Buried alive. Scientists: dead people really revive a day after death at the funeral

Buried alive. Scientists: dead people really revive a day after death at the funeral
Buried alive. Scientists: dead people really revive a day after death at the funeral

), where the main character comes to itself and discovers that it is buried alive in a wooden box, where oxygen gradually ends. The situation is hardly inventing the situation. And those who watched this film will fully agree with this.

Frame from k / f "buried alive", director Rodrigo Cortes.

So let's consider some simple rules that would help you survive, you get into a similar situation. I want to hope that any of us would never happen, but it is worth remembering several rules and hope only.
  1. Do not waste air. In the classic coffin, air stock - for an hour, maximum two. Inhale deeply, slowly exhale. Inspoping, do not swallow, it causes hyperventilation. Do not burn matches or lighter, it takes oxygen, but the flashlight does not take place. Do not shout: Creek enhances panic, palpitis and breathing are rapidly, and therefore air flow.
  2. Break the cover with your hands; In the cheapest coffins from the fiberboard, you can even make a hole (wedding ring, belt buckle ...)
  3. Cross your hands on the chest, grabbing the shoulders palms and pull off your shirt up to the knot over her head; Hanging the bag on your head, she will protect you from suffocation when entering the face of the earth.
  4. Squeeze the cover with your feet. Cheap coffins have time to break under the weight of the earth immediately after they are burned!
  5. As soon as the cover breaks, direct the Earth from the head to the legs, when the places become a little, try to press the earth to press the land in different directions.
  6. By all means try to sit down, the Earth will fill an empty place and will shift in your favor, do not stop and continue to breathe calmly.
  7. Get up!
And remember the main thing: the land in a fresh grave is always loose and "fight it relatively easily", it is much more difficult to get out during the rain: wet earth is denser and harder. The same can be said about clay.

Buried alcohol

It is not by chance that almost all peoples are taken to conduct the burial ceremony not immediately, but after a certain number of days after death. There were many cases when "dead", and there were such cases at the funeral, and there were such cases when they wake up inside the coffin. Since ancient times, a man was afraid to be buried alive. Tafophobia - fear of being buried alive is observed in many people. It is believed that this is one of the basic phobias of the human psyche. The intentional burial of the person alive by the laws of the Russian Federation is considered a murder committed with particular cruelty and punishable.

Monsive death

The lethargy is an unexplored painful state, which is similar to the usual dream. Signs of death in ancient times were considered the absence of breathing and cessation of heartbeat. However, in the absence of modern equipment it was difficult to determine where the imaginary death, and where is real. Now there are practically no cases of funerals of living people, but a couple of centuries ago it was a fairly common phenomenon. Lethargy dream usually lasts from several hours to several weeks. But there are cases when lethargy lasted months. From coma lethargic sleep is characterized by the fact that the human body supports the vital functions of the organs and is not under the threat of death. There are many examples of lethargic sleep and related moments in the literature, but they do not always have a scientific justification and are often inventions. Thus, the scientific fantastic novel of Herbert Wells "When Sleeping Warn" talks about a person, "I slept" 200 years. This is definitely impossible.

Scary awakening

Stories when people plunged into a state of lethargic sleep, quite a lot, let's stop at the most interesting. In 1773, a terrible incident occurred in Germany: after the grave of a pregnant girl, incomprehensible sounds began to be coming from her grave. It was decided to break the grave and all who was at the same time were shocked from what he saw. As it turned out, the girl began to give birth and came out of the state of lethargic sleep. She was able to give birth in such close conditions, but due to the lack of oxygen, neither the baby nor his mother was so survived.

Premature burial, Antoine Virz (1806-1865).

Another story, but not so terrible, occurred in England in 1838. One official was always afraid to be buried alive and, as it was called, his fear materialized. Dear man woke up in a coffin and began to shout. At that moment, a young man was held on the cemetery, who, having heard the voice of a man, ran to help. When the coffin was dug and open, people saw the dead man with a frozen grimace. The victim died a few minutes before salvation. Doctors diagnosed him to stop the heart, a person could not withstand such a terrible awakening to reality.

There were people who perfectly understood what a lethargy dream was and what to do if such a misfortune would overtake them. For example, the English playwright of Willow Collins was afraid that he was buried during his lifetime. Near his bed always lay a note, which stated about the measures to be taken before His burial.

Method of execution

As a method of the death penalty, the burial was used alive by the ancient Romans. For example, if the girl violated Vets of virginity, her buried alive. Such an execution technique was used for many Christian martyrs. In the twentieth century, the princess Olga gave the order alive to bury the Treated ambassadors. In the era of the Middle Ages, the fate of people buried alive was waiting in the territory of the unrevious killers. Zaporizhzhya Cossacks buried the killer alive in a coffin with that man he had deprived of life. In addition, the foresters through the burial were used alive by the Germans during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Such a terrible method of the Nazis executed the Jews.

Ritual burials

It is worth noting that there are cases when people in their will turn out to be buried alive. So, in certain nationalities of South America, Africa and Siberia, there is a rite, in which people burn the shaman of their villages alive. It is believed that at the ritual "Pseudoprochor", the namesman receives a gift to communicate with the souls of the dead ancestors.

19-year-old Angelo Hays (Angelo Hays) tragically died in a motorcycle accident in 1937. Rather, everyone thought. He crashed into a brick wall head. The insurance agent had certain doubts about the death of a young motorcyclist. Two days after the funeral, the body of a young man was exhumed.

Angelo was alive. He fell into someone - this is exactly what helped him to survive a monstrous test. The body consumed less oxygen. After the rehabilitation, Heis told the story of his imprisonment in the coffin. He became a French celebrity and even invented a special coffin equipped with a radio transmitter, a margin of food, a library and a chemical toilet in case someone repeat his fate.

Woke up in morgue


In 1993, Saifo William Mdletshe (Sipho William Mdletshe), together with his bride, got into a monstrous car accident. His damage was such heavy that he was taken for the dead, delivered to the morgue of Johannesburg and put in a metal container - to expect a funeral.

The man woke up after two days and discovered himself locked in the dark. His screams attracted the attention of the staff, and the man was released.
The relationship with the bride did not manage to restore - she was convinced that her former groom was now zombies and pursue her.

Old woman in bag for corpses

In 1994, 86-year-old Mildred Clark (Mildred Clarke) found in their own living room. She did not breathe, and her heart did not beat. The old woman was placed in a bag for corpses, planning to deliver the body into the morgue.

After 90 minutes, she woke up, shocked and frightening the morgue staff to Icotes. A woman lived another week before the truly conquer. We believe that this time the doctors paid more time to check.

Kid spent 8 days underground

In 2015, a pair in China was born a baby with a cleft sky. The guy and the girl were not ready for the child "with problems", rented and decided to get rid of an unwanted child in any way. So, they put it in a cardboard box and buried in a shallow grave in a cemetery.

Lu Fenglyan collected herbs in the vicinity of the cemetery and heard the crying ending from under the ground. By the time eight days have passed. She excavated the grave and found a baby there, which survived only due to the fact that the cardboard passed air and water. Unfortunately, for the lack of evidence, they did not succeed to arrest a couple - the parents of the baby argued that their own parents wanted to kill their sons. Nobody believed, but failed to prove the involvement of parents.

Official got out of the grave

A woman who visited the burial of relatives in 2013 in a small Brazilian town, suddenly saw a man ... who was chosen from the grave. His head and hands were free, but he could not pull out the lower part of the body from under the ground. The witness of the start of the zombie apocalypse led the workers to help a man to free themselves. They turned out to be an employee of the city council.

Before burning a poor fellow, he was badly beaten, so he did not even remember how he was buried (probably, and for the better).

Record: 61 day underground

In 1968, Mike Mini (Mike Meaney) broke the world record established by the American Digger O'Delle (who stayed under the ground 45 days). Mini allowed himself to bury himself in a coffin, where there were air holes with access to food and water, as well as a telephone.

After 61 days, the mini emerged from under the ground exhausted, but in a good physical form.

The wizard is barely died

The British "Wizard" Antony Britton (Antony Britton) presumptuously declared that he was able to repeat the feat of Harry Hudini, but instead of wonderful salvation almost died right under the ground. Britton insisted so that he was handcuffed and buried in raw loose land.

Despite the careful preparation that took 14 months, Britton was not ready for the real weight of the Earth. "I almost died," said Gudini, "I was literally a few seconds from death. It was scary. The tillage pressure literally collapsed on me. Despite the fact that I found the air bag, the Earth fell and poured on me. I almost lost consciousness and could not do anything. "

Indian girl saved in the field

In 2014, in North India, the spouses asked their neighbors to spend a little daughter at the fair, where she really wanted to get. And instead found itself in the grave. Neighbors took the baby in the field, where they dug the pit, and threw a girl there.

Fortunately, the scuffle noticed several people and, when a man and a woman came out of sugar cane without a child, witnesses were frightened and hurried to check where the baby was doing.

Fortunately, the girl almost immediately lost consciousness and did not remember anything about the tragedy.

Imagine a moment the terrible situation in which you wake up in a coffin for a couple of meters underground. You are there in a complete darkness, where in the grave silence, choking on the fear and lack of air cry from horror, but no one will hear screams. The buried alive, the phenomenon known as the buried premature, seems to be a terrible thing, from those that can happen to a person.

The fear of being buried alive and wake up in a coffin called tafophobia. Nowadays, this is an extremely exceptional case (if any), but the prospect of getting alive in the grave, the society of previous eras has turned into a greater and popular horror wave. And the reason for fear of people was.

Until that time, the standard medical procedures appeared, some people mistakenly recognized dead. They probably were in a coma or lethargic sleep, and were still buried alive. Later, this frightening fact was detected for various reasons for body exhumation.

The buried alive tried to leave the grave.

Probably the first fixed episode is Scottish philosopher John Dance Cattle (1266-1308). At some point, after his death, the grave was opened, and people in fright shook aside, seeing the corpse half off the coffin.

The hands of the dead man were bloody from attempts to escape from the place of eternal rest (to the Word, such stories gave rise to rumors about). The philosopher did not have enough air to reach the surface and return to the world of living.

Blood fingers are a common sign of buried alive. Often, when the coffins were discovered after someone's "death", the body was found in a curved position with scratches throughout the coffin, as well as broken nails in an unsuccessful attempt to escape from the grave.

However, not all buried alive were an accident error. For example, the premises of living people in the grave was a rating method of execution in China and "Red Khmers".

One of the legends reports that in the 6th century the monk, now known as the Holy Oran, the volunteer was buried alive as a sacrifice to ensure the successful construction of the church on the island of the Scottish coast.

The funeral was held, and after the time of the coffin was taken out of the grave, freeding barely alive orans. The distraught monk reported the sad news for the whole Christian society: the afterlife had no hell or sky.

Special coffins from tafophobia.

Fear is a good product, we decided businessmen and taking advantage of the phobia to the market special coffins. The concept of a "safe coffin" was developed, designed to calm the fear of being buried alive. A lot of expensive and "expressive" coffins with bells appeared on the market.

In 1791, a certain minister was buried in a coffin with a glass window, which allowed the cemetery watchman to check and see that the minister would not ask for home. Another design consisted of a coffin with air trumpets and keys to the coffin and the tomb in the case, if the crowned need to get out of the grave.

The coffin of the 18th century had a string, with the help of which it was possible to call the bell or raise the flag above the Earth, if the buried man was in the grave by chance.

Coffins with rescue instrumentaries significantly improved in the 1990s.

For example, a patent for the construction of a coffin with alarm, lighting and medical equipment was presented. Amazing design should keep a person alive with good comfort while the body is digging. True there were no messages that buried using a safe coffin.

The theme of premature burial is not limited to the sphere of medical or commercial activities. As a result of the widespread fear in 1844, the history of Edgar Allan software appeared. The story of the author was about a person suffering from deep tafophobia as a result of a cataleptic state. He worried that people would consider him dead during one of the attacks and buried the unfortunate alive.

The fear of being buried alive had a deep influence on society. There are many films with wokeering in the grave. Some reflected the ideas of Edgar about this. Even today, reading 100 years of work pursues a shiver on the back, when you read detailed descriptions of unfortunate victims, desperately trying to find a way out of coffins.

Cases buried alive.

For the following three people, a safe coffin could definitely be extremely useful. These are real stories alive by buried people who woke up in their graves. True, only one of them was lucky to return to people.

Angelo Hakes "A famous French inventor and a fan to drive on a motorcycle, spent two days in the grave, being a living dead (in 1937). Angelo was reset from the motorcycle when hitting the border and hit his head very much about the brick wall.

At the age of 19, he was declared dead from an extensive head injury. His face was so worried that parents could not see the Son. The doctor announced Angelo Hayis dead, and thus he was buried.

However, the problem of the insurance policy arose, and the insurance company agents having some suspicions requested body exhumation two days after the funeral. As soon as the body was exemed and freed from funeral clothing, then Hakes discovered warm with a weak heartbeat. After the wonderful "resurrection" and complete recovery, Angelo became the celebrity of France, to talk with whom people came from all over the country.

Virginia McDonald - New York (Case 1851)
After prolonged disease, Virginia McDonald surrendered to the disease and quietly died. She was buried in the Greenwood Cemetery in Brooklyn. However, Virginia's mother insisted that her daughter did not die. Relatives tried to console her mother and called on to accept the loss, but the woman was firm in his conviction.

Finally, the family agreed to exhumage the body and show the dead body of the mother. When the top cover was removed from the coffin, then the horror of what happened - the body of Virginia lay on his side. The girls's hands were amazed in the blood, showing signs of Wirginia's fight McDonald to get out of the coffin! She really was alive when she was buried.

Mary Nora - Calcutta (17th century).
Seventeen-year-old Mary Nora Best succumbed to the outbreak of cholera. Because of the heat and spread of the disease, the family decided to bury a dead girl quickly. The doctor signed a death certificate, and the closest put the body into the Earth on the old French cemetery. She was buried in a pine coffin, leaving the body of the earth for a decade, although some had questions about her death.

Ten years later, the family tomb was revealed to put the body of the deceased brother in the crypt. At this sad moment, it turned out that the coffin cover of Mary was very damaged - literally washed. The skeleton himself lay half-elected from the coffin. Later it was believed that the doctor who signed the certificate of death actually poisoned the girl, also trying to kill her mother.

These are wild cases of death, but for each of them, there are many other people who were found dead in their graves, trying to escape from the coffin. A terrible thing, but probably there are still poor souls who woke up in the coffins tried to leave the grave, but were not discovered.

Probably, each of us remembers from school times frightening stories of teachers of literature on the buried alive of Gogol, who suffered from periodic impositions in lethargic sleep.

And around this terrible story, there were so many mysteries, rumors and other unpleasants, which is unknown to the end, whether it was true, or the historians were slightly embarrassed. But today we will tell you far from the sad fate of Gogol. We will tell you the real stories of people who experienced the whole horror of a closed space under the coffin cover. No one wants this. Terribly, not the word!

1. Octavia Smith Hatcher

At the end of the 19th century, an outbreak of an unknown disease occurred in Kentucky, which took many lives. But the most tragic case occurred with Octavia Hatcher. Her little son Jacob died in January 1891 for an unknown reason. Then Octavia fell into depression, spending all his time in bed in a lying position. There was time, but the depressive state was only aggravated, and, in the end, Octavia fell into someone. On May 2, 1891, doctors officially recognized her dead, without specifying the cause of death.

At that time, embarrassment was not practiced, so Octavia quickly buried at the local cemetery due to the exhausting heat. Only a week after the funeral in the city, the outbreak of all the same unknown disease was recorded, and many citizens fell into someone. But with one difference - after some time they woke up. Oktavia's husband began to fear the worst and worried that he buried his wife too early when she was still breathing. He achieved exhumation of the body, and his fears were confirmed. The top cover of the coffin was made of grazing, and the fabric is torn in a flush. Octavia's fingers were sharpened and soda, and the face twisted from horror. A poor woman died in consciousness in a coffin on a multi-meter depth.

Oktavia's husband reburied his wife and elevated a majestic monument over her grave, preserved until now. Later, the doctors suggested that such a comatose state was caused by the bite of Fly Tsetz and is known as a sleepy disease.

2. Mina El Huari

When a person goes on a date, he always thinks about what everything can end. Being ready for surprises - great, but no one is preparing to be buried alive. A similar story occurred in May 2014 with Mina El Huari from France. A 25-year-old girl led an Internet correspondence with his beloved for a long month before decided to go to him in Morocco for a personal meeting. She arrived at the hotel in Fes on May 19 to meet with a man of her dreams, but she was not destined to fulfill his plans.

Mina, of course, met with the beloved, but suddenly it became bad, and she lost consciousness. A young man instead of calling the police or ambulance, accepted a hasty decision to get lost his beloved in a small grave in the garden. The problem was only that Mina did not really die. As it often happens, the mines had a non-diagnosed diabetes, causing the attacks of a diabetic coma. A few days passed before her family filed a daughter's disappearance statement. They flew to Morocco to try to find it.

Moroccan police launched a griege and broke into his house. They found perepanny clothes and a shovel used, and then discovered terrifying burial in the garden. A man confessed his crime and was convicted of disaster murder.

3. Mrs. Bohar

In July 1893, a tragedy occurred in the Charles Boer's family: his hot beloved wife Mrs. Bojer died suddenly for an unknown reason. Doctors confirmed her death, so the burial has passed very quickly. This could be put in this story if a friend of Charles did not tell him that before his acquaintance with him, Mrs. Bojer suffered from hysteria. And it could be the cause of her sudden "death."

The obsessive thought about the lively burial of the wife did not leave Charles, and he asked his friends to help him exhum the body. The fact that Charles saw in a coffin, plunged him in shock. The body of Mrs. Bojer was turned face down. Her clothes were torn in a flush, the glass cover of the coffin is broken, and the fragments are scattered throughout the body. The skin was bloody and covered with scratches, and their fingers were completely absent. Presumably, Mrs. Bojer grew his fingers in their hysterical seizure, trying to free himself. What happened then with Charles Bojer is unknown.

4. Angelo Hakes

Some of the worst stories of preterm burials those in which the buried victim miraculously manage to survive. So happened to Angela Hase. In 1937, the carefree 19-year-old guy Angelo rode on his motorcycle. Suddenly, he lost control and crashed into a brick wall, hitting his head.

The guy was buried 3 days after the accident. If there were no suspicion of the insurance company, then no one would know this truth. A few weeks before the accident, the father of Angelo insured his son's life for 200,000 pounds. The insurance company filed a complaint, and the inspector began investigating.

The inspector exhumed the Angelo body to establish the real cause of the boy's death. And what was the surprise of the inspector and doctors, when, under Savan, they found a warm body of a boy with a barely distinguishable heartbeat. At the same time, Angelo was taken to the hospital, there were several operations and the necessary resuscitation actions to put a guy on their feet. All this time, Angelo was unconscious due to serious head injury. After the course of rehabilitation, the boy began to produce coffins, of which it would be easy to get into the case of premature burial. He toured with his invention and became a kind of celebrity of France.

5. Mr. Kornish

Kornish was the favorite mayor of the city of Bat, who deceased from the fever 80 years before the work of the work of the female. As it was taken at the time, the body of the deceased quickly burned down. When a graveer almost finished his work, he decided to rest a little and drink with acquaintances passing by. While they talked, suddenly there were heart-ridewater moans, which came out of the newly filled grave.

The graveman realized that he had buried his man alive and tried to save him before the coffin would end the oxygen stock. But by the time the graveer dug off the coffin from the thickness of the soil was too late. The elbows and knees of Mr. Kornish were sharpened and erased. This story scared scared sister of Cornish, so she asked to be decapitated after death, so that she was not adding to the same fate.

6. Survivor 6-year-old child

The very idea of \u200b\u200bpremature burial seems terrible, not to mention the burial of another living child. In August 2014, a small 6-year-old girl fell into such a situation in the small Indian village of Uttar Pratas. According to Uncle Girls, a neighbor married couple told the child that her mother asked to bring a girl to the next village to the fair. On the path, the couple for an unknown reason decided to suffer a girl and immediately bury.

Fortunately, the locals who worked in the field at that time were suspected of a non-labeled when the pair came out of the thickets without a child. They found the place where the girlfriend was discovered in a shallow grave. The girl was immediately taken to the hospital, where she, thanks to the miracle, woke up and was able to tell about his kidnappers.

The girl did not remember that he was buried alive. Police unknown reasons why the couple wanted to kill the child. Moreover, the suspects are still not caught. Huge happiness that this story did not end the tragedy.

7. Healthily buried in his own will

Humanity knows cases when people tried to deceive fate and even challenge her. Today it is even possible to acquire benefits on practical actions that will help get out of the grave if you were buried alive.

Moreover, many people love to touch their nerves, believing that after that they will be happy until the end of their days. In 2011, a 35-year-old Russian man decided to play with death, but tragically died.

Asking help from a friend, a man drew himself a grave outside Blagoveshchensk, where he placed the homemade coffin, a piece of a tap pipe, a bottle of water and a mobile phone.

After the man lay down in the coffin, his friend threw the coffin of the earth and left. A few hours later the buried friend called and said that he feels great. But when a friend returned in the morning, he discovered a corpse into the grave. It was probably at night she was raining, which blocked oxygen access, and the man just suffocated. Despite the tragity of the situation, in Russia one time there was a popular "entertainment", and it is not known how many people died in this way.

8. Lawrence of S.

There are many stories about premature burials that seem no more than the legend in which it is difficult to believe. This is the story of the London Butcher named Louurenz, who was fatally sick in 1661. The owner of the land plot, where Lawrence worked, expecting his earliest death because of the big inheritance she wanted to get. She put the maximum effort to be recognized as dead and quickly burned in a small chapel.

After the funeral, the mourners heard screech and moans from the newly buried grave. They rushed to break the grave of Kotor, but it was too late. Louurenz's clothes were wasporn, the eyes are swollen, and the head is bloody. A woman was accused of a person's intentional murder, and the story has long been transmitted from generation to generation for a long time.

9. Sifo William Mdletche

In 1993, a 24-year-old South African guy and his bride fell into a serious automotive accident. His bride survived, and Sifo, who received extensive injuries, was recognized as dead. The guy's body was taken to the morgue of Johannesburg, where they were placed in a metal container for burial. But in fact, Sifo was not dead, he was only unconscious. Two days later, he woke up in imprisonment. Having confused, he began to shout about help.

Fortunately, the workers of the morgue were nearby and were able to help the guy get out of imprisonment. Completing from the horror of the death chamber, Sipho went to his bride. But she decided that Sifo - Zombies, and drove it. Not only is the guy was buried alive, so also the girl rejected him. Not lucky poorhage ((

10. Stephen Small

In 1987, the rich heir to Media Corporation Stephen Small was abducted and buried alive in a homemade coffin near the town of Kankaki. The 30-year-old Denny Edvars and the 26-year-old Nancy Rish planned to kidnap Stephen, bury under the ground and demand a ransom of $ 1 million from relatives. The kidnappers took care of the minimum needs of Stephen in the air, water and light with pipes. But despite this, the man suffocated.

The police managed to find Mr. Smallla on his burgundy Mercedes, which was left next to the burial site. Despite the fact that Denny and Nancy condemned, a long time was the discussion about whether it was deliberate murder or not. In any case, this crime is terrible, and the kidnappers will spend another 27 long years behind bars.

Legends are connected with him, novels write about him. Probably it is difficult to find some other phenomenon with which there are so many prejudices and superstitions. The correct idea of \u200b\u200bthe lethargic dream should be at least just to expand the horizons.

Lethargic sleep or lethargy (oblivion, inaction) is a state of pathological (painful) sleep with a more or less expressed weakening of all manifestations of life, including immobilization, a significant reduction in exchange, weakening or absence of a reaction to sound and pain irritants, as well as Touch. A lethargic sleep occurs during hysteria, general exhaustion, after strong unrest. The changes occurring in the human body with a lethargic dream are not studied.

Myths about lethargic sleep

Myths about the burdens' alignment, which are in lethargic sleep, go from the depths of the centuries and have a certain soil. Once in the scleips and underground found dead people with torn Savanov, and broken into the blood with their hands who tried to escape from coffins. Sometimes it was lucky with such people, and they were saved by the cemetery thieves who ignited the graves to scroll through the dead man, or simply passing people who heard the noise from the grave (if, of course, they were not running out in horror). In England, for many years there is a law (it is also valid today), according to which there should be a bell in all the morgues to be a rope to help to help.

It is known that Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol was very afraid of being buried alive and therefore asked his loved ones to bury him only when the explicit signs of body decomposition appear. However, in May 1931, during the liquidation of the cemetery of the Danilov Monastery in Moscow, at which the great writer was buried, with exhumation, it was found that the Skull of Gogol was turned on the side, and the upholstery of the coffin was rejected.

The case with the famous Italian poet of the XIV century Petrarch would be exactly the same, but he ended well. At 40, Petraka is seriously ill and "died", and when he began to bury, he woke up and said that he feels great.

What does a person look like in a lethargic sleep

In heavy, rarely encountered manifestations of lethargy, there is really a picture of imaginary death: the skin is cold and pale, pupils almost do not react to light, breathing and pulse is difficult to detect, blood pressure is lowered, strong pain irritations do not cause reactions. For several days, patients do not drink, do not eat, the separation of urine and feces ceases, the weight loss and dehydration occurs.

In light cases of lethargy there is immobility, muscle relaxation, even breathing, sometimes shuddering the eyelids, rolling the eyeballs. The possibility of swallowing is preserved, in response to irritation, chewing and swallowing movements follow. Perception of the surrounding can be partially saved.

The attacks of lethargy are suddenly beginning and suddenly end. There are cases with precursors of lethargic sleep, as well as with impairment of well-being and behavior after awakening.

The duration of lethargic sleep is from several hours to several days and even weeks. Separate observations of many years of lethargic sleep with the persistent ability of food intake and the departure of physiological acts are described. Danger to life lethargy does not represent.

Lethargic sleep in forensic

With severe cases of lethargy, especially in forensic practice, when examining the corpse at the scene, the question arises to establish the reliability of death. In this case, with suspected lethargy, the patient urgently goes to the hospital.

The question of the danger of burial alive of people in the state of lethargy, has long lost its importance, since the burial is usually carried out after 1-2 days after death, when reliable pipe phenomena (signs of decomposition) are already well expressed.

Along with the cases of true lethargy, there are also cases of its simulation (usually in order to hide the crime or its consequences). In this case, the person is monitored in the hospital. To simulate the symptoms of lethargy is very difficult.

Help with lethargic sleep

The treatment of lethargic sleep is peace, clean air rich in food vitamins. If it is impossible to feed such a patient food can be administered in a liquid and semi-liquid form through the probe. Intravenously can be administered salts and glucose solutions. A man in a state of lethargic sleep requires careful care, otherwise the breakdown will begin on the body with a long stay, infection will join, the condition will sharply complicate.