The value of numbers. Back in ancient times it was known ... - Yana Davydova

The value of numbers. Back in ancient times it was known ... - Yana Davydova
The value of numbers. Back in ancient times it was known ... - Yana Davydova

You want to be happy. You know that the first step towards this goal is - knowledge of yourself. Numerology named and birth will help to realize their true me, find the purpose, create a happy fate.

This article will reveal another mystery About you - the number (code) name and fate.

Become one step closer to yourself - produce numerological payment By date of birth and name.

Number of name and date of birth

Another antique philosophers found, and modern scientists confirm: everything in the world can be reduced to a simple number from 1 to 9.There is a number of name and birth, any word, symbol, things, events, phenomena, feelings, countries in total.

General The symbolic value of numbers in numerology:

1 - goal, pressure, aggression;

2 - duality, equilibrium;

3 - unstable unity, the relationship between past, present and future;

4 - strength, equilibrium;

5 - risk, impermanence, happiness, joy;

6 - stability;

7 - Mystery, Mystic;

8 - world equilibrium, success, material well-being;

9 - wealth, fame.

Number of birth and birth - Not just numbers, these are the secret keys - codes, deciphering which, perhaps a lot to realize, penetrate deep into the essence of what is hiding in your personality, fate, soul.

Fortunately, there are specialists - numerologists. If you want your planetary name to the name accurately and quickly calculated a professional numerologist, a specialist of the center "Planet Joy", go.

This knowledge will benefit not only to you personally. You will understand how to better interact with the environment, peace.

Very robust and topical numerology knowledge available is free In the project of Esoteric 21 centuries. For example, a book with a detailed description of all on 2018 year.

When spouses plan, wait or quite recently put on light childBut do not know how to call it, numerologists recommend:

  • calculate his number of birth (according to the estimated or actual date)
  • calculate the number of names from which the name is chosen.

If the number of the name proves less Numbers of the date of birth, the baby will be inclined to develop only congenital talents, abilities, quality. It may ignore the need to obtain new knowledge, the right skills.

When the number of names more Numbers, a person is moving towards receiving new knowledge, skills, skills. May forget about what is given to him.

Ideal when numerology name and birth coincides. Such a person develops harmoniously. Pick your baby name most suitable for the date of birth.

Also information about the code name will be useful for those who are going change the surname or name. Brides usually more often than others bothers this question. Not intentionally! It is useful to find out how fate will change after the execution of this decisive step.

Numerology date of birth. Calculation online

Numerology date of birth uncomplicated:

  1. Summage in order all the date of birth.
  2. If in the end it turned out a two-digit number, summarize these numbers. You will have a number from 1 to 9.

Example. A child who will appear in the world this year, for example, 06/26/2018, will have a number of birth dates 7.


Brief characteristic of numerology named:

  • 1 leader. Outstanding, known, bright personality.
  • 2-great partner, family man. Attractive outdoor, young looking man.
  • 3-successful man in all spheres. Talent. Speaker.
  • 4-great organizer. A person who is trusted by a friend.
  • 5-freedom-loving philosopher. Teacher. Traveler.
  • 6-person creative, loving everything beautiful. Popular personality.
  • 7th thinker. Inspiration. High personality. A person who brings good luck to him.
  • 8-nice, revered, volitional man. Head.
  • 9th athlete. Politician. Strong personality.

In more detail the value of each of the numbers of the name and birth from 1 to 9 further in the article.

Numerology named. How to calculate?

  • only name
  • only full name,
  • name and patronymic
  • name and surname,
  • only surnames
  • name you are usually called home at work, friends,
  • name you call yourself (with which you identify yourself more),
  • the name given during baptism (or other rite).

Each of the numbers of the numbers characterizes the identity regarding the situations in which it sounds - always when you are somehow called.

Pay attention to the way (what number) people call you. This is the indicator of their relationship.

Calculation of numerology named:

  1. Write down on a sheet of paper your name or name of the person you want to know closer.
  2. Under each letter, write down the corresponding number (third line from above in the table).
  3. Summarize the number until you get unambiguous (from 1 to 9).

Example. The name of Aurora \u003d 1 + 3 + 9 + 7 + 9 + 1 \u003d 30; 3 + 0 \u003d 3.

The most important number of the name (it is also called the number of fate) - full name of man. This is the name that is recorded in the passport.

Purely "Name" number It tells mainly about the nature, talents, abilities, temperament, the energy of the personality.

middle name - These are educated, graft qualities.

The number of alone families He tells that inherited from the ancestors will tell about the generic karma.

Maiden surname defines fate to marriage. Taking the surname of the husband, the woman changes his fate. Similarly, it is converted to all who changed the name and / or surname.

Count also the codes of vowels and consonant letters of the name. Summarize the corresponding numbers to them just as to a simple number.

The number is vowels- Heart code. It expresses your inner world; What influence you are on others. The number of consonants- The code of that effect that the society has on you.

When counting the name code, pay attention to what figure more often Total meets. This is the figure that many or most letters in the name correspond to. It is also very significant.

The value of numbers in numerology

The general rule of numerology is the addition of all numbers to the attention to one simple number - has exceptions. If in your calculations you will notice the numbers 11 and 22, see their values \u200b\u200balso, despite the fact that 11 is reduced to the number 2, and 22 - to 4.

Number Human traits Possible negative aspects (what you need to work)



a responsibility








excessive ambitiousness










duality (difficulty choices)












love for luxury

revaluation of yourself







good luck



striving for justice




inconsity when choosing friends









philosophical view of the world




template to adventures





ability to recognize errors



inability to keep a word




great imagination


the ability to convince

skill plan

skill listen, hear

care of the world of illusions

template to dependencies

invulsion to keep business and handle money





a responsibility

ability to think scale

reliability stability

habit despair

next to solitude

danger "bogging" in routine






ability to resist difficulties




template to adventures

11 (reinforced 2)



able to achieve everything that wish



22 (reinforced 4)


strong Volia

outstanding nature

congenital ability to manage his fate


addiction to the external "tinsel"

Remember that your life is in your hands. Numerology named and date of birth, like any other knowledge, tips, signs sent from the outside world - stimulus develop internally. Any, so-called negative quality is only relatively negative. It is development zoneSo, the source of new forces, energy.

Develop, grow over yourself. Create your destiny yourself, pushing away from congenital positive qualities.

To find out your life destination, and understand what awaits you in the future, you do not need to walk on fortune tellers and spend fabulous money. Numerology will make the forecast, which is based on a tidy code.

So, today each of us can at home, to find out the value of the date of birth and understand what you appear in this world. Numerological code is quite simple, all that is needed for this is the numbers of the date of birth.

Principles of numerology

What is numerology, how exact is the prediction, the forecast is based on the date of birth? Numerology is a multifaceted system of mystical links of human birth numbers and physical body. Numerological code helps to establish the relationship between numbers and consciousness of people, their processes of their livelihoods. Someone with numbers can see their pregnancy, as well as calculate and find out the month and day of conception. Someone is interested in decrypting your birth date on the code in order to determine the day of the death. In general, Numerology is quite a versatile science, which helps a person to determine the information necessary for him, laid down in the tipic code of his date of birth.

Numerology as science has been popular for a few more centuries ago. Many mathematicians resorted to her help. So, it is believed that the first numerologists were followers of the Pythagorean school, which on the basis of the date of birth could predict, for which one or another person appeared in this light and that the universe is destined to him.

Currently, numerology no longer belongs in mathematical science. But at the same time, many professionals began to use it, who can predict the future through numbers. Yes, and the last life is now not a secret for us, because numerology helps to know when and in whose body you have already lived on Earth.

Number of Life

As mentioned above, numerology - science, which is based on a tidy code. In order to determine the number of your life will be used by the date of your birth. After all, it is on this day, a month, a year and even time the Universe helped you to be born.

So, to determine your number of birth, you need to sum up all the numbers of the day, month and year when you were born. You can calculate the number of life, using a calculator or, if you have a mathematical warehouse of the mind, fold the numbers in the head. Suppose your birth date 12/23/1987. We have: 2 3 1 2 1 9 8 7 \u003d 33. The resulting amount consists of two numbers, which are also necessary to add to each other: 3 3 \u003d 6.

So, the value of the birth date of people who appeared on this light on December 23, 1987 - 6. If the sum of the numbers turned out to be 11 or 22, then it is possible and not to add these two numbers among themselves, since their value has a special interpretation that highlights them from A number of unambiguous numbers.

Designation of the numbers of life

Each date of birth has its own individual number, therefore, each person has its own fate, purpose. Let us dwell in more detail on each number of life, which will help you reveal yourself and find out what you appeared on this light.

Number 1

For those who in the task received the number 1, the creative draws of the date of birth are laid. Such individuals are distinguished by ambitiousness, perseverance and striving for the conquest of all vertices. "Units" sent the Universe in this world to bring something new, unbridled or reveal the new aspects of familiar things. People with a unit in the task adore all new, constantly strive to comprehend new knowledge, experience and sensations. It is for this reason that such people most often prefer frequent journey, where there is an opportunity to explore the new world, new people and learn a new culture.

Value 2.

Figure 2 in the task means that a person is often not confident in its own power, he doubts his decisions and is always afraid to comprehend new. But at the same time, if such an personality feels and understand that it is entirely supported and understood by relatives and relatives, it can easily achieve the desired goals. The figure 2 of the total date of birth says that a person is endowed with a good imagination that helps him invent his own, the unique world and live in it as it does not live in real life.

"Two" man has excellent intuition, it unconsciously "hears" around others and feels their emotional state. It is for this reason that such people achieve heights in a quarry, because they know how and where it is possible to decompose everything so that you understand and appreciate the dignity. "Twos" perfectly feel at work, where there is a need to communicate with customers.

Value number 3.

If the amount of your date of your birth date is 3, then this means that your life abilities are multifaceted. In such a person, there is plenty of vitality, restlessness and optimism, thanks to which he will be able to conquer the confidence of the people they need.

"Troika" are very ambitious, prefer to occupy leadership positions and do not endure when they have to obey others. At the same time, people, the date of the birth date of which turned out 3, can not take high ranks and positions, at least one of this will not work. They will constantly impose their laws, as well as strictly punish those who refused to obey their rules. These individuals are obtained by real dictators. And if you are looking for an ideal business partner, it should be anyone else, except for a person, "Troika."

Number 4.

Personality whose digit of the total date of birth 4 is a cluster of paradoxical energy. On the one hand, such an individual always defends its point of view, which, in most cases, does not coincide with the public. This type of people is able to endure hated work for many years, if only everything remained in the same place. From the "Four" it turns out the perfect business partner.

This type of people with fear considers new acquaintances, but at the same time ready to give everything for their proven friends, relatives and the second half. Of all the numbers, which suggests numerology, the "four" are distinguished by special pedanticity and organized. Such a person can easily entrust even the most difficult order. A systematic and ordered approach to any case will help to find a way out of any situation, take important decisions and bring the cherished desire to its execution. In the life of the "Fours" everything should be on Feng Shui: Comb on the mirror, shoes on the shelf, a cup on the table. And God forbid something will lie not in your place!

DATE OF BIRTH. The number of birth and character of a person

Mystery of the last figure of your birth

Your Tarot Map By date of birth: Calculation, decoding, value

Numerology - karma in the date of birth

How does the date of birth affect the fate?

What does the date of birth (numerology)

Human character by date of birth. Number of birth.

Energy vampire by date of birth

We can say about such people that they work, not to give up hands and strength. But for a series of attempts to achieve the desired result comes depression and melancholy.

In this case, you need to support and help a person, trying not to crush and not focus on the problem situation. Although, in most cases, in case of difficulties, people whose birthday numbers are equal to the Four, prefer simply overpowering through difficulties and make important decisions in their lives without looking at some difficulties. The motto of such people: "The desire is a set of opportunities that directly depend on how important this desire is for a person!".

Number 5.

Energy of such people is a little similar to the "Troika". The difference among these numbers is that the "five" is more stable emotionally and subconsciously, well know the laws of this world and understand that every creature that the Earth is wearing the planet, there is a destination and place.

Life abilities of people whose digit 5 \u200b\u200bare directly related to their charm, which they can conquer even the most stringent chiefs. And curiosity, inherent in such personalities, often pushes them on various kinds of Deliche, and at the same time they never come up for all sorts of trouble. Again, all this is due to its charming.

Value number 6.

The life features of people whose digit in the problem is equal to the six, are revealed only if there is at least one person nearby. These people do not think of life outside the team. And therefore the ability of them should be assessed by public opinion. So, before doing this or that work, the "six" learn from a partner, the neighbor his point of view, ashable from others, and only after that they will do the way that foreign people advised him.

Life principles of people with a total number of 6 in the date of birth - justice, resolving issues without rudeness and humanism. In most cases, there are excellent bosses from the "six", which will always help the Solly Council and never punish only because they have a bad mood.

Value number 7.

People - Seven always strive for perfection

If the calculation showed the figure 7, then you know the universe endowed you with a feature of the idealist. This means that you will always strive for perfection, trying to make every living being of our world to inspire that civilization was built on this.

For "seven" every little things mean a lot. The search for perfect in everything is the purpose of such individuals. As well as the relationship of people- "seven" build only with those who can protect them from cruel realities of the modern world and inspire new achievements. Elements of such people - travel, teaching, training to secret sciences, etc.

Value number 8.

In a person who corresponds to the value of the eight, you can find a good, reliable friend and business partner. They somehow incredibly attract good luck, luck and always confident in their success. "Eights" are not afraid to take responsibility for themselves, both for personal relationships and for the upcoming, for example, a conference at work, once again proving its leadership abilities. From time to time they are overcome by internal fears, but they will very quickly be bought by the desire to achieve certain heights.

Friendly meetings with such personalities take place at ease, easily and cozy. Of the Eights, excellent interlocutors and companions are obtained.

Value number 9.

Of all the numbers of numerology "nine", all are more prone to philosophy and impractical knowledge. Such people are interested in Esoteric, the matrix of the Vine Slavic numbers. They give the proper month, which protects us at night from unclean. These sciences, like any other, are given to them with a special ease, as they apply every effort to know them.

They want to know what Arkan Taro is and know the secrets of the matrix numerological calculus of our world. Therefore, often people who are engaged in numerology, esoteric, reincarnation and other secret sciences, have a number 9 in the date of their birth.

Showing his abilities on a senior position, "nine" will torture idealize everything and everything. Report table, work cycles, charts of break time, photos and video reports of the working day, weeks - all this and much more included in the "ideal" plan of people- "nine". And on the refusal of his rules you can hear: "You do not strive for perfection, it means you do not want to improve this world - we are not on the way!".

Value number 11.

People whose total digit date of birth correspond to eleven, from nature endowed with stunning intuitive abilities. They do not need to carry out a calculation or a ritual to find the answer to the question: "When I get married?", Because they are all feeling great. Such personalities do not need a table of horoscopes and predictions, they are focused exclusively to their subconscious and perfectly understand how to behave in one way or another.

In this person you can find a good business partner, a reliable friend and just a pleasant interlocutor. He will be able to help you solve a complex inner spiritual problem and support time for you. They worship their mother and father of their own, but at the same time can be egoists towards other relatives if it comes to the benefit.

Value Numbers 22.

In a person whose digit date of birth has a value of 22, there is an irrepressible fantasy, which, most often, substitutes them under the blow of life realities. They worship the day in which their animal was born, do not believe in online love, belong to special care for the month, considering it by the patron saint of the dark time of day and can live in imprisonment for several years in a row, communicating only with books and books and His thoughts.

Schedule of life by date of birth

A lifestyle chart will clearly show you the stages of the development of the life path, the intended universe.

Calculate the numerological code

To find out the code of life to build a chart, you need to multiply all the numbers of the date of birth with each other, lowering the zeros: 23 * 12 * 1987 \u003d 548412. The resulting figure is a universal human life code, which was born on December 23, 1987. It characterizes the energy in different segments of time, or rather every 12 years.

How to build a diagram

Blacks are two axes: the line y is a vertical, on which the numbers are signed from 1 to 9, and the horizontal line X, on which a simple year, starting from the moment of birth (in our case, is 1987). Each subsequent mark will increase by 12 years.

Now everything is simple: we put the first point in the chart - this is a figure 5 and it is the beginning of the life of 1987. After 12 years, there will be a number 4, after another 12 years - 8 and on the same principle we build the entire schedule. As a result, a broken line is obtained, which characterizes a diagram of life and helps to understand what to expect on a certain part of the life path - take offs or drops.

Interpretation of numbers

Deciphering numbers will help to understand what to expect from life on one or another plot of life path:

  1. Dissatisfaction with their personal qualities.
  2. Alternation of the decline of vital energy and its tide.
  3. Establishment of new relationships and the construction of a profitable business.
  4. Calm.
  5. Active and happy life.
  6. Harmony and reliability.
  7. Revaluation of spiritual values.
  8. Good luck in financial matters.
  9. Success in all endeavors.

The line directed upward symbolizes the ascendant of good luck, and the line seeking the book warns of possible difficulties.

Help saints

Any of us has your own saint patron by the date of birth and the icon-intercession, which is given on birthday.

So, the patron saint of God by date of birth from 22.12 to 20.01 - the icon of the Mother of God. In a person who was born from 21.01 to 20.02, he lives the spirit of Athanasia and Kirill. Holy Alexy and Milends Antiokhsky guard and help born from 21.02 to 20.03.

Those who were born from 21.03 to 20.04 are under the auspices of the Kazan Mother of God and Sofronia. And in the man who was born from 21.04 to 20.05, there are the forces of the Iverland of God and Saints Stephen and Tamara.

If the day of the future falls on the period from 21.05 to 21.06, you need to look for help from the Mother of God, Alexey Moscow and Constantine. The intercession of people born from 22.06 to 22.07, - Kazan God's Mother, and Nikolai, and Ilya-Prophet will help those who have appeared on July 23 to 23.08.

In a person, whose body and soul appeared in this world from 24.08 to 23.09, there is a protective stamp of Saints Alexander, John and Paul. People who are born from 24.09 to 23.10 are protected by the Pocheevsky Mother of God. The guardian angel for those who appeared on the light from 24.10 to 22.11 is the Holy Paul. Well, the appeared light of God from 23.11 to 21.12 will help the Holy Nikolai Radio, along with God's mother.

If you are wondering: "How many years I will live," then numerology, unfortunately, can not give you a clear answer. The value of the date of birth in terms of life expectancy allows you to see only how many years you are assigned to the universe for you to fulfill your destination. But there are plenty of all kinds of factors that affect the lifespan to one degree or another. For example, you will carry a rampant lifestyle, sit in the premium or enjoy drugs and other substances that have a detrimental effect on your health. So, if you do not stop in time and do not review your life priorities, then spend time on calculations and try to find out how much you will live - there is no point. If you follow your goal and strictly try to fulfill the "mission of life", for which you "waited" the planet Earth, then with an accuracy of 99.99%, numerology will help you see the date of the death. Another thing - Do you need to know this?

And remember the universe gave each of us a chance to make your life worthy, but whether you will use them or not - your business!

Take care of yourself and be happy!

It is believed that the value of the date of birth will define the character traits that are given to a person from the moment of appearance. They may differ for men and women and change with age. The most popular Western interpretation, which involves the summation of the birthday numbers. But a more complete decoding is the Pythagorean square, which takes into account the more component. The quality described may vary depending on external factors.

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    Date of birth in numerology

    For a long time, it is known that the date of birth has a considerable impact on the nature and fate of a person. According to numerologists, each number has a certain vibration, strongly affecting people.

    Calculate the number of birthday is very simple. In Western Numerology, this is the consistent sum of all date of date. For example, for born August 04, 1987: 0 + 4 + 0 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 7 \u003d 19 \u003d 1. The final number is called vibrating. It is invariably for each particular person, determines its basic qualities and inclinations, turns of fate.


      Symbol of individualists, strong and ambitious personalities. Such people always want to be the best, first, strive for independence. Persistently achieved goals set in front of them, despite obstacles. They are peculiar to selfishness, as well as self-confidence. They practically do not affect the outside and do not like to listen to someone else's opinion. Adults with a number 1 in the date of birth, life for many years seems to be a game.

      A high action coefficient causes a constant movement forward. New heights are conquered if the person goes straight, purposefully. Numerologists advise to avoid korestolobia and their own way, take into account the interests of not only their own, but also other people, otherwise you can get a large number of enemies. A strong number will certainly lead to success, if not neglect tips.

      Women with this number are active and temperamental. They often try to subordinate to their partner. Men - poushers and impulsive, always have success with the opposite sex. Children are energetic and active, from early years feel and try to demonstrate their individuality.


      The symbol of equilibrium and tact, the magic of the number "2" provides a thin, sensitive nature, very impressionable and dependent on the surrounding people. Support for loved ones, security, confidence in their forces and the future is extremely important for such men and women. Throughout life, the owners of this number are looking for a support, a strong shoulder, seek to acquire a reliable rear.

      Softness of character and congenital tactful lead to a constant search for compromises in relations with others, including in the working sphere. Domestic contradictions often contribute to excessive prudence, reflections, as a result, to the advice of close and friends. These people must learn to think not only about others, but also about themselves, avoid extremes and excessive sensitivity. Of these, excellent developers are obtained, designers, but for a successful career they require executive partners.

      Representatives of the strong floor with the number "2" are trusting and open, which makes them wounded. They always come to revenue and are not instigators of a quarrel. Ladies are attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. Love romantic courtships and gifts, easily change the environment. Children born on the 2nd, live emotions and feelings, need care and understanding, seek recognition.


      The fastest and most vivid number. Its influence is noticeable even on the child, manifests itself in severe talents, the ability to quickly absorb information. The intuitive mind allows you to find and choose the easiest paths to achieve goals. Such people need constant entertainment, chat, a pleasant environment. Accustomed to easily perceive life, the owners of the number "3" in the date of birth rarely plan their future, preferring to enjoy the current moment.

      At the same time, the top three is and good luck. And to catch her, just not to be lazy. The minimum effort for such people leads to great success. The number three protects against many problems in life. Whatever happened - almost everything goes with the smallest losses. These are the so-called dumplings of fate, invariably attracting the views of others.

      Men love risk and active activities. Enjoy popular with a weak floor, I can have several partners at the same time. Women are attractive and witty, distinguished by independent behavior, optimism and sensuality. Children are curious and happy to know the world around. Create a lot of attention, capricious.


      Symbol of hardworking and balanced natures. In numerology, the number "4" is also associated with mobility, activity. Such people - wrestlers in life. Despite the resistance and a large number of obstacles, rush forward, constantly expanding its horizons. The difficulty lies in the fact that every owner of this number for the final formation and strengthening of his personality must pass a test series of tests sent by destiny.

      Four is characterized by practicality and prerequisites, gives its owner with the ability to masterly master even boring craft. Sometimes, not to get bogged in detail, it is recommended to listen to the advice of loved ones. Stubbornness may interfere with development. The honesty and perseverance of such people help to endure any burden and provide support to others.

      Men are reliable and straightforward, honor family traditions and occupy a leading position in relationships. Looking for loyalty and devotion in women. Representatives of weak sex are distinguished by power, assesses the attitude through the prism of possible income. The kids are calm and independent, they like stability and certainty, responsible and reliable.


      Characteristic for enthusiasts, natur, loving adventures inclined to adventurism. Such people adore travel and anywhere can feel comfortable as at home. The owners of the number "5" easily assimilate other languages \u200b\u200band adapt to traditions and customs. Can fall into difficult situations and make out of them without consequences. Cheerfulness, irrepressible energy and good sense of humor are the defining features of the nature of such personalities.

      Numerologists recommend more often to be examined around, so as not to miss the tempting prospects nearby. After all, the top five will often "takes" the views and thoughts of people in the distance and into the future, not allowing to appreciate what is near and in the present. It is worth avoiding impulsive solutions and frequent change of satellites of life, carefully treat friends.

      Men with such a number have sexuality, beautiful appearance, intelligence and leadership qualities. In love they give and give unforgettable emotions. However, love freedom in relations. Women are selfish, love to flirt and tease, like all men. They are actresses - all attractiveness and sensuality are exposed to the appearance. Require admiration and approval from those surrounding. Children are cheerful, charming, attract the attention of everyone around. The main thing is the life and knowledge of yourself and the world. Creativity is a driving force for self-expression.


      Symbol of reliability and frankness. Honest Natura seeks to show themselves to others, to achieve respect, while trying to support friends, improve their living conditions. Such people emit optimism, always calm and cheerful. The holders of the number "6" do not set themselves the transcendental purposes, but are content with what is, fully justifying the confidence rendered and performing their work with the maximum return.

      The six helps to adapt to different conditions, to adapt even to adverse circumstances, finding them positive. Of these people, beautiful peacekeepers, which bearing in the world of good and love. Specialists advise to avoid intrusiveness in relation to others, interference in the affairs of friends, when they do not ask about it, even if others are mistaken.

      Women are distinguished by alienation and coldness. But there are sensual, sexual nature. Incorrigible dreamers with rich imagination. Men are mandatory, executive, hardworking, reliable. However, the environment is easily changed. Love for them plays an important role in life. Children born under this number, calm, observant, compliant, obedient, are careful. There are many friends, because they needally need to communicate.


      Symbol of knowledge and mystery. Refers to the strongest and influential numbers. Among the characteristic properties of the personality, good intuition can be distinguished, the tendency to the opening of an unknown, rich fantasy, a living, irreparable imagination. With such a number, bright creative people are born: poets, artists, musicians, as well as hermits and philosophers. Internal inspiration needs privacy, immersion in himself. But there are two sides: the severe owners of the seven become known personalities, weak - are in the abyss of despondency.

      Of those born at number 7, good teachers are obtained, thinkers endowed with a special gift. They are as tributary perceived reverence and rendered. But such people should avoid secrecy, alienation from society, coldness in relation to others.

      Representatives of strong sex are independent and serious. The attitude to life is self-sufficient, highly appreciated love. Prefer to tie relations with intellectual women.

      The representatives of the fine sex are attractive, at the same time attract and repel partners. Different with tactfulness, dreamence, sentimentality. Dream about romance, strong love feelings. The child is an impressionable, reasonable and dreamy. He has a good feeling of kindness, loves approval from outside. Charming, attentive, delivers many joy to parents.


      This numeric symbol gives people to enterprises, a tendency to keep business, business. The most important features: the ability to plan and successfully perform conceived, including difficult at first glance. Will strength, performance, purposefulness, lack of pity - determining the characteristics of born with the number "8".

      G8 holders can be cruel and in relation to themselves and others. Of these, good military, political figures, government workers are obtained. The ability to manage people and enthusiasm for them is manifested especially bright in adulthood. Numerologists advise not to abuse power and their position, to show more sensitivity to subordinates. It is important that negative nature does not prevail.

      Women are powerful, assertive, hide their nature for the mask of alienation. Original and practical, prefer men of intellectuals. Representatives of strong sex are self-confidence, independence. Volisk and persistent person - can suppress the partner in returning or hide their character. Children to fulfill their goal demonstrates the will, exposing the tests of themselves and others. They can show both attachment and severe dislike.


      The symbol of potential intelligence, a strong person, prone to development throughout the life path. Of those born with a number nine, beautiful artists grow, artists, composers, inventors. And on the contrary, such people should not become military, entrepreneurs, merchants. If a desire and abilities appear in some sphere, then all efforts should be sent in the selected direction - success is guaranteed by fate.

      Endowed with responsiveness and sensitivity, winners of nine are perceptive, capable of disinterestedly helping in trouble, stretching their hand at the moments of despair. The fruits of kindness are subsequently rewarded. The number "9" is a powerful and amazing. The life of these people is full of events and attention from many.

      The man is sophisticated, erudite, highly intelligent and romantic. Love is looking for a person who decided on his self-expression. Women differ from the opposite sex. They are impermanent and extraordinary. Surrounded prefers to see intellectuals and highly developed men. Fur in various plans that are trying to implement. The child is cheerful and inspired. She strives to see everything you can. Communicate with ease.

      Number 11.

      Despite the fact that "11" is simplified to the number "2", it also has its own characteristic properties that superimpose the imprint per person. Initiative, determination, individualism, egocentrism - all this is good quality, but need curb, settlement.

      Born 11 numbers during life have to go through a number of karmic tests, the essence of which is to master the ability to understand other people. Internal conflict may occur multiple times until a person learn to perceive other people's emotions, desires like their own.

      Number 22.

      This combination gives a rack of four to the shade of mysticism. The inner world of born with the number "22" often takes over the external. These people call "movable in mobile." It is very important to send traits and inclinations to a positive channel, then life will bring good fruits, please rejoice in achievements in all areas.

      Vibrations and endless reflections on the same thing should be avoided. So people need to move forward in order not to get bogged down in the past and present.

      Depending on the number, the degree of compatibility of partners is determined.

      Square Pythagora

      This square was developed by an ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician and is one of the methods of analyzing a person. The system combined the mathematical systems of the Egyptians, Phoenicians, Arabs and Druids with the sciences of human nature.

      Pythagorean square is a numerological horoscope. It helps to understand what qualities are laid in a man at birth.

      The algorithm for calculating the date of birth along the square of the Pythagora looks like this: for example, a person was born 02. 10. 1989. You must fold:

      • figures of the day and month of birth: 2 + 1 \u003d 3;
      • years of birth: 1 + 9 + 8 + 9 \u003d 28;
      • two obtained numbers: 3 + 28 \u003d 31.

      It turned out the second working number. From the first one must take away the double birthday number: 31-4 \u003d 27.

      This is the third working number. For the next you need to fold the numbers of the previous one: 2 + 7 \u003d 9.

      It turns out the fourth working number. As a result, there are two rows of numbers:

      • 1 row - date of birth: 02. 10. 1989.
      • 2 row - working numbers: 31; four; 27; nine.

      It is necessary to calculate the total number of their number in two rows. In this case, they are 12. This means that the person came to this world 12 times. According to Pythagora, the person comes to Earth 15 times, and then goes to live in another dimension.

      Now it is necessary to draw a square 3 to 3 and divide it into 9 squares. In the first to enter all units, in the second - twos and so on. Then compare the table received with the data.

      Square number


      No digit




      Man with so many units - Egoist

      Egoist who sometimes thinks about others

      Stable positive character

      Character volitional and strong


      Lack of biofield. An open channel for energy absorption. People often belong to collectors

      Super sensitive, possess bioenergy that need to be developed

      Bioenergy is enough for the healing of others


      Man beloved opposite

      Organizations and ability to science

      Relevant, cultivans, raised

      Do not love mess, but cleaning is carried out depending on the mood

      Possess abilities to accurate sciences

      Very neat, with abilities for sciences

      Neat and pedantic, often work in the scientific sphere


      Health problems

      Normal health

      Diseases begin to torment only in old age

      A healthy person with excellent immunity rarely sick

      Immunity superb


      Active man, but makes many mistakes. Very hard to break into life

      Open channel for intuition, make less errors than others

      Intuition is developed, good in the work of lawyers or investigators


      Such people are properly disposed of time and space.


      Learn badly, so you forced to engage in physical labor

      Learning thinks but physical work will also be present

      Loves physical work, but he is not his profession

      Such people require large cash costs from partners.

      Work hard and hard

      Hard luck

      Talent is present, but not pronounced

      Have artistic taste and creative abilities

      May face in life with serious difficulties

      Such people need to be careful

      A responsibility

      Often take a debt, but do not rush to give

      Sense of responsibility developed

      Ready to help other people

      Are called to serve people

      Parapsychologists, have inconsistencies to the exact sciences.

      The mind must be developed

      Smart but lazy

      Smart and lucky

      Proud and merciless, but extremely smart

      Inherited by man, the features begin to manifest themselves from an early age, gaining special power to 30-35 years. People with the same number in the date of birth are similar to each other, their fates can intersect. But do not forget that numerological data of the name playing a certain role in the human life, overlapping their imprint and adjusting the characteristics initially obtained.

The definition of the fate, character and temperament of a person by date of birth is carried out with the help of the numbers of the soul, fate and the square of Pythagora. In modern numerology, all the data was systematized, so it is now enough to make simple calculations to predetermine which events and dangers are waiting ahead. But it is necessary to pay attention to the special magical numbers that can distort the result.

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    Numerology capabilities

    Numerology is a science of numbers that allows the date of the human date using the fate of the person. Back in ancient times it was believed that the date of birth has an impact on the nature, temperament and a deed of a person, predetermines personal qualities and turns of fate.

    Each number from 1 to 9 has a special vibration that exists regardless of whether her person feels or not. The most significant role is played by 3 numbers:

    • Souls;
    • Fate;
    • Name.

    The most important for humans are the numbers of the soul and fate. They are responsible for the general characteristics of the individual and the tests that he will have to go.

    Number of soul

    The number of soul determines the character and temperament of a person. It affects ambitions and desires, choosing a partner for relationships or friendship. This number affects a person throughout his life, but it is particularly pronounced under the age of 40. Calculating it, you can predict difficulties and try to avoid them in advance. In total, there are 9 soul numbers, each of which gives a person special properties.

    To determine the numerological code, it is necessary to fold the birthday numbers to prime numbers.A man born on November 22 has a number of souls equal to 4 (2 + 2). A similar result is observed in people who mark the name of 4 numbers of any month. At the same time, the found four differences. In the first case, the number of the soul is formed by the addition of figures 2 and 2, which also affect the life of a person, and in the second - 4 is a clean digit and manifests itself more pronounced.

    People with even numbers have explosive. They have leadership qualities, a tendency to plan and command. They quickly go to the fore and take what belongs to them.

    With an odd number of the soul, a person is fidth, which needs constant changes. He teach well and has a craving for knowledge. He does not need other people's advice and prefers to learn from his own mistakes. A stranger belongs to ruthlessly, carefully thinks over any of its decision. He has craving for old things and sensual pleasures.

    Number "1"

    People with the number of soul 1 born 28, 19, 10 and 1 numbers. They control the sun, hanging the clarity of mind and purposefulness. They are always full of new ideas and successfully implement them. They easily express their own opinion, do not affect the effect on the part. Sometimes they are egoists.

    Such people have pronounced leadership abilities. They are important to be the first in everything, while maintaining their independence.

    "Units" love to criticize the rest, but they do not tolerate such statements. Despite this, they do not enter conflict situations, and it is interesting to communicate with them. They are characterized by charming and energetic, which attract people to them.

    The main task of the "units" and their meaning of existence is the service of mankind and the provision of a weaker. The most active years in their lives are 35-40 years.

    "Units" possess creative thinking and can become successful journalists and science workers. Such people persist tolerate ups and downs, not falling into depressive states.

    The magic of numbers recommends them more carefully to finance and spend money with caution, as there is a high risk of loss. They should not make hasty decisions, be too careless, ambitious and wasteful. These people should not be abandoned from someone else's help, fight alone, constantly demanding close attention to his person.

    Number "2"

    Born 2, 11, 20 and 29 have the number of souls 2. They easily adapt to different conditions, their character variable, and they are peculiar to them. "Two" have a good heart, faithful, gentle. Their kind can be used by fraudsters and deceivers. Intellect is developed at the "twoeks". They know how to recognize false and deception, but often silent from politeness and love for a flattery.

    The main goal of "bobs" becomes unity, so they are submissive and responsive. Such people need harmony and comfort, are idealists and romantics who do not mind immersed in the world of fantasies. Among them there are no leaders.

    "Two" can become outstanding speakers and are interesting interlocutors. Their mind and intuition work together, allowing you to inspire other people to actions. Such personalities are successful diplomats, intermediaries and peacekeepers, help to find a compromise in the most difficult situations.

    • bring up confidence and will in itself;
    • refuse to rush;
    • maintain independence;
    • stick only to their solutions;
    • do not postpone your affairs for the sake of others;
    • do not leave the job unfinished.

    Number "3"

    The number of soul 3 belongs to people born 3, 12, 21 and 30 numbers. These are creative and bright nature with natural intelligence and mind. They are characterized by a sense of humor and charm, see people through, but may be too cutting in expressions.

    "Troika" love hard work, differ in character hardness, ambitiousness, independence and activity. They want to be first in all, and natural qualities allow them to implement it.

    People with a figure of the soul 3 dream of doing something heroic and great in life. When building a career, they have to go a lot of tests that have favorably affect their personal growth. They do not like to obey, so they seek to organize their own business. Success is achieved thanks to the logic and sharp little, instantly understanding that it is profitable.

    Troika always fulfill the data of their promises and are distinguished by reliability. "Troika" will come to help even enemies if they ask them.

    They have good health, and in love they are accompanied by luck. Such people are very tied to the family and can sacrifice comfort to keep feelings.

    Negative qualities include:

    • ambitiousness;
    • pride;
    • dictatorial inclinations;
    • inability to control anger and passion.

    Among the "Trok" many teachers, writers and speakers. They are accustomed to finishing the work started, no matter how tiring it is. Quite often receive patrons and financial assistance from more wealthy relatives.

    Number "4"

    The number of soul 4 belongs to people born in 4.13, 22 and 31 numbers. They are reliable friends who are able to keep secrets and at any time come to the rescue. They are honest, decent and careful. "Fours" do not like to risk and before making a decision weigh all "for" and "against".

    Such people need spiritual peace of mind and harmonious relationships. Often they fall into the depressive condition and feel lonely and unnecessary. They differ in a special secretion and do not tell their secrets to even close people.

    Four can be despotic with loved ones, and in relations with them you should not wait for romance. They are too realistic to look at things and are distinguished by special rectinity. Because of its difficult nature, such people quickly make a large number of enemies.

    Such people are excellent managers.

    The "four" show the following negative characteristics:

    • love to argue and join conflicts;
    • do not know how to appreciate others;
    • inclined to make rapid purchases;
    • give fake promises.

    The "four" often experience ups and downs that make them incredulous and prudent. But thanks to courage, stubbornness, perseverance and colossal patience, they can withstand any suffering. Despite the honesty of intentions, they are often criticized.

    The success of the "Four" is usually achieved after 40 years. To preserve peace of mind, they are recommended to drink water and eat silverware.

    Number "5"

    The "fives" refers people born of 5, 14 and 23 numbers. They are characterized by special vigorous and constantly need adrenaline. Without difficulty can learn a foreign language and learn completely any science.

    "Five" it is important to find an interesting and dynamic profession, as the routine and passivity it is categorically not suitable. They easily earn money and spend them quickly. Constantly looking for new ways of fast earnings.

    In personal life, such people are difficult to be happy because of restless character. "Five" easily tie friendship, but because of their inconstancy, relationships are short-term. They have a good intuition that allows you to understand the intentions of any person. But it is difficult to build relationships because of their straightness.

    Negative features include:

    • tendency to depression;
    • stubbornness;
    • irritability.

    From an early age, such people take care of their health and retain it to old age. Problems may occur with the nervous and cardiovascular system.

    Number "6"

    The number of soul 6 belongs to born 6, 15 and 24 numbers. These are honest, frank and delicate people. For them, family and social responsibility is important. They emit positive and warm energy, and people are drawn to them. They enjoy when they make the life of close more comfortable. The feeling of anger and resentment hide behind a cute smile.

    Such personalities love to travel and get acquainted with new people. Among them are a lot of creative natures. The work is slow, and when they are waiting for speeds, they begin to be nervous and make a lot of mistakes. People are completely not calculating and disinterested. They are easily spent money, regardless of the level of earnings.

    People with the sign of the Soul 6 must learn to fight laziness. They should not take revenge offenders, simply spending energy. Before starting any relationship, they are recommended to check the people and speakers them.

    To preserve health, such people need to be abandoned too sweet and greasy dishes.

    Number "7"

    For those born 7, 16 and 25th, the soul is 7. They are kind, peace-loving, is afraid and are not restless.

    These are people with a developed fantasy and intuition, diligent and prone to analysis. They are inborn philosophers that are practically not interested in the material side of life. They want to know everything unknown and mysterious, often gifted by magical abilities. Can become successful artists, judges, scientists and reformers.

    Such people usually find their calling to 35 years, but the real success and wealth achieve in adulthood.

    "Sevenki" are individualists who are used to performing all tasks alone. They can have only a few friends, but also with them they prefer to meet as much as possible. They are independent and do not need someone else's help and advice.

    "Seven" is quite difficult to deceive, as they see people through. Do not believe the gossip and prefer to check the heard words. They have the ability to escape people, so even their opponents take their point of view.

    They need to abandon communication with people who use alcohol or drugs.

    Number "8"

    "The eights are born" 8, 17 and 26 numbers. These are double people who fall from one extreme to another. They may change the mood several times a day, as well as general plans. They are distinguished by special revenue and never forget offenders.

    Nevertheless, the "eight" is pronounced a sense of justice, and they often help other people. Representatives of the number 8 persistently overcome any difficulties and never give up their friends in trouble.

    They know how to earn funds, embody dreams into reality. Quickly climb the career staircase thanks to mental abilities, but because of their conflict, the enemies quickly come out. The "eights" refuse to help outsiders and prefer to do everything themselves.

    Such people can easily attract the opposite sex and easily harde the relationship.

    The distinctive features of the "eight" are:

    • patience;
    • seriousness;
    • melancholicity;
    • hardworking;
    • vitality;
    • equilibrium.

    Number "9"

    The number of soul 9 belongs to born 9, 18 and 27. These are restless people with severe energy. They will not stop until they reach the goal.

    The "nine" strong character and high ideals. They are very sensual and loving, have a craving for mysticism and the unknown. Love to travel and recognize new people.

    They are leaders who are capable of controlling other numbers. They are easy to communicate with them, and they never create problems.

    "Nines" are born in order to achieve success, and have all the required abilities for this. Quickly react to the decline shift. They are not their own problems and do not spend energy into the energies. These are optimistic and independent people who are accustomed to receive a maximum of pleasure from life.

    In the young age of "eights", there are many difficulties in communicating with people, and success reach after 40 years.

    They need to abandon any thoughts about revenge, false pride and hypocrisy. The "eights" should not condemn close people and colleagues at work, it is important for them to learn how to cope with their own concern. You should not be involved in unnecessary disputes and communicate with people who have alcohol or drugs, as you can easily succumb to negative impact.

    The fate of a person by date of birth

    After 40 years, the number of fate begins to influence the human life. The methodology for calculating this figure developed an ancient Greek philosopher Pythagore. In the future, it was detailed by his followers.

    This number shows what the fate of a person will be and what he deserves depending on the karma of past lives.

    The number of fate is the sum of the full date of birth. First you need to add separately numbers of the day, month and year, and then summarize them to unambiguous.

    So, at the date of birth 22. 11. 1991 You can get the following numbers:

    • 2+2=4.
    • 1+1=2.
    • 1+9+9+1=20=2+0=2
    • 4+2+2=8.

    The number of fate at the date of birth 22. 11. 1991 is 8. The value of each of the numbers is indicated in the table:



    A favorable number gives a person by luck and sufficient, strong health. Such people are inborn leaders who easily achieve success. In love are often unhappy. Help poor and disadvantaged

    This number makes people not too lucky. They often become victims of unforeseen change. Such people are endowed with strong intuition, but in love they are pursued. The main advisers should be the inner flair and intuition

    Figure 3 is not easy. Its owners have to work hard, which is why stress and emotional instability arise. But they are characterized by physical health, hardly worry and are able to withstand any overload. Because of excessive critics, many enemies are full and have problems in personal life. Able to quickly earn money

    In the life of people with Number 4, unforeseen circumstances often arise and changes that make their existence unbearable. Even if they have all the benefits and live in luxury, they constantly lack something. They often miss opportunities because of a sense of doubt and insecurity. They have a lot of secret enemies due to an unemployed nature

    This is the best number of fate that makes a person with happiness, wisdom, strength and independence. Such people know how to solve problems themselves and reach heights in the career. In family life, they are accompanied by happiness

    People with this number have many sexual problems in which they are not to blame. They enter unwanted love connections that only disappoint them. In work, they are accompanied by luck. Money can make money, but quickly spend them. Such people can get involved in occult sciences and black magic

    The number gives a person luck. His owners are good advocates to which even opponents listens. They are able to find a solution to any problem. Often engaged in spiritual practices

    The owners of this number are often faced with failures, obstacles and humiliation where the least one can wait. The most fully they manifest themselves in adverse conditions. Reaches fame and success in old age. Such people can become outstanding politicians and leaders, but will never run away from imaginary and real failures. They prefer to live alone and not bind themselves for marriage

    People of this number are characterized by quick-tempered, evilness and love of quarrels. They are restless, and even during the rest, they need to do something. They can be lucky if they can overcome their negative qualities and love for sensory pleasures

    The value of special numbers

    When calculating the number of soul and fate in the date of birth, numbers 11 and 22 may occur. They can be as being the sum of the number of the full date of birth, and just be one of the numbers.

    These figures have some features that need to be considered with general analysis. So, 11 is the detailed designation of the number 2, which gives the person more determination and courage.

    People with a number of 11 in the date of birth never minimize from the selected path, and they are equal to them. This is most brightly manifested between the age of 40. This number inclines the person to spiritual development and makes it a great adviser and teacher. If a person has no such abilities, it means that its fate is under the number 2.

    With numerological code 22, the task of personality is the enlightenment of all mankind. Such people are given to operate knowledge without the right to an individual point of view. Most often they conduct seminars and read lectures.

    Square Pythagora

    This concept refers to a separate structure in numerology. It allows us to calculate a human psychotic, the degree of its sociability, professional abilities and health status.

    To compile a square of Pythagore, several simple calculations are carried out:

    1. 1. There are a sum of birth numbers, month and day (for example, for the date of birth 22. 11. 1991: 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 \u003d 26).
    2. 2. The resulting number leads to unique (2 + 6 \u003d 8)
    3. 3. From the amount of the digits of the date of birth (26) take away a double figure of the 1st day of birth (2 * 2). The third number is obtained (26-4 \u003d 22).
    4. 4. Last value lead to a simple digit (2 + 2 \u003d 4).

    After the calculations carried out, all numbers, including the date of birth, are recorded in a row - 22. 11. 1991. 26. 8. 22. 4. The figures obtained are distributed over the cells of the matrix in ascending order:

    The number of digits in each cell has its own value. The first describes in nature:

    • 1 or no units - an irresponsible person;
    • 11 - Personality subject to someone else's influence;
    • 111 - a steady positive character corresponds to three units;
    • 1111 - strong character;
    • 11111 and more - a dictator that does not tolerate someone else's opinion.

    The second cell indicates bioenergy. The result obtained is interpreted as follows:

    • 2 or no twists - a person is an energy vampire, actively absorbs energy;
    • 22 - Energy is enough to share with others; reserves are replenished when communicating with more powerful people;
    • 222 - Personality has a strong energy;
    • 2222 - a person can treat others;
    • 22222 - Personality "Johlit" someone else's biofield, and after communicating with her headache.

    The cell at number 3 is responsible for the ability to science. Deciphering the figures obtained:

    • there are no - the person is well brought up and very neat;
    • 3 - Personality is a man of mood;
    • 33 - a person has ordinary abilities;
    • 333 - Personality can clearly formulate the task and its implementation plan, but will begin to operate at the last moment;
    • 3333 - a person is successful in the exact sciences.

    The fourth cell can talk about health. The number of numbers has the following interpretation:

    • there are no health problems;
    • 4 - diseases that manifest themselves with age;
    • 44 - good health and high resistance to disease;
    • 444 - very good health, in which a person is practically not subject to illness;
    • 4444 and more - possible genetic pathologies.

    The fifth cell indicates the level of intuition development. Its decryption is as follows:

    • number 5 is missing - a closed intuition channel; Personality can all think about and try to take only true actions, but he does not avoid mistakes;
    • 5 - weak intuition, errors are possible in case of lack of information;
    • 55 - severe intuition;
    • 555 - practically clairvoyance, personality understands everything that happens around;
    • 5555 and more - developed intuition, allowing to achieve success.

    The cell at number 6 indicates the ground. The number of numbers in it means the relationship:

    • missing - does not like physical labor, but it works;
    • 6 - physical work perceives as a normal phenomenon;
    • 66 - Loves to work, although physical work is a hobby;
    • 666 - does not work and will do everything to shift the required tasks on others;
    • 6666 and more - can learn or lead, because it is not adapted to physical work.

    Cell 7 indicates a talent or its absence. Deciphering the result obtained can be carried out according to the following data:

    • none - no talent;
    • 7 - there is a neurko pronounced talent, which can be developed when it is detected;
    • 77 - man talented;
    • 777 and more - the personality is very talented, she is often jealous.

    Cell 8 says a sense of responsibility. Decoding result:

    • there is no - an irresponsible person who loves to lend, but forgets to give;
    • 8 - identity with a developed sense of responsibility;
    • 88 - a person who is ready to help many people, even to the detriment of himself;
    • 888 - an outstanding personality, ready to serve the people;
    • 8888 - a person with parapsychological abilities.

    The presence of mental abilities is indicated by cell 9. Decoding result:

    • 9 or no nine - low level of intelligence;
    • 99 - mental abilities are developed, but laziness is stronger;
    • 999 - High mental abilities to achieve success;
    • 9999 - Opportunities, thanks to which a person can succeed in any field.

    Schedule of life

    Numerology makes it possible to build a chart that indicates the ups and downs, as well as important events, knowing only the date of birth.

    To build a diagram, you need to draw 2 axes - vertical and horizontal. On the horizontal should be arranged years of life, ranging from conception to any age. The time interval that is used for divisions on this axis is 12 years old (0-12, 12-24, 24-36, 36-48, 48-60, 60-72).

    On the vertical axis, you need to designate numbers from zero to 9 ascending. After that, you must multiply the date of birth. For example, for a person born 22. 11. 1991, the calculations are carried out - 22 * \u200b\u200b11 * 1991 \u003d 481822. The control points characterizing a 12-year period of time are 4, 8, 1, 8, 2, 2. The first digit of the resulting code (4) characterizes the year in which a person was born. In this example, it is 1991.

    The second digit (8) characterizes the period of time from 1991 to 2003 (1991 + 12 years). By subsequent years, 12 years is added in the same way and the time segment is obtained.

    After constructing the diagram, you must decrypt the points.

    Diagram example

    The number of numbers may be as follows:



    The path was interrupted, and luck is lost. You need to start all at first, since the previous period has started a man in a dead end

    Man moves in the right direction. His works are not in vain, and soon he will be able to come to victory, but you need to work hard

    It is difficult to make the right choice, and constant reflections are negatively reflected in the mental state.

    The person is completely confident in his choice and the case, but in order to achieve the goal will have to make a lot of effort

    It is necessary to forget about earthly issues and focus on spiritual development, spending more time with your family

    Man is in search of love and life partner

    Man await happy years filled with creativity, harmony and creation

    Need to be as cautious to avoid material problems

    Great time when luck herself will go to a person and he will be able to find a life satellite

    A person has a deal that needs to finish. When the plan is executed, a new life cycle will begin.

    Each person builds his life himself, and numerology and simple fortune telling help to avoid mistakes that are extremely prepared by destiny. After all, almost all tests found in life are a consequence of karma. So that what happens has a favorable nature, you must not forget about spirituality in difficult situations and abandon any negative.

Numerologists believe that special values \u200b\u200bare characteristic of each digit. This is a peculiar magic vibration, reflecting many character traits. With the help of these values, it is easier to figure out the life path, as well as the fate of each of us.

We are constantly surrounding the numbers. This is the date of birth, and the phone number, and the serial number of the house in which we live. Numerology, science of numbers, explains the value of each. With the help of simple calculations, you can find out about yourself a lot of new things. The calculation is simple: you need to fold all the necessary numbers. Of particular importance is attached to the numbers 11 and 22. They are not necessary to add to the whole.

For example, the number of destinies of each person is calculated by date of birth: 08.04.1987 \u003d 0 + 8 + 0 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 7 \u003d 37, 3 + 7 \u003d 10, 1 + 0 \u003d 1, that is, the resulting digit is equal to one.

The value of numbers

Number 1. The unit is distinguished by independence and independence. People living with such a digit, original, bold and resourceful. They know how to manage others. Aimed at obtaining experience on their own, without using no recommendations, no experience of others. They are torture, confident in themselves and their actions, self-sufficient. Of the negative traits of the character there are stubbornness due to independence, egoism and a tendency to suppress those surrounding their unsenters. It is often manifested both vanity, impulsive gusts that negatively act on the opinion of a person with a number one in the code of fate. With all this in a career, these people often occupy leadership positions, bring new in the profession, are able to achieve a good result both in the team and independently. Their path is the analysis and logic. They act quickly and decisively, without doubt and long swinging. It also makes them good partners in personal relationships.

Number 2. People-two most often do good, peaceful and even generous. Their innate sense of tact due to intuition makes it possible to avoid everyday difficulties and bypass the emerging obstacles. Romantic nature, they possess the gift of the shower healing. Two in numerology - a peculiar point of stability, the deviations from which generate negative qualities. These include tendency to depression, imperitiousness, dependence on someone else's opinion, timidity and excessive fasciance, the unwillingness to defend their interests, forced to adjust to the majority. These natures have such a feature of character as the accumulation, collect knowledge of grains. Create to build, easily get along in the team. They have leadership qualities, but to a lesser extent than people units. Non-conflict twos are most often harmonious in personal relationships, because their prudence helps them find a balance with a partner.

Number 3. This number is responsible for optimism and life. People of this figure are looking for a positive in all moments and are sincerely surprised when the surrounding do not understand their cheerful attitude. Possess expressiveness, talents in creative areas, are distinguished by the liveliness of the mind. Negative qualities may appear as follows: the focus on the indispensable fulfillment of the promise, egoism, a tendency to be designed with a lack of attention. They have extraordinary abilities that can manifest themselves as a rare gift for something. These people are not inclined to conflict, sociable, not looped on the complexes. They are given live life brightly and noticeably. They, as if bright light bulbs, attract the sights of others and revel on their significance and originality. In personal relationship they can prevent impulsiveness and excessive impressionability. Therefore, people with a number three in the destiny code are often in finding a partner who can understand and make the originality and admire any manifestations of creativity. In this case, the troika is capable of a strong and stable feeling.

Number 4. Four is inherent in such character traits such as endurance, ability to work, calm and principle. People with this number are firmly standing on their beliefs, the methodical and consistent, know how to defend their correctness with significant arguments, rarely come out of themselves. These are respected members of society who seek well-being with their work, do not leave the difficulties and consider them the next stage to harde the character. The disadvantages of the foursome people can be attributed to the bore, stubbornness and slowness. In achieving the goal, they are thorough and leopard, which can irritate a more mobile and distillation environment. People associated with this figure are not the lucky fate, but diligent prospectors on the way to a dream. Each victory is the result of painstaking labor. In the career they like stability, rarely humble with failures on a new field, so they infrequently change the profession. In personal relationships are not inclined to romance, do not build air locks, and because of this there may be a long time alone.

Number 5. These people are distinguished by high sociability, energy, eternal search and love for everything unusual. They have quality to collect valuable information, which willingly share colleagues and partners. In the profession, commercial directions often prefer, with ease find useful links and contacts. Negative qualities are manifested in frivolousness and irresponsibility, the ability to not complete the case if they are bored or became not interesting. These people are rarely interested in career and promotion on the service staircase. More often, they choose their own business in which they show their abilities and talents. Also, people with a five in the fate code are often hot-tempered and unbalanced. The surplus of energy gives them the opportunity to easily converge with the opposite sex, but the impermanence pushes on the feats and knowledge of the new, which significantly reduces the possibility of creating a strong and harmonious cell of society.

Number 6. This figure is responsible for such characteristic features as humanism and sincere love. People of this figure are kind and responsive, are ready to sacrifice their comfort for the sake of well-being surrounding. They are best friends and partners who are not capable of betrayal, radiate confidence and stability. The vocation of these people is to carry harmony, creation and heat into the world. They are capable of strong relationships, create comfort and comfort around themselves. A wide selection of professions does not limit them in choosing, however there are disadvantages. Protecting their interests and loved ones, they can show cruelty and ruthlessly act in relation to the offender. People numbers 6 often intervene in the course of events, disturbing the plans of others and bringing the last literally to breathtomasses.

Number 7. The seven is logicality, the ability to argue, erudition and insight. People of this figures have inner tranquility, in their face you can find wise advisers, mentors and teachers. They possess a mixture and ability to achieve their goals without loss of strength and positive attitude. Inventiveness and ability to abstract thinking contribute to the implementation of all intended plans. However, these people are often not interested in working as in that, therefore rarely implemented in the profession. They are inherent in talent on the go to create masterpieces, which often disappear due to the same notorious disinterest. In their personal life, they also quickly comprehend the disappointment and reluctance to nourish over mutual happiness. In the character, suspicion can manifest itself, the tendency to misentropy and unwillingness to adapt under the surrounding.

Number 8.Characteristic features - perseverance, courage, natural flair. These people are distinguished by reliability, they are impartial in judgments, clearly aware of their way and move towards the goal, as if locomotives. Professionalism lies in talent for training, rapid assimilation of information and the application of knowledge gained in practice. These people are usually excellent leaders whose firm flourishes, and if crises happen, their flair suggests a way out of the current situation. Of the negative traits of character, you can note self-confidence, arrogance and periodically the desire to suppress subordinates with its erudition. Proposed to vanity, can fall into anger that negatively affects the performance of the entire team. The people of the number 8 are accustomed to managing their lives and fate, so in personal relationships also strive for leadership. It is sometimes difficult to find harmony in marriage because of the reluctance to give way to a partner. However, in the event of a strong feeling, they are able to blindly follow their half, obeying its rhythm of life.

Number 9. People of this figure are merciful and benevolent. They are charming from nature, able to sincerely forgive, possess creative talents. In the choice of profession, it is often preferred to develop their own business based on hobbies and hobbies, which brings stable income without significant energy consumption. Often are prone to dramatizing many situations, manifestations of excessive impulsivity. Simply put, these people remove the tension, "arranging scenes." In personal life they do not like loneliness, so they find a partner who gives sincere and warm feelings. Truly your chosenses and are able to protect them in any situation. These people often have a greatly developed parental instinct, which allows you to find joy in raising children. Give valuable life advice to loved ones who help them overcome difficulties and obstacles on the way.

Number 11. In numerology, this number means multiplicity and polarity. People with such a code of fate have creative abilities, sensitivity, intelligence. They are inherent in fearlessness, as well as arrogance and arrogance. People of this number have a strong magical energy capable of creating and destruction. Numerologists believe that they are more given a duty to learn how to curb and build a powerful energy, not allowing it to enter the chaos and destruction. In essence, they have abilities to prophecies, strong in diplomacy, religion and politics. Often, the gift of healing and extrasensory abilities. They are freedom-loving and delicate, initiative and prone to analytical thinking. However, from negative traits of character, you can note vanity and the ability to self-dissemination. Also, often the manifestation of aggression, which is characteristic of those who could not curb the raging energy and send it to the good. These are charismatic personalities, which, with due diligence, seek universal recognition and are able to bring new to science. Often perform engines of progress.

Number 22. This number is often characterized by duality of nature. People have polar qualities and themselves decide that they need to be used in one situation or another. They may be rigid in judgments, but soft with close people, possess pressure and at the same time detecting slack in some aspects. The rational approach of them alternates with abstract thoughts, iron grip - with scattered. All this moves a person to certain actions necessary to achieve harmony with them and the outside world. These are energetic and purposeful people, the main enemy of which is inaction. Their distinctive feature is the ability to achieve results in any field of activity. They are inherent in a strong sense of intuition and responsibility. However, from negative traits, tendency towards falconic thoughts, depression, concreteness and irritability appear. Often there is a sense of uncertainty and dissatisfaction. In their fate there is no clearly prescribed achievements, so each owner of the number 22 can choose a favorite activity for themselves and quickly develop unprecedented professionalism. Often they choose a writer's career, teacher, public or statesman.