Anime school comedy. Anime comedy loved by everyone, after all, laughter prolongs life

Anime school comedy. Anime comedy loved by everyone, after all, laughter prolongs life

The comedy has always been and will be one of the most popular genres. Only with her a person can raise his mood and laugh at humanity in general. What we usually see in such plots - ridiculous deeds And the statements, funny plots rotating around the heroes, which the matter and the matter themselves contradict and cannot understand what way they accept, "go to smart or beautiful." In fact, it's all that happens in real life With us, only slightly in an exaggerated version and instead of living people - beautiful drawing characters.
As you know, a good laughter prolongs life. We want you to live long and always remain with us. Therefore, they collected for you the best comedies anime, from viewing which you will get great pleasure. Especially since watching anime comedy on our site you can free and in good qualitythat will further raise your mood.

Anime Comedy - Wisdom of Life

Of course, take off romantic history Or the fighter is much easier than a funny anime, which will really make laugh. Moreover, the basis for anime of the comedy genre is not just the plots with a set of nonsense, but serious inside human conflicts, which are inherently very funny and incomplete, compared to other problems. But for characters they are globally serious.

Anime comedy is deprived of all sorts of stamps, she is cheerful, cheerful and instant faith in the fact that all the problems, no matter how stupid, they do not seem to have their own solution. Anime comedy online will allow you to reboot your brain and look at some things with completely different eyes. You will understand this when you see with whatever eyes how the heroes of the anime comedy genre are watching their problems.

Anime comedy to watch every viewer

What is the charm of this genre - he has no restrictions. Of course, children under 10 years old can not understand much, and no need. After all, anime comedy Watch which we offer you, are designed for a more adult category of people, and of course children of adolescence. The main task of the directors is not only to make a person laugh or teach to laugh by analyzing various situations, but also to collect the whole family together for watching funny anime, as well as take advantage of the case and on the example of the heroes to show children how you do not need to do not become an object for ridicule. In such a manner of learning "Bad, good", children will be remembered faster all that you speak in everyday life. Do not be afraid to laugh at yourself and your, sometimes stupid, actions.

Kinopoisk: 7.18 527

IMDB: 7.5 1 164

Worldart: 8.3 401

Description:Native brother and sister do not represent their existence without games, because real world Pretty boring and does not allow to fully show their abilities. After passing many levels and the achievement of strong status in the beloved lesson, the guys do not always distinguish virtuality from the real life. All worthy opponents family could defeat his logical thinking and a sufficient level of psychological development, and there is no sense with weakness. Once relatives come to a proposal to play a chess game from a professional, in anticipation of the fact that it is quite interesting teenagers agree, high mental capacity Brings a duet victory. Having overlooked, they receive an offer to become part of a completely different mysterious uncharted world. Siro and Sora go to magic kingdom, entitled disorders. Here there are humanistic rules, stay without cruelty of insults and offensive, fights and injuries, any conflict is solved by conversation and only! The kingdom rules God Tetu, dividing residents to 16 races, the task of desperate earth gamers is to liberate the population from such a despot.

Producer: Minimikawa Tatsumuma

Time: 85 min.

Kinopoisk: 7.06 150

IMDB: 7.1 1 313

Worldart: 7.5 78

Description:Everyone is not without the famous Anime "Tale of the Tail of Fairy," produces a TV viewer of the second film, in which he tells about the new travels of already loved by heroes. The plot of this film will tell about the mighty artifact "Dragon Plach". His power is incredibly great, each person is afraid of her, because it can completely destroy the whole world. It is clear that such an item is simply impossible to leave unattended, that is why the Kingdom of Esch carefully protects it. But one day, one of the traitors of the throne decides to paint the relic, thereby condemning the world for destruction. He conveys the thing to his customer and with several gold departs with his own way. New owner "Crying Dragon" - Animus, Monarch of the Kingdom of Stella. His intentions are completely unknown and this is exactly what scares most. To return the stolen thing, the king hires the "Fairy Tail" guild. The guild chooses to this task the most strongest wizards: Natza, Lucy, Gray, Elsa, Wendy, Gazhil and of course their pets. They will have to save once again all of humanity, to defeat strong wizards and of course learn what the animus started and how it can be prevented by his plans, because for sure of his aces in the sleeve.


Time: 12 min.

Worldart: 7 46

Description:Rico Utah, a senior school student, has been in love with his classmate for a long time, named Sirenji Harun. However, all the time he simply says nothing to her and keeps all his feelings in herself, thereby only depriving himself a chance for a bright future. However, the girl Lala, coming from another planet, which only prevents him from achieving his goal. As it turned out, she escaped from her groom, because he did not like him at all and wants to marry Rico, because he saved her from pursuers. Now the guy fell into the trap, because everyone around thinks that they have real feelings with Lily, and even Harun really rejoices for their classmate. The most interesting thing is that guest does not know anything about this world, and she needs to learn the behavior of people, learn how they react to and of course get acquainted with their food and traditions. Lily is very intelligent, she understands everything perfectly, only she doesn't like it very much, only Rico doesn't like it at all, he tries to reject his new love in every way. However, there is only one question: and whom will he choose? Can an aliens be able to conquer his heart? Or he will gain courage to admit his true love?

Producer: Kamegaki Khadzime

Time: 95 min.

Kinopoisk: 6.9 2 228

IMDB: 7 2 270

Worldart: 7.6 624

Description:Ninja apostates, the adepts of dark art, in search of power and power awaken the ancient demon Moro, who raises the army of terracotta warriors and proceeds to the conquest of the world. Stone warriors easily sweep the outposts and whole fortresses, and the dark ninjas, which the Moro commands themselves, seem invulnerable. Five countries have one hope - while Moro did not gain his body, hidden in the underground temple in the country of the swamps, he still did not enter the full power. Best forces Konochi are thrown to detain enemies, and in the meantime, Naruto, Lee and Sakura under the leadership of Nadzi go to the secret mission - to protect the young Supreme Zhir Zion, which one can again seal the aliens from the other world. But Minions of the Great Demon will not be dreamed, and Sion itself suddenly predicts Naruto Smear Death ...

Producer: Yoshinari E.

Time: 55 min.

Kinopoisk: 7.22 331

IMDB: 7.4 1 017

Worldart: 8.1 329

Description:Accu with their girlfriends is on the verge of exclusion from the Academy. To redeem its guilt, they will have a witch parade. The whole organization of this parade falls on the shoulders of six witch. They were already despairing and did not know what to do, but AKKO filled all enthusiasm, and it was decided to make such a parade that would make people look at the witches with best side!

Producer: Yuyam Kunichiko

Time: 100 min.

Kinopoisk: 5.74 226

IMDB: 6.3 1 079

Worldart: 7.6 19

Description:Satoshi, Hikari and Takei are sent to the city of Krane to visit the World Pokemon Boutball Championship. On the way, they face Pokemon Dzoro, who is looking for his mother. The guys decide to help him and they go to the Crown together. However, at the same time, Enti, Raiko and Suikun rebelled in the city. What is happening there?

Producer: Jim Millon and Cunichko Yuyam

Time: 75 min.

Kinopoisk: 5.86 420

IMDB: 6.2 3 992

Worldart: 7.7 48

Description:Most. beautiful city The capital is considered the capital of water, Arutomar. Here, Ash and Pikachu accidentally meet Pokemon, possessing mysterious abilities - Latias and Latios. Being secretly in this city, they are invisibly protected by the treasure of a drop of heart. The world famous thieves, Zanna and Riona seek to take possession of this treasure. Zanna and Riona raise events thanks to which the whole city can be destroyed, and in which the ESH and his friends are involved.

Producer: Mamorra Hosoda

Time: 98 min.

Kinopoisk: 7.97 60 577

IMDB: 7.8 48 564

Description:Seventeen-year-old Makoto Equo does not study too well, often late and does not know who wants to be after graduation. In the evenings, she plays with friends to baseball, jumps on a bike every morning and hurry to a lesson. But suddenly there is a strange event in her familiar dimension, and Makoto acquires the ability to move in time

Producer: Tsutu Mizushima

Time: 47 min.

Kinopoisk: 6.09 374

IMDB: 6.1 120

Description:Miho Nisizumi at first glance the most common girl living in one of the many districts of Tokyo. She, like many other her peers adores cosmetics, dancing and pretty boys, but few people guess that the Miho in his free time from studying, without any difficulty, leads the most real tank, performing the breathtaking devices sitting in it.

But, unfortunately, the school in which the team of girls-tankers operated was disbanded to indicate the Ministry of Education and Miho, I had to move into the Academy of Orasy. Plus, due to certain circumstances, she decided to never get behind the wheel. However, in the new school, the girl learns that the local Students after a long lack of decision to revive the so-called Japanese Tanning Club in Japanese. True, the school leadership together with the Student Council encountered the problem of personnel, since among students did not turn out to be those who are able to manage the tank. Fortunately, they manage to find out that in due time he participated in competitions, and therefore the girl is entrusted to the task to prepare first-class school team able to fight for the highest places ...


Time: 60 min.

IMDB: 6.8 93

Worldart: 6.5 73

Description:Anime-film Holy Seed: Library of Eternity and Alchemical Girl - new storywhich happens after the series. After strange sleep Arata touched Grimoire Lilith - her book of spells - and immediately deprived of magical energy. Its exhausted force interacts with the force of Lilith in its grimaire, and creates a young girl named Lillim.

While Arat and Holy Seeds admire this crumb, few aware that the united magical power of the Lord candidate Arata demons and Lilith unlocked the mysterious library called - the library of eternity and woke up devastating power inside her.

Producer: Fujivara Yoshiki

Time: 25 min.

Worldart: 7.6 74

Description:The plot of a fascinating, exciting cartoon is a kind of spin-off the main plot of popular in Japanese and domestic expanses of the animated series " A new game! ". The action of this cartoon unfolds in winter snowy days around the "Needl Jump" game campaign known in Tokyo. Her employees, together with the girl who unsuitable to us, Waude Suzukaze are in anticipation of the long-awaited Christmas holidays, because in these holidays, the campaign leadership promised the team a breathtaking and memorable vacation. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess that employees are currently not particularly laid out at work, engage in more organizational issues, rather than solving problems with the server and other harness. And really soon the whole team of developers, including management, acquiring tickets, go on vacation, namely, the popular ski resort, which is famous for its incredible descent and beauty. Aoba, along with colleagues, is in anticipation of a great rest, not even, guessing that vacation besides indescribable emotions will give her the most real adventure that the girl will remember long for a long time!

Producer: Kuroyanagi Tosimasa

Time: 30 minutes.

Worldart: 7.1 52

Description:"Heroes" or magical warriors worked for a long time in another temporary measurement, fighting, day and night with the forces of evil. They fought with the help of their magic forces and military skills. After returning to native land, heroes are hard to rebuild the image of thoughts. They seem to be around the enemies that need to be eliminated faster. They can not think about anything else. And so, a young man named Uro Yamada, creates a special agency for the rehabilitation of such heroes. The purpose of his office is psychological assistance and returning warriors to peaceful normal Life. Girlfriend Uro, seventeen year old caron girl, also used to be a hero. But listening to the course of lectures on rehabilitation, she returned back to ordinary life And he became the main assistant for his friend in his useful work. She lives in the same apartment with Uro, where he continues to fully control her behavior and gives her advice. But soon the guys will add a whole bunch of problems. Two "heroines" returned from another dimension. Hakua arrived with his sister-handicraft Kojek. At first, they could not step a step without magic. Agency employees had to walk on the heels behind them and restrain magic power sisters. Will they fully become ordinary inhabitants of the planet?

Producer: Itamura Tomoyuki and Akiyuki Crybo

Time: 116 min.

Kinopoisk: 7.23 373

IMDB: 7.7 701

Description:In one school with Hitagi and Koim, the girl of Suruga Kambara is learned less. She is a successful school athlete showing good results in a basketball team. Hitagi she knows yet high School. Entering the senior school, Suruga will find out about the problems of Hitagi and wants to help her. Hitagi itself rejects any help with his behavior. Over time, Kooy and Hitagi begin to meet. Suruga this is simply not able, as I have been in love for a long time in Hitagi. For this reason, she begins to harm it in every way.

Producer: Satoshi Nisimura

Time: 90 min.

Kinopoisk: 7.63 2 589

IMDB: 7.5 3 902

Description:The sandy planet, which walks a lonely warrior shooter, loving sweet donuts. Here everything solves power. The planet lives according to the old values \u200b\u200band the bushes of the Wild West. The main character is horrified on many people, as well as various insurance companies. It is called a hurricane and it is not by chance. It would seem peaceful solutions can lead to irrevitable consequences. The hero wears a red raincoat, and also has strict specieswhich suggests the real fear of the people of the planet. The story unfolds in the old town of McCa, who soon should visit the famous robber Gasbak. In order to protect the city from him, the local boss attracts a whole army, which should stop the criminal. However, everything is not as simple as it really seems, because Gasbak is not just a thief. He developed a robbery plan much, so even a whole army could not stop it. The management of the insurance company in full confusion, because they will accept the first blow, which will cause the enemy. It is necessary to think about the plan for which you need to act. Will the local soldiers of the local boss be able to stop cunning Gasbak, which is the danger of reputation of the insurance company?

Producer: Hiroshuki Imaisi, Masahiko Jutsuka and Hiroshika Iquetomy

Length series: 25 min.

Kinopoisk: 8.44 9 319

IMDB: 8.3 11 439

Worldart: 9 6 322

Description:Hundreds of years, people live in deep caves, in constant fear of earthquakes and collaps. In one of these underground villages, the boy Simon and his "spiritual mentor" lives - a young fireplace guy. The fireplace believes that there is another world, without walls and ceilings; His dream is to get there. But dreams remain empty fantasies, until one fine day Simon accidentally finds the drill, which turned out to be the key from a strange iron face in the thickness of the Earth. On the same day, the cave ceiling collapses so begins truly the epic adventure of Simon, fireplaces and their companions in the new world under open sky A huge universe.

Producer: Masyuki Yoshihara

Length series: 25 min.

Kinopoisk: 7 152

IMDB: 7.7 223

Worldart: 7.6 403

Description:What will change, if in the Japanese sky will soar the Tengu, the nosed spirits of the wind, and on the ground there are shrinking wolves-tanuki? Yes, even account nothing! The inhabitants of this world consider their lives absolutely normal, and all three races peacefully coexist both among forests and fields and in stone jungle Megacols. At the same time, everyone is waiting for their dangers - Tengu can weaken the Spirit and collapse from heaven, a person - to live a useless life, and Tanuki - get into teeth of predators. With such a fate, you can and need to fight, and even if the evil rock serves, the exodus must be taken as worthy, then you can even turn death into victory!

That is what the members of the family of Simogo, glorious among the Tanuki Kyoto, consider the members of the Simogo. Occupy, the head of the family, died in mysterious circumstances, and now the place of the community leader is trying to take his elder son Yaiatiro. The second son named Yaziro has not yet come from sorrow, and younger son Yasirio is too young. Only Yasaburo, the Third Son, grabs will, talent and excitement to get involved in deadly gamewhere grand Prize - The chance to get to the truth and find the true perpetrators of the death of the Father. On this path, it is waiting for the mysterious "Friday club", the live goddess Bainen and the danger of every turn - but the guy will definitely not be bored! No wonder every episode of the saga about the family of Simogo begins with the words of the song: "The world can not be uninteresting - you are interested in it yourself!"

In the world of Naruto, two years have imperceptibly flew. Former newcomers replenished the ranks of experienced Syncs in the rank of Tyunin and Zenin. The main characters were not sitting on the spot - everyone became a student of one of the legendary Sunnin - three great ninja konhi. The guy in Orange continued his studio training, but eccentric jiray, gradually going on new step Mattleship. Sakura advanced to the helpers and trusted faces of the healer of the Tsunadney - the new leader of the village of Listi. Well, Saske, whose pride led to the exile from Konoha, joined the temporary union with the sinister orotimar, and everyone believes that only uses the other until time.

A brief passage ended, and the events once again rushed with hurricane speed. In Konoch, the seeds of oldest discords sowned by the first hokaga will again germinate. The mysterious leader of Akatsuki led to the plan of gaining world domination. Restlessly in the village of Sand and neighboring countries, old secrets emerge everywhere, and it is clear that it will ever have to pay on accounts. The long-awaited continuation of manga inhaled new life in the series I. new hope In the heart of countless fans!

© Hollow, World Art

  • (51333)

    Messenik Tatsumi, a simple guy from countryside Going to the capital to make money for your starving village.
    And coming there soon learns that the Great and beautiful capital is just visibility. The city is mired in corruption, cruelty and lawlessness who go from the Prime Minister that rules the country due to the Kulis.
    But as everyone knows - "one in the field is not a warrior" and nothing can be done here, especially when your enemy is the head of state or rather the one who covers them.
    Will Tatsuchi like-minded themselves and can change something? See and find out yourself.

  • (51745)

    Fairy Tail is the world's famous guild hiring guild on the whole world. Lucy's young wizard was confident that, becoming one of her members, got into the most wonderful Guild in the world ... until he met his camrades - explosive firewood and sweeping everything on his way to Natsu flying talking cat HEPPI, an exhibitionist with warmth, boring-Berrick Elsa, glamorous and loving Loki ... Together they will defend many enemies and survive many unforgettable adventures!

  • (46154)

    18-year-old Sora and 11-year-old Siro - summary brother And sister, finished recluses and gaming. When two loneliness met, a disruptive union "empty place" was born, a horror of all oriental gamers. Although the public is shaking and korets not in childish, in the network, the baby is a sir-genius of logic, and Sora is a monster of psychology, which cannot be held. Alas, worthy opponents ended soon, because Siro was delighted by a chess party, where the master's handwriting was visible from the first moves. Winning at the limit of forces, the heroes have received an interesting offer - move to another world, where their talents will understand and appreciate!

    Why not? In our world, Saro and Siro does not hold nothing, but merry Mir Discord to rule the Ten Commandments, the essence of which comes down to one: no violence and cruelty, all disagreements are solved in honest game. In the game world, 16 races live, of which human is considered the weakest and inflated. But after all, the wonderful guys are already here, in their hands of Crown Elkius - the only country of people, and we believe that these successes are littering and the Siro will not limit. Messengers of the Earth must only combine all the races of the discord - and then they will be able to challenge God aunt - to their own way, by the Old Familiar. Only, if you think about, is it worth doing this?

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (46216)

    Fairy Tail is the world's famous guild hiring guild on the whole world. Lucy's young wizard was confident that, becoming one of her members, got into the most wonderful Guild in the world ... until he met his camrades - explosive firewood and sweeping everything on his way to Natsu, flying speaking Cherepi Cat, exhibitionist hearer , boring-Berrick Elsa, glamorous and loving Loki ... Together they will defend many enemies and survive many unforgettable adventures!

  • (62530)

    A student of the University of Kenet Ken as a result of an accident enters the hospital, where he mistakenly transplanted the organs of one of the gulles - monsters that eat human flesh. Now he himself becomes one of them, and for people turns into a burden to be destroyed. But can he become his own for other hums? Or now in the world there is no more space for him? This anime will tell about the fate of Kanes and what influence it will have for the future of Tokyo, where there is a continuous war between two species.

  • (34895)

    The continent is in the center of the Ocean of Ignola, this is a big central and four more - the southern, northern, eastern and western and the gods themselves look at him, and he is called Enthe Isla.
    And there is a name that he imperts on the horror of anyone on Entha Isla - the Lord of Darkness Mao.
    He is the host of the otherworldly world where all the dark creatures live.
    He is the embodiment of fear and horror.
    The Lord of Darkness Mao announced the war to the genus of human and sowed death and destruction throughout the continent of Enthe Isla.
    Lord of Darkness served 4 powerful generals.
    Adramelheh, Lucifer, Alsiel and Malacoda.
    Four of the demons generals headed the attack on 4 parts of the continent. However, the hero appeared against the army of the underworld. The hero and his comrades defeated the troops of the Lord of Darkness in the West, then Adramaleha in the north and Malacoda in the south. The hero was headed by the United Army of the Republic of Human and went to the central continent where the castle of the Lord of Darkness was stood ...

  • (33383)

    Yato - Stray japanese God In the image of a thin blue-eyed young man in sports suit. In Sintoism, the power of the deity is determined by the number of believers, and our hero has no temple, nor priests, all donations fit in a bottle from under Sake. The guy in the cervical scarf is working as a master for all hands, the small ads on the walls, but things go very bad. Even tongue-friendly May, for many years working synthesk - the sacred weapon of Yato - left the owner. And without a weapon, the younger God is not stronger than the usual mortal mage, it is necessary (here shame!) From evil spirits to hide. And who needs such a celever at all?

    Once a pretty high school student, Hiiri Iki rushed under the truck to save some guy in black. It ended this bad - the girl did not die, but gained the ability to "leave" from the body and walk on the "the side". Having met that Yato and learning the culprit of his troubles, Hyuri convinced her homeless God to heal her, because he himself admitted that no one could live between the worlds. That's just, having acquainted closer, Iki realized that the current Yato lacks his strength to solve her problem. Well, it is necessary to take things into your hands and personally direct the strollers on the path true: first find a non-clear weapon, then help earn, and there, you look, what will happen. Not in vain say: what a woman wants - God wants!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (33279)

    In the senior school of arts at the University of Sumay, there are many hostels, and there profitable house "Sakura". If there are strict rules in the hostels, then in "Sakura" you can do everything, no wonder its local nickname is the "crazy house." Since in the art of genius and madness is always somewhere nearby, the inhabitants of the "Cherry Garden" are talented and interesting guys, too knocking out of the "swamps". Take at least noisy Misaki that sells Major Studios own anime, her friend and scriplator of the playboy Dzin or the RyunosuCe Programmer programmer, which communicates with the world only on the network and telephone. Compared to them the main character Kanda's sauce - a prostacle that fell into the "mental hospital" just for ... Love for cats!

    Therefore, Tikhiro-Sensei, the head of the hostel, instructed the sauce, as the only samented guest, meet his cousin Masiro, which is translated into their school from a distant Britain. Fragile blonde seemed Kanda with a real bright angel. True, at a party with new neighbors, Guest kept fillingly and spoke little, but the freshly baked fan wrote down everything on clear stress and fatigue from the road. Only the present stress was waiting for a sap in the morning when he went to wake Masiro. Hero with horror realized that his new acquaintance - great artist Absolutely not from the world of this, that is, it's not even capable of getting dressed! And the insidious chiropiro is here as here - from now on Canda will be forever to care for her sister, because on cats the guy has already been trapped!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (33562)

    in the XXI world community, finally managed to systematize the art of magic and raise it on new level. Capable to use magic after graduating from nine classes in Japan is now waiting in the schools of magic - but only if applicants will pass the exam. Quota for admission to the first school (Khatodi, Tokyo) - 200 students, the best of the best is credited to the first branch, the rest - to the reserve, for the second, and the teacher is only the first hundred, "flowers". The remaining, "weeds", learn independently. At the same time, the atmosphere of discrimination constantly hovers at school, because even the forms in both branches are different.
    Siby Tatsuya and Miyuki were born with a difference of 11 months, which allowed them to study in the same year. When entering the first school, the sister turns out among flowers, and brother - among weeds: despite the excellent theoretical knowledgeThe practical part is not easy for him.
    In general, we are waiting for the study of a mediocre brother and an approximate sister, as well as their new friends - Tibi Erika, Sydsey Leonhart (you can simply leo) and Mizuki's satellite - at school magic, quantum physics, the tournament of nine schools and much more ...

    © sa4ko aka kiyoso

  • (29549)

    "Seven mortal sins", once great warriors, revered by the British. But once, they are accused of trying to overthrow the monarchs and the murder of a warrior from the Holy Knights. In the future, the Holy Knights arrange a coup, and capture power into their hands. A "seven mortal sins", now otgoy, dispersed all over the kingdom, who is where. Princess Elizabeth, was able to escape from the castle. She decides to go in search of Meliodas, the leader of the seven of sins. Now the whole seven must unite again, to prove their innocence and revenge for exile.

  • (28370)

    2021 year. An unknown virus "Gastreya" was hit by an unknown virus which in the days destroyed almost all of humanity. But this is not just a virus as any ebol or plague. He does not kill a person. Gastrea is a reasonable infection that rebuilds the DNA by turning the carrier in a terrible monster.
    The war began and in the end took 10 years. People found a way to burn out from infection. The only thing that does not tolerate the gastrea is a special metal - Varano. It was from him that people built huge monoliths and pretended to Kokyo. It seemed that now few survivors can live for monoliths in the world, but alas, the threat is not doing anywhere. Gastrea is still waiting for a convenient moment to penetrate Tokyo and destroy the few remnants of humanity. No hope. Extermination of people is only a matter of time. But W. scary virus It turned out to be another effect. There are those who are already born with this blood virus. These children, "damned children" (exclusively girls) have superhuman strength and regeneration. In their bodies, the spread of the virus goes many times slower than in the body of an ordinary person. Only they can withstand the generations of "Gastrey" and no longer count on humanity. Will our heroes be able to save the remnants of living people and find a medicine from a terrifying virus? See and find out yourself.

  • (27481)

    History in "Steins, Gate" unfolds a year after the events of "Chaos, Head".
    The busy plot of the game is part of the realistic area of \u200b\u200bthe Akakhibar region, in the famous place of shopping Otaku in Tokyo. The plot tying is: a group of friends Mounting in akihibar a certain device for sending text messages into the past. The experiments of the heroes of the game are interested in a mysterious organization under the name of SERN, which is also engaged in its own research in time. And now, friends have to make gigantic efforts to not be captured by Serne.

    © Hollow, World Art

    Added series 23β, which is alternative ending and summarizing in SG0.
  • (26756)

    Thirty thousand players from Japan and much more from all over the world, they suddenly be locked in a multiplayer role-playing online game "The Legend of Ancients". On the one hand, gamers were transferred to new world Physically, the illusion of reality turned out to be almost flawless. On the other hand, "Popants" retained the former avatars and acquired skills, the user interface and the pumping system, and death in the game was carried out only to the resurrection in the Cathedral of the nearest major city. Understanding what great goal No, no one called the price for the exit, the players began to come down together - alone to live and edit according to the jungle law, others - to resist lawlessness.

    Syroe and Nazugu, in the world, student and clerk, in the game - a cunning magician and a mighty warrior, a long time knew each other by the legendary guild "Mad tea drinking". Alas, those times left forever, but in the new reality you can meet old friends and just good guys with which it will not be bored. And most importantly - in the world of "legends" appeared indigenous population, considering aliens great and immortal heroes. Insecurity wants to become such a knight Round Table., Breaking dragons and saving girls. Well, there are enough girls around, monsters and robbers, too, and there are cities like a hospitable akiba. The main thing is to die in the game still not worth it, it is much more correct to live in human!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (27825)

    Race Guli exists from time immemorial. Its representatives are not at all against people, they even love them - mostly in the raw form. Lovers of human faiths are externally indistinguishable from us, strong, fast and lively - but there are few of them, because Guli has developed strict rules of hunting and disguise, and the violators are punished by themselves or in quietly renting fighters with evil spirits. In the age of science, people know about Guli, but as they say, used to. The authorities do not consider cannibals a threat, moreover, consider them as the perfect foundation To create a supersoldat. Experiments have long been ...

    The main hero of Ken Kaneki is to be a tortimate search for the new path, for he realized that people and hums look like: just some friend crouch in the literal sense, others are in portable. True lives of cruel, it is impossible to redo it, and the one who does not turn away. And then somehow!

  • (26930)

    In the world of Hunter X Hunter, there is a class of people called hunters, who, using mental strength and trained in various types of struggle, explore wild corners in the main civilized world. The main character, the young man named Gon (Gong), the son of the Great Hunter. His father mysteriously disappeared many years ago, and now, Moldoval, Gong (Gong) decides to go on his footsteps. On the way, he finds several companions: Leorio, an ambitious doctor of medical sciences, whose goal is to enrich. Curapica is the only surviving from his clan whose goal is to revenge. Killoa - the heir of the family of hired killers, whose goal is training. Together they achieve goals and become hunters, but it is only the first step on their long journey ... And ahead of the story of Killo and his family, the story of revenge Curapika and of course training, new tasks and adventures! The series was stopped at revenge Curapic ... What awaits us further after so many years?

  • (26528)

    The action occurs in an alternative reality, where the existence of demons has long been recognized; In the Pacific Ocean, there is even an island - "ITogamyjima", where the demons are full-fledged citizens and have equal rights with people. However, there are people-magicians who lead to them, in particular, on vampires. Ordinary Japanese schoolboy named Akatsuki Codse incomprehensible reason turned into a "purebred vampire", fourth in terms of number. Himself begins to follow the young girl Himeraka Yukina, or "Shaman Blade", which should follow Akatsuki and kill him in case it comes out of control.

  • (24816)

    History tells about the young man named Saitam, who lives in the world, ironically similar to ours. He is 25, he is Lys and beautiful, besides, Silen is so much that with one blow annihilates all the dangers for humanity. He is looking for himself life path, along the way, distributing the monsters and villains.

  • (22674)

    Now you have to play the game. What it will be for the game - Roulette will solve. The bid in the game will be your life. After death, people who died at the same time fall into Queen Dec, where they have to play the game. But in fact, what happens to them here is the court of heaven.

  • Description:Eh, youth, beauty and talent in harmony make it possible to become an idol, not very easy to break into amazing worldwhich is filled with the recognition and thousands of fans. Also, without producer, it is not possible to become an idol who knows how to make a star from man. But here's no hope, Tsubas Sumisor is a beginner in this, he received a place in the company that worked on IDOL projects. The new employee received a project that can easily become famous. The task is very complicated, but there is no choice. Tsubas became a member of A & R in Ganderra Music, in this place any would be spoiled, but not only the Tsubas, because everything is because she is used to find a way out. She had to work closely with other guys. Tomohis Kitakado was brought up and beautiful, especially since he was a leaving from a very rich family, he was also raised. Ryuji Korolevi was very similar to the girl. Goosh Kaneshiro was very often not in the mood. Also, in the team there are Utah Asha, Kento Aisome, Momtaro Onzai, Kazuna Masanuga, Hikaria Osari, Tatsuhiro Nome, Mikado Skimurura. Tsubas dreams of finding an approach to everyone and take care.

    Description:We will again go about the same Academy Grad. And he received such a name due to the fact that large percentage His inhabitants, ordinary students and schoolchildren, everything lives there more than 2 million people. In this anime there is also unusual peopleThey possess superpowers, children who are lucky enough to get strength studying in this city. Our main character lives there, Tom Kamiju, who has the power of the "imagination violator", which can easily destroy the ability to be sent to him. Meting a strange girl in nun's clothes. She had very Strange name The index, and also owns magic, and in the head of the girl there are 3000 grimaars, which are prohibited in the world. Having so much information, it becomes a very smart subject that can take advantage of bad purposes. This season we are waiting for the continuation of the adventures of Tom and the index, with new adventures in the insane world of abilities.

    Description:Some cosmic powers attacked the planet. This was the name of cosmic capture. Heaven were shocked, others began to appear unknown creaturesThey began to be called spirits. Humanity is under threat of destruction. People came up with a certain plan of salvation, this was done by the organization Rotatosk. Members of this organization prevented the spirits so that they could not do anything. And they fought with romance. Shido, Izuku was in a very depressed state, because many problems fell on his house. The guy became homeless. But the girl in the armor came to the rescue. It was on this that the rear plans went to the background. After that, the guy also learned the truth about his relatives. His sister was not a man, she was from the spirits and was involved in what was happening with space. But the parents were not those who were built, they were the leaders of that very rotatosk. From that moment he understood what was happening in the world. That's just he did not know what to do.

    Description:The world is not only what we see it is much wider and multifaceted, it is filled with amazing and incredible things. There in dark, behind you, in your dark room there are things that you can't see, but this does not mean that they are not. And our world everything is rapidly rushing, at great speed, and now we are no longer believe in anything, but every second resident we have a video block manager. As charotomi, from the Channel "Charotomi", which decided to check what will be if he ignoring the traffic light will remain in the middle of the road. And it seems obvious things known even to the kids from infancy, but the guy with the camera is needed confirmation. Our unlucky, but an inventive guy is anger of car enthusiasts, but it did not stop him. He adding itself the main character and proclaiming the rest of people in secondary and not important stists, Charotomi brought the dark forces that the jokes for or in punishment turned bloated by the impact of the little man into a huge spreading tree, right along the middle of the lively crossroads in Shibui. Naturally, all those present began to post this event in social networks, with various

    Description:Mal Marck was attacked from a dark dimension. Attacks are already a lot of time. The balance of forces was broken, darkness and darkness take the top. Forces, residents cannot save measurement. The request of the inhabitants reached the world, in which the very defenders of the universe from the forces lived. Naofami Ivatani and still the Trinity of Warriors were invited to the world, which was on the verge of destruction. During the transfer, characters received a unique equipment, and Naofami received a shield that became a legend. He immediately collided with some problems. After all, he did not want to be a hero. Since it was the weakest candidate for heroism. Especially he was not charismatic. Especially families decided to leave him. The way it was robbed, but if it could be put up with it, then how to accept the fact that he was accused of a crime. He could not prove that he was not a rapist. The surrounding began to keep away him. He was filled with rage and thirst for revenge people.

    Description:In the anime, the TV series "Black Clover" Demons always consisted of danger. Human soul - The delicacy for demons, according to this, they create different amulets and are afraid of them. But the inevitable happened, the demons began to act, they almost destroyed in their acts. But the wizard appeared unexpectedly. The strongest magician began to play people, he could put an end to the evil acts of hellish creatures. In the world he got a nickname - the king of magicians. Aster and Youth since childhood alone, the church sheltered them. They have long understood what fate awaits them, because one of them should again become the king of magicians, they are forever in the dispute. Only they were very different, Aster did not have the skills of magic, but Youth has long been able to live a lot. On the day of his fifteen years, the magician received a grimoire, with which you can enhance my magic, but Aster probably won't get anything. Aster was not hoping for anything, but unexpectedly the abilities wake up! And now he can get Grimoire, it happened so that he received a rare copy, with clover. Probably began white stripe!

    Description:Guys can not without communicating with beauties. Futaro Weshi is always sullen, while in his family there were events that changed his plans for the future, he still studied at school. He remembers very well the day when cutie came to him in class and turned to the guy with a request that he pulled it to some subjects. Futaro did not know how to do, this behaved very rudely, he was typical of him, they were very crowded. Sister told him that he had to take a tutoring, as in the family bankruptcy. And learn, he gathered that the girl with whom heard. Anduki is afraid at this time live in a new place, immediately attracts a lot of attention from the inhabitants. The Weshuga family really needed mercy, Izuki decided to provide the work of the tutor to the very sown of the poor man. Futaro had to step on his pride, he even had to humiliate in front of the girl, begging her. And the girl had four more sisters, he could not avoid acquaintance with them.

    Description:A person who took responsibility and took home of the animal, immediately received a chance that he could know a new world for himself. It is especially important to the writer that he coexist with his purrous neighbor in the room. Biographies of almost all writers have something in common, everyone had cats, or cats. Do not look for some kind of hidden meaning for example, but still the likelihood that cats are caused writing activity Present. Mikazuka Subaru was fond of mystics and fantasized on paper. The guy was distinguished from other character, it allowed him to adjust contact with other people. He was not interested in isolation from other people. Mikazuka was just alone, because he had the best pet - Haru. This served as a guy at the epipathy level approximately. It was more than a connection ordinary person This is very difficult to understand. Thoughts of both human and cats are outlined on paper. Let's see how the plot of this anime will develop and that the new winter season will show us.

    In the world of art it is believed that the most complex genre -. It is much easier to bring the viewer to tears than to laugh. Stupidity, sarcasm, uncomplicated humor, comic characters, curious and ridiculous situations - the basis of comedy in the anime 2017. Naive stupid main characters fall in situations that can be characterized by the same words. Their short-sightedness and naivety draws them into the whirlpool of betrayal and deception, and the impeccable confidence in the world and people helps them from this whirlpool to get out.

    Animation Japanese comedy cartoons, as a rule, include other genres - romantic, adventures And others - but sometimes there are, as an independent product of computer cinema. main feature comedy 2018. - This is an incredible ease of storytelling the plot, the atmosphere that blows by the guys and the unrestrained laughter of the viewer. Depending on the task of the scenario, the morality of the cartoon and the presence or absence of other genres in one animation work, it depends not only by the character of the characters, but also the riceman itself as a whole. As a rule, Japanese artists talk about the heroes and the morality of the cartoon with the help of a combination of paints and the subtleties of applying final strokes.

    Anime fans at first sight can determine a positive hero, or negative, as well as what atmosphere hovers around these characters. On our portal you can find many colorful animated cartoons of Japanese production of the comedy genre, both self-film products, and in conjunction with others, not less interesting genres, For example, Maho-Sydzo is also like a comedie genre. Comedy series definitely best satellite Excellent pastime for the viewer of any age. Choose best Anime And go to the world of unrestrained laughter and colorful positive.