Dubrovsky True love of Masha and Dubrovsky. "Relations between Masha and Dubrovsky

Dubrovsky True love of Masha and Dubrovsky.
Dubrovsky True love of Masha and Dubrovsky. "Relations between Masha and Dubrovsky

Masha and Vladimir were born and raised in different families. The family of Masha Troekherova was very secured, and Vladimir grew up in the poor family. According to views and character, they also vary greatly. Vladimir never bothered the future, he was gone to the means, a lot of himself allowed. Masha was very well brought up, educated, loved to read French novels, she is modest and loves to dream.

When a definer appeared in the house, he did not impress any impressions on Masha, but when he courageously led the beast, and killed a bear, Masha struck this act, and she appreciated the definer and changed his attitude towards him. Young people began to communicate more and spend time together, Masha possessed a good hearing, so the Frenchman began to do music with her. Time passed, and the definer conquered the heart of a young girl. When Masha found out at a meeting in the garden that Dubrovsky was very surprised in front of her. She learned that her feelings were mutual.

At this time, the father of Masha - Troceurov, a man is very rude and an intense, decided to give Masha married to the old prince of Veresky, for the sake of wealth, which was at Prince. Masha really did not want to marry the old man, but no one was going to consider her opinions. She decided to ask for help from Dubrovsky, as they agreed on the ring, which he gave her, she put in the hollow, with the help of his brother. During the wedding, she was very pale and looked unhealthy, she was constantly waiting for Dubrovsky, but he was never. She had to agree to become a wife of Veresky. When they went to the estate after the wedding after the wedding, Dubrovsky stopped their carriage, he wanted to give her freedom. She did not agree, as it was already engaged and gave an oath.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - Great Russian National Writer. In his work they reflected freedom, patriotism, wisdom and humane feelings of the Russian people, its powerful creative forces. Pushkin was a singer and an inspirer of the liberation movement of his time, and these thoughts were reflected in all his work.

The hero of the novel "Dubrovsky", mushily for his father, who was unjustly taken away the generic estate, becomes a robber. The will of the case of Dubrovsky turns out to be a renewent in relation to the landlord. Dubrovsky - Buntar, he is associated with the rebellion tuned fortress peasants. But not only the history of the concerning riot and opposition of the nobility of the people is depicted in the work. Poetic pages of the novel are devoted to the romantic history of Love Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekherova.

Despite the fact that Vladimir was brought up in St. Petersburg, and Masha grew in the estate of his parents, Troceurov often reasoned that it would be nice to give his Masha for Vladimir, "in order that he is a goal like falcon." Senior Dubrovsky did not think that Vladimir is a suitable couple for Mary. "Poor nobleman," he said, "... What is he, it is better to marry a poor nobility, yes to be glad in the house than to deal with the clerk of the spoiled woman." But the fate played with Vladimir and Masha's dick joke. The enmity that arose between their parents seemed to forever dispelled them, but they were destined to meet and love each other.

Taking advantage of the fact that Kirila Petrovich issued Frenchman-teachers from Moscow for his son, Dubrovsky falls into the house of Trocerys under the guise of a teacher. At first Mary did not pay any attention to the young man. Pupil in the aristocratic prejudices, she perceived the teacher as servant or a master, did not notice that impressions that he himself had produced on the Frenchman. So for some time, but the case with a bear, who shot the definer, made her look at a new man on a young man: "Her imagination was struck ... She saw that bravery and proud pride do not exceptionally belong to one class, and since He began to provide a young teacher respect, which an hour from the hour became attentive ... "

Feelings of young people gradually fastened. Marya Kirovna loved the "defores" "for unlimited zeal and timid care ... He himself seemed to be tied to the whole family." Masha "began to understand his own heart and confessed with the involuntary annoyance that it was not indifferent to the advantages of the young Frenchman. For his part, he did not leave the limits of respect and strict decentship. " But once Vladimir finally decided to tell Masha about who he is actually about the difficult circumstances of his life and true feelings for her. Soon the new threat was hung over young people: Masha's father decided to marry her Veresky's prince.

In the most tragic minute of his life, scared by "disgusting and hated" marriage, she received a note from Dubrovsky, which gave her hope for protection. Then there was a short romantic meeting of Masha and Vladimir, during which he persuaded it to fight for his happiness, not afraid of "resorted" to his "terrible protection."

To persuade the father of the girl did not succeed, the wedding took place, and Masha became the wife of the hated prince.

In the name of love, Vladimir is ready for any selfless act, but unfortunately, late, because his "courier" failed to convey a note on time, and Masha could not break the oath given before God in the Church.

So tragically ended the romantic story of love Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekherova.

Which is considered in detail in the article, is the ideal of purity and loyalty.

main character

The novel of the talented Russian writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is a truly real "allowance" of human relations. It reveals the most relevant themes to this day.

Masha appears in front of us only in the seventh chapter. And before that moment we are familiar with the families of Trocerys and Dubrovsky. The main heroes of the fathers, quarreling, were an obstacle to the love of their children.

Machine trocery description is quite compressed. We will learn about it from the narration. It is modest, but at the same time it is perfectly brought up, educated, speaks perfectly in French. Early remaining without a mother, it grows with the powerful and proud father of Cyril Petrovich. Undoubtedly, he loves his daughter, but he has a completely different idea of \u200b\u200blife than Masha. She lives with a heart, feelings, Troceurov is looking for a benefit.

Masha is a typical classic man's daughter, but she has neither a drip of arrogance. Because of the excessive guardianship and the willing of the father, she became very closed, used to keep everything in himself. Its only entertainment is a library in which the 18th century novels are stored.

Such a major heroine appeared before us, which Dubrovsky's novel presented us. And Masha Troekharova, and the other characters of this work will be studied by us in more detail.

Noble and honest robber

Vladimir Dubrovsky, no doubt, can be called the main hero of the novel. The boy who had to mature overnight, strikes his power of the Spirit.

The story of Masha Trocery and the story of Vladimir Similar: both of them remained without mothers in the care of fathers. Andrei Gavrilovich took care of the future of his son and his career: early gave the boy to the Cadet School, and then to the Guards Regiment. All funds father sent his only child. But Vladimir did not particularly appreciate it: life spent in the gulyans, playing cards, having considerable debts.

It would seem before us - the spoiled young man who does not know difficulties. But it was worthwhile to write a letter about his father's disease to Vladimir, and he, throwing everything, rushed into a kisteration. Here, and his new life began. And the reason for this was Masha Trocery. The characteristic of these heroes, the history of their acquaintance and further relations are very touching.

After the death of the father, Dubrovsky-son decides to take revenge for the parent. And his main enemy - Troceurov. But who would have thought that a carefully thought out of the revenue would destroy the love of the daughter of the Neck!

The appearance of the Frenchman

Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekharova were friends in early childhood, but, having matured, could not recognize each other, because he had not seen for a long time. And of course, in the guise of the French teacher, the girl did not try to see a familiar face.

The definer appeared in the estate of Troceurians by order Cyril Petrovich, who was waiting for the teacher for the younger son. But no one suspected that the true teacher-French did not reach Pokrovsky: he was bribed to Vladimir, who gave him money and took the documents in his name. Only, Dubrovsky could get into the enemy house.

Appearing in the form of a definer, he was not immediately able to win authority from the owners of the estate. He had to take risks and to be in the same room with an enraged bear. It was a kind of entertainment in Trocery House, so he checked people for strength and enjoyed the fear that his victims experienced.

But Vladimir-deforefing was not confused. He shot a poor bear in her ear than he showed unprecedented courage. Troceurov was discouraged by such a bold act and from this day was very proud that his son teaches such a strong, fearless person. Masha, before that, I did not notice some kind of teacher, now I looked at him with other eyes.

Masha Troekharov and Vladimir Dubrovsky: love story

Day after day, communicating with the deforem, our heroine is all favorable towards him. He looked like the characters of her novels, which the girl was read. Having good ability to music, she answered positively to the teacher's offer to work out with her. And, herself without noticing, fell in love with him. But while Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekharova cannot be together: the girl is not sure about the senses of the teacher and is looking forward to his recognition.

The definer appoints a girl a date in the garden. He wants to tell her the whole truth about him and admit to love. However, Masha and does not suspect that Dubrovsky himself, the enemy of her father himself. Worried, she goes on a date and represents their conversation.

But what a teacher will say, she plunged her in shock: it turns out that it is not a definer before it, and Vladimir himself! He tells the girl about his feelings and how was going to take revenge on Trocerov for the death of his father. Masha can not believe in his words.

Hope for a bright future

Masha Troekharova, the characteristic of which will be incomplete without describing the scene of recognition of Vladimir in the garden, now knows the truth. But she cannot refuse a loved one and is ready to be with him, no matter what.

Dubrovsky told her that he had refused to revenge, he would not hurt the father of his beloved girl. And now, if she will agree, Vladimir marries her. But their lives will be difficult, he is a robber, known in the whole district, he has no more estate and livelihood. Nevertheless, Masha is ready to go for these difficulties.

Vladimir is forced to leave the garden to stay unnoticed. He takes a promise to the girl that if she has trouble, she will definitely contact him for help.

Slept dreams

Masha Troekharov and Vladimir Dubrovsky, the story of which will not leave anyone indifferent, continues. They live hope for a joint future, but suddenly there is something that none of them could expect. The prince of Veresky appears in Trocery House. He lived abroad for a long time and now came to visit the old friend Kirill Petrovich. This man is already in the years, he is fifty. Troceurov sees an excellent party in the husband's rich old man in her sole daughter.

The description of Masha Trocery at the moment when she learns about the desire of his father to marry her belief, touches the soul: the girl begs the dad to do this. But he is adamant in his decision.

Leaving the ring as a sign of what had happened to the misfortune, Masha is waiting for help from Vladimir, but he does not come to her.

And now the wedding day has come. The girl is very worried and hopes that a loved one will save it from a unwanted marriage. But the will of the chance, Vladimir, cannot see this ring, so he learns too late about the wedding of Masha with Varea. Dubrovsky rushing to save the girl. Unfortunately, he is late: on his way he meets the carriage with the married Masha. He offers her to go out and go along with him. Being a deeply believer man, the girl refuses him. Now she is Knyagin Verea, she is married with the prince. Vladimir in despair, but he cannot do anything.


It is very hard going through Mary Troekurova. The characteristic of this girl admires: she turned out to be very strong and loyal to his word.

Unfortunately, Vladimir and Masha are not destined to be together. Who knows what it would be if Dubrovsky was not late. But now everything happened ...

\u003e Works on the work of Dubrovsky


Love in this work appears exactly when he is already halfway to retribution, and violates his plans. Masha Troekurov he knew since childhood, since their parents were friendly. In addition, heroes had a lot in common. They quickly lost their maternal love, early remained granted to themselves and grew alone, their fathers were colleagues and good buddies. Distinguished them only one thing - material well-being. Mary's father was very rich, and Vladimir's father belonged to impoverish nobles.

It so happened that there was a shadow of doubts in good neighborly relations between these two respected people in the district. Since then, they did not talk to each other and were considered to be a lute enemies. It could not not affect their children. The conflict of fathers undoubtedly imposed an imprint on the history of Love Vladimir and Mary, but young people had other principles that prevented them to be together. When Maria learned that his father wants to give her for the unpleasant Prince Veresky, she, of course, expressed discontent.

In the depths of the soul, she hoped that Vladimir would prevent this wedding, will appear at the most right moment and satisfies the stir. However, events have developed a little differently. Dubrovsky appeared only after the wedding rite was over. He with his armed friends blocked the path to Corget to release Masha, but a girl brought up in strict principles, chose the honor and sense of duty. However, devotion to his words occupied an important place, both in the life of Masha and in the life of Dubrovsky. He did not insist, but simply disappeared from sight forever.

Vladimir was a brave and strong young man by nature, but the love of Masha Trocery did it weak. For her, he even spared her father, although he was halfway to the completion of his revenge plan. Pushkin's story remained unfinished. The cruel landowner continued his Samodor, and the history of sincere love never received further development. Knowing that Pushkin was a writer and a poet from God, one can see that his work was full of strong passions and subtle experiences. The story "Dubrovsky" in this sense is no exception.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - Great Russian National Writer. In his work they reflected freedom, patriotism, wisdom and humane feelings of the Russian people, its powerful creative forces. Pushkin was a singer and an inspirer of the liberation movement of his time, and these thoughts were reflected in all his work. The hero of the novel "Dubrovsky", mushily for his father, who was unjustly taken away the generic estate, becomes a robber. The will of the case of Dubrovsky turns out to be a renewent in relation to the landlord.

But the fate played with Vladimir and Masha's dick joke. The enmity that arose between their parents seemed to forever dispelled them, but they were destined to meet and love each other.

Dubrovsky - Buntar, he is associated with the rebellion tuned fortress peasants. But not only the history of the concerning riot and opposition of the nobility of the people is depicted in the work. Poetic pages of the novel are devoted to the romantic history of Love Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekherova. Despite the fact that Vladimir brought up in St. Petersburg, and Masha grew in the estate of his parents, Troceurov often arguing that it would be nice to give up his Masha for Vladimir, "in order that he is a goal, like falcon." Senior Dubrovsky did not think that Vladimir is a suitable couple for Mary.

But once Vladimir finally decided to tell Masha about who he is actually about the difficult circumstances of his life and true feelings for her. Soon the new threat was hung over young people: Masha's father decided to marry her Veresky's prince. In the most tragic indulgent of his life, scared by "disgusting and hated" marriage, she received a note from Dubrovsky, who gave her hope for protection. Then there was a short romantic meeting of Masha and Vladimir, during which he persuaded it to fight for his happiness, not afraid of "resorted" to his "terrible protection."

Taking advantage of the fact that Kirila Petrovich issued Frenchman-teachers from Moscow for his son, Dubrovsky falls into the house of Trocerys under the guise of a teacher. First, Masha is not atteractive attention to the young man. Pupil in the aristocratic prejudices, she perceived the teacher as servant or a master, did not notice that impressions that he himself had produced on the Frenchman. So for a while, but the case with the bear, who shot the definer, made her look at a new man on a young man: "Her imagination was struck ...

To persuade the father of the girl did not succeed, the wedding took place, and Masha became the wife of the hated prince. In the name of love, Vladimir is ready for any selfless act, but unfortunately, late, because his "courier" failed to convey a note on time, and Masha could not break the oath given before God in the Church. So tragically ended the romantic story of love Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekherova.

she saw that bravery and proud pride were not exclusively belonging to one class, and since then began to provide a young teacher respect, which an hour from the hour became more attentive ... "The feelings of young people were gradually fastened. Marya Kirovna loved the "defores" "for unlimited zeal and timid care ... He himself seemed to be tied to the whole family." Masha "began to understand his own heart and confessed with the involuntary annoyance that it was not indifferent to the advantages of the young Frenchman. He did not leave the limits of respect and strict decentship from his part.

"Poor nobleman," he said, "... What is he, it is better to marry a poor nobility, yes to be glad in the house than to deal with the clerk of the spoiled woman."