James Hatfield: Interesting quotes. When you met Lars, you were still a teenager, played the guitar and had already managed to play in several school teams - Obsession, Phantom Lord, etc

James Hatfield: Interesting quotes. When you met Lars, you were still a teenager, played the guitar and had already managed to play in several school teams - Obsession, Phantom Lord, etc
James Hatfield: Interesting quotes. When you met Lars, you were still a teenager, played the guitar and had already managed to play in several school teams - Obsession, Phantom Lord, etc

Date of Birth:

August 3, 1963.

Birthplace / Residence:

Los Angeles, California.



Groups that have influenced:



First group:

The first visited concert:

Favorite food:

Mexican meat and potatoes.

Favorite sports teams:

Strawers, sharks San Jose.



Family status:

Married from August 17, 1997, three children.

Finds pleasant:

Street hockey, hunting, cigars, helicopters, weapons.

Favorite cars:

Chevy Blazer, Dodge Ram Pick-Up.

Characterizes yourself as:

Stormy, honest, stubborn.


Black Gibson Explorer (Wolf)
Black Gibson Explorer (Snake)
Black Gibson Explorer (Deer Skull)
Black Gibson Explorer (DOT)
Black Gibson Explorer (Eagle)
Es.p. Black Gibson Explorer / Double-Neck (Ducks)


Mesa Boogie Strategy 400 Power AMPS
Mesa Boogie Triaxis Preamp (Stock)
Mesa Boogie Triaxis Preamp (Modified)
Mesa Boogie Custom Graphic E.Q. Unit.
Mesa Boogie Amp Switcher
Mesa Boogie 4x12 Speaker Cabinets

Other equipment:

Sony 820 Wireless Receivers and Transmitters
NADY 950 UHF Receivers and Transmitters
Ernie Ball Strings.
Gibson Strings.
Dunlop Guitar Picks.
Emg Pickups.
Pro Co Sound Cables
Ascot Road Cases.
Ultra Case Guitar Stand
Earth III Guitar Straps
Silver Bullet (Extra Cold)

In details:

Born on August 3, 1963 in Los Angeles. His parents were servants of the church, cared for moral recovery of people and denied traditional medicine. James's mother died due to the lack of medical care. Because of its too strict upbringing, James has always opposed any form of an authority, there are features of the eternal ruffer in his character. Pianist in musical educationHe chose the guitar and often played in local groups.

Thanks to the announcement in the magazine "Recycler", he met with the drummer Lars Ulrich in 1981. Together with him James is a composer of the group, although at first he was only a metallic guitarist. He did his solo career due to the fact that the group did not have a suitable singer.

A bright hunter, he often leaves in the mountains, in order to hunt the beasts, as well as on unwarly partridges. Earlier, he was crazy from a skateboard, but he stopped doing this when in 1987 he once broke his wrist once again.

Metallic leader is married to Francesca Tomasi. June 13, 1998, James had a daughter who called Cali, on May 18, 2000 - the son of Castor, and on January 17, 2002 - Marcella's daughter, so now James is not only a cool guitarist, vocalist, but also an excellent father.

His favorite guitars are Gibson Explorer (like a four-pointed star) and most Jackson models. Loves a group: Black Sabbath, Kyuss, Corrosion of Conformity, Tom Waits and more. By the sign of the zodiac - lion. Since the death of Kliff Berton wore his ring, but in 1997 he lost it.

The American musician and soloist of the Rock Group "Metallica" James Hatfield know all fans of rock. According to the magazine "ROLLING STONE", it is one of the 100 greatest guitarists of all time and takes 87th place in this ranking. The fans of the famous metal group are attracted in its frontman a strong sonic voice of an unusual shade and carrying the manner of communication with the public. To choose a direction musical Path And the behavior of James on the stage was greatly influenced in the religious atmosphere of the family. His mother was an opera singer, raising his son in the spirit of Christian science Mary Baker Eddie, preaching healing from the ailments of his own consciousness. James Hatfield's wife, fortunately, has nothing to do with this faith.

They got married in 1997, when Metallica has already managed to conquer strong positions on the world pop and after several years of joint residence: they simply registered their relations that became stable and durable. According to some reports, Francesca Thomasi was a designer of concert costumes for the musicians of the group, and not enthusiastic thoughtless fan. After making sure that their love withstood the test of time, young people joined married and in the summer of next year they had the first child: Kaley's daughter. The media showed an unprecedented interest in James's daughter, who could not break away from his wife and a newborn. With journalists instead, Lars Ulrich was communicated - drummer and founder of the group.

The second of the Hatfield family was Castor Vyrzhil, born in May 2000, and after 2 years, in January 2002, the youngest daughter of James and Francesca, Marcell Francesca. By this time, the situation in the family was completely unbearable. James himself recalls this time as the years of "full collapse", in which "drunkenness, drugs, random sex" reigned, which have become a habit. His wife did not want to put up with such an attitude towards himself and children: "She kicked me out" - a singer admitted in one of the interviews: "And, thank God. She said then that I was sick and our children need such a father. And then from the fear of losing the family just like my father, I came to the only right solution. "

James spent almost a year in a narcological clinic and managed to dwell on the edge of the abyss, thanks to the French protest, who does not want to disappear the life of their family with silence and connivance. He does not use either alcoholic, nor drugs and not only consists in the society of anonymous alcoholics, but also frankly talks about how to overcome their addictions in the media. Hatfield emphasizes that the family is the main meaning and the love of his life, and he considers simple homemade joy happiness: to accomplish children to school and talk to their teachers, care for the worried wife and be a family man. He continues his own concert activity And Metallica is still popular with the public. And in a huge house under San Francisco, it is always looking forward to his return wife James Hatfield and his children.


In free from music, James Hatfield kills animals - bears, deer and others.

Moreover, it consists in the National Rifle Association of the United States - an organization that unites supporters of the right of citizens to wearing firearms.

True, individual guests of Metallica fan forums argue that Hatfield tied with animal hunting. Now he hunts on fans Justin Bieber.

Fishing is also included in the circle of hobbies of rock frontman.


In a tour with the album "Master of Puppets" (1986-1987), James Hatfield and guitarist Kirk Hammett were fascinated by Skates to run away from the daily tour routine.

During the joint concerts of Metallica and Ozzy Osborne, Hatfield and Hammett sat on the skates part of the Ozzy - guitarist and technicians.

The management of the group was categorically opposed to such fun on tour, so I warned: "If you break the limbs on the wilds - make me come with broken limbs."

So happened in the 86th - Hatfield broke his hand. Concerts have not been canceled - the frontman sang, and his guitar parties assumed John Marshall, then Hammetta technician.

In the 87th, Hatfield broke his hand again, because of what was postponed by the record of the album "... and Justice for All" and canceled several shows of the tour "Monsters of Rock". Since then, Metallica's management has banned Hatfield to touch the skates - it was officially registered in the Musician contract.

By the way, in the video game Tony Hawk "S Pro Skater HD" (2012), a popular skateboard simulator, you can play James Hatfield.


Having a skeleton with skaters, Hatfield switched to snowboards, as the fall on the snow is not so fraught by injuries. Since then, typical controversy "Snowboarders VS. Inside Metallica Skiers "- the opponent protrudes the drummer and the avid skier Lars Ulrich.

In 2006, James Hatfield was spent on the documentary "Let I Ride" on the legendary Snowboard revolutionary Craig Kelly. Work won the award " Best movie"And" Best Soundtrack "(there are Metallica, The Doors, Pearl Jam, Johnny Cash and others) at the X-Dance Film Festival - the most prestigious World Festival of Films on Extreme Sports.

Anyway snowboarders may be interested - Dad Hat rides on Bord Burton Custom 59 in Superfly II 68 boots.

Water Ski / Wakeboarding / Water Scooters

It seems that there is no such extreme sports that would not be interested in Hatfield.

One day, cutting waves on the wakeboard with Kidd Rock, the Metallica frontman did not badly damaged the back, but the metallic Maine will not stop any injury.

Street hockey

The stick, the washer, asphalt - Hatfield pays for you here.

Tuning machines and motorcycles

Collecting retro cars - a special passion of Hatfield. Bought, tuning - sometimes one, in his garage, sometimes with masters. When there is time, participates in the car show or at all organizes them.

The most special copies at the disposal of our hero - Ford "Iron fist" of 1936, Auburn Sppedster 1936 (in 2010 this baby Hatfield won an annual tuning competition), Ford Pickup 1956.

Metallica's musical group officially existed since 1981. Already out of the name it is clear that the main styles are Havie Metal and Hard Rock. For thirty years, the team firmly consolidated the title of the most successful and influential group in the world. What is the secret of such popularity and who soloist "metallic"? We will try to figure out these questions.

History of the group

In October 1981, an advertisement for the creation of a rock band appeared in the American edition of The Recycler. His authors were musicians James Hatfield and soon the composition was formed. It remains the case for his name. At the same time, Los Angeles opened a magazine about British and american groupsHaving Metal Style. Among the test names was "metallic". It was it that was borrowed by the young team.

Throughout the existence musical Group The composition was changed periodically. It was associated with the voluntary leaving of the musicians (Ron McGoli) or with their death, only the founders of the musical team remain permanent - the metallic soloist James Hatfield (he is a rhythm guitar) and the drummer Lars Ulrich. However, the leader is still the first musician. It is about him that will be discussed in this article.


One of the most frequently asked questions: "How old is the metallic soloist?" And the answer to it sometimes just amazes. James Hatfield was born on August 3, 1963 in the small town of Dauni (USA, California). He was brought up in a Christian manner, so it was difficult to assume that a dismarine soloist "metallic" will grow up from such an obedient and relaxing boy. The biography of his full surprises and mysteries. But the root of all events, according to James himself, lies in his family.

Hatfield's father was called Vörzhil. He worked as a bus driver, left the family when his son was almost 13 years old. Cynthia's mother lived after a divorce for three more years and died from cancer. Parents of the future musician belonged to the religious movement of Christian science Mary Baker Eddie. Their beliefs denied all kinds of medicine intervention in human life. Since any disease in this theory has a spiritual nature, then healing should be held at the spiritual level. This belief was so strong that even before his death, James's mother did not retreat from him.

Under the influence of such views, young Hatfield had to leave lessons, where they talked about medicine and its achievements. The situation has reached the fact that the peers became whispering from James behind his back, and he is giving away from them.

Tragic events and religion theme later became the main topics of the musician creativity. They soloist "metallic" James Hatfield dedicated more than a dozen songs. Among them: Mama Said, The God That Failed, Until It Sleeps.


Despite his religious childhood, James began to musitize early. At 9, he was already playing piano and drums, which borrowed from Brother David. And only after that made a conscious choice in favor of the guitar.

"Metallica" is the only serious project to which Hatfield walked for more than one year. Prior to that, he created amateur groups of Obsession and Phantom Lord, which tried the well-known hits of rock collectives such as LED Zeppelin and Black Sabbath. During the existence of his second group, James moved to La Brea and studied at the School of Olllond. After graduation, he returned to his native Downey, and the group broke down.

In his hometown, the musician settled in the house of a friend of Ron McGolie, which was then given under demolition. He perfectly approached the creative studio. There guys diligently rehearsed, honing the skill of the game on the guitar. Later, musicians from the previous team were joined, in which the future soloist "metallic" played. Photos in youth, unfortunately, did not save the memory of this period. However, the group was formed and received the name Leather Charm. It turned out to be more successful. The guys wrote their own songs and even performed at several concerts. However, constant care and replacement of musicians eventually ruined the group.

The most important and turning event in the life of James, perhaps, you can consider acquaintance with the drummer Lars Ulrich.

The success of their duet for many is clear. Both musicians to the depths of the soul are betrayed by music and from the very beginning understood all the seriousness and responsibility of the project, for which they were taken. In addition, the guys are really talented. The metallic soloist has strong and memorable vocals. And journalists celebrate his special way of interaction with the public and the peculiarity of keeping their mediator with three fingers.

Personal life

James Hatfield can be called an exemplary family man. In 1997, he married the charming Francesca Tomasi, with which together so far. Spouses have three children: Daughters Kalei and Marcell and Son Castor.

James since childhood to religion, so he did not set himself the task of raising children in a Christian or other manner. His goal was always to raise decent people. Despite the fact that he was not a bright positive example, his children got a good education. It is known that Castor and Kylie try themselves in the cinema.

In honor of his family, Hatfield stuffed a tattoo in the form of a glowing cross and arms folded in prayer. Supplement the tattoo the phoned names of his children.

Problems with voice

In 1991 and 2003, Hatfield had problems with voice ligaments. Both cases were associated with the features of the compositions when recording. The first time the soloist "metallica" threw a voice when he recorded the next album (The Black Album). Because of the injury gained, the musicians-colleagues at concerts needed to rebuild the guitars literally on the halfone below. However, this song did not lose their original sound.

In 2003, before Hatfield, the task was to write the album St. Anger on a low setup (dropped C). At the same time, it was necessary to literally "spin" words. As a result of such a musical experiment, the metallic soloist received a serious injury of voice ligaments. Of course, gradually the voice returned to the musician. This is especially noticeable in comparing new concert records with audio of that time.


In modern society there was a stereotype that all rock stars are fond of alcohol or drugs. This is partly true. "Heavy" music, crazy, full drive concerts and a tireless creative searchExperiments take a lot of strength, keep in tension. Therefore, the musicians begin to look for a source for relaxation and recharging. The history of world music knows many such examples.

The problems of alcohol dependence did not escape the metallic soloist James Hatfield. True, in his case everything went successfully. During intense record, the same album St. Anger In 2003, the musician voluntarily went to the rehabilitation from alcoholism. The course lasted 11 months. At this time, James managed to combine treatment with the album recording. After the end of the rehabilitation, he immediately went to the red carpet to receive the MTV Icon award.


In addition to the music, which creates and performs the soloist of the Metallic Group, his name was famous and frequent accidents. For example, during the tour period for the promotion of the Master of Puppets album, James Hatfield broke his hand when skateboard rode. Fortunately for the group, at the concerts of Solist was able to replace John Marshall. At that time, he was accompanying "metallic" in the tour.

In 1987, the case with a skateboard repeated. Then for this reason the group had to cancel the record of the next album and several shows in the upcoming Tour of Monsters of Rock'87. Of course, such accidents were inadvertently on the pocket of the whole team of "metallic", so a special paragraph was inscribed in the Hatfield contract: "No skateboards".

However, the most serious and well-known accident that Metallic Soloist survived (the photo is saved in the musician archive), is burns from pyrotechnics during a concert in 1992. Then the group performed together with Guns'n'Roses at the Olympic Stadium in Montreal. During the execution of the next composition, James Hatfield went to pyrotechnic equipment. A high fiery pillar (about four meters high) touched the left side of the body of the musician. As it turned out later, before the concert, the team of pyrotechnics prepared new special effects - fireworks on the scene scenes. However, I forgot to warn about the work of old special effects in the central part of the scene edge. That is why Hatfield so confidently went to the side, closer to the public. As a result, the musician seriously burned left and face. He had to abandon time from speeches and playing guitar. The rhythm guitarist from the Metal Church Group John Marshall was again invited to his place.

Collection of guitars

What is the name of the soloist "metalliac", today it is known, perhaps, very much. However, it is unlikely that someone knows that James Hatfield is the owner of a big collection of rare guitars. Many of them were presented to the musician.

Of course, the overwhelming majority among them occupy electronic tools, Namely, 31 guitar of famous musical brands: Gibson LES Paul, ESP, Gretch. A real rarity in the collection is "Fedder TV" 1952. According to the same Hatfield, his favorite is considered a gift king V "with a note of Kill Bon Jovi.

Acoustic models in the collection of only two.


The name of the soloist "metallic" stably takes the leading places in all musical ratings for three decades. The group suddenly broke into world music and literally from the first notes conquered the hearts of millions of listeners. Of course, such a dizzying success could not stay aside from the assessment of experienced critics and experts. Today in the metallic collection (since 1990) there are about two dozen awards. These are the premiums for the best metal performances, and the marks of successful albums and compositions, and rewards for the best metal video. So, for example, in 1996, the musical team was awarded the title of most beloved in the style of metal / hard rock, and the frontman James Hatfield, respectively, is named the best performer. Also in 2009, Metalka was introduced officially to the Rock and Roll Fame Hall.

Despite the reputation of the dislocate guy and the noisy party, the metallic soloist is a very versatile personality.

This is evidenced by a number of interesting facts:


What is the name of the soloist "metalliac"? This question has not been difficult for lovers of "heavy" music and not only. The cult team with a cult front simply could not be left without public attention. As can be seen, is a multifaceted person with an unusual fate and a world. Perhaps these personals are changed and the world is moving forward. And perhaps without such a leader would not music legend Under the name "metallic", which still continues to live and amaze.

James Alan Hetfield.born August 3, 1963, Los Angeles, California (USA) - guitarist, one of the founders and permanent leader of the group Metallica..

For James Hatfield Metallica. I became something like a refuge. His image of a lonely wolf, sipping beer, is a false critic who has always been deceptive. In fact, those who have long known James., They argue that he is a very wound and impressionable person who has never possessed immunity against criticism.

A family

Father James., Virhil (English Virgil.) - the bus driver who left the family when James. It was 13.

"It was very unpleasant to me as a child, do not know what is happening," says James about breaking parents. - It was kind of hidden. This is a big defect in my character, who remains still - all the time it seems to me that everyone is hidden from me. Father left, and we did not suspect the long month that he was not going to return. Mom said he was on a business trip, and in the end told the truth. I had the fear of what I remained the main man in the house, not knowing how and what to do. It was a feeling that I did not have learned enough from my father that he was not with me when he was needed, and all this was accumulated. Strong hatred for it. He did not even say goodbye. I have no idea about what happened between them. Maybe it was something completely terrible when he had to just disappear and that's it. But they both were very religious, and for me it contradicted all these things relating to the divorce. To be abandoned I had problems with this. Then, after 3 years, my mom died. I associate it with all these swirl problems regarding the divorce. It was very painful".

His mother, Cynthia (English Cyntia.) (opera singer), together with your father James, was a sequence of christian science, and according to Hatfield. A significant part of his life in his youth was associated with Christianity.

"I was imposed on faith and religion when I was still a child," says James. - My parents raised me, not believing in medicine and doctors. Any religion has its great aspects, but the child is not yet able to embrace them. ... It was one of those religions that you begin to understand with age when there is already experience with doctors. IN general featuresConsciousness in it was dominated by matter.
Me, a child, all this religiosity is very annoyed. After all, I could not attend physical education lessons, anatomy and all these wellness events. You know, because primary school I really want to be everywhere with buddies ... They get textbooks on anatomy, and for some reason you can not know anything about the structure of a person, because "the body is only a sheath of the soul." You can not go to the doctor, because God will cure all your birth. I had to get up and get out of class, and the rows passed whisper ... "Why do you leave the lesson?" And I started in all these explanations about religion. And when you just seven years old, I do not want to talk about such things at all. When you play football, and at the same time deprived of the feeling of your own physicity. ... It did not help feel like a part of the universe. No matter how stupid it sounds. But no".

In accordance with your beliefs, parents Hatfield. They did not approve of medicine and any kind of medical intervention, and remained loyal to their faith, even when Cynthia died from cancer ( James. Then it was 16 years old).

Death of Mother I. sophisticated attitude To religion later became the main themes of many songs of the group Metallica.. Songs - " Mama Said.», « Dyers Eve."And" THE GOD THAT FAILED"- about the parents of Hatfield, and" Until It Sleeps."- About cancer.

Musical career

Miziz James He started at 9 years old on Forepiano, then played his brother's drums, and finally he went to the guitar.

"Mom took me to the piano lessons, because we lived in a friend's house. - tells James. - I began to play the piano, and my mother thought that I would become a virtuoso [laugh]. Three years of study at the piano in the house elderly womanwhere terribly smelled. I quickly realized that this is an excellent means of communication. I liked to be alone. I liked the opportunity to take off the world. The music helped very much in this. I put my headphones and just listened to music. Music spoke to my voice and became a link in many levels. It was very natural that I wanted to express themselves in this way. All spells around Kiss and Aerosmith. It was the first concert visited by me - Aerosmith and AC / DC in Long Beach Arena (July 12, 1978). I also liked Ted Nugent, Alice Cooper. A lot of more acute heavy Rocawhich was American at that time. "

His first group was the amateur team "obsession". The group consisted of the Veloz brothers who played the bass guitar and drums, and Jim Arnold on the guitar. Ron McGoli and Dave Mars were sitting on the attic of the garage Veloz and span on the control panel of light effects. Group playing famous compositions Groups such as Black Sabbath and LED Zeppelin. After the collapse of Obsession Marres, Hatfield. And McGoli continued to play together. After moving to La Brea, James Enrolled in the Brea Olinda school and met with the drummer Jim Mulligan. Soon Hugh Tanner appeared, and with him they created Phantom Lord. With Hugh on the solo guitar and jim on the drums, James Sang and played on the rhythm guitar. The group changed several bass players until James He graduated from school and went back to Downey. In Down James He moved to the house belonging to the parents of Ron McGoli, which was to be demolished due to the expansion of the high-speed motor. This house was an ideal place to James. And Ron to gather together, listen and play music. James He persuaded Ron to play the bass guitar and even promised to teach him. Third Group James.Leather Charm, consisted of former Phantom Lord members. Besides James. And Ron, Hugh Tanner and Jim Mulligan entered her. LEATHER CHARM group was more successful. She played her songs and cavities, for example, Quiet Riot Slick Black Cadillac. and REMEMBER TOMORROW. Iron Maiden. The group managed to play in several concerts and recorded a demo, but began to fall apart. The first left the Tanner group, and he was replaced by three James. Then Mulligan went to another, more progressive group. Ultimately, the Leather Charm group collapsed.


The most important event in life James. became a meeting with a leaving from Denmark, drummer Lars Ulrich. Together, in 1981, they founded a group Metallica..

"We answered his announcement in the newspaper, met with him on some little warehouse somewhere, he set his impact installationAnd he really didn't play, but had motivation, knowledge. - tells James. - He had the same drive and the same aspirations as me. In addition, his game was not very good at that time, all sorts of smells [laugh]. Misfortune to be a European is that they do not produce soap there, and no one is in no one. When visiting his house is definitely another feeling. Very friendly, very openly. My house was very elite, very closed, if you were not a follower of our religion ... We had no many guests at home. The house of Lars was an absolute opposite. Very in the style of hippies, in the style of "Come on, come in." I would not say that he was spoiled, but, being the only child in the family, he had many records. I came and could not believe it. I had my little set, and he had a whole bedroom wall filled with all sorts of things. He could just go to the music store and say: "I want to listen to what it is for the guys." I could not afford it. But, the dude, I came and rewritten everything he could have herself. "

Lars He stole the name from a certain Ron Quintan, who was ready to launch a magazine for fans of metal music. Quintan had several names, but he could not stop on one, and therefore asked his friend Lars Help choose. After Ulrich Heard a word Metallica., he quickly offered another name for the magazine, but Metallica. Left for myself.

If a Lars Ulrich fully took responsibility for organizational issues, then Hatfield. Always been creative heart Teams. James It admits that he understood that endless business meetings were not for him: "I fell asleep on one of them. I woke up all the time and asked: "Damn, what are we talking about here? I have already forgotten. " BUT Lars It likes it. This is his life - a group, its business aspect and so on. He calls managers hourly. Lars Like to mess around with all this, well, and I'm interested in sales and recording process. I'm leaving in it with your head. "

"We have always categorically avoided the use of metal clichés - all this sexism and satanic shit - and, as a result, all outstanding journalists were assessed," says Lars Ulrich.

James Invents texts for the group. The top of creativity of the group was always called " Black album"1991. James Invested in him a lot of his personal experiences. "It is quite easy to write songs like those in the album and Justice for all," says the musician. "It's very simple: you watch the news program and write about what you see. And transfer what is happening in the shower, it is much more difficult than writing about politics. But if you splash out all this, it is easy to give all the credibility, especially at concerts. There is nothing better than write words to a wonderful song and thereby bring it on new level. This brings great satisfaction. I do not know, probably, this pride is a piece of maternal: "So admire this kid."
I am not from those guys that they are sitting and reading novels or poems, I do not compose elegant sonnets. The only way - It is to listen to what inside, and to what everyone would affect. You need to write about your own feelings and, to a lesser extent, about the world around. This is the faithful method. "

Somehow in the evening James Battered on the phone and at the same time I switched something on an acoustic guitar. Riding the bass strings, he caught a melody and, realizing it, immediately hung the phone: "I was not going to write this song at all for Metallica.. It was personally my song. I did not think that they would like it. Just wrote it for myself. "

The melody was called Nothing Else Matters.. "This song was impossible to impose some framework," says Lars Ulrich. - And when later we were offered to play her with along with symphony orchestra, I did not mind. " "I was a little confused," says James. - I did not know how it was done. I didn't even know how to record such melodies! "

Nothing Else Matters. helped the group Metallica. Move all boundaries invented by them, press and public. They proved that heavy, powerful music can be different. They brought the stunning dynamics in their songs and were able to go beyond the genre.

Metallica. I had a great influence on the development of metal and enters (along with such groups, like Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax) in "The big fourth of TRESH-METAL". Albums Metallica. A total of more than 100 million copies around the world were sold in the amount of more than 100 million copies around the world, which makes it the most commercially successful "metal" team.

With the opening speech at the ceremony made a bassist group Red Hot Chilli Peppers Fli. Numerous friends of the group were invited to the ceremony.

The team made a fistor - a former bassist joined the group Metallica. Jason New Sext. The group performed songs " Master of Puppets."And" ENTER SANDMAN.", and also arranged Jam, fulfilling the composition" TRAIN KEPT A ROLLIN"" With Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck, Joe Perry, Ronnie Wood and Flea.

One of the conditions of getting into Hall of Glory Rock and Roll - must pass at least 25 years from the output of the first album. The first album of the group Kill "Em All Released in 1983.

Studio albums

KILL "EM ALL (1983)

Ride The Lightning (1984)

Master of Puppets (1986)

... and Justice for all (1988)

Metallica (1991)

Load (1996)

RELOAD (1997)

St. Anger (2003)

Death Magnetic (2008)


James Hatfield. Famous accidents that happened to him during performances Metallica.. Perhaps the most famous is the case at a joint concert with Guns N "Roses in 1992 at the Montreal Olympic Stadium. During the execution of the song" Fade to Black ", Hatfield. passed over pyrotechnic equipment at the moment when it worked. This led to the fact that James He earned the burns of the left hand and face the second and third degrees, and was forced to abandon the game on the guitar. Instead of a rhythm guitar player, John Marshal from Metal Church was invited. Before the next concert, pyrotechnics informed the group that during the execution of "Fade to Black" new special effects will be used: on the edges of the scene there will be a firework. However, pyrotechnics forgot to warn that old special effects will also remain. Being confident that the story will not happen again, James I got up next to the old pyrotechnic installation and a heaf of a flame of 12 feet burned it on the left side.

But Hatfield. All this does not care: "The cargo that I took over, about this: I am the leader of this group on stage and I can play a concert with sober, with a clean mind, I can play a concert without thoughts in my head that after the final song I will go drinking or Drop in Stripclub. I asked a lot of questions myself, asked himself if I could live without it. I went to the scene, looked around, looked at the public and understood that the pleasure from the speech fills everything, and I just don't need something else. But it was something else. It happened, I was covered with goose skin on the scene from fear when everyone smiled and having fun. I mean the fact that on the stage I was truly happy and expressed it differently, it was something! I was told: "Stop smile and laughing, you look like a child, which for the first time on stage." And I was a child, the most real. It's just super - to smile and show everything, how happy you are. Now I was truly free on the scene. I told the crowd what I felt at the moment, even if it was terribly, for example: "I felt a horse all day all day, but I rose to the stage, I stand here, I get better."

Rehabilitation from alcoholism

During the album recording " St. Anger.» James Hatfield. I decided to reduce my participation in the record in order to undergo a rehabilitation course from alcoholism. After eleven months, he returned to the studio to complete the disk. James appeared in public in 2003, when Metallica. It was nominated as "MTV Icon" of the year.

Some Kind of Monster (2004)

Famous documentist Joe Berlinger presented a family portrait of a group Metallica. In the interior - the portrait is painfully frank, and sometimes shocking. This striking film was removed in the most difficult period of the group's history during the album recording " St.ger.", who received the Grammy Award. The picture appears in the picture of the original composition. Dave Maletene, I. Jason New Sextwho left the group in 2001, and, of course, a new bassist Robert Trujillo!

Personal life

IN free time James It is fond of hunting, collecting rare guitars, skateboard riding, snowboarding, water skiing, work in the garage, follows the games with his favorite team of Oakland Raiders, and visiting races of hot childbirth.

James. Like the music of such performers like Black Sabbath, Motorhead, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Thin Lizzy, Tom Waits, Nick Cave and Ted Nugent. Now he listens also to Rocket From the Crypt, Gov "T Mule, Corrosion of Conformity.

And although James Hatfield. without tired repeats that he is married to Metallica.In fact, he has a real spouse - Francesca Tomasi (English. Francesca Tomasi.).

Their first daughter was born on June 13, 1998, they were ordered her Cali Ti Hatfield (English. Cali.). Attention to the first child in the family Metallica. From the press, it was so great that the happy father retired with an equally happy wife and her daughter, and in the role of a family press attache I had to perform then Lars Ulrich. On May 18, 2000, Francesca gave birth to a boy - Castor Vörzhila (English. Castor), and on January 17, 2002 - daughter Marcell Francesca (English. Marcella). Hatfield. He married Francesca on August 17, 1997.

"Every God's day I am telling my wife and children that I love them, but I still want to hug them, kiss. I hope I believe that this is love, "says James. "I like to accompany children to school, talk to their teachers, get acquainted with their friends, pick up from school." I love when they run to meet me and shout: "Papula, and today it was then that". But not everything is so simple, we are not always comfortable together. I just shame to think that I am not comfortable with my family in society, but everything because of my life style. It is difficult for me to come to terms with the fact that my wife leaves for a weekend to relax with friends. I stay alone with children and immediately the question: "What should I do?" We go eat ice cream somewhere away, because I do not want to meet with someone and spend the time of my children on foreign people. I really really want to be good fatherI'm trying to do everything for my children. I constantly think about what good I can do for my children and just not imagine my life without them.

Somehow my wife Francesca was sick and lay at home, and I sat and cared for her and children, and it was cool. And when I'm on the way, I really miss them. For me, it is very important that time I spend with them, because I love them very much. But I still divide into two parts - one of them wants to play on stage, and the other is to play the garden with children. "

World Magnetic Tour.

Death Magnetic - Ninth studio album Metallica groups, published on September 10, 2008 in the UK, was engaged in distribution by Vertigo, and on September 12, a global release was held. The album was the first of its kind in the history of the group, when each of her members participated in writing songs or created his own. Also B. Death Magnetic For the first time, after ... and Justice for allThe instrumental composition was turned on.

Death Magnetic Debuted on the first line of charts in many countries, including in Australia, Canada and Mexico, as well as in the European Chart of the albums. 490,000 copies of the plate were sold in the USA. Moreover, Metallica. She became the first group, which released five consecutive albums, occupying first in Billboard 200.

A week after the release, Death Magnetic Hold first place in the Billboard 200, the European Chart of the albums, and also became the fastest album in Australia in 2008. Even after three weeks Death Magnetic still leading in the Billboard 200 charter. This achievement in 2008 was only Metallica. And Jack Johnson. And in the Billboard charts "Hard Rock", "Modern Rock / Alternative" and "Rock" the album remained in the first position of the whole five weeks in a row.

Total Death Magnetic He occupied the first lines of charts in 32 countries of the world.

Due to the success of the ninth album Metallica. , MTV Europe nominated a group on its Music Awards Awards in the "Rock Out" and "Headliner" categories, and MTV Latin America invited musicians to speak at their Music Awards ceremony. Metallica. Played the song "The Day Town Never Comes".

October 21, 2008 The team went in tour World Magnetic Tour.. List of lucky: Peru, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Caracas, Puerto Rico, Norway, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Russia (April 24-25, 2010), Hungary, Croatia, Portugal, France, Poland, Switzerland and the Czech Republic.


"Do I go fucking knows where, she wants - I think all the time about Metallica., - He speaks James Hatfield.. - I think, even if I do not want it. And that is great. You are part of the family, and it means much for you, it's not anywhere. Metallica. He takes a bunch of time, and it almost does not remain for something personal, on some other life - to have his own home and somehow equip the life is very difficult. And therefore sometimes just tearing apart. But we are a family. "