Oblons relationship with women. An essay on the topic "Two female characters in the novel of Goncharov Oblomov

Oblons relationship with women. An essay on the topic "Two female characters in the novel of Goncharov Oblomov

Need to have something in common to understand each other,
And something different to love. (Paul Gerald)

Oblomov - the protagonist of the same name Roman I.A. Goncharov. His passive life did not dispose of love experiences at all. Ilya Ilyich spent almost all the time on the sofa in fruitless dreams, without doing anything for their implementation. In his imagination, there was a perfect image of a future friend. But he did nothing to find her in life. The faithful children's dream about the fabulous Tsarevna Militris Kirtubaevna, he calmly waited for her appearance in his life.

Oblomov loved two women: Olga Ilinskaya and Agafia Pshenitsyn. The first girl is an active personality, educated and charming. She sings great, interested in literature, art, science. Olga looked at the noble, pure soul of Oblomov, hidden under the thickness of inconsistency. But Olga does not cover the eyes and the disadvantages of Oblom - laziness, passivity, habit of incompleteness.

She flashes the idea that love will fade Oblomov to activities, spiritually revives him. She thinks that he will find a lesson in the soul, useful not only for the development of his personality, but also the necessary society. Olga hopes that Oblomov will become a good owner in their estate, will be interested in what is happening around. Ilyinskaya is a pleasant idea that, due to its influence, the bugs will become a business man and spreads with a bathrobe and a sofa.

The purpose of Olga and the feltingness of Oblomov, it would seem, create prerequisites for the reincarnation of Ilya Ilyich, which Olga is achieved. But this does not happen. Soon their relationship is upset. Oblomov activity is completely artificial, is the result of the influence of Olga. As soon as the bugs remain without leadership, he returns to the former lifestyle. He has no internal need to change himself. Gradually, he begins to make a life style that Olga imposes him. To be with her at one level, he has to be in motion all the time, doing business.

Olga does not correspond to the ideal of Oblomov, which he cherished from childhood. He dreams of a companion of life, which will be the embodiment of inner peace and harmony. Peace, not a hurricane of passion appreciates bugs. And he finds this peace in another woman. This, Agafia Matveyevna, the owner of the apartment, which brooms shot.

At first he almost does not notice it. Ilya Ilyich nice to see her. He likes that she is economic, welcoming, kind. He does not feel like love affairs. She does not cause any mental unrest. Agafia Matveyevna is not as educated as Olga, but obcomments easily finds a common language with her, it has a peace-loving, even, calm temper.

Olga seeks to rendered Oblomov before the image existing in its imagination, and Agafia Matveyevna takes it, what it is and does not think about the possibility of any change. Olga tries to make a happy Oblomov, guided by his own ideas about happiness, and Agafia Matveyevna is about the convenience and peace of Ivan Ilyich.

Olga constantly demands from the Oblomov report in what he is doing, and Agafia Matveyevna, on the contrary, does not require anything, only worries for the breakdown to be calm. In a difficult moment, she, without thinking, lays its belongings, if only Ilya Ilyich did not limit himself in his habit. Agafia Matveyevna turned out to be the ideal of a woman who dreamed of wovers from childhood. On her Ilya Ilyich and married.

Change Oblomov was impossible. He understood it himself, understood this and Olga. If they got married, they would be unhappy. And with Agafia Matveyevoy calmly and cozy. Happiness for Oblomov - Peace, not love. And she, too, happy with him. Love for the bug gave the meaning of her life. This simple, kind and hardworking woman found its purpose in taking care of his beloved. Oblons as if he returned to childhood, in the situation that was an ideal existence for him.

Roman "Oblomov" Ivan Goncharov is a significant work of Russian literature, which reveals many acute problems of the social and spiritual life of Russian society. A special place in the work occupies the topic of love, which the author reveals through women's images in the novel of "Oblomov" - images of Olga Ilinskaya and Agafa Wheoth. Both heroines are associated with strong feelings for the breakdown at a certain stage of his life, however, the expression of love in women had a different character, affected the fate of Ilya Ilyich in different ways.
Like the men's, women's images in "Oblomov" are also opposed, which is clearly visible both when considering the external portrait of heroines and when analyzing their inner world, characteristics of character and temperament.

Portrait characteristics of female images

Both female images are Olga and Agafia, depicted positively and cause sympathy from the reader. Olga appears in front of us a serious, inquisitive nature, for which it is important to constantly recognize something new, which is unexplored. The girl thinks a lot, he even testifies to her portrait - thin squeezed lips and folds over an eyebrow "as if thought was resting there," angry, nothing missing, a cheerful look. In the form of Olga, there was no exceptional beauty, but it attracted special elegance and grace, through which the spiritual depth was noticeable, the harmony and artistry of the girl. Olga was raised in the noble family, where good education and education received. The poetic, sensual nature of the girl transforming during singing, laid out the seriousness and practicality of Olga.

Completely another appears in front of the reader Agafya Pshenitsyn. A woman is depicted by a writer as an original Russian beauty with light skin and rounded shapes. The main features of Agafia are meekness, calm, kindness, obedience, the need to take care of someone and give out completely. A woman comes from a simple family, does not have education, but also does not need knowledge, as the main activity of the activity, a comfortable for her, has always remained the management of the economy - cooking and home improvement.

Two types of Russian women

Women in Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" are two main types of Russian women who were prevalent in the Russian Society of the 19th century and exist today, although in a somewhat modified form.

Agafya is a representative of the classic type of Russian woman, the custodian of the hearth, always inferior to her husband in activity, always consonted with the opinion of her husband and adores him in all its manifestations. She seems to be part of the most distant and "beautiful" crushing, a kind of paradise for every Russian man - a place where you can not care about anything, spending time in a relaxing rest and pleasant dreams and thoughts. Unlike Olga, Agafia is not in the eternal search for knowledge, his own happiness or goal of life, does not try to change the world around him - she takes everything she is given, and loves the world in which she lives. Some researchers point out the scoremee wheat, but it cannot be called a fool - she does everything as he makes her heart. And if Olga tried to change, break the Oblomov, bring it out of half and death, then Agafya, on the contrary, triggers in every way to keep around Ilya Ilyich the atmosphere of "Oblomovshchina", the state of inertness and sleepy measured and well, close to her, that is, in his own way, cares About continuous happiness of her husband.

Olga is a new Russian woman's type for the Russian mentality. Pupil influenced by the progressive ideas of Europe, the girl sees a whole world in front of him, not ending with pans and rod clothes with her husband. She never ceases to learn, constantly asks Stolz and Oblomov to tell her something new, continuously develops and strive forward - to new knowledge, acquiring higher human happiness. However, the image of Olga tragic - Russian society has not yet been prepared for the emergence of strong women, which could be Ilinskaya. The fate of even the smartest and well-read girl was predetermined and ended with a banal household and family, that is, the notorious "broomstorm" - what was so afraid of the gallery and wanted to avoid in a relationship with Olga. After marriage, Olga is changing, it becomes increasingly overwhelming boredom and sadness, the cause of which lies in the inner rejection of the household monotonous routine, giving the girl.

In the symbolic sense, women's images in the novel personify the seasons. Easy, dreamy, Active Olga is a spring (relationship with broom) and summer (marriage with galleries). Quiet, kind, economic Agafya - fertile sweat autumn and sleeping, calm winter. At first glance, Ilyinskaya and Pshenitsyn are opposed to the woman of the new Russian society and the woman of society of the patriarchal. However, both heroines only at first glance are different, in fact they complement each other, reflecting not only the natural cycle of the formation and extrusion of female nature, but also discovering the written issues of the search for women's happiness and features of women's fate.

Two types of love

In "Oblomov", Goncharov reveals the topic of love that is precisely through women's images, like more susceptible and sensual. Olga's love, on the one hand, was filled with a light, inclusive feeling, for which she was ready even secretly to escape on a date with a broom. On the other hand, the girl's love was egoistic - Olga did not think about the desires of Ilya Ilyich, trying to smash both his personality and his life under his understanding of the right path. The separation of the beloved was connected not only with the understanding that both loved illusory, partially fictional and idealized images of each other, but also with the realization that love can only be built on the acceptance of a person as it is. Oblomov understood it, therefore it was subconsciously afraid of further relations with Olga, since their family life would turn into the struggle for the championship of one of the spheres of values, because they were both not ready to give way to another and change. The rapid, active Olga could only inspire his example of Oblomov, but to eradicate in his soul "Oblomovshchina", she lacked the fasciance and the female wisdom that comes with age.

Completely with a lot of love loved Oblomov Agafya. The woman not only surrounded Ilya Ilyich comfortable for him atmosphere, recreated the crushing right in his apartment, but also adored, almost guarded her husband. Pshetitsyn accepted both the advantages and disadvantages of Ilya Ilyich, continuing to take care and create maximum comfort for him even in difficult moments, making everything that the man does not have to think about the vanity. The love of Agafia is comparable to the blind love of the mother, ready for everything so that her child always stayed at home, without leaving it for the sake of the seducts of the real world, hustling each of him come and the slightest wishes. However, such concern is always a detriment, therefore led to the disease, and then to the death of Oblomov.


Women's images in the novel of Goncharov "Oblomov" are two prefabricated, typical female images of the 19th century, representing which the author reveals a number of important social and philosophical issues. The writer thinks over the female destiny in Russian society and the achievement of a woman not only family, but also personal happiness, analyzes two diametrically opposite, but leading to collapse of the type of love. Goncharov does not give specific answers, but provides the reader an extensive field for reflection over these eternal issues that are interested in people and in our time.

A detailed description of women and the characteristics of their roles in the novel will be especially relevant for 10 classes while writing an essay on the topic "Women's images in the" Oblomov "novel.

Test on the work

Critics note that I. A. Goncharov- "The artist is pure and independent, the artist on the vocation and throughout the value of what they have done. He is a realist, but his realism is constantly warmed by deep poetry ... "It seems that this statement is quite fair both for the entire image of the image in the novel" Oblomov ", and for female images in particular. Olga Ilinskaya and Agafia Matveyevna are particularly interesting, these women played a significant role in the life of the main character of the work. We can say that they embody two ideals, two ideas about a woman.

Olga is that bright, joyful, which was in the life of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. Without her, without her drama, readers could not understand the hero. Ilyinskaya - Nature is unusually deep, thin. Olga was able to see the wonderful qualities of Oblomov, realize that he was "illuminated through love." It is not by chance that the image of Olga Ilinsky attracted the attention of critics. So, N. A. Dobrolyubov emphasized that "Olga in its development represents the highest ideal, which can now be a Russian artist to call out of the present Russian life."

Ilyinskaya not only a clear, light, sensitive person, but also an extremely solid nature, striking the harmony of "Hearts and Will". Throughout the work, she is true. Having become acquainted with the broom, having loved him, Olga sincerely tries to change his existence, awaken him to life. The heroine is very peculiar, the opinions of people about it are sometimes diametrically opposed. The fact that one seems dignity, others consider almost a disadvantage. So, Andrei Stolz "spoke with her more than and more often than with other women, because she, although unconsciously, went easy, naturally through life. Neither the chemicals, nor flirts, ... neither intent! " And a little later, the author notes that some considered it simple, near, shallow, because they did not fall from the language of her either a wisenary agent about life, ... neither consolidated or overheard of judgments about music and literature ... "Probably these qualities They attracted Ilya Ilyich to Olga. Under her influence, he comes to life, even able to make actions that for him is almost a feat. Oblomov no longer lies after dinner, leaves with Olga to the theater, discusses books with her. But the closer the crucial moment, the less that he is capable of him. He refuses her love in the name of her own happiness. Olga connects his destiny with Andrei Gallez. It is attitude to Ilinskaya that shows how different Ilya Oblomov and Stolts are. If the bugs are confident that she is a loving woman who is able to create a serene life, the gallery is trying to develop her mind, bring up an active start in it. However, Olga Ilyinskaya deeper, smarter, thinner than people surrounding it. It's not by chance that in the final of the novel, she realizes that her active life with a gallery is probably no less empty and useless than the life of Oblomov.

It seems to me that Agafia Matveyevna Pshenitsyn - the embodiment of a different ideal of a woman. In the life of the main character of the novel "Oblomov", she played no less significant role than Olga. At first glance, this woman is the opposite of Ilinskaya. Simple, not very educated, Agafia Matveyevna knew only life, the full of most ordinary worries. But in it, as in Olga, there was a ability to understand, sympathize and take care. Ilya Oblomov struck her not only by the fact that "he Barin) he shines, he shines," but also that he is good, gently! Pshenitsyn "Silence assumed the responsibilities of the attitude to the Oblomov." She absolutely sincerely cares about him, keeps his peace, does not try to change anything in it. She is happy to serve Ilya Ilyich. For Oblomov, Agafya Matveyevna - "The ideal of that unbarrier, like the ocean, unscrew the rest of the life, the picture of which is indelible to his soul in childhood ..." Ilya Ilyich does not experience such violent feelings, "the soul is not torn to the height, on the feats," But he is unusually calm, cozy with this woman. We can say that the hero has gained his happiness. He's as if he was returned to the woven, he doesn't need to worry about anything, nothing to take care of anything. However, it probably did not forget the high feeling that the moment illuminated his life. It is not by chance that he asks for the gallery, nothing to tell Olga Ilinskaya about his present life.

Agafya Matveyevna is only in concerns about Ilya Ilyce gained a real life: "She lived and felt that she lived full, as she never lived before ..." She prayed to God, "extend the century Ilya Ilyich," thinking only about his rest and convenience. Many critics believed that this image is negative that wheat is the personification of the vulgarity and everyday life of life. But it has self-sacrifice, and sincerity and kindness. It covers the life of Oblomov, let it otherwise than Olga Ilinskaya. Although this lack of light, but not be it, in which the existence of Ilya Ilyich would have turned on the Vyborg side, away from the gallery, and from Olga! After the death of the adorable Ilya Ilyich Agafia Matveyevna, with a special tenderness takes care of Andryusha, agrees to give it to raising gallets, realizing that "there is his real place." She does it out of love for his son, in memory of his father.

It seems that it is the image of Agafa Matveyevna that served as a source, for example, for the heroine of Chekhov's story "Dressing". The main feature of the character of wheat is the eternal ability to invade, not requiring love. Olga Ilinskaya and Agafia Pshetitsyn, apparently, are combined by the fact that they are able to cover the lives of other people, give them love. But these women differ significantly from each other. If Olga is a poetry of life, a man going forward, thirsting new, then Agafia Matveyevna is a cute heart of many peace, the embodiment of the irrevocability of the very defendant of existence.

I. A. Goncharov managed to create not only realistic, but also bright, psychologically faithful female images. This is largely due to the happy literary fate of the work.

With Radi large and small questions that generate headaches from a literature teacher, it is hardly possible to become such: what to do with a good student essay? Not with bad, helpless - here it is all clear: to return to refinement, after discussing with the student, what can be corrected and how to do it. And with truly good: Of course, a imperfect, but intelligent, who made up a lot of what was spoken about the lesson, and at the same time independent.

It is clear that under the independence, we do not understand the "own opinion" like the notorious "I agree with the author," "the hero is a real person, you need to take an example" or "I don't like this hero" - this level of conversation will leave the elementary school. And here the student seriously masters and comprehends a considerable work on the volume, analyzing the pages that did not have time in the lesson, reads articles about the work, and not to choose the right quotation, and in order to think about someone else's point of view and take it or disagree; Seeking words and structures that would rather express his thoughts and sensations. And then logically builds its own essay. And suddenly it turns out something that you really like, but it seems you could not teach, because, maybe they could not produce.

Of course, first of all we put the top five. But this is not enough.

frame from the film "A few days from the life of I.I. Oblomov "(director N.S. Mikhalkov)

Read in class? Odnoklassniki will be surprised, envy, will admire - but it is unlikely that hearing will be perceived quite adequately.

Show colleagues? But they are still tired of constant verification.

I have a way to encourage good authors: "type on the computer and came. Something with this will make. "
Having received the writings of ten and eleven-graders who delighted me about the novel of Goncharov "Oblomov", I decided using personal connections, try to publish student work. Maybe they will give colleagues food for thinking about the novel - because there was a heading in the newspaper "We learn from students." Or maybe they will strengthen our determination to continue the started business - to seriously teach literature, despite everything, and, offering homemade essays, to give children a chance slowly, calmly and seriously understand that he wrote a hundred fifty years ago a great writer and a wise man.

Oblomov and Stolts.

N and first view of the gallery and bugs seem opposed to each other. One loves to lie on the sofa and can neither write a letter to the house owner, nor to force the Zahar to conscientiously fit into the room. The other is constantly in motion, the work is required by him as air, and the compilation of business papers is not at all perceived by them as an irresistible difficulty. But immediately recalls that during the residence in the country cottage and Oblomov, Olga's long letters could write, and the broom could not lie all day, and found the strength, at least in order to climb the surrounding hillocks; That is, it can be seen that some purpose may appear before him and a life with her anxiety can come to the change of apathy.

Throwing out the idea that the brooms and galleries are the complete opposites to each other, throw it away and the idea that the gallery there is a defender of Oblomov from everyday storms and the one, to follow the advice of which and learn from whom Oblomov should not fall into indifferent to everything completely. Of course, it is Stolts who introduced him to Olga and his request for the fact that Ilya Ilyich did not spend whole days in idle inaction, sowed the grain of future love between him and Olga; Of course, it was Stelts that went rid of Oblomov from false debt obligations to the "Bratz" and Tarantyev; Of course ... But is there really no pity Ilya Ilyich in those moments when he is deprived of the assistance of the gallery and the influence of his guide hand? During the dialogues, Oblomov with Volkov, Sudvinsky or Pencois makes a feeling that in the words of Ilya Ilyich, the wrongness is significantly more than in the words of a couple of minutes to him; Living on a country cottage, bugs and in the absence of gallets allowed himself or, at least, tried to resolve those difficulties with whom his love for Olga had encountered; Finally, when the bugs after many days spent on the Vyborg side are buried into domestic ordinary and indifference to everything even stronger than when he lived on a pea, then after all, the gallets fails to revive him to life.

There is something in Oblomov, that by his sleeping and repulsive from the movement by force, all friendly attempts to raise it from the sofa and bring out of apathy, but there is in the Oblomov and what at first, making his way through Indiffelentism, painted him his ideals and dreams, And at the end, among the triumph of laziness and indifference, still defeated the dead and dream of the soul, made him aware of his fall and in the rustling of contempt for himself and repentance for the aimless of the lived life frightened to begging the gallery not to let Olga be in a room. It is this second side of Oblomov and is what lacking gallery and the absence of which deprives him of superiority over it.

Now we will follow how the opposite features developed in the nature of Ilya Ilyich and how the formation of the identity of the gallery was developed. It is worth noting one thing: the adolescence of both of them took place against the background of sharply contrasting phenomena. Indeed, on Ilya Ilyich, on the one hand, the crushing was influenced with her idle calm, the closure of the horizon, huge cakes and a comprehensive afternoon sleep, on the other is the highest, where it was necessary to teach the lessons and translated on time - in one word, work. Similarly, the contrast was also in the surrounding young gallery. Father's practicality, his earning money and a direct view of life opposed the hertz melodies, played on the piano of the mother, and the impressions made by the luxurious interiors of the Princely House.

However, the consequences caused by these contrasts were different. It is similar to only the fact that neither galley nor Oblomov has some one side won the final victory over the other.

In the nature of Andrei Ivanovich, practicality and straightness were harmoniously merged with love for art and the ability to feel beautiful. As a result, he did not become a limited entrepreneur and a dealer interested only in profit, nor a dreamer who cannot provide his own existence. And who was he then? He is not "greedily birching the rest of the feeling", but, not counting the unknowns before explanation with Olga, I avoided the influence of strong passions; He never considered himself an embodiment of all the best, but at the same time, everything he did, he did for himself. Oblomov, he helped, of course, far from mercenary purposes and absolutely not counting on personal gain, but only because he could not otherwise, that his ideas about the debt and his friendship did not allow him another. And as soon as the conscience allowed him to quit Oblomov, he, although with sincere sorrow, although he who accepted the duties on the upbringing of Andrei, but still threw Oblomov. And Olga Galztz loved only because of what he was not able to live for himself one and he became necessary to live and for her too. Thus, it seems that the gallery has become someone else, as a practitioner, limited by a certain number of senses and affections and sent all the other his strength to movement and work without high goals.

The result of contrasting influences of the crushing and Village on Ilya Ilyich was even more unexpected than the result of influence on the gallery of his father and mother. The impact of learning from the father-manager although he added the impact of the parental home, but led it not to the resolution of some contradictions, as it happened with the gallery, who learned to combine the ability to make a profit with the ability to feel beautiful, and to strengthen the gap between indifferent to the whole broom-bayebak And those broom, whom he loved and wanted to revive Olga. Despite the changes in the situation and in the lifestyle, during the ability to teach in Verkhvoy in Ilya Ilich, all the same was developed, the beginning of what was laid in the house of Ilya Ivanovich. Young obfomov, who was not accustomed to long work, was forced to study in the classroom for a long time, which strengthened his dislike for activities; But besides this, his dreamy nature, before that, I had food to your imagination only in fairy tales of the debate or Militris Kirtubevnaki, received widespread development due to the fact that he learned about the existence of the world outside the closest neighborhood and received at least some information about the sciences and arts.

The inconsistency of adolescence turned into inconsistency of the whole life. Oblomov, having ideals, no more similar to the ideals of his grandfathers, and being completely not affected by a bustle, but at the same time without having enough spiritual forces to fulfill their dreams and step over their apathy, and gradually everything is deeper and deeper and deeper in the cold Indifference, it turns out to be unable not prepared for real life.

Thus, it is seen the main difference between the gallery and the broom. One needs movement, sees an objective reality and reaches almost everything that he wants to achieve, but, without giving will to dreams, does not have a high ideal of life, to which it is worth striving, and therefore circumscribing its activities on some aimlessness. The other, on the contrary, sees only bright dreams about calm happiness, but almost unable to take anything on the way to their achievement, however, however, his ideals do not cease to be blond and clean, and the aimlessness of his life becomes even more tragic. Not that "he was not created for people," but he was not created for reality ...

Nikolay Lysenko, 10th grade

Women in the life of Oblomov

And the women of I. Thrycharov in "Oblomov" determine the turning points in the fate of the main character of Ilya Ilyich and play a huge role in his life.

Big influence on the formation of the personality of Oblomov provided women surrounding him in childhood. Little Ilya, who was on the care of mother and nannies, grew up in the atmosphere of love and care: "And the whole day, and all the days and nights of the nanny were filled with a turmohah, running: then torture, then lively joy for a child, then fear that he will fall and hurt his nose ... "

It is not by chance that the motives of the retrospective "Sleep Oblomov", which reflected the hero's childhood impressions, partly repeated in the dreams of Ilya Ilyich, to judge which we can from his conversations with gallets. The ideal, on the submission of Oblomov, life resembles the reader of the Oblomovka, but, in addition to reproducing the hero's childhood impressions, there is another important component in it - the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich the relationship between spouses should be: "Then, putting a spacious crust or a jacket some , hugging his wife for Talut, to deepen with her in an infinite dark alley; To go quiet, thoughtfully, silently or think out loud, dream, count the moments of happiness, like a pulse beating. "
As it is easy to see, one of the main components of this ideal is spirituality. And it is she who finds bugs in Olga Ilinskaya, which is not accidentally introduced into the novel with the motive of the sublime. Not yet knowing anything concrete about the heroine, the reader finds out that she sings Aria "Casta Diva". "Do you love this aria? I am very happy: Olga Ilyinskaya sings her perfectly.

Love for Ilinskaya is a strong feeling that changes Oblomov and turns his life. It becomes clear that Ilya Ilyich is able to love. Absorbed by this feeling, broom ceases to be sleepy and apathetic; This is how his condition describes the gonchars: "A heart beat from the sounds of this clean girl, the nerves were trembling, the eyes sparkled and poured with tears."

Such a change in the broomstone is not a miracle, but a regularity: for the first time his life has gained meaning. This suggests that the former apathy Ilya Ilyich is not explained by the non-mental void, and the reluctance to participate in the "eternal game of trashing passions" and lead the way of life of Volkov or Alekseeva.

However, the relations of Oblomov and Ilinskaya are not cloudless. Ilya Ilyich is able to tenderness and love, but the sublime feelings require at all romantic hassle from it: before making an offer, you need to landslide the estate. These troubles are scared by Oblomov, and everyday problems seem insurmountable to him. In the end, his indecision leads to a rupture with Olga.
It was at that moment in the life of Oblomov, Agafia Matveyevna Pshenitsyn appears - Very limited, economic, housewoman. Unlike Ilinskaya, who tried to remake Oblomov, Pshenitsyna loves him as he is, and refers to him as a deity. The main goal of her life is to provide a breakdown as a comfortable existence as possible. She about it, despite the material constraint, most of all cares: "How suddenly this barin," she disassembled, "instead of asparagus displays, instead of Ryabchikov - lamb, instead of Gatchina trouts, amber sturgeon - Salty Sudak."

Speaking about Agafier Matveyevna, it should be noted that it was she who was next to the broom, when he, having survived the gap with Ilinskaya, returned to his former life, whose symbol was the newly emerged bathrobe. This gave the opportunity to criticize A. Sprons called Wentitsa "Evil Angel Oblomov": "She (wheat. - D.H.) dulpted a coffin stone over his aspirations, plunged him into a gaping bunch of a mig left of the ruined."

To this thought, it is necessary to add that life with wheat is the other side of the Oblomovsky ideal. If in Olga Ilinskaya brooms saw his spiritual component, then in the wheat - comfort and the dimension, which he dreamed of conversation with the gallery. As we see, both of these women embodied different qualities, close to the main character, but he was not happy with any of them.

Daniel Harlamov, 11th grade

Women in the life of Oblomov

Used doubts, very important, if not the main role, women played the role in the life of Oblomov. Speaking about people who had the greatest impact on him, you need to mention those daubs and nyanyushki, whose concerns, on the one hand, and stories, on the other hand, influenced the ideal of Women who had developed in Ilya Ilya.

First, this ideal includes spirituality and poetry; Secondly, there is a source of comfort, care and heat, such as the bugs were surrounded in childhood. However, in the novel, these qualities exist apologize.

Some are embodied in Olga Ilyinskaya - a woman who was really loved (though, for Dobrolyubov, "love did not know and did not know what to look for in love, as in life"; I can only notice that exactly with the appearance of Olga Ilya in his life Ilyich stopped even wondering where life; and, it seems, not only knew what to look for in love, but also assured that I found, but about it below).

Love gave a new meaning of his life, opened, or rather, awakened in him a storm of feelings and found the best qualities; In it "plays life." You can recall such characters as the left-handed robe or a "animated" letter to Olga, an opposed letter to the elder, not more successful than the adventure with sending the recipe of Beer Philippe Matveich.

Olga, as the Druzhinn notes, "in nature, it is not fond of Mishur and empty secular young men of his circle"; But obcomments, which also sees no life in this "Mishur", the bustle of secular shoes (as he does not see it in the bustle of the writer or official), sees Ilyinskaya Baryshne Not so much a relative soul, how much is your ideal: "... This ideal exactly in-point was Olga! Both images converged and merged into one ... "- but it seems to be merged in vain. The fact is that an ideal image of Ilya Ilyich was inherent in another important feature: "In dreams, it was a high, slim woman,<...> With a quiet, but proud look,<...> As an ideal, as the incarnation of a lifetime, performed by the bald and solemn rest, as peace. "

I do not know how Olga loves Oblomov; But one way or another, in a considerable degree, expressed in the desire to turn Ilya Ilyich in that ideal, who already imagined himself, pride: "She liked this role of a guide star, the beam of light, which she pops over the standing lake and will reflect in it ".

So the goal is somewhat out of Oblomov: it is more likely to, for example, Stolz "did not recognize him, turning."

Therefore, it not only does not embody the blissful rest, but, on the contrary, encourages Oblomov to activities; This is not so much as the Dobrolyubov claims, "is not included in his habit" (everything is not so small), how much makes it constantly stop through yourself (it is not by chance that Ilya Ilyich recalls her "with shudder"), not one, and someone else - And this bugs are not capable, in any case, for a long time. And no matter how a friend is assumed that he can change himself, you can even imagine how it struggles with me, - but it is very difficult to imagine how the obcomments really change their nature.

And in the gap, however, the initiative is ultimately owned by Olga. However, not that "Will Olga obedient to her heart" and "she continues their relationships and love for broom<...> Until then, it is not convinced of his decisive rubbish ": Then rather the heart of Olga obedient her will; Again, I do not know how the heart is truly loving you can order. Yes, and "decisive rubbish" Oblomov should not be questioned: in whether it was a decisively crazy man who would give the tarantyev, when he mucking over a woman who, in the opinion of the same author, "destroyed [Ilya Ilyich] his act, One of the Oblomovans was not destroying a woman "? In the end, why the goncharov himself tells about his hero not with that intonation of destroying contempt, with which it would be necessary to talk about a strongly stray man, from condescension? No, apparently, what happened better explain the words gallery: "... deceived by pride, failed the role of a savory, a little habit ... how many reasons for tears!"

In contrast to Olga Agafya Matveyevna, loving Oblomov completely disinterestedly, does not require anything from him: she sees in it, such as he is, a higher and beautiful creature, in front of which everyone else is nothing (so unexpectedly returns the awkward word, said Zakhar: other).

Oblomov itself finds in Agafier Matveyevna personification of the ideal of convenience and peace, living, interested participation. And as if confirming that this still a children's ideal was found true, Ilya Ilyich dreams of a nanny pointing to the hostess: here is your Militris Kirtubaevna. Now, it seems, the feces came true, and the fate turned out to be a "good wizard,<...> which will choose some pet, quiet, harmless, - in other words, some lazy man, whom everyone is offended, and he ships him, not with this, different good, and he knows eats himself yes dressed in a ready-made dress And then marries some unheard of beauty, Militris Kirbaevna, "- not quite, of course, unheard of beauty, but that, on whose" full neck and round elbows "he" willingly stop his eyes. " The wonderful ideal is reached - but the kingdom of love and care, a crushing, with all its "charming details", easily turns around the kingdom of the dead. Agafier Matveyevna is not needed by all that an affair with Olga awakened in a broom, - and it falls asleep; Moreover, all the hopes that existed from Ilya Ilyich before meeting with Olga, on a pea street. It turns out that that rest, in his existence, with Agafei Matveyevna on the Vyborg side, which bruises opposed "bustle," - akin to her, as the reverse side of the medal: he is also hopeless and meaningless.

But despite the dream of the mind, no matter how kicked bugs, he, his heart, as they show almost the former gusts in conversation with Andrey, remain the same. And although it can be said that hostess I finally destroyed him, but I would just repeat it for the squad: "Agafia Matveyevna, quiet, devotee ... dilked the coup of all his aspirations, plunged him into a gaping bunch, but this woman will be forgiven for the fact that she loved .

Evgenia Sechina, 10th grade

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