Countries where the Alps are located. French alps

Countries where the Alps are located. French alps

Alps or Alpine mountains- the highest and longest mountain range among the systems that lie entirely in Europe.

The snowy mountain range of the Alps forms a massive barrier between Northern and Southern Europe.

Alpine countries

Some of the highest peaks of the Alps are found in Germany, France and Italy, but most of them are within the three Alpine countries: Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Austria. Ice and rocks of the peaks give way to green alpine pastures, colored in summer with bright forbs. They descend into forested valleys and deep lakes.

The melting snows of the Alpine mountains feed the largest rivers in Western Europe: the Rhine, Rhone, Po and the Inn-Danube system.

Switzerland Is a small country divided into cantons. Four languages ​​can be heard here: French, German, Italian and English. Although Switzerland has few natural resources other than hydropower, it has become a wealthy country thanks to the manufacture of watches and precision instruments. It is the center of banking and tourism. Impressive mountain landscapes with lakes, waterfalls and colorful villages attract athletes in winter and vacationers in summer. Switzerland is a neutral country, not participating in European wars since 1815.

The capital - Geneva - is the headquarters of many international organizations, including the International Red Cross and the World Health Organization.

To the east of Switzerland is Liechtenstein- a tiny German-speaking state that was able to maintain its independence from its larger neighbors. This is a monarchy, but the laws are passed by the elected government. It has close ties to Switzerland and uses the Swiss franc as its currency.

Passes and tunnels in the Alps

Crossing the Alps has always been very problematic and dangerous.

The roads to the south now pass through deep tunnels carved into the rocks.

  • Simplon tunnel between Switzerland and Italy, the world's longest railway tunnel, opened in 1922. Its length is 19.8 km.
  • Saint Gotthard Tunnel(16.4 km long), built in 1980, holds the record for the longest road tunnel.

Location of the Alps mountain system on the world map

(the boundaries of the mountain range are approximate)

The Alps are the highest and longest mountain range among the systems that lie entirely in Europe. At the same time, the Caucasus Mountains are higher, and the Ural Mountains are longer, but they also lie on the territory of Asia.

The Alps are a complex system of ridges and massifs, stretching in a convex arc to the northwest from the Ligurian Sea to the Central Danube lowland.

The Alps are located in 8 countries: France, Monaco, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Slovenia. The total length of the alpine arc is about 1200 km (along the inner edge of the arc about 750 km), the width is up to 260 km. The highest peak of the Alps is Mont Blanc with an altitude of 4810 meters above sea level, located on the border of France and Italy. In total, there are about 100 four-thousanders concentrated in the Alps.

Where are the Alps: interesting facts about the mountains

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Where are the Alps located?

Where are the Alps located? Coordinates, map and photo.

The Alps are in Central Europe
and are located in the territories of southern Austria, northern Italy, the southern half of Switzerland and the eastern outskirts of France.

On the map below, the Alps are highlighted in a darker color than the adjacent plains. To see the snow-capped ridges of the Alps, switch the map to Satellite mode in its upper corner.

46.5082512 north latitude
10.8489056 east longitude

Alps on an interactive map which can be controlled:

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Mountains of the Alps: description, where they are on the map, photos, height, peaks

Alps- the highest mountains in Western Europe - occupy part of France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Slovenia.

A complex system of ridges and massifs, stretching in a convex arc to the northwest from the Mediterranean Sea to the Middle Danube plain. The length is about 1200 kilometers (along the inner edge of the arc, about 750 kilometers). Width up to 260 kilometers. The transverse valley between Lake Constance and Lake Como is divided into the higher Western Alps (altitude up to 4807 meters, Mont Blanc) and the lower and wider Eastern Alps (up to 4049 meters, Mount Berdina).

In the Alps - the sources of the Rhine, Rhone, Po, Adige, right tributaries of the Danube. Numerous lakes of glacial and tectonic-glacial origin (Constance, Geneva, Como, Lago Maggiore and others).

The altitudinal zonality of landscapes is well expressed. Up to an altitude of 800 meters, the climate is moderately warm, on the southern slopes it is Mediterranean, with many vineyards, orchards, fields, Mediterranean shrubs and deciduous forests.

At an altitude of 800-1800 meters, the climate is temperate and humid; broad-leaved forests of oak and beech upward are gradually being replaced by conifers. Up to an altitude of 2200-2300 meters, the climate is subalpine, cold, with prolonged snow. Shrubs and tall grass meadows predominate; summer pastures. Above, to the border of eternal snow, there is an alpine belt with a cold climate, a predominance of low-grass sparse alpine meadows, covered with snow for most of the year. Even higher is the nival belt with glaciers, snowfields, rocky slopes.

The Alps are an area of ​​international mountaineering, tourism, skiing.

Major ski resorts: Megeve (France), Chamonix (France), Courchevel (France), Zermatt (Switzerland), Grindelwald (Switzerland), St. Moritz (Switzerland), Davos (Switzerland), Lech (Austria), St. Anton ( Austria), Kitzbühel (Austria), Seefeld (Austria), Cortina d'Ampezzo (Italy), Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany).

Photos of the Alps mountains:

Where are located on the map:

Alps or Alpine mountains- the highest and longest mountain range among the systems that lie entirely in Europe.

The snowy mountain range of the Alps forms a massive barrier between Northern and Southern Europe.

Alpine countries

Some of the highest peaks of the Alps are found in Germany, France and Italy, but most of them are within the three Alpine countries: Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Austria. Ice and rocks of the peaks give way to green alpine pastures, colored in summer with bright forbs. They descend into forested valleys and deep lakes.

The melting snows of the Alpine mountains feed the largest rivers in Western Europe: the Rhine, Rhone, Po and the Inn-Danube system.

Switzerland Is a small country divided into cantons. Four languages ​​can be heard here: French, German, Italian and English. Although Switzerland has few natural resources other than hydropower, it has become a wealthy country thanks to the manufacture of watches and precision instruments. It is the center of banking and tourism. Impressive mountain landscapes with lakes, waterfalls and colorful villages attract athletes in winter and vacationers in summer. Switzerland is a neutral country, not participating in European wars since 1815.

The capital - Geneva - is the headquarters of many international organizations, including the International Red Cross and the World Health Organization.

To the east of Switzerland is Liechtenstein- a tiny German-speaking state that was able to maintain its independence from its larger neighbors.

This is a monarchy, but the laws are passed by the elected government. It has close ties to Switzerland and uses the Swiss franc as its currency.

Passes and tunnels in the Alps

Crossing the Alps has always been very problematic and dangerous.

The roads to the south now pass through deep tunnels carved into the rocks.

  • Simplon tunnel between Switzerland and Italy, the world's longest railway tunnel, opened in 1922. Its length is 19.8 km.
  • Saint Gotthard Tunnel(16.4 km long), built in 1980, holds the record for the longest road tunnel.

Where is it and how to get there

Address: Europe, Alps

Alps - mountain system in Europe on the map

GPS coordinates: 46.01667,11.18333

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The Alps are mature mountains, although not as old as the Ural Mountains (which are about 350 million years old). The Alps were formed "only" some 40 million years ago, when two giant lithospheric plates - the Adriatic (present-day Africa) and Central European (Eurasia) collided. As a result, the rocks of the slabs were crumpled like plasticine by the tremendous pressure, and a significant part was squeezed upward. This is how the sky-high peaks of the young mountainous country were formed, the glaciation of which occurred only 1.5-1.8 million years ago. Today these mountains are known as the Alps. Together with them, the neighboring mountain ranges were formed - the Carpathians, the Pyrenees and the Apennines. With the further "sailing off" of Africa, the single mountain system tore, losing its integrity, and the Eurasian plate acquired its modern appearance. The name "Alps", according to some sources, comes from a Celtic word that means "high mountains".

On the territory of the Alpine mountainous country, Austria and Switzerland are entirely located, and such small states as Liechtenstein and Monaco. The northern parts of the Alps are part of Germany, the western parts are within France, the southern parts are Italy. The southeastern ridges enter the territory of Slovenia. From a bird's eye view, the mountainous strip of the Alps stretches in a semicircle from the Ligurian Sea and ends before the Danube. The length of the semicircle along the outer edge is about 1200 km, along the inner edge - about 750 km, the width is from 50 km to 260 km. The total area of ​​the mountain system reaches more than 200 thousand kilometers. The geological history of the Alps is somewhat confusing. It is unusual, and even fabulous, when huge mountain peaks hang among the green hills with smooth outlines and cozy little houses. The hills, this type of relief is called the Prealps, are composed of limestone, dolomite and flysch. In the mountains, in particular in the Glarne Alps, remains of older rocks have been found lying on top of younger ones. When the plates collided, the ancient rocks were pushed up by the flysch, which led to such consequences. Geographically, the mountains are divided into two parts: Western alps and Eastern Alps, the border between them runs along the Rhine valley.

diagram of the Western and Eastern Alps

In the Western Alps, there are the highest mountain ranges, the highest point of which is Mont Blanc. Translated from French "Mont Blanc" means "White Mountain". The peaks of the Alps have always attracted climbers. Many tried to conquer Mont Blanc, but only in 1786 mountain guide Jacques Balm and physician Michel-Gabriel Packard were the first to reach the summit, and a year later Saussure (a Swiss geologist, botanist and climber) organized a large expedition, thanks to which the height of Mont Blanc was measured - 4807 meters away.

Following them, scientists, aristocrats, women rushed to conquer the peaks. It is said that by the end of the 1860s, not a single peak remained in the Alps where no man's foot had gone. Today, the Alps are considered the most trodden among the mountain systems of our planet. The very word "mountaineering" - climbing mountain peaks, unequivocally indicates the homeland of this sport, which originated in the Alpine mountains at the end of the 18th century. The border of the Eastern and Western Alps starts from Lake Constance in the north, runs along the valleys of the Rhine, Liro and Mera rivers to Lake Como in the south. The Eastern Alps differ from the Western Alps in a wider and less high mountain valley. The highest point is Mount Bernina 4049 meters.

Mount Bernina

It is interesting that the Eastern Alps are homogeneous in origin with the Carpathians and represent the continuation of the Western Carpathians. This is the same mountain fold of the earth's crust, but having met a Bohemian massif consisting of ancient hard rocks (granite, syenite), the Alps deviated from their original direction, and bypassing this massif, turned sharply again to the northeast and took the direction of the Western Carpathians. The main European rivers begin in the Alps: Rhine, Rhone, Bar, Po, Ech, tributaries of the Danube. The mountain range forms the main watershed of Central Europe, and falling out with precipitation, water is carried by rivers in all directions. Most of the Alpine rivers originate in glaciers (glaciers), there are about 1100 of them, of which the largest are one hundred. Of these, the Aletsch stands out - the most majestic glacier in the Alps.

The waters that flow out of the glaciers look like turbid streams, they are also called "glacial milk". They quickly descend, forming waterfalls and gyres on their way, streams of water rush into the valleys and, passing through the lakes, leave their sediment there and come out clean and transparent. One of the main decorations of the Alps are the numerous lakes that are located on the southern and northern slopes. The largest: Geneva, Como, Baden, there are also small lakes, which are surrounded by rocks and are frozen for most of the year.

small lake formed by a glacier

In addition to high mountains, there are deep caves in the Alps. Caves are located in the massifs of the Eastern Alps and there are not so many of them, since the mountain system is still young, mainly karst caves formed by rivers, but there are also ice caves. The largest ice cave in the world is the Eisriesenwelt 42 kilometers long.

Eisriesenwelt cave

It is located in the Salzburg Alps in Austria on the very edge of the Tennen massif. Although the cave is called "ice", it is formed of limestone, and is partially covered with ice, just one kilometer from the entrance. The cave was once formed by a river, and the ice was formed by melting snow that flowed into the cave and froze. The temperature in the cave is kept constant, below zero.

On the slopes of the Alps, the high-altitude climatic zonation is clearly expressed, which manifests itself, moving from the warm temperate southern foothills to the harsh alpine climate of the upper parts of the mountains with frequent frosts, blizzards and snowfalls. So, up to about 1000 meters there are many gardens, vineyards and fields. In the zone of 1000-1800 meters, the vegetation is gradually changing to coniferous forests: spruce and fir prevail in more humid regions, pine and cedar in drier regions. There are many summer pastures at altitudes of 1800-2300 meters, mainly shrubs grow, meadows predominate. The highlands are dominated by glaciers and snowfields, rocks and stone deposits. The Alps, due to their location in the very center of Europe, are one of the most densely populated and, accordingly, visited mountainous countries on the planet.

Alps from A to Z for tourists and skiers. Maps, countries, resorts and hotels for skiing and recreation in the mountains.

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The snowy edge of the boot of the Apennine boot, the Alps is the highest mountain system in Western Europe, to the picturesque peaks of which eight countries have access at once: France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, Slovenia and Monaco. The 1200-kilometer stretch of the Alpine mountain range is more than enough for comfortable slopes, crystal-clear lakes, idyllic villages and historical sites. So it is not surprising that the Alpine countries are amicably benefitting from these favorable geographic conditions: in winter the region is deservedly considered the number one destination for ski tourism, and in summer it does not lag behind in terms of medical, health and ecotourism.

The Alps serve as the climatic border of Europe: to the north and west of them are areas with a temperate climate, and to the south - the blessed Mediterranean subtropics.

Geographically, the Alpine mountain system is divided into the Eastern and Western Alps, which are separated by the valley of the Rhine River, which in turn is located between Lakes Como and Lake Constance. The Western Alps boast rather big heights (including the highest peak - Mont Blanc), while the Eastern ones are lower, with gentle slopes and wide picturesque valleys. Among other things, the Alps are the "icy" mountains in Europe: there are more than 1200 glaciers with a total area of ​​more than 4000 km! Thanks to them, the skiing season in many regions begins at the beginning of November - the cooling "substrate" contributes to the rapid formation of the snow cover and its good stability throughout the winter, until the end of March.

Regions of the Alps are usually called by the nearby city or geographical feature: Ligurian, Provencal, Bernese, Zillertal, etc.

There is no need to talk at length about the merits of skiing on the slopes of the Alps: winter Italy, France and Switzerland have long been associated primarily with skis, lifts and fan parks. For example, in France alone, there are more than 100 ski resorts for every taste, budget and level of skiing, while equipped with the most modern equipment and offering ample accommodation options - from economy-class chalets to luxury hotels. In addition, a large number of excursion programs and après ski entertainment will make your vacation varied and informative.

An exceptionally pleasant Alpine ski bonus is the combination of skiing areas into one huge "circumnavigation" - moving from lift to lift, you can practically go around all the Alps on skis (fortunately, a single visa regime allows).

It should be said about the versatility of the Alps as a tourist destination: "snow-free" trips to the mountains are no less popular among those who understand than ski trips. In summer, a unique microclimate reigns here: low humidity and a comfortable air temperature without strong night changes, the healing air of the peaks is one of the leading healing factors for those who come to the Alps to improve their health, the presence of mineral springs and amazing beauty of glacial lakes, the water in which albeit cool for swimming, but extremely tasty and healthy.

And finally, we will mention the increasing accessibility of the Alps for the average tourist. With a reasonable approach to business, you can come here with almost any budget - you just need to choose the right tour and not aim at expensive (and often unnecessary) services.

Alps (German Alpen, French Alpes, Italian Alpi; from Celtic alp - high mountain)- the highest mountains in Western Europe. The Alpine mountain system stretches from Austria and Slovenia in the west, through Italy, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Germany to France in the east.

A complex system of ridges and massifs, stretching in a convex arc to the northwest from the Mediterranean Sea to the Middle Danube plain. It is about 1200 km long (about 750 km along the inner arc). Width up to 260 km. The transverse valley between Lake Constance and Como are divided into higher Western alps(up to 4807 m, Mont Blanc) and lower and wider Eastern Alps(up to 4049 m, Mount Bernina).

The structure of the Alps is mainly created by tectonic movements during the period of Alpine folding. The highest - the axial zone of the Alps is composed of ancient crystalline (gneisses, mica shales), igneous (granites) and metamorphic (quartz-phyllite shales) rocks; 1200 glaciers with a total area of ​​about 3000 square kilometers).

It is customary to divide these mountains into several parts, which, in turn, are divided into independent regions.

  • The Northern Alps include areas located in the south of Germany and the north of Austria. They are also called the Calcareous Alps. There are such areas as
  • The Southern Alps include mostly Italian mountains. This is first and foremost

mountains around Lake Commo and

as well as such less famous, but no less attractive areas such as

Without exception, all areas are accessible without significant investment of time. Almost everywhere there is an opportunity to stay in campsites in the valley and huts in the upper reaches. For those who are passionate about the initiative, but have limited funds, there remains a time-tested and reliable way of mountain climbing "according to our" ie. with a tent offline. Contrary to popular belief that campgrounds are prohibited, you can constantly meet groups from Spain, Czech Republic, etc. who live quietly in various places suitable for climbing. It is only necessary to first find out if the area belongs to any kind of nature reserve ... As for the zone of moraines and glaciers, the camp will be tolerated by the "public" as long as environmental standards are observed (take your garbage down with you).

There is a wide range of cartographic material and guidebooks in almost all more or less interesting areas.

In all areas, as mentioned above, there is a very dense network of huts and bivouacs (the simplest shelters). They belong, for the most part, to the Alpine clubs of European countries, as well as to private individuals. Typically, they offer accommodation and meals. Prices are varied depending on accessory and inaccessibility. You can spend the night on wooden plank beds for a couple of dollars (inclusive mattress and blanket), or you can stay in a double room for a couple of dozen of the same banknotes and eat in a restaurant with "first, second and compote for third."

An extensive network of various lifts allows you to manage the maximum number of events in the shortest possible time. It should be noted that this pleasure is not cheap ...