Annotated references on literary reading. Annotated list of literary sources

Annotated references on literary reading. Annotated list of literary sources

Moscow State UniversityThe Princess. I. Fedorova

FacultyTeatest citizens.

CateCracks and Propaganda Books

Testwork №1

on the topic: "Drawing up an annotated bibliographic list of references: a series of books on the art of the Publishing House" Art Rodnik "

Work performed: Frepto D.D.,

tudent II courses of the correspondence department

specialty "Bookatic Proliferation"

Moscow, 2012


Theory of bibliography

1-line feature and principles of bibliography

1.2 List and subject of bibliography

2Bilographic search

3 Bible Description


Bibliographic group


Bibliographic list of references


annotated bibliographic list

The purpose of this test work is to obtain skills in competent work with bibliographic materials (sources, documents), knowledge of the foundations of heuristics in the bibliography, the ability to literate bibliographic descriptions and annotations.

In this control work, theoretical material is presented on the subject "Bibliography", as well as an example, an annotated bibliographic list of references is provided. To compile a list, the selection of works was carried out according to the "Publishing House" criterion, in this paper - the books of the Publishing House "Art Rodnik".

The materials used, as well as the writing of the test work, were taken from the Funds of the Russian State Library (byvsh. The USSR State Library. V.I. Lenin).

1. Bibliography theory

Cultural and historically, the concept of "bibliography" arises at a certain stage of the formation of information activities, when the need is aware of the targeted development of this most important sphere of social activities, culture.

The bibliography distinguish four main historical periods:

ü The first period is the emergence of a bibliography in ancient Greece as book testing, labor of the Bibliographer's bookstart. V century BC.;

ü The second period is a bibliography as a generalizing science of book and books, a separate literary genre (XVII - XVIIIIV.);

ü The third period - the occurrence of bibliography as a special science of a guide cycle. End XIX - early XX centuries;

ü The fourth period (modern) - the bibliography becomes a special area of \u200b\u200ba book and information business with its discipline - bibliographic examination. From the 60s. XXVEK.

At the present stage, it was in our country that the concept was introduced to designate science on bibliography - "Bibliographer". The designation of bibliographic science was included in GOST 16448 - 70 "Bibliography of terms and definitions", as well as repeated in the new edition of GOST 7.0 - 77. In 1984, a textbook for universities called "Bibliographers" was issued for the first time. General course. "

1.1 Main function and principles of bibliography

The definition of the social essence of the bibliography is primarily due to the clarification of the bibliography of the bibliography, its public appointment as an activity at all. Today, the term "social function of bibliography" is widespread, understanding it as a goal that the bibliography is implementing in the information activity system.

Such a decisive public function of the bibliography is management. According to GOST 7.0 - 77: "The bibliography is a field of scientific and practical activities to prepare and bring to consumers of bibliographic information in order to influence the use of printing in society." Based on the main bibliography function, it is possible to offer the following definition: Bibliography is an area of \u200b\u200binformation activities, the main public function of which is to manage the process of creating, distributing, storing and using social information in society.

Such an approach is due to a complex differentiated spiritual process of reflection and mastering in the public consciousness and practice of social information, materialized in documents of various kinds. From here, three main private functions of the bibliography are also followed: alarm (the moment of availability and appearance of new information), estimated (verification and adaptation of new information in the knowledge system), recommendatory (use of social information, by selecting the optimal conditions for its development by the consumer).

Along with the public functions of the bibliography, the basic principles are similar. Previously, there are three basic principles: party, scientific and nationality; where the defining vectors were the idea that the subject carries. In this case, this is a systematicity and an integral connection with scientific activities, as well as the public benefit of the bibliography. Today, in view of the breadth of information space, the bibliography also carries such principles as: activities, communicativeness and systemicity. These principles imply the main tasks of the bibliography in modern information conditions - mobility, assimilation and processing of large amounts of information, connectedness and accessibility in a general information environment, universality and a single form of "record" information.

1.2 Item and bibliography object

The originality of the bibliography facility is that it is already in a certain way of idealization - iconic social information reproduction systems. The bibliography enters the information activity system, or - a system of booksman, because It is on him that its control action is directed.

The book activity is the sphere of spiritual social activities (culture), the main function of which is informational communication (communication), through the production, dissemination, storage and use of the book (works, documents, publications).

Thus, it can be argued that the bibliography object is a book case as a process of informational communication, taking into account social information, and a book as a way to exist and use this information in society.

The bibliographies can be qualified as a result - bibliographic information and "bibliographic book". To be more accurate, the subject may include not only the information itself, but also actually bibliographic activities. Therefore, the bibliography is a bibliographic knowledge.

2. Bibliographic search

Bibliographic search is an information search (selection of bibliographically documents) from among those identified for the purpose of their subsequent bibliographic processing (recording), carried out on the basis of bibliographic data. In the bibliography, three main objectives of the information search are distinguished:

1.Search for the necessary information about the source and establishing its presence in the system of other sources. It is conducted by the search for bibliographic information and bibliographic benefits (information publications) specifically created for more efficient search and use of information (literature, books).

2.Search for information sources themselves (documents and publications) in which there is or may contain the necessary information.

.Finding actual information contained in the literature, book, for example, on historical facts and events, on the technical characteristics of machinery and processes, the properties of substances and materials, on biographical data from the life and activities of the writer, scientist, etc.

Bibliographic search methods:

Solid Method. In a solid method, a bibliographer to implement the task is surveyed completely and without skipping all the availability of available benefits and sources ...

Selective method. More rational and real way to search for literature selective method, i.e. "Limited solid." In the literature, it is also often called the "episodic method"

Intuitive method. ADVED approach to finding the necessary sources based on the assumption or basic knowledge, taking into account the specification by any type (by the author of works, genre, publishing house).

Typological (recipe) method. In any case, the typological (recipe) method reflects in itself and brings a certain rational start, compositeness to the information search process. At the same time, it shows the importance of the starting, initial point of this complex process. It can be elected and on the basis of intuition, and on the basis of conscious, targeted reflection, working hypothesis, recipe.

Inductive method. The general conclusion about the presence of the search sources (actual information) on the question of interest in this case is made on the basis of the study of all single sources.

The deductive method. Contracting inductive - is made on the basis of specific single sources,.

"By climbing abstract to a specific".

After the bibliographic search has been performed, it is necessary to start choosing the found works (editions) for further compilation of the bibliographic description.

3. Bibliographic description

Bibliographic description (hereinafter - Bo) is a part of the bibliographic record *, a set of bibliographic information on the document provided according to certain rules that establish the procedure for following the regions and elements and intended for identification and the overall characteristics. Bo is a bibliographic model of a document decorated in the form of a system of interrelated elements with preceding identification punctuation. Previously, the terms used for a similar concept catalog , bibliogram etc. Bo appeared almost simultaneously with the book in the library catalogs of the oldest libraries and often represented the first lines of works, which in those days served the title, sometimes the name of the author and his occupation.

The main purpose of the bibliographic description is the identification of the publication in the system of others.

There are the following types of bibliographic description:

ü Monographic - implies a description of one document;

ü Consolidated - description of the multi-volume or serial document;

ü Analytical is a description of any component of the document;

ü Briefly represents a description of only mandatory elements of a specific document;

ü Expanded - here is a description of the mandatory elements, as well as one or more optional;

ü Full - description of the mandatory element and all possible optional elements;

ü United - a description that is performed at various publications of one document - reissue, transfers, etc. and / or related other documents - reviews, abstracts, etc.;

The basis of such a systematization is three basic typological features: an object of the description, the description of the description and completeness of the description. The first feature is an object of description, it allows you to distinguish such types of bibliographic descriptions as a monographic, consolidated, analytical and combined (these types of description are presented in the previously active GOST 7.1 - 84). Completeness of the description is a brief, extended and complete bibliographic description; Conditioned by dividing the descriptions of the description for mandatory and optional. The functional feature includes such a type of description as a bibliographic link, which is a note to the text, "referring" to any work.

Currently, GOST 7.1-2003 "Bibliographic record is currently the main document that determines and regulating the preparation of bibliographic records and the bibliographic description. Bibliographic description "[M., IPC Publishing House Standards, 2004].

The preparation of the bibliographic description refers to one of the Bibliography methods (Bibliographic recordings). In addition to the description, this method as annotation will also be presented in this paper.

4. Annotation

Annotation is a brief description of the document, its part or the totality of documents in terms of content, appointment, forms and other features. Annotation is clarified or recommendatory.

Annotation is the second of the main categories of the bibliographic record. The modern annotation model is schematically represented in Fig. 1. An annoyance is based on three main features: functional, completeness of reflection and the number of annotable publications (documents). Based on these signs, the following types of abstract are distinguished:

ü General - this kind of annotation is designed to characterize the content of the document as a whole;

ü Analytical - similar abstract should characterize a part or aspect of the content;

ü Reference - is intended to clarify the title and / or supplement the bibliographic description of information of a factactographic nature;

ü Evaluation is a critical characteristics of the document content;

ü Group - View Annotation characterizing the content of several documents.

Fig.1. annotation

In the preparation of annotation, the following regulatory document is valid - GOST 7.9-95 "Abstract and Annotation".

Annotations in the control work are common, because Only a brief informative function, opening the essence of information under the cover as a whole (with a rare exception to the annotation may be reference in nature).

5. Bibliographic grouping

Bibliographic grouping is a combination of bibliographic records in the group on specified signs. It is mainly used at the corresponding stage of the creation of bibliographic benefits, the essence of which is in logical ordering and the location of the materials selected from the document flow, which contributes to the creation of semantic and hypertext bonds. The bibliographic group consists of:

a) exhaustion from the entire spectrum of sections presented in the bibliography, subsections, headings, subheadings, etc.;

b) definitions of sequences of sections, subsections, columns and subheading;

c) placement of bibliographic records in these divisions. There are several ways to bibliographic groupings, which, in turn, have options, including: formal, content, recommendations, personal, etc. The bibliographic grouping of documents in the bibliographic manual depends on a number of signs, for example, from the type (type) of the bibliographic manual .

In this test work, the listed editions in the group do not need, since the general theme for all, the criterion for which the selection was performed was the topic of "art".

Annotated bibliographic list

1. Carl Larsson, 1953-1919: drawings and watercolors / Renata Pewogel; Per. from English T.I. Khlebnov: M.: Art Rodnik, 2006: Letch. In Germany - 95 p. Il., Col. Il., Port. ; 23 cm.

2.Frank Lloyd Wright. Georgia Okif / Per with English. L.A. Boris: M.: Art Rodnik, 2006: Letch. in Slovakia - 95 s.port., Col. Il.; 23 cm. - (Genius of the XX century)

3. On the famous Americans, architect and artist. Art in contact: architecture and painting of American modernism of the second half of the twentieth century.

4. Max Ernst. 1891-1976: Painting and not only / Ulrich Bishoff; Per. from English E. G. Leithes: M.: Art Rodnik, 2005: I will send. In Germany - 95 S.Il., Table., Col. Il.; 23 cm.

5.Cubism / Anna Gentfurr Trier; Taggros (ed.); Per. Ya. V. Laguzinskaya: M.: Art Rodnik, 2005: 95 S.Il., Col. Il., Port.; 23 cm.

Art of the twentieth century in personalities, prerequisites for the appearance of avant-garde and postmodernism. Special attention is paid to the symbol of the style with which the Cubism is associated - Picasso.

Georges sulfur, 1859-1891. Pointelism / Hyoduelting; [Per. with it. E. V. Efremova]: M.: Art Rodnik, 2005: Seek. In Germany - 95, S.Il., Port., Col. Il., Port.; 23 cm.

Surrealism / Katrin Klinscher Leroy; Utagrosyk (ed.); Per. from English A. V. Guseva: M.: Art Rodnik, 2005: I will send. In Germany: 95 S.Il., Col. Il., Port. ; 23 cm.

Raphael. 1483 - 1520 / Christoph Toynes: M.: Art Rodnik, 2005: Letch. In Germany: 96 S.TSV. Il. ; 23 cm.

Painting the Great Italian Renaissance Epoch. The book contains the most well-known works, describes the history of creating paintings and the life of the artist.

Fernando Botero / Marahanshtein; Per. with it. E.V. Ilyushechkina: M.: Art Rodnik, 2005: Letch. In Germany: 96 S.TSV. Il. ; 23 cm.

Victor Vazareli. 1906-1997: Pure Vision / Magdalena Holzhai; Per. from English A. V. Guseva: M.: Art Rodnik, 2005: I will send. In Germany: 96 S.Il., Port., Col. Il.; 23 cm

. "Creativity is an intuitive catalyst for all information of your era." Painting progress and abstract art is such a message in this book of a bright Italian, a graphic artist, a advertiser who brought democracy into modern painting of the second half of the 20th century.

Pop art / Claus Honnef; Utagrosnik (ed.); Per. with it. T. A. Grablevskaya: M.: Art Rodnik, 2005: I will send. In Germany: 96 S.Il., Port., Col. Il.; 23 cm

The publication presents the figures of modern culture of the 20th century, the most vivid and well-known works of artists. We will tell about the works and works of Andy Warhola, Roy Liechtenstein, Edward Rusha, Peter Phillies and others.

Antonio Gaudi. Salvador Dali / Text: L. Bon, K. Monties; Per. from English S. I. Kozlova, E. L. Kozlova: M.: Art Rodnik, 2004: I will send. In Slovakia - 95 S.TSV. Il., Port.; 23 cm. - (genius of the 20th century).

The book describes the biography of the Great Italian Renaissance. The artist's works are widely represented, including the sketches of many paintings.

Otto Wagner. Gustav Klimt / Avt. and ed. Text: Laurence Bone, Salkylichkovsky: M.: Art Rodnik, 2004: Letch. in Slovakia - 95, S.Il., Port., Col. Il.; 23 cm. - (Genius of the XX century).

Edgar Degas, 1834-1917 / Berngrov; Per. from English N. A. Pozdnyova: M.: Art Rodnik, 2004: Letch. In Germany - 96 S.Il., Col. Il., Port.; 23 cm.

The book describes the history and life path of the Great French Artist. The works of degas with a description and history of creating paintings are widely represented.

Hrgigerharh + / Ed. N. A. Krojkova; Per. from English L. A. Boris: M.: Art Rodnik, 2004: Seek. In Germany - 96 S.Il.; 23 cm.

An extraordinary work of an extraordinary person. Modern painting and Estamp - the work of a little-known German science-utopian giger. The history of life and relationships.

Paul Clee, 1879-1940 / Suzanna Parch; [Per. from English O. L. Karlova: M.: Art Rodnik, 2004: Seek. In Germany - 96 S.Il., Port., Col. Il.; 23 cm.

The story of life, creativity and struggle for the right to art. The works of the Great German graphs of materials from the personal archive are presented and described. Published Clause Correspondence.

Creative photo: ideas, plots, shooting techniques / whether frost; Per. from English N.M. Sechishina: M.: Art Rodnik, 2004: I will send. In China - 160 S.TSV. Il., Port.; 28 cm

The publication is a tutorial for beginners and interested photography. The works of photographers, examples and techniques of processing ready-made photoaphy are presented.

Boris Ignatovich. Photos. 1927-1963: Cat.igh. In honor of the 100th anniversary of his birth: from the columns. State Museum is a picture. Arts them. A. S. Pushkin, Alex Lahmann gallery (Cologne, Germany), Arch. Family B. Ignatovich and Druich Part. Cathedral / M-in culture grew. Federation. State Museum of pictures. Arts them. A. S. Pushkin [and others]; Auto Art. K.N. Ignatovich, A.N. Lavrentiev: M.: Art Spring, 2002: 142, c. Il., Port.; 28 cm.

Pictorial photography in Russia. 1890-1920s: cat. : From the Camp. State East. Museum, ROS.GOS. Arch. Lit. And art, union photohogs. Russia and frequent. Collections, Moscow 2002 / M-in culture grew. Federation; P.V. Khoroshilov: M.: Art Rodnik, 2002: 135, C.Il., Port.; 28 cm.

The book describes Dean from the most popular types of photography techniques of the end of the 19th century, in particular its history and development in our country.

Silent movie poster. Russia, 1900-1930 / N. I. Baburin: M.: Art Rodnik, 2001: 191 S.TSV. Il.; 33 cm - on the lane. Auto not specified.

Album with the collection of works by artists-investors of the movie of the first early years. Posted by posters of the most famous and popular films of that time.

Arkady Shayhet. Photos, 1924-1951: cat. In honor of the 100th anniversary of his birth: from the columns. State Museum is a picture. Arts them. A.S. Pushkin, Alexna Lahmann gallery (Cologne, Germany) and Arch. Family A. Shayhet / M-in Culture Ros. Federation, state Museum of pictures. Arts them. A.S. Pushkin, state. MUZ.- WASTE. Rosizo Center; Avt.- Cost. E.Ya. Berezner, A.A. Shayhet: M: Art Rodnik, 2000: 143 S.Il.; 28 cm.

Collection of the collection of collections of a number of Russian museums - galleries in the united edition dedicated to the 100th Bathog of the Shayhet photoeeman. Just photochronics of family life, personal family archive.

At the sources of photo art: Coll. Daggerotypes state. East. Museum / Avt.-Sost.: T.G. Saburov, I.A. Semaakova: m. : Art Rodnik, 1999: 142, S.Il., Port., Col. Il., Port. ; 25


In the course of this work, generally produced the foundations of the science of "bibliography". The paper tells about the basic functions and principles of the subject, the scope of application is described and the public significance of the bibliography is described, as science allowing you to navigate in an extensive information space, make information to the reader to the consumer.

In the course of the work, such important "mechanisms" of bibliographic activity, as a bibliographic search, bibliographic description, annotation and grouping are described. All listed types of bibliographic activities can systematize the science itself, thereby being "algorithm" to the execution and creation of an information knowledge system. The example demonstrates the preparation of an annotated bibliographic list. To perform the work, materials were used by one edition of Art-Rodnik on the subject of "art".

The work used materials from the publications A.A. Grechikhina and M.V. Xtrina, also worked out the main GOSTS.

In summing up for this work, I want to say that the field for activities in the field of information knowledge is very wide, the issue of improving information search systems remains relevant. Today, the bibliography remains the only comprehensive sphere of collecting, forming and storing information. In connection with the transition of a huge number of publications on electronic media, on the Internet, the bibliography has a new direction for development and, I hope, creating a universal orientation system in the information space in the future.


1.Grechikhin A.A. General Bibliography: Textbook for universities / A.A. Grechychin. - M.: ed, MGUP, 2000. - 588 p.

2.brisman M.A., Bronstein M.P. Basics of the methodology for compiling bibliographic pointers. 2nd ed. L., 1974.

Istrina M.V. Annotation of print works: Method. Visor / M.V. Istrine. - M., 1981. - 48 p. - (from the manuscript to the book).

Korshunov O.P. Bibliography. General course. Section 1. Basics of bibliography theory: Tutorial for universities / O.P. KORSHUNS. - M., 2001. - 154 p.

GOST 7.1-2003. Bibliology record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compiling. - instead of GOST 7.1-84, GOST 7.16-79, GOST 7.18-79, GOST 7.34-81, GOST 7.40-82; Introduce 07/01/2004. - M.: IPK Publishing House Standards, 2004. - 47 s.

GOST 7.9-95. Abstract and abstract. General requirements. - Instead of GOST 7.9-77; Introduction 07/01/97. - M.: IPC Publishing House Standards, 1996. - 7 p.

Shamurin E.I. Methods of drawing up annotations / E.I. Shamurin. - M., 1959. - 230 p.

Tags: Drawing up an annotated bibliographic list of references: a series of books on the art of the Publishing House "Art Rodnik" Test Culturology

The study guide reveals a humanitarian approach to the design and implementation of pedagogical activities. Complies with the State Educational Standard 2005. Designed for students of pedagogical universities. It may be useful for a system for improving the skills of education workers.

    Schdslessaeva, L. G. Methodology and methods of pedagogical studies: Tutorial / L. G. Schysleeva, A. G. Yakovlev, L. A. Sivitskaya. - Tomsk: Publishing House of TGPU, 2007 - 240 p.

In the manual there is information on the methodology of science, its specifics as the form of human activity; modern directions of modernization of the domestic education system; Actual problems of psychological and pedagogical studies. The publication is addressed to students, undergraduates and graduate students of the Pedagogical University.

    Yakovleva, A. G. Methodology of teaching pedagogy and psychology: lecture ability. Part 1: Teaching Pedagogy / A. G. Yakovlev. - Tomsk: Publishing House of TGPU, 2012. - 188С.

The manual discloses the meaningful and organizational features of studying the educational discipline "Methods of teaching pedagogy and psychology". In the author's development presents the abstracts of lectures, reflecting the content of the sections of the educational discipline; marked clear benchmarks to the student to prepare students in educational activities; The contents and forms of control of the measuring materials for self-control and external assessment of knowledge and skills are given. Designed for undergraduates and teachers of pedagogical universities.

Appendix 6.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

"Tomsk State Pedagogical University"


Pedagogical faculty

Department of pre-school education and speech therapy

Report on learning

(Research) practice

Student-student ___________________________________________

pedagogical faculty ___ course ______ groups

Practice location ________________________________________


Practice time ________________________________________

Faculty leader _________________________________________

The report adopted with comments / without comments by the group leader ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Tomsk - 2013.

The practice program is drawn up in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the Direction 050700.62 Special (defectological) education, Profile Logopedia.

The training discipline program was:

The senior teacher of the department has drilled ________________________ Sergeeva A.I.

The program of academic discipline approved at the meeting of the Department of the Department

Protocol number ____ from "____" _____________ 201_

Head Department ______________________ Fierzullaeva E. D.

The program of academic discipline approved by the Methodical Commission of PF TGPU

Chairman of the Methodological Commission of PF _____________ Yarkina T.N.


Dean PF ______________________ Titova G. Yu.

Head of the Department of Practice _______________ Pereova OV

Moscow State UniversityThe Princess. I. Fedorova

FacultyTeatest citizens.

CateCracks and Propaganda Books

Testwork №1

on the topic: "Drawing up an annotated bibliographic list of references: a series of books on the art of the Publishing House" Art Rodnik "

Work performed: Frepto D.D.,

tudent II courses of the correspondence department

specialty "Bookatic Proliferation"

Moscow, 2012


Theory of bibliography

1 Basic Function and Bibliography Principles

1.2 Object and Bibliography

2 bibliographic search

3 Bibliographic Description


Bibliographic group

Annotated bibliographic list


Bibliographic list of references


annotated bibliographic list

The purpose of this test work is to obtain skills in competent work with bibliographic materials (sources, documents), knowledge of the foundations of heuristics in the bibliography, the ability to literate bibliographic descriptions and annotations.

In this control work, theoretical material is presented on the subject "Bibliography", as well as an example, an annotated bibliographic list of references is provided. To compile a list, the selection of works was carried out according to the "Publishing House" criterion, in this paper - the books of the Publishing House "Art Rodnik".

The materials used, as well as the writing of the test work, were taken from the Funds of the Russian State Library (byvsh. The USSR State Library. V.I. Lenin).

1. Bibliography theory

Cultural and historically, the concept of "bibliography" arises at a certain stage of the formation of information activities, when the need is aware of the targeted development of this most important sphere of social activities, culture.

The bibliography distinguish four main historical periods:

ü First period - the emergence of a bibliography in ancient Greece as book testing, labor book painter. V century BC.;

ü The second period is a bibliography as a generalizing science of book and books, a separate literary genre (XVII - XVIIIIV.);

ü For the third period - the emergence of bibliography as a special science of a guide cycle. End XIX - early XX centuries;

ü The fourth period (modern) - the bibliography becomes a special area of \u200b\u200bthe book and information business with its discipline - bibliographic examination. From the 60s. XXVEK.

At the present stage, it was in our country that the concept was introduced to designate science on bibliography - "Bibliographer". The designation of bibliographic science was included in GOST 16448 - 70 "Bibliography of terms and definitions", as well as repeated in the new edition of GOST 7.0 - 77. In 1984, a textbook for universities called "Bibliographers" was issued for the first time. General course. "

1.1 Main function and principles of bibliography

The definition of the social essence of the bibliography is primarily due to the clarification of the bibliography of the bibliography, its public appointment as an activity at all. Today, the term "social function of bibliography" is widespread, understanding it as a goal that the bibliography is implementing in the information activity system.

Such a decisive public function of the bibliography is management. According to GOST 7.0 - 77: "The bibliography is a field of scientific and practical activities to prepare and bring to consumers of bibliographic information in order to influence the use of printing in society." Based on the main bibliography function, it is possible to offer the following definition: Bibliography is an area of \u200b\u200binformation activities, the main public function of which is to manage the process of creating, distributing, storing and using social information in society.

Such an approach is due to a complex differentiated spiritual process of reflection and mastering in the public consciousness and practice of social information, materialized in documents of various kinds. From here, three main private functions of the bibliography are also followed: alarm (the moment of availability and appearance of new information), estimated (verification and adaptation of new information in the knowledge system), recommendatory (use of social information, by selecting the optimal conditions for its development by the consumer).

Along with the public functions of the bibliography, the basic principles are similar. Previously, there are three basic principles: party, scientific and nationality; where the defining vectors were the idea that the subject carries. In this case, this is a systematicity and an integral connection with scientific activities, as well as the public benefit of the bibliography. Today, in view of the breadth of information space, the bibliography also carries such principles as: activities, communicativeness and systemicity. These principles imply the main tasks of the bibliography in modern information conditions - mobility, assimilation and processing of large amounts of information, connectedness and accessibility in a general information environment, universality and a single form of "record" information.

1.2 Item and bibliography object

The originality of the bibliography facility is that it is already in a certain way of idealization - iconic social information reproduction systems. The bibliography enters the information activity system, or - a system of booksman, because It is on him that its control action is directed.

The book activity is the sphere of spiritual social activities (culture), the main function of which is informational communication (communication), through the production, dissemination, storage and use of the book (works, documents, publications).

Thus, it can be argued that the bibliography object is a book case as a process of informational communication, taking into account social information, and a book as a way to exist and use this information in society.

The bibliographies can be qualified as a result - bibliographic information and "bibliographic book". To be more accurate, the subject may include not only the information itself, but also actually bibliographic activities. Therefore, the bibliography is a bibliographic knowledge.

2. Bibliographic search

Bibliographic search is an information search (selection of bibliographically documents) from among those identified for the purpose of their subsequent bibliographic processing (recording), carried out on the basis of bibliographic data. In the bibliography, three main objectives of the information search are distinguished:

1. Search for the necessary information about the source and establishing its presence in the system of other sources. It is conducted by the search for bibliographic information and bibliographic benefits (information publications) specifically created for more efficient search and use of information (literature, books).

2. Search for the information sources themselves (documents and publications), in which there is or may contain the necessary information.

Finding actual information contained in the literature, book, for example, on historical facts and events, on the technical characteristics of machinery and processes, the properties of substances and materials, on biographical data from the life and activities of the writer, scientist, etc.

Bibliographic search methods:

Solid Method. In a solid method, a bibliographer to implement the task is surveyed completely and without skipping all the availability of available benefits and sources ...

Selective method. More rational and real way to search for literature selective method, i.e. "Limited solid." In the literature, it is also often called the "episodic method"

Intuitive method. ADVED approach to finding the necessary sources based on the assumption or basic knowledge, taking into account the specification by any type (by the author of works, genre, publishing house).

Typological (recipe) method. In any case, the typological (recipe) method reflects in itself and brings a certain rational start, compositeness to the information search process. At the same time, it shows the importance of the starting, initial point of this complex process. It can be elected and on the basis of intuition, and on the basis of conscious, targeted reflection, working hypothesis, recipe.

Inductive method. The general conclusion about the presence of the search sources (actual information) on the question of interest in this case is made on the basis of the study of all single sources.

The deductive method. Contracting inductive - is made on the basis of specific single sources,.

"By climbing abstract to a specific".

After the bibliographic search has been performed, it is necessary to start choosing the found works (editions) for further compilation of the bibliographic description.

3. Bibliographic description

Bibliographic description (hereinafter - Bo) is a part of the bibliographic record *, a set of bibliographic information on the document provided according to certain rules that establish the procedure for following the regions and elements and intended for identification and the overall characteristics. Bo is a bibliographic model of a document decorated in the form of a system of interrelated elements with preceding identification punctuation. Previously, the terms "Catalog", "Bibliogram", etc. used for a similar concept. Bo appeared almost simultaneously with the book in the library catalogs of the oldest libraries and often represented the first lines of works, which in those days served the title, sometimes the name of the author and his occupation.

The main purpose of the bibliographic description is the identification of the publication in the system of others.

There are the following types of bibliographic description:

ü monographic - implies a description of one document;

ü Consolidated - description of the multi-volume or serial document;

ü Analytical is a description of any component of the document;

ü briefly represents a description of only mandatory elements of a particular document;

ü expanded - here is a description of the mandatory elements, as well as one or more optional;

ü Full - a description of the mandatory element and all possible optional elements;

ü combined - a description that is performed at various publications of one document - reissue, translations, etc. and / or related other documents - reviews, abstracts, etc.;

Laboratory work number 1

Effective online search, drawing up an annotated list of Internet resources

purpose of work

To familiarize yourself with the technology of effective information search and create an annotated list of Internet resources (libraries, virtual museums) on information technologies and computing.

The task

Create an annotated list of Internet resources on the topic "My Future Profession".

Effective search

Read more information about the diversity of search engines and search queries language, allowing you to quickly and more accurately search for information:

Search engines

Search engine - software and hardware complex with a web interface that provides the ability to search for information on the Internet. The search engine usually implies the site where the system interface is posted.

In the early 2000s, search engines and site catalogs were often allocated (with built-in search, classic examples: Yahoo, Yandex.Catalog), however, information search algorithms and a rapid growth in the number of websites led to what to support catalogs up to date and The search for information in them has become too difficult. Of course, today site catalogs exist, but as a rule they are narrowly specialized.

2. Baidu - 8.2% (China)

Due to the specifics of working with the morphology of the Russian language and the peculiarities of the market, Russian Top-5 looks different (OpenStat):

2. Google - 36.68%

3. Rambler - 8.12%

4. Mail.Ru - 7.71%

5. Google - 0.69%

It should be noted that the search service Rambler uses Yandex technologies, so the real percentage of Yandex market - 58.26%

Language of search queries

The results of the search for issuance can be flexible enough using the query language. In different search engines, the syntax differs, but recently there is a tendency to unify commands. Below will consider several examples of the Yandex requests.

The search engine analyzes the request and tries to sort out various wordforms and words of words. Most often, these transformations contribute to obtaining more relevant results, but sometimes it leads to excessive issuance and unpredictable results. Consider a few examples:


If you are looking for an accurate quote, then you can specify the phrase in quotes, for example, "640 KB should be enough for each" example

By specifying the URL command, you can search on a specific page.URL: Tineye Example

Search on the page can also be done using a browser by pressing the CTRL + F or CMD + F keyboard

Site search

Site keyword displays search results by specified site.Site: Schedule Stream Example

Search by type file

Sometimes it is necessary to find a specific file type, such as PDF: MIME: PDF Education Act Example, PDF or DOC (MIME: PDF | Mime: Doc) Education Act Example


Browser is a program for viewing websites, that is, to request web pages, their processing, output and transition from one page to another. Read more information about different browsers and Internet work on the Internet:

How to choose a browser?

Several years ago, the web browser market was almost monopoly busy MicrosoftInterNetExplorer (MSIE), which was subjected to a sharp criticism of developers and safety professionals:

  • Numerous safety problems led to a computer infection with viruses and trojans.
  • Weak web standards support led to the impossibility of introducing modern technologies on sites.
  • Outdated algorithms displayed the contents of websites very slowly.

Many advanced users instead of InternetExplorer used the Mozillafirefox free browser, offering a convenient interface with tabs, support for modern standards, and the main competitive advantage is the ability to install extensions. In different countries (especially in Europe) Firefox was able to occupy a market share of 20% to 50%, but most of the market was still obsolete internexplorer.

At the end of 2008, Google released the Chrome browser, also deprived of the above disadvantages, and thanks to the aggressive Marketing campaign of GoogleChrome in various estimates today takes up to 40% of the world browser market, screening internexplorer in third place, leaving Mozillafirefox in second place.

For several years, Microsoft released the Microsoft Corporation, which corresponds to modern standards and requirements: internexplorer 9, 10, 11. And today you can choose any browser from the fourth leader, trying to regularly update to the latest versions. Some browsers are very often updated, but we can say that these versions are:

1. MicrosoftInterTexplorer 10 and above

3. Mozillafirefox 23 and above

4. ApplesAfari 6.0.

Very often, our computers become victims of viruses and Trojans, but it is less likely to be associated with security issues directly browsers. In the operating system, as a rule, a variety of additional programs has been established: AdobeFlashPlayer, AdobeReader, Oraclejava, Defender Mail.Ru, Yandex.Bar and others. According to anti-virus companies, the most frequent infection occurs through outdated (untranslated) FlashPlayer and Reader versions. Despite all the efforts of developer companies, users often do not understand why update FlashPlayer and other products if "and so everything works." Dear students, please do not close the "cross" or the "Cancel" button dialog boxes offering update this or that software.

Annotated list

An annotated list of Internet resources is a resource list containing additional information that allows you to preliminarily evaluate the value of the resource. A similar list is necessarily accompanied by annotation (brief characteristic) of the resource.

Selection of resources

Your annotated list must be represented 10 Internet resources on the topic "My future profession". First of all, the list should be presented: electronic libraries, virtual museums, personal sites of various authors. Also allowed references to thematic social networks, blogs, twitters and other resources, but a mandatory requirement is the topic: "My future profession"

Federal Agency for Education

GOU top vocational education

Samara State Aerospace University

The name of Academician S.P. QUEEN

Institute of Site

Department Publishing and bookStranspact

Examination number 1

on discipline bibliography

Option of task number 3

Drawing up an annotated bibliographic list, including literature on the native land

Performed: Female student number 4111

Murtazaeva Irina Olegovna

Checked: Decova Tatyana Yurevna

Samara 2007

Work plan

1. The introductory part

2. Main part

2.1 Information search

2.2 Bibliographic selection.

2.3 Bibliographic description

2.4 Annotations

2.5 Bibliographic grouping

3. Final part (the desired annotated bibliographic list).

4. List of used literature

The purpose of the test work is to demonstrate competence in the following issues:

Destinations, species, rules and features of the use of bibliographic records and bibliographic descriptions;

Methods of bibliographic search and selection, bibliographic systematization and annotation;

Practical drawing up annotated bibliographic list.

During the preparation for the control work, the system of standards, library and publishing, as well as a complex of benefits of the state, scientific and auxiliary and advisory bibliography, was studied, and, in particular, part of it, in which the main methodological issues of compiling an annotated bibliographic List.

The present is devoted to the preparation of an annotated bibliographic list, including literature on the native land. Local history bibliography is characterized by a variety of topics, it offers landmarks that allow you to look into the past of the native land, refreshing the urgent problems of modernity.

As a source database, a local history range from the library foundation at the place of work is used, that is, a collective library of the newspaper of the Kuibyshev Railway.

To perform this work, the editorial team did not have a clear list (catalog), which makes it possible to analyze the presence and meaningful part of the local history sources available in the editorial library. The prepared annotated bibliographic list will help the creative team of the editorial board freely navigate in the local literature of the editorial library.

The algorithm for constructing test work consists of consecutive processes.

In the subsection, the information search and bibliographic selection will define an object and subject, methods and possible typical search schemes; The limitations and main signs of the selection of publications according to the version of the test work are formulated, the library foundation is analyzed.

In the subsection, the bibliographic description provides features and main types of bibliographic descriptions, used in the process of performing test work.

The annotation subsection describes the annotation process of selected publications, the main types of annotations used and the features of their compilation.

In the subsection, the bibliographic group is characterized by the features, the main signs and types of bibliographic systematization used in the bibliographic list component.

The conclusion presents the result of the work done - the desired annotated bibliographic list. At the same time, the following definition is inserted into this concept: the bibliographic list is a bibliographic allowance for a listing (listricted) character in which bibliographic records are systematized for one or a sign (alphabetically, chronological, thematic, etc.).

2.1.1 Formulation of the search task

Determine the content of the work. In this case, it is necessary to prepare an annotated bibliographic list of references stored in the Foundations of the library of the newspaper Kuibyshev Railway. Frames of test work limit the area and features of the literature you are interested in - these are literature about the native land. Thus, the purpose of the search is the main documents and publications on the issues of local history.

2.1.2 Information Search Program

In the work program, we will try to specify the task as much as possible, which will contribute to greater purposefulness, depth, comprehensiveness, methodical rationalization and efficiency of the information search.

Object Search - newspaper library funds of the Kuibyshev Railwayman.

Subject Search - Information Sources (Literature) by Local Sciences of the Samara region.

Search types:

a) thematic bibliographic search carried out on the basis of bibliographic data (refinement of bibliographic descriptions);

b) documentary search;

c) Factographic search.

Search restrictions:

a) thematic - only on issues of local history of the Samara region;

b) chronological - retrospective search for the period from the beginning of the XIX century. Until now;

c) Language - publication only in Russian (incl. Translation)

d) typological - the list should be reflected in the list of all major types of publications (monographs, collections, reference books, bibliographic manuals, magazines, newspapers, separate articles of them, etc.);

e) geographic coverage - a country household search, i.e. Information sources published in our country (not excluding publications translated from foreign languages).

e) Fullness of the search - selective search, i.e. The most notable editions are selected;

g) search intensity - one-time, i.e. specifically for this work;

The search method is dialectical, i.e. The entire possible set of existing methods of bibliographic heuristics was used. These include:

Solid method - Surveys and without skipping all the presence of benefits and sources available in the library fund. In this case, it is actually implemented, since the entire library fund is not too voluminous and is a total of about 600 copies.

Selective method - the genre-species search criterion is used when analyzing publications in periodicals (sources).

Intuitive method - The use of the so-called bibliographic alike. We will try to use all four major class of intuition (on the Bunge): perception, imagination; Mind and evaluation.

Typological (recipe) method - the diversity of possible search tasks summarizing in a certain set of typical tasks (model). In this case, the optimal model is a bibliographic description - a set of identity information about the document.

Inductive logical method - The thought is inherent in any general rule (regularity) inherent in all single objects of any class. In relation to the task of the test work, an approximate range of private judgments can be formulated. For example: in the Samara region are issued publications on regional issues; There are a number of publishers specializing in their release. Such editions publishing publishers are published; Samara Print House, NTC Publishing, Editorial Publishing Centers of Universities and the Samara Regional Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, etc.

Deductive logical method - When a new thought is derived by a logical pathway from previous thoughts, that is, the use of general provisions in the study of concrete facts.

With regard to the task of the test work in line with this method, the following can be stated. First, the process of finding the literature and its theory (regional studies) as a special case (theme) includes the content of such sciences as history, geography, archeology and their theories. Consequently, it is in the manual (information publications), reflecting the content of these sciences, we can find the information about the search topic. Secondly, there are regional information bodies that are engaged in the information servicing of these areas of sciences. By establishing that those are: the Samara Regional Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Scientific Publishing Centers of Humanitarian Samara Universities, the Scientific Center of the Samara Regional Historical and Local History of the Alabin Museum, etc. In third, we define what benefits of these organizations can generally reflect the interests of interest to us Literature. Such are: research and popular editions, textbooks, monographs, specialized periodicals, etc. In fourthly, by solid or selectively (using the table of contents, auxiliary pointers, etc.) of studying these benefits, we can form a desired list of references on the issue of information search.

Information search method for bibliographic links . Such a bibliographic link can be shown or in the main text of the document (intratwise link), or in a substitution (at the bottom of the page) and a sequish (at the end of the main text) Note, or partially in the main text, and partly in a substituent (ignition) note, or in The list of used (recommended) literature used.

The method of climbing from the abstract to a specific consisting of four main steps:

A. Focused search for searching only by finding bibliographic manuals, in which, possibly reflects information about the desired sources (bibliographic search);

B. Climbing from the abstract - aggregate bibliographic benefits to a specific - the desired literature of the issue, the bibliographic list on the topic of the search;

B. Definition of sources in which you are interested in information (documentary search). The role of abstractions here is also performed by bibliographic descriptions of sources, and these sources themselves. As a result, the desired array of necessary sources on the search topic;

G. Definition The desired set of factual information on a given topic (Factographic search) by reading and outlining sources. As a result, a desired array of factographic information is formed, or the source material for annotations.


The library does not have any internal directories and cards, and the subject matter of the objectivity of the literature listed on the balance sheet does not reflect the entire Foundation library.

The form of representation is an annotated bibliographic list.

The bibliographic selection process was built in compliance with the limitations, chronology, language, typology, geography, completeness and intensity of the search category, consumer categories (see above).

It turned out that the Library Foundation of Literature and Sources for Local Studies today has 86 copies. Typical composition: books, brochures, periodic and continuing publications, journalistic audio and electronic materials, unpublished materials, maps, albums, atlases, etc. Their theme is quite wide. The most fully presented topics such as nature, geography, population, environment, cultural life, history, ethnography of Samara and province. In the overwhelming majority, this publication published in the second half of the XX - early XXI centuries.

Given the format limitations of the test work, for the specified annotated bibliographic list, only the most notable sources on the topic were selected.

Bibliographic description - a set of information about the document (part of its part or group of documents), giving the ability to identify the document, as well as obtain an idea of \u200b\u200bits content, reader, volume, reference apparatus, etc. Bibliographic description is the main part of the bibliographic record.

In the control work, the bibliographic description is used both in the interests of the search and selection of the necessary documents (sources) and for the preparation of the final annotated bibliographic list. Its objects are all types of published and unpublished documents on any media.

General requirements and rules forpping Bibliographic descriptions of the document, its part or group of documents: a set of regions and elements Bibliographic descriptions, the sequence of their location, filling and method of representing elements, the application of prescribed punctuation and abbreviations is defined by the current GOST 7.1-2003. The formation of the title of the bibliographic record regulates GOST 7.80-2000.

The areas and elements are shown in the set standard of the sequence, which is presented in the table:

Name Content


title and information

about responsibility

The main title of the object description, as well as other titles (alternative, parallel, other), other information related to the title information and information about persons and (or) organizations responsible for creating a document



Information about the changes and features of this publication for the same time to publish the same work.




It is used in describing objects that are a special type of publication or placed on specific media. These include maps, musical documents, serial and other ongoing resources, individual types of regulatory and technical documents, electronic resources, etc.



Information about the place and time of publication, distribution and manufacture of the object of description, as well as information about its publishers, distributors, manufacturer




The designation of the physical form in which the object of the description is presented, in combination with the indications of the volume and, if necessary, the size of the document, its illustrations and the accompanying material, which is part of the description of the description



Details about a multitude of document, a separate issue of which is the object description



Additional information about the description object that was not shown in other description elements. The information cited in the area borrow from any source of information and in square brackets do not conclude


standard number (or alternatives) and availability conditions

International standard numbers assigned to the description of the description: International Standard Book Room (ISBN) or International Standard Serial Edition Room (ISSN), or any other international number assigned to the description object in the prescribed manner

It is known that the elements of bibliographic descriptions are divided into mandatory and optional (optional). Mandatory elements contain bibliographic information that ensure the identification of the document. Optional elements contain bibliographic information that gives additional information about the document.

When using only mandatory elements, a brief bibliographic description is obtained; mandatory and partially optional - extended bibliographic description; All possible elements are a complete bibliographic description. When drawing up an annotated bibliographic list, we use brief and extended bibliographic descriptions.

We draw attention to the fact that in the bibliographic description areas and elements are preceded by prescribed separation signs. If the element (except for the first element of the domain) is repeated, repeat the sign of the prescribed punctuation preceding it, except for the sign of the oblique line. If the element does not lead in the description, the sign prescribed him.

One of the options for the compilation scheme Bibliographic description is given in the annex to the final part of the test work.

Annotation (from Lat. Annotatio - Note, remark, mark) - a brief description of the destination, content, type, form of a worthy feature of the document. Regulatory requirements for the preparation of the text of the annotation to various documents and publications are set forth in the Intergovernmental Standard GOST 7.9-95.

When preparing an annotated bibliographic list on the topic of test work, the main feature of the annotation is taken - the ability to establish the main content of the document, to determine its relevance.

The typology of annotations is determined by its symptoms: functional, completeness of reflection of the content and number of annotable publications. According to the most significant functional feature allocated generic categories annotations:

1) signal (reference) - clarifies the title and (or) complements the bibliographic description of the information of the factory nature;

2) estimated - critically characterizes the content;

In terms of the content of content, two categories of annotations differ:

1) General - characterizes the content as a whole;

2) Analytical - characterizes a part or aspect of content.

In the course of testing, we use the signal annotations of general (and in some cases analytic) character.

Bibliographic grouping is an ordering of bibliographic records for the similarity and / or difference of signs of documents, which helps to better navigate the list, quickly finds the necessary materials, to see the relationship between them.

Three main ways to group distinguish:

Formal (simple) method ensures the search for documents by their external features. It has varieties:

Alphabetic grouping - In the authors alphabu and title works (if the author is not specified, or authors are more than three). In the first place - legislative materials. Foreign sources are placed according to the alphabet after the list of all sources in the language of work. Records are located with the coincidence of the first words according to the alphabet, the second, etc., with several works of one author - along the alphabet of the title. The work of one author is in the back-chronological order.

On head chapters monographic - Initially - the literature of a general nature, then materials related to a particular chapter in alphabetically or chronological order.

Systematic grouping - on individual branches of knowledge, issues and topics in their logical coen.

Chronological grouping - By the date of release of publication (publication) in direct or reverse chronology or by chronology of reflected events.

Typological grouping (by types and types of documents) - not always rational, because It makes it difficult to work with the list, but allowed in the personal list or in the list of historical topics.

Grouping at the place of publication.

Mixed grouping - Sources are located in that number order, which makes references to them in the text of the work. Communication Bibliographic entries with basic text is set using the quotation ordinal number.

Group of regulatory acts - The acts are made to the beginning of the bibliographic lists and are arranged on legal strength (equal in legal force - by date of adoption:

1. International regulations

2. Constitution

3. Federal Constitutional Laws

4. Resolutions of the Constitutional Court

6. Federal laws

8. Presidential decrees

9. Acts of the government (first decisions, for them - orders)

10. Acts of the Supreme and Supreme Arbitration Courts

11. Regulatory acts of ministries and departments (hierarchy: decisions, orders, orders, letters)

12. Regional regulations (in the same manner as Russian)

14. Snaps, SP, Yenira, Vnira, etc.

The meaningful (subject) method is based on the subjects of documents and may have the different nature of the structure of the structure: translucent, hierarchical or integral. At the same time, the same product, often dedicated to several topics (questions), can be reflected in various subjects of the manual, for which the special reference system is used. Distinguish:

Thematic grouping - The material is located in a logical sequence by topics with a large amount of records. Inside the thematic headings, the material is grouped into alphabu authors and title (if the camera is the authors).

Personal grouping - The material dedicated to a certain person (his works, letters, literature about him) is located a personal nest.

Regional grouping - Records are combined into regional headings, the sequence of which is determined by the administrative-territorial division or in the alphabet of geographical items. Characteristic for economic, geographical and historical bibliographic lists.

Recommendative (objective value) The method applies when it is necessary to take into account the novelty, the value and usefulness of recommended information, the socio-psychological qualities of specific consumers, their ability to effectively master the proposed list of literature.

When drawing up an annotated bibliographic list on the topic of the control, a formal grouping method is used. Sources in the list will be presented in alphabetically with the use of a typological principle.

When drawing up an annotated bibliographic list on the topic of test work, special attention was paid to the rules of punctuation and spelling in the bibliographic records established in the bibliography in the bibliographic. In addition, the requirements for reducing and passing in the elements of the bibliographic record were taken into account. When preparing an annotated bibliographic list, both single-level and multi-level bibliographic descriptions were used. The list is numbered, since in this case it is not used as an applied system bibliographic links.

Annotated bibliographic list

On the topic of test work

Books (monographs)

1. Burkova, A. S. Samara City Public Museum (1880-1917) [Text]: Tutorial / A.S. Burkova. - Samara: Publishing House of NTC, 2004. - 42 p. - 200 copies. - ISBN 5-98229-050-5.

The manual based on the attraction of archival sources and literature is shown the process of creating a city museum in Samara. Considerable attention is paid to the consideration of issues of forming a collection of the museum and its cultural and educational activities. The manual is intended for students, graduate students and all interested in history and culture.

2. Voronin, V. V. Geography of the Samara region [Text]: Manual for accounting of 8-9 CP classes. schools / V. V. Voronin; Scientific Red I.A. Socks, [Reviewers: V. A. Gavrilenkov et al.]; SAMAR. oblast In-t R Qualifications and reconfigure. Education workers. - 2nd ed., Stereotype. - Samara: Sipkro, 2004 - 274c. : IL. - 2000 copies. - ISBN 5-7174-0222-8.

Saving the scientific relationship The author in an affordable and fascinating form reveals the features of the natural-geographical and economic and geographical position of the Samara region. The circle of the issues under consideration is very wide: geological history, mineral structure, relief, climatic conditions, soil types, vegetation, animal world, water medium. The book in detail the sectoral structure of the economic complex of the region is disclosed, the issues of the population and labor resources are addressed, the socio-economic characteristics of cities and rural areas is given.

3. Zakharchenko, A. V. Formation of the aircraft industry in the Volga region on the eve and during the Great Patriotic War (1940-1942) [Text]: Tutorial / Alexey Vladimirovich Zakharchenko; SAMAR. State Ped. un-t. - Samara: Publishing House of NTC, 2004. - 41 p. - Bibliogr. in Note: with. 38-40. - 200 copies. - ISBN 5-98229-051-3.

In this manual, on the basis of the wide attraction of archival sources and literature, the process of creating a powerful aircraft industry complex of the USSR in the Volga region during the Great Patriotic War was shown. The author shows how the restoration and organization of the production of military equipment on new sites occurred. The manual is intended for students of historical faculties, as well as for all interested stories.

4. Historical and cultural encyclopedia of the Samara region [Text] Personalia: in 4 tons / adm. SAMAR. region, region Center Nar. creativity. - Samara: Samar. Print House, 1993-1995. - (Samar. Encycle.).

T. 1: a - d / resp. Red.-Cost. S. M. Labgrad. -. - 384 p. : IL. - 25,000 copies.

T. 2: E - L / P. Red.-Cost. S. M. Labgrad. - 1994. - 430 p. : IL. - 25,000 copies.

T. 3: M - cm / red.-Cost. N. D. Kurdin. - 1995. - 383 p. : IL. - 10,000 copies.

T. 4: CO - I; Supplements / Red. Sost. N. D. Kurdin. - 1995. - 415 p. : IL. - 10,000 copies.

The encyclopedia contains systematized biographical information about two thousand figures of different years, leaving their mark in the history of the Samara region.

5. History of the Samara Volga region with ancient times to the present day. Stone Age [Text] / I. B. Vasiliev, A. A. Visotina, L. V. Kuznetsova [and others]; Editorial Board: P. S. Kabyatov, I. B. Vasilyev [and others]; Ed. A. A. Verova [et al.]; SAMAR. Scientific Center RAS. - Samara: Publishing House of Samar. Scientific Center RAS, 2000. - 312 p. : IL. - Bibliogr. At the end of ch. - 1000 copies. - ISBN 5-93424-027-9.

Based on the analysis of materials collected by Samara archaeologists during the 20th century on the territory of the Volga region, in the collective monograph, a holistic picture of the historical past Samara region in the Stone Age is offered.

6. Kabyatov, P. S. Legendary Samaret Peter Vladimirovich Alabin [Text] / Peter Serafimovich Kabyatov. - Kuibyshev: factor, 1990. - 58 p. : IL; 22 cm. - (People Samar. Edges; kN. 1). - Bibliogr. in Note: with. 56-58. - 1000 copies.

The historical essay is dedicated to the Samara City Head (1885-1891), Chairman of the provincial Zemstvo administration, the main (deputy) of the city Duma P.V. Alabin. The author of the publication is a doctor of historical sciences, professor, the first Vice-Rector of the Samara State University.

7. Kazarin, V.N. Reborn names [Text] / Vladimir Nikolaevich Kazarin; Explosive state. Archive service itself. oblast - Samara, book, 2004. - 236 p. : IL. - 1000 copies.

The book presents historical essays of the Samara journalist, Prosaika and Kravoyed V.N. Kazarina in representatives of the merchant class of the Samara Territory: subbotic, crushing, Sokolovy, Shikhobalov, Arzhanovy, N.V. Konstantinov, D.V. Kirillov, I.M. Pleshanov, P.M. Zhuravlev, von Vakano et al.

8. Krasnova, L. N. Krotovka, 1755-2005[Text]: Chronicle of events / L. N. Krasnova. - Samara: Publishing House of NTC, 2005. - 140 p. - ISBN 5-98229-088-2.

The book is a chronicle of the history of one village in the Samara region. The author seeks to convey to the reader an interesting details of life and life fellow villagers, restore the names of people who lived on this land and contributing to her heyday. Designed for a wide range of readers.

9. Kuznetsov, P. F., Plaksin, A. V. Krai Samara. Ancient times Neftegorsk district [Text]: Research and Publication / P. F. Kuznetsov, A. V. Plaksin. - Samara: Samara Print House, 2004. - 176 p. : IL. : Maps. - Bibliogr.: P. 161-168. 1000 copies. - ISBN 5-7350-0383-6.

The publication talks about the monuments of the archeology of Neftegorsk district, one of the most fully studied in the Samara region. Archaeological monuments of the area allow you to restore the main milestones of the ancient and medieval history of the Volga region. The book is addressed to local history, teachers, students and schoolchildren of high schools, as well as all those who are interested in the ancient history of the Samara region in the context of the history of Russia and the history of world civilizations. The book is recommended for the press of the Specialized Council of the Main Department of Education of the Administration of the Samara Region.

10. Matveyeva, G. I., Kochkin, A. F. Muromsky Town[Text]: Archaeological monuments of the Samara region / G. I. Matveyeva, A. F. Kochkin; Easter. Museum. P. V. Alabin. - Samara: Samven, 1998. - 48 p. - 1100 copies.

The book tells about one of the largest cities of Volzhskoy Bulgaria X - early XIII centuries. - Archaeological monument to the Murom town. The city was an important strategic point in the southern borders of the Bulgarian state, and was also the center of crafts and trade on the Samara Luke. Archaeological studies have allowed to fully explore the history and culture of the medieval city.

11. Mineral-raw material base of the Samara region. State and Prospects for Development [Text]: Monograph / G. R. Khasaev, V. K. Emelyanov, A. L. Karev [and others]. - Samara: Agni, 2006. - 216 p. : IL.

Monograph answers questions: What deposits of mineral fossils are the Samara region and what are the prospects for their use. The publication is compiled according to the reporting materials of geological exploration carried out at different times. The authors have adopted a systematic approach to the problems of the development of the resource sphere, which significantly changes many of the usual ideas about the assessment of the wealth of the subsoil, the state and prospects of the mineral resource base of the region, the strategies of resource use, the social problem of the mineral resource complex. The publication is recommended by scientific specialists, teachers and students of universities, employees of legislative bodies, developers of a variety of programs, concepts, production development schemes, etc.

12. Pavlovich, I., Warrior, A. Legends Volzhsky Dungeons [Text]: Violated. Research / Igor Pavlovich, Oleg Warnik. - Samara: Publishing House of NTC, 2001. - 148 p. : IL. - Bibliogr.: P. 146-147. - 500 copies. - ISBN 5-900827-34-8.

The book is devoted to the myths and legends of Volzhsky and the Zhigulevsk dungeons. The authors managed to connect the mythological component of the information about the Zhigulevsk dungeon, information on real objects and field expedition data.

13. Samara chronicle[Text]: Essays of the history of the Samara Territory with ancient times to this day: in 3-kN. / Under. ed. P. S. Kabyatova, L. V. Khramkova; Samara State University-t. - Samara: SSU, 1993-1997.

Kn. First: Samara Krai with ancient times until the middle of the XIX century. - 1993. - 197 p.

Kn. Second: the Samara region of the second half of the XIX century - the beginning of the XX century. - 1993. - 217 p.

Kn. Third: Samara Krai in the XX century, 1918-1996. - 1997. - 264 p.

The book prepared by the team of the Department of the Russian history of the University of Samara University illuminates the process of mastering the Samara region, the features of its settlement, economic, social and cultural development. Much attention is paid to the analysis of cultural aspects of the problem: the authors tell about the formation of agricultural production, the development of fishing, trade, notes the peculiarities of the life and culture of Sammartsev and their participation in the public and political life of Russia. The book is written on the basis of documentary material extracted from the central and regional state-owned archives, official and Zemstvo statistics, periodical press, memories of participants in events.

14. Samara region. Geography and history, economy and culture : Tutorial. / Sost E .. Ya. Dmitriev, P.S. Kabatov. - Samara: Samven, 1996. - 670 p. - 10,000 copies.

15. Semenova, E. Yu. History of the Samara Territory, IX - XVIII centuries. [Text]: study. - Methodology. Complex / Ekaterina Yuryevna Semenova; SAMAR. State Ped. un-t. - Samara: Publishing House of NTC, 2004. - 148 p. - ISBN5-98229-002-5.

Compiled on the basis of research and essays of historians, local history, ethnographers, geographers who studied the Samara region in the XVIII-XX centuries. The manual tells about the history of the Samara Territory, under which the territories of the modern Samara region and those who were previously in the Samara province. In this book, the coverage of themes is great, their variety: from the peculiarities of geography and toponymics in connection of the history of the region with the history of Russia. The complex includes a working program, the subject of test work and seminar classes, nodal explanations for self-study. The book is designed for schoolchildren who study historical regional studies, as well as for all who are interested in the history of the Samara region.

16. Sumburova, E. I. Preparation of pedagogical personnel in the Samara province in the second half of the XIH - early twentieth centuries. [Text] / E. I. Sumburova. - Samara: Publishing House of NTC, 2004. - 134, p. - 200 copies. - ISBN 5-98229-023-8.

In the book based on the wide attraction of archival and published sources, the formation of a system of pedagogical educational institutions in the Samara province and training of teacher personnel in the second half of the nineteenth - early XX centuries is studied. The number, social composition and material and consumer position of students of pedagogical educational institutions in the pureformer period is illuminated in detail.

17. Khramkova, L. V. Introduction in Samara Region [Text]: studies. manual for universities / L. V. Khramkov; Samgm. - Samara: Publishing House of NTC, 2003. - 356 p. - 500 copies. - ISBN 5-900827-79-8.

The manual was prepared on the basis of the course of lectures, read by the author at Samara State University, Samara Humanitarian Academy and Samara Medical and Technical Lyudis. The book is built in the form of lectures, the content of which goes far beyond the textbook, representing a systematic research material of the historical, geographical, ethnographic and cultural plan.

18. Khramkova L. V., Khramkova, N. P. Samara Earth during the years of the Military Liphethenet 1941-1945. [Text]: Essays of History, Documents, Memories, Chronicle of Events / Lenar Vasilyevich Khramkova, Nina Petrovna Khrkova; SAMAR. State un-t. - Samara: Publishing House of NTC, 2003. - 372 p. -1000 copies - ISBN 5-900827-81-X.

On the work of the residents of the Samara region during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. The special section included copies of the documents of the military period, stored in the archives of Samara, memories of veterans; In it, it is possible to draw valuable information about all the awards and kuibysheyshev (Samartsy) - the heroes of the war in the years of the Great Patriotic War.

19. Chronicle of the Entry of Workers of the Kinel Cherkasy District during the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945 [Text] / Compiler P. D. Stolyarov. - Samara: Publishing House of NTC, 2005. - 367 p. - ISBN 5-98229-084.

Based on the archival materials, the compiler managed to show the multifaceted activity of residents of the Cherkasy district of the Samara region during the war. In the collection, more than 300 documents were used, the environments of which are and those with which the neck is completely secreted. The book is intended for a wide audience.

20. Ethnic groups of the Samara region[Text] Historical and Etnographic Essays / G. Yu. Burdin, T. I. Vedernikova, N. G. Demetr [and others]; Adm. SAMAR. oblast - Samara: [b. and.], 2003. - 288С. : Photoel. - 1500 copies.

Scientific and popular publication. The book provides generalized information about all nationalities living in the Samara region according to the 1989 census. Articles can be traced the history of each ethnos on Samara Earth, to learn about the traditional forms of housekeeping, housing, national costumes and dishes, customs and rites, national public associations and many other things.


1. Volga [Maternity] Photo Album: / Interregion. societies. Org. Center of Spirits Cultures (preparation of drawn.) Entry. Art. L.V. Saushina. - Samara: Agni, 2005. - 144 ster. : Col. and C / Bl. ; Hardcover, stamping foil; 240x290. - Rus. - ISBN 5-94650-031-7.

The fascinating guide to the most interesting and popular corner of the Volga is the sources down the river. The publication contains panoramic shots of the coast, landscapes, the protected areas of the Volga, reflecting the originality and wealth of vegetation, the features of the relief of the river valley. Much attention is paid to Volzhsky cities - their history and attractions. The album includes introductory article, fragments of scientific papers, chronicles and travel notes about the Volga of ancient and medieval scientists and travelers, article art historian Volga in Russian painting.

Serial and other ongoing sources

1. Cities of the Samara region in numbers[Text]: Stat. Collection / GKS RF; GKS CO. - Vol. 2003 - Samara: Samven, 2003. - 208 p. - 5000 copies.

The material was prepared on the basis of primary data obtained by the statistical divisions directly from the current entities of the economy in the field and implemented in the territorial aspect of macroeconomic developments of the regional committee. The collection consists of two sections. The first provides data on the socio-economic situation of each city of the Samara region. The second includes a range of rating tables, in which the distribution of places occupied by cities in the Samara region are given. The collection publishes statistical data on the demographic and environmental situation in cities. Room information about employment and wages. There are tables characterizing the position in industry, agriculture, construction, transport, trade. Statistical data are presented mainly in the long dynamics for 11 years - from 1992 to 2002.

2. Samara Zemsky Collection[Text]: Society. - Polit. and scientific journal / Founder Samara Gosun-t. - 1997 -. - Samara: SSU, 1997 -. - 4-6 times a year. 2005, issued 1-4. - 300 copies.

The journal presents articles, monographs, reports and s, devoted to the problems of Russian history, local history, the development of political institutions. Among the constant headings: Problems of Russian history, Samara chronicle, power and society, history of everyday life, Samara intelligentsia, Samara archive.


1. Avdoshina, N.V. Monitoring the socio-labor industry in the region: concept, organization, results [Text] / Natalia Vladimirovna Avdoshina / / Herald of the Samara State. Un-ta. - 1997. - № 3. - P. 87-102.

The author, associate professor of the Department of Sociology and Political Science Samgum, considers the methodology and experience in monitoring the socio-labor sphere of industrial enterprises of the Samara region. The article presents a comprehensive analysis of socio-labor processes based on the results of systemic monitoring of the course and nature of qualitative changes in the region's industry, taking into account economic, statistical and sociological data.

2. Belyaeva, E. Formation of the Samara Theater Public [Text]: [Theater. Samara's life at the end of the XIX - early XX century.] / Elena Yuryevna Belyaeva / / Samara Zemsky collection. - 1996. - Vol. 3. - P. 69-74. - Bibliogr. At the end of Art.

The historical essay dedicated to the development of theatrical life in Samara at the end of the XIX - early XX century. Documentary evidence of the actor of Antpurziza M. Pisarev, P. Streptova, V. Mamontov, on the living rooms of theatrical performances in merchant houses, in the first municipality theater, built on the city of the city.

3. Rosetino, S. A.Botanical Garden - Samara Pearl [Text] / S. A. Return / / Green Beam: Ecologist. inf .-d. Bulletin. - 1999. - № 6. - P. 40-42.

The article is devoted to the history of the Samara Botanical Garden and the nursery of decorative plants.

4. Savyon, N.The landing is announced ...: [About the Samara bus station Central] / Nikolay Savyon / / Volzh. Dawn. - 1980. - December 2

The article is devoted to the opening of the Central Bus Station in Samara and its constructive features.


Scheme of compositioning single-level bibliographic descriptions in the list

(For clarity, adjacent areas are shaded, optional (optional) elements are selected in italics)


title and information about responsibility

















standard N.

Mayor and Conditions


The prescribed punctuation sign between the regions (dot - the gap - dash - space)

Basic title [ General designation material ] = Parallel title : Name related to title / First information about responsibility ; Subsequent information about responsibility . - Information about the publication = Parallel information about the publication / The first information about the responsibility relating to the publication ; Subsequent information about the responsibility relating to the publication, For more information about the publication / The first information about the responsibility relating to additional information about the publication ; Subsequent information on responsibility related to additional information about the publication. - Specific information. - First place (city) publication ; Subsequent place (city) publication : Publisher Name (Publishing) [ Information about the function of the publisher (publishing house)], Publisher date , (Production Place for Production of Specific Products : Manufacturer's name , Manufacture date). - Specific material designation and volume : Other information on physical characteristics ; Dimensions + Accompanying information. - (Basic title series or subsequent = Parallel title series or sense : Information related to the title series or subsequent / The first information about the responsibility relating to the series or subsequent; Subsequent responsibility information related to a series or subsequent, ISSN assigned to this series or subsequent ; Series or Sensor Release Number ). - Region Notes . - Standard ISBN number (or its alternative) \u003d Key title : Availability condition or price (Additional information to area elements).

Example on the topic of test work

Samara Krai in XX B, 1918-1996 [ Text ] / under. ed. P. S. Kabyatova, L. V. Khrkova ; Samara State University . - 2nd ed . - Samara : SSU , 1997. - 264 p. : Il. ; 25 cm . - (Samara chronicle : Essays Essrons. SAMAR. edges with ancient. Times to this day : in 3 kN. / Himself. State un-t; kn. 3. ) .


1. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compiling [Text]: GOST 7.1-2003. - instead of GOST 7.1-84; introduce 2003-07-01. - Minsk: Intergos. Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification; M.: Standards Publishing House, 2002. - 47 s. - (system of standards according to information, library and publishing).

2. Bibliographic record. Header. General requirements and rules for compiling [Text]: GOST 7.80 - 2000. - Introduction For the first time 2001-07-01. - Minsk: Intergos. Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification; M.: Publishing House of Standards, 2000. - 8 p. - (system of standards according to information, library and publishing).

3. Information and library activities, bibliography. Terms and Definitions [Text]: GOST 7.0-99. - instead of GOST 7.0-84, GOST 7.26-80; introduce 2000-07-01. - Minsk: Intergos. Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification; M.: Publishing House Standards, 1999. - 23c. - (system of standards according to information, library and publishing).

4. and abstract: general requirements[Text]: GOST 7.9-95. - instead of GOST.7.9-77; introduce 1997-07-01. - Minsk: Intergos. Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification; M.: Publishing House Standards, 1996. - 7 p. - (system of standards according to information, library and publishing).

5. Brishman, M. A., Bronshtajn, M. P. Basics of the Methodology of Compilation Bibliographic Pointers [Text]: studies. Manual / M. A. Brixman, Mikhalin Petrovna Bronstein. - 2nd ed. - M.: [B. and.], 1974. - 84С.

6. Brishman, M. A., Bronchtein, M. P. Drawing up bibliographic manuals [Text]: Pratte. Manual / M. A. Brixman, Mikhalin Petrovna Bronstein. - M.: Book, 1964. - 299 p.

7. Wathrysheva, M. G. Bibliography Theory [Text]: studies. benefit / Margarita Georgievna Vhorkshev; SAMAR. State Acad. Cultures and arts. - Samara: SGAC, 2004. - 367 p. : IL. - ISBN 5-88293-167-3.

8. Grechikhin, A. A., Health, I. G. Information publications. Typology and preparation features [Text] / Alexander Andreevich Grechikhin, Ivan Georgievich Health. - 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Book, 1988. - 271, p. , 21 cm - (here is a manuscript to the book). - Bibliogr.: P. 259-264 (170 titles.). - Declaration: P. 265-272. - ISBN 5-21200-003-3.

9. Grechikhin, A. A. General Bibliography [Text]: Textbook for universities / Alexander Andreevich Grechikhin. - 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Publishing House MGUP, 2000. - 588 p. - ISBN 5-8122-0099-8.

10. IENISH, E.V. Bibliographic search in scientific work [Text] cases. Travel Guide / Elena Vladimirovna Yenish; Ed. IK Brick. - M.: Book, 1982. - 247 p. , 20 cm. - Bibliography: P. 247 (7 titles.), Bibliogr. At the end of the sections. - Declaration: P. 221-246.

11. Korshunov, A. P. Bibliography. Theory, Methodology, Methodology [Text] / Oleg Pavlovich Korshunov. - M.: Book, 1986. - 285, p. : IL. , 21 cm.

12. Milchin, A. E. Publishing Dictionary - Directory [Text] / Arkady Emmanuilovich Milchin. - 2nd ed., Act. and add. - M.: Olma-Press, 2003. - 560 p. : IL. ; 21.5 cm. - (book case). - 3000 copies. - ISBN 5-224-04560-6.

13. Directory of bibliography[Text] / Ed. A. N. Vaneyeva, V. A. Minkyina. - 3rd ed., Pererab. and add. - St. Petersburg. : Profession, 2006. - 591 p. - ISBN 5-93913-094-1.

14. Publishing standards [Text]: Sat. Documents: / Sost. - A. A. Kalinin, S. Yu. Kalinin. - M.: Economist, 2004. - 623 p. - (book). - ISBN 5-98118-093-5.


15. Edition. Output[Text]: GOST 7.4-95. - Instead of GOST 7.4-86; introduce 1996-07-01. - M.: Publishing House Standards, 1996. - 51 p. - (system of standards according to information, library and publishing).

16. Edition. Main types. Terms and Definitions[Text]: GOST 7.60-90. - Introduction 1991-01-01. - M., 1990. - 29 p. - (system of standards according to information, library and publishing).

17. Edition. Terms and Definitions[Text]: OST 29.130 - 97. - Introduction for the first time; 1997.08-01. - M., 1997, - 56c.

18. Grechikhin, A. A. Bibliographic Heuristics[Text]: history, theory and methodology of information search: the abstract of lectures on the course total. And book train. Bibliogr. / Alexander Andreevich Grechikhin; Mosk. inst. Print. - M.: MPI, 1984. - 48 p. , 20 cm.

19. Grechikhin, A. A. Search and use of literature in the preparation of a lecture[Text] / Alexander Andreevich Grechikhin. - M.: Knowledge, 1982. - 64 p. , 20 cm. - (new in life, science, technique. Ser. Methodology and Org. Lecture propaganda; Vol. 3).

20. Istrin, M.V. Annotation of print works[Text]: Method. Handbook / Marina Viktorovna Istrin. - M.: Book, 1981. - 48 p. , 20 cm. - (here is the manuscript to the book).