Dyagilev Theater Worker. Meaning of Dyagilev Sergey Pavlovich in a brief biographical encyclopedia

Dyagilev Theater Worker. Meaning of Dyagilev Sergey Pavlovich in a brief biographical encyclopedia
Dyagilev Theater Worker. Meaning of Dyagilev Sergey Pavlovich in a brief biographical encyclopedia

russian Theater and Artistic Worker

Sergey Dyagilev

short biography

Sergey Pavlovich Dyagilev (March 31, 1872, Selischi, Novgorod province - August 19, 1929, Venice) - Russian Theater and Artistic Worker, one of the founders of the World of Arts Group, the organizer of the Russian Seasons in Paris and the "Russian Ballet Dyagilev" troupes, entrepreneur.

Sergey Dyagilev was born 19 (31) in 1872 in Selishcheh Novgorod province, in the family of officer-Kavaleargard of the hereditary nobleman Pavel Pavlovich Dyagilev. Mother died a few months after the birth of Sergey, and his stepmother Elena, Daughter V. A. Panayev, was raised. As a child, Sergey lived in St. Petersburg, then in Perm, where his father served. Father's brother, Ivan Pavlovich Dyagilev, was the patter and the founder of the musical circle.

In Perm at the corner of the streets of Siberian and Pushkin (formerly Big Yamskaya), the Generic House of Sergey Dyagilev was preserved, where the gymnasium is now located. The mansion in the style of late Russian classicism was built in the 1850s on the project of the architect R. O. Karvovsky.

For three decades, the house belonged to a large and friendly family of Dyagilev. In the house called contemporaries "Permian Athens", the city intelligentsia was gathered on Thursdays. Here they musicated, sang, played homemade performances.

After the end of the Perm Gymnasium in 1890, he returned to St. Petersburg and entered the Faculty of Law of the University, in parallel he studied music from N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov in the St. Petersburg Conservatory. In the youth, Dyagilev tried in vain to find his field. An important point in his life was a meeting with the writer Lv's Tolstoy, after which he decided to devote himself to collecting autographs of famous contemporaries. In 1896, he graduated from the university, but instead of engaging in jurisprudence, began activities in the field of visual art.

Conditionally activities of S. P. Dyagilev can be divided into two periods:

  • 1898-1906 - the life of Dyagilev in Russia, when his interests were focused mainly in the field of visual art;
  • 1906-1929 - Dyagilev's activities as impresario abroad: Starting with the organization of the exhibition in 1906, it soon focuses on the field of musical theater, first of all, ballet.

Activities in Petersburg

In 1898, together with the artist A. N. Benua, became the initiator of the creation of the Journal of the World of Art, published by S. I. Mammoth and Princess M. K. Tenisheva; He was his editor (from 1903 - together with Beno'a), from 1902 he led the publication. In 1898-1904, art historical articles also wrote himself; He is the author of the monograph on the artist D. G. Levitsky (1902).

During this period, the exhibitions were organized, which caused a wide resonance in St. Petersburg:

  • 1897 - Exhibition of British and German Watercolorists, who acquainted the Russian public with a number of large masters of these countries and modern trends in visual arts;
  • Exhibition of Scandinavian artists in the halls of the Society for the Promotion of Arts;
  • 1898 - the exhibition of Russian and Finnish artists in the Museum of the Shtiglitz, which Miriskusniki themselves considered their first performance (besides the main group of the initial friendly mug, from which the Union of Art was an union, Dyagilev managed to attract the other major art representatives to participate in the exhibition - Vrubel , Serov, Levitan);
  • 1905 - a historical and art exhibition of Russian portraits of the XVII-XVIII centuries in the Tauride Palace;
  • 1906 - an exhibition of Russian art in the autumn salon in Paris with the participation of works of Benouua, Grabar, Kuznetsova, Malyavina, Repin, Serov, Yalevsky, Roerich, etc.

In 1899, Prince Sergey Volkonsky, who became the director of the imperial theaters, appointed a Dyagilev official on special instructions and provided him with editing the "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters". Dyagilev turned the yearbook from the dry edition to the art journal.

Together with Dyagilev in the imperial theaters, many modern artists came (Ap. M. Vasnetsov, A. N. Benua, L. S. Bakst, V. A. Serov, K. A. Korovin, E. E. Lancere).

In the season 1900-1901, Volkonsky laid on Dyagilev, the decree of the ballet Deliba "Silvia". Dyagilev attracted to the formulation of artists of the group "The World of Art", but the case was broken due to the protest of the officials of the Directorate. Dyagille did not obey the director of the Volkonsky director, Demonstantly refused to edit the "Yearbook", and the case ended with his dismissal.

Russian seasons

Since 1907, Dyagilev organized annual foreign speeches of Russian artists who called "Russian Seasons". In 1907, in the framework of the "seasons", the musicians were speeches - "Historical Russian concerts". N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, S. V. Rakhmaninov, A. K. Glazunov, F. I. Shalyapin, Clavesistik V. Landovsk, and others. Together with musicians involved in the "historical concerts", Dyagilev visited in Paris And K. Saint-Sansa.

In 1908, Dyagilev organized a Russian opera in Paris; The opera "Boris Godunov" with the participation of F. I. Shalyapin. Despite the success of the public, the season brought the Dyagilev losses, so the next year he, appreciating the tastes of the public, decided to take to Paris and ballet. At the same time, at that moment Dyagilev treated ballet dismissive:

watch it with the same success can both smart and stupid - there is no way any content and meaning in it; Yes, and for execution it is not required to strain even small mental abilities

- M. V. Borisoglebsky. Materials on the history of Russian ballet, t. II. L., 1939, p. 135.

In 1909, the first ballet season of Dyagilevsky Antenpurise took place in Paris; From this time until 1929, under his leadership, there is a ballet troupe "Russian ballets".

For the first ballet seasons, Dyagilev invited such soloists of imperial theaters as M. M. Fokin, A. P. Pavlova, V. F. Nizhinsky and B. F. Nizhinskaya, T. P. Karsavina, A. R. Param, L. F. Shollar, V. A. Karalli, L. P. Chernysheva. Subsequently, a lot of Polish artists and dancers of other nationalities were invited, many of which were received in the "Russian" troupe.

Already from the second ballet season (1910), Dyagilev was represented annually by the Paris public the world premieres. The main choreographers of his troupes at various times performed M. M. Fokin, V. F. Nizhinsky, L. F. Myasin, B. F. Nizhinskaya, J. Balanchin. His "Stars" V. F. Nizhinsky, L. F. Myasin and S. M. Lifar simultaneously were his favorites.

Outstanding artists who were part of the "World of Art" participated in the design of ballets, in particular A. N. Benua, L. S. Bakst, A. Ya. Golovin, N. K. Roerich, B. I. Anisfeld. "Seasons" were a means of propaganda of Russian ballet and visual arts. In twenty years of its existence, they completely changed the traditional ideas about the theater and dance, also contributed to the bloom of ballet in countries where this genre was not developed.

Until World War I, Dyagilev was obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bpresenting his productions in Russia - however, despite the efforts made, for various reasons he failed. During the war, starting from the mid-1910s, he radically changed the stylistics of ideas, leaving exotic, courtery and orientalism and appealing to the avant-garde. The first performance of the new musical form and choreography was the ballet "Parade" Eric Sati, whose scandalous premiere was held in Paris in 1917. Out of the stylistics of the "World Peace", Dyagilev began to cooperate mainly with European artists; Also, his permanent employees were spouses N. S. Goncharov and M. F. Larionov.

Dyagileva troupe rehearsed in Monte Carlo, where the first ideas of many prime ministers took place, gave the seasons in Paris and in London, and also toured in Italy, Germany, USA. Also, Dyagilev made numerous unsuccessful attempts to speak in St. Petersburg, which was his dream.

Troupe existed until 1929, that is, to the death of its organizer. According to the memory of the permanent director, the troupe S. L. Grigorieva, their last speech was in Vichy on August 4, 1929.

According to A. N. Benua, "None of the clauses would have received his implementation if Dyagilev did not lead it and would not be able to take her energy there, where there was already a lot of creative start, but where there was no main - unifying role." M. F. Larionov believed that "Dyagilev is an enthusiast who has given himself with some pagan passion of art." "Someone said that Antpuriza was the personal matter of Dyagilev ... Only an evil language and an evil mind could pronounce such slander on this crusader of beauty," said N. K. Roerich.

Many contemporaries, artists and poets used bright symbols, metaphors in the transmission of personality perception S. P. Dyagileev: "Radiant Sun" (V. A. Serov), "Hercules", "Peter Great" (A. N. Benua), "Eagle who stifled small birds" (V. F. Nizhinsky), "The Yellow Devil on the Arena of European Countries" (A. L. Volynsky), "Nero in black tuxedo over the flaming Rome" (A. White)

Personal life

Dyagilev was a homosexual, which was a serious obstacle in his career. He realized his homosexuality at an early age and, according to Nikolai Nabokov, was "the first great homosexual who declared itself and recognized society."

Disease and death

In 1921, Dyagilev diagnosed sugar diabetes, but he almost did not comply with the prescribed diet. The development of the illness contributed to the lifestyle, as well as constant sharp changes in body weight. Since 1927 he has developed a furunculez, which can lead to the development of sepsis, which was deadly in those times when antibiotics were not yet known. In the summer of 1929, in Paris, the doctor prescribed Dyagilev to observe a diet and rest a lot, warning that non-compliance with the recommendations would result in dangerous consequences for his health. Dyagilev ignored the prescription by going with the troupe to Berlin, then in Cologne and through Paris - to London, where he again visited the doctor who advised him to hire a nurse, which was also not done: Cokhno took care daily, making the necessary procedures and dressings daily. By sending a troupe on vacation and returning to Paris, he again visited his attending physician who insisted on the course of treatment with thermal waters in Vichy. Instead, Igor Markevich, Igor Markelevich, taking a "musical" journey along the Rhine, visiting Baden-Baden (where he discussed the new ballet with Hindemit and saw Nabokov, later writing: "Despite his appearance, it seemed that he had a good mood. He had fun told about his plans for the remaining part of the summer and for the new autumn season. "), Munich (for the sake of Opero Mozart and Wagner) and Salzburg. From there, Dyagilev sent Coribute-Kubitovich's letter with an insistent request to come to him in Venice. After parting with Markevich in Veve, on August 7, Dyagilev went to Venice. The next day he drove into the Grand Hotel de Ban de Mer, which took place the Blinder. By that time he had already began to infect blood due to abscesses. From August 12, he no longer got up from the bed, the Blinder was cared for him. Even being sick, Dyagilev continued to build plans and hum in Wagner and Tchaikovsky. On August 16, Cochno arrived at him, 18th - visited Misia Sold and Chanel. Having received a telegram from Coribute Cubitovich, who did not rush to come to his call, Dyagilev noticed: "Well, of course, the pavage will be late and will come after my death". In the evening, the priest came to him. At night, the temperature of Dyagileva rose to 41 °, he no longer came into consciousness and died at dawn on August 19, 1929.

Since Dyagilev had no funds, the funeral was paid by M. Cold and Channel. After a short memorization in accordance with the rite of the Orthodox Church, the body was transferred to the San Michele Island and buried in the Orthodox part of the cemetery.

On the marble tombstone monument, the name of Dyagilev in Russian and French ( Serge de Diaghilew.) And Epitaph: "Venice - the permanent inspirational of our calm" - the phrase written by him shortly before death in the grade inscription I am Serge Lithuania. At the pedestal near the photo, the impresario almost always lie ballet shoes (so that they are not taken by the wind, they are stuffed with sand) and the other theater attribute. At the same cemetery next to the grave of Dyagilev, there is a grave of his employee, composer Igor Stravinsky, as well as the poet Joseph Brodsky, who called Dyagileev "Citizen Perm."

The official heiress of Dyagilev was his father's sister, Julia Parensov-Dyagileva, who lived in Sofia (she refused the inheritance in favor of Nouvel and Lifery). On August 27, Nouvele organized a memorial service on the deceased in Paris, in the Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky.


  • Sophisticated questions, "World of Art", 1899, NO 1-2, NO 3-4 (in collaboration with D. V. Philosophical);
  • Russian painting in the XVIII century, t. 1 - D. G. Levitsky, St. Petersburg, 1902.


In St. Petersburg

  • 1899 - Autumn 1900 - an income house on Foundry Prospekt, 45;
  • autumn 1900-1913. - Profitable house N. I. Khmelnitsky, Embankment of the Fontanka River, 11.

In Venice

  • Lido, Grand Hotel Des Bains

Dyagilev's fate in the USSR

  • The fate of the two brothers Sergei Dyagileva - Yuri and Valentina - tragic. Valentine was shot at Solovki in 1929 on a fabricated criminal case; Yuri was sent to reference (according to other data, underwent administrative expulsion), died in Tashkent (according to other data, in the city of Chirchik Tashkent region) in 1957.
  • Senior nephew Sergey Valentinovich Dyagilev was a symphony conductor. Like the Father, Valentin Pavlovich, was repressed in 1937 on a fabricated political article. Spent 10 years in camps and 5 years in the link. After rehabilitation, he returned to Leningrad, where he continued creative activity. Died on August 13, 1967.
  • Junior nephew Vasily Valentinovich Dyagilev, Neuropathologist, was forced to hide the relationship with the famous Uncle.
  • Mulled nephew Sergey Aleksandrovich Dyagilev is a composer and conductor. Lives in St. Petersburg.


In Paris

  • In 1965, the area near the Grand-Opera Theater, in the city of the city, was named Dyagilev Square.
  • In 2003, in Paris in the "Shatle" theater, a monument to Dyagileev's work of the St. Petersburg sculptor Levon Lazarev was opened.
  • In the year of a century of "Russian seasons", interest in the identity of Dyagilev increased again. In 2008, Sotheby's auction house organized in Paris in honor of the 100th anniversary of the "Russian ballets" Dyagilev exhibition "Dancing towards glory: the golden age of" Russian ballets "", on which about 150 paintings, sketches, costumes, scenery, drawings were presented , sculptures, photos, manuscripts and programs. Among the exhibits of the exhibition were costumes, sketches for which Leon Bakst and French artists Andre Deren and Henri Matisse. The installation of the Belgian sculptor Isabelle de Barsharv, inspired by the heritage of Dyagilev, was also presented.
  • In 2009, the project of the monument to Dyagilev began in Paris. The winner of the competition was the draft sculptor Viktor Mitrushin. His Dyagilev stands in full growth in the cylinder, Thrake and with a cane in his hand, on a high pedestal, on which parsley opens the curtain. At the time of the competition, the project supported President Jacques Chirac, his wife Bernette expressed a desire to oversee the work on the implementation of the project; The project then moved to the patronage Pierre Carden. Since the mayor of Paris Jean Tiberi was against, the construction of the monument was able to start only after he replaced Bertrand Delanoe. The monument is planned to be installed on the square in front of the GRAND-Opera building.

In Russia

In Perm

  • Since 1992, the Gymnasium, which has been the name of S. P. Dyagilev, and a museum that makes a single complex with a gymnasium of a single complex has been placed in the genital house of Dyagilev in Perm. In 2007, a monument to Sergey Pavlovich the work of the Ernst Unknown sculptor unknown was established in the concert hall of the Dyagileev House. Since 2009, the Perm discusses the possibility of transferring the monument to one of the streets, but the monument is cast from color patinated bronze - a whimsical material that is afraid of rains and exhaust gases.
  • At the initiative of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater in Perm, the annual "Dyagilevsky Festival" is held. The theater building, built thanks to significant financial support for Dyagilev, according to many Perm, is beautiful in the city.
  • In September 2011, the Minister of Culture of the Perm Territory Nikolay Novichkov proposed to name the new airport in Perm International Airport Sergey Dyagilev.

In other cities

  • The name of Dyagilev is called lyceum of arts in Yekaterinburg and the art school in Zelenograd, as well as the ship "Sergey Dyagilev".
  • In the spring of 2006, a nightclub "Dyagilev" opened in the building of the Schukinsk scene on the territory of the Moscow garden "Hermitage" (also known as "Dyagilev Progek"). Its logo became a black and white pattern, depicting a taired man in a piece, cylinder and a butterfly with an obvious hint of the image of S. P. Dyagilev.

Image in art


  • Portrait of a brush Valentina Serov (1904).
  • Portrait of Sergey Pavlovich Dyagilev with a nanny brush lion brush (1905).
  • In the bonission: Dyagilev is depicted on the front side of the bill with a par 500 Ural francs of 1991 release.
  • In philately:

Postage stamps of Russia

original brand on post envelope, 1997

Sergey Dyagilev and "Russian Seasons", 2000

In cinema

  • S. P. Dyagilev became the prototype of impresario Lermontov In the film "Red Shoes" (1948, the role of the Austrian actor Anton Walbruck).
  • In the film "Nizhinsky" (1980, United States), the role of Dyagilev was performed by Alan Bates.
  • In the film "Anna Pavlova" ("Mosfilm", 1983, director Emil Lotyan), the role of Dyagileva performed Vsevolod Larion.
  • "Coco Chanel and Igor Stravinsky" (2009) - in the film, in particular, showing the relationship of Dyagilev with the composer Stravinsky.
  • "Paris Sergey Dyagileva" - documentary film director Nikita Tikhonov, authors of Violetta Marynie and Yulia Tikhonov (39 min; 2010, Russia).
  • "A merchant for all times. The Virtual Museum of Sergei Dyagileva "- a documentary interview with Edward Radzinsky, Nikolai Tsiskaridze, Alexander Vasilyev Rezhissor Svetlana Astereova (2017, Russia).
  • In the television series "Mata Hari" (2017), the role of Dyagileev was performed by Andrei Tartakov.

In the theatre

  • The image of Dyagilev is shown in the ballet Maurice Bezhar "Nizhinsky - Clown of God" (1972, La Monna Theater) and in several performances of John Neumayer, dedicated to the fate of the dancer Vaclav Nizhinsky.

In the dramatic theater, the role of Dyagilev performed:

  • Maxim Mishaev - in the play of the puppet theater. S. V. Exodinova "Nizhinsky, Crazy God Clown" (2008, director Andrei Dranny).
  • Edwardas Bainaras - in the play "Nizhinsky. Music of one life ", Experimental theater of the author's play on the stage of the center of V. S. Vysotsky.
  • Oleg Vavilov - in the play of the theater at the Small Bronnaya "Nizhinsky, Crazy Cloon of God."


  • Sergey Dyagilev and Russian art. In 2 tons. Sost. I. S. Zilberstein and V. A. Samkov. M., 1982.
  • kn. S. M. Volkonsky, my memories. Laurel. Streams. Motherland. - Berlin: Copper rider, 1923, M.: Art, 1992, 2 tons.
  • kn. S. M. Volkonsky. Reviews in the newspaper "Latest News" - see the full meeting in: Revue des Études Slaves, Paris, LXIV / 4, 1992, PP. 735-772.
  • Stasov V. V., Exhibitions. Spirit, faithful. cit., t. 3, M., 1952, p. 215-228, 232-243.
  • Lunacharsky A. V. in the world of music. M., 1958.
  • Grabar I., My Life, M.-L., 1937.
  • Fokin M. M. Against the current, L.-M., 1962.
  • Valentin Serov in memories, diaries and correspondence of contemporaries, t. 1-2, L., 1971.
  • Grigoriev S. The Diaghilew Ballet 1909-1929, HarmondSworth, 1960 (Rus. Per.: Grigoriev S. L. Ballet Dyagileva, 1909-1929, Preport. Chistyakova N. A. - M: APT STD RF, 1993.-384 .).
  • Haskell A. L., Nouvel W. Diaghilheff. HIS ARTISTIC AND Private Life, L., 1935, 1955.
  • A. Benua, my memories. In five books. t. 1, etc. 2. Ed. Second, add. M.: Science, 1990.
  • Serge Lifar (Sergey Lifarenko). Dyagilev, with Dyagilev. M.: Vagribus. 2005, 592 p., 5000 copies.
  • Garafol L. "Russian Ballet Dyagileva". Translation from English. Perm- "Book World", 2009,480 c., Encyclopedic format, 500 copies,
  • Semendyaev Maria. Vladimir Semenihin organized an exhibition about Dyagilev ballets // Snob. - 2009. - October 30.
  • Mokrusov A. B. Money and Art between East and West. S. P. Dyagilev. Materials for biography. 1902-1926 // Fashion theory, 2010, No. 15. P. 167-204.
  • Chernyshov-Melnik N. D. Dyagilev: Aversion time. M., "Young Guard" (ZhZL), 2011.
  • Scheen S. Dyagilev. "Russian seasons" forever / per. from the Netherl. N. Zhenko, S. Knyazkova. M.: Hummingbird, Azbuka-Attikus, 2012, 608 p.

\u003e Sergey Dyagilev

As you know, the beginning of the 20th century has become the time of the triumph of the Russian ballet worldwide, and in this is invaluable by the merit of Sergey Dyagilev. His personal life more than once became the subject of hot discussions in society. However, this person who erected the profession of an entrepreneur in the rank of art, forgiven, for which many others would make outgoing.

Brief Biography Sergey Dyagileev: Childhood and Youth

The future organizer of the Russian Seasons was born on March 19, 1872 in the village of Selischi Novgorod province in the noble family. My mother did not remember his mother, as she died shortly after his birth. A stepmother, which was an educated and intelligent woman, took up the education of Little Sergey.

The father of the boy was a military, and on the affairs of his service the Dyagilev family was forced to move frequently from place to place. After graduating from the gymnasium in Perm in 1890, Sergey Dyagilev went to St. Petersburg and entered the Faculty of Law. In parallel, he studied music from N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov.

From 1896 to 1899

In 1896, Sergey Dyagilev graduated from studying at the university, but the lawyer did not work out. Nevertheless, he soon became known in St. Petersburg, as one of the creators of the first in Russia of the art journal "The World of Art", which united around himself Vrubel, Sergei, Levitan, and others. Over time, Sergey Dyagilev and its coming friends-like-minded people D. philosophers and A. N. Benua organizes several exhibitions. In particular, the works of German watercolorists (in 1897), the webs of Scandinavian artists, paintings of the Russian and Finnish painters in the Museum of the Shtiglitz (in 1898) and others are held with great success.

In public service

In 1899, the director of the Imperial Theaters S. Volkonsky appointed Sergey Dyagilev to the post of official for special instructions. In addition, he was entrusted to the editing of the annual publication that consensy the activities of this department. Dyagilev turns the magazine into a high-class feature edition, and attracts to work in the imperial theaters A. Vasnetsov, A. Benua, L. Baksta, A. Serov, K. Korovin and others. However, cooperation with Volkonsky fines quite quickly, since Sergey Dyagilev has disagreements with the authorities in the process of preparing the ballet "Silvia". In addition, he has a painful gap with Dmitry philosophical, the cause of which Zinaida Hippius is. As a result, Dyagilev decides to terminate the existence of the "world of art" and in 1904 leaves from St. Petersburg.

"Russian seasons"

The active nature of Sergey Dyagilev and the connection in the world of art allows him in 1908 to organize in Paris a show of Russian operas "Boris Godunov" M. M. Glinka, Ruslan and Lyudmila, and others who had a huge success.

A year later, 1909 and the first "Russian seasons" were held in Paris, which became a bright event in the cultural life of the whole of Europe. Sergey Dyagileev ballets were also seen in London, Rome and even in the United States. Ballet "seasons" ended shortly before the beginning of the First World War, after which the great entrepreneur decided to leave his homeland forever.

"Russian ballet"

Settling in New York, where there were still fresh memories of performances with the participation of Anna Pavlova, Vaclav Nizhinsky and other famous dancers and ballerinas, Sergey Dyagilev organized a constantly acting troupe. It became known as "Russian ballet" and existed until 1929. During this period, Dyagilev is hardly experiencing a break with Vaclav Nizhinsky, who was the subject of his homosexual passion for many years. I have not been able to forgive your lover secret wedding with the Romanian Ballerina Romolo Pulskaya, he again brought together with Mikhail Fokin. The latter created his best ballets for him, which were classic dance art.

last years of life

Sergey Dyagilev (see above) Always extremely unpervently related to his health. Back in 1921, he was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. At the same time, Dyagilev practically did not comply with the prescription of the doctors and did not gent himself, going to the exhausting trips. Since 1927 he has developed the strongest furunculese. Some researchers believe that it was one of the manifestations of AIDS, which may have suffered from Dyagilev. In those years, antibiotics have not yet existed, so the presence of numerous foci of purulent infection meant a direct threat to life. Later, Dyagilev ignored the prescription of doctors and went with his troupe to a tour, including visits to Berlin, Cologne, Paris and London. In the British capital, physicians advised him to undergo a course of treatment with thermal waters, but instead the great entreprenere visited Baden-Baden to discuss the new ballet with Hindemit, and from there he went to Munich and to Salzburg to listen to Opera Mozart and Wagner. Feeling worse, he decided to spend some time in Venice.


Sergey Dyagilev, whose biography is inextricably linked with the history of Russian ballet for the first quarter of the 20th century, arrived in Venice on August 8, 1929. Doctors stated that because of the abscesses, he began to infect blood. After 4 days he was running down, but continued to build plans for the future. On August 18, Dyagilev met and died in the morning of the next day, not coming into consciousness.

After a memorialist, his body was transferred to the island of San Michele, and he was buried in the Orthodox part of the cemetery.

Personal life Sergey Dyagileva

As mentioned, a famous entrepreneur from an early youth showed homosexual inclinations. The first love of his love was the cousin Dmitry Philosophers, with whom he founded the "world of art" and, as they would say today, engaged in promoting Russian art. Later we went to rumors that his connection with Vaclav Nizhinsky, which he did not think to hide, was the cause of dismissal from the imperial theaters. The next one who won the heart of Dyagileev, was the young dancer Leonid Mezin, who allowed himself to love his career in the name of which and succeeded. However, his marriage with Vera Savina put the point in the relationship of a ballet star and his cartridge. After Dyagilev, she repeatedly brought to himself young people who helped to make a successful career with all the forces. In particular, thus fame, Sergey Liminar and Anton Dolin were achieved, while the first of them was rumored that he was deprived of homosexual inclinations, and Master's love remained Platonic. Be that as it may, as a result of these hobbies, several famous ballets for the music of Stravinsky, Balanchine and Ruo were born.

Now you know who Sergey Dyagilev was. Biography, personal life and novels of this famous Russian entrepreneur often became the subject of discussion and condemnation. However, no one can deny him a huge role in the development of domestic and world ballet art.

Sergey Pavlovich Dyagilev (March 31, Selischi, Novgorod province - August 19, Venice) - Russian Theater and Artistic Worker, one of the founders of the World of Art, the Organizer of the Russian Seasons in Paris and the Russian Ballet Dyagileev troupe, Entreplener.


For three decades, the house belonged to a large and friendly family of Dyagilev. In the house called contemporaries "Permian Athens", the city intelligentsia was gathered on Thursdays. Here they musicated, sang, played homemade performances.

After the end of the Perm Gymnasium in 1890, he returned to St. Petersburg and entered the Faculty of Law of the University, in parallel he studied music from N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov in the St. Petersburg Conservatory. In the youth, Dyagilev tried in vain to find his field. An important point in his life was a meeting with the writer Lv's Tolstoy, after which he decided to devote himself to collecting autographs of famous contemporaries. In 1896, he graduated from the university, but instead of engaging in jurisprudence, began activities in the field of visual art.

Conditionally activities of S. P. Dyagilev can be divided into two periods:

  • 1898-1906 - the life of Dyagilev in Russia, when his interests were focused mainly in the field of visual art;
  • 1906-1929 - Dyagileev's activities as impresario abroad. Starting with the organization of the exhibition in 1906, he soon focused on the field of musical theater, first of all, ballet.

Activities in Petersburg

In 1898, together with the artist A. N. Benua, became the initiator of the creation of the Journal of the World of Art, published by S. I. Mammoth and Princess M. K. Tenisheva; He was his editor (from 1903 - together with Beno'a), from 1902 he led the publication. In 1898-1904, art historical articles also wrote himself; He is the author of the monograph on the artist D. G. Levitsky (1902).

During this period, the exhibitions were organized, which caused a wide resonance in St. Petersburg:

  • 1897 - Exhibition of British and German Watercolorists, who acquainted the Russian public with a number of large masters of these countries and modern trends in visual arts;
  • Exhibition of Scandinavian artists in the halls of the Society for the Promotion of Arts;
  • 1898 - the exhibition of Russian and Finnish artists in the Museum of the Shtiglitz, which Miriskusniki themselves considered their first performance (besides the main group of the initial friendly mug, from which the Union of Art was an union, Dyagilev managed to attract the other major art representatives to participate in the exhibition - Vrubel , Serov, Levitan);
  • 1905 - a historical and art exhibition of Russian portraits of the XVII-XVIII centuries in the Tauride Palace;
  • 1906 - an exhibition of Russian art in the autumn salon in Paris with the participation of works of Benouua, Grabar, Kuznetsova, Malyavina, Repin, Serov, Yalevsky, Roerich, etc.

Together with Dyagilev in the imperial theaters, many modern artists came (Ap. M. Vasnetsov, A. N. Benua, L. S. Bakst, V. A. Serov, K. A. Korovin, E. E. Lancere).

In the season 1900-1901, Volkonsky laid on Dyagilev, the decree of the ballet Deliba "Silvia". Dyagilev attracted to the formulation of artists of the group "The World of Art", but the case was broken due to the protest of the officials of the Directorate. Dyagille did not obey the director of the Volkonsky director, Demonstantly refused to edit the "Yearbook", and the case ended with his dismissal.

Historical Russian concerts. Russian seasons. Russian ballet Dyagilev

Sergey Dyagilev, 1910.

Dyagilev constantly collaborated with the "open" composer I. F. Stravinsky. Stephen Walsh noted that "Dyagilev and Stravinsky, as if the Russian heroes of cartoons: hugging and drank together in the evening, and during the day they swear desperately because of money and contracts."

Outstanding artists who were part of the "World of Art" participated in the design of ballets, in particular A. N. Benua, L. S. Bakst, A. Ya. Golovin, N. K. Roerich, B. I. Anisfeld. "Seasons" were a means of propaganda of Russian ballet and visual arts. In twenty years of its existence, they completely changed the traditional ideas about the theater and dance, also contributed to the bloom of ballet in countries where this genre was not developed.

During the war, starting from the mid-1910s, he radically changed the stylistics of ideas, leaving exotic, courtery and orientalism and appealing to the avant-garde. The first performance of the new musical form and choreography was the ballet "Parade" Eric Sati, whose scandalous premiere was held in Paris in the year. Out of the stylistics of the "World Peace", Dyagilev began to cooperate mainly with European artists; Also, his permanent employees were spouses N. S. Goncharov and M. F. Larionov.

Dyagileeva troupe gave the seasons in Paris and in London, and also toured in Italy, Germany, USA. Starting from the winter of 1923, she rehearsed in Monte Carlo, where the first ideas of many premieres took place. Before the First World War, Dyagilev was obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bpresenting his productions in Russia, to speak in St. Petersburg was his dream - however, despite the efforts and numerous attempts, for various reasons he failed. In the early 1920s, with the help of Mayakovsky, whom he brought in every way in Berlin and Paris, Dyagilev again tried to organize touring troupes or at least his trip to the USSR, but then he refused from this idea.

Many contemporaries, artists and poets used bright symbols, metaphors in the transmission of personality perception S. P. Dyagileev: "Radiant Sun" (V. A. Serov), "Hercules", "Peter Great" (A. N. Benua), "Eagle who stroke small birds" (V. F. Nizhinsky), "The Yellow Devil on the Arena of European Countries" (A. L. Volynsky), "Nero in black tuxedo over Flaming Rome" (A. White), "Monster" ( S. Yu. Sudyikin did not call him otherwise).

Personal life

Relationship with meatinia

In 1916, during the American tour, Dyagilev declared a troupe that under no circumstances would not tolerate measin's intrigues with actors. However, in 1920, during the preparation of the new version of the Spring Spring, the measin began relations with the English ballerina by Vera Savina, recently appeared in the troupe. In Rome, Dyagilev hired private detectives who followed a couple and reported to him about their meetings. In the end, Dyagilev drank Savin in his room and then a decay of the ledge into a neighboring room to sleeping meat. Throwing it to bed in him, he exclaimed: "Look, here is your ideal." After that, measin immediately left the hotel and stopped all kinds of relations with Dyagilev. He was dismissed from the troupe, Savina also from a promising soloist was translated into the corps. Dyagilev was seriously worried about the gap with his favorite and for several days no one did not let anyone, except for Nouvel and his servants Beppo and Vasily. According to the artist, Mikhail Semenova, "Dyagilles looked like"; "His friends, fearing for his health and even the mind, Danish and Nosno did not produce him out of sight," wrote Arnold Haskell.

Starting from 1924, measin, by the time he married Savina, again collaborated with Dyagilev, who apparently cooled to him completely. According to the testimony of the composer of Dukelsky, during work on the ballet "Marshmallow and Flora", he told him that "Leonid has no soul, nor heart, no taste, and the only thing that interests him is money."

Disease and death

In 1921, Dyagilev diagnosed sugar diabetes, but he almost did not comply with the prescribed diet: 520. The development of the illness contributed to the lifestyle, as well as constant sharp changes in body weight. Starting from 1927, he developed a furunculesis that could lead to the development of sepsis, which was deadly in those times when antibiotics were not yet known. In the summer of 1929, the doctor prescribed Dyagilev in Paris to comply with a diet and relax a lot, warning that non-compliance with the recommendations would result in dangerous consequences for his health: 534.

Dyagilev ignored the prescription by going with the troupe to Berlin, then in Cologne and through Paris - to London, where he again visited the doctor who advised him to hire a nurse, which was also not done: Cokhno took care daily, making the necessary procedures and dressings daily. By sending a troupe on vacation and returning to Paris, he again visited his attending physician who insisted on the course of treatment with thermal waters in Vichy. Instead, Igor Markevich, Igor Markelevich, taking a "musical" journey along the Rhine, visiting Baden-Baden (where he discussed the new ballet with Hindemit and saw Nabokov, later writing: "Despite his appearance, it seemed that he had a good mood. He had fun told about his plans for the remaining part of the summer and for the new autumn season. "), Munich (for the sake of Opero Mozart and Wagner) and Salzburg. From there, Dyagilev sent Coribute-Kubitovich's letter with an insistent request to come to him in Venice. After parting with Markevich in Veve, on August 7, Dyagilev went to Venice. The next day he drove into " Grand Hotel de Ban"Lifter arrived in the evening.

By then, he has already begun to infect blood due to abscesses: 538. From August 12, he no longer got up from the bed, the Blinder was cared for him. Even being sick, Dyagilev continued to build plans and hum in Wagner and Tchaikovsky. On August 16, Cochno arrived at him, 18th - visited Misia Sold and Chanel. Having received a telegram from Coribute Cubitovich, who did not rush to come to his call, Dyagilev noticed: "Well, of course, the pavage will be late and will come after my death". In the evening, the priest came to him. At night, the temperature of Dyagileva rose to 41 °, he no longer came into consciousness and died at dawn on August 19, 1929.

Since Dyagilev had no funds, the funeral was paid by M. Cold and Channel. After a short memorization in accordance with the rite of the Orthodox Church, the body was transferred to the San Michele Island and buried in the Orthodox part of the cemetery.

On the marble tombstone monument, the name of Dyagilev in Russian and French ( Serge de Diaghilew.) And Epitaph: "Venice - the permanent inspirational of our calm" - the phrase written by him shortly before death in the grade inscription I am Serge Lithuania. At the pedestal near the photo, the impresario almost always lie ballet shoes (so that they are not taken by the wind, they are stuffed with sand) and the other theater attribute. On the same cemetery next to the grave of Dyagilev, there is a grave of the composer of Igor Stravinsky, as well as the poet Joseph Brodsky, who called Dyagileva "Citizen Perm."

The official heiress of Dyagilev was his father's sister, Julia Parensov-Dyagileva, who lived in Sofia (she refused the inheritance in favor of Nouvel and Lifery). On August 27, Nouvele organized a memorial service on the deceased in Paris, in the Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky.

Video on the topic


  • Sophisticated questions, "World of Art", 1899, NO 1-2, NO 3-4 (in collaboration with D. V. Philosophical);
  • Russian painting in the XVIII century, t. 1 - D. G. Levitsky, St. Petersburg, 1902.


In St. Petersburg
  • 1899 - Autumn 1900 - an income house on Foundry Prospekt, 45;
  • autumn 1900-1913. - Profitable house N. I. Khmelnitsky, Embankment of the Fontanka River, 11.
In Venice
  • Lido Grand Hotel Des Bains

Dyagilev's fate in the USSR

  • The fate of the two brothers Sergei Dyagileva - Yuri and Valentina - tragic. Valentine was shot at Solovki in 1929 on a fabricated criminal case; Yuri was sent to reference (according to other data, underwent administrative expulsion), died in Tashkent (according to other data, in the city of Chirchik Tashkent region) in 1957.
  • Senior nephew Sergey Valentinovich Dyagilev was a symphony conductor. Like the Father, Valentin Pavlovich, was repressed in 1937 on a fabricated political article. Spent 10 years in camps and 5 years in the link. After rehabilitation, he returned to Leningrad, where he continued creative activity. Died on August 13, 1967.
  • Junior nephew Vasily Valentinovich Dyagilev, Neuropathologist, was forced to hide the relationship with the famous Uncle.
  • Mulled nephew Sergey Aleksandrovich Dyagilev is a composer and conductor. Lives in St. Petersburg.


In Paris

In Russia

In Perm

In other cities

  • The name of Dyagilev is called lyceum of arts in Yekaterinburg and the art school in Zelenograd, as well as the ship "Sergey Dyagilev".
  • In the spring of 2006, a nightclub "Dyagilev" opened in the building of the Schukinsk scene on the territory of the Moscow garden "Hermitage" (also known as "Dyagilev Progek"). Its logo became a black and white pattern, depicting a taired man in a piece, cylinder and a butterfly with an obvious hint of the image of S. P. Dyagilev.

Image in art


  • Portrait of a brush Valentina Serov (1904).
  • Portrait of Sergey Pavlovich Dyagilev with a nanny brush lion brush (1905).
  • In the bonission: Dyagilev is depicted on the front side of the bill with a par 500 Ural francs of 1991 release.
  • In philately:

In cinema

  • S. P. Dyagilev became the prototype of impresario Lermontov In the film "Red Shoes" (1948, the role of the Austrian actor Anton Walbruck).
  • In film " Nizhinsky"(1980, United States) The role of Dyagileva performed Alan Bates.
  • In the film "Anna Pavlova" ("Mosfilm", 1983, director Emil Lotyan), the role of Dyagileva performed Vsevolod Larion.
  • "Coco Chanel and Igor Stravinsky" (2009) - in the film, in particular, showing the relationship of Dyagilev with the composer Stravinsky.
  • "Paris Sergey Dyagileva" - documentary film director Nikita Tikhonov, authors of Violetta Marynie and Yulia Tikhonov (39 min; 2010, Russia).
  • "A merchant for all times. The Virtual Museum of Sergei Dyagileva "- a documentary interview with Edward Radzinsky, Nikolai Tsiskaridze, Alexander Vasilyev Rezhissor Svetlana Astereova (2017, Russia).
  • In the television series "Mata Hari" (2017), the role of Dyagileev was performed by Andrei Tartakov.

In the theatre

  • The image of Dyagilev is shown in the ballet Maurice Bezhar "Nizhinsky - Clown of God" (1972, La Monna Theater) and in several performances of John Neumayer, dedicated to the fate of the dancer Vaclav Nizhinsky.

In the dramatic theater, the role of Dyagilev performed:


  • 2001 - Points. Russia Century XX, Issue 28: Sergey Dyagilev (dir. Stanislav Rador, Nikita Voronov, Anatoly Vasilyev)
  • 2002 - the fate of the devotee. Sergey Dyagilev (dir. Viktor Spiridonov, Alexander Vasilyev)
  • 2010 - "Paris Sergey Dyagileva" - documentary film director


Life in art

Russian seasons

Addresses in St. Petersburg

Dyagilev's fate in the USSR

Dyagilev as a symbol in culture

In bonissic

Sergey Pavlovich Dyagilev (1872-1929) - Russian theater and artisticist, entrepreneur, one of the founders of the group "World of Art", the organizer of the Russian seasons in Paris and the "Russian ballet Dyagilev" troupe.


Sergey Dyagilev was born 19 (31) in 1872 in Selishcheh Novgorod province, in the family of personnel military, hereditary nobleman, Kavaleargard. His father, P. P. Dyagilev, early widowed, and Sergey raised the stepmother Elena, daughter V. A. Panayev. As a child, Sergey lived in St. Petersburg, then in Perm, where his father served. Father's brother, Ivan Pavlovich Dyagilev, was the patter and the founder of the musical circle.

In Perm at the corner of the streets of Siberian and Pushkin (formerly Big Yamskaya), the Generic House of Sergey Dyagilev was preserved, where the gymnasium is now located. The Late Russian classicism mansion was built in the 50s of the XIX century on the project of the architect R. O. Karvovsky.

For three decades, the house belonged to a large and friendly family of Dyagilev. In the house called contemporaries "Permian Athens", the city intelligentsia was gathered on Thursdays. Here they musicated, sang, played homemade performances.

After the end of the Perm Gymnasium in 1890, he returned to St. Petersburg and entered the Faculty of Law of the University, in parallel he studied music from N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov in the St. Petersburg Conservatory.

Life in art

In 1896, Dyagilev graduated from the university, but instead of engaging in jurisprudence, he began his career of art worker. A few years later, after receiving a diploma, he created together with A. N. Benua, the union of the "World of Art", edited the same name (from 1898 to 1904) and art historical articles himself wrote. Organized exhibitions that caused a wide resonance: in 1897 - an exhibition of English and German watercolorists who acquainted the Russian audience with a number of large masters of these countries and modern trends in visual arts, then the exhibition of Scandinavian artists in the halls of the Society promotion of arts, the exhibition of Russian and Finnish artists in the Schtiglitz Museum (1898) The Miriskuseniki themselves considered their first performance (Dyagilev managed to attract to participate in the exhibition, in addition to the main group of the initial friendly mug, from which the union of the "World of Art" arose, the other major representatives of young art - Vrubel, Serov, Levitan, etc.), Historical and art exhibition of Russian portraits in St. Petersburg (1905); Exhibition of Russian art in the autumn salon in Paris with the participation of works of Benouua, Grabar, Kuznetsova, Malyavina, Repin, Serov, Yale (1906), and others.

"Yearbook of Imperial Theaters"

In 1899, Prince Sergey Volkonsky, who became the director of the imperial theaters, appointed a Dyagilev official for special instructions, gave him the editing of the "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters". Many artists came to the imperial theaters with Dyagilev (AP M.Vasnetsov, A. N. Benua, L. S. Bakst, V. A. Serov, K. A. Korovin, A. E. Lancer).

In the 1900-1901 Season 1900-1901, Volkonsky laid on Dyagilev. Dyagilev attracted to the formulation of artists of the group "The World of Art", but it was disappeared due to protest officials of the Directorate. Dyagille did not obey the director of the Volkonsky director, demonstratively refused to edit the "Yearbook", and the case ended with dismissal of Dyagilev.

Russian seasons

1907 Dyagilev organizes annual foreign speeches of Russian artists who called the "Russian seasons". In 1907, the participation of musicians were held within the framework of the "seasons" - "Historical Russian Concerts". N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, S. V. Rakhmaninov, A. K. Glazunov, F. I. Shalyapin, and others. In 1908, the seasons of the Russian Opera took place. Despite the success, the season brought the Dyagilev losses, so the next year he, knowing the tastes of the public, decided to take to Paris and ballet. At the same time, at that moment Dyagilev treated ballet dismissive:

The ballet seasons were then lasted until 1913. A number of famous artists invited the Ballet tour, including M. M. Fokina, A. P. Pavlov, V. F. Nizhinsky, T. P. Karsavin, E. V. Gelzer.

With this troupe, he toured in London, Rome, as well as in the United States. In the design of ballets, outstanding artists who were part of the "World of Art", in particular A. N. Benua, L. Bakst, A. Ya. Golovin, N. K. Rerich, N. S. Goncharov. Seasons were a means of propaganda of Russian ballet and visual arts and contributed to the bloom of ballet in countries where this genre was not developed.


In 1911, Dyagilev organized the ballet troupe "Russian Ballet Dyagileva". The troupe began the speech in 1913 and existed until 1929, that is, to the death of its organizer.


Dyagilev died on August 19, 1929 in Venice, by rumors, from Furuncoolose. Buried on the nearby island of San Michele.

The meaning of Dyagilev is currently

  • Gymnasium in Perm, in which Dyagilev studied, since 1992 hears his name. In this gymnasium number 11, the S. P. Dyagilev Museum was opened.
  • In 2007, a monument to Dyagilev's work was established in the concert hall of the Dyagilev House of the Ernst Unknown.
  • Perm has been held annual international cultural festivals named after S. Dyagilev - "Dyagilev seasons: Perm-Petersburg-Paris". The initiator of the first Dyagilev Festival in Russia was performed by the Perm Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. P. I. Tchaikovsky, the building of which was built thanks to significant financial support for Dyagilev and, according to many Perm, is beautiful in the city.
  • In the year of a century "Russian seasons" interest in the personality of S. P. Dyagilev again increased. In 2008, Sotheby's auction house organized the exhibition "Dancing towards glory: the Golden Age of Russian Ballets" in honor of the 100th anniversary of the "Russian ballets" Dyagilev, which took place in Paris. It could be seen about 150 paintings, sketches, costumes, scenery, drawings, sculptures, photos, manuscripts and programs. The exhibition organizers showed key points in the development of "Russian ballets", which in twenty years of their existence fully changed the traditional ideas about the theater and dance. Among the exhibits of the exhibition were costumes, sketches for which the French artists were made by Andre Deren ("Magic Shop", 1919) and Henri Matisse (Sunovya's song, 1920). Separately, it is worth saying about the costumes invented by the Lev Bakst. Bakst is the first scene, which has become a world celebrity. Creating sketches of ballet costumes, he was inspired by oriental and ancient Greek outfits. The models that he developed not only admired the audience in the theater, but also influenced fashion trends. From modern artists who inspired by the heritage of Dyagilev, an important place has been charged with a paper installation of the famous Belgian sculptor Isabelle de Barsharve (Isabelle de Borchgrave).
  • In May 2009, two postage stamps "Century of the Russian Ballet Dyagileev" were released in Monaco, created by the Russian artist Georgy Shishkin.
  • In 2009, the Perm began a discussion of the establishment of a number of monuments S. P. Dyagilev, showing him in different years of life.
  • In 2009, the project of the monument to Dyagilev began in Paris. Victor Mitrushin's sculptor layout was the winner of the international competition. His Dyagilev stands in full growth in the cylinder, Thrake and with a cane in his hand, on a high pedestal, on which parsley opens the curtain. Probably, the monument will be supplied with the support of patrons, for donations, by the Russian Diaspora. At the time of the competition, the project supported President Jacques Chirak, and his wife Bernette expressed a desire to oversee the project work. Former mayor of Paris, Jean Tiberi was against, but the construction of the monument managed to start only after he replaced Bertrand Delanoe. At the moment, work is carried out under Pierre Carden Pierre. A monument to Dyagilev will be installed on the square in front of the GRAND-Opera building in Paris.

Addresses in St. Petersburg

  • 1899 - Autumn 1900 - an income house - Foundry Avenue, 45;
  • autumn 1900-1913 - N. I. Khmelnitsky's profits - Embankment of the Fontanka River, 11.

Dyagilev's fate in the USSR

  • The fate of the two brothers Sergei Dyagilev - Yuri and Valentina tragic. Yuri Pavlovich was repressed, and Valentine was shot at Solovki in 1929 on a fabricated criminal case.
  • Senior nephew Dyagilev Sergey Valentinovich was a symphony conductor. Repressed in 1937 as his father Valentin Pavlovich on a fabricated political article. Twisted 10 years in the camps and 5 years in the link. After rehabilitation, he returned to Leningrad, where he continued creative activity. Died in 08/13/1967.
  • His grandson Dyagil Sergey Alexandrovich (Sergey Dyagilev ML.) - Composer and Conductor. Lives in St. Petersburg.
  • Junior nephew Vasily Valentinovich Dyagilev was forced to hide a relationship with the famous uncle in the USSR.

Dyagilev as a symbol in culture

  • In the spring of 2006, in the building of the Schukin scene, the most famous club of Russia, a capacity of 1,500 people, "Dyagilev" (also known as the "Dyagilev Progek") opened on the territory of the famous Moscow garden "Hermitage". The club's logo was a black and white pattern, depicting a tailed man in a piece, cylinder and a butterfly with an obvious hint of Sergey Pavlovich Dyagilev.
  • In the choreographer and dancers, there is a tradition - when visiting the grave of Sergei Dyagilev in Venice to put their shoes on the marble pedestal. Almost always on his grave lie someone left pointes and various theatrical attributes. On the same Greek cemetery of the island of San Michele, near the Grave of Dyagilev, there is a grave of another great figure of the Russian scene - Igor Stravinsky, as well as the poet Joseph Brodsky, who called Dyagileva "Citizen Perm." For the "theatrical" visitors in the cemetery, a special indicator "Diaghilew Strawinski".
  • On the grave itself, epitaph: "Venice is a permanent inspirational of our calm." This phrase, written by Dyagilev, shortly before his death in a granting inscription, I am Sergey Lithuan, became a winged in the circle of cultural workers.

In bonissic

  • Dyagilev is depicted on the front side of the bill with a denomination of 500 Ural francs 1991 release.


Life in art

Russian seasons

Addresses in St. Petersburg

Dyagilev's fate in the USSR

Dyagilev as a symbol in culture

In bonissic

Sergey Pavlovich Dyagilev (1872-1929) - Russian theater and artisticist, entrepreneur, one of the founders of the group "World of Art", the organizer of the Russian seasons in Paris and the "Russian ballet Dyagilev" troupe.


Sergey Dyagilev was born 19 (31) in 1872 in Selishcheh Novgorod province, in the family of personnel military, hereditary nobleman, Kavaleargard. His father, P. P. Dyagilev, early widowed, and Sergey raised the stepmother Elena, daughter V. A. Panayev. As a child, Sergey lived in St. Petersburg, then in Perm, where his father served. Father's brother, Ivan Pavlovich Dyagilev, was the patter and the founder of the musical circle.

In Perm at the corner of the streets of Siberian and Pushkin (formerly Big Yamskaya), the Generic House of Sergey Dyagilev was preserved, where the gymnasium is now located. The Late Russian classicism mansion was built in the 50s of the XIX century on the project of the architect R. O. Karvovsky.

For three decades, the house belonged to a large and friendly family of Dyagilev. In the house called contemporaries "Permian Athens", the city intelligentsia was gathered on Thursdays. Here they musicated, sang, played homemade performances.

After the end of the Perm Gymnasium in 1890, he returned to St. Petersburg and entered the Faculty of Law of the University, in parallel he studied music from N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov in the St. Petersburg Conservatory.

Life in art

In 1896, Dyagilev graduated from the university, but instead of engaging in jurisprudence, he began his career of art worker. A few years later, after receiving a diploma, he created together with A. N. Benua, the union of the "World of Art", edited the same name (from 1898 to 1904) and art historical articles himself wrote. Organized exhibitions that caused a wide resonance: in 1897 - an exhibition of English and German watercolorists who acquainted the Russian audience with a number of large masters of these countries and modern trends in visual arts, then the exhibition of Scandinavian artists in the halls of the Society promotion of arts, the exhibition of Russian and Finnish artists in the Schtiglitz Museum (1898) The Miriskuseniki themselves considered their first performance (Dyagilev managed to attract to participate in the exhibition, in addition to the main group of the initial friendly mug, from which the union of the "World of Art" arose, the other major representatives of young art - Vrubel, Serov, Levitan, etc.), Historical and art exhibition of Russian portraits in St. Petersburg (1905); Exhibition of Russian art in the autumn salon in Paris with the participation of works of Benouua, Grabar, Kuznetsova, Malyavina, Repin, Serov, Yale (1906), and others.

"Yearbook of Imperial Theaters"

In 1899, Prince Sergey Volkonsky, who became the director of the imperial theaters, appointed a Dyagilev official for special instructions, gave him the editing of the "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters". Many artists came to the imperial theaters with Dyagilev (AP M.Vasnetsov, A. N. Benua, L. S. Bakst, V. A. Serov, K. A. Korovin, A. E. Lancer).

In the 1900-1901 Season 1900-1901, Volkonsky laid on Dyagilev. Dyagilev attracted to the formulation of artists of the group "The World of Art", but it was disappeared due to protest officials of the Directorate. Dyagille did not obey the director of the Volkonsky director, demonstratively refused to edit the "Yearbook", and the case ended with dismissal of Dyagilev.

Russian seasons

1907 Dyagilev organizes annual foreign speeches of Russian artists who called the "Russian seasons". In 1907, the participation of musicians were held within the framework of the "seasons" - "Historical Russian Concerts". N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, S. V. Rakhmaninov, A. K. Glazunov, F. I. Shalyapin, and others. In 1908, the seasons of the Russian Opera took place. Despite the success, the season brought the Dyagilev losses, so the next year he, knowing the tastes of the public, decided to take to Paris and ballet. At the same time, at that moment Dyagilev treated ballet dismissive:

The ballet seasons were then lasted until 1913. A number of famous artists invited the Ballet tour, including M. M. Fokina, A. P. Pavlov, V. F. Nizhinsky, T. P. Karsavin, E. V. Gelzer.

With this troupe, he toured in London, Rome, as well as in the United States. In the design of ballets, outstanding artists who were part of the "World of Art", in particular A. N. Benua, L. Bakst, A. Ya. Golovin, N. K. Rerich, N. S. Goncharov. Seasons were a means of propaganda of Russian ballet and visual arts and contributed to the bloom of ballet in countries where this genre was not developed.


In 1911, Dyagilev organized the ballet troupe "Russian Ballet Dyagileva". The troupe began the speech in 1913 and existed until 1929, that is, to the death of its organizer.


Dyagilev died on August 19, 1929 in Venice, by rumors, from Furuncoolose. Buried on the nearby island of San Michele.

The meaning of Dyagilev is currently

  • Gymnasium in Perm, in which Dyagilev studied, since 1992 hears his name. In this gymnasium number 11, the S. P. Dyagilev Museum was opened.
  • In 2007, a monument to Dyagilev's work was established in the concert hall of the Dyagilev House of the Ernst Unknown.
  • Perm has been held annual international cultural festivals named after S. Dyagilev - "Dyagilev seasons: Perm-Petersburg-Paris". The initiator of the first Dyagilev Festival in Russia was performed by the Perm Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. P. I. Tchaikovsky, the building of which was built thanks to significant financial support for Dyagilev and, according to many Perm, is beautiful in the city.
  • In the year of a century "Russian seasons" interest in the personality of S. P. Dyagilev again increased. In 2008, Sotheby's auction house organized the exhibition "Dancing towards glory: the Golden Age of Russian Ballets" in honor of the 100th anniversary of the "Russian ballets" Dyagilev, which took place in Paris. It could be seen about 150 paintings, sketches, costumes, scenery, drawings, sculptures, photos, manuscripts and programs. The exhibition organizers showed key points in the development of "Russian ballets", which in twenty years of their existence fully changed the traditional ideas about the theater and dance. Among the exhibits of the exhibition were costumes, sketches for which the French artists were made by Andre Deren ("Magic Shop", 1919) and Henri Matisse (Sunovya's song, 1920). Separately, it is worth saying about the costumes invented by the Lev Bakst. Bakst is the first scene, which has become a world celebrity. Creating sketches of ballet costumes, he was inspired by oriental and ancient Greek outfits. The models that he developed not only admired the audience in the theater, but also influenced fashion trends. From modern artists who inspired by the heritage of Dyagilev, an important place has been charged with a paper installation of the famous Belgian sculptor Isabelle de Barsharve (Isabelle de Borchgrave).
  • In May 2009, two postage stamps "Century of the Russian Ballet Dyagileev" were released in Monaco, created by the Russian artist Georgy Shishkin.
  • In 2009, the Perm began a discussion of the establishment of a number of monuments S. P. Dyagilev, showing him in different years of life.
  • In 2009, the project of the monument to Dyagilev began in Paris. Victor Mitrushin's sculptor layout was the winner of the international competition. His Dyagilev stands in full growth in the cylinder, Thrake and with a cane in his hand, on a high pedestal, on which parsley opens the curtain. Probably, the monument will be supplied with the support of patrons, for donations, by the Russian Diaspora. At the time of the competition, the project supported President Jacques Chirak, and his wife Bernette expressed a desire to oversee the project work. Former mayor of Paris, Jean Tiberi was against, but the construction of the monument managed to start only after he replaced Bertrand Delanoe. At the moment, work is carried out under Pierre Carden Pierre. A monument to Dyagilev will be installed on the square in front of the GRAND-Opera building in Paris.

Addresses in St. Petersburg

  • 1899 - Autumn 1900 - an income house - Foundry Avenue, 45;
  • autumn 1900-1913 - N. I. Khmelnitsky's profits - Embankment of the Fontanka River, 11.

Dyagilev's fate in the USSR

  • The fate of the two brothers Sergei Dyagilev - Yuri and Valentina tragic. Yuri Pavlovich was repressed, and Valentine was shot at Solovki in 1929 on a fabricated criminal case.
  • Senior nephew Dyagilev Sergey Valentinovich was a symphony conductor. Repressed in 1937 as his father Valentin Pavlovich on a fabricated political article. Twisted 10 years in the camps and 5 years in the link. After rehabilitation, he returned to Leningrad, where he continued creative activity. Died in 08/13/1967.
  • His grandson Dyagil Sergey Alexandrovich (Sergey Dyagilev ML.) - Composer and Conductor. Lives in St. Petersburg.
  • Junior nephew Vasily Valentinovich Dyagilev was forced to hide a relationship with the famous uncle in the USSR.

Dyagilev as a symbol in culture

  • In the spring of 2006, in the building of the Schukin scene, the most famous club of Russia, a capacity of 1,500 people, "Dyagilev" (also known as the "Dyagilev Progek") opened on the territory of the famous Moscow garden "Hermitage". The club's logo was a black and white pattern, depicting a tailed man in a piece, cylinder and a butterfly with an obvious hint of Sergey Pavlovich Dyagilev.
  • In the choreographer and dancers, there is a tradition - when visiting the grave of Sergei Dyagilev in Venice to put their shoes on the marble pedestal. Almost always on his grave lie someone left pointes and various theatrical attributes. On the same Greek cemetery of the island of San Michele, near the Grave of Dyagilev, there is a grave of another great figure of the Russian scene - Igor Stravinsky, as well as the poet Joseph Brodsky, who called Dyagileva "Citizen Perm." For the "theatrical" visitors in the cemetery, a special indicator "Diaghilew Strawinski".
  • On the grave itself, epitaph: "Venice is a permanent inspirational of our calm." This phrase, written by Dyagilev, shortly before his death in a granting inscription, I am Sergey Lithuan, became a winged in the circle of cultural workers.

In bonissic

  • Dyagilev is depicted on the front side of the bill with a denomination of 500 Ural francs 1991 release.