Comparison of paintings I. Levitan "Golden Autumn" and "Autumn Day"

Comparison of paintings I. Levitan "Golden Autumn" and "Autumn Day"

Artist: Isaac Ilyich Levitan

Picture written: 1895
Canvas, oil.
Size: 82 × 126 cm

Description and analysis

Description of the painting "Golden Autumn" I. Levitan

Artist: Isaac Ilyich Levitan
Title Picture: "Golden Autumn"
Picture written: 1895
Canvas, oil.
Size: 82 × 126 cm

This autumn landscape is unusually leveled and optimistic, despite the fact that in most paintings of Levitan, the color gamut of sadness prevails - mixed muffled tones. In total, the artist has about a hundred autumn landscapes. The usual theme is the solemn and sad fading of the autumn of Russian nature. However, there is no sadness in this picture! On the canvas depicted deep forest rivers of saturated blue and reflective golden sunlight. White-tight birch in the autumn decoration ...

Some facts from the life of the artist

Levitan created a picture in 1895. On the canvas, the artist depicted nature in the vicinity of the river of the coating, flowing near the village island.

In the middle of the 1890s, the artist lived with his beloved S. Kuvshtinikova in one of the provincial estates. Suddenly, he became interested in touring at the neighboring cottage A. Turchaninova. A rapid romance ringed between them. During this period, the artist created several paintings, which were consonant with his raised mental state.

It is known that Levitan often visited Chekhov's house. Anton Pavlovich did not welcome love hobbies of a half. His and unexpected appearance of "infrared" in the last paintings of Levitan did not please. For example, "Golden Autumn" was too different from the emelive-sad states of autumn nature, which was usually intended to portray the artist.

This picture turned out unusually bright. It feels special arousal and anticipation of happiness that did not knit with the usual world of painter. It is known that the author himself was not fully satisfied with his work. A year later, he wrote another cloth with the same name already in a more familiar manner.

However, in the opinion of many connoisseurs of artist's creativity, it is non-peculiar to Levitan raised major experiences made a picture of the "Golden Autumn" of 1895. Genuine masterpiece of landscape painting.

Description and analysis

In the foreground, the Golden Autumn canvas depicts a birch grove, spreading on both sides of the deep river unintently, whose rotten shores were covered with grass and shrub. Through them in some places, the areas of reddish-drone land are blocked.

Above the slope is a whittle beauty-birch-birch, glittering gold in the rays of a non-jarous autumn sun.

There is a feeling that yellow and red gold is bottled in the air itself. Several scarlet ossinks make additional saturation into the total color of the painting. The sun on the canvas is not visible, but the viewer feels that his rays seem to play on the surface of the entire canvas.

Light golden crowns of trees create a joyful life-affirming mood in the picture. Nature on the canvas not only does not fade, but, on the contrary, rejoices of the coming autumn! Three colors are dominated in the work - gold, blue and blue with a small addition of green. This color gamma symbolizes the joy and fullness of life.

In the picture, the special attentiveness of Levitan as a painter is clearly awesome. "Golden Autumn" is not a monotonous landscape. In the yellowness that is most often found on this web, the artist displays and reflects a huge number of color shades. At the same time, he draws attention to other colors.

On the right bank of the river, the master portrayed greenish-gray, as if faded in the sun and washed by frequent autumn rains trees. In the Far Plan, you can see a small village with peasant hazards. The fields stretch behind them, and the lemon-hidden forest stretches along the horizon line.

The main mood of the painting "Golden Autumn" is a real festival of being, the feeling of delight before the short-lived and fragile beauty of the surrounding nature. The beauty of the picturesque canvas attracts, admires and at the same time enlisters. Nature depicted in the picture, magnificent, is beautiful and simultaneously defenseless. It requires careful attentive relationship.

According to art critics, Levitan, unlike many artists, was able not only to write beautifully and correctly, but also enjoy this process. Therefore, all its pictures are unique phenomena of a picturesque nature, which are difficult to write, but which are so easy to admire, giving them to the inexplicable charm.

The artist's creativity researchers argue that in his heritage there are about a hundred paintings on the subject of autumn. One of the most beloved viewers among them is rightfully considered "Golden Autumn". The magnificent autumn landscape was evidenced by hidden vitality, which, no matter what was inherent in a genius artist, who suffered from agile attacks of Melancholy.

On a small canvas, Levitan created a surprisingly bright and life-affirming landscape. Autumn is depicted in major saturated colors, which are very rarely found on the artist's canvases that preferred sophisticated pastel tones and tender color gamuts.

However, apparently, the splendor of autumn nature is so touched by the painter, that he decided to depart from his usual creative manner.

The canvas "Golden Autumn" seems to be breathing with a transparent black. Cleaning and innocent depicted in the foreground birch. Bold energetic paint strokes, who ended with artistic critics, the harbingers of impressionism, fall on the canvas easily and freely, reviving the autumn grove of the game of light and the feeling of light blowing the breeze.

The farewell beauty of autumn pore and the "lush nature of fading" is trying to transfer many painters in their paintings. However, it is Levitan that the levitan is inherent in light sadness and extraordinarily subtle lyrism. These unique qualities illuminate its paintings with a special force of some kind of mystical feeling.

According to the famous painter Levitan A. Benoit was able to experience in nature that glorified the Creator heard the beating of her heart. Disclosure of the most intimate secrets of nature, its deep spiritual content was constant desire of the artist throughout his short creative life.

The famous Russian artist I. I. Levitan became famous for most as the creator of unique landscapes. In his painting "Golden Autumn", he tried to convey the part of the fall, which is popularly called the "Indian summer". For nature, autumn is a difficult, but very interesting period. Trees are clothed in beautiful outfits. The beauty of this decoration the artist transfers with the help of mixing red and yellow colors.

In the picture we see a characteristic Russian landscape. Calm autumn day full of light. The sun shines, but not so bright. In front of the eyes it opens Russian space: fields, groves, river. Blue with white clouds sky on the horizon converges with a forest line. Narrow river with low shores.

In the background of the painting, we see birch grove in copper-gold autumn decoration. On the left bank of the river there are slender white-yellow birch trees and two osinkles with almost fallen leaves. The reddish branches of the shrub are visible. The land is covered with yellow stripped grass. But if you look around, it can be seen that the grass in the foreground is still green, just started yellowing. Far field, followed by several rustic houses, still green. And the groves on the right bank of the river still cheerfully green.

In the depths of the meadow, a narrow river with low shores. River smooth seems fixed and cold. On the surface of the water reflected a light sky with white clouds.

Autumn is a magic time. Warning attracts yellow birches. Their foliage trembles in the wind, turns as gold in the sunlight. There is no sadness in the picture. This is golden autumn. She enchants beauty. And there is no sad thoughts about the upcoming long winter.

"Golden autumn" - Landscape of the Russian artist Isaac Levitan (1860-1900), written in 1895. Belongs to the State Tretyakov Gallery. Picture size - 82 × 126 cm.

This picture "strikes and captures the filler and beauty of its emotional content, so defined in the color of magnificence, in the major sound of a golden colorful gamma."

Essay in the picture of Levitan "Golden Autumn" - real examples

Each person feels autumn in his own way. When I look at the picture of Levitan Golden Autumn, I am covered by the feeling of admiration. From the picture blows autumn cool. In the foreground, the picture is a blue deep river. It turns away away, and on the turn there is a lonely gold birch. On the left side of the painting of the birch grove. Looking at her you realize that autumn came. All leaflets are bright yellow. Only a small bush blushes among birches. Not all trees in the gold painting, but the golden decoration of autumn rushes into the eyes. In the background of the picture. Little village. The houses are barely visible in the distance, but the green winter wheat stands out on a yellow background. The sky is gentle blue, it is a white air cloud.

I liked this picture. The day is clear solar. And although the artist did not paint the sun, she is all permeated with sunlight. Itifies from it with warm and kindness.

Each person feels autumn in his own way. When I look at the painting of Levitan Golden Autumn, I immediately see birch. They are very beautiful. After all, the autumn came. This is the wonderful and most mysterious season. Autumn as if the artist paints all the nature of bright colors. Autumn is the most delightful smile of the year, therefore, and from the painting itifies warmth, kindness and joy. The picture is very beautiful sky. On it gentle air clouds. All this magnificence is reflected in the deep waters of a small river.

In the picture it is impossible not to notice bright leaflets on small multicolored bushes. Red adds beauty and brightness to this picture. The sun lights everything on it. Therefore, I really like the picture. After all, in the fall so beautiful! This is my favorite season.

When I look at the painting of Levitan Golden Autumn, it covers a sense of joy and fun. Autumn in the picture is very beautiful. Birches are precisely covered with gold. The leaves are bright and orange on them. In the center of the picture blue river. Something where it reflects the blue sky. Clear day and sunny day. In the background, the paintings are green. Wheat. Near the peasant houses, all the trees throwing dark shadows. They are shining autumn sunshine. I really liked this picture, because it is cheerful and sunny.

Each person feels autumn in its own way. When I look at the painting of Levitan Golden Autumn, I am covered by a feeling of joy. In the center of the picture is a blue deep river. From it itifies autumn cool. The river reflects the blue sky and clouds floating over it. Near a birch grove. Birches are so thin and elegant that they resemble Russian girls. They have golden hats on their heads. In the background there is a village. There are visible small houses. They merge with the sky. On the painting a bright sunny day. And so I really liked Levitan's picture.

On the painting of Levitan Golden autumn shines the sun brightly. Birches were covered with gold foliage. The grass under them became brown. Some - where she punched. In the background, I see small houses. Near the green wheat. A blue river flows through the entire picture. On the right bank there is a lonely yellow birch. She is so beautiful that there are no green trees nearby and not notice. Looking at the painting of Levitan, they cover the feelings of joy and fun. Clear sunny day. I really liked the picture, because she is beautiful.


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Golden autumn

Brief essay №1 Description 4 and 5th grade

One of the most recognizable paintings on the autumn is the painting of Levitan "Golden Autumn". Everyone knows that it is depicted: a thin river crossing birch groves, yellow-orange birch foliage, deep blue sky with a cloud, a green hill with a small village.

In the foreground, the picture is a gentle descent of the river, over which two thin birchings with rare foliage. The river seems to share summer and autumn - autumn has already come on the left side, and while the right shore is still summer. The water grows greens and a plant with reddish leaves. The water is dark blue, it reflects the grass and cloud. The deeper you go into the picture, the Sveta River. The big birch with a thick yellow crown river turns and flows somewhere for the grove.

The whole picture is like shining from the inside. It shows how beautiful the usual autumn can be in our country, what is it bright, sunny. It will go a little more time, and foliage completely yellowed, and then fly away. While this did not happen, you need to catch the moment and admire how Levitan did.

Overall No. 2, Grade 5

Landscape "Golden Autumn" Isaac Ilyich Levitan is one of his best paintings. Due to the observation and investing in every picture of his soul, his landscapes of anyone looked at a bunch of positive emotions and raises the mood.

In the picture "Golden Autumn" in front of us rises the usual Russian landscape: groves, fields and rivers. A small river with clear vertical smears crosses all the canvas vertically, a birch grove spread over one of her shores. Bereza in the grove already wishes foliage and in a torment of the wind flies off the trees covering the Earth with autumn carpet. Willow, on the contrary, stand even green as if fighting in the fall. It seems to me that the author of the picture specifically made such an emphasis on the division of the canvas by the river, on one shore placing brightly fiery birch trees, which are associated with autumn mood, and on the other shore, green willows that symbolize the summer. All this complements the bright sun, which heats up is not so, and we face the usual Russian "Indian Summer".

In addition to Yves, there are still many green objects in the foreground, and the field for which the village houses comes, but at first glance it seems that the landscape is filled with different shades of autumn and the gaze falls primarily on the yellowed, swinging in the wind birch. It is these birch trees show the beauty of the Golden Autumn and from viewing this picture on the soul it becomes calm and joyful and even thoughts about further colds will not spoil a good mood. After all, autumn is considered the lyrical time of the year.

Levitan due to its observation and sensitivity passed on his web such a true state of nature in the fall at the time of the past summer, that these emotions arise, no dependence when we see this picture. If we still remember the latter warm days in winter, we think that soon all the greens around will turn into gold, and in the summer we are happy to think, it's good that in the fall there will be warm days.

Full essay №3, 4th grade

Who at least once visited the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, could not stop before the creations of the master of the landscapes I. Levitan, who lived and worn in Russia. The artist loved to chant the nature of paints, but especially in autumn.

Very many paintings can be counted by the author related to this time of the year. The most famous web autumn themes called the landscape "Golden Autumn". The brilliant author finished his creation in 1895.
The plot of the landscape is very simple: it is a magnificent sunny day, a small blue river on both sides is stupid with trees decorated with bright red-yellow foliage.

The fields and houses of a small village are slightly visible away. And on the horizon, the forest is repainted in the yellow color of a wide variety of shades, gold paints. For the work of the master, such bright colors are not characteristic - usually landscapes it draws in calm, soft colors. The author's attention of the painting and our anticians are torn to yellowing birchings, their foliage is blown in the rays of the sun.

Golden autumn - it is such a description of the artistic canvase comes to mind when you look at the landscape. The beauty of autumn pore enchants, the soul becomes calm and thrifty. There is no sadness, only love for the native nature, to its magnificence and the celebration of the flaming paints of fallen foliage.

Landscape "Golden Autumn" I. Levitan can be called a masterpiece of the artist, because here it not only shows the extraordinary beauty of autumn nature, he chas her. Lyrical mood is transmitted to everyone. I want to create, dream, amazing. Many great writers, poets, artists, creative people loved this time, love him now.

Golden Autumn creates a special mood, where even the arrival of the ambulance cannot darken it.
But the author's brilliant canvas did not quite like himself. And a year later, he wrote another picture without changing the names of the landscape. But the manner of execution was for him the familiar, paint calm and unobtrusive. The picture was not so successful and expressive. It is not characteristic of the landscape player I. Levitan. Bright major paints of nature made a canvas "Golden Autumn" masterpiece of landscape painting.

More than once, our future generation, admiring the gold paints of the autumn of the creation of I.Litan, will remember with a sense of love and pride of their native places, their such close corners of nature. It is not necessary to go far or ride, it is only worth watching around, and the beauty of the native land will surprise and charm.

4th grade, 3 class.

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Today we will write an essay in the picture of Isaac Ilyich Levitan, which is called "Golden Autumn". Autumn was the most favorite time of the year for Levitan, and he dedicated her more hundreds of pictures. One of the most beloved public of the paintings is this golden autumn, although it is not so characteristic of the artist's creativity - it is painted too bright, boldly, major, while in other paintings a sad mood prevailed. Levitan created this picture in 1895. On the canvas, the artist depicted nature in the vicinity of the river of the coating, flowing near the village island. It is possible that Levitan himself was not quite satisfied with the picture, and in a year he wrote another picture with the same name, but already in more delicate paints.

To write the best essay, you must first consider the topic well and answer for my questions.

  1. Imagine that we went for a walk in this picture. Where did we come? (on the edge of the forest) What does the word "edge" mean? (edge \u200b\u200bof the forest)
  2. Prove that the picture is depicted autumn. (foliage yellow, but not yet opal, silent grass)
  3. What mood was the artist when he wrote his picture? (Cheerful, Cheerful, Life-affirming)
  4. What paints prevail in the description of the autumn landscape? (Yellow, Golden, Warm Forest Paints and Cold - Water)
  5. What is depicted in the foreground? (A small river stretches along the whole picture. It bends down a little and removes in the depths of the meadow. Lonely standing birch river turns sharply to the left).
  6. Compare the color of the water in the river near the left shore with the color in the distant plan. (At the left shore, the water is dark, and then the light blue becomes). Why? What do you think? (The rays of the sun illuminate the background of the picture, the sky is reflected in the water, and in the foreground we see all the depth of the river.)
  7. What grows on the shores of the river? (At the edges of the river, the riding herb grows. On the left, young berets are growing with thin slender trunks. Birings are completely covered with gold foliage. On a dark background we see a growing reddish-pink bush).
  8. What trees depicted an artist on the left side of the river? (Golden birchs and 2 osinki)
  9. Why can Osinkle be called trepitt? How did they show off their autumn? What else can I say about osinky? (They gathered on the hillow, heat in the sun in the last rays of the sun, admire the surroundings)
  10. What trees are depicted away? (birchings, they water dance, autumn rejoice)
  11. Why is autumn in the picture called golden? Explain the expression: "In the bazhret and gold dressed forests." What does it mean?
  12. When the forest is gold, such as it is depicted in the painting of Levitan, at the beginning of autumn or at the end, in dry or rainy weather?
  13. What outfit gave autumn birchms? (Autumn threw light sundresses on them)
  14. Are all the trees dressed in a gold outfit? What trees remain green? What are red?
  15. What is the lonely tree growing on the right side of the river? (this is also birch)
  16. What color is this birch? (She's all golden)
  17. What is the difference between its painting from the color of other trees? (Lonely birch is all the golden, and on other birch trees and oxes still flashes a green leaf)
  18. What trees remain green, don't want to wear a gold outfit? (trees on the right bank of the river)
  19. What do we see pictures in the high shore? Why are peasant homes are so small? (In the background, we see the fields inhabited by winter, and the peasant buildings. And behind them stretch the forests, merging on the horizon with the sky. Remote village emphasizes, strengthens the silence, calm, reigning in nature.)
  20. What feelings, wishes are experiencing you when looking at this picture? (Usually autumn - the time of withering nature - causes a feeling of sadness and longing. But if dry, warm weather is installed, and the forest will dress in their golden outfit, the beauty itself is the beauty of autumn nature causes a feeling of cheerfulness, cheerful mood.)
  21. Prove that day shown in the picture, sunny and warm. (Sky clear, wind is not, in the forest quietly, trees are lit by the sun, sunny bunnies on the grass, on the river)
  22. With the help of what the artist seeks the appearance of our feelings of joy, peace? (Showing clean, bright paints - blue, yellow, the artist creates a festive mood with us. Yellow sun, we warmly warm, on the picture a lot of yellow color, the leaves are yellow, from them, too, as if warm)
  23. Warm sunny day, but look at the river. What can be said about her? (Water near the shore is dark, it reflects the grass, the water is dark, as in the pool, very cold) although the day and sunny, but the water is no longer manitis. Autumn came.
  24. And what can be seen on the high shore away? What falls the field can be sown? What do these winter shoots say? (So \u200b\u200bthat we do not be sad. Winter will pass, spring will come, and again it is all around the circle)
  25. What a feeling inherent to all of us causes this picture? (a sense of pride for our homeland. This is our native nature, our river, our forest)
  26. What is the impression on you the picture? What is especially beautiful in it?

Writing plan for Levitan Golden Autumn

In any essay, we must have 3 parts: entry, the main part and conclusion. We will adhere to this principle and in the composition of the golden autumn of Levitan in the art.

  1. In the first part, we write about how the picture is called, who is its author, for example: "In front of me a picture of a famous artist ..."
  2. In the second part, we will begin to describe the picture - the river, birch, the sky, the field, at home, for example, will start: "The picture shows the early autumn ..."
  3. In conclusion, we will express your attitude to the picture. You can start the third part of the essay as follows: "When I look at the picture, I have a feeling ..." or "I like this picture to ..."

Colorful definitions

These words will really decorate your essay in the picture:

It's time (autumn) wonderful, delightful, wonderful, beautiful, golden.

Day is sunny, wonderful, wonderful.

Air is fresh, clean, transparent, like glass.

Synonyms for words:

Picture - canvas, reproduction, work.

The artist is a landscapeist, painter, master.

Creates - writes.

Shins - sparkles, glitters, plays.

For this plan, any student of 3-4 and especially grade 5 can write an excellent essay, it is only a little to dream. From class to class, the essay will be different in volume. For grade 3, this is 9 - 10 sentences (50 - 60 words), 4th grade 11 - 12 sentences (70 - 80 words), grade 5 - at least 100 words.

Examples of Writing Golden Autumn. Levitan.

Grade 3.

Before me, a picture of the famous artist Levitan. On her, the master depicted his favorite season - autumn.

The landscape predominate warm, golden paints. The picture shows the edge of the forest. Dressed in yellow birch foliage stand out against a blue sky. Two trepidate osinkles, as girlfriends, were attached to the edge of the grove. They have already dropped their foliage. The river runs through the grove. The water in it is dark, because cold. In the distance water is lighter, it reflects the sky blue sky. The river flows to the village, which is visible on the hill.

When I look at this picture, I have a sense of pride for our homeland. Our nature is very beautiful!

4th grade

"Golden Autumn" is one of the most famous paintings by Levitan. On it the artist portrayed a bright autumn landscape.

Warm, golden forest paints in the picture are echoing with cold blue water. Slightly courageous grass and trees dressed in bright sundresses, they say that autumn has come quite recently. Birchs, like girlfriends, gathered in the dance on the edge of the forest. They are happy with the autumn sun. A little more, and the last golden leaflets will fall into the grassful grass. Two slender oxes at the river are heated in the sun. They seem to whisper with each other. The river carries his lead waters into the distance and sharply turns over the forest. On the right bank of the Berezki River have not yet been put on autumn outfits. On the hill, behind the fields, the village can be seen. But she does not disturb all this autumn beauty.

On the picture, the birch grove is depicted as in life, which is what it happens warm early in autumn. I really like this picture, because it creates a joyful mood.

Grade 5.

The River Corps near the village islandly conquered not only the heart of Levitan. Thanks to the painting "Golden Autumn", her autumn landscape loved the whole world.

Birchs dressed in golden sundresses from autumn leaves. With the slightest blow, the breeze leaves fall, circling in the air and slowly fall on the yellowed grass. Two osinkle-girlfriends have already completely lost their decorations and modestly attached from the banks of the river. The slope on which they cost leads to water. Water is dark, calm and cold, it is no longer manitis towards himself. Only an azure sky is reflected in it. Along the river bed, the artist takes a view of the viewer far into the depths of the picture. It stands on the shore of lonely birch, elegant, golden. Swivel leaves flooded on the water. Grove on the right bank has not yet had time to dress with autumn decoration. Forest visible emerald fields of wintering. The fields can see the peasant village. But it does not violate all this autumn beauty and silence, which reacted in nature. The air is clean and transparent.

The picture gives rise to us a tide of vigor. We like themselves went on the banks of the river, touched the shoulder birch, and she trembled us with light leaves. And we understand that nature is always alive and forever beautiful.

When the essay is ready, you need to check:

  • whether in the proposal is subject to both (main members of the sentence);
  • whether the order of words is correct;
  • whether words are correct in meaning correctly;
  • do not repeat the same words and expressions;
  • word written correctly and put the punctuation marks.

Beauty - around us, in the usual course of everyday life, in nature around us. You only need to be able to see and enjoy the radiant splendor of the paints. Levitan wrote: "That's what you need a landscapeist - to understand the conversation of water and trees, hear how water tells. What is the great happiness! " And as well, that we have the opportunity to get in touch with this great happiness, through the creations of such a master as Isaac Levitan.