Mountains, differences in altitude mountains. Examples of medium mountains and their names

Mountains, differences in altitude mountains. Examples of medium mountains and their names
Mountains, differences in altitude mountains. Examples of medium mountains and their names

Mountains - part of the earth's surface, raised over the UR. m. and adjacent plains, characterized by significant and often sharp height fluctuations in the short distance. G., straightforward or arcuately bending, stretched on dozens, hundreds and many thousands of km, rising to a significant height (Peak Jomolungma in Himalayas 8848 m, the peak of communism on the pamp of 7495 m). By taxon-metric value distinguish: mountain belts, Mountain countries, Mountain systems, Mountain groups, Mountain ridges, separated by decreases of different rank - captains of intergunny and inthorn and valleys. Elements of the city are different shapes watersheds and slopes. Due to the fact that the city is connected mainly with the latest movements, the discussion in the definition of their types is reflected in the corresponding definition of the city of both block and (or) folded (cover and base, or foundation). With any interpretation of the origin of the mountains of their tech. Nature causes the patterns of the arrangement of the heights of the ridges and the depths of the dividing their depressions, increasing to the center of raising or lowering and gradually or through the text. articulated with surrounding plains, b. h. Located on site foothill brains. G. arise in mobile geostructural oblals. Earth, in the region gorons (where the intensity of the newest texts. Movements, mainly lifting, exceeds the intensity of the denudation demolition); Moreover, the region Gorons can develop both on the place of geosyncline, as a result of raising and expanding geoantics and anticline zones - epigeosynclinal And on the site of the protrusions of the foundations of platforms (shields) of different ages - epiplatform; More rarely not related to the region. Gorons, but are isolated raising a small length (see Mountains island), type of chiban mountains, etc. Sometimes to the city include intensively and deeply dismembered areas of the reservoir plains and plateau, calling them Danudual, as well as Vulk. cones and highlands of different heights relating to them Vulcanic.

Oblast Gores are characterized by large gradients of movements (from 25 to 200 m / km or more) compared with the plains (mostly 5-10 m / km). Intensive movements may not only be characterized by center. parts of the mountains, but also peripheral, possessing even small heights. Some researchers (Svarichsvskaya) are called the G. raising more than 1000 meters ABS. Heights, as is customary on the plaster curve (according to Cososos), i.e., above the average sushi height (+ 875 m). Hills below 1000 m with the same gradients of raising belong to holmogoryam. For The relief of the city is characteristic of the vertical zonality due to climate change in height (nival, humid and in some cases at the bottom - arid), and multiple relief (Cm. Alignment surfaces. High-rise mountains). The depressions and valleys are formed in terms of the dismemberment system: orthogonal, radially heavily, or radial, cereal, lattice, scent, branchy, centripetal, etc. The height of the city is divided into the highest, high, medium and low (see High-rise mountains). G. are usually limited to the foothills forming their foot. They have different types of watersheds (ridges, vertices, alignment surfaces). In the depressions and valleys there are mountain lakes; Mountain valleys are usually quenched, intensive (ribs, screaming, landslides, movement of rubble, etc.) are intensified on their slopes, which is associated with seismicity. The slopes of the city asymmetric due to the impact of the exposure, lithology and faults. On the issue of the age of the city, two points of view are the most common. 1. Some believe that Geol should be distinguished. And the morphological age of the mountains. Under the first one is understood as the initial raising of the Mountains from Geosynkline (Caledonian, Gersinskoye, Alpine). Under the second - relative age, allowing to judge the history of Geol. Relief development G. (Morphologically young and old and old). Geologically ancient g. May be young morphologically. 2. Others believe that G. on Earth arose to the newest tech. stage. In this case, the correspondence of geol is observed. The ages of raising and morphologically type of the ancient G. (Mesozoic, Paleozoic) on Earth is not preserved due to repeated adhesion. But within the same mountainous mountainous country, the multi-stage plots of G. - more ancient to the center. Their parts and young are in the peripheral. Age SCU. The mountains are determined by the age of the newest tech. movements (see Tectonics Newest), which began from the end of oligotes and significantly increased from the middle of the Pliocene (see Cyclic relief formation). Z. A. Svarichevskaya.

Geological Dictionary: in 2 volumes. - M.: Nedra. Edited by K. N. Paffengolts and others.. 1978 .


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    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    - (ωραι). Daughters of Zeus and Femids, guarding the gate of the sky, the goddess of the replacing time of the year. Three were considered three: Evania, Aireren and Dick. (Source: "A brief dictionary of mythology and antiquities." M.Korch. St. Petersburg, Edition A. S. Suvorin, 1894.) Mountains ... ... Encyclopedia mythology

    - (Lat. Horae). Three daughters of Zeus and Femids, goddess of time, order and correctness, beauty and courtesy. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Mountains in Greek. Mythology Goddess Seasons. Foreign dictionary ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Mountains, 1) the same as mountainous countries, mountain systems; Extensive areas of the earth's surface with sharp height fluctuations, significantly raised over the surrounding plains. Sometimes, sometimes several thousand km, have a complex configuration. Consist of… … Modern encyclopedia

    1) The same as mountainous countries, mountain systems, extensive areas of the earth's surface raised by several thousand m above sea level and characterized by sharp height oscillations. The relief of the mountains is formed as a result of complex deformations of the earth's crust, ... ...

    the mountains - Belogruda (Skitalets); magnificent (skeleton); High-earrol (Gogol); Mountains Giant (Glazu. Kutuzov); dense-hot (gofman); dormant (balmont); dormant (shlelev); siliceous (rings, hamsters); Crispy (Skitalets); Curly (Skitalez); ... ... Eptetov dictionary

    the mountains - Mountains, like lakes, had tremendous importance from Celts, believed to cult centers. For example, in the mountainous areas of Gaul, a number of deities associated with mountains and hills enjoyed special venerations. Celtic God of Sky also associated with the mountains ... Celtic mythology. Encyclopedia

    See Oh ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Usually under the mountain tectonic Origin. But there are also exist erosionic and volcanic. Among the tectonic allocate folded, blind and folded-shine the mountains.

Tectonic mountains

Tectonic mountains - These are the mountain ranges, which born on the seabed.

Volcanic mountains

With eruptions of volcanoes, Magma, it is not always possible to achieve the earth's surface. If the upper layers of the earth's crust, and the place of eruptions turn out to be very durable and cracks do not reach the surface of the earth, the magma stops and grows, raising sedimentary rocks. A huge dome formed, similar to the mountains. Mountains volcanic origin On the globe a little.

Folded mountains

Folded mountains - These are mountains in which the layers of rocks are crushed into the fold and as a result of vertical movements of the earth's crust raised above the surrounding area.

Parts of the mountains

High parts of the mountains are called verters, and pointed peaks - peaks.


Mountain Ridge

On the earth's surface, it is very rare to meet a lonely mountain. Typically, the mountains are located in a row one by another to several dozen and even hundreds of kilometers. Such a group of mountains stretched into line is called mountain Ridge.

Mountain valley

The decrease between the two ridges is called the mountain valley (Fig. 57).

Mountain country

Sometimes at a relatively small area there is a huge accumulation of individual mountains and mountain ranges. It is difficult to understand in such a pinch of the mountains, because the mountain ranges are drawn in all directions. Such a cluster of the mountains is called mountain country.

It is known that everything on Earth, Abso-luccu, everything, at some point it is born, there is some time, it develops and then dies, it is destroyed, rejecting something new. And this applies not only to plants and animals, but also to rivers, lakes, seas, mountains. Mountains folded from very hard rocks live their lives.

Thousands of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of years, the mountains are aging, disappear by pointed peaks, and the mighty once the ridges are more and more reminiscent of the hills. Extensive plains are formed.


Alps - These are the unique mountains of Europe. The tops of the Alps are covered with snow and ice, which are not melted throughout the year. The highest mountain Mont-Blanc (height 4810 m) is called - "White Mountain". The glaciers are descended down on the slopes of the mountains. Taya, they give rise to mountain rivers and waterfalls - Water streams falling vertically down with steep cliffs. Deep valleys share mountains into separate ridge - You are the drawn chains of the mountains. The lowest areas of the ridges are called pE REVALLAY.

The mountains fascinate almost every beauty. Surprisingly, they are all different. It may differ by location, the presence of vegetation, by origin. There are also low, high and even medium mountains. But what is it? How is their height? What mountains are medium? Let's try to figure out.


In general, the mountain is a form of relief that strongly protruding over the Earth. She has slopes, foot and may be a top. This is all part of the microrelief, which also attribute passes, valleys, glaciers and moraine (depending on the type).

All mountains can be divided by origin:

  • Tectonic arise as a result of a collision of lithospheric plates. In this case, a folded elevation is formed, consisting of stone folds. After a long time, exposed to air, winds, glaciers and water, they become less durable, faults and cracks appear. The youngest mountains of this type that have yet remained their initial strength, are the Himalayas. Interestingly, old folded hills are modified if the plates continue to move, then the layers are superimposed on each other, forming a boulder. Such mountains are called fold-bangs.
  • Volcanic appear as a result of volcanic eruptions. That is, the expiring magma (lava) solidifies, forming an elevation. This usually occurs on the place of fault of the earth's crust, from where the lave is the easiest way. These mountains are divided into volcanic cones and panel volcanoes.
  • Erosion mountains (or, differently, denudation) arose as a result of regular erosion with water. Speaking with simple words, stone layers were washed with fluid water for a very long time and intensively, therefore mountains were formed. As a rule, they are part of the systems of other mountain ranges.

Mountains are divided into the form of vertices: pee-shaped, plain and dome-shaped. They usually have a different origin, so they differ in fores. Picorates - young rocky mountains, domed - more often volcanic.

The position is distinguished: mountain belts, ridges, countries, systems, groups and single mountains.

Types of altitude mountains

Mountains are medium, low and high are called, respectively, lowlands, middlewinds and highlands. They differ height:

  • Substiya is highly up to 800 meters high above sea level. These include hills. However, in fact, it is considered in the geography of irregularity of the relief above 500 m.
  • But the highlands achieve more than 3,000 meters above sea level! Such mountains are usually very young. These include Tien Shan, Alps, the highest mountain in the world Everest (Jomolungma) and others.
  • The middleings that we consider in our article can be from 800 meters to 3 kilometers in height. These are also attributed to many ridges. The most interesting thing - for such a middle agen, is usually characterized by a landscape change depending on the height. That is, the foot can be grassy, \u200b\u200band peak - stony and covered snow, for example.

We now proceed to a more detailed consideration of some famous "representatives" of the middle house.

Mountains of the Middle Urals

This part of Russia is famous for its nature. In addition, there is an abundance of malachite and different colored stones and a lot of lakes, rivers and rivers. Mountains are mainly low (up to 800) meters. Such a lowland stretches almost throughout the Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions. But on the very Northern Urals (northern Nizhny Tagil) there are already higher mountains. These include Lesllic with a height of 1,119 meters, Kachkanar (878 m), on the Basegi Ridge in the Perm Territory there is a vertex in 994 m.

Polar Ural

It includes the Republic of Komi and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. Here the chain of the Ural Mountains continues. In the very north of the Urals, the ridges achieve a much greater height than in the middle part. Highlights have explicit signs of the effect of glaciation - pointed peaks, the challency in the so-called moraine, which consist of ice.

In the Polar Urals, almost all ridges are high, on average they reach from 1,000 to 1,500 meters: Opend, peak of stones, kutzh-saurya. And the highest mountains include:

  • NGETENAPE - 1,338 m.
  • Payer (approximately 1,500 m) is the highest vertex of the Polar Urals.
  • Harnourdy Keu (1 246) - is located in the Tyumen region near the border of the Komi Republic. From the nations of Komi-Zyryan, the name of the mountain is translated as "a cloud vertex, from where a small eagle fell."
  • Hanmey (1,333) - Beautiful Northern Mountain. Surprisingly, there is a river with the same name.

Interesting and the fact that in the Polar Urals because of its northern location and cold there are many glaciers and mountains from ice. For the same reason, the ridges themselves are sharp, and there are often many reservoirs and snowfields inside them.

Mountains of Eastern Siberia and the Far East

Despite the fact that these parts are located nearby, there are a snow relatively mild climate of Primorye and almost all year round in severe cold weather of Yakutia. The mountain range is stretched here, which is quite difficult to get, so it is not fully studied. The highest points are the ridge from the top of the victory (3,147 m) and the Santar Hayat with the top of Mus High (2,959 m).

Scandinavian Mountains

Another representatives of the middle mountains. They are located on the Scandinavian Peninsula in the territories of Norway and Sweden. The total length is 1,700 kilometers. These mountains arose as a result of the collision of lithospheric plates, and their ages are estimated at 480 million years! For a long time they were exposed to glaciers and erosion with water, which formed them as we see them now.

Thanks to the humid climate at the foot of the Scandinavian mountains, very thick vegetation, there are swampy, shrub and forest (mainly of coniferous trees) zones. There are many rivers with a rapid flow that do not freeze even in winter. There are middlegorod and glaciers in this, which are considered to be the highest on the European continent. And the highest point of the Scandinavian Mountains is Galcheupiggen, which is located in Norway. Its height is 2,469 meters.


This is also a large mountain system. A significant part of the Carpathians is located in Romania, and the rest - in Ukraine, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Interestingly, the part of this mountain system is near the Alps (only 14 km shares them).

Basically, the height of the peaks of the Carpathians is from 800 to 1,200 meters, which is naturally called the middle corner. There are often basins, mud volcanoes, river valleys. As part of the Carpathians there are a large number of divisions (mountain ranges): Beskids, Slovak Meditergo, Tatras and many others. Unlike the mountains of the Middle and Polar Urals, as well as Scandinavian, there are relatively warmth, there are no glaciers, so practically on the whole mountain system species are picturesque and green.

There are several versions of the transfer of the name of the Carpathians from different languages \u200b\u200b- to leave the shores, the stone array and rocks.

The highest mountains here are Hoverla (2,061 m) and Gerlakhovsky shines (2,655 m).

Australian Alps

Another middle house. Whatever enough, but the Alps are not only in Europe, but also in Australia. They are part of a large waterproof ridge. The highest point here and throughout the country - Mount Kosyushko (2 228 m). On her top almost always there is snow.


The length of this mining system is more than 2,500 kilometers. She stretched across all over North America (that is, in the USA and Canada). Appalachies are defined as a hilly plateau, but there are arrays of the mountains. The highest point is the famous Mount Washington (1 916 m).

New Earth

In this deserted cold archipelago in the Arctic Ocean there are mountains, as the entire territory of the islands itself is very rocky. The highest points are located in the center of the sushi, and the highest mountain does not even have the name.

- (ωραι). Daughters of Zeus and Femids, guarding the gate of the sky, the goddess of the replacing time of the year. Three were considered three: Evania, Aireren and Dick. (Source: "A brief dictionary of mythology and antiquities." M.Korch. St. Petersburg, Edition A. S. Suvorin, 1894.) Mountains ... ... Encyclopedia mythology

THE MOUNTAINS - (Lat. Horae). Three daughters of Zeus and Femids, goddess of time, order and correctness, beauty and courtesy. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Mountains in Greek. Mythology Goddess Seasons. Foreign dictionary ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

THE MOUNTAINS - Mountains, 1) the same as mountainous countries, mountain systems; Extensive areas of the earth's surface with sharp height fluctuations, significantly raised over the surrounding plains. Sometimes, sometimes several thousand km, have a complex configuration. Consist of… … Modern encyclopedia

THE MOUNTAINS - 1) the same as mountainous countries, mountain systems, extensive areas of the earth's surface raised by several thousand m above sea level and characterized by sharp height oscillations. The relief of the mountains is formed as a result of complex deformations of the earth's crust, ... ...

THE MOUNTAINS - Part of the earth's surface, raised over the UR. m. and adjacent plains, characterized by significant and often sharp height fluctuations in the short distance. G., straightforwardly or arcuctantly flexing, stretching for tens, hundreds and many ... ... Geological Encyclopedia

the mountains - Belogruda (Skitalets); magnificent (skeleton); High-earrol (Gogol); Mountains Giant (Glazu. Kutuzov); dense-hot (gofman); dormant (balmont); dormant (shlelev); siliceous (rings, hamsters); Crispy (Skitalets); Curly (Skitalez); ... ... Eptetov dictionary

the mountains - Mountains, like lakes, had tremendous importance from Celts, believed to cult centers. For example, in the mountainous areas of Gaul, a number of deities associated with mountains and hills enjoyed special venerations. Celtic God of Sky also associated with the mountains ... Celtic mythology. Encyclopedia

THE MOUNTAINS - See Oh ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

the mountains - Part of the earth's surface, substantially raised above the surrounding plain and forming mountain ranges, chains, arrays, plateau. → Fig. 219 SYN.: Mountain Country ... Dictionary on geography

the mountains - A combination of closely arranged individual mountains, mountain ranges, mountain districts, grooves, Nagrai, as well as those who share their canyons, valleys, cavities, occupying a certain territory, more or less clearly separated from the plans around it. By… … Geographic Encyclopedia


  • Mountains, N. A. Gvozdetsky, Yu N. Blokhchoves. In the publication "Mountain" is given a comprehensive physico-geographical characteristics of all mountain systems in the world. There are information about the relief, geological structure, climate, waters, glaciers, marzlot, ...

The mountains are different: old and young, rocky and gentle, dome-like and peek. Some of them are covered with dense forests, other - lifeless stone browsing. But in this article we will talk about their height. Which mountains are medium, and which are considered high?

Mountain as a form of relief

First of all, it is worth answering the question of whether it is a positive form of relief, characterized by a sharp and isolated lifting of the terrain. Three main elements are clearly traced in any grief:

  • vertex;
  • footage;
  • slope.

Any mountain system of the planet is nothing but a complex system of valleys (pridine) and ridges consisting of dozens of individual vertices. All of them are external manifestations of internal (endogenous) forces of the Earth - the tectonic movements of the earth's crust and volcanism.

Mountains create beautiful and unique landscapes on the surface of our planet. They differ in peculiar soil cover, unique flora and fauna. But people will grow extremely reluctantly in the mountains. According to statistics, about 50% of the Earth population lives at altitudes not exceeding 200 meters above sea level.

Classification of mountains in geomorphology. Mountains medium, low and high

In the geomorphological science of the mountain, it is customary to classify for a variety of signs: by age, height, geographical position, genesis, form of vertices, etc.

In terms of its origin, they can be tectonic, deanuding or volcanic, by age - old or young. And the young is considered the mountain system, the time of education that does not exceed 50 million years. According to geological standards, this is a very small age.

In the form of its top of the mountain there are:

  • peek;
  • domed;
  • point-like ("table").

In height above sea level, geographers distinguish mountains:

  • low;
  • medium;
  • high.

Sometimes intermediate high-altitude types can be found in the literature, such as medieval or mid-only mountains. Immediately it is worth noting that the mountains are medium in height can be found in any part of the world. However, most of them in Europe and Asia.

Mid Mountains: examples and height

8848 meters - such a mark reaches the highest peak of the world - Jomolungma, or Everest. The absolute height of the midmost mountains is much more modest: from 1 to 3 km above the ocean level.

The most famous examples of such mountain systems are the Carpathians, Appalachians, Tatras, Apennins, Pyrenees, Scandinavian and Dragon Mountains, Australian Alps, Stara Planina. Mountains are middle and within Russia. Such are the Ural Mountains, East Sayan, Sikhote-Alin (in the photo below) and others.

An important feature of the Middle Mountains is the presence of high-altitude. That is, vegetation and landscapes are changed here with a height.


Carpathians are the largest mountain mining system, covering eight countries. Linguists, explaining the origin of her name, came to the conclusion that this toponym has the Pyranceo European roots and translates as "stone", "rock".

Carpathians stretched out the arc one and a half thousand kilometers, from the Czech Republic to Serbia. And the highest point of this mountain system is located on the territory of Slovakia (Gora Herllakhovski-Schtit, 2654 m). Curious fact: between the Alps and the extreme eastern sutures of the Carpathians - only 15 kilometers.

Carpathians - young mountains. They formed in Cenozoa. However, their outlines are smooth, gentle, which is more inherent old by age geological structures. This can be explained by the fact that the Carpathians are predominantly composed of soft rocks (chalk, limestone and clay).

The mountain system is divided into three conventional parts: Western, oriental (or Ukrainian) and southern Carpathians. Also, its composition includes Transylvanian plateau. They differ quite high seismicity. Here is the so-called Vrange Zone, which "produces" earthquake by force of 7-8 points.


Geomorphologists are often called Appalachi identical twin Carpathians. In appearance, they differ little from each other. Apalachic mountains are located in the eastern part of North America, within two states (USA and Canada). They stretch from the Gulf of Mexico in the south. The total length of the mining system is about 2500 kilometers.

If European Carpathians are young mountains, then American Appalachians are the product of earlier Gercy and Caledonian folds. They have formed about 200-400 million years ago.

Appalachi is rich in various mineral resources. Here you get coal, asbestos, oil, iron ore. In this regard, this mountain region is also very often called the historical "industrial belt" of the United States.

Australian Alps

It turns out that the Alps are not only in Europe. Residents of the smallest and most dry mainland can also go hiking in the real Alps. But only in Australian!

This mining system is located in the southern part of the continent. It is here that the highest point of the whole Australia is Mount Kostyushko (2228 m). And on the slopes of these mountains, the longest river mainland - Murraya takes its beginning.

Australian Alps are stunningly diverse in landscaped plan. In these mountains, you can meet snowy peaks, and deep green valleys, and lakes with purest water. The slopes of the mountains are decorated with fancy in their appearance rocks. In the Australian Alps there are several picturesque national parks and excellent ski resorts.


Now you know which mountains are medium, and which are high. Geomorphologists allocate three types of mountain systems in height. Mid-medium mountains have a height from 1000 to 3000 meters above sea level. Carpathians, Apalachi, Australian Alps are the brightest examples of such mountain systems in the world.