Grow crystals from cook salt. How to grow crystals at home

Grow crystals from cook salt. How to grow crystals at home
Grow crystals from cook salt. How to grow crystals at home

If you like experiments or you want to spend time together with your child and with benefit, we offer an interesting idea to grow crystals at home. For organic entry into the world of entertaining science, we chose a very interesting and safe topic. In our article you will find step-by-step instructions, how to grow crystal from salt, with step-by-step photos and videos.

Necessary materials:

Note: Young and age experiments should not try to grow "colored salt crystals" with the help of food and screening paints such as Guaishi or watercolor. The crystal cultivation solution should be as clean as possible. That is why the optimal liquid for such experience is distilled water, so it is free from different salts and impurities.

How to grow crystal at home - step-by-step instruction

IMPORTANT: When storing the obtained crystals, it should be borne in mind that in the air medium the moisture evaporates and the crystals are destroyed. To fix the surface results, it is necessary to handle varnish. According to the results of observations, the next day, changes in two vessels are stripped. In the working vessel with a filtered solution, the seed crystal has not changed in size. In the control vessel, hydrochloric flakes and crystallization of the salt sediment occurred.

Our crystal is ready!

Please note: in order to speed up the process, the working solution must be changed periodically. That is, to prepare a saturated salt solution again and placing growing crystals there.

With long-term work with crystals, it may be necessary to grow certain forms. For this, there are also special techniques and rules. You can adjust growth, removing ugly springs with a knife, scraping superfluous. The formation of faces can be prevented by treating the plane of the liquor crystal. If you need further growth, Vaseline remove acetone.

The salted crystal is a crystal, grown from a solution of the sodium salt. The cultivation of such a crystal is a long process that needs close attention and strict compliance with the instructions.

Growing such crystals is completely safe and moreover - accessible to each person. It is possible to make a crystal from salt at home, while growing does not need to use special reagents or laboratory conditions - it is possible to easily be limited to both undergraduate means.

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To grow a salt crystal, you will need:

  • Pure container. For example, a glass glass or bank. It is better that the container is transparent - this will allow you to observe the process of crystal formation.
  • Distilled water. The usual plumbing is suitable, but the crystal may not be so clean (with impurities of salts in water).
  • Pencil or small wand.
  • A thread.
  • Salt crystal for seed.


To prepare a saline solution, it is necessary:

  • Heat water (up to boil or almost to boil).
  • Add a portion of salt into a container with water, stir.
  • It is bloated for about a day to give up a solution to raise a small suspension.

Crystal cultivation

To grow a salt crystal, you need:

  • Tie a pencil thread. Lower it into the water. If you need to get a beautiful large crystal, you should use a seed (tie to the end of the thread a small salt crystal).
  • Pencil will be across the container. Wait for crystal to grow.

Watching the growth of the crystal is important to know that:

  • Thread attracts salt from the water. Already after 1-2 days, it covers small crystals. When evaporation of water, the lower part of the pencil will also cover a light frost.
  • The thread should not come into contact with the bottom or walls of the dishes, otherwise they will grow up in the crystal growth process, and the figure will be irreversible.
  • A large crystal will grow in 2-3 weeks (for this it is necessary not less than 1 liter of water).
  • So that the crystal is beautiful (correct form), you can take a piece of alum as a seed. Then in the water it is appropriate to dissolve not a mustache salt, but the same alum. The seed will be proportionally increased in size as it grows.

This kind of crystals are easy to grow from sugar or copper sulfate. The finished product can be dried and protected from dying, covering a layer of colorless varnish.

The cultivation of salt crystals at home is the possibility not only to quickly blame how such phenomena occur in nature with other materials, but also obtain an unusual handicraft.

At the same time, this process is fully safe and does not require deep knowledge in chemistry or any reagents, all objects and substances have any person in the house.

How to grow crystals from salt at home: material and equipment

1. The first and most main component - salt. For the success of the process of growing crystal, it is important that it is as clean as possible. Therefore, it is necessary to give preference to sea salt, because In the cooking too much small garbage. It is not recommended to acquire salt with dyes or other additives.

2. Waterwhich should also be maximally cleaned from extraneous impurities. If there is no possibility to use distilled, then it is worth at least pre-filter it.

3. Non-metallic crystal growth tank. Its size can only be limited to the desired crystal sizes. Important requirements - the material of the container should not be painted water or oxidized under the influence of salts. Capacity should be carefully flushed. Any foreign objects inside, even if these are small sutures, can be the basis for growth for other small crystals, slowing down the growth of the main one.

4. Small Salt Crystal Salt, slice of branches, leaf, wire, thread Or any other object for the foundation of the future large crystal. A suitable large piece of salt is easy to find in almost empty salt. Small particles from it are poured when used, and the large will not squeeze through the holes and remain inside. It is necessary to choose the largest and shape, as close as possible to the parallelepiped.

5. Something non-metallic for stirring a solution - wooden stick., plastic or ceramic spoon, etc.

6. Filter paper or gauze.

7. Paper napkins or toilet paper.

8. Varnish to cover the finished crystal.

9. Patience. It is not enough to know how to grow crystals from salt at home, we must still be able to wait. Littlely, a decent crystal in size is formed not earlier than in 3-4 weeks.

As can be seen, no complex or expensive equipment is required. All these items and substances are easy to find in the farm absolutely from any person.

How to grow crystals from salt at home: a sequence of actions

The technology of obtaining a crystal from salt is very simple, besides, the process requires a very small participation of a person, basically you need only time. Capacity with clean water is placed in warm water (50-60 degrees, no longer needed), and in it we will gradually fall asleep, constantly stirring the solution. When it becomes saturated, i.e. Salts in it will already be so much that it will not be able to dissolve further, it is transfused into the clean capacity so that the precipitate from the old one does not get into it. You can even further clean the solution from impurities by skipping it through the filter paper or the gauze folded several times.

It is possible to achieve the desired water temperature for heating the solution in the absence of a thermometer. For this, it is mixed with just boiling boiling water and indoor temperature in the ratio of approximately 1 to 2.

For the traditional shape of the crystal, it will be a large graspin salt, which is easy to find in any pack;

For an elongated crystal, the solution is lowered thread so that it does not touch the walls and the bottom;

If you want to get a crystal of a complex and bizarre design, then a small twig or curved wire suspended on a thread.

Knowing how to grow crystals from salt at home, you can not limit your fantasy simple in the form of objects. To get not just a crystal, but really an original handicraft, as the basis can be placed in a wire solution, curved in the form of a star, snowflakes or a different simple form. In principle, you can use absolutely any item that is not subject to oxidation from salts.

Next, the container is covered with a lid, a napkin, a sheet of paper, but in general, anything, if only to protect the solution from dust and foreign objects. The container with the growing crystal should be stored in a dark cool place without drafts. Do not allow strong mechanical impacts on it - too frequent movements, shaking, etc., as well as regular and significant changes in temperature or humidity, i.e. For example, the crystal is not accurately placed in the bathroom, as near the slab in the kitchen or in heating devices.

Naturally, the more crystal is growing, the less salts remain in its surrounding water. Therefore, to speed up the process approximately once a week - ten days in the container it is necessary to add a new saturated salt solution. And if the crystal has already grew out of an old glass or banks, it can be shifted into a large size, having raised not to drop or not break down, because He is very fragile.

The crystal discovered from the solution is dry from water residues, carefully flushing with a soft cloth or a conventional paper napkin. It is necessary to do it very carefully, because the crystal is not particularly durable. For preservation, the crystal is covered with household or manicure colorless varnish. If this is not done, then the life of this beautiful subject will be short. In the dry air, the water residues will quickly evaporate, and it will crush into the powder, and in excessive humidity, on the contrary, the extensive liquid will absorb the unnecessary liquid and cuts into a shapeless bunch of individual small crystals or at all in Cashitz.

From the cook salt, the crystals are white.

If you want other shades, then you can:

Take advantage of other types of salt (for example, copper vitality for saturated blue);

Covering the finished crystal is not transparent, but a colored coating;

Add to the solution at the cooking stage, food dyes, for example, those that are used in baking or for Easter eggs. However, such substances are not very bright colors.

The principal difference in the growth rate and the form of the finished crystal when using a cook or sea salt will not be. However, in the second case, the crystal will be more dense in structure and will be more durable.

If the crystal grows a little not the form, what kind of unnecessary areas can be neatly scraped with a knife or nail file, remembering that crystal is very fragile. Give the crystal the necessary form is easy, if you treat those areas whose growth is undesirable, ordinary petroleum or other dense fatty. If it is necessary to remove it, then this can be made with acetone or alcohol.

In order for the crystal to split, seemingly branching in different directions, a small amount of glycerin is added to the solution.


Salt salt is absolutely harmless to humans, because we use it every day without health consequences. Therefore, it is not necessary to comply with some safety technique when growing a salt crystal.

However, so that in the solution does not fall out of foreign objects, the hair is at least assembled, and it is better to cover with a slant, and the hands are to wash with soap or even wear rubber gloves. And if there are scratches or wounds on the hands, put on the gloves are simply necessary, otherwise the strong salt solution will be very pinching. Nothing deadly or harmful, but sensations are not pleasant. Similarly, the hands are better to protect if the salt with dyes is used, and there is a possibility of allergic to these dyes.

But when working with copper vitriol and other more aggressive salts, it is necessary to comply with the precautions, trying not to inhale the solution, prevent it from entering the skin, and also be in a well-ventilated room and not allow to capacity to growing crystals of small children or pets . In any case, used for this chemical experience cannot be used to receive or storing food, drugs, personal care products, cosmetics, in total, it will subsequently directly contact the human body.

How to grow crystals from salt at home: Causes of failures

Why a piece of salt, taken as the basis, was dissolved instead of forming a crystal around him? This means that the salt solution was originally not saturated. With its preparation, salt must be squeezed until it stops dissolving, but it will fall into a precipitate. Choose the proportions of food and other salts for the preparation of the solution will be easily found in the internet graphs of solubility of these salts in the water of a certain temperature.

If instead of one in the container suddenly several small crystals have grown, then it speaks of extraneous impurities in the solution. This may be, as not enough well-filtered water, and littering in salt or poorly washed with a container, where the solution was poured.

What is the reason not uniform painting of the color crystal? Perhaps when adding a dye, it was not very carefully stirred. And if the crystal is large, and for it, the saline solution was prepared several times, then one of the times the dye was added substantially less or more than in others.

Of course, even knowing how to grow crystals from salt at home and observing all the recommendations, you can get not exactly what I wanted. This is normal, because the conditions in which the growing crystal is placed, and used for this substance may differ. However, over time, it will be necessary to fill the hand, select the optimal proportions of the components and the conditions for the growth of the crystal.

Such experiences how to grow crystal personally will help you feel yourself a master for all hands - you will learn to make beautiful home decorations, sweet lollipops and help your children learn the basics of chemistry.

Use of crystals

Such an idea how to grow crystal - This is an excellent opportunity to explore the chemical properties of different substances. If you have children at home, be sure to put the task in front of them to grow crystal at home - not without your help, of course. The guys will be interested in watching the course of work, comprehending the chemical science as an exciting way.

Some experiences will also help you get decorative details for decorating individual compositions - for example, salt crystals can become excellent decorating materials.

However, it must be remembered that many materials used are extremely poisonous - they cannot be touched by their hands, inhale couples. Such substances are unsuitable for use in everyday life - they can be used only for experiments.

Crystal cultivation can be chosen as a hobby, exciting classes, because in fact the creator never knows which crystal will result in the end.

Types of chemicals

At home, it is possible to grow crystal from a variety of substances. Some of them require special processing: it is possible to work with them only under certain conditions - at a special temperature, lighting, etc. It is necessary to include the following materials:

  • salt Mora;
  • blood salt;
  • various alums;
  • nickel sulfate;
  • ammonium nitrate.

If you are just starting familiarizing with how to grow crystal at home, it is better to postpone with their use.

Nevertheless, many mixtures for work - such as a salt, can be found in any house. With them and it is recommended to start working for beginners.


There is nothing simpler how to grow salt crystals at home!

To work with this product, you do not need to use some special accessories or equip a workplace with supernatural conditions.

Copper Kuner

Another simple option. Before growing a crystal from a copper sulfate, a substance can be bought at the amateur gardeners store - it is sold as a fertilizer.

From the master classes presented below, you will understand that it is also easy to work with a vitriol as to grow crystal from salt. The only difference lies in the fact that the mixture is an active saturated salt substance, so experiments are undesirable to carry out the use of flow or any other water - only distilled, which you can find in the pharmacy.


The only substance that can be eaten after experience! Experiments with sugar are absolutely harmless, so you can calmly teach children how to grow crystal, in his example.

As a result, delicious sugar sugar should be obtained in the form of frosty crystals - the original replacement of the roots on the stick.

Safety regulations

Despite the fact that novice chemists use mainly the usual solutions, such as salt or sugar, each must comply with certain precautions - the instruction is presented below.

  1. Highlight special dishes on the experiments, from which you will not eat in the future. Neglecting this item may result in major food poisoning.
  2. Each substance needs to be stored in a separate, hermetically closed package with a mandatory signature of the content on the bottle. Keep the substances outside the access of children and domestic animals, in a cool and dark place.
  3. Use protective clothing and gloves.
  4. Working with chemicals that allocate pairs in the air should be carried out only near powerful hoods.
  5. If an acid hit, it is necessary to sprinkle a weak alkali (water diluted with food soda) and vice versa - alkaline solutions are easily neutralized with acid like lemon.

Such skills will be very useful when working with hazardous chemical reactors. Over time, you will bring the execution of this instruction to automatism and can not worry when you want to use a dangerous mixture instead of the usual salt or soda to grow crystal.

Salt crystals at home

After theoretical tips, you can move to the part where you will learn, how to grow crystal from salt. Prepare water in an unlimited quantity - it is better to use distilled (purified from any additives) so that the substance does not enter into a reaction with any impurities. However, the usual running water is suitable.

In addition, you will need a small saucepan, glass container (bank, glass), silk thread, tutu salt.

  • Put the saucepan with water on the middle fire. Heat the water, but do not bring to a boil.
  • Little portions start pouring salt into water, stirring constantly. Each time you put a new handful after complete dissolution of the previous one.
  • The preparation of the solution ends when the salt completely ceased to dissolve in water - this means you prepared a concentrated mixture.
  • Concentrated composition Put into a transparent glass container and leave to estimate about a day.

  • Free time is necessary that all the smallest, insoluble particles are downtown to the bottom. In the photo you can see how the solo sediment is obtained.

  • Take a thread or lace, tie around a long thin stick, which you can put on the neck of a glass container.

  • The length of the lace must be less than the height of the vessel, so cut off the surplus.

  • Lower the string into the water in a suspended state so that it does not touch the walls of the jar and the sediment at the bottom.

  • Leave your experience in this state for 1-3 weeks.

  • After a couple of days, you will notice the increase in small crystals on the thread. Experience in this case is interesting just to the observation as far as the crystal will grow for a certain period of time.

  • Instead of an ordinary thread, you can omit a large piece of salt into a glass. In this case, the substance will grow around it.

You can how to grow a crystal of a certain form and arbitrary. To control the appearance of the substance, on one side of the crystalline, apply a thin layer of fat or Vaseline - you will see that there will be no increment.

If desired, salt can be replaced by other substances - for example, on the same technology it is easy to prepare crystalline from soda or copper sulfate.

How to grow a crystal from sugar?

If you set a goal to learn how to grow crystal from sugar, you will be pleasantly surprised by the result - beautiful sweet lollipops that will delight children and pleasantly surprise adults during tea drinking. An interesting option of their use is the stirring of tea. So you get and wand for stirring, and sugar sweetener.

  • Prepare a concentrated sugar solution in the same way as in the experience with salt - sugar must completely stop dissolve in warm water. After that, overcall hot syrup into transparent dishes.
  • When the solution is ready, do the preparation of the basics of the base. Tie one wand to another cross-closer so that the first is lowered to the ass, and the other kept behind her neck.

  • Lower the wand in syrup - it should not touch the bottom.

  • Leave the design in a dry and warm place - you will notice after a day, crystalline will begin to appear in the liquid.

  • About a week later you will have ready-made sugar ships. Bon Appetit!

If you want a lollipop to get colored, when pouring a hot syrup, add a few food dye into each jar.

Such sweets can be a pleasant gift for holidays for holidays - such sweets can be supplemented with a gift for the new year or birthday.

To find out how to grow crystal From copper mood, see the following video.

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The crystals look attractive, attract the look and fascinate. The precious stones used in jewelry are crystals of minerals.

Crystals of natural minerals

Thanks to modern technologies, people have learned to grow similar beauty independently, and synthetic precious stones are difficult to distinguish from crystals of natural origin. Cooking salt is also capable of growing in the form of crystals. To make sure that we consider ways to grow salt at home.

Salt growing materials

To raise salt crystal, prepare the appropriate solution and special dishes. The process itself takes several months, so you have to be patient. The growth of salt crystal is influenced by air humidity, room temperature, saturation of the solution, the type of salt used. To successfully complete the experiment, components will be required:

Capacity from a material that is not capable of oxidation in salted water (a glass bank is suitable);

Cook or Sea Salt;


Copper wire or thread;

Napkins or filter paper;

Wooden or glass wand for stirring solution.

Crystals of cook salt

The process of growing salt

  1. Pour distilled water into the container and pour salt. Salt must be pouring until stirring becomes difficulty.
  2. The resulting mixture to put on a water bath and wait for the total dissolution of salt in water.
  3. Strain the solution through filter paper or napkin into a prepared bank.
  4. Bind a small crystal salt to the thread and omitted into the cooled liquid. The second edge of the thread to tie to the stick, the length of which is larger than the diameter of the neck of the cans. The stick will help to fix the thread with a crystal that is constantly in a suspended state.
  5. The resulting design to cover with a piece of fabric or a napkin, then put in place with the smallest temperature differences.
  6. During the experiment, it is impossible to touch the bank, move and pull the thread with a crystal. The design should stand motionless.
  7. After 4 weeks, the crystal will increase to the sizes of beans, after 8 weeks the diameter of the stone will reach 4 cm. If a crystal of a larger salt is needed, you will have to wait a few more months.
  8. The finished crystal of the desired diameter is carefully removed from the can and wipe out the napkin. To protect the crystal from external damage, it is recommended to cover the stone with a transparent nail polish.
  9. After drying, varnish can be admired by the salt crystal.

In the same way, a blue crystal is grown in the same way - a blue food dye is added to the solution.

Blue crystals Soloi

How to grow white crystal from sea salt

To create a white crystal from sea salt, the materials described above will be required. The process of growing salt is as follows.

  1. In the glass container to prepare a saturated saline solution. In 100 g of hot water, add 40 g of sea salt and stir the solution until the salt is dissolved.
  2. The resulting liquid is cooling, then filter.
  3. Let the solution to stand for several hours, then filter out again.
  4. To the copper wire to attach a large-sized sea salt and omit in a container with a solution so that the crystal does not touch the bottom.
  5. To cover the paper with a sheet of paper so that extraneous objects and dust fell inside.
  6. Two days later, carefully pull the wire with a crystal, move it to another vessel and pour there with a solution.
  7. Once a week, the liquid is filtered.
  8. After a few days, the growth of the salt crystal will become noticeable. It is possible to grow a stone until the crystal of the required diameter is formed.

The grown stone from salt is distinguished by increased fragility and fragility, so you should not keep it in your hands for no reason. After the coating is varnished, the crystal is recommended to be stored in a closed container so as not to damage. The described methods can be raised at home by many salt crystals of different colors, using food dyes of bright shades when preparing a solution. To find out what other crystals can be raised at home, click