What does a person of the XXI century look like? A man of the 21st century what he is.

What does a person of the XXI century look like?  A man of the 21st century what he is.
What does a person of the XXI century look like? A man of the 21st century what he is.

We stopped walking the streets, we communicate with friends only via the Internet, and the TV channel sponsors the sunset viewing. Treating the common cold that we trust doctors costs us money. But before, people did not have such a material basis, and the treatment of a common cold took place with the help of traditional medicine.
In the 21st century, we simply cannot imagine most of what our parents tell us: queues for cheese and meat, which were only in limited quantities on store shelves, the opportunity to relax only on the territory of our country, a shortage of clothes, and so on. Now we have the opportunity to worry, in fact, only about our financial situation. At first glance, there is nothing complicated - just work well and earn money for any of your needs.
It turns out that, on the one hand, there is nothing wrong with such progress - we should just do our job well and raise the level of income.
However, this progress affects the change in the human nature. In a critical situation, we remain completely helpless. Fired from work - we, in fact, have lost our means of subsistence. We turned off the lights at home - our technology does not work, and we feel lonely and abandoned. No internet connection - we cannot order food delivery from the restaurant. The world is changing, people are changing, ideas about the meaning of life, about good, about generations. Living in the real world is very dangerous and even harmful. People became so embittered, nervous and selfish. Now there are few people with a kind soul and heart, there are only a few of them. And such units sometimes make you think about the meaning of what has been lived, about the meaning of life.
The man of the XXI century has become more materialistic, for him there are less and less prohibitions and secrets, but more opportunities and choices. The horizons have increased, now the planet does not seem infinite, space and microcosm are being actively studied. And now digital nanotechnology is capable of creating life that seemed fantastic yesterday.
In a rapidly changing world, a person needs to be constantly on the move, in search of self-improvement. If a person does not cope - he is no longer among the first, problems arise - as a result, depression and fears for tomorrow. An unstable and rapidly changing world, a large flow of conflicting information - this is one of the factors influencing the moral state of a person and society today.
But this is all about adults, consciously thinking people, but what about modern children? Children born at the very beginning of the century, in the so-called zero years, now write and discuss a lot about them. We often hear "indigo child" and the concept of "indigo" is familiar to everyone. But do all modern children have the quality of indigo? And if not all, then why? For me, the answer is that the main difference at the beginning of the millennium is the maximum number of degrees of freedom. There are no rigidly fixed conditions, everything is flexible, mobile, unpredictable. And this is the catch. After all, small children with unpredictable opportunities, raised by their parents and grandparents, will also unpredictably display the values ​​of the 20th century period.
All of the above can be considered the answer to the question posed. I am sure that there are no nervous and selfish, embittered modern people of the 21st century among us. After all, our profession does not allow us to be like that.
Bernard Shaw once said: "I am sure that if I had to choose: to live where the noise of children does not stop for a minute, or where it is never heard, then all normal and healthy people would prefer the incessant noise to the incessant silence." ...
In my opinion, teachers are the most normal and healthy people of the 21st century!

Larisa KISKINA, Chairperson of the Council of Young Teachers of Zelenograd Administrative District

The 21st century is an era of development and supremacy of the human mind. Man gave birth to a new mind - the mind of a computer, a machine. The task of a person of a new era is not to get lost in the world he creates himself, not to give up traditions, not to lose the thread of spirituality and morality that binds humanity, not to lose his individuality. The problem of educating the younger generation is still relevant today: the spiritual and moral formation of young people, preparing them for a decent independent life in modern society.

Creation of the necessary scientific and methodological base, organizational, personnel, informational conditions for creating a single educational space at the school, the center and the main value of which is the personality, its development, self-realization and self-determination in society, the formation of a person - a citizen.

Creation of conditions for the development of the student's personality on the basis of traditional and innovative methods and forms of educational and developmental activities adapted by teachers. Providing opportunities to meet the national and cultural needs of the individual. Preparation for independent life and work, the ability for development and self-realization, adaptation in a changing social environment.

Cultural space: School is a temple of knowledge in the minds of children. Diversity of cultural life (circles, studios, library). Cultural relations. Health and sport are seen as values. Material - aesthetic environment: Beautiful, aesthetically pleasing, modern. Warm, cozy, comfortable, comfortable. Socio-psychological relations: Nepotism, sincerity, trust, comfort. Humanity, respect for the rights and dignity of all members of the school team. Security. The world perception of optimism, cheerfulness. School as a team: Well-organized, self-governing team. Each member of the team lives by the interests of the school. Obligation of affairs, activities in which the whole school participates.

Regulatory and legal base Personnel potential System of modern psychological and pedagogical principles of upbringing; The mechanism of management of the educational system Adequate modern educational technologies; Psychological, pedagogical and social support; The mechanism for managing the predicted results.

Director Managing Board Managing Board General school parent committee Social partners and public organizations Pedagogical council Methodical association of class teachers Creative groups of teachers Creative groups of teachers Deputy for educational work Deputy for educational work Public inspectors Public inspectors Student government Student government Administrative planning meeting, Production meeting Administrative conference planning, Production meeting Parents' Committees Council for the Prevention of Offenses and Neglect of Students Psychological, Pedagogical and Social Support

Providing optimal conditions for upbringing for children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics; Organization of productive communication with peers and adults; Promotion of mental, psychophysical and personal development of children at all age levels; Creation of a situation of success at each stage of education; Creation of systems of additional motivation for creative and social-labor activities.

The purpose of education is to form the necessary knowledge and skills, professional interests, citizenship for successful self-determination and self-realization of students, taking into account their natural inclinations, living conditions and upbringing in the family, school team Transfer of experience about a healthy lifestyle; Civil - patriotic and labor; Spiritual - moral and cultural - aesthetic

In learning In extracurricular work In the system of additional education In working with parents In working with teachers In interaction with city organizations Adaptation to modern living conditions Social protection Organization of useful and fruitful leisure Involvement of parents and the public in the educational process Systemic work on preservation of health Education of a citizen, patriot Formation of a sense of collectivism Education of initiative, independence, ability to make a choice Professional orientation Development of creative abilities A system of measures to foster a negative attitude to bad habits Development of mental abilities Formation of cognitive interests Formation of a sense of responsibility Creation of a unified educational space Organization of educational activities Working with social partners Readiness for self-realization

Subjects Leading functions Adapted space Pupil Obtaining education as a condition of socialization Parent Formation of a socially significant personality, creating conditions for development Teacher Solving educational and developmental problems based on diagnostics of educational and cognitive and personal properties Psychologist, speech therapist Diagnostics and identification of individual personality traits, programming the possibilities of its correction , drawing up a development program Social teacher Correction of the child's social adaptation and interaction with the family Cl. educator Creation of conditions for the upbringing and development of the communicative properties of the personality Additional education teacher Development of creative abilities, vocational guidance Physical education teacher Correction of physical development, spatial orientation Children's team Ensuring socialization. Correction of the assessment and self-esteem of the individual Technical staff Creation of valeological conditions for the child's life Public organizations Assistance in the implementation of the "support" program Inspectors of the PDN Prevention of offenses Administration Coordination of efforts of the subjects of the educational process to create conditions for the adaptation of students

Programs: Program of patriotic education for junior schoolchildren Program of legal education for students of grades 5-9 "I am a citizen" Program of civil - patriotic education for high school students "Defender of the Fatherland" Program of labor education and professional orientation Forms of activity: Thematic hours of communication Lessons, electives Disputes, round tables, meeting with interesting people Project activities Actions

Programs: Program "Debut" Program "Entertainers" Program "Decor" Program "Heritage and Traditions" Forms of activity: Competitions Exhibitions Round tables, meetings with interesting people Project activities Creative meetings Excursions Literary and musical lounge

QUALITATIVE INDICATORS PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Formation of healthy lifestyle skills Formation of moral potential Education Psychological climate Satisfaction with educational activities Development of physical qualities. Health status. Moral attitude towards the Motherland, society, family, school, class staff, oneself, nature, work. Spiritual and moral qualities; citizenship and patriotism Comfort in the system of relationships. Cultural manifestations of the child; emotional attitude to the educational process

QUANTITATIVE INDICATORS FORECASTED RESULT Increase in the number of students employed in preschool institutions Increase in the number of students engaged in FSK Decrease in the number of registered in PDN, CDN and salary, in-school Increase in the number of participants in competitions, projects Up to 70% Up to 20% Up to 70%

The remoteness of the microdistrict from the center Socially - disadvantaged environment Lack of control over the walls of the school Insufficient coordination of joint activities with other structures Problems with employment Negative influence of the media Material difficulties in families Insufficient time to work with documentation

And although the concept of "century" is introduced in history lessons at school, not only children, but also adults are often confused when it is necessary to correctly determine the beginning and end of this time interval.

A bit of theory

Under the term "century" in history it is customary to call a period of time of 100 years. To understand how to determine which year the 21st century began, like any other, you need to know one small nuance of the generally accepted chronology. Everyone knows that the time of origin of all events is chronologically divided into two periods: BC and after. But what date stands at the turn of these two eras, not everyone knows.

Have you ever heard of 0 year? Unlikely, because 1 BC. e. ended on December 31, and the next day came a new one, A.D. 1. e. That is, 0 years in the generally accepted chronology simply did not exist. Thus, a period of time of one century begins a year, and ends, respectively, on December 31, 100. And only the next day, January 1 in 101, a new century begins.

Due to the fact that many do not know this seemingly insignificant historical feature, there has been confusion for quite a long time about when and in what year the 21st century will come. Even some TV and radio presenters urged to celebrate the new year 2000 in a special way. After all, this is the beginning of a new century and a new millennium!

When the 21st century began

It is not at all difficult to calculate from what year the 21st century began, taking into account all of the above.

So, the first day of the 2nd century was January 1, 101, 3 - January 1, 201, 4 - January 1, 301, and so on. It's simple. Accordingly, answering in what year the 21st century began, it should be said - in 2001.

When the 21st century is over

Understanding how the chronology of time is maintained, one can easily say not only from what year the 21st century began, but also when it will end.

Similarly, the beginning is determined by the end of the century: the last day of the 1st century was December 31, 100, 2 - December 31, 200, 3 - December 31, 300, and so on. Finding the answer to this question is not so difficult. The last day of the 21st century will be December 31, 2100.

If you want to calculate from what year the new millennium is counted, you should follow the same rule. This will avoid mistakes. So, the third millennium according to the Gregorian calendar, adopted by the absolute majority of world states, began on January 1, 2001, simultaneously with the beginning of the 21st century.

Where did the common delusion come from?

In Russia, the chronology adopted today was introduced And before that, the account was kept from the creation of the world. And after the adoption of the Christian chronology, instead of 7209, the year 1700 came. People of the past were also afraid of round dates. Together with the new chronology, a decree was issued on a merry and solemn meeting of the new year and the new century.

In addition, do not forget that with the adoption of Christianity in Russia, it remained Julian. Because of this, for all historical events before the transition to the Gregorian calendar (1918), two dates are determined: according to the old style and according to the new style. And due to the different length of the year, adopted in each of the two types of calendars, there was a difference of several days. And so in 1918, with the introduction of the Gregorian calendar after January 31, February 14 came.

Anna Toporkova | 26 December 2015

A quick glance

Modern man. Who is he? What does he want from life? What does he believe in? How does he differ from the people who lived before him?

A person in the 21st century has a huge number of very different opportunities: thanks to the Internet, we can do things that our ancestors never dreamed of. Think, could people dream of hearing and seeing their friends on the other side of the Earth, at any time to get access to the necessary information? For us, it has already become commonplace. We are addicted to our gadgets, without which we feel insecure and helpless. Live communication is gradually fading away, indeed, it is easier to write to a neighbor from the third floor than to go up a whole floor! In some cases, online communication helps out great, but you can't just limit yourself to it. Is it more pleasant to look at an emotionless screen or a joyful smile of a friend? The choice is quite simple, but for some reason the majority prefers option 1.

You can write whatever your heart desires. What the tongue will not turn to say in a personal conversation will not seem so wild on the Internet. Unfortunately, the reality is that the Internet makes us zombies who are able to express their opinions exclusively on social networks. The tragedy of modern man is Internet addiction and, as a result, the extinction of individuality.

A culture of speech. Lack of literacy and the worst thing is the desire for it. What for? We have auto-correction! But our gadgets cannot fix oral speech! Therefore, read books, articles written competently and concisely, listen to the radio (and not only songs), write real paper letters to friends living far away (this is doubly pleasant for them and useful for you). Competent speech is your business card, hardly anyone will like it if you distort words. Your speech can create a favorable (or not so) impression, which is difficult to change later (as practice shows).

What do people have in the first place now? Family? No. Career? Yes, but not really. Money? Yes!

It's amazing how much the syndrome of thirst for material goods has worsened lately. The primary role in choosing a profession is given to wages. Of course, this is important, but how can you build your future according to the principle: I work where they pay more? A high-paying job is great, but a job you love is so much better! First of all, you need to choose what your soul strives for, then it will bring twice as much pleasure (and money, by the way). An unhappy person is one who does not his own business. How can you do what you hate every day? This is some kind of executions!

We are gradually forgetting our history. And all why? The love for American films, the lack of good history teachers, the unwillingness to learn this subject (which is natural: who will have the desire to learn what they cannot normally bring us) destroy the need to know our roots in us. Reading Russian classics is also gradually fading away, and in fact it describes the main events of Russian history, moreover, they are described incredibly interesting! Have you ever wondered why this or that work is called the cultural heritage of Russia? Not just like that! And this stupid stereotype: supposedly what is called classics is endlessly boring and boring. It's just a reason not to read it. We need to overcome this prejudice and sit down to a good book!

There is a reassessment of values. Of course, this process began a long time ago, but it seems to me that we saw it so clearly and clearly only in the 21st century. People put their careers above their families, prefer money to friendship, online communication over live, looking for benefits in everything. Insincerity and self-interest are spreading with surprising speed. And the worst thing is that we just do not see all this, thinking that it will touch us and bypass it. But look at your friends. Look at yourself. What motivates you when you do this or that act?

Modern society sets special standards for what should be people of the 21st century... The sum of ideas about what a successful human individual looks like can be characterized by the concept of "anti-moral", because the currently extolled qualities and aspirations are often directly opposite to those inherent in traditional morality.

At the same time, their true essence is disguised under pseudo-positive disguises, like wolves in sheep's clothing. So, instead of chastity and modesty, “freedom from complexes”, “open-mindedness” and other liberal values ​​are welcomed. In place of humility and patience come “self-confidence” and “the ability to stand up for oneself,” implying the ability to observe one's own interests without any regard for others.

"Wholesale" cheaper

The danger for the life of society is that the metastases of this malignant antimorality extend into key areas of human existence: reproductive, educational, spiritual, and so on. And not the least role in its spread and rooting is played by the serpent about three chapters, which are cinema, television and the Internet. Of course, inherently, these media outlets are not an absolute evil.

But, unfortunately, it is through them (and not through books or Holy Scripture) that the idea of ​​an ideal worthy of imitation is being introduced into the heads of the young generation. Moreover, this is done very skillfully, sometimes even in things in which it is rather difficult to suspect an ideological background.

It is a known fact that with the help of advertising, marketers promote not only the product, but and a way of life, in the coordinate system of which existence without this product is not possible. But sometimes we underestimate how radical the intervention of a seemingly harmless commercial into our minds can be.

Have you tried to wonder why it is becoming fashionable to be single?

It is difficult not to pay attention to the amorphousness and lack of initiative of today's young people in relation to the creation of a family - right up to the deliberate rejection of it and declaring the position “I have a good life with a cat”.

"Rossiyskaya Gazeta" with reference to the British The Guardian writes that it makes economic sense to convince people to live alone: ​​“Loners consume 38% more food, 42% more packaging material, 55% more electricity and 61% more gas per person than families from 4 people. This is stated in a study conducted by scientists at the University of Michigan.

Now in the United States, the number of single people aged 25 to 34 who have never married is 46% ahead of married people. Divorce is a growing market: one broken-down family means two houses now have to buy two cars, two washing machines, two televisions. The days of a complete family as an ideal consumer unit are numbered. "

"Happy" loneliness

Thus, multinationals realized that there was a new direction for sales growth - an emerging market for singles, fueled by the indulgence of divorce and the popularization of individualistic freedom. In accordance with this concept, the accents in advertising policy are also changing. Anna Golova, Deputy Head of the Department of Advertising Technologies and Management, Moscow State University, talks about this mechanism in a commentary to Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

She cites a coffee ad featuring popular actor George Clooney as an example of promoting happy solitude and complete independence. Entering the coffee shop, Clooney is forced to make a difficult choice between an attractive girl and coffee. But the beauty, however, is also not up to him: she easily changes a movie star for a drink.

“Pay attention to how the relationship is built,” the expert explains. - He does not need a woman, a woman does not need him either, although they have the opportunity to meet. They all need coffee. There are a lot of such models of complete independence in advertising. And advertising is a powerful tool of influence. She shows: “do this, but do not”, gives social samples, ready-made models. They are emotionally attractive, as in the coffee video with Clooney, therefore they are embedded in the subconscious, whether the viewer-consumer is aware of this or not.

At the same time, the social assessment of various phenomena is slowly and surely destroyed, the norm is that which was previously condemned by the society of M.<…>

Loners are much more interesting to the market than family ones. They don’t think about tomorrow, they don’t need to save money for the future of their children, because they don’t have “deferred demand”, they are easier to part with money and easily take loans. "

The answer to the question, how to deal with your physiological needs alone, readily prompts modern cinema. Thanks to him, even the most morally stable representative of the younger generation will no-no think about whether it is now necessary to be adamant about extramarital relations.

The devastating impact of cinema

And the destructive impact of cinema the system of family values ​​is also not always so obvious, says Anna Golova: “Let's see what values ​​were declared in films 20 years ago: collectivism, hard work, feat in the name of a common cause. Opposing oneself to society, individualism, “narcissism” were condemned.

Now there are many feats of loners on the screen, individualism is identical with self-sufficiency and strength, active life is manifested not in creativity and service to society, but in entertainment. Such a cunning substitution of concepts.

Family relationships turn into grotesque ones, where the roles of men and women are mixed. Series "Voronins", "Happy Together" very revealing.

Even the cute series "Daddy's Daughters" shows the dominance of women in the family, a violation of the age hierarchy, and the most reasonable youngest Pugovka dictates some decisions to her father.

We seem to strive for freedom from society, from the social environment, but in fact from any deep relationships and connections (friendly and family), but we find ourselves completely dependent on the commercial environment with its benefits: goods, services and hopes. And in fact, we are becoming more manageable. "

All religions are good, choose the taste?

What to do with the need for socialization and everyday communication with your own kind, living with a cat? - Here we have the Internet with social networks for every taste. Are there still spiritual needs that inevitably increase as we approach eternity? - Popular esoteric and occult practices come to the rescue, which have turned into a kind of "spiritual fast food", many of which are rooted in Vedic culture and Hinduism.

Yoga and Vegetarianism

Meditation and yoga classes under the guidance of countless gurus, sannyasins and other "enlightened" and "awakened" ones have become part of mass culture both in the West and in our country. To send his religious needs to a top manager tired of a series of office everyday life, it is enough to take a plane to Goa or Bali, upon arrival, dress up in exotic Indian attire, to heighten the effect, refuel with the available "expanders" of consciousness and go to the "meeting with God", which is most often found in a loved one.

For such a spiritually indiscriminate seeker, even vegetarianism can become a kind of religion. Having refused to eat products of animal origin, a conscientious citizen sometimes (but not always!) Considers his spiritual duty fulfilled on this, because, having thus ceased to "exploit" innocent animals, he automatically passes into the rank of highly developed beings v.

About whether he gave up at the same time with "cannibalism", an advanced individual does not always think. And then he declares “peace and love” as his life credo rather in words: under the pretext of caring for others, such a fighter for animal rights will annoy all the familiar “corpse eaters” with his convictions (this is how some “peace-loving” vegetarians affectionately call meat eaters).


Is there m in this world Is there a Christian value system? "Certainly! - contemporaries who are tolerant and open to everything will answer. "All religions are equal, and each of them leads to God." But upon closer examination, it turns out that some of them are somehow "more equal" than others, and even in an era of forgiving and all-embracing tolerance, there is a reason to discriminate against some of them.

The news now and then reports that someone's feelings have once again been offended by the image of Christ - whether as a wooden crucifix on the wall of a classroom in one of the Italian schools, or a pectoral cross, for wearing which people are fired from work in the UK:

“Our doctors listened to Gilly's stories about English life with envy. But it turned out that there is a luxury that our sisters of mercy can afford. We can pray for our sick, not secretly, not stealthily, but completely openly.

And nothing will come to us for this! But in England, a nurse cannot demonstrate her religious beliefs. This is prohibited, and for this you can be fired from your job. Gilly said that one day when she invited her fellow believer, a nurse, to pray together for a sick person, she was in big trouble. On a gold chain on her chest, Gilly wears an anchor pendant. Only an experienced look can distinguish one of the forms of the cross in this decoration. “We've become too polycorrect,” says Gilly.

But in relation to other religions, we see the operation of somewhat different standards. The notorious political correctness leads to the fact that for fear of oppressing the interests of national minorities, residents of European countries themselves find themselves in an unenviable position.

Six years ago, a German newspaper Spiegel reported that in one of the schools in Berlin, the headmistress demanded the dissolution of her own school: “The violence that reigns in it is completely out of control, there are practically no classes, there are continuous fights, doors are knocked out, firecrackers are burnt, teachers are beaten or ignored. Only 20% of students of native German nationality study at school. They are called "pig-eaters", and they are the most downtrodden and disenfranchised part of the school population. "

It is also mentioned that German schoolchildren try to speak with an accent so as not to run into trouble and not differ from the main mass. And in an impulse to defend their rights in an overly politically correct society, young Frenchmen recently seized a mosque in Paris with the slogans: “Our generation refuses to watch the disappearance of our people. We will never be the Indians of Europe. "

What are they - new Christians?

World in the 21st century changes very quickly, almost before our eyes. Are Christians adjusting to this rapid speed, are Christian ideals changing in accordance with the metamorphoses of the environment? "Not!" - Orthodox believers from different parts of the world answer unanimously.

“To be a Christian in the 21st century means exactly the same as it always meant: to love our Lord God with all our heart, mind and soul, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. As for the question: “What characterizes us as Christians in the 21st century, and what distinguishes us from non-Christians” - the answer to it also has not changed since the time when the Founder of the Church gave it: “By this everyone will know that you are My disciples if you have love for one another ”(John 13:35),” says the nun of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (USA), Doctor of Theology Vassa Larina.

Hierodeacon Philip (Mikrzhak), director of the Music Chapel at St. Vladimir's Seminary in New York, adds: “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all this will be added to you” (Matt. 6:33).

Fulfilling this commandment, people of the 21st century Christians must distribute every aspect of their lives in accordance with a criterion that is completely opposite to the worldly order, as Christians should have done in the nineteenth, and in the eleventh, and in the eighth, and in the second centuries. "

Hierodeacon Philip also notes that each age faces its own unique and unprecedented challenges: “Chastity and silence are two Christian virtues that, among other virtues, we must strive to preserve in our day. Their opposites are lust and noise, they overflow our culture and our lives.<…>Therefore, we need a fire extinguisher: silence, external and internal.

We cannot fight fire with fire, and yet we fill our life with a mass of loud sounds: radios, ipods, video games, mobile phones, televisions that show us talk shows, movies, sports reports, music videos, live concerts, debate, war, anger, entertainment - scattering, immoral and obscene ... Without God-filled silence life of Christians in the twenty-first century will be indistinguishable from the life of non-Christians. Without such vigilance, we risk wasting our lives and ruining our human image. "

Archimandrite Luke (Anich), rector of the Cetinje Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin (Montenegro), agrees that each time bears its own temptations, inevitably leaving its imprint: “I think that modern Christians, in essence, do not differ from the first Christians.

Today there is a general gravitation towards the erosion of spirituality and everything related to the world order, and as martyrdom, the jealousy of those who try to get rid of, free themselves from everything that this cornucopia offers, and truly live by faith is manifested. This is very difficult, especially because the entire order of the world today turns what was once brutal persecution into a kind of blurred image of democracy. With her, any faith is possible and allowed, faith no longer has any meaning, but this is the most dangerous for her. "

Speaking about the fact that the temptations in which today's Christians find themselves are in a certain way heavier than the first persecutions, Archimandrite Luke emphasizes that in no case should we make any allowances for this: “I think that if a Christian tells himself that he MODERN Christian, he will already lose the battle. He must understand that he is a CHRISTIAN and that he is fighting the same battle that has been going on for 2000 years - the battle for the knowledge of God, for what remains forever, for what forms a person and his attitude to the world, God and other people. ... If he understands this, then he is on the right path to finding what he was striving for.

was the same yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever and ever as the apostle Paul said.

I think that in modern life the lie that the devil presents to us is so manifested: that now there is some special situation for which there are no recipes yet, there are no rules, that now the times of computers and modern technologies and the ways of salvation are now different.

I believe that along with this lie that he instills in us, he imposes on us a parallel religion, the religion of this world. The fact that modern technology now exists, that we dress differently, and that social relations have changed, does not in any way separate us from the Gospel. The Gospel remained the same, for it is timeless and was written not for those times when the Lord walked the earth, but for all times "