For what merits the flaskin receives the nobility. Ivan Northanych Flygin - Hero Tale N.S

For what merits the flaskin receives the nobility. Ivan Northanych Flygin - Hero Tale N.S
For what merits the flaskin receives the nobility. Ivan Northanych Flygin - Hero Tale N.S

The image of Ivan Flagine under seeming simplicity and non-unrecognizableness is ambiguous and complicated. Leskov, knowing the mysters of the Russian character, is looking for the origins of holiness in the actions of the sinner, depicts a challenger who has committed many unrighteous actions, but suffering, comes to repentance and faith.

For the first time, we celebrate the hero on the steamer floating on Valaam. It was a cherrywriter of the Bogatar Straight, fifty-three years old, dark, with dense, with a smart hair, with a beard and mustache. Talking with fellow travelers, he told the story of his wandering. He was serfdom, mother died, and his father served by Barina Kucher.

He spent all his childhood on the stable, learned to understand the horses well. It is determined by his teenager in Foreter, helping to manage the six horses. One day, when the horses rushed, almost died, saving a seven of the graph, and asked the award as a harmonic, which speaks of his unattended and simpleness. Somehow, Ivan Ivan whipped along the monk, rear in the cart and tanned the road, and he overturned under the wheels and died. This monk dreamed of Ivan and told that he was hung and promised by the child to God, and therefore should go to the monastery. All his life it pursued this prophecy.

More than once he looked into the death of death, but he did not take him either the earth or water. A lot of tests fell on his share. Running with the gypsies from the county estate, for many years he will wander. He will bring a ten-year-old captivity from the Inovertsev, after the escape will work by Conather at Prince, then he will leave the recruit on the Caucasus, where it will make more fifteen years, will become an officer and St. George Cavalier. After returning to work as a guner in the address office and actor in Balagan. In the end, goes to the monastery.

I did not happen to Ivan to keep a settling life, to gain a house and family. He is "inspired tramp with infant soul." He is not inherent in Christian humility, because it cannot put up with evil and injustice, but he is a deeply believer man. But it feels that his destination is not just faith in God, the church services are boring for him, he dreams with faith to serve for the Fatherland. He has an independent, honest and open nature. Ivan considers himself a terrible sinner, because it is involved in the deaths of three people, suffering and rolls; Although the monk was killed by his negligence, Tatarar took death in a honest match, and he pushed her sadness from a cliff to the river, giving her an oath, which would do it, saving her from a shameful fate. After leaving the monastery, he wore pilgrim on the holy places, the redemption of his sins, becomes the righteous.

Essay about Ivan Flyagin

"Enchanted Wanderer" - a story of Nikolai Leskov, published in 1837. Main attention in the story is given to Ivan Northwin Flycin, the life of which is described in detail by the author. Leskov was able to present a new image in his lead, which is no analogues in Russian literature.

Why did Leskov laid in his hero the image of the "fascinated wanderer"? He perceives the world around as a true miracle. As the main acting person, he has no definite dream in the life, which is infinite for him. This person is always moving forward in the life path and in every new test sees the challenge of fate.

It should be noted that Leskov's character took the features of appearance from the legendary Ilya Muromets. Flagin has a gigantic growth, a dark face and truly hedgehogo physique. At first glance, he has no fifty years old. Ivan Severgeanovich throughout the story is not sitting in one place. You might think that he is not inclined to believe. But the main character later refutes it. And salvation of Count K. To that is proof. That is how Flagin came with the prince and a young girl named Pear.

It can be added to the characteristic of this person the fact that it is completely devoted to the highest forces, for which he received his patronage from them. Flaskin is not vulnerable to death. Death overtook him many times, but he could not die. He thinks that the Earth does not want to take him for the terrible sins he committed. The hero believes that it was according to his fault there were many murders. Ivan Nigjanovich's own vital morality, but he always remains honest towards himself and other heroes of the story. Sometimes, it is too simple and naive, to the depths of the soul is good-natured and open to all souls, but when the evil comes, with whom he will have to deal with, he is even cruel.

The main driving force of his acts is not a small force from nature. And it makes Flagine go to the recklessness. In Ivan's youth, it was not very worried, but later he understands that he is responsible for this. The author of the work is not shy to mention that his character is a man with a huge inner and physical force. It lies in his ability to act in any situation as necessary and so, as correct. Ivan Flegin is in full harmony with others and, as a true hero, is always ready to help.

In conclusion, it can be said that all the features of the Russian national nature in the image of this man on the face. But this does not mean that he is flawless. He is more characteristic of inconsistency. Somewhere he is smart and clever, and somewhere on the contrary. He can make madness, but, meanwhile, it pulls him to make good things. So, with confidence you can say: Ivan Savgorovich is the personification of a wide Russian personality, her infinity.


In the story "Enchanted Wanderer" Ivan Flygin has a major role.

His image appears in front of us in the form of a strong Ilya Muromet. At the beginning, the author compares him with this twist. It was high height, strong complex with a dark face.

Our protagonist is born in the name of the graph, his father and mother were serfs and. Mom died when Ivan gave birth. And my father worked in the stable. The boy spent his horses all the time. And when he more or less gone it put him to work with dad. Once they brought a graph near the temple. And one father was noticed. And he struck him with Vanya.

When Ivan Vez Duke in Voronezh, a large breakdown seemed to them. . Ivan managed to slow down, and he fell into it himself. But he incomprehensible survived. His duke of course thanked. And instead of a campaign to the monastery, Ivan chose the harmonica, which did not know how to play.

Soon the flagum was sent to crushed a stone on the garden paths. But he was tired that everyone was laughing at him and he decided to escape and hang. Only he hung in the loop, someone cropped the rope. It turned out to be a Gypsy, which then suggested Ivan to steal. And that he did not betray him ordered to steal horses from the stable of the graph from which Ivan served. Ivan did it. And when they made these horses, he received only one ruble. In the end, he went to give up the police. This suggests his quality honesty. Although he went to steal horses, then he still admitted.

Soon Ivan got a job to work to Barina, a wife left him to the military and threw her thoracic daughter. And Flygin nanchil this girl. It speaks of his love for children

Once Ivan with a small daughter Barina went to the shore of the bay, the girl had sick legs and the doctor said they had to be buried in the pips. But on the shore, the girl saw her mom. She asked Ivan, so that he gave her a child, but he did not agree. Then there was a cavalid husband of this young lady and wanted to pay money to give them a child, but he did not receive anything but handmade under the eye. Ivan did not raise money and I liked Ivan. Flaskin first did not want to give the child, but when I saw my mother's mother stretches to her, all the same cleared. Suddenly, a barin with a pistol appeared on the beach and Ivan had to go along with a cavalister and her mother's mother.

After they arrived in the city, Ulan said he could not keep serfs who escaped. Gave him money and let go. At that moment I became very sorry for Ivan. He had no place to go. He wanted to go and surrender to the police. But I decided to go drink tea with rams. I saw as Khan Dzhangar and the king sold the mare, and people beat for her. After that, a cavalider joined the battle, but Ivan went to fight instead. This speaks of his positive quality-courage. But the fact that he fastened Tatarin Web is talking about his mercy. He wanted to take into prison, but the Tatars regretted Ivan and took him to themselves.

Ivan lived with them for ten years, he was a doctor, but when he wanted to escape, the Tatars caught him, they cut his heels and put the cut hair cut there. Initially, he was very painful to walk. And so lived Ivan in this horde for many years. He had two wives and many children. Once Han ordered him to cure his wife and let Ivan in his yurt, after which he had two more wives.

Somehow the tattyushki came to the Tatars, they wanted to be accepted Christianity, but the Tatars refused. And after a while the main character of the story found one deceased father in the field, and I never found the second. Next time, unknown people came to them, they were in bright clothes. These people wanted to buy horses. In one of the evenings, they launched fireworks and all the horses ran away, and the Tatars, in turn ran to catch them. Ivan understood what scared horses and Tatars, and repeated the same thing. One day, he found the land that corrosive the skin. And I came up with such a plan: to pretend to be sick and when the Earth runs off his feet, horse hair came out, and pus with him. Then our hero decided to launch the last firework and left.

After some time, Ivan came to the Caspian Sea, and then came to Astrakhan. Earned money there and cut them. When he woke up he was in prison. From prison, he was sent to his native estate. But the father Ilya refused to recognize his confession, since he lived for a very long time in Tatars in sins. The graph, which began to pray to God after the death of his wife refused to have in his servant who did not take careful, gave him a passport and let him go.

When he left the estate, Ivan came to the market. I saw how Gypsy is trying to sell a simple peasant a bad monya. Since Ivan was at the Gypsy offended, he helped the peasant. After he began to walk around the bazaars and help the peasants, to advise what mesing you can buy, and what it is impossible. Soon he became the king of the Gypsy and the Baryshnikov.

Once the prince asked to open him the secret as he chooses horses. Began him Ivan to teach, but the prince did not understand anything, then he called Ivan to work towards him. And they made friends with the prince. In order not to spend extra money, Ivan left them to prince. But somehow the prince went to the market and punished to send a mare, which I really liked Ivan, with hot he wanted to drink, but there was no one to leave money. Then he went to the tavern tea to drink, and saw a man there, who drank and did not drink. Asked then Ivan and teach it so. Then the man punished him to drink a glass for a glass, but before each to make the passages with his hands, so I learned to drink Ivan and not drunk and all the money check all the daze. By evening, friends quarreled.

They were kicked out of the tavern, then the beggar brought Ivan to the "living room" where there were some Gypsies. And here Ivan will see the Gypsy, who sainted the songs, her pear turned her. Then he gave Ivan all his savings.

When he rubbed, he confessed to the prince that he spent all the treasury on one gypsy. After that, he fell ill with alcoholic psychosis. When Ivan recovered, I learned that the prince spent all the money to buy a pear out of the Gurba. She loved the prince very much, and he began to eat it, using her inappropriateness. Ivan, in turn, very sorry.

Once the Gypsy suspected that the Prince had a mistress and sent Ivan to the city to find out. He went to the former mistress of the prince and found out that he wanted to give a pear for Ivan. When Flight returned from the market, he saw that there was no pear anywhere. Then he found Gypsy on the shore, it turned out that the prince locked it in a house in the forest under the guards of the maiden, and she escaped from them. She asked to kill the bride of the prince, otherwise she would become "the most shame woman." Ivan could not stand and threw it off the cliff.

Then Ivan escaped and began to walk around the world in the wrapping, until he was a pear and did not show the right path at which he met two old people. These old men made Ivan new documents on which he was Peter Serdyukov.

Then he asked me to the Caucasus and served there for more than fifteen years. Then he was dedicated to officers, sent to resign. In St. Petersburg, he worked as a "creditor" and earned little since he got to him the letter "Fita", and the names for this letter were very few. And he decided to leave this work. In Coucher did not take it and had to go to work as an actor. There he is depicting a demon.

He was asked the rest, does he doubt him the devil who did a gypsy? He coped with his prayer with a demon, but he began to brainly fluid a little beless. Because of them, Ivan killed the monastery cow. For this, and still other sins of him locked him into the cellar, and there he was read the newspapers and began to protrude. Then he was taken to the forest and put in the hut, and closed there. Then caused a doctor to him and he could not understand the prophet Ivan or bubbled. And the doctor said to release him.

On the steamer, he turned out to be pursuing a worship service. At this moment, the passengers did not ask him anymore anything else.

The image of Ivan Flyagin in the story "Enchanted Wanderer" was at the same time honest right, and at another time, cunning and merciless. I liked Ivan Flyckin in that it seems to me more good qualities than bad.

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"Enchanted Wanderee" - the story of Leskov, created in the 2nd half of the 19th century. In the center of the work - the image of the life of a simple Russian man named Flygin Ivan Savgorovich. Researchers converge on the fact that the image of Ivan Flyagin has absorbed the main features of Russian folk nature.

In the story of Leskova, an absolutely new type of hero is presented, incomparable with any other in Russian literature. He was so organically merged with the elements of life that it was not afraid to get confused in her.

Flagin - "Enchanted Wanderer"

The author called Flagina Ivan Northanych "Enchanted Wanderer." This hero is "fascinated" by life itself, her fairy tale, magic. That is why there is no limits for him. The hero perceives the world in which it lives as a real miracle. For him, he is infinite, as well as his journey in this world. Flaghane Ivan does not have any particular purpose in life, it is inexhaustible for him. This hero perceives every new refinement as another opening on its path, and not just as a change of classes.

Hero appearance

The author notes that his character has an external similarity with Ilya Muromers, the legendary hero of the epics. Ivan Severgeanovich is characterized by a huge growth. He has a discovered dark face. The hair of this hero is thick, wavy, lead color (his extremely cast this unusual color). Flagin wears a submaneurist of a novice with a monastery belt, as well as a high black cap of black. By type, the hero can give a little more than fifty years. However, he, as Leskov notes, was henate in the full sense of the word. This is kind, simple Russian bogatyr.

Frequent shift places, escape motif

Despite its depletion nature, Ivan Severgeanovich is not delayed for a long time anywhere. The reader may seem that the hero is inconsistently, frivolous, is incorrect to both herself and others. Therefore, whether the flaskin wanders around the world and can not find the refuge? No, it is not. The hero has proven his loyalty and devotion. For example, he saved the seven of the Count K. from an imminent death. In the same way, the Bogatyr Ivan Flegin showed himself in relationships with a pear and a prince. A frequent change of places, the motive of the flight of this hero is not due to the fact that he is dissatisfied with life. On the contrary, he craves to drink her full. Ivan Severgeanovich so discovered that she seemed to be herself, and hero only follows it with a wise humility. However, it should not be understood as a manifestation of passivity and mental weakness. This humility is unconditional adoption of fate. The image of Ivan Flyagin is characterized by the fact that the hero often does not give a report in his own aids. He relies on intuition, on the wisdom of life, which trusts everything.

Invulnerability for death

It can be supplemented by the fact that the hero is honest and open before the highest strength, and she rewards for it and protects it. For death, Ivan is invulnerable, he is always ready for her. He some miracle can be saved from death when he keeps horses on the edge of the abyss. Then Roma takes out Ivan flange out of the loop. Next, the hero wins in a duel with Tatarin, after which it runs from the captivity. During the war, Ivan Severgeanovich escapes from bullets. He talks about himself that he died all his life, but could not die. The hero explains it with his big sins. He believes that neither water nor the land want to take it. At the conscience of Ivan Navgorovich - the death of a monk, gypsies of pears and Tatar. The hero easily casts his children born from Tatar wives. Also Ivan Severgeanovich "Tempty demons."

"Sins" Ivan Northany

None of the "sinful" actions is not a generation of hatred, thirst for personal gain or lies. The monk was killed as a result of an accident. Ivan before the death of Savakira's death in honest battle. As for history with a pear, the hero came according to the settlement of conscience. He understood that he had a crime, murder. Ivan Flegin realized that the death of this girl is inevitable, so he decided to take sin on himself. At the same time, Ivan Severgeanovich decides to pour forgiveness from God in the future. The unfortunate pear tells him that he still live and squeezes God and her, and his soul. She herself asks to kill her not to commit suicide.

Naivety and cruelty

Ivan Flyagin has his own morality, his religion, but in life this hero always remains honest both with himself and with other people. Talking about the events of your life, Ivan Severgeanovich does not hide anything. The soul of this hero is open both for random travelers and for God. Ivan Severgeanovich is simple and naive as a baby, however, during the fight against evil and injustice, it can be very decisive, and sometimes cruel. For example, he cuts off the tail of the Bark Cat, punishing it as for the torture of birds. For this, Ivan Flygin himself is cruelly punished. Hero wants to "die for the people", and he decides to go to war instead of one young man, with whom parents cannot break up.

Natural power flaggy

The huge natural strength of the hero is the cause of his actions. This energy encourages Ivan Flyagin on the recklessness. The hero accidentally kills the monk who fell asleep at WHO with Sen. This happens in Azart, during a quick ride. In the youth of Ivan Navgorovich, this sin is not very good, but over the years he starts to feel that he will ever have to redeem him.

Despite this case, we see that the speed, dexterity and the bogatyr strength flanha are not always destructive power. Being a completely child, this hero goes to Voronezh together with the graph and the Countess. During the trip, the wagon is hardly disappeared into the abyss.

The boy saves the owners, stopping the horses, but he himself is hardly able to avoid death after falling from the cliff.

Courage and patriotism hero

Ivan Flight demonstrates courage and during the fight with Tatarin. Again, because of his reckless removal, the hero turns out to be captive by Tatars. Ivan Severgeanovich isgoving in his homeland, being in captivity. Thus, the characteristic of Ivan Flyagin can be supplemented with his patriotism, love for his homeland.

Secret of optimism flaggy

Flagin is a man endowed with an near-free physical and spiritual force. This is exactly what it depicts fishing rods. Ivan Flegin is a person for whom nothing is impossible. The secret of his constant optimism, invulnerability and forces is that the hero in any, even the most difficult situation comes exactly as it requires the situation. Ivan Flagine's life is interesting and the fact that it is in harmony with others and is ready to fight with a lich, which will fall on his way.

National traits in flaggy

Leskov reveals in front of the readers of the quality of the national creating the image of Ivan Flyagin, "fascinated hero." This character can not be called flawless. Rather, it is characteristic of inconsistency. The hero is like kind and merciless. In some situations, he is primitive, in other hectounds. Flagin is a muster and poetic. Sometimes he makes insane acts, but he does and good people. The image of Ivan Flyagin is the personification of the latitude of Russian nature, its immenseness.

1873g. From the point of the genre - the epic story. Externally adventurous story, chain of adventure. This motive of the wealth is associated with the understanding of life. True plot is an internal psychologist.

"The Enchanted Wanderer"- A tale with a fabulous form of the navigation. The form of the tale - oral speech From the first person - the author is necessary for creating the image of the character of the narrator. Thus, in the work there are several stylistic formations that differ from each other, and the tale is not the only form of the narrative, although the prevailing. It is a means of expressing the character of the chief hero.

However, form Determines the plot and composition of the work. "Enchanted Wanderer" is a chronicle of the life of one hero, where there is no central event, to which everyone else would be tightened, but where a variety of episodes are free to follow each other. The creation of a similar narrative form was fundamental in principle. He noticed that the form of the novel is artificial and unnatural, it requires the rounding of the Fabul and the concentration of the story of the Wokyg of the Main Center, and in life it does not happen: the fate of a person as a developing tape, and it is necessary to portray it. Many critics were not adopted by a similar plot-composite structure of the Leskovsky text. Critic N. K. Mikhailovsky.

Entry to the story is an exposition in which the reader with the help of the narrator gets acquainted with the place of action and with heroes. The main part is the Paccas of Ivan Flyagin about his life. In this way, composition It is a story in the story.

In a fascinated wanderer, like a different work of the fishing line, the intricate concrete situation is highlighted, characterized by a Russian person. Under the iconic clothes of the narrator, Ivan Flyagin reminiscent of the interlocutors of the legendary Russian hero, Grandfather Ilya Muromets, hiding the mighty life-affirming nature of the dazed sovereign, the whole life of a self-tentary experimenting his fate, with God's help overcoming his self-rescience, humoring his pride, but not at all the feelings Own dignity of mental latitude and responsiveness.

The figure of the wanderer is connected with the artistic tradition of Russian folklore and ancient literature, with the images of the call of obstacles, the seekers of a happy share, and the poetics of the story largely dates back to walking, one of the most common genres of the Old Russian literature. The narration in them was carried out, as a rule, on the first person and represented a monologular leisurely, the Great and at the same time a predensive description of the journey in which the surrounding gets deep personal and interested judgment.

Such is the extraordinary life of the flaggy, his wandering on the hails and the weights of the native land. All this surprisingly corresponds to his activity, in something bold and at the same time peaceful and kindly wonderful character and the entire appearance of a poultry hero: the power of the Spirit, the Bogatyr mischiefs, the indestructible life and the latitude of his soul, and the responsiveness to someone else's grief. Leskov, however, does not idealize the hero. The writer notes the manifestation of his wildness of the gusts of an anarchic personary and in adolescence, when he accidentally kills the monastery for mischief, and in Jasoti, when Tatar Zavakiraia is sprinkled to death. From her sinful affairs, the hero is gradually cleaned, achieving in its attitude to the life of truly folk wisdom.

There is another side of the Flygin Stragin: It is only a transition from one festing to another until it becomes calmed in that it was determined by the fishery test. Test characters and testing of the soul - here are the trinity of them overcome. Fate prepared him, a young and promised son in serious tests, he strengthens, keeping the height of human dignity and anywhere not falling to hypocrisy, indiscretion, dishonor and shamelessness, without renumbering from deep faith, simply and selflessness, generosity and courage, kindness and peacefulness , hardness and patience make up its constant features.

At the same time, the test of the soul, the most difficult test leads to the achievement of the previously absent qual qualities of the hero. About acquiring humility, great virtue, which is connected with the knowledge of his sinfulness and not dignity, its gentlemency and the feelings of God's greatness, because humility coming from self-knowledge, bringing a person to God, so the whole life of Flain becomes meaningful and delessous as liberation through humility and Repentance for salvation.

He feels beautiful, fascinated by the beauty of the world. This charm of the world is manifested in the exciting feeling of admiration for which there are such piercing and immediate words, and what they would say, whatever he admired, the nude soul trembles in a living word.

Leskov depicts the hero a lot of surviving, a reinforced and acquiring not only personal, but also a huge national historical experience in judgments about the world. And therefore, it is not random the words of Ivan as if the summary of his reflections on the lived life: I want to die for the people. And truly, which can be more beautiful than squeezing your life for your people!

Greeting, checking readiness for the lesson, writing in the number of numbers and themes of the lesson. -What is today a lesson on this topic? - Were I finish studying the life and actions of Ivan Flyagin? "What is the goal of the 3rd lesson?" -And why do we need to explore the life of the hero? Lesson plan. 1. How the flange character is revealed in the story: 1) service in nannies; 2) in captivity of the Tatars; 3) Testing love as the highest check of his humanity; 4) Further test of the hero life: 15 years of service in the Caucasus under the name of Peter Serdyuk; in St. Petersburg in artists; in the monastery; Final - on the way. 2. Equipment: What are the main features of the Russian national nature of Ivan Northwan Flyagin? D / s: Prepare for a test on the story, write a mini-essay by one of the following: "What is the charm of Ivan Flyagin?", "Russian national character of Ivan Flyagin.", "Flearin - sinner or righteous?" Indilation: Make a test of 15 questions. - In the past lesson, we found out that Ivan is the son of "prayer and promised", what does this mean? -What motto is an extikan on his belt? - Fleagin many times in the story tells his story and painter, and Barina, and Russian missionaries in Tatar captivity, and Father Ilya for confession, and the Colonel in the Caucasus, and the Medication in the monastery. Why did he do it? (Newly worried about life, connects the scattered pieces, causing the meaning for himself. Being.) -What did you find out about the origin, the gift of the hero? (Serf, gift - try to see a horse) - What two actions of youth remembers Flygin? (Murder Monastery and Saving Lord) - Let's listen to these stories, as they will continue to influence the life of the retelling of the 1st episode of the "death of a nun." - Did the flank realized what did you do? Has feel remorse? (No, the death of the nurse perceives as an annoying misunderstanding). Retelling the episode "Salvation of the Family of the Graph". - How can this act can be regarded? (Like a noble. But perceived as proper, the harmonica is given, they promise to remember. And they will remember, thank: not once carved.) - And now let's explore several episodes from the Hero's life in order to reveal what features of the nature manifested themselves from Flagin. To do this, we split into three groups. Each group will receive a card with a task and will work for 10 minutes, and then tell. What is done. 1st episode - Flagina service in nannies; The 2nd episode - Flaskin at the Tatars in captivity; 3rd Episode: Flagine Test Love (Look In Annex to Lesson) While students work in groups, 2 student has already studied the characteristics of the character of the Hero of Physkultminutka! Check for morality in the story goes constantly. In history with a pear, he assumes all the completeness of the responsibly for the sins of someone else's man who grips his own soul. Otherwise, the pear would kill himself and not yet born baby. Hero's love is selfless, feeling clean and great, because it is free from self-love and property. After the death of a pear, he is not thinking about himself, but about her soul: "The soul's sadness is now the dead, and my duty to recover it from hell. After the death of pears - again the road, but this is the road to people, to the meeting with them already on new foundations. He "stressed" himself and lives from now on for others, for others, acquires relationship with killed grief old men and goes to serve as Their Son Peter Serdyukova, i.e. Changes fate and name with a person who has never seen. And again the hero does not reflect on, acts at the behest of the heart and does not consider it a victim. Asks for the Caucasus, since he says, "I can die more for faith." 15 years will serve in the Caucasus, everything happens like in a fairy tale: and did not kill, and they produced the officers, and awarded the St. George Cross for courage. The moral self-esteem has changed. In confession to Colonel, he will also appreciate his life: "A big sinner ... I ruined a lot of unhappy shower in my century." He is already aware of his responsibility to other people. Through suffering, the hero comprehends the meaning of his life. -After service Colonel gives him a letter of recommendation to Petersburg. What awaits him in St. Petersburg? (Belonging to a privileged class does not contribute to the career, does not give back to the usual work - to be a coach. The hero goes to the artists). - Where, finally, Ivan Northanych falls? (In the monastery) -Che prophecy came true? -Why did the monastery turned out to be the last pier, and became the stage of the new path? (The Spirit did not calm him down, the inner voice tells him: "Warf" ...) - What does the hero dream of, leaving the monastery? Read the text in the last chapter by words: "I, in anticipation of the impossible performance ..." And find the lines in which His experience is expressed ("Fraha has been fulfilled for the people Russian and began to pray ... I have been crying about my homeland ..."; "I want to die for people." - The epics dream.) What is he, hero Leskova? What features of the Russian national nature were reflected in Ivan Flygin? (Soft, kind, truthful, honest, disinterested - that in the mercantile age looks like stupidity, living in the interests of others, for the sake of others, and for others, knows how to feel the beauty, responsive to someone else's grief, a highly spiritual person is ready to die for the people. - What does the tale of fishing ledge teach us? -What features of the character of the hero want to develop in themselves?

N.S. Leskov never lost faith in a Russian man, in his ability to overcome all disasters. The writer was killed and saw in the usual turmoil, even "wildness", simple Russian life of some bright beginnings. It was brightly manifested in the "fascinated wanderer", a story about Ivan Flygin, the son of a fortress peasant and kucher. What is the unusualness of the fate, the life path of this hero?

Many researchers call the Flagine "The Fair to the Land Russian". In principle, this is a fair definition, but not exactly accurate. What truth is looking for Flynkin? Can he look for the truth in its impulsiveness and small education?

Apparently, Flight is a special type, a kind of "nugget". He, of course, seeker, but not truth as such, but beauty, meaning of life. Ivan - "Mella", that is, a son, son. From the very birth, he is inherent in the restlessness, the eternal desire (through failures and "breakdowns") to a bright, energetically complete, "flowery" existence. From here and "falls" of this hero and, in the final light, the enlightenment of the spirit, the refusal of the uncomplete.

Fate as if Flagine was tested to the fortress laid in it feelings of good and common sense. You will "die many times and never die" - predicted him still in adolescent years. So it came out. The whole life of the hero is a chain of infusion, the cause of which was often he himself, his thirst for an extraordinary, the game of the internal forces who did not find useful.

So, in childhood, Flygin turned out to be an indirect culprit of the "road" incident, as a result of which the monk was killed. As an adult, the hero did not avoid adventurous situations (martial arts with Tatars under Penza). Because of this, Ivan Severgeanovich had to be hidden in steppe settlements for more than ten years, where he was governed by horse hair in his heel, and he could not go normally. Many times Flagin was a victim of gulling and a detrimental hobby "green snake" ... But all the misadventures not only did not weaken his craving for life and perfection, but also strengthened it. Hence the wanderings of the hero, a constant search for what would satisfy the "thirst of state", craving for simplicity, unusual. All this explains the accent word in the title of the story - "Enchanted".

The charm of life and beauty with an unusual force is revealed in the tavern scene. A pretty drunk Ivan Flygin gives all the host money (five thousand rubles) for the spells of Gypsy - Beauty Peach: he "screamed her legs" during the dance of all his "swans", that is, major money bills. The soul of the hero was spawned at the dance in Azart: "Not you, damned, and the land and did it?". Words blasphemous and, at the same time, deep sincere, powerful. "Damned" in the lips of Ivana sounds like the characteristic of all the fact that there is a beautiful on earth ...

In the depths of the soul, the hero always brightly shone the sparkles of life, hopes, if possible, the redemption of "sins", acquiring the truth. And Flight found this truth, at least for himself, as applied to the situation, which he was after all the wandering and deprivation. Without having a family, a permanent place of residence, certain classes, the hero is rummaged all the time for the better, trying to solve the "meaning" of life. In the end, it turns out to be in the monastery, in the hope of stopping there "the restlessness" of his soul, finding truly beautiful. In this sense, Flygin reminds us of the "Future Son", which after many misfortunes comes to the monastery, in order to salty their "sins" there.

But, being in the monastery, Ivan did not get rid of the torment of his conscience (for the death of pears, for the death of Tatar, a monk). He was miracle that Satan is haunting him. It was decided to plant the flanha in the "cellar", so that there, in prayers and in Ascetism, was released from pouring. So it happened. But at the same time, another happened: an incredibly important insight of the hero. He was sent to see and understand what others are alas! - Not given to this day. Since then, our hero has been fulfilled "fear for the people of their Russian and began to pray ... Everything about the homeland ... so for our people."

The meaning of the wanderings, the entire life path of Ivan Flyagin, the foresight of the troubles, hung over the people and frayed, the foresight, renewed in themselves for the long years "Pokiliban", usually refers to a purely poetic element of the story. This is seen fantastic, "wonderful" and because unnecessary. But it is not. Flaghane flags are not straight, and in the shape, "prophetic", the form warned in the 70s of the XIX century: "We have a severity." And the spiritual hectare of Ivan Flyagin is that all bitter, but highly on the power of drama, he convinces us: to act "mind", responsibility, loyalty to faith, without discarding the honor and care of the friend. It's time to raise the question - just like that! Otherwise - "Severence".

The thorny life path of the main character, the deprivation, which he suffered, as if it matches this "truth of life" to which he sought. She was a flask needed as well as all people.