My attitude to the hero is grief from the mind. My attitude to Sofye Pavlovna Famusova (by comedy A

My attitude to the hero is grief from the mind. My attitude to Sofye Pavlovna Famusova (by comedy A
My attitude to the hero is grief from the mind. My attitude to Sofye Pavlovna Famusova (by comedy A

The writing "My attitude to Chatskomu" is included in the list of mandatory, because it allows you to analyze the main character from different points of view. After all, his views on life are very different from generally accepted, and courageous ideas will turn the Moscow society in amazement. But, despite all the correctness of the belief, who is Chapsky, the winner or defeated?

A little about the main hero

Before you start the answer to the question of whether it was able to win, in writing "my attitude to Chatskoma" you need to talk about the personality and the lifestyle of this character. With the main hero of the reader already acquainted in the conversation of other characters play. And at the same time it becomes clear that Alexander Andreevich has a beloved with which they grow together, Sophia.

But the girl is not waiting for his return, she is even embarrassing when the servant reminds her about the scene of farewell during the departure of a young man. Nevertheless, she admits mercy for him. Alexander Andreyevich The smart, wit is sensitive and perfectly educated.

The idea of \u200b\u200bhis life can be made only from scraps of speech of other heroes. He began his career with silence, she was successful, but he could not get used to the bureaucratic orders. Also, the young man was military, but also left this occupation. Despite the fact that in one place, Chatsky was not delayed for a long time, it does not speak about the frivolousness of a young man. He did not stay on these fields, because it would be glad to serve - to serve nauseous. "

Chatsky is a representative of an innovators generation who believed that the society needs reforms to move forward. He did not accept obsolete ideas of the Moscow society. The comparative characteristic of Chatsky is one of the representatives best shows its character.

Comparison of Alexandra Andreevich and Molchalin

Why in writing "My relationship in the Chatskom" will be appropriate to compare these two characters? Because the main theme of the play is the conflict between the "century last" and coming to replace the "age of new". And Chatsky and Molchanin are representatives of this conflict.

Molchanin is a modest, imperceptible young man who never expressed his opinion. It believed that the main thing in life is to have a good place of work and ranks that can be obtained by fahamism. Molchanin hardly experiences the same feelings to Sofa as she to him. He just understands: if he becomes her husband, it will take a good position in society. And this for Famusov and his acquaintances was very important.

Chatsky, on the contrary, was not afraid to openly express his opinion and argue with others. He did not understand how the attitude towards a person may depend on the number of awards. For a young man, the chief person was the person, his beliefs. Alexander Andreevich wanted to benefit society, but not by worship before the highest ranks, but a change in obsolete orders and improving the life of the country's entire population.

Chatsky and Sophia

But the complexity of the position of the main character is not limited to hostility towards him of the Famusov society. In writing, "my attitude to Chatkomu" can be briefly written about the only support for Sofier's love. He did not give him to despair the hope that the girl would become his wife.

He to the latter refused to believe that she chose silence. When the Chatkoma becomes known that Sophia launched a rumor about his madness, then the latter that he kept in Moscow was lost. After all, for her for her, he returned back, keeping in the heart of the image that took away with him. And the destruction of this illusion helps the Chatcoma to decide to leave.

Counterpressure by Famusov's society

In the composition "My Relationship to the Chatkomu" one of the key points will be a relationship between the hero and the Famovskoy society. In this conflict, it is not just a clash of personalities - this is a reflection of the mood in society, which reigned during the writer times. This is the time of the coming reforms that should have happened in society.

Through the play shows the struggle of the Moscow nobles, landowners who did not want to change anything with people who looked wider than they, and understood that the changes are needed by society. After all, it is this bureaucracy, corruption is anchor for a developed society. This is a call for what you do not need to evaluate people for their public situation and ranks, but you need to pay attention to the person.

"Millon Torzany" Chatsky

What is the tragedy of the main hero of the play? Only in the refusal of Sofia? Or is the society to him hostile? The name of the play speaks the reader that the problem of Chatsky is to realize the full futility of their attempts to change the Famusov and his environment.

It seems to him that he will not be able to do anything alone. And therefore the protagonist decides to leave. It is difficult to give an unequivocal answer to the question about Tom, the winner or defeated. Because it seems that he did nothing - society remains the same. But in fact, Chatsky forced them to be afraid and was able to show them that the changes are inevitable that the "age of the coming" will change the "century past". And then other people already prove to them (and maybe Chapsky himself with comrades) that the ideas of the main character were correct that he was the winner.

A. S. Pushkin, expressing his opinion about the play Griboedov, doubted in the artistic integrity of the image of Chatsky. The most intelligent person of the comedy poet called the playwright itself, and Chatsky, in the interpretation of Pushkin, "the noble and kind small, who spent several times with a very smart person (namely, with Griboedov) and nappy with his thoughts, sharpness and satirical remarks." The poet admitted that all said Chatsky is very cleverly, but the handling of fiery appeals to the Moscow grandmothers, the scalozuba and Famowan is like throwing beads in front of the pigs: "The first sign of a smart person - at first glance to know who you are dealing with, and not throw beads to Renetilov and the like ".
Another tougher about Chatsky spoke M. A. Dmitriev, who owns one of the first responses to the comedy "grief from the mind." According to Critic, Chatsky, "there is nothing but arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhea," there is nothing more than a madman who is in the society of people are not stupid, but uneducated, and who is clever before them, because he considers himself smarter: in effect, everything is funny on the side of Chatsky. " Yes, indeed, representatives of Moscow society can not be called fools. The mind is their main dignity, but only in understanding that under it is meant the ability to calculate secular benefits. For the Chatsky, the mind is the most important moral and philosophical category and, first of all, the ability to think freely. Dmitriev's response was given on the pages of the journal "Son of the Fatherland" O. M. Somov, who was an deeper than all of his contemporaries assessed Griboedov's artistic innovation. In particular, Somov pointed out that the playwright walked his slender expensive, so ordinary measurements to his comedy were unacceptable. Chazki himself very well understands that, saying ignorant of their ignorance and prejudices, and by vicious about their vices, he is in vain losing time. But he says something only when ignorance, prejudice and vices touch him for living. According to critic: this is the nature of people of fervent. "He no longer thinks, listen and answer him or not: he expressed everything that he had lying on his heart - and it seemed to be easier." I. A. Goncharov in a critical etude "Mil-He Torzania" convincingly analyzed the psychological motivation of stage action in the play of Griboedov. He believed that the playwright managed to look far beyond the horizons of his era. At the heart of the comedy - a love collision: Chatsky loves sophia and only because of her returns to Moscow. Any step of Chatsky, almost every word in the play is closely connected with his feeling to Sofye. He sees that the girl prefers him a stupid man and beats over this mystery to the very end.
The whole mind, all his strength is aimed at this struggle, which Goncharov called "Millon Torzania". However, only under the influence of these feelings, the writer, Chatsky, "he could play a role indicated by him, the role is much more, the highest meaning, rather than unsuccessful love ... Chazki role - the role is suffering: it is different and can not be. Such is the role of all Chatsky, although it is at the same time winning. "
It is worth mentioning and the opinion of Griboedov himself, who sympathized with his hero: "This man is contrary to the contradiction with society, his surrounding, no one understands, no one wants to forgive, why he is a little higher than the other, at first he is cheerful, and this is a vice." So, Chatsky appears in Moscow in the Famusov House. He is happy and cheerful: Finally, after a long separation, he will see his beloved and child friend sophia. Sophia reaction causes misunderstanding and anxiety. He is trying to return the girl in those glorious times:
- When, it happened, in the evening long
- We will come with you, disappear here and there,
- Play and noise in chairs and tables.
Suspicions of Chatsky are strengthened when Sofya, having seen in the window of the silence dropped from the horse, loses consciousness. Suspicions are enhanced, but the impression has not yet come. He continues to be angry with silence, each of his phrase Sophia perceives with an offense. Then Chazki decides to frankly ask who is nice to her heart, and in response hears faint excuses: Sophia resolutely does not want to open his heart. The words of Chatsky disturbing her, but she is not sure of her choice and therefore considers it necessary to answer him his own weapons - to point out the shortcomings:
- "Yes! Grozny look, and sharp tone,
- and these features of the abyss;
- And above yourself, the thunderstorm is not useless ... ";
- "It is noticeable that you are getting ready for bile at all."
The loveless troubles of Chatsky are accompanied by its acute conflict with the Famine Society. Expressing his attitude to life, Chatsky is not going to "challenge" at all, but gradually his irritation increases. The main blow to his criticism is directed to Famousov. This is understandable. Chatsky sees which deep changes occurred in the consciousness of Sophia, and who, if not the father, affected the formation of such a relationship to life. But, on the other hand, in the fiery "moral" speeches, Famousov contains so much frank stupidity and ignorance that our ardent hero does not have anything to defend himself, defending his own opinion. Chatsky rises against the attempt by Famous to impose a idyllic idea of \u200b\u200bthe past. He is sure that the "current age" is far from the ideal, but still time is irreversibly going forward. "And who are the judges? "- Chatsky exclaims. In a monologue, which according to the genre is a civilian and poet, along with the image of the hero, the hero with society analyzes the social environment, touches the main springs of life. Chatsky defends the right to live by his mind, without seeing decent samples in the Fatherland Father. The last stanza of ODD draws a positive character of the hero, the basic meaning of which is to protect free life.
I am delighted with courage and courage, with whom Chatsky comes into martial arts with well-established traditions, looks for life. He is one of those "madmen", which at all times tried to force the society to breathe new, fresh air, and not choking in the stale atmosphere of ignorance, hypocrisy, vanity. The sympathy and the fact that in his personal life, Chatsky was unhappy. He fully fully with all the advantages, allowing him to be called proud of the person. But such as Chatsky manage only to sow the grains of truth, and others reap the fruits. It is hopelessness of success - the main problem of Chatsky and the like.
Every business requiring the update causes the image of Chatsky in our consciousness, and whatever life tasks have solved people, they can not get away from the two main motives of the struggle: the Council "to learn, on the older looking", on the one hand, and the desire to get away from the routine To "free life" - on the other.

Writing on literature on the topic: The image of the Chatsky and my attitude towards him in the comedy Griboedov "grief from the mind"

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  8. "Chatsky is not only smarter than all other persons, but also positively smart. Speech boils by mind, witty. He has a heart, and moreover, he is impeccably honest "(I. A. Goncharov). "Chatsky is not a smart man - but Mrboedov is very smart ... The first Read more ......
The image of Chatsky and my attitude towards him in the comedy Griboedov "grief from the mind"

If Alexander Andreevich Chatsky In the comedy, Griboedov is the most real, understandable figure, which we sympathize, the image of Sofia Pavlovna is the most difficult and controversial of all, and where it is more difficult to express your attitude. While you are not familiar with any reviews, responses to the comedy and articles of many Russian writers about the play, you read it without prejudice and you have the opportunity to make your opinion about each of her heroes. From the first rows of the comedy, we get acquainted with Sofia, and it is in the first action through the replicas of the acting persons we begin to guess her character. What seems to us? This is a smart romantic girl brought up in French sentimental novels, which in abundance then spread across Russia and were especially popular in the metropolitan youth environment. Sophia is such as all girls of that time: reading these books, she is unwittingly surrendered by romantic dreams of happy love. What is her present? Approximately like this: a beautiful rich girl falls in love with a poor perfect young man, and he also worst her.

Having marked in this wayShe finds her ideal in a cunning and calculating mall-chalin: it seems to her modest, smart, gently and timidly loving. But we know that he is not like that, and Sofya - she is blinded by feeling and ready on a lot for him. This sincere love I like Sophia. And her misconceptions is not her wines, but societies in which she was brought up. Whatever she was romantic, in love and noble in their feelings, she still belongs to its environment. And Chatsky is completely different. It is his mind and the difference from the others, "normal", and repels Sophia from Chatsky: he is incomprehensible to her and far, she for the sake of decency supports relations with him, but does not feed any living feeling towards him. Chatsky is mistaken: Sophia never loved him. It is quite honest in this. But completely abandoning Chatsky (she all tested between him and his society all the time), she plunges into their medium and involuntarily becomes the enemy of Chatsky. She is forced to maintain rumors about Chatsky's madness, and in this she is not inferior to the rest: the Sami himself and its guests.

But the personal drama of Sophia isThat her deceives Molchanin. By turning on the side of the slicer and the people of the Famovsky circle, she suddenly discovers that it is a vile and low people. And it seems to me that in the end she understands that he was deeply mistaken. Do not be your mind, she could not realize it. "She also received her Million Torzani," says Goncharov. And he is right: the image of Sophia is deeply tragic. Her soul is spoiled, distorted by this society, and it betrays it. In spite of everything, Sophia is the most attractive figure from the total "Famusovsky" series, it is rather a victim than the opposite of all Light. And I like her.

History of the creation of a comedy

Comedy "Woe from Wit" - the main and most valuable result of the creativity of A.S. Griboedov. When studying the comedy "grief from the mind", the analysis should be subjected to primarily the conditions in which the play was written. It affects the question of the brewing opposition of the progressive and conservative nobility. Griboedov rises the morals of the secular society of early 19th century. In this regard, the creation of such a work was a rather bold step at that period of development of Russian history.

The case is known when Griboedov, returning from abroad, was on one of the aristocratic techniques in St. Petersburg. There, it was outraged by the ultimate attitude of society to one foreign guest. The progressive glances of Griboedov pushed him to the statement of his sharply negative opinion on this matter. Guests found the young man crazy, and the news about it quickly spread in society. It was this case that pushed the writer to the creation of a comedy.

Topic and problematic plays

Analysis of the comedy "grief from the mind" is advisable to start with the appeal to its name. It reflects the idea of \u200b\u200bplay. Mountain from his sanity is experiencing the main character of the comedy - Alexander Andreevich Chatsky, who rejected by society only because he is smarter than the people around him. From here it follows and the other problem: if society rejects a person of an extraordinary mind, how does this characterize the society itself? Chatsky feels uncomfortable among people who consider it insane. It gives rise to numerous speech clashes of the main character with representatives of the society hated by him. In these conversations, each party considers himself smarter than the interlocutor. Only the mind of the conservative nobility lies in the ability to adapt under the existing circumstances to obtain maximum material benefits. The one who is not chasing the ranks and money for them is madman.

The adoption of Chatsky's views for a conservative nobility means start changing your life in accordance with the requirements of time. It does not seem comfortable anyone. It is easier to declare Chatsky crazy, because then on his accusatory speech you can simply not pay attention.

In the collision of Chatsky with representatives of the aristocratic society, the author raises a number of philosophical, moral, national and cultural and domestic issues. Within the framework of these topics, the problems of serfdom, serving the state, education, family mistake are discussed. All these problems are disclosed in comedy through the prism of understanding the mind.

Conflict of dramatic work and its originality

The peculiarity of the conflict of the play "Woe from Wit" is that there are two of them: love and social. The social contradiction lies in the collision of the interests and views of the representatives of the "century of the present" in the face of the Chatsky and the "century of the past" in the face of Famusov and his supporters. Both conflicts are closely connected with each other.

Love experiences make Chatsky come to the house of Famusov, where he was not for three years. He cares his beloved sophia in confusion, she takes him very coldly. Chatsky does not recognize that arrived not in time. Sophia is busy with the experiences of a love story with a silent, secretary of his father, living in their home. Endless reflections on the causes of cooling of Sofia feelings forcing Chatsky to ask questions to the beloved, her father, silence. During the dialogues, it turns out that the Chatsky diverges views with each of the interlocutors. They argue about the service, about ideals, about the nrules of secular society, on education, about the family. The views of Chatsky frighten the representatives of the "century past" because they threaten the usual estimates of the life of the Famow Society. Conservative nobles are not ready for change, therefore, the Society is instantly dealt with a hearing about the madness of the Chatsky, the unstable fastened sofa. The beloved of the main character is a source of unpleasant gossip because he prevents her personal happiness. And this again sees the interweaving of love and social conflicts.

System of existing comedy

In the image of the characters, Griboedov does not hold the clear separation of them on positive and negative, which was mandatory for classicism. All heroes have both positive and negative features. For example, Chatsky smart, honest, bold, independent, but he also quick-tempered, unceremonen. Pharmuses son of his century, but at the same time he is a beautiful father. Sofya, ruthless towards the Chatskom, intelligent, dare and decisive.

But the use of "speaking" surnames in the play is a direct heritage of classicism. The surname of the Hero of Griboedov tries to put the lead line of his personality. For example, the name of Famuses is produced from Latin Fama, which means "Solve". Consequently, Famuses - a person who is most worried about public opinion. It is enough to remember his final replica to make sure that: "... What will say the princess of Marya Alekskna!". Chatsky was originally Chadsky. This surname hints at the fact that the hero is in the chad of its struggle with the nruhs of the aristocratic society. Interest in this respect and the hero of the reheetles. His surname is connected with the French word Repeto - I repeat. This character is the cartoon twin of Chatsky. He has no own opinion, but only repeats other people's words, including the words of Chatsky.

It is important to pay attention to the alignment of characters. Social conflict takes place mainly between Chatsky and Famusov. The love confrontation is built up between Chatsky, Sofia and silent. These are the main actors. Combines the love and public conflict the figure of Chatsky.

The most difficult in the comedy "grief from the mind" is considered the image of Sofia. It is difficult to attribute to persons who adhere to the views of the "century past". In relations with silent, she despises the opinion of society. Sophia reads a lot, loves art. She is contracted by a stupid scalosis. But the supporter of Chatsky will not call it, because in conversations with him, it is a cake of him for ulcerativeness, mercilessness in words. It was her word about the madness of Chatsky that became decisive in the fate of the main character.

Important in the play and secondary and episodic characters. For example, Lisa, cliffs are directly involved in the development of a love conflict, complicating and deepening it. Episodic characters that appear visiting Famusov (Toguhovskiy, Hryumina, Zagoretsky), fully reveal the morals of the Famusov society.

Development of dramatic action

The analysis of the actions of "burning from the mind" will allow to identify the compositional features of the work and features of the development of dramatic action.

The exposition of the comedy can be considered all the phenomena of the first action before the arrival of Chatsky. Here the reader gets acquainted with the place of action and learn not only about the love of Sofia and Molchalin, but also that before Sofya had a gentle feeling towards the Chatkom, who had to go through the light. The appearance of the Chatsky in the seventh phenomenon of the first action is the tie. Next follows the parallel development of social and love conflicts. The conflict of Chatsky with the Famovsky society reaches its peak on the ball is the culmination of action. The fourth action, 14 of the comedy phenomenon (Chatsky's final monologue) is a union of both a public and love line.

In the junction, Chatsky is forced to retreat before the Famovsky society, because he is in the minority. But it can hardly be considered defeated. Just the time of Chatsky has not yet come, the split in the noble medium only outlined.

The peculiar feature of the play

Research and analysis of the work of the "Mount of Mind" will detect its bright originality. Traditionally, "grief from the mind" is considered to be the first Russian realistic play. Despite this, it survived the features inherent in classicism: "talking" names, the unity of time (the events of the comedy occur within one day), the unity of the place (the play of the play unfolds in the Famusov House). However, Griboedov refuses unity: in the comedy, two conflicts are developing in parallel, which contradicts the traditions of classicism. The formula of romanticism is also clearly seen in the formula: an exceptional hero (Chatsky) in unusual circumstances.

Thus, the relevance of the problems of the play, its unconditional innovation, the aphoricity of the comedy language is not only of great importance in the history of Russian literature and dramaturgy, but also contribute to the popularity of comedy from modern readers.

Test on the work

  1. "To Sophia Pavlovna is difficult to treat not cute" (I. A. Goncharov). (Sophia causes sympathy: she is smart, but does not understand people. She has no ideas and beliefs. Exaggerated by pride, desire to patronize a weaker, gullibility, "book" understanding about life - these are the qualities that explain her love for silence and rejection Chatsky.)
  2. Contracted in my assessment of the personality and behavior of Sofia.
    1. The sincerity of the girl's behavior in relations with people is excellent quality. (Sofya Nicknie, except father, does not lie. Father - an exception: she foresees the scandal if he finds out about her love for akin to "rooted" secretary ("Who is poor, he is not a couple"). Favoring Chatsky, she is cold with him, sees The disadvantages are that it used to seemed to her advantages, rather vasitive and ironic. In silence sees (alas!) Sincere, honest, in love with her, decent, but dependent, and because of a timid man. She strives to cheer him up, and therefore does not hide his tenderness .)
    2. She is only seventeen! (Sophia is very young, so it touches the apparent sincerity of Molchalin, his timidity, uncertainty in herself, the desire to everyone likes, even the luckyness, which is mocking the Chatsky. I think the seventeen-year-old girl knowing life only in French novels, it can be forgiven.)
    3. The ugliness of the upbringing of Sofia in the house of the Father. (I am striking that Sophia has no own ideas, beliefs. But how did they have to be? Father did not care her upbringing. Maybe it's for the better: what could he teach a daughter?! Sentimental novels, Kuznetsky Bridge, "Second Mother" - Frenchwoman Father, light gossip - this is from where she scored knowledge of life. Smart from nature, Sophia did not receive spiritual food and created his invented world, in which he felt like Mrs, the patroness of the weaknesses. From pity silent, love was born. I understand her and therefore forgive a lot.)
    4. What influenced the ratio of Sophia to Chatkomu? (The arrival of Chatsky, his activity, stinging statements about what she became expensive, Sophia took (and right!) How to attempt on the world invented by her. I think, be Chatsky more careful in my statements (especially about silence!), She would argue With him, defending his rightness, and so his anger, ulcer caused a hostile attitude towards him (after all, she believed in Love Molchalin). It's hard to condemn sophia for it. Again, her inexperience, ignorance of life and people. I I understand her condition, sincerely excitement, when Molchanin fell from a horse, and I'm sorry for a girl who allowed himself to fool himself.) Material from site.
    5. How will the cruel lesson who taught it will affect sofya? (I think that he will change her, although not sure that for the better. Perhaps the hypocrisy of Molchalin will destroy her faith in people, in their sincerity and decency. What will remain in life? Ideas, beliefs, public interests and before Yes, and nowhere to take them. Accidentally broken hearing about the madness of the Chatsky, who also witnessed her humiliation, forever removed them from each other. Will Sophia Mrs. Scalosube? It is the final moral death. Sorry for a girl!)
  3. The complexity of the relationship to Sofye is inevitable. (Young Famusova Walkan from contradictions. After Chapsky, she is the most tragic figure in comedy).