A complex proposal with writing, supervisory and non-union bond. Complexed and complex proposal

A complex proposal with writing, supervisory and non-union bond. Complexed and complex proposal
A complex proposal with writing, supervisory and non-union bond. Complexed and complex proposal

If the dependent word answers the question as? And is an adder, the phrase uses the adjacent connection. Communication serve see submission. Coordination is a subordination in which the dependent word is consistent with the main form, the number and case. Communication that serves to express the relationship of the elements of phrases and suggestions.

Go to the garden - management, go there - adjoining. If between the main word and dependent is the pretext, then before you management. When adjacent, the dependent word is an infinitive, adorption or verbal. In the complex interaction of two organisms to distinguish between writing and supervisory communication, A. M. Peshkovsky was proposed criteria for reversibility.

Watch what is "subordinate communication" in other dictionaries:

Examples: Write poems, faith in victory, pleased with the answer. This a few words should be discharged, since the grammatical foundations in which the words are associated with writing bond, that is, equal, the phrase is not. The connection between the two syntactically inequal words in the phrase and the proposal is one of them as the main thing, the other is as a dependent. Submission - a subordination relationship, formally expressed dependence of one syntactic element (words, suggestions) from the other.

Parautaxis - Lingv. writing two or more offers within one complex proposal; Communication of parts of the sentence. All types of verification: management, coordination, reflection, adjoining express the dependent position of one word in relation to the other. The verbulence is expressed most often with the help of various word-substitution suffixes of the number, case, drawing suffixes.

Sometimes the genus, the number and case of nouns associated with the help of management coincide, so in such cases it is possible to confuse the management with the coordination, for example: at the College Director. If the dependent word does not change, then this is a phrase with control: at the College Director - College Director. Sometimes it is difficult to establish what word in phrase is the main thing, and what - dependent, for example: slightly sad, I like to eat.

In the phrases of the verb in the form of an inclination + infinitive, the main word is always the verb, and the addicted is infinitive. Syntax is a section of grammar, which studies the structure and meaning of phrases and proposals. In terms of the number of grammatical foundations, proposals are divided into simple (one grammatical basis) and complex (more than one grammatical basis).

You mean: now I saw that the rain ran out ↓, ↓ that the cloud went on. ↓ I, by the way, touched this option for myself - he, at first glance, it seems possible. 1. In the middle of the NGN, there can be no downward phrase - otherwise the intonation of the listing, and with it, and writing, will remain. They write about it and on the Internet. When changing the main word, dependent changes.

In the categories of pronouns, two homonyms are allocated (the same sound and writing, but different in meaning) discharge. Distribute the proposed-case form and adverb. 1) Detected the main word, asking a question from one word to another. Determine the part of the speech of the dependent word: mechanically - this is adverb. 3. If you need control, look for a noun or pronoun not in the nominative case.

I studied in the third grade when he was much so much. Mom caused ambulance, and we went to the district hospital. Submission is characterized by irreversible relations between communication parts: one part cannot be put in place by another without prejudice to the overall content. Examples: Little Boy, Summer Evening; Our doctor, on Lake Baikal. Examples: Woman Cosmonaut, Executive Student. 4] (order of words, lexically and intonation).

The independent part in it is called the main part, and the dependent is apparent. Suddenly, the cunning zek stunned me with a pistol handle, as you guess (a non-prolonged introductory offer, where dedicated words are subject to both), my own pistol. "

Example 2. NGN: Now I saw that the rain was over, the cloud goes on. There are three types of verification between the main and dependent word in phrases: coordination, management and adjoining. In a complex proposal, the verification relationship exists between the main and departing proposals. Students and the examiner non-signature, because the connection between the words written, and not a subordination (that is, it is impossible to allocate the main and dependent word).

Writing communication

Means of expression of syntactic ties in phrases

III. Nareful phrases

1. The phrases with adverb (for example: very successful, still good).

2. Literature with nouns names (for example: far from home, alone with the Son., shortly before exams).

The syntactic relationship is the formal system relations between the components of the syntactic units that detect the semantic links (syntactic relations) and the language expressed by the language.

Means of expression of syntactic ties in phrases and simple sentences:

1) Forms of words:

· Form of the case of nouns;

· Number, genus, adjective case;

· Face, the number, the genus of the hidden forms of verbs.

2) prepositions;

3) the order of words;

4) intonation (in writing speech is expressed with the help of punctuation marks).

Syntax connections They are divided into writing and subordinates who oppose each other on the basis of the presence / absence of the "host" and "servant" relationship in the syntactic design.

For essay Components are unifunctional. This connection is characterized by the number of combined components of structures, i.e. Sign of openness / closedness.

For closed writing Only two components can be connected ( not sister and brother; you love sorrow and hard, and a female heart joking). Necessarily expressed by the unions of the opponent but, but), gradual ( not only but; yes I.), explanatory ( namely, i.e).

With open writing communication, an indefinite amount of component can be connected. Can be expressed without unions or with the help of connecting ( and, yes) and dividing ( or, or, also et al.) Unions.

For submission The role of the components in the creation of the design is different, they are different. The Russian language has different formal means of expressing a supervisory connection. These funds are grouped into three main types.

First view a formal expression of addiction is the likelihood of the form of the dependent word forms of the word dominant; Such an approach is carried out in cases where the dependent word varies on cases, numbers and childbirth (this is the name of the adjective, including locomotive adjectives, ordinal numerical and communion), on cases and numbers (this is the name of the noun) or by cases, except for them. p. And, for some. CV. p. (numeral); For example: new house (new house, new house...), late passengers, my brother, first flight; house-tower, plant giant; three tables, four tables, a few athletes. The condition for the formation of such a connection is the possibility of coincidence in the connecting words of the case, the number and kind - with the dependence of the adjective, or case and the number or only the case - with the dependence of the noun ( house-tower, in the house-tower..., yasly Novostroy, in nursery-new building...).

Second view a formal expression of dependence - formulation of a dependent word in the form of an indirect case without an excuse or with a pretext (joining the word of the case of the name); The main word with such a connection may be the word of any part of speech, and the dependent - noun (including pronoun - noun, quantitative and collective numeral): to read a book, be angry with a student, enter the courtyard, get out of the groom, follow the devices, located in the city, work for seven, father's arrival, buying a house, reward winners, math exam, city on the Volga, capable of science, alone with myself, stronger death, someone in mask, first with the edge.

Third view A formal expression of dependence is to join the dominant word of such a word that has no forms of change: adverbs, unchanged adjective, as well as infinitive or verbalism, which syntactically behave like independent words. The main word can be a verb, a noun, adjective, quantitative numerical, and also - with combinations with the pronoun-noun enchanting. In this form of communication, the immutability of the dependent word is used by the formal indicator, and the internal, semantic indicator - the emerging relations: run fast, right turn, beige, shinel Vnakidka, golden side, sixth left, three upstairs, order to step, decide to leave, to do smarter, hundreds of older, anything else.

In modern Russian, three types of subordination are traditionally allocated: coordination, management and adjoining. When distinguishing and determining these connections, not only strictly formal types of compound should be taken into account, but also inseparable from these species a significant side of communication, that is, the relationship arising on its basis.

Coordination - This is a supervisory relationship, which is expressed by the formation of the form of the dependent word form of the dominant word in childbirth, the number and case, or including the case, or only in the case, and means relations actually identifying: new house, someone else's alien, house-tower, yasly Novostroy. The main word when coordination can be a noun, pronoun - noun and quantitative numerical in the form of them. P. In informatively insufficient words, coordination combines the determination with the value of the rehabilitation and thus acquires signs of strong communication: merry business, incomprehensible things.

Control - This is a subordination, which is expressed by accession to the dominant word of the noun in the form of an indirect case (without an excuse or with a pretext) and means relations of replenishment or object or contaminated: object-replenishment or object-definition. The main word in control can be the word of any part of speech: become a scientist, ball in ignorance, mastak on fiction, prone to reflections, two students, alone with myself; to read a book, buying a house, angry on all; rush to rudeness; get home, sit from the mountain..

Adjoint - This is a supervisory relationship that exists in two species, of which each receives an independent definition. The adjoining in the narrow sense of the word (or actually adjoining) and the adjoining in the broad sense of the word (case-jamming). Actually adjusting - This is a connection in which words unchanged are in the role of the dependent word: the adverb, immutable adjective, as well as infinitives, or a leadingness. At the same time, various relationships may occur: when the infinitive is adjusted - replenishment (), objects ( learn to draw, agree to go), or configurable ( go to talk); When adjusting adverbs, verbalia is determined ( to talk slowly, read faster, unusually interesting, city at night, second left) or determinatively complained ( be nearby, dore expensive, purchase here, to become smarter); When the unchanging adjective is adjusted - self-definitive ( indigo, waves Tsunami, mini skirt, older boy). The word of any part of speech may dominate.

Padded adjoining - This is an accession to the main word (any part of speech) of the case (without an excuse or with a pretext) of the name of the name with the determination value: to come fifth May., come to the evening, spoon of wood, city on the Volga, house in two windows, gray in cells, beautiful person, cap Kettle, ahead to step, someone in blue, first in Shero. In case of a case, relationships are arising with definition, subject-definitive or - with informatively insufficient words requiring a circumstantial distributor, - thoroughly replenishing ( be on the bank, purchase at the factory, do one hundred rubles, long before dawn).

The syntactic relationship is the connection arising between the components of a complex proposal.

The generally accepted types of syntactic relationship is writing (an essay) and a subordination (submission), as well as a non-union connection.

Writing communication is the relationship between syntactically equal units (words or suggestions). Factories and plants. Not in the morning, and in the evening.

The verification relationship is the relationship between the main one. And pressing. He said that (what?) will come.

Practical work number 17

The beginning is in the notebook: D

Rodality of languages

In order to specifically submit how the concept of kinship of languages \u200b\u200bwas formed, schematically depict the path to which linguistics was moved from collecting various linguistic factors to construct their theory explaining. Researchers have long noted that in the structures of many Euro-Asian languages \u200b\u200bthere are general features, such as Polish Woda, Russian Water, English Water, German Wasser, but Japanese Mizdu, Chinese Shui, or Old Russian Oko, Polish Oko, German Auge, Lithuanian AKIS, but Japanese ME, Chinese Yangjing. Of the thousands of such facts there is a common picture. It turned out that it was important to compare the ancient words and morphemes. This is due to the fact that words from the so-called international dictionary coincide in very distant languages, for example, Russian Radio-Japanese Radzio (5 identical sounds out of 6), Russian Rador-Belarusian Rady (3 sounds of 6 do not coincide). These words have been solved In connection with the recent achievements of science and culture, so they do not need to be taken into account when determining the most ancient relationship between languages. Only a comparison of the original (initial) words, roots, service affixes will be reliable.

The concept of a comparative historical method

Comparison of languages; allocation of general words, roots, etc.; establishing regular phonetic correspondences between languages; establishing time correlation and sequence of phonetic changes; Restoration of the presumptive sound of general words, roots and affixes in antiquity - these are the tasks for which the decision of which at the end of the XVIII-early XIX centuries. It took the creation of a new branch of the science of language - comparative historical linguistics.

Comparative historical linguistics (linguistic compudibolism) - the region of linguistics devoted primarily by the relationship of languages, which is understood as historical and genetically (as a fact of origin from the general practice).

6. Typology in a general scientific scale is a method of studying complex objects by comparing them, identifying their common, or similar features and combine similar objects in some classes (groups, types). Typology languages, or linguistic typology engaged in the study of the main, essential signs of languages, their grouping, the elimination of general patterns observed in a number of languages, and the establishment of languages.

General features may be due to the general origin of languages, i.e. their relationship or genealogy, as well as prolonged geographical and / or cultural contact. In the first case, as a result of generality, the languages \u200b\u200bare systematized in "Language Families" (groups, macros, etc.), in the second case, "Language unions" are formed. In cases where the community of structural features of languages \u200b\u200bis not caused by their primary genealogical relationship, nor secondary affinity, it is possible to identify common features caused by the protected language capabilities that are based on the physiological, cognitive, mental and emotional capabilities of a person as its carrier. Only in the study of such communities and discrepancies in linguistics, the idea of \u200b\u200btype is used as a certain association of objects (in this case, languages), taking into account their common features.

7.Morphological classification

Morphological classification of languages

the classification based on the similarity and difference of the language structure, as opposed to the genealogical classification of languages \u200b\u200b(see the genealogical classification of languages). Until the linguistic typology aims to create a typological classification of languages \u200b\u200b(see classification of languages), all typological classifications were almost exclusively morphological, since morphology was the most developed area of \u200b\u200blinguistics. However, M. K. I. Initially, it was not imperatively related exclusively with the morphological level of the language (see language levels), and received its name due to the fact that the formal aspect of the language was in the spotlight of its creators. The basic concepts of M. K. I. - Morphem and Word

Teacher's comments on the studied material

Possible difficulties

Good advice

It is difficult to distinguish a simple offer complicated by homogeneous legend, and a complex proposal, especially if one of the parts of the complex proposal is an incomplete offer.

For example: I was late because I forgot the houses at home.

It should be remembered that homogeneous members of the sentence can only be combined with writing alliances.

A cooking union that binds part of a complex proposal, and a composure union that connects homogeneous members of the sentence should not be confused.

I'm tired and arrived to rest .- The Union binds homogeneous fague;

I'm tired, and I wanted to rest. "The Union binds the parts of a complex proposal.

If there is a submission union in a dubious sentence, then you have a complex proposal, the second part of which is an incomplete offer:

I was late because I forgot the clock at home.

I was very in a hurry, but still late.

With part of a challenge offer, you can confuse a separate member of the sentence, which clarifies a member of the sentence, an introductory design, a comparative turnover.

For example: Cutting a high cape, the steamer entered the bay.

Many gases, such as hydrogen, lighter than air.

It seems his name is Ivan.

Make sure that you are part of a complex proposal with an independent grammatical basis, and not any of the listed designs.

It should be especially noted that the target turnover with the union so that this is the apparent part of the complex proposal, the grammatical basis of which consists of a faithful, expressed infinitive:

To memorize the poem, she read it out loud six times.

If the appropriate offer is inside the main one, you can make an error in counting the number of parts of a complex proposal (in options for answers to the task of this kind, the number of parts of the complex offer) is specified.

Find the grammatical foundations of the proposals that are part of the complex.

In proposal, exactly as many parts as the grammatical foundations. For example:

He quickly studied what was then known in the field of mathematics, and even engaged in his own research.

The basis of the first part: he studied and engaged.

The basis of the second part: what was known.

Consequently, in a complex sentence two parts.

It is not easy to determine the types of communication between parts of a complex sentence with different types of communication.

For example: it was impossible to stop: as soon as I stopped moving, the legs sucking, and the traces were poured with water.

The type of communication is determined by the Union. Find alliances with which parts of a complex offer are associated. If there is no union between any parts, the connection between them is non-union, if the union is compositive or subordinate, then the connection is written or supervisory.

In the example above, the offer consists of four parts. The first (it was impossible to stop) and the third (suction feet) are connected by the reinsoy communication, the second (as soon as I stopped moving) and the third (sucking feet) are associated with a subordinate connection with the help of a verification union as soon as the third and fourth (traces poured water) - writing Communication with the help of writing union a.

Difficult sentence. Types of complex offers

In addition to simple proposals, complex proposals are often used in speech, with which we express our thoughts more deployed by tying them with each other.

Complex proposals are proposals consisting of two or more simple proposals. Simple proposals in the composition of the complex do not possess intonational completeness, do not have their own goal of statements and are combined in meaning and in pronunciation in one.

The storm is already bitch, the wind is weakened.

As it will happen, it will respond.

Frost was terrible, but the apple trees survived.

Simple sentences are connected to the complex two main ways. In allone complex proposals, parts are combined with the help of intonation and unions (or union words - relative pronouns and adverbs). In the non-union complex suggestions, parts are combined only with the help of intonation (without unions and allied words).

The sun shines over the lake, and the eyes are blind from the glare (Union).

Offers with alliances and allied words are divided into two groups: the suggestions are complex, the proposals are complex.

Complex proposals are such proposals in which simple proposals may be equal in meaning and are associated with writing alliances.

June was hot, and windows in homes at night were open.

The fur coat broke the mole, but mittens as new.

Complexed proposals are such proposals in which one of the proposals within the meaning is subordinated to another and is associated with it by a subordination union or an allied word. An independent proposal in the composition of the complex is called the main thing, and the dependent subordinate to the main thing in meaning and grammatically, - the apparent.

If you are in the myster (apparent), go to Efimkina (the main thing).

Kamers want to find (the main thing), what you don't have (Pressing).

Complex proposals with various types of allia and non-union

If a complex offer consists of three or more parts, then some of them can be combined with the help of writing unions, others - with the help of subordinate unions, third - without unions. Such a proposal is called a complex proposal with different types of union and non-union.

I didn't have any one too strong vice, which would have leaned out of all my other defects, there was no picture virtue in me, which could give me some kind of picture appearance, but instead I had a meeting of all possible Food, every little, and moreover, in such a set, in what I have not yet met anyone in any person. (N.V. Gogol).

(This is a complex proposal consisting of six simple, parts of which are connected by a supervisory, writing and non-union bond.)

The complex offers always include two or more simple (they are also called predicative parts) connected by various types of communication: allied writing, non-union and union verification. It is the presence or absence of unions and their importance to establish a type of communication in the proposal.

Determination of the verification in the proposal

Submission, or verification - The type of communication in which one of the predicative parts is the main, subordinating, and the other - dependent, apparent. Such a link is transmitted through subordinate unions or allied words; From the main part to the apparent is always possible to ask a question. Thus, the verification relationship (in contrast to writing) implies the syntactic inequality between the predicative parts of the sentence.

For example: In the lessons of geography, we learned, (what about?) Why are rings and fits, Where In the lessons of geography, we learned - main part, there are tides and lowers - Pressing part, why - submissory union.

Subordination unions and allied words

Predicative parts of a complex proposal associated with a subordinate connection are connected using subordinate unions, union words. In turn, the subordinate unions are divided into simple and complex.

Simple unions include: that, how, when, barely, while, if, as if, exactly, for, although other. We want all nations live happily.

Sophisticated unions include at least two words: because, because, since, in order to, as soon as, while, as long as, despite the fact that, as if other. As soon as The sun rose, all singing birds awoke.

Relative pronouns and adverbs may be as union words: who, what, who, whose, what, how much (in all cases); Where, where, from where, when, how, why, why, why other. Union words are always answering any question and are one of the members of the Putting Office. I got it, where and the gray wolf did not run! (Rosen)

You need to know: what is his examples in the literature.

Types of submission in a complex sentence

Depending on the means binding predicative partsThe following types of subordinates are allocated:

  • union submission - parts of a complex proposal are connected by simple or complex alliances. He opened the door of the tailor to the procession to go free.
  • relative submission - between predicative parts is the Allied Word. After death, people come back there, where they came.
  • questionally relative subordination - parts of a complex proposal are related through questioning relationships and adverbs. In the apparent part, a member of the main supply, which has the importance of statements, mental activity, feelings, perception, internal state is explained in the dressing part. Berlioz sadly looked sadly, not understanding that he was frightened. (M. Bulgakov).

Often, one complex proposal contains more than two predicative parts that are addicted to the main one. Concerning distinguish several types of submission:

This is interesting: in the rules of the Russian language.

Pushing out what a member of the main supply explains or distributes dependent putitive offers in some sources are divided to the subject, fabricated, determinant, additional and circumstantial.

  • Everyone, who he met here, offered him help. Pressing part distributes to the main part everyone.
  • Never think that you already know everything. (I. Pavlov) Podepar explains the faithful main think.
  • Never regret that you can not change. In this case, the pressing part answers the question of the proposed case.

The classification is more common, according to which, depending on the issues that they respond, podep parts are divided as follows: