The soloist of the Demo group Daria Pobedonostseva: “It rarely happens that everyone is happy with the change of the soloist, but my parents and husband have become my main support and support. Sasha Zvereva: “There are thoughts that I no longer need a man. Sasha Zvereva who is dating

The soloist of the Demo group Daria Pobedonostseva: “It rarely happens that everyone is happy with the change of the soloist, but my parents and husband have become my main support and support.  Sasha Zvereva: “There are thoughts that I no longer need a man. Sasha Zvereva who is dating
The soloist of the Demo group Daria Pobedonostseva: “It rarely happens that everyone is happy with the change of the soloist, but my parents and husband have become my main support and support. Sasha Zvereva: “There are thoughts that I no longer need a man. Sasha Zvereva who is dating

Singer and designer Sasha Zvereva, who became a mother in July of this year, having given birth to her third child, has recently been forced to constantly stumble upon questions about where her husband and the baby's father are now. DJ Dmitry Almazov, known under the pseudonym Bobin, did not react in any way to the fact that he became a father, did not visit Sasha in America and did not want to see the heir. All this only strengthened Zvereva's fans in the opinion that the stellar parents had finally dispersed, but Sasha remained silent and stoically ignored the requests of her fans on Instagram, who demanded to clarify the situation. The artist called the questions tactless and even posted this kind of post on her page: “I would like to stop these endless questions about“ agdemuzh ”. I am ready to share my strengths: children, life near Big Water, clothes, dance music, appearance, moto ... But I will never cover topics that I have not succeeded in, because there is no point in it. Because I don’t want to and I have every right to do so, ”thus preventing any attempts of fans to interfere in their personal life.

However, in the end, Zvereva nevertheless decided on a frank speech. About how the break with Almazov happened, she told in the framework of the reality show "Pregnant", which is now successfully aired on the "Domashny" channel. Sasha admitted that she is still married to the father of her youngest son Leo, but in reality the ex-spouses hardly see each other. The stumbling block was the singer's decision to move to Los Angeles. Dmitry did not support the decision of his beloved and preferred to stay in Moscow, saying to Sasha at last: "If you leave, I do not promise you anything." Several times during the filming of "Pregnant" Zvereva called Almazov, but ran into either a wall of indifference and misunderstanding, or even long beeps - the star's husband simply did not pick up the phone. According to Sasha Zvereva, her eldest daughter Vasilisa is experiencing the most difficult situation - the girl believes that they need a man in their family. Now this role is successfully performed by dad Zvereva. He communicates with his grandchildren on Skype, deals with those subjects that are not taught in an American school, and recently even visited Sasha with his children in California, where, by the way, he became the godfather of little Lyovushka.

Recall that Sasha Zvereva parted with Dmitry Almazov twice. The break occurred for the first time in the summer of 2012. The star mommy was very upset about what happened, often visited various monasteries, turned to priests for advice, and in the end managed to establish a relationship with her beloved. For the second time, Zvereva gave a hint of discord in the family in the winter of 2015, already being pregnant with her third child. While on vacation in Thailand, she wrote a heartfelt post on the network that from now on she hopes only for her own children and is not looking for anyone's loyalty and support. All this allowed fans to assume that the family had broken up.

By the way, Sasha Zvereva gave birth to her older children, Vasilisa and Makar, while in a relationship with businessman Ilya Gusev. Officially, the marriage was not registered, and after parting, Zvereva told a lot of unpleasant details about the ex-wife: they say, he lived at her expense, and raised his hand and applied to the bottle. The initiator of the breakup in that case was Sasha herself, taking the children and leaving to live in another apartment.

All I can think about💭 P.S. Looking how all my colleagues on Instagram sincerely and with pleasure strive for all possible TV shows, carpet tracks, ratings and nominations ... I ask myself: what's wrong with you? Why you do not want? For a couple of days in Moscow, by the number of calls and offers in filming and various projects, I understand that I can be in great demand here, very public. Ride a bentiaga and live spaciously in the center in a high-rise with a view ... But I don't need anything! Only to be surrounded by these rays ... And the answer comes from somewhere inside: -Sash, yes you were there. You have already seen everything and lived it ... That is why I love my quiet paradise so much .... 🌤🌈🌊 P.S. Taking off for Novosibirsk ✈️

Yes. We are again😜 I decided to record several songs at once for future use, because when you are in the studio with the wizard @alexeyromanof, you have to record as many songs as possible! Who was expecting a newcomer from Alexey Romanov and Sasha Zvereva? Run to Stories! And of course, I brought a box of my brand new SZ Cosmetics - I will wait for honest Lyosha's reviews incomprehensible depths of creativity! Who can name what songs by Alexei Romanov? I will start "Cloud Atlas" by Sasha Zvereva!

I haven't much to say yet since the moment I landed. Basically I throw everything in stories. The flight went great. I watched the "Begem Rhapsody" and went to bed until the very landing, having passed out at 10 o'clock. When I got off the plane, we were taken not by the boarding bridge, but simply outside, I could not stop smiling and silently repeating "Hello!" I gently, while others did not see, touched my palm to the asphalt of the airfield, to the pipes and at least something that replaced the Russian Land. She went through passport control without a single delay, immediately got my luggage, and got to the apartment without traffic jams. And she thanked, thanked ... She always meets me with soooo love! Then she stroked the leaves on the bushes, made a couple of acacia whistles and whistled. People are completely different, although they are dressed similarly, but something is elusively different. Too size for t-shirts and shorts on men? Without an allowance or something. More sirens on the road. But not such a "weapon". More cigarette smoke near buildings. A lot more. There are a lot of women who smoke. Very Sincerely welcoming people, many flowers - our bouquets are much more luxurious and tastefully composed Drill drills !! Moscow has a completely different sky. Much more voluminous. Clouds 3D. They go high, high into the sky. In LA they are more washed out by the wind, rolled across the sky. Every morning, waking up far from ... it's hard for me ... I turn on my warm chill tracks with the sound of waves or rain ... And I remember ... My life, where I am very needed, where it is especially cold without my warmth ... I call on facetime, ask any crap: what did they eat, what time did they get up, who did they meet ...? how we all love our big family and how connected we are ..! Small details ... Pens ... Fingers ... Faces ... Noses buried in the body of a loved one ... Probably, such exits from the comfort zone are very important. After all, I came to the place where I also really need it. Where it will be calm and light, where there are also fingers, noses 😊 How acute is the feeling of life now ... Make your wishes to my home ladybug! She flies to Tikhiy for their execution! May my family be healthy and happy!

While I fly in an airplane from one continent to another from America to Russia, keep dancing and listening to my California mix “Purple Sun 2019” 💟💟💟 Active download link in the header. Those who have already downloaded and listened to, post in your stories or profiles what you do with this music, mark me and put a tag, I will watch you, like you and at the end of the week, a gift from me from California (those See's Candies 🤤) the sunniest dancers 💡💡💡 Well, this day has come !? In a couple of hours to the airport! ✈️

The most vivid impression of my childhood: I hated kindergarten. Already at the approach to the building, I was upset from the soul from the smell of kindergarten food, somewhere inside the dishes were sadly shuffling, the garden janitor-caretaker swept the paths, I walked as slowly as possible with my mother, slowly changed: tights, imported slippers, a sarafan sewn by my mother, and turtleneck. I went into the group and with nausea looked at the wrinkles of the cocoa foam moving in the cups ... They were distributing butter, cheese, bread on saucers ... Then this terrible porridge ... I was the punishment of all the nannies, and they were my punishment. I disgustedly removed the foam with my finger, hung it on the edge of the plate so that it would not accidentally slip back into the cup ... And I drank cocoa with a sandwich with cheese. I didn't touch the porridge ... Then there was a free game, then an activity, then we had to get ready for a walk. And now, starting from the end of the lesson, I constantly looked at the front door. Where my dad invariably appeared at 10:05 in the morning, who arrived on the 10-hour morning Moninsk bus from duty from Star City. And instead of going home to sleep off, he picked me up at 10 am (I was the happiest child in the group!) And took me home. At home, he took off his uniform, we got on his bike with a child seat attached to the frame, and rode to Hydra through the forest. We stopped in meadows with strawberries, sculpted the head of a drowned man out of blue clay and threw it to the fishermen in the neighborhood ... Or just dad took me with him to his second job, to the Furniture store, where I played and built houses from cardboard boxes in the back room, and dad nearby he collected sofas and mezzanines, until my mother, going to lunch from the institute, did not take me for a nap. Dad worked without sleep and days off so that I had everything. And I had EVERYTHING! And most importantly, while we were spending time with my dad, he never stopped telling me stories. It was from my dad that I took over the syllable, emotional storytelling, colorful epithets and the ability to involve in the story 🙃🙂 Happy Pope's Day! My dear, handsome, interesting, kind, kind-hearted daddy! I can remember endlessly how we solved crosswords, and then folded them into a bag and spat there the peel from the seeds you freshly fried. And much more 😉 Health! Cheerfulness and delight!

After a recent series of posts about my faith in God the Creator, I carefully, delicately, on the sidelines observe the behavior, reactions, and comments of people: deeply churched, how mothers behave, what the priests want and what they say, I read the comments of simply fans of Orthodox accounts. I am writing myself notes, facts, observations💚 I am sharing out loud so far only with Dan. Perhaps one day I will share it with you. Only one thing I wanted to ask you very much, my fireflies💡 I ask you, with my heart and soul! Never, do you hear, never (!) Write in a derogatory form about those who believe otherwise. Who perceives or does other rituals of faith and looks at the Love of the Lord under a different prism than you. Do you know what our main joy is with you? We ACCEPT people as they are😊 We let them be themselves. In any faith 💡Without denying, without shaking your head, “oh, lost… oh, the truth and depth have not been revealed to you” 💟 We sincerely wish to free ourselves from the accumulated pain to those who bite us. After all, only the one who has been bitten can bite🙃 Firefly understands that all people on the planet cannot and will never believe, think, act in the same way. And all attempts to "comb everyone with one comb" under pain of punishment are impossible 🤷🏻‍♀️💫 And this is the miracle of this world. In its diversity. And it’s a miracle to be in unity, not to separate from the stream in which you fly, other souls “Ours” and “not ours”. Please promise to be tolerant, completely forgiving if you are hurt. To pull out the splinters of resentment, condemnation, anxiety, so that it does not inflame or fester in their places. Mentally pull these brick blocks out of yourself, and in their place flood the bright golden light of love and acceptance) After all, who accepts everyone around as they are? And, gently warming, helps those who are embittered, frightened, confused?)) Of course🙌🏼 The one who accepted HIMSELF. As he is) With light and dark sides, not denying them in oneself, but realizing them. Step by step, displacing the dark in yourself with gratitude, practicing it every day. Until it becomes a way of life 💫 Promise? Not a word of rejection! Neither emotion inside (which is more difficult!) Nor a feeling of irritation in the soul (this is possible, you just have to really want to)

Today I choose to live! To be what I want! Live every stage of your life and give yourself time for that. The way I did it, playing pups, voicing them in different voices ... That girl knew that she was the best, the most beloved, that she was safe, protected, she knew that she was pure and completely sincerely indignant and protested with a loud cry. She did not swallow resentment and did not grit her teeth in soundless helplessness. Her loved ones did not abandon her, the fathers of the children did not betray her. She still sits there and plays with these babies. And she sews them new jackets from scraps of fabric in a tight bag given by my mother. I'm still the same girl. We are simply in different time planes, but we are one. And I am what I am. I am a given. And everything else dances from this given. And all that I have now is my merit 😍 It was I who created this world around me! And it is thanks to my work and my invested soul that I have what I have! I have little? She invested a little soul, but a lot of fear and uncertainty. I have a lot - I put a lot on the line, gave a lot, believed and followed my desires! I am a girl. With a light bulb in my chest. I am warm and light. And with this light, I can warm thousands of thousands of freezing fireflies! I'm on fire! This means that I increase the degree of our unified field! And by igniting others, I warm up the whole Universe step by step! Thank God for everything! May my bright affirmation be yours today. Take it for yourself and shine!

I've listened to it at least 50 times already. It is beautiful from start to finish, without a single exception. The ending for your summer night of love. Do it for a long time. I deliberately left the first hour to go together in the car, to cafes, kissing, walking in sandals ... The last half hour, a horizontal position, eyes in eyes, swollen lips are examined, without looking up ... Flexibility, elegance, lightness, wet skin. ... By the way, in the stories, someone guessed the name “Purple Sun Mix 2019” 💜 I am always amazed how among all the diversity there is someone who, by some miracle, guesses the name The first track (as in the video) will immediately set THE MOST Mood: California, road trip, fields and canyons .... At the 28th minute, Mr. Probz again plunges a sharp knife into his heart with his vocals, and his body vibrates on a triple syncope ... Finish all my workshops this year - I want EVERYONE TO DANCE! 9:30 - this is how love sounds this summer💜💜💜 42:30 minute - you and I rush along the Pacific coast, squinting from the glare of the sun on the water, warm ... 1 hour 3 minutes - you run along the water's edge barefoot, spreading hands ... laughing. Cheeks-pink apples ... Style .... Your dress .... Our life and our freedom! These are the associations .... Download the summer mix and write at what minute what feelings and associations. I will definitely listen and visualize ... (there is a link in the header, you go and download first to a computer or laptop, then you synchronize or just listen by pressing the arrow ... you decide there yourself, I'm sure you will succeed ...)

The boy on the right in the photo has the fattest like 👍🏼 Then Dan came to pick me up from Hollywood, where I climbed once a year to record a review for you. Today I added a mood board for the future wedding to the stories. Go take a look. How do you like the style? What other ideas and thoughts? Who was the same? What played the most in memory and emotions? I just can't think of a dress ... I want 2-3 outfits, but I don’t want standard corsets, tutus, tulle at all ... ☺️ And most importantly, I want emotion. Pure, from the very depths ... So that everyone who happens to be there ... Woke up ..! And I met myself💡 And it would be the most memorable meeting ..! Well, at least for me and for Him ... Watch stories and write. I will wake up and read💫

“I was at work when one of the children called my colleagues and said that Seryozha had been hit by a car and had already been taken away by an ambulance ...” recalls Irina, Seryozha Naglov’s mother. “I found him, but the boy was in a coma ...” Yes, he had to go through a lot - and a severe traumatic brain injury, a complex operation with craniotomy ... But Seryozha turned out to be a strong boy, he quickly recovered. But, alas, such injuries rarely go without consequences. “The son's left hand functions were impaired. Now we are learning to work with it again, we are undergoing rehabilitation courses, ”says Irina. But he cannot go to school, as it is life-threatening - the boy is missing a part of his skull. According to doctors, to close the defect, a special material is needed, which is not covered by the compulsory medical insurance policy: “Considering the large size of the defect, the structural features of the patient's skull in the parieto-occipital region, he is recommended to close the defect with the help of an individual implant made of biocompatible material Custombone - it completely grows with its own bone within a year and ensures the creation of the correct bone architecture ", - from the conclusion of Alexei Posnov, neurosurgeon of the City Clinical Hospital No. 5 in Orenburg. However, the cost of this implant is enormous for the Impudent family. “Now there is only one breadwinner in the family - this is our dad, I'm on maternity leave. We can only hope for the help of sympathetic people, ”says Irina. Seryozha should also have a chance for a successful life without looking at his injuries. And the price of this life is 1,140,000 rubles. We are all counting on your help. All children, wards of the Korablik charity foundation with similar injuries, who managed to install such implants, have already returned to full-fledged life. Fireflies! The @korablik_fond foundation is very dear to my heart, it was created by the parents of the heavenly boy Lenechka, who brought me a bouquet of flowers to bed half an hour after Makarka was born. We then all together fought for the life of Lyonyushka. And now I always keep an eye on the wards of the Ship. Follow the link in the header of my profile, help in a single stream of light, and come back to leave a comment🙏🏼 I bow low to everyone on behalf of the mother in the face of all mothers✨💜

People asked me to show them my Whale’s pictures📷 How he sees the world 👀 This was all shot on a medium format film camera🎞 using 120mm film Dan started playing with film cameras. Really sits with the developers in gloves, like my dad in childhood, and withstands these shots with tweezers. Directly at our home, does not include them in different Kodaks. It's very interesting to watch. I don’t have enough patience for this, I need to immediately see on the display how I get it, which light is better to turn into, which angle is more advantageous. And right there in the car to process, add light, filters and gash in the instu. But not Dan. It is much more restrained. Many began to ask where you can see his pictures. For the public, unfortunately, nowhere else, Dan has a private profile. But with his permission, I will sometimes post his pictures. How he sees this world, me, us .... He is also waiting for your opinion and is a little worried. English is possible 💜

Sasha Spielberg - Instagram @sashaspilberg. In 2011, Sasha Zvereva left the group and took up a solo career, but later focused on family life and work as a TV presenter. Now she lives in a happy marriage with Russian DJ Bobina and has two children. By going to Sasha Zvereva's Instagram, you can find out how a busy mom's everyday life goes.

Sasha Zvereva does not leave her Instagram without "new things"

At the time of the creation of the Demo group, Sasha Zvereva was only 18 years old. If you have not followed the fate of the girl for a long time, now you may simply not recognize her. Sasha has turned into a grown woman, having replaced ridiculous stage outfits for stylish and feminine clothes. In general, fashion has taken an important place in her life. She opened her own online store and acted as a designer. On Instagram, Sasha Zvereva actively uploads photos of her fashion inventions, which she herself demonstrates.

Work is work, and good rest is necessary for inspiration. And, as you know, the best way to relax is to go on a trip. Together with his friends and family, Sasha flies to warm countries in order to temporarily escape from the work process and gain strength. Naturally, the girl shares her impressions with subscribers using Instagram. In photographs from sunny resorts, Alexandra glows with happiness, which pleases true fans and angers envious ill-wishers. By the way, the famous TV personality Alena Vodonaeva Instagram has also updated with photos from her trip to Italy.

Fortunately, the envy of the uninvited guests of the page does not bother Sasha Zvereva, and she continues to make new publications at the rate of several photos a day. The number of posts has already exceeded 2100, and the number of subscribers is slowly but surely approaching 65 thousand. Perhaps Sasha Zvereva's Instagram is not included in the top 10 most popular in the Russian Instagram community, but many are interested in the fate of the girl, and this cannot but inspire.


The life of Alexandra Zvereva

  • Alexandra is a singer.
  • She was born in Germany on March 1, 1981.
  • Height - 166 cm, weight - 50 kg.


Alexandra's dad was a military man who served in Germany. Later, the family moved to Staraya Kupavna, which is located in the Moscow region. She studied at school, later at the gymnasium. Graduated from the school of musical art.

In 1999 he entered the Moscow Linguistic University. From an early age, Alexandra was very fond of singing and, having heard on the radio that the soloist was recruiting to the group, she went to the audition, where, having heard her beautiful voice, they immediately signed a contract.

In 1999 Alexandra joined the Demo group. In the summer, Alexandra performed the songs "2000 Years" and "The Sun", which began to play on all radio stations. It was these songs that took the lead and helped Alexandra win the love of her listeners.

The group became so popular that they had almost no free time. They visited many countries and cities.


After leaving the group in 2011, new songs "I'm going crazy", "Stay" and "Don't go" were released, which became a hit.
Also, starting in 2011, Sasha became a TV presenter and came out as an expert in the "Promotion" project.
In 2015, a new album "Thank you" was released

Life behind the scene

The first husband was Ilya. Alexandra gave birth to two children. The daughter was named Vasilisa, and the son was named Makar. Due to the fact that Ilya began to drink more often, Alexandra left him taking children and things. Ilya tried to get the relationship back, but Alexandra did not agree.

The second marriage took place with Dmitry Almaznov, with whom they still live. In 2015, Sasha's third son, Lev, was born.

  • Vkontakte:
  • Instagram:


Alexandra Valerievna Zvereva, after marriage - Almazova known as Sasha Zvereva(born March 1, Potsdam, Germany) - Russian singer, formerly the soloist of the "Demo" group.


In the first month after leaving the group, Sasha released a solo single "Stay" (lyrics by Sasha Zvereva and A. Osokin, music by Sasha Zvereva). Don't go away (lyrics and music by Roma Kenga). In December 2011, a video was filmed for this track. In August, Sasha Zvereva got married according to the traditions of the Kazantip festival to DJ Bobina (Dmitry Almazov) at the festival Kazantip Z19 .

Personal life

Sasha Zvereva has three children: daughter Vasilisa (born December 7) and son Makar (born July 8) from his first marriage with banker Ilya, and son Lev (born July 17) from his second marriage with DJ Dmitry Almazov.


Albums in the group "Demo"

  1. Sunny (1999)
  2. DJ Remix 2000 (2000)
  3. Above the Sky (2001)
  4. Goodbye Summer (2002)
  5. Rainbow (2004)
  6. This is show business, baby (2005)
  7. Forbidden Songs (2007)

Singles in the group "Demo"

  1. Sunny (1999)
  2. 2000 years (1999)
  3. I don't know ... (1999)
  4. I breathe (2000)
  5. It's simple! ... (2000)
  6. Above the sky (2000)
  7. Let's sing! (2000)
  8. Strange dreams (2001)
  9. Smile Your Faces (with the Smile Brothers) (2001)
  10. The Last Song (2002)
  11. Desire (2002)
  12. Goodbye, Summer! (2002)
  13. Until the morning (2002)
  14. Hit (2003)
  15. New Year is coming ... (2003)
  16. Rainbow (2004)
  17. Mystery (2004)
  18. Supermom (2004)
  19. Not with you (2004)
  20. Do not think, do not guess (2005)
  21. It's okay (2005)
  22. Tenderness (2006)
  23. Neighbors (2006)
  24. This is Heaven (2007)
  25. Point (2009)
  26. First kiss (2009)
  27. Create movement (2010)
  28. Unbraids the braids spring (2010)

Solo album

  1. Thank you (2015)

Solo singles

  1. Stay (2010)
  2. As Before (with El Ray) (2011)
  3. I'm going crazy (2011)
  4. Superboy (with Sasha Dith & Steve Modana) (2012)
  5. Woman (2012)
  6. Poisonous (2013)
  7. Why (2014)

Video clips

As part of the "Demo" group

  • 1999 - The Sun (directed by Alexander Igudin)
  • 1999 - I don't know ... (directed by Vlad Opelyants)
  • 2000 - I take a breath
  • 2000 - Above the sky
  • 2000 - It's simple!
  • 2000 - Let's sing (director Alexander Igudin)
  • 2001 - Strange dreams
  • 2001 - Smile your faces (together with "Smile Brothers")
  • 2002 - Rain (director Alexander Igudin)
  • 2003 - New Year is coming
  • 2009 - Do not be silent


  • 2011 - I'm going crazy
  • 2014 - Why
  • 2015 - Maybe


  • - "Golden Gramophone" from Russian Radio
  • multiple awards "Song of the Year"
  • "Stopudovy Hit" from HitFM
  • Bomb of the Year by DFM et al.

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Notes (edit)


  • Alekseev A., Burlaka A. Encyclopedia of Russian pop and rock music. - M .: Eksmo-Press, 2001 .-- 432 p. - ISBN 5040066767.
  • Dreich K., Fazer M., Simon T. Jr. World Music Legends, v11 (176), 2010 .-- NY: New York CSA Press, 2010 .-- p. 1124. - ISBN 8 344195378.
  • Carrie Havranek. Women Icons of Popular Music: The Rebels, Rockers, and Renegades. - UK: Greenwood Press, 2008 .-- 504 p. - ISBN 978-0313340833.


An excerpt characterizing Zverev, Alexandra Valerievna

“For heaven's sake, can you please make it easier for me?” - said the courier, - I have a full bag of letters to my parents.
Among these letters was a letter from Nikolai Rostov to his father. Pierre took this letter. In addition, Count Rostopchin gave Pierre the sovereign's appeal to Moscow, just printed, the last orders for the army and his last poster. Having looked through the orders for the army, Pierre found in one of them, between the news of the wounded, killed and awarded the name of Nikolai Rostov, awarded by George 4th degree for his courage in the Ostrovnensky case, and in the same order the appointment of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky as the commander of the jaeger regiment. Although he did not want to remind the Rostovs about Bolkonsky, Pierre could not refrain from wanting to please them with the news of the rewarding of his son and, leaving with himself a proclamation, a poster and other orders in order to bring them to dinner himself, he sent a printed order and a letter to Rostov.
A conversation with Count Rostopchin, his tone of concern and haste, a meeting with a courier who carelessly talked about how bad things were going in the army, rumors about spies found in Moscow, about a paper walking around Moscow, which says that Napoleon promises until autumn being in both Russian capitals, talking about the sovereign's expected arrival the next day - all this aroused with renewed vigor in Pierre that feeling of excitement and expectation that had not left him since the appearance of the comet, and especially since the beginning of the war.
Pierre had long had the idea of ​​entering military service, and he would have fulfilled it, if it did not interfere with him, firstly, his belonging to the Masonic society with which he was bound by an oath and which preached eternal peace and the destruction of war, and, in secondly, the fact that, looking at the large number of Muscovites who had donned uniforms and preached patriotism, he was somehow ashamed to take such a step. The main reason why he did not carry out his intention to enter military service was the vague idea that he was l "Russe Besuhof, having the meaning of the beastly number 666, that his participation in the great cause of the position of the limit of power to the beast, who speaks great and blasphemy, it is determined eternally and that therefore he should not undertake anything and wait for what should be done.

At the Rostovs', as always on Sundays, some of their close friends had dinner.
Pierre had arrived earlier to find them alone.
Pierre had grown so fat that year that he would have been ugly, if he had not been so tall, large in limbs and not so strong that, obviously, he could easily wear his thickness.
He, puffing and muttering something to himself, entered the stairs. The coachman no longer asked him whether to wait. He knew that when the count was with the Rostovs, it would be until twelve o'clock. The Rostovs' lackeys happily rushed to take off his cloak and receive a stick and a hat. Pierre, out of habit at the club, left the stick and the hat in the hall.
The first face he saw at the Rostovs was Natasha. Even before he saw her, he, taking off his cloak in the hall, heard her. She sang solfeji in the audience. He realized that she had not sung since her illness, and therefore the sound of her voice surprised and delighted him. He quietly opened the door and saw Natasha in her purple dress, in which she was at mass, walking around the room and singing. She walked back to him when he opened the door, but when she turned abruptly and saw his fat, surprised face, she blushed and quickly walked up to him.
“I want to try singing again,” she said. “It's still an occupation,” she added, as if apologizing.
- And great.
- How glad I am that you have come! I'm so happy today! She said with that same animation that Pierre had not seen in her for a long time. - You know, Nicolas received the St. George Cross. I'm so proud of him.
- Why, I sent an order. Well, I don’t want to disturb you, ”he added, and was about to go into the drawing-room.
Natasha stopped him.
- Count, what is it, bad, that I sing? She said, blushing, but without taking her eyes off, looking inquiringly at Pierre.
- No ... why? On the contrary ... But why are you asking me?
“I don’t know myself,” Natasha answered quickly, “but I wouldn’t want to do anything that you don’t like.” I believe you in everything. You do not know how important you are for the grinding and how much you have done for me! .. - She spoke quickly and not noticing how Pierre blushed at these words. - I saw in the same order he, Bolkonsky (quickly, in a whisper she uttered the word), he is in Russia and is serving again. Do you think, "she said quickly, apparently in a hurry to speak, because she was afraid for her strength," will he ever forgive me? Will he not have an evil feeling against me? What do you think? What do you think?
- I think ... - said Pierre. - He has nothing to forgive ... If I were in his place ... - According to the connection of memories, Pierre was instantly transported by his imagination to the time when he, comforting her, told her that if he were not he, but the best man in the world and free , then on his knees he would ask for her hand, and the same feeling of pity, tenderness, love seized him, and the same words were on his lips. But she gave him no time to say them.

Singing a hit about the sun in her hands, the mother of two children, the lead singer of the Demo group Sasha Zvereva sometimes wanted to sob from powerlessness. Even at home, the singer could not feel protected. Sasha told Alla ZANIMONETS about the humiliations she had to endure and how she found her new happiness.

Decision made, no return

- Early in the morning I go to my husband. “Ilya, we have to pay for the dances Vasilis... Give me two thousand rubles. " In response, I hear: “Pay yourself. I'll give it back later. You know I haven't paid off my loans. " This eternal "sweat" and a blatant lie about some mythical credits infuriated me! From resentment for the children, for whom my own father spares money, I lost my composure. She released her claws like a wild cat, grabbed him on the back, scratching myself, screaming that he had already gotten me out with his stinginess. The rage was so strong that I realized: yes, I'm ready to kill him! And suddenly, as if I woke up, I say to myself: “Sasha, what are you doing? So it is not far from sin. And then you go to jail. " My head immediately cleared up, I say quite calmly: “That's it for today! Go to work. Good luck!" I turn around, go to the children’s room and freeze in place. And then suddenly I jump from the cape: "I am starting a new life."

I wake up the children and tell them to get ready as soon as possible. I am writing a note to Ilya: "You have lost all the best that you had." I put Vasilisa and Makar in the car, call my friends along the way: "Does anyone have an empty apartment?" One of my acquaintances replies: "Sashka, stay with me on Chertanovskaya." The apartment turned out to be tiny. We piled our things into a corner, and in the evening went to sleep on a narrow bed with a knives. But I felt happy. The Rubicon has been crossed - the decision is finally made and there is no return. Joy was mixed with fear: will I still have a personal life with two children in my arms? In order not to be afraid and not to return to a well-established life, she ordered herself: “Sasha, be patient! You won't live as before ”.
Ilya cut off the phone, but I didn’t answer: I didn’t want to see him or hear him, I was afraid that he would again ask for forgiveness, persuade him to return. Four days later I found this apartment, in which we now live. I understood that it was not easy for the children and it was necessary to keep their usual way of life, not to change the kindergarten for Vasilisa, so I rented an apartment in the same house where Ilya and I lived for almost ten years.

Get out of here, you stupid fool!
- We met Ilyusha in 2001 and immediately fell in love with each other. At that time I was already known, the song "The Sun" was played on many radio stations, the group Demo, of which I was a soloist, toured extensively. Ilya at that time studied at Bauman ( MGTU them. Bauman. - Approx. "TN") University, then graduated from graduate school, got a job in a bank. Although he is a smart guy, he did not have a stunning career. I have always worked and earned more than him. I remember even at the 39th week of pregnancy I rushed on tour. Ilya took it for granted, and it seemed to me that everything was fine, the family needed to be supported. And if Ilya does not do this, it means that it remains for me to take care of food myself. But the resentment against him grew like a snowball. While I was carrying Vasilisa, I forbade myself to think about it. To cheer up, I undressed in front of the mirror and painted the sun on my stomach - eyes, a smile. I look and rejoice, I say to myself: “It's all nonsense! But soon you will become a mother! " I love children very much and when I found out that I was in position, I was in seventh heaven with happiness. Ilya too. But in addition to questions of a material nature, others were added.
In the third year of family life, Ilya became addicted to the bottle. Well, I would still have passed a glass or two at dinner, but no! He will hide in the room and drink. I walk in, I feel - it smells of wine, and he says in his blue eye: “I swear! I didn't drink! " I say: "Swear on the health of the children." - "I swear!" And the next day the child has a temperature of forty ...
I could not calmly react to this, I made a scandal. The squabbles between us practically did not stop. As he drank, he became generally insane. Once, for no apparent reason, right in bed, he began to choke me. And Vasilisa slept with us, she was about two years old, so she woke up, got scared, wrote herself ... Then I realized that everything was a collapse. But then she pulled on for almost five years, and even gave birth to her second child. Why? Yes, because in my head in childhood there was a matrix of a happy family life - the same as that of my parents. They have been together for forty years, raised two children and have always believed that divorce is a real misfortune, a disaster. But Ilya's parents disliked me immediately. I do not know why. Probably, they wanted their such an intelligent and educated son to have a wife at least a candidate of sciences. And here I am - a girl from show business. But I love to study, I constantly go to some seminars, listen to lectures. It is interesting to communicate with me, and having diplomas has nothing to do with it. I know people with two higher educations, and the most boring and narrow-minded! Although, maybe my relatives did not like me for something else - they never expressed specific complaints to me. When my husband and I, having lived together for a year already, came to visit them with the good news that they would become grandparents, the faces of our parents turned stone. “Well, it means that our life has now collapsed ...” - we heard. For others, with the birth of grandchildren, life begins anew, but for these it “collapsed”. Then I suddenly thought: "We will not see happiness with Ilya." And so it turned out. When I was nine months old, my mother-in-law advised Ilya to do a genetic examination. She came to visit me directly and said: "It seems to all of us that the child is not Ilya." I was numb at these suggestions. Not his child ... Yes, Vasilisa is like two drops of water like her dad and with the same birthmarks on the handle, like her grandmother's!
To be honest, I pinned certain hopes on the appearance of Vasilisa. She reasoned like this: "Ilya is the only son, which means that his parents will love his granddaughter, and at the same time they will treat me more favorably." I could not understand at all why you could not love me. To their son, I was a good wife, caring, earned money, gave birth to beautiful children and took care of upbringing myself. The attacks of my relatives wounded me in the very heart. Of course, I asked my husband to intercede for me. But even in egregious situations, he remained neutral. Once we came to the father-in-law and the mother-in-law at the dacha. Vasilisa was very small then. Gathered a bunch of relatives, all drank, sitting at the table, shouting. Suddenly the father-in-law gets up, looks around everyone with a heavy look and says: "It's a pity that there is one weak link among us." And he points at me: “You! It's time for you to leave us. " I was taken aback and, restraining myself so as not to tell the elderly man impudence, got up, packed my things, put my sleepy daughter in the car and rushed back to Moscow. On the way, I made a terrible scandal for Ilya, crying: "Quit your relatives!" And he, a uniform seal, answers: “You must understand me too, Sash! Well, what can I tell them? They have been spreading rot my whole life, reproaching me with every ruble - it was always difficult with them. "
As a matter of fact, I am a gentle person, I tried to calm my pride, for the sake of my family to be patient. Therefore, even after such humiliation, she did not stop communicating. Somehow they call: "Come, our cucumbers are ripe." I collect the child, we come ... And the mother-in-law picks cucumbers, hands them the unwashed Vasilisa. I say: "Oh, you dirty little cucumber, you need to wash it." And in response he rushes: “Oh, you disdain my cucumbers, point to untidiness ?! Get out of here, you stupid fool! " My mother, having learned about everything, cried. And dad called the “relatives”, tried to explain that I was a good wife and mother. But it's useless!
At the news of my second pregnancy, my mother-in-law screamed: "Your child will die, drug addict!" And she said this to me, a person who has been leading a healthy lifestyle since school. Yes, I breastfed Vasilisa until she was three years old! And they decided: if from show business, then, it means, a drug addict.
While I was wearing Makar, our relationship with Ilya improved dramatically. Both had the hope that now everything would be fine. But after the birth of his son, quarrels broke out with renewed vigor. We stopped behaving like spouses altogether - hugging, kissing ... We slept in different rooms. But Ilya kept saying that he loved children and could not live without me.

And his relatives stepped up their onslaught at this time. One day I come home with the children (and we lived in an apartment that they "gave" to their son, but designed it for themselves, without even registering the little ones there!), And there Sveta, Ilya's second cousin, is in charge, with her ugly husband. “You don’t understand in a good way, so it’s time to explain it in a bad way! Collect things immediately and move them out of this apartment with your children, ”Sveta tells me, resting her hands on her hips. I answer: “Actually, it’s late now, eleven in the evening, it’s time for Makar to go to bed. And it's minus twenty outside. Where will I go? " She suddenly rushes at me, grabs my throat and strangles me! I hear the heart-rending cry of Vasilisa: "Mommy, Mommy!" Somewhere the strength came from, pushed the boor aside. And then a phone call. Her hubby answered the phone like a boss: “Yes? Soon she will leave this house ”- and holds out the phone to me. On the other end of the line, the father-in-law: "We don't intend to put up with you anymore!" Sveta's husband is chewing on a sausage and suddenly spitting in my face! Now it is difficult to tell all this, because in the head of a healthy person it does not fit at all how one can behave ... My mind has grown dim, in my head there is only one thought: to run! But the body could not stand it, I lost consciousness. When I came to, I heard: "Yes, let it roll around, don't pick her up, be a man, let's go and have a drink." It turned out that Ilya was at home and all this, drunk, he saw and heard ... The children scream in two voices, a company of madmen is brewing in the kitchen, and I'm lying in the corridor ... I get up, wander along the wall into the nursery, where the children are crying, dress them , I throw things into my bags and go to Kupavna, to my parents. A few days later, Ilya rushed over, fell to his knees: "Sasha, I'm sorry!" And this is the mysterious soul of a Russian woman! Forgiven and returned !!!
When I finally left Ilya, there was aggression. For many months in a row, I had the same nightmare: I remove scalps to former relatives, rip open their stomachs ... So my subconscious mind released the accumulated resentment. To feel more confident, I became interested in Muay Thai. She beat a pear, pretending that they were my offenders.

I was totally against getting married
- At first, I could not even think to forgive Ilya and start communicating with him again in some way. Our relationship was established ... by my friend. She persuaded me: “Sasha, no one asks you to come back, but the children are suffering! Vasilisa cries all the time, she became twitchy. Children need a father. " I growled in response: "No!" Then she, without telling me anything, went to our old apartment. The front door is open, in the semi-darkness of the living room he sees Ilya, lying facedown on the sofa in ear-muffs. Nearby is an empty bottle. She pushed him away: "Ilya, Sasha lives with children in the next doorway." And he came to us, swollen from tears, with shaking hands ...
Now he comes in, plays with Vasilisa and Makar, sometimes takes them for the weekend. But even if we spend fifteen minutes together, we will certainly quarrel - and again over money. Fortunately, our marriage was not registered, so there was no trial. Why didn't we formalize the relationship by making two children? Yes, I just never considered it necessary to put a stamp on my feelings for a man. But the parents pressed: it is necessary that everything was like people. And when I was pregnant with Vasilisa, we still went to the registry office. We go up the steps - and suddenly I was turned inside out, although before that there was no toxicosis! Ilyusha looked and said thoughtfully: "I see that you physically do not want to get married." So we turned around: we counted it as a sign from above.

I thawed gradually

- On October 26, I left Ilya, and on November 16, Dima appeared. Not long "sat in girls." Now I put on Ilya: "You see, a good man is always in great demand!"
I asked for the phone number of DJ Dmitry Almazov from a friend in search of new musical material. Dima in his project Bobina creates and plays music in the trance style. I heard one of his compositions in the hit parade, and I really liked it.
For some reason, my friend began to darken: they say, I have a phone, but I have to ask him for permission, and in general he is a disgusting type. As Dima later told me, he also asked us to introduce this girl - he saw our photo with her on a social network. And in response I heard: “Why do you need it? She is married, has two children, and is also a rare bitch. " It turned out that our mutual friend really liked Dima. And she was afraid that his acquaintance with me might prevent her from receiving his attention and gifts. Be that as it may, but I knocked Dima's phone number out of her. I remember writing a humorous text message: “Greetings to a star from a star! Let's talk". Meanwhile, Dima was in China and offered to go to Skype. We chatted for two hours - about everything.
A few days later, a guy drove into the rear bumper of my car. I had to take her to the repair. I took it and wrote to Dima, a person I had never seen: "Can't you lend your car for a couple of days?" The answer came instantly: "Take it!" He just didn’t need it: he flew away somewhere again. We got to know each other in a hurry: Dima was already late for the airport, so we just exchanged a couple of phrases: "I'm Sasha." - "My name is Dima. Here is the car, here are the keys, ”and left. Then every day we communicated via Skype with a video. It was like this: the children were asleep, and I, fearing to wake them up, put on headphones, listened to what Dima was saying, and simply nodded in response.
When Dima returned to Moscow and we met, I had to stop by the studio. He suggested: "Come on to me, I have a studio at home." Frankly, I thought Dima would take the opportunity and at least kiss, but he kept aloof. The more provoked me. It turned out that he, accustomed to quick victories, this time decided to act differently and not rush things.
When we became close, everyone around me, including my beloved mother, kept repeating: yes, he is frivolous, he’s dumbfounded and quit.
But Dimino's environment turned out to be kinder. Even his mother - it would seem! - said: "Well, nothing, Dima, here Ivan Urgant also married a woman with two children."
Although I did not believe for a long time that Dima was taking our novel seriously, I gradually thawed out. But one day I almost decided that Dima was my mistake. It was in Yekaterinburg, where we flew to celebrate the 7th anniversary of Vasilisa. Dima had a performance planned there. In the morning, I decorated my daughter's room in a hotel room with balloons, wrote posters with congratulations. The girl had to wake up, see all the gifts and go with us down to the restaurant to the festive table. I wake up to Dima: “Get up! It's time to go to Vasya to congratulate! " And he: "You go, I will now ..." And fell asleep. We are waiting for him downstairs, we are waiting ... Vasya put his bear on his chair. I sent Dima an SMS: "Misha is now sitting in your place." And in my very soul, cats are scratching: do I need such a man who did not take seriously the birthday of my child. But when I saw Dima running from the elevator, combing his hair as he walked, I realized that he was simply not used to getting up so early and had not slept out of indifference at all ...
Laughing, Dima tells me: “Sashka, God has heard my prayers! I asked to give me both a wife and children as soon as possible, because suddenly in 2012 the end of the world will come! " As for the wedding ... Ironically, I, an ardent opponent of officialdom, now suddenly wanted a white dress and a celebration for the whole world. And even to my name I am already trying on Dima's surname. And I really like the sound!