Why the comedy is inexpensive in modern theaters. Overall on the topic: What is the relevance of the comedy inexpensive, Fonvizin

Why the comedy is inexpensive in modern theaters. Overall on the topic: What is the relevance of the comedy inexpensive, Fonvizin
Why the comedy is inexpensive in modern theaters. Overall on the topic: What is the relevance of the comedy inexpensive, Fonvizin
What do you laugh? Laugh on yourself! N. V. Gogol from that memorable day (September 24, 1782), when the premiere of the comedy Dmitry I. Fonvizin "Nepali" took place, many-many years have passed. No longer serfs. The state system changed three times. And the comedy is alive and, apparently, never becombs. It raised the eternal problems of all people: how to educate children, in which the civilian duty of every person is, what should state power be. The colorful figure of spacetime times causes a friendly laughter, but at the end of the play involuntarily think: when the mother pursues the mother in everything in everything, is it like a simple one? Two worlds face "inexpensive". Stariodes, Pravdin, Milon and Sophia personify the world of high ideals of enlightenment, honor, civil validity, kindness and decency. Prostaki and cattle live in the world of ignorance, violence, dishonesty, meanness. The eternal collision of good and evil! The play wins well, but only thanks to the intervention "from above." What has changed now? Is good and justice always triumph? The two worlds continue to confront each other. We are increasingly observing examples of cruelty and violence. And all starts with education. Recall how differently belongs to the upbringing of beginners and prostakov. "Not he is rich who counts money to hide them in the chest, and the one who counts up too much to help the one who does not need," says the beginnings with his young niece. Not all the current parents give such advice to their children. On the contrary, it is very often possible to hear the opposite: "Take it! Do not give! Do not dare to give up! " But this is the same as Prostakova taught: "I found money - I did not share with anyone. All yourself take, Mitrofanushka. " The ignorance of Mitrofan in the play, of course, intentionally exaggerated. But the reluctance to learn is found today, when increasingly relying on not knowledge, but for money. Fonvizin dreamed of general enlightenment, and in first place it was not the formation of itself, but the mind connected to the "admonition". According to the senior, the enlightenment elevates only a virtuous soul, and in a depraved man science "There is a troop weapon to do evil." Fonvizin seemed to foresee the detrimental consequences of scientific discoveries, if they enjoy unworthy people: let the good mind be with us, and the heart will be smart! The names of the heroes of the play, especially its main character, have long been nominable, and this indicates the incredit meaning of "inexpressible". Some heroes are moving from one book to another. Cattlenins, for example, come to life in the novel Pushkin: Cattle, Chet gray, with children of all ages, counting from thirty to two years ... Mitrofanushka is ignorant. But ignorant and fool is not the same thing. Mitrofan is ignorant, but not a fool. He could say about herself with the words of Petrush Greeneva from the "Captain Daughter": "I lived a bare-poison, chasing the pigeons ... Meanwhile, I will have passed sixteen years. Here my fate changed. " Much coincides: both the pigeon, and age and the teachers they have the same. "I went to serve ..." says Mitrofan Pravdin. "It's time to service," the Father Greeneva decides. From this minute, the fate of these two "inexpensive" diverges. All his life Petrusha Grinev will remember the farewell of the Father: "Take care of the honor of the Smoloda." Nobody spoke to Mitrofan such words. As you can see, Pushkin did not forget the comedy of Fonvizin. Remember her and we. In some respects, this is a tutorial for all of us. How modern phonvizin reasoning about honor, patriotism, posts! I think that the head of each country should remember the words of Fonvizin on the appointment of the monarch: "He is sure to answer not only for the bad thing that did, but also for good, whom he did not." For the crimes of officials, the highest officials are responsible - said Fonvizyn. The brilliant humor of his strikingly grooming, he is always to the place. Recall, for example, the moraling of the foxes from the translated phonvizin Basni "Lisicino moralization": "When you want to steal, then there is so much so much so that you can pay off for what is punished by ordinaryly small thieves, and not big." Elders in the comedy "inexpensive" tells us that "an honest person without a large rank is the premium special, that virtue is replaced by everything, and there can not replace any virtues." The main thing is to be honest. Particularly necessary in the family, so that the children see the sample of honesty, decency, in one word, virtue, in the face of their parents. Then the son will not turn away from the mother into a difficult moment for her, and brother from his sister. Then there will be no thirant in the family. Then the enlightenment will be all for the benefit. Just not allow our lives to "catchy"!

In the Comedy "Nepalosha" D.I.Fonvizin puts one of the most important problems of society: the upbringing and education of the younger generation. In the play caricaturely depicts the "educational process" in the family of landowners of spacers. Satirically depicting the morals of the local nobles, showing their complete ignorance in how they prepare children to life and activities in society, the writer sought condemn the similar approach to upbringing. Mitrofan's mother is forced (except for the main care - about nutrition of his son) to demonstrate the execution of the decree on the formation of noble children, although in his will one would never be forced a favorite child to "useless teaching."

The author satirically depicts Mitrofan lessons in mathematics, geography, Russian. His teachers were Dyacchi Kuteyukin, the retired Sergeant Tsyfirkin and the German Motherman, who were not far away from the landowners hired. During the lesson of "Arichmets", when the teacher proposed to solve the task of division, the mother advises her son to not share with anyone, but to give it all. And geography, in the opinion of the prostata, the Barina is not needed, because there are cabins that will take where it is necessary.

A special combination of the "exam" scene is penetrated, in which Mitrofan showed all his knowledge. He sought to convince the "Commission" as "far away" in studying, for example, Russian. And therefore sincerely assured that the word "door" can be nouns and adjective, depending on the location of the location. Mitrofan has achieved such results, thanks to Mother, in the whole sheltered lazy son, who used to do only what I liked: Yes, to sleep, climb on the dovethe and see from all those surrounding unquestionable submission, the fulfillment of his desires. In the circle of interests, student was not included.

In those conditions that are displayed in the comedy, the children could not be very different from their parents, since ignorant people are not able to raise in their siblos to knowledge to knowledge, the desire to become educated and intelligent citizens who would consciously prepare for the ministry of Fatherland. My father and mother of Mitrofan do not even know how to read, and Uncle "Note did not read anything": "God ... delivered this boredom." The life interests of these landowners are extremely narrowed: satisfaction of needs, passion for profit, the desire to arrange a marriage by calculation, and not for love (due to the dowry Sophia cattle, I would like to "buy more pigs"). They have no concept of debt and honor, but the desire to rule is immensely developed. Prostakova Grub, cruel, inhuman in relation to the fortress peasants. "Cattle, Vorovskaya Kharya" and other curses are awarded, and a fee for labor was "five tumakov per day and five rubles per year." The same owner will be Mitrofan, who since childhood is scary with the cruel treatment of serfs. He and teachers consider servants, wanting to subordinate to his Barski Will.

Mrs. Prostakova in mental attitude "too simple" and "delicacy is not trained." All questions solves swearing and fists. Her brother, cattle, belongs to the group of people who in the image and likeness to their close animals. For example, Cattlenin says: "Mitrofan loves pigs for the fact that he is my nephew. But why did I add to the pig so much? " On this statement, Mr. Prostakov answers him: "There is some kind of similarity." Indeed, the son of prostacle Mitrofan is in many ways similar to Mother and Uncle. For example, he does not have desire for knowledge, but he eats a lot, and at sixteen it has quite overweight. Mother declares tailor that she has a "delicate addition". The needs of Mitrofan reports nanny of Eremeevna: "Five buns to be spilled to breakfast".

The purpose of D.I. Fonvizin was not only riding, the impact of the morals of the local nobility, but also a satirical image of the existing orders in society, in the state. Despotism destroys humanity in man. The writer justifies its conclusions about the need to cancel the serfdom, showing how in his own way they understood some landowners "Decree of the Validity of Noble", other royal decrees supporting serfs. Features of the life and life of the local nobles are that they are for virtue accept the succity of the morals, since they have a lawless rule, therefore, they flourished in their society, lawlessness, immorality.

The comedy "inexpensive" is aimed at the impact of the vices of society. Satirically depicting the morals of landowners, their "methods of education", Fonvizin sought conclusions about how people should not be to raise children so that new Mitrofanushki nobility appeared among the nobles. The life principles of Mitrofan are directly opposite to the convictions of an enlightened person. The author of the work created not positive, but a negative image. He wanted to show "worst decent fruit," therefore, therefore, the worst sides of the landlord of life were captured by serfs, and also highlighted the vices of the young generation.

Prostakov's landowner brought up her son in his image and likeness (as her parents once grown) and instigated him the qualities that needed necessary, so Mitrofan has already defined the goals and priorities for himself, and they are as follows:
- does not want to learn;
- work or service do not seduce, better pigeons drive on dull;
- Food for him has become the most important of pleasures, and daily overeating - norm;
- greed, greed, misfortune - qualities to help achieve full well-being;
- rudeness, cruelty and inhumanity - the necessary principles of a serfthrower;
- Cunning, intrigue, deception, fraud - habitual funds in the struggle for their own interests;
- The ability to adapt, that is, please in front of representatives of the authorities and to exercise lawlessness with people dysfect, is one of the conditions of attributive life.

For each of these "principles" in the comedy "inexpensive" there are examples. The author wanted to make fun, to implan the low morals of many landowners, so in the creation of images used such techniques like satire, irony, hyperbole. For example, Mitrofan complains the mother that he was frowning: "In the morning, I did not eat anything, only five buns," and last night "did not dinner at all - only the Slice of the three, and the subsidence (buns) five or six. Also with sarcasm and dislike the author of "Tract for knowledge" at Mitrofan, who is going to arrange the "Task" of the old nurse for asking him to learn a little. And on the lessons, he agrees to go only when performing the conditions set by him: "... so that this was the last time and so that today is to be a collusion" (about marriage).

Mrs. Podostakova puddifier lyinglessly lies, that her son "because of the book does not get up on the day." And Mitrofan enjoys an incompleteness, blind love of the mother, he learned well how to seek the fulfillment of his desires. This inexpensive one-day, rude, tough is not only in relation to the nurse or other fortress peasants, but even in relation to the mother for which he is the main reflection. "Yes, harvest, Mother, as imposed!" - Pushes the son of Mama when she is trying to find support from him.

The conclusion of an old man made in the Final of the Plays ("Here is the grievance of decent fruits!"), Returns viewers and readers to previous facts that explain and clearly show how the characters like Mitrofan and his mother are formed in society.

The decision of Poddina to send Mitrofanushka to the service of the noble son perceives unquestioned. But the question arises, at which there is no answer in the comedy, although it is meant: "Can Mitrofan benefit in the service of Fatherland?" Of course not. For that, he created D.I.Fonvizin his comedy to show the society, which "cheap" brought up by the landowners and in whose hands there may be the future of Russia.

Fonvizin wrote his comedy in the distant 1781. The premiere of this play took place in 1782 and left the audience ambiguous impressions. For that time, it was a non-standard and unexpected production, rarely who could easily put the urgent problems of humanity to everyone's review, open their eyes to their vices. "Cheap" still collects full halls, as problems affected in it are relevant in our lives.

The play was conceived by D.I.

Phonwan, as a comedy for one of the main themes of the Epoch of Enlightenment - the topic of education. But later, "inexpensive" turned into something more. In addition to the topication of Fonvizin raised the problem of the Nobala relations with serfs in society.

The comedy, written more than two centuries ago, did not lose its relevance today. One of the central problems in the work is the problem of upbringing. A significant part of the work is devoted to ridicuing the upbringing of Mitrofanushki. Mitrofan does not respect the hired teachers, does not want to perceive anything, and his mother Ms. Prostakakova pursues him in all. It does not matter the formation of a son, it is important for her that she can boast that her son has many teachers and among them there is even a foreigner. It takes only their own prestige. But today there are such Mitrofans who do not want to learn. Many schoolchildren go to school not for knowledge, but because "it is necessary."

No less important was the problem of serfs. In those years, the peasants treated as things: they could sell them, exchange for something and more. Fonvizin tried to show people the inhumanity of some landowners in relation to the fortress people on the example of Mrs. Prostaya, which was souselessly mocked over the peasants without any reason. The author sympathizes the fate of ordinary people, such as Trishka and Eremeev, is trying to open eyes to the shortcomings of the society in which they live. And at least in our time there is no serfdom, in some people there are still cruelty and hatred in relation to others. Classroom hatred, war, racial enmity, national conflicts - all this exists in our world. I believe that you need to solve these problems. Fonvizin in his work very accurately showed that coarse, evil and stupid people do not achieve anything good in this life.

The comedy "inexpensive" rightfully occupies an important place in the classical literature. After all, many years later, the problems affected in it will be relevant, and if the society finds a solution to these problems, then "inexpensive" will be reminded of what they left, and why should not be returned to the former lifefower.

    One of the main heroes of the comedy "inexpensive" Fonvizin is the prostacle Mitrofan Terentyevich, the nobility son of spacen. The name of Mitrofan means "similar", similar to the mother. Maybe the name of Mrs. Prostakova wanted to show that her son is reflected ...

    Prostakova - Rough and Unbridled Nature. She drove, if he does not meet resistance, and at the same time cowardly, when it comes into force. Ruthless to those who are in her power, she is humiliated, ready to lie in the legs, navigating the petition ...

    D. I. Fonvizin was destined to live in a rather gloomy era of the reign of Catherine II, when the inhuman forms of operation of serf peasants reached that limit, followed only the peasant riot. It scarecrowed Russian self-catering, ...

    The comedy "inexpensive" has absorbed the entire experience gained by phonvizin earlier, and in the depth of ideological issues, on the courage and originality of the found artistic solutions remains unsurpassed masterpiece of Russian drama of the XVIII century ....

    The play was conceived by D.I. Phonwisin as a comedy for one of the main topics of the Epoch of Enlightenment - as a comedy about the upbringing. But subsequently the plan of the writer has changed. The comedy "Lady" is the first Russian socio-political comedy, and the topic of education is connected ...

  1. New!

    In the very year, when the fate of the Paninsky party was decided, when Panin himself lost strength, Fonvizin opened the fight in the literature and fought to the end. The central moment of this battle was "inexpensive", added a little earlier, about 1781, but supplied in 1782 ...

Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin wrote a comedy "inexpensive" in an autocracy era. The author rises a system of upbringing and education used in noble families, and creates images of ignorant landowners.

The meaning of the word "inexpensive"

So, let's try to figure out what the word "inexistant" means. The meaning of the comedy name is difficult to determine, without understanding its meaning. Originally called young nobles, who have not yet reached the age of majority and have not received the public service. The second meaning appeared after the comedy of the Fonvizin comedy. In the word "inexpensive" began to call the nearly dark young man, the debugulation. The main hero of the comedy, Mitrofanushka, is the personification of a young man, mired in ignorance and nonsense.

Having an idea of \u200b\u200bthe meaning of this word, the meaning of the name of the comedy of the phonvizin "inexpensive" will understand much easier.

Problems raised in comedies

The name of the work is the characteristic of the whole era and raises young nobles and denounces the morals that reign among representatives of this class.

Fonvizin picked up very bold and original for writing the play "inexpensive." The meaning of the comedy name helps to see the problems of the society of that time.

All scenes of the works are filled with merciless and caustic satira, implanting the life structure of simple and cattle.

So, the first problem that worries phonvizin is the deplorable state of the society of society. Through the replicas of Starodua and Praddina, the author expresses the idea that the complete power of landowners over serfs and the lack of a proper example of the highest society was the cause of complete arbitrariness. As a result, representatives of the noble class forgot about their duties and class honor, which practically led to the degeneration of the class.

So the problem of the degradation of representatives of the nobility in the play "Nepali" is covered. The meaning of the name of the comedy opens more fully, if you know the seizure of the society of that time.

The second problem that the author raises is a question of upbringing. His Fonvizin considers in detail in the work of "inexpensive". The meaning of the comedy name is largely associated with spaces in this area. The sarcasm of the Fonvizin, with whom he depicts the scene of the Mitrofanushka exam, is a sentence of raising cattle and spacen.

This problem concerns the author so much for the reason that we are talking about the advanced members of society. It is bad that a young nobleman, the debt of which is the service of Fatherland, is brought up in the absence of moral principles with full indifference to parents to the interests of society. The Hero of the Comedy, Mitrofan, did not have other desires, except to drive pigeons, eat and marry.

Court life is an example for such education, because nobles have long forgotten what kind of service for the benefit of the state.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcomedy

The meaning of the name of the Comedy of Fonvizin "Nepal" will become more clear if you turn to the idea that the author laid in his work. Denis Ivanovich wanted to show that "inexpensive" will forever remain "inexpensive" and will never change, it will not develop morally and spiritually.

Name of the name of the main character

Literally translates into Russian as "representing his mother", which means it is like her. And there is. The boy's mother is the leader in the family, it is on her who seeks to be similar. Mitrofanushka is not deprived of the natural mind, intelligence, but uses these qualities exclusively in their own interests. He is Mamienkin Son. Mitrofanushka spoiled, peep, capricious.

The meaning of the name of the play "inexpensive" opens to an even greater degree after the realization that the name is chosen by the author not by chance.

The relevance of the problem of education

To understand how much the education that Fononvion is raised in its work should be understood what is happening in modern society.

Of course, the school today is not always able to awaken the child's interest in learning. In addition, many parents seek to educate, because it is necessary for a tick, often a conveyance is understanding to Chad.

As a result, it turns out that in our time the problem marked by the author of the comedy "inexpensive" did not lose its relevance.

What a comedy can teach a child

Above the highlights of Fonvizin wanted to convey to readers in the play "Nepali". The characteristic of the comedy cannot be complete without referring to what this work can teach a child.

On the example of Mitrofanushka, which the author rises, the apprentice of the eighth grade can come to understanding how important it is to learn, be independent, responsible.

The relevance of this comedy is manifested in the fact that it is often put in the theater. Spectators of different ages gladly look at her, laugh and, of course, make the necessary conclusions.