States are the main features of a patriotically stable personality. Patriotism - Why is it so important to instill a sense of patriotism? Rejection of patriotism by universalist ethics

States are the main features of a patriotically stable personality. Patriotism - Why is it so important to instill a sense of patriotism? Rejection of patriotism by universalist ethics

Types of patriotism

Patriotism can manifest itself in the following forms:

  1. polis patriotism- existed in ancient city-states (policies);
  2. imperial patriotism- maintained a sense of loyalty to the empire and its government;
  3. ethnic patriotism- at the base has feelings of love for their ethnic group;
  4. state patriotism- feelings of love for the state lie at the base.
  5. leavened patriotism (hooray patriotism)- at the base are exaggerated feelings of love for the state and its people.

Patriotism in history

The car magnet is a popular way of showing patriotism among all parties in the US 2004.

The concept itself had different content and was understood in different ways. In antiquity, the term patria ("homeland") was applied to the native city-state, but not to broader communities (such as "Hellas", "Italy"); thus, the term patriota meant an adherent of his city-state, although, for example, a sense of common Greek patriotism existed at least since the Greco-Persian wars, and in the works of Roman writers of the era of the early Empire, one can see a peculiar sense of Italian patriotism.

Imperial Rome, in turn, saw Christianity as a threat to imperial patriotism. Despite the fact that Christians preached obedience to the authorities and offered prayers for the well-being of the empire, they refused to take part in imperial cults, which, according to the emperors, should contribute to the growth of imperial patriotism.

The preaching of Christianity about the heavenly homeland and the idea of ​​the Christian community as a special “people of God” raised doubts about the loyalty of Christians to their earthly homeland.

But later in the Roman Empire there was a rethinking of the political role of Christianity. After the adoption of Christianity by the Roman Empire, she began to use Christianity to strengthen the unity of the empire, countering local nationalism and local paganism, forming the idea of ​​the Christian Empire as the earthly homeland of all Christians.

In the Middle Ages, when loyalty to the civic collective gave way to loyalty to the monarch, the term lost its relevance and re-acquired it in modern times.

In the era of the American and French bourgeois revolutions, the concept of "patriotism" was identical with the concept of "nationalism", with a political (non-ethnic) understanding of the nation; for this reason, in France and America at that time, the term “patriot” was synonymous with the term “revolutionary”. The symbols of this revolutionary patriotism are the Declaration of Independence and the Marseillaise. With the emergence of the concept of "nationalism", patriotism began to be opposed to nationalism, as a commitment to the country (territory and state) - commitment to the human community (nation). However, these concepts often act as synonyms or close in meaning.

Rejection of patriotism by universalist ethics

Patriotism and Christian tradition

Early christianity

Consistent universalism and cosmopolitanism early Christianity, his preaching about the heavenly homeland as opposed to the earthly homelands and the idea of ​​the Christian community as a special "people of God" undermined the very foundations of polis patriotism. Christianity denied all differences not only between the peoples of the empire, but also between the Romans and the "barbarians". The Apostle Paul instructed: “If you are resurrected with Christ, then seek something higher (...) putting on a new<человека>where there is no Hellene, no Jew, no circumcision, no uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free, but Christ is all and in everything. "(Colossians 3:11). According to the apologetic Epistle to Diognetus attributed to Justin Martyr, “They (Christians) live in their own country, but as newcomers (...). For them, every foreign country is a fatherland, and every fatherland is a foreign country. (...) They are on earth, but they are the citizens of heaven " The French historian Ernest Renan formulated the position of the early Christians as follows: “The Church is the homeland of the Christian, as the synagogue is the homeland of the Jew; a Christian and a Jew live in every country as strangers. A Christian hardly recognizes a father or mother. He owes nothing to the empire (...) The Christian does not rejoice in the victories of the empire; he considers social disasters to be the fulfillment of prophecies that doom the world to destruction from barbarians and fire " .

Contemporary Christian writers on patriotism

Patriotism is undoubtedly relevant. It is a feeling that makes the people and each person responsible for the life of the country. There is no such responsibility without patriotism. If I don't think about my people, then I have no home, no roots. Because a home is not only comfort, it is also a responsibility for order in it, it is a responsibility for the children who live in this house. A person without patriotism, in fact, has no country of his own. A "man of the world" is the same as a homeless man.

Let us recall the Gospel parable of the prodigal son. The young man left home, and then returned, and his father forgave him, accepted with love. Usually, in this parable, attention is paid to how the father acted when he received prodigal son... But we must not forget that the son, after wandering around the world, returned to his home, because it is impossible for a person to live without his foundations and roots.

<…>It seems to me that the feeling of love for one's own people is just as natural for a person as the feeling of love for God. It can be distorted. And mankind throughout its history has more than once distorted the feeling put by God. But it is there.

And here one more thing is very important. The feeling of patriotism should in no way be confused with the feeling of hostility towards other peoples. Patriotism in this sense is consonant with Orthodoxy. One of the most important commandments of Christianity: do not do to another what you do not want to be done to you. Or as it sounds in the Orthodox teaching in the words of Seraphim of Sarov: save yourself, acquire a peaceful spirit, and thousands around you will be saved. The same is patriotism. Do not destroy in others, but create in yourself. Then others will treat you with respect. I think that today we have this is the main task of patriots: the creation of our own country.

Alexy II. Interview to the newspaper "Trud"

On the other hand, according to the Orthodox theologian Hegumen Peter (Meshcherinov), love for the earthly homeland is not something that expresses the essence of Christian teaching and obligatory for the Christian. However, the church, at the same time, finding its historical existence on earth, is not an opponent of patriotism as a healthy and natural feeling of love. At the same time, however, she "does not perceive any natural feeling as a moral given, for man is a fallen being, and a feeling, even such as love, left to itself, does not come out of the state of fall, but in the religious aspect leads to paganism." Therefore, "patriotism has dignity from the Christian point of view and receives a church meaning if and only if love for the motherland is an active fulfillment of the commandments of God towards it."

Contemporary Christian publicist Dmitry Talantsev considers patriotism to be anti-Christian heresy. In his opinion, patriotism puts the homeland in the place of God, while "the Christian worldview implies the fight against evil, upholding the truth completely regardless of where, in which country this evil occurs and avoiding the truth."

Contemporary criticism of patriotism

In modern times, Leo Tolstoy considered patriotism to be a feeling "coarse, harmful, shameful and bad, and most importantly - immoral." He believed that patriotism inevitably generates wars and serves main pillar state oppression. Tolstoy believed that patriotism was deeply alien to the Russian people, as well as to the working representatives of other peoples: in his entire life he had not heard any sincere expressions of the feeling of patriotism from the representatives of the people, but on the contrary, he had heard expressions of contempt and contempt for patriotism many times.

Tell people that war is bad, they will laugh: who does not know this? Say that patriotism is bad, and most people will agree to this, but with a small proviso. -Yes, bad patriotism is bad, but there is another patriotism, the one we hold on to. - But what is this good patriotism, no one explains. If good patriotism consists in not being conquering, as many say, then any patriotism, if it is not conquering, then certainly retention, that is, that people want to keep what was previously conquered, since there is no country that would not be based on conquest, and it is impossible to keep the conquered by other means than by the same ones by which something is conquered, that is, by violence, murder. If patriotism is not even retaining, then it is restorative patriotism of the conquered, oppressed peoples - Armenians, Poles, Czechs, Irish, etc. And this patriotism is almost the worst, because it is the most embittered and requires the greatest violence. They will say: "Patriotism has bound people into states and supports the unity of states." But people have already united into states, this deed has been accomplished; why now maintain the exclusive devotion of people to their state, when this devotion produces terrible disasters for all states and peoples. After all, the very patriotism that brought people together into states is now destroying these very states. After all, if there was only one patriotism: the patriotism of some Englishmen, then it could be considered unifying or beneficent, but when, as now, there is patriotism: American, English, German, French, Russian, all opposed to one another, then patriotism is no longer connects and disconnects.

L. Tolstoy. Patriotism or Peace?

One of Tolstoy's favorite expressions was the aphorism of Samuel Johnson: Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. In his April Theses, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin ideologically denounced the "revolutionary defencists" as compromisers with the Provisional Government. University of Chicago professor Paul Gomberg compares patriotism with racism, in the sense that both presuppose moral obligations and human ties primarily with representatives of "their" community. Critics of patriotism also note the following paradox: if patriotism is a virtue, and during a war, parties are patriots, then they are equally virtuous; but it is for virtue that they kill each other, although ethics forbids killing for virtue.

Ideas for the synthesis of patriotism and cosmopolitanism

The opposite of patriotism is usually considered cosmopolitanism, as the ideology of world citizenship and "homeland-world", in which "attachment to one's people and fatherland seems to lose all interest from the point of view of universal ideas." ... In particular, such oppositions in the USSR during Stalin's time led to the struggle against the "rootless cosmopolitans."

On the other hand, there are ideas of a synthesis of cosmopolitanism and patriotism, in which the interests of the motherland and the world, of our people and humanity are understood as subordinate, as the interests of a part and a whole, with the unconditional priority of universal human interests. Thus, the English writer and Christian thinker Clive Staples Lewis wrote: "Patriotism is a good quality, much better than the egoism inherent in an individualist, but universal brotherly love is higher than patriotism, and if they come into conflict with each other, then brotherly love should be preferred"... The modern German philosopher M. Riedel finds such an approach already in Immanuel Kant. Contrary to the neo-Kantians, who focus on the universalist content of Kant's ethics and his idea of ​​creating a world republic and a universal legal and political order, M. Riedel believes that Kant's patriotism and cosmopolitanism are not opposed to each other, but mutually agreed, and Kant sees both in patriotism, so also in the cosmopolitan manifestation of love. According to M. Riedel, Kant, in contrast to the universalistic cosmopolitanism of the Enlightenment, emphasizes that a person, in accordance with the idea of ​​world citizenship, is involved in both the fatherland and the world, believing that a person, as a citizen of the world and earth, is a true “cosmopolitan” in order to “contribute to the good of all the world must have a penchant for affection for his country. " ...

V pre-revolutionary Russia this idea was defended by Vladimir Solovyov, polemicizing with the neo-Slavophil theory of self-sufficient "cultural-historical types". ... In an article on cosmopolitanism in ESBE, Soloviev argued: “Just as love for the fatherland does not necessarily contradict attachment to closer social groups, for example, to one's family, so loyalty to universal interests does not exclude patriotism. The only question is in the final or supreme yardstick for assessing this or that moral interest; and, without a doubt, the decisive advantage should here belong to the good of the whole of humanity, as including the true good of each part "... On the other hand, Soloviev saw the prospects of patriotism as follows: Idolatry regarding one's own people, being associated with actual hostility to strangers, is thereby doomed to inevitable death. (...) Everywhere consciousness and life are preparing for the assimilation of a new, true idea of ​​patriotism, deduced from the essence of the Christian principle: “by virtue of natural love and moral obligations to his fatherland to believe his interest and dignity mainly in those higher benefits that do not divide, but unite people and nations " .

Notes (edit)

  1. in Brockhaus and Efron contains words about P. as a moral virtue.
  2. The example of public opinion polls shows that the majority of the respondents support patriotic slogans.
  3. "Culture Shock" of August 2, discussion on Russian patriotism, Victor Erofeev, Alexey Chadayev, Ksenia Larina. Radio "Echo of Moscow".
  4. on the VTsIOM website.
  5. An example of the interpretation of patriotism: "Archpriest Dimitri Smirnov: 'Patriotism is love for one's country, not hatred for someone else's'" - Interview of Archpriest of the Russian Orthodox Church Dimitri Smirnov to Boris Klin, Izvestia newspaper, September 12. Among the theses of the interviewee: patriotism is not associated with a person's attitude to state policy, patriotism cannot mean hatred of someone else, patriotism is cultivated with the help of religion, etc.
  6. Informational material of VTsIOM. 2006 Public Opinion Report on Russian Patriotism. In this report, there is no common understanding of society about patriotism and patriots.
  7. An example of the interpretation of patriotism: The virus of betrayal, unsigned material, an article from a selection of the website of the ultra-right nationalist organization RNU. Contains the opinion that it is the responsibility of a true patriot to support anti-Zionist actions.
  8. Georgy Kurbatov Evolution of the city's ideology, spiritual and cultural life of the city. Archived from the original on November 19, 2012. Retrieved November 12, 2012.
  9. See English. Wikipedia
  12. Epistle to Diognetus: Justin Martyr
  13. E. J. Renan. Marcus Aurelius and the end of the ancient world
  14. Alexy II. Interview to the newspaper "Trud" / November 3, 2005
  15. O. Peter (Mescherinov). Life in the church. Reflections on patriotism.
  16. D. Talantsev. Heresy of Patriotism / Treasure of Truth: Christian Journal
  18. Paul Gomberg, "Patriotism is Like Racism," in Igor Primoratz, ed., Patriotism, Humanity Books, 2002, pp. 105-112. ISBN 1-57392-955-7.
  19. Cosmopolitanism - Small Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  20. "Cosmopolitans". Electronic Jewish Encyclopedia
  21. Clive Staples Lewis. Just christianity
  23. Universalism of Human Rights and Patriotism (Kantian Political Testament) (Riedel M.)
  24. Boris Mezhuev
  25. [Patriotism]- article from the Small Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  26. // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - SPb. , 1890-1907.

see also

Most people who think about the world around them and themselves in this world inevitably come to the mystery of their own Universe, their own roots, the meaning of life and mission within the time frame of their own existence. These reflections are inevitably grouped around the concepts of family, place of birth, people around, and Motherland. Comprehending their depth leads to arguments about patriotism. The specificity of the homeland in its deepest foundations is determined by those socio-cultural factors that were formed in the early stages of the formation of a person and society, which form his heritage in the space of genetic memory.

In the Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary, published in 2003, the following definition of patriotism is given: “... love for the fatherland, for native land, to your cultural environment... These natural foundations of patriotism as a natural feeling are combined with its moral significance as a duty and a virtue. A clear awareness of their duties in relation to the fatherland and their faithful fulfillment form the virtue of patriotism, which since ancient times also had a religious significance ... "1 Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ed. B.M.Bim-Bad - M .: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 2003; P.185

Patriotism as an idea and driving force societies and states were considered by thinkers in ancient times. Various aspects of this sociocultural phenomenon are revealed in the works of such thinkers as Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, F. Bacon, A. Chartier, N. Machiavelli, C. Montesquieu, J.-J. Rousseau, I. G. Fichte, G. V. F. Hegel, S. Freud, J.P. Sartre, K. Jaspers and others

M.V. Lomonosov, A.S. Khomyakov, N.M. Karamzin, F.I. Tyutchev, V.G. Belinsky, N.G. Chernyshevsky, N. A. Dobrolyubov, F. M. Dostoevsky, V. S. Soloviev, N. F. Fedorov, L. N. Tolstoy, G. P. Fedotov, N. O. Lossky, S. L. Frank, G. V Plekhanov, P. B. Struve, V. V. Rozanov, S. N. Bulgakov and others. The meaning of their work is inherent in considering patriotism as an integral and at the same time the most important characteristic of being a citizen of Russia, any creative team, one of the foundations of life Russian society having great importance for his future fate.

Patriotism represents a peculiar format of life orientations of a citizen of Russia in the implementation of his life strategy corresponding to the real social interests and expectations of the surrounding team, society and the state, impressed in his mind, found in the sense of his own existence and objectified in the way of life.

Patriotism- this is a voluntarily accepted position of individuals, in which the priority of the state acts not as a restriction, but as an incentive for individual freedom and conditions for the formation and development of civil society. This defines patriotism as a universal norm that regulates any relationship, interest or activity in only one direction: in the possibility of all this to correlate with originality, which is experienced as a feeling and image of the Motherland (imperative aspect).

Patriotism- a moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love for the fatherland and the willingness to subordinate its private interests to its interests. Patriotism presupposes pride in the achievements and culture of one's homeland, a desire to preserve its character and cultural characteristics and identification of oneself with other members of the nation, the willingness to subordinate one's interests to the interests of the country, the desire to protect the interests of the motherland and one's people. The historical source of patriotism is the consolidated existence of separate states for centuries and millennia, which formed attachment to their native land, language, traditions. In the conditions of the formation of nations and the formation of national states, patriotism becomes an integral part of public conscience reflecting national moments in its development. (Dictionary)

Patriotism- love for the fatherland, devotion to it, the desire to serve its interests by their actions.

Patriotism- one of the deepest feelings, enshrined for centuries and millennia of isolated fatherlands "(Lenin V. I., Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 37, p. 190).

The content and direction of patriotism are determined, first of all, by the spiritual and moral climate of society, its historical roots, which feed the social life of generations. The role and importance of patriotism increases by sharp turns history, when the objective trends in the development of society are accompanied by an increase in the tension of the forces of its citizens (wars, invasions, social conflicts, revolutionary upheavals, exacerbation of crisis phenomena, the struggle for power, natural and other disasters, etc.). Manifestations of patriotism in such periods are marked by high noble impulses, special sacrifice in the name of their people, their homeland, which makes us speak of patriotism as a complex and, of course, extraordinary phenomenon.

Patriotism can manifest itself in the following forms:

    polis patriotism - existed in ancient city-states (polis);

    imperial patriotism - supported feelings of loyalty to the empire and its government;

    ethnic patriotism (nationalism) - based on feelings of love for their ethnic group;

    state patriotism - feelings of love for the state lie at the base.

    leavened patriotism (hurray-patriotism) - at the base lie exaggerated feelings of love for the state and its people.

Patriotism in modern Russia presupposes a corresponding active socio-cultural and other activity of a person in a team, participation of a team in social processes, an intensification of the role of society in state affairs. It always acts as a personal position or attitude towards society, it becomes the content of human freedom, the force of his vital activity and is an internal measure of the vitality of an individual, collective, society and state.

In the current situation of the development of Russia, as never before, it is necessary to revive spirituality, educate the population, especially young people, in the spirit of patriotism, love for the Fatherland, stopping the propaganda of violence, cruelty, a way of life that is not typical for us. Without the rise of civic consciousness, the patriotic potential of the population and Russian statehood, one cannot count on success in the Revival of the Fatherland. In the implementation of patriotic education, new conceptual approaches are needed, first of all, the realization that the formation of patriotism cannot take a secondary place or be the subject of speculation in the political struggle.

Modern problems of patriotic education are studied in various branches of humanitarian knowledge. Theoretical and methodological problems are presented in:

Filosofskikh (Baikova V.G., Borodin E.T., Benkendorf G.D., Zarvansky V.M., Vishnevsky S.S., Ilyichev N.M., Krylova N.B., Lutovinov V.I., Makarov V.V., Mirsky R.Ya., Sukhotina L.D., Nikandrov N.D., Sverdlin M.A., Rogachev P.M., Skurlatov V.I.)

Historical (Gulyga A.V., Krupnitsky D.V., Platonov O.S., Kharlanova Yu.V., Ilyina V.A., Kruglov A.A., Naumov S.V., Rybakovsky L.L., Bikmeev M.A., Zhilin P.A., Kukushkin Yu.S., Pryakhin D.A., Ermichev A.A., Yarvelyan V.I., Voinilov G.Yu., Kozhukhova E.A.), political science research (Babushkina V.A., Levashov V.N., Petrosyan Yu.S., Ivanova S.Yu., Safaeva R.A., Yavchunovskaya R.A.).

Pedagogical research (Agapova I.A., Belozertsev E.P., Bondarevskaya E.V., Bublik L.A., Bykov A.K., Bikmetov E.Yu., Vyrshchikov A.N., Grigoriev D.V. , Ippolitova N.I.)

Patriotic education- this is a systematic and purposeful activity of public authorities and organizations to form in citizens a high patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill their civic duty and constitutional obligations to protect the interests of the Motherland.

Patriotic education is aimed at the formation and development of a person who has the qualities of a citizen - a patriot of the Motherland and is able to successfully fulfill civil duties in peacetime and wartime.

The goal of patriotic education, defined by the state concept "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation", is the development in Russian society of high social activity, civic responsibility, spirituality, the formation of citizens with positive values ​​and qualities, capable of manifesting them in the creative process in the interests of the Fatherland, strengthening the state , ensuring its vital interests and sustainable development. Modernization of patriotic education in recent times becomes one of the priority areas of educational policy, which is undoubtedly influenced by the processes of cultural integration of the population of Russia. A direct consequence of these processes is the revision of the provisions traditional for each regional system of patriotic education, their expansion, as well as the recently increasing trend of isomorphism of the patriotic functions of educational disciplines, manifested in the state's desire to develop a unified approach to solving the problems of patriotic education. The mechanism of patriotic education is meaning-making activity aimed at developing a person's own meanings of serving the Fatherland in the process of individualization, personification and socialization.

The content of patriotic education is a semantic field in which there is an exchange of understood, accepted, recognized (i.e. recognized) and appropriated images of thinking, consciousness, behavior, relationships, activities of human-forming subjects - (educators and educated, as well as educated among themselves) ... It represents an energetic exchange between the subjects of education, information, value attitudes, types and methods of communication, cognition, activity, play, behavior, the selection and assimilation of which has an individually selective character. The basis of the content of patriotic education should be the basic culture of the individual.

Its priority areas are the culture of life self-determination, family relations; economic culture and work culture, political, democratic and legal culture, intellectual, moral and communicative culture; ecological, artistic and physical culture. Following the generally accepted in Russian pedagogy (V.V. Kraevsky, I.Ya. Lerner) approaches to the structure of the content of education, the following components can be distinguished:

Knowledge about reality from the perspective of patriotism;

The experience of imitating the patriotic activities of heroes;

Experience of serving the Fatherland;

The substantive characteristics of patriotic education, which serve as the basis for determining invariant target parameters, can be established through the system of semantic correspondences of the phenomenon of patriotism in modern research in philosophy, sociology, psychology and the history of pedagogy, which makes it possible to describe patriotic education as a pedagogical phenomenon in all its complexity and contradictions. , in the unity of static and dynamic aspects.

It is necessary to highlight a number of requirements for the selection of the content of patriotic education:

Compliance of goals and objectives with the interests of ensuring the national security of Russia;

Ensuring compliance with the logic of the deployment of the content of education, the logic of personality development;

Sufficient scientific level conceptuality of programs, models;

Taking into account real opportunities in patriotic education.

The main areas of patriotic education include:

Spiritual and moral- a person's awareness of the highest values, ideals and guidelines, socially significant processes and phenomena of real life, the ability to be guided by them as defining principles, positions in practice and behavior. It includes selfless love and devotion to one's Fatherland, pride in belonging to a great nation, in its achievements, trials and problems, veneration of national shrines and symbols, readiness for worthy and selfless service to society and the state. In pedagogical science of the last quarter of the twentieth century, it was developed in the following studies: (Allerzaev M.Ch., Alpatsky I.I., Bondarevskaya E.V., Vlasova T.I., Solovtsova I.A., Senyuk D.S., Nemkova E.M., Kodieva R.I., Parpara A., Andreev E.M., Yanovsky R.G., Sukhotina L.G., Ivanova S.Yu., Shishatsky A.T., Monakhov O.N. , Benkendorf G.L., Peven L.V., Kalishevski A., Savinova K.G., Knyazev L.N., Safaeva R.A., Belyaeva L.N., Yavchunovskaya R.A., Vishnevsky S. S., Laptev P.N., Cherny S.I., Yuldasheva K., Bublik L.A., Kumykov A.N., etc.)

Historical and Local Lore- cognition of historical and cultural roots at the level of sensory experience of belonging to the past, awareness of the uniqueness of the Fatherland, its fate, inseparability with it, pride in involvement in the deeds of ancestors and contemporaries and historical responsibility for what is happening in society and the state. It guides a person to study the centuries-old history of the Fatherland, the place and role of Russia in the world and historical process, military organization in the development and strengthening of society, in its protection from external threats, understanding the peculiarities of the mentality, morals, customs, beliefs and traditions of our peoples, the heroic past different generations who fought for the independence and independence of the country. (Gorbova M.A., Duz L.P.,

Orchagin E.N., Latortsev A.P., Lisetskaya G.V., Gurtovenko I.I., Mikhnev N.N., Pushkarev L.N., Ikonnikov Yu.M., Derensky E.I., Trubkin M Ya., Burlykina L.I., Tolstopyatov I.V.)

Civil-patriotic is education legal culture and law-abidingness, high morality and general culture, a clear civic position, constant readiness for conscious, disinterested, voluntary service to their people and fulfillment of their constitutional duty. Civil-patriotic education is characterized by such a concept as citizenship and should be primarily aimed at the formation of the personality of those traits that will allow her to be a full-fledged participant in public life. The areas in which it is necessary to conduct the process of civil-patriotic education include the formation of self-esteem, moral ideals, legal culture, discipline, active social position, readiness to fulfill their constitutional duty. This direction is based primarily on the existing legal framework between the state and the citizen, which in practice gives young people all the necessary rights and contributes to their implementation, which makes them legitimate pride in their country, the formation of a deep understanding of constitutional duty, the formation of skills for assessing and the value of political and legal events and processes in society and the state, military policy, the main provisions of the country's security concept and military doctrine, the place and role of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies in the political system of society and the state. (Podgornov A.V., Sivolobova N.A., Smirnov S.N., Kolchina N.S., Sallagova Z.B., Rakhimov O.Kh.-A) Socio-patriotic is aimed at activating intergenerational spiritual and moral cultural and historical continuity, the formation of an active life position, the manifestation of a sense of nobility and compassion, the manifestation of care for the elderly. Without a wide cultural associativity in the process of reproduction of a person of culture, a citizen and a patriot, the creative and culture-generating possibility of modern education is not possible. (Valiev I.I., Vasiliev G.I., Golovanov V.A., Dementyev D.N., Dyachenko V.V., Zarvansky V.M., Kazimirskaya T.A., Kozlov A.A., Konovalova G.A., Kostruleva I.V.)

Military-patriotic- this is component patriotic education and its highest form, focused on the formation of a high patriotic consciousness among young people, ideas of serving the Fatherland, the ability to defend it armed, instilling pride in Russian weapons, love for Russian military history, military service and military uniforms, preservation and enhancement of glorious military traditions. (Agapova G.V., Alieva S.A., Aronov A.A., Zhiltsov N.A., Zaichikov A.N., Zlygostev Yu.K., Ivanov V.G., Kashintsev A.A., Konstantinov S.A., Kuzmenkov N.F., Lomtev Yu.A., Milchekova I.V., Bihneev N.N., Podberezkin A.I., Pyatikov A.I., Radionov E.G., Saliev R. A., Samarets G.A., Sen'shov N.A., Solodkova M.V., Chistyakov S.N., Shinkorenko A.A., Olenin S.A., Bachevsky V., Akchurin R.S.)

Heroic-patriotic- it is also an integral part of patriotic education, focused on the promotion of heroic professions and significant heroic and historical dates of our history, fostering pride in involvement in the deeds of ancestors and their traditions. (Lazarev Yu.V., Lukyanova V.P., Milchekova I.V., Petryankina A.P., Poluyanova R.A., Romanovskaya E.V., Sokolovskaya Yu.B., Shitikova O.N., Garbuzova V.V., Khlystova N.A., Okuneva Yu.E., Radionov E.G., Lutovinov V.I., Ivanenkov S.P., Kuszhanov A.Zh., Kartashev K.I., Frolov V.A. F., Okeanov V.P., Kirilenko V.I., Yushenkov S.N. and others)

Sports-patriotic- is aimed at the formation of a person's competitiveness in the labor market, the development of strength, dexterity, endurance, education of the will to achieve victory, self-affirmation, competition, the need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and block negative and bad habits. The implementation of the system of sports and patriotic education will make it possible to become one of the means of preventing diseases, promoting health, maintaining high human performance, fostering patriotism of citizens, preparing them to defend the Motherland, developing and strengthening friendship between peoples and guaranteeing the rights of citizens to equal access to physical exercises and sports. (Galkin S.V., Sadovnikov E.S., Kudinov A.A., Vyrshchikov A.N., Penkovsky E.A., Tuzhilin A.P., Kozlov A.A., etc.)

Patriotism(Greek rbfsjufzt - compatriot, rbfsYat - fatherland) is a moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love for the Fatherland and the willingness to sacrifice one's own private interests for the benefit of the interests of the Fatherland. Patriotism presupposes pride in the achievements and culture of one's Motherland, the desire to preserve its character and cultural characteristics and self-identification (a special emotional experience of one's belonging to the country and one's citizenship, language, traditions) with other members of the people, the desire to protect the interests of the Motherland and one's people.

The history of the origin of the concept of "patriotism".

The historical source of patriotism is the fixed existence of separate states for centuries and millennia, forming attachment to their native land, language, traditions. In the conditions of the formation of nations and the formation of national states, patriotism becomes an integral part of public consciousness, reflecting national moments in its development.

Attributing patriotic feelings to other persons, and patriotic coloring to some events, the evaluating person thereby most often gives a positive characteristic.

The idea of ​​patriotism is associated with a reverent attitude towards the Motherland, but the idea of ​​the essence of patriotism in different people Other. For this reason, some people consider themselves patriots, while others do not consider themselves so.

In history, patriotism, as a special feeling, was called various phenomena in public relations... Often replacing the understanding of love for the Motherland, for example, love for the state, etc. This is how the terms appeared:

  • · State (statistic) patriotism - love for the state.
  • · Imperial patriotism - loyalty (love) to the empire and its government.
  • · Leavened patriotism (hurray-patriotism) - a hypertrophied feeling of love for the state and its people.
  • · Polis patriotism - love for the polis, that is, the way of life, traditions, peculiarities, cults. It existed in ancient city-states (policies) and was based on local religious cults.
  • · Ultrapatriotism - love for the fatherland in extreme, reckless forms.
  • · Ethnic patriotism - love for one's ethnic group.

Criticism of patriotism.

In modern times, Leo Tolstoy considered patriotism to be a feeling "coarse, harmful, shameful and bad, and most importantly, immoral." He believed that patriotism inevitably breeds wars and serves as the main support for state oppression. Tolstoy believed that patriotism was deeply alien to the Russian people, as well as to the working representatives of other peoples: in his entire life he had not heard any sincere expressions of the feeling of patriotism from the representatives of the people, but on the contrary, he had heard expressions of contempt and contempt for patriotism many times.

One of Tolstoy's favorite expressions was the aphorism of Samuel Johnson: "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." In his April Theses, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin ideologically denounced the "revolutionary defencists" as compromisers with the Provisional Government. A professor at the University of Chicago compares patriotism with racism, in the sense that both presuppose moral obligations and human ties primarily with representatives of "their" community. Critics of patriotism also note the following paradox: if patriotism is a virtue, and during a war the soldiers of both sides are patriots, then they are equally virtuous; but it is for virtue that they kill each other, although ethics forbids killing for virtue.

Patriotic education is of great importance in social, civic and spiritual development the personality of each person. Many thinkers and teachers of the past, revealing the role of patriotism in the process of a person's personal formation, pointed to its multifaceted formative significance. For example, K.D. Ushinsky believed that patriotism is not only an important task of education, but also a powerful pedagogical tool: "As there is no man without pride, so there is no man without love for the Fatherland, and this love gives upbringing the right key to a man's heart and a powerful support for the fight against his bad natural, personal, family and ancestral inclinations."

The foundations of patriotic feelings should be laid in every person from childhood. Therefore, in the process of forming the patriotic consciousness of the younger generation, the role of kindergarten, schools, any other educational institution as an integrating center for joint educational activities of the teaching staff, family and society as a whole.

Patriotic - the upbringing of the most important spiritual, moral and cultural and historical values, reflecting the specifics of the formation and development of our society and state, national identity, lifestyle, worldview and fate of Russians. It is built on selfless love and devotion to one's Fatherland, pride in belonging to a great nation, in its achievements, trials and problems, veneration of national shrines and symbols.

The moral significance of patriotism in legal activity is determined by the fact that it is one of the forms of subordination of personal and public interests, the unity of man and the Fatherland. But patriotic feelings and ideas only morally uplift a person and a people when they are coupled with respect for the peoples of other countries and do not degenerate into a psychology of national exclusivity and distrust of “outsiders”. This aspect in the patriotic consciousness in modern conditions has acquired particular relevance.

Every lawyer should be overwhelmed with a feeling of love for the Motherland, devotion to it.

This is a complex socio-moral and moral-psychological phenomenon, which is formed by a special worldview.

In terms of its social content, patriotism is designed to promote the rallying, unity of people.

On an individual psychological basis, it represents a feeling and awareness of an organic connection, a person's involvement in the fate of the Motherland, his unity with his fatherland.

The principle of patriotism occupies a significant place in the activities of lawyers. As a representative of state power, he must understand the importance of the tasks assigned to his profession and his own responsibility for their implementation. Assessment of a lawyer's activities is an assessment of the level of legal awareness and legal culture of his home country. For the guards of law and order, the concepts of "patriotism" and "call of duty" have always been synonymous.

We live in a multinational country. And all the nations and nationalities of our country, naturally, must love their common homeland. You cannot live in Russia and talk about it "this country", Russia is our country.

Patriotism is love for one's home country. And why do they love their native country?

First, no way. Just. As parents or children love, the house where they grew up, the courtyard where they played with the boys, where they were friends with Petka, and fought with Vaska, where the girl in a mini-skirt first teased with chiseled legs.

Secondly - not for anything. Let's say a Frenchman loves France for being beautiful, that Paris is the world capital, that Napoleon greatest commander in history, and Christian Dior is the greatest fashion designer. An American loves his States because it is the freest country and the richest, and they have the best constitution on the planet. Even a Maltese is proud of his tiny island, because it is a unique museum of architecture of seven nations and twenty centuries.

So we love Russia, first of all, for nothing. And secondly, why? The attitude towards the Motherland should be filial, sacrificial. And her joys are ours, and her sorrows are our sorrows. This is patriotism.

We are on the eve of the 60th Great Victory, so we decided that the topic: “Patriotism is true and false” is relevant today.

Of interest is the understanding of patriotism as "the main, leading value, which is the core that ensures the unity and stability of the development of society."

Patriotism can be defined as a sublime, especially in a spiritual and social sense, a manifold in its manifestations, a feeling of love for the Motherland and Fatherland.

Patriotism is understood both as a manifestation by its subjects of a sense of national pride in the State, and as a spiritual and creative act of raising a person who has the most important moral and other qualities, to the realization of its inseparability, identity with the Fatherland, as the highest value, the need to serve him, his people.

Finally, patriotism is the summit spiritual and religious self-manifestation of a person who has reached the highest level of development, capable of experiencing love of the Fatherland, divine in nature, with a readiness for self-sacrifice and self-denial for its good.

In other words:

➢ firstly, patriotism, especially if we bear in mind its genesis, a feeling arises and develops, becoming more and more socialized and rising through spiritual and moral enrichment;

✓ secondly, the understanding of the higher development of the feeling of patriotism is inextricably linked with its effectiveness, which in a more specific sense is manifested in an active social activities, actions and deeds carried out by the subject for the good of the Patronymic.

✓ Thirdly, one of the characteristic manifestations of patriotism is the principle of Statehood, reflecting the specifics of historical development our society, the most important factor of which was the state. On the present stage the development of Russian society, the revival of patriotism is largely associated as the most important condition for the revival of Russia as a great power;

✓ Fourthly, the person acts as the primary subject of patriotism, a priority social and moral task, which is the awareness of one's historical, cultural, national, spiritual and other belonging to the Motherland as the highest principle that determines the meaning and strategy of her life, fulfilled by serving the Fatherland;

✓ Fifthly, true patriotism is in its spirituality. Patriotism, as a sublime feeling, an irreplaceable value and source, the most important motive of socially significant activity, is most fully manifested in a person, a social group that has reached the highest level of spiritual, moral and cultural development. True, basically spiritual patriotism presupposes disinterested, selfless, up to self-sacrifice, service to the Fatherland, which is second only to serving God in importance.

Summarizing the above, we can give the following definition:

“Patriotism is one of the most significant, enduring values ​​inherent in all spheres of society and state life, is the most important spiritual property of the individual, characterizes highest level its development and is manifested in its active-active self-realization for the good of the Fatherland. "

Patriotism personifies love for one's Fatherland, inseparability with its history, culture, achievements, problems, attractive and inseparable due to their uniqueness and irreplaceability, constituting the spiritual and moral basis of the personality, forming it civil position and the need for a worthy, selfless, up to self-sacrifice, service to the Motherland.

True patriotism presupposes the self-denial of its subjects in the name of the Fatherland, which "is something great and light, something holy and pure."

Having chosen this topic, we decided to consider the development of its patriotism since the Ancient Greece to date, making comparisons and conclusions. But first, we want to tell you about the School of the Patriots of Ancient Greece - Athenian Ephebia.

Athenian Ephebia is the most amazing phenomenon in the history of world civilization. Ephebia (from the Greek word "ephebos" - youth) is a state organization in Athens for the preparation of free-born youths from 18 years old for military and civil service... Those who graduated from Ephebia became full citizens. After it existed for about half a thousand years, it was not remembered for almost 15 centuries.

At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, the experience of Athenian Ephebia found its new life in the numerous "Ephebeque societies" that began to emerge in the United States, in the Boy Scout movement, as well as in other organizations that aimed to prepare young people for civic duty, respect moral values and democratic ideals, as well as educating her in the spirit of mercy, kindness, justice, friendship and comradeship.

It is important to emphasize the fact that the ancient authors saw the main condition for the victory of the Athenian soldiers over the many times superior Persian troops in the fact that the Athenians defended the ideals of democracy, personal freedom, guided in their behavior by the ideas of patriotism and civic responsibility.

By the age of 18, a young Greek was well prepared in general education, gymnastics and music schools, had a sufficiently developed thinking thanks to the compulsory study of philosophy.

To be enrolled in Ephebia, a young man had to go through a complex initiation procedure. And only then the two-year cycle of preparation for military and civil service began for him.

The Ephebes took an oath of allegiance, which is given below.

THE ATHENS EEPHIAN Oath of Allegiance

(from the wall from Acarna)

“I will not disgrace my sacred weapon

And I will not leave my friend

Wherever I am.

I will fight for holy works

And for worldly affairs

As one, and with everyone who will help me.

I will not turn my fatherland into a belittled one,

But more powerful and greater than

I will obey the ruling

State representatives,

Who rule with wisdom.

If anyone violate the laws

As one, and with everyone who will help me,

I will confront him.

I will respect the religion of my fathers

I call to witness the gods

Algavru, Hestia, Enya, Arrest and

Athenian Areas, Zeus, Falla,

Avisa, Hegemon, Hercules,

The borders of my fatherland

Wheat, barley, grapes

Olive trees and figs ”.

The Ephebus oath of allegiance for every Athenian before his entry into citizenship was a universal (civil and military) oath. She obliged the ephebes not only to comply with the laws of the state, but also taught to resist anyone who wants to violate or circumvent these laws.

We believe that in the synthesis of the guiding role of the gods and man's own motives, Homer first formulated a model of normative behavior that entered the consciousness of every Greek: to fight in the forefront and not retreat in the face of the enemy, so as not to shame himself and his family, for which in turn, you must have courage, courage, fighting fervor and the desire to win.

The taking of an oath by the ephebes was part of a solemn ritual that had a motivational value in itself.

The ideas of the highest patriotism and the intrinsic value of personal freedom, in our opinion, are the deepest motivational foundations for the actions of the ideal normative hero, as he is presented in ancient Greek drama.

The preparation of young men in Ephebia for the defense of the Fatherland, based on the principle of collagation, i.e. comprehensive development spirit and body, shaped the personality of a patriot and a citizen, the true ideal of democracy, personal freedom, responsibility, able to fight in the most difficult conditions, ready to give his life for the freedom and homeland of his ancestors.

The shown concrete forms of preparation of ephebes for the defense of the fatherland and the psychological mechanisms that determine their effectiveness have not at all lost their significance for our days.

The personal and characterological traits formed in the ephebes - their nobility, civic responsibility, independence, courage, etc. - are the normative model that has forever entered the treasury of human culture.

In the Russian state, the experience of Athenian Ephebia can and should find the widest possible application, since our country has always been closely linked with Greek culture.

Should young people serve in the Army?

Serving the Motherland has always been associated in our minds with the concepts of “honor” and “valor”, “courage” and “glory”. Indeed, serving in the Army has always been a school of courage, pride and glory for the young generation, the hope for the confirmation and testing of their strengths. Many of us today hear the voices of citizens who are worried about our Army. Some say that the army is their pride, a symbol of the power of the state; others - that it has turned into a punishment, and do not want to let their sons go. Military reform is being actively discussed in Russia now, so the Union of Right Forces proposed its plan for creating a professional army. The cost of its implementation will not exceed 10% of all military spending. In principle, this is within the power of the state. Demographic situation is such that soon there will be no one to call in the ranks armed forces, in addition, among the conscripts large percentage illiterate. The numbers speak for themselves: if in 1985 recruits with secondary education accounted for 93%, and primary - only 0.003%, then in the late 90s only 70% of recruits graduated from high school. The share of illiterate people has increased 160 times.

Another problem is the health of conscripts, every third youth after passing the draft board is released from military service, and at the same time among those sent to the troops, 45% do not meet the requirements.

We live with you in a large, multinational, beautiful and rich country - Russia. And it just so happened that most of the male population is interested in the issue related to the army. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, every male person, who is from 18 to 27 (perhaps up to 31), healthy and smart, rich and handsome, in general, in full bloom of strength and capabilities is obliged to give his civic duty to his homeland. "Recoil" is military service.

Prestige Russian army so "great" that people who have reached draft age go to any lengths to get into the army. Why is this happening? What does an ordinary soldier need? Whether to join the army is a personal matter.

We conducted a survey on the topic raised among students in grade 10. They were asked the question: "Do you want to serve in the Army", the results of the survey are shown in the diagram.

As a result, we can conclude that the majority of respondents want to serve in the army and only 20% have not yet made a decision. At a meeting of the former "Afghans" with 9th grade students, they were asked the question: "Do you want to send your sons to serve in the army?" - to which they replied: “Of course, yes, since each a real man must become a worthy defender of his homeland. "

Who are considered patriots in Russia?

Patriotism, as a phenomenon of social reality, does not exist outside the subject and outside the object. All social formations are the subject of patriotism: personality, social group, stratum, class, nation and other communities. The object of patriotism is the Fatherland as a set of elements of the natural and social environment of a given society, which, due to the uniqueness and originality of the geographical, historical, spiritual, cultural, socio-economic, political and other spheres of it, form the conditions, the basis for the unity of citizens, social groups and so on, constituting the structure of this society. The main sphere of manifestation of patriotism is activity, the most complete expression of which is serving the Fatherland, especially related to ensuring its protection.

An example of true patriotism is the feat of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky during the liberation of Moscow, Russia, from invaders in 1612. Kuzma Minin was the first to donate money to create a militia for the liberation of Russia, many merchants and wealthy people followed Minin's example. Minin understood that the people of Nizhny Novgorod would not be able to defeat numerous enemies on their own; all the Russian lands had to be raised to fight. He and his associates began to send letters calling for a joint struggle. V Nizhny Novgorod armed detachments of militias from all lands began to gather. The united army needed a firm, decisive commander who did not stain himself with the cooperation of impostors and invaders. The choice fell on Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky, who had not yet recovered from his wounds, Pozharsky accepted the offer to lead the militia.

In July 1612, the militia, which had become a fully combat-ready army, marched on Moscow. The liberation of Moscow caused a powerful upsurge against the invaders who rebelled on Russian territory. The local militia, with the help of Pozharsky's soldiers, was exterminated and foreign detachments were expelled.

The true heroes of the liberation of Russia from foreign invaders and the fight against the Troubles, Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, were pushed into the background and soon forgotten. Minin became a Duma nobleman, and Pozharsky was granted a boyar. And only in the 19th century, grateful Russia erected a monument to the "sons of the Fatherland" with funds raised by the people, the author of the monument is Martos.

The victors of the Patriotic War of 1812 were also true heroes - patriots of our country. The crushing defeat that the hitherto invincible Napoleon suffered in Russia excited the whole world. No one expected that the "scourge of the universe" that had already conquered Moscow, after three months without losing, would flee a single battle in Europe from Russia. The names: M. I. Kutuzov, M. B. Barclay de Tolly, P. I. Bagration will always be remembered.

When we got acquainted with the literature, we had a question: "Can we consider white patriots during the civil war?"

This issue remains controversial. Most of the officers before the revolution "thought of themselves outside of politics", sincerely believing that the army should not participate in the class struggle. After October, mistrust in hatred - of the liberals and socialists, who turned out to be unable to establish order, to bring the wars to a victorious end; to the Bolsheviks who concluded the Brest Peace and devalued the sacrifices brought to the altar of the Fatherland.

During Civil war the opponents, in fact, exchanged slogans. From October 25, 1917, the Bolsheviks began to defend the socialist Fatherland, and the whites found themselves in serious dependence on the Entente, not interested in restoring a strong Russia.

So were whites patriots? Undoubtedly. All the basic elements of love for the Motherland: concern for the interests and destinies of the country; readiness; for their sake to self-sacrifice; loyalty to the Motherland, which is fighting the enemy; love for the people, negative attitude to the vices of society; pride cultural achievements Russia; respect for the historical past of the Motherland and traditions inherited from it were present in their ideology. MA Osorgin was right when he argued that during the Civil War “wall against wall stood two fraternal armies, and each had its own truth and its own honor. There were heroes here and there, and pure hearts too, and sacrifices, and exploits, and bitterness, and high extra-book humanity, and animal brutality and fear, and disappointment, and strength, and weakness, dull despair. "

Whites were defeated. The defeat and death of the white movement, the destruction of the spiritual and moral opposition by the communists deprived society of a spontaneously operating mechanism of self-regulation. The absence of such a mechanism became one of the reasons for the transformation of the victors' good intentions into their opposite, a factor that contributed to the degeneration of Soviet power, the establishment of the totalitarian Stalinist dictatorship.

Talking about true patriotism, we could not help but touch upon the theme of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. We managed to meet with one of the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, A.P. Kinilenko and ask him a question:

Patriotism in the concept of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War is, first of all, love for the Motherland. She was instilled from childhood, at first as just love for the family, for her school, and only then in the deep concept of love for the Motherland. When the war came, his peers were not even 18 years old, but they were already ready to go to the front and defend their Motherland - Russia.

We managed to communicate with a man whose grandfather was also a participant in the war, Mikhail Vasilyevich Golyaev, who took part in the hostilities of 1941-1945.

His grandfather is a very humble man and rarely talked about the war. But his grandmother's papers preserved his speech at one holiday, which was dedicated to Victory Day, where he said: “For me, war is when almost a third of the combat strength of a company manned by yours does not return from the very first battle. schoolmates and the guys with whom you "trumpeted" for six months in a military school.

War is when a week is in the trenches under the continuous drizzling rain. No shelter. Feet are wet.

War is when, when enemy tanks appear, the front line, unable to withstand their fire and onslaught, throws trenches and crawls back to the rear, and you have an order to return!

War is panic when retreating, when bombing at point-blank range. "

Grandpa was a brave and successful scout. In the family archives, a dilapidated clipping from a front-line newspaper is carefully kept, which says that the storm of the Germans - a noble intelligence officer, holder of six orders, Mikhail Golyaev - brought 25 "languages" in six months and delivered valuable information to the command.

Our contemporaries were also real patriots, one of them is the great citizen of Russia - Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov.

The great citizen of Russia is Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov.

AD Sakharov was the greatest scientist of our time, the author of outstanding works in the physics of elementary particles and cosmology, the "father" of the Soviet hydrogen bomb. He invented it, believing that by doing so he would strengthen the power of his Motherland, and no one would ever dare to attack us. He was honored a large number awards from the government of the USSR, even the title of Hero Socialist labor he was assigned three times.

He knew how to put himself in the place of another, to understand the pain of a person, to sympathize, to be compassionate and to be merciful. He was a humanist. And in this, perhaps, one should look for a clue to the secret of the personality of Academician A.D. Sakharov, an answer to the question of why an outstanding physicist became an outstanding human rights activist.

He, of course, was a patriot, felt deep pain for the Fatherland, could not imagine himself without him, always strived to raise it, to ensure that the citizens of the country lived freely and with dignity. Sakharov's patriotism was a highly spiritual feeling.

It can be said that Sakharov's high feelings of humanity and patriotism were combined with an equally high sense of responsibility. He was the first to raise his voice against the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan: "As a citizen, I feel responsible for the tragic events that are taking place."

Sakharov put the word "citizen" next to the word "responsibility." And a responsible person is able to consciously, courageously fulfill his moral duty.

In the course of our work, we conducted a survey among students in grades 8-10, a total of 109 respondents were interviewed. They were asked the following questions:

1. What does the concept of "Motherland" mean to you?

2. How do you understand the word "Patriotism"?

3. Do you consider yourself a patriot?

4. How is this expressed in you?

5. If you had a chance to leave Russia, would you take it?

6. Would you like to serve in the army? If yes, why? If not, why not?

7. Do you know the names of the heroes of Russia?

8. Are you interested in studying the culture and history of your country?

8th grade

As a result of our research, we came to the conclusion that in the 8th grade, almost half of the respondents can give a correct explanation of the word “Motherland”, but not everyone understands the concept of “Patriotism”. To the question: "Do you consider yourself a patriot?" opinions were divided: 49% - consider themselves patriots, 21% - no, and the rest - do not know. The chance to go abroad would be used by 49% of the respondents.

9th grade

Pupils of the 9th grade practically all understand what “Motherland” is, and only 12% do not. 79% of the respondents were able to give a correct explanation of the word “Patriotism”. To the question "Do you consider yourself a patriot?" 91% answered positively, and the remaining 9% do not consider themselves patriots. 66% of the respondents would go abroad, but not forever, and 32% do not want to leave their homeland under any circumstances, and 2% would take the chance to go abroad forever.

10th grades

Among 10th grade students, 68% understand what “Motherland” is. The correct explanation of the concept of "Patriotism" was given by 47% of all respondents, and most of is mistaken in his explanations. Almost all half of the respondents do not consider themselves patriots, only 38% - yes, the rest - are mistaken. 49% of the respondents would use the chance to go abroad, 13% would leave, but not forever, and the rest do not want to leave their homeland.

As for the question: "Do you know the heroes of your country", then among the 9-10 grades, one conclusion can be drawn; that the Heroes do not know, or are called very few.

Conclusion: How to explain such indicators? We concluded that patriotic education is not at the proper level today. Pupils of the school watch little films about the war, read little, knowledge about society is not enough.

Our history is difficult, with freedom it has always been a dead end, not only did they not execute their constitutions, but also didn’t read them, they used someone else’s fashion, in architecture - what was created, three-quarters of them ruined themselves. There is no way to respect your own state: countless officials have been sitting on the necks of the people for centuries, and they are still sitting today. The anthem was rearranged four times, and it came out in such a way that even the athletes on the honorary podium cannot remember the tortured words. Won the Great War? Yes, there is something to be proud of, but there is also enough shame: foreign fascists were defeated, and today their own are marching with a swastika in our cities, and the police are guarding their rallies in honor of Hitler, and the courts are acquitting them. V last years started, it was getting richer, but even here everything is not easy, the cruel Russian envy immediately affected.

So what, it turns out, secondly, we have nothing to love, and nothing to praise Russia for in songs? No - there is a reason! Still as it is! In at least one thing, we are the luckiest and happiest on the planet. This was once remarkably said by the most Russian of Russian poets, Sergey Yesenin:

“We are in Russia of spring girls

We don't keep on a chain like dogs.

We learn kisses without money

Without dagger tricks and fights. "

And this is the whole point. Over the centuries of their uncontrolled power, officials of all stripes have robbed the people of everything they could - freedom, dignity, the ability to break out of the gray tier with work and talent and, in general, achieve different things that a person dreams of.

Therefore, we believe:

It is necessary to pay more attention to the education of patriotism and love for the Motherland at school;

Attracting the attention of the public, the media to the problem of preserving the historical memory of the people;

Taking care of the physical and mental health of adolescents;

Increased interest among pre-conscription youth to serve in the army.

Studying historical data in the classroom and after school hours;

Work in museums, archives;

Local lore, military field archeology, tourism;

Creation of training programs for search work;

Mastering military-applied sports;

Organization of viewing films about the Great Patriotic War.

Patriotism- (from Greek patris- fatherland) is a moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love for the fatherland, pride in its past and present, the willingness to subordinate one's interests to the interests of the country, the desire to protect the interests of the motherland and its people.
National Sociological Encyclopedia

Patriotism- love for the fatherland, devotion to it, the desire to serve its interests by their actions.
Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • Patriotism is the moral criterion that distinguishes noble man from the low and spiritually developed from being in spiritual lethargy.
  • Patriotism is an objective assessment of the situation and actions of a native country, combined with an optimistic view of the vector of its development in the future.
  • Patriotism is pride in all the achievements of one's people and the awareness of all their historical mistakes.
  • Patriotism is the willingness to sacrifice the personal for the sake of achieving the public good.

Benefits of patriotism

  • Patriotism gives strength - from the realization that hundreds of generations of his ancestors are invisibly behind a person's back.
  • Patriotism gives joy - from the realization of the merits and successes of their country.
  • Patriotism gives responsibility - for the family, people and homeland.
  • Patriotism gives confidence - due to a sense of belonging to the fate of the country.
  • Patriotism gives freedom to act for the good of one's country.
  • Patriotism gives respect - to the history, traditions and culture of a country.

Expressions of patriotism in everyday life

  • Geopolitics. The formation of national states is one of the manifestations of the patriotism of every nation.
  • Liberation wars. It was patriotism, as the basis of solidarity in the face of the enemy, that helped the peoples to win the most terrible wars in case they were not aggressive.
  • Military service. Willingness to defend the Motherland from an external enemy is an integral sign of patriotism; person who chose military service- shows patriotism.
  • National customs, traditions. An example of the "everyday" manifestation of patriotism can serve as unique National costumes different nations.
  • National culture. Russians folk songs, the epics of the Yakut people, the Scottish bagpipe game - all these are examples of patriotism, expressed in cultural heritage different nations.

How to develop patriotism in yourself

  • Family education. Parents who show love and respect for their country and instill these feelings in their children raise their children as patriots.
  • Interest in national culture and traditions. In order to love your people, you need to know them; deliberately studying the history of his people, a person fosters patriotism in himself.
  • Awareness. Patriotism presupposes pride in the achievements of one's country; interest in information associated with all aspects of the life of society and the country - creates the basis for the development and manifestation of patriotism.
  • Traveling in your own country. The best remedy learn and love your homeland.

Golden mean



Nationalism, xenophobia, chauvinism

Winged expressions about patriotism

Don't ask what your homeland can do for you - ask what you can do for your homeland. - John F. Kennedy - It seems to me that the feeling of love for one's own people is just as natural for a person as the feeling of love for God. - Patriarch Alexy II - A patriot is a person serving the motherland, and the motherland is, first of all, the people. - Nikolay Chernyshevsky - My friend, we will devote our souls to the Fatherland with wonderful impulses! - Alexander Pushkin - It is important that you are ready to die for your country; but more importantly, you are willing to live your life for her. - Theodore Roosevelt - A.S. Tsipko / Values ​​and the struggle of conscious patriotism The author raises the question of the nature and features of Russian patriotism. Relying on the point of view of the philosophers Berdyaev and Frank, he opposes "leavened patriotism" to conscious patriotism, which is based not on myth, but on historical truth. Patriotism is the spiritual core of the peoples of Russia The book is dedicated to patriotism - a feeling that is inextricably linked with Russian history and which in many ways Russian state owes its formation and existence.