The peoples of France: culture and traditions. What are they - typical French

The peoples of France: culture and traditions. What are they - typical French
The peoples of France: culture and traditions. What are they - typical French

The French, France (self-esteem), the people, the main population of France (56.3 million people). Live in the possessions of France (Guiana, New Caledonia, Reunion, French Polynesia), in Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, in Madagascar. The major groups of the French are concentrated in the United States (650 thousand people), Italy (320 thousand people), Belgium (132 thousand people), Switzerland (80 thousand people), etc. The total number of French is 59.4 million. Speak in French Romanesque Group indo-European family. Believers - mostly Catholics, there are Calvinists reformats (mainly in Paris, in the Pyrenees, in the Rhone Pool, in the Marseille area, in Normandy).

The autochthonous population of France was most likely of Indo-European origin. Since the end of the 2nd millennium BC, the country begins the settlement of the country by Indo-European tribes of the Celts. By the middle of the 1st millennium BC, they practically mixed with the local population and took the entire territory of modern France. On the Mediterranean coast, Phoenician-Carthage and Greek colonies were also founded, the main of them - massaly (modern Marseille) - 600 BC. Since the II century BC, the Romans began to penetrate here. Celts they called gallas, and their country - Gallia. The Roman conquest of Gaul led to the nomanization of its population (especially in the south of the country) and the emergence of the Gallo-Roman ethnic community, which spoke at the local version of the People's Latin. During the great resettlement of peoples (V century), the German tribes of Visigoths (south and south-west), burgundy (east and south-east) and francs (north and northeast) invaded Gallia. At the beginning of the 6th century, francs were outstretched from Gaul Vestpreski, in 534 they won the Kingdom of Burgundy. From the middle of the 6th century, the entire territory of Gaul entered the Frankish kingdom, the German-Latin bilingualism was formed. By the end of the IX century, People's Latin absorbed German adverbs and went on the basis of the future french. The consequence of the unequal degree of north north and south of France was the addition of two ethnic communities: Severofranzeskaya (north of the Loire River) and South Franzes. Their languages \u200b\u200bwere called on a characteristic difference in the pronunciation of the word "yes": Lang D "Oil (from Oil) in the north and lang d" OK (from OC) in the south. Northern dialects initially remained only colloquial, while in the south already by the XI century began to develop literary language (Provencal). Special languages \u200b\u200bspoke peoples inhabited on the western outskirts of the empire. At the foot of the Pyreneev still with Dorim times lived basks - people unknown origin, established before the nomanization. At the end of the 6th century, because of the pyrenees came to the south-west coast of France Wasqueans (the ancestors of the Gasconians), most likely of Iberian origin. In the V-VI centuries. The resettlement began with the British Islands to the North-West of France (modern Brittany Peninsula) of the Celtic tribes of Britt (Brettons). From the VIII century, the Scandinavian tribes of Normans began to arrive from the north to Frankish lands. The formation of a unified community contributed to the political association of French lands around the royal domain of Cappetians Il de France with the center in Paris (since the late X century). By the beginning of the XIV century, the French kings were merged most of France. On the basis of the Il de France dialect, the Severofranzian literary language began to be formed. Ethnic and language consolidation took place in Northern France much faster than in South. By the end of the 15th century, the merger of northern and southern ethnic communities begins. The Northrantsuz language becomes the Commune-Device conversational and written language. The formation of nationwide French culture was accelerated in the XVI century, the strengthening of political centralization and internal economic relations, the statement of the French national language, which displaced latin language From the judicial and administrative office work, the flourishing of secular culture in the Epoch of the Renaissance. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. France hegemony established in Europe. French served as the language of diplomacy and the aristocracy of European countries. The decisive factor in the formation of the French nation became the era of enlightenment and French revolution The end of the XVIII century. French enlighteners philosophy, French classic literature They played a big role in the spread of a French literary language in the provinces, where local diallas held before that time. Administrative reform of the era of the revolution (the destruction of the provinces with their customs, the establishment of departments, the introduction of universal military service), reform school Education and so on. contributed to the erasure of the regional differences and the merger of the French people in a single nation.

In the context of the modern nationwide leveling of culture among the French, the consciousness of belonging to certain historical regions (Normanders, Picardians, Burgundec, Avaveniec, Gasconse, etc.) is still held local peculiarities Culture.

With high industrial development in France, a significant role is maintained. agriculture. Home Industry - Livestock (large cattle, pigs, sheep, bird); Significant place is occupied by agriculture (main cultures - wheat, barley, corn, sugar branches, tobacco, etc.). Traditional viticulture and winemaking are also developed. Traditional crafts (wood carving, manufacture of painted ceramics, lace weaving) lose value. However, some of them (Lyon silk manufactories, Sevra porcelain, perfumery of grains near Cannes, etc.) turned into industrial industries and acquired world fame.

The biggest part of the French lives in small cities (20-30 thousand inhabitants) and several major cities-agglomerations. Small cities with a population of less than 20 thousand people retain a medieval radial layout with a castle or monastery in the center, with the main square, where the church, the city hall and the market are located.

Among rural settlements, small villages are dominated with several dozen or hundreds of residents or very small, consisting of 5-10 yards; There are also farm farms. The layout of settlements is mostly linear. Traditional rural dwellings have several types of planning and design principle. Main type - single-storey stone or global on a wooden frame construction, where residential premises are combined and adjacent to them stable, stall, barn and wine cellar. Diple cool roofs of vintage houses of northern and central france covered with slate, tile, etc. On large farms of Northeast France, Parisian district, Picardia and Flanders residential and outbuildings Four sides closed the courtyard with a well or pond in the middle. In the mountainous areas (Alps, Pyrenees), the Alpine style of the house is common - two- or three-storey, with the lower stone and upper cutting floor. In the south of France (Aquitaine, Rhone and Sonya Valley, Corsica Island) are characterized by small two-storey houses under low tiled roofs, stone or glot, the second floor of a residential, sometimes wooden, with a gallery, to which the outer stone staircase leads. The peasant house was usually from the common room serving the kitchen and dining room, and one or two bedrooms. Family life focused in a common room with a fireplace in a niche at a frontal wall. In it, the kitchen utensils were kept in front of him on the cast-iron tripod. Modern peasant dwelling only partially retains the traditional interior.

Folk costume stopped worn in the XIX century. At the heart of women traditional costume - Wide skirt with assemblies, sweaters, corsage, apron, cape or hat. Men's suit - Pants, leggings, shirt, vest, jacket or wide blouse, headdress - takes or hat. Vintage shoes - Wooden Sabo. Different provinces had different embroidery motifs, shapes of caps, cutting and decorating the corsage and apron.

For traditional food, vegetable and onion soups are characterized (more often died), steaks (from beef; in the villages, many dishes are made of pork) with roasted potatoes, ram of stew under various sauces, omelets with ham, mushrooms (truffles and champignons) and other seasonings, fish dishes; Cheese is widely used (the remaining dairy products The French eat less than others european peoples). There are many vegetables, fruits, oysters, lobs, crabs, sea hedgehogmollusks. Traditional wine-making centers - Department of Girond, Burgundy and Champagne region. The power supply in the villages depends largely from the season and the nature of rural works, and the townspeople in their most strictly observe the traditional clock of the early lightweight breakfast (coffee, toasts or butter, jam, honey), second breakfast ( meat dish With vegetables, snacks, coffee with dessert) and late abundant lunch.

The main holiday is Christmas (December 25) - celebrate in a family circle. In the villages to Christmas, the geese and turkeys refill, they harvest pork, blood sausages. The abundance of dishes on the Christmas table is considered a guarantee of well-being. The custom to decorate the Christmas tree spread in the cities in the XIX century, but almost not penetrated into the French village. Christmas, New Year and Day of Kings (January 6) make up winter cycle Holidays ("twelve days"). The celebration of the end of winter (carnival) is now noted mainly in the cities of the southern provinces, in particular in Nice; The procession with chucks of carnival is accompanied by theatrical acts. At Easter, Trinity, in the throne holidays are arranged fairs, folk festivities, comic competition. Special bread bakes on Easter, serve an omelet with meat. The day of all saints (November 1) is noted as the day to remember the dead. The graves of relatives put the pots with chrysanthemums. Main national holiday - The Day of Taking Bastille (July 14) is celebrated by a military parade, in the evening - folk walking With songs and dancing on Bastille Square. In addition to nationwide, local holidays are marked. From national games the most popular - play balls (Buli). Local traditional spectacles and games are preserved: in the south - battles of bulls and running cows, in the Basque regions - a game of the ball, in Languedoc - the competition of boating fighters, etc.

Folklore for centuries Putal french literature, music, theater. Special species Urban folklore, subjected to literary processing, steel songs performed by Chance professionals. Traditional dances (Farandola, Goliard, Menuet, Burre, Gavot, etc.) are performed during folk festivals for accompaniment folk instruments (Volyanka, Tambourin, Viola, Facita).

On the one hand, the concept of belonging to the country (citizenship, citizenship) can be based on blood relations. This concept organically implies the definition of the "country of the nation", which determined the political division of Europe in the XIX century. For the first time, the rule was formulated in France, in 1803, in the Civil Code of Napoleon I. Subsequently, this rule was adopted by a majority of European countries, including Russia (1964).

On the other hand, affiliation to the country can be based on the place of birth. Due to a number of reasons, in 1889, France takes a law, according to which anyone born on french territorymay claim French citizenship to achieve majority. At the same time, the old rule was maintained: the child of two French citizens automatically became French, regardless of the place of birth.

The third possibility of obtaining citizenship - accepting it after some time in the country - appeared in France in 1927, due to the large stream of immigrants, including the first wave of Russian emigration.

Thus, the principles of obtaining French citizenship differ significantly from adopted in Russia.

Ethnogenesis and development

Modern myths about ancient ancestors

The French national myth begins with Celts (Gallov) - the most Western Indo-European group, early separated from the Pyranceoevroytsev and created an original culture for several centuries before the conquest of Caesar. The most powerful tribes were the arvel (in the mountainous terrain of modern overnight) and EDU (between Sona and Laoire). Indo-European Celts pushed out south more ancient population (For example, neolithic ligurov), only one of the branches of Iberov - Aquitans have been preserved in a small amount in the western part of the pyrenees. The name of the historic location of Gascon recalls the old Basque Area, which, however, unlike Spain did not save a special national status here.

Mix the era of the great resettlement of peoples

During the great resettlement of the peoples, the Christianized Galloromanian population was pushed out in the southeast by Burgundy, in the south-west of posges and ultimately was subordinated by Salic Franks. The victory of francs over the aleasans in the battle with Tolbiak was later presented [by whom?] As the beginning of French history. Several hundred thousand pagan francs, who made up the highest layer of society, ruled over the Catholic majority of Galloroomans, which had 6-10 million people. After the baptism of the King of Franking Chlodvail I, his tribesmen were gradually mixed with the local one. Normans were added to the German peoples of the Epoch of the Great Resettlement in the X century. The ability of the Galloroman cultural majority to assimilate the aliens in this case, it was brighter than everything: during the entire several generations, Normans became full of francophones, winning England subsequently and South Italy. Unlike them, Celtic Bretons from the British Islands in the V century, retained their cultural identity to the present day.

In the course of the formation of a powerful frank state during the reign of Karl, the Great Galoroman culture received a cosmopolitan tint. After the separation of the state in 843, the unity of the Galloromanian nation was manifested in the appearance of a new language. Whereas in the East-Frankk kingdom (future Germany), the German language dominated, in the West Frankish kingdom (future France) Dominated Galloromansky. Until the X century, both by Westernfrank Carroling and from Eastern Franc rulers, at least theoretically preserved the idea of \u200b\u200bunity of the Frankish Empire. Therefore, the appearance of the first french States by most historians dates back to 987, starting with the coronation of the Hugo Cappe.

People and state in the Middle Ages

National Consciousness of the New Time

Religion, culture, art

Cultural and Language groups of French origin


Francophone (French speakers) minority of other countries (for example, Wallona in Belgium or Swiss) are not French.

From the drummer, who, according to Denisov's orders, was given vodka, lamb and whom Denisov ordered to wear into Russian caftan, so that, not referring to the prisoners, to leave it during the batch, the Petit's attention was distracted by the arrival of Dologov. Petya in the army heard many stories about the extraordinary courage and the cruelty of Dolokhov with the French, and because since Shelokhov entered the hut, Petya, not a launching eye, looked at him and became more compressed, twisted his headed head, in order not to be Unworthy of such a society as share.
The outerness of Dologovka strangely struck by his simplicity.
Denisov was dressed in Chekken, I wore a beard and on the chest, the image of Nicholas the Wonderworker and in the manner say, in all receptions showed the feature of his position. She, on the contrary, before, in Moscow, who worn a Persian costume, now had the appearance of the most famous guards officer. His face was purely chisen, he was dressed in the Guards Vatuchy Sultuke with George in the Petwee and in a straightforward simple cap. He removed in the corner of a wet burqa and, approaching Denisov, not healthy with anyone immediately began to ask about the case. Denisov told him about the intentions that had large detachments on their transport, and about sending petitions, and about how he answered both generals. Then Denisov told everything he knew about the position of the French squad.
"It's so, but you need to know what how many troops," said Solokhov, "it will have to go." Not knowing right, how many of them, it is impossible to go into business. I love to do carefully. Here, if some of the Lords want to go to their camp with me. I have uniforms with your own.
- I, I ... I'll go with you! - cried out Peter.
- At all, you do not need to ride, "Denisov said, turning to Dolokhov," and I will not go to anything. "
- That's fine! - cried in Petya, "Why don't I go? ..
- Yes, because there is no need.
- Well, you sorry me, because ... because ... I'll go, that's all. Will you take me? - He turned to Dolohov.
"Why ..." - scattered by Shahov, peering into the face of the French drummer.
- How long have you had this one? He asked Denisov.
- Now they took, but nothing knows. I left him PG "and myself.
- Well, and where are you the rest? - said Doolokh.
- How where? I send under G "Aspi)!" Suddenly blushing, cried down Denisov. "And I boldly say that there is not a single person on my conscience. Do you have a tg" Extract TG "Identy Lee, TG" Ista Lee, a person under the convoy in Gogh ", than Magic "AT, I am PG" Jamo I will say, the honor of a soldier.
"This is a young county in sixteen years old to say these courtesy decently," Solokhov said with a cold smile, "and you have time to leave it."
"Well, I'm not saying anything, I just say that I will definitely go with you," Petya said timidly.
"And we are with you time, brother, throw these courtesy," continued to share, as if he found a special pleasure to talk about this subject, annoying Denisov. - Well, what did you follow to yourself? He said, shaking his head. - Then, what do you feel sorry for him? After all, we know these your receipts. You will send them a hundred people, and thirty will come. Peel with hunger or bite. So isn't it equal to them and not take them?
Esaul, pure eyes, nodded his head approvingly.
"This is all g" Avno, there is nothing to talk here. I don't want to take my soul. You're talking "Icher - POMS" IT. Well, Hog "Osho. Only not from me.
Shelahov laughed.
- Who did not tell me twenty times to catch? But they caught - me and you, with your knighthood, anyway on the osinka. - He paused. - However, it is necessary to do the case. Send my Cossack with a Blind! I have two French uniforms. What, we go with me? He asked Petit.
- I? Yes, yes, certainly, it blurs almost to the tears, cried out Peter, looking at Denisov.
Again, as long as Dolohov hung with Denisov about what to do with prisoners, Petya felt awkwardness and hurried; But again, I did not have time to understand what they were talking about. "If they think so much, famous, it became necessary, so necessary, it became good," he thought. - And most importantly, it is necessary that Denisov do not bother to think that I will listen to him that he can command me. I will certainly go with Doolov to the French camp. He can, and I can. "
Denisov did not go to all the convictions of Denisov answered that he was also accustomed to do everything neatly, and not the name of Lazarus, and that he never thinks about himself.
- Because, - you agree yourself, if you don't know right, how much life depends on this, maybe hundreds, and here we are alone, and then I really want it, and certainly, I will definitely go, you can't hold me , "He said," Worse will be worse ...

Dressed in French Sinsels and Ciiver, Petya with Dolokhov went to that seek, from which Denisov looked at the camp, and, having left the forest in the perfect darkness, descended into the hollow. Having gone down, Solokhov ordered the accompanying Cossacks to wait here and drove a large trot on the road to the bridge. Petya, having silent from excitement, rode with him next.
"If you get, I will not give alive, I have a pistol," Peter whispered.
- Do not speak Russian, "Doolokhov said a quick whisper, and at the same moment a bit was heard in the dark:" QUI VIVE? " [Who goes?] And the ringing of a gun.
Blood rushed into the face of Petit, and he grabbed the gun.
- Lanciers du Sixieme, [Sixth Shelves' Ulans.] - Shatokhov said, not shortening and not adding the horse's stroke. The black figure of the watch stood on the bridge.
- Mot D "Order? [Feedback?] - Shelokhov helped the horse and drove a step.
- DITES DONC, LE COLONEL GERARD EST ICI? [Tell me, is there Colonel Gerard?] - he said.
- Mot D "Ordre! - Not responding, said the clock, blocking the road.
- Quand Unfulier Fait Sa Ronde, Les Sentinelles Ne Demandent Pas Le Mot D "Ordre ... - Slokhov shouted, suddenly flashed, hitting a horse on a watch. - Je vous Demande Si Le Colonel Est Ici? [When an officer is circulating a chain, no clocks are not asked Review ... I ask if there is a colonel?]
And, without waiting for an answer from the hourly watch, She drove into the mountain.
Noticing a black shadow of a man moving across the road, she stopped this man and asked where the commander and officers were asked? This man, with a bag on his shoulder, soldier, stopped, closedly approached the Horse Dolokhova, who was putting his hand to her, and simply told him that the commander and officers were higher on the mountain, on the right side, on the farm courtyard (so he called the Lord estate).
Driving on the road, on both sides of which the French spell sounded from the fires, She turned to the Yard of the Lord. Having drove into the gate, he tears from the horse and walked over to the Great Flowing Costor, around which, speaking loudly, was sitting several people. In the bowler with the edge, something, and soldiers in the cap and blue were coin, standing on his knees, brightly lit by fire, interfered with a shomepol.
- Oh, c "Est Un Dur A Cuire, [With this feature you are not allemen.] - said one of the officers who were sitting in the shadows from the opposite side of the fire.
- Il Les Fera Marcher Les Lapins ... [He braids them ...] - Another said with laughter. Both were silent, peering into the dark on the sound of the steps of Dologov and Petit, who approached the fire with their horses.
- Bonjour, Messieurs! [Hello, gentlemen!] - Loudly, pollen said.
The officers stirred in the shadow of the fire, and one, a high officer with a long neck, waging the fire, approached Rolokhov.
- C "EST VOUUS, CLEMENT? - He said. - D" Ou, Diable ... [Is that you, Clement? From where, damn ...] - But he did not finish, having learned his mistake, and, slightly frowning, as with an unfamiliar, greeted with Dolokhov, asking him than he could serve. Shellov said that he caught his regiment with his comrade, and asked, turning to everyone at all, did the officers of anything about the sixth shelf did not know. No one knew anything; And the pave seemed that officers were hostile and suspiciously inspecting him and Dolokhov. Several seconds were all silent.

The French have significantly affected the lives of the whole world. The history of the French people is not one thousand years old, and during this time they managed to survive a lot. Since the experience of so many years made the French targeted, elegant, veryevil.


There was no time in the territory of France, the tribes called the Motherland Gallia. It is them that they are attributed to the foundation of Paris, Bordeaux and Toulouse. Galls were Celts. Their lifestyle was close to primitive. Gradually, shivels, building fortresses and erected cities, came to change Gallam. Later, the colonization of the Greeks, which took the territory on the site of modern Provence. Long lasted war Gaul with Romans. In the 2nd century BC The southern part of the country was conquered. Subsequently, the whole territory was captured by Julia Caesar.

In the 5th century, German francs come here. King Chlodwig I unites Gaul lands, proclaimed Paris with the capital. Modern story France is also filled important events. In order to strengthen the position at that time, the government decided to join the war path. The first world has taken many lives, and the subsequent economic crisis aggravated the situation.

In second world War France capitulated in front of Germany, but began partisan traffic. The post-war years brought France Chaos, many people continued to die on the streets. The subsequent entry and exit from the NATO block complicated the relationship of the government with the people. Since 1974, France has taken a course of development, seeking to return the past prestige.


Modern French are black, ceiling, in the country lives a lot of metots, so the purely French appearance among people will not meet. Among the French, many assimilated Arabs, Jews, Turks and even Asians.



  1. The main daily tradition, respected by most French, etiquette. Following this tradition begins in the morning. Compared to the majority of Europeans, the French are more scrupulous to their appearance. Morning toilet can last about half an hour, and with the onset of holidays even longer.
  2. The concept of "Komilfo" implies the order that must be followed. Therefore, in the campaigns, the French often use the folding set of knives, cutting boards, tablecloths, pour homemade sauces on a small bottle, they themselves are wound and strive to look carefully, as if they are preparing for a photo shoot.
  3. The obligatory ingredient of most dishes are sauce and cheeses. Often they are served separately. The French fans are able to argue with hours, a lot of legends and stories of each of them are connected with them.
  4. Traditions certainly touch food. To be gourmet - the usual thing, and truly exquisite man - Gourmet. This word means an unsurpassed taste and understanding of the subtleties of cooking.
  5. Consuming cheese with wine is considered traditional way Strengthening. The cheeses themselves became popular only in the middle of the last century. However, in a short period of time, hundreds of varieties and types of product began to produce hundreds of varieties.
  6. Lunch in France is held at noon. The guest gost must come on time, delaying is perceived negatively. Houses glasses fill only the owners, and in France there are special children's varieties of wines, so you can also drink a child to drink alcoholic drink. Attitude towards wines is trembling - you need to drink a filled glass to the bottom. If you have not finished, then I did not like the wine.
  7. In the process, the feast of the hands hold on the table, keep their hands on the knees is impolite and even suspicious.
  8. Be sure to use the napkins carefully, do not commete, do not leave on the plate.
  9. Dinner can last 3 hours, accompanied by conversations and wine tasting, different dishes.
  10. The most conservative French are residents of Normandy. They often criticize other nations, accusing in the misfortunes - Americans, nonsense - Belgians, Nevtricity - Slavs.
  11. At the expense of appearance to worry the French is not accepted. Women dress beautifully, but do not always follow fashionable trends. Last years marked the fashion on the "unisex". Appearance Must be modest, showing wealth incorrectly. The best evaluation criterion is intellectuality.


All holidays are divided into religious and civil. Part are weekends. The peculiarity of the French consider the presence of unique holidays related to a specific city:

  • May 1 celebrated day of labor;
  • Victory Day celebrates May 8 due to the surrender signed on the appropriate day for Europe;
  • Military parades, grand marches occur on July 14, when the taking of Bastille is celebrated. For a holiday in the air produce fighters flying over Triumphal Arch. A French tricolor from smoky loops appears in the sky;
  • French Catholics celebrate Christmas on December 25 and the day of Our Lady on August 15. Among religious population Holidays are considered the most important per year;
  • As much as the Ascension, Trinity Day, Easter;
  • Specific attitude to Valentine's Day. The French are well aware that the holiday is noted in order to sell the shut-off goods. However, romanticism pushes on the feats and purchase of gifts;
  • Music festivals We are held on June 21.


France has over a million Protestant Catholics. Representatives of various sects also live here. Protestantism is most widespread in the capital. Interesting fact: The intelligentsia is not orthodox. Among the workers believers a little - about 15%. Aristocrats of religious, bring up children accordingly, girls are given to monastic schools.
Reducing the number of believers is characteristic of the village population. The traditional life structure, when the ordinary Frenchman is obliged to attend the church every Sunday, gradually comes off. The population of Mediterranean cities is often neutrally related to religion. Communes are practically not found. Large cities also have few believers.
The state supports the church and its representatives, its role is quite large - church training is carried out in schools, universities and colleges. Religious literature applies to massively - this is a kind of method of combating "dehristianization".
Rustic residents honor the traditions of pagans. Some believe that there are still sorcerers. If the sorcerer touches the left shoulder, says the spell, it is easy to wear damage. In the ability of sorcerer, the conversion into the wolf, the call of rain, storms and drought. The sorcerers are often in courts where they are judged by deception.
Death is perceived by some citizens as unknown. Therefore, to facilitate the care of the world, different rituals are used: the removal of the pair of tile pieces from the roof, laying the yoke under the head, etc. Today, the tradition of the sprinkling of the saint water, confession and ignition of the candle preserved.
Many educated French believe in astrology, they read horoscopes and conduct rituals associated with planets parades.


The culture of France has several periods that we consider in detail. The first is conditionally referred to as ancient. Then the Anilian people lived on the territory of modern France, which was mainly hunting. Archaeologists suggest that they processed silicon. This is evidenced by the find. I have a little craft to this day, but they are surprised by the art. The azilians cut out arcuate blades, made scrapers, made figures of the correct geometric shapes. A number of historians believe that the ancient people preceding the Celts enjoyed writing. To do this, they had to handle pebbles, causing paints. It is still not possible to decipher the meaning of the patterns and patterns. A total of more than 200 such salts were detected. The bronze age is sharply different from the early ancient culture. It characterizes the rise in the field of metallurgy. Excavations indicate the use of metal for the manufacture of coins. Metal products had diverse shapeDifferent high quality execution. They were put in the grave of the deceased, just as the ancient Egyptians did. A variety of inventory of the Kurganov clearly demonstrates the difference of classes in bronze Age. The culture of this time is gradually moving towards Gallystatt.
The culture of Gallystatt developed Celts. She is called Latenskaya. Celts wore hryvnia, representing beautiful rings decorated with skillful drawings. Luxury hryvnia testified of high status.
Much attention It was paid to the femors who were praised the owners and high-ranking guests. During the fears of the bards, they performed songs, guests competed in various skills. A huge impact Druids were provided to society. They trained young people from high classes, conducted rites and sacrifices. 1 century AD I marked the decline of Celts and the development of Roman culture.
The formed state of Franks had a culture, in many respects the influence of the Church. The strengthened feudalism and the exploitative policy of representatives of the Church for the people lasted several centuries. The revival of culture began in the 9th century AD. The period is called Caroling Regeneration. However, with the collapse of the monarchical authority, Charles Great began the crushing of the state, the war of the feudalists, mass attacks on the part of Normans, epidemics. The decline of spiritual and cultural life led to the rise in price, and one book could cost as a whole vineyard.
In the 11th century, folk art gradually began to develop. People reflected a negative attitude towards a feudal-church device, developed crafts. Scenes ridicuing feudal relations became popular. The people picked the famous knightly tournaments, arranging caricature fights with the participation of monkeys and dogs playing the role of horses.
The church sharply cried a similar attitude, calling for to punish all participants in such scenes, promising pardon even for killing.
Significant contributions made choral artists, performing songs expressing protests of the people. 13-15th centuries were characterized by the strengthening of anti-chic moods. Caricatural views of the artists found an increasing response in the masses, the church actively sought to preserve the former power, but technical progress, expressed in the construction of the first factories, pushed the science that was not in the interests of church servants. Medicine researchers who wrote works on surgery, alchemy and astrology appeared. In the 14th century, the first typography appeared - the formation rapidly escaped from the influence of the church, becoming secular.
The 16th century is characterized by the beginning of revival. Humanism begins to flourish, ideas in the masses became more and more bold, advanced, deep. Renaissance manifested itself in architecture, admiring such masterpieces as Chambor, Blois Palace.

The 17th century once again showed the effect of the feudal system and the force of church order. Catholicism gradually weakened, broken by Protestantism. But the ruling circles of the country take the positions easily not going. Monarchic absolutism promoted worship higher LightThe king sought to bribe the writers and artists to become employees of the state. Nevertheless, under the auspices of power, talented figures were able to create a grand Versaille.
The 18-19th centuries were characterized by the transition from enlightenment to classicism. Gradually begin to fix the revolutionary moods. Poets compose hymns, diffilams, imitate antiquities, talk about patriotism. Classicism is penetrated by a bourgeoisie, chasing folk fighters with feudal lords. Regularly on big scenes Pieces are put, famous patriots, derogging the dignity of aristocracy, clergy and fanatics. Romanticism appears in the literature artistic directions More and more goes into social contradictions, there is becoming a democratic society.


The French have long proven themselves as gourmet. Their dishes are surprised by a large manifold, combining various ingredients. Being in France, you can try the KISH-Clear Cake, which can be served with cold and hot. If you are not a fan of pies, but prefer soups, scroll onion soup. The dish is served in any restaurant. Vegetarians will appreciate Ratatoux, and True Gourmet - Kasulu. This meat dish includes bacon, pork sausages, duck meat, white beans, fragrant herbs.
Sweetki will be delighted with Klafuti dessert, which is something average between the pie and casserole. The dessert add cherry. Other delicacy - Suzett. These pancakes will conquer orange flavor and gentle dough.

the National costume

The formation of the national costume of France was completed by the 17th century. The image of a national costume originated in the peasant environment. The main manufacturers were wool, canvas also used. Bright colors were inherent exclusively to noble people, common-person could afford the fabrics of white, gray and brown flowers.
Women's suit included a long skirt, a short apron, the headdress "Chapec" with a handkerchief. The shirt (sweater) was wore with a long sleeve, fastened at the gate and tied up with the help of apron. Depending on the residence regions, the costumes could differ in flowers, headdresses and embroidery. In the 19th century, women wore a few skirts, and the dress was put on top. Umbrellas, mouthpieces, scarves and other accessories were engaged in fashion.
Men put on long stockings, vests, short pants and jackets. The shirt traditionally embroidered from a fine matter, the scarves were wore on the neck. From here there appeared fashionable bows and nodes. He began his favorite headdress, although sometimes he replaced his hat. Before the onset of the 18th century, the main headdress was considered a triomaniac.
Basically, wool was used for tailoring, vests were made from velvet. The coat could afford exclusively rich French.
Children in France have always been dressed as well as adults. Girls and boys until the age of 4 did not have differences in clothing. The boys needed to wear his pants only at the age of 7. A distinctive feature was only wide ribbons.
To tell about the French, everything will not work immediately. This is really rich spiritually people whose culture influenced the whole world. French fashion designers and perfumers are still considered leaders by asking fashion trends. Such ambitious personalities like Coco Chanel or Christian Dior were created for the whole world, creating the concepts of elegance and harmony. It is the French who own such fashion achievements as creating high boots or colored tights.
However, not only fashion is famous french people. Poetry, dramaturgy, painting, sculpture - they asked for a long time asked Rhythm. As for many countries in Europe, complex periods are characterized for France, accompanied by wars, intersbarns and raids from neighbors. The most difficult for the French was the struggle with his own authorities and clergy. Church for a long time suppressed cultural life Population, subordinating his will. However, the people did not give up and the kings opposed the centuries. In their example, you can see that it is necessary to achieve goals, sometimes truly heavy. At the same time, modern French will be conservative, but they retained the elegant manner of communication, good nature and love to everything new. They became famous culinary, annually glad thousands of tourists and each other with new dishes. Without exaggeration, it is the French that can be called one of the most creative peoples on the planet.

In this video, one of the vintage French dances is demonstrated. It is called Branle. It is this dance that is considered the most popular in the world. The melody of Branle knows hardly anyone who at least once heard about french dance.

In the days of the Middle Ages, the population of France was divided into regions in which individual nations lived: Picardians, Gasons and others. Also, the people shared in the language level - on those who spoke in Lang D "Oil and Lang D" OK.

Despite the fact that both languages \u200b\u200btake their beginning during the times of Roman Gaul, the people still preferred isolation.

The northern regions of France were inhabited by Gallam, Romans and Germans. The center and the West belonged to the Gallam and Romans. In the south, the romans met, but gallows and Greeks lived.

Only after France was centralized, all its population became called the French.

Mixing tribes is the strongest touched by Basque, German Alsatsev, Jews, Larringans and Flemis. The Italians, Spaniards and Poles also hit the influence of the United France.

Peoples inhabiting France

France is a fairly homogeneous country, almost all its inhabitants are indigenous French. But still, from historical times, it is divided into racial groups - Mediterranean, Central European and Northeurway.

Representatives of the first group are distinguished by low rising, thin, dark hair and brown eyes.

The Central European Group is a low population with a sufficiently strong physique and rusia hair.

And the North European population has a high growth, large physique and blond hair, leather and eyes.

The state language is French, and only some folk groupings speak other languages \u200b\u200band dialects.

Such minorities are: Bretonians, Alsatz, Flemish, Corsicans, Basic, Catalans.

These people speak their native languages \u200b\u200b- Alsace on Alsace, Bretonians on Bretonsky, Corsicans on Corsican and so on.

Such groups are trying to preserve everything they handed over the ancestors, so they teach the language and traditions of their descendants. But this does not mean that these people do not know French. They use it when learning, at work, in social life.

From representatives of foreign countries in France, you can meet Portuguese, Spaniards, Italians, Moroccans and Tunisians.

Culture and life of the peoples of France

The French houses are most often removable. To buy your property, you need to earn good and long. Private houses in France are not so much, most often people live in apartments. The size and condition of the dwelling depends on the material state of the owner. But in all apartments there is one feature - a very small kitchen.

Family for the French is important as for most nationalities. But they have their own feature of the upbringing - they are raising not a talented individuality, but the perfect member of society. The child must understand since childhood what law and generally accepted norms. In France, this is what the love of children is so expressed.

This applies to education. Each parent considers it proper to give a child a worthy education, which will help him achieve success in the future and have some social status. Therefore, learning kids begins in kindergarten.

Most of the life of the French spend at work. But this does not give them special hassle, because in France there is a sufficiently soft working schedule with a 2-hour lunch break.

Evenings people spend in a family circle or alone. And only in the weekend the French allow themselves to escape from home and relax with friends.

Traditions and customs of the peoples of France

If we talk about the traditions, customs and habits of the French, then it is worth noting that they categorically do not accept english. Do not take to such an extent that even knowing this language, the Frenchman will pretend that he does not understand the interlocutor.

In France, it is customary to apologize for any reason, even if a person just accidentally touched the hands of another. But seats in public transport No one is inferior. It's just not accepted, just like asking: "Do you go out on the next?".

France is a country without a dress code. People can go in jeans and sweatshirt at least to a restaurant, even in the theater.

Traditional French holidays are: New Year, Christmas, Easter, Labor Day, Victory Day, Bastille Day, Day of All Saints and others.

There is also such a holiday that does not relate to particularly important, but still from the soul is celebrated by the French - April 1. Before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar, the new year was celebrated at the end of March. But with the introduction of the calendar, the holiday was postponed on January 1. And since in those days the news was carried out very slowly, some and celebrated the new year from March 25 to April 1 for several years. So the day of laughter appeared.

Self-calf "France". They speak French Romanesque Group of Indo-European Family. Believers, mostly Catholics, there are Calvinists reformers.


The population of France was likely to whole Indo-European origin. From the end of the second millennium BC. The country's settlement begins by Indo-European tribes of the Celts. By the middle of the first millennium BC. They practically mixed with the local population and took the entire territory of modern France. The sedimentation of the lamp (south-west) was settled by the sedimentation of the lamp (south-east). In 7-6 centuries. BC. The Phoenicians and Maja Union Greeks founded numerous colonies here, from which Marseille (ancient mass), Nice, Antib, Arles and others lead their beginning. CO 2 V. BC. The Romans began to penetrate here. Celts they called gallas, and their country Gallia. Roman conquest of Gaul in 58-52. BC. He led to the nomanization of its population, which intensively passed up to the end of the existence of the Roman Empire, and the emergence of the Gallo-Roman ethnic community, which spoke at the local version of the People's Latin. A significant role in turning these ethnic groups in novels played from the 3rd century christian church Rome official language which was always Latin, which influenced the emergence of French. At the time of the great resettlement of peoples in the 5th century, the German tribes of Visigoths on the south and south-west, burgundy, east and southeast, and francs to the north and northeast and the Gunnov, invaded the Gallia. At the beginning of the 6th century. Franks were outstretched from Gaul Vestpreski, in 534 they won the Kingdom of Burgundy. From the middle of the 6th century, the entire territory of Gaul entered the Frankish kingdom, the German-Latin bilingualism was formed. By the end of the 9th century. People's Latin absorbed German adverbs and formed the basis of the future French. Since the novel north and south of France went unequal, two ethnic communities were formed: the Northwranza and South French, whose languages \u200b\u200bwere called Lang D "Okil and Lang d" OK. In the south to 11 c. Literary Provencal language began to develop.

By the 10th century, a single political community was formed, uniting around the royal domain of Cappetian Il de France with the center in Paris. By the beginning of the 14th century, most of France was united under the rule of the French kings. On the basis of the Il de France dialect, the Severofranzian literary language began to be formed. Ethnic and language consolidation took place in the north of France much faster than in South. By the end of the 15th century. The merger of northern and southern ethnic communities begins. Severofranzus is becoming common French spoken and written language. The formation of nationwide French culture was accelerated in 16 V. The strengthening of political centralization and domestic economic relations, the statement of the French national language, which displaced the Latin language from the judicial and administrative production, the flourishing of secular culture in the Renaissance era.