As Matroskin said. Cat Matroskin: “I can also embroider, and on a typewriter too ...

As Matroskin said.  Cat Matroskin: “I can also embroider, and on a typewriter too ...
As Matroskin said. Cat Matroskin: “I can also embroider, and on a typewriter too ...

The cat Matroskin comes to the store and says:
- Give me a pork tenderloin and some bones.
- Bones for Sharik, right?
- Well, what are you, bones - for Pechkin! He retired ...

Uncle Fyodor is walking, he sees - Matroskin the Cat is chewing a sandwich with a sausage down.
- What, Matroskin, sausage down - tastier?
- No, I just can't see this sausage anymore!

Buttermilk. For outstanding services to the village and in connection with the 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet, the cat Matroskin was awarded the title "Admiralkin cat".

A stoned guy sits in a taxi on Nevsky Prospekt:
- In Prostokvashino!
- Where is it?
- Where where? Don't run into rhyme!

Buttermilk. Evening. Ball runs in:
- Matroskin! There your cow gave birth to kittens!
Matroskin is so lazy:
- My cow, what I want, I do ...

And I also think that the first downshifter was Uncle Fedor. And what? The son of a singer and academician fled from the city back to nature and found his simple agrarian happiness in the village of Prostokvashino in the company of a dog, a cat, a jackdaw and a postman

The village of Prostokvashino was captured by the Germans. They appointed Pechkin as headman. In the morning they look - Pechkin is hanged. At the gallows.
Well, let's go figure it out:
- Sharik, did you hang Pechkin?
- No, I have a photographic gun, I run for half a day after the game to take a photo, and then I run for half a day to give it away.
- Uncle Fyodor - you?
- No, I just arrived, I ran away from my dad and mom.
- Matroskin - are you?
- I also know how to shoot from a machine gun, and start a tank ...

The cat Matroskin brings a sack to the dump and pours out kittens with horns.
- Matroskin, where did you get them?
- My cow - I do what I want ...

An agitated uncle Fyodor runs into the house:
- Matroskin! Your striped calf cow has given birth!
Matroskin, with dignity:
- Mrrr .. My cow. I do what I want!

The cat Matroskin sits at the table drinking yogurt, jelly, turned on the radio and listens. The radio broadcasts: "An American Boeing-747 crashed over Prostokvashino."
The cat out loud:
- Oh, this Sharik, well, and a hunter.

The invaders are storming Prostokvashino. Suddenly the cat Matroskin from the trench with grenades: "Bang! Bang!" The smoke cleared - no one is alive! Matroskin, hanging a grenade launcher on his shoulder:
- And I know how to embroider on a typewriter!

The Germans captured Prostokvashino. They walk around the huts, look. Suddenly, in Uncle Fyodor's hut, they saw Pechkin, who had been hanged.
They catch Uncle Fyodor and ask:
- Who hanged Pechkin?
- I do not know - he says - I went for mushrooms.
Catch Sharik:
- Did you hang Pechkin?
- No - answers - I went for mushrooms.
They caught Galchonka, and he started:
- I went for mushrooms, for mushrooms!
Then Matroskin in felt boots slides off the stove. The Germans run up to him and yell:
- You, striped bastard, hanged Pechkin?
- And I also shoot from an auto-oh-ohm-a-ata mind-e-her!

Matroskin is the most popular character in the cartoon based on the work of Eduard Uspensky. He is smart, economical, and it is in his mouth that most of the phrases that later became winged are put into his mouth.

The birth of a character

It is curious that the cat Matroskin turned out to have several prototypes at once.

Prototype # 1. Book
The writer Eduard Uspensky wrote Matroskin from his friend Anatoly Taraskin, who was then working in the newsreel "Fitil". Initially, the cat was supposed to be called "Cat Taraskin". The writer, of course, told about his idea to Taraskin himself. “I am writing a cat, he is economic, smart, hard-working - I am writing him from you. I gave him your surname ... ", - he said in one of the telephone conversations. Taraskin did not like this idea, so the cat had to be urgently renamed Matroskin. According to Uspensky, Taraskin later regretted that he did not share his surname.

Prototype # 2. Cartoon
What can I say, the cartoon Matroskin has surpassed the book hero many times in popularity. The cartoon was taken away for quotes not only thanks to the outstanding script, but also thanks to the actors, whose voices the heroes spoke. According to Oleg Tabakov, who voiced the cat Matroskin, at that time in his life there were two "human counterparts" of a cat: the eldest son Anton and the father of his first wife Ivan Ivanovich Krylov. “Together they gave this symbiosis of the cat Matroskin,” he said in an interview.

How Matroskin was painted

Probably everyone noticed that the characters changed from cartoon to cartoon. The reason for this is the change of production designers.

In the first series ("Three from Prostokvashino", 1978), the production designers were Nikolai Erykalov and Levon Khachatryan. Khachatryan drew human characters, and Erykalov drew Cat, Sharik, Cow and Gavryusha.

During the work on the cartoon, there was a moment when Khachatryan offered to dress the animals, but director Vladimir Popov objected that he did not know where to put their tails. So the cat Matroskin was left without clothes.

Still from the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino", 1978

When it came to the filming of the sequel, Vladimir Popov invited Arkady Sher to the picture instead of Nikolai Erykalov. According to the latter, the reason was that while working on the first series, Erykalov dragged out the preparatory period.

Cher was allowed to redraw all the characters in his own way.

Still from the cartoon "Holidays in Prostokvashino", 1980

Cher said that he saw Ouspensky's characters completely different, but since the first series existed, he had to adhere to the types already known to the audience. However, from the second to the third series, the characters changed: so the cat became thicker and got a hat with a pompom.

Shot from the cartoon "Winter in Prostokvashino", 1984

However, despite the change of artists, each new series of "Prostokvashino" was met with delight by the audience. The characters of the film become heroes of jokes, monuments are erected to them, and numerous creators are fighting for patents for their images, which have turned into brands.

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We loved the heroes of "Prostokvashino" very much in childhood and adore them now. They have a lot to learn. Uncle Fedor, unlike his parents, knows perfectly well what is most important in life. The charismatic Matroskin does not go into his pocket for words. And Sharik, a modest and kind soul, says what he thinks and is glad to help everyone. We also like the harmful Pechkin and the eccentric parents - sometimes we recognize ourselves or our acquaintances in them.

site collected 45 sayings of the characters of the cartoon "Prostokvashino", many of which we know by heart. But we are still ready to review the cartoon and repeat them over and over again.

The rules of life of the cat Matroskin

  • - You're wrong, Uncle Fyodor, eat a sandwich. You hold it up with the sausage, but you have to put the sausage on your tongue - it will be tastier this way.
  • - Just think, I can also embroider ... and on a typewriter too ...
  • - You, for example, what will you write out?
    - I will subscribe to Murzilka.
    - And I mean something about hunting.
    - And I won't do anything. I will save.
  • - In such weather they sit at home, watch TV. Only strangers run around ... Let's not open the door!
  • - And how to wash?
    - And so! We need to get dirty less!
  • - He thinks about hares ... And who will think about us? Admiral Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern?
  • - Lived! We, one might say, found him in the trash heap, washed him, cleaned him up so cleanly, and he draws figs for us here ...
  • - That we are all without milk and without milk, you can die! I ought to buy a cow.
  • - According to the receipt, there is only one red cow, we took her alone according to the receipt. We will hand over one, so as not to violate reporting!
  • - And we have already made up. Because working together for my benefit unites.
  • - Mustache, paws and tail - these are my documents!

Sharik's rules of life

  • - If everyone chops Christmas trees by the New Year, we will have only stumps instead of forests. It's good for old ladies when there are only hemp in the forest. You can sit on them.
  • - Probably, he was not like you, he was a good man, since the ship was named after him. And he would not have chopped Christmas trees! Not like some ...
  • - And my health is not very good. That paws ache, then the tail falls off. And the other day I started to shed. The old wool is falling off me, even if you don't enter the house. But the new one grows clean, silky, so my hairiness has increased.
  • - It is better to buy meat in the store.
    - Why?
    - There are more bones.
  • - Yes, I would be glad to quit, but Matroskin will rip my head off. After all, the money has been paid for the gun. And my life ... is free.
  • - And if your cow was smarter, she would not give milk, but carbonated water.

Uncle Fedor's rules of life

  • - I'm nobody's. I'm a boy myself. Your own.
  • - Hello! Take me to live with you. I will protect you all ...
    - What more! We ourselves do not live anywhere. You come to us in a year, when we get the farm.
    - You, Matroskin, shut up. A good dog has never bothered anyone.

Uncle Fedor's dad and mom's rules of life

  • - I live like a serf peasant.
    - Why else?
    - And because! I have four evening dresses, silk. And there is nowhere to put them on.
  • - So, choose: either me or the cat!
    - Well, I choose you! I have known you for a long time, and this is the first time I see this cat.
  • - This picture on the wall is very useful: it blocks the hole in the wallpaper.
  • - If we were crazy, then not both at once. They go crazy one by one. It’s just the flu all together get sick.
  • - We have such roads in winter and the weather is such that already riding academics meet. I saw it myself.
  • - I believe that the most valuable gift for a woman is a sack of potatoes.
  • - I would have unscrewed this uncle with big ears!
  • - It is necessary that in the house and dogs were, and cats, and friends a whole bag. And all sorts of hide-and-seek hideouts. Then the children will not disappear.
    - Then the parents will start to disappear.
  • - I, of course, love nature. But not to such an extent that in concert dresses on electric trains to drive around!
  • - To me our apartment is the transfer “What? Where? When?" reminds! You will not understand what is where and when it will all end!
  • - We absolutely need to get a second child somewhere. To remove the severity. And angry.
  • - Honey, let's leave your resort and go to Prostokvashino!
    - Be patient! I wore two evening dresses, there are two more left!
  • - It's bad for us without him, but he feels good there. He has such a cat there, to which you can grow and grow. He is behind him like a stone wall.
  • - If I had such a cat, I might never have married.

First appears in the story, published in 1973 ("Uncle Fyodor, the cat and the dog"). Then he becomes the hero of a series of Soviet cartoons based on this and other works by Eduard Uspensky.

History of creation

The cat Matroskin has a prototype - a friend of the writer Eduard Uspensky, editor of the satirical newsreel "Fitil" Anatoly Taraskin. The cat Matroskin "inherited" the prudence, thoroughness and homeliness of this man, and at the same time had to inherit the surname. However, Taraskin asked Ouspensky not to name the fictional cat by his name, because he considered it too caricatured.

Matroskin appeared on the screens for the first time in 1975, two years after the release of the story "Uncle Fyodor, the Cat and the Dog", in the cartoon of the same name, directed by Yuri Klepatsky and Lydia Surikova. Ouspensky himself wrote the script for this cartoon. And the cat Matroskin was voiced by the actress, who later became a famous comedian and TV presenter (in the Ukrainian version), and the actress Svetlana Kharlap (in the Russian version).

Nevertheless, this on-screen incarnation of Matroskin remained not very famous. The image created in a series of cartoons about the adventures in Prostokvashino, filmed by director Vladimir Popov, gained real fame: Three from Prostokvashino (1978), Vacations in Prostokvashino (1980) and Winter in Prostokvashino (1984).

The scripts for all three were written by Eduard Uspensky, and the tailed-striped hero was voiced, whose voice everyone is now trying to imitate, on occasion portraying Matroskin the cat in his speech. The design of animal characters for cartoons was created by production designer Nikolai Erykalov.

Image and plot

The cat Matroskin is an economic and practical hero, a rationalist, inclined to save money, and seeks to benefit from everything. He calls his own nickname by his surname. At first he lived in Moscow, with a certain professor who studied the language of animals. There Matroskin, in turn, learned the human Russian language and began to talk with people.

Then he became homeless, lived in the entrance of a residential high-rise building, where he met Uncle Fyodor. Then, together with a new friend and dog Sharik, he moved to the village of Prostokvashino, where he found himself in an ideal environment for himself. He took up the farm, realized the dream of his own cow, which will give milk.

The hero is looking for practical benefits in everything and is upset when he does not find it, sometimes going too far. I am inclined to reproach the dog Sharik with the fact that there is no sense in the economy, but only "expenses alone." He quarrels with Sharik because an impractical dog, instead of boots, spent money on fashionable sneakers. Sometimes he takes milk, which the cow gives him, all the containers available in the house.

He possesses a lot of useful skills: he knows how to work on a sewing machine, cross-stitch, play the guitar, write and read, and also believe that it is undoubtedly useful to be able to be a household cat. He also sings songs with a guitar.

In the new stories of Uspensky, which were published already in the 90s, the cat Matroskin demonstrates a penchant for entrepreneurship and fits well into new realities, where the hero's practical ingenuity and the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation come in handy (“Aunt Uncle Fedor, or Escape from Prostokvashino "," New orders in the village of Prostokvashino ").

In the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino" the cat Matroskin meets Uncle Fyodor and goes with him to the village of Prostokvashino. On the spot, the friends get to know a dog named Sharik, and he shows new acquaintances an empty house where they can live. In the meantime, parents in Moscow are submitting an advertisement in a newspaper about the missing boy, and the heroes have to meet a greedy village man who expects to receive a bicycle as a reward for "handing over" Uncle Fyodor.

In the cartoon "Holidays in Prostokvashino" the hero, together with the dog Sharik, continue to live in the village. And Uncle Fyodor, who had previously returned to Moscow with his parents, again goes AWOL and comes to them on vacation. The parents of an independent boy, who did not plan to rest in Prostokvashino, go to Sochi together. In the village Matroskin is busy with the cow that gave birth to the calf Gavryusha, and Sharik was carried away by photography.

In the cartoon "Winter in Prostokvashino," the household Matroskin quarrels with the dog Sharik, who squandered money and bought sneakers for the winter instead of boots. The heroes do not speak directly to each other and transmit messages from one corner of the house to another, using the postman Pechkin as an intermediary. Later Matroskin makes peace with the dog: when Uncle Fyodor and his father come to them on New Year's Eve, the heroes together have to pull out the Zaporozhets stuck in the snow.

Household cat Matroskin, a lover of cows and milk, adorns the labels of dairy products produced by the Russian brand Prostokvashino.

The famous cat has been embodied in bronze several times. The monument to Matroskin and Sharik can be found in Khabarovsk on city ponds. Bronze heroes sit on a bench and talk. And in 2015, the opening of a monument to the actor Oleg Tabakov took place in Saratov, and the cat Matroskin became the second figure in this composition.

On the basis of the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino" in 2005-2009, a series of video games was created, where Matroskin is present as one of the characters.


The cat Matroskin remains a favorite character of animation fans of different ages, and the hero's lines are still heard today. For example, Matroskin's commentary on how Uncle Fyodor eats a sandwich:

“You’re wrong, Uncle Fyodor, eat a sandwich. You hold it up with the sausage, but you have to put the sausage on your tongue, it will be tastier this way ”.

Other quotes were also widely circulated:

“If we do not concede to each other, we will not have a house, but a communal apartment. Quarreling ".
“There are people who are just the opposite. The less they think, the more benefit. "
“Oh, we have this Sharik! The hunter was found! There is no income from you, but only expenses ... "
"- Well and what is it? What kind of folk art is this?
- Eh you, dullness! This is an Indian national folk hut. "Fig-you" is called!
- Lived! We, one might say, found him in the trash heap, washed him, cleared him of cleanings, and he draws us figwams here ... "
“Who will think of us? Admiral Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern? "
"... according to the receipt, there is only one red cow, we took her one according to the receipt, we will hand over one, so as not to violate the reporting."