Ancient and modern druids: mysterious rites and magical abilities. Druids - History of secret societies, unions and orders of Druid who they are in Orthodoxy

Ancient and modern druids: mysterious rites and magical abilities. Druids - History of secret societies, unions and orders of Druid who they are in Orthodoxy
Ancient and modern druids: mysterious rites and magical abilities. Druids - History of secret societies, unions and orders of Druid who they are in Orthodoxy

Druids - Priese

Most readers are familiar with the word "Druid" and represent the romantic Celtic priests who performed their sacred rites, so colorfully described by Pling: "They call the mistletal name, which means" all-excavating ". Preparing a sacrifice and feast under the trees, they lead two white bulls there, whose horns then bind for the first time. Priest, dressed in a white dress, rises on a tree and cuts his mistletoe with a golden sickle, and others catch it in white raincoat. Then they kill the victims, praying for God to take this dying gift from those whom he gave it. They believe that mistletoe, taken in drink, gives fertility to fruitless animals and that this is an antidote from all poisons. These are the religious feelings that many nations are experiencing perfect trifles. "

It is possible to ask whether the mysterious balls do not speak on the horns of bulls in the Celtic religious iconography that the horns associated during the preparation for the sacrifice, showing that these animals belong to the gods or are God themselves in the form of an animal. It is also interesting to note that the word denoting the mistleta in the modern Irish and Scottish Gaelian language, the "UIL-OS" literally denotes "all-excavating". Pliny's story about this ritual, accompanied by the sacrifice of bulls, had a huge impact on the subsequent attitude to the question of Celtic priesthood: there was no awareness of how much our real information about the druids was limited, and in a very large degree of fantasy began to clean the facts.

In fact, with the exception of some very scarce mentions of such a class of pagan priests in ancient authors and very foggy references in the local tradition, we know very little about the druids. We do not know whether they were common for the entire Celtic world, whether they are the only sense of the priests and at what period of time they acted. All we know is that in a certain period of history, some Celtic peoples had powerful priests, which were called that way; They helped defend themselves from the strength of another world, often hostile, and with the help of only they known rituals, sent these forces for the benefit of humanity as a whole and this tribe in particular. The most profound analysis of the nature of the druidism is contained in the book of S. Piggot "Druids".

The role of women druids in the pagan Celtic religion

Certificates of antique authors make it believe that Druids-women, or Druidessees, if they can be called that, also played a role in the pagan Celtic religion, and these testimonies are consistent with the data of island texts. Announcing (although this is a sufficiently dubious source) tells an interesting story: "My grandfather told me what he heard from Diocletian himself. When Diocletian, he said, was in Kharchevna in Tungrats in Gaul, had a small military rank and led along with some kind of woman-drussa result his daily expenses, she told him: "You are too stupid, Diocletian, too calculating." On this, they say, Diocletian is not serious, and the joke answered: "I will be generous when I become the emperor." After these words of Druviews, they say, said: "Do not joke, diocletian, because you will be the emperor when you kill the boar."

Speaking about the prophetic abilities of Druids and again, mentioning women, the writer says: "He [Asklepiodote] argued that Averalian appealed to Gallic Druditions with the question whether his descendants will remain in power. Those, according to him, they answered that the state would not be a more glorious name than the name of the descendants of Claudia. And there is already an emperor of Constance, a man of the same blood, and his descendants, it seems, reached the glory that was predicted by Druviews. "

The prophetic force is attributed to Providice Fedelm in the "Abduction of Bull from Kualang"; There is every reason to believe that in the class of druids of a woman, at least in some areas and in some periods, enjoyed a certain influence.

Druids Britain

Caesar, telling about Britain, does not mention Druids. Such episodes as the rebellion of the Bladiikki and religious rites and practices associated with them create the impression that in the first century N. e. There was something very similar to Druidism, at least in some parts of Britain.

In fact, antique authors have only one mention of Druids in Britain. Describing the attack of the Roman governor of Paulina to the fortress of Druids in English in 61 N. e., Tacitus says: "On the shore there was a full armament of an enemy army, among which women ran their furities, in mourning robes, with flushed hair, they kept burning torches in their hands; The former druids with the abreamed hands asked the prayers to the gods and defeated the curses. The novelty of this spectacle shook our warriors, and they, as if the Ocalers, substituted fixed bodies under the blows raw on them. Finally, hovering the advantages of the commander and encouraging each other to be afraid of this sophisticated, half of the female troops, they rush on the enemy, discard him and push their own torches resisting in the flame. After that, the defeated garrison places and cut down their sacred groves designed to send ferocious superstitious rites: after all, they were considered pious to irrigate the prisoners of the prisoners of the logs and scold their instructions, referring to human courses. "

The Fortress of Druids in English could be associated with both economic and religious aspects, which explains the fanatic resistance of the invasion of the Romans. Further archaeological excavations, along with the classification of some of the cult figures in English, which have not yet been studied in this context, can shed more light on the nature of the druidism on this island, and perhaps in Britain as a whole.

Druidov status

According to the Irish tradition, druids are typical and power. Other mentions give them other, almost shamanic, features. We are talking about the famous Druid could have root: at least one specialist in Celtic mythology believed that he was originally the God of the Sun. Although it means that it is much further asserted than allowing us of the available data, he, however, was considered a powerful sorcerer and possessed allegedly the ability to cause a storm and create the clouds with one breath. In the Siege "Siege, Drum Damgai" he wears Enchennach - "bird clothes", which is described as follows: "Brought the skin of the boghed bull belonging to him, and his little bird clothes with fluttering wings and, moreover, his robe of the Druid. And he climbed together with fire in the air and on the sky. "

Another story about the druids from local, Irish sources depicts them in the humorous light and draws not so worthy, as the antiquary fans would like. However, perhaps the cause of this is the confusion of the word "Druid" with Druith - "Fool". In the saga "intoxication of the wladels", which is full of mythological motives and situations, the Queen of Medb, by origin - the Irish goddess, guard two druids, chrome treated and chrome Daral. They stand on the wall and argue. One seems to be that a huge army approaches them, and the other claims that all this is just natural areas of the landscape. But in fact, it is really an army that attacks them.

"They stood shortly there, two druids and two observers, as they seemed to them the first detachment, and it was white, insane, noisy approximation, rattling over the valley. They were so fiercely rushed forward that Laucher's pace was left in the houses or a sword on a hook, nor a shield on the shelf, nor a spear on the wall, which would not fall on the ground with a root, noise and ringing. At all houses in the pace of Laucher, where it was on the roofs of the tile, the tile came from the roofs to the ground. It seemed that the turbulent sea approached the walls of the city and to his fence. And in the midst of the city in the people of people, and there was a dental crossed. Then the two druids fell into faint, and in infamousness, and in unconsciousness, one of them, the chrome Daral, fell outside, and the other, the chroud is treble, inside. But soon the chroud jumped to his feet and fixed his look at the detachment that was approaching him. "

The class of Druidov could belong to some power and in the Christian era, at least in the Goyakers world, and we have no reason to believe that with the advent of Christianity the pagan cultures and all the attributes associated with it and people instantly disappeared. It is said that in Scotland, Saint Columbus met with Druid named Brogian near Inverness in the VII century. e. Druids may have existed for some time and in Christianity, although they had no previous religious power and political influence; Perhaps they turned only in magicians and sorcerers.

However, in antiquity, their power, at least in some areas of the ancient world, was indisputable. Caesar, apparently, was mainly right when he wrote: "Namely, they put sentences almost all controversial affairs, public and private; Is the crime or murder committed, whether the inheritance is under the inheritance or borders - they decide the same druids ... Their science, as they think, arose in Britain and was transferred from there to Gallia; And so far, in order to meet it, they leave there for studying it. "

In addition, Pliny mentions the veneration that the Druidism enjoyed on the British Islands. He notices: "And until this day of Britain is enchanted by magic and performs her rites with such ceremonies, which seems as if she said to this cult Persians."

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Celtic names

Celtic women's names and their meaning

Celtic names - These are the names of the ancient tribes that inhabited almost the entire territory of Ancient Europe.

Celtic tribes treated: Galla, Galats, Gelviet, Belgi, Arvernnas, Boy, Senons, Bituriga, Waist.

Celts occupied the territory of modern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Brittany, almost all Western and Central Europe.

To this day have been preserved traditionally Celtic regions - These are areas in modern Europe, populated by representatives of Celtic culture and Celtic languages: Brittany, Cornwall, Ireland, Isle of Man, Scotland and Wales. In these regions they say or previously spoken at one of the Celtic languages.

Prior to the expansion of the Roman Empire and the increase in the territory of the German tribes, most of Western Europe was Celtic.

Women's Celtic names and their meaning

Avalon - Paradise, apple

AYN. - Shine

Iris (AIRIC) - Pleasant

Alastrone (Alastriona.) - Defender of mankind

Alena (Alena) - Fair of paints, beautiful

Arel (Arala) - Promise

Arina (ARRENE.) - Promise

Arlet (Arleta.) - Promise

Bed (Breeda.) - Strong, independent.

Brenna (Brenna.) - Crow

Brett (Bretta.) - from the UK

Brianna (BRIANNA.) - rising against oppression

Bridhid(Brygid.) - Strong, hardy

Brigitta (Brigitta.) - Strong

Brit (Brit.) - Mighty Virgo who came from the UK

Britt (Britta.) - Strong

Venety (Venetia.) - Happy

Winnie (Winnie.) - Fair

Gwendolene (Gwendolen.) - noble

Gwendoline (Gwendolin.) - born noble

Gwell (Gwenn.) - noble

Ginerva (Ginerva.) - white like foam

Garia(Grania.) - love

Devon (Devona.) - Preaginal

Diva (Diva.

Divona (Divone) - predicted, predocked

Female(Jennyver) - White wave

Feminine (Jennifer) - White wave

Zinerva(Zinerva.) - Pale

Idella(Idelle) - generous, abundant

Ideisa(Ideelisa.) - generous, abundant

Imogen (Imogen.) - impeccable, innocent

And she (Iona) - Born from the king

Carrin (Camryn.) - leaning to freedom

Cassadi (Kassadi.) - Kudryavaya

Kennedy (Kennedy) - force

Kili (Keely.) - Slender, Miloid

Khira (Khiara.) - Small dark

Lavena (Lavena.) - joy

Leslie (Lesley) - Gray Fortress

Lynette. (Linette) - polite, taking into account

Mind. (Mabina.) - deft

Mavella (Mavelle) - joy

Mavis (Mavis.) - joy

Menzie (Mackenzie.) - the daughter of the wise leader

Malvina (Malvina.) - Major

Mevi (Maeve.) - Mythical Queen

Merna (Merna.) - sentence

Nara (Nara.) - Satisfied

Narina (Nareena) - Satisfied

Nela (Neala.) - Government

Ov (Ove.) - mythical name

Ofa (OIFA.) - mythical name

Penardian (Penarddun.) - mythical name

Righan (Reaghan.) - noble

Rinnon - Big Queen

Roven (Rowena.) - white, pretty

Ryanne (Ryann.) - Little leader

Sabrina - River goddess

Seylan(Caylan.) - Winner

Selma (Selma.) - Milovoid

Sinin (Cinnie) - Beautiful

Tahra (Tahra) - growing

Three hundred - brave, rash

Ula (ULA) - Gemstone from the sea

Union (Una) - White wave

Fedelm (Fedelm.) - mythical name

FENELLA (Fenella) - mythical name

Fianna(Fianna.) - mythical name

Fingula (Fingula.) - mythical name

FindaBare (Findabair.) - mythical name

FHINE - Wine

Shavna (Shawna.)

Shaila (Shayla) - Fairy

Shailyah (Shayleigh) - Magic Princess

Shelya (Shaela) - Magic Palace

Evelyn (Evelyn.) - light

Edana (Edana.) - Passionate

Eina. (Aina.) - bringing joy

Alice(Ailis.) - noble

ENA (ENA) - passionate, fiery

Enya - singing elf

Epona - Horse

Eslinn (Aislynn.) - inspiration

Edna (Edna.) - the fire

E.tNA (Ethna.) - the fire

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On there are many reasoning about what place is allowed to occupy women in religious systems, and can they be leaders. In many traditions, frank sexism has a long history, but paganism often has a feministic orientation, and I think we have more women leaders than in other religious groups. If you read the goddess as well as God, the authority of the priest is equal to the authority of the priest.

I know a lot of pagan women (and especially the druids) who lead, taught, write, and take responsibility. I suppose it is not difficult for anyone who joined the way. Or, at least, no harder for me - women - than for men. I did not fight against the supporters of sexism, habits and beliefs that exclude women from religious life. In paganism, they are not granted opinions that I can be less good, less capable, less spiritual, and it is worthy because I have a chest.

Paganism is religion, positively related to sex. If someone considers me sexual, it does not mean that he will be seduced with the path of true. It does not distract him from paganism, and will not threaten his virtue. In some religions, the species of a strong and sexy woman may be a problem if you do not perceive her sexuality in a religious context. We also have sexual goddesses of love and fertility. To be inspired by feminine beauty, enthusiastically with her sexuality, her appearance, how she presents her body, it is not an obstacle for pagan spirituality. Similarly, we do not think that women are useless and that men should not pay attention to them, or that sexually attractive priest should be deprived of all opportunities for promotion. We know that there are LGBT among us, and we treat them well. Go ahead, what effect and to whom will it be? And if you won't harm anyone, do what you want .. Think and feel like you know how to behave.

What we should do is the patriarchalness of our society around us. The media will rather call a man's expert than a woman. And questions about leadership in your family, about the influence of parents on you, on all themes about the appearance, and where you danced naked, most likely ask a woman. In the world, who considers men serious women, women leaders need more time to hear her voice and perceived seriously. It is terrible, but this is part of our job in returning to the world to challenge stereotypes and arrogance, and bring divine femininity, and respect for women, restore the balance in things that we consider male.

Nowadays, there are a wide variety of horoscopes. Taking advantage of the Internet, you can easily determine what flower you match what planet, what time of year and so on. It turns out that there is another horoscope, which is much older than you can imagine. This is a horoscope of Druids - he has more than two thousand years. For the first time, the horoscope of Druids, or in other words, the Gallic horoscope is mentioned in the records of Christian monks who need to record the chronicle of the pagans. So, contrary to the problem, Druids are not at all mythical creatures, but quite really existing people, the priests of Celtic tribes.

Druids, like their "colleagues" shamans and sorcerers from different countries, made magical rites, sacrifices and engaged in the prediction of the future. Earth people believed wisely unconditionally. In order to receive the honorary title of Druid, a person had to spend twenty years in full solitude in the forest - so it is not surprising that young Druids were not observed among the Celts.

The Forest of the sorcerers considered the holy place where the conventional portal for communication with unearthly beings opens. With trees, priests managed both with alive creatures, hanging them with a soul and even character. They argued that every tree, like a person, has its own definite features, dignity and disadvantages. Each requires certain living conditions. There were druids and their favorite plant - mistletoe. It was also used in healing, and in predictions, and in managerial affairs, and in rites of sacrifice, so the mistake of the mistletoe was preparing in advance. The priests believed that the drugs from the mistleta neutralize any famous poison. The love of this magic plant, by the way, has been preserved to this day, the wreaths of the leaf of mistleta Europeans decorate their homes for Christmas.

The Celts at one time occupied a colossal territory in terms of size, by and large - all modern and well-known to tourists Western Europe. It was they who laid the foundation of the Western European civilization. Like any self-respecting pagans, each individual settlement needed his own priest, able to talk to the gods without much difficulty. But in addition to communicating with the highest forces, the Druids were also obliged to fix the heroic feats of the Celts, preferably in poetic form, so they took only poets in the druids - otherwise it would not work. In those distant times of the "position" of the Druid was considered extremely honorable. For advice to the priests, both small rulers and kings were applied. They were also released from military service and paying taxes.

True, for example, in the Irish Druids rapidly lost their poetic abilities and turned into analogue of modern village signs, but Galla - the ancestors of the current French - to their priests treated much more precisely, removing their wise elders in almost the discharge of demigods (well, or at least heavenly messengers ). Remember at least the famous stories about Asterix and Obelix - the ancestors of the French to their "wizards" treated extremely respectfully. Gallov even existed holidays dedicated to Druidam - Samayn and Balen. Under the leadership of priests, participation in the celebrations received residents of all the closest settlements. It was believed that on the days of these holidays, the line between the worlds thinned, and the envoys of other worlds could come to visit.

As for the horoscope directly, the inspiration for his creation of Druid died again from trees. According to their science, the date of birth of each person is associated with a certain plant. The great importance of the druids at the same time attached to the winter and summer confrontation of the Sun, Spring and Summer Equinox. Actually, the position of the Sun relative to the Earth and serves as the basis of their horoscope. In accordance with him, the fate of a person, his future, character and ability depend on the removal of the Sun from the Earth on the day of his birth. Therefore, each sign of the horoscope of Druids has two periods of action.

Druids believed: To change their destiny for the better, you need to establish a connection with your tree: to communicate with him with the help of touches. It was believed that in the pastime, a person should go to the forest or the garden, find a tree that corresponds to the date of birth, and talk to him, leaning against his trunk and physically imagine how the energie tree flows into his body. After that, it was assumed to worship the tree, thank him and finally decorate the ribbon.

This is how the horoscope of the druids looks like (in brackets are periods in which this tree is given). It was believed that the greatest magical strength and, as a result, the Tree has the greatest assistance to his man during periods of its supremacy.

Apple tree(June 25 - July 4, December 22 - January 1)
Fir (July 5 - July 14, January 2 - January 11)
Elm (July 6 - July 25, January 12 - February 24)
Cypress (July 26 - August 4, January 25 - February 3)
Poplar (August 5 - August 13, February 4 - February 8)
Cedar (August 14 - August 23, February 9 - February 18)
Pine (August 24 - September 2, February 19 - February 28/29)
Willow (September 3 - September 12, March 1 - March 10)
Linden (September 13 - September 22, March 11 - March 20)
Hazel (September 24 - October 3, March 22 - March 31)

Druids (Ancient Querysk. Drui, Gallsk. Druis) - a closed caste of priests, healers and poets from the ancient Celts (or Galov from Lat. Galli - "Belokeelian") - tribes of Indo-European origin living in the territory of Central and Western Europe from the beginning of III thousand. BC. before the V- VI centuries. AD

The word "Druid" comes from the Greek "Drus" - "Oak" and Indo-European "WID" - "to know, know." This point of view is popular for many researchers since ancient times. More Pliny (Ancient Roman writer) pointed to the relationship between the terms mentioned in the Greek "Druidai" and Latin "Druidae" or "Druides" and confirmed by the fact that Druid's sanctuations were located in the sacred oak groves). However, modern linguists argue that the etymology of the word "Druid" should be considered, based on the meaning of consonant words in Celtic languages. They believe that the word "Druides" used by galls, as the Irish "Drui" originated from "Dru Wid Es" - "very scientist." Oak was called otherwise ("Dervo" on Gallic, "Daur" on Irish, "Derw" on Welsh and "Derv" on Breton), because the basis of the term "Druid" This word can hardly be considered.

Druids were visited only by issues of religion and healing, they did not interfere in politics. Erroneous opinion. Only druids and Vastes druids were not related to the political life of the country (Dr.-Il. Faith; Gallesk. Vatis, Vates), specializing in predictions and conducting magical rituals, as well as practitioners of various methods of healing (surgical operations, herbal, magical impact ). But the rest of the druids participated in the political life of the state rather actively. Theologians also engaged in issues of education, religion and justice. Various diplomatic tasks (negotiation, conclusion of truce and unions with neighboring states) were assigned to the shoulders of the court musicians of Filids (FILI; from Welet, Wel - "Seek", "Providez"). They were the creators, performers and keepers of the poems, studied history and genealogy, were injured. At the same time, a clear line was carried out between the bard - the usual artist of the songs (which could be used without any training, simply having a good hearing and voice) and Film, Mago and a predictor, who perfectly dealt in traditions and history, (to find this title, a person had to learn Not one year).

Druids - priests, which appeared in Europe long before the Celts. There is no single opinion on this. Some researchers believe that Druids are overthrown kings who have become priests (although according to the statements of historians, it was representatives of the druids caste, as to overthrow, and build the throne of the ruler of the Celts). Others adhere to the opinions that bards and Filius, Druids and Songs are representatives of the same priestly class, manifested themselves in one or another era in different ways (but it should be noted that in the legends and written sources they are all mentioned at the same time and, therefore , there were parallel). Third believe that the druids are representatives of the Pyranceo-European priesthood, while the origin of Filids is Indo-European (but in this case the existence remains in parallel with the Order of the Druids of another priestly class - the GUITERS (so-called "connoisseurs of prayers"), which though appeared on Celtic The lands of previously druids, but neither the authority, or the ordering of the organization could not boast).

Druids are the priests of the ancient Celts who lived in a merger with nature and were at a low level of technological development. This is not true. Modern researchers believe that the Celts, which were one of the largest peoples of Europe in the second half of the I thousand BC. e. In many industries (metal processing, pottery production, etc.) not only did not yield, but also exceeded the Romans. In addition, Celts have reached considerable success in the field of trade, developing crafts, urban planning and architecture.

Roads of Druids and the Lifestyle of the Company managed by them were harmonious and ideal. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis kind was expressed by the Stoics philosophers, opposing the civilized society, who worried the period of decline and decomposition, the image of another social formation - a living serene and happy life, full of kindness and humans, in a harmonious merger with nature. Ammonian Marcellin (ancient Greek historian) mentioned that the activities of Filids and Druids contributed to an increase in the education of the population and the development of "worthy praise of science."

However, the life of the "noble barbarians" (among which was among both the mythical hyperboreans, and really existing Celts and Scythians) was not at all so serene. First, during the sacrifices of the druids, not only white bulls under the sacred oak were hardened. According to their beliefs, the gods are best heard of people's requests in the case when human sacrifices are brought. Therefore, people were killed for the problem of the celestial patrons, not limited to the prisoners or criminals, and local residents became sometimes victims. Moreover, the more serious danger threatened by Celts - the higher the public situation of a person who was sacrificed to the gods was. For example, so-called. "Man from Lindow", the body of which is well preserved in the peat swamps of Lindow near the village of Mobberly (United Kingdom, Cheshire County) belonged to a well-known genus (which is seen from a evenly developed musculature and manicure). And, judging by the wounds (barbed skull, cut the throat, a broken edge and a flour on the neck) and found on the body of pollen, my mistletoe, a man was killed during a ritual sacrifice. In addition, some historians (in particular, Pliny Senior) mention that the ancient Celts not only sacrificed people, but also eaten human flesh. Confirmation of the mentioned allegations of cannibalism, modern researchers consider human bones found in the cave near the city of Alveston (Great Britain) (most likely - sacrificing people), split in a certain way (apparently, in order to extract the bone marrow).

But the evidence of another method of sacrifice (described by Caesar) is the burning of people in a huge human-like chuckle, archaeologists have not yet found. Secondly, Druids, although they themselves did not participate in hostilities, and could stop the battle by one appearance on the battlefield, they prepared young aristocrats (and ordinary citizens) not to peaceful and quiet life. The main purpose of the younger generation was mastering the skill of fighting and gaining readiness to die in a fight. I. Finally, the characteristics of the character of the Celts (greed, frivolity, fumes), who mentioned by antique historians are not associated with the harmonious and balanced temper of the members of the ideal society.

Information on the secret knowledge of Druids can be found in written sources of ancient Celts and Romans. Erroneous opinion. The fact is that training was carried out exclusively orally, moreover - even during Caesar, antique authors (for example, Greek writer-historian Lukian) mentioned that the priests of the Celts prohibit write down anything from the knowledge system, owners and keepers of which They were. This was due, firstly, the reluctance of Druids face knowledge, and secondly, the desire to improve the memory of students (which will not be as tented in the case when a person relies on the record).

The druids were closed with caste, they gave vow of celibacy and lived in the forests, away from society. No, the ranks of the druids were replenished not at the expense of their direct heirs, but according to the instructions of the gods received by Celtic magicians and priests. Yes, and from society, they did not always coil, although they spent rites in the sacred oak groves. Druids, unlike the rest of the Celts, were liberated from paying taxes and military services, did not depend on the state authorities (they themselves elected the Supreme Druid and supported within the organization a clear discipline and hierarchy). But with society perfectly assimilated: the families began, owned by property, moved freely in the country, occupied significant positions (judges, diplomats, etc.).

Women appeared among the druids fairly late - initially in this estate included solely men. This point of view is based on the fact that written sources mentioned Druidess belong to the III century AD. (When the druids really experienced a period of decline). However, there is a direct opposite opinion - initially the caste of priests, priests and Filids were formed mainly from women. The mentioned hypothesis is formulated based on the fact that, firstly, Druviewses (Bandrui) and Women Fili (Banfile are mentioned in the ancient Welsh and Irish legends. And, secondly, in the society of the ancient Celts, the women became more respectful, moreover, moreover, they participated in battles (until the VII century AD, any wonderful sex representative, which was worthwhile, could be attracted to military service ).

Druids dressed in white clothes. The color of the robes of Druidov pointed out at what stage of learning is the representative of this estate. The first 7 years of students (ovats) who have fastened the sacred texts, wore green clothes. If they continued learning and moved to the category of Filids - the color of the clothes changed to the sky-blue (symbol of harmony, truth). The time of white clothes after the successful passage of the third stage of learning has occurred for Druids-priests, weaving a wreath on the head of oak leaves or a high cap of the conical shape made of gold.

The ideas of Druidov marked the beginning of the philosophy of the Pythagoreans. The mentioned point of view was adhered to antique authors. Moreover, some of them (for example, Hippolit Roman, the early Christian author and martyr) believed that the Pythagorean philosophy was transferred to Druidam the slave of Pythagore named Zalolkisis. Others (for example, Clement Alexandrian, Christian preacher, the founder of the theological school in Alexandria) adhered to the opposite point of view, claiming that Pythagoras studied from Druids (as well as Persian Mages, Egyptian Songs, etc.) and subsequently outlined by their ideas In his teaching. However, modern researchers believe that the community of these two philosophy takes place only at first glance. With a deeper study, for example, the ideas about the immortality of the soul, it is noticeable that, unlike the Pythagoreans, the druids did not believe in reincarnation (that is, the resettlement of the souls of the dead in the body of people, animals or plants) and in a circle of rebirths with the purpose of the redemption of sins . The ancient Celts professed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe happy life of the soul of the deceased (and the appearance of the appearance, familiar with the people around the human life) in another, more happy world. Therefore, in our days, scientists suggest that the above-mentioned philosophical systems did not generate one other, however, most likely there was a certain more ancient concept, on the basis of which they were formed.

Druids felt violently with Christians. In some legends, you can really find a mention of the struggle of Druids with the first representatives of Christianity (for example, with St. Patrick). However, the considerable amount was assimilated with new religions, because the monasteries in Ireland were for a long time were centers of education and the preservation of the cultural heritage of previous generations (in particular, many songs, hymns and legends). Yes, they were erected most often next to the dumbers or nearly standing oak (sacred for the plant celts).

In addition, as in many other peoples of the world, who changed polytheism into Christianity, at the Celts, the sacred holidays dedicated to the pagan gods were assimilated with Christian. For example, Samine (November 1) denoted the beginning of the new year (it was believed that it was on this day that people are residents of the afterlife) is celebrated as the day of all saints, and Jack-lantern, manufactured by Haloween (October 31) is an ancient Celtic symbol, designed to scare the evil spirits appearing on Earth during the day of the dead (or death day). Spring festival Imbel, dedicated to the goddess of the fertility, Brigitte (February 1), was renamed the holiday of St. Brigitta. Beltein (May 1), dedicated to God Belo, turned into a holiday of St. John, etc.

Even some pagan deities were Christianized. For example, in the regions where the three-year god of the ancient Celts was read (most often I was so depicted by a meadow ("shining"), identified with the Sun), Christian painters depicted the Holy Trinity not in the form of the canonical figures of the god-father, the Son's God and the Holy Spirit (pigeon ), and in the form of a person with three faces.