Folk artistic culture of the 18th century. Artistic culture of the XVIII - first half of the XIX century

Folk artistic culture of the 18th century. Artistic culture of the XVIII - first half of the XIX century

Mukhlayeva Saglr.

Presentation on the topic: Art culture Russia second half of the 18th century



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Art Culture of Russia The second half of the 18th century Mukhlayeva Saglr 7 "E"

In the second half of the 18th century, classicism comes to change Baroque. Art ideal Classicism was antiquity, in Russian culture often revealed through the work of masters italian rebirth. In Russia, the primitive of classicism was noticeable in the first quarter of the 18th century, especially in the architecture, which was distinguished by simplicity, equilibrium and severity. But the real possibilities for the development of classicism received only in the second half of the 18th century. The development of industrial production, the formation of the All-Russian market, the intensification of foreign trade - all this required the construction of industrial, state buildings, social significance (Banks, stock exchanges, markets, living room courtyards, physicians). The development of culture and enlightenment in Russia led to the construction of buildings of libraries, theaters, universities, academies. The techniques and form of baroque are exquisitely complex and lush, turned out to be unacceptable. At the same time, classic style, clear, harmonious, expressive, approached for these purposes.

Manifesto Peter III Positive affected the development of culture. From now on, nobles, who have had sufficient funds, could devote their time to reading books and art. In addition, large construction developed in the noble estates. Barochny shift palace art Osoroval art comes. For noble manor Baroque style was unsuitable, he did not match the rhythm and the system of the manor house. Reference art was based on the synthesis of two artistic styles - Classicism and sentimentalism. The typical appearance of the Russian manor is a house with a classic portico among the greenery of the landscape park. Park became prerequisite Decent human existence. The daily walk in the park was made by a mandatory component of life and not only rural, but also urban. The desire to live on the lap of nature was divided at that time many. And this was embodied by the ideas of enlighteners, the ideas of Rousseau about being closer to nature. In the second half of the 18th century, beautiful manor ensembles arise near Moscow - Arkhangelsk, Kuskovo, Ostankino. Manor "Arkhangelsk" Manor "Kuskovo" Manor "Ostankino"

Classicism has shown himself in all kinds of art, but he most fully expressed himself in architecture. The architecture of Russian classicism in the second half of the 18th century survived 2 stages: early classicism (60th - the beginning of the 80s) and strict classicism (mid-80s - 90s). At the first stage leading value There were public buildings whose architectural forms were determined by the nature and all other types of buildings. The basis of planning schemes, as a rule, lay one - two correct geometric figures (Circle, square, triangle), and the volume of buildings are monolithic. At the second stage, private city palaces and manor buildings prevailed with the scheme inherent in it - the central body was connected to the side filties by means of galleries. The largest masters of early classicism - A.F. Kokorinov (1726 - 1772) and Frenchman J.B. Valen-Demotamov (1729 - 1800). They are the authors of the project of the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg (1764 - 1788). The building is located on the banks of the Neva. The plan is almost a square in which the majestic round yard is inscribed. Strict noble forms, clear rhythm columns and pilaster - features classic style. Valen-Decamot belongs to the building of the Small Hermitage (1766 - 1769). The greatest master Russian classicism, an artist of an extraordinary fantasy was V.I. Bazhenov (1737 - 1799). He conquered Rome and Paris. The first of the Russian architects was elected to the members of the three academies of Europe: Roman, Florentine, Bologna. But in his homeland, his fate was tragically. Twice Catherine II interrupted the implementation of its main projects: the Kremlin Palace and the Palace and Park Ensemble in Tsaritsyn near Moscow. The palace itself was not built, but Bazhenov completed his model of 17x10 meters in the tree. The model of the palace served as the sample, which followed many architects. It was shown as the eighth miracle of the world. The most perfect creation of Bazhenova in Moscow is the house P.E. Pashkov (1784 - 1786), now the building of the Russian state Library. The building is built on the principle state Palace. Street facade is decorated with a Corinthian portico raised to the level of the second floor, on the sides of the portica - statues. Above the central building - balustrade, and above it Belvedere (gazebo above the house). The building is erected on a steep hill and facial facade addressed to the Kremlin. On the hillside, the garden was broken down, down to the wrought-iron grid. Architecture.

Small Hermitage House Pashkov

In the second half of the 18th century, a monumental sculpture has achieved great success. Its development occurred in the direction of classicism. In 1782, a horse monument to Peter I was installed in St. Petersburg at the Senate Square. Monument to this thanks to A.S. Pushkin entered the story called "Copper Horseman". The author of the monument is French sculptor E.-M. Falcone (1716 - 1791) was a highly educated man, friend Didro. Before his departure to St. Petersburg E.-M. Falcone, not young and famous sculptor, did not create anything that could foresee the author of the most significant work monumental sculpture 18th century. Falcone worked on a monument of 12 years. In work on the head of Peter, his student Marie Ann Kolo helped him. The final finish and installation of the monument was engaged in Yu.M. Felten. This monument was attracted by contemporaries of novelty decisions (composition and sculptural technique), just as Peter I himself struck the extraordinaryness of his personality and his affairs. Falcone. Bronze Horseman Sculpture.

In Russian painting, the second half of the 18th century there were two directions - classicism and sentimentalism. Sentimentalism (from French "Sentiment" - feeling) - artistic directioncharacterized by attention to the spiritual life of a person, sensuality and an idealized image of people, life situations, Nature. Sentimentalism preferences do not mind, but feelings. In this sense, the words of Sentimentalism transmit the words of Rousseau: "The mind can be wrong, the feeling - never. In the historical perspective, sentimentalism is the predecessor of romanticism, its first historical phase. Relationship with romanticism is manifested in transferring to the individual state of the spirit, interest in complex characters, changeable experiences. The features of sentimentalism are expressed in the work of V.L. Borovikovsky (1757 - 1825). It is characterized by interest in transmission inner world, spiritual states, sentiments, in particular the life of a person who dreams or just a vacationer and in unity with nature. The images created by him are very poetic, spiritualized. The best among them is the portrait of M.I. Lopukhina (1797), amazing lyricism and beauty, the most poetic image of the 18th century. The ideas of sentimentalism appeared even in the image of the empress. Borovikovsky depicts it not as a legislature with all the imperial regalia, but as an ordinary woman in Chepetse on a walk in the Tsarsko Selo Park. Borovikovsky.Tornet Rocky. Trusting Store Painting

    Artistic culture of Russia in the XVIII century.

Dynamic and independence of artistic and creative processes in Russia XVIII century. The output of artistic culture on European development paths. The process of recruiting art. Paphos of knowledge and patos of statehood in visual art. The output of artistic culture on European development paths. Petrov retirees. Extreme judgments that go roots in the concept XIX century. One of the directions ("Slavophilsk"), insisting on complete separation art XVIII. in. from preceding development. It seems from here an idea of \u200b\u200bhim as forcibly grafted, non-national and non-rigid. The opposite ("pro-Western") flow with his desire to smooth out the border between art Ancient Russia and artistic creativity XVIII century, Find in his prehistory all the elements of the new and, thus, to reduce the importance of world experience. Modern view About the art of the XVIII century as the first stage is qualitatively different compared with the previous stage - the art of the new time (XVIII - early twentieth century).

Sources of art of the new time in Russia: a high level of old Russian art and, especially, the success of his last stage - end of XVII century; the state of the modern art of Western European countries who survived a similar process; Canonized artistic experience of the new time (treatises, rubbing). The question of the pace of development and the main anti-nemineous art of Petrovsky time (medieval - new, secular-religious, Russian - Western European and others)

The birth of secular painting (genre of Parsuna as evidence of the openness of Russian artistic culture.).Parsuna (distorted lat. persona. - "Personality", "Especially") - Early "primitive" genre of portrait in the Russian kingdom, in its picturesque means, depending on the iconography.

Originally synonym for modern concept portrait Regardless of style, technology of image, places and time of writing, distortion of the word "person", which in the XVII century were called secular portraits.

The appearance in the spiritual music of a party concert. Patty concert - Genre of choral polyphonic music on Orthodox liturgical and (less often) freelyroid texts, which received the spread of the second half of the XVII century in Russia. And in the XVIII century. One of the most important genres of Russian and Ukrainian parties singing, a patious concert was originally conceived as church music, later began to sound in public secular concerts. Speaker under the influence of Western European (in the vocabulary of the XVIII century Latin), a stylist tradition, which spread through Poland and Ukraine to Russia. On the liturgy was performed, as a rule, instead of the involved vest or after it (in most cases during the communion of priests in the altar).

Features of the Russian educational movement and reflection in the field of artistic culture. The public educational movement in Russia, in which the well-educated and high-cultivatic representatives of the intelligentsia participated, including the most sensitive to the fate of the people of young people, have always been responsive to the challenges of time and the processes in socio-economic and public life. The first Russian enlighteners pinned hopes on the "enlightened monarch", fair laws, mitigating morals as a result of proper education and education. They advocated the awakening of the dignity of the person and patriotism, equal to the alien and national spoff, and the "stabbing". IN early XIX. in. Russian educational figures were mainly on moderate political and theoretical positions. After 1860, the enlightenment movement split. The radical wing went on the path of population. The liberal flow remained until 1917. It was implemented mainly in the work of writers, journalists, cultural figures and scientists (I.S. Turgenev, L.N. Tolstoy, V.G. Korolenko et al.).

Urban planning. The flourishing of the Russian Baroque. "Moscow Baroque."Moscow Baroque - The conditional name of the style of the Russian architecture of the last decades of the XVII - the first years of XVIIIIv., the main feature of which is the widespread use of element-agchitectural orders to use centric compositions in the temple architecture. The first stage of the Development Baroque. Outdated name - "Naryshkinskoy Baroque".

Chronological style frames

Sukhareva Tower - an example of civil architecture of Moscow Baroque

The main period of development of the architecture of Moscow Baroque can be considered the period from the beginning of the 1680-IDD of the first years1700-CGG. in Moscow. In the regions of Russia, spatial solutions and a characteristic design system (but in a somewhat simplified form) can be traced until the end ofXVIIIV. The gradual attenuation of the metropolitan direction of the Moscow Baroque can be associated with the gradual transition of the metropolitan life, the orientation on the Western European architecture and its masters, openly proclaimed the I.

Intrastile currents

Moscow Baroque in its classical version is a stylistically uniform phenomenon. Regardless of the geographical location of the artistic design elements - the order, the framing of window and door openings - follow the standard model and therefore easily recognizable.

However, there are several groups of buildings that have significant differences from the main direction, but not beyond the style. Directions are required by their appearance, mainly tastes of specific customers.

Styles: Stroganovsky Style, Naryshkinsky, Golitsyn, Prozorovsky

    The Church of Joasaph, Tsarevich Indiian Izmailov (1678-79, 1685-87, not preserved)

    Simonov's Forestry Chamber of the Monastery (1679-85, Architect. Oh. D. Startsev)

    Church in the village of Petrovskoe-Far (1684-88, not preserved)

    Friday Paraskev Church in Okhotny Row (1684-87. Not survived).

    Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Kadashah (1687-1695, Archite. Sergey Turchaninov).

Creativity of artists of the middle and the second half of the XVIII century. Russian picturesque portrait.But truly it became possible to imagine a picture of the development of Russian painting of the XVIII century only thanks to the efforts of Soviet researchers, the painstaking work of restorers, the rollerous activities of museum workers. Now this beautiful art took a worthy place in the culture of our time.

The Russian art of the transition period - the first quarter of the 18th century is distinguished by the common peculiarity, and sometimes unexpectedly and bizarre elements of the outgoing Old Russian culture and new art, vigorously and greedily mastering modern visual means. The whole life of this time is penetrated by Paphos Military Wins and Spirit of Transformations. Artists begin to use the achievements of science, study anatomy, perspective, light, absorb the allegorical language of Western European painting. A fundamentally new understanding of the value of the human personality, its activity, the values \u200b\u200bof purposeful activities are inseparable from the harsh, but full of great dear deeds of Peter 1. In painting, it was most clarified in the portrait, with whom the first achievements of new Russian visual art are connected.

Activities M. Lomonosov. Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov (8 (19) November1711, Denisovka village, Russian kingdom - 4 (15) April1765, St. Petersburg, Russian Empire) - First-Russian-natural and naturalist, encyclopedist, chemical physics; He entered into science as the first chemist, which is a dalphysical chemistry, is very close to modern, and the extensive program of physicochemical studies; His molecular-kinetic theorium contained a lot of anticipate a modern idea of \u200b\u200bthe structure of matter and many reports, including from starterodynamics; laid the foundations of science about glass. Astronus, instrument-making, geographer, metallurgist, geologist, poet, approved the foundations of a modern Russian language, an artist, historical carrier, a champion of the development of domestic resistance, science and economics. Developed a project university, subsequently named in his honor. He opened the presence of the atmosphere at the planetsman. Stat Counselor, Professor of Chemistry (C1745), Valid membership of the St. Petersburg Imperial Apexed Member States of Sciences. Bright example "Universal Man" (Lat. homo Universalis).

The onset of the extensive cultural development of Russia was put on the reformer Peter I, which in 1700 introduced a new summer and published the first newspaper "Vedomosti". Other reforms Peter I. Did not forget to pay attention to the king and schools and educational system generally. Mathematical, artillery, engineering schools were opened, craft schools were created with large manuffs, and the first medical school was opened in Mosek.

Science and education

By the decree of Peter in 1725, the Academy of Sciences was created, which was taken by many geographical expeditions, which served as the development of this sphere in Russia. Speaking O. cultural development Russia in the XVIII century, remember such figures of science, culture and technology, like M.V. Lomonosov, historian V.N. Tatishchev, writers A.D. Kantemir and V.K. Trediakovsky.

The activities of the outstanding scientist Lomonosov was inherent in deception scientific knowledgewhich was characteristic of all science of this era. Thanks to him, Moscow University was opened in 1755.

The second half of the XVIII century is marked by the development school Education - Gymnasium opened for the nobles in 1758, the first female school institution was opened in 1764 in St. Petersburg, which was called the name "Educational Society of Noble Maiden."

Similar results in the development of the education scope are caused by the activities of I.I. Petsky. In the future, three different kinds of educational institutions were going to introduce three different kinds of educational institutions - the main, small and medium-sized national schools. Historical science developed: Shcherbatov was created a full-fledged concept of Russian history, and Botin was the author of the book on critical notes at the historic view of Shcherbatov.

The criticism of rigid forms of serfdom and autocracy is intensified, it was typical for those Russian thinkers who showed interest in the ideas of enlightenment. A huge impact Receives Freemasonry, by 1780 in Russia there were about a hundred masonic "lies". With the name of one of the masons, the emergence of satirical magazines "Wallet" and "Painter" is connected.

Art and literature

Art I. literature XVIII Developed pretty B. sophisticated circumstances, mixed different styles and fought representatives among themselves different areas In these areas. Classicism dominated in Russian literature, whose feature in Russia were comedy satire.

Bright representatives This genre was D.I. Fonvizin, A.P. Sumarokov, Ya.V. Princess. At that time, one of the most important and influential representatives of Russian literature - Gabriel Derzhavin, the work and activities of which played a significant role in the development of Russian language.

In 1757, the Academy of Arts emerged, which actively contributed to the development of painting in Russia. The most talented representatives of painting and sculptures were A.P. Losenko, F.F. Shchedrin, F.I. Shubin.

Another significant event belongs to the development of culture and her heritage in the XVIII century is the creation of the first Russian theater in St. Petersburg in 1756. Initially, the theater appeared in Yaroslavl, but thanks to the initiative of the director and actor F.G. Volkov he was transferred to St. Petersburg.

Petrovsky reforms contributed to the economic and political rise of the state. The enlightenment was far advanced, which had a great influence on the further development of culture.

From January 1, 1700, a new chronology was introduced - from the Nativity of Christ. In 1719, the first natural-historical museum in Russia - Kunstkamera was created.

With Peter 1, education has become a state policy, since educated people were needed for the implementation of reforms. Under Peter 1, general and special schools opened, conditions were prepared for the founding of the Academy of Sciences.

In 197. The Navigation School was opened in Moscow - the first secular public educational institution was opened, a number of professional schools were created - artillery, engineering, medical. In the first quarter of 18 V. Typhyry schools, christmas schools, spiritual seminaries began to open. Organization of Middle I. higher education Closely related to the creation of the Academy of Sciences (1724). It included a academy, university and gymnasium. Mikhail Lomonosov became the first Russian academician. In 1755, at the initiative of M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow University was created, which became a major cultural center. In organized with it, the printing house published the newspaper "Moscow News".

Professional and artistic educational institutions appeared. In St. Petersburg - a dance school, in Moscow - a ballet school and the Academy of Arts.

Typography. The book publisher has significantly increased. In 1708, the font reform was carried out, civil and civilian printing were introduced, which contributed to the increase in secular and civilian books, magazines. Libraries were organized, bookstores were opened.

Large Russian thinker XVIII century. There was Faofan Prokopovich, a contemporary and companion of Peter. In his works ("The Word of the Power and the Honor of the Tsarist", "True will of the monarch", etc.) he develops the Russian version of the concept of enlightened absolutism. The objection of past Russia is devoted to the works of V.N. Tatishcheva - the first major Russian historian who wrote the "Russian history from the most ancient times." In it, he traces the history of Russia from Rürik to Peter I. N. Radishchev - a writer and philosopher - occupies a special place in the spiritual life of Russia.

Literature. Wide publishers widely accelerated the development of literature. The introduction of a civilian has contributed to strengthening the secular language. At this time, poetic works were very popular.

Poet V.K.Tebredikovsky (1703-1768) became the reformer of the Russian language and resentment.

A.P.Sumenokov became the founder of Russian drama (1717-1777), poet, author of the first comedies and tragedies, director of the Russian theater in St. Petersburg. He wrote in different genres: lyrical songs, odes, epigrams, satires, fables. In the works of these writers, they reflected the ideas of Russian classicism ..

Last quarter of 18 V. She became the heyday of the work of a large poet of G. Pedzhavin (1743-1816). The main genre of his works was the ODA.

Russian morals and customs expressed in their social comedies "Brigadier" and "Nepali" D.I. Fontvizin. His comedies laid the beginning of an integrity-realistic direction in the literature.

The founder of Russian sentimentalism became N.M. Karamzin (1766-1826), the author of the History "Poor Lisa", "Village", etc. The main essay of Karamzin is the "History of the Russian State".

Architecture. In the Petrovsk era, innovations are entered into architecture and construction due to the requirements of the government to express in architectural structures The power, power and greatness of the Russian Empire.

With the political and economic development of the country are presented to civil construction. The most noticeable buildings of that time in Moscow were a large stone bridge, arsenal in the Kremlin and others. In 1749, Ukhtomsky organized the first architectural school in Russia in Moscow, in which V.P. Bagainov and MF Kazakov studied under his leadership.

The Petrovskaya Epoch is characterized by the construction of a new capital - St. Petersburg (since 1703), for which foreign architectory treatments were invited, Rastrelli. The new capital was conceived as a regular city, with long radiation prospectuses, with urban ensembles of quarters and streets, squares. Trezini acted as the author of residential buildings of three categories: for "famous" citizens - stone, for "prosperous" and "simple" people - Mazankov. Public facilities of Trezini were distinguished by simplicity of the style of the twelve college (now the University). The most significant building was the Petropavlovsky Cathedral of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Among the public buildings were allocated Seating courtyard, Exchange, Admiralty. Simultaneously with St. Petersburg, country palaces were built with famous park ensembles - Peterhof and others.

A huge contribution to the style of Russian baroque was the activities of the father and son of Rastrelli. Father (Italian sculptor) participated in the decorative design of Peterhof. Son (already Russian architect) was the author of the Smolny Monastery and Winter Palace In St. Petersburg, the Grand Palace in Peterhof, the Ekaterininsky Palace in the Tsarskoye village and others. The Russian classicism came to replace Russian Baroque in the 60s in the 60s, which reached his heyday at the beginning of the 19th century. Architects V.P. became representatives of classicism in Russia Bazhenov, M.F. Kazakov and I. E. Starov.

Bazhenov and Kazakov worked in Moscow and St. Petersburg - the palace and park ensemble in Tsaritsyno, the Senate in the Moscow Kremlin, the noble assembly with the magnificent column hall, Mikhailovsky Castle. Starov - Author of the Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra of the Tauride Palace - a victory monument in the Russian-Turkish war. The main value of classicism is an ensemble, an ensemble organization: strict symmetry, straight lines, straight rows of columns. Bright example - Palace Square Architect K.I. Rossi. Preserved buildings 18 V. And today are not only the decoration of Russian cities, but also masterpieces of world importance.

Art. This is the heyday of portrait painting. Most famous artists Petrovsky Time - Andrei Matveyev (1701-1739) and Ivan Nikitin (1690-1742) - founders of Russian secular painting. By the end of the 20s, there was a fracture to the court direction of painting. The best portraitists 18V.- A.P.ANTROPOV, F.S. Kotov, D.T.levitsky, V.L. Korovikovsky. Fedor Shubin, Mikhail Kozlovsky represented the classical direction in the sculpture.

At the end of the 18th century One of the richest artistic collections of the world is formed - Hermitage. It is based on a private collection of paintings Catherine 2.

In 18 V. The development of the theater continued. New theaters were opened, there were performances on the plays of Russian authors - Sumorov, Fonvizin.

Ballet in Russia originated as separate dance numbers in intermission of dramatic and opera performances. In 1741, by decree of the daughter of Peter Elizabeth, a Russian ballet troupe was established.

Continued to develop a fortress theater. The history of the theater includes the names of the fortress actors Praskovyi Pearlovaya, Mikhail Shchepkin and others. In the 18th century, the theater has gained enormous popularity, became the property of broad masses.

Music. In 18 V. Secular musical art begins to spread. A philharmonic society is created, in which the old and classical music is performed, a composer school is formed, Russian composers appear - the authors of the opera, chamber music. The leading musical genre becomes opera. The leading opera composer of that time was DS Botnoyansky - author about 200 works. At the end of the century, the genre of chamber lyrical song appears - the Russian romance to the poems of Russian poets.

The results of the historical and cultural development of 18 V. Very significant. The development of Russian continued national traditions In all kinds of art. At the same time, the strengthening of links with foreign mills contributed to the penetration of Western influence on Russian culture. All directions were developed all areas of culture - education, typography, literature, architecture, art. New literary magazines appeared, fiction, publicly available theater light music. There is a formation of Russian classicism. The development of the culture of 18 V. Prepared a brilliant flourishing of Russian culture of the 19th century, which became an integral part of world culture.

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"Features and main achievements of Russian culture of the XVIII century"



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1. Introduction ................................................................................. 3

2. Features and main achievements of Russian culture of the XVIII century .. ...... 3

3. Conclusion ........................................................................... ... 12

4. List of references used ........................................................ 13


In the XVIII century, Russian culture entered a new period of its development. After a long time of violent cultural isolation, due to the three-year-old Mongolian conquest, as well as the influence of the Orthodox Church, agreed to protect Russia from the entire "heretical", "Western", Russian art joins the path of pan-European development and is gradually released from the shackles of medieval scholasticism. It was the first century of the development of secular culture, the century of the decisive victory of the new, rationalistic worldview over the harsh, ascetic, dogma of religious morality. "Mirskoe" art acquires the right to public recognition and begins to play more and more important role in the system of civil education, in the formation of new managers public Life countries. And at the same time Russian culture XVIII. The century did not reject her past. Purchase to rich cultural heritage Europe, Russian figures at the same time relied on indigenous domestic traditions accumulated over the long preceding period of artistic and historical development, the experience of Old Russian art.

Features and main achievements of Russian culture of the XVIII century.

Petrovsky reforms contributed to the economic and political rise of the state. The enlightened enlarged, which had an impact on the further development of culture.

From January 1, 1700 was introduced new chronology - from the Nativity of Christ. In 1719, the first natural historical museum in Russia was created - Kunstkamera.

For the first time under Peter 1, education has become government policies, general and special schools have been opened, the conditions for the founding of the Academy of Sciences were prepared. Young people began to send abroad to learn the craft - ship and the marine business, as well as science and art.

In 1701, a school of mathematical and navigation sciences was opened in Moscow - Navitakaya schoolthe first secular state educational institution. Under the Embassy Order, a school for foreign education was created Languages, and later - School of Stationery. In Moscow and other cities, a number were created professional schoolsArtillery, engineering, medical,in the Ural Plants - gornozavodsky schools. Initially, the schools took along with the children of the nobles and children of the allocations, but gradually school began to turn into closed educational establishments Only for noble children.

In the first quarter of the 18th century so-called began to be created typical schools - State primary general education schools for the boys of all classes, except peasants. Those who did not have evidence of the end of the Tsifir school, did not even be allowed to marry. In 1786 was published Charter of national schools - The first legislative act in the field of education. For the first time, unified curricula, class-grade system

The organization of medium higher education was closely related to the creation Academy of Sciences (officially from 1724g.). Initially, among academics there were some foreigners. Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov (1711-1765) became the first Russian academician, a scientist of world importance. He was also the largest Russian poet who laid the foundations of the modern Russian literary language. Lomonosov did a lot for the development of Russian science and organization of education.

In 1755, at the initiative of M.V. Lomonosov was created University of Moscow, massed cultural Center. He had a philosophical, legal, medical faculties.

IN late XVIII There were 550 educational institutions in Russia in Russia and 62 thousand students. The book publisher has significantly increased. In 1708-1710. A font reform was carried out, simplifying complex Cyrillic. Were introduced civic (Unlike church) aBC and Civil print, What contributed to an increase in the publication of secular, civilian books, including textbooks.

The first Russian printed newspaper steel "Vedomosti" (1702-1727), published by the decree of Peter 1. In 1703-1704. 39 rooms came out. From 1710 The newspaper was printed by civilian font.

Wide publishers widely accelerated the development of literature. The introduction of civil font contributed to strengthening secular language, although the church Slavic language was still widespread.

At this time, poetic works were popular - satires, odes, fables, the epigrams of the Russian poet and the enlightener Antioch Cantemir (1708-1744).

The founder of Russky Dramaturgia became A.P.Surokovov (1717-1777), poet, author of the first comedies and tragedies, director of the Russian theater in St. Petersburg.

The last quarter of the XVIII century became the heyday of the work of a large poet of that time Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavina (1743-1816). The main genre of his works was oh yeah. In them, he gave a wide picture of his modern life: landscape and domestic sketches, philosophical reflections, satire on the noble. Famous sideways Felitsa Impeded the idea of \u200b\u200bstrong state power.

Russian morals and customs expressed in their social comedies "Brigadier" and "Lady" Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin (1744/45-1792), who has denied ignorance, tyranny.

Founder russian sentimentalism ((from French - feeling), direction in literature and art at the end of the XVIII - early XIX centuries, proclaiming the cult of feelings and nature) became Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin (1766-1826), author of the age "Poor Lisa", "Village", "Natalia, Boyarskaya Daughter."

In the Petrovsk era, innovations are entered into architecture and in the construction due to the requirements of the government to express the strength, power and greatness of the Russian Empire in the architectural structures.

The most noticeable buildings of that time in Moscow were Hammnaya courtyard, cloth yard, big stone bridge, arsenalin the Kremlin, as well as a three-story building Main pharmacywhere the first Russian university was first placed.

Outstanding architects of Moscow in the 50s of the XVIII century was Dmitry Vasilyevich Ukhtomsky (1719-1774). He not only headed the "architectural supervision" for construction in Moscow, but also developed enhanced architectural activities. According to his project, the triumphant red gates in 1753 were replaced by stone.

The most interesting I. significant work Ukhtomsky became bell tower Trinity Sergius Lavra.

In 1749, Ukhtomsky organized the first in Moscow in Moscow Architectural school, in which under his leadership passed the apprenticeship such outstanding Russian architects, as V.P. Bazhenov, M.F. Kazakov, I.E. Starov other.

Petrovskaya Epoch is characterized primarily by the construction of a new capital - Petersburg (since 1703), for which foreign architects were invited Trezini, Rastrelli.

Among the public buildings of St. Petersburg were allocated Seating courtyard, exchange, admiralty.

Simultaneously with St. Petersburg, country palaces were built with famous park ensembles. Peterhofwas conceived as country residence Peter I, which he wanted to like Versailles.

The activity of the father and son of Rastrelli became decisive for the dawn style of the Russian baroque. Bartolomeo Carlo Rastrelli (1675-1744), Italian sculptor, since 1716 he worked in St. Petersburg. He participated in the decorative design of Peterhof, performed the sculptural portraits of Peter I and Empress Anna John with Arapchonk.

His Son - Bartolomeo Rastrelli (1700-1771) - In Russia, called Bartholomew Varfolomeyevich, he was already a Russian architect. The style of his architecture is Russian Baroque, which has gained western and Russian traditions. He is the author Smolny Monastery and Winter Palace In Petersburg, Big Palace in Peterhof, Ekaterininsky Palace In the royal village and others. Rastrelli loved scope, pomp, bright colors, I used rich sculptural decoration, intricate ornament.

In the 60s years of XVIII Century to change Russian Baroque in the architecture came russian classicismwho reached his heyday at the beginning of the XIX century. Architectors V.P. became bright representatives of classicism in Russia. Bazhenov, M.F. Cossacks and I.E. Starov.

Talented Russian architect was Vasily Petrovich Bazhenov (1737 / 38-1799), they are built: palace-Park Ensemble in Tsaritsyno, Pashkov House - The most beautiful building of the XVIII century in Moscow, Mikhailovsky Castle In Petersburg.

The name is also glorified Matthew Fedorovich Kazakov (1738-1812), who developed in Moscow the types of urban homes and public buildings. According to his projects built: Senate in the Moscow Kremlin, Moscow University, Golitsyn Hospital (now the first Gradskaya), Petrovsky Palaceerected in a pseudo-style style Noble Assembly With gorgeous Column Dawn. Cossacks led the compilation of the General Plan of Moscow, organized an architectural school.

Ivan Egorovich Starov (1745-1808) - author of a number of wonderful architectural creations in St. Petersburg: Troitsky Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra and the Tauride Palace - Monument to victory in the Russian-Turkish war.

The preserved buildings of the XVIII century and today are not only the decoration of Russian cities, but also masterpieces of world importance.

In the XVIII century, changes and visual art undergo painting, sculpture, etc. This is a heyday portrait painting.

The most famous artists of that time - Andrei Matveyev (1701-1739) and Ivan Nikitin (OK 1690-1742) - founders of Russian secular painting. The picturesque skill they studied abroad. Andrei Matveyev belongs to the first in Russian art "Self-portrait with his wife". In Portrets "Outdoor Hetman", "Peter I on the mortal bed" Ivan Nikitin was much ahead of his contemporaries in the depth and shape of the artistic expression.

By the end of the 20s, there was a fracture to courtesy Direction in painting. The best portraitists of the XVIII century - A.P. Anthropov, F.S. Rockies, D.T. Levitsky, V.L. Borovikovsky, sculptors - F.I. Shubin and M.I. Kozlovsky. It was the time of intensive development of the personality, which was reflected in portrait images of artists.

The largest portrait lot was Dmitry Levitsky (1735-1822). He created a rich series of parade portraits - from portrait of Catherine II to portraits of Moscow merchants. In his works, solemnity is combined with colorful wealth. The vitality of images is distinguished by his female portraits, especially "Smolyanok", pupils of the Smolny Institute.

The classic direction was represented Mikhail Kozlovsky (1753-1802) - sculptor and draftsman. His creativity is imbued with the ideas of enlightenment, sublime humanism, bright emotionality. This was especially brightly expressed in a statue for a cascade in Peterhof. "Samson, Running Pial Lion" - Allegorical figure, personifying Russia's victory over Sweden. Interested in his monument A.V. Suvorov in St. Petersburg.

At the end of the XVIII century, one of the richest artistic collections of the world is formed - Hermitage . Hermitage (from French Ermitage - the place of privacy) is one of the world's largest artistic museums. Hermitage Buildings - Winter Palace (1754-1762, Architect V.V. Rastrelli), Small Hermitage (1764-1767, Architect J.B. Valen-Demotam: Old Hermitage (1771-1787, Architect Yu.M. Felten), New Hermitage (1839-1852, Architect L. Background Klenzze), Hermitage Theater (1783-1787, Architect J. Kvrenigi). Based on the private collection of paintings by Western European masters (since 1764) Catherine II. Opened to the public in 1852.

Fine art of the XVIII century made a significant step forward in the development of a secular direction.

In the XVIII century, the development of the theater continued. In 1702, according to Peter I, I was created Public publicly available theaterdesigned for the mass public. Especially for him on Red Square in Moscow, a building was built - "Comedan Temman". In 1706, the theater stopped his existence, since he did not receive subsidies.

IN mid XVIII A century in many cities were foreign acting groups - French, German and others. But among the public they are interested in the Russian theater associated with the general lift of the national self-consciousness. In 1750, the performances of the first public theater with Russian actors, artists, musicians began in Yaroslavl. In his repertoire there were Russian plays. At the head of the theater stood the first famous Russian actor Fedor Grigorievich Volkov (1729-1763). Queen Elizaveta Petrovna discharged Fedor Volkov with all the troupe to the court, and in 1752 the theater moved to St. Petersburg. On the basis of this troupe in 1756, the theater "To submit tragedies and comedies" was created by the decree of the empress. The director became Sumarokov, and the first court actor - Fyodor Volkov, famous for the execution of major roles in the tragedies of A.P. Sumaro. Thus, the first permanent professional state public theater was created called Russian Theater (from 1832 - Alexandrinsky).

In 1779, a private theater was created on the Tsaritsyn Meadow (Marso Field), who led the famous Russian actor I.A. Dmitrievsky (1734-1821), who played in the theater F. Volkov in Yaroslavl. In this theater for the first time, the play D.I. Fonvizin, but in 1783 by decree Catherine II Theater closed.

In 1780, in Moscow was opened Petrovsky Theater.where the dramatic, opera and ballet performances were put.

Ballet In Russia, it was originated as separate dance numbers in inter dams first dramatic, then opera performances. Gradually began to fold ballet troupes.

With the entry into the Russian throne in 1741, the daughter of Peter I Elizabeth was issued a decree on the establishment in St. Petersburg russian ballet troupe.

The first Russian ballet librettist was A.P. Sumarokov.

Timofey Bublov He became the first dancer in St. Petersburg, received the court chin and the title of dancer yard. In Moscow, famous ballet artists were: Ivan Yeropkin, Vasily Balashov, Gavril Ryakov. The first Russian ballet makers were Balashov and Ryakov, who set comic ballets and divertisters in Moscow. Arina Dogkin became the leading Moscow dancer.

Existed the same way fortress theater. - These were noble theaters with a troupe of serfs. Basically, such theaters were created in Moscow and Moscow region (theaters of Sheremetyy, Yusupova and others). The history of the theater includes the names of fortress actors: Praskovi Pearls, Tatyana Shlykov-Granaya.

Fortress theaters became the basis of the Russian provincial scene.

In the XVIII century, secular musical art begins to spread widely.

In 1802, in St. Petersburg was created Philharmonic Societywhich performed ancient and classical music. In the last third of the XVIII century is formed composer school, the first Russian composers appear - the authors of the opera, choral, instrumental, chamber music. The major achievement of the Russian musical culture of that time was the musical melodrama "Orpheus"composer E.I. Fomina (1761-1800). He was also the creator of a song opera to the National Russian Plot "Ranger on the podstaboy", Operas "Americans" and other works. At that time, created operas and D.S. Bortnian (1751-1825) – "Falcon", "Son-rival" other. Bortyansky - author about 200 musical works.

At the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries, a genre of chamber lyrical song appeared - russian Romance on poems of Russian poets. One of the creators of the Russian romance became O.A. Kozlovsky (1754-1831) writing "Russian songs", Heroic-patriotic polonesa. One of them for the words G.R. Derzhavina "Thunder Victory Develop" For a long time was Russian national anthem.

Conclusion .

The results of Russia's historical and cultural development in the XVIII century are very significant. The development of Russian national traditions in all kinds of art continued. At the same time, strengthening links with foreign countries contributed to the penetration of Western influence on Russian culture. Strengthening the power of the Russian state, which became one of the world's largest states, contributed to the formation of the Russian nation and a single Russian language, which became the greatest cultural wealth of the Russian people. All directions of culture - education, typography, literature, architecture, visual art were developed. Provisciousness occurred, the secularization of culture, penetration into Russia's ideas of enlightenment. This contributed to the emergence of new types of culture - the first literary journals, fiction, publicly available theater, secular music. There is the formation of Russian classicism. The sphere of spiritual activity of Russian people has significantly expanded.

List of references:

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