What kind of literature is comedy. Literary Rod: Drama, Epos, Lyrics

What kind of literature is comedy. Literary Rod: Drama, Epos, Lyrics
What kind of literature is comedy. Literary Rod: Drama, Epos, Lyrics

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Literary delivery and genres (theory of literary studies)

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Literary rod - Group literary worksreplenished by a number of unity of signs.

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Lyrics - the birth of literature, reflecting life with the image of individual states, thoughts, feelings, impressions and human experiences. Characteristic feature - poetic speech, rhythmic, lack of fabul, small size.

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Epos is a connected story about certain events that are as close as possible to objectivity. Epos, it is typical of reproduction of action deploying in space and time. Specific damn The epic is that the author himself (or narrator) reports about the events and their details as a whole that has passed and recall, along the way, resorting to the descriptions of the situation and the appearance of the characters, and sometimes to reasoning. Epic narration is conducted on behalf of the narrator, a kind of mediator between the depicted and listener (reader).

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The drama is a birth of literature, reflecting life in action (actions and experiences) of people. It is intended for execution on the scene. The action is shown through the conflict lying in the center of the dramatic work that determines all structural elements dramatic action. Dramatic conflict, reflecting specific historical and universal contradictions, revealing the essence of time, social relations, embodied in the behavior and actions of heroes, and, above all, in dialogues, monologues, replicas.

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Laroeepica is one of the four birth of literature in the traditional classification. In the limier works artistic world The reader observes and evaluates from the side as a stories, but at the same time events and characters receive a certain emotional assessment of the narrator.

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Epopea (Dr. Greek. "Word, narration" + "Walk") - a generic designation of large epic and similar works: an extensive story in verses or prose about outstanding national historical events. Complex, long history of something, including a number of major events. Roman - a work in which the story focuses on the fate of a separate personality in the process of its formation and development. By definition Belinsky, Roman - "Epos private life"(for example less novel, but more stories, novels. If the center of gravity lies in a holistic action, in the actual and psychological movement of the plot, then in the story the majority is often transferred to the static components of the work - positions, mental states, landscapes, descriptions, etc. (eg, "steppe"). Novella - Small prose genrecomparable in volume with a story (which sometimes gives a reason for their identification - there is a point of view on the novel as a type of story), but differ from it a sharp centripetal plot, often by paradoxical, lack of descriptiveness and composite rigor (eg, stories A. Chekhov , N. Gogol, " Dark forests"I. Bunina). Story - Small Epic genre form fiction - A small amount of depicted phenomena of life, and from here and in terms of text, prosaic work.

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Basnya is a poem or prosaic literary product of moral, satirical character. At the end of the bass, a brief moral conclusion is contained - the so-called morality. Acting persons usually come animals, plants, things. Patterns of people are ridiculed in the bass. Bassnya is one of the oldest literary genres. Epics (starns) - Heroic-patriotic legend songs telling about the exploits of the warriors and reflective life Ancient Russia IX-XIII centuries; View of oral folk creativitywho is inherent in a song-epic way to reflect reality. The main plot of epics is a heroic event, or a remarkable episode of Russian history (from here national title The epic - "Starina", "Old Dress", implying that the action of which is spent on, occurred in the past). Literary fairy tale - Epic genre: fiction-oriented work, closely associated with folk fairy taleBut, unlike her belonging to a specific author, which did not exist before the publication orally and not had options.

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Myth is a legend, transmitting people's ideas about the world, the place of man in it, about the origin of the whole, about the gods and heroes. Legend (from SR-Lat. "Reading", "Ready", "Collection of liturgical passages for the daily service") is one of the species of fabulous prosaic folklore. Written legend of any historical events or personalities. IN figurative sense It refers to the received fame, causing the admiration of the events of the past displayed in fairy tales, stories, etc. As a rule, contains an additional religious or social pathos. Essay - One of all varieties small shape Epic literature - a story other than his other form, novels, lack of a single, acute and fast-resolved conflict and greater development of the descriptive image. Both differences depend on the characteristics of the essay problems. Essaying literature does not affect the problem of becoming the nature of the personality in its conflicts with a well-established public environment, as inherent in the novel (and the novel), and the problems of the civil and moral state of the "medium" (embodied usually in individual personalities) - the problems of "moralopsychiatory"; It has a great cognitive diversity. Essaying literature usually combines the features of fiction and journalism.

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1. Ode - genre chasing, solemn lyrical poem, chanting heroic feat. Goes back to traditions of classicism. For example, the ode "liberty". 2. Elegy is a genre of romantic poetry, a poem, penetrated by sadness, sad thinking about life, fate, his dream. For example, "went out the daylight shine ...". 3. Message - appeal to another person. Genre, unrelated with a certain tradition. Pushkin at the heart of the Messages is the connection of the beginning of the personal with the beginning of public, civilian. In its problem wider than a specific life situation. For example, "to Chaaadaev". 4. Epigram is a satirical poem addressed to a certain person. For example, "on Vorontsov". 5. Song - the genre goes back to the traditions of oral folk art. For example, "Song. Western Slavs." 6. Romance - for example "I am here, Inesilo ...". 7. Sonnet - for example, "Stern Dante did not despise advice ...".

Literary Rod is a lot of artistic works united common style Saying characteristic plot lines. The literary work is a lyrics, an epos or drama. About the most famous examples of each of them is told in this article.


Translated from this word means "action". In modern Russian, the term has acquired a different meaning. But this will be said below. Drama - literary genus, originated in antiquity. It was the ancient Greek authors of Eschil, Sofokla and Euripid belong to the first dramatic works. This literary nature of works unites the writings of two types: comedy, tragedy.

The drama reached its perfection in the sixteenth century. French authors strictly kept certain provisions set by the ancient Greeks. Namely: the unity of time and place, the duration of events is no more than twenty-four hours.

Examples of dramatic works

In the drama Sofokla "King Edip" we are talking About a person who has once killed his father for a perfect accident, and then, ironically married his mother. The spectators of the first stage of the plot knew. But even if they had an unfamiliar story of Edip, they would recognize him brief biography. Nevertheless, the drama is designed in such a way that its effect covers the entire day. All events occur in the palace of the king.

Moliere, Rasin and Cornell adopted the traditions of antique playwrights. The above principles are also observed in their creations. And finally, it is worth bringing the example of which everyone is familiar with every studio, "grief from the mind." Chatsky comes to the house of Famusov. He learns that Sophia is in love with the person's mercenary and unhappy. Hero Griboedov is talking with other characters comedy. He expresses extraordinary thoughts. As a result, the environment of Famusov decides that Chatsky is a little bit in itself. He, in turn, leaves the relative's house with the words "Careet me, carriage!". All this happens during the day.

Not any of the heroes outside the mansion of Famusov. Because the drama is a literary genus of artistic works, in which everything that happens is accomplished during the day. It is worth saying another feature of such writings. Namely - there are no words of the author. Only dialogues. No matter what comedy is or tragedy.


This term can be found as a noun male race in literary dictionary. And in this encyclopedic edition it will be said that Epos is nothing more than a work in which the events occurred in the past.

Examples of eposa

A bright example is the famous "Odyssey". In his work, Homer is extensively and describes in detail the events that have happened. He talks about the journey of his hero, not forgetting to mention other characters and describe in detail their life, life. What is the epic different from the drama? First of all, the fact that the narrative is conducted on the author's face. The following difference is impartiality.

Works of Homer are created in the form of poetry. In the eighteenth century, new trends began in the literature: a type of prose appeared with signs of epic. As an example, it is worth leading the novel of Tolstoy "War and Peace". Events cover a rather impressive time segment. In the novel great amount Characters.

Another sample of epic prose - Roman Golsuorussi "Saga about Forsytes". In this book, it is told about representatives of several generations of a large family.


Which literary family includes any of the poems of Annensky, Feta, Tyutchev? Of course, to lyrics. The works of this literary genus are inherent sensuality, emotionality. Unlike the epic, here the feelings of the hero are transferred extremely brightly, and even a few subjectively.

Examples of lyrical works

IN Ancient Greece originated not only dramatic art. Antiquity - the time of flourishing and other directions in the literature. The first lyrical authors are Terpandr. This ancient Greek poet I read my creations under the sounds string guitar. Under the accompaniment read poems and alkey - the author who preference political topics. The poetry of Safo also reached this day.

In the Middle Ages, which is called "gloomy," was created indecent number romantic balladThe authors of which were troubadours from France. Their plots were subsequently used by later authors. Lyrics, as I got special development In the era of the Renaissance. In the thirteenth century appeared new Type Troubadurov. No longer French, but Italian. After all, it was in Italy a flourishing of lyric poetry.

In the nineteenth century, Lurism penetrated into all his features are present in the works of Shelly, Byrona, Korping. The lyricity of inspired and Russian poets - Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Ryleev, etc. Then, interest in lyrics for some time UGAS: her place was taken by an epic prose. And finally, the beginning of the twentieth century in Russia was marked by the emergence of the whole Pleiads of talented lyrics. Among them are Pasternak, Block, Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, Yesenin.

In everyday speech

Literary Rod, as we found out, is a totality of artistic works having characteristic signs. It may be a lyrics, an epos or drama. In modern speech, each of these terms has a slightly different meaning.

The drama in the cinema is a genre for which tragedy is characteristic. Under the lyrics, it is customary to understand love poetry. In literary terminology, these concepts have a different meaning. What literary genus is characteristic of tragedy, sentimentality? Drama or lyrics. But at the same time dramatic work May be comedy. And the composition of the author-lyrics is not necessarily a story about his unrequited love or longing in the homeland.

Drama is one of the four literature clans. In the narrow sense of the word - the genre of the work depicting the conflict between the characters is widely - all works without author's speech. Types (genres) dramaturgical works: Tragedy, drama, comedy, waterville.

Lyrics - one of the four birth of literature, reflecting life through the personal experiences of a person, his feelings and thoughts. Types of lyrics: Song, Elegy, Ode, Duma, Message, Madrigal, Stans, Eclog, Epipram, Epitaph.

Epos is one of the four clans of literature, reflecting life through a story about a person and the events taking place with him. Main species (genres) of epic literature: epic, novel, story, story, novel, art essay.

Birth of literature - These are large associations of verbal and artistic works by the type of relationship of the expressing ("speech carrier") to the artistic whole. Three kinds are distinguished: drama, epos., lyrics. Between all kinds of literature, and there are three of them - epos, lyrics and drama - a lot in common. First of all, they have a general subject of the image - a person. Literature - all of her childbirth is different from other clans and types of art by the fact that it has the only image of the image - in a word. In fact, the proximity of all three literature is that each of them How would penetrate into another. The drama has a number of signs of epic and lyrics, the lyrics often possesses a number of signs of drama, Epos also has a number of signs of drama and lyrics. Epos - the word ancient Greek. It means "Song". Epos dates back to ancient times when there was no writing and when historical narrations The past, tied most often with military exploits, was maintained in the memory of the people in myths, remembered in songs. Epic antiquity songs know however, both love, labor and even sports topics. The image of the image of the epic is one or another saturated period of social development. As in all other cases, in general, in general, in the literature, in particular - time It is not pictures in abstract, but through the heroes, through a person.

So, the Epos embodies the image of the era in heroes. Recall the most famous epic works of modernity. For example, Sholokhovsky " Silent Don." The term "lyrics" also occurs from ancient Greek word, from the name string tools Lira. Lyrics, unlike the epic, creates mainly the image of the internal state of the person, depicts the experience, as a rule, is simultaneous, which a person is experiencing. It depicts a certain state of the soul, which we learn because each of us probably experienced a similar philosophical mood, drama has a lot in common with the epic, and with lyrics. Drama, like Epos, depicts a person in one or another era, creates an image of time. But at the same time, the drama has significant differences from the epic and its specific features. First, the drama is in principle devoid of the speech of the narrator, copyright characteristics, author comments, author portraits. This rule knows known exceptions. For example, in modern drama More often a face appears from the author - the lead, which takes on the author's comment on the events, the characteristics of the heroes, where the presenter determines the compositional structure.

Ticket 3.

B. Action - Main expressive Theater I. entertainment art. Elements of action.

Action is a psycho-physical act aimed at achieving the goal in the fight against the proposed circumstances. The difference between the stage action from the action in life: - Dynamics - dynamism, the expiration can be moved and in time and in space - the stage action is a push of feelings. The scene is the scene.

1. Make changes to the environment.

2. Change the inner world.

Physical action is an action that aims to make this or that change in surrounding man The material environment, in one or another item. The effective effect is an action that is aimed at the human psyche by the impact on feelings, consciousness and will. Can be directed to a partner and on yourself. There is a faithful effect - this is a look, the movement of the hand is aimed at the psyche. There is a challenge effect - according to the principle I can not silent. Chase attention is to focus on the object. It can be raised. It happens an arbitrary on stage, involuntary - in life. Increasing information - I evaluate - I make a decision - the device - we begin to act. Increasingly, attention is subject to rotation and imagination. It happens external on the external object, and internal self. Objects attention: partner, viewer, I myself. Circles of attention: Small - not, Middle - on a partner, scenery and stage platform, and big - auditorium and scenes. Conflict conflict in its development. Unity of action. Action - the main expressive means of spectacular art. Stage action is embodied in the actor. The source of our actions are the circumstances in which we fall. In the poetic material, all the action should be conditionally, no everyday decision! Clear miceanssen. Conditional reception of the organization-Soncentricity of thoughts, feelings, moods-compression is conciseness of the plot and the presentation of thoughts. In the composition effect effect, the reception of the transfer is when the outcome of the situation in the final changes 180 degrees.

The characteristics of the characters must be pointed. And the external and internal and plastic and in the speech version of the characters we go to exaggeration.

The rate should be rapidly tense.

The most expressive sharp contrasts in the development of action, curses in the emotional state of actors. Oilness, gravity.

Elements of action.

Work organs of feelings

Memory on the feeling

Creating shaped visions

Activity imagination

Logic and sequence of thoughts and feelings

Physical and verbal interaction with the object.

Birth and genres

Epos. - (from Greek. EPOS - Word, narration, story) - one of the three main births of literature, unlike Lyrikia drama nominating on the fore objective image of reality, author's description of events deploying in space and in time, narration about various phenomena of life, people, their destinies, characters, deeds, etc. A special role in the works of epic genres is played by the narrative carrier (author-narrator or narrator), reporting on events, their development, about characters, about their lives, while separating itself from the depicted. Depending on the temporary coverage of events, large genres of epic - epic, novel, epic poem, or an epic poem; Middle - Tale and Small - Story, Novel, Essay. TO epic Rope. We also include some genres of oral folk art: fairy tale, epics, fasteners.

Roman - ( from Franz. Roman - Initially: The work written on one of the Romanesque (i.e. modern, living) languages, as opposed to written in Latin) - epic genre: a big epic work, in which the life of people in a certain period of time is comprehensively depicted or for a whole human life. The characteristic properties of the novel: the multine-core plot covering the fate of a number of actors; the presence of a system of equivalent characters; coverage of a large circle of life phenomena, statement of socially significant problems; Significant temporal length of action.

The story is a small epic genre: a prose product of a small volume, in which, as a rule, one or more events of the hero's life are depicted. A circle acting persons The story is limited, the described action is short-time in time. Sometimes the narrator may be present in the work of this genre. Masters of the story were A.P. Chekhov, V.V. Nabokov, A.P. Platonov, K.G. Powesty, O.P. Kazakov, V.M. Shukshin.

The story is medium (between the story and the novel) an epic genre, which presents a number of episodes from the Hero's life (heroes). In terms of volume, the story more stories and wider shows reality, drawing a chain of episodes that make up a certain period of life of the main character, there are more events and actors in it, however, in contrast to the novel, as a rule, one storyline.

The epic is the largest genre shape of the epic. For epic characteristic:

1. Wide coverage of reality phenomena, image of the life of the people in the historically significant, turning point

2. Lifting global problems, universal importance

3. People's content

4. Several storylines

5. Very often - support for history and folklore

The journey is a literary genre, which is based on the description of the hero. This may be information about the countries seen by the traveler, nations in the form of travel diaries, notes, essays, and so on.

Epistolary genre - This is a genre of a literary work, which is characterized by the form of personal letters.

Confession is a literary genre that can wear the character of epic or lyrical. However, from seven Christian sacraments, which also includes baptism, communion, milled, marriage, etc. Confession required full sincerity, the desire to get rid of sins, repentance. Penetrating into the arts. Lit-Ru, confessional acquiring a didactic shade, becoming a kind of act of public repentance (for example, J. Zh. Rousseau, N. V. Gogol, L. N. Tolstoy). But at the same time, the confession was also a means of moral self-affirmation of the individual. Like the genre of lyrics I. was developed by romantics. Confession is akin to a diary, but unlike him is not attached to K.L. Places and time.

Lyrics - one of the three main births of literature that puts forward a subjective image of reality: individual states, thoughts, feelings, impressions of the author caused by those or other circumstances, impressions. In lyrics, life is reflected in the experiences of the poet (or lyrical hero): It is not narrowed about it, but an image experience is created. The most important property Lyrics is the ability to transmit a single (feeling, state) as universal. Characteristic features lyrics: poetic shape, rhythm, lack of plot, small size.

Elegy -lyric Genre: meditative poem (from lat. Meditatio - in-depth reflection) or emotional content transmitting deeply personal, intimate experiences of a person, as a rule, penetrated by the moods of sadness, light sorrow. Most often written on the first person. The most common topics of Elegy - contemplation of nature, accompanied by philosophical thought, love, as a rule, undivided, life and death, etc. The greatest popularity of this antique epoch The genre enjoyed in poetry sentimentalism and romanticism, Elegia V.A. received special fame Zhukovsky, K.N. Batyushkova, A.A. Pushkin, E.A. Baratynsky, N.M. Language.

Message - poetic genre: a poetic letter, a work written in the form of appeal to someone and containing calls, requests, wishes, etc. ("to Chaadaev", "Message to the Czensor" A.S. Pushkin; "Message to Proletarian poets" V.V. . Mayakovsky). Distinguish lyrical, friendly, satirical, journalistic, etc.

there is laro-epic genres that are on the junction of lyrics and epic. From lyrics they have a subjective beginning, pronounced author's emotion, from the epic - the presence of a plot, a teller about events. Laroepic genres to poetic form. Large-eagle genre - poem, smaller - ballad

The poem is a lyrol-epic genre: a large or secondary poetic work (poetic story, a novel in verse), the main features of which are the presence of a plot (both in the epic) and the image of a lyrical hero (as in lyrics)

Ballad - genre of lyrol-epic poetry: narrative song or poem relatively small volume, with the dynamic development of the plot, the basis of which is an extraordinary case. Often there is an element of a mysterious, fantastic, inexplicable, unnecessary, even tragically insoluble in the ballad. By origin, ballads are associated with legends, folk legendsConnect the features of the story and songs. Ballads are one of the main genres in poetry sentimentalism and romanticism. For example: Ballades V.A. Zhukovsky, M.Yu. Lermontov.

Drama - one of the three main births of literature, reflecting life in the actions performed in the present. These are works designed for scene. The dramatic genus includes tragedies, comedies, actually drama, melodrama and water.

Tragedy - ( from Greek. TRAGODIA - Goat Song< греч. tragos - козел и ode - песнь ) - One of the main genres of drama: a play, which depicts extremely sharp, often insoluble life contradictions. The scene of the tragedy is the irreconcilable conflict of the hero, strong personality, with proper forces (fate, state, element, etc.) or with himself. In this struggle, the hero, as a rule, dies, but obsesses the moral victory. The purpose of the tragedy is to cause a shock in the spectator seen that, in turn, gives rise to sorrow and compassion in their hearts: such independent state leads to catharsis - cleansing thanks to the shock.

Comedy - ( from Greek. From Komos - Merry Crowd, Procession in Dionysian Festival and Odie - Song) - One of the leading genres of the drama: the work, which is based on a ridicule of public and human imperfection.

Drama - (in a narrow sense) one of the leading genres of drama; Literary work written in the form of dialogue of acting persons. It is intended for execution on the scene. Focusing on entertainment expressiveness. The relationships of people who arise between conflicts between them are revealed through the actions of heroes and get an embodiment in a monologue-dialogic form. Unlike the tragedy, the drama is not completed by catharsis.

All literary works, depending on the characteristics of the narrative and position of the author in relation to the depicted, are divided into childbirth. And each of them, in turn, is divided into genres.

In literature, the following main epic, lyrics, drama, are allocated, in some cases adding to them and we will also talk about each other in the article.

Epos - the way to see events from the side

At one time, Aristotle argued that the story could be kept either about something removed from himself (EPOS), or directly from himself (lyrics), or to invest the narrative in the mouth of heroes (drama). And although, of course, this definition is very limited, it to some extent helps to understand the basic principles of species separation

The main three kinds of literature, as a rule, begin to list from the epic, which is an objectively depicted course of events occurring regardless of the author. It acts in such works, as a rule, as a third-party observer and the retellor. Even in the case of the first-person story, the author occupies a position, with respect to which the transmitted events turn out to be in the past - thus maintained the so-called "epic distance".

The rate of the epic narration is always leisure and measured, since the epos is inclined to the circumstance. This, by the way, often interferes with famous novels On the scene, since the full following text makes the performance unreasonably tightened.

The main epic genres is made to attribute novels, novels and essays. The epic can also be attributed and folklore works - Fairy tales, legends, epics or

More about major epic genres

The main birth of fiction, as already mentioned, are divided into genres, and the largest of epic works Is the Roman-epic. He usually covers some historic period and includes a large number of scene linesCrossing among themselves (L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" or M. A. Sholokhov "Silent Don").

Behind him in volume follows the novel. This genre also assumes a large number of heroes and plot lines. Although, for example, modern detective novels often have only one such line.

In the literature there is a huge number of modifications of the named genre - family, social, female, fantastic, fantasy, detective novel, etc.

About the small genres of epic

The main birth of literature implies the presence and small epic genres. They can be attributed to the story (it is rather an average genre in terms of volume), which focuses, as a rule, on one destiny or one event.

The story, which, by the way, is considered a young epic genre (it began to be taken only at the beginning of the 19th century), represents a narrative of some episode from the Hero's life. Very close in shape to the story is modern novel.

IN modern literature It is accepted separately talking about the essay. Narration in it, unlike the story or novella, built on documentary facts. True, there are many intermediate forms between all these genres.

Do not lose their popularity and fairy tales - narration about fictional heroes With obligatory participation magic Forces. Modern fairy tale There is no longer enough to folklore, as it is more connected with overhangivers and trends.

The epic genus is also also popular in our time the genres of fechens, jokes, parables, as well as essays.

Lyrical genres

One of the three main births of literature - lyrics - differs from the rest of his subjectivity and emphasized by interest copyright. It is also characterized by increased emotion, the desire to display not the events, but a personal attitude towards them. According to the nature of these emotions, several lyrical (solemn, praising something poem), an elegio (lyrical reflection on the veneality of being) and satir (accusatory, angry work) can be distinguished.

But modern poets, as they themselves say, write poems - that is, works that are difficult or simply impossible to relate to some genre.

About drama inside and outside

G. Hegel, trying to deepen the division proposed by Aristotle to the main birth of literature, explained that the drama was based on the synthesis of lyrics and epic. After all, drama, from his point of view, is a conflict based on individual aspirations, which is submitted as an objectively occurring event.

And basic distinctive feature Drama is her focus not on the story, but on the show (direct image) of a particular situation. The copyright in it is practically absent, and if in the epic, the dialogue is just one of the means of disclosing the character of the hero, then in the drama dialogue is often the only way to characterize it.

Such a change in accents leads to radical changes in the structure of the work. So, the speech of heroes becomes more dense, honed, accented than in the epic, because it creates the necessary dramatic tension. The close relationship of the named genre with the theater also plays a huge role - the drama is always spectacular, which, by the way, strictly regulates its size.

But to interpret the drama only as the text for the formulation is extremely wrong. This genre maintains its impact on the reader and without incarnation on the stage and, along with theatrical, has a literary life.

Drama genres

The main birth of literature, as you could make sure they have their own genres. Did not become an exception and drama in this sense. The most bright and historically significant among dramatic genres There were always tragedy and comedy.

The tragedy is an image of an irreconcilable conflict that wears usually inevitable fatal character and most often ends with the death of the hero.

The comedy is characterized by a humorous, a comic approach to the image of reality and a specific conflict. IN this genre It is not irreconcilable and, as a rule, is safely resolved. There are a comedy character and comedy provisions, which is based on the source of comic. In the first case, these are the ridiculous characters of heroes, and in the second - the situations in which they turn out to be. Often these types of comedies are synthesized.

To genre modifications modern comedy It is possible to attribute a farce - a pointed, deliberate comic representation - and waterville, who has an unassuming funny plot.

Drama is also a dramatic genre

The main birth of literature includes a drama not only as a genus, but also as a genre. She received his distribution in 18-19 centners., Gradually, pushing out the tragedy. Drama characterizes acute conflictBut it is not so global and is not so inevitable, as in the tragedy.

The center of this work is the problems of the relationship of a particular person and society. The plot of drama is usually very realistic - thanks to this, she became the leading genre in the repertoire of theaters, rival with a very popular comedy in our time.

The drama has many varieties: psychological, philosophical, social, historical, love, etc.

What is lyrol epic genres

IN educational literature The concept of the genre is interpreted as belonging to a particular group of literary works, which are combined by common features. Genres, as already mentioned, are formed inside the genus, becoming a real incarnation of generic features.

But the existence of synthetic, intermediate genres, in which two, and the three main types of literature and its types can be combined. By the way, the most such "weaves" arises between lyrics and epic, which allows some researchers to add to the already existing one genus (fourth) - lyric-epic. Separate researchers include poems (poetic works that have a lyrical or narrative plot, developing on a historic background), as well as ballads (peculiar stories in verse).


Of course, any literary critic, as well as a person who is addicted to reading, will say that dividing on the main birth and is a very complex and doomed to the inaccuracy. Many works of art Connect the main features of different genres, or even childbirth. And the task of the reader is not to be clearly classified, but in order to be able to determine the ratio in it began each kind.

After all, the genre is actually the work itself, but only the principle of its creation. That is, with the author's intention to write a novel, there is only a genre that in the creative process of appearance on the light can be much deformed its main signs and push the boundaries of the species, as in due time, for example, and happened to the Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". True creativity Does not tolerate borders.