How to filmed the movie "Star Wars. Episode IV: New Hope

How to filmed the movie
How to filmed the movie "Star Wars. Episode IV: New Hope

We all know that one of the most religious and grandiose films is Saga " star Wars"So what was she so fascinating and interesting? First of all, visual effects and proximity to open space were attracted to the screens. Let us open the secret over the classic trilogy and learn how the legendary trilogy was created from simple cardboard and drawings.

Like any masterpiece, "Star Wars" began with ideas.

Great storyteller new era Cinema George Lucas conceived Epopeus when he had not yet been 30 years old. In the mid-1970s was ready preliminary scenariowhich, however, more than once almost completely rewritten. How do you, for example, is one of the ideas of Lucas to make Luke Skywalker 60-year-old general, and Khan Solo is an aliens with green scales and gills?

Written story included the plot of all the six episodes known today. There is a version that George Lucas decided to shoot a series from the middle because on the first three episodes at the time allegedly lacked the skill of specialists in visual effects. This is not the case, the director could well realize his idea since the very first episodes. He initially decided to take on the decreement of the fourth episode. First, it was done in order to intrigue viewers. Secondly, George Lucas did not know at all, whether he would remove more than one series of "Star Wars", so he took up the most "drive" moment of the script.

Then it was only worse. For a long time, no studio wanted to take on the shielding of a fairy tale with, to put it mildly, a strange story. The influence of Hippie's movement was still on the courtyard, the masts were filmed serious films about the War in Vietnam, and the rampant of Trash-crafts about the evil aliens from space. The work of George Lucas immediately ranked last, that's just the budget in this case was required yet - $ 8 million. Before the producer was found, who believed in the genius of a young director and allocated the necessary amount.

And all the same in the success of the "Star Wars" believed only units. Lucas himself and sometimes doubted that something is possible from his venture. Later, the actors remembered shooting as a ridiculous episode in their lives. High guy in a monkey costume, dwarfs, simple pathos dialogs ... The film was perceived as a children's fairy tale or a trash, but not an adventure fiction claiming to cult status.

"The scene in the bar reminded non-delimited nonsense: some frogs, pigs, cricket - a nightmare!" - The performers of major roles were told with a smile. Apparently, the Hollywood bosses who for some reason were considered one of the main questions of the paintings, should be worn, whether to wear panties. At some point, the "Star Wars" generally wanted to cover up, then they decided to throw all special effects from the film and turn into a television series. Only the perseverance and stubbornness of George Lucas saved the ribbon.

The lion's share of filming took place in the desert of Tunisia. In the same country, they found a suitable name for the planet on which the actions in the first third of the film are taking place. The name of the city of Tatoween was unnoticed by Tatoin. Here, in North Africa, there were suitable scenery: the guardians of Skywalker's guardians were not built specifically for the film, this is an ordinary hut in one of the villages of Tunisia. The appropriate interiors found in the local hotel.

But the city of Mos-Eisley, from the cosmoport of which the hatch finally went to space trip On the "millennial falcon", I had to build from scratch. Tons of decorations had to ship from Hollywood on airplanes. For about two months, it went to build a settlement from the received material, ideally inscribed in the desert entourage.

Chana Spaceship Solo was created in a largest value in one of the largest kinopavilions in England. The length of Mahina reached 50 meters, and the weight was several tens of tons. The giant layout of the Millennial Falcon sometimes flashes in the frame, but most of all the film crew was useful for his "insides", because the main characters are spent a lot of time in the ship. True, the cabin still had to do separately.

George Lucas wanted to literally put the viewer in the place of heroes. "Milestone Falcon" rushes at the speed of light, the ship is shelling, it winds from side to side. All this must be accompanied by shaking inside. A 40-ton layout is difficult to force to vibrate, so it was decided to build a small cabin and put it on the spring platform. In the scenario scenario, it was shaking manually.

Another giant layout had to do to recreate the crawler described in the script, on which Dzhava ran around the tattoo in search of robots. For some episodes, a huge metal "box" with caterpillars from the career excavator was built. To shoot, the general scenes was used the compact model of the crawler.

As in most of the fantastic tapes of the Dokomputer era, there were many "toys" in the "Star Wars". All space ships that we see in the film (from the "millennial falcon" to fighters) were made in the form of miniature plastic or even cardboard layouts. The "Star of Death" and was drawn at all, and for shooting a final large-scale scene, the attacks of the film crew built a layout of 15 × 15 meters. It was carefully reproduced each of hundreds of turrets and guns, which "Star of Death" was sophisticated. The tunnel for which the toy rebel fighters flew, became the dominant layout.

Who knows, would get "Star Wars" a cult status, be in the film Some space shootouts, without the whole "zoo", which still settled in the picture. Hundreds of dolls and masks, great amount Grima and, of course, a park of dozens of robots. All this organically fits into the new universe and even now looks good.

Robots came up with various

Today it is difficult to imagine "Star Wars" without robots C-3PO and R2-D2. To do real mechanisms was too consistent, so George Lucas agreed that the Astromechanical DROID and the Robot Secretary played the actors. In Plastic "Armor" C-3PO was placed by Anthony Daniels. According to him, the plates were so fragile, which broke on the first day, damaging the actor to the leg.

Anthony Daniels was absolutely blind in his suit

Inside R2-D2, Kenny Baker was sitting, played by the Jyrian robot on wheels in all six franchise films. The actor remembers that he could not independently get out of the metal subsoil R2-D2 and sometimes he had to be carried out inside for several hours, as they just forgot about him. In total, more than 30 robots are present in a film in one form or another, most of which were remotely managed.

At the site of Kenny Baker and Anthony Daniels were tense relationships

Sometimes the assistants had to roll R2-D2

True face of "Chubakki"

But the most difficult to do Chubakka, that is, sorry, Peter Maikhu, who played the Vuki. Before joining the cinema, a man worked by Sanitar in the hospital, but thanks to the growth of 221 centimeters made his way to a large screen. Every day, during the filming of the "Star Wars", he had to climb into a wool suit, put on the "head" and shove the "feet" of a native of the cashian. In Tunisia, the actor pursued unbearable heat, and in the pavilions sometimes prevented too low for him.

George Lucas, after the filming, he told that in many ways the image of Chubakki he borrowed Indiana's dog. As for the name, they say that this is derived from the Russian word "dog" - I really liked it to the young director.

During the filming of the WOO, did not publish a word or a roar, only opened his mouth, as the script required. Later, the sound operators had to experiment with hundreds of the most different soundsTo find suitable for the speech of Chubakki. For example, when you hear an angry and indignant WOOD, it is basically the sounds that the bear publishes, and the Tigrinian "purr" with the pleased chuvi. The famous Sipll Breath of Darth Vader managed to get due to the mask for scuba divers, R2-D2 "speaks" a mixture of a wide variety of synthesizer bibing and even infant muttering, and the sound of fighters had to combine from the River Elephant and the sound of the car rocked on the wet highway.

Layout of the "Star Stars"

The camera sails over the layout, removing the final battle

Nevertheless, first of all, "Star Wars" were remembered by stunning special effects. When I first saw the fourth episode for the first time and with the chick of surprise, the jaw came out of the cinema, I could not believe that it could take more than ten years ago. According to George Lucas, when he saw the first options for mounting his tape, his hands were sank. The film turned out so weak and wetted that even the director could not believe in the bright future picture. However, the impression was drastically changed when special effects added to the "Star Wars".

And here is the famous tunnel - one of the main "chips" of the film

For all the most beautiful things I had to fade in Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) Studios, which Lucas created specifically for his cosmic epic. In total, almost four hundred special effects fell into the film - an incredible indicator for that time. On the creation of flights of ships, shots from blasters, glowing swords left a third of the ribbon budget and most of those spent on the production of a picture of man-hours.

IMDB Mos-Eisley (Mos Eisley), Tatooin

Tunisia is the most famous from the places of shooting "Star Wars". Here George Lucas removed the beginning of the "New Hope" - the deserted planet Tatoin on which was born the main character classic trilogy hatch saucer. The Sidi Driss Hotel has a hatch's house, Mos Espa was not far from him, where Qui-Rong Jin met Anakina ("Episode I: Hidden Threat"), city and cosmoport Moshui and his cantina, in which Khan Solo shot first.

Shutterstock Djerba Island, Tunisia

But Tatuene starred not only in Tunisia. For part of scenes with landscapes of this planet Lucas chose national Park "Death Valley", located in California and Nevada between Mojave Desert and Sierra Nevada mountains.

The base of the rebels in Yavin IV - Guatemala

IMDB Avolanpost Massati on Yavin IV

Another location from the "New Hope". Running from the star of death, Luke and his comrades went to the rebels in Yavin IV, so that it was still to deliver the drawings of the Grozny Weapons of the Empire. For the filming of Lucas base, the ruins of Tikal - the ancient city of Indians Maya, which is part of the Guatemala National Park. It is at the tops of the millennial pyramids are sent to the rebels. The same location flashed in one of the "awakening of power" trailers.

Shutterstock National Park "Tikal", Guatemala

Another base of the rebels - on the planet although from the fifth episode "Empire is negotiated" - starred in Norway at the FINSE village. There, Lucas found a Glacier Hardarger Yokulen for the landscapes of a snow-covered planet.

Planet Endor - California

IMDB Planet Endor - Motherland Evok

Most of the ground scenes of the final episode of the classic trilogy "Return Jedi" occurs on the satellite of the Gaza Giant Endor, where the funny creatures of Evoka are inhabited, similar to the Gammy Bears.

Shutterstock National Park "Redwood", California

Filmed forests of this planet in national Park Redwood, located in California (USA). And the name for the Evok Lucas came up with analogy with the local tribe of the Indians of Mivkok.

Planet Nabu - United Kingdom

IMDB Planet Nabu - Native World of Ja-Ja-John Binx and Princess Amidala

The native world of Ja-Ja-John Binx, Queen Amidala and Chancellor Palpatine turned out to be in the thick of the events of the first episode of Sagi - the film "Hidden Threat". The landscapes of this planet were filmed near London, in the forest Wippendell Woods (Whippendell Woods). In the same place, not far from the city of Watford, the Livzden Studio is located - the place of filming of films about Harry Potter (and, of course, "Star Wars").

Shutterstock Wortpendel Woods Forest (Whippendell Woods) near Watford

But in order to remove the Royal Palace of Tida, the place of stay of the head of the human population Nabas, Lucas and his team had to go to Seville (Spain), where the building of Plaza de Espana was built for the Iberian-American exhibition of 1929. It is among his colonnade that Padme walks and matured Anakin from the second episode of "Attack of Clones".

Planet Kashiik - Guilin, China

IMDB Cashian - Native World of Chubakki

The native world of Chubakki and other representatives of the WOOD in the films of Sagi is shown very little - only a few scenes in the third episode "Revenge of Sith". True, Lucas assumed to take off the "Return of Jedi" on Cashiak, but he liked Evoka more.

Shutterstock Guilin, China

But for the sake of these few frames of the film crew of "Star Wars" had to go to the Chinese guilin and visit Thailand - there is fucked for coated wool coated, but insanely beautiful.

Planet Mustafar - Italy

IMDB Fire World Mustafar

The fiery world of Mustafar, at which one of the most tragic sague fights between Obi-Van Kenobi and who had already passed on the dark side of his student Anakin Skywalker, who accepted the name Darth Vader.

Shutterstock Vulcan Etna, Italy

It is clear that Jedi and Sith are fighting, not among real lava flows, but in the pavilion. And in kind of Mustafar landscapes served as an ethna volcano on the Italian island of Sicily.

Planet Jacca - UAE

IMDB Planet Jakku

The seventh episode of the "Star Wars" also begins on the desert planet - only this is not Tatooin, but Jack. According to Canon Sagi a year after the battle, Endora, this planet became the place of the new battle of the rebels with the troops of the Empire (the addition to the game was devoted to Star Wars: Battlefront "), during which a stellar destroyer fell to the surface.

Shutterstock Desert next to Abu Dhabi, UAE

This destroyer shared Ray, heroine Daisi Ridley, in the trailers to the "awakening of power." And the sandy landscapes of Jac were filmed in the real desert near Abu Dhabi.

Base of rebels from "Awakening of Power" - United Kingdom

IMDB rebel base from "Awakening of Power"

In trailers and rollers to the seventh episode, a new base of the rebels was shown. Where she is in the film, while it is not known, but on our planet it can be seen if you get to the base of the Royal Air Force in English Berkshire (Raf Greenham Common Military Base).

Shutterstock Abandoned Military Base in English Berkshire (Raf Greenham Common Military Base)

Once upon time " cold War"This base was actively used, and now it turned out to be abandoned and only thanks to cinematograms did not get lost on the engine of England.

Island from "Awakening of Power" - Ireland

IMDB unknown place from "Awakening of Power"

The plot of "awakening strength" so, apparently, will remain an unknown general public before the film premiere on December 17th. And so far it is unknown, what role this island performs in the saga.

Shutterstock Ruins of the Monastery of the VII century on Skellig Michael Island (Skellig Michael) 12 km from the southwest shore of Ireland

And he starred on the Real Island Skellig Michael (Skellig Michael or the rock of Mikhail), located 12 km from the southwest shore of Ireland. On the island are the ruins of the monastery, which dates from the VII century.

The history of the creation of the most legendary saga. Full version

Before shooting

Because of:

Mythologization of things and events having great value For a colossal number of people;
- last time without ten half a century;
- disparate statements George Lukasa

to date, there is no unanimously approved version of the version, which would clearly explain to us the miracle of the appearance of the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating " Star Wars" For example, Sam Lucas mentioned the insight in the stage of work on its first full-length " THX 1138."; His friends hint at much earlier enlightenment, which goes back in a long-standing attachment Lukasa To so loved Mark Wahlberg Universe Flash Gordon. But most of all I like the version that "Star Wars" - This is a kind of rethinking the picture " Apocalypse today", Which Lucas personally was going to shoot in Vietnam In the midst of war.

Ideas - ideas, but real actions have a very concrete binding to the date. And if birthday Saga Is May ’77 -to, then, let's say, the day of its conception is April ’73 -Ho. Exactly 17 The number of Lucas began writing .. no, not even a script, but a short story about living with dwarves (!) The guy, raised in the exemplary Padavana (in the 1st versions of the script - Padavan) respected Jedi Bindu ... at that time George I could afford to be misunderstanding: at festivals and in the rental just well passed his second film - " American graffiti"- And the young director had a blanche card for a dream project.

Squeezing Sinopsis of this dream of up to two pages of printed text, Lucas He went according to the studios, but received from the gate the turn with the wording "too confusing": a simple story was powerfully overwhelmed by the author named after the name and terms ... Of course, nothing for nothing lost and all this was used later (invented one of the first Mais Windows will appear 20 years later in the new trilogy), but at that stage Lucasy I had to refill a new blank sheet into my printed machine.

From the second call, the case went much better: perhaps the secret is that George just simply Slamzil strongly inspired the plot of the film Akira Kurosava « Three villains in a hidden fortress" Under the recycled synopsis, he immediately managed to knock out $150.000 He himself called "Investments is not a film, but in me," hinting that the studio inspired not his story, but his enthusiasm.

To May. 1974 -Ho was ready scenario skeleton number 2: now there were Jedi from Sithami (By the way, the word Jedi comes from " Jidai Geki."- varieties of the Japanese soap opera about samurai); Correllian smuggling appears Khan Solo. (True, so far as a warrant green green-nodded-alien with gills) and Chubakka (symbol with Lucas dog). With the main character, there was still uncertainty: Lucas seriously thought to make a hatch to the crawled general or even a woman! .. And, very, appears Darth Vader.But then he was very far from the image of Megazlodeya.

After a significant break ( Lucas In parallel, was busy in other projects), work on the scenario resumes in January 1975 -Ho. But the story continues to contain significant differences in the description of the heroes from what we know today. So, the image of the main character was to be revealed through relations with numerous brothers. And call Luca And at all were not Skywalker, but Starkiller... no, seriously, George wrote it - " Starkiller».

The final writer jerk occurs since August to January: versions No. 3 appear (with the proud title " Star Wars: Adventures Starkiller Luke") And, which has become the final, version 4, which they wanted not to be called" The adventures of Luke Starkiller", not that " SagaI: Star Wars"... by the way, at a certain stage, the scenario is aimed to write Brian de Palmahe took part in the casting.

So, having a nameless script and $8.250.000 (which he miraculously knocked out the new chapter of the studio), Lucas Getting started to film. On role Luca de Palma offered William Kattwhom he shot in " Carrie"(Attentive viewers saw Katt in" DoctorHouse"), But as a result, the director almost without reference gave the role of 25 years Mark Hamilla.

With a way Princesses Lei. It was Koaaaaa more difficult. Sissy Spesek, Glenn Clouep, Jessica Lanj, Maryl Streep, Sigurney Wuver, Kim Baisinger, Kathleen Turner, Gina Davis, Melanie Griffith-In the total challenge for the role of more than 30 (!) Actresses! But she got Carrie Fisherwhich to go to the sample almost made her friend actor Miguel Ferrerwith whom they have read the script together. The most interesting thing is that the only character she wanted to play, was ... Khan Solo.!

Khan Our solo. How do you remember, he had to be a green aliel, but closer to the shooting Lucas I decided to make it ... black! But not an aliel, but man. And only the descendants of the liberated samples stretched Dzhango, as Lucas reincons changes - "x ochu white man ! "... In the queue, the most distinct Mr. Mr.: from Nika Nolta, Christopher Waken, Pacino, Deniro, Nicholson, Sala and Kurt Russell who even passed a film process ...

…before Steve Martin, Chevi Chaise, Bill Murraya, Travolta and even Robert Inglund!But all of them bypassed a lucky carpenter Harrison Ford (who, again, starred from Lukasa in "American graffiti") ... by the way, image Khan Solo. was largely written off from each other Lukasa - Some Francis Ford Coppola... Well, who also has a daughter director.

The role of elder-jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi (whose young years in the new trilogy depicted Yuen McGregor) The director really wanted to give Tosiro Mifuna - Favorite actor Akira Kurosavawhose works, as I mentioned, probably inspired myself Lucas. Another candidate was the eternal headache of Hammerovsky Dracula - Peter Kushing. But n. Van HelsingNor the Japanese did not succeed and did not succeed, but they got very difficult English: Oscarous knight, Sir Aleka Guinnesswho, although with skepticism referred to fiction, but accepted the proposal under the impression of the above mentioned above "American graffiti".

By the way, the name Obi-Wan Kenobi - Not a simple set of beautiful sounds. Lucas Compiled him from quite meaningful components: syllable OIS means common in West India, Africa and in South America pagan ritual, something is akin to witchcraft practitioners; Van - archaic designation of darkness and sadness; Ken - Barbie Girlfriend Knowledge and Vision Range ... And Skuuuuda did it all this?

How to get around the very Darth Vader.? Another resident of Misty Albion was invited to the role of antagonist - former athlete, two-meter David Prose. By the way, Darth's character was invented by Lucas one of the first.

And the top of the squire? C3-RO Was played Anthony Daniels.Thanks to the British accent of which the robot described in the scenario as a "Tipper similar to manners with the seller of used cars" acquired the features of the Gorodny Butler. Tiny R2-D2. Pictured another subject of Her Majesty - Kenny Baker, Whose growth is just above 110 cm! By the way, a couple of cute robots Lucas wanted to name A-2 and C-3.

Role Chubakki Departed to the usual hospital sanitation Peter Maikhu Total ten seconds after meeting with Lucas. Everything that Pitu had to do is to get up from behind the table: 220 cm of growth, you know. By the way, in the camp of followers of the Universe is ashamed not to know that the name Chubakki Connected with the word sobaka. The same applies to Jabba-Zhaba ... It would seem, what are the Russians?

So, having gathered under his wing such a pedestrian public Lucas I was ready, laying my head, rushing into a brave fight for the right to enter eternity. Fight him really had a serious, because the studio was so confident in his collapse that began negotiations on the sale of rights to the picture. That very, which first in history overcomes the bar in $ 300.000.000 And it will become a deafening pop cultural phenomenon.


Deciding casting questions, the director had to create the Universe, which could be placed on all of their actors. With annoyance, finding that the department of studio special effects XX age Fox. dissolved, Lucas bases the company ILM: INDUSTRIAL LIGHT & MAGIC, the production capacity of which is located ... On a conventional warehouse in a tiny California town Van Nice!

Such a modest start did not prevent Ilm. Become true pioneers: the first in history is fully three-dimensional character - reasonable water-sausage in " Dizards"; The first in history is the main three-dimensional character - T-1000.; The first in the history of three-dimensional animals and dinosaurs in " Park of Jurassic period"- All this and much more on the ILM conscience! To date, ILM has created special effects to such hits as " Avengers», « People in Black III», « Keeper of Time», « Super 8.», « Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2», « October Sky», « Star land», « Titanic», « Labyrinth», « Alien"- just over 300 films! Not bad for the guys starting in Saraj, right?

By the way, a lover of destroying any legend Jamie Heinemanand the director of such nonploves as " Jumanji"And" Dear, I reduced children» Joe Johnston- Suites from Ilm.! Moreover, Bobby Fettand Iodine, such as you know them, created precisely Johnston: It was he who designed and brought to mind the concept of their "Luka".

Let's go back to shooting.

Phrase " Motor!"First sounded on Tunisian Earth, and it was March 22, 1976. Very soon in the process of filming intervened the omnipotent colonel Gaddafi.. The leader of Jamahiriya did not like that his borders are some kind of suspicious military equipment. Not wanting to conflict, government Tunisia politely requested Lukasa move. And the suspicions of the Libyan ruler caused ... Jawa. sandcrawler. - Ship of the workers!

Alas, problems just started: the electrician was constantly squeezed, there were problems with scenery. In addition to everything in the desert, where the shooting was shred, a multi-day shower began ... for the first time for 50 (!) years! Lucas decides to move into a comfortable studio under London... by the way, to this day in Tunisia There is a hotel where some interior scenes of the house Luca. And there is a hotel in a small town ... Tatoooon!

Leaving Tunisia behind and putting in England Scenery, Lucas I came to an interesting thought: why not show futuristic location / props / etc not space, but, as he himself said, "swelling." The idea was that everything looked cherished, and for quite a long time. So, in R2-D2. Saws were filled, pulled out in dust and unpown ... But then there were problems that came from where they did not wait: a brigade of cleaners, who thoroughly licked all the dirt was, who thoroughly licked all the dirt - on Morning Lucas, had to make all the beauty.

However, the difficulties were not only external - on board, too, was not everything smoothly. Lukasa ridiculed for silly looking characters and the overall strangeness of what is happening, and more than everyone is cauldly ... His actors! Ford, for example, perplexed from a giant in a monkey costume, buns on the head Lei and slaughter dialogs that "can be written, but this shit is simply impossible to pronounce aloud!".

The director did not remain - the discontent was mutual. IN and dénia Lukasa It did not match the captured picture, scenery and costumes. He rarely communicate with the actors and everything that was heard from him is " Fast!" once Lucas Bowned so much that he lost his voice; His team immediately gave him a sign with one sole word - " Faster!».

With such "successes" George stopped laying in time and estimate (in the end, they exceeded it $3.000.000 !!) - Studio broke his phone, threatening to close the project. Seeing that the captain falls into depression, the team began to encourage him, trying to make even occasionally smile. But perfectionist and workaholic Lucas Taki earned the diagnoses of "hypertension and exhaustion" and thundered to the hospital.

But pleasant moments still happened. So, in one of the scenes because of the wrong light through the clothes, the princess lei was clearly visible to her breasts ... As later, it was laughed Carrie Fisher « As far as I know, in space do not wear underwear».

By the way, about clothes.

Famous suit Darth Vader. was developed on the basis of the clothes of the Bedouin Warriors by the designer Ralph Macquorry (It was he who created convincing a promo-art studio like those that were in " Argo"). So here Ralph Sil-Croil with the thought that in such robes Dart Could even soar in weightlessness. But why the villain goes in it always - explained only in Sikvel. And yes, legendary mask - She was so great even for a giant ProseThat on his face it was fixed with special foam.

By the way, the villain from the villains shines the pitiful for the personalities of such a magnitude. 12 For minutes! 12 Increased minutes. Why are unspoken? Yes, because the legendary " The Imperial March", Accompanying any of his appearance, was simply not written and did not sound in the first film!

Until David Paz sweat in silence Harrison Ford and Mark Hamil Have fun in all. FordFor example, it did not always bother to learn the text and sometimes engaged in clean improvisation. But foolishness Ford and Hamilla immediately stopped when it appeared on the site Sir Alec Gines: He acted very organizing on them.

Alas, the forces of the organization did not always have enough. Or not everyone: during the shooting it was not without incidents.

In the episode "Garbage collector", Hamil I detained my breath, fleeing from the evil, and so it broke out that he burst through the eye cap film, and so that in subsequent scenes it had to take it all the time on the one hand. Well, the eye healed, but Chubacke Lucky less: the costume was impregnated by the Smad, who did not bring it to the end of the shooting ... By the way, the studio rushed to force Lucas to dress Chui into shorts - you see, they were embarrassed by this Coskoy-Stam.

The Coskoy Stuza remained unfit, but the light bulb and the 19th century gun covered so high quality that the first turned into a light sword (his handle is just a detail of the flash lamp, arched by rubber and loops; the lamp of this can be bought and so on ... for fabric money , sure); And the second - in Blaster x ana Solo. (under the "Grima" layer can be found ordinary Mauser).

By the way, I shot Lucas all this masquerade splendor on the camera Vistavision.. No, not because they were some cool: just Lucas was able to rent only such an old genus from 50 . But then such cameras simply soared in price!

After filming

Upon completion of the shooting, the cores of the installation occurred. Seeing that in the end it turns out, Lucas It came to horror: the scenes looked unexigaled, with some kind of sleepy book pace. Moreover, in the first version there were completely different options for the duplicate scenes, and the total number of "coincidences" with the canonary version reached miserable 40 %!

Mount-assembler immediately lost its work. On the advice of his friend Scorsese, Lucas resorts to the services of Kudesnitsa Montage, whose work in the film "New York, New York"Martin was very pleased ... Lucas remained satisfied, and so that even took the craftswoman in wives.

Meanwhile B. Ilm. Cold over special effects. But the number of required scene processing was so great that instead of the laid 6 The months of work threatened to stretch for a year. Rose by a third and budget. Wanting to modify the team and show what he would like to see in the end Lucas Regularly satisfied the views of the old air boiling records. By the way, five of eight million budget "Ate" Ilm., and half of this money went to effects to 4 scenes.

Better work was to also on voice. An impressive library of sound effects was created, which Lucas Nicknamed "Organic Soundtrack." Thus, Blaster was voiced by a wrapped high-voltage wire; And the sound of the canonical sound of the light sword created from the mixing of the hum of the idling of the 35 mm film processor and the bare cable.

With a couple of droids, too faced. Voice for S-3rosearched among 30 candidates until one of them hinted Lucas that Daniels.(playing S-3ro) Very good. On that and shaped. As for the sounds published R2-D2.then it is passed through the voice synthesizer Baker.(playing R2), Lukasa And even babies.

If a S-3ro lucky leave your voice then Vader. It turned out to be twally span. Firstly, Lucasy really did not like Bristol accent Prose (On the shooting platform, it was even the dart farmer). As a result, the Oscarone king speaks for him Zamunda, sworn enemy Conan and Mufasa All Disney - James Earl Jones. Secondly, Famous sieps-wheezes are also not belonging to Vader: they belong to the wizard on sound effects, which recorded his breathing through the oxygen supply system in scuba.

Although Jones and PRES Never have met personally, there is an insult to this day, calling the act of Lucas "racism on the contrary": they say, there were no black and inviting Jones in the caste, the director twisted in front of the studio ...

I do not know how sincere PRESbut this cutting scenes in which Vader. says the original voice is ridiculous to the disgrace: indeed Dart Farmer.

Having understood with the voices of everything and everything in the film, Lucasa had to rolled the film himself. At first he wanted to use only classical music (following the example "2001: Space Odyssey"). But Spielberg introduced him to S. John Williamswhich created the legendary soundtrack, who also became a classic of modernity.

I can not not say a few words about Williams. The amazing gift of possession of the family notes allowed to create such music that in itself - the property of the Republic: themes from " Jaws», « Star Wars», « Indiana Jones" or " Park of Jurassic period»Confirmation ..." John Williams Is a man!! " (C)

So the film was ready. The studio wanted to release him to Christmas '76 -to, but due to the delays, the release was moved to May '77 -to. Bosses indignantly and were afraid of competition with new work Burt Reynolds. Oh, what short-sighted fools! Premiere " Star Wars."Just blew up boxing offices!

The film did not just beat the record " Jaws", Which first in history gathered $ 100,000,000. The film broke this record three times (!) And remained an inaccessible leader before the release " Alienna", And after Rerellization in the 90s he returned his palm to the championship ... True, not for long ..." Titanic", do you know. By the way, the fabulous revenue allowed the studio XX century Fox next year to release instead of ordinary 20 Films - less than ten.

Following the cash success, it was recognized as critics, whose delights shoved Lucas and his team 11 (!) Nominations on Oscar, 7 Of which George is in with me. By the way, this is the only one of all parts of the saga and the first Sai Fi in history that fought for the title of the best movie of the year.

With such a glory explosive wave from the film began to spread to everything around. So, it is " Star Wars»Spent the Industry of Merchandise, which was previously in the germinal state. It is noteworthy that the studio did not want to pay a lot of Lucas and agreed to give him almost all the right to related goods. Whether it is necessary to explain that due to the shortness of the leadership, George quickly fastened a phenomenal state.

And even musical Mir I could not relyze. Disco processing of music from the film made by the arrangers Meco. For several weeks headed (!) Chart Billboard. In addition, the title composition released in the form of a single became most selling to the instrumental single of all times.


"Star Wars" - undoubted "watershed", which has changed and influenced the entire industry.

So, it is invented by Lukas that the concept of "potskaya future" the same Ridley Scott successfully applied to " Alien"And" Running on the blade" Among other "impressive" can be bolded to call Peter Jackson, Roland Emmerich, Kevin Smith, Christopher Nolana, David Lynch

But steeper all calle James Cameronwho threw the driver of the truck driver to fully dedicate himself to filmmaking! What did you do for hip-hop in your years?!

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"Star Wars: Awakening of Power", published in December 2015, became the loudest film of the year, having gathered more than 2 billion dollars. Now the audience is eagerly awaiting the next, eighth episode of Sagi, which will be released in December 2016. In anticipation of the new film, let's look at the filming of the film "Star Wars: Awakening Force" and learn how the bright episodes of the picture were shot.

The appearance of Kaylo Rena
Kylo Ren, he same Ben Solo - Son Khan Solo and Princesses Lei Organs, the main villain of the seventh part of the "Star Wars", who received Jedi's education, which pulled down on the dark side of power and, eventually killing his own father. He loves his grandfather Darth Vader and wants to be like him - probably, therefore, therefore, he is constantly walking in the mask. By the way, the creation of this mask has become for the details of a non-trivial task. They were instructed to make it such that children could easily remember. Experts coped with this task: a mask, silent silver, is definitely striking. In this scene, Kaylo Ren (Actor Adam Driver) arrives at the deserted Planet Jaffa to get a map with the coordinates of Luke Skywalker. As we see, shooting are held in the pavilion, and everything is tightened with green cloths. Dzhaff desert landscape will be added later on the computer.

Return R2D2.
In the "awakening force", a small one returned to us again, but the R2D2 smart robot, adored by all the fans of "star wars" without exception. Among millions of adorable, by the way, they are listed and Jay Jay Abrams, the screenwriter and director of the seventh part of the saga. He is so in love with R2D2 that, being directed by the film "Starterk" and "Starterk: Retribution", managed to shove the R2D2 in both paintings! True, the robot from the "Star Wars" appears in every just a few seconds. So here unusual Abramx gave tribute from childhood with his beloved "Star Wars." Needless to say, Abrams found a place in advance for his favorite in the "Awakening of Power" scenario and, with pleasure, worked with a robot on the set.

Instructions for BB 8
Since Jay Jay Abrams decided to return in advance to the "awakening of power" the famous couple of R2D2 and C3PO robots, it was only logical to add to them another, more modern comrade, who could hit the imagination of the new generation, for which old robots - yesterday. And the new hero, BB 8, it succeeded! He has a charming design, at the same time traditional and modern, and it looks like a mini-pagoda for meditation. But that is completely wonderful, it is managed by the C3O from the remote control, so, unlike predecessors, it does not need artists to strain, taking it to themselves. On this occasion, they tell, the robot did not know at the site for a minute of peace: all that and then they chased him back and forth. In the photo, he is one of the rare moments of downtime.

Daisy Ridley, John Boyga and Oscar Isaac at Comic CON - 2015 Festival in San Diego
Comients Con in San Diego, the largest in the United States, a costume festival on the themes of cinema and comics is Mecca for fans of a wide variety of films, comics, cartoons and serials. In 2015, 167 thousand people took part in the four-day event - a record number in the history of the convention! One of the largest show of the festival was this year the presentation of the film "Star Wars: Awakening Force". It began from the meeting of Abrams and the team of actors with fans, and ended thematic concert and fireworks. Fans were ramped, and young actors gladly posed with light swords in their hands on the joy of the public.

Khan Solo, Chubbak, Rei and Finn - on the "Millennium Falcon" during a break
The fans were joined when they again saw on the screens of unspecified Khan Solo and his faithful comrade Chubbaku - naturally, on the famous "Millennium Falcon". By the way, to return to the screen the famous Space ship of the smuggler solo was by no means an easy task: after all, it was to restore it in all the details so that the audience did not notice the difference. Designer Darren Gilford received at his disposal all the sketches and drawings of the former "falcon". Mark Harris also helped him, a veteran of film discs, who took part in the creation of the Khan Solo ship on the filming of the film "Star Wars: The Empire shall strike back." Even Harrison Ford, remembering that he had once worked as a carpenter, took part in the construction of the ship. And, you must admit, "Millennium Falcon" succeeded just perfect!

Return of Skywoker Luke
The return of Luke Skywalker, and even performed by the same Mark Hamilla, it became a complete surprise for the audience. Before the release of the film, he was kept in the strictest mystery, not including Skywalker in promotional materials. At the same time, the fans, of course, were found about the presence of a hatch and until the very end were guessing what it would be. Perhaps he will go to the dark side of power? Fortunately, this did not happen. But the fact that the hatch appears only at the end of the painting, besides, quite briefly, many disappointed. But then the screenwriters could not do anything: whenever they tried to make the presence of the hatch more weighty, he fonts under him the entire plot, and the creators were afraid that on his background, the audience would not notice new heroes of Sagi. As a result, Luke appeared only in one episode - but the more weed it was his appearance.

Andy Serkis in the role of Snown - use of the movement capture technology
Andy Serkis is not accustomed to impressive changes in appearance, complex makeup and computer effects: he beat many ugly creatures - from Hollum in the "Lord of the Rings" before the head of the monkey of the Caesar empire in the "planet of the monkeys". This time, a turn of the main villain came, a master of the fear of the first Orden of Snowka. He has a frightened physiognomy, but this time it was not necessary to spend a few hours in the Makeup Service. Cinematographers applied modern technology Capture of movement that allows you to apply the desired image to a moving object. Light dots that are visible on Serkis's face, fix the smallest movement of muscles, and then the computer replaces his own face with a terrible mask, which moves the same as the actor's face.

Maz Rope - New Digital Character
Another new character, Unrecognizable, modified on the computer, is the old smuggler of the MAZ of the rope, which is mysteriously endowed with force. It is simply impossible to learn nipri-chenyku in it. At first it was planned that the MAZ of the rope would be puppet CharacterBut then the director decided that the character should be more alive - and wipe after Andy Serkis had to wear a suit for shooting scenes on the capture technology and learn to use it.

Luke, Leia and Khan Solo are reunited in San Diego
For many years, the fans of Star Wars were waiting for this scene: Carry Fisher came to San Diego at the ComicCon festival, the performer of the role of Princess Lei in the first films of the trilogy, Mark Hamill, who fulfilled the Luke Skywalker, and the permanent Khan Solo, incomparable Harrison Ford! Heroes united in front of the fans after after a perennial break together came to the shooting area of \u200b\u200b"Awakening of Power". Mark and Kerry said that he was sincerely glad to return. "Now everything, as if, only still mentally," Kerry Fisher admitted. Following them, Harrison Ford appeared on the stage, hitting the fans of the statement: "I never thought that I would come back. But, after reading the script, I saw there really wonderful ideas, and I am glad that I participate in it." From the mouth of Ford, known for its many years of skeptical attitude to the "Star Wars", it was truly valuable recognition!

Returge Peter Maikhu
The names of Kerry Fisher, Mark Hamilla and Harrison Ford are known to all the fans of "Star Wars". But the name of Peter Mahyu is not at all for hearing, and even more so few people know this actor in the face. Meanwhile, he is the same veteran of Sagi, like Ford, and, moreover, his permanent partner. Peter Maikhu, an actor with an impressive height of 2 meters of 20 centimeters, played Chubbak in the first three films of the trilogy - and now returned to his character in the "awakening of power." True, now the actor is already 71 years old, and it is difficult for him to move on the site in a heavy suit of Pubbaki. Therefore, most scenes requiring active movement in a suit, played Finnish actor Joonas Sidamo, and Mahyu was constantly next to him and, if necessary, gave technical advice.

Kylo Ren laughs
Adam Driver, the performer of the role of Kylo Rena, has excellent comedic actor's abilities. He successfully demonstrated them as in the TV series "Girls", still leaving the HBO channel and in the film "When we were young." In the "awakening force,", however, Adam got the role of the villain without a shadow of the television show Lybki. Nevertheless, the audience could watch the laughing Kylo Rena in the famous American television show "On Saturday in the evening", which in January 2016 showed a five-minute parody of "Star Wars: Awakening Force", in which Kaylo Ren, hiding under the larger of a simple technique, conducts incognito Inspection of the Starkiller Star Base. The parody turned out to be fun, and Adam, looking at the screen, could not resist laughter.

Kerry Fisher and Jay Jay Adams - Friendship on the set
During the shooting between Kerry Fisher and Jay Jay Adams developed truly warm relations. "She is just genius," said Adams. "She has free associative thinking, her magnificent skill in everything find funny, the divine flair on the game of words ... I am delighted with her!"
However, this picture hints that, perhaps, between the actress and the director there was something more than friendship. Kerry Fisher is not too lucky in his personal life - perhaps "Star Wars" will be the beginning of a new Star Roman for her?

The most devoted fan of "Star Wars" Simon Pegg on the set
Actor, Writer and Producer Simon Pegg - the greatest fan of "Star Wars". On his account dozens of films, including joint work with JSC Jay Adams in the paintings "Mission Impossible-3" and " star way". But he never hid that he was ready to give his left hand to get at least episodic role in "Star Wars". And he received her! In the "awakening force" Pegg played a threatening type of Goblin with a huge knitted nose. "And although the role was that neither there is a passage, Simon was happy!

Rey, Finn and Kylos Ren: last fight
The final battle Rey and Finn with Kaylo Renom is the climax of the whole picture. The choreography of the battle was worked out to the smallest details. In order to add the scene of truth, the creators of the tape did not rely on computer technology, creating a snow-covered planet in the pavilion of a snow-covered planet turned into a deadly base "Starkiller". The ominous frozen forest adds an emotional stress scene.

John Boyaga on the world premiere of "Awakening of Power"
World War Speaker "Star Wars: Awakening Force" took place on December 14, 2015 in the famous " Chinese Theater"In Los Angeles. It was there in 1977, the public first saw the fourth (chronolgically first) part of the" Star Wars ", instantly became the cult. The premiere of" Awakening of force "was visited not only by the entire film crew, but also many celebrities: to accommodate everyone, The organizers had to stretch to the entrance to the cinema a red carpet length in almost half a kilometer! And the tent for reception stretched for four quarters along the Hollywood Boulevard. The event was truly cult, under the film.


"Star Wars" - Cultuous Film, the first part of which came up with and removed the director George Lucas in the late 1970s. By that time, the film "Jaws" (1975) Stephen Spielberg, who shown that the public was ready for mass entertainment cinema. Nevertheless, the project of Lucas was initially not perceived seriously. No one believed that a high-budget fantastic film without a single famous actor could be successful. However, soon in the industry there were significant changes caused by the exit to the large screen of the space opera, the events of which are unfolded "a long time ago, in a distant-distant galaxy ...".

Signing a contract

"Budget and cash collections of the films of the" Star Wars "series"

Studio "The Twentieth Century Fox" signed a preliminary contract with Lucas for the first "Star Wars" even before the release of his previous full-length "American Graffiti" (1973), whose success allowed the director to agree on the revision of the conditions. The budget of the new picture "Star Wars. Episode IV: New Hope "should have been increased to 11 million dollars, and Lucas him received the rights to spread the soundtrack and other related products. At that time, the Merchandise industry was still in its infancy, and the studio readily agreed to the requirements of the director. Only in a few years it became clear that Lucas concluded an incredibly successful agreement that would bring him billions of dollars. Movies about "Star Wars" spawned indecent number Products with symbols of saga: books, video games, children's toys and much, much more - in fact, the series became the first franchise, which successfully settled immediately in several areas of cultural space.

sources of inspiration


Lucas wanted to shoot a film for adolescents that at that time was an unprecedented business. Scenario of "Star Wars" he began to write in 1972 under the influence of Joseph Campbell and Carlos Castaneda. From the books of the latter, he borrowed the concept of strength, the cornerstone of mythology in the "Star Wars", and Castanedan Don Juan inspired him to create a character of Obi-Vana Kenobi. It is believed that the stylistic foundation for his film-depleted Lucas took from the "Space Odyssea of \u200b\u200b2001" (1968) Stanley Kubrick and a fantastic television series about the Baka Rogers, and the main storyline - from the film Akira Kurosavai "Three Rounds in the Hidden Fortress" (1958). Many other elements moved to "Star Wars" from life: the Senate and Empire have no closer similarity with the US government, the rebel resistance is largely copied from the Hippie movement, and in the friendship of Luke and Hana solo it is easy to see the relations of Lucas himself with Francis Ford Coppol.



Work on the script moved slowly, and by the end of the year, Lucas were ready only 13 pages: the director with difficulty fastened the desired tonality of the narration. The replicas of some characters are still dressed and returned back, and the characters themselves underwent serious transformation. Interesting fact: in one of the draft scenes, Darth Vader and Obi-Wan thought as one character, but later turned into two separate ones. The force was divided between the bright and dark sides, and Annechnic Starkiller became Skywalker. Two and a half years later, being on the verge of mental and physical exhaustion, Lucas finally completed the scenario and began preparations for the shooting, which became no less severe test for the director.



The big casting for the film was carried out in Los Angeles. Lucas decided that he would not be a single movie star in his picture, in part to save on fees, and partly in order to attract new faces. Hundreds of actors tried to the role of Skywalker Lucaoker, but Lucas preferred the Hamilla brand, whose open young person convinced the director that he found a hero for his saga. Many famous hollywood actresses They sought to get the role of Lei, among them Jodie Foster and Amy Irving, but Carrie Fisher got the role. Khan Solo played a longtime familiar Lucas, Harrison Ford, - despite the fact that several young stars of the 70s claimed the role of a charming smuggler, from Kurt Russell to Sylvester Stallone. The only actor named, who eventually took part in the filming, became Oscar-free Sir Alec Guinness, who played in the "New Hope" Obi-Vana Kenobi.


Source: Getty.

For writing music, Lucas invited the popularity of John Williams rapidly. Inspired musical accompaniment To the film "Kings Row" (1942), Williams composed his brilliant theme to the initial titers. His soundtrack to the "Star Wars" is a majestic and solemn, gloomy and anxious - perfectly added the film Lucas and is still considered one of the most recognizable in the history of the cinema.


"Lucas and model" Star Death ""