The second largest city in Italy. The best cities of Italy - Map of Italy with cities in Russian, the most beautiful, large Italian cities

The second largest city in Italy. The best cities of Italy - Map of Italy with cities in Russian, the most beautiful, large Italian cities

Italy is a Mediterranean country, which is rightfully considered to be a stitching of beautiful cities, elegant architecture, better cuisine. The most popular in Italy for tourism usually consider Venice, Rome, Florence, Verona.

The most beautiful cities of the world are located throughout the Italian Republic.

So, in the north of Italy, several such "pearls" are at once: Venice, Trieste, Bergamo, Mantova (Mantua), etc.

And yet, the most beautiful city of Italy, according to the rating, "drifting on the water" - a great Venice! And this is explained, because this Italian city is really not only unusual by what is not on land.

The imprint of extraordinary luxury and high culture originates in the Venice Republic, which was the strongest and richest in Europe.

The tent of the most beautiful Italian cities is as follows:

  1. (Ial. Venezia) ,.
  2. Rome (Ial. Roma) - the capital of the Italian Republic ,.
  3. Florence (Ital. Firenza) is located in the administrative center of the region.
  4. (Ital. Napoli), Campaign region.
  5. (Ital. Siena), in the Tuscany region, "Student".
  6. (Italy. Siracusa) on the east coast of Sicily Island, Syracuse region.
  7. San Gimignano (Ial. San Gimignano), Siena Province, Tuscany region.
  8. Palermo (Ial. Palermo), located on the island of Sicily, in the region with the same name.
  9. (Ital. Verona) in the province of Venice, the region of the region Venice.
  10. (Ital. Ferrara), in.

Pleiad from Tuscany

Tuscany is a region-personification of an Italian charm connecting culture and nature. Here, in Tuscany, the Pleiad of the most beautiful cities of Italy.

In this region, wine, vineyards, better gastronomy, and at the same time, unforgettable beauties of architecture and luxury museums, you can come all year round.

You can enjoy the beauty of Tuscany, looking at the video:

Ten of the most beautiful cities Tuscany:

  1. Florence is not in vain called "Renaissance Cradle". In this generous on the most beautiful museums and buildings of the city, it is possible to complete immersion in the beauty, the elegance of the world of art and culture.
  2. Siena - a UNESCO protected object. The Fortresses of the Medici family, beautiful gothic buildings, medieval castles are preserved. Siena is surrounded by lush green landscapes.
  3. Versilia and - located on the Serchio River. Lucca is one of the few cities where the ancient walls were completely saved, about 4.2 km long.
  4. Chianti - the same name, famous wine, produced here. Vineyards are stretched on endless green hills. Almost all local wine plants can organize tasting excursions.
  5. - City of students and the Pisa Tower. But besides this, here are beautiful thermal sources, the Arno River flows through Pisa.
  6. Pienza in Val d'Orci (Ial. Val d'ORCIA) is a natural reserve, UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  7. Montalcino is located at a distance of about 20 km from each other with a towering over the rest of Pienza. Spray hills, exciting landscapes of medieval villages - this is why tourists go here.
  8. San Jimignano reaching his heyday in the Middle Ages, has changed little. It has the name "City of beautiful towers." And this is true, as 14 medieval towers create truly incredible scenery.
  9. Maremma is ideal for connoisseurs of walks on medieval villages, better gastronomy and wine. Beautiful beaches and azure sea, green hills and mineral springs - "Terms".
  10. Cortona is an amazing city with a preserved city wall of the Middle Ages. Near the beautiful Lake Trazimeno (Ital.trasimeno). Located on a hill around 600 m above sea level.

Northern Italy

Italy is a country, on the map resembling boots, stretched from north to south. Therefore, the extreme points of the country are very different both in the climatic and economic plan and the "raisins" in architecture.

For example, in the southern region of Apulia, the town of Alberobello is built up with "Trullo" houses, which is no longer found anywhere in Italy.

Looking at the video, you can admire the unique views of Northern Italy.

But the most beautiful cities of northern Italy can not be mentioned.

This is unforgettable:

  • Always full of festivals, concerts and exhibitions on which Celabriti from different countries are going to. "City of flowers" - so the inhabitants of Italy also call him;
  • in which the old town at the top was built in the XII century, the cathedrals and frescoes of those times are preserved;
  • In Vicenza, the Bassano del Grappa town is a great combination of green, juicy alpine landscapes and architecture;
  • (Mantova) in Lombardy - a small pearl, which preserved the culture of the Renaissance and Middle Ages;
  • famous for unusual alpine landscapes, surrounded by high mountain peaks;
  • Como, located on the surroundings of mountain peaks. Excellent combines the mindful types of mountains and lakes with a business zone;
  • (Trieste) - coastal with the Tyrrhenian Sea, a city in which the Mediterranean style and style of the Austrian Empire are mixed.

Cities on the coast

Sea landscapes in the most beautiful places of Italy, for example, opening from the terrace of a restaurant of some Italian town, they simply shocked by beauty!

The most famous and most beautiful resorts of Italy are on the main coasts.

Amalfitan coast

On the A14 road, in the end, get to and Alberobello, visit the Matera. Stay in one of the seaside cities, spend a few days at sea.

Specific goals choose, of course, to its taste.

On the day, according to the excellent roads of Italy, it is easy to overcome 300 - 400 km.

Riding on excellent roads Italy gives pleasure

Stay in a new city, inspect the sights, dinner, enjoying beautiful views, food and wine.


10th place - Catania

  • Population: 315 052
  • Region: Sicily
  • Area: 180.88 km 2.

To the attachment became the trophies of many empires throughout its history: from Greeks to Romans, from Arabs to Normanov and Spaniards. However, the most terrible enemy of local residents is right under the side - Mount Etna, the largest and most active volcano in Europe, which destroyed the city of a series of earthquakes and the stream of Lava in 1693. Skania has a second name - the city is customary called black: this is due to the fact that it is completely built from a volcanic stone of a specific black color. The color of the houses of the city successfully contrasts with the bright color of the sea and the sky (by the way, sunny within 2 500 hours per year). Thus, skating is the most sunny city in the country.


9th place - Bari

  • Population: 321 687
  • Region: Apulia
  • Area: 116 km 2.

B Ari - the capital of the region of Apulia - is located at the very base of the heel of the Italian boot. "If in Paris there was a sea, he would be a little bari"- Local residents are approved with the commissators of the True South, and this opinion is very similar to the truth: the air here penetrates the charm of medieval European cities, and the abundance of attractions can safely compete with the historical center of the capital of France. In short, Bari - the seeing miniature cultural capital of the Italian south.


8th place - Florence

  • Population: 379 102
  • Region: Tuscany
  • Area: 102.41 km 2.

F. Lorentia is located in the Tuscany region, on the Arno River, at the foot of the North Apennine. The city was founded in 59 BC. e. Julia Caesar. Although still before that, the Etrusks lived here. In 570, the city captured Langobard, and after two hundred years - francs. Florence flourishing falls at the XV-XVI century, when the city becomes a major cultural center. At this time, the great Leonardo da Vinci, Rafael, Michelangelo, Petrarch, Dante live here and work.


7th place - Bologna

  • Population: 379 102
  • Region: Emilia-Romagna
  • Area: 140.73 km 2.

B Olonya is a city in the central part of Italy, the administrative center of the province of Bologna, as well as the Emilia-Romagna region. The Ancient University Center of Europe. It is considered one of the first cities in Italy in terms of life due to both highly developed industrial traditions and its location at the intersection of important transport routes. In the Middle Ages in Bologna, there were about 180 towers, which gave the city a special look. They built their rich families, among which there was a competition: who will erect the tower above others, the most worthy of the highest honor. Now there are about 12 towers.


6th place - Genoa

  • Population: 594 254
  • Region: Liguria
  • Area: 243.56 km 2.

Mr. Yenua is the capital of the province of the same name and the Liguria region. This port city is located on the Ligurian Sea and his whole story is associated with navigation and trade. The local harbor is still one of the most important in Italy, as well as one of the largest in Europe. The main attraction of the Genoese port is his lighthouse, known as "La Lanterna". In addition, Genoa is a center of heavy industry and shipbuilding, and is included in the main industrial triangle of Italy, which also includes Milan and Turin. Nowadays, Genoa is a city of universities, as well as a tourist and scientific center. In 2004, she was proclaimed by the European Capital of Culture.


5th place - Palermo

  • Population: 676 527
  • Region: Sicily
  • Area: 160.59 km 2.

Aliermo is located on the shores of the Tyrrhenian Sea, but the city is an actively used port, so the locals and tourists prefer to ride the beaches in the neighborhood where the water is cleaned. However, if you walk down the street Vittorio Manuel to the city gate of happiness, you can admire a very beautiful view of the marine surface and just sit on the shore, enjoying a light breeze. In addition, there are many gardens and parks in Palermo, among the most famous, a botanical garden with a collection of 12 thousand species of plants can be noted, Garibaldi Park with ancient fig trees, affecting its powerful roots and villa Julia, decorated with fountains and lush flower beds.


4th place - Turin

  • Population: 899 291
  • Region: Piedmont.
  • Area: 130.01 km 2.

T Urin is a major city in the north-west of Italy, the business and cultural center of the Piedmont region and the entire north of Italy. The city is located on the Pandan Plain at the foot of the Western Alps. Turin is an important transport node, the second after Milan the Industrial Center of the country. It is especially developed by the heavy industry, in particular, the automotive industry, the production of ship engines, aircraft, etc. Traditional branches of the Turin economy are retaining their importance - textile, food, sewing, etc. Turin is one of the most famous European cities, it is often called "The capital of the European Baroque", "The capital of the Alps", "The automotive capital of Italy" and "The cradle of Italian independence".


3rd place - Naples

  • Population: 989 598
  • Region: Campaign
  • Area: 117.27 km 2.

It has always been and remains a controversial city - in the capital of the Campania region there is a place of frank poverty and fabulous wealth, garbage rules and invaluable historical monuments included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Naples - the largest industrial center of Italy. Metallurgy, mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, oil refining and petrochemical, lightweight, food industry are developed here. This is a large port (freight turnover of more than 10 million tons per year).


2nd place - Milan

  • Population: 1 331 586
  • Region: Lombardy
  • Area: 181.76 km 2.

M Ilan - the second largest city of Italy, the largest industrial, financial, shopping and transport assembly of the country, an important cultural center, as well as the legislator of European fashion. The city is famous for its museums, art gallery, theaters, architectural monuments, educational institutions (University, Conservatory, Academy of Arts, etc.). Milan, along with Rome, is one of the oldest cities in Italy. In his place was the Celtic settlement. Almost all conquerors in European history - Galla, Romans, Goths, Langobard and Frank, as well as a whole series of rulers from France, Spain and Austria, took part in the management of Milan.


1st place - Rome

  • Population: 2 870 493
  • Region: Lazio
  • Area: 1287.36 km 2.

R them is the capital of Italy and the Lazio region, the largest in the country and one of the most visited cities in the world. The city is on 12 hills, and its center is the old town - on seven hills. From the north to south through the city river Tiber river flows. For hundreds of years, Rome was a small settlement in the center of the Apennine Peninsula. However, favorable location and aggressive policies, together with a number of innovations in the military, gradually brought him to leading positions first in the region, and then in the region. The Roman state reached his heyday under the Emperor Adrian in the II century N. e. When military and economic power combined with the world inside the empire. The population of Rome exceeded 1 million people.

Rome is a unique city, within its limits there is an entire independent State of the Vatican. This is the main center of Catholicism with an abundance of Catholic churches created by the best Italian architects and decorated with the works of great Italian artists and sculptors. The masterpieces of Italian painting and sculptures are collected in the Vatican, Capitol museums, in the Borghese Gallery, Laterans. Many archaeological finds are represented in the Rome National Museum, the Museum of Villa Julia. Works of art XX century. Collected in the national gallery of contemporary art and in the national office of Estampa.

Today, being a symbol of the ancient empire and the modern Republic of Italy, Rome combines the greatness of the past millennia and the romance of modernity. This is a city of luxurious restaurants on spacious squares and shady summer cafes on close, narrow streets of old quarters.

Italians are descendants of wise men, politicians and warlords of antiquity, and yet the eternal city - - and today remains young, full energy and life. A traveler, for the first time to visit the Apennine Peninsula, should begin his acquaintance with this country from her capital, because there are not only an antique heritage and modern sights - right in the center of Rome are the Dwarf State of the Vatican.

Catholics from all over the world come to Italy to see the chapter of their denominations - Pope Roman, governor of God on Earth. Travel companies offer pilgrimage tours to this country directly related to the formation of early Christianity. In Loreto, the seekers of spiritual enlightenment are invited to visit the Motherland's house, brought from Nazareth, to Bari - to attend Liturgy in the Basilica of St. Nicholas, the relics of Andrey the First Called are kept on the legend. A huge number of Christian shrines is located in Rome, Florence, Padua, Venice.

Italians know a sense in good fault and abundant healthy food. Gastronomic tours in Italy offer tourists to visit the culinary lessons in Tuscany and Liguria, familiarize themselves with local cuisine and wines in Lazio, Piedmont, Veneto, Trentino, to participate in tastings in Sardinia, Lombardy, Umbria. Lovers of classics with an excess will find it in Pisa, romantics seek to Venice and the Motherland Juliet - Verona, flirty fashionista gather in the world capital Haute Couture - Milan.

The peninsula from three sides is surrounded by warm seas, it is not surprising that Italy is considered to be a beach holiday. The main resorts are located on the islands: Sicily, Sardinia, Capri, Isker and Elbe. In Rimini, the youth is mainly going to all night to hang out on the beach disco, Abruzzo is ideal for eco-tourists who prefer silence, peace and complete merging with nature, the brave adventurers are striving in Apulia, and there are lovers of exotic in Calabria.

Italy ski resorts are not less than the beaches: try yourself as a skier or bobsleist in Bormio, Chervinia, sister, Val di-Sole, Passo-tone. Children are crazy about thematic amusement parks located in the Emilia Romagna region at Milano Marittima resorts, Riccione, Cesenatico. SPA-leisure lover choose a small town of Fiugji and Montecatini resort, near Tuscany. "Lone wolves" also have that look at the homeland of Celentano, Bokcchchcho and Fellini: Pesareo, Ravenna, San Marino - these and other cities can offer a lot even the most sophisticated traveler.

Italy is the most detailed information about the country with the photo. Attractions, the city of Italy, climate, geography, population and culture.

ITALYA (Repubblica Italiana)

Italy is a state in southern Europe in the center of the Mediterranean, located for the most part on the Apennine Peninsula. The country also takes a small (North-Western) part of the Balkan Peninsula, Pandan Plain, Southern Alps and a number of large and small islands of the Mediterranean Sea, including Sicily and Sardinia. Italy in the north-west borders with France, in the north - with Switzerland and Austria, in the northeast - with Slovenia. The state also has internal borders with the Vatican and San Marino. This is a country with the greatest cultural, historical and artistic legacy, the cradle of one of the greatest empires in the history of mankind and the Renaissance.

Italy is one of the most unique and charming places in the world. It has one of the most beautiful and varied landscapes in Europe, the world's largest treasure treasure of history, culture and art, a favorable warm climate and delicious authentic kitchen. In this case, Italy is not perfect at all. Her historical cities and antiquities suffer from modern development, the infrastructure works in his peak, there are problems in the economy and social sphere. But, having been here, you will definitely love this country for her buoy temperament, reckless temper, delicious kitchen and a special atmosphere.

Useful information about Italy

  1. The population is 60.8 million people (in this indicator Italy occupies the 23rd place in the world).
  2. Area - 301 340 square kilometers.
  3. Language - Italian.
  4. Currency - euro.
  5. Visa - Schengen.
  6. Time - Central European UTC +1, in summer +2.
  7. VAT (Tax Free) can be returned with a purchase of 154.94 euros.
  8. The voltage of the electrical network is 220 V, 50 Hz. ATTENTION: Italy uses its own electric connector in Italy, so adapter may be required for some devices. It can be bought in any supermarket.
  9. Italy is a fairly safe country. The main thing to adhere to the elementary safety rules and beware of scammers in popular tourist sites.
  10. Italy is a unitary republic of parliamentary type. The head of state is the president. Executive power - Parliament, the chapter of which is the Chairman of the Council of Ministers.

Geography and Nature

Italy is located in southern Europe in the Mediterranean. Most of the country lies on the Apennine Peninsula. Territory, mainly hilly and mountain. From the north of Italy, the Southern Alps refrease, and the Peninsula are located Appenne Mountains. The territory of the country is located at the point of contact of lithospheric plates, so there is no rare earthquake. In addition, there are several large volcanoes: Etna, Vesuvius, etc.

Italy is a huge coast in length. The country is washed by the following seas of Mediterranean water area: the Adriatic and Ionian in the East, Tyrrhenian and Ligurian in the West. The largest river is the river by. Large lakes - Garda, Como.

Thanks to the geographical and climatic characteristics, the nature of Italy is very diverse. Although most of the territory is changed by the human activity in antiquity. In the north, on the slopes of the Alps, mixed and coniferous forests grow, on the coast and south - subtropical plants. The central part of the country is a mixture of the nature of subtropics and moderate latitudes.


The climate of Italy is very diverse and may in some regions heavily differ from the Mediterranean. For most of the territory, the summer is very warm and dry, and July is the hottest month. Autumn is usually rainy. Winters are cool and wet (from here frequent fogs) in the north and softer in the south. In the provinces that are located in the foothills of the Alps, the climate is mountainous. Summer is cool, and winter cold and snowy.

Best time to visit

Italy has a favorable warm climate. Although in the Alps and the foothills can be quite cold. To choose the best time to visit, you need to weigh several factors: prices for hotels and food, weather, cultural events and a seasonal atmosphere. The highest season is summer. If you want to come to Italy to explore her wonderful cultural and historical heritage, it is better to choose the lowest season - winter. The most optimal time from the point of view of the weather and the number of tourists - April-May and September-October.


The history of Italy is very rich and diverse. The country for the period of its existence knew the takeoffs and falls, was fragmented and merged. In its territory in antiquity, the Great Empire arose - Roman. And it is Italy that can be called the cradle of Western civilization.

The territory of modern Italy was populated more than 50 thousand years ago. The name of the country comes from the tribe of Italians, who in the 5th century BC, set up a small part of the Emilia-Romagna region. Already in the 3rd century under Italy, the entire peninsula was understood to the Rubicon River, and in the 2nd century - the territory to the slopes of the Alps. In the Dorim period, the tribes of the ligurov, Etruscans, Umbrov and even Galla lived here.

In 753 BC, Rome was founded on the Tiber River. The Romans gradually began to spread their influence on the entire Apennine Peninsula. Initially, Rome ruled 7 kings. In 509, the kings replaced the republic. The republican period began active military expansion to other tribes. By 3 century BC, Rome conquered most of the modern Italy.

In 390, Gaul defeated the Roman army, captured and burned Rome.

The growth of the power of Rome and the spread of its influence in the Mediterranean led to a collision with the Carthage. As a result of three Punic wars, Carthage was destroyed, and its territory became part of the republic. In the 1st century, the republic shocked internal conflicts. At first there was a riseber of slaves under the leadership of Spartacus. Later the civil war broke out, in which Julius Caesar won. He set the dictatorship and laid the foundations for creating an empire.

After the murder of Julia Caesar, the power passed to Octavian August, which is considered the founder of the Roman Empire. After the death of the first Roman emperor, the authorities went to Tiberius, who became the first of the Yuliyev-Claudiyev dynasty. The Claudiyev dynasty ended in the middle of the 1st century of our era with the murder of Nero. Further until the end of the 1st century, the rules of the Flaviev dynasty, which the Antoninov dynasty replaced first, and later the northern. During this period, the Roman Empire reached the peak of its power and development, owning almost all southern Europe, a huge part of Western Europe and North Africa.

In the 4th century, the fall of Rome began. In 330, Emperor Konstantin founded Constantinople and moved his capital there. At the end of the 4th century, the Western and Eastern Roman Empires formed. In the 5th century, Vandals and Westges invaded in Italy. Rome was taken and looted, and the mighty ancient empire fell. The Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium) existed after that for almost a thousand years and fell only in the 15th century.

In the 5th century, Italy captured the isgotes. In the 6th century, the Kingdom of Langobards originated in the north. In the 8-11 century, Italy was part of the franc empire. Its part of it during this period was captured by the Normans. In the 11-13 centuries, the empire francs was destroyed. The government focused on the "hands" of the Roman dads. There was a Sicilian kingdom and several free states in northern Italy.

In the 13th and 15th centuries, the PA power decreased significantly. There were many states on the territory of Italy: the Kingdom of Naples, Papal Region, Republic and Genoa, Savoy, Milan. At the end of this period, the era of the Renaissance began, the cradle of which was Florence.

In the late 15th - the first half of the 16th century several Italian wars broke out. The first Italian war arose due to the claims of France to the north of the country. French troops occupied Tuscany, Rome and moved to Naples. But they were stopped by the Union of Venice, Milan and Emperor Maximilian. During the second Italian war, France captured Genoa and Milan, and Spain. As a result of the third war, the Spaniards broke the French, who were forced to abandon the claims to Italy. In the 16th century, most of its territory was under Spanish influence.

At the beginning of the 18th century, after the war of the Spanish legacy, Italy became part of the Austrian Habsburg Empire. At the end of the 18th century, French troops entered here. At this time, several republics were formed, which later united into the Italian Republic, in 1805 transformed into the kingdom. During this period, the freedom and independence movement arises - risornets. By 1860, the association of the country around the Sardinian kingdom begins. In 1870, the Italian kingdom entered Rome, who became its capital.

At the beginning of World War I, Italy announced her neutrality. But in 1915 he joined the Antante. In 1919, a fascist movement arises here. In 1922, the fascists led by Mussolini came to power. In 1940, Italy joined the Second World War on the side of Germany. In 1943 - capitulated. In 1945, Mussolini regime was overthrown. In 1947, the Constitution was adopted and the country became the parliamentary republic.

Administrative division

Administrative Italy is divided into 20 regions: Valle d'Aosta, Lombardy, Trentino-Alto Adige, Friuli Venice Julia, Piedmont, Liguria, Venice, Tuscany, Umbria, Emilia-Romagna, Mark, Abruzzo, Lazio, Molise, Basilicata, Campaign , Calabria, Apulus, Sardinia and Sicily. The capital of the country is Rome. The areas, in turn, are divided into provinces, which are numbered 110.

Also conditionally Italy can be divided into regions:

  • North-West Italy (Piedmont, Liguria, Lombardy, Valle-d "Aosta) is the richest and developed region of the country. Here is the largest port of the country - Genoa, the main financial and business center - Milan, the Center for Industry and Technologies - Turin.
  • Northeastern Italy (Emilia-Romagna, Friuli-Venice Julia, Trentino-Alto Adige and Veneto) - a diverse region with excellent Venice and one of the main student cities - a bolome, charming Parma and Romantic Verona. Here you can find almost everything: from ski resorts and natural beauty of southern Tyrol to the coast and beaches.
  • Central Italy (Lazio, Mark, Tuscany, Abruzzo and Umbria) - breathes history, culture and art. Here are the most important attractions of the country and the most famous artistic masterpieces. Cities here do not need a view: the eternal city is the legendary Rome, the cradle of the Renaissance and the modern Italian language - Florence, ancient Pisa, Lucca and Siena.
  • Southern Italy (Apuli, Basilicata, Calabria, Campaign and Molise) - Southern Region with incredible temperament: Stormy Naples, Dramatic Ruins Pompeii, the romantic coast of Amalfi and Capri.
  • Sicily and Sardinia islands - beautiful sea and beaches. Here are the most famous resorts of Italy.


In terms of population, Italy occupies the fourth place in the European Union. More than 90% of the population - Italians. Large diasporas: Romanians, immigrants from North Africa, Albanians. Official language is Italian. In Bolzano and South Tyrol, they also speak German, in Trieste - in Slovenian, in Aosta - in French.

Italians themselves are open, friendly, very temperament and emotional. Although there are features between the North and South. So in the north of Italy, people are more closed, punctual and pragmatic, whereas in the south everything is quite the opposite.

Italians are very traditional, proud of their country and cuisine. They love their region very much, having fun and eat well.


Large international airports:

  • Rome - With two airports: Fudumicino (FCO - Leonardo da Vinci) and Champino for low cost airlines.
  • Milan - with two airports: Malpensa (MXP) and Linate (LIN). In addition, there is airport in Bergamo (BGY - Orio Alkioo).
  • Bologna (BLQ - Gullylmo Marconi).
  • Naples (NAP - Capodikino).
  • Pisa (PSA Galile Galilee).
  • Venice (VCE - Marco Polo).
  • Treviso (TSF - Antonio Canova).
  • Turin (TRN - Sandro Pepini).
  • Palermo (PMO - Punta Razi).
  • Catania (CTA - Vincenzo Bellini).
  • Bari (BRI - Pale).
  • Genoa (GOA - Cristoforo Colombo).

Railway communication connects Italy with Germany (through Munich), Austria (Vienna, Innsbruck, Phillah), France (Paris, Lyon, Nice), Switzerland (Basel, Geneva), Spain (through Barcelona). High-speed trains go to the largest cities of Italy: Rome, Turin, Milan, Venice, Bologna, Florence, Naples.

Separately, it is worth noting the motorway that permeate the whole country. These roads are simply excellent quality and not different from the famous German autobahn, except that they are paid. When arriving at the motorway, you need to take a special ticket. When you go, you need to give this ticket to the cashier or insert it into a special machine. Cash and bank cards are accepted for payment. Payment methods are indicated on special signs.

Cities of Italy

In Italy, hundreds of popular cities that should be visited. Almost every city boasts interesting attractions and rich history. But there are places you owe to see. Our top 10 cities of Italy:

  1. Rome is the capital of Italy and one of its oldest cities. The place where the story literally frozen on the streets, and the sights have long become symbols of the whole country.
  2. - One of the most romantic cities in the world. A unique place with channels, bridges, gondolas and wonderful architecture.
  3. Florence - the Renaissance Cradle, the city where Leonardo da Vinci, Dante, Michelangelo and still dozens of geniuses were born. The capital of Tuscany will affect you museums and collections of art.
  4. Milan is one of the capitals of world fashion. Modern megalopolis, financial and business center of the country. If you are interested in shopping - you are exactly here.
  5. - The capital of the Italian south. Ancient city with southern temperament and the birthplace of pizza.
  6. - One of the most romantic cities of Italy, in which you can touch the story and feel yourself with the heroes of Shakespeare.
  7. Bologna - the gastronomic capital of the country, the city of youth, culture and art.
  8. Pisa is one of the most popular Tuscany cities with a famous falling tower.
  9. Turin is the first capital of the United Isalya, the city of industry and technology.
  10. Genoa is the largest Italian port, a city with a rich history and plenty of attractions.

Other Places of Interest:

  • Lake Garda and Como, as well as the pearl of Dolomites Alps - Bries.
  • Italian Alps and South Tyrol - picturesque nature and stunning mountains.
  • Amalfi is a rocky coast with beautiful towns.
  • Cinque Terre is charming seaside towns on the coast of Liguria.
  • Pompeii and Herculaneum are the ruins of ancient cities destroyed during the eruption of Vesuvius.
  • Sardinia - stunning beaches and sea landscapes.


Italy has so many attractions as any country has no country in the world. It has 53 UNESCO World Heritage Site. Only the list of major attractions will take several pages. Therefore, only the sights are indicated here.

Grand Antique Amphitheater and, Probably, the most famous landmark of Italy. Located in Rome. It was built in just 8 years. Construction began emperor Vespasian, and finished tit.

The Colosseum is made in the form of a giant ellipse. This is the largest amphitheater of antiquity, striking with its sizes - the outer axis in length is 524 meters, the size of the site is 85 x 53 meters, and the height is 48 to 50 meters. This is one of the most striking and tremendous structures of ancient Rome.

One of the greatest dome buildings of the world. It was built between 25-27 years old. Consul Markov Vipsania Agrippoy and rebuilt in 126 after a fire during the Board of Adrian. Pantheon is translated as "the temple of all the gods". This is one of the most well-preserved antique constructions of Rome.

The heart of the Roman Empire, the main political and public center of the ancient Rome. It is a rectangular area that surrounds the remains of ancient buildings and temples. The Roman Forum is located in the valley between the Capitolian and the Palatine hills in the center of the capital Italy.

Vatican - the heart of the Catholic world, mini-state in the center of Rome. Here is the largest Christian church in the world. And the Vatican museums exhibit great treasures of art.

The Pisa Tower is the famous falling tower, the main symbol of Pisa. It was conceived as a bell tower of the Cathedral of Santa Maria-Assunta. It was built over the past two centuries from the 12th century. The height of the tower is more than 50 meters, and the deviation from the axis is at least 4%.

Santa Maria del Fiore is the main attraction and one of the most recognizable characters of Florence. A beautiful and impressive cathedral with a decoration of pink, white and green marble is made in the Gothic style and is located in the historic center on Piazza Duomo. Santa Maria del Fiore was built on the spot where the ancient Cathedral of the capital of Tuscany was standing - Santa Reparation, whose remnants are visible in the crypt.

Duomo or Cathedral of Santa Maria-Nazu is a symbol of Milan, located in the heart of the city on the Square of the same name. It is one of the largest religious buildings of the world (accommodates about 40,000 people) and, probably, the most beautiful church in the style of Gothic. Duomo was built over the course of 4 centuries from the 14th century. Its roof is crowned with 135 spiers, and the facade is decorated with 2 245 marble statues.

Amalfi is a stunning portion of the coast of the coast south of Naples with picturesque towns, which climb on the sheer rocks.

Venice is a city of amazing beauty, which in itself is a landmark. More than 20 million tourists come here to look at the charming channels, elegant architecture and bridges, ride in the gondolas, take a walk on San Marco, see the Rialto Bridge, buy glass products on the island of Murano and take pictures of colorful houses Burano. The historic center of Venice is built on 118 islands of the Venetian lagoon.

Pompeii - the legendary ancient city, destroyed during the destructive eruption of Vesuvius in 79 of our era at the peak of his power. Despite the streams of lava and tons of ash, which buried the city and its inhabitants, it is preserved in a fantastic state.


In major cities and popular tourist areas, you can find many accommodation options: from world-class hotels to family hotels and apartments. One nuance - few hostels in Italy. In Tuscany, Piedmont, Umbria, Abruzzo, Sardinia, Apule and Emilia-Romagna, agriculturalism is increasingly popular. In Italy, you can find a lot of charming hotels with two stars and less.

The cost of living depends on the popularity of the region, the place and season. The highest prices for hotels from May to August. The lowest is in winter. In general, prices for hotels and apartments, compared to the rest of Europe, in Italy is not the highest. Most of all money for accommodation will be required in Milan, Venice, the surrounding area of \u200b\u200bGarda Lakes and Como. Although there you can find interesting and cheap options.


Italian cuisine may be the most delicious and varied in Europe. With this kitchen remains purely regional. Believe me, the kitchen of Italy is not only pasta and pizza. These are a huge amount of dishes and ingredients that can satisfy any gourmet.

Traditional dishes of Italian cuisine and products:

  • Pizza is one of the most popular Italian dishes that spread widely around the world. Each region has its own traditions of her cooking. How to prepare pizza in Italy - so do not prepare it anywhere.
  • Risotto - rice with meat, vegetables and seafood.
  • Polenta - corn croup with meat.
  • Pasta (spaghetti, paste) with sauces and meat.
  • Lasagna.
  • Tortellini - Italian dumplings with cheese and meat
  • Jelato - ice cream.
  • Panini - sandwiches.
  • Cheese. Some types of cheese can only be performed in a particular region. Italy produces more than 800 types of cheese.
  • Wine.
  • Olive oil.
  • Sausage and ham - more than 400 species.

The main drink in Italy is wine. Grapes are grown in almost every province, except for high mountains. In each region, the traditions of winemaking are strong.

In the beginning of the vacation period, many of our compatriots choose beautiful Italy as a place to relax. For those who no longer surprise the fuss of the eternal city of Rome and shopping Milan, our selection of the most cozy Italian cities by the sea.

Probably, each of us ever dreamed of spending if not life, then at least vacation in a quiet village on the seashore, drinking coffee and taste wine in local restaurants, listening to the voices of the chaps and the noise of the surf.


(Just 10 photos)

Vernatza is considered the most organic, beautiful and picturesque town of the Italian "five-litty" (Cinque Terre) of Liguria. Today, a little more than a thousand people live here, so Rubnacesa is also one of the quietest towns, and only a calm Manarola can sort with him. Against the background of multi-colored multi-storey towers-towers in the eyes, older medieval walls of galleries, palaces, monastery and, of course, the castle, whose low walls have once been protected by the rest of the local residents from pirate raids. At the narrow streets of the Vernatza, under the steep angles of driving down to the sea, almost at every step you can see the boats, "parked" the houses are as natural as the cars standing in our courtyards at the entrances.

Portofino - the resort of the Ligurian coast. Its surrounds the hills covered with olive trees. From the windows of the overview cableway, the entire town is visible as on the palm. Here she loved to be Gi de Maupassan, who wrote about Portofino: "This green bay in the kingdom of harmony and peace, so contrasts with all the vigorous concerns of our life." There is everything here: untouched nature and magnificent beaches, architectural monuments and expensive shops. Former fishing village turned into an amazing resort, which love to attend world celebrities.

Atraani is a small town on the west coast of Italy, in the Campaign region, Salerno province. Atra, carefully stores its medieval origin and with their picturesque alleys, arches, courtyards, squares and stairs look like festive Christmas scenery washed by the sea. At the time of the Amalfi Republic, the most noble families lived in this town. There was a coronation and burial burial. Atraani is located just 700 meters from Amalfi, in a natural amphitheater, surrounded by huge, leaving rocking cliffs. The Atraani Center is far away from the coast of noisy roads, as the entrance to the city is allowed only to local residents: it helps to keep a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere in the town.

Positano is one of the most famous resorts of the south of Italy, located on the shores of Salerno, on the Amalftinian coast. The beauty of the local landscapes back in the XIX century made Positano Mecca for artists. The town is scattered for three small valleys, sandwiched between the mountains and the sea. Characteristic multicolored houses climbs around steep mountain slopes. Almost any point of town offers a magnificent view of the sea. Positano is known since Roman times. According to the legend, he was founded by the God of the Sea Neptune (Poseidon). Galley's islands at the coast of Positano are mentioned in Odyssey - if you believe Homer, it was here a siren. From the Middle Ages in the town, guard towers built to protect against the Saracen pirates are preserved.

Ravello is a city of music with romantic gardens, cool alleys and medieval architecture. In the XI - XIII centuries, at the invitation of rich merchants, Arab architects arrived in Ravello and there were luxury palaces here. To this day, Ravello retained the charm of an ancient village. Rich Ravellious culture is closely connected with his musical heritage. Here often rested Wagner, in love with this place, inspired him to write many of his famous works. Every year in the summer there is a festival of symphonic music of his name. From the slopes of the terrace, which is located Raveno, offers magnificent landscapes of the Amalftinia coast.

Manarola is a small fishing town in Liguria, in the north of Italy. The city is located on a rock, hanging over the wild coastline of the Ligurian Sea. It is also one of five cities that are part of Cinque Terre. Manarola is the most old and one of the smallest cities of the famous five. In the center of the town is the San Lorenzo Church, built in 1338. In the western part there is a small harbor, and in the east area where local residents often gather to discuss any important issues. Despite the fact that there is no beach here - this is a good place for scuba diving and research of caves and rock clefts. For descent to water, a special staircase is built. The main fishery here traditionally is fishing and winemaking. In the time of the Roman Empire, the wine is valued for its excellent taste.

Sorrento was always known as the prestigious place of rest: Roman patricians were built in the vicinity of the city of Villa, and the Emperor Tiberius alone was settled on the nearest island of Capri. Sorrento is located on the steep cliffs from the volcanic tuff, flying into the Neapolitan bay. Tasso Square can be called Sorrento's heart. It is from here that the main shopping street Via Corso, known for its restaurants, shops and clubs begins. In Sorrento, there are two ports - Marina Piccola and Marina Grande. Each morning, Marina Grande departs marine rockets on the islands of Capri, Ischia, known and in the neighboring cities of Positano and Amalfi.

Little town Rapallo is located 40 kilometers from Genoa. There are many historical monuments here - the ancient cathedrals and churches, the oldest is considered the church of St. Jervasio and Protasio, which is mentioned in the ancient manuscripts of the VI century. Rapallo is a very clean, noble and cozy city. In one of the best hotels in the Xih century, located on the high shore near the port, loved to stop Hemingway. Every day, snow-white yachts are moored to the shores of Rapallo.

Lerici is a fancy mixture of buildings, small coves and rocky cliffs that are entered into the sparkling sea. This is a favorite vacation spot of residents of the northern Italy, since here you can enjoy a quiet comfortable holiday away from a crowd of foreign tourists. The main attraction of the town is an old medieval castle.

10. Castiglioncello.

Castilioncello is a small town in the province of Livorno, located on the cape washed by the Tyrrhenian Sea. The city is surrounded by pine and oak forests, as well as picturesque hills that literally break down and fall down, forming rocks, small bays and cozy bays with charming beaches. Past of beauty of these lands could not pass the ancient Romans and Etruscans, and later - Medici in the Renaissance Epoch. Recently, Castiloncello is famous for the resort town, in which at one time they built their villas Marcello Mastroanni and Lukino Wisconti. The town allows you to conduct a calm and measured lifestyle, eliminating the excess fuss and noise. Castiglioncello is a secluded resort for chosen. Mass tourism is an uncommitable taboo. Therefore, Castiglioncello attracts many creative people, including artists who founded the commune here.