance of this area can hardly be overestimated. The library is the foundation of culture. On this basis, the culture of both society as a whole and each person is based.
Many researchers argue that the book forms a spiritual, educational and socially valuable person.
The attention of libraries to children and adolescents determines the future of the region, city, district.
For children and adolescents, they consider the library as a source of knowledge necessary for education and mastering a profession, as a place for communication with peers, as an opportunity to receive from a benevolent librarian when solving life problems.
The work of the library should be closely related to the activities of the school. For several years, libraries have been working to help the educational process within the framework of the program "Library and School: Ways of Further Cooperation".
Literature to help the school curriculum is highlighted in separate shelves and arranged by subject.
Information work is being carried out to help the school curriculum. Informational lists of literature and reviews of new books “New literature to help ped. process ".
It makes it easier for the teacher to write essays, reports, etc. which children can write from the books of rural libraries, including the books received under the "Pushkin Library" megaproject. In the branches for children and teachers were organized viewing exhibitions, thematic selections, exhibitions of industry and reference literature. After a new receipt of books under the megaproject, book lending in the library with. Golukha increased by 150 units. All new books received were read repeatedly.
To help the school curriculum, book exhibitions were arranged:

  • "On the planet of knowledge" - Novo-Kopylovo
  • "World of Wildlife" - Art. Shpagino
  • "At the turn of the century" Novo - Kopylovo
  • “I get to know the world” - Batunnaya, Zyryanovka.

In working with the exhibitions, various forms were used: reviews, conversations, holidays of knowledge, literary and educational games, etc.
S. I. Kostina, head. The Zyryanovsk rural library conducted an educational game "Tree of Knowledge" 5 class, where the main character Klepa went to help out a tablecloth - self-assembly together with the children. from the "Tree of Knowledge", after answering all the questions, a holiday was arranged.
For the day of knowledge, the libraries of the Central Library System are preparing exhibitions - viewing books to help the school curriculum, conducting literary and educational games and competitions. Of the most interesting, the following can be noted:

  • Travel game "To the country of Pravlyandyu" Art. Shpagino, Zyryanovka
  • Literary game "Sea of ​​questions" Novo-Drachenino, Yanovo
  • "Own game" for friends of mathematics Khmelevka, Ozernoe, Komarskoe
  • Game program "This unknown planet" Golukha, Staro-Glushenka, Yanovo
  • Literary and educational games "Journey through the ocean of knowledge", "Journey to the school planet" Khmelevka, Yanovo, Komarskoe, Novo-Drachenino
  • The cycle of historical and literary evenings "Journey through Russia" Zhulanikh
  • Competition of erudites Tyagun, Voskresenka, Grishino
  • Literary and historical game "Journey to Kievan Rus" Smaznevo
  • Game program "Treasures of the old castle" Golukh, st. Shpagino, Smirnovo

During the winter holidays, literary and fairy-tale trees, contests, quizzes were held for children. During breaks (Alambay) organizes educational and playful five-minutes.
Many librarians, at the request of teachers, make thematic selections as needed.
Together with primary school teachers, teachers of literature, librarians organize events on the creativity of writers, within the framework of the "Writers for Children" program. This allows children in a playful way to get acquainted with the work of the writer, his works, learn a lot of interesting things and get a prize for their knowledge.
Librarians conduct such activities with primary school children during Children's and Youth Book Week.
During children's book week in 2005, librarians held 54 events, which were attended by 595 children (in 2004, 57 events were held, attended by 592 children).
During the book week, the following exhibitions were designed: "The World of I. Tokmakova" (Tyagun); "Fairy Land" (Alambay); "Anniversary Books: V. Suteev" Who Said "Meow?" and S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Stepa" (Zhulanikha); T. Alexandrova's Creativity (Smirnovo); "Children's Encyclopedias" (Srednekrasilovo); "Children are Heroes of War" (Staroglushinka).
There were many activities during Children's Book Week. For example, the game program "Merry meetings with the little housewife Kuzey" (Shpagino station). Three meetings were held: at the first meeting, the guys got acquainted with the new inhabitant of the library, the housekeeper Kuzya, a book about Kuzi's adventures and Kuzi's magic chest. A selection of books about brownies was prepared for the children, the children played the games "Five Brownies", "Game-Dictionary", "Warm-Cold", "Songs of Baba-Yaga". Kuzya gave the guys the task to draw their brownie and come up with a story about him. Kuzya put all the drawings in his trunk until the next meeting. At the second meeting, the guys told invented fairy tales and stories about brownies, Kuzya encouraged the most interesting stories with prizes. Then the children got acquainted with Kuzi's friends (the head of the library Zhumadilova O. G. read excerpts from T. Alexandrova's books). At the third meeting, Kuzya thanked the guys for good drawings and interesting stories. The guys solved crosswords, puzzles. At the end of the event, the little housewife Kuzka arranged a tea party for new and faithful friends and advised him to read books about his adventures.
In the library of the village of Sosnovka a conversation was held - a game based on the book by O. Wilde "The Boy-Star". The children were very familiar with the content of the fairy tale, they gave assessments to its heroes. During the discussion of the tale, the children were presented with the dramatization of two episodes of it: the first meeting of the boy with his mother and the last. The role of the boy was played by Mikushina Veronika, and the role of the mother-beggar and the mother - the queen, was an employee of the KFOR, Ragozina Anastasia. Then a quiz was held, the winner of which was Nastya Kalabukhova.
During the week of children's books in the Staroglushinsky library, a book exhibition "Interesting books" was organized on the works of children's writers Uspensky, Nosov, Alexandrova, Usachev, Oster, Tolkien, etc. books). A recommendatory list of literature "Book City Opens the Doors" introduced children and teachers to the series "Pushkin Library".
The literary game "Keep your pocket wider" was held in the Shirokolugov library. Children answered questions about works of art, literary heroes and received points. At the end of the event, they could exchange the amount of points for prizes. 1 point - caramel, 5 points - chocolate candy, 20 points - chocolate.
The defense of the reader's form V. Leer and I. Lukyanov took place in the library with. Novo - Zyryanovo. On the eve of the event, a book exhibition was arranged in the library "These books were read by V. Leer and I. Lukyanov." The event began with an introduction by the librarian O.S. Guselnikova.She gave a description of the readers (how long they read in the library, what they are interested in, how many books they read in a year, etc.) Then Valya and Ivan talked about themselves, about the books presented at the exhibition , about how this or that book helped them in life or study. The audience asked the speakers questions, expressed their opinion about the books they read.
The district libraries also carried out reviews of children's periodicals and commented readings of works of art by children's writers.
Many libraries, together with schools, work in ecological, patriotic, moral and aesthetic, and local history areas. They organize book-illustrative exhibitions, informational and mass events, draw up recommendatory lists of literature "Ecology in Fiction" - Golubtsovo; "For you, why" - Sosnovka; “They are so different” - Smaznevo, Novo-Kopylovo; Patriots of the Fatherland - Grishino; "Rodina" - Novo-Ianoshkino and information sheets.
The joint holding of methodological associations of teachers of the Russian language and literature, history has also become traditional, where the library acquaints teachers with novelties of literature to help work, with methodological recommendations, and holds presentations of its own publications.
So at the next methodological association of teachers of the Russian language and literature, the presentation of the first collection of poems by poets of the Zarinsky region, published by the central regional library in conjunction with the education committee "bow down to you, dear side", took place. Poets E. Doronina, A. Anishin, G. Mokhnakov were invited to the presentation; their poems have been included in this collection.
At the methodological association of primary school teachers, a review of teaching materials to help out-of-class work with children was carried out and a list of methodological recommendations and materials to help teach lessons was compiled, but the main part of this issue consisted of scripts to help conduct reading lessons and extra-curricular reading.

Rural libraries in cooperation with feldsher and midwife posts.
According to modern statistics, if out of a hundred people who have tried alcohol, only ten become alcoholics, then out of the same hundred who have used a drug at least once, ninety become drug addicts.
And yet, the problem of drug addiction in rural areas is less acute than the problem of alcoholism and tobacco smoking.
Due attention is paid to the prevention of these bad habits in the libraries of the Central Library System.
First of all, of course, this is the disclosure of the topic through the library funds. In the rural branches in 2005, permanent exhibitions and thematic selections were arranged:

  • "Your health is in your hands" - Afonino, Yanovo
  • "We choose a healthy lifestyle" - Srednekrasilovo, Khmelevka
  • "Into the future without bad habits" - Gonoshiha
  • "The trouble is called drug addiction" - Grishino
  • "Intoxicating Doom" - Novozyryanovo
  • "Dangerous Age" - Grishino
    Exhibitions and collections were also devoted to the topic of health promotion:
  • "Healing herbs of our forests" - Yanovo, Smaznevo, Shpagino, Verkhkamyshenka, Shirokiy Lug
  • "Health is the key to beauty and longevity" - Golukha

The ring exhibition "Healthy way of life" introduced the readers of the Shpaginskaya library to the books of the single fund of the Central Regional Hospital. Of the 21 proposed editions, 17 were in demand.
With the help of mass events, librarians also carry out preventive work to prevent social diseases:

  • reviews of the literature "Thoughts on health" - Tyagun
  • information hour "Tobacco and brute will bring to the grave" - ​​Golubtsovo
  • open conversation with parents "Your children and smoking" - Grishino
  • review of information sheets "Social diseases of the century" - Zyryanovka, Grishino
  • video tutorial "On the tip of a needle", "Smoking poison" - Gonoshiha
  • library clock "Until the thunder struck", "Formula of health" - Novokopylovo, Smirnovo

Much attention was paid to this topic by the head of the Zyryanovsk rural library, S. I. Kostina. In addition to individual and exhibition work, she holds events together with a medical worker and teachers. The most significant in 2005 were the risk version "If you want to be healthy, be it!" tobacco ".
During 2005, about 200 people attended mass events on the topic "Healthy lifestyle" in the Gonoshikha library. The head of the library Usoltseva G. N. used in her work a variety of forms of book propaganda, such as the theatrical conversation "Bitter fruits of a sweet life", the show program "Let's say no to drugs!" and "Take care of your health from a young age", the game program "Sports hodgepodge", video tutorials on the topic, etc. A good effect is brought by programs supplemented by films, because the librarian works closely with the employee of the film network.
The village administration also paid attention to these issues: in 2005, at the session of deputies, the issue of “Promotion of a healthy lifestyle” was considered (with the participation of members of the regional commission on minors' affairs).
With the aim of promoting a healthy lifestyle and strengthening health, librarians, together with teachers and parents, hold Health Days "Moidodyr Hastens to Help" (Yanovo); game programs "Sport is strength and health" (Smaznevo); family programs "Merry Starts" (station Shpagino); theme nights, such as "Ah, bath, bath, bath" (Tyagun); the tour “We brought songs, jokes and poems in our backpacks” (Starodrachenino); holiday of laughter "Laughter is the best medicine" (Golubtsovo); the action "Children against drugs" (Srednekrasilovo) and others.
Those who prefer to be treated with folk remedies are invited by librarians to get acquainted with the exhibitions “Healers from Altai” “Pharmacy in the Garden”, “Healing Herbs”, etc .; take part in conversations and hours of useful messages "Health is a guarantee of beauty and longevity" (Golukha), "Pharmacy under our feet" (Smaznevo, Tyagun, Afonino, Verkhkamyshenka, Shirokiy Lug, etc.), "There is healing power in herbs and flowers "(Novozyryanovo)
In the work on the topic "Promotion of a healthy lifestyle" librarians cooperate with health workers, inform them about new acquisitions to the library, about interesting articles in periodicals, invite, as specialists, to participate in public events. For example, librarians from the villages of Voskresenka, Komarskoe, Gonoshikha, together with medical workers, conduct talks "AIDS is death", "Alcohol kills a person", etc. During these talks, health workers talk about the consequences of the disease, its prevention, and the librarian reviews the literature on healthy lifestyles.
Psychologists say that three conditions will help to keep a child from addiction: the child must see a positive example of an adult and a healthy relationship in front of him; should like himself; to be self-confident, to know that he is loved; must have a useful hobby. A teenager can hold on to these three whales so as not to slide into the abyss. [ eighteen; p.16]
Interaction of libraries with the employment center of the Zarinsky district
The transition to market relations in the sphere of labor and employment in the context of structural restructuring of the economy has led to the emergence of a fundamentally new situation in social and labor relations. This situation turned out to be especially difficult and painful for young people, who, due to the specificity of their socio-psychological characteristics, are not sufficiently prepared for the modern realities of the labor market.
Conscious formation of material incentives to work is noted among 16-17 year olds. This is due to the expansion of their material and spiritual needs, as well as the ongoing process of socialization. At the same age, there is an active search and choice of the type of future professional activity. The success of this choice depends on how widely the adolescent can become familiar with the world of professions and specialties, how realistic his ideas about his own future work activity are. Work on vocational guidance and counseling comes to the fore in relation to this group of young people, and the result is the choice of a profession.
The employment service and the library perform the function of socialization of the individual necessary for society, and one of its directions is professional orientation.
At the request of the employees of the Zarinsky District Employment Center, a card index of the professions needed in the district has been drawn up in the district library. Village libraries have the opportunity, working with this card index, to provide information to their readers about vacancies in the region.
During the year, the district library spends hours of information on periodicals under the name "Fair of periodicals".
The activities of the libraries of the Zarinsky region are aimed primarily at young people to inform young people in choosing a profession.
In 2000, in the Gonoshikha rural library, a survey was conducted among the category of readers "Library in the assessments and perceptions of readers." Questions were asked:
1. Do you like to visit the library?
2. What kind of library would you like to see?
3. On what topic would you like to receive information?
4. Are you willing to talk with the librarian?
5. Do you need a library in the countryside?
In the course of the survey, it was revealed that teachers, parents and high school students need information about modern professions, educational institutions of the region and Russia, where you can get a profession that is in demand in the village and district.
In order to identify the interests and inclinations of her readers - senior pupils, the head of the library Usoltseva G. N. first of all conducted a survey "Who would you like to become?", "Do you like ..."
Based on the results of the questionnaire, thematic shelves were arranged, and then the permanent exhibition "The World and We are in It", consisting of the sections: "Where to go to study", "In the world of professions", where the literature changed depending on the profession that was presented: "Teacher - sounds proudly ”,“ Mechanic is the main profession in the countryside ”,“ Technology around us ”and others.
This exhibition was an integral part of the author's program "Man in the world of professions". [47; p.3]
In the course of the work under the program, the exhibition was supplemented with collections of books from the unified collection of the Central Library System, information sheets issued by the methodological department and the service department of the central regional library in the series "Your roads, graduate". A reference manual “Where to go to study” was purchased for the library fund. During 2000-2003, 180 readers worked with the exhibition, they were given 530 copies of printed publications.
Literature reviews were systematically carried out in the sections of the exhibition: “For those who like to craft”, “We sew”, “We cook very tasty”; conversations “These are not male - male professions”, “Those who choose the military profession” and others.
Knowing the interests of the readers helped in the individual work. To help the hobbies of L. Dolgova and V. Truskov to draw up collections of literature on technique, sewing, knitting.
Kolotvinova Nastya, who would like to become a teacher, but her financial situation does not allow full-time study at the university, after discussion with the school director, was offered a place as a pioneer leader. Now the girl is working and studying in absentia at the Pedagogical University.
To help the choice of profession, the library has a card index "On professions, production and people of labor" with sections "Where to go to study", "In the world of professions", "Creative affairs": about people and their professions. In working with the card index, the interests of users, the needs of the farm in personnel were taken into account, as well as information about the professions in demand at the present time was selected.
A recommendatory list of literature "Where to go to study" has also been drawn up.
Of no small importance for the graduates choosing the path of life, meetings with specialists of the leading professions of the village "Driver is the leading profession in the village", "Occupation - to guard the order" (with a local policeman), "People in white coats", "Librarian about myself and his profession "," Agricultural specialist "(with the chief agronomist) and so on [47; p.10]
"A man in the world of professions" - this was the title of one of the sections of the three-year program of the Komar rural library "The world and we are in it."
The library hosted the exhibition “One hundred roads - one is yours” with the section “Where to go to study”, “Professions needed by the village”, “Remembering forgotten professions”, “Professions of the XXI century”.
In individual work with readers, for Mokhova O. and Ustinskaya K., individual reading plans "Man in the world of nature", "Man is a sign system" were drawn up.
For students in grades 9-11, meetings were organized with employees of the communication center, medical workers, machine operators. And for students in grades 4-8, a drawing competition "Professions of my parents" is held. [21; with. 25]
In all branches of the Zarinskaya regional CLS, information stands have been arranged, on which there is information from the employment service.
The need and demand for vocational guidance work in the library is obvious, this is evidenced both by the reviews of readers and the reviews of specialists.

2.2. Interaction of libraries with the women's council within the framework of the program “Family. Women. Children".
Working with the family within the framework of the “Family. Women. Children ”is traditional in the activities of libraries of the Central Library System and covers all areas of library education and upbringing: patriotic, moral, environmental, etc.
This information covers only that part of the work of libraries, which reflects work with large and low-income families, the organization of family leisure and educational leisure for children and adolescents.
In the Zarinsky district in 2005 lived:
Large families - 168, they have 526 children (323 children read)

  • Single-parent families - 296, with 425 children (266 children read)
  • Children under guardianship - 46 (read by 36 children)
  • Families with disabled children - 83 (reads 44 children)

In the work with the family, both individual and mass forms of strengthening interfamily relations with the help of a book were used. To help work with the family, book-illustrative exhibitions, exhibitions-cooperation with the reader, exhibitions-objects, exhibitions with the involvement of family archives and relics, photo exhibitions “My grandfather in the war”, “My genealogy” and others were made out. Contests of drawings, essays, handicrafts were held under the general title "The world of my family's hobbies."
Family events “Literary tree” have become traditional in a number of libraries during the New Year holidays. This is not only a way to re-register readers in an interesting way, but also one of the ways to usefully spend time in the library. This event took place in Zhulanikhinskaya and Novomanoshkinskaya libraries. Librarians from the villages of Grishino and Yanovo also held family events during the re-registration period of the Vesely Lototron, in Novokopylovskaya, Staroglushinskaya and other libraries, the first readers of the new library received commemorative prizes, bookmarks, etc.
This is how the “Literary tree” was held in Zhulanikha. The Christmas tree was decorated not only with toys, but also with riddles, questions-toys from books well known to both parents and children. It was easy to answer the riddles, but the questions of the literary quiz "Martyshkin's Books" and the literary competition "Remember" had to be pondered and remembered. And although the books were nearby, they could only be used as a last resort. The event was attended by 10 children and 3 adult readers. (According to this principle, "Literary trees" are held in other rural libraries)
A great deal of work with the family was carried out by the Smaznevskaya library (head. Veselova LV). Especially valuable is the fact that this work was carried out jointly with the KFOR, the school, the administration of the village council, the vocal group "Sudbinushka". For example, the holiday “Christmas gatherings” was prepared. Themed evening “Oh, it's not for nothing that the Russian beauty is famous” gathered 73 people. 15 children and adolescents took part in the program, 27 copies were issued in preparation for the evening. literature; an exhibition of drawings was organized.
A librarian and a cultural worker, together with the "Fate" group, were invited to the Sosnovskaya MTF with a literary and musical composition "Spring and a woman are alike" (28 people were present). In the small village of Avdeevskaya, the festive program "Live, my native village" was held. 48 people took part in the celebration, and 12 children from the village took part in the program itself. With the program "We are Years - It Doesn't Matter" Golukha.
In the village of Smaznevo itself, a big holiday "My village would live" was held, in which almost all the inhabitants of the village took part. Large exhibitions of flower arrangements and applied arts were launched. The photo booth of the winners of the competition "The Best Country Estate of a Village" has been designed. 53 people took part in the applied art competition, all of them were awarded prizes and gifts. The villagers were pleased with a big concert with the participation of local artists and the Lenok group from Golukha. The head of the library Veselova L.V. was directly involved in the preparation and conduct of the holiday.
Children from large families of the Krysovs and Taichenachevs, activists of the Young Librarian circle V. Karacheva, O. Torbik, A. Anufrieva and others are involved in holding family events, thematic evenings.
For several months in the Golukhino library there was a book exhibition "Famous women", at which 59 sources were presented. A rating poll "The Most Famous" was carried out, its results were presented in the form of a poster "9 most famous and famous women of the era".
For women, the librarian and KFOR employees, together with the guys from the "Fantasy" circle, prepared a fairy tale in verse "Mom". The performance was attended by 58 people, both children and adults.
During the year, the head of the library, E. Turusheva, provides information services to the "Business Woman" hobby club, and takes part in the meetings of this club. At one of the meetings of the club, an informational conversation "Love is old as the universe" was held: love stories of famous people, discussion of the topic of love and friendship, review-recommendation of 24 books on the topic.
Family Day in May was marked by gatherings of the "Business Woman" club. The librarian compiled a selection "Happy Family" and conducted an information review on the topic. The selection consisted of 15 books, all of which were in demand. 28 people attended.
In October, the library successfully hosted the "Grandmother and I are reliable friends" holiday. The participants were offered various competitions: literary, musical, etc. 5 teams took part: Khlybova N.N. with her granddaughter Lena, Starodubtseva N.S.with her granddaughter Inna, Kotelnikova L.M. with her grandson Zhenya, Basova I.D. granddaughter of Sveta and Fadeev L.I. with grandson Artem. The winners received prizes from the sponsor-entrepreneur E. Beletsky.
Mother's Day was celebrated in an unusual way. It was decided to combine it with the Day of the conscript, and as a result, a literary and musical evening "We are warmed by my mother's smile" was held, dedicated to the mothers of the conscripts. Schoolchildren of the 6th grade took part in the preparation of the evening, the vocal performances were prepared by the KFOR employees. The event helped women relieve the stress of these difficult months. The book "Defense of the rights of a conscript" was presented during the tea-drinking. The book went from hand to hand, tk. was very relevant at the moment. 22 people met her at the evening.
At one of the meetings of the "Business Woman" club, an informational conversation was held on the topic "Idols", which the club members themselves suggested for discussion. The librarian prepared a selection of books and magazines, spoke about the work and life of Anna German, sang her song "Echo of Love". Each participant talked about his idol, a discussion was launched about the influence of the idol on a person's own life.
An interesting moment in the work with the family in the Golukhino library was also the organization of the exhibition "From Russia to Russia". The sections of the exhibition "Land of the Soviets" and "Modern Russia" presented original exhibitions-objects, where, along with books, there were objects that personified a particular era: bast shoes, a red flag with a hammer and sickle, etc. The presentation of the exhibition was held in the form of a competition program "From Russia to Russia". In addition to questions, games were proposed with a staging of a certain historical period, situation, etc.
In the Zhulanikha library, work with the family was carried out within the framework of the “I-Human” program. Parents had to help children in learning about the world around them, on the basis of their life experience and knowing themselves to form the ability to see and understand another person, to show empathy, sympathy for people. The following topics were covered:

  • My body
  • What do our names mean
  • My family, my ancestry, my village
  • Lessons in Kindness
  • Declaration of human rights
  • Find your business
  • Earth is our common home

The analysis revealed a particular interest in the topic “What Our Names Mean”, in the “Know Yourself” set of tests, V. Levy's books, the “Tests to help you choose a profession” card file and literature from the “Find Your Own Business” exhibition.
Selections were drawn up and conversations were held from the cycles “Ask a book”, “What am I? What I can? How to become better? ”,“ Summer, book, I am friends ”.
Residents of the village - library readers took part in the historical research "My discovery of the native village" and the quiz "The bright village keeps memory". 27 documentary sources were issued, families, and not only children, took part in the preparation, especially since the answers to many questions could only be learned from parents, grandfathers and grandmothers.
The literary and musical composition "Our beloved and glorious mistresses of homes and hearts" was dedicated to Mother's Day.
The thematic evening “To the hands - work, to the soul - joy”, prepared by the head of the library VG Selezneva and employees of the KFOR and telling about the workers and specialists of the SEC “Kolos”, had a positive resonance. This evening is a vivid example for children about the necessity and importance of professions in the agro-industrial complex.
The Semeyushka club continued to work successfully in the Novomanoshkinskaya library. Club members take an active part in the preparation of events for the population. It was interesting in the club: a meeting "My dad served in the army", gatherings of "Mothers and Daughters", festive programs dedicated to the Day of the Elderly and Mother's Day. The librarian reports all interesting events to the regional newspaper, also places photos and reviews on the stand in the library. For a more complete disclosure of the fund of thematic literature in the library, a book exhibition "Everything starts with a family" was arranged. The presentation of the exhibition was held at the school and library, and the exhibition ran for several months. In 2005, the Sosnovskaya Library continued its work under the program "Through beauty to humanity". The following topics were covered:

  • Nature. Respect for her.
  • Homeland. Love to motherland. History, traditions.
  • Human. Man among people. Me and family.
  • Art.

As part of the program, a teenage club for girls “Estet-club” worked. The following events were held: “We don’t miss tea”: a conversation about the rules of behavior at the table, about the tea ceremony was complemented by a quiz and game moments. "Poetry Hour" was held in the form of a literary salon: the girls read their favorite poems and poems of their own composition; the local poetess Kalabukhova Svetlana, a member of the regional poetry club, was invited to the event. The "History of Beauty" competition program was based on watching the video "The ABC of Beauty". 2 sessions on the topic “Me and my peers” and “Me and adults” were held in the form of a discussion; various tests, situational tasks, questions were also offered ...
In November, the acting competition "On the Theater Stage" was held, in December - a conversation about music and musical preferences.
The work under the program also included the organization of the art exhibition "Save and Preserve Us, Beauty", where family heirlooms were presented among the exhibits.
The theme of the family was traced both in the drawing competition "This is my village", and in the photographic materials of the stand about the disappeared villages of Yarki and Bolshaya Makarovka, the history of families, traditions and rituals was told in the concert program "Do not disappear, my village", with which the librarian and cultural workers performed in Sosnovka and in nearby small villages. A film about Sosnovka was shot, historical material was provided by the library.
Family evenings were held in the Starodracheninskaya library. On Mother's Day, there was an evening called "Sweet woman - kind mother", organized jointly with the school and the KFOR. Participants were offered contests that could only be performed by the whole family. The families of Gulnyashkin, Starchenko, Buinov took part, and 45 fellow villagers supported them. “I am a woman, and that word is everything” - a family evening dedicated to International Women's Day. By the evening, a book selection was drawn up, 34 copies were issued. documents. The winners were identified in the nominations “Clever Girl”, “Beauty”, “Miss Golden Pen”, “Eyes of Charm”, etc. A congratulatory program “Dedicated to Women-Workers” was held for the women workers of the MTF, 19 people were served.
In the library of art. Shpagino hosted a theatrical performance organized jointly with the school and the KFOR "About Mom with Faith, Hope and Love." The action took place on a ship that got caught in a storm and crashed on the rocks. On a desert island, during various competitions, children begin to understand how difficult it would be for them to live without their parents, especially without their mothers. Dances, games, fun contests helped families to spend this day with benefit and pleasure.
In September, a holiday of the village "Rural Fun" was held. At the holiday, the villagers not only took part in entertaining games, but also got acquainted with the history of the village, stories of old residents, stories of families. The photo stand "Know your village" aroused great interest, because it featured photographs from family archives.
For large families, at the general school meeting, an exhibition-viewing about the relationship between parents and children was prepared. These families are invited to all mass events, but they are most active on the Day of Health at the "Merry Starts".
The Gonoshihinsky library traditionally holds many mass events together with the KFOR, to which the Gonoshihinsky families come. It:

  • "An evening of meeting of soldiers of different generations", which traced the fate of family military dynasties;
  • The festive program “For you, men”, which was prepared and conducted by the women of the village: the survey “What attracts you to men” and “How to please a woman”, the questionnaire “The role of a man in the family”, an exhibition of family hobbies, etc.
  • Thematic evening "As if every day on March 8"
  • The entertainment program "Together with dad ..." included tasks - how to help mom, our hobbies, joint assignments, etc. Kudryavtsev A.I. with his son Alexander, Zarechnev V.K. with his son Alexey, Dolgov V.A. with his son Yevgeny, Usoltsev E.A. with his son Ivan and Tikhomirov S.A. took part in the competition. with his son Alexei.
  • The Dolgov, Nagornov, Dick, Ladygin families took part in the competition program “Dad, Mom, I am a Reading Family”. The most reading family is recognized as the Dolgov family, and the most erudite is the Ladyginakh.
  • Thematic evening "Let's praise the woman - mother": poems, songs, staged stories were dedicated to women. During the evening, they talked about mothers with many children, active families, family dynasties, etc.

On the occasion of Father's Day, an intellectual game "Happy Accident" was held in the Grishinskaya Library. Teams of fathers and children competed in various competitions. Children won as more active participants. Undoubtedly, the books presented at the exhibition in the rural library helped them to win.
The Tyagun Library hosted thematic evenings of relaxation "Bow to Mother", "Beloved and Dear"; KVN by March 8, in which 3 family teams took part - 380 people were present at the evening. Designed thematic exhibitions and collections "Women's secrets", "My home is my world", "The world of your hobbies"
The village of Novodrachenino is home to 5 large families with 16 children under 18 years of age. The librarian set the task - to involve the parents of these children in reading with the help of counseling conversations and individual information. This task was completed during 2005.
The Alambay library provided services to women in honor of the 8 March holiday free of charge with paid subscription books - 13 people. Bookmarks for the holidays have been issued. A family holiday “Mom, Dad, I am a friendly family” was held jointly with KFOR, in which 13 people took part. A book exhibition-viewing “Oh! How wonderful this word is - mom! ”, The librarian took the most direct part in the preparation and conduct of the holiday.
In the Golubtsovskaya Library, a book exhibition "Your Parents' Favorite Fairy Tales" and a quiz based on fairy tales "Fun is in full swing" are arranged. The collection “Family. Parents. School".
9 large families live in the village of Komarskoe, all of them are library readers. The number of children in these families is 29. These families are constantly invited to public events, individual work is conducted with them.
Four children from single-parent families read according to reading plans: "This magical world of cinema", "Russian holidays", "Rare and extinct animals", "Flowers in our garden". 2 adults from single-parent families also read according to individual reading plans: "Let's grow a crop in the beds", "Let's do it ourselves." These reading plans include books not only from the fund of the Komar library, but also from the EF and the Central Regional Hospital.
Five female heads of single-parent families are active members of the Inspiration Women's Club, which is organized by KFOR and library workers.
In with. Komarskoe for a number of years all the mass work has been carried out jointly by the library, the KFOR, the school, and the administration of the village council. Therefore, the situation is more favorable here than in other villages of the region.
In with. Staroglushinka has been successfully operating a club for elderly readers "Golden Leaves" for a number of years. Not only elderly people come to his classes, but also children and villagers. This is evidenced by the events held within the club: the contest "Baba, grandmother - a golden sudarushka" (30 people); holiday "Village hitch" (50 people); literary and entertainment program "Madam" (20 people); gatherings "Once in the Epiphany evening" (20 people). Large families, single-parent are invited to all events. They not only attend events, but often actively participate in their preparation.
One of the priority directions in the activity of the Novozyryanovsk library is the organization of educational leisure of the population within the framework of the club "Molodushki" and within the framework of the author's program "A deep tradition of antiquity." Individual work is conducted with adult readers and children on this topic, individual information is provided to Ostapenko T.I., Inyushova N.A., Brazhkina N.V., Kartashova V. and others.
The analysis of reading literature on the history of students in grades 7-9 is carried out.
Members of the Molodushki Club meet every week, with separate events involving children, such as the Wedding Rite wheel of history; themed evening "Glory will not cease these days"; competition "Bratchina".
It is practiced to conduct history lessons in the library, such as, for example, "Culture: General Concepts", "Culture of Russia" History teacher L.E. Leer notes that conducting such lessons in the library carries a great emotional charge, contributes to the reading of more books on the topic.
Interesting forms of work with the family were found by the head. Novokopylovskaya library Zdvizhkova N. V. First of all, these are exhibitions-cooperation with readers on the design of the creative exhibition "We read and create." In 2005, the works of Stepanov D. (6th grade) and N.I. Galanina were presented here.
The issues of strengthening inter-family relations are solved with the help of the women's club "Sudarushka", which has been working at the library for more than one year. The club unites 15 women of various social categories. In 2005, "Sudarushka" together with the "Ryabinushka" club, which operates under the KFOR, held an evening "These songs are sung in the war", an evening of rest "New Year on the contrary", a literary and musical evening about the work of S. Yesenin "Singer of a log hut" , holiday "Village square dance", evening-discussion "It is very difficult to be a mother" and others. The events held by the library and the KFOR for the population always carry a positive emotional charge.
In 2005, the following interest clubs worked in the libraries of the CLS:

  • "Semeyushka" - Novomanoshkino
  • "Young librarian" - Smaznevo
  • "Estet-club" - Sosnovka
  • "Molodushki" - Novozyryanovo
  • "Sudarushka" - Novokopylovo
  • "Autumn Leaves" - Staroglushinka
  • "Baby" - Wide Meadow
  • "Young ethnographer" - Voskresenka
  • "Inspiration" and "Ogonyok" - Komarskoe
  • "Business woman" - Golukha
  • "Lyra" and "Zateynik" - Alambay
  • "Meeting" - Novodrachenino
  • “We read. We play. Let's eat. " - Tyagun children.
  • "Smile" - Shpagino station

Many librarians are members of women's councils, and in Gonoshikha and Grishino they are chairmen. Therefore, they are busy working with socially unprotected families not only during working hours.
The methodological center of rural women's councils is the district women's council. It was formed in 2003. The goal that the members of the women's council envisage is to promote the enhancement of the status and role of women in the life of society, to protect their rights and legitimate interests.
At the beginning of 2006, there were 11 rural women's councils in the region, which were organized in the villages of Komarskoye, Grishino, Verkh-Kamyshenka, Golukha, Alambay and others.
Women's councils take an active part in the events organized by the library and the KFOR; carry out joint rounds of disadvantaged and low-income families in order to check the living conditions of children in these families, try to solve urgent issues with the help of rural administrations and district services.
Librarians take part in the campaigns “Let's get the children to school”, “We will help a low-income family with what we can”.
In Gonoshikha, for example, the women's council, headed by the librarian GG Usoltseva, and the school students congratulate sick and lonely pensioners at home on holidays and anniversaries; plans and organizes the rest of children during the vacation time, paying special attention to children from socially disadvantaged families.
In Novozyryanovo, the women's council helps the Molodushki club in preparing big holidays.
In with. Grishino, the chairman of the women's council, librarian T. Rybolova, attracts other members of the women's council to hold family holidays, visit families in a difficult social situation, as well as lonely elderly people, home front workers, disabled people. After visiting disadvantaged families, they write a petition to the administration for financial assistance. Together with the Council of Veterans of Rybolov T. P. are seeking material support for urgently needed pensioners.
The numbers also speak about the successful work of the libraries of the Zarinskaya CLS with the family: 116 mass family events were held in the villages of the region, 3511 people attended them.

2.3. Organization of work of libraries with the department of social protection of the population of the Zarinsky district on the prevention of neglect of minors.

Today the world community has found itself hostage to the political and economic ambitions of certain forces, increasingly becoming a victim of no rights. Criminals ignore laws and in these conditions the problem of protecting citizens has acquired particular importance. Russia is also involved in these processes. Our television presents scenes of murders, robberies, and various unsolved crimes to viewers on the screens, reinforcing in the emerging consciousness of adolescents that criminal power is the path to a rich, carefree life. And the term "deviant behavior" takes on an ever-increasing connotation of negativity.
Practice shows that it is possible to change the minds of adolescents with the help of a book, which means that it is in the power of libraries.
In this regard, the regional target program for 2003-2006 "Children of Altai" was adopted.
In the Zarinsky district, 132 teenagers are registered with the juvenile affairs inspectors, 31 of them are library readers.
Libraries of the Zarinsky district CLS closely cooperate with the specialists on juvenile affairs of the Zarinsky district administration Shishigina T.A., whose functions include:

  • take part in the work with the commission on juvenile affairs, interdepartmental operational headquarters to coordinate the activities of all structural units of local self-government bodies, aimed at combating neglect and juvenile delinquency;
  • regularly conduct raids, visit families, participate in interagency operations "Teenager", "Neglect";
  • keep social passports, which reflect data about parents, about children, where they study, which circles they attend, where they are registered, mark all the work that is carried out with this family;
  • establish preventive control over these families;
  • hold family holidays, contests, encourage families who are good at raising their children, based on a number of Federal and regional laws and regulations.

Also, the librarians of the Zarinsky district CLS work closely with the traffic police propaganda inspector VD Bazhenov and the PDN inspector Vesnina OA Librarians invite them to events dedicated to the rights and responsibilities of children and adolescents.
In June 2005, VD Bazhenov spoke to librarians with a conversation about the safety of children on the roads at the “Safe Summer” seminar. Govorina L.V., a methodologist for working with children, together with V.D.Bazhenov. to help the work of rural librarians with children at summer recreation areas, an event “Travel to the Country of Traffic Lights” was developed about road signs that are found in the countryside and on the streets of the city of Zarinsk. In addition, to help rural librarians, a methodologist for working with children and inspectors of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and PDN issued information sheets of the "Live, growing up" series.
The series contains five issues entitled "Take care of your hands, feet - do not be naughty on the road", "If you are in danger", "Drink - harm yourself and your parents", "Fire is our friend and enemy", "Your law protects your life."
The information sheets contain examples of the most frequent cases of child crime in the villages of the district and the responsibility that is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
On these sheets, rural librarians conduct conversations "I am not just a reader, I am a citizen" (Novo-Kopylovskaya rural library), "Youth about the law" (library of Shpagino station), "To teenagers about crime" (Gonoshikhinsky rural library), "Law and I ”(Novo-Zyryanovsk rural library); use in the decoration of book-illustrative exhibitions, thematic shelves such as "Law and Teenager" (Novo-Kopylovskaya rural library), "Your rights" (Grishinskaya rural library), "Rights and responsibilities of a child" (Verkh-Kamyshenskaya rural library).
Local commissions on minors' affairs are created under the village administrations, which include: the head of the village administration, the director of the school or the head teacher, representatives from the women's council. But there are cases when members of the women's council take on the functions of a commission on juvenile affairs. They also include rural librarians. For example, G. N. Usoltseva, head of the Gonoshikha rural library, is a member of the commission. Together with the PDN inspector, they conduct conversations with students of the school "Your rights and responsibilities", "Know so as not to be mistaken."
With the support of the Commission on Minors' Affairs, on the Children's Day, a drawing competition on the asphalt "To the Sun World -" Yes! "
The Commission on Minors' Affairs carries out raids on dysfunctional families, at meetings they conduct explanatory work with parents from dysfunctional families and children registered with the PDN.
In the village of Voskresenka, the commission of the PDN, which includes the head of the library, Gorbachev O.S., took two families under special control. The commission regularly visits these families in order to check the conditions in which the children are brought up.
The Sosnovskaya Rural Library worked for two years under the author's program "Young Lawyers". The guys got acquainted with the rights and obligations of a person, with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, played up and discussed various situations. At the final session “I am a child, I am a human”, the children showed their knowledge in the field of law.
Despite the fact that a lot of work is being done in the Zarinsky district to prevent crime, the problem of crime in alcoholic intoxication, alcoholism, and childish pranks is acute.

2.4. Libraries and Rural Administrations: Collaboration Experience.
The rural library is the only information center for students, teachers, farm workers, retirees and local authorities.
The functions of the rural library include the creation of a fund of documents of local self-government bodies and the organization of free access to them.
This is facilitated by the Federal Laws "On librarianship" of November 29, 1994 and "On the obligatory copy of documents" of November 29, 1994. In accordance with the laws, all libraries of the Zarinsky district CLS receive two copies of the local newspaper "Znamya Ilyicha", resolutions, normative documents of the district Council of People's Deputies and the administration of the Zarinsky district.
Not all villages of the district have an agreement on the transfer of all published and “unpublished” documents approved by the heads of local administrations. This is one of the problems of providing complete information on local government issues.
The list of periodicals entering the district libraries is scanty. Only where the heads of the village administrations deposit their subscriptions, one can find the newspapers Rossiyskaya Gazeta and Altayskaya Pravda.
To help the readers, the librarians of the villages draw up local history card indexes, in which the sections "Local self-government in the region", "Local self-government in the region, village" are highlighted. Other sections of the local history card index also highlight the results of the activities of local government bodies. Information dossiers “Laws of the Altai Territory”, “Resolutions of the Zarinsky District Administration”, “Resolutions of the District Council of People's Deputies”, “Resolutions of the head of the administration of the village. Grishino "and others are in constant demand among the population.
In the libraries of the villages of Komarskoe, Smirnovo, Yanovo, Sosonovka and others, information corners on issues of local self-government have been issued.
Free access to such documents increases the awareness of readers, promotes the establishment of contacts between villagers and their authorities.
All libraries arrange book and illustrative exhibitions on topical topics, such as "Census-2003", "Towards a monetization meeting", "Ay, subsidies".
For the district Council of People's Deputies and the youth parliament, the central district library organizes exhibitions - views

  • Exhibition-viewing "Sport and Peace" (session of the District Council of Deputies; 19 copies presented, 53 people attended)
  • Exhibition-viewing "Family Academy" (session of the youth parliament; presented 19 copies, attended by 25 people)
  • Exhibition-viewing "My XX century" (session of the youth parliament; presented 18 copies, attended by 25 people)

Komarskaya, Grishinskaya, Voskresenskaya, Shpaginskaya libraries provide individual information to heads of rural administrations on the topics "New in legislation", "New items of periodicals".
In addition, libraries provide information services to specialists of rural administrations on the topics “New literature on legal topics” (Novozyryanovo, Khmelevka, Smaznevo); “Culture. Upbringing. Youth "(Novomanoshkino); "Russian legislation" (Novodrachenino); "New in accounting" (Novozyryanovo, Srednekrasilovo).
Libraries also organize meetings with the deputies of the village, streets, heads of the village administration, at which the problems of the population are discussed, the prospects for their solution, the deputies report on their work.
The following issues are considered annually at the sessions of the deputies of the village councils:

  • About preparation for work in winter conditions - Yanovo, Srednekrasilovo, Novokopylovo
  • Report on the work of the library in 2004, in 2005 - Smaznevo, Tyagun, Voskresenka, Golubtsovo, Zhulanikha, Grishino, Starodrachenino, Komarskoe, gonoshiha
  • On the work of the library with the school and on the role of the library in the countryside - Zyryanovka
  • On the work of the administration of the s / Council, House of Culture, library on the implementation of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Culture" - Zhulanikha
  • Service for residents of small villages - Sosnovka
  • On the implementation of Federal Law 131 into practice - Starodrachenino
  • On the work of the rural library for the 60th anniversary of the Victory - Komarskoe
  • On joint work of social and cultural institutions with dysfunctional families, children from these families - Gonoshiha
  • Promotion of a healthy lifestyle (with the participation of members of the regional commission on juvenile affairs) - Gonoshiha

At the sessions of the deputies, issues of financing libraries, repairs, transfer to more adapted premises, financing of public events are also discussed.
The relationship between libraries and village council administrations will strengthen or regress in cooperation - this is an issue that worries all librarians.
Already at the present time, in connection with the implementation of reforms on the basis of Federal Law No. 131 "On General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation." There are a number of problems with the financing of libraries, with the involvement of librarians in activities not related to their direct function.

The dynamics of the development of rural libraries in Russia in recent years has become positive, but serious problems are also noted: insufficient staffing, a low level of material and technical base, the need for modernization. As a social institution, the library performs an important function of eliminating information inequality and cultural isolation of the residents of the area.
The decision of the collegium of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, adopted in 2003, directs the rural libraries of the Zarinsky district to form and develop partnerships with interested organizations, regional authorities, which will contribute to their preservation and development.
Such authors as R. A. Trofimova, M. A. Ermolaeva, E. A. Fokeeva, T. N. Khuramova deal with the problems of bibliosocial work and the interaction of libraries with institutions of social work. Despite this, there is no theoretically substantiated experience of cooperation between libraries and social work institutions, either in publications or in other sources. There are only a few publications in professional journals, which reveal the experience of interaction between libraries, applicable only in the territory of a particular region.
In the course of the study, the functions of libraries (informational, educational, social, memorial and others) were determined, their tasks: providing access to all types of municipal information, providing information to enterprises, associations, representatives of farms; helping users to become literate; assistance to the systematic education and self-education of villagers, first of all, to the younger generation, as well as the experience of cooperation between libraries of the Altai Territory and social work institutions: the Council of Veterans, the House of Children's Creativity (CBS in Zarinsk), the Society of Disabled People (CBS in Rubtsovsk), the cinema network ( Zonal CLS), with an art gallery (Mikhailovskaya CLS), with orphanages (Romanovskaya, Pankrushikhinskaya CLS).
The study, carried out on the basis of the libraries of the Zarinsky district, revealed as partners and allies:
The Committee for Social Protection of the Population, in cooperation with which libraries organize events, educational recreation for children during vacation time.
Libraries of the Zarinsky District choose work within the framework of the “Family. Women. Children ”, cooperating with the women's council, the committee for social protection of the population and other institutions. Interaction with the women's council, of which the village librarians are members, makes family education work more focused and interesting.
Libraries visit disadvantaged families, in order to check the living conditions of children in these families, conduct social events, congratulate sick and lonely pensioners at home, organize educational recreation for children during the summer holidays, paying special attention to children from socially disadvantaged families, work of clubs for interests, including children.
Within the framework of this direction, in the libraries of the villages of Grishino, Novomonoshkino, Sredne - Krasilovo, Afonino, a questionnaire of parents "Family Reading" was conducted. Analysis of its results showed that parents are trying to introduce children to family reading, but at the same time experience difficulties due to lack of knowledge. Therefore, librarians need to develop a family reading program using various forms and methods of library activities, coordinating the work with teachers, a psychologist, etc., paying special attention to parents who show a passive interest in reading and children's hobbies.
Local self-government bodies, the problems of interaction between libraries and local authorities have become aggravated in connection with the enactment of Federal Law No. 131 "On General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" villages, streets, heads of the village administration, where the problems of the population, the prospects for their solution are discussed, deputies report on their work, carry out individual information to the heads of rural administrations, every year at sessions of deputies of village councils, questions about the activities of libraries are considered.
Cooperation of libraries with the department for social protection of the population for the prevention of neglect of minors, with the state traffic safety inspection has been established. In addition to individual work with children at risk, librarians conduct prophylactic conversations of offenses with children and parents through a series of information sheets issued by a child guidance counselor and advocacy officer.
As part of the legal education of children in the library of the village of Sosnovka, Zarinsky district, a club "Young experts in law" was organized in which children learned their rights and responsibility for any actions.
A large experience of interaction between libraries and secondary schools has been accumulated in the Zarinsky district CLS. All libraries work within the framework of the program "Libraries and Schools: Ways of Further Cooperation", they hold events to help the school curriculum, traditional lard, joint holding of the Week of Children and Youth Books, informing teachers about new items to help teach lessons. The head of the library of the village of Grishino, together with teachers of literature, biology and geography, conduct integrated lessons on the ecological path.
Cooperation between libraries and obstetrician-obstetric centers for the prevention of a healthy lifestyle consists in organizing book-illustrative exhibitions, thematic shelves, organizing and holding campaigns in support of a healthy lifestyle, informing health workers about new literature on medicine.
Libraries interact with the district employment center to help provide vocational guidance to the population. They inform the population about vacancies in the region, organize and conduct mass and informational events for vocational guidance of students. The libraries of the villages of Komarskoye and Gonoshikha have developed their own programs to help vocational guidance of high school students “Man in the world of professions”.
The hypotheses put forward during the research were justified, but not all. The interaction of libraries with social work institutions is carried out unilaterally. The study of cooperation between libraries and their partners showed that libraries are initiators of cooperation. Libraries have sporadic contacts with social work institutions. As soon as the library pauses collaboration for any reason, the interaction is terminated. But the fact is also noted that partners of rural libraries, if necessary, try to resume cooperation, although only for a short period of time.
As the prospects for the development of the topic, it is proposed: To conduct a survey of employees of social work institutions of the Zarinsky district in order to identify their information interests and needs, taking into account the results obtained, to develop a program of cooperation between rural libraries of the Zarinsky district CLS with social work institutions.

List of used literature
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10. Dudnikova, N. Library - a source of a healthy lifestyle: results of the regional competition / N. Dudnikova // Publicly accessible state and municipal libraries of the Altai Territory in 2004: a collection of analytical and statistical materials on the state of the library sphere / AKUNL im. V.Ya. Shishkova. - Barnaul, 2005 .-- S. 124-127.
11. Unified information and cultural space of Russian libraries: materials of the RLA / RSL conference. - SPb, 2002 .-- 76 p.
12. Ermolaeva, M. Municipal library and local government / M. Ermolaeva, E. Fokeeva. - M., 2002 .-- S. 21-34.
13. Kartashov, N. Management of librarianship: organizational mechanism / N. Kartashov // Library science. - 2001. - No. 4. - P.17-25.
14. Lazebik, L. Library as a factor of social protection of the population / L. Lazebik // With warmth and affection for a person: materials of the regional scientific-practical. conf. - Volgograd, 2002 .-- S. 15-20.
15. Manilova, T. Municipal Libraries and Local Self-Government: Some Results of Federal Library Policy / T. Manilova // Scientific and Technical Libraries. - 2000. - No. 5. - S. 27-33.
16. Matlina, S. Modern rural library: the formula of life / S. Matlina // Arguments and facts. - New library. - 2004. - No. 4 (Apr.). - P.8-9.
17. Matyukhina, N. Social work of the library / N. Matyukhina // Report on the activities of libraries of the Altai Territory in 1998 / Committee of the Administration of the Altai Territory for Culture and Tourism; AKUNB them. V.Ya. Shishkova. - Barnaul, 1999 .-- S. 20-30.
18. Melentieva, Y. Library and youth: search for mutual understanding / Y. Melentieva / / Library. - 1999. - No. 7. - S. 16-20.
19. Melentieva, Yu. Rural libraries: development problems and prospects: scientific method. manual. - M .: Lebereya, 2003 .-- 89 p.
20. Municipal library: place and role in the formation of local government: method. recommendations / LONB. - Blagoveshchensk, 1988 .-- 16 p.
21. On the threshold of adulthood: method. materials to help career guidance / ODUB; scientific method. Department. - Murmansk, 2003 .-- 25 p.
22. Informal associations in libraries // Library. - 1999. - No. 10. - S. 9-12.
23. On librarianship: Federal law of 29 December. 1994 No. 78-FZ (as amended and supplemented from August 22, 2004): [Electronic resource] // Garant
24. On the problems of preservation and development of rural libraries: the decision of a colleague of the RF MK of 24 December. 2003 // Rural libraries of Altai: problems of preservation and development. Issue 7 / AKUNB them. V.Ya. Shishkova; comp. L. Medvedeva. - Barnaul, 2004 .-- S. 5-20.
25. On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in RF: federal law of 6 October. 2003 No. 131-FZ (as amended on June 19, August 12, 2004): [Electronic resource] // Garant
26. Window to the world of the profession: collection method. materials. - Kirov, 2002 .-- 30 p.
27. Parshutkina, S. Cooperation of children's libraries with the media, public organizations / S. Parshutkina // Children's libraries of the Altai Territory in 2005 / Administration of the Altai Territory for Culture and Tourism; State cultural institution "Altai Regional Children's Library"; department of information work and methodical service. - Barnaul, 2006 .-- S. 24-25.
28. Pozhidaeva, N. Adolescents and drugs: Problems and approaches to their solution // Attention to drug addiction! : Collection of methodical and bibliographic materials / AKUNB im. V.Ya. Shishkova; AKDB them. N.K. Krupskaya. - Barnaul, 1999 .-- S. 24-26.
29. Regulations on the library - the municipal public information center // Library. - 1998. - No. 9. - S. 60-64.
30. Pomykaeva, I. Healthy lifestyle / I. A. Pomykaeva // Report on the activities of libraries of the Altai Territory in 2002 / Committee of the Administration of the Altai Territory for Culture and Tourism; AKUNB them. V.Ya. Shishkova. - Barnaul, 2003 .-- S. 84-86.
31. Protopopov, E. The main thing is to correctly organize and use the accumulated information / E. Protopopov // Library. - 1999. - No. 2. - S. 9-14.
32. Public library in the context of local government: manual / comp. E. Borisova. - SPb., 2000 .-- 112 p.
33. The public library is a center of information for the population, education and business: materials of the Russian-German. Seminar. - M., 1999.-48 p.
34. Ways to enhance the impact on users / comp. G. Olzoeva // New Library. - 2005. - S. 16-20.
35. The role of libraries in the formation of local self-government: materials of scientific and practical. conf. - Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 2000 .-- 26 p.
36. Rural library on the way out of the crisis: a collection of abstracts to the interregion. scientific-practical conf. / RNB; comp. L. Mikheeva, N. Semenova. - SPb, 2002 .-- 112 p.
37. Rural libraries of Altai: from work experience. Issue 3 / AKUNB them. V.Ya. Shishkova; comp. L. Medvedeva. - Barnaul, 2003 .-- 69 p.
38. Rural libraries of Altai: problems of preservation and development. Issue 7 / AKUNB them. V.Ya. Shishkova; comp. L. Medvedeva. - Barnaul, 2004 .-- 76 p.
39. Rural libraries of Altai: Modern development trends. Issue 5-6 / AKUNB them. V.Ya. Shishkova. - Barnaul, 2003 .-- 57 p.
40. Rural libraries in new conditions. Part 1. - M.: Leberia, 1996 .-- 85 p.
41. Creation of public centers of legal information on the basis of public libraries: materials of the round table. - M., 2000 .-- 16 p.
42. Reference book of the librarian / ed. A. Vaneev, V. Minkina. - SPb., 2002 .-- 448 p.
43. Teterina, T. Monitoring the social portrait of the library / T. Teterina // Problems of research work in Altai libraries 1999: collection of articles / AKUNB im. V.Ya. Shishkova; ed.-comp. Zherebyatieva. - Barnaul, 1999 .-- S. 36-43.
44. Technology of social work: textbook / MSU social work; social technologist un-t. - M.: INFRA, 2005 .-- 398 p.
45. Trofimova, R. State, problems and prospects for the development of bibliosocial work in the villages of the Altai Territory: preliminary results of sociological research / R. Trofimova // Problems of research work in the libraries of Altai 2000.: collection of articles / AKUNB im. V.Ya. Shishkova; ed.-comp. Zherebyatieva. - Barnaul, 2000 .-- S. 3-12.
46. ​​Turyansky, A. A villager should have access to information / A. Turyansky // Library. - 2001. - No. 9. - S. 12-15.
47. Usoltseva, G. School, and then ?: experience of career guidance work of the Gonoshikha library / Zarinskaya regional library; G. Usoltseva. - Zarinsk, 2004 .-- 18 p.
48. Participation of libraries in legal education and legal education of the population of the region: to help the creation of public centers of legal information: (written consultation) / PUNL; advisory method. Centre. - Pskov, 2000 .-- 10 p.
49. Fominykh, N. Public relations of libraries - components of success / N. Fominykh // Report on the activities of libraries of the Altai Territory in 2000 / Committee of the Administration of the Altai Territory for Culture and Tourism; Altai Library Society; AKUNB them. V.Ya. Shishkova. - Barnaul, 2001 .-- S. 52-53.
50. Khochemtsova, M. for peace and security in the region / M. Khochemtsova / / Library. - 2004. - No. 8. - P.6-8.
51. Khuramova, T. Participation of the library in local self-government / T. Khuramova // Directory of the head of the cultural institution. - 2004. - No. 5. - P. 24-26.

Unpublished document
52. Analysis of the work of the Zarinsky district CLS for 2004. - 2005.-20 p.
53. Analysis of the work of the Zarinsky district CLS for 2005. - 2006 .-- 17 p.
54. Annual report on the work done by the Women's Council p. Grishino, Zarinsky district for 2004. - 2005 .-- 15 p.
55. Annual report on the work done by the Women's Council p. Gonoshiha of the Zarinsky region for 2005. - 2006 .-- 10 p.
56. Education Committee and Library: Ways of Further Cooperation: Conference Proceedings. - 2004 .-- 17 p.
57. The world and we in it: the results of the three-year program: (album) / Komarskaya rural library of the Zarinskaya regional central library system; compiled by O. Bortnikov. - 2003 .-- 24 p.
58. Responsibilities of a specialist of the 1st category of the department for social protection of the population for work with children. - 2004 .-- 3 p.
59. Regulations on the Zarinsky District Administration Committee for Social Protection of the Population / Zarinsky District Council of People's Deputies of the Altai Territory. - Zarinsk, 2005 .-- 4 p.
60. Recommendations for organizing the work of governing bodies and institutions of social protection of the population for the prevention of neglect of minors. - 2005 .-- 2 p.

The revival of local self-government as the most important institution of community self-government is one of the urgent problems of modern Russia. The importance of the development of local self-government is determined by many circumstances. First of all, it can and should contribute to the gradual "growing" of Russia into a democratic political regime, initiating it "from below". It is designed to help citizens realize that democracy is not only a formal institution, but also a social partnership, everyone's personal participation in the affairs and concerns of the society of which he is a part. It is also important that the abstract right to freedom is realized, among other things, in the concrete right to exercise local self-government. As A. de Tocqueville wrote, "communal institutions play the same role for establishing independence as elementary schools do for science: they open the way for the people to freedom and teach them to use this freedom."

The reform of local self-government in the Stavropol Territory has its own characteristics, it is fixed in our country at the level of the village, settlement, while regional administrations are the state vertical. In Russia, only 5 constituent entities of the Federation have a similar structure, and it takes time to develop common approaches to the practical implementation of local self-government.

In the Andropovsky district, the issue of consolidating local self-government at the level of the district administration has now become acute. The population, due to the lack of competence, is wary of this problem. The authorities are in a wait-and-see state. The local media has made little effort to clarify the urgent situation.

Libraries at all times were the conductors of the culture of society and the policy of the state, they were sensitive to changes in the socio-economic and political life of the region. No one can deny that at the moment the library has become the most necessary part of the infrastructure of the municipality, especially its informational one. Experience shows that the municipal library has become "visible" for the local authorities and is seen as the most convenient information channel. The issue of creating a system of informing about the activities of municipal authorities is most important today for small municipalities, which has objective reasons. In large cities, there are other sources of municipal information, in particular, information centers at local administrations with public receptions. In small towns and rural areas, libraries are really the only publicly available institutions that are able to work with information.

The goal of local self-government is to help build a civil society, its informational openness. Civil society is based on the right of every citizen to have a free view of government policy. People just need to know about the affairs of their chosen ones. They need to understand that local government is their own activity for their own life arrangement under their own responsibility.

The intensification of the work of the Andropov CLS on the collection, storage and provision of information on local self-government for use began with the publication of a Letter from the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of Russia, sent to the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (No. A4 - 10002 Pk dated 09.23.97). Along with federal and regional laws, decrees, decrees, normative acts, various publications related to local self-government issues, it was recommended to include municipal statutes, decrees, decisions, orders of the regional authorities in the library funds, which had not been done before. Until that time, the libraries of the Central Library System carried out work on local history, where a fund was formed containing material about the life of the local community, about the activities of governing bodies; accumulated positive experience in this aspect of work.

In recent years, librarians have seen an increase in the number of readers in libraries, indicating an increased information needs among the population, including on local government issues.

In September 1998, the head of the regional state administration of the Andropov region signed a Resolution "On the organization of collection, storage and provision of information on local self-government issues in the libraries of the Andropov Central Library System."

The CLS specialists prepared a draft program for supporting local self-government "Library - the information center of the municipal community", the main objectives of which are stated:

  • to provide users with access to sources and means of information collected in the libraries of the region;
  • create the most favorable and comfortable conditions for the use of library services for everyone;
  • provide an opportunity to access the resources of other libraries and information organizations through modern communication channels.

To achieve the set goals, the following tasks are defined:

  • to create a fund of published and unpublished documents adopted by local self-government bodies, organize their systematization and storage;
  • to organize an information and advisory point on the problems of local self-government on the basis of the Central Regional Hospital, in which bibliographic information on the main area of ​​work will be concentrated, which will allow for targeted informing of the heads and employees of local self-government bodies and services, residents of municipalities;
  • introduce modern technologies to increase the flow of information in the library and improve methods of delivering information to users.

In 1999, this project received a grant from the Ministry of Public Education and Science and the Ministry of Culture, due to which computer equipment was purchased, and also the beginning of the automation of the Central Library System.

Since the Central Regional Library has the most complete reference and bibliographic apparatus, regional studies catalogs reflecting documents on the Stavropol Territory, Andropovsky District, and also for many years has kept the main regional and regional periodicals in its funds, the Department of Information and modern technologies ", designed to work with the authorities and the population in this direction.

In October 2001, the Head of the Andropov District State Administration signed an Order to open a Legal Information Center (CLI) on the basis of the information and modern technologies department of the Andropov CLS.

In order to substantiate the choice of priorities in the work to promote the formation of local self-government, the information needs of the population and municipal employees were studied. The research data revealed the topics of inquiries: legislative, sociological, production potential and raw materials, agricultural, economic information. Collective and individual consumers of information were identified, information about them was entered into the information supply card index. According to the previous mini-research "Computer literacy of a rural resident" (2000), it was found that there is a very small percentage of trained users to work with information resources and technologies, which made it difficult to quickly deliver information. At the moment, the number of people using computer tools has increased significantly, including many organizations and enterprises have access to the Internet and their own postal address.

The CPI accumulates information of three levels: federal, constituent entity of the Federation, municipal. And carries out information on the basis of such information resources as:

  1. The global network of the Internet.
  2. FAPSI server. Our CLS is not the only one that has the ability to use the FAPSI database. Several edge libraries also have mailboxes on the agency's server, which allows us to access their database.
  3. IPS "Consultant Plus", "Garant", "Your Pravo".
  4. Electronic versions of the journals "Encyclopedia of Russian Law", "Legislation and Economics".
  5. Fund of printed official publications.
  6. Fund of publications on local history.
  7. The collection of primary sources is formed on the basis of regional and regional newspapers, as well as documents and materials that are transferred from the departments of regional and rural administrations. From the general department we get the normative acts of the district administration. Documents from the Department of Economics make it possible to acquaint the population with the socio-economic situation of the region. The employment service provides information on the state of the labor market, educational and training opportunities. Publishing products of local governments, as well as materials published by municipal institutions, public organizations (unions, communities, etc.).
  8. Secondary information resources, i.e. a set of sources of library - bibliographic and factual information. The system catalog contains the heading "Local government: problems, contradictions, prospects. The local history card index of articles also has the headings" Local government in the Stavropol Territory "," Social protection "," Disabled. Law. Society "," Law "," Advises a lawyer "," Elections to local self-government bodies ", etc. A card file of official materials“ Documents on local self-government ”, a card file“ To help a businessman ”containing information about firms have been formed.

Over time, the collection of primary sources on local self-government will be transferred to the archival part of local history.

The main directions of informing the population about the organization of local self-government and the activities of its bodies are:

  • Resolutions and decisions of district and village administrations;
  • Social and economic development of the Andropov region;
  • District budget;
  • Production development;
  • Development of non-production areas, including communications, consumer services;
  • Environmental protection;
  • Statistics, etc.

The staff of the center systematically monitor new information directions and topics in the media. The most relevant queries are recorded, promising directions are analyzed and predicted, the SBA is adjusted, and the corresponding headings are introduced.

The public information system assumes the organization and formation of two information streams. The downward flow of information is informing the subject of local self-government - the population.

Our library has long recognized itself as a social institution and a center for social protection of the population. Residents of the district seek help from libraries on pension, social security, rights and benefits. The Legal Information Center not only collects and systematizes documents related to the organization and activities of local self-government, but also explains the need to develop this new direction. As a rule, citizens do not realize that it is they who must become the driving force in the formation of local self-government, that they are the builders of their life, and the authorities only coordinate their actions. People need to understand that democracy is not only a formal institution, but also a social partnership, everyone's personal participation in the affairs and concerns of the society of which he is a part. Over the years, people were brought up on a different ideology, now it is psychologically difficult for them to perceive what is happening. Therefore, we believe that special attention, explanatory and educational work should be carried out with high school students and students. Meetings with representatives of the district administration are organized for them. In addition to speeches, active methods are used - round tables, seminars, role-playing games, which clearly contributes to a better assimilation of the material and an increase in the productivity of the event.

Along with the primary sources, users are provided with information in the form of bibliographic lists, photocopies and printouts of documents. On a contractual basis, press dossiers are provided on the stated topic.

In the Central Regional Hospital and branch libraries there are information stands, notice boards, for example, "Village: day by day", "In the corridors of power", where information on decisions, orders, materials on social protection of the population is regularly posted.

The library actively cooperates with the media (radio, newspapers).

In today's conditions, the library has become a link between the population and the authorities, helping them find and understand each other. The upstream is the information support of the local government library. Libraries have always been the conductors of the culture of society and the policy of the state that created and maintain them. Therefore, they have always provided information support to the authorities.

The most important task today is to raise the efficiency of the management activities of local self-government bodies at all levels. The quality of management is certainly influenced by factors such as the quality of information and the competence of the consultation. These factors make it possible to make decisions that change the situation on the ground for the better, to influence the fate of social problems, and to raise the social status of the population.

All previous activities of the Andropov Central Banking System are the experience of working together with the administration, the experience of partnership. Since the creation of the department, local authorities have begun to listen even more attentively to the library as an organization capable of dealing with serious tasks. Cooperation between the center and the district administration is carried out on a contractual basis. The contract specifies the following obligations of the parties:

  • local self-government bodies (LSGs) undertake to provide the OIST with published and unpublished documents on their activities in order to organize their storage and ensure access to them for members of the local community.
  • OIST undertakes to promptly inform OMS about laws, regulations, decisions, decrees of federal and regional authorities, as well as material systematized according to the stated topics.
  • OIST undertakes to inform the local community about the activities of the CHI.

Agreements were also signed between branch libraries and rural administrations. Through the branch libraries, the documents of the rural authorities are transferred to the Legal Information Center. The department provides the affiliates with the information they need for their customers. Thus, a mechanism for disseminating information on local self-government issues has been established.

The experience of working with municipal employees suggests that they need information on time (preferably "yesterday") and with maximum completeness. The employees of the Central Banking System work exactly in this mode, otherwise our work will be unclaimed.

The main areas of information support include informing the bodies of representative and executive power, the statistics department, the Department of Culture and Art, and the Committee for Nature Protection. For example:

  • legislative documents of the Russian Federation;
  • monitoring of public opinion. In particular, the collection and analysis of responses to the questionnaires developed by the regional state administration "Attitude of the population to local government bodies of the Andropovsky district of the Stavropol Territory", "The role of government bodies and local government";
  • providing information about the experience of the government in other municipal communities;
  • informing on social issues, ecology, etc.

Informing is carried out in the modes IRI, DOR, reference service - in the "question - answer" mode. Moreover, not only in the form of bibliographic information (analytical references, bibliographic lists of new acquisitions), but also in the form of a press dossier. The transfer of information is carried out both by phone and by e-mail, as well as copies of documents are sent or issued directly to the department.

Systematically for municipal employees, the employees of the center hold specialist days, for example, "Operational information - the way to success", round tables - "Municipal law: questions and answers". Heads of rural administrations, specialists of municipalities, deputies of rural Dumas, librarians take part in the events.

The Legal Information Center provides information support for the work of deputies and deputy commissions.

The work of the department to establish the facts, which formed the basis of the "Encyclopedia of the Andropov region", was interesting and substantial. At the request of the administration, the staff of the center set the dates for awarding titles to honored workers in the sectors of the national economy, culture, health care, and education.

Informing municipal employees is the main task in the interaction between the library and the governing bodies. However, the department of "Information and modern technologies" for the district administrations provides a number of non-traditional services. For example: restores old photographs of historical value; processes material about veterans, participants of the Second World War; makes booklets (for the anniversary dates of the district villages), various diplomas, certificates of honor, business cards. Last year the programmer of the department S.V. Kulikov made a computer layout for the publication of a booklet about the Andropov region. With the participation of specialists of the department, the coat of arms of the region was developed, as well as the layout of the orders of 3 degrees "For contribution to the development of the region".

New forms of work require constant updating of the practical knowledge of specialists working with power structures. On the basis of the Central Regional Library, seminars and round tables are held for both the librarians of the Central Library Service and the workers of the regional libraries. The staff of the entire CLS gains knowledge of organizing work with information on local self-government issues. On a mandatory basis, everyone undergoes vocational training in the use of personal computers.

Technical equipment plays an important role in organizing work to help the formation of local self-government. However, there are no computers in any branch of the Central Banking System, so there are no electronic databases. But it is the libraries that are the only source of information in the countryside for more than 36 thousand residents of the Andropov region. So far, only the Legal Information Center has computer equipment and Internet access. Therefore, the CLS faces a strategic task - to ensure effective access to information resources based on the latest computer technologies, the development of network interaction between libraries and telecommunication networks.

In the future, joint activities of the Center for Legal Information and local self-government bodies are planned within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Electronic Russia (2002-2010)".

Social partnership in the activities of municipal libraries in the region has become one of the most important areas in recent years. It brought together everyone who is not indifferent to the book, who cares about the fate of libraries, those who sincerely want to help the library in its daily affairs and development. This collaboration helps improve library services, brightens and improves library activities, satisfies users' need for information andservices. Almost none of the events in the library, perhaps, is managed only by the librarians themselves, there are always reliable partners, volunteer assistants, sponsors and patrons of the arts, readers nearby. Among the like-minded libraries today are local authorities, representatives of organizations, institutions, the business community, the media, and, of course, readers.

Many library events and events held in 2012 can serve as an example of successful cooperation.

One of the examples of positive cooperation of the Central Banking System of the city of Pskov in 2012 was the holding of the Internet round table "Formation of statehood in the North-West of Russia" (Pskov - Veliky Novgorod - Izborsk). Partners of the Historical and Local Lore Library. I.I. Vasilev, Pskov, the Pskov State University, Pskov Museum-Reserve, Novgorod Museum-Reserve spoke.

The main social partner of libraries in the municipalities of the region are local authorities, which provide support in the implementation of socially significant library projects and actions. Local self-government bodies are no less interested in the development of public libraries, since they are responsible for the quality of life of the local community, legal education and education of citizens, teaching them the basics of organizing life in new conditions, introduction to culture and information.

Local governments contribute to the successful operation of libraries, take measures for their technical modernization, participate in their work, and support both in innovative endeavors and in everyday work. Thus, the administration of rural settlements of the Pustoshkinsky district responded to the requests of the director of the district library and provided material assistance to libraries in holding a subscription campaign for 2012-2013. The administration of the Alolsk parish financially supports the activities of rural library institutions. The Pustoshkinsky Bakery is providing material support to the library, and the library has opened a book transfer machine at the enterprise.

Libraries, in turn, provide information support to government and local authorities. Receptions of deputies, meetings of heads of district administrations and other events are held in many rural libraries. For example, at the Plyusskaya Central District Hospital there are: "Self-government corner at the library", "Advisory point for the population of the district on housing association issues", "Advisory point for the population of the district on civil defense issues." Permanent exhibitions "Housing and Public Utilities: Questions and Answers", "Local Authorities: Review of Official Documents" have been designed, which are updated with obligatory copies of documents prepared by local authorities. On the basis of the educational advisory point of the library, in May 2012, a training seminar "Training in fire safety" was held for the heads of organizations and cultural institutions in conjunction with the Department of Civil Defense and Emergencies. Much joint work was carried out by libraries for the Day of the village on the preparation of celebrations dedicated to the Day of Liberation of Plyussa, the 85th anniversary of the formation of the Plyussky district.

At the round table "Novorzhevsk culture: history and modernity" in the central regional library, administration officials and library specialists jointly discussed the state of culture in the region. The assessment of the activities of the institutions as a whole was given by the head of the department for culture, youth policy and sports of the District Administration E.E. Stepanov. Director of MUK "Novorzhevskaya CRH" L.Ye. Yakovleva introduced the history of the development of librarianship. M.I. Golubkov. Librarians from Makarovsky and Zhadritsky rural branches shared their experience of successful cooperation with the clubs. A librarian of the Vekhnyansky rural branch spoke about the author's exhibitions of folk craftsmen in the library. Mutual social partnership contributes to the organization of cultural leisure of the population, it is necessary to strengthen ties - this is the conclusion reached by the participants of the round table.

An example of positive cooperation in the Novorzhevsky district is the festive program for the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, prepared jointly with the participation of the Zhadritsky rural branch - the library, the village club, the administration of the rural settlement "Zhadritsy", and the Center for Social Services of the District Population. The holiday turned out to be solemn and kind, thanks to joint efforts.

In the countryside, librarians actively work with local government bodies, help organize gatherings of citizens, inform the population about fire safety measures, congratulate veterans at home on holidays, help them collect various certificates, participate in organizing and holding Volost Days. Representatives of local governments are frequent guests at events held by cultural institutions, incl. and libraries, and librarians are the most reliable helpers for them

In 2012, in the Nevelsky District, partnerships were established with the heads of the family eco-camp (Moscow), which is located in a picturesque place in the village of Fenevo on the territory of the Nevelsky District. Their concept is active and educational recreation. An example of cooperation is the holding of master classes, training seminars on the basis of rural libraries of the Nevelskaya Central District Hospital. In 2012, such an event was held on the basis of the Trehalevskaya rural library. Business partnership, interaction better reveals the capabilities of libraries, helps to convey information to users in a brighter, more spectacular form.

Libraries and local administrations implement joint targeted programs and local history publishing projects. Employees of the Central Regional Hospital of the Velikie Luki region, together with the regional administration, took an active part in preparing for the publication of the book "Historical landmarks of the land of Velikie Luki" (to the 85th anniversary of the Velikie Luki region). The CRH specialists prepared and conducted a presentation of the book, and the library received 40 copies as a gift from the administration. books. V Strugokrasnensky district the sponsor of the publication of the literary and local history almanac "Our Land" for many years has been the Administration of the Strugo-Krasnensky region; the administration of the urban settlement of Strugi Krasnye, the administration of the rural settlement “Maryinskaya volost” provided financial support for the publication of the book “We have something to remember, whom to be proud of”.

Many municipal libraries have developed strong partnerships with local branches of creative unions, political parties and community organizations. In 2012, the partnerships of the Central City Library of the Central Library of the City of Pskov with the Pskov branch of the all-Russian public organization - the Knowledge Society, the Pskov regional branches of creative unions: the Union of Regional Studies of Russia, Union of Writers of Russia, Union of Composers of Russia. Relations with Pskov community in Moscow. Also among the partners: the public movement "PskovART", the public organization "Zoozashchita", the Union of photographers and videographers of the Pskov region, Pskov Anime Club and others. In 2012, the Central Library Service of the city of Pskov carried out joint creative projects with young photographers from the “Faces of Pskov” portal.

Constant social partners of the Velikie Luki libraries are the committees and departments of the City Administration, libraries of other departments, almost all cultural institutions: Velikie Luki Drama Theater, Children's Music Schools and the School of Arts, House of Culture, Museum of Local Lore and Local History Society, branch of the United Russia party , public council on issues of historical and cultural heritage, veterans council, society of disabled people, mass media and others. All city events and holidays are held in collaboration with social partners. For example, schools, cultural institutions, public organizations, and others took part in the program “Sweetheart to the Heart” on the City Day with libraries.

VGdovskiy district with Good partnerships have been established with all institutions, public and professional organizations of the city and district. Last year, new partners appeared: a boarding school for the elderly and disabled. The plans for cooperation include holding joint events, providing information resources of the library, providing professional information to the boarding school staff, and for the residents of the boarding house, librarians presented a set of books at the first meeting. Libraries continue to cooperate with regional branches of the young public organization "Union of Women of Russia". Thus, Gdov libraries received support in the “Grow with a book, baby!” Campaign, they were allocated funds to purchase books for newborn babies and their parents. Also supported the regional project of literary youth readings "Youth read the classics." The young men participating in the readings were presented with flash cards, the girls - books. The plans for joint work include the creation of a "helpline", the "Wave of Memory" action about the role of Gdov women during the war years, legal education, the organization of legal advice and other events.

In the Dnovsky district, on the initiative of the regional branch of the Fair Russia party, the all-Russian public movement Social Democratic Union of Youth of Russia in the Pskov region, cultural institutions and the central regional library, a collection of books was held in the district libraries of the Dnovsky, Dedovichsky and Porkhovsky districts. During elections, libraries cooperate with territorial election commissions and help prepare information for voters.

Libraries of the region, in order to solve common problems, try to build mutually beneficial relationships with organizations, institutions and individuals.

Libraries of the MAUK "Centralized Library System" of Pskov are involved in cooperation in carrying out activities under the program "Comprehensive measures to combat drug abuse and illicit trafficking in the territory of the municipality" City of Pskov "for 2011-2014" professional specialists: employees of the Federal Service on control over drug trafficking in the Pskov region, prosecutor's office, narcological dispensary. Servicemen of the 76th division and special forces, pupils of the Patriot Center for extracurricular activities traditionally take an active part in holding events of a patriotic nature. In 2012, the cooperation of the libraries of the city of Pskov with the “Pskov City Youth Center” continued. Among the partners are the Educational Center for Social Adaptation, Legal Department LLC, the State Archives of the Pskov Region, the Archaeological Center, and the Pskov Museum-Reserve.

In Velikiye Luki, the library's permanent good partners are: schools and lyceums, colleges, technical schools, universities. For more than 16 years, cooperation with the "Social Service Center in Velikiye Luki" has been going on. More than 30 events were held during the year. Students have the opportunity to touch the creativity of many poets, writers, musicians. Partnerships with the creative teams of the Children's Art School and the Children's Art School allow regularly organizing exhibitions of works by art school students, holidays, and theme nights in the library. The sponsor of the branch library number 2 is the deputy of the Velikie Luki City Duma, the general director of Status Press LLC, A.Yu. Kornev, thanks to which the library receives more than 30 titles of periodicals, which greatly helps in library work. Cooperation between the library and the parish of the Church of the Ascension of Christ in Velikiye Luki of the Pskov diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church contributes to the introduction to the knowledge of Russian history, the history of the Russian Orthodox Church and the formation of a spiritually rich personality. There is a Sunday School in the reading room of the library.

Libraries of the Bezhanitsy region work in conjunction with orphanages: in Kudeveri - with an orphanage, in Chikhachevo - with a boarding house for the elderly and disabled. Good partnerships have developed with the district Council of War and Labor Veterans, with the leaders of the primary veteran organizations in the field. In 2012 ra the list of social partners has been expanded Kunyinsky Central District Hospital: cooperation has been established with the Kun'in branch of the Union of Pensioners of Russia and the social and political organization "Children of War". Partnerships and business cooperation with the Center for Employment of the Population are successfully developing. During the summer holidays, eleven temporary jobs were created in the district library for the employment of minors, incl. in ižycka and Ushchitsa rural libraries, teenagers provided significant assistance to libraries in their work.

Libraries Loknyanskaya CRH in 2012 we worked most closely with the Council of Veterans. Clubs for the elderly worked actively, library gatherings, holidays, and evenings were held. Many interesting events were held. For example, Loknyanskaya Central Regional Hospital took part in the festival of Kushnarenko Street, designed posters for the "Veteranskoe podvorie 2012". Within the framework of cooperation with the Pension Fund Office in the Loknyansky District, a literature distribution point was organized for the employees of this organization, and its specialists throughout the year assisted in holding events for veterans, in the work of the "Communication" club. Together with the society of the blind, a seminar was organized and conducted on the topic: "The place and role of the library in the life of people with disabilities." Huge methodological assistance was provided by the Loknyanskaya Central Regional Hospital of the Pskov Regional Special Library for the blind and visually impaired, which provided the scenario of the evening and methodological recommendations for working with this group of library users.

A long-term and reliable partner of all libraries of the Palkinsky region, the Council of War and Labor Veterans and its chairman B.T. Ilyin, together with whom meetings with Pskov writers are held in the district libraries, presentations of BT Ilyin's books are held, and events on patriotic education are organized. The administrations of rural settlements act as partners of libraries in holding events dedicated to the Day of the Elderly, Victory Day, and in the celebration of the Days of the Villages.

Cooperation with the State Department of Social Services for the Population of the Palkinsky District allowed the district library to establish close contact with the Weekend Club, which works under this organization. Cooperation with the club is mutually beneficial: the district library has the opportunity to expand the circle of its users, to attract 23 new readers to reading, and the opportunity to hold mass events of various kinds has also appeared.Cooperation between the children's library and the Center for Social Services was established in the district, which made it possible to expand the range of serveddisabled children.

In Porkhovsky district with the participation of employees The Federal Migration Service of Russia in the Pskov region held an event "Culture of the Russian language", which facilitates the adaptation of foreign citizens on the territory of Russia. Together with the Pension Fund, a meeting was organized for the members of the "Evening Meetings" club with the head of the department for the appointment and payment of pensions and a "Legal educational program" was held. Representatives of the Pskov regional center "Prizma", the Union of Pensioners of Russia, the Pskov Office of Drug Control as consultants during the Specialist Days became frequent guests in the Opochetsk District Library. The administration of the urban settlement "Opochka", the local branch of the party "United Russia" and the library became the organizers of the competition for the best household plot for the Day of the Elderly.

The circle of friends and partners of the Pushkinogorsk Central Regional Library numbers more than 17 organizations and institutions of the village. The revival of the value of reading, an increase in interest in books and literature, the development of literary creativity of children and youth are helped by: the Union of Writers of Russia and the Union of Artists of Russia, many good interesting things link the district libraries with the S.S.Geychenko Children's Art School, A. WITH. Pushkin, sanatorium boarding school, Zaretsk secondary school. Distance excursions to Holy places, hours of Orthodox conversation, dialogues - these are the events that took place within the walls of the library with representatives of the Kazan Orthodox Church and the Svyatogorsk Monastery.

The libraries of the Pechora CLS have developed strong partnerships with the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery, with the support of the Monastery, libraries are being stocked up with Orthodox literature. There is a Theological School in the CRH, which is headed by Abbot Chrysanth. On the basis of the library, meetings of two sections are held within the framework of the Korniliev Readings. Hegumen Mark supervises the work of the Veteran club. Musical collectives of the monastery (children and youth choir, ensemble "Harmony"), members of the theatrical studio of the Orthodox children's movement "Heralds" have performed in the library more than once.

A stable partnership of libraries with educational and cultural institutions, higher educational institutions, including the Pskov State University, the Russian International Academy of Tourism, the State University of Service and Economics, and others has been established. The result of close relationships has been an increase in the number of participants in city Olympiads, conferences, and readings. In the practice of joint work: holding professional events, seminars, Information Days, organizing mobile reading rooms.

For 10 years, Velikie Luki Central Regional Hospital named after IA Vasilieva is a platform for holding seminars, methodological associations and raising the level of professional knowledge of teachers. Within the framework of the "New Technologies - New Ways of Interaction" program, three seminars were held for school librarians. Rural libraries of the Velikie Luki region (Borkovskaya, Porechenskaya, Kupuiskaya libraries) are expanding the content of their activities, combining the tasks of an information institution with the functions of a museum and an exhibition hall. Thus, the Porechenskaya rural model library is an exhibition hall for masters of applied art. Velikolukskaya Central Regional Hospital together with the Information and Cultural Center, the Borkovsky Museum named after the writer I.A. Vasilyeva annually holds the Festival of front-line poetry "And the muses are not silent."

Many library events are held by the Usvyatskiy District Cultural Center in cooperation with the department for work with youth. Teachers of the House of Children's Creativity work closely with the children's department in organizing children's parties and matinees. From year to year, the connection with the schools of the district is getting stronger.

More than 25 institutions, enterprises and public organizations are among the regular partners of the Novosokolniki district libraries. They consider the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library as the main partner in their work. The POUNB website has become a daily assistant in the daily work of the district libraries. Thanks to the support of the methodologists of the regional library, it is now possible to post information about the life of the district libraries on the library portal and keep abreast of the affairs of their colleagues and neighbors. The Zonal School of Quality also helps in this work.

In 2012, partnerships between Novosokolnicheskaya Central Regional Hospital and the Department of Agriculture became closer and more mutually beneficial. In addition to informing, participation in the work of the florists' club on the basis of the library, training was organized for agricultural specialists of the region by teachers of the All-Russian State Agricultural Academy. Good partnerships have developed with the district office of the Pension Fund. At the request of the management, transportation was opened for specialists, assistance was provided in organizing mass events and exhibitions of folk art, and the provision of transport.

Libraries of the Pskov region keep in touch with regional and local mass media, publishing houses, which help to comprehensively cover the events of library life in the region.

Speaking about the popularization of books and reading, library specialists in the region also note such a nuance of cooperation with regional media: it is necessary to start talking not only about the status of reading, but also about the status of reading good books that develop the spiritual world of a person, and the media can help in this.

Information support to libraries in the region is provided by Internet information agencies: Pskov Information Agency, Pskov News Feed, Business Information Center, Pskovlive .ru, etc. "Library Portal of the Pskov Region" ( portal. pskovlib. ru) enables municipal libraries to talk about their activities in the virtual space. In legal education, information partners in the work of municipal libraries are "Spetsvyaz FSO of Russia", "Garant", "Consultant Plus", which regularly provide free of charge a replenished package of reference legal information.

There are many such examples of joint fruitful cooperation. And libraries are grateful to everyone who helps them - with kind words and deeds.

A new project has been developed in the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library - the creation Alternative club of socially responsible people of Pskov "Ideal partnership" . The new project was prepared by the staff of the department of social and cultural development and is aimed at developing cooperation between the business community, volunteers and partners of the library. For the first time, with the participation of volunteers, such events as annual action "The Day of Remembrance of Favorite Books" , Non-conference “Overcoming. I want to live!" , intellectual games tournament within the framework of festival of intellectual literature "2012: Literature without fiction"... The regional library invites everyone to join the project on club website( The Ideal Partnership is based on the theory that sooner or later mankind will come to the conclusion that it will build its life not only around material goods, but also social goods. The members of the club are our contemporaries who are already dealing with issues of social interaction, social investments. You can get acquainted with the members of the club or join it on a specially created virtual platform - a blog "Perfect partnership"( Among their partners, sponsors, philanthropists, libraries of the region will always be glad to see companies from different spheres of business, volunteers, creative and caring people of Pskov.

Currently, the library community of the Pskov region sets as its goal the further development of partnerships between libraries and various institutions and organizations, public associations for the implementation of socially significant actions, library programs and innovative projects.

Prepared by: Alla Levchenko, head of the sector of the department for coordinating the activities of libraries of the region of the Pskov OUNL.

Social partnership in the activities of municipal libraries in the region has become one of the most important areas in recent years. It brought together everyone who is not indifferent to the book, who cares about the fate of libraries, those who sincerely want to help the library in its daily affairs and development. This collaboration helps improve library services, brightens and improves library activities, satisfies users' need for information andservices. Almost none of the events in the library, perhaps, is managed only by the librarians themselves, there are always reliable partners, volunteer assistants, sponsors and patrons of the arts, readers nearby. Among the like-minded libraries today are local authorities, representatives of organizations, institutions, the business community, the media, and, of course, readers.

Many library events and events held in 2012 can serve as an example of successful cooperation.

One of the examples of positive cooperation of the Central Banking System of the city of Pskov in 2012 was the holding of the Internet round table "Formation of statehood in the North-West of Russia" (Pskov - Veliky Novgorod - Izborsk). Partners of the Historical and Local Lore Library. I.I. Vasilev, Pskov, the Pskov State University, Pskov Museum-Reserve, Novgorod Museum-Reserve spoke.

The main social partner of libraries in the municipalities of the region are local authorities, which provide support in the implementation of socially significant library projects and actions. Local self-government bodies are no less interested in the development of public libraries, since they are responsible for the quality of life of the local community, legal education and education of citizens, teaching them the basics of organizing life in new conditions, introduction to culture and information.

Local governments contribute to the successful operation of libraries, take measures for their technical modernization, participate in their work, and support both in innovative endeavors and in everyday work. Thus, the administration of rural settlements of the Pustoshkinsky district responded to the requests of the director of the district library and provided material assistance to libraries in holding a subscription campaign for 2012-2013. The administration of the Alolsk parish financially supports the activities of rural library institutions. The Pustoshkinsky Bakery is providing material support to the library, and the library has opened a book transfer machine at the enterprise.

Libraries, in turn, provide information support to government and local authorities. Receptions of deputies, meetings of heads of district administrations and other events are held in many rural libraries. For example, at the Plyusskaya Central District Hospital there are: "Self-government corner at the library", "Advisory point for the population of the district on housing association issues", "Advisory point for the population of the district on civil defense issues." Permanent exhibitions "Housing and Public Utilities: Questions and Answers", "Local Authorities: Review of Official Documents" have been designed, which are updated with obligatory copies of documents prepared by local authorities. On the basis of the educational advisory point of the library, in May 2012, a training seminar "Training in fire safety" was held for the heads of organizations and cultural institutions in conjunction with the Department of Civil Defense and Emergencies. Much joint work was carried out by libraries for the Day of the village on the preparation of celebrations dedicated to the Day of Liberation of Plyussa, the 85th anniversary of the formation of the Plyussky district.

At the round table "Novorzhevsk culture: history and modernity" in the central regional library, administration officials and library specialists jointly discussed the state of culture in the region. The assessment of the activities of the institutions as a whole was given by the head of the department for culture, youth policy and sports of the District Administration E.E. Stepanov. Director of MUK "Novorzhevskaya CRH" L.Ye. Yakovleva introduced the history of the development of librarianship. M.I. Golubkov. Librarians from Makarovsky and Zhadritsky rural branches shared their experience of successful cooperation with the clubs. A librarian of the Vekhnyansky rural branch spoke about the author's exhibitions of folk craftsmen in the library. Mutual social partnership contributes to the organization of cultural leisure of the population, it is necessary to strengthen ties - this is the conclusion reached by the participants of the round table.

An example of positive cooperation in the Novorzhevsky district is the festive program for the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, prepared jointly with the participation of the Zhadritsky rural branch - the library, the village club, the administration of the rural settlement "Zhadritsy", and the Center for Social Services of the District Population. The holiday turned out to be solemn and kind, thanks to joint efforts.

In the countryside, librarians actively work with local government bodies, help organize gatherings of citizens, inform the population about fire safety measures, congratulate veterans at home on holidays, help them collect various certificates, participate in organizing and holding Volost Days. Representatives of local governments are frequent guests at events held by cultural institutions, incl. and libraries, and librarians are the most reliable helpers for them

In 2012, in the Nevelsky District, partnerships were established with the heads of the family eco-camp (Moscow), which is located in a picturesque place in the village of Fenevo on the territory of the Nevelsky District. Their concept is active and educational recreation. An example of cooperation is the holding of master classes, training seminars on the basis of rural libraries of the Nevelskaya Central District Hospital. In 2012, such an event was held on the basis of the Trehalevskaya rural library. Business partnership, interaction better reveals the capabilities of libraries, helps to convey information to users in a brighter, more spectacular form.

Libraries and local administrations implement joint targeted programs and local history publishing projects. Employees of the Central Regional Hospital of the Velikie Luki region, together with the regional administration, took an active part in preparing for the publication of the book "Historical landmarks of the land of Velikie Luki" (to the 85th anniversary of the Velikie Luki region). The CRH specialists prepared and conducted a presentation of the book, and the library received 40 copies as a gift from the administration. books. V Strugokrasnensky district the sponsor of the publication of the literary and local history almanac "Our Land" for many years has been the Administration of the Strugo-Krasnensky region; the administration of the urban settlement of Strugi Krasnye, the administration of the rural settlement “Maryinskaya volost” provided financial support for the publication of the book “We have something to remember, whom to be proud of”.

Many municipal libraries have developed strong partnerships with local branches of creative unions, political parties and community organizations. In 2012, the partnerships of the Central City Library of the Central Library of the City of Pskov with the Pskov branch of the all-Russian public organization - the Knowledge Society, the Pskov regional branches of creative unions: the Union of Regional Studies of Russia, Union of Writers of Russia, Union of Composers of Russia. Relations with Pskov community in Moscow. Also among the partners: the public movement "PskovART", the public organization "Zoozashchita", the Union of photographers and videographers of the Pskov region, Pskov Anime Club and others. In 2012, the Central Library Service of the city of Pskov carried out joint creative projects with young photographers from the “Faces of Pskov” portal.

Constant social partners of the Velikie Luki libraries are the committees and departments of the City Administration, libraries of other departments, almost all cultural institutions: Velikie Luki Drama Theater, Children's Music Schools and the School of Arts, House of Culture, Museum of Local Lore and Local History Society, branch of the United Russia party , public council on issues of historical and cultural heritage, veterans council, society of disabled people, mass media and others. All city events and holidays are held in collaboration with social partners. For example, schools, cultural institutions, public organizations, and others took part in the program “Sweetheart to the Heart” on the City Day with libraries.

VGdovskiy district with Good partnerships have been established with all institutions, public and professional organizations of the city and district. Last year, new partners appeared: a boarding school for the elderly and disabled. The plans for cooperation include holding joint events, providing information resources of the library, providing professional information to the boarding school staff, and for the residents of the boarding house, librarians presented a set of books at the first meeting. Libraries continue to cooperate with regional branches of the young public organization "Union of Women of Russia". Thus, Gdov libraries received support in the “Grow with a book, baby!” Campaign, they were allocated funds to purchase books for newborn babies and their parents. Also supported the regional project of literary youth readings "Youth read the classics." The young men participating in the readings were presented with flash cards, the girls - books. The plans for joint work include the creation of a "helpline", the "Wave of Memory" action about the role of Gdov women during the war years, legal education, the organization of legal advice and other events.

In the Dnovsky district, on the initiative of the regional branch of the Fair Russia party, the all-Russian public movement Social Democratic Union of Youth of Russia in the Pskov region, cultural institutions and the central regional library, a collection of books was held in the district libraries of the Dnovsky, Dedovichsky and Porkhovsky districts. During elections, libraries cooperate with territorial election commissions and help prepare information for voters.

Libraries of the region, in order to solve common problems, try to build mutually beneficial relationships with organizations, institutions and individuals.

Libraries of the MAUK "Centralized Library System" of Pskov are involved in cooperation in carrying out activities under the program "Comprehensive measures to combat drug abuse and illicit trafficking in the territory of the municipality" City of Pskov "for 2011-2014" professional specialists: employees of the Federal Service on control over drug trafficking in the Pskov region, prosecutor's office, narcological dispensary. Servicemen of the 76th division and special forces, pupils of the Patriot Center for extracurricular activities traditionally take an active part in holding events of a patriotic nature. In 2012, the cooperation of the libraries of the city of Pskov with the “Pskov City Youth Center” continued. Among the partners are the Educational Center for Social Adaptation, Legal Department LLC, the State Archives of the Pskov Region, the Archaeological Center, and the Pskov Museum-Reserve.

In Velikiye Luki, the library's permanent good partners are: schools and lyceums, colleges, technical schools, universities. For more than 16 years, cooperation with the "Social Service Center in Velikiye Luki" has been going on. More than 30 events were held during the year. Students have the opportunity to touch the creativity of many poets, writers, musicians. Partnerships with the creative teams of the Children's Art School and the Children's Art School allow regularly organizing exhibitions of works by art school students, holidays, and theme nights in the library. The sponsor of the branch library number 2 is the deputy of the Velikie Luki City Duma, the general director of Status Press LLC, A.Yu. Kornev, thanks to which the library receives more than 30 titles of periodicals, which greatly helps in library work. Cooperation between the library and the parish of the Church of the Ascension of Christ in Velikiye Luki of the Pskov diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church contributes to the introduction to the knowledge of Russian history, the history of the Russian Orthodox Church and the formation of a spiritually rich personality. There is a Sunday School in the reading room of the library.

Libraries of the Bezhanitsy region work in conjunction with orphanages: in Kudeveri - with an orphanage, in Chikhachevo - with a boarding house for the elderly and disabled. Good partnerships have developed with the district Council of War and Labor Veterans, with the leaders of the primary veteran organizations in the field. In 2012 ra the list of social partners has been expanded Kunyinsky Central District Hospital: cooperation has been established with the Kun'in branch of the Union of Pensioners of Russia and the social and political organization "Children of War". Partnerships and business cooperation with the Center for Employment of the Population are successfully developing. During the summer holidays, eleven temporary jobs were created in the district library for the employment of minors, incl. in ižycka and Ushchitsa rural libraries, teenagers provided significant assistance to libraries in their work.

Libraries Loknyanskaya CRH in 2012 we worked most closely with the Council of Veterans. Clubs for the elderly worked actively, library gatherings, holidays, and evenings were held. Many interesting events were held. For example, Loknyanskaya Central Regional Hospital took part in the festival of Kushnarenko Street, designed posters for the "Veteranskoe podvorie 2012". Within the framework of cooperation with the Pension Fund Office in the Loknyansky District, a literature distribution point was organized for the employees of this organization, and its specialists throughout the year assisted in holding events for veterans, in the work of the "Communication" club. Together with the society of the blind, a seminar was organized and conducted on the topic: "The place and role of the library in the life of people with disabilities." Huge methodological assistance was provided by the Loknyanskaya Central Regional Hospital of the Pskov Regional Special Library for the blind and visually impaired, which provided the scenario of the evening and methodological recommendations for working with this group of library users.

A long-term and reliable partner of all libraries of the Palkinsky region, the Council of War and Labor Veterans and its chairman B.T. Ilyin, together with whom meetings with Pskov writers are held in the district libraries, presentations of BT Ilyin's books are held, and events on patriotic education are organized. The administrations of rural settlements act as partners of libraries in holding events dedicated to the Day of the Elderly, Victory Day, and in the celebration of the Days of the Villages.

Cooperation with the State Department of Social Services for the Population of the Palkinsky District allowed the district library to establish close contact with the Weekend Club, which works under this organization. Cooperation with the club is mutually beneficial: the district library has the opportunity to expand the circle of its users, to attract 23 new readers to reading, and the opportunity to hold mass events of various kinds has also appeared.Cooperation between the children's library and the Center for Social Services was established in the district, which made it possible to expand the range of serveddisabled children.

In Porkhovsky district with the participation of employees The Federal Migration Service of Russia in the Pskov region held an event "Culture of the Russian language", which facilitates the adaptation of foreign citizens on the territory of Russia. Together with the Pension Fund, a meeting was organized for the members of the "Evening Meetings" club with the head of the department for the appointment and payment of pensions and a "Legal educational program" was held. Representatives of the Pskov regional center "Prizma", the Union of Pensioners of Russia, the Pskov Office of Drug Control as consultants during the Specialist Days became frequent guests in the Opochetsk District Library. The administration of the urban settlement "Opochka", the local branch of the party "United Russia" and the library became the organizers of the competition for the best household plot for the Day of the Elderly.

The circle of friends and partners of the Pushkinogorsk Central Regional Library numbers more than 17 organizations and institutions of the village. The revival of the value of reading, an increase in interest in books and literature, the development of literary creativity of children and youth are helped by: the Union of Writers of Russia and the Union of Artists of Russia, many good interesting things link the district libraries with the S.S.Geychenko Children's Art School, A. WITH. Pushkin, sanatorium boarding school, Zaretsk secondary school. Distance excursions to Holy places, hours of Orthodox conversation, dialogues - these are the events that took place within the walls of the library with representatives of the Kazan Orthodox Church and the Svyatogorsk Monastery.

The libraries of the Pechora CLS have developed strong partnerships with the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery, with the support of the Monastery, libraries are being stocked up with Orthodox literature. There is a Theological School in the CRH, which is headed by Abbot Chrysanth. On the basis of the library, meetings of two sections are held within the framework of the Korniliev Readings. Hegumen Mark supervises the work of the Veteran club. Musical collectives of the monastery (children and youth choir, ensemble "Harmony"), members of the theatrical studio of the Orthodox children's movement "Heralds" have performed in the library more than once.

A stable partnership of libraries with educational and cultural institutions, higher educational institutions, including the Pskov State University, the Russian International Academy of Tourism, the State University of Service and Economics, and others has been established. The result of close relationships has been an increase in the number of participants in city Olympiads, conferences, and readings. In the practice of joint work: holding professional events, seminars, Information Days, organizing mobile reading rooms.

For 10 years, Velikie Luki Central Regional Hospital named after IA Vasilieva is a platform for holding seminars, methodological associations and raising the level of professional knowledge of teachers. Within the framework of the "New Technologies - New Ways of Interaction" program, three seminars were held for school librarians. Rural libraries of the Velikie Luki region (Borkovskaya, Porechenskaya, Kupuiskaya libraries) are expanding the content of their activities, combining the tasks of an information institution with the functions of a museum and an exhibition hall. Thus, the Porechenskaya rural model library is an exhibition hall for masters of applied art. Velikolukskaya Central Regional Hospital together with the Information and Cultural Center, the Borkovsky Museum named after the writer I.A. Vasilyeva annually holds the Festival of front-line poetry "And the muses are not silent."

Many library events are held by the Usvyatskiy District Cultural Center in cooperation with the department for work with youth. Teachers of the House of Children's Creativity work closely with the children's department in organizing children's parties and matinees. From year to year, the connection with the schools of the district is getting stronger.

More than 25 institutions, enterprises and public organizations are among the regular partners of the Novosokolniki district libraries. They consider the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library as the main partner in their work. The POUNB website has become a daily assistant in the daily work of the district libraries. Thanks to the support of the methodologists of the regional library, it is now possible to post information about the life of the district libraries on the library portal and keep abreast of the affairs of their colleagues and neighbors. The Zonal School of Quality also helps in this work.

In 2012, partnerships between Novosokolnicheskaya Central Regional Hospital and the Department of Agriculture became closer and more mutually beneficial. In addition to informing, participation in the work of the florists' club on the basis of the library, training was organized for agricultural specialists of the region by teachers of the All-Russian State Agricultural Academy. Good partnerships have developed with the district office of the Pension Fund. At the request of the management, transportation was opened for specialists, assistance was provided in organizing mass events and exhibitions of folk art, and the provision of transport.

Libraries of the Pskov region keep in touch with regional and local mass media, publishing houses, which help to comprehensively cover the events of library life in the region.

Speaking about the popularization of books and reading, library specialists in the region also note such a nuance of cooperation with regional media: it is necessary to start talking not only about the status of reading, but also about the status of reading good books that develop the spiritual world of a person, and the media can help in this.

Information support to libraries in the region is provided by Internet information agencies: Pskov Information Agency, Pskov News Feed, Business Information Center, Pskovlive .ru, etc. "Library Portal of the Pskov Region" ( portal. pskovlib. ru) enables municipal libraries to talk about their activities in the virtual space. In legal education, information partners in the work of municipal libraries are "Spetsvyaz FSO of Russia", "Garant", "Consultant Plus", which regularly provide free of charge a replenished package of reference legal information.

There are many such examples of joint fruitful cooperation. And libraries are grateful to everyone who helps them - with kind words and deeds.

A new project has been developed in the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library - the creation Alternative club of socially responsible people of Pskov "Ideal partnership" . The new project was prepared by the staff of the department of social and cultural development and is aimed at developing cooperation between the business community, volunteers and partners of the library. For the first time, with the participation of volunteers, such events as annual action "The Day of Remembrance of Favorite Books" , Non-conference “Overcoming. I want to live!" , intellectual games tournament within the framework of festival of intellectual literature "2012: Literature without fiction"... The regional library invites everyone to join the project on club website( The Ideal Partnership is based on the theory that sooner or later mankind will come to the conclusion that it will build its life not only around material goods, but also social goods. The members of the club are our contemporaries who are already dealing with issues of social interaction, social investments. You can get acquainted with the members of the club or join it on a specially created virtual platform - a blog "Perfect partnership"( Among their partners, sponsors, philanthropists, libraries of the region will always be glad to see companies from different spheres of business, volunteers, creative and caring people of Pskov.

Currently, the library community of the Pskov region sets as its goal the further development of partnerships between libraries and various institutions and organizations, public associations for the implementation of socially significant actions, library programs and innovative projects.

Prepared by: Alla Levchenko, head of the sector of the department for coordinating the activities of libraries of the region of the Pskov OUNL.

Interaction of Libraries with Local Self-Government Bodies
Successful implementation of state policy on legal education of citizens is impossible without close and mutually beneficial cooperation between local governments and public libraries.

In accordance with Art. 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the creation of conditions for the provision of municipal information to citizens is one of the tasks of local governments. Federal Law No. 8-FZ dated 09.02. 2009 "On providing access to information on the activities of state bodies and local government bodies" defines municipal libraries as centers providing access to information on the activities of state bodies and local government bodies.

Acting as municipal information centers, libraries have the opportunity to actively participate in the activities of local governments by providing the information they need. At the same time, library services can be offered both to structural divisions of municipalities and to individual employees.

To identify the ways and prospects of interaction of the library with various departments and specific employees of local government bodies, it is advisable to conduct a survey (questionnaire). It will make it possible to identify not only certain requests of the respondents, but also provide an opportunity to offer them our services as an information service.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that meeting not only business, professional information needs, but also personal requests (along with other library users) is an important principle of building relationships with representatives of power structures.

In this regard, it is recommended to find out the range of both professional and personal interests of the respondent, determine what information and from what sources should be accumulated for him, and also establish what information he has useful for the library, on what issues he should be consulted. , to what events you can involve. (A sample questionnaire for studying the information needs of municipal employees - Appendix No. 2)

Based on the results of the analysis of the data obtained, card indexes of requests of employees of municipal services can be formed and their individual service can be organized. The study will allow to establish the most optimal forms of information services for respondents (individual information, consultations, analytical reviews, book exhibitions, etc.).

The survey of local government officials can take place both in the form of a questionnaire and in the form of an interview. As a rule, a questionnaire is used when the task is to obtain information from a sufficiently large number of respondents.

During the interview, special forms are used, consisting of the same (or approximately the same) questions that are in the questionnaire, but the interviewer himself enters the respondent's answers into the form.

The study of the information needs of employees of municipal bodies, in addition to the survey, also involves the implementation of the observation method. It can be used when analyzing the work of readers with the reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library (catalogs, card indexes), as well as during meetings of local governments, meetings of representatives of local authorities with the population. The observation method can be used during exhibitions, openings, anniversaries and other events to which representatives of local authorities are invited.

In addition to polling and observation, you can resort to the analysis of documents provided to the library: plans, reports, statistical materials, references, as well as letters from local residents. This makes it possible to clarify the areas of activity of specialists of local self-government bodies and to some extent predict their requests.

Sufficiently accurate data on the information needs of specific individuals contain documents in the library: reader forms, records of refusals, data on the results of individual information.

Based on the results of the study, in order to organize individual and collective informing of municipal employees, it is recommended to form card indexes of requests, thematic folders, information lists of literature on laws, regulations, decisions, resolutions of federal and regional authorities, press folders on publications in local periodicals.

Informing employees of local self-government bodies can be carried out by phone, fax, mail, e-mail, courier. At the same time, the wishes expressed during the survey should be taken into account.

Acting as consumers of information services, municipal employees, at the same time, themselves are a source of information about the activities of local authorities. They can provide the library with materials about their work (plans, reports, documents on meetings of committees and commissions) to ensure their storage and access to members of the local community.

Information exchange of materials can be carried out both in paper and electronic form.

Thus, the published and unpublished documents of local self-government bodies, along with reports of local and regional media about the life of the municipality, are one of the sources for the formation of the library fund on local self-government issues.

Constantly updated electronic information can also be obtained from the websites of municipal authorities (administration, government, departments of the Federal Migration Service, the Federal Tax Service, the Internal Affairs Directorate, the traffic police, the arbitration court, the prosecutor's office, cultural departments), from the websites of public organizations and Internet portals of legal information.

Printed sources of municipal information can be magazines:

"Head of local administration"... The publication publishes practical materials on the implementation of Federal Law No. 131-FZ dated 06.10.2003. "On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation." On its pages are discussed the problems of financial support for the reform of housing and communal services, the activities of educational, medical, club institutions, the issues of attracting extra-budgetary funds for the maintenance of roads and landscaping. Attention is also paid to the legal aspects of the management of municipal property and land resources, legal support of the municipal order.

"State power and local self-government". The main topics of the publication are issues of state building, the correlation of regional and federal legislation, problems of organizing local self-government, information about parliamentary hearings, conferences, round tables.

"Local law". On the pages of the magazine, draft laws related to local self-government issues are printed and discussed, comments and practical recommendations on the application of current legislation are given, samples of local government documents are published.

"Local government: organization, economics and accounting." The magazine is devoted to the organization and main areas of activity of territorial public self-government, the procedure for holding municipal elections, the formation, approval and execution of the local budget, the organization of accounting, the problems of calculating and collecting taxes.

"Municipal power". This illustrated scientific, methodological and publicistic publication contains news of legislation, discusses the problems of legal construction in the field of local self-government, the implementation of municipal programs of socio-economic development and the functioning of a modern municipality.

"Municipal Service". The magazine covers the legal regulation of the activities of officials of local self-government bodies, methodological and legal support for referendums, elections, voting, discusses issues of hiring, dismissal, certification of municipal employees, publishes materials of conferences, seminars, meetings on issues of municipal service. You can familiarize yourself with individual articles of the journal in the public domain on the website ;

"Municipal Economy". The publication is devoted to the problems of ensuring the socio-economic development of municipalities, tax policy and the budgetary process, the tasks of the effective use of municipal land and property, the theory and practice of municipal management, the peculiarities of the investment climate, housing and industrial construction in municipalities. The magazine is accompanied by a brochure "Arbitration Disputes" with a thematic selection of new arbitration practice with the participation of local governments, municipal enterprises and institutions.

"Municipal Law". The publication prints full texts of decisions of the Constitutional, Supreme and Supreme Arbitration Courts of the Russian Federation, as well as other courts on the activities of local self-government bodies, publishes documents and articles on the history of Russian municipal law, annotated lists of new regulatory legal acts of the federal, regional and municipal levels. Each issue of the magazine is accompanied by a brochure "Judicial precedent" with a thematic selection of new judicial practice with the participation of local governments, municipal enterprises and institutions.

"Practice of Municipal Management". The magazine publishes model normative legal acts on the administrative and economic activities of municipalities, talks about the progress of municipal reform using the example of specific urban and rural settlements, covers financial and inter-budgetary relations, land use issues and the delineation of municipal property.

Thus, libraries should use a variety of local government recruiting sources to meet the information needs of both local government leaders and the grassroots community.

Informing the population about

activities of local government bodies.

Forms of events
Of great importance for the population is the openness of information of public interest and allowing, according to Federal Law No. 131-FZ of 06.10.2003. "On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation", to take part in solving issues of local importance. In this regard, it is recommended to bring the following information to the attention of library users:

- the charter of the municipality, normative legal acts of the representative body of local self-government, the head of the municipality, other bodies and officials of local self-government;

- drafts of normative legal acts of bodies and officials of local self-government, including those introduced in the order of the people's law-making initiative, to provide citizens and their organizations with the opportunity to discuss projects and make proposals on them;

- information on the formation of local self-government bodies (executive and administrative, control, advisory, territorial, etc.), on the replacement of municipal posts in the municipal service;

- on the conduct and results of the elections (who was elected, the percentage of those who took part in the voting, the percentage of votes cast for candidates (lists of candidates), violations revealed, data on the elected candidates, etc.);

- programs of the head of the municipality, elected deputies, parties and public associations that have received mandates in local self-government bodies;

- annual information on the state of development of the municipality, projected results and tasks facing local governments;

- voter orders received during the election campaign;

- reports of elected officials, including on the implementation of their programs and orders of voters;

- work plans of local self-government bodies, including plans for rule-making work;

- the main tasks, functions, rights and obligations of bodies and elected officials of local self-government, as well as contact information for citizens (phone numbers, addresses, place, hours and days of receiving citizens);

- comprehensive programs of socio-economic development (in terms of goals, objectives, executors, expected results), forecast plans and implementation results;

- on the place and time of the meetings of local self-government bodies, the proposed agenda, work regulations, the procedure for exercising the rights of citizens to participate in the implementation of local self-government;

- the general plan of the city, development plans, zoning of the territory, information on the placement of new objects on the territory of the municipality;

- public works programs, municipal employment programs;

- about municipal vacancies, about holding competitions for filling municipal posts;

- information about the placement of municipal orders;

- local budget, including the breakdown of the budget in accordance with the articles of the budget classification;

- reports on budget execution;

- on the privatization of municipal property, including the planned;

- on the creation (reorganization, liquidation) of municipal enterprises and institutions, on the participation of the municipality in business companies and non-profit organizations;

- resolutions, announcements of tenders, competitive selection

participants of various organizations in ongoing tenders;

- about taxes and fees;

- about the general situation and current events in the territory of the local entity;

- about emergency situations;

- municipal environmental programs.

For the most convenient and efficient search for this information in the systematic catalog, it is advisable to highlight the headings "Local self-government", "Local self-government: problems and prospects." The local history card index of articles may also contain the headings "Local self-government", "Elections to local self-government bodies", "Decisions and decrees of local authorities", etc.

In accordance with readers' requests and the wishes of municipal employees, it is recommended to form the materials available in the library on local self-government issues into problem-thematic files, press folders "District programs", "District budget", "Municipal employees. Rights and obligations".

The greatest efficiency of information services for library users can be achieved through a combination of traditional and innovative forms of work, active implementation and use of digital technologies.

A promising direction of modern library activity is the formation of a specialized reference and search complex: the creation and maintenance of an electronic catalog, the organization and filling of electronic databases reflecting regulatory legal acts adopted by local authorities, factual information and media publications on local self-government issues.

The innovative potential of libraries can be realized by posting a variety of information on the library's website covering the activities of local governments and communities. This can be historical information and statistical data about the settlement, information about the structure and powers of the local administration, the most important legal acts adopted by local governments, information about people's representatives, data on the distribution of budget funds for social needs. In addition, the library site can become a platform for the promotion and implementation of state, regional and municipal targeted programs and projects. Regular and information-rich updating of the library site will help to attract a wider readership, especially young people, as well as to raise the library's status and strengthen its influence in the local community.

A permanent and regularly updated information stand (bulletin board) “Local government: yesterday, today, tomorrow”, “Russia: local power”, “In the corridors of power” will contribute to the successful informing of the population about the work of local authorities. At the stand the headings “Attention! Important document! ”,“ Laws: federal, regional, local ”,“ Local government bodies: addresses, phone numbers, reception hours of the population ”,“ Information on meetings of local government leaders with the population ”,“ Information on the decisions made and on the progress of their implementation ". In these specialized sections, it is recommended to acquaint residents with the current legislative and regulatory acts of the federal, regional and local levels, to post schedules for the reception of citizens by deputies and officials, to post press digests on local self-government issues.

For the greatest clarity and attracting the attention of users, the stand can be supplemented with photographic material. These can be photographs of events with the participation of representatives of local authorities (for example, the opening of a school, hospital, kindergarten, gasification of the facility, etc.).

Informing the population about the activities of local self-government bodies can be considered the most effective if a channel of mutual communication between citizens and local authorities is established. To ensure its work, it is advisable for municipal libraries to organize the collection of proposals and comments from residents on the information provided and their prompt transfer to local governments.

For this, information stands and notice boards can be equipped with pockets (urns, boxes, etc.) for written requests from citizens. Such a kind of "mailbox" can be called "Questions to the authorities", "Conversation with the authorities", etc.

It is recommended to use documents received from local governments when holding various public events by the library. For example, an exhibition shelf “Your prosperity is in your hands” may be timed to coincide with a local manufacturers' fair and the documents on it may be reviewed. Here, the provisions on markets and the rules for trading on them, as well as provisions on local taxes, fees and other payments and benefits on them, would be appropriate.

Of particular information value are systematic, permanent knowledge universities, lecture halls, discussion clubs holding events on the topics "Problems of social development of the region", "About the city (district) budget", "City (district) on the eve of elections to local government bodies". These forms of work allow the library to become a center for expression of public opinion and provide information to the general public about the work of the local administration.

In order to increase the efficiency of library activities, it is recommended to conduct a preliminary survey of the target audience on the topic “What do you mean by local government?”. Thus, it is possible to identify gaps in the information knowledge of the respondents and pay more attention to this when preparing exhibitions, meetings, discussions, reviews, etc.

One of the most effective forms of establishing strong interaction between local authorities and the population is the organization by the library staff of regular meetings of residents with the heads and specialists of the local administration. Discussion of topical problems of the local community - about social services, health care, assistance and social support for young families, about environmental safety, gasification, organization of leisure, etc. - is one of the types of citizen participation in solving local issues.

An effective way of communication between the population and the legislature at the regional level is a “meeting with a deputy”, “an hour of a deputy,” organized and conducted by the library. At such meetings, it is expected that the population will assess the activities of people's deputies, and freely discuss bills that are under consideration in the local Duma. Participants of the event can express their opinion, make comments, clarifications, propose their own formulation of laws, appeals, etc. Such meetings develop legal literacy and legal awareness of citizens, increase their civic engagement and responsibility.

Thus, the organization and implementation of these events contribute to the growth of the prestige of the library, lay the foundation for attracting the attention of local governments to libraries as assistants and conductors of the policy implemented by local authorities. In this regard, the activities of the library staff should be directed both to help local governments and to the population, because an enlightened leader and a municipal employee is an important condition for the survival of the library, and an enlightened inhabitant is a guarantee of its stability.