Kate Winslet and Daprio Joint Movies. Kate Winslet and Leonardo di Caprio: Romantic Friendship Story

Kate Winslet and Daprio Joint Movies. Kate Winslet and Leonardo di Caprio: Romantic Friendship Story
Kate Winslet and Daprio Joint Movies. Kate Winslet and Leonardo di Caprio: Romantic Friendship Story
0 August 25, 2017, 11:50

Caverghel of the October issue of the American version of the magazine Glamour. Oskarone actress not only appeared on the cover, but also gave a large interview with the publication. Of course, one of the main the conversations with Kate became its relationship with the Star Partner on the film "Titanic" (Titanic) and a long-time friend.

Roman celebrities are attributed from the moment of the yield of film into wide screens (for more than 20 years!), However, 41-year-old Kate and 42-year-old Leo were always only good friends, which, however, does not prevent them from pouring oils to the fire itself and throw up the yellow press Rates for discussion. So, quite recently, the Winslet and DiCaprio were seen together at the Villa Actor in the Saint-Tropez, where they had fun.

I am sure that you do not want to know what our last conversation was about. But it was fun, I laughed before you fall. We said to each other: "You can imagine what happens if the world finds out what we talked about?"

I do not want to tell what we are talking about with Leo, but yes, we are still very close! Sometimes we still quote each other replicas from the "Titanic", and it seems very funny to us!

- she said.

In the same conversation, Kate mentioned the hairdresser's failed career:

I had to have a spare plan, because if my career actresses did not work out, I would surely stuck. It seemed to me that I could become a hairdresser, but I accidentally cut off the Ucha's Ucha, trying to cut it. By the way, we have seen recently, and I told him: "Forgive me for the lobe!". He replied: "Well, yes, I was left the scar, but I am proud of them, Kate!" She joked.

Photo: Legion-Media

As you know, friendship between Kate and Leo originated almost 20 years ago, during their filming in the film "Titanic" in 1997

Interest in this duet as a pair does not fade. They are filmed together, their frank scenes do not give a single chance to doubt that there is something more between the actors than just friendship. In the divorces of Kate, all (even close friends of the couple) are blamed by Leo, they say, with him an actress is frank and close with anyone else. In addition, the Leo gift (ring) after the end of the filming of "Road Changes" (2008) also made a lot of noise. It is difficult to say, actors play or simply flirt with the public and press.

Or maybe it is really an example of friendship between a man and a woman. Perhaps the lack of official pair status and is the key to their relationship. In any case, this is a great happiness - find close to yourself in spirit.

Winslet told Vogue magazine: "He knows me better than anyone else in the world. Most friendly relationships between people begins with incoming jokes / kisses or from a hidden flirt. But Leo and me? Not. He is my "emotional" rock. I do not know that, damn, I would do without him. We literally grew together. And during each big event in life, we were supported for each other. "

Also Kate said that Leo morally helped her during her divorce with her husband, Sam Mehdes. The actress insists that her connection with this Hollywood charismatic guy is proof that not all friendly relations between a man and a woman are based on sexual attraction.

Leonardo "returned" the praise of Kate, saying that "their proximity comes from the fact that they grew together in a cruel / dangerous film industry."

We offer you to see a few wonderful videos about the attitudes of the actors who made their fans:

- Couple in which the name of the second occurs when mentioning the first. Bonnie and Clyde, Jeeves and Worcester, Kate and Leo. In the ideal Universe, in a few years, these two will understand that, although they were quite near (the storyline of Ted and Robin from "How I Met Your Mother" in the real dimension). In a kinosal, by the way, everything is so.

James Cameron's film became the beginning of not only the friendship of actors, but also the picture, after which both woke up famous. In the piggy bank "Titanic" a huge number of awards, including eleven. However, the next time, Daprio and Winslets will appear together on the screen only in 2008 - in the film "Road of Change". During this time, Leonardo will have time to change enough girls (including the most "long-playing" -), and Kate will marry the second time.

Despite the fact that the press with enviable constancy attributes to the actors. Roman, Winslet and DiCaprio assure that all these years (with the filming of "Titanic" in 1997) they remain close and incredibly devoted to each other, but only in a friendly plan. Today, DiCaprio is one of the most enviable Hollywood bachelors, who, if you believe the gossip, romantic relationship with. Kate is happy in the third marriage with a millionaire Non Rocknroll, from which the son of Beara Blaise is raising. By the way, Leo conducted to the altar in December 2012.

But even in this case, admire the joint snapshots of the perfect pair from the cinema to us no one forbid. Here are 15 photos and one video, watching that can be infinite.


On October 5, Hollywood actress Kate Winslet turned 42 years old. On the eve, she answered journalists to one of the most exciting fans of the questions: whether they had a romantic relationship with dihacprio? The actors repeatedly told that they were friends as 20 years old, but I could not believe anyone that such beautiful people did not eat sympathy for each other.

I remember very well, as we celebrated my 21st birthday - perhaps due to the fact that I then moved the cake. At that time, Leo had to be filled soon. 22. Soon I will be 42, and it is 43, and it's just madness. At the set of "Titanic" in 1997, we worked side by side of the side of seven months, and then we were very young. And, fortunately, we were very lucky in this: we never attracted each other in a romantic plan. I know it disappoints. But there was nothing to do between us. Although we still tease each other.

The actress also said that they are often seen from DiCaprio and even spend a weekend together, and her children are crazy about "Uncle Leo."


Piquantly, friends played a married couple in the film "Road of Change", the director of whom was the then husband Winslet - Sam Mehdes. The actress confessed that he felt awkward, playing in bed scenes with dihacprio in front of his own spouse.


By the way, in one of its early interviews, the Winsleter still told about how Di Caprio with her flirted on the set of "Titanic". According to her, the actor was then a little bit in love with her:

Every day, the Leo and Leo were spent in cold water for 6-7 hours, so after the filming took a habit of overheating together in a hot tub. In one of these days, Leo told me: "So strange, play love scenes, so much a double, and after the filming we have nothing." I did not give him to finish: "No, don't even think, we will not be able to take it seriously!" Then he sleeved his nose, got up, looked at the floor, there were my shoes on heels. "I will lend," Loo did not say anything. My gift speech disappeared. He, without waiting for a response, put on the shoes and asked: "Well, I leave?"


Many fans of this acting couple believe that DiCaprio is still not married only for one reason - he is still in love with Kate. The stars themselves are fooling over these rumors. Kate now has a third marriage - actress is married to a millionaire Non Rocknroll.

When there are two old girlfriends, TET-A-TET conversation turns into a "secret information leak" and the appearance of scandalous news! Now Kate Winslet is actively involved in the promotion of the film "Great Mounts", where she played one of the main roles, therefore it became a frequent guest in American and British shows.

Frame from the movie "Road Change"

The legendary film "Titanic" came out on the screens many years ago, but still makes the hearts of the fan of Leonardo di Caprio. After the premiere of the picture, everyone was confident that there was a novel between the two main characters, the refutation of this news was not perceived seriously. Friendship - Are such relationships are possible between a man and a woman? Fans did not believe in it, and every time I was looking for evidence of the novel. Kate and Leonardo are often resting together, warmly communicate in people, gently acquiring each other, in the interviews presented themselves as close friends and in any way otherwise.

Kate Winslet and Leonardo di Caprio

Kate Winslet again spoke about friendship with Leonardo di Caprio, what kind of spicy details of their relationship are not yet known to fans:

"The shooting process lasted seven months, it was a very intensive job, requiring us not only a professional calculation, but also complete mutual understanding. We saved friendship and understanding the director's task. Of course, we were very young, but the filmman is not converted into reality. Perhaps someone seems strange to someone, but Leonardo, I did not feel any passion or "desires" with each other. Why is it difficult to believe in it? For us, the topic of "love" was always a reason for jokes and teasing, no more than that. "

Kate Winslet and Leonardo di Caprio in the film "Titanic"

From the interview, it is clear that Kate is insanely proud of his work in the "Titanic", she did not talk so much about a new picture, and fully plunged into memories:

"The Titanic is already watching the second generation, competes the heroes and it's awesome! I starred a lot, but my children and acquaintances often remember and quote, almost literally, my words from the movies. It is surprising for me, because I myself have already forgotten a lot from the plot and every time he wondered: "Oh, Lord, did I really say that?". I have repeatedly heard that the film love and browsing again and again. Honestly, but I am lost from compliments and from awareness that it was many years ago, when we were so young and dreamed of acting glory. I feel old when I think about it, because many fans were not even born! "