Somerset Moem "The burden of human passions."

Somerset Moem "The burden of human passions."
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"The burden of human passions" (eng. Of Human Bondage.) - one of the most famous novels english writer William Somerset Moem, written in 1915. The main character books - Philip Carey, Chrome orphan, whose fate can be traced from unhappy childhood to student years. Philip is painfully looking for his calling and is trying to figure out what the meaning of life consists. He will have to experience a lot of disappointments and part with many illusions before he is able to find his answer to this question.


The first chapters are devoted to the lives of Philip in Blackster from uncle and aunt and study at the Royal School in Terkenbury, where Philip suffers a lot of bullying because of his lame leg. Relatives are calculated that after graduation, Philip will go to Oxford and will take spiritualHowever, the young man feels that he has no real calling for this. Instead, he goes to Heidelberg (Germany), where Latin teaches, German and French.

During his stay in Germany, Philip gets acquainted with the Englishman Hayord. Philip immediately penetrates sympathy to his new acquaintance, he cannot but admire the extensive knowledge of Heyuord in literature and art. However, the ardent idealism of Heyuord does not fit Philip: "He always faithfully loved life and experience suggested him that idealism is most often a cowardly escape from life. The idealist goes into my senses, because the pressure of the human crowd is afraid; He does not have enough strength to fight, and therefore he considers it a lesson for mobile; He was vain, and since the neighbor do not agree with his assessment of himself, he is comforting by paying them as contempt. " Another buddy Philip, Whims, characterizes people like Heiuord: "They are always admired by what it is customary to admire - whatever it is - and the other day they are going to write a great work. It is only a hundred forty-seven great works in the soul of a hundred forty-seven great husbands, but the tragedy is that none of these hundred and forty-seven great works will be written. And in the world, nothing changes. "

In Heidelberg, Philip ceases to believe in God, experiencing an extraordinary soulful lifting and realizes that thereby dropped a serious burden of responsibility that attached significance to each his act. Philip feels mature, fearless, free and decides to start a new life.

After that, Philip takes an attempt to become a jurry accountant in London, but it turns out that this profession is not for him. Then the young man decides to go to Paris and engage in painting. New acquaintances involved with him in the Amitrino Art Studio, introduce him to the leading bohemian lifestyle by the poet Kronschow. Kronschow - Hayord Antipode, Cynic and Materialist. He roses Philip for the fact that he refused the Christian faith, without paying together with her and Christian morality. "People seek only one to enjoy in life," he says. - a person commits one or another act because he is good from it, and if it is good and other people, a person is considered virtuous; If he is pleased to serve alms, he is considered to be merciful; If he is pleased to help others, he is a benefactor; If he is pleased to give strength to society, he is a useful member of him; But you give two pensions to your personal satisfaction, as well as I drink whiskey whiskey for my personal satisfaction. " The desperate Philip asks what was the meaning of life then, and the poet consists of looking at Persian carpets and refuses further explanation.

Philip is not ready to adopt the philosophy of the Krombou, however, he agrees with the poet that there is no abstract morality, and it refuses it: "Down with the legal ideas about virtue and vice, about good and evil - he himself will establish life rules for himself." Philip gives himself advice: "Follow your natural inclination, but with a duly loaf by a policeman around the corner." (Who did not read the book, it may seem wildness, but it should be borne in mind that the natural inclination of Philip fully comply with generally accepted standards).

Soon Philip understands that the great artist will not be released from it, and enters the medical institute at the Hospital of St. Luke in London. He meets the waitress Mildred and falls in love with her, despite the fact that he sees all its flaws: she is ugly, vulgar and stupid. Passion forces Philip to go to incredible humiliation, to silence money and come delight from the slightest mark of attention from Mildred. Soon, she, as expected, goes to another person, but after a while he returns to Philip: it turned out that her bold was married. Philip immediately breaks contact with the good, noble and non-merging girl Naore Nesbitt, from whom he met shortly after parting with Mildred, and repeats all his mistakes for the second time. In the end, Mildred suddenly falls in love with His Institution Comrade Griffiths and throws unfortunate Philip.

Philip is in confusion: the philosophy, which he invented him for himself, showed her complete failure. Philip is convinced that the intellect cannot seriously help people in a critical moment of life, the mind is only a contemplator, registering facts, but powerless intervening. When the time comes to act, a person is powerless inclined under the burden of his instincts, passions and God knows what. It gradually leads Philip to fatalism: "Having removed his head, they don't cry through the hair, because all the forces were aimed at removing this head."

After some time, Philip meets Mildred for the third time. He no longer feels for her former passion, but still experiencing some detailed attraction to this woman and spends a bunch of money on her. To top it all, he ruins on the stock exchange, loses his savings, throws a medical institute and is arranged to work in a manufactory shop. But it was then that Philip solves the riddle of the Krombou and finds the strength to abandon the last illusion, reset the last burden. He recognizes that "life does not make any sense, and the existence of a person is aimless. [...] knowing that there is no point and nothing matters, a person can still get satisfaction, choosing various threads, which he woves into an infinite tissue of life: this is a river that does not have the source and infinitely current, not falling into No seas There is one pattern - the easiest and most beautiful: a person is born, husbands, marry, takes into the light of children, works for the sake of a piece of bread and dying; But there are other, more intricate and amazing patterns, where there is no place for happiness or striving for success, - in them is hidden, perhaps, some kind of disturbing beauty. "

The awareness of the aimlessness of life does not lead to Philip in despair, as it was possible to think, and on the contrary, it would do it happy: "No failure changes anything, and success is zero. Man is only the smallest sand in a huge human whirlpool, inserted on a short MiG earth surface; But he becomes omnipotent, as soon as he solves the mystery as Chaos is nothing. "

Uncle Philip dies and leaves the nephew inheritance. This money allows Philip to return to the Medin Institute. During study, he cherishes the dream to go on a journey, visit Spain (in his time there was a great impression of the picture of El Greco) and the countries of the East. but new girlfriend Philip, nineteen-year-old Salley - the daughter of his former patient of Torpp, reports that she is waiting for a child. Philip as a noble man decides to marry her, despite the fact that it will not allow his travel dreams. Soon it turns out that Sally was wrong, but Philip does not feel relieved - on the contrary, he is disappointed. Philip understands what needs to live today, and not tomorrow, the easiest pattern human life And is the most perfect. Therefore, he still makes Sally offer. He does not like this girl, but feels a huge sympathy for her, he is good with her, besides, he, no matter how ridiculous it sounds, it feeds respect for her, and passionate love, as the story has shown with Mildred, often brings some sadness.

In the end, Philip is even reconciled with his lame foot, because "without her he could not so acutely feel beauty, passionately to love art and literature, excitedly follow the difficult drama of life. The mockery and contempt, which he was subjected, forced him to go deep into himself and raised flowers - now they will never lose their fragrance. " Peaceful calm comes to replace eternal dissatisfaction.


According to Moem, the "burden of human passions" is "novel, not autobiography: although there are many autobiographical details in it, much more fictional." And yet it should be noted that, like his hero, Moem quickly lost his parents, brought up a uncle-priest, grew up in the town of Whitstable (in Roman Blackster), studied at the Royal School in Canterbury (in the Roman Terkenbury), studied literature and philosophy in Heidelberg and Medicine in London. Unlike Philip, Moem was not chrome, but stuttered.

Moem's relation to the novel

Moem himself believed that the novel was overloaded with excessive details that many scenes were added to the romance just to increase the volume or by fashion - the novel was published in 1915 - the ideas about novels at that time were different from modern. Therefore, in the 1960s, Moem significantly reduced the novel "... a lot of time passed before the writers understood: a description of the size of one line often gives more than a full page." In Russian translation, this version of the novel got the name "the burden of passions" - to have the opportunity to distinguish it from the original version.


  • Film of 1934 with Leslie Howard as Philip and Bett Davis as Mildred
  • Film of 1946 with Paul Henrida as Philip and Eleonor Parker as Mildred
  • The 1964 film with Lawrence Harvey in the role of Philip and Kim Novak as Mildred


Start XX century. Nine-year-old Philip Carey remains an orphan, and he is sent to raising the uncle-priest in Blackster. The priest does not experience gentle feelings to the nephew, but in his house Philip finds many books that help him forget about loneliness.

In the school, where the boy was given, the classmates mock him (Philip Chrome from birth), which is why he becomes painfully timid and shy - it seems to him that suffering is the lot of his life. Philip pray to God to make it healthy, and in the fact that a miracle does not happen, vinit one of himself - he thinks he does not have enough faith.

He hates school and does not want to enter Oxford. Contrary to the wishes of the uncle, he seeks to learn in Germany, and he manage to insist on his own.

In Berlin, Philip falls under the influence of one of his feasures, the Englishman Hayuord, who seems to him outstanding and talented, not noticing that the deliberate unusualness of that is only a posture that is worthless. But Heiuord's disputes and his interlocutors about literature and religion leave a huge mark in the soul of Philip: he suddenly understands that he no longer believes in God, not afraid of hell and that a person is responsible for his actions only.

After passing the course in Berlin, Philip returns to Blackster and meets there Miss Wilkinson, the daughter of the former assistant Mr. Carey. She is about thirty, she is a hemmane and flirting, at first she does not like Philip, but nevertheless it becomes his mistress soon. Philip is very proud, in the letter Heiuord he composes beautiful romantic history. But when Real Miss Wilkinson leaves, feels a huge relief and sadness because the reality is so much like dreams.

Uncle, having resigned with the unwillingness of Philip to enter Oxford, sends him to London to study the profession of a jury accountant. In London, Philip is bad: there are no friends, and the work suggests unbearable longing. And when a letter comes from Heiourad with a proposal to go to Paris and engage in painting, Philip seems to be that this desire has long matured in his soul himself. After studying only the year, he, despite the objections of the uncle, is leaving for Paris.

In Paris, Philip entered the Amitrino Art Studio; Fanni Price helps him help in a new place - she is very ugly and untidy, it cannot be tolerated for rudeness and tremendous self-conceit with the complete absence of painting abilities, but Filip is still grateful to her.

The life of the Paris Bohemia changes the worldview of Philip: he no longer considers ethical tasks to be major for art, although the meaning of life still sees in Christian virtue. The poet of the Krombou, not consistent with such a position, offers Philip to comprehend the true goal of human existence to look at the Persian carpet pattern.

When Fanny, having learned that in the summer, Philip leaves Paris from Paris, arranged a ugly scene, Philip realized that she was in love with him. And on his return, he did not see Fanny in the studio and, absorbed by the classes, forgot about her. After a few months from Fanny comes a letter with a request to go to her: she did not eat anything for three days. Having come, Philip discovers that Fanny committed suicide. It shocked Philip. He is tormented by the feeling of guilt, but most of all - the meaninglessness of the mobility of Fanny. He begins to doubt in his abilities to painting and drawn up with these doubts to one of the teachers. And indeed, he advises him to start life again, for only a mediocre artist may turn out of it.

The news of the death of aunt forces Philip to go to Blackster, and he will no longer return to Paris. Severated with painting, he wants to study medicine and enters the institute with the hospital of St. Luke in London. In their philosophical reflections Philip comes to the conclusion that conscience is the main enemy of the person in the struggle for freedom, and creates a new one life rule: We must follow your natural inclination, but with due loaf by a policeman around the corner.

Once in the cafe, he spoke with a waitress named Mildred; She refused to support the conversation, taped his pride. Soon Philip understands that it is in love, although all its flaws see: she is ugly, Vulgar, her manners are full of disgusting chemmers, her rude speech speaks about the poverty of thought. Nevertheless, Philip wants to get it at any cost, right up to marriage, although it is aware that it will be the death for him. But Mildred declares that he marries another, and Philip, realizing that main reason His torment is a vulnerable vanity, despises no less than Mildred. But you need to live on: take exams, meet friends ...

Familiarity with a young pretty woman named Nora sobrate - she is very sweet, witty, it can easily treat life troubles - returns him to faith in himself and hesitates spiritual wounds. Another friend Philip finds, sick with the flu: his neighbor is carefully causing him, the doctor Griffiths.

But Mildred returns - having learned that she was pregnant, her admeditious confessed that he was married. Philip leaves Nora and is accepted to help Mildred - so strong his love. Mildred's newborn girl gives up for education, without feeling no feelings for his daughter, but it falls in love with Griffiths and comes in connection with him. The insulted Philip nevertheless in secret hopes Mildred back to him again. Now he often recalls Hope: she loved him, and he came with her vile. He wants to return to her, but he learns that she is engaged. Soon it comes to him that Griffiths broke with Mildred: she quickly tired of him.

Philip continues to learn and work as an assistant in the ambulance. Communicating with a lot of most different people, seeing their laughter and tears, grief and joy, happiness and despair, he understands that life is more complicated by abstract concepts about good and evil. A crockwow arrives in London, who finally gathered to publish his poems. He is very sick: he suffered inflammation of the lungs, but, not wanting to listen to doctors, continues to drink, for only drinking, becomes himself. Seeing the plight of the old friend, Philip transports it to himself; He will soon die. And again, Philip depresses the idea of \u200b\u200bthe meaninglessness of his life, and invented with similar circumstances the life rule now seems to him stupid.

Philip comes closer to one of his patients, Torp Atelney, and is very attached to him and his family: hospitable wife, healthy fun children. Philip likes to be in their home, warm their cozy focus. Atelney introduces him with the paintings of El Greco. Philip is shocked: he discovered that self-denial is no less passionate and decisively than the humility of passions.

Having met Mildred again, which now earns the life of prostitution, Philip from pity, no longer experiencing previous feelings, suggests her to settle in him as servants. But she does not know how to lead the economy and does not want to look for a job. In search of money, Philip begins to play on the stock exchange, and the first experience he manages so much that he can afford and operate the sore leg and go with Mildred to the sea.

In Brighton, they live in separate rooms. Mildred is angry: she wants to convince everyone that Philip is her husband, and on returning to London is trying to seduce him. But it does not succeed - now Philip is experiencing physical disgust, and she goes to rage, arranged the pogrom in his house and picking up the child to which Philip managed to be attached.

All the savings of Philip went to move from the apartment, which causes him heavy memories and besides alone for him alone. To somehow fix the situation, he again tries to play on the stock exchange and ruins. Uncle refuses him to help, and Philip is forced to leave learning, move off apartments, spend the night on the street and starve. Upon learning O. plight Philip, Atelney arranges him to work in the store.

The news of the death of Hayuord causes Philip again to think about the meaning of human life. He recalls the words of the deceased Krombou about the Persian carpet. Now he interprets them like this: although a person and a pattern of his life is aimless, but, inserting various threads and creating a drawing at its discretion, he must be satisfied with this. In the uniqueness of the drawing and consists of its meaning. Then the last meeting with Mildred occurs. She writes that he is sick that her child died; In addition, coming to her, Philip finds out that it returned to previous classes. After the scene, he leaves forever - this cloth of his life is finally dissipated.

Having received the inheritance after the death of Uncle, Philip returns to the institute and, after graduating, working as an assistant from Dr. South, and so successfully that he offers Philip to become his companion. But Philip wants to travel, "in order to gain the land promised and know itself."

Meaning eldest daughter Atelney, Sally, I really like Philip, and once on the collection of hop, he gives care of his feelings ... Sally reports that pregnant, and Philip decides to sacrifice himself and marry her. Then it turns out that Sally was wrong, but Filip for some reason does not feel relieved. Suddenly he understands that marriage is not a self-sacrifice that the refusal of the fictional ideals for the sake of family happiness if he is a defeat, then it is better than all victories ... Philip asks Sally to become his wife. She agrees, and Philip Carey finally acquires promised Landto which his soul sought for so long.

The burden of human passions
Summary Romana
The action takes place at the beginning of the XX century.
The nine-year-old Philip Carey remains orply, and he is sent to the upbringing to the uncle-priest in Blackster. The priest does not experience gentle feelings to the nephew, but in his house Philip finds many books that help him forget about loneliness.
In the school, where the boy was given, the classmates mock him (Philip Chrome from birth), which is why he becomes painfully timid and shy - it seems to him that suffering is the lot of his life. Philip pray to God to make it healthy, and in the fact that a miracle does not happen, vinit one of himself - he thinks he does not have enough faith.
He hates school and does not want to enter Oxford. Contrary to the desire of uncle, he seeks to learn in Germany, and he manages to insisted on his own.
In Berlin, Philip falls under the influence of one of his feasures, the Englishman Hayuord, who seems to him outstanding and talented, not noticing that the deliberate unusualness of that is only a posture that is worthless. But Heiuord's disputes and his interlocutors about literature and religion leave a huge mark in the soul of Philip: he suddenly understands that he no longer believes in God, not afraid of hell and that a person is responsible for his actions only.
After passing the course in Berlin, Philip returns to Blackster and meets there Miss Wilkinson, the daughter of the former assistant Mr. Carey. She is about thirty, she is a hemmane and flirting, at first she does not like Philip, but nevertheless it becomes his mistress soon. Filip is very proud, in the letter Heiuord, he composes a beautiful romantic history. But when Real Miss Wilkinson leaves, feels a huge relief and sadness because the reality is so much like dreams.
Uncle, having resigned with the unwillingness of Philip to enter Oxford, sends him to London to study the profession of a jury accountant. In London, Philip is bad: there are no friends, and the work suggests unbearable longing. And when a letter comes from Heiourad with a proposal to go to Paris and engage in painting, Philip seems to be that this desire has long matured in his soul himself. After studying only the year, he, despite the objections of the uncle, is leaving for Paris.
In Paris, Philip entered the Amitrino Art Studio; Fanni Price helps him in a new place - she is very ugly and untidy, it cannot be tolerated for rudeness and tremendous self-conceit with the complete absence of painting abilities, but Filip is still grateful to her.
The life of the Paris Bohemia changes the worldview of Philip: he no longer considers ethical tasks to be major for art, although the meaning of life still sees in Christian virtue. The poet of the Krombou, not consistent with such a position, offers Philip to comprehend the true goal of human existence to look at the Persian carpet pattern.
When Fanny, having learned that in the summer, Philip leaves Paris from Paris, arranged a ugly scene, Philip realized that she was in love with him. And on his return, he did not see Fanny in the studio and, absorbed by the classes, forgot about her. After a few months from Fanny comes a letter with a request to go to her: she did not eat anything for three days. Having come, Philip discovers that Fanny committed suicide. It shocked Philip. He is tormented by the feeling of guilt, but most of all - the meaninglessness of the mobility of Fanny. He begins to doubt in his abilities to painting and drawn up with these doubts to one of the teachers. And indeed, he advises him to start life again, for only a mediocre artist may turn out of it.
The news of the death of aunt forces Philip to go to Blackster, and he will no longer return to Paris. Severated with painting, he wants to study medicine and enters the institute with the hospital of St. Luke in London. In his philosophical reflections, Philip comes to the conclusion that the conscience is the main enemy of the person in the struggle for freedom, and creates a new life rule: it is necessary to follow their natural inclination, but with due loaf by a policeman around the corner.
Once in the cafe, he spoke with a waitress named Mildred; She refused to support the conversation, taped his pride. Soon Philip understands what is in love, although all its flaws see: she is ugly, vulgar, her manners are full of disgusting chemmers, her rude speech talks about the poverty of thought. Nevertheless, Philip wants to get it at any cost, right up to marriage, although it is aware that it will be death for him. But Mildred declares that he marries another, and Philip, realizing that the main reason for his torment was a vulnerable vanity, despises no less than Mildred. But you need to live on: take exams, meet friends ...
Familiarity with a young pretty woman named Nora sobrate - she is very sweet, witty, it can easily treat life troubles - returns him to faith in himself and hesitates spiritual wounds. Another friend Philip finds, sick with flu: his neighbor is carefully causing him, the doctor Griffiths.
But Mildred returns - having learned that she was pregnant, her named confessed that he was married. Philip leaves Nora and is accepted to help Mildred - so strong his love. Mildred's newborn girl gives on education, without having any feelings for his daughter, but it falls in love with Griffiths and comes in contact with him. The offended Philip nevertheless secretly hopes that Mildred will return to him again. Now he often recalls Hope: she loved him, and he came with her vile. He wants to return to her, but he learns that she is engaged. Soon it comes to him that Griffiths broke with Mildred: she quickly tired of him.
Philip continues to learn and work as an assistant in the ambulance. Communicating with a lot of various people, seeing their laughter and tears, grief and joy, happiness and despair, he understands that life is more difficult to abstract concepts about good and evil. A crockwow arrives in London, who finally gathered to publish his poems. He is very sick: he suffered the inflammation of the lungs, but, not wanting to listen to doctors, continues to drink, for only drinking, becomes himself. Seeing the plight of the old friend, Philip transports it to himself; He will soon die. And again, Philip depresses the thought of the meaninglessness of his life, and invented with similar circumstances the life rule now seems to him stupid.
Philip comes closer to one of his patients, Torp Atelney, and is very attached to him and his family: hospitable wife, healthy cheerful children. Philip likes to be in their home, warm their cozy focus. Atelney introduces him with the paintings of El Greco. Philip is shocked: he revealed that self-denial is no less passionate and decisively than the humility of passions.
Having met Mildred again, which now earns the life of prostitution, Philip from pity, no longer experiencing previous feelings, suggests her to settle in him as servants. But she does not know how to lead the economy and does not want to look for a job. In search of money, Philip begins to play on the stock exchange, and the first experience he managed so much that he can afford and operate the sore leg and go with Mildred to the sea.
In Brighton, they live in separate rooms. Mildred is angry: she wants to convince everyone that Philip is her husband, and on returning to London is trying to seduce him. But it does not succeed, now - now Philip is experiencing physical disgust for it, and she goes to the rage, giving the pogrom in his house and taking a child to which Philip managed to be attached.
All the savings of Philip went to move from the apartment, which causes heavier memories from him and besides alone for him alone. To somehow fix the situation, he again tries to play on the stock exchange and ruins. Uncle refuses him to help, and Philip is forced to leave their studies, move away from the apartment, spend the night on the street and starve. Having learned about the plight of Philip, Atelney arranges him to work in the store.
The news of the death of Hayuord causes Philip again to think about the meaning of human life. He recalls the words of the deceased Krombou about the Persian carpet. Now he interprets them like this: although a person and a pattern of his life is aimlessly, but, crowded various threads and creating a drawing at its discretion, he must be satisfied with this. In the uniqueness of the drawing and consists of its meaning. Then the last meeting with Mildred occurs. She writes that he is sick that her child died; In addition, coming to her, Philip finds out that it returned to previous classes. After the scene, he leaves forever - this cloth of his life is finally dissipated.
Having received the inheritance after the death of Uncle, Philip returns to the institute and, graduating from studying, works as an assistant from Dr. South, and so successfully that he offers Philip to become his companion. But Philip wants to travel, "in order to gain the land promised and know itself."
Meanwhile, the eldest daughter of Atelney, Sally, I really like Philip, and once on the collection of hops, he gives up his feelings ... Sally reports that pregnant, and Philip decides to sacrifice himself and marry her. Then it turns out that Sally was wrong, but Filip for some reason does not feel relieved. Suddenly he understands that marriage is not a self-sacrifice that the refusal of the fictional ideals for the sake of family happiness if he is a defeat, then it is better than all victories ... Philip asks Sally to become his wife. She agrees, and Philip Carey finally acquires the promised land to which his soul sought so long.

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We are checked: Short content of the burden of human passions - Moem William Somerset

"The burden of human passions" is a largely autobiographical Roman Somerset Moem. It was barely translated almost on all the languages \u200b\u200bof the world and was shielded three times, and also entered the list of 100 best English-speaking works of the 20th century. After reading this novel, Theodore Diver called Moem "Great Artist", and his book is the "creation of a genius." The "burden of human passions" can be called a "novel of upbringing", where the author traces the life of the chief hero of Philip Carey from childhood to adolescence, from youth to maturity. His share drops a lot of tests: early death Parents, desperate search for their vocation in the world, doomed relations with a frivolous woman. Pretchev a lot of disappointments, changing their views, from submission to their own passions before self-denial, Philip is trying to the thread of the thread of the strain of the pattern of his own life ...

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"The burden of human passions" - the plot

The first chapters are devoted to the lives of Philip in Blackster from uncle and aunt and study at the Royal School in Terkenbury, where Philip suffers a lot of bullying because of his lame leg. Relatives expect that after graduation, Philip will go to Oxford and take a spiritual san, but the young man feels that he has no real vocation. Instead, he goes to Heidelberg (Germany), where Latin teaches, German and French.

During his stay in Germany, Philip gets acquainted with the Englishman Hayord. Philip immediately penetrates sympathy to his new acquaintance, he cannot but admire the extensive knowledge of Heyuord in literature and art. However, the terrible idealism of Heyuord does not fit Philip.

In Heidelberg, Philip ceases to believe in God, experiencing an extraordinary soulful lifting and realizes that thereby dropped a serious burden of responsibility that attached significance to each his act. Philip feels mature, fearless, free and decides to start a new life.

Philip is in confusion: the philosophy, which he invented him for himself, showed her complete failure. Philip is convinced that the intellect cannot seriously help people in a critical moment of life, the mind is only a contemplator, registering facts, but powerless intervening. When the time comes to act, a person is powerless inclined under the burden of his instincts, passions and God knows what. It gradually leads Philip to fatalism: "Having removed his head, they don't cry through the hair, because all the forces were aimed at removing this head."

He recognizes that "life does not make any sense, and the existence of a person is aimless. [...] knowing that there is no point and nothing matters, a person can still get satisfaction, choosing various threads, which he woves into an infinite tissue of life: this is a river that does not have the source and infinitely current, not falling into No seas There is one pattern - the easiest and most beautiful: a person is born, husbands, marry, takes into the light of children, works for the sake of a piece of bread and dying; But there are other, more intricate and amazing patterns, where there is no place for happiness or striving for success, - in them is hidden, perhaps, some kind of disturbing beauty. "

The awareness of the aimlessness of life does not lead to Philip in despair, as it was possible to think, and on the contrary, it would do it happy: "No failure changes anything, and success is zero. Man is only the smallest sand in a huge human whirlpool, inserted on a short MiG earth surface; But he becomes omnipotent, as soon as he solves the mystery as Chaos is nothing. "


According to Moem, the "burden of human passions" is "novel, not autobiography: although there are many autobiographical details in it, much more fictional." And yet it should be noted that, like his hero, Moem quickly lost his parents, brought up a uncle-priest, grew up in the town of Whitstable (in Roman Blackster), studied at the Royal School in Canterbury (in the Roman Terkenbury), studied literature and philosophy in Heidelberg and Medicine in London. Unlike Philip, Moem was not chrome, but stuttered.

Moem himself believed that the novel was overloaded with excessive details that many scenes were added to the romance just to increase the volume or by fashion - the novel was published in 1915 - the ideas about novels at that time were different from modern. Therefore, in the 1960s, Moem significantly reduced the novel "... a lot of time passed before the writers understood: a description of the size of one line often gives more than a full page." In Russian translation, this version of the novel got the name "the burden of passions" - to have the opportunity to distinguish it from the original version.


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Christina reading

The depth of dramatic conflicts determines the structure of Moem novels that make up a significant part of it literary heritage. He is deeply suffering from the hero of the "burden of human passions" Philip Carey. Early orphans, he lost love, care and affection. His dream is not coming true to become an artist, deeply painful relations with Mildred.

Literally, the name of this is large autobiographical Romana - "On human slavery." So called one of the heads of labor of the philosopher XVII century. Spinozes "Ethics". Spinoza's doctrine is close to Moem. The determination of affects as the causes of human slavery made a strong impact. The person is the slave of his passions, its affects, but it is not known to him the causes of the impositions experienced. And since they are hidden from him, his sufferings are exacerbated. Only mind, only appealing to people's useful for people can free a person from slavery. The heavy path of knowledge is the hero of the novel "The burden of human passions". Having become a doctor and helping people, he acquires long-awaited freedom. But the exemption from slavery occurs not only for this reason. Moem believes that it is possible to feel happy when you understand: "The pattern of human life" is very simple - "a person is born, she worries, marries, give birth to children and dies." The awareness of this truth frees a person from many illusions, and thus helps him live.

In its nature, the "burden of human passions" is " Roman Education", Hero's entry into life. It is transmitted from childhood to adolescence, and then - to youth and maturity. This path is noted important events, many discoveries, overcoming difficulties. The hero will know themselves, people, life. He has to make a choice, solve new and new problems. Most difficult situation Arises in the life of Philip Carey with the advent of Mildred. The story of his love for this woman is described in detail, fully, in detail. The whole depth of death experienced by them, pain, despair, humiliation, powerlessness, showing hopes and despair are shown. "Its life seemed terrible, while Meril was happiness, but now, when he decided that it was possible to approach her with another measure, he had gained strength again. Happiness was as little matter as the grief. Both together with other small events of his life woven her pattern. " Everything that happens next to him will only complete a new thread in the complex pattern of his life, and when her end comes, he will be happy that the drawing is close to completion. It will be a work of art, and it will not be less beautiful from the fact that he knows about his existence, and with his death it will disappear. Philip was happy.

In the context of the literature of England, the beginning of the century Roman Moem is thematically close to such works as "the longest journey" (1907) E. M. Forster, "Sons and Lovers" (1913) D. G. Lawrence, "Portrait of an artist in youth" (1916 ) D. Joyce. These novels are written by writers of different aesthetic orientation, but in each of them talks about the hero's entry into life, about the search for his vocation.

In the novel "Moon and Gros" we are talking about the tragedy of the artist. The topic of the judgment of the scientist sounds in the novel "Color Pokrov". About the fate of the actress told in the novel "Theater". The heroes of these works are people who are devoted to their vocation, opposing the philistine elements for the service of painting, science, scene. Combined himself, man woves the thread into his fate.

With a special force, Moem's talent manifested itself in the magnitude of the story. The peculiarity of Moem's stories is to combine witness with psychologism. "Studying character is my specialty," said Moem. At the same time, he noted his tendency to dramatize the action and the severity of the conflict development. In the story "Something Human" Moem wrote: " I love stories that have the beginning, middle and end. I certainly need a "salt", some meaning. Mood is great, but the mood only is a frame without a picture." Moem followed the principle: to be entertaining without fancy-fantastic, create fascinating stories, remaining true to life. And one more feature: the presence in the story of the author himself, on behalf of which is most often the narration. Sometimes it is Sam Somerset Maugham - the insightful, not striving for teachings and moralization, somewhat alienated from what is happening; Sometimes it is someone else - the "narrator", whose image, without merging the author, remains in something close to him; Sometimes the narrator protrudes under the name of Eschenden, whose image and appearance resemble Moem. Whoever told the story, she always keeps the reader and listener in tension, and the intercourse impresses with his surprise.

The life situations that MEM transfers may seem unexpected, the behavior of a person -Hered-consumable, his actions - unforeseen, but for all this - something completely explained, "something human", as the writer itself determines. Many Moem stories have become a classic novelist genre ("rain", "an hour before Fife-O-Clock", "Sanator", etc.).

In the critical-biographic literature, the interpretation of creativity and the personality of Moem is contradictory is ambiguous. One of the first biographers of the writer (T. Morgan, 1980) focuses on the negative sides of the nature and nature of Moem. He writes about him as a cynic, a woman-naughty, a person, painfully reacting to any criticism and easily coming on a compromise. R. Kolder (1989) creates a different image: not a misanthrop and not a cynic, not a fierce and angry person, but a witty and ironic, responsive and tolerant, invariably hardworking and solid, independently and strongly launching the path in literature. There is no unity and in the assessments of the artistic advantages of the works of the writer: For some Moem - the author of the works designed for an unrespressive reader, on whose tastes, it is focused, for others - the creator of novels and stories, to take advantage of the prominent place in the literature of the Newest Time. The reader made his choice on his own, has long been manifested interest in Moem's works.

Uncompromising criticism of Moham Moral and many social phenomena In the bourgeois society gets around with the reception. The contempt of the aristocrat to bourgeois mercantility was combined with his bourgeois idea of \u200b\u200bthe struggle for existence.

Moem dedicated the theater over thirty years. All creative way Moem-playwright is conditionally divided by three periods. During the first period, which took place from the beginning of the 900s to 1910. Moem created mainly a farce-friendly comedy: "Lady Frederick" (1905), Mrs. Dot (1904), "Jack Straw" (1905). The second period of creativity of the playwright (1910-1920) is characterized by the creation of serious socio-household plays. Piece "Circle" (1919). Among the works of the third period (1920-1933), socio-political anti-war plays "Unknown" are allocated (delivered in 1920) and "for military merit" (1932).

Moem-Romanist (they say 19 novels) convincingly showed that in the center of the most powerful and rich Empire Tens of thousands of its subjects vocated halfland existence ("Lisa from Lambeta" -1897). The main theme of the novel "Mrs. Craddock" (1900) -upads of the nobility and the wreck of the authorities of the aristocracy under pressure of the upcoming bourgeoisie. "The burden of human passions" (1915) -Avtobiographic work written in the traditions of realistic novel of education. His hero Filip Keri is gradually freed from the sense of class superiority, contempt for people of physical labor. It comes to the conclusion that only work, kindness, love and family gives real satisfaction and happiness. In the novels "Moon and Gross" (1919) and the "painted veil" (1925) disclosed the intellectual drama in the bourgeois society. Moem wrote over 100 stories. They are conventionally divided into three groups. The first series of stories, published in the early 20s, combines anticolonial topics.

The second series of stories dedicated to the work of Moem in Intelligence Service, published a separate collection in 1928 under the heading "Ashdenman, or a British agent." The author dilutes the myth created by the bourgeois press around "Intellyzens Service", whose activity was presented in six-year light.

From the third group of stories, the story "Drop Edward Barnard" should be highlighted. Moem exposes the culture of money in a bourgeois society who has severe critic. In one of recent story - "Unattended" - Moem expressed his admiration for heroism french people in his fight against fascist invaders. D. Oldridge gave a high assessment story.

Moem works are inherent social protest, loyalty to high moral principles, deep humanism, realistic approach to reality. Simplicity, clarity and fraud characterize the works of the writer.