The five most acute conflicts between the USSR and China. Daman conflict

The five most acute conflicts between the USSR and China. Daman conflict
The five most acute conflicts between the USSR and China. Daman conflict

The history of the emergence of the conflict is rooted in 1860, when China (then another Qing Empire) gave way to Russia in Central Asia and Primorye's extensive land in Central Asia and Primorye.

After the Second World War in the Far East, the USSR received a very reliable and devotional ally in the form of the People's Republic of China. Soviet assistance in war with Japan 1937-1945. And in the Civil War in China against the forces of the Romintana made Chinese communists very loyal in relation to the Soviet Union. The USSR, in turn, willingly used the benefit of the strategic situation.

However, in 1950, the world in the Far East was destroyed by the war broken in Korea. This war was a logical consequence of the four years earlier than the Cold War. The desire of two superpowers - USSR and the United States - to combine the Korean peninsula under the rule of the friendly regime led to bloodshed.

Initially, success was entirely on the side of Communist Korea. Her troops managed to break the resistance of a small army of the south and rushed deep into South Korea. However, the latest US and UN forces soon came to the rescue, as a result of which the offensive was stopped. In the fall of 1950, a landing land was planted in the district capital of the DPRK - Cities of Seoul, and therefore the North Korean army began hasty retreat. The war threatened to end the defeat of the North in October 1950.

In this situation, the threat of the emergence of the capitalist and clearly not friendly state has ever increased. The ghost of the Civil War also hung over the PRC, so it was decided to intervene in the war in Korea on the side of the Communist Forces.

As a result, China became a "unofficial" conflict party, and the course of war has changed again. For a very short time, the front line again sank to the 38th parallel, which almost coincided with the demarcation line before the war. Here the front and stopped until the end of the conflict in 1953.

After the Korean War in Soviet-Chinese relations, China's aspiration was most noticeable to leave the USSR's "suzerita" to lead their own, fully independent foreign policy. And the reason was not forced to wait.

Gap between the USSR and China

In 1956, the XX CPSS Congress was held in Moscow. The result was the refusal of the Soviet leadership from the cult of the personality of I. V. Stalin and actually a change in the country's foreign policy doctrine. In China, they were closely followed by these changes, but the delight did not experience them. Ultimately, Khrushchev and his apparatus were announced in China with revisionists, and the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party revised the foreign policy of the state.

That period in China is called the beginning of the "war of ideas between China and the USSR". The Chinese leadership put forward a number of requirements for the Soviet Union (for example, the Annexia of Mongolia, the transfer of nuclear weapons, etc.) and at the same time tried to show the United States and other capitalist countries that the PRC is not a smaller opponent of the USSR than they.

The gap between the Soviet Union and China was keen and deepened. In this regard, all Soviet specialists who worked there were exported from the PRC. In the highest echelons of the USSR, irritation increased about the foreign policy of "Maoists" (so called followers of Mao Zedun's policies). At the Chinese border, the Soviet leadership was forced to keep a very impressive group, giving himself a report in the unpredictability of the Chinese government.

In 1968, events occurred in Czechoslovakia, later the name "Prague Spring". Changing the political course of the government of the country led to the fact that at the end of August of the same year, the Soviet leadership was forced to intervene in this process to avoid the beginning of the collapse of the Warsaw Treaty. In Czechoslovakia, the troops of the USSR and other countries of the Warsaw Treaty were introduced.

The Chinese leadership condemned the actions of the Soviet side, as a result of which relations between the countries deteriorated. But as it turned out, the worst was still ahead. By March 1969, the situation for military conflict was completely abandoned. It was heated in a huge amount since the beginning of the 1960s provocations from the Chinese side. It was often not only the Chinese military, but also peasants, demonstratively engaged in the eyes of the Soviet border guards to the Soviet territory. Nevertheless, all the violators won back without the use of weapons.

By the end of the 1960s, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe island of Damansky and at other sites of the Soviet-Chinese border, there were also full collisions with the participation of military personnel of both parties. The scale and the audacity of the provocations steadily grew.

The Chinese leadership pursued the goals not only and not so much military victory as a visual demonstration of the US leadership, that the PRC is the enemy of the USSR, and therefore may be if not an ally, then at least a reliable partner of the United States.

Battles on March 2, 1969

On the night of March 1 to March 2, 1969, a group of Chinese military personnel from 70 to 80 people crossed the Ussuri River and landed on the West Bank of Damansky Island. Up to 10:20 am, the Group remained unnoticed by the Soviet side, as a result of which Chinese soldiers had the opportunity to carry out reconnaissance and plan further actions based on the situation.

At about 10 o'clock 20 minutes in the morning, on March 2, the Soviet post of observation was noticed by a group of Chinese servicemen in Soviet territory. A group of border guards led by the border of the USSR border, led by the head of the 2nd Nizhne-Mikhaylovka post, Senior Lieutenant I. Strelnikov. Upon arrival at the island, the group was divided. The first part under the command of I. Strelnikova moved towards the Chinese military workers who were on the ice in the south-western tip of the island of Damansky; Another group under the command of Sergeant V. Rabovich moved along the shore of the island, which cuts off a group of Chinese military personnel, moving deep into Damansky.

After about 5 minutes, the Strelnikov Group approached the Chinese military personnel. I. Strelnikov protested them in connection with the violation of the state border of the USSR, but the Chinese in response suddenly opened fire. At the same time, another group of Chinese soldiers opened fire on the group V. Rabovich, as a result of which the Soviet border guards were caught by surprise. In a rapid battle, both Soviet groups were almost completely destroyed.

The shooting on the island heard the head of the neighboring 1st outpost "Culebyakina Soping" Senior Lieutenant V. Bibenin. He decided to advance with 23 fighters on the BTR in the direction of Damansky to the help of neighbors. However, approaching the island, the senior lieutenant group was forced to take defense, because the Chinese troops were transferred to the offensive in order to master the island of Damansky. Nevertheless, the Soviet military personnel courageously and stubbornly defended the territory, not allowing the enemy to reset them into the river.

Understanding that a long time, such a state of affairs can not continue, Senior Lieutenant Bibenin accepted a very brave decision, which in essence decided the outcome of the battle for the island of Damansky on March 2. Its essence was in the raid in the rear of the Chinese group with the aim of her disorganization. On BTR-60PB V. Bibenin went to the rear to the Chinese, the rich northern part of the island of Damansky, causing a serious damage to the enemy. However, BTR Bibenin was soon chosen, as a result of which the commander decided to get to the BTR of the Killed Senior Lieutenant I. Strelnikov. This idea was a success, and soon V. Bibenin continued to move along the orders of Chinese troops, inflicting the loss. So, as a result of this raid, the Chinese command post was also destroyed, but soon the second BTR was shot down.

Commanded the group of surviving border guards Junior Sergeant Y. Babansky. Their Chinese displace from the island did not succeed, and already at 13 o'clock the violators began the removal of troops from the island.

As a result of the battle on March 2, 1969, on the island of Damansky, the Soviet troops lost 31 people killed and 14 injured. The Chinese side, according to Soviet data, lost 39 people killed.

Situation March 2-14, 1969

Immediately after the end of the battle on the island of Damansky, the command of the Imansky border detachment arrived here for planning further actions and suppress further provocations. As a result, it was decided to strengthen borderline outfits on the island, the transfer of the additional forces of the border guards. In addition to this, the 135th motorized rifle division was expanded in the area of \u200b\u200bthe island, reinforced by the newest plants of the Hallery Fire "Grad". At the same time, from the Chinese side for further actions against the Soviet troops, the 24th Infantry Regiment was deployed.

However, the parties were not limited to military maneuvers. On March 3, 1969, a demonstration was held at the Soviet embassy in Beijing. Participants demanded it from the Soviet leadership "to stop aggressive actions against the Chinese people." At the same time, Chinese newspapers published false and propaganda materials, arguing that the Soviet troops allegedly invaded the territory of China and fired Chinese troops.

From the Soviet side, an article was published in the newspaper "Pravda", in which the shame of Chinese provocateurs was branded. There is more reliably and objectively described the course of events. On March 7, the Chinese embassy in Moscow was picketed, the demonstrators threw it with bubbles with ink.

Thus, events March 2-14 in fact did not change the course of events, and it became clear that new provocations on the Soviet-Chinese border were not far off.

Fights 14-15 March 1969

At 15 hours on March 14, 1969, Soviet troops received an order to leave Damansky Island. Immediately after this, the island began to occupy Chinese military personnel. In order to prevent this, the Soviet side of Damansky was directed 8 BTrov, seeing which, the Chinese immediately moved to their shore.

By the evening of the same day, the Soviet border guards were given an order to occupy an island. Soon after, the band under the command of Lieutenant Colonel E. Yanshina fulfilled the order. On the morning of March 15, a fire from 30 to 60 stems of Chinese artillery suddenly opened a fire on Soviet troops, after which the three companies of the Chinese moved to the offensive. Nevertheless, the enemy failed to break the resistance of the Soviet troops and master the island.

However, the situation became critical. In order not to allow to destroy the Yanshina group, another group under the command of Colonel D. Leonov, who joined the oncoming battle with the Chinese in the southern tip of the island. In this battle, the Colonel died, but the price of serious losses of his group managed to keep busy positions and cause significant damage to the enemy's troops.

After two hours, the Soviet troops who spent ammunition were forced to start a departure from the island. Using a numerical advantage, the Chinese began to occupy an island again. However, at the same time, the Soviet leadership decided to apply fire strike forces by the enemy from the "Hrad" attitudes, which was made about 17 hours. The result of Artudar was simply stitching: the Chinese suffered huge losses, their mortars, tools, and the reinforcements located on the island were almost completely destroyed.

10-20 minutes after art preparation, motorized trigs were switched to the offensive together with the border guards under the command of Lieutenant Colonels Smirnov and Konstantinov, and the Chinese troops had a hurry left the island. At about 19:00, the Chinese took a number of counterattacks, which quickly choked quickly, as a result of which the situation had practically not changed.

As a result of the events of March 14-15, Soviet troops suffered losses in 27 people killed and 80 wounded. Chinese losses were strictly classified, but it can be said that they range from 60 to 200 people. The main part of these losses, the Chinese suffered from the fire of reactive plants of the Hallery Fire "Grad".

The five Soviet servicemen for heroism, manifested in the battles on the island of Damansky, was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. This is Colonel D. Leonov (posthumously), senior lieutenant I. Strelnikov (posthumously), Junior Sergeant V. Orekhov (posthumously), senior lieutenant V. Bibenin, Junior Sergeant Y. Babansky. Also about 150 people were awarded other government awards.

Consequences of conflict

Immediately after the end of the battle, the Damansky Soviet troops were assigned to the Ussuri River. Soon the ice on the river was touched, and the crossing for Soviet border guards was very difficult than and the Chinese soldiers took advantage. At the same time, contacts between the Soviet and Chinese troops were reduced only to machine gun shootings, the end of which was laid in September 1969. By this time, the Chinese actually occupied the island.

Nevertheless, the provocations on the Soviet-Chinese border after the conflict on the island of Damansky did not stop. So, in August of the same year, another major Soviet-Chinese border conflict occurred - the incident at Lake Jalanashkol. As a result, the relationship between the two states reached a truly critical mark - the nuclear war between the USSR and the PRC was close as ever.

Another result of the border conflict on the island of Daman was the fact that the Chinese leadership realized that it was impossible to continue aggressive policies against the northern neighbor. The depressing state of the Chinese army, once again revealed during the conflict, only strengthened this guess.

The result of this border conflict was the change in the state border between the USSR and China, as a result of which Damansky island passed under the power of the PRC.

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45 years ago, conflict began on the Soviet-Chinese border. During the clashes, 58 Soviet soldiers and officers died. However, the price of their lives managed to stop a big war.

Damansky (Zhenbodao) - A small uninhabited island on the Ussuri River. Length about 1500-1700 m, the width of about 500 m. The island was 47 m from Chinese and 120 m - from the Soviet coast. However, in accordance with the Peking Treaty of 1860 and the 1861 Card, the borderline line between the two states was not held by the Farvatera, but on the Chinese bank of Ussuri. Thus, the island itself was an integral part of the Soviet territory.

In the spring of 1969, the CPC Central Committee began preparations for the IX CCP Congress. In this regard, the Chinese leadership was very interested in the "victorious" conflict in the Soviet-Chinese border. First, the strike of the USSR could be uninstalled by the people under the banner of the "Great Quamchego". Secondly, the border conflict would confirm the correctness of the Mao course on the transformation of China to the military camp and the preparation in the war. In addition, the incident guaranteed a solid representation in the country's leadership and expanding the powers of the military.

In mid-1968, the Chinese military leadership studied an impact option in the Suifenhe area. Here, the main posts of Soviet border guards were near the territory of the PRC and seized them was simple. To solve this problem in Suifenha, divisions of the 16th Field Army were sent. However, ultimately the choice fell on the island of Damansky. According to the staff of the Research Institute of Modern China, the Academy of Social Sciences PRC Lee Danhuway, the Damansky area was not chosen by chance. On the one hand, as a result of the border negotiations of 1964, this island allegedly has already seen China, and, therefore, the reaction of the Soviet side should not be too turbulent. On the other hand, Damansky since 1947 was under the control of the Soviet Army, and, therefore, the effect of the campaign on this section of the border would be greater than in the area of \u200b\u200bother islands. In addition, the Chinese side was taken into account that the Soviet Union in the place chosen to attack had not yet created a sufficiently reliable base, which is necessary for the conduct of offensive operations, and, therefore, will not be able to apply a large-scale response strike.

On January 25, 1969, the Shenyansky Military District officers completed the development of a combat plan (the code name "Retribution"). For its implementation, approximately three infantry companies and a number of military units hidden on the island of Damansky were supposed to be used. On February 19, the plan under the code name "Retribution" was approved by the General Staff, agreed from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and then approved by the Central Committee of the CPC and Persian Mao Zedong.

By order of the General Staff of NAOK border willows in the Damansky area, at least one reinforced platoon, transformed in 2-3 patrol groups, was granted. The success of the action was to provide a sudden factor. After completing the task, a rapid waste of all forces on pre-prepared position was provided.

Moreover, special attention was paid to the importance of seizing the opponent's evidence of his guilt in aggression - samples of Soviet weapons, photoconders, etc.

Further events unfolded as follows.

On the night of March 1 to 2, 1969, a large number of Chinese servicemen secretly focused on their shores of the island. Later it was established that it was a regular NAK battalion, the number of more than 500 people, a five-volume composition with the support of two mortar and one artillery batteries. They were in service with tighting guns, large-caliber and machine guns, hand grenades. The battalion was equipped and armed in military time. Subsequently, there was evidence that he passed a semi-annual special training for conducting hostilities on the border. The same night by the forces of three infantry mouth with a number of about 300 people went on the island and ranked defense in front of the natural shaft. All Chinese military personnel were dressed in maskhalates, and their weapons are adjusted so that he has not published an extra sound (the shroms were filled with paraffin, the bayonets wrapped with paper so that they do not glimpse, etc.).

The positions of two 82 mm batteries and artillery (45-mm guns), as well as large-caliber machine guns, were located so that it was possible to fire on Soviet technique and the personnel of direct vending. Mortar batteries, as the analysis of the fighting, had clear coordinates of shooting. On the island itself, the battalion fire system was organized so that it is possible to conduct a barrier fire from all fighter funds to a depth of 200 to 300 meters, throughout the front of the battalion.

March 2, at 10.20 (local time) from Soviet observation posts received information on nomination from the Chinese border post "Huns" of two groups of military personnel in 18 and 12 people. They demonstratively headed towards the Soviet border. Head of the head of Nizhne-Mikhailovka Senior Lieutenant Ivan Strelnikov, having received a sanction on the expulsion of the Chinese, with a group of border guards on BTR-60PB (No. 04) and two cars came to meet the violators. The heads of the neighboring removal of V. Bambienin and Rustookhov were also informed about the happening. The head of the head "Kulebyakyn Sopov" Senior Lieutenant V. Bibenin was ordered to inspire a group of Strelnikov. It should be said that, despite the fact that the Chinese have tightened the military units during the week in their closest border, and before that a long time improved ways to enter the border, any measures to strengthen the removal or military observation by the command of the Pacific border It was. Moreover, on the day of the Chinese invasion of the Zadavina "Nizhne-Mikhailovka" was equipped only half. On the day of events, only one - Senior Lieutenant I. Strelnikov was located on the outstand instead of three officers. A little more personnel was and at the outpatient "Culebyakins".

At 10.40, the senior lieutenant I. Strelnikov arrived at the place of violation, ordered his subordinates to hurry, take the guns "on the belt" and turn around to the chain. Border guards crashed into two groups. The main commanded Strelnikov. The second group of 13 people headed the junior sergeant Rabovich. They covered the Strelnikov group on the side of the coast. Going to the Chinese about twenty-meters, the shooters said something to them, then raised her hand and pointed to the Chinese coast.
Head Shadow Senior Lieutenant I. Strelnikov.
An ordinary Nikolai Petrov who stood behind his back and filming, fixing the fact of the boundary disturbance and the order of expulsion of the violators. He made several frames with a camera FED "Zorky-4", and then raised the film. At this point, one of the Chinese sharply waved his hand.

Last pictures made by photo acronicle rank N.Petrov. A minute later, the Chinese will open fire on defeat and Petrov will be killed.

The first rank of Chinese was parted, and the soldiers standing in the second rank opened the automotive fire on Soviet border guards. Shooting was focused with 1-2 meters. The commander of the head of Senior Lieutenant I. Strelnikov, the operator of the Senior Lieutenant N. Buynevich, N. Petrov, I. Vetrich, A. Ionin, V. Iron, A. Ionin, V. Izotakov, died in place. At the same time, Fire on the Rovovich group was opened by the island. It was conducted from machine guns, automata and grenade launchers. Several border guards were killed immediately, the rest scattered and opened the retaliatory fire. However, being practically in the open space, they were very completely destroyed. After that, the Chinese began to finish wounded bayonets and knives. Some eyes are eye. Of the two groups of our border guards, only one - ordinary Gennady Silver remained alive. He got bullev wounds in the brush of the right hand, leg and lower back, "control" blow to the bayonet, but survived. Later, the loss of silver's consciousness was taken out of the border guards from the watchman's brigade, arriving for the help of the "Novo-Mikhailovka" posture.

By this time, a group of Junior Sergeant Yu Babansky arrived to the place of battle, who retained from Strelnikov (the group was detained due to the technical malfunction of the machine). The border guards were dispersed and opened the shooting of the Chinese, lay down on the island. In response, NAK soldiers opened fire from automata, machine guns and mortars. Mortar fire was concentrated on the standing BTR and the car. As a result, one of the cars - GAZ-69 was destroyed, another GAZ-66 is badly damaged. A few minutes later, Bratsky's crew arrived at the Baban's revenue. The fire from the tower machine guns, he suppressed the enemy's firepoints, which gave the opportunity to leave the Babansky group from under living border guards.

10-15 minutes after the start of the battle, a manbon group was approached by the battlement with the 1st border shop "Culebyakin Soping" under the command of Senior Lieutenant V. Bibenin.

"Looking out from the BTR, under the guise of the eastern shore," recalls V. Bibenin, "we turned into a chain and jumped out to the island. It is about 300 meters from the place where the tragedy has happened. But we haven't already known about it yet. Us It was 23 people. In combat manner, movement began in the direction of the fading shooting. When they delighted at about 50 meters, they saw that from the tree attacks us before the platoon of Chinese soldiers. They fled to meet, roar and led fire. Distance between us from 150 to 200 meters . It quickly cut. I not only heard shooting, but I saw a flame from the trunks. I understood that the battle began, but it was still hoping that it was not true. Hopefully hoped at the fright. "

The chinese's decisive attack was discarded for a bulk tree on the island. Despite the wound, Bibenin, heading the survivors, by the armored personnel carrier bypassed the island, from the rear suddenly attacked the Chinese.

"The tight mass of the Chinese," writes V. Bibenin, "jumping from the steep shore, rushed to the island through the duct. The distance to them is up to 200 meters. I opened fire from both machine guns for defeat. Our appearance in the rear turned out to be so much Unexpected that the running crowd sharply slowed his run and stopped, as if she came across a concrete wall. They were in full confusion. Even the fire was first not led. The distance between us was quickly reduced. Connected to shooting and automatic gunners. The Chinese have fallen like milk, many turned and rushed On my own coast. They climbed on him, but, the struggled, slipped down. The Chinese opened fire on their own, trying to return them into battle. Everything was mixed in this heap, fighting, cycling. Those who have unfolded, became groups to break into the island. In Some moment they turned out to be so close that we were shot at the focus, beat the board and crushed by the wheels. "

Despite the death of many border guards, the second wound of V. Bubenin and BTR damage, the fight continued. Rerep on the armored personnel carrier of the 2nd outpost, Bibenin struck the Chinese to the flank. As a result of an unexpected attack, the team point of the battalion and a large number of enemy's live strength were destroyed.

In the center of combat order, Sergeant Ivan Larachkin, ordinary Peter Plekhanov, Kuzma Kalashnikov, Sergey Rudakov, Nikolai Rudakov, fought. At the right flange, Junior Sergeant Alexei Pavlov was led by the fight. In his department were: Efreitor Victor Korjukov, ordinary Alexey Zmeyshev, Alexey Riestess, Vladimir Izotov, Islagli Nameretdinov, Ivan Wind, Alexander Ionin, Vladimir LEGORTOR, Peter Velichko and others.

By 14.00 the island has completely passed under the control of Soviet border guards.

According to official data, for two with a small hour, Soviet border guards were destroyed only on the island, not counting the docks - up to 248 Chinese soldiers and officers. During the fight on March 2, 31 Soviet border guards died. Things to varying varying degrees of severity received about 20 border guards, and the Efreitor Pavel Acoules was captured. After brutal torture, he was shot. In April, his disfigured body was dropped from a Chinese helicopter to Soviet territory. On the body of the Soviet border guard counted 28 bayonets. Eyewitnesses remember that almost all the hair on his head was extended, and those nurses that remained were completely gray.
The dead Soviet border guards
The attack of the Chinese on Soviet border guards treated the Soviet political and military leadership. On March 2, 1969, the USSR government sent a note to the PRC government, which sharply condemned Chinese provocation. In this, in particular, it was stated: "The Soviet government reserves the right to take decisive measures to curb provocations in the Soviet-Chinese border and warns the government of the People's Republic of China, which is all responsibility for the possible consequences of adventurous policy aimed at aggravating the situation on the border between China and the Soviet Union lies on the government of the People's Republic of China. " However, the Chinese side of the Soviet government was ignored.

In order to prevent possible repeated provocations, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe "Nizhne-Mikhailovka" and "Cupyakiny Sopgians", several reinforced motor-mahedral groups from the reserve of the Pacific Border District were transferred (two motorized rifle companies with two tank platforms and 120-mm mortar batteries). The 57th frontier, which included these outposts, was allocated additionally the link of the Mi-4 Ussuri border squadron helicopters. On the night of March 12, part of the 135th motorized rifle division of the Far Eastern Military District (Commander - General Neskov): 199th Motorized Relo Shelter, Artillery Regiment, 152th Separate Tank Battalion, 131th Separate Intelligence Battalion and Jet BM-21 division "Grad". The operational group was created by the head of the troops of the Pacific Border District, headed by the Deputy Head of the County Troops by Colonel M. Schechin.

Simultaneously with the strengthening of the border, unimportants were activated. According to intelligence, including aviation and space, the Chinese focused in the Area of \u200b\u200bDamansky major forces in the area - mostly infantry and artillery parts. In a depth of 20 kilometers, they created warehouses, control points and other structures. On March 7, on the Daman and Kirkino directions, a concentration was revealed to the infantry shelf of NAK with increased gain. 10-15 kilometers from the border exploration found up to 10 batteries of large-caliber artillery. By March 15, the Governorate was identified by the Chinese battalion, on the Imansky - regiment with the tanks, on Pantelyimonovsky - up to two infantry battalions, on Pavlovo-Fedorovsky to battalion. In total, the Chinese focused at the border a motor-flow division with reinforcement means.

These days, the Chinese and the Chinese and the Chinese, and applying even aviation for this. The Soviet side did not obstruct this by calculating that, seeing the real power of the Soviet side, they will cease provocative actions. That did not happen.

On March 12, a meeting of representatives of Soviet and Chinese border troops took place. During this meeting, the Chinese border officer of Khutou, referring to the indication of Mao Zedong, expressed the threat to the use of armed force against the Soviet border guards guarding Damansky Island.

On March 14, at 11.15 by the Soviet posts of observation, the nomination of the Chinese military group towards the island of Damansky was observed. She was cut off from the border and was forced to return to the Chinese bank.

At 17.30, two Chinese groups of 10-15 people came to the island. They installed four machine guns and other weapons on firing positions. At 18.45, they took the initial positions directly on the shore from it.

To protect the attack by 6.00 on March 15, a reinforced maneuverable group of the border project was put forward to the island under the command of Lieutenant Colonel E. Yanshina (45 people with grenade launchers) on 4 BTR-60PB. To support the group on the shore, the reserve was concentrated - 80 people (Sir Sergeant composition of the 69th border detachment of the Pacific Border District) on seven beaches with LNG and machine guns.

In 10.05, the Chinese began to capture the island. The road to the coming cleared the fire of about three mortar batteries, from three directions. The shelling was carried out in all suspicious areas of the island and the river where the Soviet border guards could take.

Janshina Group entered into battle.

"... In the commander car, there was a solid rumble, Chad, powder smoke," Remembers Yarshin. "I look, sulzhenko (he led the fire from the BTR machine guns) a fur coat dropped, then Bushlata unbuttoned the gymnasters gate ... I see, jumped the guy, threw the foot of the seat. And standing fires.

Without looking back, the hand of the new bank stretches. Chargeing rounds only managed to charge ribbons. Silently work, with one gesture understand each other. "Not hot, - shout, - saving the cartridges!" I specify him goals. And the opponent under the cover of fire again went to the attack. New wave to the shaft of Katit. Due to the solid fire, the explosions of mines and shells of neighboring BTrov is not visible. Command in the open text: "I go to the counterattack, Mankovsky and Klyga cover with fire from the rear." My driver's driver rushed a car forward, through a fire vest. Deftly maneuvering among the funnels, creates conditions for the sighting firing. Here the machine gun is fallen. Sulzhenko was confused for a moment. Recharges, presses the electrospace - only a single shot is followed. And the Chinese are running into growth. Sulzhenko opened the envelope cover, eliminated a malfunction. Machine guns earned. Commander Brelov: "Forward!" We scored another attack ... ".

Having lost a few people killed and three Brats, Yarshin was forced to move away to our coast. However, at 14.40, replacing the personnel and baked BTRR, replenishing the ammunition, he again attacked the enemy and knocked him out of occupied positions. Having tightening the reserves, the Chinese concentrated on the group massaged mortar, artillery and machine-gun fire. As a result, one BTR was bent. 7 people died immediately. A few minutes later the second BTR caught fire. Senior Lieutenant L. Mankovsky, covering the waste of her subordinate machine guns, stayed in the car and burned down. Surrounded and the BTR, which was commanded by Lieutenant A. Klyga. Only after half an hour, the border guards, "Fasting" a weak section of enemy positions, broke through the ring of the environment and connected with their own.

At the time when the island was a fight, nine T-62 tanks approached KP. According to some information - by mistake. The border command decided to take advantage of the submitted and repeat the successful Raid V. Bibenin, held on March 2. A group of three tanks was headed by the head of the Imansky border station Colonel D.Lonov.

However, the attack failed - this time the Chinese side was ready for such developments. When Soviet tanks approached the Chinese coast, a dense artillery and mortar fire was opened. The header was almost immediately chopped and lost its move. The Chinese focused on it all the fire. The rest of the platoon tanks moved to the Soviet coast. Attempting to get out of the beaten tank, the crew was shot from small arms. Colonel D. Leonov died, who received a deadly wound in the heart.

Damansky Island - view from a chinese side.

Two other tanks still managed to break through to the island and take the defense there. This allowed Soviet soldiers for another 2 hours to hold out in Damansky. Finally, shooting the entire ammunition and without receiving reinforcements, they left Damansky.

The failure of the counterattack and the loss of the newest combat vehicle T-62 with the secret equipment was finally convinced by the Soviet command in the fact that the forces introduced into battle is not enough to win over the Chinese side, which is prepared very seriously.

Captured T-62 Tank in the Nak Museum. Beijing.

Despite the big losses among border guards, Moscow continued to be stacked to enter the personnel army parts into battle. The position of the center is obvious. While fighting the border guards, everything was reduced to the border conflict, albeit with the use of weapons. Retracting the same regular parts of the armed forces turned a collision into an armed conflict or a small war. The latter, given the mood of the Chinese leadership, could pour into full-scale - and between two nuclear powers.

The political situation, apparently, was clear to everyone. However, in a situation where border guards died nearby, and the army units were in the role of passive observers, the indecisions of the country's leadership caused disagreement and natural indignation.

"The army team sat down on our line of communication, and I heard the commanders of the regiments wing their bosses for indecision," recalls the head of the political waste of the Imansky squad. .

When a report on two baked broods of the Yanshina group came from the battlefield, the deputy head of the headquarters of the Grodek squad, Major P. Kosinov, on a personal initiative, moved to help. Going to the boves of the car, he covered their crews by board her sample. Crews were removed from under fire. However, with a waste, his BTR was shot down. Leaving the last burning machine, Major Kosinov was injured in both legs. After some time, the lost consciousness of the officer was pulled out of the battle and, having counted the dead, put in the barn, where they were dead. Fortunately, the border guard examined the killed. He determined the pupils that Kosyinov was alive, and ordered to evacuate the wounded helicopter in Khabarovsk.

Moscow was still silent, and the commander of the Far Eastern Military District, Lieutenant-General O. Losik adopted the sole solution to help border guards. The commander of the 135th MSD was given an order to suppress the living force of the opponent by Arthogne, and then attack the 2nd battalion of the 199th motorized rifle shelf and the Moto-Motorenitudes of the 57th frontier.

At about 17.10, the artillery regiment and the division of the settings "Hrad" of the 135th MSD, as well as mortar batteries (Lieutenant Colonel D. Krymnikov) opened fire. He was conducted for 10 minutes. The blows were applied to a depth of 20 kilometers in Chinese territory (according to other data, the shelling area was 10 km on the front and 7 km in depth). As a result of this impact, reserves were destroyed, biphelation, warehouses, etc. enemy. A strong damage is caused by his troops that put forward to the Soviet border. In total, 1,700 shells from the mortars and the Grad Language Fire Systems were issued in the Damansky and the Chinese shore. At the same time, 5 tanks were moved to the attack, the 4th and 5th motorized rifle companies of the 2nd battalion of the 199th shelf (the commander - Lieutenant Colonel A. Smirnov) and one motoman group of border guards. The Chinese had a stubborn resistance, but soon they were knocked out from the island.

In battle on March 15, 1969, 21 border guards were killed 7 motorized rifles (military personnel of the Soviet Army), 42 border guards were injured. The losses of the Chinese amounted to about 600 people. In total, as a result of fighting in Damansky, Soviet troops lost 58 people. The Chinese are about 1000. In addition, 50 Chinese soldiers and officers were shot for cowardice. The number of wounded from the Soviet side, according to official data, amounted to 94 people, with Chinese - several hundred.

At the end of the fighting, 150 border guards received government awards. Including five were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (Colonel D.V. Leonov - posthumously, Senior Lieutenant I.I. Strelnikov - Poshthimously, Senior Lieutenant V. Bibenin, Jr. Sergeant Yu.V. Babansky, Multiple Department Commander 199th Motilateral shelf Junior Sergeant V.V. Orekhov), 3 people were awarded the orders of Lenin (Colonel A.D. Konstantinov, Sergeant V. Kanygin, Lieutenant Colonel E. Yangshin), 10 people were awarded the Order of the Red Banner, 31 - the Order of the Red Star, 10 - Order of Glory III Stensitive, 63 - Medal "For Cooking", 31 - Medal "For Combat Merit".

Member of the conflict on the island of Damansky Vitaly Bibenin: "You don't need to remember it every day, but also do not forget" ...

In China, the events on Damansky were proclaimed by the victory of Chinese weapons. Ten Chinese soldiers became the heroes of China.

In the official interpretation of Beijing, the events on Damansky looked as follows:

"On March 2, 1969, the grouping of Soviet border troops with a number of 70 people with two BTR, one cargo and one passenger cars invaded our island of Zhenbodao County Hoolin Province Hailongjiang, destroyed our patrol and then destroyed many of our border guards with fire. It forced our warriors to take action self-defense.

On March 15, the Soviet Union, which is not paying attention to the multiple warnings of the Chinese government, deployed the offensive on us with 20 tanks, 30 armored personnel carriers and 200 people infantry with the support of their aircraft.

Musially defeated island for 9 hours fighters and folk militias have endured three attacks of the enemy. On March 17, the opponent forces of several tanks, tractors and infantry tried to pull the tank baked earlier by our troops. The hurricane response artillery fire of our artillery destroyed a part of the enemy's forces, the survivors retreated. "

After the end of the armed clash in the Damansky district, a motorized rifle battalion, a separate tank battalion and a reactive division BM-21 "Hrad" of the 135th motorized rifle division remained at combat positions. By April, one motorized rifle battalion remained in the defense area, which was also ascended to the location of the permanent deployment. All approaches to Damansky from the Chinese side were mined.

At this time, the Soviet government took steps to resolve the situation with political means.

On March 15, the USSR leadership sent the Chinese side a statement in which a sharp prevention was made about the inadmissibility of armed border conflicts. In it, in particular, it was noted that "if further attempts to violate the inviolability of the Soviet territory, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics will be taken, then the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, all its peoples will resolutely defend it and give a crushing rebuffing such violations."

On March 29, the Soviet government again made a statement in which he was expressed for the resumption of interrupted negotiations in border issues and offered to the Chinese government to refrain from actions on the border that could cause complications. The Chinese side left these statements without an answer. Moreover, Mao Zedong on March 15 at a meeting of the Group on Cultural Revolution, raised the question of current events, called for urgent preparation for war. Lin Biao in the reporting report IX CCP Congress (April 1969) accused the Soviet side in the organization of "continuous armed invasions to the territory of the PRC". There was also a confirmed course on the "continuous revolution" and preparation for war.

Nevertheless, on April 11, 1969, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR sent the Mountain DPRK Note, in which he proposed to resume consultations between the authorized representatives of the USSR and the PRC, expressing the readiness to start them at any time, convenient for the PRC.

On April 14, in response to a note of the Soviet Ministry, the Chinese side stated that suggestions concerning the settlement of the situation on the border are studied and will answer them. "

During the "study of proposals", armed border clashes and provocations continued.

On April 23, 1969, the Chinese group of 25-30 people broke the border of the USSR and reached the Soviet island No. 262 on the Amur River, located near the village of Kalinovka. At the same time, a group of Chinese military workers focused on the Chinese coast of Amur.

On May 2, 1969, an next border incident occurred in the area of \u200b\u200ba small village of Dulalala in Kazakhstan. This time, Soviet border guards were ready for the Chinese invasion. Earlier, for the reflection of possible provocations, Makanchini border project was significantly reinforced. By May 1, 1969, he had 14 making 50 people in each (and the borderproof "Doulables" - 70 people) and a maneuverable group (182 people) on 17 BTRs. In addition, a separate Tank Battalion of the County was concentrated on the detachment section (pos. Macanches), and according to the plan of interaction with army compounds - motorized rifle and tank company, mortar platoon of support for support from the 215th motorized rifle shelf (pos. Watch) and battalion from 369 -Ho motorized rifle shelf (art. friendship). The protection of the border was carried out by observing with the highest, displays on cars and checking the tracking strip. The main merit of such an operational readiness of the Soviet parts belonged to the head of the Eastern Border Strong Troops, Lieutenant General M.K. Merkulov. He not only took steps to strengthen the Dulatian destination with his reserves, but also achieved the same measures from the command of the Turkestan Military District.

Subsequent events developed as follows. On the morning of May 2, the border outfit noticed Otaru sheep, which passed the border. Arriving at the scene, Soviet border guards discovered a group of Chinese military personnel of about 60 people. To prevent an obvious conflict, the Soviet border project has been strengthened by three reserve groups with nearby pulling, the company of the 369th motorized rifle shelf with a platoon of tanks and two maneuverable groups. The actions of the Soviet border guards were ready to support the fighters-bombers of the airmaker, based in the participle, as well as focused in the nearest areas of motorized rifle and artillery shelves, two reactive and two mortar divisions.

To coordinate actions, the operational district of the district was formed, headed by the headquarters of Major General Kolodyagnaya, who was located on the discovery "Doulables". Here is the advanced command post led by Major General G.N. Cute.

At 16.30, the Soviet border guards began to "squeeze" the enemy, who also received significant reinforcement from the territory of the USSR. The Chinese were forced to retreat without a fight. The situation was finally resolved by diplomatic way by May 18, 1969.

On June 10, a group of Chinese military officers invaded the territory of the USSR in the area of \u200b\u200bthe River Taste in the Semipalatinsk region and opened the automatic fire on Soviet border guards. In the violators, a retaliatory fire was opened, after which the Chinese returned to their territory.

On July 8 of the same year, a group of armed Chinese, violating the border, was hidden on the Soviet part of Goldinsky Island on the Amur River and fired at the Soviet Ricnikov-pathov-pathov, arriving on the island for the repair of navigation signs. The attackers also applied garnet and hand grenades. As a result, one river was killed, and three wounded.

Armed clashes continued and in the Damansky Island area. According to V. Bibenin, in the subsequent summer months after the incident, Soviet border guards were forced to apply weapons to counter Chinese provocations for another 300 times. For example, it is known that in mid-June 1969, in the Damansky district, the "Experimental" system of type "Grad" was visiting, arriving from Baikonur (combat settlement of the military settlement of 44245, the commander - Major A.A. Sumilin). The combat calculation included, except for military personnel, specialists engaged in providing space programs. Among them were: Yu.K. Razumovsky - Technical Head of the Lunnikov Complex, Papazyan - Technical Head of Rocket and Technical Complex, A. Tasha - Commander of the Guidance Complex "Vega", L. Kuchma, Future President of Ukraine, At the time, an employee of the test department, Kozlov - a specialist in telemetry, I. BUT. Soldatova - test engineer and others. "Experiment" was controlled by a high-ranking state commission, which, in particular, was the commander of Kamanin Rocket Forces.

Perhaps a blow to the calculation of Major A.A. Shumilina was demonstrative, in order to stimulate the Chinese side to start peaceful negotiations on the resolution of the contradictions arising. In any case, on September 11, 1969, during confidential negotiations of the head of the Soviet government A. Kosygina with the Prime Minister of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, Zhou Egnulam in Beijing, an agreement was reached on the beginning of official negotiations on border issues, which took place on October 20, 1969.

However, another month before the meeting, representatives of the Soviet and Chinese governments occurred another large-scale armed provocation on the Soviet-Chinese border, which took tens of lives.

I was looking for new information on Fuuan and the island of Big Ussuriysky and stumbled upon a blog of one Chinese traveler, which was quite recently in the ceremony of Fuyuan, but, more interesting, just recently, he visited the Island of Zhenbao (珍宝岛, Damansky Island, who went to China). In some places there are rumors that, allegedly, there is a certain museum dedicated to the events of 1969, about the collisions of Soviet and Chinese troops and border guards and that Russians do not let go there. I do not know, the memorial there is definitely there, but they let it go there exactly dosed - there, on the island there is a barracks of Border Guards Naak. There are some more stones with inscriptions about the "precious island." In general, I suggest see how the island of Damansky looks like now.

59 kilometers (in a straight line - 36) south of the island of Damansky is the village of the same name. Traveler first arrived there.

Village and village. It looks like Russian. By the way, on the map it is differently called. Located here.

From the village of China went to the island of Damansky. On the way, I met a car of Chinese border guards.

The Internet is very part of the phrase, that, allegedly, the Chinese fell asleep in the Ussuri River duct, which divided the island of Damansky and the indigenous bank of the PRC. But, as can be seen in the photo, and Google cards show that there is nothing like that - the duct exists. The width of its meters of two hundred.

Before entering the ice crossing, on the left, there is such a monument. At this cobblestone, some nonsense was written, I could not figure out: 百 年 首捷, 一岛 独胜: For the century, the main victory. For what centuries, if the events were in 1969?

Another author writes that the Soviet tank fell under the ice, and in a couple of months he was taken out of Ussuri (this is true), then they cut him into Harbin and then dragged him to Beijing and put in the Military Museum. Here it is.

The author does not write any evil comments in the address of Russia and the USSR, but simply talks why this could happen. Further, he writes that the USSR was so angry with the PRC, which was ready to apply nuclear weapons against China and the Chinese defeated. And he also binds the construction of the Beijing metro precisely with a nuclear threat - the subway was to serve as a refuge and, that, allegedly, part of the subway is still not used, that is, this is an ordinary canned bomb shelter.

Here the Chinese refuses go from the island of Damansky to the indigenous bank.

According to publicly available information, our (Chinese in the sense) border guards killed and wounded more than 230 people (according to the Soviet version - 152, 58 of them were killed), damage to tanks and armored vehicles - 19; Chinese border guards died - 92 victims. There are various opinions on the reasons for the beginning of the conflict, it is possible that the conflict is closely connected with the upcoming party congress.

The largest armed conflict in the XX century between China and the USSR occurred in 1969. For the first time, the wider Soviet community was demonstrated by the atrocities of Chinese invaders on the island of Damansky. However, the details of the tragedy people found out only many years later.

Why the Chinese mocked border guards

According to one of the versions, the deterioration of relations between the Soviet Union and China began after unsuccessful negotiations on the fate of the Daman Islands, which originated on the Farvater of the Ussuri River as a result of crushing a small part of the river. According to the Parisian Peace Agreement of 1919, the State Border of the countries was determined in the middle of the river fairway, but if historical circumstances spoke about the opposite, the border could be determined, based on priority - if one of the countries colonized the territory, then it was preference in solving a territorial issue .

Total tests

A priori was assumed that the island created by nature was to move under the jurisdiction of the Chinese side, but due to unsuccessful negotiations between the Secretary General of the CPSU Central Committee, Nikita Khrushchev and the head of the PRC Mao Zedulun, the final document on this issue was not signed. The Chinese side began to use the "island" question to establish relationships with the American side. A number of Chinese historians argued that the Chinese were going to make Americans a pleasant surprise, show all the seriousness of the breaking of relationships from the USSR.

For many years, a small island - 0.74 square kilometers - was a lounches of a piece, which was used to test the tactical and psychologist of the maneuvers, the main goal of which was to test the strength and adequacy of the reaction of Soviet border guards. Small conflicts occurred here and earlier, but before open clashes, the case did not reach. In 1969, the Chinese committed more than five thousand registered violations of the Soviet border.

The first landing was unnoticed

The secret directive of the Chinese military leadership, according to which a special plan was developed for the operation on the armed seizure of the Daman Peninsula. The first on the part of the Chinese moved to a breakthrough of the landing, which on the night of March 1-2 March 1969. They used the created weather conditions. He went heavy snowfall, which allowed unnoticed by the frozen River Ussuri 77 Chinese military. They were dressed in white camouflage bathrobes and armed by Kalashnikov machine guns. This group was able to switch the border so hidden that her passage was unnoticed. And only the second group of Chinese in the amount of 33 people was discovered by the observer - the Soviet border guard. The message about a large violation was transferred to the 2nd Nizhne-Mikhailovsk Jasting, belonging to the Imansky border project.

The border guards took the film operator - ordinary Nikolai Petrov until the last removed the events on the camera. But the border guard did not have an accurate idea of \u200b\u200bthe number of violators. It was assumed that their number does not exceed three dozen. Therefore, 32 Soviet border guards sent to its elimination. Then they were divided and moved into the area of \u200b\u200bviolation by two groups. The task is the first to neutralize the peaceful way of violators, the task of the second is to ensure a reliable cover. The first group was headed by the twenty-year-old Ivan Strelnikov, who was already preparing for admission to the Military Academy in Moscow. As a cover, the second group was headed by Sergeant Vladimir Rabovich.

The Chinese pre-clearly represented their task to destroy Soviet border guards. Whereas the Soviet border guards planned to resolve the conflict in a peaceful way, as it was more than once: in this area, small disorders constantly took place.

Raised Chinese Hand - Signal to Attack

Strelnikov as the most experienced commander and head of the outpost was ordered to negotiate. When Ivan Strelnikov went to the violators and suggested on peaceful leave the Soviet territory, the Chinese officer raised his hand - it was a signal to the opening of fire - the first rank of Chinese made the first volley. Strelnikov died first. Seven border guards accompanying Strelnikov died almost immediately.

All taking place removed to the last minute of Private Petrov.

Gray Hair and Dressing Eyes

Rabovich's covered group was not able to come to the aid to his comrades: they were in the ambush and died one after another. All border guards were killed. The Chinese are already mocked with all sophistication over the dead border guard. In photographs it can be seen that he has painted eyes, a face with bayonets.

The remaining Efreitor Pavel Akulov was waiting for a terrible fate - torture and painful death. They captured him in captivity, for a long time tortured, and then they thrown into Soviet territory from the helicopter only in April. On the body of the deceased doctors counted 28 of the wounds, it was clear that he was trying for a long time - all her heads were pulled out, and a small strand was all gray.

True, one Soviet border guard in this battle happened to survive. Private Gennady Silver received a heavy wound in the back, lost consciousness, and repeated kick in the chest was not deadly. He managed to survive and wait for help from his comrades: the commander of the neighboring appendix Vitaly Bibenin and his subordinates, as well as a group of younger sergeant Vitaly Babansky was able to have a serious resistance to the Chinese side. Having a small supply of strength and weapons, they forced the Chinese to retreat.

31 deceased border guards at the cost of their life had decent resistance to the enemy.

Losik and Grad stopped conflict

The second round of conflict occurred on March 14. By this time, the Chinese military launched a five thousandth regiment, the Soviet side - the 135th motorized rifle division, equipped with the installations of "Grad", which were applied after receiving a number of contradictory orders: party leadership - Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee - urgently required to remove and not introduce Soviet troops to Island. And as soon as it was completed, the Chinese took immediately the territory. Then the commander of the Far Eastern Military District Oleg Losik, who passed the second world war, ordered the fire by the enemy the fire by the reactive system of the Holy Fire "Grad": for one volley - 40 shells for 20 seconds were able to destroy the enemy within a radius of four hectares. After such a shelling, no large-scale combat operations did the Chinese military anymore.

The final point in the conflict was put by the policies of the two countries: in September 1969 an agreement was reached that neither Chinese nor Soviet troops would take a controversial island. This meant that de facto Damansky switched to China, in 1991 de Jura is the island became Chinese.

O. Damansky became the place of armed confrontation between the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China. Daman conflict is another indicator of human irresponsibility and cynicity. The world has not yet managed to reign calm after World War II, and the foci of the armed confrontation arose here, then there. And before facing face to face, the USSR and China actively participated in different confrontations that did not directly concern them.


After the second opium war ended, countries such as France, Russia and the United Kingdom were able to sign agreements on favorable conditions with China. So, in 1860, Russia supported the Beijing treatise, according to its conditions on the Chinese bank of the Amur, the border was held, and the Chinese peasants had no right to use it.

For a long time of the country supported friendly relationships. The border population was small, so there was no conflict on questions about who belong to the desert river islands.

In 1919, a Parisian civil conference took place, as a result, a provision on state borders appeared. It said that the border should pass in the middle of the main fairway river. As an exception, could pass along the shore, but only in two cases:

  1. So it happened historically.
  2. As a result of the colonization of lands of one of the parties.

At first, this ruling did not provoke any disagreement and misunderstandings. Only after a time after the state borders perceived seriously, it became an additional reason for the emergence of the Daman conflict.

In the late 1950s, China began to strive to increase his international influence, so without a special delay entered into a conflict with Taiwan (1958), took an active part in the border war with India. Also, the PRC did not forget about the situation about state borders and decided to use it to revise the existing Soviet-Chinese borders.

The ruling top of the Soviet Union was not against, and in 1964 there was advice on the border issues. True, she ended to no avail - everything remained the same as it was. In the course of the cultural revolution in the PRC and after the Prague Spring, the Chinese government stated that the Soviet Union began to support "socialist imperialism", relations between the countries aggravated even more. And in the center of this conflict was the island question.

What else could be the prerequisites for the Daman conflict?

After World War II, the PRC became a powerful ally for the USSR. The Soviet Union provided assistance to China in the war with Japan and supported the Homintandan forces in the Civil War. The Chinese Communists were loyal to the USSR, and there was a short calm.

This fragile world continued until 1950, when the Cold War between Russia and the United States began. Two large countries wanted to combine the Korean Peninsula, but their "noble" desires led to global bloodshed.

At that time, the peninsula split into the communist and southern Korea. Each of the parties was confident that it was her vision of the country's development is true, an armed confrontation arose on this basis. First, the Communist Korea was leading in the war, but then to help South Korea came America and UN forces. China did not remain aside, the government understood that if South Korea defeats, then the country will have a strong opponent who will certainly or later attack. Therefore, the PRC protrudes on the side of the Communist Korea.

During the conduct of hostilities, the front line shifted to the 38th parallel and remained there until the end of the war, until 1953. When the confrontation subsided, the Government of the PRC rethought its position in the international arena. China decides to get out of the influence of the USSR and lead their own foreign policy that did not depend on anyone.

Such an opportunity was introduced in 1956. At this time, the XX CPSU Congress was held in Moscow, it was decided to abandon the cult of the personality of Stalin and radically change the foreign policy doctrine. From such innovations, the People's Republic of China was not delighted, in the country they began to call the policy of Khrushchev Audit, and the country chose a completely different foreign policy.

This split began to call war of ideas between China and the Soviet Union. If the opportunity appeared, the PRC tried to show that she was configured against the USSR, like some other countries of the world.

In 1968, the period of liberalization began in Czechoslovakia (Prague Spring). The first secretary of the Central Committee of the CCP, Alexander Dubchenko, proposed reforms that significantly expanded the rights and freedoms of citizens and also assumed the decentralization of power in the country. The inhabitants of the state supported such changes, however, they were not acceptable for the USSR, therefore, the Soviet Union was introduced into the territory of the country. This action was condemned by the PRC, it became another, really real reason for the beginning of the Daman conflict.

Sense of superiority or deliberate provocation

Historians argue that as a result of the exacerbation of the relationship between countries in the USSR, the feeling of superiority over the inhabitants of China began to cultivate. Russian border guards chose to deploy the exact location of the border and scared Chinese fishermen, driving on the boats near their boats at high speed.

Although according to other information, the provocations were satisfied with the Chinese side. The peasants crossed the border and engaged in their affairs, not paying attention to the border guards, it was necessary to catch them and send back. Weapons did not apply.

Perhaps it was the main causes of the Daman conflict.


O. Damansky at that time was part of the Pozhara district of Primorsky Krai, from the Chinese side he was located near the main line of the Ussuri River. In size, the island was small: the length from north to the south was approximately 1,700 meters, from the west to the East - 600-700. Total area - 0.74 km 2. When the floods occur, the land susha is completely under the water. But despite this, there are several brick buildings on the territory of the island, and the bay meadows are a valuable natural resource.

Because of the increased number of provocations by China, the situation on the island has become increasingly gone. If in 1960 the illegal border crossings were about 100, then in 1962 their number increased to 5 thousand. Conflict on the island of Damansky approached.

Information about the attack of Hungaibins on border guards began to appear. Such situations were not solid, their account was already thousands.

On January 4, 1969, the first mass provocation on the island of Kirkinsky was held, more than 500 people in China took part in it.

To our time, memories of the younger sergeant were preserved, which served on the border shop this year - Yuri Babansky:

In February, unexpectedly received the appointment as the commander of the Office Department, the head of which was the senior lieutenant Ivan Strelnikov. I come to Zava, and there, besides the cook, there is no one. "Everything," says, - on the shore, with the Chinese fighting. " I, of course, an automatic on the shoulder - and to Ussuri. And there is really a fight. Chinese border guards crossed Ussuri on ice and invaded our territory. Here are Strelnikov and raised the "in a gun". Our guys and higher, and later were. But the Chinese are not a flap of spike - deft, sobble; The fist do not climb, in every way trying to dodge our blows. While everyone was completely out, the hour and a half passed. But without a single shot. Only in the face. I thought even then: "Merry Zapaste".

These were the first prerequisites for the conflict on the island of Damansky. According to the Chinese version, Russians performed provocateurs. They bent unfortunately beat Chinese citizens who were peacefully engaged in their affairs on their own territory. During the Kirkino incident, the Soviet military applied a BTR to displace civilians, and on February 7, 1969, they made several automatic shots towards Chinese border guards.

True, whose fault did these clashes did not occur, they could not lead to a serious armed conflict without the approval of the government.


Now the most common is the opinion that the military conflict on the island of Damansky was a planned promotion by China. Even Chinese historians directly or indirectly write about it in their writings.

Lee Danhuway wrote that at the end of the 60s of the last century, the Directive of the CPC Central Committee prohibited the Chinese to respond to the "provocations" of Soviet soldiers, only 01/25/1969 was allowed to plan response hostilities. For this purpose, three companies soldiers were attracted. On February 19, the decision on the response hostilities was approved by the General Staff and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC. There is also an opinion that Marshal Lin Biao warned the USSR government in advance about the upcoming campaign, which then resulted in the conflict.

In the American reconnaissance bulletin, which was released on July 13, 1969, it was written that in China they conducted propaganda, the main ideas of which were emphasized on the need to unite citizens and called them to prepare for war.

Also, sources say that the intelligencely notified the strength of the Soviet Union on armed provocation. In any case, about the upcoming attack was one way or another. In addition, it was difficult to not notice that the leadership of China wanted not so much to defeat the USSR, as clearly demonstrate America, which is also an opponent of the Soviet Union, so it can be for the US a reliable partner.

The beginning of the conflict. March 1969.

The conflict with China on the island of Damansky 1969 began on the first night of March - from 1 to 2 numbers. A group of Chinese military out of 80 people crossed the Ussuri River and landed in the western part of the island. Up to 10 in the morning, no one noticed these unauthorized reports, as a result, the Chinese military were able to improve the location of the dislocation and plan further actions.

At about 10:20 in the morning, Chinese servicemen were seen at the Soviet observation post.

A group of Russian border guards, which headed the senior lieutenant Strelnikov immediately went to the place of violation of the border. Arriving on the island, they were divided into two subgroups: one headed by Strelnikov went to the Chinese military, the other, led by Sergeant Rabovich, moved along the shore, thus cutting off the group of Chinese military from the progress of deep into the island.

The Chinese conflict on Damansky began in the morning when Strelnikov's group approached the violators and expressed a protest relative to an unauthorized invasion. Chinese soldiers suddenly opened fire. At the same time, they open fire and on the Rabovich group. Soviet border guards found surprise and almost completely destroyed.

On this conflict on March 2, 1969, Damansky was not over. The shots heard the head of the head of the "Culebyakina Soping", which was located next door, senior lieutenant Bibenin. He quickly decided to navigate with 23 fighters to help. But only approaching the island, the Bibenin group was forced to immediately take a defensive position. The Chinese military began an offensive operation with a view to completely seize Damansky Island. Soviet soldiers were courageously defended the territory without giving the Chinese the opportunity to reset themselves into the river.

True, such a conflict on the Peninsula Damansky could not continue to continue. Lieutenant Bibenin took the fateful decision, which on March 2 determined the outcome of the battle for the island. Sitting on the BTR, Bibenin went to the rear by Chinese troops, thereby trying to completely disorganize them. True, the BTR will soon be knocked out, but Bibenin did not stop it, he reached the vehicle of the killed lieutenant Strelnikov and continued his movement. As a result of this raid, a team point was destroyed, the enemy suffered serious losses. At 13 o'clock, the Chinese began to take troops from the island.

Because of the military conflict of the USSR and China on the island of Damansky on March 2, the Soviet army lost 31 people., 14 were wounded. According to Soviet data, the Chinese side remained without 39 soldiers.

Events from March 2 to March 14, 1969

After graduating from the first stage of the military conflict, the Military Command of the Imansky Border Council arrived on the Damansky peninsula. They planned events that could stop such provocations in the future. It was decided to increase the border detachments. As an additional increase in combat capability in the area of \u200b\u200bthe island, the 135th motorized rifle division with the newest "Grades" in his arsenal was settled. From the Chinese side, the 24th Infantry Regiment was put up against the Soviet Army.

True, countries were not limited to military maneuvers: to arrange a demonstration in the center of the capital - the Holy Case. Thus, on March 3, a demonstration took place near the Soviet embassy in Beijing, the participants of which demanded to stop aggressive actions. Also, the Chinese press began to publish completely untrue and propaganda materials. The publications said that the Soviet Army invaded the territory of China and opened fire by troops.

The Moscow newspaper "Pravda" also did not remain indifferent and expressed her point of view of the border conflict on the island of Damansky. The events occurred more reliably. On March 7, the Chinese Embassy in Moscow was picketed and abandoned with bubbles with ink, obviously, the public found out about implausible rumors that spread among the Chinese about the Soviet Army.

So that there is neither, and such provocative actions on March 2-14 did not significantly affect the course of events, a new border conflict on the island of Damansky was not far off.

Fight in mid-March

On March 14, at about three o'clock in the afternoon, the Soviet army received an order to retreat, the Russian participants of the Daman conflict had to leave the island. Immediately after the retreat of the Soviet Army, the territory of the island began to occupy the Chinese military.

The USSR government could not calmly look at the current situation, obviously, the border conflict on the island of Damansky 1969 was forced to go to the second stage. The Soviet army sent to the island of 8 BTR as soon as the Chinese noticed them, they immediately moved to their shore. On the evening of March 14, the Soviet border guards gave the order to take an island, the band under the command of Lieutenant Colonel E. Yanshina immediately fulfilled him.

March 15 in the morning in the Soviet troops opened fire. The Daman conflict of 1969 moved to the second phase. According to intelligence data, about 60 enemy artillery stems were shot at the Soviet troops, after shelling three companies of Chinese fighters moved to the offensive. However, the enemy could not seize the island, the Daman conflict of 1969 only began.

After the situation has become critical, reinforcement, a group led by Colonel D. Leonov, was concluded. The newly arrived soldiers immediately entered the fight with the Chinese in the south of the island. In this conflict on the island of Damansky (1969), Colonel Leonovsky dies, his group carries serious losses, but still does not leave employed positions and causes the enemy damage.

Two hours after the start of the battle, the ammunition was spent, and the Soviet troops had to retreat from the island of Damansky. The conflict of 1969 did not end in this: the Chinese felt their numerical advantage and began to occupy the liberated territory. But at the same time, the Soviet leadership gives good to the use of "Grads" to apply a fire blow to the enemy. At about 5 pm, the Soviet troops opened fire. The Chinese suffered great losses, mortars are disabled, ammunition and reinforcement completely destroyed.

After half an hour, after a art, the Chinese began to come on the Chinese, border guards were involved in them under the command of Lieutenant Colonnikov Konstantinov and Smirnov. Chinese troops left nothing except hastily leave the island. The conflict with China on the Peninsula Damansky continued at seven o'clock in the evening - the Chinese decided to counterattack. True, their efforts were unsuccessful, and the situation of the Chinese army in this war has not changed significantly.

In the course of military operations March 14-15, the Soviet army lost 27 soldiers, 80 were injured. As for losses in the Daman conflict of the Chinese side, then these data were strictly tempted. It can be estimated that they losses amounted to about 200 people.

Settlement of confrontation

During the conflict with China on the peninsula, the Daman Soviet troops lost 58 people, among the victims there were four soldiers from the officer, 94 people were injured, 9 of them officers. What losses suffered the Chinese side is still unknown, it is closed information, and historians only suggest that the number of killed Chinese soldiers ranges from 100 to 300 people. In the county, the biocin is a memorial cemetery, which rests the dust of 68 Chinese soldiers, which died in the Daman conflict of 1969. One of the Chinese faders said that there are other burials, so the number of buried soldiers can exceed 300 people.

As for the part of the Soviet Union, the title of the "Hero of the Soviet Union" received the title of Heroism of the Five Military. Among them:

  • Colonel Demokrat Vladimirovich Leonov - the title was awarded posthumously.
  • Senior Lieutenant Ivan Ivanovich Strelnikov - awarded posthumously.
  • Junior Sergeant Vladimir Viktorovich Orekhov - received the title posthumously.
  • Senior Lieutenant Vitaly Dmitrievich Bibenin.
  • Jr. Sergeant Yuri Vasilyevich Babansky.

State awards received many border guards and servicemen. For hostilities on the island of Daman participants was assigned.

  • Three orders of Lenin.
  • Ten orders of the Red Banner.
  • Order of the Red Star (31 pcs.).
  • Ten orders of the fame of the third degree.
  • Medal "Beam" (63 pcs.).
  • Medal "For Combat Merit" (31 pcs.).

During the operation of the operation, the Soviet army left the T-62 tank on the enemy land, but because of the permanent shelling it was not possible to return. There was an attempt to destroy the vehicle from the mortar, but this idea was not crowned with success - the tank was unwinding under the ice. True, a little later, the Chinese were able to pull him on their own coast. He is currently an invaluable exhibit in the Beijing Military Museum.

After the military operations ended, the Soviet troops left the territory of the island of Damansky. Soon the ice around the island began to melting, and it was difficult to cross the Soviet soldiers with the past acumes. The Chinese took advantage of this situation and immediately occupied positions on the lands of the Border Islands. To prevent the enemy's plans, the Soviet soldiers fired him out of guns, but not a tangible result made it.

On this, the Daman conflict did not stop. In August of the same year, another big Soviet-Chinese armed conflict occurred. In history, he entered as an incident near Lake Jalanashkol. Relations between states really reached the critical mark. Between the USSR and the PRC, the possibility of the beginning of the nuclear war has been close.

Provocations and military collisions along the Soviet-Chinese border continued until September. As a result of the border conflict, the leadership could still realize that it is impossible to continue aggressive policies in relation to the northern neighbor. The state in which the Chinese army was located once again confirmed this thought.

September 10, 1969 received an order to stop the fire. Obviously, thus tried to create a favorable environment for political negotiations that began the day after receiving the order at the Beijing Airport.

As soon as the shooting stopped, the Chinese immediately occupied a more strong position on the islands. This situation played an important role in negotiating. On September 11, in Beijing, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR A. N. Kosygin, who returned from the funeral of Ho Chi Minh, and the Prime Minister of the State Council of the PRC Zhou Egnlay met and agreed that it was time to stop hostilities and various kinds of hostile promotions. They also agreed that the troops would remain in the positions that previously occupied. Roughly speaking, Daman Island switched to China's possession.


Naturally, this state of affairs was not pleased with the USSR government, so on October 20, 1969, one more negotiations between the Soviet Union and the PRC took place. During these negotiations, the country agreed that the documents confirming the position of the Soviet-Chinese border were to revise.

After that, a number of negotiations were committed, which were held alternately in Moscow, then in Beijing. And only in 1991, the Daman Island finally became the property of the PRC (although the de facto happened back in 1969).


In 2001, the Archive of the KGB of the USSR declassified photographs of the discovered bodies of Soviet soldiers. Images explicitly testified to the presence of a fact of abuse from the Chinese side. All materials were transferred to the Dalnerechnsky Historical Museum.

In 2010, a series of articles was published in the French newspaper, which said that the USSR was preparing a nuclear strike against the PRC in the fall of 1969. Materials referred to the newspaper "Guenimin Zibao". Such publication was published in Hong Kong's printed media. According to this data, America refused to maintain neutrality in case of applying a nuclear strike in China. The articles said that on October 15, 1969, the United States threatened to attack 130 Soviet cities in the event of an attack on the PRC. True, researchers do not specify, from which sources these data are taken and they themselves recognize the fact that other specialists do not agree with these statements.

Daman conflict is considered to be a serious disagreement between the two powerful states, which almost led to the tragedy. But as far as this is true, perhaps, no one will say. Each country adhered to his point of view, distributed the information that was beneficial to her, and fiercely hid the truth. As a result, dozens of lost lives and destroyed destinies.

War is always a tragedy. And we - those who are far from politics and noble desire to shed blood for a high ideal, is completely incomprehensible why we must certainly take a weapon in the hands. Humanity has long left the caves, the rock paintings of the former times have become quite accessible to understanding speech, besides no longer need to hunt for survival. But the rituals of human sacrifice were transformed and turned into quite legal armed confrontation.

Daman conflict is another indicator of human irresponsibility and cynicity. It seems that the tragedy of World War II should have learned the rulers of all countries of the world with one simple truth: "War is bad." Although it is bad only for those who are not returning from the battlefield, for the rest from any confrontation you can get a certain benefit, "here's a medal, and Sigin at all." This principle was applied during the Daman conflict: the soldiers were confident that their opponent provokes, and the government ranks in the meantime, they solved their questions. Some historians believe that the conflict was only a reason to remove the public attention from what really happens in the world.