"Being a suitable person and think about the gran of nails. You can be a little man and think about the glory nailing day of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

"Being a suitable person and think about the gran of nails. You can be a little man and think about the glory nailing day of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin
"I have a breath of lips from one thought about you ..."

In love with Pasternak and Mandelshtam, who had a close one for 30 years was Anna Akhmatova for 30 years. Maria Petrov, during his lifetime, did not even try to publish their verses. "I did not carry poems by editors. It was clear without words that they were "not in that way." Yes, and I did not come to mind nor my friends typing my poems. It was one thing that was one thing: write them. " And her poems - turning the soul, always sincere and very female ...

A.Tarkovsky so wrote about the poetry M. Petrov:
"At first glance, the poetry language of Maria Petrovsky is the usual literary Russian language. Makes it a miracle in a number of our big poetry the ability to special phrases free from whose effects. Her words light up one of the other, neighboring, and the light is not the end. "

Amazing romance for her poems, Music Elena Frolova:

Do not let down, my recognizable rude,
After all, they are to become my fate.
My lips dry up
From one thought about you.

I give you a satisfying tribute -
Life embodied in Moluba,
I go to the breath
From one thought about you.

Not trouble that my garden crumpled thunderstorms,
What I live with me in the fight,
But my eyes stood tears
From one thought about you.

In her strikingly sincere, nude verses there are no shadow of the lucavia or coquetry. Her poetry is ascetic, straightforward and extremely serious. Being a direct person, Maria Petrov said everything was sacrificed.
"Once," says A. Gelleskul, a well-known poet translator, - in a conversation about someone's verses - non-hard, but for the interesting interesting things, Maria Sergeyevna dropped: - I still love when they write right. "

Yes, I am proud of what could not be on the hair
Do not shove in a single string,
Did not strain the deaf my voice
Did not extort the fate of the other.

And she lived quite simply and modestly, without recognizing any extra things in everyday life and so loved by women baubles. Did not follow the fashion, was indifferent to the outfits, the appearance of her did not have the slightest attitude towards elegance.

"With its strict bangs and ugly beauty, slightly rude and at the same time is not a rustic, and a volitional chased person - she lived separately from the so-called public life, remaining one of the mysteriously survived strong characters"
E. Evtushenko

And, nevertheless, not being beautiful, she easily conquered men's hearts.
Mikhail Landman, poet and translator, remembers:

"... Many fell in love with her. In addition to Mandelstam, Pasternak, she was fascinated at different times and Emmanuel Kazakevich, and Alexander Tvardovsky, and Pavel Ancticolsky ... In a word, she was a woman who caused the strong feelings from many people in contact with her ... and the reason for this was some kind of elusive inner force , charm of personality is not only a mind, but some stunning childishness and severity, openness and restraint ... "

From under the pen of Mandelstam, in love with Maria, a poem dedicated to her, which became one of the diamonds of lyric poetry of the 20th century.

Master of guilty eyes
Little shoulder holder!
Assured male dangerous nests,
Does not sound drunk-speech.

Go fishing, raying fins,
Inflatable gills: on, take!
They are silently leaking mouths,
Halfb the flesh feed.

We are not red-gold fish,
Our custom nursing:
In the warm body of ribs thin
And in vain wet brilliance of pupils.

Poppy Broving Laughty Way Dangerous ...
What do I like to Yanychar
This tiny, volatile,
This miserable crescent lips? ..

Do not mean, Turchanka is expensive:
I'm with you in a deaf bag walking,
Your speech dark swallowing,
For you, the water curve will drink.

You, Maria, - Diempting,
It is necessary to warn death - to sleep.
I am standing at your threshold.
Leave, go away, still stay.

Maria Petrov's not far from Yaroslavl on March 26, 1908 was born. Since childhood, distinguishing humanitarian inclinations, entered the Literary Faculty of University, after which he worked as a editorial office. Get acquainted with Akhmatova, Mandelshtam ...

Since 1934, Maria Petrov becomes known in literary circles as a magnificent master of poetic translation. Maria very carefully treated the author's text, sick for each line.

In 1934, he meets his friend of Youth Vitaly Golovacheva, a poet and a pianist who returned from the reference, in 1936 he comes to marry him. But they were destined to be short-lived happiness - soon Golowachev is sent to the link for five years. Maria remains with a four-month-old child in his arms and in full unknown. And ahead - also the war ...

No one will help, no one will help,
Methania your no one is disturbing;
In yourself, finding incomprehensible strength,
How hidden gold-bearing living ...

At the beginning of the war, Maria and Arina's daughter, as part of a small team of writers, their wives and children were evacuated to Tatarstan, in Chistopol. "It was a tragic and wonderful time. It was the time of extraordinary spiritual cohesion and unity. All separating disappeared. It was the time of deep attention to each other. "

She will never see him again with her husband - he will die in the camp in 1942. But Mary could not believe it for a long time and continued to wait.

A year after his death, she wrote:

Not yet on the threshold,
From grief as in delusion,
I am a postman in my feet
With Moloto drop ...

Perhaps it is miserable?
I'm waiting for you all year,
Like a daughterman before execution
Pardon is waiting.

I have a big grief
And I can not cry.
I would know to the sea,
Fall on the shore

Do not tears, native,
Shutting through the edge?
Share at least you with me,
Give it to cry, give!

Give salted, give green
Golden water,
Blue Sun calcined,
Hot my trouble.

I will go to the crossroads,
Knees drop.
Give tears washed offense,
Cut the trouble!

About a life-giving miracle
I beg you:
Give me native people
Return only once!

Let the plea mol
If only someone brought, -
Do not love love, not bread, -
Handful of combustible tears.

I would pressed them to heart
To my blood goes into the blood
Burning sting
From which light.

As if from the guilt of the grave
I can not lift the face ...
Give someone about give
go to the end

Before the cherished start
Before dawn in the meadow ...
Too hurt I was silent
I can not anymore.
I know that you will not come to me,
But believe me, not burning about you:
From the other grief internship,
And I speak with you with you.

Cute, you in front of me in debt.
Remember what left for you.
You owe me - I must! - I'm not LSU -
Air, sun, blue sky,

Forest noise, river silence, -
Everything that before you was with me was.
Return friends, fun, strength,
And then already - leave one.

"Assign me a date ...". Late love Mary Petrov

Assign me a date
in this light.
Assign me a date
In the twentieth century.
It is difficult for me to breathe without your love.
Remember me, look around, call!
Assign me a date
In the city of South.
Where winds dried out
According to the rise of the district.
Where the sea captives
seven-color wave
Where the heart did not know
Love unrequited ...
... Assign me a date
Although used for moments,
On the leaf square
Under the buzzy autumn.
It's hard for me to breathe, I pray for salvation ...
At least in my last death hour
Assign me a date in blue eyes.

This poem Mary Petrov loved Anna Akhmatov very much and called him "the best sample of the lyrics of recent years."

The blue eyes, which are in question in the poem, is the eyes of Alexander Fadeev's eyes, who became the last, very strong love for her.

He didn't even give himself to their principles, she was completely surrendered to the surgery feeling.
Painful, forbidden love for a well-known writer who was married ...
In the spring of 1956, the life of Fadeev tragically broke off, he shot himself. For Mary, his care turned out to be irrelevant ...

I just don't hear, not see
Do not know anyone, nothing
I do not think living offend
But how dark and dead here!
Il simply live I'm tired
And wait, and love, not love ...
Everything is over. In the world did not
Think! - It was not you.
Tell me - how to live me how to live me
On this shore?
I can not forget you
And I can not remember.

I can not forget you,
As long as I see the light,
I'll forget there, maybe
Or maybe not.

And maybe the soul's soul
Refresher in silence,
And I will not breathe deeply,
Like eternal sleep in a dream.

On the lifeless shore your
Take me soon
And the beauty of inanimate
From the life of the oppression.

Only at the age of 60, Maria Petrovoy could see and hold his own book in his hands. The only lifetime collection of poetess "Far Tree" came out by the efforts of her Yerevan friends in Armenia.

Maria Petrov in the summer of 1979 died at the age of 71 in Moscow.

Think, what's the point,
That you did not overcome fate
Not embodied to the end
Il as if she was not embodied,
The star dropped rolled,
Will the missing, without a crown?
Do not believe that you are in serving generous
Dispelled how dust under the wind.
Not dust - flower pollen!
Not in vain, everything went out for nothing.
Not in vain, you're not a gift burnt,
Wheel heart warm
Someone else's pain exceeded
Alien heart washed.
Imagine - you are not,
As it were not at all,
But your secret trail glows
In other hearts ... Ile is little -
Live hearts leave the light?

Love, about love, you again, again!
Watching your lips
I will begin to repeat against the desire
Such someone else's name.
About shame! I would need to take your eyes
From the flame of these eyes
And - the strength was not enough. Heart sorry
Thirst tortured us.
For what is uncomfortable,
Is the heart faithful?
Open me: why it
Small Garo Sulna?
For what saint perfume
In Tortsani choking?
For what the heart is correct
How in the underworld?
Why he despair
Midnight voyage
In death,
In the last alienation? ..
You will give everything you
Than the heart is dreaming
Side will pass it
Sigh easily and fun ...
You took away my light and air,
And you want to know - where I take strength,
To breathe to see the sky in the stars,
So as for the work to take in the morning.
Well, I will answer you, cute:
Martured heart alive
Despair suddenly fills force
Despair without edge, endless.
What is this game? ..
No, no words nor tears or forces ...
Can be blown away - I understand
But come, tell me what they sob.
What are these semi-sufficers?
Tenderness sudden do not understand.
Rejecting, it is not necessary to hug.
Isn't it hurt himself?
I always wonder you as a miracle.
Do not find such an environment of people.
I will not forget until death
Merciless pity for your ...
What to do! Soul reincarnated
And away escaped.
I promised something to someone
And everyone deceived.
But I am not on purpose, but it happened,
And life on the outcome.
What to do! The soul from me was redeemed
Walking free.
And where is she wandering? Who met?
What was surprised? ..
And I do not remember the start without it,
The beginning was forgotten.

Describing his Onegin, Pushkin said including himself: in the portrait of the Cyprosen's work at the poet not only a lightweight look, but also quite well-groomed nails. Let's follow the example of the genius and also think about the beauty and health of the nails and fingers.

Animals need claws for hunting and defense. Why do we need nails? The ancient Egyptians believed that for beauty. They were the first to start painting the nails in a bright-scarlet color, symbolizing life. A modern doctor is capable of learn a lot about you, looking at the nails: psoriasis, lung diseases, various infections, anemia, diabetes, and even ORVI, all this can be determined by your nails. One American dermatologist noticed that his patient's nails acquired a blue shade, and this is a signal of lack of oxygen in the body. The doctor immediately advised to check, and the result of the analysis was not surprised too much. The patient discovered the swelling of the lungs. Fortunately, the disease was able to defeat. And who knows how this story would end if the doctor did not look at the patient's nails.

Nails consist of keratin. From it consist of claws and horns, and animal hooves. If you look at the keratin under the microscope, we will see that this protein has a lamellar structure. In the process of growth, the plates adjacent to each other tightly, making it tight. The amount of sulfur from which the nail strength depends is determined genetically. Therefore, if you have fragile nails from nature, strengthen - do not strengthen, but you will not have ideal and living nails. Unless acrylic.

Nails are our armor, but the armor is porous. Two important processes are constantly performed in it: suction and lubrication (literally of the word). Yes, our nails sweat, like the skin, and give, by the way, 12% of the entire skin effusion per day. Nails actively absorb all that on the skin, including water that the skin "does not drink" per day. All that we apply to the nails, the straight is getting inside. What are you "feeding" your nails? Useful oils or toxic varnishes?

How to care for nails?

1. Nails are afraid of water. Long-term contact with moisture softens the nails and makes them defenseless. Refuse to use the pink and scissors immediately after the shower. Otherwise, the nails will become brittle, and it will be more simplicity to cut in time.

2. Nevertheless, without moisturizing can not do. Each evening, apply vegetable oil on the cuticle and the skin around the nails every evening or immediately before bedtime.

3. Wash dishes, wash and make wet cleaning only in protective gloves. Chemicals are a real nail poison.

4. Treat the nails should be carefully, making the scissors strictly horizontal trait. The rounding will lead to an incurred note that will require treatment, and in extreme cases - removal.

5. Refuse a liquid for removing the varnish, in which there is acetone. It will remove not only varnish from the nails, but all the protective fat elements.

6. Refuse the harmful habit of nailing nails: and the nails will be well, and the microbes in the body will not fall.

7. Do not cut off the cuticle - earn panaria. For softening the cuticles, you can move it to the place with an orange stick or a special manicure blade. Manicure tools must be strictly individual!

And finally, think more often about the nail and pay attention to any changes. If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, the nails are reflected in our health.

You can be a solid person / and think about the gran of nails
From the novel in verses "Eugene Onegin" (1823-1831) A. S. Pushkin (1799-1837) (ch. 1, stanza 25):
Be a little man
And think about the gran of nails:
What to argue with the century?
Custom despot between people.

In these rows, the poet described not only Onegin, but also partly himself. It was known about him (and the well-known portrait of the artist O. A. Keysmenovsky, such a visual testimony) that one time he looked very carefully for his nails, and on the little finger, where there was a particularly long and beautiful nail, he left to sleep, even put on Special case, not to break this subject of its special pride.
Citizates: as an answer to reproaches in excessive care about your appearance.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lock-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003.

Watch what is "to be a suitable person / and think about the gran of nails" in other dictionaries:

    In BP. No (except 3 l. Er.: Eating; Book., 3 l. MN: EMS); be, be; Was, it was (with detention: not, was not, was not, were not); I will be, you will be; former; Being; nsv. 1. To exist. I think there are aliens. Here, when it was Troy. * IN … encyclopedic Dictionary

    be - Naz. BP. No (except 3 l. Er.: Eating; Book., 3 l. MN: EMS); Be, bu / shy; Was, it was /, would be / lo. Being to be like not to be, maybe ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Aphorisms can be divided into two categories: Some come across on our eyes, remembered and sometimes used if you wish to shine wisdom, others become an integral part of our speech and transfers to the category of winged phrases. About authorship ... ...

    - (1799 1837) Russian poet, writer. Aphorisms, quotes Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich. Biography to despise the court of people is not difficult, it is impossible to despise the court. The sickness even without evidence leaves the Eternal Tracks. Critics ... ... Summary encyclopedia of aphorisms

    Beauty, beauty, wives. 1. Only units. Beauty (poet. Standard). "Being a suitable man and think about the glory of nails." Pushkin. 2. Decoration, what is the glory, decorating anything else (book. Say.). "Young hail, full-known countries of Kras and Divo." ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    Allegorically about the strength of the habit, established traditions, etc. (Iron). See you can be a suitable person / and think about the glory of nails. Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. M.: "Lockid Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions

Standards of men's beauty are no less stringent than women. And if in the XVII century and early XVIII in fashion were powdered handsome hands in wigs and from Zabo, then by the end of the XVIII and the beginning of the XIX century, the bayronic type - a young man with letters and an open gate of the shirt. Meanwhile, the thoughtful eyes were perfectly combined with silent pieces and closed babenbards. The men of the XIX century dressed up and followed the men of the XIX century, and which of the friends of Pushkin was considered the ideal of beauty, Ekaterina Astafieva will tell.

Pushkin's join

The XIX century brought with them to Russia the fashion for two, it would seem incompatible style. The Military Campaign 1805 and the Patriotic War of 1812 made a popular image of Brava Gusar, such a Cutles and Lovelace. Excellent example of a handsome-military man - Evgraf Davydov with a portrait of the Cyprian. Curious hair, thick bundlebards, a mustache embroidered by Golden Jacket-Doloman, narrow checcchira rates - any young lady dreamed about such a young man.

As opposed to Militari, the style of "Dandy" entered the fashion. Here we, of course, remember Evgeny Onegin, who "like Dandy London is dressed." How did the Russian English cut look like?

At first, he needed to wear a snow-white shirt with a starchy stand collar, a tie was relied on top of her - a scarf, which was told by a beautiful knot or bow. The ends of the header were hidden under the vest, which could be single-breasted or double-breasted, striped or in the speck. According to the principle of "all the best put on right away", some scoists wore several vests. Feet focused on narrow rates to the knees. On holidays, men were knitted into stockings and shoes, and high boots were attached to the "Luka" every day. In the 30s, pants appeared, reminiscent of modern. Frak collected a suit in a single whole - he became truly universal clothes, which was worn and in the feast, and into the world, and in good people. Because of the high costs for solemn techniques, Fraki often took a hire. Cylinder-Bolivar and cane completed.


The first European dandy consider George Brammela. This Sibarita and Kutil nicknamed "handsome brammel". In addition to fashion on shirt and imprisoners, he made popular new care elements. Brammel was regularly worn and triturated the body with a rough brush from the horse's hair.

From him heavened a new style Georg IV, who rushed to imitate all the remaining mods of Europe. Lord Byron, another famous Dandy, a truly cult person for the Russian aristocrats of Pushkinsky times, called only 3 great people among the contemporaries: Napoleon, Brammla and himself.

About Gras Nail

Men in the time of Pushkin enjoyed nail care. "Grooms, steel saws, straight scissors, curves and brushes of thirty childbirth and for nails and for teeth," Evgeny Onegin possessed such an impressive arsenal.

The poet itself had beautiful long nails, which can be seen, for example, in the portrait of the Cypros. At the same time, one nail on the Mizinz was longer than the rest. Pushkin was so afraid to break him, which was often put in front of a dreaming a special thimble. This fashion for a long nail on the Mizinz was associated with popular in Russia of the Masonic Lodies, in one of which Pushkin himself was not long. There was no special meaning in a long nail - most likely, free bricklayers simply recognized each other on him. And sometimes the letters were printed when there was no knife at hand.

Perfume and lipstick in the men's arsenal

In Nessenter (or simply a cosmetic) of each respectful dandy necessarily was a place for lipstick. Of course, she was painted at all her lips, but the hair was "alone", laying them with dick curls and giving shine. At that time, lipstick was often made from bearish fat. Perfumes were attached to the laying tool, which at the beginning of the XIX century were not yet shared on men and women.

At the beginning of the century, there are hardly the most popular fragrance, which were associated with Eastern Exotic. True, the perfume was not applied to the skin, but on gloves and scarves. In fashion was "Cologne water", which Napoleon especially loved.

As can be seen, Evgeny Onegin was the standard of the real shoe. Among the Lyceum Friends of Pushkin, the nickname "Frant" was worn by Alexander Gorchakov, the future "Russian Iron Chancellor". A real handsome was considered a close friend of the poet Ivan Pushchin. A brilliant cavalryman, a man of exceptional moral qualities - the Pushkin was a favorite of women. The poet's the poet was never considered a handsome, but many noted the originality of his damn face and burning eye expression.

You can be a solid person / and think about the gran of nails
From the novel in verses "Eugene Onegin" (1823-1831) A. S. Pushkin (1799-1837) (ch. 1, stanza 25):
Be a little man
And think about the gran of nails:
What to argue with the century?
Custom despot between people.

In these rows, the poet described not only Onegin, but also partly himself. It was known about him (and the well-known portrait of the artist O. A. Keysmenovsky, such a visual testimony) that one time he looked very carefully for his nails, and on the little finger, where there was a particularly long and beautiful nail, he left to sleep, even put on Special case, not to break this subject of its special pride.
Citizates: as an answer to reproaches in excessive care about your appearance.

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  • - From the cartoon "Thumbelina". Director L. Amalric, scenario of the playwright Nikolai Robertovich Erdman. ° in the cartoon: "Well, you caught a chance, you can now sleep. Well, they slept ...

    Dictionary of winged words and expressions

  • - Absolutely, to perfection, until the end of the CP. Do not approve! Honesty Yaraya defeated nails. Nekrasov. Philanthropist. Cf. These days I completely changed, the whole to the end of the nails ... Dostoevsky. Humiliated and offended. 3, 2 ...
  • - cf. Where is your fucking dark, now laughs to whom? Eh, loneliness round, do not ask for anyone! Nekrasov. Cf. Il Bruno Il Bel non Toglia Torquato Tasso. Gerusalemme Liberata. 12, 21. Wed Disthery Jerusalem! Chern I, but beautiful .....

    Mikhilson's intelligent-phrase dictionary

  • - darkness of redness is not pomach. Cf. Gdѣ Your lichko darkly, now comes to whom? Eh, loneliness round, do not ask for anyone! Nekrasov. Cf. Il Bruno Il Bel non Toglia Torquato Tasso. Gerusalemme Liberata. 12, 21 ...

    The intelligent-phraseological dictionary of Michelson (Orig. ORF)

  • - Iron. In extremely unsightly form. - Father demanded that I rode with him. We had a conversation - they showed themselves in all their glory - he and I ...

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  • - From the "West Eastern Sofa" of the German scientist and writer Johann Wolfgang / E / WE. The meaning of the expression: not to retreat before difficulties, to behave adequately, not to lower his hands in the fight against anything ...

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  • - Review. Iron. In unsightly form. FSER, 211 ...
  • - What. Krasnoyar. About large quantities SRNG 15, 171 ...

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  • - in all its height, in all the height, in its true form, such as is, in all its glory, naked, without embellishment, unconfolded, in everything ...

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