Rama Bridge is an amazing creature of nature or ancient megalith. In the footsteps of Ramayana

Rama Bridge is an amazing creature of nature or ancient megalith. In the footsteps of Ramayana
Rama Bridge is an amazing creature of nature or ancient megalith. In the footsteps of Ramayana

According to legend, Adam Bridge is a trail on which gods walked. In the Indian epic, Ramayana tells that God-monkey Hanuman used her to save the beloved Rama's beloved - Sita - from the Lankan Tsar Demon Ravana.

But in reality the bridge in this place has never been, passengers transported the Ramanujam ferry built in Glasgow. It was possible to get from Talaimnar (Talaimannar)located on the northern tip of Mannar Island, to the Indian port of Ramiewsharam. But in 1984, due to the civil war, the message between Sri Lanka and India ceased. If the peace process continues, the ferry message can be restored.

Is artificial or natural?

One of the opinion about the artificial this bridge or it is a natural education, no. There are disputes between scientists. However, it is reliably known that sushi here arose not because of the movements of the earth's crust. That is, this "bridge" appeared not due to geological processes. And in general, the formation of such a sushi strip in this place is not natural.

The structure of the bridge was also investigated. For this purpose, wells were drilled in different places, samples were taken from them. It turned out that the sand is located at the bottom of the bridge, and on top of it, the boulders of almost correct shape were laid on it, having dimensions of 1.5x2.5 meters, on top of the soil embankment. Sand below boulders just may indicate that the bridge is artificial. Interestingly, many boulders are very lungs and even swim in water.

Snapshots made from satellites also indicate that the bridge was full and pedestrian, and therefore it may well be artificial formation, its clear structure is very clearly visible in the pictures. But the most important thing is that the construction of the bridge is told in Ramayan. Let this work and cannot be called scientific, but it has long been proven that many phenomena described in ancient religious books have had a place to be. So, Adam Bridge could really build several millennia to this.

National treasure

The inhabitants of India are very preferable to Adamov Bridge, which in India is called the Rama Bridge, because in Ramayan it describes that it was a frame with the help of his assistants to build a bridge. The name of Adamov Bridge was given Muslims who believed that it was on him that Adam was expelled from Paradise, heading for Eve. Indians consider the bridge with their national heritage, he also interests tourists, near the beginning of the bridge in India, you can take a tour and walk along the ancient way to Sri Lanka.

However, Adam Bridge can be destroyed. A very long time has risen the question of making a shipping Private Strait, which is the Rama Bridge. However, for this, the bridge will have to destroy, but it will allow ships to freely cruise in these waters, saving up to 30 hours of time, which is spent on swimming around the islands. Such ideas expressed more Jewaharlal Nehru, but he did not dare to destroy the national heritage. The discussion again broke out in 2007, when the government announced his plan, while arguing that the bridge was a natural education, and therefore no cultural value bears.

However, the local population, which roads Bridge Rama, as one of the real confirmations of the veracity of the Scriptures of Ramayana and the proof of the ancient history of the country, defended the bridge. A special organization was even formed.

Legend about the construction of the bridge frame

On the ancient Indian maps, the bridge is never mentioned as a natural education, it is found as an "artificial embankment." The history of its construction, described in Ramayane also interesting. It says that the King Demon Sri Lanka Ravana stole the beloved frame, situ, so the frame with Hanuman and Sugriv decided to go to the war to the demon. To do this, they had to go to the island and change the army of the monkeys, which they led.

Asking the Council from God Ocean, they found out that you need to build a bridge. Two Chiefs, Nala and Neal, who were in the army, had to throw pieces of rocks in the sea, which after their touches became light and did not heat in the ocean (Recall the boulders floating in the water found at the frame bridge)And also remained in this place. That is, thanks to this bridge, it was impossible to shift off the place, it was created to stand up to the millennium, which, in general, and happened. The warriors were lined up in one line and passed to each other stones, and Nile and Nala threw them into the water. The bridge was built by 5 divine days or 5 human years. Then the army moved to the island and freed the sieve.

In 2009, a Russian documentary called the "Rama Bridge" was removed, which conducted a study on the topic, whether he was really artificial or, yet, natural. At the end, it was concluded that, most likely, the Rama Bridge is artificial and is one of the achievements of ancient civilization that lived several thousand years ago in India.


If you fly over the sea between India and Sri Lanka (Ceylon), then at some point you can see the strange shallow in the surface of the surface itself, which, slightly turning, connects the island and continent. Ovenly this Muslims call bridge Adam, and Hindus - bridge Rama.

Muslim name is due to the fact that the followers of this religion believe that Adam's expelled from Paradam came to the ground on Ceylon. And on the continent, to India, he switched through this strange shale, so similar to the bridge.

Hindus and think that this is a really man-made bridge, built in immemorial times by order of the emperor frame by the army of monkeys under the leadership Khanuman. According to Ramayane, led by the construction of Nala - the son of the legendary divine architecture of Vishvakarman, and on this bridge the Rama's troops crossed the Sri Lanka for battle with her ruler, Ravana's demon, who kidnapped the beloved frame - Sita.

In the Arab medieval maps, it is noted as the most real towering over the water bridge, according to which anyone could move from India to Ceylon. The situation has changed in 1480, when as a result of a strong earthquake and who followed the strongest storm, the bridge asked and was partially destroyed. However, the Portuguese and the British continued to designate it on maps as an artificial structure, dam or bridge.

The length of the bridge is without a small 50 kilometers, its width varies from about 1.5 to 4 kilometers, the depth of the seabed around the structure is 10-12 meters. Most of it is hidden by water, sometimes at a depth of more than a meter. So according to him and now it is quite possible to go from beginning to the end, then the crap on the stone canvas in the water in the water, then deepening on the belt and more.

The only serious obstacle is the so-called Pambas pass between the island of Ramembaur and Cape Ramad, accessible to the movement of small commercial ships. Few declarations on such a transition travelers have to use all their skills to swim. Those who are not strong in this, it is better not to walk along the bridge at all - a strong flow through Pambas strives to demolish the winds in the open sea.

Damned Canal

Large ships and today are forced to walk around Sri Lanka, which is less than 800 kilometers, which is 30 hours of the road. To solve this problem, in 1850, the English Commander Taylor proposed to carry out the channel of the channel. In 1955, this plan wished to realize Javaharlal Nehru. Since the sacred places of their own people destroy somehow unethical, the government of the country in the Supreme Court of India stated that there are no historical evidence of the construction of the bridge by the frame. Ramayana, though the sacred book, but somehow not counting.

But real passions about the construction of the channel broke out already in the 21st century, when "Setuz-Mudram" was formed for this. She even began for construction work at the place of the future channel, but on unknown reasons, part of the dredgers was returned to the port due to breakdowns, including the teeth of the bucket. An unexpected storm was accounted for in the construction of the court and did not give to continue the work. Believers immediately stated that this king monkeys Hanuman guard his creation.

March 27, 2007, just on the birthday of the frame, a group of international public organizations began a Campaign Save Ram Sethu - "Save the Ram Bridge." Since for Hindus the Rama Bridge is a living proof of their ancient history, which began construction raised the feelings of millions of believers. Campaign activists also stated that the destruction of the bridge would destroy the entire local ecosystem. After all, to the northeast of the bridge there is a stormy and dangerous Polki Strait with its storms and cyclones, and to the south-west - a calm Manar bay with a purest water of emerald color.

The Rama Bridge shares them and softens the terrible consequences of cyclones and tsunami. So, according to scientists, the tsunami, which fell into India in 2004 and carried tens of thousands of lives, was significantly weakened by the frame bridge. Do not be this ancient "dams", the victims could be much more. Under the appeal of Save Ram Sethu, thousands of people signed up. Protectors of the bridge offer to accept an alternative project: to break through the channel on the big sandy shallows near the village of Mandapass. Whether they will be heard by the Indian government, it is unclear.

Facts testify: man-made bridge

We are largely accustomed to the fact that the legends and myths are often hidden reality and long-inverted pages of our planet. Nevertheless, the pictures that NASA made public a few years ago, a lot surprised even the residents of Sri Lanka and India.

On them with all the clarity, which gives modern cameras, the most real bridge between the continent and Ceylon is visible. After the publications of NASA's images, the Indian newspaper Hindustan Timey reported that the images received by American satellites serve as evidence of the reality of Indian legends, and that the events that Ramayan tells, including the construction of a frame bridge, really had a place.

However, NASA preferred to distance themselves from any specific statements. Yes, in the photos made from satellites, an amazing geomorphology of this area is clearly visible. But, as NASA specialists, themselves, "images of remote sensing with orbits cannot provide specific information on the origin or age of the islands chain and cannot determine the participation of people in the origin of this object."

But the data that is allowed to judge this, received the geological service of India 6Si. Her specialists investigated the entire structure of the bridge of the frame. In the bridge and next to him were drilled 100 wells, soil samples from which were under thorough study. Magnetic and batimetric scanning was performed. As a result, it was found that the low underwater ridge (bridge) is a clear anomaly, since it occurs at the bottom completely unexpectedly.

The ridge is a cluster of boulders with a size of 1.5 × 2.5 meters of correct shape consisting of limestone, sand and coral. These boulders lie on the seabed, the thickness of which ranges from 3 to 5 meters. And only under the sand begins solid stone soil. The presence of free sand below boulders, obviously indicates that the ridge is not natural formation, but is laid on top of the sandy soil. Some of the boulders are so easy to swim on the water.

It was also found that these sites of sushi did not rise as a result of any geological processes and rather reminiscent of the Damb. In the wells a homogeneous material was discovered - remote stone. The straightforward and ordered character character also testifies to the fact that these boulders were brought by someone and laid in the dam.

Strange, of course, it seems that the bridge has a simple exorbitant width for crossing the troops, and anything else. But it is according to modern standards. This is what Alexander Volkov says, the director of the documentary film "Bridge Rama" shot in 2009:

- Legends say that he was built by monkeys warriors who were giant growth. And we even tried to illustrate the fact that the height of these gigids was -wi would not believe - 8 meters! But, looking at this bridge, they involuntarily start to believe - such a width for us with you there is no point in building. But for the people of eight meter growth, with some weapons who have some weapons, it probably appears logic in the width of this bridge.

In general, many questions, of course, a lot. One of these questions is the age of the bridge. Based on the legends, some Hindu theologians suggest that the Rama Bridge is a million years, others lead a more modest age - 20 thousand years. Western alternative researchers have put forward a radical version of 17 million years. Even Indian academic science declined to solve the problem and proposed its version - 3,500 years old, obviously linking construction with the Aryan conquest of India. However, with many ambiguities, it is obvious that the Rama Bridge is indeed an artificial, man-made structure. Research conducted by GSI, dare to believe, this convincingly proved.

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On the edge of the Earth, on the southern tip of the Peninsula of Industan there is a unique phenomenon - Bridge Rama. Other his name is Adam Bridge.
This is a chain of shames in the ocean, which stretches from India to Sri Lanka.
What do you think, where did Adam share with Eve, when they were expelled from Paradise? And, in general, where was this paradise? This is not counting the most important issue - for which they are actually expelled?

Bridge Rama or Adam Bridge?

Personally, I have a closest concept that Adam with Eve, no one expelled anywhere that, having eaten the fruit from the tree of knowledge, they began to live a mind instead of intuition, switched to the chatter of the mind and reason, therefore, stopped staying in God, stopped communicating with him. Communication with God turned off - so they lost paradise, which, as we know, there is an inner component, and not external.
But this is my personal interpretation. The legend also claims that the biblical paradise was located on Sri Lanka, and Adam was expelled from Paradise precisely on these shallows, so they are called the Adam Bridge. Another legend says nothing about where he was specifically located, but she assures that when Adam was expelled from there, he came first on Sri Lanka, and then he moved to the mainland in Adamov.
"Ramayana" talks in details that this bridge built the legendary Old Indian king frame (the embodiment of God Vishnu) with the help of monkeys troops under the leadership of Hanuman, the king of the monkeys to free the wife of the Rama Rama - the sieve that the evil demon Ravana kidnapped Lanka).
Thus, this chain of shames - two names: Adam Bridge (so called the British) and the Rama Bridge (so his name is local residents). Since the locals are closer to me than the British, then for me he is Bridge Rama. 🙂
According to the ancient cards, the bridge was pedestrian until the end of the 15th century, then was destroyed by an earthquake.
Currently, these shames take places in small islands, the places are hidden under water by 1.0 - 1.25 m. It turns out that from India to Sri Lanka you can walk! 40 km on the belt in water, but theoretically - you can!
Here it is, Bridge Rama. Snapshot from space. On the left - the southern tip of the Industan Peninsula, on the right - Sri Lanka.

About the idea of \u200b\u200bthe shipping channel between India and Sri Lanka

There is a Polki Strait between India and Sri Lanka. The bridge of the frame of it blows up, and ships floating along the shores of India, have to go to Sri Lanka.
Since the mid-19th century, conversations began that the Polki Strait should be done by shipping, destroying the Rama Bridge and breakthrough the canal between India and Sri Lanka. For a long time, this idea remained the theory, while in 2001 the Indian government has not made it for its implementation - in order to open the path between Manars and Bengal bays.

But it was not there! The canal still is not a breakthrough. This unique chain of shames did not allow to destroy the Indian people and the forces of nature.
Hindus really relate to their shrines. The Bridge of the frame since the time of "Ramayana" is considered artificially constructed by the sacred object and proof of ancient ledges.
For its protection, geologists were invited, which determined that the age of rocks from which this object was complicated, corresponds to the time described in Ramayan. In addition, a strange anomaly was discovered. It turned out that this bridge is a chain of huge stones of the right shape, orderly lying on a solid ground, and in the sand 3-5 meters thick. Also, geologists found that there was no lifting of the earth's crust in this place. These facts speak in favor of the version of the artificial nature of the object.
In addition, this chain of bells in 2004 softened the devastating force of the Tsunami. If it were not for her, the victims could be much more, so scientists say.
Despite this, the construction of the shipping channel still began. And then nature intervened - a storm played in the Polkchsky Strait, and the work had to stop. And the storm in the area is uncharacteristic for this time of year, as newspapers wrote.
So the Rama Bridge remained intact.
And I think that myself. As you know, the thought is material. If millions of Hindus simultaneously oppose the destruction of this object, because They believe that he is built by God Rama, then something must prevent something - either a storm, or something else ...

Kosa Danushki (Rameshwaram Kos)

... From the side of India to the Rama Bridge leads Spit Danushki (Rameshwaram Kos). On the island there is a holy Hindu city of Rameshwaram, and on the spit itself - the fishing village of Danushki.

A red circle marked a fishing village on a spit.
We were very torn to this braid. We are me and hope. This is the most supper from the distant city of Vladimir, with which I opened my very first Indian a few years ago, and with which we then committed our unforgettable swim on the Volga on the kayak. This time, our interests coincided again, only now instead of Volga - South India, instead of kayaks - the Keralsk boat, local buses, elephant, car, loaded by fish, and any other.
Well, the goal is still the same - complete and final enlightenment! 🙂

Read Continued:

From the cycle "Riddles of our planet"
If you fly over the sea between India and Sri Lanka (Ceylon), then at some point you can see the strange shallow in the surface of the surface itself, which, slightly turning, connects the island and continent. Ovenly this Muslim is called the ADAM bridge, and Hindus - the bridge of the frame.

Strange Okmel
Muslim name is due to the fact that the followers of this religion believe that Adam's expelled from Paradam came to the ground on Ceylon. And on the continent, to India, he switched through this strange shale, so similar to the bridge.

Hindus and consider it at all that this is a really man-made bridge, built in time immemorial at the order of the emperor frame by the army of monkeys under the leadership of Hanuman. According to Ramayane, led by the construction of Nala - the son of the legendary divine architecture of Vishvakarman, and on this bridge the Rama's troops crossed the Sri Lanka for battle with her ruler, Ravana's demon, who kidnapped the beloved frame - Sita.

In the Arab medieval maps, it is noted as the most real towering over the water bridge, according to which anyone could move from India to Ceylon. The situation has changed in 1480, when as a result of a strong earthquake and who followed the strongest storm, the bridge asked and was partially destroyed. However, the Portuguese and the British continued to designate it on maps as an artificial structure, dam or bridge.

The length of the bridge is without a small 50 kilometers, its width varies from about 1.5 to 4 kilometers, the depth of the seabed around the structure is 10-12 meters. Most of it is hidden by water, sometimes at a depth of more than a meter. So according to him and now it is quite possible to go from beginning to the end, then the crap on the stone canvas in the water in the water, then deepening on the belt and more.

The only serious obstacle is the so-called Pambas pass between the island of Ramembaur and Cape Ramad, accessible to the movement of small commercial ships. Few declarations on such a transition travelers have to use all their skills to swim. Those who are not strong in this, it is better not to walk along the bridge at all - a strong flow through Pambas strives to demolish the winds in the open sea.

Damned Canal
Large ships and today are forced to walk around Sri Lanka, which is less than 800 kilometers, which is 30 hours of the road. To solve this problem, in 1850, the English Commander Taylor proposed to carry out the channel of the channel. In 1955, this plan wished to realize Javaharlal Nehru. Since the sacred places of their own people destroy somehow unethical, the government of the country in the Supreme Court of India stated that there are no historical evidence of the construction of the bridge by the frame. Ramayana, though the sacred book, but somehow not counting.

But real passions about the construction of the channel broke out already in the 21st century, when "Setuz-Mudram" was formed for this. She even began for construction work at the place of the future channel, but on unknown reasons, part of the dredgers was returned to the port due to breakdowns, including the teeth of the bucket. An unexpected storm was accounted for in the construction of the court and did not give to continue the work. Believers immediately stated that this king monkeys Hanuman guard his creation.

March 27, 2007, just on the birthday of the frame, a group of international public organizations began a Campaign Save Ram Sethu - "Save the Ram Bridge." Since for Hindus the Rama Bridge is a living proof of their ancient history, which began construction raised the feelings of millions of believers. Campaign activists also stated that the destruction of the bridge would destroy the entire local ecosystem. After all, to the northeast of the bridge there is a stormy and dangerous Polki Strait with its storms and cyclones, and to the south-west - a calm Manar bay with a purest water of emerald color.

The Rama Bridge shares them and softens the terrible consequences of cyclones and tsunami. So, according to scientists, the tsunami, which fell into India in 2004 and carried tens of thousands of lives, was significantly weakened by the frame bridge. Do not be this ancient "dams", the victims could be much more. Under the appeal of Save Ram Sethu, thousands of people signed up. Protectors of the bridge offer to accept an alternative project: to break through the channel on the big sandy shallows near the village of Mandapass. Whether they will be heard by the Indian government, it is unclear.

Facts testify: man-made bridge
We are largely accustomed to the fact that the legends and myths are often hidden reality and long-inverted pages of our planet. Nevertheless, the pictures that NASA made public a few years ago, a lot surprised even the residents of Sri Lanka and India.

On them with all the clarity, which gives modern cameras, the most real bridge between the continent and Ceylon is visible. After the publications of NASA's images, the Indian newspaper Hindustan Timey reported that the images received by American satellites serve as evidence of the reality of Indian legends, and that the events that Ramayan tells, including the construction of a frame bridge, really had a place.

However, NASA preferred to distance themselves from any specific statements. Yes, in the photos made from satellites, an amazing geomorphology of this area is clearly visible. But, as NASA specialists, themselves, "images of remote sensing with orbits cannot provide specific information on the origin or age of the islands chain and cannot determine the participation of people in the origin of this object."

But the data that is allowed to judge this, received the geological service of India 6Si. Her specialists investigated the entire structure of the bridge of the frame. In the bridge and next to him were drilled 100 wells, soil samples from which were under thorough study. Magnetic and batimetric scanning was performed. As a result, it was found that the low underwater ridge (bridge) is a clear anomaly, since it occurs at the bottom completely unexpectedly.

The ridge is a cluster of boulders with a size of 1.5x2.5 meters of correct shape consisting of limestone, sand and coral. These boulders lie on the seabed, the thickness of which ranges from 3 to 5 meters. And only under the sand begins solid stone soil. The presence of free sand below boulders, obviously indicates that the ridge is not natural formation, but is laid on top of the sandy soil. Some of the boulders are so easy to swim on the water.

It was also found that these sites of sushi did not rise as a result of any geological processes and rather reminiscent of the Damb. In the wells a homogeneous material was discovered - remote stone. The straightforward and ordered character character also testifies to the fact that these boulders were brought by someone and laid in the dam.

Strange, of course, it seems that the bridge has a simple exorbitant width for crossing the troops, and anything else. But it is according to modern standards. This is what Alexander Volkov says, the director of the documentary film "Bridge Rama" shot in 2009:

The legends say that he was built by monkeys warriors who were giant growth. And we even tried to illustrate the fact that the height of these gigids was -wi would not believe - 8 meters! But, looking at this bridge, they involuntarily start to believe - such a width for us with you there is no point in building. But for the people of eight meter growth, with some weapons who have some weapons, it probably appears logic in the width of this bridge.

In general, many questions, of course, a lot. One of these questions is the age of the bridge. Based on the legends, some Hindu theologians suggest that the Rama Bridge is a million years, others lead a more modest age - 20 thousand years. Western alternative researchers have put forward a radical version of 17 million years. Even Indian academic science declined to solve the problem and proposed its version - 3,500 years old, obviously linking construction with the Aryan conquest of India. However, with many ambiguities, it is obvious that the Rama Bridge is indeed an artificial, man-made structure. Research conducted by GSI, dare to believe, this convincingly proved.

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India with Sri Lanka (Ceylon) from ancient times connects the mysterious shallow, which as Muslims and Hindus is considered to be a man-made bridge. Relatively recently, Indian geologists have established that this is actually an artificial building a unique length - 50 km! - and colossal in terms of work performed.

According to the legends, the bridge was built by monkeys from Hanuman's troops, and they were real giants to grow up to 8 meters, and this gigance was under the power to create such an incredible bridge.

Mysterious shallow

Mysterious shallow, which connects India with Sri Lanka (Ceylon), can be distinguished without any problems from the aircraft, it is fixed in the space photographs. Muslims are known for Muslims called Adam's Bridge, and Hindus is a Rama Bridge. It is curious that in Arab medieval maps, this shallow is marked as a real bridge, which is above the level of water, according to which anyone who wants from India to Ceylon in those times, whether a woman or child could go. It is amazing that the length of this bridge is about 50 km, with a width of 1.5 to 4 km.

In good condition, this bridge lasted until 1480, when a strong earthquake and the tsunami arisen after him was badly damaged. The bridge asked hard and the places were destroyed. Now most of this colossal bridge is hidden under water, but so far it can be passed on it. True, there is a small passage of Pambas between the island of Ramembar and Cape Ramad, there are minor commercial vessels on it, then it will have to twist. However, those who will decide on such a risky enterprise, it is worth considering that there is a rather strong course that can carry extremal in the open sea.

According to the Hindus, the bridge is actually man-made, in the oldest times of him by order of the Emperor Rama built a troop of monkeys, headed by Hanuman, mentioned in the Holy Book of Ramayana. There are references to the construction of the bridge and in Puranah (Indian Sacred Books), and in Mahabharat. This bridge forces the ships to walk around Sri Lanka, and this is a significant time loss (up to 30 hours) and in a stuffy. That is why the proposal has been received more than once a break through the Rama Bridge. However, in the XX century, the channel was never built.

It was seriously for the canal already in the 21st century, a special corporation was formed for its construction.

This is where the mystical events began right. It was worth the corporations to start work, as the landfills began to fail one by one. They broke the teeth of the buckets, the motors were burning, cables burst. I tried the "defeat" of the corporation suddenly having fallen a storm, which, as the sands, the courts were posted in the construction of the court and finally interrupted the work. Believers did not doubt that the breakdown of the channel was caused by unnatural reasons; In their opinion, this king monkeys Hanuman did not allow to destroy his creation.

Since 2007, a campaign is held in India under the slogan "Save the Bridge Rama" * Campaign activists protect the Rama Bridge not only as ancient historical monument, they believe that it is very important to maintain a local ecosystem. It is said that the Ram Bridge to some extent even reduced the consequences of the 2004 tsunami and saved many lives. Of course, the most important question is: Is this bridge with an artificial building? With a positive response, other questions arise: who built it and when?

Sensational opening of Indian geologists

Amazing, but there is every reason to say that the Rama Bridge is really an artificial structure. The depth around it is 10-12 meters, with a very significant width, remind, from 1.5 to 4 km; It is even difficult to imagine what a colossal volume of building material has been moved with such titanic work! A few years ago, space snapshots of the bridge of the frame made by NASA were published, the most real bridge connecting Sri Lanka and India was clearly visible on them. However, NASA professionals do not believe that these pictures can shed light on the origin of this amazing education.

Much more convincing evidence of man-made origin of the Rama bridge was mined by experts from the geological service of India 6Si.

Indian geologists carried out a large-scale study of both the bridge of the frame and the underlying of its breeds. For this, in the bridge itself and next to him, they drilled 100 wells and conducted geophysical studies. It was possible to establish that the bridge does not constitute any natural elevation of indigenous rocks, as it would be assumed, this is an obvious anomaly of an artificial nature. According to the study, the bridge is formed by embankments from boulders with a size of 1.5 × 2.5 meters, and quite the right form.

The main proof of the guide of the bridge is the fact that the mound from the boulders is resting on a powerful sea sand layer with a thickness of three to five meters! According to drilling data, indigenous rocks begin under this sandy layer. It turns out that someone in time immemorial laid the giant number of boulders from the limestone, on the artificial nature of the bridge of the frame indicates the ordering of the styling of this material. Geologists also found that no marine raising processes on a plot taken by the bridge did not occur. Withdrawal of Indian Geologists: The Rama Bridge is undoubtedly an artificial structure!

Bridge built giants?

When was it built and who? If you believe legends, the bridge was built a million years ago, and some Western researchers give him even 17 million years. There are less impressive assumptions - 20 thousand years and 3,500 years. The last figure, in my opinion, is unlikely, because it implies that the bridge was built by people, the same as we are with you. Why did they have to spend strength and time on the width of the bridge from 1.5 to 4 km?

Clearly, they would limit themselves with a maximum width of 200 meters. So, the bridge was built not ordinary people, so it is most likely an older than 3.5 thousand years old.

According to the legends, the bridge was built by monkeys from Hanuman's troops, and they were real giants to grow up to 8 meters, and this gigance was under the power to create such an incredible bridge. By the way, the bridge was built with the aim of sending the frame of the frame on Sri Lanka for battle with her ruler by Ravana's demon who kidnapped the sieve, the beloved frame. Perhaps the width of the bridge was increased for military purposes to immediately provide a massive attack on the enemy. After all, it is long known that the enemy moving along the narrow bridge, the gorge or aisle is much easier to keep even insignificant forces.

However, if you believe in the hypothesis that Sri Lanka (Ceylon) was once part of the mainland of Lemuria, then this mysterious bridge could also build lemurians who were also gigantic growth. In any case, not all the secrets of the frame bridge can be considered uncovered.